
the unit-Grade5(上) Unit 2 My Days of the Week练习

发布时间:2018-04-21 所属栏目:触摸春天第一课时

一 : Grade5(上) Unit 2 My Days of the Week练习

name:_______________  class:__________   number:________
1. what day is it today? (星期三) ______________________________________ .
2. what day is it tomorrow? (星期四) ________________________________________ .
3. what do you have on tuesdays? (语文,英语,科学和音乐)
4. what do they have on wednesdays? (数学,语文,科学和美术)
5. what do you do on saturdays? (看书和做运动)
6. what do they do on sundays? (做作业和看电视)
7. do you like weekends? (两种答案都写)
8. do you often do housework at home? (两种答案都写)
________________________________________________________________ .
9. what time is it now? (8点)
10. what is the weather like today? (晴朗而且热)
11. is it saturday today?   (两种回答都写)
1. a:_____________________________________________ ?  b: it’s monday.
2.a: _______________________________________? b: tomorrow is thursday.
3. a:__________________________________________________________?
b: we have chinese , math and p.e on wednesdays.
4. a:__________________________________________?  
b:they have english, science and music on tuesdays.
b: i often play football on saturdays.
6. a:___________________________________________________ ?  
b: they often do homework and read books on sundays.
7. a:_________________________________________?
b: no, i don’t like music class.
8. a: ________________________________________________________ ?   
b:yes, i like sundays very much.
9. a: _______________________________________________________? 
b: no, today is wednesday.
a: ___________________________________________________?
   b: it’s tuesday.
   a: __________________________________________________?
   b: we have math, social studies, english and chinese on tuesdays.
   a: do you like tuesdays?
   b: _________________________. because i like english.
   a: _________________________________________________________?
   b: i often do my homework and read books on weekends.
______________________________, john?
   a: i often do my homework and play football. i like football.
( thursday,  like,  fun,  sneakers,  music room,  english,  gym,  slippers,  p.e.,  fine,  playground,  thursday )
                    my favourite(最喜欢的) day
today is ____________. it’s __________. we have chinese, ___________, math in the morning. we have art and _________ in the afternoon. i __________ p.e. we often have p.e. class on the ____________________, sometimes in the ____________. i often take my white ____________ to have my p.e. class. i like ____________. it’s _____________ for me.
五、阅读理解。             ( 1 )
a: amy, it’s time to get up.
b: what time is it, cheng jie?
a: it’s seven fifteen. its’ time to go to school.
b: it’s saturday.
a: no. it’s friday today. get up.
b: my god! what do we have today?
a: english, music, art and science.
b: great! i like music, i like art. what about you, chan jie?
a: i like music, too. but i don’t like art. i like english and science.
b: what do you do after school?
a: i play ping-pong. what about you?
b: great. i like ping-pong. let’s play together.
a: ok!
(    )1. it’s 7:30. it’s saturday today.   
(    )2.tomrrow is saturday.
(    ) 3. amy and chen jie have chinese today.
(    ) 4. amy likes art, chen jie likes art, too.
(    ) 5.amy likes playing ping-pong.
( 2. )
hello, i am nina. i go to school from monday to friday. we have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. after school, i have many activities. i play ping-pong on mondays. i play basketball on tuesdays. i listen to music on thursdays. i do my homework in the evening. i often read books and watch tv on saturday. i play computer games on sundays. i love weekends. how about you?
(      ) 1. i has six classes every day from monday to friday.
(      ) 2. i play ping-pong on mondays and tuesdays.
(      ) 3. i play baseball on tuesdays.
(      ) 4. i don’t  go to school on the weekends.
(      ) 5. i watch tv on saturdays.
hello! i’m _________. i go to school from ___________ to ____________. i ________ three classes in the morning and three ___________ in the afternoon. i have art class on tuesdays and thursdays. i like __________________ and _________________very much. after school, i often ___________ping-pong, basketball and ___________________ games. sometimes i play the violin. on sundays, i often __________ books and do ______________. i love weekends!

