

发布时间:2018-03-10 所属栏目:英语口语词汇

一 : 热门话题词汇(二)


闭门羹 given cold-shoulder
边际报酬 marginal return
边缘科学 boundary science
便携式电脑 portable computer; laptop; notebook computer
变相涨价 disguised inflation

标书 bidding documents
表演赛 demonstration match
剥夺冠军 strip the gold medal of somebody
博彩(业)lottery industry
博士生 ph.d candidate

补缺选举 by-election
不败记录 clean record, spotless record
不承诺放弃使用武器 not undertake to renounce the use of force
不打不成交 no discord, no concord.
不到长城非好汉 he who has never been to the great wall is not a true man.

不分上下的总统选举结果the neck-and-neck presidential election result
不可再生资源 non-renewable resources
不良贷款 non-performing loan
不夜城 sleepless city, ever-bright city
不正之风 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency
布达拉宫 potala palace

步行天桥 foot bridge
擦边球 edge ball, touch ball
擦网球 net ball
财政收入 fiscal revenue
采取高姿态 show magnanimity

菜篮子工程 shopping basket program
参政、议政 participate in the management of state affairs
仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket
沧海桑田 seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields change into seas--time brings great changes o the world. / what was once the sea has now changed into mulberry fields--the world is changing all the ime.
藏学 tibetology

草根工业 grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and row like wild grass)
层层转包和违法分包 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting
查房 make/go the rounds of the wards
差额投票 differential voting
差额选举 competitive election

拆东墙补西墙 rob peter to pay paul
拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition
搀水股票 water-down stocks (ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons inside a stock company or a usiness at a cost lower that their face value)
产粮大省 granary province
产品结构 product mix

产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, eparation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management
产权制度、产权关系 property relations; property order
产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing
产业的升级换代 upgrading of industries
产业结构升级 upgrading of an industrial structure
长江三角洲 yangtze river delta

长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each ther and the sharing of weal or woe
长线产品 product in excessive supply
畅通工程 "smooth traffic project"
唱高调 mouth high-sounding words
超高速巨型计算机 giant ultra-high-speed computer

二 : 热门词汇

造假帐 falsified accounts

斋月 Ramadan

债转股 debt-to-equity swap

沾光 benefit from one's association

战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership

站票 standing-room-only ticket

站台票 platform ticket

涨落线 advance balance line

掌上电脑 palm computer

招标投标制 the system of public bidding for project


招商引资 attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas) 招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office 真空包装 vacuum packing

真善美 the true, the good and the beautiful; truth, good and beauty

正式照会 formal note

证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange

政策性住房 policy-related house, policy-based house

政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show.

政府上网工程Government Online Project

政府职能转变 transform/shift the government functions 政企不分 without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises; the functions of the

government and enterprises mixed up

政企分开 separate government functions from enterprise management

政务公开 make government affairs public

政治迫害 political prosecution; witch hunt

政治协商、民主监督、参政议政 exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs

支原体 mycoplasma

知识产权 intellectual property rights

知识经济 knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy 直播 live broadcast, live telecast

职务犯罪 crime by taking advantage of duty

职业经理人 professional manager

致命要害 Achilles' heel

智力密集型 concentration of brain power;


智囊团、思想库 the brain trust;think tank

中关村科技园区 Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park 中国经济景气监测中心 China Economic Monitoring Center 中国新经济峰会 China New Economy Summit

中国新闻出版报社 China Press and Publication News

中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests 中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument

中华医学会 Chinese Medical Association

中介 intermediary agent

中流砥柱 mainstay, chief corner stone

中美战略核武器互不瞄准对方 non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other

中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint ventures

中外合作企业(项目)cooperative businesses (projects) 中下层南方共和党人(美国) pickup-truck Republican

中央大型企业工委:Central Work Committee for Large Enterprises

中央国家机关 China's State organs

中央经济工作会议 the Central Economic Working Conference 中央商务区 central business district (CBD)

中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student

众口难调 It is difficult to cater to all tastes.; One man's meat is another man's poison.

