

发布时间:2017-09-07 所属栏目:商务英语写作

一 : 高级商务英语写作范文

Dear Chen,

I was very pleased to receive your letter. As requested, I enclose some advice about visiting Milan.

There are lots of good hotels near the Fiera and I recommend the Hotel Wagner; it is about a ten-minute walk from the trade fair and also has the metro and train connections. The public transport system here is quite reliable and I do not think you need to hire a car; the traffic in Milan can be a bit chaotic.

Finding somewhere to eat in the evening should be easy. There are plenty of restaurants and pizzerias near the hotel. My favourite is Nove Cento, which serves excellent seafood pasta.

It is difficult to know what to recommend for sightseeing as the city has so much to offer. If you are interested in art, then the world famous ‘Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci is a short train ride from the hotel or you could visit the Brera art gallery. There is also the Duomo, Milan's huge gothic cathedral. If you are interested in football, there should be midweek match featuring either AC or Inter Milan. Alternatively, you could visit the fashion area around via Montenapoleone.

Thank you for inviting me for a meal one evening during you stay. I would be very happy to accept.

I look forward to hearing from you nearer the time. We can then make the arrangements for where and when we are going to meet.

Best regards



二 : 《商务英语书信写作》02

第八 包装、装运和交货?


Dear Ms.Smith:?

Thank you foryour order of 25 authentic Cherokee headdresses on August 11,2006.We will besending those immediately.?

Because ofthe fragile nature of our headdresses,we hand deliver to our customers withinOklahoma.Our delivery day for Tulsa is Friday,which means that your headdresseswill arrive this coming Friday,August 17.If this is unsatisfactory,please callus so that we can arrange an alternative delivery date.?

Thank you foryour business.I’m sure you will be most pleased with our headdresses,and welook forward to working with you in the future.?


Sincerely Yours,


Tamara White


Dear Sirs,?

We thank youfor your Quotation No.153 on Round Steel Bars.?

We regret toinform you that among the eight lots of Round Steel Bars that arrived here per M/V“Jing Hua”on June7,2006 were six bundles of different grades,which were in scattered and mixedcondition because their packing was not sufficiently strong and their ironhoops were broken in transit.Since it was very difficult to assortthem,inconvenience and losses that occurred.Although we had in time notifiedyou of such unfortunate things that occurred before,the present case has showedthat our comments were ignored,for no improvement in packing has been made.?

Therefore,wemust have your promise to take effective measures to improve your packingbefore we could book this new order with you.?

We await yourearly reply.?


Yours faithfully,?



Dear Sirs,?

Your fax ofJuly 6 has just come to hand.?

We regret ourinability to agree to your proposal to pack the goods in cartons,becausetransshipment has to be made at Hamburg for the goods to be shipped to ourport.?

We mustinsist on the packing as specified in our enquiry:The goods should be packed instrong and damp-proof wooden cases,capable of withstanding rough handlingduring ocean transportation.Please note that in the event of order,should therebe any damage and/or loss to the goods due to improper packing,we shall have toapproach you for indemnification.?

Please fax usyour comments as soon as possible.?


Yours Sincerely,




We confirmour fax just dispatched informing you that your order No.20 of March 1 for 300Cassette Tape Recorders RS-5 has been shipped today from Keelung by the m/s TheInternational,which is due to arrive at your port about May 15.?

Enclosed arecopies of Invoice No.105 in duplicate,copies of Bill of Lading No.25 andInsurance Policy No.TS-1576 as well as Packing List and Certificate and List ofMeasurement and/or Weight.?

We have drawna draft at sight for the invoice amount under The Bank of San Francisco Letterof Credit No.1234 through The Taiwan Bank,Taipei to whom all documents havebeen handed.?

We hope thegoods will reach you safely and we look forward to your further orders.?


Yours very truly,?




We confirmhaving accepted your E-mail counter offer for 100 units of Video CassetteRecorder XYZ at US$2 500 per unit CIF New York for September shipment as perour Telex reading as follows:RYT FIFTEENTH BOOKED SHIPMENT SEPTEMBER WRITING.?

We areenclosing our Sales Note No.10 to confirm this contract.We would appreciate itif you would immediately arrange with your bankers to open an irrevocable L/Cin our favor to ensure September shipment as agreed upon.?

We thank youvery much for this order and assure you of our best attention to itsexecution.?


Yours truly,?




Dear Sir:?

We arepleased to inform you that all the goods you ordered in your letter of the 6thJune have now been shipped yesterday and is due to arrive at New York on the12th September.The Bill of Lading,invoice and other shipping documents areenclosed herewith.? We look forward toyour reply informing us that the goods have arrived safely and in good order.?


Yours faithfully, Encl.



Dear Mr.Frank,?

Our newshipment from England has been unloaded,delivered,dusted,and is now ready foryour review.?

We welcomeyou to come if you like and join us in a cup of espresso.We know you won’t besorry!?

See yousoon.?





Dear Sirs,?

We inform youthat we have today sent the goods to the American wharf ?addressed? to you forshipment:?

50 CasesCanned Crab-Meat,?

70 CasesCanned Sardine in Oil,?

90 CasesCanned Pineapples,?

90 CasesCanned Salmon,?

To beforwarded as per specifications enclosed,to Messrs.J.P.Evans &Co.,?Liverpool.Value for Insurance is $800.Your kind attentionfor same will oblige.?


Your very truly,





Dear Sirs,?

Packing in strongwooden cases is essential.?

Cases must bebattened,nailed and secured with metal straps all over.?

Overallmeasurements of each case must not exceed 4′(H)×2′(W)×2′(D).?




Dear Sirs,?

We requirethese articles to be wrapped up in corrugated paper and packed in wooden caseswith excelsior.?

Please limitthe weight of any one of the wooden cases to 50kg and metal strap all cases instacks of three and mark all the cases with an A in the square.?





Dear Sirs,?

Crates mustnot exceed an overall length of 10 meters.?

All cratesare to be marked as usual,but please number them consecutively from No.1 toNo.5.?

All marksother than our own and the name of the country of origin are to be removed fromthe crates before shipment.?





Dear Sirs,?

Please packthis machine in a strong wooden case and wrap and pad generously all polishedparts of the machine to avoid scratches and knocks against the container.

Also pleaseput the machine in a case of about 10 cubic meters covered with waterproofcloth and strapped vertically and horizontally with metal bands and cut ventholes in the case to minimize condensation.?





Dear Sirs:?

Please payyour best care to pack the goods so as to withstand the hazards of oceantransportation and water-proof it against the tropical climate.?

Also pleasestencil our shipping marks five inches high and give gross and net weight,portof destination,country of origin and a B in the rectangle as the main mark ofeach case.?





Dear Sirs:?

Taking intoaccount the specialty of this article,we request you to pack this cargo withyour best care.?

Please notethat each cargo is requested to be wrapped up in oil-paper and packed in azinc-lined case.?

All cargoesare required to be marked and numbered on the outside.?

Pleaseminimize the packing expenses as we expect it to be heavy.?





Dear Sirs:?

According toyour packing instructions,we have arranged to pack your ?ordered? goods in fivecases.?

We havepacked the goods according to your usual requirements and have dispatched themfrom our Taibei factory by air freight.?

They are tobe repacked at Bangkok,as we have been informed,and the charges for special packingare excluded from our price.?

Thereforeplease rest assured on the packing.?





Dear Sirs:?

We havereceived information that your ordered goods were damaged duringtransportation.?

Oninvestigation,we have foundthat the goods were in perfect condition when leaving our shipping department.?

You willreadily see it from the copy of our clean receipt enclosed.?

Therefore weask you to cover the loss against insurance.?





Dear Sirs,?

We are pleasedto inform you that your order has been packed as requested and shipped per M/SWilson leaving here August 10.?

We hope thatthe goods will reach you in perfect condition and give you full satisfaction.?





Dear Sirs:?

In order tocover shipment,we have drawn a draft at sight under your L/C,and havenegotiated the shipping documents through the Bank of China.?

We ask you tohonor it on presentation.?





Dear Sirs:?

Thecommercial invoice,packing list,and insurance policy,together with clean onboard ocean B/L,have been sent through the Bank of China,with our sight draftunder your irrevocable L/C.?

Please adviseus of the safe arrival of the goods.?





Dear Sirs:?

Concerningour order No.351 for 5 000 sets of color TV,you have so far shipped only 3 000units against the shipment during August.?

When weplaced the order,we gave our customers a definite assurance that we couldsupply the goods by the end of October.?

Therefore werequest your urgent shipment.?





Dear Sirs:?

OurGovernment has recently put an embargo on the export of various medicines toyour country and we have to obtain a special licence to execute your order.??

We think thedelay will not be more than three weeks,and we shall give your order specialpriority immediately on receiving permission to make shipment.?





Dear Sirs:?

Owing to theincrease of consignments arriving at Dalian port,discharge of the cargoes seemsto be much delayed,and we must ask you to change the port of destination.?Weshould like you to send the goods to Yantai port and there should be noalteration in shipping date.?

To cover therisk of the increased distance we request you pay special attention topacking.?





Dear Sirs:?

In ourprevious letter we could not guarantee the delivery within six months.? We are glad to inform you that we haveimproved our production facilities and are now in a position to offer shipmentwithin three months after receiving an order.?





Dear Sirs,?

We encloseherewith the figures of sales in your product during the past six months,fromwhich you will see that our sales of the special line are quite disappointing.?Becausethe end-users here are in urgent need of the good,we requested your promptshipment of them,which you accepted.However,five weeks went by before the goodsarrived instead of three weeks,and we lost a wonderful opportunity of sales.?

On enquiry wefound that the goods were not shipped until four weeks after the date ofdispatch.We have been put to considerable inconvenience through long delay andhave to ask you to make us allowance corresponding to our loss.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sirs,?

We havereceived your letter complaining our delay of shipment,and we are very sorrythat we have not been able to deliver your order on time.The delay was causedby the belated arrival of some of the raw materials.?

It is onaccount of the reasons entirely beyond our control.We are glad,however,thatyour order will be ready for shipment next week,and we hope that they willarrive in time for the season.Please accept our apologies to you for the delayand the inconvenience it has caused you.?


Yours faithfully,



June 8,2006?

Received fromMr.Green the following things:?


One computer?





Dear Sirs:?

As payment ofyour invoice No.150,we enclose our bank cheque for 8 500 yuan.?

We add thatwe are pleased with the way you executed our order.?

The goodsarrived exactly on time by a United Airlines plane.?







The Chang HeShipping Co.,Ltd.?

24 ChangjiangRd.Shanghai?

Dear Sirs,?

Please grantus Shipping Order for the undermentioned goods for the M/S“Yuan Cheng”whichwill set sail on the 19th August,2006 from Shanghai to Wellington.?


Marks & Nos.


Weight &?Measurement





Wooden cases

40 kgs.

120 cft.

Newman MP4

600 sets

Model BX?256

Yours faithfully,

Product Wholesale Corporation?





To theCommanding Officer,the Chang He shipping Co.,Ltd.?


LoadingPort:Shanghai Destination:Wellington With transhipment at…?

From ProductWholesale Corporation?

Pleasereceive on board the undermentioned goods in apparent good order andcondition,and grant accompanying Receipt:?

(ParticularsFurnished by Shipper of Goods)?

Marks & Nos.



Weight and?Measurement




Made in China


Wooden cased

?Newman MP4

?600 sets

40 kgs.

120 cft.

































Shippers are requested to note particularly the terms and conditions of this Bill of Lading with reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods.?

Terms and Conditions as per back hereof.


Place and Date of Issue

For and on Behalf of



Dear Sirs,?

Referring toour previous letters and e-mails,we wish to call your attention to the factthat up to the present moment,no news has come from you about the shipment under thecaptioned contract.?

As you havebeen informed in one of our previous letters,the customers are in urgent needof the goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of timelydelivery.?

Under thecircumstances,it is obviously impossible for us to again extend our L/CNo.3059,which expires on August 21st,and we are obliged to remind you of thismatter once again.?

As yourprompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned,we hopeyou will let us have your shipping advice by telephone without fail.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Peter,?

We havereceived your e-mail,contents of which have been duly noted.?

Upon receiptof your previous e-mail,we lost no time to get in touch with the manufacturersand press them for prompt delivery.As a result of their delay in reply,which made usunable to fix the date of shipment,we did not reply to your letter last month,forwhich we express our deep regret.?

Afterrepeated consultation with the manufacturers,however,it has been ?decided? thatthe goods are to be shipping on Dongfeng due to sail on or about the 25th thismonth.As soon as the shipment is competed,we shall call you the shipping advicewithout delay.?

Best wishes.?


ABC Export & Import Company


Dear Sirs,?

We arepleased to confirm our e-mail 14th October,2001 informing you that we shippedthe following goods covering your order No.5312 dated July 30 on the same dayby the M/S“Yuan Cheng”of the Chang He Line as per enclosed copies of therelative shipping documents.?

CPW       Three cases portable computer?

Wellington Model BX-856 600 SETS?

C/# 1-3?

Made in China?

To cover thisshipment,we have drawn a draft at sight and negotiated it through XX Bank withthe L/C,No.2981 issued by The New Zealand Commercial Bank,Wellington.We hopeyou would honor the draft upon presentation.?

We believethat the goods will reach you in good order and give you perfect satisfactionso that you may furnish us with further orders.?


Yours faithfully,


Export Manager?


第九节 索赔与理赔?


Dear Sirs,?


We shouldlike to draw your attention to the defective goods shipped by theM/S“Sunlight”on 23rd July.?

Uponunpacking the cases,we found that the quality was much inferior to the sampleon which we approved the order.Moreover the length of each piece is short byapproximately 5 meters.?

Afterexamining the enclosed cutting samples we sent as evidence from the Lloyd’sSurvey Report,we are sureyou will agree to the inferiority of the goods.?

We are now ina very awkward situation,because our customers,who have been very strict aboutthe quality,are very impatient to take delivery of the goods.?

We hope thatyou will immediately take this matter into your careful consideration and favorus with a prompt solution by return call.?


Yours faithfully,?


Business Manager?



Dear Mr.Green:?

The cargo oftwo hundred units of your portable computers has arrived in NewYork.Unfortunately,however,our inspection showed that eleven units were missingtheir connection cords.Attached is the report made by the surveyor whoinspected the cargo.As you can see from the report,the eleven cords werealready missing at the time the units were packed at your factory.?

Please sendus the cords free of charge and as soon as possible,and no later than March20.We await your favorable reply.?





