
did you have to go-Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park

发布时间:2018-03-04 所属栏目:have been

一 : Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park

period 1课型:听说课,新授课(section a 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c, grammar focus).时间:45分钟教学要求:(teaching demands)教学目标1.  掌握“场所”的新词汇。2.  初步掌握语言“have you ever been to…”及回答。3.运用新学目标语言谈论曾经去过的地方。语言点1.       have you ever been to…..?2.       yes, i have. i have ever been to…./ no, i haven’t. i have never been to …3.       me,too.4.       me,neither.词汇:amusement park, space museum, aquarium,water park重点初步掌握目标语言“have you ever been to…..”及场所。难点运用新学知识点现在完成时态询问他人以及谈论自己曾经去过的地方。 教学过程:teaching procedures:步骤      目的教学活动/方法学生活动/方法条件/手段step1:leading-in and warm-up教师与学生进行日常对话,可拉近师生间的距离,复习了与本课相关的知识,激活学生的兴趣,为学生的新语言学习做好了准备。同时各种场所的图片引起学生兴趣,并为教学活动起到良好的引入作用。课堂气氛较活跃。1.       have a talk with the students.t: how are you today?ss:fine, thank you,. and you?t: pretty good. do you   like traveling?ss: yes, i do.t: where did you go?ss: i went to…t: what did you do there?ss: i went hiking/…t: did you enjoy your trip?ss: i had a good time.1.talk with the teacher and revise the past tense and present perfect  progressive tense(交流法)2.watch the pictures  and tell the names of the places.多媒体电脑,场所图片step2presentation由迪士尼的相关图片引出其它“场所”名,如:amusement park, aquarium,zoo,water park,space museum.同时辅以 “have you ever been to…?yes, i have./ me too.no, i haven’t./me neither.1.t: disneyland is a park.  what kind of park is it?ss:amusement park.t: have you ever been to an amusement park?ss:yes, i have./no, i haven’t.t: me,too.  me neither.2. ask ss look at each picture and practice the  dialogues in ss and t.3.words on 1a.t: i like amusement parks best,so for me, “an amusement park” is number one…. have ss  word in pairs to rank these places.1.       learn the new words.2.       practice the target language.3.  rank the places.多媒体电脑,图片,师生合作学习。step3listening通过听力练习,增强语言的输入,加强语言的内化,另外,核对答案时,开始运用has been to为下一步的准备。1:talk about the picture in 1a with us.say, you will hear a conversation between sarah and claudea.


2: play the recorder and ss try to finish 1b.3:the answers 4:have ss follow the recorder.1:talk about the picture in 1a with teacher.2: listen and do 1b 3:check their answers.4:reading after the recording. 多媒体电脑,录音机 两人合作学习。step4:drilling通过句型的操练为下面的教学过程打好基础。1;practice target language by showing pictures.2:drilling1:learn target language and practice 2:drilling多媒体电脑,图片,task paper 小组合作学习,两人合作学习。step5listening 通过听力练习,增强语言的输入,加强语言的内化,另外,核对答案时,用“has…been to…等一般疑问句为下一步的准备1.       talk about the map of the town in 2a with us.say, you will listen to three conversations.2.       play the recording andhave  ss circle the places you hear.3.       the answers.4.       listen again and circle t or f5.       the answers and let ss say out the correct keys.6.       have ss following the recorder  1.talk about the map of the town in 2a with teacher.2.listen and do 2a ,2b3.read after the recorder.多媒体电脑,录音机 两人合作学习。step6language focus学生对新语言有了感性认识之后,通过竞赛从而形成对语言点的理性认识,为接下来的语言学习做好铺垫。1.       have ss finish the exercises on the task paper. check the answers by having a competition.2.       have ss discuss the language pionts in groups of four.3.       have ss learn the language points about the tense and the differences between“ have been to” and “have gone to”4.have ss finish the other exercises.1.finish the exercises on the task paper. give answers and have a competition.2. discuss the language points in groups of four.3.learn the language piints about the tense and the differences between“ have been to” and “have gone to”4.finish the other exercises.多媒体电脑,图片,task paper,全班活动,小组合作学习step7homework通过笔头和口头的练习,学生对新学语言的掌握以及运用能力进一步加强。1.       mark down the homework the task paper.2write a new conversation according to your own exercience.3.practice the new conversation with your partner orally.多媒体电脑,task paper,                                       


