

发布时间:2017-09-11 所属栏目:通知书

一 : 报关英语法律法规中英文对照精选72



中国银行业监督管理委员会关于中国银行、中国建设银行公司治理改革与监管指引 (Guidelines on Corporate Governance Reforms And Supervision of Bank of China and Construction Bank of China)

外国保险机构驻华代表机构管理办法(Rules on Administration of Representative Offices of Foreign Insurance Institutions )

商业银行资本充足率管理办法(Regulation Governing Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks)

金融机构衍生产品交易业务管理暂行办法(Provisional Administrative Rules Governing Derivatives Activities of Financial Institutions)

中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法(Law of the People’s Republic of China on Banking Regulation and Supervision)

境外金融机构投资入股中资金融机构管理办法(Administrative Rules Governing the Equity Investment in Chinese Financial Institutions by Overseas Financial Institutions )

汽车金融公司管理办法实施细则(Implementing Rules for the Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing Company)

汽车金融公司管理办法(Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing Company )

新化学物质环境管理办法 (Provisions on the Environmental Administration of New Chemical substances )

人民币银行结算账户管理办法(Administrative Rules for RMB Bank Settlement Accounts)

中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法(Administrative Rules of the People’s Bank of China for the Seizure and Verification of Counterfeit Currency)

中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例(Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools )

上海市营业性危险货物道路运输管理办法(Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods of a Business Nature)

人民币大额和可疑支付交易报告管理办法(Administrative Rules for the Reporting of Large-value and Suspicious RMB Payment Transactions)

上海市新建住宅配套建设与交付使用管理办法(Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on The Administration of All Necessary Accessory Constructions of Newly Built Residences and Making Newly Built Residences Available to Users )

上海市公共信息图形标志标准化管理办法 (Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration o

f the Standardization of the Graphic Signs of Public Information )

上海市民防工程建设和使用管理办法 (Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Construction and Use of Civil Defense Projects )

外汇指定银行办理结汇、售汇业务管理暂行办法(Provisional Procedures for Designated Bank’s Purchase and Sale of Foreign Exchange)

金融统计管理规定(Administrative Rules for Financial Statistics )

上海市促进行业协会发展规定 (Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Trade Association )

金融机构反洗钱规定(Rules for Anti-money Laundering by Financial Institutions )

中华人民共和国商标法实施条例(2002)(Implementing Regulations of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China)

危险化学品安全管理条例(Regulations on the Control over Safety of Dangerous Chemicals) 上市公司治理准则(Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China)

金融机构撤销条例(Regulations on Closure of Financial Institutions)


中华人民共和国加入议定书(Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China)

中国在过渡性审议机制中提供的信息2(Annex 1A: Information to be Provided by China in the Context of the Transitional Review Mechanism)

根据《补贴与反补贴措施协定》第25条作出的通知(Annex 5A: Notification Pursuant to Article XXV of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures)

总理事会依照《中国加入议定书》第18条第2款处理的问题(Annex 1B: Issues to be Addressed by the General Council in Accordance with Section 18.2 of China's Protocol of Accession)

需逐步取消的补贴(Annex 5B: Subsidies to be Phased Out)

中国加入工作组报告书(Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China )

中华人民共和国著作权法 (2001)(Copyright Law of the People''s Republic of China(2001) )

中华人民共和国职业病防治(Code of Occupational Disease Prevention of PRC)

中华人民共和国商标法(2001) (Trademark Law of the People''s Republic of China(2001) )

中华人民共和国防沙治沙法 (Law of the People's Republic of China on Desert Prevention and Transformation)

专利法实施细则(2001)(Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law (2001))

中华人民共和国婚姻法(2001)(Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China )

集成电路布图设计保护条例(Regulations on the Protection of Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits)

互联网站从事登载新闻业务管理暂行规定(Interim Provisions for Administration of Internet Websites’ Publishing News)

互联网信息服务管理办法(Measures for Administration of Information Service via Internet)

中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则(Rules on Administration of Religious Activities of Aliens in China)

中华人民共和国专利法(2000年修订版)(Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised on 8/25/2000))

中华人民共和国飞行基本规则(The Basic Regulations of Aviation of the People’s Republic of China) 中华人民共和国产品质量法 (Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended on 7/8/2000))

中华人民共和国大气污染防治法(2000)(Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution(2000))

中华人民共和国水污染防治法实施细则 (Rules for Implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution (Amended on 3/20/2000))

