

发布时间:2017-12-06 所属栏目:传习录翻译

一 : 英译中翻译练习(2)


  we must always put the interests of the people first. we must truly protect the people‘s economic, political and cultural rights and interests, pay particular attention to solving acute problems affecting their vital interests, and ensure that poor urban and rural residents have the basic necessities of life. the fundamental goal of our socialist modernization drive is to continually meet the growing material and cultural needs of the people. only if we exercise power for the good of the people can we enjoy the broadest and most reliable support from the people and draw from them the strength for accomplishing all our undertakings.

二 : 翻译练习

WWF 世界自然基金会 World Wide Fund For Nature
Malthusian theory 马尔萨斯人口增长理论
BP 英国石油公司 British Petroleum
DPRK 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 Democratic People's Republic of Korea
FIFA 国际足联 Federation International Football Association Goldman Sachs
DNA 脱氧核糖核酸 Deoxyribonucleic acid
南水北调 South-North Water Diversion Project
经济适用房 affordable housing
拳头产品 knockout/flagship product
红色旅游区 the "Red" Tourist Attractions
孟子 Mencius 孔子 Confucius
穆斯林 Muslim 信奉伊斯兰教的人称为穆斯林
破釜沉舟 burn one's bridges


1. backyard chat
4. cancer ( ) 选择 doctor, physician, oculist,surgeon
5. Whatever you do, do not tell( ) 选择 US Petroleum , UK Petroleum , CN Petroleum

第一篇讲巴以问题 5选择
第二篇讲杭州和台湾旅游 5选择
第三篇讲美国,欧洲应对潜在恐怖袭击 5选择

Which will you select, MTI or MA in Translational Studies? 400字

第一大题翻译词语 共30个
punch (新闻类)
The New York Review of Books (新闻类)
lump-sum contract
economic giant

港龙航空 Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited
中国人民广播电台 China Radio International
保税工厂 Bonded Factory
进口税 import tax
美食家 gourmet
战国 the Warring States
东汉 the Eastern Han Dynasty
乌鲁木齐 Urumqi
吐鲁番市 Turpan
道家 Taoist
《石头记》 The Story of the Stone
《阿Q正传》The Real Story of Ah Q

英翻中:中国与葡萄牙外交之类的事情 长度一面
中翻英:福建闽地的特色建筑"土楼" “客家人” 长度半面


2011年9月14日 中国大连

Speech by Wen Jiabao,Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of New Champions 2011
Dalian, 14 September 2011

Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the fifth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or the Summer Davos, and a sincere welcome to you all. It's been five years since the launch of the Summer Davos. In these five years, the Summer Davos has set a clear objective for itself, that is, it is a forum for the world, for the future, for innovation and for the youth. The diverse forms of discussions conducted during the forum are lively and vibrant. In particular, during the difficult times of the financial crisis, the forum sent out a message of hope and brought confidence and courage to the world. The theme of this year's meeting - Mastering Quality Growth - represents people's shared desire for robust, sustainable and balanced economic growth, and I wish the meeting a great success.

Three years have passed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis. International organizations, governments, the business communities and the academia are all taking a hard look at the root causes of the crisis and exploring ways to sustain the growth of both the global economy and national economies. With regard to China's economic development, some people have hailed its achievements, while some others have expressed doubt. Some are optimistic about China's economic future, while some others say that China is in trouble. But we in China remain level-headed. We are clear about the situation and we are fully confident about our future.

The first decade of this century has seen major changes in the global political and economic landscape. It has also seen rapid industrialization and urbanization in China. Great progress has been made in China's comprehensive reform, opening-up and modernization endeavor during this decade.

Over the last ten years, China's economy has been growing by 10.5% annually. Its GDP and trade volume respectively rose from the sixth and seventh place to the second place in the world. China's industrial structure is being upgraded; the foundation of its agriculture has grown stronger; development in the central and western provinces has picked up speed; and a mode of regional development with each region tapping its distinctive strength has taken shape. Social services are thriving; and urban and rural income has risen substantially. China has taken on a completely new look as its total economic output and overall national strength significantly increased and people's living standards greatly improved.

We have continued to resolve challenging issues in development by carrying out reform and steadily improved the socialist market economy. An array of important reform measures have been introduced in taxation, finance, enterprises, rural areas and resource prices. These measures have enhanced the vitality of the micro-economy and macro-regulation and raised the efficiency of market allocation of resources. We have made full progress in expanding social services. Nationwide free nine-year compulsory education has been achieved. A basic social security system covering both urban and rural areas has been put in place. Construction of government-subsidized housing is being accelerated. The cherished goal of the Chinese that everyone should have access to education, employment and pay, medical and old-age care and housing is becoming a reality. Through reform, we are removing bottlenecks hampering development and have released the initiative, enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese people. This, in turn, has fully activated factors such as labor, capital, knowledge, technology and management, which form the source of rapidly increasing social wealth.