                                       period 2本节与上节相关性分析:在第一课时中,学生通过大量的图片、听力材料、情景对话及小组活动等各种形式学习“have you been to…”的句型,让学生通过句型初步接触现在完成时这一时态,为第二个课时的学习做好了铺垫。本节课是本单元的第二个课时,也是一个重要的环节,是上一节内容的延伸和拓展,也为进一步学习现在完成时打下了基础。本节课有两个重点,一方面通过questions和information card,等形式学习短文have you ever been to disneyland? 教会学生描写一个景点,并在disneyland这个特定的情境中学习现在完成时的一些句子。另一方面通过make a survey的形式学习现在完成时的一般疑问句及其回答。通过本课的学习使学生正确理解现在完成时的用法及构成。新课的教学体现了任务型的教学和以学生为主体的教学理念。教学形式多样化,通过视频、听力、阅读、对话、小组活动、小组讨论等形式进行。在语言技巧方面,遵循先听、读、后说、写的设计顺序,使教学阶梯式层层递进。课型:阅读课时间:45minutes教学要求(teaching demands)教学目标继续学习用现在完成时谈论过去曾经去过的地方、做过的事情通过阅读了解并谈论在迪士尼乐园的所见所闻语言点要求掌握以下句式:have you ever copied/said/stayed/argued/….?了解描述景点的说法难点正确使用现在完成时的一般疑问句及其回答教学过程:(teaching procedures)步骤   目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段step1. revision让学生看着中国的地图,然后师生互相交谈,,去过什么地方,想去什么地方,以及怎样去,话题贴近学生生活,容易引起学生的兴趣。1.       ask the ss: have you been to beijing? where have you been? where do you want to go? how are you going there?2.tell ss: i have been to disneyland. have you been to disneyland? use the sentence pattern they learned to answer the questions.1多媒体平台2 图片step2warming up阅读的热身,学生在观看了一段大约10几分钟的介绍香港迪士尼乐园的视频,对渴望学习新课文的热情会提高,以便于老师进入新课。play a video about hongkong disneyland.watch the video1多媒体平台2一段香港迪士尼乐园的视频step3presentation使用大量的有关迪士尼卡通图片和设施图片使学生想象身于disneyland中的情景,并教会新单词,推动学生的情感,引起共鸣。之后再通过图片让学生在联想各单词之间联系的同时记忆单词。1.       show some cartoon pictures and and facilities pictures to teach the new words and introduce disneyland.2.       use the pictures to askss to try to remember the new words as soon as possible.


1.       watch the pictures to learn the new words and rry to read after the teacher as loudly as possible.2.       try to tell the new words as many as they can.1多媒体平台2 cartoon 图片和设施图片step4.reading 3a让学生通过略读,细读回答问题,逐步掌握文章的意思,在阅读过程中所设置的问题由浅到深,学生寻找语言点,根据对文章意思的理解,解决语言点。1.       ask the ss to read the article quickly for the first time,then circle the places,things,and activities they think are interesting. undrline the ones they think are boring.2.       ask them to read the article more carefully for the second time,then answer 3 questions.3.       ask them read the article for the third time ,then fiil in the information card. 4.       ask them to find out the language points and guess the meanings.1.       try to find the answer as soon as possible.2.       fill in the information card.3.       try to guess the meanings of the language points.1多媒体平台2小组合作学习3task paperstep5.pair work枯燥的阅读之后,学生的注意力可能会有所下降,此时的pairwork正好用来活跃课堂气氛,同时学生可运用在阅读中获取的知识,为编对话打下基础。1.       ask the ss to talk with their partners about the intersting things and the boring things in disneyland.2.       ask them to make a conversation. 1.       talk with their partners.2.       practise the conversation with their partners.1多媒体平台2小组合作学习step6. make a survey通过survey,让学生在活动过程中操练并学习现在完成时的一般疑问句及其回答,并学会用三单形式写简单的报告ask them to make a survey to find out what other things their parnters have ever done,then write a short report.1.       answer with: yes,i have or no, i haven’t..2.       work in groups (4 in a group ) and write the report.1多媒体平台2小组合作学习3task paperstep7.exercises通过练习,巩固语言点。ask the ss to finish the exercisesdo the exercises carefully1多媒体平台2task paperstep8.homework通过写作和设置的相关问题学会介绍一处景点。write a short composition to introduce the place you have been to and prepare some questions about your composition.