个人存款账户实名制规定 (Provisions on the Real Name of Individual Deposit Account)

中华人民共和国立法法 (Legislation Law)

保险公司管理规定 (Regulations on the Administration of Insurance Companies )

中华人民共和国森林法实施条例(Regulations for the Implementation of Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China)


中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法(2000) (Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China(2000))

统一域名争议解决办法补充规则(Supplemental Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy )

关于适用《中华人民共和国合同法》若干问题的解释(一)(The Supreme People's Court's Interpretations of Certain Issues Concerning the Application of The Contract Law)

国务院关于国家行政机关和企业事业单位社会团体印章管理的规定(The Rules on the Administration of the Seals of the State Administrative Departments, Enterprises and Institutions and the Social Organizations of the State Council)

中华人民共和国会计法(The Law on Accountancy of the People's Republic of China)

中华人民共和国气象法(Meteorology Law of the People's Republic of China)

统一域名争议解决办法程序规则(Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy)

商用密码管理条例(Regulations on the Commercial Passwords)

中华人民共和国个人独资企业法(Sole Proprietorship Enterprise Law of the People's Republic of China )


价格违法行为行政处罚规定(Rules of Administrative Sanctions on Price Offense)

关于价格违法行为行政处罚规定(Administrative Rules on the Penalties for Price Offense)

中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例实施细则(农业部分)(Implementing Rules for the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (Agriculture Part) ) 计算机软件保护条例(REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE)

上海市拆除违法建筑若干规定 (Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Demolition of Illegal Building )

上海市村民委员会选举办法 (Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Election of the Villagers' Committee)

饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例(Administrative Regulations on Feed and Feed Additive)

中华人民共和国行政复议法(Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Reconsideration)

上海市体育竞赛管理办法 (Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Sports Contests )


中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区第九届全国人民代表大会代表的产生办法 (Procedures for the Election of delegates of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Repubilc of China to the Ninth National People’s Congress)

金融违法行为处罚办法(Methods of Punishment against Financial Malfeasance)

上海市空中飞行器广告管理若干规定 (Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Aerial Advertising by Measures of Aircraft )

上海市失业保险办法 (Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Unemployment Insurance )

上海市户外广告设置规划和管理办法 (Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Installation, Planning and Administration of Outdoor Advertisements )

上海市燃气管理条例(Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Fuel Gas ) 失业保险条例 (Regulations on Unemployment Insurance )

社会保险费征缴暂行条例 (Interim Regulations on the Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Pr



上海市公有住房差价交换试行办法(Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Public Housing Exchange With Price Differences (For Trial Implementation) )


全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国国籍法》在澳门特别行政区实施的几个问题的解释 (Interpretations of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Concerning Questions on the Impelmentation of the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao Special Administrative Region)

中华人民共和国证券法 (Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China)

全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于惩治骗购外汇、逃汇和非法买卖外汇犯罪的决定(Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on the Punishment of Crimes of Purchase of Foreign Currencies by Deceitful Means, Foreign Exchange Evasion and Illegal Buying and Selling of Foreign Currencies)

中华人民共和国土地管理法实施条例(Regulations on the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (1998))

基本农田保护条例(Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland (1998))

上海市政府采购管理办法 (Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Government Purchasing )

上海市产权交易管理办法(Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Transactions in Property Rights )

国务院关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定 (The Decision of the State Council on Setting up Basic Medical Insurance System for Staff Members and Workers in Cities and Towns)

二 : 担保法-中英对照法规


(Approved by the 14th Meeting of the Standing committee of the 8th National People's Congress on June 30, 1995 and Effective as of October 1, 1995)


Chapter I General Provisions


Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to promoting the accommodation of funds and the circulation of commodities, ensuring the enforcement of creditor's rights and developing the socialist market economy.


Article 3 In guaranty activities, the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, honesty and credibility shall be observed.


Article 4 Where a third party provides a guaranty to creditor for a debtor, the third party may require the debtor to provide him with a counter-guaranty.

反担保适用本法担保的规定。 from:法律英语考试网http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/

The provisions on guaranty in this Law shall apply to the counter-guaranty.


Article 5 A guaranty contract is an ancillary contract of the principal contract. If the principal contract is null and void, the guaranty contract shall be null and void, accordingly.


Where it is otherwise agreed in the guaranty contract, such agreement shall prevail.


