

发布时间:2017-10-28 所属栏目:考试辅导

一 : 2016英语招聘广告范文4篇






1、招聘单位的名称(The Name of the Recruiting Unit)

一般单独摆在第一行,排版时用粗体字, 以标题的形式出现。如:

Avon(Shanghai)Company Limited 上海雅芳有限公司

Amway (China) Daily Necessities Company Limited 美国安利(中国)日用品有限公司

2、招聘单位的标志(The logotype of the Recruiting Unit)


3、招聘单位的简介(The Brief Introduction to the Recruiting Unit)


Krupp, one of the top ranking German Industrial groups active in Mechanical Engineering, Plant making, Automotive, Fabrication, Steel and Trading, is now widening its business in the People's Republic of China.


4、招聘的职位(The Job Titles Being Offered)

注明具体的空缺职位,是任何招聘广告必不可少的内容。 如果一则广告只有一两项孔雀职位,那么招聘的职位就往往用来做招聘广告的标题。 例如:



Job Opportunities: Typist & Office Clerk


5、工作的职责(The Job Responsibilities)



1)Locating and Appointing high caliber staff(寻找并聘用能力强的职员) 2)Terms and Conditions of employment(制定聘用条件)

3)Career Planning(制定工作计划)


6、应聘的资格(The Qualification for Application)

应聘的资格,即应聘的要求,也就是对应聘者在性别、年龄、学历、经验、特殊才能、个性、居住地等方面提出的具体要求。英语常用Qualification,Requirements,等词语来表达。 例如:


1) Experience working with foreign companies(由在国外公司工作的经历)

2) Proficient in English and Mandarin(能熟练运用英语和普通话)

3) Good at developing new business relationships(善于发展新的业务关系)

4) Personal confidence and aggressiveness a must(必须有信心和进取心)

5) Traveling within China a must(必须在国内出差)

6) Mature, dynamic, honest(思想成熟,精明能干,为人诚实)

7、提供的待遇(The Remuneration Being Offered)


We offer an attractive salary package, fringe benefits and opportunities for career development.


All positions offer highly competitive salaries, medical benefits and bonus. And of course, excellent training and career prospects.


8、应聘的方法(The Ways of Application)


Successful applicants will be required to register through FESCO. Resumes together with a recent photograph and a contact telephone number should be sent to:

Office manager

Rolls-Royce International Limited-China

Room 14-05

International Building

19 Jianguo Men Wai Main Street

Beijing 100004

应聘成功者必须在外国企业服务公司进行登记。个人简历同近照一张及联系电话须寄往:100004 北京建国门外大街19号国际大厦14-05房 劳斯莱斯国际有限公司(中国)公司经理收


1、创作新颖标题(Creating Some Novel Headings)

为了吸引读者的注意,获得最佳的广告效果,广告撰稿人经常会别出心裁地遣词造句,创造出新颖的标题。 如:

Hero Meets Hero(英雄识英雄)

It Is You Who Make Everything Possible(创造一切全靠你自己)

Are You Ready to Accept Challenges from a Transnational Enterprise?


2、多用省略句(Employing Many Elliptic Sentences)


Hard work and honesty a must. 工作勤奋和为人诚实是必备条件。(主语之后省略了is) Read and Write English. 会读和写英语(省略了情态动词can)

Qualifications needed: 所需资格:(省略了从句which are)

3、利用各种短句( Utilizing Various Kinds of Phrases)

一般用于说明工作职责和应聘资格(要求)两项内容中。 如:

Good communication skills(良好的交际技能)

Ability to work in a team under pressure(能够在集体中承受压力进行工作)

4、常用祈使句(Using Imperative Sentences Frequently)

一般用来说明应聘方法。表示礼貌,使读者感到亲切,开头都用个“请”字。如: Please apply in your own handwriting with full English resume and resent photo to: 请亲自誊写详细的英文简历并附上近照寄:

Please highlight the position you apply for at the bottom of the envelope.


