

发布时间:2017-10-20 所属栏目:社会学

一 : 2014高端轿车维修服务市场状况调查


关 键 词:市场调查







二 : 中国玩具市场状况


中国市场网 2002年


1. 中国14岁以下的少年儿童及婴幼儿人口接近3亿多人,占全国人口的25%。(www.61k.com]其中城市儿童有8,000万人,构成了一个庞大的玩具消费群体。近年父母已普遍认同玩具能启发儿童智力的观念,加上现代家庭绝大多数都只有一个孩子,父母均乐意花费在孩子身上。

2. 虽然官方统计2001年内地玩具市场销售额仅为120亿元(人民币,下同),但业内人士估计实际市场需求应达500亿元。业内人士普遍看好中国玩具市场,预测今后几年中国玩具市场将以每年40%的速度增长,到2010中国玩具市场消费额有望超过1,000亿元。

3. 内地城市家长对孩子进行智力开发极为重视。集知识趣味、动手动脑于一体的玩具迎合了城市家长们望子成龙的心理。而农村消费物件仍然以传统的玩具类型为主。玩具的安全与卫生也是消费者考虑的重要因素。不过据调查,在购买学习工具及玩具时,59%是由孩子作主,至于娱乐方面,由孩子作决定的比例亦超过50%。

4. 中国社会调查事务所(SSIC)调整显示,娱乐性玩具最受消费者欢迎,其次是教育性玩具。


中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况

5. 瞭解,目前各大中城市里里的消费者普遍可接受的玩具价格大致在100元以下。然而,在不少大城市乃至一些中型城市里,高达1,000元以上甚至1万元左右的新颖、高檔玩具,同样有其市场。

6. 近年内地儿童玩具销售出现了以下几个特点:

? 模型玩具。电动模型玩具同样地吸引小孩子及成人,如坦克车、装有警笛的小汽车等等。虽然这些玩具的价格并不便宜,尤其是电动玩具,一般约在70-80元左右,有些甚至高达700-800元,但销路却不错。

? 遥控玩具。具有高科技外表的玩具如发声、发光的电子玩具、遥控玩具和能够说话或做一系列动作的互动玩具等等都很畅销。目前市场上出售的各类遥控玩具接近百种,主要是车、船、飞机等。遥控车约130-500元一辆,遥控船约150-400元,而遥控飞机则在3,400元-16,000元之间不等。

? 塑胶玩具。塑胶已经取代金属、木和陶瓷,成为主要的玩具制造材料,原因是塑胶成本低、处理容易、较为安全和轻便。

? 儿童玩具由季节性转向四季畅销。以往,父母只是在过年过节才购买玩具给孩子,随着人们消费观念的改变,儿童玩具成为一年四季都受欢迎的商品。

7. 除儿童玩具外,内地成人玩具市场亦大有可为。据中国社会调查事务所最近的一项调查表明,64%的消费者表示如有条件,可以考虑购买适合自己的玩具,其中33%的成人认为自己喜欢并愿意购买玩具。有资料表明,目前中国有6,000家玩具制造商,其中99%生产儿童玩具,而据中国玩具协会的估计,中国的成人玩具市场仅青年需求一年就达500亿元人民币左右。

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中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况

8. 据调查,除了传统的军棋、象棋、围棋、跳棋、风筝外,成年男士比较喜爱电脑智力型


9. 以前,消费者会选购一些传统的玩具如电动型、拼装型或中、低檔次的毛绒、布制类玩

具。现在,他们对玩具的需求有所改变。据中国社会调查事务所调查,城市消费者中34%消费者会选购电子型玩具,46%会选择智慧型玩具,而20%则喜爱高檔的毛绒、布制装饰类玩具。而农村消费者仍以传统的玩具类型为主,48%的农村消费者愿意购买电动型玩具,28%愿意购买拼装型玩具,24%愿意购买中、低檔次的毛绒、布制类玩具。 10. 中国玩具协会最新的调查显示,在中国城乡居民的消费支出中玩具消费平均约占年消费


中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况

中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况


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中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况



1. 目前内地有各类玩具生产企业6,000多家,而单在广东省便有玩具企业4,500家,2001


2. 现时,国际玩具市场上每年生产玩具多达15万种,其中新产品为5,000至6,000种,而


3. 现在外商普遍采取合资经营的方式,把国外的设计和原料运到中国进行加工,再投放内


4. 据调查,目前世界着名的玩具企业都在内地设有分厂或与内地厂家合作生产玩具。像生


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中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况


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中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况


1. 内地的玩具零售渠道主要有百货商场、货仓式商场、专门店、个体零售,以及新兴


2. 中国第一家在线玩具商店--佳信网玩具超市(toy.shopop.net)已在2000年10月深


3. 内地大部份玩具专业/批发市场都以销售中低价玩具为主,但部份近年亦已升格,例



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中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况

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中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况


1. 玩具根据制作材料和功能的不同,有不同的强制性国家标准,如机动玩具涉及的标准是


2. 内地对玩具还有第三方安全认证,即CCTP(ConformityCertificationofToyProducts)。该


3. 2002年内地玩具的关税是10.5%,根据中国加入WTO后的关税减让进程,玩具关税将


4. 2002年中国国家质量技术监督局组织了对童车、玩具产品的质量监督抽查,抽查的结果


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中国玩具 中国玩具市场状况



台湾区玩具工业同业公会TAIWAN TOY MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION www.toybase.com.tw









E-MAIL :info@ttia.or.th
















TEL:+61 3 9320 2600 FAX:+61 3 9320 2622



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三 : 中国状元职场状况调查

《中国状元职场状况调查》披露 1977 年到 2006 年的 中国状元职场状况调查》 30 年全国各省状元全军覆没 发布日期: 2009发布日期: 2009-5-11

刚刚看到的一个新闻: 刚刚看到的一个新闻:

其中这句话震动我心: 其中这句话震动我心:

他透露,首份《中国状元职场状况调查》 他透露,首份《中国状元

职场状况调查》无奈披 年全国各省状元全军覆没, 露 1977 年到 2006 年的 30 年全国各省状元全军覆没, 没有发现一个在从政、经商、 没有发现一个在从政、经商、做学问等方面的杰出人 才。

我不知道该怎么说了, 我不知道该怎么说了,这个跨三十年统计样本量 和时间足够了, 和时间足够了,说明了我们选择人才的尺度上面有了 很严重的偏差, 很严重的偏差,或者是中小学教育出问题或者就是我 们大学教育出现严重问题! 们大学教育出现严重问题!

一个省冠军基本上来说就是一个考试绝顶高手 一个省冠军基本上来说就是一个考试绝顶高手 了,因为每个省同一批几百万(几十万)个同年或者 因为每个省同一批几百万(几十万) 临近年份出生的孩子,经历我们严格的幼儿园-小学临近年份出生的孩子,经历我们严格的幼儿园-小学初中-高中, 层层考试选出来的都是绝对符合我们现在 初中-高中, 教育体制要求的高级精英, 教育体制要求的高级精英,完全在试卷上是个符合的 明星了! 明星了!

再经历我们当时最好的高校栽培, 再经历我们当时最好的高校栽培,这些精英完全 是我们社会需要的顶尖的高级复合型人才, 是我们社会需要的顶尖的高级复合型人才,技能上面 说在我们名牌大学进修过的高考尖子, 说在我们名牌大学进修过的高考尖子,成绩基本上也 是顶尖的好苗子, 是顶尖的好苗子,这样的人才起码账面上面是可塑性 极强,极其适应考试和学习, 极强,极其适应考试和学习,同时又是名牌大学的骄 子,在毕业后最强的好工作岗真的不掉线 在毕业后最强的好工作岗真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

位基本也是这些人的囊中物了, 位基本也是这些人的囊中物了,所以就表面看高 是这些人的囊中物了 考状元的路已经展开, 考状元的路已经展开,剩下的就是摘果子了

可是不知为什么专家有这种痛心的呼吁, 可是不知为什么专家有这种痛心的呼吁,我们真 该好好看看这份调查, 该好好看看这份调查,什么原因使得高考状元变成了 默默无闻的平常人了! ! 默默无闻的平常人了!!

高考状元某种意义上面就是我们自己标准选拔的 精英,我们社会的顶尖才子, 精英,我们社会的顶尖才子,他们的事业上的沉默是 不是因为我们过去的某些原因还是有更深层的含义, 不是因为我们过去的某些原因还是有更深层的含义, 欢迎大家讨论! 欢迎大家讨论!

就业怪现象: 人才给蠢才打工” 就业怪现象:“人才给蠢才打工”

田文江认为,人才种类多种多样, 田文江认为,人才种类多种多样,具体标准也是 多种多样的。但有个通用标准——情商与智商。 多种多样的。但有个通用标准——情商与智商。一流 ——情商与智商 人才情商高、智商高:二流人才情商高、智商不高; 人才情商高、智商高:二流人才情商高、智商不高;三 流人才情商不高、智商高;四流人才情商不高、 流人才情商不高、智商高;四流人才情商不高、智商 才情商不高 不高。田文江介绍,情商与智商培养的时效性不同: 不高。田文江介绍,情商与智商培养的时效性不同: 情商教育的时效性特别强,一般在初中以下完成; 情商教育的时效性特别强,一般在初中以下完成;而 智商培养则不同稍晚一点没有关系。他打比方说, 智商培养则不同稍晚一点没有关系。他打比方说,把 那些智商高情商差的学生比作是扁平状, 那些智商高情商差的学生比作是扁平状,而高考就是 长方形的,符合形状的扁平状学生被筛子选进了, 长方形的,符合形状的扁平状学生被筛子选进了,相 反那些情商高智商不高的圆球型人才就被淘汰了, 反那些情商高智商不高的圆球型人才就被淘汰了,但 85%到 90%老板是没上过大学的 所以才出现“ 老板是没上过大学的, 目前 85%到 90%老板是没上过大学的,所以才出现“人 才给蠢才打工”的就业怪现象,这就说明高考定位有 蠢才打工”的就业怪现象,

问题,错在这是选拔应试人才的标准。 问题,错在这是选拔应试人才的标准。田文江反对把 上名牌大学、考上状元作为子女教育的终极目标, 上名牌大学、考上状元作为子女教育的终极目标,人 生是个万米长跑,讲究终身学习, 生是个万米长跑,讲究终身学习,有些家长在应试教 个万米长跑 育下拿鞭子拼命抽着孩子用 100 米冲刺速度跑 1 万 米也真的不 米,过早把孩子潜力用尽了,后来的 9900 米也真的不 过早把孩子潜力用尽了, 掉线吗??、???????????? 掉线吗??、????????????

就跑不动了。他透露,首份《 就跑不动了。他透露,首份《中国状元职场状况 调查》 无奈披露 1977 年到 2006 年的 30 年全国各省状 调查》 元全军覆没,没有发现一个在从政、经商、 元全军覆没,没有发现一个在从政、经商、做学问等 方面的杰出人才。 方面的杰出人才。

培养人才: 培养人才:要应用反木桶理论

高考分数面前人人平等” 是真的公平吗? “ 高考分数面前人人平等” 是真的公平吗?田文 江表示,这只是表面和形式上的公平, 江表示,这只是表面和形式上的公平,而实质上并不 公平, 公平,因为这是以一种人才标准来衡量所有类型的人 才,就像歌唱方面的人才嗓子再好在高考文化考试能 就像歌唱方面的人才嗓子再好在高考文化考试能

有突破吗?只有同一种类型人才,去比“分数” 有突破吗?只有同一种类型人才,去比“分数”那才 叫真公平。田文江指出,乐感好的人,学英语轻松; 叫真公平。田文江指出,乐感好的人,学英语轻松; 有数学天赋的人很多怕英语,为什么? 有数学天赋的人很多怕英语,为什么?因为人的大脑 潜质有差异,思维方式不一样,人的天赋不同, 潜质有差异,思维方式不一样,人的天赋不同,成才 的类型就不同。 什么样的人是人才? “ 的类型就不同。 什么样的人是人才?人才的标准是什 么?90%以上的答案:科学家、大教授;北大、清华的 90%以上的答案:科学家、大教授;北大、 以上的答案 毕业生!这对吗? 田文江说, 毕业生!这对吗?”田文江说,家长和教育界在教育 实践中有严重的偏向,子女教育是在用体育上“ 实践中有严重的偏向,子女教育是在用体育上“训练 专业运动员” 的方式搞“全民健身运动” “ ——即用 训 “ 专业运动员” 的方式搞 全民健身运动” ——即用“ 即用 练科学家”的方式培养“普通劳动者” , 练科学家”的方式培养“普通劳动者” 这样实践的后 果是全体受教育者均受到 运动伤害” 田文江称, 果是全体受教育者均受到 “运动伤害” 田文江称, 。 家长要树立多元的人才观。人人都可以培养成才, 家长要树立多元的人才观。人人都可以培养成才,但 不是同一类人才; 蕃茄树上长不出苹果” “ , 不是同一类人才; 蕃茄树上长不出苹果” 每个孩子 都有自己的特长,世界是由偏才创造的, 都有自己的特长,世界是由偏才创造的,所以在人才 培养上要应用反木桶理论, 培养上要应用反木桶理论,太多家长只知道在短板上 强行钻,却不知道在长板上多下功夫, 强行钻,却不知道在长板上多下功夫,将孩子的特长 挖出、因才施教。田文江指出, 挖出、因才施教。田文江指出,少部分家长不承担责 任,把孩子教育的希望完全寄托于学校,自己当甩手 把孩子教育的希望完全寄托于学校, 掌柜,这也是误区,家庭——学校——社会三者在子 掌柜,这也是误区,家庭——学校——社会三者在子 ——学校—— 女成长的不同时间所起作用的大小是不一样的, 女成长的不同时间所起作用的大小是不一样的,一个 孩子教育“只能是零售,不能批发” ! 孩子教育“只能是零售,不能批发”

真的不掉线吗? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

SAT 数学必备词汇

1,add,plus 加 add,

subtract 减

difference 差

multiply,times 乘

product 积

divide 除

divisible 可被整除的

dividedevenly 被整除

dividend 被除数

因子, divisor 因子,除数

quotient 商

remainder 余数

factorial 阶乘

power 乘方

radicalsign,rootsign 根号

roundto 四舍五入

tothenearest 四舍五入

2.有关集合 2.有关集合

union 并集

proper subset 真子集

solution set 解集

3.?有关代数式、 3.?有关代数式、方程和不等式

algebraic term 代数项

like terms,similar terms 同类项

numerical coefficient 数字系数

literal coefficient 字母系数

inequality 不等式

triangle inequality 三角不等式

range 值域

original equation 原方程

equivalent equation 同解方程 等价方程

线性方程(e.g.5 linear equation 线性方程(e.g.5 ? x ?+6=22)