We are pursuing a win-win strategy of opening-up to increase the openness of China's economy. Since joining the WTO in 2001, we have speeded up efforts to change the way of conducting foreign trade, improved the import and export mix, upgraded the processing trade and vigorously developed trade in services. We have pursued the dual strategy of introducing foreign capital and encouraging Chinese companies to invest overseas to achieve greater balance between the use of FDI and overseas Chinese investment. We have taken an active part in the reform of the global economic governance structure and the building of regional cooperation mechanisms, and worked to deepen bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations. China today is a fully open market economy. The opening-up policy has both benefited China's development and the well-being of its people and contributed to regional and global economic growth.

With its development entering a new historical stage in the second decade of the 21st century, China is in an important period of strategic opportunities. Peace, development and cooperation remain the trend of our times. The international environment is generally conducive to China's pursuit of peaceful development. Numerous factors - continuous industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, huge market potential, a relatively high savings rate, better R&D capacity, better education, a more skilled labor force, deepening reform and overall stability - have created enabling conditions and vast space for continued economic and social development in China. On the other hand, we are still facing a pressing problem, that is, China's development is not yet balanced, coordinated and sustainable and there are many institutional constraints hindering scientific development. As the size of the Chinese economy grows, it will become difficult to keep high-speed growth over a long period of time. However, the new developments, both internationally and in China, have not changed the fundamentals of China's development. We have the right conditions, and we have both the ability and confidence to maintain steady and fairly fast growth of the economy and bring China's economy to a new stage of development.

The current 12th Five-year Plan period is a critical stage in China's efforts to build a society of initial prosperity in all respects. Taking into full consideration the future trend and conditions as well as China's goals for 2020 and responding to the need for changing the model of growth at a faster pace, achieving scientific development and bringing the benefits of reform and development to all the people, we have set the following goals and strategic tasks for these five years:

China will continue to follow the strategy of expanding domestic demand, with focus on improving the structure of demand and increasing consumer demand to drive economic growth.Domestic demand is crucial and a necessary choice for a big country to achieve sustainable economic growth. China has 20% of the world's population. With its per capita GDP exceeding US$4,000, China has entered a key stage for upgrading consumption structure. To upgrade consumption and raise the quality of life for urban and rural population and strengthen weak links in economic and social development will generate enormous domestic demand. We will endeavor to build a long-term mechanism for expanding consumer demand, create a favorable environment for consumption, improve consumer expectation, boost spending power and upgrade consumption structure. We will expand consumption in the course of advancing urbanization, protecting and improving people's well-being and speeding up the development of service industries. We aim to make urbanization grow by another 4 percentage points, and raise the share of the value added created by service industries in GDP by another 4 percentage points, so that final demand will become a major force driving China's economic growth.

China will continue to develop education as a priority, bring about all-round human development, and promote economic development on the basis of improving the quality of human capital.For a major developing country like China, boosting education and improving quality of human resources will drive economic development and make it more competitive. We will act quickly to achieve economic growth by increasing the quality of human capital rather than by just using more workers. This will enable us to catch up with the progress in technology and change the model of growth, and it holds the key for us to adapt to demographic changes and achieve sustainable development. We will fully implement the outline of the national medium- and long-term plan for education and promote balanced development of education at different levels and of various types. We will ensure equitable education for all, promote well-rounded development of people, train innovation-oriented talents, and advance education in a scientific manner. And we will move faster to make China not only a big country but also a strong country in both education and human resources. This will provide strong intellectual impetus for sustaining China's economic development.


China will continue to build an innovation-driven society, speed up the development of an innovation system, and enhance the role of science and technology in driving economic and social development. R&D is crucial in guiding our efforts to accelerate the change of growth model. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, we will give greater priority to R&D, deepen reform of science and technology institutions, and address the root causes of R&D not fully meeting the need of economic development. We will increase input in science and technology and raise the share of budget for R&D in GDP from 1.75% to 2.2%. We will follow closely the latest progress in overseas frontier technologies, strengthen basic research and the research of high technologies of strategic importance, and pool resources to make breakthroughs in developing core technologies. We will enhance capacity to create, utilize, protect and manage intellectual property rights and bring into play the creativity of the whole society. We will accelerate the upgrading of traditional industries by using new technologies, new materials, new techniques and new equipment. We will vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, with a focus at this stage on industries related to energy conservation, environmental protection, new-generation information technology, biotechnology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new energy vehicles. Our goal is to develop new pillar industries so as to gain initiative for development in the new scientific revolution and industrial revolution.


China will continue to save resources and protect the environment, follow the path of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, use resources in a more efficient way, and develop stronger capacity for tackling climate change. To conserve resources and protect the environment is crucial to achieving sustainable development, and this is one of China's basic state policies. We will speed up the building of an industrial structure, a mode of production and a model of consumption that are conducive to resource conservation and environmental protection, and promote harmony between man and nature. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, we will raise the share of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption to 11.4%, reduce energy consumption and C02 emission per unit of GDP by 16% and 17% respectively, and cut total discharge of major pollutants by 8%-10%. We will improve laws, regulations and standards, strengthen performance-based accountability, overhaul the pricing mechanism for energy and resources and increase fiscal, taxation, financial and other policy incentives. We will promote circular economy, develop low-carbon industrial, construction and transportation systems, promote energy, water, land and material conservation and integrated resource utilization, preserve and repair the eco-system, increase forest carbon sink, and build stronger capacity for tackling climate change.