Dear Mr.Green,?

The goods wereceived on July 15 were found not to match our order.The goods we ordered wereItem No.2345,whereas the goods received were Item No.2354.?

We cannotunderstand how this kind of mistake could occur at your end.We have decided toship the goods back to your company by freight at your expense and we ask thatyou refund the US $15 000 which we have already paid you.Please remit thisamount to our account(A/C No.1012379)with The Midori Bank,Ltd.,MinatoBranch,Tokyo.Please note that we hereby also reserve the right to claim anydamages arising out of your wrong shipment.?

A quickrefund will be highly appreciated.?





Dear Sirs,?

We regrethaving to inform you that the Cotton Goods covered by our Order No.6031 andshipped per S.S.“Peace”arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that wecannot but lodge a complaint against you.It was found,upon examination,thatnearly 20% of the packages had been broken,obviously attributed to improperpacking.Our only recourse,in consequence,was to have them repacked beforedelivering to our customers,which inevitably resulted in extra expenses?amounting? to £650.We expectcompensation from you for this,and should like to take this opportunity tosuggest that special care be taken in your future deliveries as prospectivecustomers are apt to misjudge the quality of your goods by the faulty packing.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sirs,?

We have foracknowledgement your letter dated March 11 and are sorry to note your complaintrespecting the Cotton Goods we sent you by S.S.“Peace”.We can assureyou,however,that the goods in question were in perfect order when they lefthere,hence the damage complained of must have ?occurred? in transit.In thesecircumstances,we are apparently not liable for the damage and would advise youto claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible.?

At anyrate,we deeply regret to learn from you about this unfortunate incident andshould it be necessary we shall be pleased to take the matter up on your behalfwith the shipping company concerned.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sirs,?

Subject:Wheat Midges?

We regret toadvise that the first lot of the wheat dispatched on July 14th,2006,against ourPurchase Contract No.156 has been examined and found to contain wheatmidges.The Commodity Inspection Bureau has carefully examined the quality ofthe wheat and found it is far below the standard stipulated in the Contract.TheInspection Certificate will be airmailed to you as soon as it comes to hand.?

Please lookinto the matter at once and take urgent measures to ensure that nothing likethis will happen in the second and the third lots.?

The storageof this lot causes us considerable difficulty and hamper us in our efforts todispose of it.We consider ourselves entitled to an allowance for the loss wehave to suffer.Hence,we reserve our right to lodge a claim against you.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sir,?

On 5thOctober I bought one of your expensive“Apollo”fountain pens from Julian’s,a bigdepartment store of this town.Unfortunately I have been unable to use the penbecause it leaks and fails to write without making blots.I am very disappointedwith my purchase.? On the advice ofJulian’s manager I am returning the pen to you and enclose it with this letterfor correction of the fault.?

Pleasearrange for the pen to be fixed or replace it with a new one and send it to meas soon as possible.?





Dear Mary,?

Thank you foryour letter of 9th October enclosing the defective“Apollo”fountain pen,receivedtoday.We very much regret that the pen you bought has given your trouble.

Normally eachof our pens is individually examined before being passed into store and it ishard to understand why this one escaped examination.We have passed your pen toour quality control department for inspection and a report.Meanwhile,we arearranging to replace your pen with a new one.?

We extend ourapologies for the inconvenience this matter has caused you,but are confident thatthe replacement pen you will be receiving will prove satisfactory and give youthe service you are entitled to expect from our products.?





Dear Harlan,?

Twelve wristwatches with a tennis motif were sent today by Priority Mail to replace thewatches you received with a golf motif.?

Youknow,Harlan,one would think it would be impossible to make an error like thisone.You clearly specified in your order that these watches were to be awardedto winners of the Annual Lakeside Tennis Tournament on August 18.The stocknumber you supplied was correct.There was no reason for a ship-up at thisend,and I can’t even guess how it happened.?

I am muchrelieved,however,that you will have the right watches in time for the awardsdinner.I really don’t know what a tennis player’s reaction would be to having aclassic golf swing in bas-relief on his prize!?

When you getaround to it,would you please send the golf watches to me?I’ll pay thepostage.?


Yours very sincerely,



Dear Mrs.Green:?

Six 48-inchVictory fans are on their way to you.I know because I saw them loaded on thetruck.?

By this timeyou must think we take special delight in mixing up your orders—two carelesserrors in a row.I suppose,judging from these mistakes,if we had had a fourthsweep dimension we would have sent that before getting your order right!?

It’sembarrassing to inconvenience any customer,but unforgivable when that customeris so highly valued as you.Red-faced and contrite,I ask your forgiveness andoffer you my personal assurance of better service in the future.?

Thank you foryour patience,and best personal regards.?





Dear Mr.Smith:?

I am verysorry you did not receive the eight 6-hp Sea Serpent outboards you wanted,and Iguess both of us share the blame.?

Yourorder(photocopy enclosed)lists the 7.5-hp motor along with its stock number,yetthe price indicated is for the 6-hp motor.Since you’ve regularly ?ordered? the7.5,we assumed that this one was what you really wanted,and we went ahead andshipped it.We should have checked with you,and I’m sorry we didn’t.?

We will,ofcourse,ship the eight 6-hp motors immediately.Do you think you might sell the7.5s?If so,you may wish to keep them awhile,and if they don’t move,you canreturn them to us.In any event we’ll pay all shipping ?charges.??

I’m delightedyou’re having such a good season with the Sea Serpent line.We’ll be ready foryour next order;I promise no mix-ups!?


Very cordially Yours,



Dear Mr.Green:?

Early thisweek we received 34 one-gallon cans of exterior white Durable paint from you.Iassume that you wish us to issue a credit memorandum for ?$261.12.?

I am verysorry,Mr.Green,that we cannot allow you full credit on this paint,which youpurchased over eighteen months ago.As announced to all our customers,wediscontinued the Durable brand last April,at which time we cleared out ourentire inventory.We are now handling only Luxor Sheen house paints.?

I have asuggestion that may save time and effort for both of us.At the time wediscontinued Durable,we marked it down to our actual cost of $5.76 agallon.We are willing to give you credit for the difference between $7.68 and$5.76—or atotal of $65.28.Or,ifyou prefer,we can return the paint to you for disposal at the price youchoose.?

Please let meknow your decision right away Mr.Green,and I will take immediate? steps tohandle the matter accordingly.?

We’ve hadwonderful success with the new Luxor Sheen line.Dealers are delighted withconsumer acceptance—some reporting up to 40 percent increase in paint salessince they took on Luxor Sheen.We’d be mighty happy to have an ?order? fromyou!?


Best wishes,



Dear Sirs,?

We are verysurprised to learn from your letter of December 30??th?,2006 that the greenbeans dispatched November 4,2006 were below the standard stipulated in thecontract and that you are reserving the right to lodge a claim against us.?

Naturally wehope that the transaction will be concluded to your satisfaction.Now that youhave found the quality of the beans do not comply with that stipulated in thecontract,we want to have the problem clarified without any delay.So we havesent our representative to your end to investigate the matter in detail.Wewould not give any comments before our representative inspects the goods.Wewill soon let you know the date of his visit and hope you will give him yourbest cooperation.?

You may beassured that the matter will be settled in a reasonable manner to our mutualbenefits.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sirs,?

We have gotthe news from our representative that through his careful study he has founddeterioration of a very small part of the green beans delivered November?4,2006,under the S/C No.AH012.First please accept our sincere apologies for theinconvenience caused to you.?

Nevertheless,asyou may be aware such deterioration can hardly avoided during the long periodof transportation and storage.We hope that you will not take this case as abreach of the contract and refrain from making any claims against us as theloss can be negligible,and you know well,in fact,we have deliveredmore quantities than that stipulated.?

Please beassured that in our future business,we will take great measures to ensurenothing like this to happen again.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Mr.Green:?

Here is ourcredit memorandum for $521,which covers the returned shipment of Family lawnchairs($477.80)andshipping charges($43.20).?

Although thechairs we sent you seem to be the ones listed in your April 7 order,perhapsthey are not what you had in mind.I’m sending you a copy of your order,togetherwith a ad sheet of the Family line,so that you may check.Because we think theremight have been some misunderstanding,we are paying the return shipping charges,whichwe don’t ordinarily do.?

The importantthing,of course,is that you have a stock of lawn chairs to meet your summerneeds.Be sure to place another order soon so that you may have them for thefirst warm day.Separately I am sending you a section from our general summerfurniture catalog;you might be more interested in the new Easy-Fold line(pages18~22),which isfast becoming our best seller.?

Let meknow,please,how I can be of further help.By the way,we can ship your next orderthe same day it is received.?


Sincerely Yours,



Dear Ms.Black:?

When I talkedwith you on the telephone about returning the 16 reproductions in our ArtMaster Series,I said that our policy is to accept for full credit all itemsreturned in salable condition.?

The reproductions arrived today and I was shocked at theircondition.Apparently,they were stored in a damp place.The pictures are fadedand the canvas wrapped,what’s more,the finish on the frames is blistered.?

Would youlike me to return the reproductions to you?Perhaps you can dispose of them at aspecial reduction in price.Since we can’t sell them to our customers,the onlything we can do is donate them to local hospitals and charitableorganizations.?

I’m sorry todisappoint you,Ms.Black,but under the circumstances I am confident that youwill fully appreciate my position.?


Very truly Yours,



Dear Sirs,?

We havelearned from your letter that one case of our shipment is badly damaged.? As the goods were packed with the bestcare,we assume that the case has been roughly handled.?

Therefore weask you to lodge your claim with the insurance company.?





Dear sirs:?

Oninvestigating the matter of your claim,we have noticed a discrepancy ?between?our invoice figure and the quantities you specified.?

On thequantities you required,we will ship the replacements at once.?

We sincerelyapologize for the inconvenience you have been put to.?





Dear Sirs,?

Thank you forsending us the sample of inferior goods for investigation.?

We havepassed these on to the production department for comment.Evidently through anoversight,some wronggoods were mixed in your consignment.?

We havearranged for immediate dispatch of replacements.?





Dear Sirs,?

If you careto dispose of the inferior goods at the best price obtainable,we will sent acheque for the difference when we hear from you.?

We apologizesincerely for the trouble caused to you and will take all possible steps toavoid such a mistake again in the future.?




Dear Sirs,?

Your claim isapparently made due to a misunderstanding.?

If you lookinto our quotation you will see that we explained that you had to state ourmodel number in addition to the name of the article.?





Dear sirs,?

We have beendoing business together for a long time and we value our relationship.Butrecently,we have not been able to provide the kind of service we both want.?

The problemis that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have beenplaced.This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our companies.Inseveral instances,you have returned goods that were originally ordered.?

To solve theproblem,I propose that on receipt of an order,our sales staff contact you toverify it.If you decide on any changes,we will amend the order and fax you acopy so that you can check it.?

I trust thatthis system will cut down on delays and errors,and allow our ?operations? torun smoothly.?


Yours faithfully,?

James Brown?




Dear sirs,?

Thank you foryour letter of 26 January.I appreciate for the delivery problems you had withus last month.?

I have had ameeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better systemfor handling your account.We know we made a mistake on your last order.Althoughwe replaced it for you,we want to make sure it does not happen again.?

We havedevised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future orders.Itincludes your firm’s particular specifications,packing requirements and markinginstructions.I believe we can service your company better and help youroperations run more smoothly with this safeguard.?

Pleasecontact us if there are any additional points you would like us to ?include.??


Yours faithfully,

Jim Green

Export Manager


第十节 商标、说明书、合格证及合同样本?



Good qualitywood?

Uniform andeasy to sharpen?

Polished invarious colours?

Brilliant andattractive?

Moderatehardness for smooth and clear writing in hexagonal or round shapes with rubbertips?

China National Light Industrial Products

Import & Export Corp.,Changchun Branch




Carpets areone of China’s traditionl handicrafts of both artistic and practical value.“Greatwall”carpets handled by this corporation include super grade woolen carpets,80lines woolen carpets,natural colour woolen carpets,natural colour animal hairrugs,and artistic tapestries,They excel for their workmanship,colour,design,anddurability.?

Designs:AestheticDesign,Beijing Design,Floral Design,and Scenery-Animal Design.? Thickness of pile:(3/8)″,(4/8)″,(5/8)″.?

Sizes may bemade to order.?

ChinaNational Native Produce & Animal By-Products Imp.& Exp.Corp.,DalianBranch? Address:139 StalinRoad,Dalian,China?




The PhoenixBrand two-wheel hand tractor is rational in design,simple and compact instructure,steady and safe in operation,light in weight,low in powerconsumption,easy to disassemble and maintain.It is equipped with an operator’sseat.The tractor may be used in paddy fields,small dry plots,orchards,vegetableplots or low gradient hilly land.Optional attachments and accessories enablethe tractor to be used for ploughing,rototilling,harrowing in paddyfields,manuring and seeding,harvesting and transportation.It can also be usedfor small-scale drainage and irrigation,dusting and spraying,threshing,millingand fodder-crushing.?

Technical Data?

Overalldimensions(L×W×H)2 680mm×960mm×1 250mm?

Groundclearance            200mm?

Wheeltrack800 740 717 657mm?

Constructionalweight          340kg?


Forward               40km/h?

Reverse               30km/h?

Engine ratedpower            9kW?

Revolvingspeed              2 000r/min?

Max.fuelconsumption            260g/kW/h?

Max.workingslope             15°?

Exporters:ChinaNational Machinery Import & Export Corp,Head Office,?






Model CPCD-5Forklift Truck produced by our plant is designed for loading,unloading,stacking andtransporting goods at railway stations,harbours,airfields,warehouses,constructionsites and factories.The truck,mechanically driven,modern and compact inconstruction,attractive in appearance,has excellent ?manoeuvrability.It issafe,stable,and easy to operate,repair and maintain.It may be used with atrolley or other attachments.?

Main Specifications?

Rated capacity                    5 000kg?

Load center                      600mm?

Max.liftingheight                  3 000mm?

Free liftingheight                  500mm?

Max.liftingspeed(laden)               20m/min?

Tiltingangle:(forward/backward)           6°/12°? Fork height                      1 200mm?


Min.turning radius(outer) 3400ram?



Axlebase 2 200mm?

Wheelbase(front/rear) 1490/1 520mm?

Deadweight7 500kg?


4 750mm×2000mm×2 720mm?