二 : 2A Unit 4 Clean the table,please第三课时

l        课题

uint 4 clean the table,please


l        总第12 课时

l         教学目标:

(1)进一步巩固clean the…,please. all right./ok.

(2)进一步巩固单词a door,a window,a sofa,a desk,a table和a chair,发音正确。(3)会唱歌曲clean the chair。


l        教学重点难点:

(1)进一步巩固clean the…,please. all right./ok.

(2)进一步巩固单词a door,a window,a sofa,a desk,a table和a chair,发音正确。

l        教具准备及辅助活动:



l        作业设计安排:





l        主要板书计划


uint 4 clean the table,please


——clean the…,please.

——all right./ok.




l        教学过程:

a. free talk:

1、t:hello, i`m qi. this is my mother.


t:who`s he?

s1: he`s my…

t: who`s she?

ss: she`s my…


2、t:hello,i`m  helen.

   he`s my father.

   she`s my mother.

   he`s my brother.



——who`s he/she?

——he`s/she`s my…

c.sing a song

1、播放clean the chair,让学生听几遍,再次熟悉歌曲歌词和曲调。




d、play a game







l        教学过程:






f、assign homework





三 : Unit 5 Crossing the road 第一课时

unit 5 crossing the road黄浦区第一中心小学  赵健【教学设计(teaching design)】 第一课时(1st period一、主要新授内容(main contents )letters—ii, jjlet’s act—red light. stop! green light. go!let’s learn—stop, go, light二、学习目标(objectives)1、联系单词girl,hand学习字母gg, hh 掌握它们在单词中的常用发音,并且能掌握字母正确的大小写书写形式。2、学生能够理解red light. stop! green light. go!的含义, 且能够根据这些指令做出相应的反应。3、学生能够结合一年级时学习的表示颜色的单词如red, green 等语言知识,将新旧知识融会贯通,运用于实际情景中。4、通过crossing the road及warning等活动,培养学生自觉遵守交通规则的意识。 三、教学建议( teaching suggestion )1、  任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation sectionpre-task preparation的环节中,主要是在复习一年级所学过的一些颜色的基础上, 通过媒体或者师生间的互动,创设真实的语境,为后面新知的引出作好铺垫。 activity 1  watching the video 1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑(2a-u5-p1-1)2)屏幕 2、活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1the crossroad在屏幕上播放一段十字路口车来车往的录像。当录像中的交通灯呈红色时,所有相应的车辆和行人都停止。教师可问学生:what colour is the traffic light?教师根据学生的回答, 补充说道:yes, it’s red. it’s a red light.相反,当交通灯变绿色时,所有相应的车辆和行人都可通行。教师也可以如此与学生问答。把学生生活中的情景在课堂中呈现,并通过问答吸引学生的注意,让学生充分利用各种感官感知新知,并为新知的导入作铺垫。 2the crossroad再放一遍录像,在录像放到交通灯呈红色,所有车辆和行人都停止时,教师让画面停止。教师可以说:red light. stop!并作出相应的stop的动作。同样当交通灯变绿色时,教师也可如此引出新授内容。让学生在熟悉的情景中体会明白新授句子的含义,并由此导入本课新授内容。 activity 2  (quick response)活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1red light.green light. 教师出示给学生一个红色圆形的图片,表示red light。问学生:what colour is it? 教师补充道 :it’s a red light. 同样,教师出示给学生一个绿色圆形的图片,表示green light.用相同的方法引出it’s a green light.接着,把红灯和绿灯分别放在黑板的两侧,让学生根据教师的指令指出相应的灯。