If a guaranty contract is determined to be null and void, the debtor, the guarantor or the creditor who is in default shall bear civil liability according to their respective fault.


Chapter 2 Suretyship


Section 1 Suretyship and Surety


Article 6 Suretyship as used in this Law means an agreement pursuant to which a surety and a creditor agree that the surety shall perform the obligation or bear the liability according to the agreement, when the debtor fails to perform his obligation.


Article 7 A legal person, other organization or a citizen capable of assuming debts may act as a surety.


Article 8 No State organ may act as a surety, except in the case of securing loans, for onlending, from a foreign government or an international economic organization as is approved by the State Council.


Article 9 Institutions such as schools, kindergartens and hospitals established for purposes of public welfare, and public organizations may not act as a surety.


Article 10 Branches and functioning departments of an enterprise as a legal person may not act as a surety.


If a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person, it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority.


Article 11 No organization or individual may compel a bank or another financial institution or an enterprise to provide a suretyship for another; a bank or another financial institution or an enterprise shall have the right to refuse to provide suretyship for another.


Article 12 Where there are two or more sureties for one obligation, the sureties shall undertake suretyship liability according to their proportion of suretyship agreed in the suretyship contract.


In the absence of an agreement on the proportion of suretyship, the sureties shall be jointly and severally liable. The creditor may demand any one of the sureties to undertake all suretyship liability, and every surety shall have the obligation to ensure all of the creditor's rights.


The surety who has undertaken the suretyship liability shall have the right of recourse against the debtor, or have the right to demand other sureties who are jointly and severally liable to discharge the proportion of obligations which they should respectively assume


Section 2 Suretyship Contract and Modes of Suretyship


Article 13 A surety and a creditor shall conclude a suretyship contract in writing.


Article 14 A surety and a creditor may conclude separate suretyship contracts for a single principal contract, or may reach an agreement to conclude, to the extent of the maximum amount of claim, a single suretyship contract for loan contracts or for certain commodities transaction contracts which successively occur in a given period of time.


Article 15 A suretyship contract shall contain the following particulars:


(1) the kind and amount of the principal claim guaranteed;


(2) the time limit for the debtor to perform his obligation;


(3) the modes of suretyship;


(4) the scope of the suretyship guaranty;


(5) the term of the suretyship; and


(6) other matters the parties deem appropriate.


If a suretyship contract does not contain all the particulars specified in the preceding paragraph, the particulars omitted may be added by amendment.


Article 16 The modes of suretyship include:


(1) general suretyship;


(2) suretyship of joint and several liability.


Article 17 A general suretyship refers to a suretyship contract wherein the parties agree that the surety shall undertake suretyship liability in case the debtor defaults.


A general suretyship allows the surety to refuse to undertake suretyship liability towards the creditor before a dispute over the principal contract is tried or arbitrated and the obligations are not enforceable even after the debtor's assets have been seized according to law.


A surety may not exercise the right provided in the preceding paragraph in any of the following circumstances:


(1) The change of the debtor's domicile makes it extremely difficult for the creditor to have the debtor's obligation enforced;


(2) A People's Court suspends the enforcement proceedings due to its acceptance of the debtor's bankruptcy case; or


(3) The surety waives in writing the right provided in the preceding paragraph.


Article 18 A suretyship of joint and several liability refers to a suretyship contract wherein the parties agree that the surety and the debtor shall be jointly and severally liable.


Where the debtor of a suretyship of joint and several liability defaults when the time limit for his performance of the obligation provided in the principal contract expires, the creditor may demand that the debtor perform his obligation, or demand that the surety undertake the suretyship liability within the scope of the suretyship agreement.


Article 19 In the absence of an agreed or explicitly agreed mode of suretyship, the parties shall bear the suretyship liability following the mode of a suretyship of joint and several liability.


Article 20 The surety of a general suretyship or a suretyship of joint and several liability shall enjoy the debtor's right of defense.


Where a debtor waives his right of defense against the obligation, the surety shall still enjoy a right of defense.


The right of defense means a debtor's right to exercise his right of claim on legal basis against the creditor when the creditor seeds to enforce his rights.


Section 3 Suretyship Liability


Article 21 The scope of the suretyship guaranty includes the principal claim and the interest thereof, default fine, compensation for damage and expenses for enforcing the claim,


unless the suretyship contract provides otherwise.


In the absence of an agreed or explicitly agreed scope of the suretyship guaranty, the surety shall be liable for payment of all the above costs.