4.? 4.?有关分数和小数

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

proper fraction 真分数

improper fraction 假分数

mixed number 带分数

fraction, vulgar fraction,mon fraction 普通分数

simple fraction 简分数

plex fraction 繁分数

numerator 分子

denominator 分母

denominator(最小 最小) (least)mon denominator(最小)公分母

quarter 四分之一

decimal fraction 纯小数

infinite decimal 无穷小数

recurring decimal 循环小数

tenthsunit 十分位

5.基本数学概念 5.基本数学概念

arithmetic mean 算术平均值

weighted average 加权平均值

geometric mean 几何平均数

指数, exponent 指数,幂

乘幂的底数, base 乘幂的底数,底边

立方数, cube 立方数,立方体

square root 平方根

cube root 立方根

mon logarithm 常用对数

digit 数字

constant 常数

variable 变量

inversefunction 反函数

plementary function 余函数

一次的, linear 一次的,线性的

factorization 因式分解

绝对值,e.g.| 32| absolute value 绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32

round off 四舍五入

6.? 6.?有关数论

natural number 自然数

positive number 正数

negative number 负数

odd integer,odd number 奇数

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? ??、?????

even integer,even number 偶数

integer,whole number 整数

positive whole number 正整数

negative whole number 负整数

consecutive number 连续整数

实数, rea lnumber,rational number 实数,有理数

irrational(number)无理数 irrational(number)无理数

inverse 倒数

posite number 合数 e.g.4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15…… e.g.4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15……

e.g.2,3,5,7,11,13,15…… prime number 质数 e.g.2,3,5,7,11,13,15……

reciprocal 倒数

mon divisor 公约数

multiple 倍数

multiple(最小 最小) (least)mon multiple(最小)公倍数

(prime)factor(质 (prime)factor(质)因子

mon factor 公因子

ordinaryscale,decimalscale 十进制

nonnegative 非负的

tens 十位

units 个位

mode 众数

median 中数

mon ratio 公比

7.? 7.?数列

progression(sequence) uence)等差数列 arithmetic progression(sequence)等差数列

progression(sequence)等比数列 geometric progression(sequence)等比数列

8.? 8.?其它

approximate 近似

(anti)clockwise(逆 (anti)clockwise(逆)顺时针方向

cardinal 基数

ordinal 序数

directproportion 正比

distinct 不同的

估计, estimation 估计,近似

parentheses 括号

proportion 比例

permutation 排列

bination 组合

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table 表格

trigonometric function 三角函数

单位, unit 单位,位


1.所有的角 1.所有的角

alternate angle 内错角

corresponding angle 同位角

vertical angle 对顶角

central angle 圆心角

interior angle 内角

exterior angle 外角

supplement aryangles 补角

plement aryangle 余角

adjacent angle 邻角

acute angle 锐角

obtuse angle 钝角

right angle 直角

angle round angle 周角

straight angle 平角

included angle 夹角

2.? 2.?所有的三角形

equilateral triangle 等边三角形

scalene triangle 不等边三角形

isosceles triangle 等腰三角形

right triangle 直角三角形

oblique 斜三角形

inscribed triangle 内接三角形

3.?有关收敛的平面图形, 3.?有关收敛的平面图形,除三角形外

semicircle 半圆

concentric circles 同心圆

quadrilateral 四边形

pentagon 五边形

hexagon 六边形

heptagon 七边形

octagon 八边形

nonagon 九边形

decagon 十边形

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polygon 多边形

parallelogram 平行四边形

equilateral 等边形

plane 平面

正方形, square 正方形,平方

rectangle 长方形

regular polygon 正多边形

rhombus 菱形

trapezoid 梯形

4.? 4.?其它平面图形

arc 弧

line,straight line 直线

line line segment 线段

parallel lines 平行线

segment of a circle 弧形

5.? 5.?有关立体图形

立方体, cube 立方体,立方数

rectangular solid 长方体

regular solid/regular polyhedron 正多面体

circular cylinder 圆柱体

cone 圆锥

sphere 球体

solid 立体的

6.? 6.?有关图形上的附属物

altitude 高

depth 深度

side 边长

circumference,perimeter 周长

radian radian 弧度

surface area 表面积

volume 体积

arm 直角三角形的股

cros ssection 横截面

center of acircle 圆心

chord 弦

radius 半径

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angle bisector 角平分线

diagonal 对角线

diameter 直径

edge 棱

face of a solid 立体的面

hypotenuse 斜边

included side 夹边

leg 三角形的直角边

medianofatriangle 三角形的中线

底边, 次方, 就是底数) base 底边,底数(e.g.2 的 5 次方,2 就是底数)

opposite 直角三角形中的对边

midpoint 中点

endpoint 端点

vertex(复数形式 vertices)顶点 vertex(复数形式 vertices)顶点

tangent 切线的

transversal 截线

intercept 截距

7.? 7.?有关坐标

coordinate system 坐标系

rectangular coordinate 直角坐标系

origin 原点

abscissa 横坐标

ordinate 纵坐标

numberline 数轴

quadrant 象限

slope 斜率

plane plex plane 复平面

8.? 8.?其它

plane geometry 平面几何

trigonometry 三角学

bisect 平分

circumscribe 外切

inscribe 内切

intersect 相交

perpendicular 垂直

pythagorean theorem 勾股定理

congruent 全等的

multilateral 多边的

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1.? 1.?单位类

cent 美分

penny 一美分硬币

nickel5 美分硬币

dime 一角硬币

dozen 打(12 个)

score score 廿(20 个)

Centigrade 摄氏

Fahrenheit 华氏

quart 夸脱

加仑(1gallon=4quart) gallon 加仑(1gallon=4quart)

yard 码

meter 米

micron 微米

inch 英寸

foot 英尺

角度的度量单位, minute 分(角度的度量单位,60 分=1 度)

squaremeasure 平方单位制

cubicmeter 立方米

品脱(干量或液量的单位) pint 品脱(干量或液量的单位)

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( 免 支持” ) 胡壮麟语言学笔记无私分享 全; “支持”版:

《语言学教程》重难点学习提示 语言学教程》 第一章 语言的性质

语言的定义:语言的基本特征(任意性、二重性、多 言的定义:语言的基本特征(任意性、二重性、 产性、移位、文化传递和互换性);语言的功能( 产性、移位、文化传递和互换性);语言的功能(寒 );语言的功能 暄、指令、提供信息、询问、表达主观感情、唤起对 指令、提供信息、询问、表达主观感情、

方的感情和言语行为);语言的起源(神授说, 方的感情和言语行为);语言的起源(神授说,人造 );语言的起源 说,进化说)等。 进化说) 第二章 语言学

语言学定义;研究语言的四大原则(穷尽、一致、 语言学定义;研究语言的四大原则(穷尽、一致、简 洁、客观);语言学的基本概念(口语与书面语、共 客观);语言学的基本概念(口语与书面语、 );语言学的基本概念 时与历时、语言与言学、语言能力与言行运用、 时与历时、语言与言学、语言能力与言行运用、语言 潜势与语言行为);普通语言学的分支(语音、音位、 潜势与语言行为);普通语言学的分支(语音、音位、 );普通语言学的分支 语法、句法、语义);;语言学的应用( 语法、句法、语义);;语言学的应用(语言学与语 );;语言学的应用 言教学、语言与社会、语言与文字、语言与心理学、 言教学、语言与社会、语言与文字、语言与心理学、 人类语言学、神经语言学、数理语言学、计算语言学) 人类语言学、神经语言学、数理语言学、计算语言学) 语言学 等。 第三章 语音学

发音器官的英文名称; 发音器官的英文名称;英语辅音的发音部位和发音方 法;语音学的定义;发音语音学;听觉语音学;声学 语音学的定义;发音语音学;听觉语音学; 语音学;元音及辅音的分类;严式与宽式标音等。 语音学;元音及辅音的分类;严式与宽式标音等。 第四章 音位学

音位理论;最小对立体;自由变异;互补分布; 音位理论;最小对立体;自由变异;互补分布;语音 的相似性;区别性特征;超语段音位学;音节; 的相似性;区别性特征;超语段音位学;音节;重音 (词重音、句子重音、音高和语调)等。 词重音、句子重音、音高和语调) 第五章 词法学

词法的定义; 曲折词与派生词; 构词法 合成与派生) (合成与派生) ; 词法的定义; 曲折词与派生词; 词素的定义;词素变体;自由词素;粘着词素(词根, 词素的定义;词素变体;自由词素;粘着词素(词根,

词缀和词干) 词缀和词干)等。 第六章 词汇学

词的定义;语法词与词汇词;变词与不变词; 词的定义;语法词与词汇词;变词与不变词;封闭词 与开放词;词的辨认;习语与搭配。 与开放词;词的辨认;习语与搭配。 第七章 句法

句法的定义;句法关系;结构;成分; 句法的定义;句法关系;结构;成分;直接成分分析 法;并列结构与从属结构;句子成分;范畴(性,数, 并列结构与从属结构;句子成分;范畴( 格);一致;短语,从句,句子扩展等。 );一致;短语,从句,句子扩展等。 一致 第八章 语义学

语义的定义;语义的有关理论;意义种类(传统、 语义的定义;语义的有关理论;意义种类(传统、功 能、语用);里奇的语义分类;词汇意义关系(同义、 语用);里奇的语义分类;词汇意义关系(同义、 );里奇的语义分类 反义、下义);句子语义关系。 反义、下义);句子语义关系。 );句子语义关系 第九章 语言变化

语言的发展变化(词汇变化、语音书写文字、 语言的发展变化(词汇变化、语音书写文字、语法变 化、语义变化); 语义变化); 第十章 语言、 语言、思维与文化

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

语言与文化的定义;萨丕尔-沃夫假说; 语言与文化的定义;萨丕尔-沃夫假说;语言与思 维的关系;语言与文化的关系;中西文化的异同。 维的关系;语言与文化的关系;中西文化的异同。 第十一章 语用学 语用学的定义;语义学与语用学的区别;语境与意义; 语用学的定义;语义学与语用学的区别;语境与意义;

言语行为理论(言内行为、言外行为和言后行为); 言语行为理论(言内行为、言外行为和言后行为); 合作原则。 合作原则。

1.1. What is language? “Language is system of arbitrary vocal symbols system, used for human munication. It is a system, since linguistic elements are arranged systematically, rather than randomly. Arbitrary, in the sense that there is usually no intrinsic connection book” between a work (like “book”) and the object it refers to. This explains and is explained by the that fact that different languages have different book” livre” “books”: “book” in English, “livre” in books” check” French, in Japanese, in Chinese, “check” in Korean. It is symbolic, because words are associated with objects, actions, ideas etc. by the nothing but convention. Namely, people use the sounds or vocal forms to symbolize what they wish to refer to. It is vocal, because sound or speech

is the primary medium for all human languages, new” developed or “new”. Writing systems came much later than the spoken forms. The fact that small learn children learn and can only learn to speak (and listen) before they write (and read) also indicates that language is primarily vocal, human” rather than written. The term “human” in the definition is meant to specify that language is human specific.

1.2. What are design features of language? features” “Design features” here refer to the defining properties of human language that tell the difference between human language and any system of animal munication. They are arbitrariness, duality, productivity, displacement, cultural transmission transmission and interchangeability

1.3. What is arbitrariness? arbitrariness” By “arbitrariness”, we mean there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds (see I .1). A dog might be a pig if only the first person or

Language group of persons had used it for a pig. Language is therefore largely arbitrary. But language is soundnot absolutely seem to be some sound-meaning association, if we think of echo words, like crash” roar” “bang”, “crash”, “roar”, which are bang” motivated in a certain sense. Secondly, some word pounds (words pounded to be one word ) are not Type” entirely arbitrary either. “Type” and “write” are opaque or unmotivated words, while write” “type-writer” is less so, or more transparent type-writer” or motivated than the words that make it. So we 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? can 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

arbitrariness” say “arbitrariness” is a matter of degree.

1.4.What is duality? duality” Linguists refer “duality” (of structure) to the fact that in all languages so far investigated, one finds two levels of structure or patterning. level, At the first, higher level, language is analyzed in terms of binations of meaningful units (such as morphemes, words etc.) ; at the second, lower

level, it is seen as a sequence of segments which lack any meaning in themselves, but which bine to form units of meaning. According to Hu Zhanglin et al. (p.6) , language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is important for the workings of language. A small number of semantic units (words), and these units of meaning can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite number of sentences (note that we have dictionaries of words, but no dictionary of sentences!). Duality makes it possible for a person to talk about anything within his knowledge. No animal munication system enjoys this duality, or even approaches this honour.

1.5.What is productivity? Productivity refers to the ability to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large one’ number of sentences in one’s native language, including those that has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation.

redNo one has ever said or heard “A red-eyed elephant is dancing on the small hotel bed with gibbon” an African gibbon”, but he can say it when necessary, and he can understand it in right artistic register. Different from artistic creativity, though, productivity never goes outside the rulelanguage, thus also called “rule-bound creativity” creativity” (by N.Chomsky).

1.6.What is displacement? “Displacement”, as one of the design features Displacement” of the human language, refers to the fact that one can can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. In other words, one can refer to real and unreal things, things of the past, of the present, of the future. Language itself can be talked about too. When a man, for example, is crying to a woman, about something, it might be something that had occurred, or something that is occurring, or something that is to occur. When a dog is barking, however, you can decide it is barking for

something or at someone that exists now and there. couldn’ bowIt couldn’t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for dome bee’ lost love or a bone to be lost. The bee’s system, displacement” noheless, has a small share of “displacement”, but it is an unspeakable tiny share.

1.7.What is cultural transmission? biologically This means that language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but that the details of the linguistic system must be learned anew by each speaker. It is true that the capacity for language in human beings(N. Chomsky device” called it “language acquisition device”, or LAD) has a geic basis, but the 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

particular language a person learns to speak is a cultural one other than a geic one like the dog’ dog’s barking system. If a human being is brought up in isolation he cannot acquire language. The by Wolf Child reared by the pack of wolves turned out wolf’ tongue” to speak the wolf’s roaring “tongue” when he

was saved. He learned thereafter, with no small difficulty, the ABC of a certain human language.

1.8.What is interchangeability? can Interchangeability means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages. We can say, and on other occasions can receive and understand, for example, “Please do something to happy.” make me happy.” Though some people (including me) suggest that there is sex differentiation in the actual language use, in other words, men and women may say different things, yet in principle there is no sound, or word or sentence that a man can utter and a woman cannot, or vice versa. On the other hand, a person can be the speaker while the the other person is the listener and as the turn moves on to the listener, he can be the speaker and the turnfirst speaker is to listen. It is turn-taking that makes social munication possible and acceptable.