Please call 0510-****123-3629 for interviewing.

请致电0510-****123-3629 商定面试事宜。

5、采用缩略词(Making Use of Abbreviations)


Dept=Department 部门 CV=Curriculum Vitae 个人简历

JV=joint venture 合资 G.M.=General Manager 总经理

ad=advertisement 广告 add=address 地址

att=attention 收信人 corp. Ltd.=corporation limited 有限公司

ID=identification 身份证


1、个人素质(personal Qualities)

A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 须个性稳重,具有高度责任感。

Enthusiasm organised working habits more important than experience. 有工作热情和有条不紊的办事习惯,经验不拘。

Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. 思想活跃,有首创和革新精神尤佳。

The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、爱学习、事业心强和身体棒。

2、语言能力(Language Proficiency)

Ability to communicate in English desirable.许会用英语进行沟通。

An excellent understanding of English would be mandatory. 具备出色的英文理解能力。 Working command of spoken & written English is preferable. 有英文说、写应用能能力者优先考虑。

Able to speak Mandrin and the Guangtong dialect. 会说普通话和粤语。

3、电脑知识(Computer Literacy)

Computer operating skill is advantageous. 有电脑操作技术者尤佳。

Good at computer operation of windows. 须精通使用Windows进行电脑操作。

Be familiar with CAD/CAM preferable. 熟悉CAD/CAM者优先考虑。

4、工作经验(Occupational Experience)

Working experience in foreign company is preferable. 又在外资公司工作的经验者优先。 At least 2 years in operating NC machine tools. 至少有2年操作数控机床的经验。 Familiar with international trade issues will be an added advantage.


5、其他要求( Miscellaneous Requirements)

Not more than 30 years.年龄不超过30岁。

Male / Female. 性别不限(男女均可)


Position Type Part-Time Employee

Company Name The Walt Disney Company

Location Manhattan, NY

Salary Unspecified

Experience 1-2 Years Experience

- Manage calendars for VP of Financial Planning

- Schedule and coordinate meetings on-site and off-site

- Set up and coordinate travel arrangements

- Process T&E expense reports

- Type correspondence, spreadsheets and presentations

- Copying, shipping, order supplies and general office duties

- Additional projects as needed

Note: This is a 29 hour per week part-time position.


- 2 years experience as Administrative Assistant

- Must know Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel and Outlook

- Detail oriented with strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task

- Excellent written and oral communication skills with the ability to communicate with all levels of management - Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment

- Friendly, people oriented team player


- College and secretarial training preferred

二 : 英文招聘广告范文




Project Management Assist(www.61k.com]ant


---Provide services for the project in Chongqing.

---Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work.

---Responsible for file management, customer service for students and parents


---College degree or above

---Good English and computer skills.

---Related work experience in international organizations.

---Patient, careful, supportive. Has strong team work spirit.











English Teacher


---Conduct English teaching according to the British education system.


---University degree and above in English or normal English.

---Eager to learn and open-minded and creative.

---Deep understanding and respect for different cultures.

(We warmly welcome recent graduates to apply for this position.)











With the development of material prosperity, advertisements have become more and more important in our daily life.

Advertisements give latest information about products. If there were no advertising, consumers could not know about goods in their local shops. Advertising helps sell to a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheapper.Advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines, radios and TV stations, etc..

But there are also some opinions against advertising.Some people think that advertisements do not give much information but only try to persuade you to buy. They create a demand for goods that are not really needed. Besides, advertising adds to the cost of goods. Further more, they are ugly to look at and spoil the enviroments.

Actually, every coin has two sides. Advertising is without exception. But in today's world, advertising is not only necessary but also helpful.










Job Description

Recruiting Assistant needed for Raleigh corporate office. This candidate will primarily be assisting the head Recruiter with duties that include but are not limited to maintaining a nationwide database, leading new hire orientation, and identifying potential employees. The individual must be proficient in MS Office and Peopleclick software. This position requires a high level of professionalism and great attention to detail.