Article 22 If a creditor transfers, in accordance with law, his principal claim to a third party during the period of the suretyship, the surety shall continue to be bound by the suretyship contract within the scope of the original suretyship guaranty,


unless the suretyship contract provides otherwise.


Article 23 Where a creditor permits a debtor to transfer his debts to a third party during the period of the suretyship, a consent in writing shall need to be obtained from the surety; the surety shall no longer be liable if the debts are transferred without his prior consent in writing.


Article 24 When a creditor and a debtor agree to alter the principal contract, they shall have to obtain the surety's consent in writing; the surety shall no longer be liable if the contract is altered without his prior consent in writing,


unless the suretyship contract provides otherwise.


Article 25 If the surety of a general suretyship and the creditor have no agreement on the term of suretyship, the term of suretyship shall be six months from the date of maturity of the principal debts.


Where the creditor neither files a lawsuit against the debtor nor applies for arbitration during the term of suretyship agreed in the contract of provided in the preceding paragraph, the surety shall be relieved of the suretyship liability; where the creditor has filed a lawsuit or applied for arbitration, the provisions on the interruption of prescription shall apply to the term of suretyship.


Article 26 Where the surety of a suretyship of joint and several liability and the creditor have no agreement on the term of suretyship, the creditor shall, within six months from the date of maturity of the principal debts, have the right to demand that the surety undertake suretyship liability.


If the creditor does not demand that the surety undertake suretyship liability during the term of suretyship agreed in the contract or provided by the preceding paragraph, the surety shall be relieved of the suretyship liability.


Article 27 Where in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of this Law, a surety provides a suretyship to a creditor's claims which successively occur but there is no agreement on the term of the suretyship, the surety may at any time notify in writing the creditor of termination of the suretyship contract, nevertheless, the surety shall be liable for the creditor's claims which vested before the creditor receives the notice.


Article 28 Where there are both suretyship and property security for the same claim, the surety shall be liable for the creditor's claim unsecured by the property security.


If the creditor waives the property security, the surety shall be relieved of his suretyship liability to the extent of the creditor's waiver.


Article 29 If a branch of an enterprise as a legal person concludes a suretyship contract with a creditor without the written authorization of the enterprise or beyond the scope of the authorization, the suretyship contract shall be null and void or the part of the contract that is beyond the scope of the authorization shall be null and void. If the creditor and the enterprise as a legal person are both at fault, they shall bear their respective civil liabilities commensurate with their own fault; if the creditor is not at fault, the enterprise as a legal person shall be civilly liable.


Article 30 The surety shall not be civilly liable under any of the following circumstances:


(1) the parties to the principal contract conspire to defraud the surety of a suretyship; and


(2) the creditor to the principal contract resorts to deception or coercion to induce or cause the surety to provide a suretyship against its will.


Article 31 The surety, after his assumption of the suretyship liability, shall be entitled to recourse against the debtor.


Article 32 If the creditor does not seek to enforce his claim after a People's Court's acceptance of the debtor's bankruptcy case, the surety may participate in the distribution of the bankruptcy property and exercise his right of recourse in advance.


Chapter 3 Mortgage


Section 1 Mortgage and Mortgaged Property


Article 33 Mortgage as used in this Law means that the debtor or a third party secures the creditor's rights with property listed in Article 34 of this Law without transference of its possession.


If the debtor defaults, the creditor shall be entitled to convert the property into money to offset the debts or have priority in satisfying his claim from the proceeds of auction or sale of the property in accordance with the provisions of this Law.


The debtor or the third party specified in the preceding paragraph is the mortgagor, the creditor is the mortgagee, and the property provided as security is the mortgaged property.


Article 34 The following property may be mortgaged:


(1) houses and other things firmly fixed on the land which are owned by the mortgagor;


(2) machines, means of transport and other property owned by the mortgagor;


(3) the land-use right to the State-owed land, State-owned houses and other things firmly fixed on the land which the mortgagor is entitled to dispose of according to law;


(4) State-owned machines, means of transport and other property which the mortgagor is entitled to dispose of according to law;


(5) The land-use right to barren hills, barren gullies, barren hillocks, waste flood land and other unreclaimed land contracted by the mortgagor according to law and consent for the mortgage of such right is obtained from the party granting the contract; and


(6) Other property that may be mortgaged according to law.


A mortgagor may at the same time mortgage all the property listed in the preceding paragraph.