make down the homework1多媒体平台2task paper

period 3本节与上节相关性分析:在第二课时中,学生一方面通过questions 和information card等形式学习短文have you ever been to disneyland? 并学会描写一个景点,同时在disneyland这个特定的情境中学习现在完成时的一些句子。另一方面通过make a survey的形式学习现在完成时的一般疑问句及其回答。通过前面两个课时的学习,学生能正确理解现在完成时的用法及构成。本节课注重在听说方面让学生对已学知识及语言功能的综合运用巩固加深。新课的教学形式仍以图片问答、听力、对话、小组讨论活动等形式进行,体现任务型的教学和以学生为主体的教学理念。在语言技巧方面,遵循先听、读、后说、写的设计顺序,使教学阶梯式层层递进。课型:巩固课时间:45minutes教学要求(teaching demands)教学目标继续学习用现在完成时谈论过去曾经去过的地方、做过的事情通过brainstorming讨论学习英语的原因通过听力训练来巩固对过去完成时的运用语言点talk about your past experience难点have/has been to教学过程:(teaching procedures)步骤   目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段step1. warming up & revision让学生看disney characters’ pictures and video,引起学生的兴趣,然后师生互相交谈影片中人物所有语言并引出话题:学习英语的原因。1. complete the short passage about section a 3a, try to retell the article.2. ask the following questions:1) what language did they speak?2) can you speak english?3) how long have you been studying english?4) why do you study english?1.watch the video 2.use the sentence pattern they learned to answer the questions.1多媒体平台2一段香港迪士尼乐园的视频step2 presentation利用图片来引导学生讨论他们学习英语的原因。show some pictures about the reasons they study englishtalk about their reasons to study english1多媒体平台2 图片step3group work总结同学们讨论出来的结果并尽量多的列举一系列学习英语的原因,然后通过小组讨论让学生们谈谈对于自己最重要的原因是什么。1. make a conclusion about the reasons to study english2. list as many as possible the reasons3. ask the ss to discuss on their own most important reason1. conclude the reasons following teacher’s instruction2.discuss on the reasons in groups1多媒体平台2. ppt 板书3.小组合作学习step4.listening tasks经过以上对学习英语原因的讨论,一系列的听力训练则是学生对于信息input的内化及为output所作的准备1.listen and circle the questions(2a)2.listen again and fill in the questionnaire(2b).3. listen again and fill in the blanks.(extension)4.check the answers for each parts.

1.listen and circle the questions(2a)

2.listen again and fill in the questionnaire(2b).

3. listen again and fill in the blanks.(extension)

4.check the answers for each parts.


1多媒体平台3task paperstep5.pair work经过一系列的听力练习,此时的pairwork正好用来检测学生input的情况,同时学生可运用在听力中获取的知识,为编对话打下基础。1.ask the ss to talk with their partners by role playing the interview.2.ask them to make a conversation. 1.talk with their partners.2.practise the conversation with their partners.1多媒体平台2小组合作学习step6. summary通过summary,让学生通过思考对本节课所学内容进行自我总结与复习巩固1.ask ss what they have learned in this class?2.let them discuss on this question3.make a conclusionthink and discuss with partners and review the things learned in this class1多媒体平台2小组合作学习step7.exercises通过练习,巩固语言点。ask the ss to finish the exercisesdo the exercises carefully1多媒体平台2task paperstep8.homework通过练习和书写来巩固所学知识1. finish self check, part 1 2. write about your reasons of studying englishmake down the homework多媒体平台