Some male birds, however, utter some calls which cannot?) females do not (or cannot?) , and certain kinds

of fish have similar haps mentionable. When a dog barks, all the neighbouring dogs bark. Then people around can hardly tell which dog (dogs) is speaking” (are0 “speaking” and which listening. 1.9.Why do linguists say language is human specific? specific? First of all, human language has six “design features” features” which animal munication systems do not have, at least not in the true sense of them(see .2Let’ Hocket’ I .2-8). Let’s borrow C. F. Hocket’s Chart that animals’ pares human language with some animals’ systems, Wang from Wang Gang(1998,p.8).

Secondly, linguists have done a lot trying to teach animals such as chimpanzees to speak a human language but have achieved nothing inspiring. Washoe, a female chimpanzee, was brought up like a human child by Beatnice and Alan Gardner. She Language” was taught “American sign Language”, and learned a little that made the teachers happy but did mot make the linguistics circle happy, for few believed in teaching chimpanzees.

Thirdly, a human child reared among animals cannot speak a human language, not even when he is taken back and taught to lo to so (see the Child” “Wolf Child”in I.7)

1.10.What functions does language have? Language has at least seven functions: phatic, directive, Informative, interrogative, expressive, evocative and performative. According According to Wang Gang (1988,p.11), language has three main functions: a tool of munication, a tool 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

whereby people learn about the world, and a tool by which people learn about the world, and a tool by which people create art . M .A. K.Halliday, representative of the London school, Macro-Functions” recognizes three “Macro-Functions”: interpersonal ideational, interpersonal and !.11textual(see !.11-17;see HU Zhuanglin et al.,pp10-13,pp394al.,pp10-13,pp394-396). 1. phatic function? 11What is the

function” The “phatic function” refers to language being used for setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts(rather than for exchanging exchanging information or ideas). Greetings, farewells, and ments on the weather in English and on clothing in Chinese all serve this function. you?” Much of the phatic language (e.g. “How are you?” thanks.” “Fine, thanks.”) is insincere if taken important. literally, but it is important. If you don't say don’ “Hello” to a friend you meet, or if you don’t Hello” Hi” answer his “Hi”, you ruin your friendship.


What is the directive function?

function” The “directive function” means that language may be used to get the hearer to do something. Most imperative imperative sentences perform this function, e. g., finish.” “Tell me the result when you finish.” Other syntactic structures or sentences of other sorts J.Searle’ can, according to J.Austin and J.Searle’s theory” “indrect speech act theory”(see Hu Zhuanglin et al.,pp271al.,pp271-278) at least, serve the purpose of direction too, e.g., “If I were you, I would have

ears!” blushed to the bottom of my ears!”

1.13.What is the informative function? function” Language serves an “informational function” when used to tell something, characterized by the declarative use of declarative sentences. Informative statements are often labelled as true(truth) or P.Grice’ false(falsehood). According to P.Grice’s Principle” “Cooperative Principle”(see Hu Zhuanglin et pp282al., pp282-283), one ought not to violate the Quality” “Maxim of Quality”, when he is informing at all.

1.14.What is the interrogative function? When language is used to obtain information, it function” serves an “interrogative function”. This includes all questions that expect replies, statements, imperatives etc., according to the theory” may “indirect speech act theory”, may have this function as well, e.g., “I’d like to know you better.” better.” This may bring forth a lot of personal information. Note that rhetorical questions make an exception, since they demand no answer, at

reader’s/listener’ least not the reader’s/listener’s answer.

1.15.What is the expressive function? function” The “expressive function” is the use of language to reveal something about the feelings or attitudes of the speaker. Subconscious emotional ejaculations are good examples, like heavens!” God!” “Good heavens!” “My God!” Sentences like sorry delay” “I’m sorry about the delay” can serve as good examples too, though in a subtle way. While language is used for the informative function to 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? pas 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

s judgement on the truth or falsehood of statements, language used for the expressive function evaluates, appraises or asserts the speaker’ speaker’s own attitudes.

1.16.What is the evocative function? function” The “evocative function” is the use of language to create certain feelings in the hearer. Its aim is , for example, to amuse, startle, antagonize,

soothe, worry or please. Jokes(not practical jokes, though) are supposed to amuse or entertain the listener; advertising to urge customers to purchase purchase certain modities; propaganda to influence public opinion. Obviously, the expressive and the evocative functions often go together, i.e., you may express, for example, your personal feelings about a political issue but end up by evoking the same feeling in, or That’ imposing it on, your listener. That’s also the case with the other way round.

1.17.What is the performative function? things” This means people speak to “do things” or perform actions. On certain occasions the important utterance itself as an action is more important than what words or sounds constitute the uttered sentence. When asked if a third Yangtze bridge ought to be built in Wuhan, the mayor may say “OK”, which means more than speech, and more OK” than an average social individual may do for the The judge’ construction. The judge’s imprisonment sentence,

president’ the president’s war or independence declaration, J.Austin’ etc., are performatives as well(see J.Austin’s speech Act Theory, Hu Zhuanglin, ecal.,pp271ecal.,pp271-278).

1.18.What is linguistics? “Linguistics” is the scientific study of Linguistics” language. language. It studies not just one language of any one society, but the language of all human beings. A linguist, though, does not have to know and use a large number of languages, but to investigate how each language is constructed. He is also how concerned with how a language varies from dialect to dialect, from class to class, how it changes from century to century, how children acquire their mother tongue, and perhaps how a person learns or should learn a foreign language. In general short, linguistics studies the general principles whereupon all human languages are constructed and operate as systems of munication in their societies or munities (see Hu Zhuanglin al.,pp20et al.,pp20-22)

1.19.What makes linguistics a science? Since linguistics is the scientific study of language, language, it ought to base itself upon the systematic, investigation of language data which aims at discovering the true nature of language and its underlying system. To make sense of the data, a linguist usually has conceived some structure, hypotheses about the language structure, to be checked against the observed or observable facts. In order to make his analysis scientific, 真的 不掉线吗??、???????????? 不掉线吗??、????????????

a linguist is usually guided by four principles: exhaustiveness, consistency, and objectivity. Exhaustiveness means he should gather all the materials relevant to the study and give them an adequate explanation, in spite of the plicatedness. plicatedness. He is to leave no linguistic “stone” unturned. Consistency means there stone” should be no contradiction between different parts of the total statement. Economy means a

linguist should pursue brevity in the analysis implies when it is possible. Objectivity implies that since some people may be subjective in the study, a linguist should be (or sound at least) objective, matter-ofmatter-of-face, faithful to reality, so that his work constitutes part of the linguistics research.

linguistics? 1.20.What are the major branches of linguistics? The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics (e.g.Hu Zhuanglin et al.,1988;Wang Gang,1988).But a linguist sometimes is able to deal with only one aspect of language at a time, thus the arise of various ,phonology branches : phoics ,phonology ,morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, lexicology, lexicography, etymology, etc.

1.21.What are synchronic and diachronic studies? The description of a language at some point of time (as if it stopped developing) is a synchrony study (synchrony). The description of a language

as it changes through time is a diachronic study (diachronic). An essay entitled “On the Use of THE” THE”, for example, may be synchronic, if the the author does not recall the past of THE, and it may also be diachronic if he claims to cover a large range or period of time wherein THE has undergone tremendous alteration (see Hu Zhuanglin et al.,pp25al.,pp25-27).

1.22.What is speech and what is writing? No one needs the repetition of the general principle of linguistic analysis, namely, the primacy of speech over writing. Speech is primary, because it existed long long before writing systems came into being. Geically children learn to speak before learning to write. Secondly, written forms just represent in this way or that the speech sounds : individual sounds, as in English and French as in Japanese.

In contrast to speech, spoken form of language, writing as written codes, gives language new

scope and use that speech does not have. Firstly, messages can be carried through space so that people can write to each other. Secondly, messages can be carried through time thereby, so that people of our time can be carried through time thereby, so that people of our time can read Samuel Beowulf, Samuel Johnson, and Edgar A. Poe. Thirdly, oral messages are readily subject to distortion, either intentional or unintentional (causing misunderstanding or malentendu), while written messages allow and encourage repeated linguistic unalterable reading. Most modern linguistic analysis is focused on speech, different from grammarians of the last century and theretofore. 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

1.23.What are the differences between the descriptive and the prescriptive approaches? descriptive” A linguistic study is “descriptive” if it only describes and analyses the facts of language, and “prescriptive” if it tries to lay down rules prescriptive”

correct” for “correct” language behavior. Linguistic studies before this century were largely prescriptive because many early grammars were because largely prescriptive because many early grammars high” were based on “high” (literary or religious) written records. Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive, however. It (the latter) believes that whatever occurs in natural speech (hesitation, inplete utterance, etc.) misunderstanding, etc.) should be described in the analysis, and not be marked as incorrect, abnormal, corrupt, or lousy. These, with changes in vocabulary and structures, need to be explained also.

1.24.What is the difference between langue and parole? langue” F. de Saussure refers “langue”to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a parole” speech munity and refers “parole” to the actual or actualized language, or the realization of langue. Langue is abstract, parole specific to

actually the speaking situation; langue not actually spoken by an individual, parole always a naturally occurring event; langue relatively stable and systematic, parole is a mass of confused facts, thus not suitable for systematic investigation. What a linguist ought to do, abstract according to Saussure, is to abstract langue from instances of parole, i. e. to discover the regularities governing all instances of parole and make than the subject of linguistics. The languelangue-parole distinction is of great importance, which casts great influence on later linguists.

1.25.What is the difference between petence and performance? petence” According to N. Chomsky, “petence” is the ideal user’ language user’s knowledge of the rules of his performance” language, and “performance” is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances. The enables former enables a speaker to produce and understand an indefinite number of sentences and to recognize grammatical mistakes and

speaker’ ambiguities. A speaker’s petence is stable while his performance is often influenced by speaker’ psychological and social factors. So a speaker’s performance performance does not always match or equal his supposed petence.

Chomsky believes that linguists ought to study petence, rather than performance. In other words, they should discover what an ideal speaker knows of his native language. Chomsky’ petence-performance Chomsky’s petence-performance distinction is not exactly the same as , though similar to , F. Saussure’ languede Saussure’s langue-parole distinction. Langue is a social product, and a set of conventions for a munity, while petence is deemed as a property Sussure of the mind of each individual. Sussure looks at language more from a sociological or s 真的不掉 线吗??、???????????? 线吗??、????????????

ociolinguistic point of view than N. Chomsky since the latter deals with his issues psychologically or psycholinguistically.

1.26.What is linguistic potential? What is actual linguistic linguistic behaviour? potentialThese two terms, or the potential-behavior distinction, were made by M. A. K. Halliday in the 1960s, from a functional point of view. There is a wide range of things a speaker can do in his culture, and similarly there are many things he can say, for example, to many people, on many topics. What he actually says (i.e. his “actual behavior” linguistic behavior”) on a certain occasion to a certain person is what he has chosen from many possible injustice items, each of which he could (linguistic have said (linguistic potential). 1.27.In what way do language, petence and linguistic potential agree? In what way do they differ? And their counterparts? Langue, petence and linguistic potential have some similar features, but they are innately Langue different (see 1.25). Langue is a social product, and a set of speaking conventions; petence is a speaker’ property or attribute of each ideal speaker’s

mind; linguistic potential is all the linguistic corpus or repertoire available from which the utterance speaker chooses items for the actual utterance situation. In other words, langue is invisible but reliable abstract system. petence means “knowing”, and linguistic potential a set of knowing” doing” possibilities for “doing” or “performing actions” actions”. They are similar in that they all refer underlying to the constant underlying the utterances that constitute what Saussure, Chomsky and Halliday respectively called parole, performance and actual linguistic behavior. Paole, performance and actual linguistic behavior enjoy more similarities than differences.

1.28.What is phoics? “Phoics” is the science which studies the Phoics” soundcharacteristics of human sound-making, especially those sounds used in speech, and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription (see Hu pp39Zhuanglin et al., pp39-40), speech sounds may be

studied in different ways, thus by three different branches of phoics. (1)Articulatory phoics; the branch of phoics that examines the way in which a speech sound is produced to discover which vocal organs are involved and how they process. coordinate in the process. (2)Auditory phoics, hearer’ the branch of phoic research from the hearer’s point of view, looking into the impression which a speech sound makes on the hearer as mediated by the ear , the auditory nerve and the brain. physical (3)Acoustic phoics: the study of the physical properties of speech sounds, as transmitted between mouth and ear. Most phoicians, however, are interested in articulatory phoics.

1.29.How are the vocal organs formed? The vocal organs (see Figure1, Hu Zhuanglin et organs al.,p41), or speech organs, are organs of the human body whose secondary use is in the production of speech sounds. The vocal organs can be con 真的不掉线


sidered as consisting of three parts; the airinitiator of the air-stream, the producer of voice and the resonating cavities.

1.30.What is place of articulation? It refers to the place in the mouth where, for example, the obstruction occurs, resulting in the utterance of a consonant. Whatever sound is pronounced, at least some vocal organs will get palate involved,e. g. lips, hard palate etc., so a consonant may be one of the following (1 )bilabial p,b,m]; (2) labiodental f,v]; (3) dental ,]; (4) alveolar t,d,l,n.s,z]; (5) retroflex; (6) palatopalato-alveolar ,]; (7) palatal j]; (8) velar[k,g,]; (9) uvular; (10)glottal h].

involve Some sounds involve the simultaneous use of two places of articulation. For example, the English [w]has both an approximation of the two lips and that two lips and that of the tongue and the soft

labial-velar” palate, and may be termed “labial-velar”.

articulation? 1.31.What is the manner of articulation? articulation” The “manner of articulation” literally means the way a sound is articulated. At a given place of articulation, the airstream may be obstructed in various ways, resulting in various manners of articulation, are the following : (1) plosive p,b,t,d,k,g]; p,b,t,d,k,g]; (2) nasal m,n,]; (3) trill; (4) tap or flap; (5) lateral l]; (6) fricative f,v,s,z]; (7) approximant w,j]; (8) affricate ].

1.32.How do phoicians classify vowels? Phoicians, in spite of the difficulty, group vowels, vowels in 5 types: (1) long and short vowels, e.g.,[i:,]; (4) rounded and unround vowels,e.g.[,i]; (5) pure and gliding vowels, e.g.[I,].