Article 35 The amount of a claim secured by a mortgagor shall not exceed the value of his mortgaged property.


If the value of the mortgaged property exceeds that of the claim secured, the surplus may be mortgaged again, but not in excess of the surplus.


Article 36 Where houses on State-owned land acquired in accordance with law are mortgaged, the land-use right to the State-owned land occupied by the houses shall be mortgaged at the same time.


Where the land-use right to State-owned land acquired by means of granting is mortgaged, the houses on the State-owned land shall be mortgaged at the same time.


The land-use right to the land used by a township (town) or village enterprise may not be mortgaged separately.


Where factories and other buildings of township (town) or village enterprises are mortgaged, the land-use right to the land occupied by such buildings shall be mortgaged at the same time.


Article 37 The following property may not be mortgaged:


(1) ownership of the land;


(2) the land-use right to the land owned by the collectives such as cultivated land, house sites, private plots and private hills, with the exception of those provided in sub-paragraph (5) Article 34 and sub-paragraph (3) of Article 36 of this Law;


(3) educational facilities, medical and health facilities of schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other institutions or public organizations established in the interest of the public and other facilities in the service of public welfare;


(4) property in relation to which the ownership or the right of use is unknown or disputed;


(5) property sealed up, distrained or placed under surveillance in accordance with law; or


(6) other property which may not be mortgaged as prescribed by law.


Section 2 Mortgage Contract and Registration of Mortgaged Property


Article 38 A mortgagor and a mortgagee shall conclude a mortgage contract in writing.


Article 39 A mortgage contract shall include the following particulars:


(1) the kind and amount of the principal debt secured;


(2) the time limit for the debtor to perform his obligation;


(3) the name, quantity, quality, condition, location, ownership or ownership of the right to the use of the mortgaged property;


(4) the scope of the guaranty of mortgage; and


(5) other matters the parties deem necessary to include in the contract.


If a mortgage contract does not include all the particulars specified in the preceding paragraph, the omissions may be added by amendment.


Article 40 In concluding a mortgage contract, the mortgagor and the mortgagee may not stipulate that the ownership of the mortgaged property shall be transferred to the creditor in case the mortgagee's claim is not satisfied after maturity of the debt.


Article 41 Where a party mortgages property provided for in Article 42 of this Law, he shall register the mortgaged property, and the mortgage contract shall become effective as of the date of registration.


Article 42 The departments responsible for the registration of mortgaged property are as follows:


(1) the land administration departments which verify and issue certificates evidencing the land-use right if the land-use right to the land to which nothing is firmly attached is mortgaged;


(2) the departments designated by local people’s governments at or above the county level, if urban real estates or factories and other buildings of township (town) or village enterprises are mortgaged;


(3) the forestry administration departments at or above the county level, if forest trees are mortgaged;


(4) the registration departments for means of transport, if aircraft, ships and vehicles are mortgaged; or


(5) the administrative departments of industry and commerce in the place where the property is located, if the equipment and other movables of enterprises are mortgaged.


Article 43 Where a party mortgages other property, he may, of his own will, register the mortgaged property, and the mortgage contract shall become effective as of the date of execution.


If a party does not register the mortgaged property, he may not defend against the claims of third party.


If a party intends to register the mortgaged property, the notary department in the place where the mortgagor resides shall be the registration department.


Article 44 To register the mortgaged property, a party shall submit to the registration department the following documents or their duplicates:


(1) the principal contract and the mortgage contract; and


(2) the certificates evidencing the ownership of or the use right to the mortgaged property.


Article 45 Consulting, transcribing or duplicating the materials registered with the registration departments shall be permitted.


Section 3 Effect of Mortgage


Article 46 The scope of guaranty of mortgage includes the principal debt and the interest thereof, default fine, compensation for damage and expenses for enforcing the mortgage,


unless otherwise provided in the mortgage contract.


Article 47 If the mortgaged property is seized by a People's Court because of the debtor's failure to perform his obligation prior to the maturity of the debt, the mortgagee shall, from the date of seizure, be entitled to collect the natural fruits severed from the mortgaged property and the legal fruits which the mortgagor may collect from the mortgaged property.


If the mortgagee fails to notify the person who has the obligation to pay legal fruits of the fact that the mortgaged property is seized, the mortgagee's right shall not extend to such fruits.


The fruits mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall first be used to pay the expenses for collecting the fruits.