China will continue to put people's interests first, pay more attention to ensuring and improving people's well-being and pursue common prosperity. Everything we do is to enable all the people to have better lives, and this is the criterion to measure the performance of all of our work. Our goal is to bring the benefit of development to all, ensure and improve people's well-being, and advance social progress in all respects. We will give priority to job creation in promoting economic and social development and create equitable job opportunities for all. We will adjust income distribution, ensure that personal income grows in step with economic growth and that labor remuneration grows in step with increase of productivity. We will gradually raise the share of personal income in national income distribution and the share of labor remuneration in primary distribution. We expect that per capita urban disposable income and per capita rural net income will both grow by more than 7% annually. We will put in place systems providing basic old-age care and basic medical and health care for the whole urban and rural population, and extend the coverage of government-subsidized housing to 20% of the urban population.

China will continue to deepen reform and opening-up and resolutely remove institutional hurdles to increase the momentum of pursuing sustainable development. China owes its rapid development in the past 30 years and more to reform and opening-up, and this will be equally true for its future development and progress. We will continue to advance both economic and political structural reform to create strong impetus for economic and social development. We will uphold and improve the basic economic system, speed up fiscal, taxation and financial reform, reform of prices of factors of production, reform of monopoly sectors and other important fields, and strive to make major progress in these reforms. We will exercise governance pursuant to law and address the institutional causes for over-concentration of power and lack of checks on it. We will protect people's democratic rights and their lawful rights and interests so as to uphold fairness and justice.

China cannot develop itself in isolation from the world and the world also needs China for its development. Here, I wish to reiterate that China's opening-up to the outside world is a long-term commitment which covers all fields and is mutually beneficial. China's basic state policy of opening-up will never change. We will continue to get actively involved in economic globalization and work to build a fair and equitable international trading regime and financial system. We will continue to improve foreign-related economic laws, regulations and policies so as to make China's investment environment in keeping with international standard, transparent and more business friendly.

China will continue to deepen reform and opening-up and resolutely remove institutional hurdles to increase the momentum of pursuing sustainable development. China owes its rapid development in the past 30 years and more to reform and opening-up, and this will be equally true for its future development and progress. We will continue to advance both economic and political structural reform to create strong impetus for economic and social development. We will uphold and improve the basic economic system, speed up fiscal, taxation and financial reform, reform of prices of factors of production, reform of monopoly sectors and other important fields, and strive to make major progress in these reforms. We will exercise governance pursuant to law and address the institutional causes for over-concentration of power and lack of checks on it. We will protect people's democratic rights and their lawful rights and interests so as to uphold fairness and justice.

China cannot develop itself in isolation from the world and the world also needs China for its development. Here, I wish to reiterate that China's opening-up to the outside world is a long-term commitment which covers all fields and is mutually beneficial. China's basic state policy of opening-up will never change. We will continue to get actively involved in economic globalization and work to build a fair and equitable international trading regime and financial system. We will continue to improve foreign-related economic laws, regulations and policies so as to make China's investment environment in keeping with international standard, transparent and more business friendly.


While the world economy is slowly recovering, uncertainties and destabilizing factors are growing. Both the advanced and emerging economies have experienced slowdown in growth. Sovereign debt risks are growing in some countries, causing turbulence on the international financial market. Unemployment in major advanced economies remains high, while emerging economies are facing upward inflationary pressure.All this shows that world economic recovery will be a long-term, difficult and complicated process. In addressing the Davos forum in early 2009,1 said that the crisis is a global challenge. To overcome the crisis, we need to have confidence, strengthen cooperation and live up to our responsibility. The crisis also puts to the test the international community's sincerity for and commitment to cooperation, and it puts to the test our wisdom. I still hold this view today. The international community must have more confidence, enhance cooperation and jointly tackle the challenges. We should strengthen dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policy and accelerate the building of a just, equitable, sound and stable new world economic order. Governments should fulfill their responsibilities and put their own house in order. The major developed economies should adopt responsible and effective fiscal and monetary policies, properly handle debt issues, ensure the safety and stable operation of investment in the market, and maintain confidence of investors around the world.