1.33.What is IPA? When did it e into being ? The IPA, abbreviation of “International Phoic Alphabet” Alphabet”, is a promise system making use of

sources, symbols of all sources, including diacritics indicating length, stress and intonation, indicating phoic variation. Ever since it was developed in 1888, IPA has undergone a number of revisions.

1.34.What is narrow transcription and what is broad transcription? In handbook of phoics, Henry Sweet made a narrow” broad” distinction between “narrow” and “broad” Romic” transcriptions, which he called “Narrow Romic”. The former was meant to symbolize all the possible speech sounds, including even the most minute Romic shades of pronunciation while Broad Romic or transcription was intended to indicate only those sounds capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language.

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1.35.What is phonology? What is difference between phoics and phonology?


the “Phonology” is the study of sound Phonology”

systemssystems- the invention of distinctive speech sounds that occur in a language and the patterns wherein they fall. Minimal pair, phonemes, allophones, free variation, plementary distribution, etc., are all to be investigated by phonologist. a phonologist. (2) Phoics, as discussed in I.28, is the branch

of linguistics studying the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. A phoist is mainly interested in the physical properties of the speech sounds, whereas a phonologist studies what he believes are meaningful sounds related with their semantic features, morphological features, and the way they are conceived and printed in the depth of the to mind phonological knowledge permits a speaker to produce sounds which from meaningful utterances, accent” to recognize a foreign “accent”, to make up new words, to add the appropriate phoic segments to from plurals and past tenses, to know what is and

one’ what is not a sound in one’s language.

phone? 1.36.What is a phone? What is a phoneme? What is an allophone? phone” A “phone” is a phoic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic munication are all phones. When we hear the following words pronounced pit], [tip], [spit], etc., the similar phones we have heard are [p] for different[p]’ one thing, and three different[p]’s, readily making possible the “narrow transcription or diacritics” diacritics”. Phones may and may not distinguish phoneme” meaning. A “phoneme” is a phonological unit; it is a unit that is of distinctive value. As an abstract unit, a phoneme is not any particular sound, but rather it is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phoic context. For example, the phoneme[p] is represented differently in [pit], [tip] and [spit]. phoneme The phones representing a phoneme are called its “allophones”, i. e., the different (i.e., allophones” phones) but do not make one word so phoically

different as to create a new word or a new meaning different[p]’ thereof. So the different[p]’s in the above words are the allophones of the same phoneme[p]. How How a phoneme is represented by a phone, or which allophone is to be used, is determined by the phoic context in which it occurs. But the choice of an allophone is not random. In most cases it ruleis rule-governed; these rules are to be found out phonologist. by a phonologist.

1.37.What are minimal pairs? When two different phoic forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the string , the two forms(i. e., word) are supposed to form a pair” pill” bill “minimal pair”, e.g., “pill” and “bill”, till” till” dill” “pill” and “till”, “till” and “dill”, pill” kill” “till” and “kill”, etc. All these words till” together constitute a minimal set. They are identical in form except for the initial consonants. There are many minimal pairs in know English, which makes it relatively easy to know

what are English phonemes. It is of great importance to find the minimal pairs when a phonologist is 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

dealing with the sound system of an unknown pp65language(see Hu Zhuanglin et al., pp65-66).

1.38.What is free variation? If two sounds occurring in the same environment do not contrast; namely, if the substitution of one for the other does not generate a new word form but merely a different pronunciation of the same word, the two sounds then are said to be in “free variation” variation”. The plosives, for example, may not be exploded when they occur before another plosive or a nasal (e. g., act, apt, good morning). The minute distinctions may, if necessary, be transcribed in diacritics. These unexploded and exploded plosives are in free variation. Sounds in free variation should be assigned to the same phoneme.

distribution? 1.39.What is plementary distribution? When two sounds never occur in the same environment, they are in “plementary distribution” distribution”. For example, the aspirated English plosives never occur after, and the unsaturated ones never occur initially. Sounds in assigned plementary distribution may be assigned to the same phoneme. The allophones of[l], for example, are also in plementary distribution. The clear[l] occurs only before a vowel, the voiceless equivalent of[l] occurs only after a voiceless please” consonant, such as in the words “please”, clear” “butler”, “clear”, etc., and the dark[l] butler” occurs only after a vowel or as a syllabic sound feel” after a consonant, such as in the words “feel”, middle” “help”, “middle”, etc. help”

1.40.What is the assimilation rule? What is the deletion rule? rule” (1) The “assimilation rule” assimilates one segment copying” segment to another by “copying” a feature of a

sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones more similar. This rule accounts for the raring pronunciation of the nasal[n] that occurs within a word. The rule is that within a word the nasal assumes consonant[n] assumes the same place of articulation as the following consonant. The innegative prefix “in-“ serves as a good example. It may be pronounced as [in], or [im] when occurring in different phoic contexts: e. g., indiscreteindiscrete-[ ](alveolar)


](velar) ](velar)


rule” The “deletion rule” tells us when a sound is to be deleted although is orthographically represented. While the letter “g” is mute in design” paradigm” “sign”, “design” and “paradigm”, it is sign” pronounced in their corresponding derivatives: designation” “signature”, “designation” and signature” nature “paradigmatic”. The rule then can be stated a paradigmatic” 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

s: delete a [g] when it occurs before a final nasal consonant. This accounts for some of the seeming irregularities of the English spelling ,pp22(see Dai Weidong ,pp22-23). 1.41.What is suprasegmental phonology? What are suprasegmental features? phonology” “Suprasegmental phonology” refers to the study of phonological properties of linguistic units larger than the segment called phoneme, such as syllable, word and sentence. Zhuanglin Hu Zhuanglin et al.,(p,73) includes stress, length and pitch as what they suppose to be features” “principal suprasegmental features”, calling the concurrent patterning of three Weidong(pp23“intonation”. Dai Weidong(pp23-25) lists three intonation” intonation. also, but they are stress, tone and intonation.

1.42.What is morphology? “Morphology” is the branch of grammar that Morphology” studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed. It is generally divided into two fields: inflectional morphology

morphology. and lexical/derivational morphology.

1.43.What is inflection/inflexion? “Inflection” is the manifestation of Inflection” grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect, and case, which does not items change the grammatical class of the items to which they are attached.

1.44.What is a morpheme? What is an allomorph? morpheme” The “morpheme” is the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit which cannot be divided without destroying meaning, or drastically altering the meaning, whether it boxes” is lexical or grammatical. The word “boxes”, box” for example, has two morphemes: “box” and “-es”, neither of which permits further es” don’ division or analysis if we don’t wish to sacrifice meaning. Therefore a morpheme is considered the minimal unit of meaning. Allomorphs, like allophones vs. phones, are the

alternate shapes (and thus phoic forms) of the same morphemes. Some morphemes, though, have no more than one invariable form in all contexts, dog” cat” such as “dog”, “cat”, etc. The variants of the plurality plurality “-s” make the allomorphs thereof in mapmousethe following examples: map-maps, mouse-mice, sheepsheep-sheep etc.

1.45.What is a free morpheme? What is a bound morpheme? morpheme” A “free morpheme” is a morpheme that bed” constitutes a word by itself, such as ‘bed”, morpheme” “tree” ,etc. A “bound morpheme” is one that tree” ,etc. appears with at least another morpheme, such as beds” al” national” “-s” in “beds” , “-al” in “national” and so on. All monomorphemic words are free morphemes. Those polymorphemic words are either pounds (bination of two or more free morphemes )or derivatives (word derived from free morphemes). 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

1.46.What is a root ? What is a stem? What is an affix? root” A “root” is the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without total loss of root” identity. In other words, a “root” is that part of the word left when all the affixes are removed. four“Internationalism” is a four-morpheme Internationalism” derivative which keeps its free morpheme interal” “nation” as its root when “ inter-”, “-al” nation” ism” and “-ism” are taken away.

stem” A “stem” is any morpheme or bination of morphemes to which an affix can be added. It may be the same as , and in other cases, different from, friends” a root. For example, in the word “friends” , “friend” is both the root and the stem, but in friend” friendships” friendships” the word “friendships”, “friendships” is its friend” stem, “friend” is its root. Some words (i. e., than pounds ) have more than one root ,e. g., girlfriend” “mailman” , “girlfriend” ,ect. mailman”

affix” An “affix” is the collective term for the type of formative that can be used, only when added to another morpheme(the root or stem). Affixes are limited in number in a language, and are generally classified classified into three subtypes: prefix, suffix miniunand infix, e. g. , “mini-”, “un-”, ise” tion” ect.(prefix); “-ise”, “-tion”, ect.(suffix).

1.47.What are open classes? What are closed classes? In English, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs the make up the largest part of the vocabulary. They words” are “open -class words”, since we can regularly add new lexical entries to these classes. The other syntactic categories are, for the most part, closedclosed classes, or closed-class words. The number of them is hardly alterable, if they are changeable at all.

1.48.What is lexicon? What is word? What is lexeme? What is vocabulary? Lexicon? Word? Lexeme?

Vocabulary? “Lexicon”, in its most general sense, is Lexicon” synonymous with vocabulary. In its technical analysis sense, however, lexicon deals with the analysis and creation of words, idioms and collocations. “Word” is a unit of expression which has Word” universal intuitive recognition by nativenative-speakers, whether it is expressed in spoken or written form. This definition is different perhaps a little vague as there are different criteria with regard to its identification and definition. It seems that it is hard , even word” impossible, to define “word” linguistically. Noheless it is universally agreed that the following three senses are involved in the word” definition of “word”, none of which, though, is expected to cope with all the situations: (1)a physically definable unit ,e. g.,[it iz ‘w wonder” ](phonological), “It is wonder”

(orthographic); (2) the mon factor underlying a set of forms (see what is the mon factor of checked” “checks”, “checked”, “checking ”, etc.); checks”

(3) a grammatical unit(look at (1) 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

again; every word plays a grammatical part in the sentence). According to Leonard Bloomfield, a word is a minimum free form (pare: a sentence is a maximum free form, according to Bloomfield ). There are other factors that may help us identify words: (1) stability (no great change of orthographic features); (2)relative uninterruptibility (we can hardly insert anything between two parts of a word or between the letters). To make the category clearer we can subclassify words into a types: few types: (1) variable and invariable words(e. g.,seldomg.,-mats, seldom-?); (2) grammatical and lexical words(e. g. to, in ,etc., and table, chair, ect. words” By “lexical words” we mean the words that carry a semantic content, e.g., nouns, verbs, adverbs; closedadjectives and many adverbs; (3) closed-class and openopen-class words(see I.47). In order to reduce the ambiguity of the term

lexeme” “word” ,the term “lexeme” is postulated as word” the abtract unit which refers to the smallest unit in the meaning system of a language that can be from distinguished from other smaller units. A lexeme can occur in many different forms in actual spoken write” or written texts. For example, “write” is the write” lexeme of the following words: “write”, wrote” writing” “write”, “wrote”, “writing”, and write” “written.” written.” or “Vocabulary” usually refers to all words or Vocabulary” lexical items a person has acquired about technical or/and untechnical things. So we encourage our students to enlarge their vocabulary” vocabulary. “vocabulary” is also used to mean word list or glossary.

1.49.What is collocation? “Collocation” is a term used in lexicology by Collocation” some linguists to refer to the habitual coco-occurrences of individual lexical items. For read” book” correct” example, we can “read” a “book”; “correct” book” can narrowly occur with “book” which is

read” supposed to have faults, but no one can “read” mistake” with a “mistake” because with regard to coco-occurrence these two words are not collocates.

1.50.What is syntax? “Syntax” is the study of the rules governing the Syntax” ways in which words, word groups and phrases are bined to form sentences in a language, or the interrelationships study of the interrelationships between sentential elements.

1.51.What is a sentence? sentence” L. Bloomfield defines “sentence” as an independent linguistic form not included by some grammatical marks in any other linguistic from, i. e., it is not subordinated to a larger form, linguistic form, it is a structurally independent linguistic form. It is also called a maximum free form.

1.52.What are syntactic relations? relations” “Syntactic relations” refer to the ways in

which words, word groups or phrases form sentences; hence three kinds of syntactic relations: positional relations, relations of cosubstitutability and relations of co-occurrence. “Positional rel 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

ation” order” ation”, or “word order”, refers to the sequential arrangement to words in a language. It is a manifestation of a certain aspect of what F. relations” de Saussure called “syntagmatic relations”, or of what other linguists call “horizontal relations” relations” relations” or “chain relations”. ns substitutability” Relations of substitutability” refer to classes or sets of words substitutable for each other grammatically in same sentence structures. relations” Saussure called them “associative relations”. Other people call them “paradigmatic/vertical/choice relations”. paradigmatic/vertical/choice relations” co-occurrence” By “relations of co-occurrence”, one means that words of different sets of clauses may permit or require the occurrence of a word of another set

or class to form a sentence or a particular part co-occurrence of a sentence. Thus relations of co-occurrence partly belong to syntagmatic relations and partly to paradigmatic relations.

1.53.What is IC analysis? What are immediate constituents(and ultimate constituents)? analysis” “IC analysis” is a new approach of sentence more) study that cuts a sentence into two(or more) segments. This kind of pure segmentation is simply dividing a sentence into its constituent elements without even knowing what they really are . What remain of the first cut are called constituents” “immediate constituents”, and what are left at called the final cut are called “ultimate constituents” constituents”. For example, “John left yesterday” yesterday” can be thus segmented: “John| left yesterday” | | yesterday”. We get two immediate constituents for the first cut (|), and they are yesterday” “John” and “left yesterday”. Further John” split(||) this sentence generates three constituents” John” “ultimate constituents”: “John”, “left ”

yesterday” and “yesterday”.

1.54.What are endocentric and exocentric constructons? construction” “Endocentric construction” is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i. e., a word or a group of words, which serves as a definable head” “centre” or “head”. Usually noun phrases, centre” verb phrases and adjective phrases belong to endocentric types because the constituent items are subordinate to the head. “Exocentric construction” construction”, opposite of endocentric construction, refers to a group of syntactically related words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the group as whole ;that is to say ,there is no definable centre or head inside the group. Exocentric includes construction usually includes basic sentence, prepositional phrase, predicate(verb+object) construction, and connective(be+plement) construction.