Article 48 If a mortgagor mortgages leased property, he shall notify the lessee of the fact in writing, and the original contract of lease continues in effect.


Article 49 If a mortgagor transfers mortgaged property already registered during the period of mortgage, he shall notify the mortgagee and inform the transferee that the transferred property is mortgaged; if the mortgagor fails to notify the mortgagee or inform the transferee of the fact, the transfer shall be null and void.


If the proceeds expected from the transfer of the mortgaged property are evidently less than its value, the mortgagee may demand that the mortgagor provide an additional guaranty; if the mortgagor fails to provide to additional guaranty, then he may not transfer the mortgaged property.


The proceeds which the mortgagor obtains from the transfer of the mortgaged property shall first be used to liquidate the claim secured by the mortgage or it shall be deposited with a third party agreed upon by the mortgagor and the mortgagee.


If the proceeds exceed the claim, the balance shall belong to the mortgagor; if the proceeds do not cover the claim, the difference shall be paid by the debtor.


Article 50 The right of mortgage may not be separated from the creditor's rights and transferred singly, nor used to secure other creditors' rights.


Article 51 Where a mortgagor's acts are likely to cause the value of the mortgaged property to decline, the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor cease and deist from such acts.


Where the value of the mortgaged property has declined, the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor restore the original value of the mortgaged property or provide security corresponding to the amount of the lost value.


If the mortgagor is not responsible for the decline in the value of the mortgaged property, the mortgagee may only demand that the mortgagor provide security to cover the loss resulting from the decline in value.


The part of the mortgaged property whose value has not declined shall continue to serve as guaranty for the creditor's right.


Article 52 The right of mortgage shall co-exist with the creditor's right secured. If the creditor's right lapses, the right of mortgage shall also lapse.


Section 4 Enforcement of Mortgage Right


Article 53 The mortgagee, who is not paid at the maturity of the obligation, may, through agreement with the mortgagor, be paid out of the proceeds from the conversion of the mortgaged property or from the auction or sale of the mortgaged property; if they fail to reach an agreement, the mortgagee may bring a lawsuit in a People's Court.


If the proceeds from the conversion of the mortgaged property or the proceeds from the auction or sale thereof exceed the claim, the balance shall be returned to the mortgagor; if the proceeds do not cover the claim, the difference shall be paid by the debtor.


Article 54 Where the same property is mortgaged to two or more creditors, the proceeds from the auction or sale of the mortgaged property shall be used for liquidation according to the following provisions:


(1) Where a mortgage contract takes effect with its registration, the liquidation shall be made in the order of the time of registration of the mortgaged property; if the registration is in the same order, the liquidation shall be made according to the respective proportions of the claims;


(2) Where a mortgage contract takes effect on the date of its execution and the mortgaged property is registered, the liquidation shall be made according to the provisions of sub-paragraph (1) of this Article;


The claim secured by registered mortgage shall be satisfied prior to the claim secured by unregistered mortgage.


Article 55 After the execution of a contract in which urban real estate is mortgaged , the newly-built houses on the land shall not be included in the mortgaged property.


Where it is necessary to auction the mortgaged real estate, the newly-built houses on the land may be auctioned, according to law, together with the mortgaged property, but the mortgagee shall have no right to enjoy the priority of having his claim satisfied with the proceeds from auction of the newly-built houses.


Where the land-use right to contracted barren hills is mortgaged or the land-use right to the land occupied by the factories and other buildings of a township (town) or village enterprise is mortgaged in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the collective ownership and the uses of the land may not be altered without following the legal procedure after enforcement of the right of mortgage.


Article 56 The mortgagee shall be entitled to the priority of having his claim satisfied with the proceeds from auction of the land-use right to the allocated State-owned land after payment o(www.61k.com)f the granting fees for the land-use right.


Article 57 The third party who provides guaranty of mortgage for the debtor shall have the right of recourse against the debtor after enforcement of the right of mortgage by the mortgagee.


Article 58 The right of mortgage shall lapse due to loss or destruction of the mortgaged property.


The compensation obtained for the loss or destruction shall be used as the mortgaged property.


Section 5 Mortgage of Maximum Amount


Article 59 A mortgage of maximum amount as used in this Law means that the mortgaged property shall be used to secure the creditor's claims which occur successively during a given period of time and to the extent of the total amount of the claims, as agreed upon between a mortgagor and a mortgagee.