China's economy is generally in good shape. Since the beginning of this year, its economic growth has taken an orderly shift from being driven by policy stimulus to self-generating growth, moving in the right direction of macroeconomic regulation. In the first half of this year, China's GDP grew by 9.6%, and its trade surplus decreased by 17.6%, thanks to increasing domestic consumption. A total of 6.55 million urban jobs have been created. Price rises as a whole are under control, market supply of important goods is ensured and structural adjustment of economic sectors is moving forward. Business profits and government revenues are increasing quite fast. People's income has steadily increased, and their lives have further improved. Since the second quarter, the economic growth has dropped somewhat, but this is mostly the result of proactive macro regulation and is not beyond our expectation. We will address the pressing challenges in the economy and continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. We will maintain continuity and stability in macroeconomic policy and make our policy responses more targeted, flexible and forward-looking in light of changes in the economy. We will maintain control over the intensity, pace and focus of macroeconomic regulation and strike a balance among maintaining stable and fast economic growth, adjusting economic structure and managing inflation expectation. This will enable us to maintain general stability of prices as a whole, prevent major economic fluctuations and meet this year's goals for economic and social development.

I am confident that China's economy will grow over a longer period of time, at a higher level and with better quality and make new contribution to robust, sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy. We sincerely welcome foreign companies to actively involve themselves in China's reform and opening-up process and share the opportunities and benefits of China's prosperity and progress.


After nearly a year of emotional arguments in Congress but no new federal laws, the national debate over the future of human cloning has shifted to the states. Six states have already banned cloning in one form or another, and this year alone 38 anti-cloning measures were introduced in 22 states.

The resulting patchwork of laws, people on all sides of the issue say, complicates a nationwide picture already clouded by scientific and ethnical questions over whether and how to restrict cloning or to ban it altogether.

Since 1997, when scientists announced the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, the specter of cloned babies, infants that are in essence genetic carbon copies of adults, has loomed large in the public psyche and in the minds of lawmakers.

Today, there is widespread argument that cloning for reproduction is unsafe and should be banned. Now, the debate has shifted away from the ethics of baby-making and toward the morality of cloning embryos for their cells and tissues, which might be used to treat diseases. The controversy pits religious conservatives and abortion opponents, who regard embryos as nascent human life, against patients’ groups, scientists and the biotechnology industry.

① After nearly a year of emotional arguments in Congress but no new federal laws, the national debate over the future of human cloninghas shifted to the states.
译文:经历了将近一年轰轰烈烈的 / 激烈的国会讨论 // 国会经历了将近一年轰轰烈烈的讨论,在没有新的联邦法律出台后,这场关于人类克隆命运的全国性大讨论 / 全民大讨论开始渗透 / 转移到各州。
⑴ causing emotions 引发强烈感情的
eg. an emotional response → 情绪激动的 反应
emotional language →动情的语言
⑵ having emotions that are easily excited 易激动的
eg. an emotional man 多情善感的男子
an emotional actor →真情实感的演员
增词译法: but no new federal laws → 没有新的联邦法律出台

② Six states have already banned cloning in one form or another, and this year alone 38 anti-cloning measures were introduced in 22 states.
译文:六个州已经禁止了任何形式的克隆,仅今年一年, 22 个州就通过了 38 条禁止克隆的方案
ban = prohibit, proscribe, disallow, exclude, bar, block, shut out
allow = sanction, warrant, license, consent, empower
转性译法:形容词→名词 anti -cloning →克隆禁令
转态译法:主被交换: were introduced →通过了

③⑸ The resulting patchwork of laws, ⑴ people on all sides of the issue say, ⑹ complicates a nationwide picture ⑷ already clouded by ⑶ scientific and ethnical questions ⑵ over whether and how to restrict cloning or to ban it altogether.
译文:在克隆问题上各方人士 / 持各种立场的人认为,关于是否限制克隆、如何限制克隆或索性禁止克隆的科学及伦理问题,已经使全国性立法变得扑朔迷离。而如今各种法律东拼西凑 // 东拼西凑的法律,只会使全国性立法变得更复杂 / 使全国性立法形成步履维艰。
考点: 换序译法
抽象译法: patchwork: (sing)thing made of various small pieces or parts
picture: the completion of sth. 完整的东西(全国性法律)
转性译法:名词→形容词/动词 patchwork →东拼西凑
转态译法:主被交换: already clouded by →使…变得扑朔迷离
具体译法:成语法: cloud →使…变得扑朔迷离
complicate →使… 步履维艰

④ Since 1997, when scientists announced the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, the specter of cloned babies, infants (that are in essence genetic carbon copies of adults), has loomed large in the public psyche and in the minds of lawmakers.
译文:当科学家 1997 年宣告首个克隆哺乳动物多利羊的诞生,克隆婴儿就在人们心中埋下了阴霾,因为它们其实 / 本质上就是成年人的基因复制物 / 翻版,这种阴霾一直笼罩在公众和立法者的心里。
考点: 同位语的翻译:定语前置法
Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal → 首个克隆哺乳动物多利羊
specter: a haunting or disturbing image or prospect 幻影,幻象;缠绕心头或忧虑的景象或预感:
定语从句的翻译:融合法: 因果关系

⑤ Today, there is widespread argument (that cloning for reproduction is unsafe and should be banned).
译文:如今已经形成共识,即 / 认为用于繁殖的克隆技术是危险的 / 不安全的,应当禁止。
考点: widespread argument=consensus 共识
具体译法:加字法: cloning for reproduction → 用于繁殖的克隆技术
正反译法: unsafe→ 危险的(正译)
转态译法:省略被动词: should be banned →应当禁止