You arewelcome to order our truck.Ordering is easy and convenient.The price isreasonable.Delivery is prompt.Quality is guaranteed by assuming the?responsibility? for repairing or replacing the goods or making refunds.Allspare parts are available.Orders for special fork lift trucks of the customer’sdesign and technical specifications are accepted.?


Address:1008People Street,Changchun City,Jilin Province,the People’s Republic of China?





“PEONY”model648 is a portable,2-band radio.Its frequency range covers a medium wave bandand a short wave band.An external antenna is provided to improve the short-wavereception.On the left side of the receiver,there are two jacks,one for theearphone and the other for the external power source,making it suitable fordifferent uses.?



M.W. 535kHz~1 605kHz(560m~187m)?

S.W. 3.9MHz~12MHz(77m~25m)?


3AG23 or3AG24 Convertor?

3AG21 1st I.F.amplifier?

3AG21 2nd I.F.amplifier?

3AX21 or3AX24 Audio amplifier?

3AX31BX2 Class B push-pull poweroutput?

2AP9 Strong signal suppressor?

2AP9 Detector and A.G.C.?


UNDISTORTEDOUTPUT POWER: No less than 150 milliwatt(Distortion

no greaterthan 10%)?

LOUDSPEAKER: 80mm diameter(Impedance 80hm)?


CURRENTDRAIN 12 mA at zero signaland no greater

\ than 80 mA atundistorted output?

DIMENSION. 240mm×121mm×45mm?

WEIGHT: 0.8kg approx.(Without cells)?


① POWERSOURCE:Four“C”size cells may be applied to the power source in this set.Wheninserting them into the cabinet,please pay attention to their polarities andput them in the right position so as to avoid possible damage to the parts.?

② CONTROLKNOBS:There are two control knobs at the right side of the set.The upper one isfor frequency tuning,and the lower one is the“on-off”switch and it is also forvolume control.Turn the lower knob counterclockwise and the set is on.Turn itfurther and the volume increases.?

③ BANDSWITCH:At the rear of the cabinet,there is a slide switch for bandselection.Push the button to the right side and you can get the medium waveband.Push it to the left side and you can get the short wave band.?

④ SOCKETS:Onthe left side of the cabinet there are three jacks.The one at the top is forconnecting the external antenna,the one in the middle is for the earphone andthe one at the bottom is for external power source.A 6 volt D.C.power source ofany type may be applied.The red cord of the plug is connected to the positivepole and the black cord to the negative pole.?


Accessoriesinclude an external antenna wire,a plug with cords for external power sourceand a midget earphone.?





①Read-Out It showshour,minute,second,AM/PM,year,month,date and day when this unit is in theregular timekeeping mode;It shows the time being measured either in stopwatchor in timer mode;It shows each entry and result,suppressing unnecessaryO’s(zeroes)in calculating mode.?

② ResetButton It is used for setting calendarand time.?

③ TimeKey(symbolized by TIME) It allows the unit to start with a time signal aftersetting the calendar and time.?

It is usedfor retrieving timekeeping mode when the unit is in either stopwatch,timer,orcalculating mode.?

④ StopwatchStart/Stop Key(symbolized by ST) It allows the unit to be used as a stopwatchand controls start/stop of timing.?

⑤Multi-Display(Full Viewing)Key(symbolized by MD)?

It is usedfor calendar viewing(Releasing the key converts to time display)in timekeepingmode;It is used for displaying fractions of a second in either stopwatch ortimer mode;It is used for displaying last 2 figures of 8-digit entries orresults in calculating mode.?

⑥Numeral/Decimal Point Key(symbolized by) It enters numerals.For decimal,pleaseuse the key in its logical sequence.?

⑦ FunctionCommand & Equal Key(symbolized by=)Press numeral and function command keys in the same logical sequence asthe formula and the key obtains the answer;To correct a function command,pressthe appropriate function key.?

⑧ Time EntryKey(symbolized by TM) It is used forentering hour,?minute? and second to set the time;It performs time calculationsin sexagesimal notation.?

⑨ Date EntryKey(Symbolized by DT) It is used forentering year,month and date to set the calendar;It performs datecalculations.?

⑩ Entry ClearKey(C) It clears entry for correction.?

⑾All ClearKey(AC) It allows the unit to be used as a calculator;It ?resets? the unit fornext event in stopwatch mode;It clears entire calculating registers,and alsoreleases overflow or error check.?


Two silveroxide batteries(Type.G-13,S 76E,MS-76H)About 18 months continuous operationwith type G-13 batteries if used as a calculator for one hour every singleday;replace batteries immediately the time stops and/or display darkens,as theunit is affected by insufficient battery power.?


① Slide openthe batteries box cover on the back of the unit by lightly pressing the portionmarked“BATTERY”.?

② Remove usedbatteries.?

③ Put newbatteries,taking care not to ?reverse? battery polarity.?

④ Replacebattery cover.To prevent damaging the cover lock,press the cover flat over thebatteries and slide it into the slot.?

⑤ PressKey“AC”and confirm that“0”(zero)is displayed.If not,remove batteries and repeatoperations ③ to ⑤.?

Be sure toreplace both batteries.?

Do not leavedead batteries in the battery-box as this may cause malfunction.?


Since theunit contains precision electronic components,never attempt to disassemble it.?

Be carefulnot to drop the unit or give it a hard knock.?

Avoidoperating the keys roughly.?

Avoid usingthe unit in extreme cold(below 32℉,or 0℃),heat(above 104℉,or 40℃),dust orhumidity.?

Special careshould be taken not to leave the dead batteries inside the unit.Remove thebatteries when not using the unit for an extended period,or replace them every18 months.?




Antihistamine for the Treatment of Allergic Affections?


Antistineeither attenuates or suppresses the effects of histamine,which plays a majorrole in provoking allergic disorders.It is upon this experimentally confirmedability to antagonize histamine that the indications for Antistine are based.?


Urticaria;foodallergies;hay fever;vasomotor rhinitis;itching due to skin diseases,includingeczema;pruritus;and serum sickness.?

〔Administrationand dosage〕?


Adults:1tablet,3~4 timesdaily.?

Smallchildren:1/2 tablet,once daily.?

Children ofschool age:1/2 tablet,2~3 times daily.?

The tabletsshould be taken during meals and swallowed whole with a little fluid.?


1 ampoule isgiven each time by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection,2~3 timesdaily.For children the doses should be correspondingly reduced.?


Since Antistine may cause temporary drowsiness,caution is indicated whenit is employed,for example,to treat drivers of vehicles.Likeotherantihistamines,Antistine,too,may give rise to allergic reactions.In suchcases the preparation should be withdrawn.?

〔Compositionand forms of issue〕?

2-(phenyl-benzyl-aminomethyl)—imidazoline(2—antazolin):tabletsof 100 mg.and ampoules of 2 mL containing 100 mg.?

Made in Switzerland?



The Sun VitalHerb Belt is made with a specially selected mixture of over 50 valuable naturalherbs,drawing on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.Based ontheories of“Yin”and“Yang”,it acts on vital energy,blood circulation to theorgans,along the main and collateral channels.It modulates bodily functionsthrough the naval acupoint to cure illness and protect health.The belt can beused by men and women of all ages with no side or toxic effects.?

Mainfunctions:Nourishing life essence and vitalenergy,balancing“Yin”and“Yang”,supporting healthy energy and eliminatingmalevolent factors,enhancing? the kidneys and immune function,nourishing Yinand promoting the production of body fluids,invigorating bloodcirculation,dispersing depressing liver energy and regulating vitalenergy,improving the spleen and stomach,reducing phlegm and soothingasthma,eliminating body moisture,preventing colds and fatal epidemics,takinggood care of the complexion,maintaining slimness and warding off senility.?

Health care:Deficiencyof vital energy and blood,general fatigue,stomach chills andabdominaldistention,abdominalpain,gastritis,diarrhoea,constipation,nephritis,dropsy,

weakened sexual function,sexualfrigidity,impotence,premature ejaculation,seminalemission,frequentmicturition,prostatitis,obsecity,asthma,neurasthenia,dysmenorrhea,excessivevaginal charge,irregular menstruation,sterility,adnexitis,back pain,coronaryheart disease,infant bedwetting,post surgical syndrome,etc. Made byChina Xianyang Health Products Factory?

Address:No.3Leyu Road(N),Xianyang,Shaanxi Province,China?



ContactPerson:Zhou Huá?






Name ofproduct:Refrigerator?

Brand ofproduct:Spring Wave?


Manufactory:SeaGreen Refrigerator Factory?

Date ofManufacture:April 2005?



Purchaser’sname:Liu Fangyi?

Date ofpurchase:July 18,2005?

Dealer’sname:Double-Swallow Department Store?

Dealer’saddress:166 Lotus Road,Xiangtan City,Hunan Province?

Guaranteeperiod:One year after the date of purchase?

Thisproduct,made of choice materials to precise standards,has undergone rigidquality check and has been found to meet all the requirement.It’s fullyguaranteed against defective materials and workmanship under normal use.In theguarantee period,repairs,adjustments for defects and replacement of parts willbe done free of charge upon presentation of this qualification card.?


Sea Green Refrigerator Factory








HisonicElectronic Industries,Ltd.13 Hua Tai,Singapore(hereinafter ?referred? toas“Party A”)and Hong Xing Electronic Industries,Ltd.,5 KunmingRoad,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China(hereinafter referred to as“Party B”)havediscussed the matter of cooperation for assembling TVs and on the basis ofequality and ?mutual? benefit concluded the Contract,the terms and conditionsas follows:?

1. Samples?

Party Bmanufactured 15 sets of sample TVs in August 2005 with the components andauxiliary materials supplied by Party A according to the samples and blueprintssent by Party A.The representatives of Party A have examined and tested thesamples made by Party B and are satisfied with the specifications ofsamples.The production in large quantities shall be carried on in accordancewith the above said specifications.?

2. Durationand Quantity?

Both sideshave agreed to conclude business by means of assembling suppliedcomponents.Party B shall assemble 60 000 TV sets in a year(March 2006—February2007).The cooperation period is temporarily stipulated for three years(March2006—February 2009).The output of the second and third year will be discussedin future.? 3. Responsibilities?

Party Ashall,at its own expenses,provide Party B with all components,auxiliarymaterials,blueprints and other technical data.Party B shall assemble them intofinished products and then send to Party A.Most of the components,auxiliarymaterials and necessary technical data to be sent by Party A and used by PartyB for the first year shall arrive at Guangzhou before the end ofFebruary,2006.?

4. AssemblyFees?

Throughrepeated discussion,both parties have agreed that the fee of ?assembly? foreach set is US$30.00.Party Aputs forward that Party B should consider a proper adjustment of assembly feein the second and third year when monthly output comes up to 7 000 sets.Party Bagrees to talk about this matter by then.?

5. Terms ofTransport?

Throughnegotiations between both parties,it is provisionally decided that twoshipments of the finished goods are to be made each month,all charges to beborne by Party A.?

6. Terms ofPayment?

Party A shallremit Party B by draft once a month after receiving the finished goodsdispatched by Party B.?

7. Terms ofInsurance?

Party A shallinsure the goods against All Risks with Warehouse to WarehouseClause.However,while the goods are in the warehouse of Party B or during thecourse of assembly,Party B shall take the responsibility of insurance on behalfof Parly A.? 8. Compensation?

Should PartyA fail to supply the components and auxiliary materials in time or Party B failto deliver the finished goods in time and should the opposite party sustain anyloss,the responsible party shall compensate for the ?direct? loss.The concretemethod will be decided through discussions between both parties.?

9. DamageAllowance?

In casedamage is found in the components and auxiliary materials supplied by PartyA,Party B shall inform Party A immediately so as to enable Party A to make areplacement.The allowance for damage of components and auxiliary ?materials? is3 percent during the process of assembly.?

10. Packing?

One set is tobe packed in a carton lined with waterproof and shockproof materials.? 11. Technical Support?

After signingthe Contract,Party B shall,at Party A’s expenses,dispatch 10 technicians andadministrative personnel respectively to Party A’s factory to be trained.PartyA’s factory should send 5 engineers to Party B’s factory for technicalassistance.When necessary,two people of Party A shall make shuttle trips ?between?China and Singapore for exchange in technique.?

12. Number ofContracts?

There are 8originals for the Contract.Party A and Party B each hold 2 originals.The restshall be sent to the departments concerned in execution of the Contract.?

PartyA:Hisonic Electric Industries,Ltd.?


Party B:HongXing Electronic Industries,Ltd.?

WangYinghui,President ?




Date:October 2,2005?

The Agreementis made and entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equalityand mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions set forth asbelow:?

1. PartiesConcerned?

Party A:TimesSoftware,Inc.412 Seaward Drive San Francisco,CA 90015 USA?

PartyB:Southwest Electronic Development Company,91 South Section,Ring Road1,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031 PRC?

2.Commodity,Quantity and Territory?

Party Ahereby agrees to appoint Party B to act as its representative to sell the understipulated commodity in the under mentioned territory and Party B ?agrees? toundertake the task:?

1)Commodity:Thegoods listed in Exhibit A attached to the Agreement.?

2)MinimumAnnual Sales Quantity:2 000 sets for Model 0032 and 1173 each;1 000 sets forthe rest models each.?

3)Territory:Theterritory covered by the Agreement is confined to Chengdu,Sichuan,China only.?

Party B shallundertake the sales of the aforesaid commodity during the ?validity? of theAgreement.The progress of execution shall be examined half yearly.In case PartyB fails to place orders for the minimum quantity of the above mentionedcommodity within 6 months without giving sufficient reasons acceptable to PartyA,Party A shall have the right to appoint other clients as representatives ortake alternative measures without being bound by the Agreement.?

3.Confirmation of Order and Payment?

Thequantities,prices,shipment,and payment for the commodity stated in theAgreement and the accessory hereof shall be confirmed for each transaction,theparticulars of which will be remitted to Party B by Party A after receipt ofthe payment.? 4. Market Report?

Party B shallhave the obligation to forward half yearly to Party A a detailed report oncurrent conditions and of consumer’s comments.For reference,Party B shall,fromtime to time,forward to Party A samples of similar commodities ?offered? byother suppliers,together with their prices,sales position,and advertisingmaterials.?

5.Advertising and Publicity?

Party B shalltake all effective measures by advertising in order to enlarge the sales of theabove mentioned commodity for the duration of the Agreement and submit to PartyA all drafts and drawing intended for such purposes for prior approval.?