Article 60 A loan contract may be accompanied by a contract of mortgage of maximum amount.


The contract executed by a creditor and a debtor for the continuous transaction of a specific commodity in a given period of time may be accompanied by a contract of mortgage of maximum amount.


Article 61 The creditor's right to the principal contract secured by a mortgage of maximum amount may not be transferred.


Article 62 The provisions of this section plus other provisions of this Chapter shall apply to mortgage of maximum amount.


Chapter 4 Pledge


Section 1 Pledge of Movables


Article 63 Pledge of movables as used in this Law means that the debtor or a third party transfers the possession of his movables to the creditor as a security for debt.


If the debtor defaults, the creditor shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, be entitled to convert the property into money as payment of the debt or enjoy priority of having his claim satisfied with the proceeds of auction or sale of the pledged property.


The debtor or the third party mentioned in the proceeding paragraph shall be the pledgor, the creditor shall be the pledgee, and the movables transferred shall be the pledged property.


Article 64 A pledgor and a pledgee shall conclude a pledge contract in writing.


A pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the pledged property to the possession of the pledgee.


Article 65 A pledge contract shall include the following particulars:


(1) the kind and amount of the principal debt secured;


(2) the time limit for the debtor to perform his obligation;


(3) the name, quantity, quality and condition of the pledged property;


(4) the scope of the guaranty of pledge;


(5) the time for delivering the pledged property; and


(6) other matters the parties deem necessary to include in the contract.


If a pledge contract does not contain all the particulars specified in the preceding paragraph, the omissions may be added by amendment.


Article 66 A pledgor and a pledgee may not stipulate in the contract that ownership of the pledged property shall be transferred to the pledgee if the obligation is not discharged at its maturity.


Article 67 The scope of guaranty of pledge includes the principal claim and the interest thereof, default fine, the compensation for damage, the storage charges and the cost of enforcing the right of the pledge.


If otherwise provided for in the pledge contract, the provisions there shall apply.


Article 68 The pledgee shall be entitled to collect the fruits derived from the pledged property.


If otherwise provided for in the pledge contract, the provisions there shall apply.


The fruits mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall first be used to pay the expenses for collecting the fruits.


Article 69 The pledgee shall have the obligation to maintain the pledged property in good condition.


The pledgee shall be civilly liable for the loss or destruction of or damage to the pledged property resulting from his negligence in storage.


Where the pledgee is unable to maintain the pledged property in good condition and may thus cause loss or destruction of or damage to the pledged property, the pledgor may demand that the pledgee have the pledged property deposited, or demand that his obligation be discharged in advance and the pledged property returned.


Article 70 Where there is a possibility for the pledged property to perish or for its value to obviously decline to a point sufficient to impair the rights of the pledgee, the pledgee may demand that the pledgor provide additional security in like amount.


If the pledgor refuses to provide the additional security, the pledgee may auction or sell the pledged property, and conclude an agreement with the pledgor that the proceeds from the auction or sale shall be used to pay in advance the debt secured or be deposited with a third party as agreed upon with the pledgor.


Article 71 Where the debtor performs his obligation at its maturity, or where the pledgor pays, prior to maturity, the debt secured, the pledgee shall return the pledged property.


If the pledgee is not paid at the maturity of the obligation, he may conclude an agreement with the pledgor that the pledged property be converted into money in order to pay the debt, or he may auction or sell the said property according to law.


Where the money converted from the pledged property or the proceeds from auction or sale exceed the debt secured, the balance shall be paid to the pledgor. Where the money or the proceeds do not cover the whole debt secured, the difference shall be paid by the debtor.


Article 72 The third party who secures the obligation of the debtor shall have the right of recourse against the debtor after the pledgee's enforcement of the right of the pledge.


Article 73 The right of pledge shall lapse due to loss or destruction of the pledged property.


The compensation obtained for the loss or destruction shall be used as the pledged property.


Article 74 The right of pledge shall co-exist with the creditor's right secured. When the creditor's right lapses, the right of pledge shall also lapse.


Section 2 Pledge of Rights


Article 75 The following rights may be pledged:


(1) bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, bonds, certificates of deposit, warehouse receipts, bills of lading;


(2) shares of stocks or certificates of stocks which are transferable according to law;


(3) the rights to exclusive use of trademarks, the property right among patent rights and copyrights which are transferable according to law; and


(4) other rights which may be pledged according to law.