⑥ Now, the debate has shifted away from the ethics of baby-making and toward ⑸ the morality of ⑷ cloning embryos ⑴ for their ⑶ cells and tissues, ( ⑵ which might be used to treat diseases).
考点: 换序译法
名词词组译为分句: the ethics of baby-making→ 制造婴儿是否违背伦理
the morality of cloning embryos→ 克隆胚胎是否违背道德
增词译法: for their cells and tissues→ 为提取细胞和组织
转态译法:省略被动词: might be used→ 用于

⑦ The controversy pits religious conservatives and abortion opponents, (who regard embryos as nascent human life), against patients’ groups, scientists and the biotechnology industry.
考点: pit…against…: to set in direct opposition or competition:
eg. a war that pitted brother against brother
nascent (同): incipient, budding, embryonic

增词译法: the biotechnology industry→ 从事 生物技术相关人员

Part A
On August 6, 1995, when 55,000 people gathered in Hiroshima to commemorate the 46th anniversary of the devastating bombing that killed an estimated 140,000 people and brought World War II to a sudden halt, the city’s newly elected mayor broke with tradition by adding a few uncustomary lines to the annual Peace Declaration. It should also be recalled, he declared, that “Japan inflicted great suffering and despair on the peoples of Asia and the Pacific during its reign of colonial domination and war. For this we are truly sorry.” Noting that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Japanese assault on the U.S., he added, “Remembering all too well the horror of this war, starting with the attack on Pearl Harbor and ending with the atom-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we are determined anew to work for world peace.”
Usually, in Japan, when people discuss the war at all, they speak of victimization: their own victimization by the militarists who led the country into battle and by the Americans who bombed their cities. The suffering inflicted by the imperial army on the peoples of Asia is ignored, as is Japan’s aggression in China and at Pearl Harbor. The appealing image of Japan the victim has no room for the underside of Japan the aggressor.

Part B
出国混了几年以后,回到了生我养我的城市,感觉不再是个漂泊者了。为寻得一个理想的住处,我在表姐的陪同下跑遍了半个市区,终于在生活方便的市中心选定一新建小区。小区地段很好。从这里到商业步行街(pedestrian street)只有一步之遥。小区附近的一大片绿地据说是某个领导人来沪视察之后建议修建的。有了这片绿地,这个原本显得陈旧的老街像是重新焕发了青春。后面一条马路上有许多公交线路交汇,所以这条街成了观光整个城市的好起点。房子是全装修的,位于大楼的顶层,是个两室户,足有100个平方。觉得在这座城市生活和海外并没有什么两样,多的只是一份亲切,一份暖意。



A joint venture shall have a board of directors, which shall have its size and composition stipulated in the contract and the articles of association after consultation between the parties to the venture, and the directors shall be appointed and replaced by the parties to the venture. The board of directors shall be the highest authority of a joint venture that shall decide all major matters concerning the joint venture. The Chairman are determined by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture. When the chairman is unable to perform his duties, he shall authorize another director to represent the joint venture.

The board meeting is to be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. It shall be held only when over two-third of the directors are present. If a director is unable to attend the meeting,he may issue a power of attorney to appoint a proxy to represent him and vote on his behalf. Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English and shall be delivered to each director within fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the board meeting.

When President Obama took the stage here Wednesday to address a community — and a nation — traumatized by Saturday’s shootings rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W. Bush’s speech to the nation after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the memorial service President Bill Clinton led after the bombing of a federal office building killed 168 people in Oklahoma City in 1995.

But Obama’s appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his times. Unlike those tragedies---which, at least initially, united a mournful country and quieted partisan divisions---this one has, in the days since the killings, had the opposite effect, inflaming the divide.

It was a political reality Mr. Obama seemed to recognize the moment he took the stage. He directly confronted the political debate that erupted after the rampage, asking people of all beliefs not to use the tragedy to turn on one another. He called for an end to partisan recriminations, and for a unity that has seemed increasingly elusive as each day has brought more harsh condemnations from the left and the right. It was one of the more powerful addresses that Mr. Obama has delivered as president, harnessing the emotion generated by the shock and loss from Saturday’s shootings to urge Americans “to remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together”.



自奥巴马就任总统以来,他便意识到了这一政治现实。他直接面对枪击惨案发生后引发的政治辩论,呼吁持不同宗教信仰的人们不要利用这一惨案针锋相对。他呼吁各党派停止相互指责,同时呼吁各党派团结起来。因各党派之间的指责日益严厉且锋芒毕露,团结已经渐形渐远。本次是奥巴马担任总统以来发表的最具号召力的一次演讲,他在演讲中疏导了美国人因枪杀事件而产生的震惊与迷失情绪,并敦促美国人 “时刻提醒自己,我们因希望和梦想而团结在一起”。

We established our friendly and cooperative relations on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and equality,and mutual benefit. We believe that it is absolutely important that all nations ,big or small,strong or weak,should establish and maintain their relations on these principles.We appreciate the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of small and developing countries.We also appreciate China’s firm support in our economic development.I look forward,in the next few days,to the opportunity of learning something from your experience on promoting economic and social development in the interest of your people.