All disputesarising from the execution of,or in connexion with,the Agreement shall besettled amicably through friendly negotiation.In case settlement fails to bereached through negotiation,the case shall then be submitted to the ForeignEconomic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for thePromotion of International Trade for arbitration in accordance with its rules.Thearbitral decision is final and binding upon both parties.?

7. OtherTerms and Conditions?

1)Party Ashall not supply the commodity under the Agreement to other buyers in the abovementioned territory.Direct inquires,if any,will be referred to Party B.?2)Forany business transacted between governments of both parties,Party A shall havefull right to handle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A’s governmentwithout binding themselves to the Agreement.Party B shall not interfere withsuch direct dealings,nor shall Party B bring forward any demand forcompensation or commission thereof.?

3)TheAgreement,when duly signed by the parties concerned,shall remain in force fortwo years to be effective as from February 1 2005 to January 31,2007.If no writtenobjection is raised by either party one month before its expiry,the Agreementwill be automatically extended for another year.Should one of the parties failto comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement,the other party isentitled to terminate the Agreement.?

4)Anyamendment or supplement to the Agreement shall be made in writing and dulyconfirmed by both parties through negotiations.Such amendment or supplementshall be regarded as an integral part of the Contract.?

5)TheAgreement is made out in Chinese and English,the two versions ?being? equallyvalid.Each party shall keep one original of the Agreement.?

Party A:TimesSoftware,Inc.?


PartyB:Southwest Electronic Development Company?





Compensation Trade Contract?

This Contractmade on…,20,at_____,China,between ABC Co.(hereinafter called Party A)with itsprincipal office at__________,China,and XYZ Co.(hereinafter called Party B)withits principal office at_____,USA?


Whereas PartyB has machines and equipment,which are now used in Party B’s manufacturing ofsteel wire rope,and is willing to sell to Party A the ?machines? andequipment;and?

Whereas PartyB agrees to buy the products,steel wire rope,made by Party A using the machinesand equipment Party B supplies,in compensation of the price of the machines andequipment;and?

Whereas PartyA agrees to purchase from Party B the machines and equipment;and?

Whereas PartyA agrees to sell to Party B the products,the steel wire rope,in compensation ofthe price of Party B’s machines and equipment;?

NOWTHEREFORE,in consideration of the premises and convenance ?described?hereinafter,Party A and Party B agree as follows:?

1. PurchaseArrangement?

Party Aagrees to purchase from Party B the following commodity under the terms andconditions set out below:?

1.1?Commodity,Specificationsand Its Capability?






Unit Price:US$_____;TotalPrice:US $_____?


The price ofthe machines and equipment shall be compensated with the products,the steelwire rope,manufactured by Party A using the machines and equipment.The paymentof the total price shall be effected three times equally in three successiveyears,beginning in?


Time ofshipment:?

Port ofloading:?

Port ofdestination:?



To beeffected by Party A.?



Party Bguarantees that the machines and equipment are unused,sophisticated and of bestquality,and that the machines and equipment are capable of manufacturing thesteel wire rope of____specifications with a production of____meters per hour.?

2. SalesArrangement?

Party A sellsto Party B the steel wire rope in compensation of the price of the machines andequipment Party B sells to Party A.?

2.1?Commodityand Specifications?

Commodity:steelwire rope.?



_______metersof steel wire rope per year,of which the price shall be US $_____ perannum.?


The price ofthe steel wire rope shall be set on the basis of the prevailing price in theworld market at the time when shipment is made.The price shall be based on CIFbasis.?


Shipmentshall be made twice a year,in June and in December,each for the value of_____.?

Port ofloading:?

Port ofdestination:?



To be packedin wooden reels.?


Payment shallbe effected by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in favour of PartyA,payable at sight,allowing transshipment.The letter of credit shall reachParty A 15 days before the month of shipment and shall be valid for not lessthan 90 days.?

The letter ofcredit shall be in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of thecontract.Otherwise,Party B shall be held responsible for the delay in shipmentand Party A may lodge claims against Party B for the losses arisingtherefrom.All the expenses arising from the ?amendments? shall be for Party B’saccount.?


To be coveredby Party A for 10% of the invoice value,covering WPA and War Risk.? 2.8?Inspection?

The qualitycertificate issued by Party A shall be regarded as ?final.If,on arrival of thegoods at the port of destination,Party B finds the quality not up to thespecifications mentioned above,Party B shall notify Party A within 45 daysafter arrival of the goods at the port of destination.Both Parties shall haveconsultations for a settlement of the matter in dispute.?

3. Force Majeure?

Party A orParty B shall not be held responsible for any failure or delay in delivery ofthe entire lot or a portion of the goods under the contract as a result of anyforce majeure accident(s).?


All disputesarising in connection with this contract or in the execution thereof,should besettled amicably through negotiations.In case no settlement can be reached,thecase in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in____.The decision ofthe arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.?

5. GoverningLaw?

The formation,interpretationand performance of the contract shall be governed by the laws of the People’sRepublic of China.?

6. OriginalText?

The contractis made,in English,in two originals,one for each party.?

7. Duration?


Party A: Party B:?

(Signature) (Signature)?


第三章 商务通用公文及社交公文?

第一节 通告和启事?


Dear Sir,?

We haveacquired the premises at the above address for a new retail confectionery storeto be opened on 1st February.?

As manager incharge,we haveappointed Mr.Green.His 16 years’ experience of the trade,will ensure goodssupplied are sound in quality and reasonable in prices.?

The storewill open at 8 o’clock on the morning of 1st February,and as a specialcelebration offer a discount of 50% will be allowed on all purchases made bythe first hundred customers.?

We hope wemay look forward to your being one of them.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sir,?

To meet thegrowing demand for a hardware and general store in this area we have decided toextend our business by opening a new department.The new department will carry awide range of hardware and other domestic requisited at prices that comparevery favorably with any charged by other suppliers.??

In order todemonstrate the range of merchandise that will be avails,we are arranging aspecial window display during the week beginning on 15th March.The officialopening will take place in the following Saturday,1st of April.?

We hope youwill visit the new department during opening week and give us the opportunityto show you that it maintains the reputation enjoyed by our other departmentsfor giving sound value for money.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sirs,?

Werespectfully inform you that on account of a rapid increase in the volume ofour trade with China,we have recently established a new branch at PeopleSquare.We have entrusted the management thereof to Mr.Zhang,one of the originalfounders of our firm.?


Yours very truly,?



Ladies and Gentlemen:?

Jack ispleased to announce the acquisition of Great Wall Publishing Company,along-time publisher of medical textbook and books for practicing physicians.?

We areimmensely proud of this marriage of two important publishing houses—Jack andGreat Wall.Great Wall was founded in 1932 by Zhang Ming,a distinguished medicalprofessional who felt the need for modern textbooks for medical schools,as wellas books for practicing medical men and women.For over 60 years,Great Wall hasbeen the most successful medical publisher in the country.Its currentpresident,Zhang Li,is the grandson of Zhang Ming and has continued to publishoutstanding medical publications.It was Zhang Li who launched the publishing ofMedical Innovations,a sophisticated monthly magazine with a circulation of over50 000 medical professionals,libraries,and hospitals.?

We welcomeGreat Wall into the Jack family.Zhang Li will continue as President,bringingwith him 22 editors and production specialists.The Editor in Chief is SamanthaWilcox,and the Manager of Production is Peter ?Alsop.Great Wall will continuein its location in Denver,but is expected to occupy our headquarters at 1246Avenue of the Americas,New York City.?


Sincerely Yours,



To Our Customer:?

Please beadvised that we have changed our address as follows:?



Third Floor?


1-2-5Building C?

115 FuchengRoad,Beijing?




Please updateyour records accordingly.?


Very truly Yours,




This announcea change of organization in our company of September 1,2006.?

DepartmentName: TerritorialResponsibility: General Manager:?


BusinessDepartment No.1 Japan,Asia and theMiddle East Jack?

BusinessDepartment No.2 Americ andOceania Mary?

BusinessDepartment No.3 Europe andAfrica Rose?


BusinessDepartment No.1 Japan and Asia Jack?

BusinessDepartment No.2 America andOceania Mary?

BusinessDepartment No.3 Europe Rose?

BusinessDepartment No.4 the Middle East andAfrica Tom?

The abovechanges have been instituted due to an expansion of our business.In accordancewith these changes,staff presently assigned to Business Department No.1 and 3and engaged in business with the Middle East and Africa,respectively,willtransferred to Business Department No.4.?

We believethat the new organizational structure will allow us to provide our customerswith a higher level of service and we look forward to your continued support.?


Very truly Yours,



Dear Sir,?

It is withdeep regret that we announce the death last week of Mr.Huang Jiaguang,oursenior partner.By common consent we,the remaining partners,have been appointedas liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge all the firm’sliabilities and receive all payments due to it.According to our records theamount outstanding on your account with the firm is $28 000 andthis should be paid to Mr.Gao as this address as soon as possible.?

We have beengrateful for your custom and have appreciated our friendly businessrelationship with you.We regret that we shall no longer be able to serve you.?


Yours faithfully,





No:TCB 827010?

In accordance with the Loan Agreement concluded between the Ministry ofForeign Economic Relations and Trade of the People’s Republic of China and theOverseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan for the four projects Jing-QinRailway,Yan Shi Railway,Da Yao Shan Tunnel and Shijiusuo PortConstruction,China National Technical Import Corporation is authorized topurchase Signal Equipment,Communication Equipment,Electric Power and OverheadElectric Traction Line Equipment,Electric Wire and Cable,WaterPumps,Construction ?Equipment?,Glass,etc.needed by the above-mentioned projectsby way of international competition.The payment for all purchases will be madeunder the Loan.?

We herebyinvite well reputable and experienced manufacturers and/or trading companiesorganized and registered in and controlled by the eligible sourcecountries(referring to all developing countries,including China and all OECDmember countries)to participate in the supply of the above-mentioned ?equipment.Interestedmanufacturers and/or trading companies are kindly ?requested? to inform us byletter of the items they are to supply and submit us relevant documents inEnglish in triplicate for prequalification not later than Jan.20,2007.Thecontents of the documents mentioned above are as follows:?

① The fullname of the manufacturer and/or trading company and the name of the country inwhich it is registered.?

② A briefhistory of the company.?

③ Theregulations of the company.?

④ Theorganization structure and the main members of the company and the name of theconsortium to which it belongs.?

⑤ Paid-upcapital and total annual volume of business for the last three years and totalnet profit.?

⑥ Name of theBank Reference and a Certificate of Financial Standing ?issued? by the BankReference.?

⑦ Informationabout the authorized agent and a Letter of Authority from the manufacturer(ifit is an agent).?

⑧ Informationabout manufacture and sale of similar equipment in the last three years,areference list and a Certificate of Quality.?

⑨ Supplycapacity,time of delivery expected for the above-mentioned equipment.?

Thosequalified in the last two tenders may submit only supplementary documents.?

Thevalidating period of qualification for each bidder who is qualified in thistender will last for one year.When any equipment listed below is purchasedwithin one year of the publication of this Invitation to Bid,we will sendinquiries ?directly? to those who are qualified in this tender and noInvitation to Bid will be published again.?

The 7th Department?

ChinaNational Technical Import Corporation?






① Ourbusiness hours are:9 a.m.to 5 p.m.?

② All thecustomers must queue up here for tickets and boats.?

③ The hourlyfee is ten yuan.A further charge is made for all time in excess of one hour.?

④ A depositis levied on all boats and it is returned at the end of hire.?

⑤ No depositis to be refunded unless the ticket is produced.?

⑥ Any damagedone to the boats and accessories should be compensated for according to thecost.?

⑦ Customersshould take care of their articles.We accept no responsibility for the loss ofanything.?

⑧ Payattention to public hygiene,protect state property.?


Boat-Hiring Office?

May 28,2007?




Summer Clearance Sales

All the goodson show are sold at twenty percent discount.Please examine and choose themcarefully before you pay.There will be no replacement or ?refunding.You havebeen warned in advance.You are welcome to make your choice.?


Personal Shopping Service?



Fire Drill Notice?

A Fire Drillwill be held on Monday afternoon.All staff must observe the followingprocedure:?

1. In theevent of a fire,the ALARM will ring.On hearing the fire alarm,all staff shouldevacuate the building by the appropriate fire exits.The ?assembly? area is thestaff car park at the rear of the building.?

2. If you arenot at your place of work at the time,don’t go back to it to collect personalbelongings.?

3. Evacuatethe building even if the alarm stops.?

4. If youdiscover a fire,shout“Fire”and operate the nearest fire alarm.?Attack? the firewith an extinguisher but don’t take any risks.?

5. Don’t return to your place of work until yourFire Marshal gives the all-clear.?

If anythingis unclear,inform 3468.?



Notification of Board Meeting?

A Boardmeeting will take place in the Board Room on March 12,at 9 a.m.?

It isanticipated that the meeting will continue for at least two days,and theDirectors coming from out-of-town should inform the secretary if they needhotel accommodations booked for them.?


1. Call toorder by Chairman,Mr.Jackson?

2. Reading ofthe Minutes of the Previous Meeting?

3. Mattersarising from the Minutes of the last meeting?

4. Issues fordiscussion:?

① budget formoving to the new office?

② advertisingstrategies for new products?

③ in-companypromotion ?

5. Any otherBusiness?

6. Date ofNext Meeting?




Meeting Notice?

TO:All salesmen?

Subject:The Year-end Sales Meeting?

From:Susan Lee,Secretary?

The lastsales meeting for 2006 will be held on Monday,December 17th 10∶00? a.m.until4∶00 p.m.at the Head Office?

Lunch will beprovided.?

The agendawill be mailed by the end of November.?

If you haveany items to be included,please forward them to me by November 20th.?

If you areunable to attend,please call 63419403,not later than November 30th.?

Thank you.?



Dear Sirs,?

TheSino-Foreign Trading Co.,Ltd.takes pleasure in announcing the commencement ofbusiness from tomorro,the third of January at 409,××Road,4F,Flat C,HongKong.Telephones:5678901 and 5678902.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sir,?

A largeincrease in the volume of our trade has made necessary an increase in themembership of the firm and it is with much pleasure that we announce theadmission of the Mr.Peter Tsang as a partner.?

Mr.Tsang hasbeen our head buyer for the past 8 years and is well acquainted with everyaspect of the firm’s policy.His expert knowledge and wide experience willcontinue to be of great value to the firm.?

The firm’spresent name will remain unchanged and we shall continue to do business and tosign ourselves as:?

Union Import& Export Co.,Ltd.?

