一 : 深圳市出版首部应急避险中小学教材
近日,中国首部应急避险中小学教材在深圳面世,遇到突发事件或紧急事故的应急求生技能将更生动地走进课堂和学生家庭。昨天,记者来到该教材的诞生地——深圳市宝安中学,孩子们对“生存教育课”的喜爱程度让记者惊叹。二 : 深圳小学英语教材和香港朗文英语教材的区别
深圳依靠邻近香港,经过多年教学,比较熟悉香港的教材的基础,详细比较了香港和深圳在小学英语教材的异同处,并且比较了二者在某些方面各自的劣势和优势,对两地的小学英语教师和教材的编写者提供了宝贵的意见和建议,并且也提倡两地教育界应该互相加强了解和学习。深圳和香港作为邻居,两者在经济和贸易等各方面的联系日益俱增。文化方面的交流当然也不例外。在小学英语教育这方面,深圳更是以学习的态度去借鉴香港的经验,从深圳的小学英语教材就可以看出香港小学英语教材的影子。当然由于二者所处的环境不同,教材也有所不同。在香港,由于历史原因和他的语言环境的特殊性,英语是作为第二语言去学习的。而在深圳,改革开放步伐的加快使英语作为一种最主要的外语要求学生掌握。香港小学英语教材和深圳小学英语教材究竟有什么不同呢?我们还是以具体的例子来说明吧。在香港有80%的学校使用的是New welcome to English (后面简称朗文版)这个版本的教材,而在深圳,大部分学校用的是Primary English for China(曾经的we love English)(后面简称深圳版)这个教材。比较这两本教材,本人发现有以下异同点:
五教材设计:朗文版小学全套教材有12 册,每册分上下两册,每个年级上学期用A册,下学期用B册。并且初中教材和小学是一体的朗文教材。深圳版共12册,每学期一册。每次8—10个单元不等。到初中后学生用的更多的是新编的牛津版英语。
七教材配套材料:朗文版的有以下配套材料1学生用书2学生卡片3录音带4教师用书5课前预习6读写技能练习 7语法练习 ; 深圳版的有以下配套材料1学生用书2教师用书3学生卡片4录音带5活动手册
3它是按照语言使用场景的不同,把相同场景的内容的几个单元联系在一起,紧密相连。如4A这册中,在SCHOOL 这一活动场景中分为 1Greeting to know you 2 goodmanners 3 getting fitter三个单元来进行,因为这三个单元的内容的活动场景是相同的,都是在学校发生进行的。
5与深圳同年级的教材相比,很多知识点比深圳版的出现的早,知识点也多。如一般过去式和比较级在朗文版小学四年级上册即4A就出现了,而在深圳版直到小学五年级才有专门单元涉及过去时,并且整个小学阶段没有出现比较级这个知识点。朗文版里出现了how heavy,how far 等句型,深圳版就没有出现。
4在词汇方面有体现出明显的地域性。深圳版的教材里面涉及了很多大陆的人文地理方面的介绍,出现了象Hainan island, Tulufan, Xinjiang, GebiDeser , HuangshanThe Tempe of Heaven,XiangshanPark,Guilin等地理名词,也有直接反映深圳的 XiaomeishaBeach Fumin Street 这样的词汇。
6对外国文化的介绍的内容比重明显大。在小学高段,每册书都有专门的文化单元,既Culture club,专门介绍了英美国家的货币,居住等方面的情况。
7每单元最后出现Chant 部分。用于练习本单元出现的主要句型。
总之,朗文版能够以先进的教学理念、综合的育人目标、整体的课程设计、有效的教学方法、科学的编排体系和立体化的配套材料奉献给全国小学英语教师和学生。而深圳版则立足深圳,面向深圳孩子,体现特区特色,并且深圳南山区作为全国教改实验区,也在积极探索英语教学改革之路,在积极拓展校本教材的同时,一线教师也应该积极的为教材的改革完善提出宝贵意见。笔者建议深圳可以在部分学校推广运用朗文版这套教材,现在南山区已经行动起来了。同时在使用两种教材的时候,要学会相互借鉴相关的课题资源。比如在朗文版4B第单元是 a good friend, 而深圳版第9册 第一单元是 good friends,二者都是把单三式的正确运用为考察点,所以朗文版的可以学习用what are your friend`favouritehobbies作为拓展。深圳向来以敢为天下先的精神闻名全国,相信我们的小学英语教材也一定会在改革中适应社会的变迁,与时俱进,我们在呼唤更加适合学生的教材诞生的同时,也希望我们的教材真正的具有持久生命力。
三 : 深圳小学英语教材第一册
[00:23.51]A.Look and say. Listen
[00:30.96]Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good morning. Hello! Hi!