我们建立友好合作关系时是基于这样一种认识,即我们要在相互尊重和平等互利的基础上发展我们的友谊。我们认为,所有国家,无论大小强弱,都应该在这些原则 的基础上建立和维持相互间的关系,这是至关重要的。我们赞赏中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题,我们赞赏中国对我们经济发展的有力支持。我期待在今后的几天里有机会向你们请教,学习你们为造福贵国人民而促进经济和社会发展的经验。

Mr.President,I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks.At this very moment through the wonder of telecommunications,many people are hearing what we say today.
Yes,right now the whole world is watching us.Though what we say here ill soon be forgoten,what we do here will change the world.We have a social and political system which differs in many respects from your own.It is the result of different experiences and a different tradition. Given our distinct histories,geographies and cultures,it is inconceivable that we could seee eye to eye on all issues.However,we do agree on the fundamental need for world peace.


I have come to China for the beautiful future of our two countries.I am firmly convinced that ,together,we two peoples can and will make tomorrow a better day. We may be distinctly different in language,customs,and political beliefs,but on many vital questions of our time there is little distance between the American and Chinese people. China’s economy advances with the dynamics of change.Unlike some governments,which fear change and fear the future,China is beginning to scale new heights. On behalf of all the members of my delegation,I’d like to express our highest respect for your courage and welcome the opportunity to walk by your side.


1. Bristol is a truly beautiful,interesting and fascinating city.Beautiful parks and gardens leak onto interesting lanes and footpaths,while houses and buildings of old times stand magnificently on the hills of the city. But Bristol is much more than this;it is a modern city where the latest works in contemporary arts can be found and where the night-life is interesting and varied. Bristol is surrounded by beautiful countryside,rolling hills,and top class holiday resorts.Some of the country’s most fascinating tourist attractions-castles and palaces-are only a short drive away. Bristol has always envouraged the tourist industry and welcomed tourist from all parts of the world.There is a superb choice of acommodation available and the city is proud of its many restaurants and cafes.

2. 上海既是一座历史文化名城,也是当今中国最为繁荣的经济中心之一,成为人们向往的观光胜地。上海为旅游者在各方面提供了良好的基础设施。在上海旅游,不仅方便愉快,而且安全舒适。上海要长久吸引旅游者,就应该切实做好各项旅游服务工作,让游客获得宾至如归的服务。我们希望而且相信,上海会使每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”,给每一位旅游者留下了美好的回忆。
Shanghai,a famous historical and cultural city,and one of the most prosperous economic centers in China,has become a famous scenic spot that people look forward to visiting. Shanghai provides tourists with a good infrastructure in every www.61k.com in Shanghai is not only convenient and pleasant,but also safe and comfortable. To maintain a lasting charm for tourists,Shanghai should earnestly do a good job in all kinds of tourist services to make them feel at home. We hope and believe that Shanghai will make every tourist stay a longer time and become too delighted to be homesick.A nice memory of the city will linger in the heart of every tourist.

3. 阳朔是个小镇,人口不足三万。它极富盛名,每年有成千上万的游客趋之若骛,从世界各地涌来。1998年美国前总统比尔.克林顿来到这里,面对美不胜收的景致,不忍匆匆离去,以致推迟其香港之行。阳朔最吸引人的地方就是板石街,又名“西洋街”。该街总长一千米,有一千四百一十年历史。街道两旁有数百家商店,主要出售外国人喜欢的仿古制品和纪念品。徜徉小街,游人会惊喜地发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。
Yangshuo is a small country of less than 30,000 www.61k.com ,it is so famous that it woos thousands of tourists worldwide all the year round. In 1998,former US president Bill Clinton came here and delayed his trip to Hong Kong because he was reluctant to leave such a lovely place too soon. The most tempting place in Yanghuo is the Slabstone Street,which has gained a new name as “The Western Street”.The street,with a total length of 1,000 meters,spans a history of 1,410 years. On both sides of the street are a few hundred shops,selling mainly souvenirs and antiques to (cater for) the foreigners’ tastes.Strolling on the street,tourists will be amazed to find that Eastern and Western culture blend so well here.