We lookforward to continuing with you the happy business connection that has been somuch to our mutual advantage in the past.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Sir,?

We regret toinform you that our senior partner,Mr.Jim Smith,who through ill-health had notrecently taken an active part in the management of the partnership,had decidedto retire on 31st March next.?

Thewithdrawal of his capital by Mr.Smith will be made good by contributions fromthe remaining partners and the amount of the firm’s capital will thereforeremain unchanged.The firm will continue to trade under its present title ofFriendship Financial Co.and there will be no change in its established policy.?

We trust thatthe confidence you have shown in the firm in the past will not in any way bediminished by the altered arrangement and that we may rely on your continuedcustom.We shall certainly do everything possible to ensure that the firm’spresent standards of service are maintained.?


Yours faithfully,



Alldepartment managers are requested to meet in the company conference room onSaturday,August 17,at 2∶00 p.m.to discuss problems of international exchanges.?


May 14,2006?




The visit toFriendship Hospital,originally scheduled for tomorrow,Oct.5,is now put offuntil further notice.?


Mary Office?



Take noticethat ALWAYS GARMENTS LIMITED of ××Building,13th floor,10-14 Dongfeng roadWest,Guangzhou(herein after referred to as“ALLWAYS”)is the proprietor of allindustrial property rights subsisting in their trade mark“FLYINGHORSE”registered in Guangzhou No.××of 2000.A copy of the said mark is shownhereunder?

A flying horse(sketch)?

FLYING HORSE registration?

No.×× of 2000?

This is tonotify all parties that ALWAYS will immediately take all necessarysteps(including the institution of legal proceedings for an injunction,fulldamages and costs)against any party found to be manufacturing and selling anygarments bearing the said trade mark or any colorable imitation.?

DATED the20th day of November,2002.?

Messrs. Yang& Lee?

of 12thfloor,×× Commercial Building,?

ZhongshanRoad West,Guangzhou,?






Partners ofSOUTHSEA INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION at Block B,10th floor,flat A,Yau Tong IndustrialBuilding,Yau Tong Bay,Knowloon hereby ?declare? their firm’s ChequesNos.223344,223345 and 112246 duly signed by two of their partners in blank havebeen missing and are totally null and void.They shall not be responsible to anyholders,endorsers or bearers for any dealing with the same as instructions havebeen given to their banker,×× day of November,2002.?


Tong & Co.?

Solicitors for Southsea Industrial Corporation,?

Nos.122-124 Connaught road Central,?

×× Commercial Building,14th floor,?





Comradecustomers,your attention,please.?

Just now twoyoung girl students wearing the school badges of“Changsha ?Electric? PowerInstitute”bought at the foreign languange book counter four books on Englishliterature of the nineteenth Century.But when they left after paying,theyforgot to take the change.Will they please come back to fetch it??


Wei Dong?



第二节 公司人事?


TO:All Corporate and DivisionExecutives,Managers,Editors,and Authors?

JeffreyC.Eliott is appointed Vice President and Editorial Director of thecorporation,effective March 1,2006.?

In assumingthis new assignment,Jeff replaces Mr.Green,whose retirement was announced in mymemo of December 9,2005.?

As the BookCompany pursues its role as a major factor in the publishing of U.S.and foreigneducational materials,it can only maintain its leadership by ?recruiting? andtraining superior editorial,design,and production personnel.This is criticaland underlies our ability to reach our goals.Of equal importance is the?absolute? need to maintain the high standards of editorial quality thatlargely ?accounts? for our success.While Jeff’s assignment will embrace manyfunctions,his greatest contribution should come in these two areas:?

1. Findingand training good people?

2. Helping toproduce quality books and instructional materials?

Reporting toJeff and assisting him in these objectives will be Mrs.Marie Miller,Manager ofEditing Services,Miss Lucille Lawson,Manager of Copyrights and Permissions,andWilliam Woodson,Assistant Vice President,Production Research.?

JeffreyC.Elliot grew up in Oklahoma,graduated cum laude from Oklahoma State Universityand in that state began his professional life as a school teacher.He workedbriefly as a sales representative for our company and was Associate Dean ofBeacon College,in Richmond,California.As Editor in Chief of the Business BooksDivision,Jeff has had a major hand in bringing that division to editorialeminence in business education.?


Edward E.Meagher?



Dear Mr.Green,?

This is toadvise you that after five memorable years in Los Angeles,I am returning toTokyo at the end of this month to take up my new assignment in our headoffice,I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support and friendshipyou extended to me during my stay here.?

In my newassignment I will be in charge of exporting golf equipment into theU.S.market.Therefore,I will still have the opportunity to work withyou,?although? indirectly through our Los Angeles office.Hopefully I will alsohave ample ?opportunities? to see you in the future,either in Tokyo or in theUnited States.? I have my responsibilitieshere in the capable hands of Mr.Jack,who will be arriving from Tokyo nextweek.Please rest assured that Mr.Jack will supply you with the same,or an evenbetter,level of service as you have had from me in the past.I also hope youwill give him the same generous support as you have given me during our veryagreeable association.?


Yours sincerely,?



Dear Sir,?

I take theliberty of writing you to apply for a position in your corporation.? In 1981,I graduated from thePowerman Course and Electrical Equipment ?Repair? Course of the U.S.EngineerCollege and also graduated from the Management Course of Industrial Collegeof the U.S.University in 1985.?

I have justreturned from the United State.I would like to work in yourcorporation.I believe that I can perform well under your leadership.?

I sincerelyhope that you could give me an opportunity of first of all.?

Enclosedherewith are three copies of the U.S.diplomas and a copy of my resumefor your reference.?

Your promptreply in this matter would be greatly appreciated.?


Yours very truly,?



Dear Sir,?

In responseto your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15,I wish toapply for the position of(secretary,accountant,clerk,salesman,etc).?

I amtwenty-five years old and a graduate of Changchun University.My ?experience? inthis line of work includes three years as an assistant accountant with the ABCCompany.The reason for leaving my present employment is because they areclosing their office.?

I amenclosing my resume together with my photo,and believe thatthey may be found satisfactory.With respect to salary,I shall expect HK$5 000 amonth.I assure you that if appointed,I will do my best to give yoursatisfaction.?


Very truly Yours,



Dear Mr.Hunter:?

JohnStewart,your director of public relations,told me that you were looking for acommunications specialist.I am a recent graduate of Beijing University andwould like the opportunity to talk with you about the position.?

My degree isin journalism,and my intern work during my senior year was on the communitydesk at Beijing Today.The summer of 2003,I assisted the editor of theFriendship Hospital newsletter and was responsible for writing the articles andtaking pictures.?

May I have anappointment to discuss my qualifications and my interest in working with you asa communications specialist?I will call your office Friday morning for a timethat is convenient for you.?




Joan Williams?




Thank you foryour recent application for employment with The Chambers Corporation.? An interview has been scheduled for you onMonday,June 7,2007,at 10?∶00,with Mr.Phil Menot,Head of Personnel.Mr.Menot’soffice is located on the 10th floor,Room 1009.?

A test willbe administered to you immediately following your interview,which will takeapproximately one hour.?

If you areunable to keep this appointment or if you have any questions,please call meat(813)555-4000.?


Dear Mr.Jackson,?

Withreference to your letter of Monday 12 January,I am pleased to confirm the offerof a position as system analyst in this company.?

Enclosed arethree copies of our contract of employment.Please sign two of these and retumthem to my secretary as soon as possible.We have also enclosed a leaflet givingyou full details of our pension fund,our luncheon voucher scheme,the sportsclub and the annual outing.?

If you haveany queries about the terms or the contract itself,please do not hesitate tocontact me.?


Yours Sincerely,




Dear Mr.Johns:?

It is apleasure to accept the position of risk manager,effective January 3,2007.I ameager to begin my new assignment.?

Thank you foryour confidence in me.I will do my best to surpass the challenge presented byJohns Oil Company’s phenomena growth.?







Dear Ms.Green:?

The positionof executive drafting assistant sounds exciting.Thank you for consideringme.However,I cannot accept this offer in good conscience at the time.? The computer expertise this positionrequires for success demands more experience than I currently have.I want to doan excellent job;therefore,I am enrolling in a CAD course at TulsaUniversity.In four months I will have the training to pursue a similar positionwith determination.?

Perhaps TUinstructors can suggest names of recent students who are prepared now to acceptthe responsibilities of the job.Someone better trained than I am is waiting tobe discovered.?

Thank youagain for thinking of me.It has been the incentive I needed to get the extratraining I must have to continue in the drafting field.I intend to be preparedfor the next executive drafting assistant opening as your company continues toexpand its operation.?




Chris Black



Dear Mr.Smith:?

This willconfirm my resignation as Director of Human Resources.?

I haveaccepted a position as Editor at a growing publishing house in New Jersey.I amlooking forward to my new position and the challenges that await me.?

My last dayof work will be December 10,2006,which should allow me plenty of time to finishongoing projects and to turn over my position to my ?replacement.Please feelfree to contact me at any time should you have any questions regarding my pastwork.I hope that the transition will go smoothly for everyone.?

My experiencewith DBG has been very rewarding.I appreciate having had the opportunity towork for such a fine company.I wish you and the organization continuedsuccess.?





Dear Sir,?

It is withdeep regret that we accept your resignation as executive manager of ourcompany.?

We canappreciate the demands that this position has placed on you,and ?appreciate?all of the fine contributions you have made as manager.?




Dear Mary:?

I am sorry totell you that on May 15 you will receive your last check from FriendshipCorporation.?

As you knowfrom our previous talk,this action is taken because of unfavorable economicconditions and our increasing costs in a declining market.We simply are notproducing a reasonable profit,and profit is the“name of the game”in Americanbusiness.No matter how much was cut from expenses other than salaries,it simplywasn’t enough,therefore,we are forced to dismiss a large number of employees.Asto the future,who can say?We are not optimistic;we must somehow struggle on.?

I very muchhope that you will be able to find employment elsewhere,?Mary.You have been agood worker,and your immediate supervisor,Beth Southenland,speaks well ofyou.If in your search for another job you need a recommendation,then I inviteyou to use my name.You may be sure that I will say the right thing in yourbehalf.?

Thank you foryour loyalty to Friendship,and best wishes for a fine future for you and yourfamily.?


Very sincerely Yours,





Subject:Thank you!?



Thank you forall the great work on the Masterson project!As you know,this was a really bigone for our group,and it was thanks to you that the project got out the door ontime.?

I andeveryone at Friendship truly appreciate and applaud your work!?


Best regards,?



第三节 报告及介绍信?



From:Jack Owens?

To:President’s Advisory Committee?

Subject:A Management Development Program for APG ElectronicsInc.?

Date:16 November,2006.?

Here is thereport that you have requested on executive development for the yearsahead.(President Bellman’s memorandum of 10th November)?

I interviewed8 managers of our 8 departments and some 30 research workers,salesmen and otheremployees.?

I alsostudied the management development programs of some prosperous industries overthe past few years.?

I came to thefollowing conclusions:?

(1)That somedepartments have ineffective management because:?

① Thedepartment managers have too little autonomous decision power and have to makeevery decision according to our company’s policies.?

② Somedepartments are too inclusive.For example,the Marketing ?Department? includessales of goods,after sales services etc.?

(2)That welack foresight to regarding market changes and market needs due to our poorresearch capability.As a result we often produce products that are out ofdate.By the time we find it out,know it and change our product mint,we have toomuch inventory in our warehouses that we have to sell at lowered prices.?

Therefore Irecommend:?

(1) Thatevery department manager be given the power to make his own ?decision? so faras it is not against our company’s policies.?

(2) That somebig departments like the Marketing Department be divided into two separatedepartments.?

(3)That aresearch group be organized to study and predict every sector in ourproduction.And the group be directly under our company’s executive management.?



A Report on the Benefits for the Staff of ABC Software?

From:Personnel Manager?

To:Managing Director?


Re:Yourinstructions of 15th July,2006 to report on the policy of the staff benefits.? The materials included in this report weregathered from earlier reports on staff policies and our conversations with thestaff members of all levels in ABC Software.Many staff members demand that weformulate specific policies on staff benefits as early as possible.As weknow,other big companies have such policies and our present policies havecaused a lot of dissatisfactions.We propose that we formulate and practicepolicies by the end of this year.?

We would liketo present these preliminary recommendations for your consideration:? (1)That all staff members are assured ofindividual attention as well as a good pay package.?

(2)That thosewho have to retire early because of illness will have full ?retirement?benefits if they have worked for the company for over 15 years.?

(3)Everyonein the company is covered by life insurance as soon as they join our company.?

(4)Holidaysare fixed at 25 days,rising to 30 days after five years.?

(5)We must ensure that all personnel actions such ascompensation,benefits,transfers,layoffs,return from layoff,company-sponsoredtraining,education and tuition assistance are administered fairly.?




From:Security Director?

To:General Manager?

Subject:Security Measures at the Headquarters?

The secretaryof the Board of Directors of our company instructed me to make a generalinvestigation as to what security measures are needed at our company’sHeadquarters.I accordingly visited the premises and made a careful survey therefrom 16 August to 20 August.I make the following proposals:?

(1) That allvisitors to our company should register at the main gate and wear a visitor’scard while visiting the workshops.?

(2) That thelock on the door of the Accounting Manager’s office is too old and can easilybe taken off.It needs to be replaced by a new stronger lock.?

(3)Five moresecurity men are needed since our two new warehouses have been finished.? (4)That a TV camera should be installedat the west gate because most people enter the company by that gate.?

(5)That wepurchase some anti-spy products to detect bugs planted in our offices in orderto avoid the release of confidential news.?

(6) That eachPC or terminal be fixed with a computer screen protector to prevent spies fromreading our computer screens,from outside of our building.?





From:Tom,SafetyTraining Coordinator?


Subject:SafetyTraining Program for April 2006?


The trainingstaff held one advanced training course for supervisory personnel and one basictraining course for rank-and-file workers in April.In May,we have scheduled oneadvanced course and two basic courses.Unless enrollment increases,we willconsolidate scheduled classes.The final version of the“Safety Manual”,which is underrevision,will be ready by May 10.?

WorkPerformed during This Period?

Two trainingsessions are not being well attended because this training is on a voluntarybasis.Unless this training is made compulsory,attendance will continue to be aproblem.?


The followingclasses are scheduled for May:?

May 15Advanced Course?

(ShopSuperintendents and General Foremen)?

May 22 BasicCourse?


May 29 BasicCourse?