重点发展 prioritize

重复建设 building redundant project; duplication of similar projects

主板市场 main board of the stock market

主持人 anchorperson

主体经济 the mainstay of the economy

住房分配货币化进程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation

住房零首付 zero-yuan first payment (for apartments) 助跑 approach run, run-up

驻港部队People's Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong

祝愿…一路平安,一路顺风 speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest

抓大放小 to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves 抓住机遇 seize the opportunity

专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store

专门术语 buzzword ; jargon

专升本 upgrade from junior college student to university student; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study 转化机制 (of State-owned enterprises) to shift to new management mechanisms

转基因食品 GM food (genetically modified food)

追赶型和跨越式发展 pursuant and leap-forward development 准博士all but dissertation (ABD)

资产保值增值 maintain and increase the value of assets; maintenance and appreciation of assets value

资产剥离 peel off (bad) assets of a company

资产负债表 balance sheet

资产阶级自由化 bourgeois liberalization

资金汇划 fund remittance and transfer

资源配置 the distribution (allocation) of resources

自动柜员机 automatic teller machine (ATM)

自律机制 the self-discipline system

自然保护区natural reserve; nature preservation zone 自然耗损 natural wearing

自我保护意识 self-protection awareness

自营 self-run

自由港 free-trade port,free port

自助银行 self-help bank

自作自受stew in one‘s own juice

综合国力 comprehensive national strength

综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (ISDN) 综合指数composite index

综合治理 comprehensive treatment

总裁助理 assistant president

总经理负责制 general manager responsibility system

总统选举团electoral college

遵纪守法、廉洁奉公 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform one's official duties

《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica

《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio

《论语》 Analects of Confucius

《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers

《围城》 A Surrounded City

《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber

《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror

《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 息事宁人 pour oil on troubled waters

洗钱 money laundering

喜忧参半 mingled hope and fear

下放权力给 delegating the management of …… (to ……) 下岗职工 laid-off workers

下海 plunge into the commercial sea

下网 off line

下游行业 downstream industry

险胜 cliff-hanging win, narrow victory, nose out

县改市county upgraded to city

县级市county-level city

现代企业制度 modern enterprise system; modern corporate system

线下商贸运作 offline business operation

香格里拉 Shangri-la

向钱看 mammonism, put money above all

项目立项 approve and initiate a project

项目申报 project application

项目预算 project budget

项目支持 project support

削减战略核武器会谈 strategic arms reduction talks (START) 消费信贷 consumer credit services

消费者权益日/International Day for Consumers' Rights and Interests

消费者协会 consumers' association

小康 a comfortable level of living; a better-off life; moderate prosperity

小康之家 well-off family

小农经济 small-scale peasant economy; autarkical

small-scale farming

效益工资achievements-related wages; wages based on benefits

效益农业 profitable agriculture

写真集 special album of photos for kids, women or weddings 心理素质 psychological quality

新宠 new favorite

新干线 the Shinkansen, bullet train

新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean

新新人类 New Human Being;X Generation

新秀 up-and-coming star, rising star

信、达、雅(严复:翻译标准) faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance

信贷支持 credit aid

信息港 infoport; cyber port

信息化 information-based; informationization

信用紧缩 credit crunch

信用危机credit crisis

星期日泰晤士报 the Sunday Times

形式主义 formalism

形象小姐/先生 image representative of a product or a brand 虚拟网 virtual net

虚拟现实 virtual reality

选举权和被选举权 the right to vote and the right to be elected 选举人票 electoral vote

选举人制 electoral system

学而优则仕 (a Confucian slogan for education) a good scholar can become an official; he who excels in study can follow an official career

学生处 students‘ affairs division

学生减负 to reduce study load, alleviate the burden on students

寻呼小姐 operators who work with paging centers

巡回招聘 milk round

徇私枉法 bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends 压水花技术 rip entry

压线(口令) Line!