1.55.What is a subject? A predicate? An object? subject” In some language, an “subject” refers to one of such the nouns in the nominative case, such as “pater” in the following example: “pater pater” amat” filium amat” (put literally in English: the father the son loves). In English, a subject” “grammatical subject” refers to a noun which can establish correspondence with the verb and which can be checked 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

tagby a tag-question test, e.g., “He is a good isn’ he?).” cook(, isn’t he?).” predicate” A “predicate” refers to a major constituent of sentence structure in a binary analysis in which all obligatory constituents other than the together. subject are considered together. e.g., in the sentence “The monkey is jumping ”, “is jumping ” is the predicate. object” Traditionally “object” refers to the receiver or goal of an action, and it is further classified

into two kinds: direct object and indirect object. languages, In some inflecting languages, an object is marked case” by case labels: the “accusative case” for direct object, and the “dative case ” for direct case” object, and the “dative case” for indirect to word order(after the verb and preposition) and by sentence inflections(of pronouns). E .g., in the sentence me” me” “John kissed me”, “me” is the object. Modern linguists suggest that an object refers to such an item that it can bee a subject in passive transformation.

1.56.What is category? category” The term “category” in some approaches refers to classes and functions in its narrow sense, e.g., noun, verb, subject, predicate, noun phrase, verb phrase, etc. More specifically it refers to the defining properties of these general units: the categories of the noun, for example, include number, gender, case and countability ;and of the verb, for example, tense, aspect, voice, etc.

1.57.What is number? What is gender? What is case? “Number” is a grammatical category used for the Number” analysis of word classes displaying such contrasts as singular, dual, plural, etc. In English, number is mainly observed in nouns, and there are only two forms: singular and plural. Number is also reflected in the inflections of pronouns and verbs. “Gender” displays such contrasts as Gender” feminine” neuter” “masculine”, “feminine”, “neuter”, or masculine” inanimate” “animate” and “inanimate”, etc., for the animate” analysis of word classes. When word items refer realto the sex of the real-world entities, we natural gender(the opposite is grammatical gender). “Case” identifies the syntactic relationship Case” between words in a sentence. In Latin grammar, are cases are based on variations in the morphological forms of the word, and are given the accusative” nominative” terms “accusative”, “nominative”, “dative”,etc. In English, the case category is dative” realized in three ways: by following a preposition and by word order.

1.58.What is concord? What is government? “Concord ” may be defined as requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another shall be characterized by the same paradigmatically runs” marked category or categories, e.g., “man runs”, run” Government” “men run”. “Government” requires that one word of a particular class in a given syntactic class shall exhibit the form of a specific category. In English, government applies only to pronouns among the variable words ,that is , prepositions and verbs 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

govern particular forms of the paradigms of pronouns according to their syntactic relation me.” with them, e.g. , “I helped him; he helped me.”

1.59.What is a phrase? What is a clause? phrase” element A “phrase” is a single element of structure

containing more than one word, and lacking the subjectsubject-predicate structure typical of “clauses”. Traditionally, it is seen as part of clauses” a structural hierachy, falling between a clause girls” and word, e.g., “the three tallest girls” phrase). (nominal phrase). There is now a tendency to make a distinction between word groups and phrases. A group” “word group” is an extension of a word of a particular class by way of modification with its main features of the class unchanged. Thus we have group, nominal group, verbal group, adverbial group, conjunction group and preposition group. clause” A “clause” is group of words with its own subject and predicate included in a larger subjectsubject-verb construction, namely, in a sentence. Clauses can also be classified into two kinds: non onfinite and non-finite clauses, the latter referring to what are traditionally called infinitive phrase, participle phrase and sentence” gerundial phrase. (For “sentence”, see I.51.)

1.60.What is conjoining? What is embedding? What

is recursiveness? construction “Conjoining” refers to a construction where one Conjoining” coclause is co-ordinated or conjoined with another, e. g., “John bought a cat and his wife killed her.” Embedding” her.” “Embedding” refers to the process of construction where one clause is included in the sentence (or main clause) in syntactic subordination, subordination, e.g., “I saw the man who had chimpanzee.” recursiveness” killed a chimpanzee.” By “recursiveness” we mean that there is theoretically no limit to the number of the embedded clauses in a plex sentence. This is true also with nominal and adverbial clauses, e.g., “I saw the man who killed a cat who… which…that…” who…a rat which…that…”

1.61.What is hypotactic relation? What is paratactic relation? relation” “Hypotactic relation” refers to a construction where constituents are linked by means of milk.” conjunction, e.g. “He bought eggs and milk.” relation tion” “Paratactic relation” refers to constructions which are connected by juxtaposition,

punctuation or intonation, e. g., “He bought tea, milk” coffee, eggs and milk” (pay attention to the and” first three nouns connected without “and”).

1.62.What is semantics? “Semantics” refers to the study of the Semantics” munication of meaning through language. Or simply, it is the study of meaning.

1.63.What is meaning? 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

meaning” Though it is difficult to define, “meaning” has the following meaning: (1) an intrinsic connotation property; (2) the connotation of a word; (3) the words put after a dictionary entry; (4) the position an object occupies in a system; (5) what the symbol user actually refers to; (6) what the symbol user should refer to; (7) what the what symbol user believes he is referring to; (8) what the symbol interpreter refers to; (9) what the symbol interpreter believes it refers to; (10)

what the symbol interpreter believes the user to… refers to… linguists argued about “meaning of meaning” realism” meaning” fiercely in the result of “realism”, mechanism” “conceptualism/mentalism”, “mechanism”, conceptualism/mentalism” lism behaviorism” “contextualism”, “behaviorism”, contextualism” “functionalism”, etc. (see Hu Zhuanglin et al., functionalism” pp140pp140-142). Mention ought to be made of the Theory” “Semantic Triangle Theory” of Ogden & Richards. We use a word and the listener knows what it refers to because, according to the theory, they have acquired the same concept/reference of the word used and of the object/referent.

1.64.What is the difference


meaning, concept, connotation, sense, implication, denotation, notation, reference, implicature and signification? “Meaning” refers to the association of language Meaning” Concept” symbols with the real word. (2) “Concept” or “notion” is the impression of objects in notion” people’ connotation” people’s mind. (3) “connotation” is the implication” implied meaning ,similar to “implication” and

Sense” “implicature”. (4) “Sense” is the lexical implicature” position in which a word finds itself. (5) sense” “Denotation”, like “sense”, is not directly Denotation” related with objects, but makes the abstract Reference” assumption of the real world. (6) “Reference” wordis the word-object relationship. (7) “Implicature”, in its narrow sense, refers to Implicature” conversational implicature achieved by intentionally violating one of the four CP maxims I.122Signification” (see I.122-123). (8) “Signification”, in value” contrast with “value”, mean the meaning of situation may not have any municative value, like “What’s this?” What’ this?”

1.65.What is the Semantic/Semiotic Triangle? Ogden and Richards presented the classic Triangle” “Semantic Triangle” as manifested in the symbol” following diagram, in which the “symbol” or “form” refers to the linguistic elements (word, form” referent” sentence, etc.), the “referent” refers to the object in the world of experience, and reference” “thought” or “reference” refers to concept or thought”

notion. Thus, the symbol a word signifies concept” “things” by virtue of the “concept”, things” associated with the form of the word in the mind concept” of the speaker of the language. The “concept” thus considered is meaning of the word.

1.66.What is contextualism? “Contextualism” is based on the presumption Contextualism” that one can derive meaning from, or reduce it to, context” observable context: the “situational context” linguistic context” and the “linguistic context”. Every utterance spatiooccurs in a particular spatio-temporal situation, as the following factors are related to the situational context: (1) the speaker and the hearer; (2) the actions they are performing at the time; (3) various external objects 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

and events; (4) deictic features. context” The “linguistic context” is another aspect of contextualism. It considers the probability of word’ coone word’s co-occurrence or collocation with

another, which forms part of the meaning, and an factor important factor in munication.

1.67.How many kinds of meaning did linguists find and study? C.C.Fries(1952) makes a traditional distinction between lexical meaning and structural meaning. meaningful” The former is expressed by those “meaningful” nouns, parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and is given in the dictionary associated with grammar. The latter expresses the distinction between the subject and the object of a sentence, oppositions of definiteness, tense statements, the number, and the difference between statements, questions and requests. In a word, “the total linguistic meaning of any utterance consists of the lexical meaning of the separate words plus meaning…” such structural meaning…” G. Leech(1981) categorizes seven kinds of meaning, under five of which are brought under the “associative meaning” meaning” (see the following chart). Different from the traditional and the functional

approach, F.R.Palmer(1981) and J.Lyons(1977) suggest we draw a distinction between sentence meaning and utterance meaning, the former being predictable directly predictable from the grammatical and lexical features of the sentence, while the latter includes all the various types of meaning not necessarily associated thereto.

1.68.What is synonymy? “Synonymy” is used to mean sameness or close Synonymy” meaning. similarity of meaning. Dictionary makers (lexicographers) rely on the existence of synonymy for their definitions. Some semanticians maintain, however, that there are no real synonyms, because two or more words named synonyms are expected without exception to differ from one another in one of the following aspects: (1) In shades of meaning (e.g., finish, plete,

close, conclude, terminate, finalize, end, etc.); (2) (3) In stylistic meaning(see 1.67); In emotive meaning(or affective meaning,

see 1.67);


of In range of use (or collocative meaning,

see 1.67); (5) In British and American English usages

[e.g., autumn (BrE), fall (AmE)]. said,“ Simeon Potter said,“ Language is like dress. We vary our dress to suit the occasion. We do not friend’ silveranniversary appear at a friend’s silver-wedding anniversary in gardening clothes, nor do we go punting on the dinner-jacket.” river in a dinner-jacket.” This means the learning lf synonyms is important to anyone that wishes to use his language freely and well.

1.69.What is Antonymy? How many kinds of antonyms there? are there? antonymy” The term “antonymy” is used for oppositions of meaning; words that stand opposite in meaning are antonyms” called “antonyms”, or opposites, which fall in 1)真的不掉线 there categories 1)真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

goodgradable antonyms(e.g, good-bad); single-mar(2)plementary antonyms(e.g., single-mar-ried);

buy(3)relational antonyms(e.g., buy-sell).

1.70.What is hyponymy? What is a hyponym? What is superordinate? meaning “Hyponymy” involves us in the notion of meaning Hyponymy” inclusion. It is a matter of class m 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

真的不掉线吗??、 e 真的不掉线吗??、 ????????????

mbership. That is to say, when X id a kind of hyponym” Y, the lower term X is the “hyponym”, and the upper term Y is the “supero 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

rdinate” rdinate”. Two or more hyponyms sharing the same one superordinate are called flower” “co-hyponyms”. For example, “flower” is the co-hyponyms” tulip” violet” superordinate of “tulip”, “violet” and coflower” “rose”, which are the co-hyponyms of “flower”. rose”

1.71.What is polysemy? What is homonymy? phenomenon “Polysemy” refers to the semantic phenomenon Polysemy” that a word may have than one meaning. For example, “negative”, means(1)a statement saying or negative” no” meaning “no”, (2)a refusal or denial, (3)one of the following words and expressions: no, not, nothing, never, not at all, etc. ,(4) a negative photograph or film. But we can sometimes hardly tell if a form has several meanings or it is a different word taking this form; hence the difference between polysemy and homonymy.

1.72.What is entailment? “Entailment” can be illustrated by the Entailment” sentences, following two sentences, with Sentence A entailing Sentence B: A: He married a blonde heiress. B: He married a blonde. In terms of truth value, the following relationships exist between these two sentences 1) When A is true, B is necessarily true;(2) When too;(3) B is false, too;(3) when A is false, B may be true

or false ;(4) When B is true, A may be true or false. Entailment is basically a semantic relation or logical implication, but we have to assume coHe” co-reference of “He” in sentence A and sentence B, before we have A entail B.

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

翻译黄金管弦乐的说明书(连载) 翻译黄金管弦乐的说明书(连载)

作者: 作者:断剑

《 本文为本人根据在网上搜索的来的英文手册 The EWQLSO》翻译得来,为非盈利性作品, plete Guide - EWQLSO》翻译得来,为非盈利性作品, 仅供广大爱好者学习之用,请勿用于商业用途,谢谢! 仅供广大爱好者学习之用,请勿用于商业用途,谢谢!

由于本人水平有限,翻译中难免有各种错误, 由于本人水平有限,翻译中难免有各种错误,希 望高人能指正。 英文原版手册我曾经发过, 在这里 名 ( 望高人能指正。 英文原版手册我曾经发过, 字不一样内容一样) 字不一样内容一样)

.audiobar./viewthread.php?tid=215069&extra =page%3D1&page=1

多页,我只翻了一小部分, 手册有 100 多页,我只翻了一小部分,后面的部 分我会一边翻译一边发布,希望大家关注和支持。 分我会一边翻译一边发布,希望大家关注和支持。


(相关帖子很多,略过) 相关帖子很多,略过)

用 EWQLSO 制作音乐

如同真实的管弦乐队一样, 如同真实的管弦乐队一样,EWQLSO 的采样文件也 被分为四组: 被分为四组:

弦乐组(strings) 弦乐组(strings)

木管组(woodwinds) 木管组(woodwinds)

铜管组(brass) 铜管组(brass)

打击乐组(percussion) 打击乐组(percussion)

每个组内又包含有许多乐器。例如: 每个组内又包含有许多乐器。例如:弦乐组包含 了小提琴、 中提琴、 大提琴、 大提贝以及竖琴。 WQLSO E 了小提琴、 中提琴、 大提琴、 大提贝以及竖琴。 又进一步将每种乐器划分为独奏和群组两个类别。 又进一步将每种乐器划分为独奏和群组两个类别。而 且在小提琴组里,群组音色又被分为“ 小提琴” 且在小提琴组里,群组音色又被分为“18 小提琴”和

小提琴” “11 小提琴” 以表现传统乐队中第一小提琴组和第 , 二小提琴组的声音区别。因此, 二小提琴组的声音区别。因此,在 EWQLSO 中,对于乐 器的定义与我们在真实世界中的稍微有些不同, 器的定义与我们在真实世界中的稍微有些不同,解释 如下; 如下;

当我们用 EWQLSO 自带的 Kompakt 采样器载入一个 采样音色时, 你将在打开的菜单中看见几个不同的层。 采样音色时, 你将在打开的菜单中看见几个不同的层。 下图中显示的就是白金版中加载音色时显示的三个 层。

让我们先忽略中间那层最小的菜单, 让我们先忽略中间那层最小的菜单,留在以后讨 论。这层子菜单只存在于白金版中,除非你建立自己 这层子菜单只存在于白金版中, 的子菜单。 的子菜单。

中称之为乐器。在列表中, 左边的菜单在 EWQLSO 中称之为乐器。在列表中, 上方是全编制管弦乐队中常规的五个弦乐群组, 上方是全编制管弦乐队中常规的五个弦乐群组,下方 是三个独奏乐器(大提琴、竖琴和小提琴) ,以及一个 是三个独奏乐器(大提琴、竖琴和小提琴) 以及一个 , 额外的乐器: 额外的乐器:LARGE STRING SECTION 以再现一种全体

弦乐组齐奏的声音。 右边的菜单在 EWQLSO 中称之为演 弦乐组齐奏的声音。 奏法。 奏法。这是由演奏家以尽可能多的演奏方式来演奏乐 器所采集而成的采样。 器所采集而成的采样。

如何使用 EWQLSO 的乐器及演奏法

有很多种方法来制作管弦乐队中大多数乐器的声 音。演奏者不仅要选择音符的音量大小及音色硬软, 演奏者不仅要选择音符的音量大小及音色硬软, 还要注意其它一些事项: 还要注意其它一些事项:

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? ??、???????