[00:45.01]Now say.
[00:49.66] Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good morning. Hello! Hi!
[01:20.93]B Say and act.Listen
[01:27.98] Hello! How are you ? Fine,thank you.
[01:34.54] Hi!How are you ? Fine, thank you. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
[01:50.39] Now say.
[01:53.55] Hello! How are you ? Fine,thank you.
[02:03.40] Hi!How are you ? Fine,thank you.
[02:15.86] Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
[02:35.12]C Storytime
.[02:38.96]1. Hello!How are you ? Fine,thank you.
[02:45.49]2. Here's a ballon. Thank you. Goodbye. Oh,no! Thank you.
[03:01.05]D Listen and tick
.[03:05.42]1. How are you?
[03:09.18]2. Thank you.
[03:13.54]E Listen,say and sing.
[03:18.40] Listen and say.
[03:22.16] Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
[04:22.24] Now listen and sing.
[04:26.61] Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
[05:07.07] G Sing and play.
[05:13.73]Hello,hello! Hello,my friend.Goodbye,goodbye.Goodbye,my friend
.[05:52.10] Turn around and sing the song again.
[05:56.65] Hello,hello! Hello,my friend.Goodbye,goodbye. Goodbye,my friend
UNIT 2 Making friends
[00:04.70]A Look and say. Listen
[00:11.18] Good afternoon. Good afternoon.Hello!I'm Pat. Hi!My name is Bill.
[00:26.64] Hi!I'm Dan. Hello!My name's Tim.
[00:37.80] Now say.
[00:40.86] Good afternoon. Good afternoon.Hello!I'm Pat. Hi!My name is Bill.
[01:02.41] Hi!I'm Dan. Hello!My name's Tim.
[01:19.36] Stick your picture and say your name.
[01:24.01]B Say and act.Listen
.[01:30.46] My name is Eddy.
[01:33.83] what's your name? My name's Sam.
[01:38.98] I'm Ann. What's your name? Candy
[01:44.44] Now say.
深圳小学英语教材 深圳小学英语教材第一册
[01:47.49] My name is Eddy.
[01:50.86] what's your name? My name's Sam.
[02:00.22] I'm Ann. What's your name?Candy.
[02:13.25] Ask your friend: What's your name?
[02:21.43]C Storytime.
[02:25.58]1 Hello.My name's Pat.
[02:30.62]2 What's your name?
[02:36.19]3 Hi!I'm Pat.What's your name?[
02:44.44]4 Hello.My name's Koko.Nice to meet you ,Koko
[02:55.02]D Listen say and write.
[02:59.98]Listen and say.Listen.
[03:05.76]Bb Bill Pp Pat
[03:21.93]Dd Dan Tt Tim
[03:36.58]Now say.
[03:41.34]Bb Bill Pp Pat
[04:01.11]Dd Dan Tt Tim
[04:22.97]Find and write the letters
.[04:27.02]G Listen
[04:30.89] Hello,friend. What's your name? My name's KoKo. How are you?
[04:52.65] Hello,friend. What's your name? My name's Bill. How are you?
[05:14.62] Hello,friend. What's your name?My name's Pat.How are you
UNIT 3My classroom.
[00:05.96]A Piont and say. Listen.
[00:12.33]It's a computer. It's a desk.
[00:18.68]Now say
[00:21.92] It's a computer. It's a desk.
[00:33.96]a light a fan
[00:42.40]a computer a desk
[00:54.23]a chair a book
[01:07.89]1 What's this? It's a chair.
[01:12.93]2 What's this? It's a book
.[01:18.60]Now say.
[01:21.66]What's this? It's a chair.
[01:30.80]What's this? It's a book.
[01:45.04]C Storytime.
[01:49.06]1 Hi,Tim.What's this? Hello,Koko.It's a classroom.[
01:57.73]2 What's this? It's a chair.Oh,no!
[02:07.40]3 What's this? It's a computer. Oh,no!
[02:18.34]4 What's this? Sorry,Miss Wang.
[02:23.91]E Listen,say and write.
[02:29.19] Listen and say. Listen
[02:35.04]Cc computer Gg girl
[02:48.80]Kk king Qq queen
深圳小学英语教材 深圳小学英语教材第一册
[03:03.35] Now say.
[03:06.51]Cc computer Gg girl
[03:23.26]Kk king Qq queen
[03:46.12] Find and write the leters
[03:50.16]F Look and do. What's this ? It's a book. Yes!
[04:00.93] Make a puzzle for your friend .Ask: What's this?
[04:08.01] G Listen,point and sing.