1.Your Honor Mr.Mayor,thank you very much for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.In the short period of the two week study tour,we have travelled much of your country.Those were indeed exciting and unforgettable days.We have experienced the warm reception,the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of the Chinese people. We have been deeply impressed by the diversity,dynamism,and progress of China under the policies of reform and opening up to the outside world. We are glad that we are part of the dramatic process of your change from the planned economy to the market-oriented economy.The cooperative relations between our two countries have become so extensive that they have affected almost all areas of economy.
尊敬的市长先生,感谢您的精心安排与好客。在短暂的两周考察中,我们曾到过贵国的许多地方。那些日子确实别人激动,令人难忘。我们感觉到的总是中国人民的热情接待,彬彬有礼和诚挚友情。中国在改革开放政策引导下,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步,这些给我们留下了极为深刻的印象。 贵国正处于一个由计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程,我们很高兴能参加与这个富有戏剧性的转轨过程。我们的合作关系领域广阔,几乎已涉及所有的经济领域。

2. 主席先生,女士们,先生们,我宣布英特网服务国际研讨会开幕,在此我向参加开幕式的各界来宾表示热烈的欢迎。英国和澳大利亚的有关公司与专家对本次研讨会的成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意。海外一些发达国家在推动英特网服务事业方面积累了不少经验,值得我们借鉴和学习,通过交流,我们可以得到更多的信息与体会。我相信,本次研讨会对于推动英特网在中国的广泛使用具有积极的作用和深远的意义。我预祝研讨会圆满成功。
Mr.Chairman,ladies and gentlemen,I declare open the International Symposium on Internet Service.I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our guests from various circles. I wish to express our sincere thanks to the British and Australian companies and their specialists whose generous help has made possible the successful commencement of this symposium. Some overseas developed countries have accumulated much experience in promoting Internet service.And their experience deserves our reference and study.Through exchange,we will be able to acquire more information and knowledge.I believe the symposium will be constructive and significant in popularizing the use of Internet service in China.I wish the symposium a complete success.

On behalf of all the members of my group,I’d like to thank you,Mr.Chairman,for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party. Christmas is really a wonderful time of a year.The christmas get-together party is symbolic of the warmth,union,and decication of mankind. The celebration of Christmas this year is more meaningful to all of us,because our joint venture has had a remarkable sales growth this year. I hope we will be able to maintain this practical cooperative relationship and make the coming new year a more fruitful year.May I ask you to make a toast with me to a better business in the coming year.

4. 今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学两次接待我们的老朋友格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人以及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈欢迎。我相信格林博士这次对我校的访问,必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系作出重要的贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。
It gives us great pleasure to play host tonight to our old friends,Dr. and www.61k.com in Beijing University once www.61k.com behalf of the faculty ,students and staff of the university ,I wish to extend our warm welcome to Dr. and www.61k.com and other distinguished New Zealand guests.I am convinced that Dr. Green’s current visit to our university will surely make an important contribution to further strengthening the friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries.Our distinguished guests will leave for Nanjing and Shanghai tomorrow.I wish you all a pleasant journey.

三 : 请帮我将下面几句中文翻译成日文~(很简单的说)自从学习日语以来已









四 : 催科翻译与练习




国家之需赋也,如枵腹④待食;穷民之输将也,如挖脑出髓。为有司者,前迫于督促,后慑于黜罚,心计曰:“与其得罪于能陟我、能黜我之君王,不如忍怨于无若我何之百姓。”是故号令不完,追呼继之矣;追呼不完,槌楚继之矣;槌楚不完,而囹圄、而桎梏。民于是有称贷耳;称贷不得,有卖新丝、粜新谷耳;丝尽谷竭,有鬻产耳;又其甚,有鬻妻、鬻子女耳。如是而后赋可完,赋完而民之死者十七八矣! 庄静江校译编制【国家需要赋税,像空肚子的人需要食物一樣;而穷苦百姓缴纳赋税,就像要挖他的脑、抽他的髓一样。当官的人,前面被主管督促所迫,后面害怕被降职处罚,內心说:“与其得罪能让我升官、让我贬官的君王,不如去忍受那些对我无可奈何之老百姓的怨恨吧!”所以号令出去百姓如不缴纳赋税,就追赶、怒骂他們。追赶、怒骂还不缴纳,就鞭打、刑罚他们,百姓还不缴纳赋税,接着就把他们逮捕囚禁了。老百姓因就只好借贷了;如借贷不到钱,只有卖新丝、卖新谷了;新丝新谷都卖光,就只有典卖家产了;又甚至到卖妻、卖子女了。到这样后赋税缴纳了,缴纳完老百姓也就死了十分之七、八了啊!】





A.催科与抚字,往往相妨,不能相济 济:补益。B.如是而后赋可完完:结束。庄静江校译编制


10.下列各组语句中,加点的词的意义、用法都相同的一组是(D被。 )

A.槌楚不完,囹圄、桎梏古者富贵名摩灭,不可胜计【 表假设,如果/表转折,却】庄静江校译编制

B.阳城拙蒙赏王尝语庄子好乐,有诸【介词,因为、/ 介词,把】

C.国家需赋也,如枵腹待食石铿然有声者,所在皆是也【主谓之间取消独立性 / 定语后置标志。】庄静江校译编制



①为令之难,难于催科 ②竭泽而渔,明年无鱼


⑤盖由古昔为然,今非其时矣 ⑥又其甚,有鬻妻、鬻子女耳


12.下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(B. )庄静江校译编制













五 : 同位语从句雅思写作和口语翻译练习(含答案)18

1. 他们应该尝试第二次的想法值得考虑

The idea that they should try a second time is worth considering.