等等。 等等。

演奏者就是使用这些演奏法来增加变化, 演奏者就是使用这些演奏法来增加变化,酝酿情 绪,塑造乐句以表达作曲家的意图。缺乏这些演奏法 塑造乐句以表达作曲家的意图。 将使声音失去生命力。 将使声音失去生命力。

EWQLSO 的主要特性之一就是为作曲家提供了各种 各样的演奏法。用好这些演奏法, 各样的演奏法。用好这些演奏法,将为你的音乐带来 生命力,能量,真情实感等许多特性。 生命力,能量,真情实感等许多特性。


的海量采样之前, 在讨论如何用好 EWQLSO 的海量采样之前, 我们首 先需要定义一些术语。 先需要定义一些术语。我们可以在 Kompakt 采样器上 加载演奏法音色和键位切换音色。 加载演奏法音色和键位切换音色。一个键位切换音色 是许多演奏法音色的集合。本手册将为弦乐 木管、 是许多演奏法音色的集合。本手册将为弦乐、木管、 铜管音色使用以下术语。 (打击乐音色的术语与其不完 铜管音色使用以下术语。 打击乐音色的术语与其不完 ( 全一致。 ) 全一致。

以下四个术语依照它们的从属关系从大到小排 列:

1.乐器:一个独奏乐器,或者一种乐器齐奏。 1.乐器:一个独奏乐器,或者一种乐器齐奏。在 乐器 中通过多种演奏法来体现。例如: EWQLSO 中通过多种演奏法来体现。例如:

把小提琴) 18 Violins (18 把小提琴)

4 Tenor and Bass Trombones (4 把高音和低 音长号) 音长号)

巴松) Bassoon (巴松)

2.演奏法文件: 2.演奏法文件:你在 Kompakt 采样器上加载的就 演奏法文件 是演奏法文件。例如: 是演奏法文件。例如:

有表现力的) 18V EXP (18 把小提琴 有表现力的)

C0-A0( 18V Keyswitch C0-A0(18 把小提琴 键位切换 C0-A0) C0-A0)

Legato( 连音的) EHN Legato(EHN 连音的)

这些文件的扩展名为“.nki” 。 这些文件的扩展名为“.nki” 在白金版中还有扩 展名为“.nkm”的文件, 展名为“.nkm”的文件,包含对应三种麦克风摆位的 三种演奏法,后面会详细讲述。 三种演奏法,后面会详细讲述。

演奏法:音符演奏时播放的文件。 演奏法:音符演奏时播放的文件。键位切换文件 包含三种或更多的演奏法。 包含三种或更多的演奏法。不包含键位切换的演奏法 每个只包含一种演奏法。 每个只包含一种演奏法。每个音符只能演奏一种演奏

法而且不能中途切换。演奏法不仅包含采样文件, 法而且不能中途切换。演奏法不仅包含采样文件,而 且包含包络信息及其它的声音调整参数。 且包含包络信息及其它的声音调整参数。

采样文件:真实录制的数据。 采样文件:真实录制的数据。一种演奏法是大量 采样的集合。演奏法范围内的每个音符演奏一个或多 采样的集合。演奏法范围内的每个音符演奏一个或多 个采样。某些采样被音符的起音触发, 个采样。某些采样被音符的起音触发,另外一些采样 被音符的止音所触发(尾音) 。当采样的音量被调制轮 被音符的止音所触发(尾音) 当采样的音量被调制轮 。 或其它参数控制时, 或其它参数控制时,一个音符可能演奏不止一个采样 文件。 文件。

你可以在 Kompakt 采样器的界面上看到此时此刻 有多少个采样被触发。图中所示, 有多少个采样被触发。图中所示,此时正有 3 个采样 被触发, 而且这个演奏法文件最多同时能触发 32 个采 被触发, 复音数) 样(32 复音数) 。


键位切换乐器:许多时候,在一个乐句中, 键位切换乐器:许多时候,在一个乐句中,一个

乐器需要演奏不同的演奏法。比如,某些真的不掉线 乐器需要演奏不同的演奏法。比如,某些真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

音符需要用连音奏法, 另一些音符需要断音奏法。 音符需要用连音奏法, 另一些音符需要断音奏法。 当然,我们可以打开一轨 轨来输入连音音符, 当然,我们可以打开一轨 midi 轨来输入连音音符,用 轨输入断音音符, 另一轨 midi 轨输入断音音符, 并为它们设置对应的演 奏法音色,但这实在太笨拙了。 奏法音色,但这实在太笨拙了。键位切换乐器则可以 使工作大大简化,尽管并非任何情况下。 使工作大大简化,尽管并非任何情况下。

让我们假设有一种键位切换乐器包含以下几种键 位:

对应连奏(legato) D0 对应连奏(legato)

对应断奏,上弓( bow) G0 对应断奏,上弓(staccato,up bow)

对应断奏,下弓( bow) G#0 对应断奏,下弓(staccato,down bow)

你可以像下图这样在钢琴卷帘窗里设置。 你可以像下图这样在钢琴卷帘窗里设置。

图中底部的短音符就是演奏法切换键。 图中底部的短音符就是演奏法切换键。它们在乐 器音域之外,所以不会产生声音。 器音域之外,所以不会产生声音。这些短音符要比它 们所控制的音符稍微早出现一些。 们所控制的音符稍微早出现一些。旋律里的第一个音 现一些 所控制, 它的演奏法是断奏, 上弓。 然后, 被下方的 G0 所控制, 它的演奏法是断奏, 上弓。 然后, 演奏之前, 在第二个音符 bB1 演奏之前, 下方提前出现的 D0 意味 后面的音符将会用连音奏法演奏。 着 D0 后面的音符将会用连音奏法演奏。 后面的几个音 符交替使用断奏,上弓和断奏,下弓来演奏。 符交替使用断奏,上弓和断奏,下弓来演奏。图下方 音需要连奏, 的第二个 D0 音意味着不但它上方的 G1 音需要连奏, 需要连奏。 同样后面一排的四个 D1 需要连奏。 一个演奏法切换键 直到另一个切换键出现之前将一直起作用,因此, 直到另一个切换键出现之前将一直起作用,因此,最 停止了连奏, 后的 G0 停止了连奏, 使得最后的旋律音 D1 和 G1 使用 断奏,上弓演奏法来演奏。 断奏,上弓演奏法来演奏。

对于演奏法切换键来说, 对于演奏法切换键来说,精确的位置和长度并不 重要,而且它们的止音信息也可以被忽略 重要,而且它们的止音信息也可以被忽略。只需确保 它出现在需要被它控制的音符之前就可以了。 它出现在需要被它控制的音符之前就可以了。如果它 前面有演奏法, 前面有演奏法,那么它必须在上一个演奏法所控制的 最后一个音符开始起音之后才能出现。举例来说, 最后一个音符开始起音之后才能出现。举例来说,上 可以向左移动, 图中最后一个切换键 G0 可以向左移动,越过橙色的

线,但是不能超过橙色的线,否则就会影响到上方的 但是不能超过橙色的线, D1。 旋律音 D1。

提示:因为演奏法切换键的止音信息是无用的, 提示:因为演奏法切换键的止音信息是无用的, 所以许多音乐人喜欢把键拉满它所控制的区域长度, 所以许多音乐人喜欢把键拉满它所控制的区域长度, 甚至许多小节。 甚至许多小节。这样在钢琴卷帘窗中就可以随时看到 切换键,而不用左右翻页去寻找了。 切换键,而不用左右翻页去寻找了。把上一张图用这 种方法来制作,就像下图一样。 种方法来制作,就像下图一样。使用哪种方法随你的 便。

演奏法切换键的设计是为了方便音乐人, 演奏法切换键的设计是为了方便音乐人,把单个 为了方便音乐人 乐器最常用的演奏法集合在一起, 但也并非没有缺点。 乐器最常用的演奏法集合在一起, 但也并非没有缺点。 太多的演奏法文件塞满了硬盘, 太多的演奏法文件塞满了硬盘,使屏幕上的菜单变得 过长。 过长。包含太多演奏法的演奏法切换键音色在加载时 将占用大量的内存。 将占用大量的内存。

尽量利用演奏法切换键, 尽量利用演奏法切换键,但有的时候你还是需要 轨上, 将一个声部拆分在两条 MIDI 轨上, 并为它们分配不同 的演奏法。 的演奏法。

调制轮 EWQLSO 使用调制轮来控制采样之间的交 叉淡化,并调整某些持续音演奏法的音头的力度。 叉淡化,并调整某些持续音演奏法的音头的力度。所 有名字中包含“Mod” 有名字中包含“Mod”或“XFade”的演奏法均有调制 XFade” 轮交叉淡化功能。通常, 轮交叉淡化功能。通常,第三个演奏法切换键可以用 调制轮控制音头力度。此外,基本上每一个键位切换 调制轮控制音头力度。此外,基本上每一个键位切换 音色都至少包含一个使用调制轮的演奏法切换键。 音色都至少包含一个使用调制轮的演奏法切换键。大 量的用户控制器信息是本软件的特性之一, 量的用户控制器信息是本软件的特性之一,广泛的使 用将为您的作品增加表现力。 用将为您的作品增加表现力。

警告: 警告:包含调制轮的演奏法需要你在工作之前触 发调制轮, 发调制轮,包含在键位切换音色的调制轮演奏法也一 样。


交叉淡化是指: 在同一个 MIDI 轨上的两个或多 交叉淡化是指: 个不同的采样, 个不同的采样,当降低其中一个采样的音量时同时提 升另一个采样的音量。 升另一个采样的音量。这样可以使两个采样在声音上 产生非常平滑的过渡。 产生非常平滑的过渡。

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

中有三种交叉淡化的方法。 在 EWQLSO 中有三种交叉淡化的方法。

1.单个音色上的动态交叉淡化(DXF) 1.单个音色上的动态交叉淡化(DXF) 单个音色上的动态交叉淡化

2.单个音色上不同演奏法之间的交叉淡化 2.单个音色上不同演奏法之间的交叉淡化

3.在 3.在 Kompakt 采样器中创建两个不同演奏法之间 的通用交叉淡化

这三种方法有很大的不同,以下分别说明: 这三种方法有很大的不同,以下分别说明:

动态交叉淡化:当在一个单一演奏法音色中, 动态交叉淡化:当在一个单一演奏法音色中,每 一个音符都含有多个不同力度的采样时, 一个音符都含有多个不同力度的采样时,此音色需要 用户调整音乐的动态以获得平滑的声音。 用户调整音乐的动态以获得平滑的声音。这样的音色 在名字中含有“DXF” “ 的缩写, 例如: 3FL Sustain DXF。 DXF。 在名字中含有 DXF” 的缩写, 例如: 在 EWQLSO 中, 我们一般使用调制轮来控制音符之间的 淡化。 调制轮信息可以很方便的输入大多数音序器中。 淡化。 调制轮信息可以很方便的输入大多数音序器中。

音轨输出的音量可以通过上下移动调制轮来控 制。在多数采样中,可以通过修改每个音符的力度值 在多数采样中, 采样中 来控制音频音量, 来控制音频音量,但 DXF 可以在音符的中间位置改变 音量,所以可以更好的表现乐句的动态。 音量,所以可以更好的表现乐句的动态。

小知识:音量控制器( 和调制轮控制器( 小知识:音量控制器(7 号)和调制轮控制器(1 是有区别的。 EWQLSO 使用调制轮控制器的原因是, 使用调制轮控制器的原因是, 号) 是有区别的。 在多数设置中,它比音量控制器要方便调节的多。 在多数设置中,它比音量控制器要方便调节的多。如 号音量控制器来控制音量, 果你想用 7 号音量控制器来控制音量,你可以在 采样器的操作界面上设置。 Kompakt 采样器的操作界面上设置。

其它标准交叉淡化: 其它标准交叉淡化:在单个演奏法音色中也有其 它类型的交叉淡化。 它类型的交叉淡化。影响音头重音的交叉淡化就是最 常用的一种。 常用的一种。在键位切换音色中常常是第三个切换键 26) 通过上推控制轮 。通过上推控制轮, (D0 或音符号 26) 通过上推控制轮,可以增强音符 。 最开始的重音。 最开始的重音。这是通过精心调节断奏采样层和持续 音采样层的比例得到的,也包括环境音采样的使用。 音采样层的比例得到的,也包括环境音采样的使用。 最终的效果是极好的, 最终的效果是极好的,仔细听听 4 小号组音色的表现 吧。

通过改变乐句中某些音符的重音, 通过改变乐句中某些音符的重音,可以得到平滑 连续的从微不可闻到震耳欲聋的效果。 连续的从微不可闻到震耳欲聋的效果。精细的可变性 可以很好的增加乐句的表现力和真实性。 可以很好的增加乐句的表现力和真实性。

交叉淡化可影响的其它细微差别包括: 交叉淡化可影响的其它细微差别包括:




定制交叉淡化: 定制交叉淡化:同样可以在任何两个演奏法之间 实现交叉淡化。 实现交叉淡化。最常见的用法是在同一个乐器的两个 相似的演奏法之间( 小提琴的“有表现力的颤 相似的演奏法之间(例如 18 小提琴的“有表现力的颤 音奏法” ) 音奏法”和“颤音连奏奏法”。有时你需要使连奏长 颤音连奏奏法”。有时你需要使连奏长 笛和连奏双簧管之间平滑过渡, 笛和连奏双簧管之间平滑过渡,使用调制轮可以使乐 句某些时候更像长笛,某些时候更像双簧管。 句某些时候更像长笛,某些时候更像双簧管。这些都 是可以实现的。 是可以实现的。

为了实现这个目的, 为了实现这个目的,你需要在 Kompakt 采样器中 通道。 加载两个音色并设置为相同的 MIDI 通道。

图中所示的 MIDI 通道设置为 3,你可以使用 1-8 中的任何一个。 中的任何一个。

下一步,选中其中一个音色, 下一步,选中其中一个音色,单击采样器界面左 下角,两个轮子上面的“ MOD” 下角,两个轮子上面的“PITCH MOD” 打开弯音轮和 ,