Finaleditorial changes are being made in the “Safety Manual”.The cover and finalartwork for several drawings are nearing completion.The manual will be readyfor distribution by May 10.?




TO:Leonard Johnson,Sales Manager?

From:John Lee?

Date:September 28,2006?


You expressedyour concern and dissatisfaction at the poor performance of the BeijingOffice.You instructed me to examine the causes of the decline in sales andrecommend possible solutions.I visited the office and most of their ?major?customers in the area,and these are my findings.?

(1)Some of ourmajor customers in Beijing have closed down,and some have moved to otherareas.?

(2)Othercustomers are thinking of moving to new towns such as Langfang.There are quitegenerous government incentives for movement to these and other developingzones.?

(3)The BeijingOffice has not kept an up-to-date mailing list for sending circulars toexisting customers who have moved,or potential customers new to the area.?

(4)The customersI visited were interested in more advanced intercommunication systems insteadof the traditional model we supply them with at ?present.??

Therefore,Irecommend that the Beijing Office appoint a traveling salesperson,whose jobwill be to cover the northern part of China.He or she should contact our oldcustomers at their new addresses,and should help in keeping the mailing listup-to-date.He or she should cooperate with the Sales Department in the BeijingOffice to find new customers in the northern area.?

In addition,Irecommend that we begin to supply our customers with our latestintercommunication systems,as the demand for them is certainly increasing.?



To Secretaries and Departmental Assistances,?

I should liketo have you give me a brief report of your activities during the companyyear,touching upon:?

(1)Theparticular duties which you perform,with an estimate of the proportion of yourtime devoted to each type of duty.?

(2)The namesof faculty and executive force by whom you are given ?instructions? for work ordictation.?

(3)Anyrecommendations that you wish to make in regard to your work or yoursurroundings—anything which,in your opinion,would improve the conditions underwhich you are working.?

I should liketo have this report not later than April 12.?






Dear Sir,?

We wish topresent the report of the committee on the Consolidation of Greater Boston asauthorized by you on February 17,2007.?

We haveattempted to present the most vital information on the subject in an impartialmanner,and trust that it will be of value to you.The field is a broad one andmust necessarily be limited to the most practical and non-technical phases ofthe problem.?

Mr.Goodmanreported on the question and the legal implications of the proposal;Mr.Logan,onthe various possibilities of consolidation;and Mr.Henderson,on all phases ofthe proposed consolidation of Suffolk Conty and Brookline.?


Respectfully submitted,?



Dear Sir,?

The bearer ofthis letter is Mr.John Smith,our manager for the sales and marketingdepartment.Mr.Smith will be spending two months in New York in order to developour business with suitable firms.?

We shall bemost grateful if you will introduce him to reliable business people and givehim any help or advice he may need.We feel that with your experience andconnections and your knowledge of the trade you are the best person we know whois able to do this.?

We shall verymuch appreciate your help and look forward to the opportunity of reciprocatingwhen you come to our city.?


Yours faithfully?



To:Julie Oliver,Managing Director?

From:Alexander White,Training Manager?

Date:16 September 2006?

Subject:Provision of in-house training courses?

1. Introduction?

The purposeof this report is to examine the feasibility of holding all training coursesin-house.External training providers were consulted,estimates of training costswere received,and comparative costs examined.Questionnaires were completed by80 employees from four departments and 10 of the respondents were interviewedby members of the training department.?


2.1?Followingconsultation with four of the company’s regularly-used external trainingproviders,it was calculated that in-house training would ?reduce? the presentcost by 26% in the first year.?

2.2?It wasfelt by 65% of the staff that training courses could be better ?designed? tosuit the specific needs of the organization,and therefore bring benefit to thecompany as a whole.?

2.3?45% ofthose who responded to the questionnaire felt that they were more likely toparticipate in training courses if they were held on-site.?


3.1?Somerespondents,particularly in the sales department,expressed concern thatvaluable business contacts arising from external training courses would be lostif all training was held in-house.?

3.2?Sometraining needs are very specific,and may only be required by one or two staffmembers.It was felt that these could not always be met by in-house trainingcourses,as the necessary expertise could not always be brought in fromoutside.?

3.3?Participationin external training courses is seen by 30% of respondents as a perk of thejob,and it was felt that this motivational factor would be diminished with theprovision of all training in-house.?

4. Conclusions?

As a resultof an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of providing all trainingin-house,the following conclusions can be drawn:?

Considerablesavings will be made in the immediate future if in-house training courses areintroduced.?

The staffresponse is favourable overall,particularly at higher levels ofmanagement,though in some departments the loss of external training courses isseen to be a real disadvantage,with the loss of business contacts.?

While manyemployees feel that in-house training is a positive move and is likely toincrease participation,30% regarded it as a loss of a perk.?

5. Recommendations?

In-housetraining courses should be introduced where a significant number ofparticipants are required to attend.?

Where thereare fewer than five participants,external courses should be an option.? Staff should be consulted regularly as tothe level of satisfaction with in-house? training courses,and feedbackregarding motivational factors should be addressed.?



Metcalf Limited Company?

Metcalf,themultinational manufacturer of food products,is based in Liverpool,UK,andoperates factories,sales offices and depots in over sixty countries.Metcalf’schief products are chocolate snacks,canned fruit and vegetables,ice cream,soupsand teas.?

The companywas established in 1898 as a small English business producing chocolate.Thiswould later form the core of Metcalf.In the twenties,Metcalf ?diversified? andadded canned goods to its product range,and by 1930 the company had greatlyexpanded its business throughout the UK and northern Europe.?

1990 saw amerger with BTL Foods in Michigan,USA,and the new Metcalf was floated on theStock Exchange ten years later.Metcalf has recently acquired a Japanese confectionerymanufacturer,and continues its expansion plans.?

In additionto food production,Metcalf has interests in pharmaceuticals,plastics andleisure activities.?


第四节 邀请与约见函?


Dear Mr./Ms.…,?

We shouldlike to invite your Corporation to attend the 2007 International Fair whichwill be held from August 29 to September 4 at the above address.Full details onthe Fair will be sent in a week.?

We lookforward to hearing from you soon,and hope that you will be able to attend.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Mr.Rogers,?

Our newfactory will be commencing production on August 28 and we would like to inviteyou and your wife to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion.?

As you willappreciate,this is an important milestone for this organization.This is theresult of continued demand for our products,both at home and overseas.We trustthat you will pay us the compliment of accepting the invitation.?

We do hopethat you will be able to join us in this opportunity.We look forward to seeingyou at the Garden Hotel at 8?∶00 p.m. on Wednesday,August 28.?


Zhang Ming?



Dear Mr.Jackson,?

We have thepleasure of inviting you to our annual sales conference.This year it will takeplace at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou from December 12 to the 15.?

We enclosedetails of the conference,accommodation arrangements and a provisionalprogram.?

Last year yougave a very interesting presentation on the subject of“On Customers’ BrandLoyalty”.We would be very grateful if you would consider giving us an update onthis.We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at yourearliest convenience.Please contact me at 62132512.?


Yours sincerely

Christina Zou

Conference Organizer



Dear Friend,?

I hope youare planning to attend the annual convention of National Association ofTeachers of Homemaking in Minneapolis June 4 through 7.Perhaps you know thatSterling Mills calls Minneapolis home,and I consider it a rare opportunity forour city to host such a distinguished group.?

While you’rehere,we’d like you to visit us,so we have arranged a special Open House for allmembers of NATH on Thursday,June 6,at our main plant from 5∶30 until 8: 30p.m.(This is a free evening,according to the officers of your organization.).We’llhave refreshments and a buffet,followed by a guided tour of the sections of ourplant that we think will interest you most,including our famous recipe testingcenter.?

We’re onlyabout twenty minutes from the Radisson,your convention headquarters,and willhave courtesy limousines to pick you up there and return you to the hotel atthe end of the tour.Full details will be provided at the registration desk.?

If you areplanning to attend the convention,would you please indicate on the enclosedcard whether you are likely to attend the Open House?I certainly hope you willbe with us!?





Dear Sirs,?

Many thanksfor your letter and enclosures of 12 September.?

We were veryinterested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teachingaids.We would like to invite you to visit our booth,No.46,at next month’sLondon Toy Fair,at Earl’s court,which starts on 2 October.If you would like toset up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours,please callme.I can then arrange for our senior staff to be present at the meeting.?

We lookforward to hearing from you.?






cordially invites you to?

visit its exhibit at the American Institute of Architectsat?


March 6 to 9,2007?

and to view an exciting new film?


at the“Little Theatre”that adjoins the exhibit.?

The film briefly traces the history of artificial?

illumination and presents startling new developments?

and innovations in the science of lighting.?

It will be shown every hour from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.



Mr.and Mrs.Peter Washington?

request the pleasure of?

Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Green’s?

company at dinner?

on Thursday,August the twentieth?

at seven o’clock?

at West Lake Restaurant



Dear Miss Smith,?

My brotherPeter will be staying with us for a few days during the Christmas holidays andmy wife and I have planned a family dinner for him next Saturday evening atseven o’clock so that he can meet some of our friends.We should be delighted ifyou could join us.I hope you will let me know that you can come.?





Dear Mrs.Benton:?

Will you andMr.Benton have dinner with us here on Thursday,the fifth of April,at seveno’clock??

It has been along time since we had the pleasure of seeing you,and we do hope you can come.?


Sincerely Yours,

Jack Black?



Dear Mr.Lee,?

I am so sorrythat I cannot come to the dinner you and Mrs.Lee are giving next Saturday foryour brother because of a previous engagement that evening.?

I doappreciate your asking me and hope that I will have the opportunity to meetyour brother on some other occasion in the near future.?





Mr.andMrs.John Smith regret that they are unable to accept Mr.and Mrs.Wang’s kindinvitation to dinner on Sunday,the fifth of July at eight o’clock New AsiaHotel owing to previous engagement.?



Dear Mr.andMrs.Smith:?

You arecordially invited to a formal dinner in honor of Jack on October 21,2006,at 8p.m.at the Boise Hilton.?

Mrs.Smith,asyou are an associate of Mr.Whitters,we would like you to speak briefly abouthis work in the lumber industry.If this is possible,please let me know withinthe next week.?

Please notethat this is a black-tie event.RSVP with the names of those ?attending? byOctober 14.?


Sincerely Yours,


John Randall Ⅲ?

Chairman,Social Committee?



Mr.and Mrs.Ming Wang?

request the pleasure of your company?

at a dinner?

in honor of their parents?

Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary?

on Sunday,the fifth of July?

at eight o’clock?

New Asia Hotel?

100 Deep Water Bay Road?

Hong Kong




You’re Invited!?

The Toulles House is having an Open House.?

Please join us for caroling,cocoa and cookies?

on Sunday,November 30,?

anytime between 2∶00 and 5∶00 o’clock in the afternoon.


Toulles House?

1601 Lexington Drive?

Nantucket Sound,Massachusetts 21807?



Dear Mr.Green,?

I’m writingon behalf of Mr.John Smith.He’d be delighted to be your guest for lunch at theRoyal Restaurant,March 16.It will be a good opportunity for him to talk in moredetail about the new project and at the same time have an enjoyable timetogether.? As you suggested,he’ll be arriving at the restaurant at 11?∶40.?

He’ll belooking forward to seeing you then.?



Dear Mr.Green,?

I’m writingon behalf of Mr.Smith,Personnel Manager.?

It would be agreat pleasure to join you at the reception party at the Holiday Inn on April4th.Unfortunately,he will be in Hongkong on that date attending a companyconference.?

Thank you forinvitation.We hope the banquet is a great success.?



Assistant Manager?




Professor William H.Hudson.?

the Foreign Languages Department of?

the Changsha Electric Power University?

requests the pleasure of your company?

at a tea party?

on Friday,the sixth of September?

from three to five o’clock?

in Room 207 of the Department building

Please sendresponse to?

theDepartment office.?


18.舞会请柬 ?


Professor and Mrs.Charles Gordon?

request the pleasure of your company?

at a small dance?

to be held at the college club?

on Saturday,the tenth of May?

at seven o’clock

Please replyto 168 Pine Street.?




Dear Mr.Green:?

Could we meetsome time this month to discuss the supermarket proposal?We want to makedecision by the beginning of next month.We would very much like to hear yourthoughts before we make any definite plans.Could you choose a venue for themeeting?I can fly to London any time,perhaps you would prefer Lyon or Paris?Ileave it to you to choose.I look forward to seeing you again.?





Dear Mr.Green:?

Would you beinterested in stocking a radical new departure in laptop computers?I would verymuch like to brief you on this great innovation.Could we make anappointment?The machine is the same size as others but comes with some totallynew features.The retail price will undercut its nearest competitor by at least20%.I shall be in the UK from 1 September to 20 October.If you would like toknow more,just fax or call me.?





Dear Mr.Green:?

Thank you foryour letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer.I regret to say thatwe cannot agree to your request for an appointment.We currently have the soleagency for another computer company.Under the terms of the contract,we arebarred from stocking any other company’s products.The sole agency comes underreview in six months’time.Contact us then and we may be able to consider yournew product.?



Dear Mr.Green:?

Thank you foryour letter of 15 September.I note that you will be in the UK during the wholeof November.I wish we could meet.?

We are quiteinterested by the fashion knitwear illustrated in your catalogue.As a fashionChain,we mightconsider having some of our own designs manufactured in China.Please let meknow when you would like to call on us.The week beginning 6 November would suitme best.?

I lookforward to meeting you and discussing this matter.?





Dear Mr.Wu,?

I would like to confirm our luncheon appointment at Nobel Hotel on6thJuly,at 12∶00.?

We havereviewed your preliminary proposal concerning our new computer networksystem.Compared with other proposals we have received,yours seems to providesuperior solutions to our information management needs.Would it be possible foryou to bring to the meeting two extra sets of materials to pass along to ourpartners??

We arelooking forward to seeing you on 6th July.?


Best Wishes,?



Dear Sirs,?

I would liketo confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging ourdistribution networks.I am excited of the prospect of expanding our trade.Asagreed,we will meet of our office in bond street at 9?∶30a.m.on Monday,20 March.Ihave scheduled the whole day for the meeting.If for any reason you are unableto attend,please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements.Pleaselet me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation.?

I lookforward with great pleasure to our meeting.?





Dear Ms.Green:?

Novatel ‘Year 2005’ Conference?

Asdiscussed,I am enclosing the schedule for the ‘Year 2005’ conference which willbe held here in London from 22-26 July this year.?