All applicants applying for U.S. job openings must be authorized to work in the United States. All applicants applying for Canadian job openings must be authorized to work in Canada.

Qualifications :

Knowledge of Peopleclick software. Proficiency in MS Office.

OfficeTeam is the world's leader in specialized administrative staffing offering job opportunities from Executive and Administrative Assistants to Office Managers, and Receptionists. We have the resources, experience and expertise to select companies and temporary to full-time positions that match your skills and career goals. We provide one of the industry's most progressive training, benefits-and-compensation packages. Contact your local OfficeTeam location, or call 1.800.804.8367 to find out more about this job. OfficeTeam is an Equal Opportunity Employer




1. 男女不限,年龄在25岁以下;
2. 本省居民;
3. 能熟练地运用英语;

4. 熟悉电脑操作。



Help Wanted
A computer company wants two English translators who can meet the following requirements:
1. male or female aged under 25;
2. living in this province;
3. able to use English freely;
4. with the knowledge of operating computers.

Anyone who is willing to, please send your resume in Chinese and English within two months, including two photos, to Miss Mary of NBA computer company.

Help Wanted

Wanted:We are a shop.We want a shop assistant.Do you like to work hard?Do you like to work hard?Do you like to meet people?Do you like to talk with people?Are you a young girl or boy?Please come and work for us!You must work for 8 hours every day.And you can get 1900 yuan every month.Please call Mr Zhang at 123456789.


Two English translators are wanted in a computer company. The requirements are like following:
1. anyone under 25;
2. citizens in this province;
3. having a good grasp of English;
4. good at operating computers.
If you have interest, you can post your resume written in English and Chinese and two photos to Miss Mary, secretary of NBA computer company, within two months.

三 : 招聘广告缩略语中英文对照

admim administrative 行政的
jr junior 初级
ad/adv advertising 广告
k 1000元
agcy agency 经销商
knowl knowledge 知识
appt appointment 约会、预约
loc location 位置、场所
asst assistant 助理
lv/lvl level 级/层
attn attention 给, 与…联系
mach machine 机器
bkgd background 背景
manuf/mf manufacturing 制造
bldg building 建筑物、大楼
mech mechanic 机械的
bus business 商业、生意
mgr manager 经理
clk clerk (办公室)职员
m-f monday-friday 从周一到周五
co company 公司
mo month 月
coll college 大专(学历)
nec necessary 必要的
comm commission 佣金
oppty opportunity 机会
corp cororation (有限)公司
ot overtime 超时
data pro data processing 数据处理
perm permanent 永久性的
dept department 部
pls please 请
dir director 董事
pos position 职位
div division 分工、部门
pref preference (有经验者)优先
eqpt equipment 装备
prev previous 有先前(经验)
etc and so on 等等
p/t part time 非全日制
eves evenings 晚上
refs references 推荐信
exc excellent 很好的
rel reliable 可靠的
exp experience 经验
reps representative (销售)代表
exp’d experienced 有经验的
req required 需要
ext extension 延伸、扩展
sal salary 工资
fr. ben fringe benefits 额外福利
secty secretary 秘书
f/t full time 全日制
sh shorthand 人手不足
gd good 好
sr senior 资深
grad graduate 毕业
stdnt student 学生
hosp hospital 医院
stmts statements 报告
hqtrs headquarters 总部
tech technical 技术上
hr hour 小时
tel/ph telphone 电话
hrly hourly 每小时
temp temporarily 临时性(工作)
hs high school 高中(学历)
trans transportation 交通
immed immediate 立即
trnee trainee 实习生
incl including 包括
typ typing/typist 打字/打字员
ind industrial 工业的
wk week/work 周/工作
inexp inexperienced 无经验的
wpm words per minute 打字/每分钟
int’l international 国际性的
yr(s) year(s) 年

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1109980.html

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