压轴戏 grand finale; last and best item on a theatrical program

亚健康 subhealthy

严打斗争Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities

言情小说 romantic fiction; sentimental novel

研究成果 research results

研究生毕业证/学位证 graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma

羊肉串小摊 barbecue stall

阳春(最经济方式) no-frills

养老金 pension

养路费 road toll

摇钱树 cash cow

摇头丸 dancing outreach

药物检查 dope control, drug testing

野生动物园 wildlife park; safari park

业内人士 insider

液晶显示屏 liquid crystal display (LCD)

一次性解决问题 solve the problem once and for all

一次性筷子 throwaway chopsticks

一大二公 (concerning the people's commune) large in size and collective in nature

一刀切 cut it even at one stroke——make it rigidly uniform; impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility

一国两制,One country, two systems

一级市场 primary market

一揽子(计划) one-package (plan)

一式两联 (receipt or invoice) in duplicate

一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制;一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击犯罪惩治腐败 We must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress; We should develop the economy and at the same time strengthen democracy and the legal system; We should promote reform and opening to the outside world and at the same time fight crime and punish corruption.

一线员工 worker at the production line

一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words. 医疗保险 medical insurance

移动电话双(单)向收费 two/one-way charges for mobile/ cellular phones

以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side

以经济建设为中心 focusing on the central task of economic construction

以谋略制胜 outmaneuver

以权谋私 abuse of power for personal gains

以人为本 people oriented; people foremost

以市场为导向 market-oriented

以质量求发展 strategy of development through quality; win the market with quality products

以质量求生存、求发展、求效益 strive for survival,

development and efficiency on the basis of equality

义和团运动 Boxer Uprising

义务兵役制 compulsory military service, conscription

义务教育 compulsory education

义演收入 proceeds from benefit performance

易拉罐 pop can


因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

银行网点 bank outlets

隐性就业 unregistered employment

应届毕业生 this year's graduates

应试教育 exam-oriented education, examination-oriented education system

营业税 turnover tax; business tax

硬道理 absolute principle, top priority

永久正常贸易关系 permanent normal trading relations (PNTR)

优化结构 optimize structure

优化组合 optimization grouping; optional regrouping

优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest

优势互补 (of two countries or companies) have

complementary advantages

邮递协议 Post Office Protocol (POP)

有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and law-breakers must be prosecuted.

有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律 with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline

有情人终成眷属 Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.

有望夺金者 a gold medal hopeful

有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain

舆论导向 direction of public opinion

舆论监督 supervision by public opinion

与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market

与民众的直接对话 town hall conference/meeting

欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 to ascend another story to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.

三 : 大数据热门词汇齐报到



















Flume是属于Apache Hadoop大家族(其他技术包括HBase、Hive、Oozie、Pig和Whirr)的一项技术,这种框架用于为Hadoop填充数据。该技术使用散布于应用服务器、Web服务器、移动设备及其他系统上的软件代理,收集数据,并将数据传送到Hadoop系统。

比如说,公司可以使用在Web服务器上运行的Apache Flume,收集来自推特帖子的数据,以便分析。






Hadoop的发明者是雅虎公司的开发者道格o卡廷(Doug Cutting),他在谷歌实验室的MapReduce概念这个基础上开发出了Hadoop,以他儿子的玩具象命名。




内存中数据库系统利用计算机的主内存来存储经常使用的数据,因而大大缩短了处理时间。内存中数据库产品包括SAP HANA和甲骨文Times Ten内存中数据库。















大多数主流的数据库(如甲骨文数据库和微软SQL Server)基于关系型体系结构,使用结构化查询语言(SQL)用于开发和数据管理。




Apache Oozie是一种开源工作流引擎,用于帮助管理面向Hadoop的处理工作。使用Oozie,一系列工作可以用多种语言(如Pig和MapReduce)来加以定义,然后彼此关联起来。比如说,一旦从操作应用程序收集数据的作业已完成,程序员就可以启动数据分析查询任务。








关系数据库管理系统(RDBM)是如今使用最广泛的一种数据库,包括IBM的DB2、微软的SQL Server和甲骨文数据库。从银行应用系统、零售店的销售点系统到库存管理应用软件,大多数的企业事务处理系统都在RDBM上运行。
















Apache Whirr是一组Java类库,用于运行大数据云服务。更确切地说,它可以加快在亚马逊弹性计算云(EC2)和Rackspace等虚拟基础设施上开发Hadoop集群的过程。












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