通过模拟的红灯和绿灯的两个教具,在巩固复习旧知的基础上引出新知,为之后的新旧知识融会运用作好铺垫。2red light. stop! green light. go!把红灯和绿灯贴于黑板上,红灯在上,绿灯在下,把红绿灯用粉笔圈起来,加上支撑的柱子,一个交通灯便呈现在学生面前了。教师把绿灯反面朝学生,表示红灯亮了,教师可说:red light. stop!用同样方法引出green light. go!通过两个教具的组合, 变成一个交通灯,并形象地模拟交通灯的闪烁,激发学生的学习兴趣,并引出新授知识。 activity 3 letter1、教学辅助(aids)1)      电脑(2a-u5-p1-2)a.       先是大写i的书写方式,然后是小写i的书写方式,并且是在四线三格中进行的b.      . 先是大写j的书写方式,然后是小写j的书写方式,并且是在四线三格中进行的2)屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1learn the letter “ii”“jj”联系单词ice-cream,和跟随老师朗读five, kite, light等单词学习字母ii, 掌握它在单词中的常用发音。接着, 联系单词jelly,和跟随老师朗读jeep, jean, jet等单词学习字母jj, 掌握它在单词中的常用发音。拓展一些带有字母i和j的单词让学生模仿,有助于他们掌握字母i和j的发音,为今后拼背单词打下铺垫。2write the letter “ii” “jj”运用媒体学习字母ii jj的大小写书写方式,并跟着书空。运用媒体技术使书写的过程展现地更形象,易于学生模仿。2、任务中期实施阶段(while-task procedure section 学生通过跟读、快速反应、模仿动物等各种形式的仿说活动来操练句型,做到语音语调基本正确,并能理解其含义。 activity 1  repetition1、教学辅助(aids)录音机2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1light  stop  go全体学生跟着教师朗读。操练模仿,达到单词的发音基本正确。2light  stop  go通过小组、个人朗读的形式进行反复操练。纠正个别学生的读音。 activity 2 (chant)1、教学辅助(aids)图片2、活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1red light. stop! green light. go!学生跟着教师朗读指令red light. stop! green light. go!通过跟读,学生能正确熟练地朗读句子。2red light, red light. stop,stop, stop.green light, green light. go ,go, go!学生根据教师给出的节奏来朗读句子,让两句简单的句子连成一首儿歌。可以这样读:red light, red light. stop,stop, stop.green light, green light. go ,go, go! 通过有节奏的诵读可以提高学生的兴趣,有助于他们记忆新的语言,并为之后saying and doing的活动打下铺垫。activity 3  (miming game)活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1red light. stop! green light. go!让学生模仿不同的动物读两句新授句子。老师说the little bird says:学生答:tweet,tweet,red light. stop!为机械枯燥的模仿带来一些童趣。2red light. stop! green light. go!教师将新授的两句话打乱顺序,让学生看句子卡片进行快速反应。从仿说到认读句子,培养学良好的认读能力。 在完成了比较扎实的机械性操练后,就进入意义性操练阶段。通过创设不同的情景,让学生在情境中掌握句子的用法。 activity 4 gamehelping the people1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑(2a-u5-p1-3)2)屏幕2、活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1red light. stop! green light. go!教师在屏幕上显示一条马路和一位盲人,并告诉学生,他们要帮助这位盲人叔叔过马路。这时交通灯 呈红色,学生跟着教师进行仿说。red light. stop!uncle.接着交通灯呈绿色,学生跟老师仿说:green light. go! uncle.学生通过在教师创设的情境中的模仿,能更深刻地了解所学习句子的含义,为接下来的句子实际运用奠定基础。同时能培养他们助人为乐的品质。 2red light. stop! green light. go!屏幕上依次出现其他一些学生熟悉的卡通人物,如,gogo, mickey mouse, nemo等,请学生用新句子帮助这些卡通人物过马路。创设让学生帮助他们自己熟悉的朋友过马路的情景,使他们能够初步将所学知识运用于实际。同时能培养他们助人为乐的品质。 