Could youplease send me the names of the participants from your offices who will beattending,so that we can confirm hotel and local transport arrangements??

I lookforward to hearing from you soon.?


Yours sincerely

Ailsa Macauley

Ailsa Macauley




Dear Sirs,?

Thank you foryour letter concerning Mr.Smith’s visit to China.Unfortunately our ExportManager,Mr.Li,is in the USA at present and will not be back until 19th June.Hewould,however,be very pleased to see Mr.Smith if he could be in Beijing afterthat date.? We look forward to hearingfrom you.?


Yours faithfully,



Dear Jack:?

How I wish Icould be on your panel at the AADA convention in Washington on September 4~6.Everythingyou said in your letter is just right except the date.I simply cannot getaway,since I will be at Riverside Press in Hammond to oversee the printing of amassive mailing that has Number 1 priority here.The pressure is on from all thetop people in the organization.?

I wonder ifyou know Professor Smith at the University of Nebraska.A ?dynamic? young man,Smithis a true specialist in direct mail—I often bend his ear for advice,and healways comes up with a good answer.I have not,of course,spoken toSmith,but you may wish to invite him to be on your program,mentioning that Isuggested him.He can be reached by telephone at number 45776666.?

Have a goodconference,Jack.I’m awfully sorry to miss it.?





Mr.and Mrs.David White?

request the honor of your presence?

at the marriage of their daughter?



Mr.Jim Green?

on Saturday,June 10?

at 10∶30 a.m.?

Saint Peter’s Church?

and afterwards at the reception?

Royal Hotel?

24 People Road




Dear Mr.Green:?

Thank you foryour letter of March 16 and we are glad to learn that you are planning to visitChina in April.We shall be happy to welcome you and to do all that we can tomake your visit both enjoyable and beneficial.?

We havearranged the following activities for your three-day visit to our city.OnMonday April the 15th,you will go to the Chinese Export Commodities Fair(alsocalled Canton Fair)to get information about the light industrial products.OnTuesday,16th we will drive you to our plant located in Zhongshan,where you willsee a wide variety of our products and the advanced production process.OnWednesday the 17th,there will be a Chinese Investment Seminar at China Hotel.OnWednesday evening we have arranged for you to see the Beijing Opera.?

Please let meknow if the above arrangements are satisfactory.Before your departure,pleasetell us your flight number and time of arrival in Guangzhou,we will be happy tomeet you at the airport.?

You may besure you will have a warm welcome.?


Yours faithfully,?




Dear Mr.James Town and all of Our Distinguished Guests,?

Following thedeepening of reform and opening to the outside world,more and more foreignvisitors are coming to our country to explore the possibilities of investing inChina in the forms of joint venture enterprise,cooperative enterprise andexclusively foreign-owned enterprise.Today,we have great pleasure in greetingthe arrival of the Far East American International Trade Mission by Mr.JamesTown.On this very special occasion tonight,we feel greatly honored to have ourdistinguished guests with us.First of all,please allow me,on ?behalf? of theOriental Chinese Trade Development International Corporation,and on my ownbehalf,to extend our warm welcome to Mr.Town and the other American guests whocome from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.And in the meanwhile,I wish tothank you for joining us tonight and to express our appreciation for thefriendly cooperation you have shown us over the years.? The United States and China have enjoyed more opportunities toexchange friendship and business ever since the signing of the ShanghaiCommunique in 1972.The bilateral trade has greatly increased.As an old friendof ours,Mr.Town has committed himself to the mutual understanding and thefriendship and the trade cooperation between China and the United States formany years.He has visited China many times.This is his sixth visit to China,andthe main purpose of his visit is to seek investment opportunities in China.I’mconfident that your own visit will not only help to enhance the understandingand friendship between the peoples of our two countries,but also help topromote the friendly trade relations of both sides.?

We welcomeyou warmly and wish your visit a great success and also wish all of you verygood health and a happy stay in China.Now,let us invite Mr.Town to speak tous.?



Tele World?

1810 Ohio Ave,Little rock,AR 72293

June 13,2006?

Ramona Jenkins?

Little rock,AR 72291?


Dear Ramona:?

The marketingdepartment is having a surprise get-together next thursday ?afternoon afterwork for the retirement of J.J.Small.?

Please bringa gag gift to send J.J.on her way to a happy retirement.We’re asking eachperson to contribute $5 for a legitimate retirement gift.Wanda Templeman iscollecting.?

LetWanda(ext.233)know by Monday if you can make it,so she can order enoughrefreshments.?




Chuck Meyers

Chairman,Social Committee



Dear Mr.Smith,?

I very muchappreciate the honor of being invited to your cocktail reception to celebrateyour anniversary.Please accept my congratulations on this wonderful occasion.? Unfortunately,due to a previouscommitment on that particular day,I am unable to attend the reception.I hopeyou understand.?

I have longadmired your achievements over the last twenty years and hope you will continuein your role as one of the leaders in your field.?

Again,thankyou very much for your kind invitation.?


Yours sincerely,


Dear Henry:?

Please beadvised I will be travelling to the United States next month to promote thelatest products from Hara Software Inc.I will be in New York and ?available?for discussions from November 17 till November 19.?

I would likevery much to pay you a visit.Assuming this is acceptable,please let me knowwhen it will be convenient for you to meet me at your office.?


Sincerely Yours,



Dear Mr.Green:?

Thank you foryour letter of October 15 regarding your visit next month.?

We would bedelighted to meet you to discuss your new products.Could you please come to ouroffice at 11?∶00 a.m.on November 18?If your schedulepermits,we would like to invite you to lunch after the meeting.?

We lookforward to seeing you.?





Dear David:?

I am verysorry to tell you that it will not be possible for us to meet during yourforthcoming trip to Japan.Unfortunately I will be out of town on June 20,whichis the only date that you said you have available in Tokyo.?

If you areplanning to make another visit to Japan sometime soon and if you can give mesome advance notice of your visit,I would be delighted not only to see youagain but also to arrange a visit to our factory.?

In any case,Ilook forward to meeting you again in New York on my next trip.?




第五节 祝贺与慰问?


Dear Mr.Green,?

We learnedfrom your company’s May 1st announcement that you have been named President ofJ.J.Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.?

Please acceptour warmest congratulations on your appointment.Our thoughts and best wishesare with you as you take up your new and important ?position.??

It is oursincerest hope that the close relationship existing between our two companieswill continue and perhaps even be strengthened further,and I look forward tobeing able to contribute to our mutual benefit.Once again,congratulations.?


Yours sincerely,?



Dear Zhang Ling:?

How pleased Ifeel when I heard you have been promoted to the position of Credit-Manager.Ireally think that you deserve the position because of your extensive?experience,diligence and outstanding intelligence.?

Mycongratulations should also be extended to the president of your bank.He hassuch a good sense to find the best person.?

Congratulationson your well-deserved promotion.?


Truly Yours,



Dear Mr.Smith:?

Thank you foryour kind letter of September 15 and for the supportive words.?

My newposition is one that will require total commitment,and I assure you that I amdetermined to do my utmost to tide us over during this difficult time and tomake the company stronger in every way possible.?

I lookforward to your continued support and patronage.?





Dear Mr.Smith,?

I am writingto convey my warm congratulations on your appointment to the Board of AsiaIndustries Ltd.?

My colleaguesand I are delighted that the years of service your have given to your companyshould at last have been rewarded in this way and we join in sending you ourvery best wishes for the future.?


Yours sincerely?



Dear Herb:?

I was a mitesurprised at the gift presented to you on the occasion of your retirementparty—a really beautiful set of golf clubs.I happen to know that you are not agolfer,and when I asked someone about the gift,the answer was:“That’s whatSheila said Herb wanted most of all.He doesn’t play now,but he’s determined tolearn.”?

Of course,Ishouldn’t be surprised.You’ve been constantly pursuing new challengesthroughout your 45 years at Watson-Ferguson,and I can’t think of one that youdidn’t master.It’s that fierce determination—tempered with a delightful wit andpractical-mindedness—that has made you such an outstanding financial executive.Whynot golf,indeed!?

We will missyou,naturally but our gloom is brightened somewhat by our vision of yourchasing the little white ball all over Hilton Head Island.That,by theway,sounds like a lot more fun than juggling debentures and arguing with ?security?analysts.? Mary joins me in wishing foryou and Sheila many happy years in the Sun Belt.Be sure to drop in on the folkshere at W-F when you get to Cleveland.?


Best personal regards,?



Dear Jack:?

It’s yourbirthday again!Where has the time gone?We hope your birthday is a happy one.Weappreciate your work here at ABC and hope that we enjoy many more birthdaystogether.?






Dear Mary,?

How wonderfulit is to learn that your new branch will be open and be ready for business,congratulations!?

With yourexperience and proven capability in the trade,I know that your organizationwill be a huge success.?

Please acceptmy warmest congratulations and best wishes.?



Jack Wang



Dear Mary:?

I am sorry tohear that you have been hospitalized.I’m sure that the staff at Trinity Generalwill take good care of you and get you on your way.Please call us if you haveany questions regarding the company’s health insurance.?

FriendshipFurnaces relies heavily on its employees and will feel your absence.I hope thatyou will recover quickly.We look forward to your return.?




Ole Munson


Friendship Furnaces



Dear Kitty:?

I was shockedand distressed to learn of Rob’s heart attack,and I won’t rest easy until Ilearn of his full recovery.?

Knowing Rob,Isuspect that when he surmounts this crisis,he will be champing at the bit toget back to his job here.But you mustn’t let him.Although his presence will besorely missed,we’ll find a way to cover his desk while he is ?away,perhaps? notnearly as well as he would like,but as best we can.Please ?insist? that hefollow the doctor’s prescribed routine for convalescence,with no thought forany other responsibility he may feel.We want him back,of course,but not untilthe doctor says he should return.In the meantime,Rob will remain on full salaryand benefits.?

Kitty,pleaselet me know when it is permissible for Rob to have visitors.I want to seehim.Now,is there anything I can do for you??




Dear Mr.Brown,?

I have justlearned with deep regret of the death of your wife and I am writing at once toexpress our heartfelt sympathy.?

There is notmuch one can say at a time such as this,but those of us at the office who havemet Mrs.Brown would like you to know that you have our sincere sympathy in yourbereavement.We recall her many kindness.She will be missed by all who knewher.? If there is any way in which we canbe of any help,either now or later,do please let us know.?


Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr.White,?

We weredistressed to read the announcement of Mr.Smith’s death in this morning’sEveryday Daily News,and write immediately to express our deep ?regret.??

By hisuntimely passing the camera industry has lost one of its pioneers.?

We recall hisgreat kindness and active cooperation with our company in the past.? He will long be remembered by all who knewhim and who worked with him.?

On behalf ofour company,please extend our deepest pity and hearty condolence to hisbereaved family.?


Yours very sincerely,


第六节 感谢与道歉函?


Dear Black,?

Thank you foryour order No.464 of 20 September.?

The modelsyou selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.Thepackage is being air-mailed to you on Swiss.The relevant documentation isenclosed.I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents thebeginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our companies.The nexttime you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunchfor you with our directors.?


Sincerely yours,

Jim Green

Sales Manager



Dear Mr.Smith,?

I am writingto you just to tell you how very much I appreciate the warm welcome youextended to my wife when she visited your country last week.?

The help andadvice you gave to her,and the introductions you arranged for her,have resultedin a number of very useful meetings and I should like you to know how verygrateful I am for all you have done to make them possible.?

I realizedthe value of time to a busy person like you and this makes me all the moreappreciative of the time you so generously gave to her.?






Thank you foryour letter enclosing an account of the organization and work of your localtrade association.?

I am verygrateful for the interest you have shown in our proposal to include details toyour association in the next issue of the Finance Associations Year Book,andfor your trouble in providing such an interesting account of youractivities.Your account is sure to inspire and encourage associations in otherareas.?


Yours sincerely,?



Dear Mr.Green,?

We greatlyappreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving yourair-conditioning problems.?

We are now inour fifth year of operation,and we receive many letters like yours indicating ahigh level of customer satisfaction with our installations.?

We arepleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably.We would like you toknow that if you need to contact us at any time in the future,our engineerswill be equally responsive to your request for assistance.?

If we can beof service to you again,please let us know.Thank you again for your very kindletter.?


Yours Sincerely,

Chief Engineer?



Dear Professor Black:?

I thinkyou’ll be pleased to know that I have been hired as Assistant AdvertisingManager of Southern Outdoorsman.I will report to work July 21.This gives me alittle time,and I hope to drop in to see you before I leave for Charleston.?

At any rate,Iwant to thank you for your help.The job looks very challenging,but because ofthe thorough training I received at USC,together with your own informalcoaching,I’m confident I can handle it.?


Best wishes,



Dear Paul:?

Yesterday Ireceived a large order from Binghamton Auto Supply and was told by theowner,Janet Rosenberg,that you were responsible for my getting the business.?

I was mightypleased to have the new business,Paul,but even more pleased that you thoughtwell enough of me to recommend my company to Janet Rosenberg.That’s the highestrecommendation I can imagine,and I’m grateful for it.Thank you!?





Dear Mr.Green:?

I reallyappreciate your order for 200 Gem-Con Plastique motorcycle tanks.These will beshipped at once.Thanks,too,for the check!?

Beginning inJune,we’re offering a special discount on the Gem-Con line.In addition to thetrade discount of 33.3 percent,we’re giving a extra discount of 5%.?

A lot of ourcustomers are switching to the Plastique tank as a replacement for originalmetal equipment.They report hearty endorsements from participants in motorcrosscompetition—that the tanks are very lightweight,but extremely tough.We predictyou’ll have a similar endorsement!?


Sincerely Yours,



Dear Mr.Green:?

On March 16,ABC willcelebrate its third anniversary.It’s a wonderful occasion for us,and we’re notso quietly strutting a bit about the progress we’ve made.?

Yet we’refully aware that our accomplishments are not simply attributableto“genius”leadership or hard-working employees.We grew and prospered onlybecause we found some great friends like you who gave us loyal support alongthe way.?

So this is athank-you note—for buying and pushing our products,putting up with occasionalerrors due to“growing pains,”and just helping to put ABC on the map.The future looksbright,and we want to acknowledge your contribution to this rosy outlook.As wesay in Georgia,“Appreciate it!”?


Very sincerely Yours,



Dear Mr.Green,?

We havereceived your letter,dated today,by fax and apologize for the ?delay? inpayment.?