调制轮的设置窗口。 调制轮的设置窗口。

在窗口的中间是一个滑动条。 在窗口的中间是一个滑动条。下方是一个下拉菜 ,如 单,用来定义调制轮的功能。默认为音量(VOL) 如 用来定义调制轮的功能。默认为音量(VOL) 音量 , VOL。然后将滑块调到最左边, 果不是请手动调成 VOL。然后将滑块调到最左边,右 边的窗口显示-100%。 边的窗口显示-100%。然真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

后选择另一个乐器,将滑块调到最右边,100%。 后选择另一个乐器,将滑块调到最右边,100%。 现在,当你上推调制轮, 0%提 现在,当你上推调制轮,使第一个乐器的音量从 0%提 100%时 升到 100%时,同一个通道的另一个乐器的音量就会从 100%降到 0%。这样,在总音量保持不变的情况下, 100%降到 0%。这样,在总音量保持不变的情况下,两 个采样的比例可以逐渐的改变。 。 个采样的比例可以逐渐的改变。


一个多轨音色是多个(最多八个) 一个多轨音色是多个(最多八个)演奏法音色的 集合,可以储存在硬盘上方便以后调用。 集合,可以储存在硬盘上方便以后调用。可以把多轨 音色看做一个演奏法音色文件夹。 音色看做一个演奏法音色文件夹。下图中显示的就是 种演奏法音色的多轨音色。 一个包含 7 种演奏法音色的多轨音色。

当保存多轨音色的时候, 软件会询问你储存路径。 当保存多轨音色的时候, 软件会询问你储存路径。 如果你准备创建多个多轨音色文件, 如果你准备创建多个多轨音色文件,你可以在当前文 件夹下建立新文件夹来管理它们。 件夹下建立新文件夹来管理它们。这样当你加载多轨 音色时,子文件夹会显示在菜单列表中。 音色时,子文件夹会显示在菜单列表中。

有多种方法来组织多轨音色中的乐器。 有多种方法来组织多轨音色中的乐器。最常见的 通道( 。每 一种是为每种演奏法分配不同的 MIDI 通道(1-8) 每 。 一个通道对应音序器中的一个音轨。 一个通道对应音序器中的一个音轨。第二种方法是为 通道。 多个音色分配相同的 MIDI 通道。 这样就可以建立声音 层。例如,音序器中的一个音轨就可以演奏笛子、连 例如,音序器中的一个音轨就可以演奏笛子、 奏小提琴、拨奏小提琴三种音色。还有一种选择, 奏小提琴、拨奏小提琴三种音色。还有一种选择,在

交叉淡化的部分已经提到了, 交叉淡化的部分已经提到了,可以用调制轮来控制两 提到了 个不同的音色在同一时间进行反向的淡化。 个不同的音色在同一时间进行反向的淡化。

在银版、金版、白金版三个版本中, 在银版、金版、白金版三个版本中,只有白金版 在完全安装后有预置的多轨音色文件。 在完全安装后有预置的多轨音色文件。每一个预置多 个演奏法相同的音色, 轨音色包含 3 个演奏法相同的音色,但是录制话筒的 位置不同(参见白金版麦克风摆位章节) 例如: 。例如 位置不同(参见白金版麦克风摆位章节) 例如:多轨 。 音色“ Legato”包含以下三种低音单簧管音色: 音色“BCL Legato”包含以下三种低音单簧管音色:

C BCL Legato

F BCL Legato

S BCL Legato

个音色, 如果你想同时使用一个演奏法的全部 3 个音色, 那么使用预置音色是一个快捷的选择。 那么使用预置音色是一个快捷的选择。如果你想在大 麦克风位置,然后有选择的使用 多数时候使用 F 麦克风位置,然后有选择的使用 C 和 S,那么最好创建你自己的多轨音色。 那么最好创建你自己的多轨音色。

总而言之, 总而言之,如果你经常在不同的工程中使用相同 的演奏法组合, 那么使用多轨音色是非常快捷的方法。 的演奏法组合, 那么使用多轨音色是非常快捷的方法。 但是如果你需要为每个工程重新挑选音色的话, 但是如果你需要为每个工程重新挑选音色的话,就不 必保存多轨音色了, 你的音序器会记录你使用的音色。 必保存多轨音色了, 你的音序器会记录你使用的音色。 当然,储存多轨音色就相当于双保险,不怕一万, 当然,储存多轨音色就相当于双保险,不怕一万,就 怕万一嘛。 怕万一嘛。


当我们欣赏管弦乐队现场演出的立体声录音时, 当我们欣赏管弦乐队现场演出的立体声录音时, 我们习惯于聆听来自不同方位的各种乐器的声音。 我们习惯于聆听来自不同方位的各种乐器的声音。在 传统的交响乐布局中, 我们认为小提琴在我们的左边, 传统的交响乐布局中, 我们认为小提琴在我们的左边, 大提琴和贝司在我们的右边,笛子在中间偏左一点。 大提琴和贝司在我们的右边,笛子在中间偏左一点。 有两种原因使我们想要延续这种惯例。 有两种原因使我们想要延续这种惯例。

第一个原因, 第一个原因,我们想要让听众感觉他听到的是真 实乐队的现场录音。 实乐队的现场录音。即使每个人都知道这段音乐是用 电脑制作的,模仿传统的声音还是有好处的。 电脑制作的,模仿传统的声音还是有好处的。第二个 原因是:当两个相似的声音来自不同的位置时, 原因是:当两个相似的声音来自不同的位置时,人耳 更容易分辨出它们。 更容易分辨出它们。例如当笛子和小提琴演奏同样的 音符,甚至在同一个八度里时, 音符,甚至在同一个八度里时,把它们在音景中分配

不同的位置就能使它们很好的区别开来。 不同的位置就能使它们很好的区别开来。


与其它管弦乐采样音色的一大区别就是, EWQLSO 与其它管弦乐采样音色的一大区别就是, 乐器的声像已经被固定在立体声采样中真的不掉线 乐器的声像已经被固定在立体声采样中真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

了。例如低音提琴,右声道本来就比较大声。因 例如低音提琴,右声道本来就比较大声。 此,你可以将所有乐器的声像居中,而最终混音中每 你可以将所有乐器的声像居中, 像居中 个乐器都会在它应有的位置。当然, 个乐器都会在它应有的位置。当然,如果你想根据自 己的需要来调整声像, 己的需要来调整声像,你可以在音序器和采样器界面 中方便的调节。 中方便的调节。

值得注意的是, 值得注意的是,EWQLSO 采样的自然声像拥有一项

混响插件达不到的微妙特性: 混响插件达不到的微妙特性:所有平面的正确同时反 射。为了理解这一概念,想像一位低音提琴演奏者, 为了理解这一概念,想像一位低音提琴演奏者, 他离右侧的墙 5 米,离左侧的墙 45 米,而我们的座位 在两面墙的中间。 在两面墙的中间。右边墙的反射声到达我们的右耳需 5+25) ,左边墙的反射声到达我们的左耳 经过 30 米(5+25) 左边墙的反射声到达我们的左耳 , 45+25) 。这 需经过 70 米(45+25) 这 40 米的距离意味着反射声 。 到达我们的右耳要比左耳早大约九分之一秒, 到达我们的右耳要比左耳早大约九分之一秒,这一点 相当重要。同样,巴松、竖琴、大管, 相当重要。同样,巴松、竖琴、大管,根据它们在舞 台上的位置,都有着不同的左右延迟的特性。 台上的位置,都有着不同的左右延迟的特性。仅仅使 用一个混响是不足以表现这些真实的特性的。 用一个混响是不足以表现这些真实的特性的。

声像的左右并不是唯一分开乐器的方法, 声像的左右并不是唯一分开乐器的方法,我们还 可以使它们靠前或靠后。 可以通过以下三种方式实现: 可以使它们靠前或靠后。 可以通过以下三种方式实现:




大多数乐器从有力演奏变为轻柔演奏时, 大多数乐器从有力演奏变为轻柔演奏时,声音的 动态就在改变。 动态就在改变。即使你让其它人在你欣赏的时候调整 音量, 你依然能根据音色听出小号是在重吹还是轻吹, 音量, 你依然能根据音色听出小号是在重吹还是轻吹, 多数乐器在大力演奏时音色会变得粗犷刺耳。所以, 多数乐器在大力演奏时音色会变得粗犷刺耳。所以, 在管弦乐混音中,当小号的音色听起来是重吹, 在管弦乐混音中,当小号的音色听起来是重吹,但音 量与其它乐器相比显得比较小时, 量与其它乐器相比显得比较小时,耳朵就会认为小号 得比较小时 的位置比较远。分别独立调节音色( 的位置比较远。分别独立调节音色(通过力度参数和 交叉淡化)和音量,可以使个别乐器靠前或靠后。 交叉淡化)和音量,可以使个别乐器靠前或靠后。

英尺/ , ,耳 声音的速度约为 340 米/秒(1000 英尺/秒) 耳 朵就可以通过极短的时间差来判定距离。 朵就可以通过极短的时间差来判定距离。当两把小提 琴同时拨奏, 琴同时拨奏,其中一把离我们比另一把远 15 米(50 英尺) 英尺)时,较远的那一把的声音会晚到 0.044 秒,大 约二十九分之一秒, 约二十九分之一秒,极短的时间但是足以引起耳朵的 注意。 注意。在音序器中精确调整某一轨的延迟时间是非常 容易的, 容易的,无论是通过延迟插件还是手动调整钢琴卷帘 窗中的音符,都能实现这种效果。 窗中的音符,都能实现这种效果。

在音乐厅中,你离乐器越远, 在音乐厅中,你离乐器越远,你就越容易注意到 大厅的自然混响。 (你靠近乐器的时候依然能听到墙面 大厅的自然混响。 你靠近乐器的时候依然能听到墙面 ( 的反射声,但由于乐器声比较大,所以不容易注意到) 的反射声,但由于乐器声比较大,所以不容易注意到) 声音的临场感是另一个决定距离的因素。 声音的临场感是另一个决定距离的因素。混音中多使 用近场采样( 能使乐器声更靠近听者。 用近场采样(C)能使乐器声更靠近听者。

通过以上三种因素的结合( 通过以上三种因素的结合(金版和银版中只有前 两种因素) , 两种因素) 你可以在混音中实现十分令人信服的靠前 靠后的定位。而如果给耳朵错误的信号会使它混乱, 靠后的定位。而如果给耳朵错误的信号会使它混乱, 所以效果的好坏还是取决于你的意图。 所以效果的好坏还是取决于你的意图。

环绕声不属于本章的讨论范围。 环绕声不属于本章的讨论范围。

音量, 音量,力度和表情

种方法来调整采样乐器的音量, 至少有 3 种方法来调整采样乐器的音量,或至少 能真实乐器听起来被大声演奏, 熟练的 MIDI 制作者应 能真实乐器听起来被大声演奏, 使用全部的技巧。 用全部的技巧。

音量就是声音的响度。 音量就是声音的响度。调整音量和旋转你声卡上 的音量旋钮的效果是基本一样的。 的音量旋钮的效果是基本一样的。轻柔的笛子声可以 被大量提升,强烈的小号声也可以被调低到很小。 被大量提升,强烈的小号声也可以被调低到很小。

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

音量可以在音符的中途改变, 音量可以在音符的中途改变,听者可以在持续的 音符中感受渐强和渐弱的效果。 音符中感受渐强和渐弱的效果。甚至可以制作非自然 的效果,例如竖琴的一个单音的中途渐强。 的效果,例如竖琴的一个单音的中途渐强。

在真实的管弦乐队中, 在真实的管弦乐队中,每个乐器的音量都是独立 调整的,仅仅调整立体声的音量是不能实现的。 调整的,仅仅调整立体声的音量是不能实现的。

力度本身是用来表述键盘演奏者击键速度的术 语,控制音符演奏的强度。增加力度不仅能改变音符 控制音符演奏的强度。 的响度,也会改变音符的音色。 规定, 的响度,也会改变音符的音色。MIDI 规定,力度的范 符的音色 127,多数音序器的力度用竖线表示, 围是 0 到 127,多数音序器的力度用竖线表示,如下 图。

大多数流行的采样器都使用力度分层技术, 大多数流行的采样器都使用力度分层技术,为不

同的力度分配不同的采样。例如: 同的力度分配不同的采样。例如:为独奏小提琴的 pp, mp, 四种采样, ZhongYangC 音录制 pp,p,mp,mf 四种采样,然后为 采样, 26采样, 力度 0-25 分配 pp 采样,为力度 26-45 分配 p 采样, 依此类推。 依此类推。因为小提琴每一个动态阶段都有不同的音 色,音符的力度不仅要表达音量也要表达音色。 音符的力度不仅要表达音量也要表达音色。

力度比音量好的方面在于可以很好的表现自然的 音量动态,但它的缺点是不能在音符的中途改变。 音量动态,但它的缺点是不能在音符的中途改变。灵 活结合两种方法使用就能基本所有的动态问题。 活结合两种方法使用就能基本所有的动态问题。

概念中,力度是音符开信息的属性之一, 在 MIDI 概念中,力度是音符开信息的属性之一, 它只能在音符的起始处起作用; 它只能在音符的起始处起作用;而音量则是控制信息 ,可在任何时候起作用 (CC7) 可在任何时候起作用。如前文所述,EWQLSO CC7) 可在任何时候起作用。如前文所述, , 在动态交叉淡化(DXFs)效果中使用弯音轮(CC1) 在动态交叉淡化(DXFs)效果中使用弯音轮(CC1)来 控制音量。 控制音量。DXF 演奏法音色中各个层之间的变化不仅 体现在响度上,也体现在音色上。因此, 体现在响度上,也体现在音色上。因此,使用弯音轮 不仅仅是把音量变大, 不仅仅是把音量变大,而是得到了大音量演奏时的声 音。

表情则是另一种控制信息(CC11) 。在 表情则是另一种控制信息(CC11) 在 EWQLSO 中, 。 被用于控制动态。 CC11 被用于控制动态。 你可以在演奏中实时调整 CC11 来改变动态, 或是在音序器中画包络线。 大部分的 MIDI 来改变动态, 或是在音序器中画包络线。 键盘和控制器都有可指定的旋钮或推子来发送 键盘和控制器都有可指定的旋钮或推子来发送 CC11 信息。 推子可能在实时控制上更灵敏) (推子可能在实时控制上更灵敏 信息。 推子可能在实时控制上更灵敏)如果你的音序 ( 器支持自动化, 器支持自动化,也可以录制下旋钮或推子的动作并保 存在工程里。一般说来, 存在工程里。一般说来,手动控制比画包络线更有效 率,效果也更好。 效果也更好。