activity 5  (competition)1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑(2a-u5-p1-4)2)屏幕2、活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1red light. stop! green light. go!学生根据屏幕上交通灯红灯与绿灯的交替闪烁,不断说出指令。学生在摸拟的情景中对所学的口令进行不断的操练。2red light. stop! green light. go!屏幕上,红灯与绿灯闪烁的频率逐步加快。教师把学生分成两个大组,各组依次出一人与另一组进行比赛,看谁说得又快又准。通过小组比赛的形式,激发学生的学习热情,以再一次巩固口令。 activity 6  (saying and doing)活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1red light. stop! green light. go!老师说出红灯或绿灯,请全体学生说出并做出相应的动作。如老师说:red light.red light.全体学生说:stop! stop!并附上动作。使学生能将动作与指令相匹配,以培养他们直接用英语思维的能力。2red light. stop! green light. go!请一位学生说红灯或绿灯,其他同学说出并做出相应的动作。通过生生之间不同形式的操练,让学生在不断地练习与熟悉新语言的同时,感到饶有趣味。3red light. stop! green light. go!同桌二个同学之间进行pair work, 一位学生说出红灯或绿灯,另一位学生说出并做出相应的动作。  activity 7  (making a dialogue)活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1red light. stop! green light. go!假设在上学的路上,碰到同学,与其一起过马路的情景。老师与某位学生一起编对话。t: good morning.p: good morning.t: how are you?p: fine, thanks.t: red light, stop!p: green light, go!学生通过编对话的形式,将新旧知识结合起来,进一步理解及巩固句子。2dialogue请学生两两一组进行对话表演。 3、任务后期完成阶段(post-task activity section在句型反复操练的基础上,教师通过创设情景,使学生将所学的句子运用于实际生活中,并进行交际。 activity 1 game:          crossing the road1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑(2a-u5-p1-5)2)屏幕2、活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1greetings教师将教室设计成一个车水马龙的十字路口,请学生们扮演路上的行人,以及开着汽车的司机。 学生们可以用学过的句子互相打招呼。创设情景,让学生在自然的情景中运用所学语言。2red light. let’s stop! green light. let’s go!所有的“行人和车辆”通过电脑屏幕上不断显示的红绿灯提示进行对话。学生根据创设的情景,将所学的句子运用于模拟的生活中去。 activity 2  traffic rules1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑(2a-u5-p1-6)2)屏幕2、活动过程 (process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1crossroad在屏幕上播放一段行人乱穿马路的录像,让学生对这位行人的行为做出警告。并让学生总结交通规则。通过录像提示学生在生活中该怎么过马路,以点明本堂课内容,即交通规则。2crossroad在屏幕上有不同的小动物不懂交通规则乱穿马路,让学生用总结的交通规则一一对他们的行为做出警告。帮助小动物过马路的游戏,既能将所学知识运用于实际,同时也激发学生的学习的积极性。 附件:媒体制作说明2a-u5-p1-1建议录一段十字路口车来车往的录像。当录像中的交通灯呈红色时,所有相应的车辆和行人都停止。当交通灯变绿色时,所有相应的车辆和行人都可通行。此段录像放两遍。在放第二遍时,每个环节都可以暂停。 2a-u5-p1-2(1)先是大写i的书写方式,然后是小写i的书写方式,并且是在四线三格中进行的。(2)先是大写j的书写方式,然后是小写j的书写方式,并且是在四线三格中进行的。 2a-u5-p1-3建议用flash制作屏幕上显示一条马路和一位盲人,这时交通灯呈红色,当按点击鼠标后,交通灯呈绿色。并出现一个戴绿领巾的孩子搀扶盲人一起过马路。(此段可以是录象,也可以是动画。)屏幕上依旧显示此条马路,原先盲人的位置分别由卡通人物gogo, nemo, mickey mouse来代替。并出现一个戴绿领巾的孩子与这些卡通人物一起过马路。 2a-u5-p1-4建议用powerpoint制作屏幕显示一盏交通灯(只有红绿两种灯可以闪烁),当鼠标点击红灯时,红灯亮,当点击绿灯时,绿灯亮,可以重复。 2a-u5-p1-5屏幕显示一盏交通灯(只有红绿两种灯可以闪烁的),红灯与绿灯会交替闪烁,时间间隔为15秒。 2a-u5-p1-6屏幕上播放一段一位行人乱穿马路的录像。屏幕上显示各种不同的小动物乱穿马路。