period 4本节与上节相关性分析:本节课是这个单元的最后一个课时,学生们通过前面三个课时循序渐进的学习与练习,已经基本能够灵活运用现在完成时这一新的语言知识了。作为最后一节验收成果的课,这一节课最主要是让学生复习巩固已学知识的同时,能熟练掌握运用现在完成时这一语言知识。为此,本课时将通过阅读和写作的方式帮助学生对本单元所学句型、内容进行巩固练习。课型:阅读写作课时间:45minutes教学要求(teaching demands)教学目标1.运用本单元所学的知识谈论现在与过去的经历。2.灵活运用一般过去时、一般现在时和现在完成时。语言点词汇:attendant, discover, guide, requirement1.—when did he/she start …?—he/she started…2.—how long has she/he + done …? —he/she has done…3.i have been a … for + time难点综合灵活的运用一般过去时,一般现在时和现在完成时谈论自己的经历教学过程:(teaching procedures)步骤   目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段step1. revision通过简短的选词填空练习让学生们复习现在完成时的各种用法与句型1.let the ss fill in the blanks by using the correct words2.check the answersfinish the grammar exercises carefully.1多媒体平台2 task paperstep2presentation 通过介绍本节课的3大任务,让学生们能循序渐进的学习show the tasks for this class.understand what to do in this class1多媒体平台step3pre-reading通过对新单词的学习和对3a中2个人物的介绍来引起学生们的学习兴趣并为接下来的阅读作铺垫1. learn the new key words which will appear in 3a2. introduce mei shan and david feng to the ss3. answer two questions.1. learn the new words2. meet the two people who will appear in 3a1多媒体平台2 task paperstep4.while-reading &post-reading让学生通过略读,细读完成信息归纳并填表,逐步掌握文章的意思,在阅读过程中所设置的问题由浅到深,学生寻找语言点,根据对文章意思的理解,解决语言点。


1. ask them to read the article more carefully for the second time,then get some useful information to fill in the chart.2. use the complete sentences to answer the qs.try to find the informatin as quickly as possible.1多媒体平台2小组合作学习3task paperstep5.group work枯燥的阅读之后,学生的注意力可能会有所下降,此时的group work正好用来活跃课堂气氛,同时学生可运用在阅读中获取的知识,为小组活动打下基础。1.ask the ss to talk with their group members about the two people in 3a.2. ask the ss fill in the questionnaire about the two people and make a report1. talk with their group members about the two people in 3a.2. fill in the questionnaire about the two people and make a report3.present the report in class1多媒体平台2小组合作学习step6.story retelling通过story retelling,让学生在活动过程中操练并学习掌握出现在文章3a中重要的一些语言点1. ask the ss to read and fill in the blanks for the story about the two people in 3a2.check the answers and explain some important points 1. read and fill in the blanks for the story about the two people in 3a2. take notes for the important language points1多媒体平台2小组合作学习3task paperstep7. words and expressions explanation通过对3a的解释,巩固语言点。ask the ss to take notes for3a 1多媒体平台step8.writing通过写作练习,巩固对本单元语言知识的掌握与运用。1.lead the ss to answer the questions about 3b2.ask the ss to finish the writing in 3b 1多媒体平台2task paperstep9.summary通过summary,让学生通过思考对本节课所学内容进行自我总结与复习巩固1.ask ss what they have learned in this class?2.let them discuss on this question3.make a conclusionthink and discuss with partners and review the things learned in this class1多媒体平台2小组合作学习step9.exercises通过练习,巩固语言点。ask the ss to finish the exercisesdo the exercises carefully1多媒体平台2task paperstep10.homework通过写作和设置的相关问题学会介绍一处景点。1. write an article about your best friend using the article you have learned.2. read aloud the article in 3a.3. practice the words and expressions.make down the homework1多媒体平台2task paper