CC7(音量) EWQLSO 的选择是使用 CC11 并将 CC7(音量)用于 其他方式。例如: 其他方式。例如:你可以使用音序器的音量推子来调 整混音中每一轨的大体电平。 整混音中每一轨的大体电平。这样做对于在白金版中 使用超过一个麦克风摆位的情况非常有用。 使用超过一个麦克风摆位的情况非常有用。如果你想 来完成。 试验音色中包含多少 C,F 和 S,使用 CC7 来完成。想 要听到更爽快的长笛断音独奏吗? 要听到更爽快的长笛断音独奏吗?提升 C SFL Stac 值并降低 的 CC7 值并降低 F SFL Stac 的 CC7 值。CC11 相对比 较独立一些,也可用于调整音轨的动态来塑造乐句。 较独立一些,也可用于调整音轨的动态来塑造乐句。 即使你不使用白金版, 即使你不使用白金版,用 CC7 来调整大体音量也是有 很多好处的。 很多好处的。

尽管音量和表情控制可以分别调整, 尽管音量和表情控制可以分别调整,但音量的设

置会影响表情的效果。 置会影响表情的效果。可以认为 CC7 是任一时刻动态 的最大极限值。表情,和大多数控制器一样, 的最大极限值。表情,和大多数控制器一样,取值为 127, 的值其实就是表情的最大值,127。 0 到 127,而 CC7 的值其实就是表情的最大值,127。 下图中显示了当音量减小时, 下图中显示了当音量减小时,同样幅度的表情变化对 音量的影响也变小了。 音量的影响也变小了。

MIDI 包络和控制器

多数音序器都允许你绘制 MIDI 控制数据的 包络线。 下图中 Huang 色的曲线就是 CC11 包络线的例 包络线。 子。注意数值如何不断的变化,如同一位单簧管乐手 注意数值如何不断的变化, 调整他的呼吸来表现乐句, 调整他的呼吸来表现乐句,或是一位大提琴乐手不断 的变换弓法来加深乐句的音乐性那样。 的变换弓法来加深乐句的音乐性那样。

数据时, 当保存为 MIDI 数据时, 包络线体现为一系列 数据的集合。在音序器轨道中常以竖线的形式表现, 数据的集合。在音序器轨道中常以竖线的形式表现, 每一条线就是改变控制器数值的指令。 每一条线就是改变控制器数值的指令。

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

另一种方法,也可说是更好的方法, 另一种方法,也可说是更好的方法,就是用 控制器来发送控制信息,例如键盘等。 MIDI 控制器来发送控制信息,例如键盘等。你可以用 手或脚,同时输入音符和控制信息。 手或脚,同时输入音符和控制信息。这样你就可以同 时注意到音符、力度和表情信息了。 时注意到音符、力度和表情信息了。 情信息了

当然你也可以分成两步做,先录入音符, 当然你也可以分成两步做,先录入音符,再 随着音符的播放实时录入控制信息。 随着音符的播放实时录入控制信息。

本节提到的所有关于控制 CC11 的方法均适

等所有其他控制器。 用于 CC1 等所有其他控制器。学习像演奏家那样塑造 乐句能为你的作品带来真实自然的音乐感觉。 乐句能为你的作品带来真实自然的音乐感觉。有机的 结合力度、表情、弯音轮以及音量, 结合力度、表情、弯音轮以及音量,你能将数码采样 转变为真实,有生命的音乐。 转变为真实,有生命的音乐。


这是一个在真实的混响环境中录音的采样音 、完整 源,近场(Close) 完整(Full)和环绕(Surround) 近场(Close) 完整(Full)和环绕(Surround) 、 三种采样中都有完整的混响尾音。 三种采样中都有完整的混响尾音。目的是是您不必添 加人工混响,用效果器添加的人工混响会降低真实环 加人工混响,用效果器添加的人工混响会降低真实环 境中的采样素材的琴身和音头的真实性。 (翻译的不 境中的采样素材的琴身和音头的真实性。 翻译的不 ( 好。意思就是强烈建议您使用采样本身的混响而非用 混响插件来处理采样素材) 。 混响插件来处理采样素材) 采样素材中包括的混响尾 音需要占用很多系统资源,但这绝对是值得的。 音需要占用很多系统资源,但这绝对是值得的。但混 响尾音也不总是完美的, 响尾音也不总是完美的,因为制作这套音源时很多因 素被牵扯进来。尤其是具有表现力的、 素被牵扯进来。尤其是具有表现力的、渐强的或非循 环的采样。这套音源有一个特点,在琴键触发采样时, 环的采样。这套音源有一个特点,在琴键触发采样时, 软件会首先分析采样波形的声学特征然后再发出混响 尾音,这个过程中, 尾音,这个过程中,软件会自动调整混响尾音的动态 以使先后被触发的两个采样无缝连接, 以使先后被触发的两个采样无缝连接,这样当然使得

乐句听起来非常的自然。 乐句听起来非常的自然。

混响尾音首先被预设为一个长度, 混响尾音首先被预设为一个长度,它能使这套音 先被预设为一个长度 源在所有情况下正常使用。 源在所有情况下正常使用。当然用户也可以将混响尾 音设成一直响(没有淡出)或有一点淡出。 音设成一直响(没有淡出)或有一点淡出。在中快速 的乐曲中,稍短的混响尾音会比较合适。 的乐曲中,稍短的混响尾音会比较合适。如果你需要 比较长的, 可以用 Kompakt 中的组编辑 Group Editor) Editor) 比较长的, ( 功能。 键没有变红(关闭状态) 功能。首先确认 Edit All 键没有变红(关闭状态) 。 秒的衰减时间。 选择其中一个混响尾音组设置 2 秒的衰减时间。然后 对下一组做同样的操作。 对下一组做同样的操作。大部分音色只有 1-3 个混响 尾音组。 尾音组。一些较大的键盘切换音色和一些独奏铜管乐 有很多混响尾音组。 有很多混响尾音组。

你也可以减少混响尾音的持续时间。 你也可以减少混响尾音的持续时间。具体做 法是首先确认乐器已经载入到 里并被选中。 法是首先确认乐器已经载入到 Kompakt 里并被选中。 打开具有所有组列表的弹出菜单。 点击 Group Edit 打开具有所有组列表的弹出菜单。确 键没有变红(关闭状态) 。在右边找到叫 认 Edit All 键没有变红(关闭状态) 在右边找到叫 。 的部分。关小音量控制钮, 做 Group Amp 的部分。关小音量控制钮,当关到 0 时 就等于关掉了混响尾音。 就等于关掉了混响尾音。如果你关到 0,并将声音包 络的衰减值设到最小, 络的衰减值设到最小,混响尾音占用的电脑资源就会 很快被释放。 很快被释放。

如果你想在下次工作时继续使用这次对混响 尾音和演奏法的改变, 尾音和演奏法的改变,你可以在 Kompakt 的用户面板 里将其另存为自己的预设, 里将其另存为自己的预设,这样你就可以在任何时间 调用它们。 调用它们。 真的不掉线 吗??、????????????

Maya 菜单中英文对照

Standard 标准菜单

File 文件

New Scene 建立新场景

Open Scene 打开场景

Save Scene 存盘场景

Save Scene As 改名存盘

Import 导入

Export All 导出所有

Export Selection 导出选定物体

Create Reference 引入场景文件

Reference Editor 引入场景编辑器

Project 项目

New 建立新项目

Edit Current 编辑当前项目

Set 指定当前项目

Exit 退出

Edit 编辑

Undo Undo 取消上一次操作

Redo 恢复上一次操作

Repeat 重复最后一次操作

Keys 关键帧

Cut Keys 裁剪关键帧

Copy Keys 拷贝关键帧

Paste Keys 粘贴关键帧

Delete Keys 删除关键帧

Scale Keys 缩放关键帧

Bake Simulation 模拟复制

Delete 删除

Delete by Type 根据类型删除

History 构造历史

Channels 通道

Static Channels 静帧通道

Motion Paths 运动路径

Expressions 表达式

Constraints Constraints 约束

Rigid Bodies 刚体

Delete All by Type 根据类型删除所有

History 构造历史

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

Channels 通道

Static Channels 静帧通道

Motion Paths 运动路径

Expressions 表达式

Constraints 约束

Unused Transforms 未用变形

Joints 连接

IK Handles 逆向运动控制柄

Lattices 车削

Clusters 族

Sculpt Objects 雕刻物体

Wires 网格

Lights 灯光

Cameras 照相机

Image Planes 图像板

Shading Groups and Materials 阴影组和材质

Particles 粒子

Rigid Bodies 刚体物体

Rigid Constraints 刚体约束

Select All 选择所有

Select All by Type 根据类型选择所有

Joints 连接

IK Handles 逆向运动控制柄

Lattices 车削

Clusters 族

Sculpt Objects 雕刻物体

Wires 网格

Transforms 变形

Geometry Geometry 几何体

NURBS Geometry NURBS 几何体

Polygon Geometry 多边形几何体

Lights 灯光

Cameras 照相机

Image Planes 图像板

Particles 粒子

Rigid Bodies 刚体物体

Rigid Constraints 刚体约束

Quick Select Set 快速选择集

Layers 层

New Layers 建立新层

Rename Layer 更改层名称

Remove Current Layer 移去当前层

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

Layer Layer Editor 层编辑器

Transfer to Layer 转化为层

Select All on Layer 选择层上所有物体

Hide Layer 隐藏层

Hide All Layers 隐藏所有层

Show Layer 显示层

Show All Layers 显示所有层

Template Layer 临时层

Untemplate Layer 解除临时层

Hide Inactive Layers 隐藏非活动层

Template Inactive Layers 临时非活动层

Duplicate 复制

Group 成组

Ungroup Ungroup 解成组

Create Empty Group 建立空成组

Parent 建立父物体

Unparent 解除父物体

Modify 修改

Transformation Tools 变形工具

Move Tool 移动工具

Rotate Tool 旋转工具

Scale Tool 缩放工具

Show Manipulator Tool 显示手动工具

Default Object Manipulator 默认调节器

Proportional Modi Tool 比例修改工具

Move Limit Tool 移动限制工具

Limit Rotate Limit Tool 旋转限制工具

Scale Limit Tool 缩放限制工具

Reset Transformations 重新设置变形控制

Freeze Transformations 冻结变形控制

Enable Nodes 授权动画节点

All 所有

IK solvers 逆向运动连接器

Constraints 约束

Expressions 表达式

Particles 粒子

Rigid Bodies 刚体

Snapshots 快照

Disable Node 废弃动画节点

Make Live 激活构造物

置中枢轴点 Center Pivot 置中枢轴点

Prefix Hierarchy Names 定义前缀

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

Add Attribute 增加属性

Measure 测量

Distance Tool 距离工具

Parameter Tool 参数工具

Arc Length Tool 弧度工具

Animated Snapshot 动画快照

Animated Sweep 由动画曲线创建几何体曲面

Display 显示

Geometry 几何体

Backfaces 背面

Lattice Points 车削点

Lattice Shape 车削形

Local Rotation Axes 局部旋转轴

Rotate Pivots 旋转枢轴点

Scale Pivots 缩放枢轴点

Selection Handles 选定句柄

NURBS ponents NURBS 元素

CVs CV 曲线

Edit Points 编辑点

Hulls 可控点

Custom 定制

NURBS Smoothness NURBS 曲面光滑处理

Hull 物体外壳

Rough 边框质量

Medium 中等质量

Fine 精细质量

Custom 定制

Polygon ponents 多边形元素

Polygon Custom Polygon Display 定制多边形显示

Fast Interaction 快速交错显示

照相机/ Camera/Light Manipulator 照相机/灯光操作器

Sound 声音

Joint Size 关节尺寸

IK Handle Size IK 把手尺寸

Window 窗口

General Editors 通用编辑器

Set Editor 系统设置编辑器

Attribute Spread Sheet 属性编辑器

Tool Settings 工具设置

Filter Action Editor 滤镜动作编辑器

Control Channel Control 通道控制信息

Connection Editor 连接编辑器

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

Performance Settings 性能设置

Script Editor Script 编辑器

mand Shell 命令窗口

PlugPlug-in Manager 滤镜管理器

Rendering Editors 渲染编辑器

Rendering Flags 渲染标记

Hardware Render Buffer 硬件渲染缓冲区

Render View 渲染视图

Shading Groups Editor 阴影组编辑器

Texture View 质地视图

Shading Group Attributes 阴影组属性

Animation Editors 动画编辑器

Graph Editor 图形编辑器

Dope Sheet

Blend Shape 融合形

Device Editor 设备编辑器

Dynamic Relationships 动态关系

Attribute Editor 属性编辑器

Outliner 框架

Hypergraph 超图形

Multilister 多功能渲染控制

Expression Editor 表达式编辑器

Recent mands 当前命令

Playblast 播放预览

View Arangement 视图安排

Four 四分

3 Top Split 上三分

3 Left Split 左三分

3 Right Split 右三分

3 Bottom Split 底部三分

2 Stacked 二叠分

2 Side By Side 二平分

Single 单图

Previous Arrangement 前次安排

Next Arrangement 下次安排

Saved Layouts 保存布局

Single Perspective View 单透视图

Four View 四分图

透视/图形/ Persp/Graph/Hyper 透视/图形/超图形

透视/多功能/ Persp/Multi/Render 透视/多功能/渲染

透视/多功能/ Persp/Multi/Outliner 透视/多功能/轮廓

透视/ Persp/Multi 透视/多功能

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

透视/ Persp/Outliner 透视/轮廓

透视/ Persp/Graph 透视/图形

透视/ Persp/Set Editor 透视/组编辑器

Edit Layouts 编辑布局

Frame Selected in All Views 所有视图选定帧

Frame All in All Views 所有视图的所有帧

Minimize Application 最小化应用

Raise Application Windows 移动窗口向前

Options 可选项

General Preferences 一般设置

UI Preferences 用户界面设置

Customize UI 定制用户界面

Hotkeys 快捷键

Colors 颜色

Marking Menus 标记菜单

Shelves 书架

Panels 面板

Save Preferences 保存设置

Status Line 状态栏

Shelf 书架

Feedback Line 反馈栏

Channel Box 通道面板

Time Slider 时间滑动棒

Range Slider 范围滑动棒

mand Line 命令行

Help Line 帮助行

Show Only Viewing Panes 仅显示视图面板

Show All Panes 显示所有面板

真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

四 : 中国高考状元职业状况调查报告























































































































五 : 中小网商生存状况调查:淘宝兼职看起来很美

























  商报记者 崇晓萌 刘宇/文 焦剑/漫画

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1102138.html

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