四 : 2A Unit 4 Clean the table, please

teaching aims:
1. aims on the knowledge
1) students can understand read and say the words: desk, chair, table, door, window.
2) student master the sentence pattern: clean the  please. all right./ ok
2. aims on the a abilities.
1) students can use the sentence to ask sb. to clean sth.
2) students e, an use the words and sentence to make rhyme and song
 3. aims on the emotion.
 students have a good habit of keeping clean and tidy
main points and difficultly:
students can use the sentence pattern freely and correctly.
teaching aids::
cai, pictures, cards, real objects.
teaching  procedure:
step1 warming up
 1. stag the rang "my family".
 2 free talk
    1)  t: there are many new teachers in our class today. let's introduce ourselves to them
        what's your name  ?  how are you?
    2)  game:  listen the voice and guess who he/she is?
     who is he/she? he's/she's ...
     what's he/she? he's/she's a..
step 2 presentation
].  t: now let's focus on our classroom. what’s this'? (use body language)
     ss: guess.
        review the words: door window:
    t: what's this? (do the action of sitting down)
    ss guess. it's a chair.
    t: read.
    ss; read after the teacher, read m chorus; teams
        read with gesture.
    the same way to learn the. word: desk
    game: touch and read.
2.  t: guess what's this? ( ppt show)
    ss: learn the word: table.
3.  f)t: let's look at the table. oh,. its dirty.
       clean the table. please.
      s2: all right
      ss: learn the sentence: clean the.., please
          make sentences and do the action.
     2) game.
        divide the whole class into two groups. look at the pictures and choose one to make
sentence. check which group reach the destination first.
 4.  ss: look at the pictures of their classmates.(ppt)
      use the. sentances to make dialogues.
     eg: s3: clean. the desk, please.s4.   s4: ok.
      t: let's have a rest and listen to the song "clean the chair",
step 3 practice
t.  t: after cleaning our classroom becomes clean and nice.
      what about helen's family.
    ss: listen to the dialogue and imitate.
        read in chorus, teams, and groups.
    t: choose two group to act the dialogue.
2.  game" i'm a robot"
    t; i'm a robot of doing housework, masters please give me orders,
     ss: clean, the ... please./open/close the  please.
     t: all right/ok/.
    ss work in groups and make orders and check whioh robot is the best.
step 4. consolidation
!.  do the listening exercise
    a: listen and number.
    b: listen and match
step5 homework
1.  listen to the tape and read at least five times.
2.  help your parents to do the housework.

五 : 2A Unit 4 Clean the table, please 第二课时

the second period
一、 教学内容:第二课时 (课本a c d)
二、教学目标:能听懂clean the …, please. 并能用all right. 或ok回答。
三、教学准备:多媒体  图片 单词卡片
四、 教学过程:
step1. preparation.
1. greetings
2.free talk.
how are you?
how old are you?
who’s he/ she?
what’s this?(ask some school things in the classroom)
what’s your father/ mother?
3. enjoy a song. clean the chair.
step2. review.
1.recite the letters from aa to qq.
2. review the words of b.
step3. presentation.
1. teach: clean the …
t: (point to a table ) what’s this? it’s a table. look at the table. it’s not clean. clean the table, please.
s1: ok/ thank you.
read and repeat. say and do .
2. the same as the following sentences:  clean the door/chair/floor.
step4. practice.
i. listen and repeat.
ii. read in groups of three.
iii. act the dialogue.
3. recite the dialogue.
step5. sing a song .clean the chair.
step6. homework.
read page18 five times.
本文标题:the unit-Grade5(上) Unit 2 My Days of the Week练习
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1140407.html

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