2. 她工作很努力的事实我们都知道

The fact that she works hard is well known to us all.

3. 他们表达了他们将会再次来拜访中国的希望

They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.

4. 我们队取得决赛胜利的消息令人兴奋。

The news that our team has won the final match is exciting.

5. 学生应该学些实用的东西的建议值得考虑。

The suggestion that students should learn something practical is worth considering.

6. 爸爸许下了我通过英语考试就给我买CD player的承诺

My Dad made a promise that he would buy me CD player if I passed the English test.

7. 你是从那里得到我不会来的想法?

Where did you get the idea that I could not come?

8. 我们还没有解决我们要去哪里度过暑假的问题.

We haven’t settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.

9. 他表示希望再到中国来访问。

He expressed the hope that he would ome over to visit China again.

10. 作为一个孝顺的儿子,我接受了父亲的决定,要当医生, 虽然我对这样的前途毫无兴趣

An obedient son, I had accepted my father’s decision that I was to be a doctor, though the prospect interested me not at all.

11. 然而,从一开始,我仍活着这个事实却偏偏被忽视了。

Yet, from the beginning, the fact that I was alive was ignored.

12. 迟延应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的。

It does not alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay.

13. 受了这种道德观念的熏陶,鲍尔斯生活在一种错觉中,以为金钱是一切。 Influenced by these ethics, Powers lived under the delusion that money is everything.

14. 但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样的事实:我们的前景并不妙。 But considered realistically, we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good.

15. 这个城市的电影院我都到过, 大的也罢,小的也罢。

I have been to all the cinemas in this city, big or small.

16. 她的儿子,也就是我老板的侄子,也在店里当伙计。

Her son, my employer’s nephew, was himself an assistant in the shop.

17. 我们明天是否会去北京的决定还没有下。

The decision whether we’ll go to Beijing tomorrow has not been made.

18. 谁应当做这工作的问题还在讨论中

The question who should do the work is under discussing.

19. 老师给了我们一些如何使用电脑的建议。

The teacher gave us some advice how we (should) use compuer.


20. 我有一个梦想,有一天所有中国孩子都能接受高等教育

I have a dream that one day, all Chinese children are able to receive higher education.

21. 我们持这个不言而喻的观点,所有人生来平等

We hold this truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

22. 有些人认为英特网是一个祸害

Some people hold the opinion that the Internet is a curse.

23. 博物馆由于他们为人们提供了一个了解他们自己国家的传统和文化的良好机遇的理由而在教育中扮演着重要的角色

Museums play a important role of education for the simple reason that they provide people with a good opportunity to have a deeper understanding of their own country's tradition and cultures.

24. 在仔细衡量了利和弊之后,我们可以保险的得出结论,那就是没有理由花大量纳税人的钱用在文化保护上。

After weighing both the advantages and disadvantages carefully, we can come to the conclusion safely that there is no point in spending large amounts of taxpayers’ money on cultural preservation

25. 毫无疑问,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨。

There is no doubt that the increase in demand caused the rise in prices.

26. 通过以上讨论,我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点,而且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of the bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society

27. 许多人往往有这样的误解,认为离开学校就意味着结束了他们的教育。显然,他们忽视了教育是人生重要部分这一基本事实。

A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling. Obviously, they seem to be ignoring the basic fact that a person’s education is a most important aspect of his life.

28. 就我而言,我同意教育不应该随着毕业而结束的观点,有以下原因…

As for me,I’m in favor of the opinion that education is not completed with graduation, for the following reasons…

29. 没有人能否认这一重要事实:最近几年交通问题在全世界受到了普遍关注。 No one can deny the essential fact that the traffic problem over the last years has caused wide pubic concern all over the world.

30. 越来越多的专家开始相信这种状况将对当地的经济发展产生不利影响。Experts in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that such situation would produce unfavorable effects on economic growth of local areas.

31. 这根植于大学信念之中,学生对团体和国家的责任意识是相当重要的。 This is rooted in universities’ belief that students’ awareness of responsibility towards their community and their country is of high importance.

32. 一个支持这个观点的例子是这个事实:欧洲社会的本质,在一个阶段,是城邦。然后是封建社会。接着变成了工业社会。

A case in point is the fact that the nature of European society was, at one stage, that of city-state. After that, it was a feudal society. Then later it became an industrial society.

33. 环境污染变得越来越严重是不可否认的事实。

It is an undeniable fact that environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious.

34. 没有人能否认这一基本事实:对于一般工人来讲,轻松掌握这些技术是不可能的。

No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.

35. 其中最令我们为猫咪着迷的事是一个公认的信念,它们有九条命。

One of the things that fascinate us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives

36. 人们从来不对网络不会不重要这个观点保留怀疑。

People never remain suspicious of that point that the internet never fail to be important

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