[04:13.05] What's this in my classroom? My classroom,my classroom?
[04:24.23] What's this in my classroom?It's a fan.
[04:31.49] What's this in my classroom? My classroom,my classroom?
[04:42.04]What's this in my classroom? It's desk.
UNIT 4 My School things
[00:06.53]A Point and say. Listen.
[00:12.77] It's rubber. It's a pencil.
[00:18.63] Now say[00:21.68] It's rubber. It's a pencil.
[00:33.23]a ruler a bag
00:43.39]a rubber a pen
[00:53.97]a pencil a pencil case
[01:02.22]B Say and act. Listen
[01:13.09]1 This is my bag. This is my ruler.
[01:19.28] Now say.
[01:22.44] This is my bag. This is my ruler.
[01:34.59]C Storytime
[01:38.53]1 Oh, no!My balloon! Sorry,Pat.
[01:45.90]2 Goodbye,Tim.
[01:55.80]3 What's this? It's my bag!
[02:03.85]4 Pat, this is my ballon. Sorry ,Tim.
[02:11.58]E Listen,say and colour.
[02:16.44] Listen and say. Listen
.[02:21.79]Ll leg Mm mother Nn name
[02:41.36]Now say.
[02:44.39]Ll leg Mm mother Nn name
[03:12.65]Find and colour the letters.
[03:16.49]G Listen, circle and sing
.[03:21.95] Here's a rubber. Here's a pencil and a pen.
[03:35.30] Here's a pencil case.Here's a book.Here's a bag. I like this game.
[04:10.75] UNIT 5 Revision
[04:21.49]A Look, do and say.
[04:26.55]2 Good morning !How are you ? Fine,thank you.
[04:32.30]3 I'm Bill.What's your name?My name's Jojo.
[04:38.78]4 Goodbye,Jojo. Goodbye,Bill.
[04:43.22]B Listen,circle and colour.
[04:48.18] 1 It's a desk.
深圳小学英语教材 深圳小学英语教材第一册
[04:56.36] 2 It's a ruler.
[05:10.80] 3 It's a pen.
[05:22.77] 4 My name's Pat.
[05:36.04]D Listen, read and tick.
[05:40.69]1 Hello,Tim.Here's my rubber. Hello, John.Here's my rubber.
[05:52.94]2 Oh,no!
[05:51.94]3 This is my rubber! John,it's my rubber![
06:03.28]4 Sorry,Miss Wang.
UNIT 6 Playing a game
[00:04.60]A Look and say.
[00:09.04]1 Good morning.Good morning.
[00:13.71]2 Point to the board.
[00:16.95]3 Point to the door.
[00:20.14]4 Look at the window.
[00:23.38]now say.
[00:27.22]Good morning.Good morning.Point to the board.Point to the door.
[00:45.58]Look at the window.
[00:50.63]B Say and act.
[00:55.09]1 Sit down
[00:58.15]2 Open your books.
[01:01.39]3 Close your books.
[01:04.76]4 Stand up.Sit down
[01:14.61]Open your books.Close your books.Stand up
.[01:28.48]C Storytime
01:32.55]1 Good afternoon,children.Good afternoon,Mr Zhang
[01:39.11]2 Sit down,please.Oh,no!KoKo,look at the board!
[01:52.17]3 Stand up,Tim.Point to the door.
[01:57.32]4 No,Tim.Point to the door.This is a door.
[02:06.69]E Listen,say and write
[02:11.84]Listen and say.Listen
[02:17.80]Ff fan Vv video Ww window
[02:36.97]now say
[02:40.84]Ff fan Vv video Ww window
[03:05.50]Find and write the letters.
[03:09.57]F Look and do.
[03:14.01]1 Please look at the window.
[03:17.96]2 Good.
[03:20.59]3 Point to the board.
[03:23.83]4 Sorry,Pat.You're out Sit down.
[03:29.01]Now play the game
[03:32.66]Open your book.Look at the board.Stand up.
[03:40.81]Sit down.Point to the light.Close your book.
[03:48.78]G Listen,number and sing.
深圳小学英语教材 深圳小学英语教材第一册
[03:54.03]one Stand up.Sit down Good morning.Come and sing.my friend .[04:12.32]two point. point.Good morning.Come and sing,my friend.
[04:30.29]three Look at.Look at.Good morning. Come on sing my friend.
[04:54.24] Now do and sing.
[04:58.40] one Stand up.Sit down .Good morning. Come and sing. my friend.
[05:16.66]two point. point.Good morning. Come and sing,my friend.
[05:34.94]Three Look at. Look at. Good morning. Come and sing,my friend
UNIT 7 My body
[00:04.60]A Look and say.