二 : Have you ever been to an amusement park


【课题】:unit 9  have you ever been to an amusement park? section a 1a—2c
【励志小木屋】:early sow, early mow. 种的早,收的早。
1. 识记下列词汇: 词汇:amusement, amusement park, water park, haven’t, neither, river,have a great time, in fact
have you ever been to ... ?  yes, i have./ no, i haven’t.
have/has +动词过去分词
have been (to)和have gone (to)的区别:
一、 自主预习
task one 写出下列地方名称。which would you like to visit?把它们按从1到5的顺序标出来,写在()内
(  )太空博物馆_____________(  ) 水族馆___________(  ) 游乐场___________
(  )动物园___________ (  )水上公园 ____________
task two:补全下列对话
 a: ______ you ever______to an amusement park?
b: yes, i _____. i _______to fun times amusement park last year.
      have you ever been to a water park?
a: no, i _________ .
b: me _______. let’s go to water city tomorrow.
task three  practice the above conversation.
2. 你曾经去过水族馆吗?_________________________________________?
3. 我从未去过水上公园。
4. 哈维的朋友从未去过水上公园。

【预习反思】 do you have any questions ?
step 1  预习交流------精讲点拨
      ----- have you ever been to a water park ?
 ---- no, i haven’t .
 ---- me, neither.
此句相当于 neither have i. 表示上文所表达的否定情况也适合他人或他物。其反义句为me, too. 相当于so+ 组动词/ be/情态动词+主语
1. ---- he didn’t go to school today .
    ---- neither did i ./ me neither .
2. ---- he is good at english.    ----me, too. / so am i .
step2  warming-up   step 3 lead-in   step4  pairwork
step 5 拓展延伸:用have been to或have gone to填空
1. a: i saw you in annable’s restaurant last night.
b: no, it wasn’t me. i _____ never _______ there.
2. a: sally and tim are on holiday, aren’t they?
where _______they _____ ?
b: to florida,again.
a: how many times ____ they ______ there ?



b: this is their third time.
3. a: can i speak to bill, please ?
b: he’s out, i’m afraid. he ___ ___ ____ the cinema this evening.
a: again? she ____ already ______ to the cinema three times this week.
step 6 系统总结
三、限时作业 满分 10 分    得分 ________
1 have you ever been to an _____________(娱乐) park?
2 i have been to japan ___________(两次).
3 he plays the violin only for his own____________(amuse).
4 ----i haven’t been to the water park ?   ----- me n_________ .
5  ----where is bill?   ----he _________sydney with his father.
a has gone to  b has been to  c have gone to  d have been to
6 have you ever________anything you didn’t want to say?
a say    b said  c saying  d says
7. i___________never_________there before.
a have; been to   b have; been  c have; gone to  d have; gone
8. he hasn’t been to england, ________ i .
  a: neither have  b: either have  c so have  d. so haven’t
9. ---- _____ you ever _____ to that city ?   ----- yes, i went there last year.
  a. have; been   b. did go   c. have; gone  d. are going
10. --- kate, will you go to see the film roman holiday this evening ?
   --- no, i won’t . i ______ it already.
  a. see    b. saw   c. will see  d. have seen


三 : Did you have to go to court?”

Did you have to go to court?”

-----“No,I didn’t,but I would ______ if my lawyer hadn’t been so good

A.had B.have C.be D.do

Did you have to go to court?”的参考答案



这段对话说的事情很显然都是针对过去发生的事情的.而第二个人说的话里面包含了一个if引导的虚拟条件句,也就是说如果我的律师不这么给力这句话是对过去的事情进行的假设,对过去事情的虚拟,用过去完成时,所以是hadn't been.那既然我要出庭是建立在一个虚假的过去的条件之上的,那么我要出庭,就是一个推断,用would have done的形式,这里面完整的句子应该是would have gone to court,但是因为前文提到了,所以可以省略.

本文标题:did you have to go-Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1127871.html

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