
eraser前面加a还是an-Do you have an eraser? Lesson 86教学设计

发布时间:2018-01-20 所属栏目:英语教案

一 : Do you have an eraser? Lesson 86教学设计

Lesson 86教学设计示例

一、教学目标 :


(1)学会单词dictionary, back, tomorrow以及词组a lot (of)。






二、教学过程 :

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise the days of the week and their spellings. Hold a quiz.

2 Revise borrow by saying the action chain from Lesson 85, Step 4.

Step 2 Presentation

Play this game, Find the ruler. Ask two students to leave the room. After they leave the room, have the class give a ruler to one student. The students must not tell the two students who left the room where the ruler is. Say to the two students, Come in, please. Explain in Chinese, that the students must find the ruler, by asking them, May I borrow a ruler, please? The students in the class can reply, I'm sorry, I don't have one, ask… I think he / she has one. They should try to make the students who left the class go to as many people as possible before finding the ruler. However, the two students who left the room try to find the ruler as quickly as possible. The first student who finds the ruler wins.

Step 3 Read and say

SB Page 27, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 86. Books closed! Ask a few questions, e.g. Does Jim have a dictionary? Who has one? Play the tape again. Books open! Students listen and repeat, then practise in pairs.

Step 4 Presentation

Practise Do you have any (plural or uncountable noun) …? Yes, I do. Teach and practise Sorry, I don't have any. Ask Li Lei. I think he has some. (Teach one sentence at a time.)

Step 5 Ask and answer

SB Page 27, Part 2. Ask three students to come to the front of the class and demonstrate the dialogue. Show both the dialogue on the right-side and the left-side of the box. Say Thanks very much. Sit down, please. Divide the class into groups of three and have them practise these dialogues substituting with the words given at the top of the box. Walk around and give help as needed. Choose several groups to give their dialogue for the class.

Step 6 Practice

Do Wb Lesson 86, Ex. 2 in pairs. Get students to practise and act out the dialogues. Then get the students to make up new dialogues in pairs, borrowing things from each other.

Step 7 Listen and answer

SB Page 27, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 86. Go over the questions in Ex. 1 of Wb Lesson 86 before playing the tape.

Listening Text

(Classroom noises)

A: Hi, Jim!

B: Hi, Li Lei!

A: Do you have a red pen, please?

B: A red pen? No, I don't. I only have a red pencil.

A: Can I borrow it, please?

B: Sure.

A: Thanks a lot. I can give it back tomorrow.

B: Tomorrow? Tomorrow's Saturday!

A: Oh, I'm sorry! Let me give it back on Monday.

B: OK.

A: Thanks very much.

B: You're welcome.

The answers are: 1C; 2B; 3C.

Step 8 Workbook

SB Page 102, Wb Lesson 86, Exx. 3 and 4. Go over the phrases in Ex. 3 and make sure the meaning is clear before the students start making sentences. Collect the sentences from the class. Make comments and corrections.

Ex. 4 helps the students with their spelling. They should learn words in clusters, e.g. swimming, skating, skiing, drawing, singing, etc.


Practise the “Borrowing something” dialogue in pairs. Write down Exx. 3 and 4 in the exercise book.

二 : interesting前面为什么加an不能加a?interest?

interesting 前面为什么加an 不能加 a?interesting的首发音不是元音啊

interesting 前面为什么加an 不能加 a?interesting的首发音不是元音啊


三 : rubber还是eraser?

今天上英语课太有意思了,那年轻的美女老师估计是来代课的,结果全班都闹个不停,只有我们第一排的在做作业了。旁边的小憨豆不停的在旁边吵,什么什么rubber,什么什么rubber的。最后我抬起头来来了一句:“你再说一遍.....”“我只是想借你的rubber...”“rubber,什么东西啊???”“就是你手上的东西啊”当时我手上正拽着一块橡皮,我皱皱眉头说:“什么rubber,这个东西是eraser。”憨豆急了,说这个东西就是rubber啊!真是奇怪,以前老师一直教eraser,从没听说过什么rubber啊,真奇怪啊....于是,憨豆把我的步步高抢了过去输入eraser,意思是:AnAmerican word forrubber.原来eraser是美式英语啊,我从来都不知道的。想想我们初中的英语课本(人教新目标,在此严重批评一下下,难怪就我们这一届用这本书),真是乱套,美式的单词,英式的读法....还错漏百出。比如什么“howto spell it?"这样的低级错误。我们老师说只能说"howdo you spell it"或者“I don't know how to spell it."结果憨豆开始变得很拽了,一直不停的跟我说有关eraser的句子,还故意加强eraser的读音,气死我算了,不就是rubber[www.61k.com]嘛!!结果后面的Gene又突然来一句:“MayI borrow yourrubber."也不知道是有意的还是巧合啊....rubber还是eraser?如果是巧合那还是谢谢憨豆教我这个词啊!

四 : 道路的前面还是道路






当我们的眼前出现一条通向前方的曲径是,半个小时的光景过去。虽然疲惫,成就感却油然而生,情不自禁吟了句“曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。”午后的阳光暖暖的照在身上,微风骚动睫毛缓缓拨弄。( 文章阅读网:www.61k.com )











本文标题:eraser前面加a还是an-Do you have an eraser? Lesson 86教学设计
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1144554.html

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