[00:09.27] Listen
[00:12.43]1 Close your eyes,Koko.Open your mouth.
[00:18.99]2 Look at your finger.
[00:22.23]now say
[00:26.07]Close your eyes,Koko open your mouth.Look at your finger.
[00:40.83]ears .a nose .a mouth.eyes.
[00:58.20]B Say and act. Listen
[01:04.86]1 Draw one nose. Draw one mouth. Draw two eyes. Draw two ears.
[01:16.93]now say
[01:20.69]Draw one nose. Draw one mouth. Draw two eyes. Draw two ears.
[01:40.05]Count and say.
[01:43.60]one ,two, three, four,five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
[02:21.14]C Storytime
[02:25.27]1 Hello,Koko.Hi,Pat.This is Mimi. Hi,Mimi.
[02:32.14]2 Six eyes. Six eyes,Koko?
[02:37.60]3 One ear. One ear,Koko?
[02:42.64]4 Yes,Pat.Look at Mimi
[02:46.61] Hi,Pat.Look at me.
[02:51.76] Six eyes,one ear,one mouth and three noses!
[02:58.83]E Listen,say and write
[03:03.59]Listen and say.
[03:09.34]Ss sit Zz zip Xx six
03:27.49]Now say
[03:31.25]Ss sit Zz zip Xx six
[03:54.21]G Listen,do and chant. Listen and do.
[04:06.49]One little,two little,Three little fingers
.[04:12.06]Four little,five little Six little fingers
.[04:17.41]Seven little,eight little,Nine little fingers.
[04:22.69]Ten little fingers,Clap,Clap,Clap
[04:28.33]Now do and chant
.[04:34.08]One little,two little,Three little fingers.
[04:39.64]Four little,five little, Six little fingers.
[04:45.00]Seven little,eight little,Nine little.fingers.
[04:50.25]Ten little fingers,Clap,Clap,Cla
深圳小学英语教材 深圳小学英语教材第一册
Unit 9 Colours
[00:04.10]A Point and say.Listen
[00:10.58]This is red.This is brown.
[00:15.83]Now say
[00:19.46]This is red.This is brown.
[00:28.60]brown red
[00:36.86]orange yellow
[00:45.30]green blue
[00:53.55]B Say and act.Listen
[00:59.92]1 This is a computer. It's blue.
[01:06.17]2 This is a apple. It's brown
.[01:13.43] Now say
[01:16.80] This is a computer.It's blue.This is a apple.It's brown.
[01:30.15]C Storytime
[01:34.41]1 Look at me,KoKO.Very good, Tim.
[01:41.17]2 What's this ,Tim.It's an apple, KoKO.It's red.
[01:48.15]3 What's this ,Tim?It's an apple, too. It's green .[01:55.67]4 What's this? It's green, too. Oh,no!Ow!
[02:06.54]E Listen, say and write.
[02:11.71] Listen and say. Listen
[02:17.17]Aa apple Ee egg
[02:27.44]Ii in Oo orange Uu up
[02:44.39]NOw say
[02:47.94]Aa apple Ee egg
[03:01.71]Ii in Oo orange UU up
[03:22.66]Find and write the letters
[03:26.71]G Listen,clour, do and chant.
[03:33.19] Listen and colour
[03:36.56] One, two,Red and blue.
[03:42.48] King and queen, Yellow and green
.[03:48.13] Up and down,Orange and brown .
[03:54.58]NOw do and chant.
[03:58.71] One, two, Red and blue.
[04:04.58] King and queen,Yellow and green.
[04:10.36] Up and down,Orange and brown.
[04:16.89]Unit 10 Revision
[04:27.73]B LIsten and read.
[04:32.38]1 Stand up.Oh, no![
04:36.85]2 Look at the window.
[04:40.19]3 Two, please.Sit down.Thank you
![04:46.35]4 Look at your nose. Oh,no!
[04:55.50]C Play the game. Match the colour.Tell your friends.
[05:04.33]1 It's a banana.It's yellow.
深圳小学英语教材 深圳小学英语教材第一册
[05:09.08]2 It's blue .Oh,no!
[05:13.76]3 It's a book.It's blue.
[05:18.62]4 It's blue.Yes!
[05:23.06]D Listen, write,do and chant.
[05:29.82] Listen and write
[05:33.30] One,two ,Sit down! Three, four,Stand up!
[05:43.75]Five, six,Look down.Seven, eight,Look up. Nine,ten.Start again.
[05:54.72] Now do and chant.
[05:58.97] One, two,Sit down!Three,four,Stand up!
[06:09.42] Five, six,Look down. Seven, eight,Look up.Nine,ten,Start again
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