Due to ourinternal remittance procedures,which stood longer than anticipated,we couldonly make our remittance application to our bank today.Therefore,you should beable to confirm the receipt of the funds in your account tomorrow,yourtime.Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay.?


Yours sincerely.?



Dear Mr.Black:?

You’reentirely right.In our January 16 statement that you requested we neglected todeduct the extra discount of 10 percent to which entitled.?

As sometimeshappens,the folks who prepare the statements don’t always get the message.Andthis time for good reason:I simply did’t get the word to them about the additionaldiscount;so I’m the guilty party.?

Please deduct$462 from thestatement you received.The net amount due is $4 158 instead of $4 620.?

I want you toknow that I’m very sorry about this oversight and that I’m grateful to you forpointing the error out to me.I appreciate your business!?


Cordially Yours,



Dear Xidan Resident:?

Building anew store is a messy business as you undoubtedly noticed from the dust cloudswe raise,the rerouting of traffic on Old Town Road,and the noise and generalconfusion we create.?

Althoughthings are still unsettled,we are doing everything we possibly can to eliminateinconvenience and discomfort for our friends.The good news is that we expect tofinish the“dirty”part of the job by April 10 and then get back to normal.?

Thank you foryour patience.Although we regret being a nuisance,we think you will be proud ofthis new Family Foods outlet—a full acre of shopping pleasure—which isscheduled to open September 8 of this year.?


Cordially Yours,



Dear Jack,?

Lisa and Iare still talking about the great afternoon and evening you gave us in NewYork.It is an occasion that will be long remembered.?

Although youprobably take New York in stride,everything we saw and did was a grandadventure:the boat trip around Manhattan Island,cocktails at the top of theWorld Trade Center,dinner at the Four Seasons,the Broadway revival of ourfavorite musical,“The Oracle,”and finally the famous cheesecake at Lindy’s.?

The buyingtrip was very successful,and my boss was immensely pleased with myselections.Never again will I believe the old saying,“You can’t mix businesswith pleasure.”You provided the pleasure and,incidentally some of thebusiness.Thank you!?


Yours Faithfully?



Dear Sirs,?

You will alreadyhave received formal acknowledgment of your order of 24th August,but as this isyour first order with us,I feel I must write to tell you how pleased we were toreceive it and to thank you for the opportunity you have given us to supply thegoods you need.?

I hope ourhandling of this order will lead to further business between us and to a happyand lasting association.We shall certainly do our best to make it so.?


Yours faithfully,

Xxxx xxxx


三 : 公告通知报告等商务文书写作重点及报价函、询价函、感谢信范文大全(2)

























1. 关于“元旦”期间工作安排的通知
















2007年12月份的电费发票,同时填报有关资料交我局工作人员 (具体格式将在各营业点派发)。














To: 全体员工

From: 张XX,执行董事

日期: 2007-11-1

主题: 健身中心








时 间:2004年2月16日上午

主 持 人:毛大龙

出 席 人:黄立鹏、王梅珍、陈星达、陈运能、张福良、黄炜

列 席人:林建萍、徐进、李克让、梁慧、朱国定、吕秀君、郑禄红、李滨、张剑锋、董珍时、夏朝丰、陆丽君、刘雪燕、任振成、冯盈之、范建波















1. 本规范章节目次;

2. 本规范章节内容编写提纲;

3. 规范初稿起草分工及各章汇总负责人名单;

4. 规范编制工作进度计划。


























2003年,是汉江公司立足喜河之年,开拓蜀河之年,也是志在汉江、发展壮大的一年。在公司领导“抓大事、抓关键、抓落实”的理念指引下,计划投资部 贯彻“流域、梯级、滚动、综合”的开发方针,走“市场化、科学化、国际化”之路,按照集团公司的统一部署,以全新的理念,全新的方法和全新的管理,克服“非典”对工作的影响,千方百计促使喜河项目可研报告和开工报告的批复,克服重重困难推进蜀河电站前期工作,拼搏进取,扎实工作,取得令人瞩目的成绩。

一、催批喜河可研报告 努力实现6月开工






















六、投资完成情况(截止 2003年12月底)



施工辅助工程完成; 11月16日一期围堰合龙;



全年完成土石方开挖 87万m3 ,土石方填筑m3 ,浇筑混凝土12719 m3,钢筋制安 1070t;



按照流域公司的特点, 根据公司领导 提出 “建设1个电站,筹备1个电站,储备1个电站”的思路,我部积极向集团公司申请开展蜀河前期工作。3月5日,集团公司正式印发文件,委托我公司开展蜀河水电站前期工作。西北勘测设计研究院进行了“溢流式”厂房的实验研究。将蜀河水电站枢纽布置,由“河床式厂房”改为“厂顶溢流”,仅主体工程就节约投资5.47亿元,上网电价下降到0.255元/千瓦时。4月26日,完成预可报告的审查意见;8月27日,项目建议书呈报集团公司;12月5日,环境影响评价大纲通过审查;12月25日,水库淹没实物调查外业工作结束;12月26日,集团公司大唐集团计[2003]442号文件(www.61k.com)《关于下达集团公司直接投资项目前期工作费计划的通知》印发,安排蜀河水电站工程项目前期工作费用821万元;12月30日,省环保局陕环函[2003]359号文件《关于蜀河水电站工程环境影响评价标准批复的函》印发。目前,蜀河项目可行性研究报告编制已近尾声,为完成2004年立项和前期工程进点创造了条件。

八、对 04年的工作的建议



3、 公司要实现可持续发展,就要按照集团公司的发展战略,开拓公司的投资职能,以创造集团公司的经济效益为出发点,把创业思路调整到“大唐有汉江,汉江为大唐”上来发展研究外延性业务,做到开发水电,又不局限于水电。通过综合开发,真正的把我们的公司做强、做大。















1.询 价 函








2.报 价 函

TO : 托尼.斯密思先生



DATE :2000年5月25日








编号1:货物描述:独立包装:每包: 1付 , 净重XX克 ,毛重XX克


编号2:货物描述:独立包装:每包: 1付 , 净重XX克 ,毛重XX克























1st, March 2007

Mr. Zhang Ming

ABC Co., Ltd.

20 Changan Street

Beijing, China

Dear Mr.Zhang:

   I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitalityaccorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to yourbeautiful country. I would also like to thank you for yourinteresting discussion with me which I have found very informativeand useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed bythe enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives oncooperation with China. I sincerely hope

we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able tocontinue our

interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateraleconomic and trade relations and bring our business peopletogether.

I am looking forward to your early visit to U.S.A., when I will beable to pay back some of the hospitality I received during mymemorable stay in your beautiful country.

With kind personal regards,  


Faithfully yours,


Mr. Tomas Cook

Minister of Economic Cooperation

New York


四 : 商务信函--商务电子邮件的撰写规范







2.标题 (主题)












五 : 写商务英语信函注意事项

在国际贸易竞争日益激烈的今天,为了通过发送商务信函达到有效交流,传达友好情感,增加商务合作机会的目的,商务信函必须在风格和语言上发生变化。(www.61k.com]现代商务信函的主要文体特征可以概括为以下五点: 内容的清晰性、表达的简洁性、词语的专业性、风格的正式性、措辞的礼貌性。因此我们要将商务信函本身的特点和英语的语言特点结合起来,分析和总结其翻译思路和技巧。


发送商务信函的目的在于建立商务往来关系,就某一细节进行商讨,努力达成共识,以便促进一项商务活动的开展。要达到这些目的,首先必须保证阅读者能够清楚了解写信人的意图,迂回或闪烁其辞的话语会让读信人产生不信任,甚至会怀疑对方的语言表达能力,对进一步开展商务活动很不利。模棱两可的话轻则阻碍读信人对信函意思的理解,重则会对发函方造成不必要的损失。例如: As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco,we have bimonthly direct services. 此处bimonthly 有歧义,可以是twice a month 或者once two month. 故读信人就迷惑了,可以改写为We have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to San Francisco.

翻译要保留原文的清晰度相当重要。由于在较为正式的场合中,为了将一概念定义完整和清楚,英文常常用关联词将几个短句并在一起形成一个长句,而中文无法照样只用一句话来翻译,即使这样译了也很难达到通顺和自然。这时,我们就采取将长句按特定的事情发展的顺序拆分成两个或两个以上的小句子的方式来翻译。必要时还要增加或省略一些词语,让整段文字结构更合理、内容更清楚。例如: The prices stated are based on current freight rates,any increase or decrease in freight rates at time of shipment is to be the benefit of the buyer,with the seller assuming the payment of all transportation charges to the point or place of delivery.例句中以一个介词with 来分界,译为“合同价格是以运费计算,装运时运费的增减均属买方。卖方则承担至交货地的全部运费”。在原文中with 分句是一个状语,翻译时采用中国人平铺直叙的思维方式,用分述的方式把这个句子拆成两句,清楚地表达了原文的语言信息。

是不是一封书信只要包含了全部关键信息就可以成为一封好的书信了呢? 拟信人还应注意语言组织的条理性,或按事情发展的先后顺序,或按各要素的重要性排序编写。东扯一句,西扯一句的写法必定会影响文章的清晰度。


简洁就是用最精炼的语言来表达意思,在商务信函中言简意赅就是为了方便高效率沟通与工作。能用一个字表达的不用一个词组,能一个词组讲清的事就不用讲成一句话。商务信函不用因顾及礼貌而开头就说“I hope you are well”( 近日可好?) ,天气也从不在此中提及。我们用“now”不用“at the same time”; 用“though”而不用“inspite of the fact that”……。形容词虽然可以表达友好、满意、歉意等感情,但只是在十分必要的情况下才出现。中国人在写英文信函时经常会出现一些不必要的重复,比如: “true facts”、“next time in the future”这样的词语读者能懂,但是会对这种不地道的说法嗤之以鼻。

中文就简洁这一点在很多情况下具有优势,商务信函中最能体现这一优势的是一些客套而必要的敬语,比如: “we are looking forward to your early reply”,翻译成中文就五个字: “盼早日回复”; “with all kind regards,I remain”,中文为“祝好”。像“regards”、“wishes”这一类词,都不用按照原意翻译,祝好的英文句子大多用中文的俗语代替。

三 、词语的专业性

商务信函是在商务活动这一特定的领域所使用的应用文形式。拟写和阅读此种信函的人都是从事商务工作的个体。在以职业划分的团体环境中,通常存在为方便业内人士交流但外行不懂的语言。这种语言包括专门为定义一个专业概念而发明的词汇,普通词汇在某一特定领域的特定意思,以及由一组词汇的每个单词的开头字母组成的缩写单词。我们称上述这些语言为行话( jargon) 。要将商务英语信函翻译得既专业又得当,要求翻译工作者掌握足够的商务知识。涉及经济学、金融学、国际贸易等领域的概念的意思和英文缩写这两种。不懂金融学的人会把“bank balance”和“insurance policy”分别翻译成“银行平衡”和“保险政策”,而正确的译文是“银行余额”及“保险单”; 没有接触过国际贸易的人也不会知道“CIF”( 成本加保险加运费价) ,“D/P”( 付款交单) ,“T /T”( 电汇) 。因此,懂得商务英语的行话是翻译相关信函的基本要求。根据字面意思翻译出来的文字根本无法传达商务信息。


Peter Newmark 在他编著的《翻译教程》中提到,提笔写译文之前,翻译者必须通读文章,了解原文的背景、基调、作者的态度和行文风格,以便合理自然地组织语言,表达目标信息。商务信函以商务活动为背景,书信内容自然是采取较为正式的风格表达。

这种正式性首先表现在措辞专业考究,感情色彩适中。在很多情况下,商务信函偏向于用名词表达某一动作的执行,一种状态的持续,或者用名词代替形容词来表达某种感情和态度; 其次,一件事情的完成大多用被动句来表述; 最后,用完整的长句说明事项。其中第三点在内容的清晰度上已用实例说明过,这里就第一和第二点看一个例子。例如: Unless your L /C advice is faxed the soonest possible,both the delay in shipment and L /Cextension will be inevitable. As this is a matter of great importance,we hope you will pay special attention to it. 我们可以清楚地看到英语在正式场合的习惯用法: 频繁使用被动语态表示一件事的执行,但我们不能把原文第一句翻译成“如果信用证通知书被尽早传真过来”,而应译为“如果贵方尽早将信用证通知书传真过来”。这样更符合中文的表达习惯; 后面说到“如不那样做,难免会出现延迟装船和延长信用证的有效期的现象”,英文用“delay in shipment and L /C extension”这样的名词词组来表达既精炼又正式,但是中文翻译出来不得不加一些语言,还要把表示动作的名词换成动词来译。另外,“this is a matter of great importance”的讲法也只有在相当正式的场合才用,属于定语后置,翻译过来形容词放在名词前面“这是件很重要的事情”,或简而言之“事关重要,敬请留意”。


在商务信函中,礼貌是行文必须遵守的原则。信头注明的收信人如果是对方公司的高层人物,必须在其名字后或下一行写出其职位或官衔。正文起头的称号也较为讲究。在公司内容传递的信函中,上级可以直呼下级的名字,表现出职位差别,也可以表达亲切之意。同事之间的交流也可以直呼其名,显出合作亲密。而进行贸易往来的不同公司之间则要严格按照“先生、女士、总经理、董事长阁下”等称呼。在称呼前最常用的形容词是“dear”,直译为“亲爱的”。但是鉴于商务活动和双方关系的正式性,我们将它译为“尊敬的”更恰当。“谢谢”、“请您”、“不胜感激”几乎在每封商务信函中都出现,这是为了引起读信人的好感和认同,以促成对方按照自己的意图完成相关的事项,或者对对方已经完成的某项工作表示肯定。我们将“Thank you for your inquiry of September 9th about our SH035 automatic coffee - maker.”翻译为“感谢贵方于九月九日对我方SH035 型自动咖啡壶的询价”。“感谢”按照原英文句子的顺序译在句首。但对另一种表达“Early reply is highly appreciated”则不能用中文的被动句翻译,而应译为“承蒙早日回复,不胜感激”。此中加入了英语原文中没有的词语“承蒙”,以解决改变句型后不通顺的问题。在某项商务活动开展过程中,对方有可能出现做得不尽人意的时候,无论是出于有意还是无意,如果笔者想激发对方做出对自己有意义的举动,切忌指责对方或持居高临下的态度。


A: You obviously ignored our request that you return the report by registered mail.显然你置我方将报告以挂号信的形式寄回的要求于不顾。

B: We did request that you return the report by registered mail.




本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1091803.html

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