Article 76 Where a bill of exchange, cheque, promissory note, bond, certificate of deposit, warehouse receipt or bill of lading is pledged, the document of title shall be delivered to the pledgee within the time limit specified in the pledge contract.


The pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the document of title.


Article 77 Where a bill of exchange, cheque, promissory note, bond, certificate of deposit warehouse receipt or bill of lading, which carries the date of payment or the date of delivery of goods, is pledged and if the date of its payment or delivery of goods is prior to the time limit for the performance of the obligation, the pledgee may be paid or accept the delivery of the goods before the expiration of the time limit for the performance of the obligation, and conclude an agreement with the pledgor that the payment or the goods accepted shall be used to pay in advance the debt secured or be deposited with a third party as agreed upon with the pledgor.


Article 78 Where certificates of stock transferable according to law are pledged, the pledgor and the pledgee shall conclude a contract in writing and register the pledge contract with the securities registration authorities.


The pledge contract shall become effective on the date of the registration. /The pledge contract shall become effective upon registration


The certificates of stocks pledged may not be transferred, unless agreed between the pledgor and the pledgee.


The proceeds the pledgor obtained from the transfer of the certificates of stocks shall be used to pay in advance the pledgee's claims secured, or be deposited with a third party as agreed upon with the pledgor.


Where shares of stocks of a limited liability company are pledged, the relevant provisions of the Company Law governing the transfer of shares shall apply.


The pledge contract shall become effective on the date on which the pledge of shares is written into the shareholders' name-list.


Article 79 Where the right to exclusive use of trademarks, the property rights among patent rights and copyrights transferable according to law are pledged, the pledgor and the pledgee shall conclude a contract in writing and register the pledge contract with the administrative department in charge. .


The pledge contract shall become effective on the date of the registration. /The pledge contract shall become effective upon registration


Article 80 If a right mentioned in Article 79 of this Law is pledged, the pledgor may not transfer or permit the right to be used by another , unless agreed between the pledgee and the pledgor.


The proceeds from the transfer or the use obtained by the pledgor shall be used to pay in advance the pledgee's claims secured or be deposited with a third party as agreed between the pledgor and the pledgee.


Article 81 The pledge of rights is governed not only by the provisions of this Section, but also by the provisions of Section 1 of this Chapter.


Chapter 5 Lien


Article 82 "Lien" as used in this Law means that the creditor shall possess the debtor's movables according to the terms of the contract as provided by Article 84 of this Law. If the debtor defaults on his debt, the creditor shall be entitled to retain the property in accordance with the provisions of this Law and to the priority of having the debt paid with the money converted from the property or proceeds from sale or auction of the property.


Article 83 The scope of guaranty of lien covers the principal claim and the interest thereof, default fine, compensation for damage, cost of preservation of the retained property and expenses for enforcing the lien.


Article 84 In the event of any costs arising from a storage, transportation or processing contract, if the debtor defaults, the creditor shall have the right to retain the property.


The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be applicable to other contracts whereby the creditor has the right of retention as provided by law.


The parties may specify in the contract the property that may not be retained.


Article 85 Where the retained property can be divided, the value of the part retained shall be equal to the sum of the debt.


Article 86 The lien holder shall have the obligation to maintain the retained property in good condition.


The lien holder shall be civilly liable for loss or destruction of or damage to the retained property resulting from his negligence.


Article 87 The creditor and the debtor shall stipulate in the contract that the debtor shall perform his obligation within not less than two months after the creditor takes possession of the debtor's property.


If the creditor and the debtor fail to stipulate the same in the contract, the creditor shall, after taking possession of the debtor's property, fix a time limit of two months or more and notify the debtor to perform his obligation within such time limit.


If the debtor defaults within the specified time limit, the creditor may convert the retained property into money upon agreement with the debtor, or may auction or sell the retained property according to law.


Where the money converted from the retained property or the proceeds from auction or sale exceed the debt secured, their balance shall be paid to the debtor; where the money or proceeds do not cover the entire secured debt; the difference shall be paid by the debtor.


Article 88 The right of retention shall lapse due to the following reasons:


(1) the creditor’s right lapses; or


(2) the debtor gives other security which is accepted by the creditor.


Chapter 6 Deposit


Article 89 The parties may agree that one party shall pay a deposit to the other for the security of a debt. 债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。

After the debtor performs his obligation, the deposit shall either be retained as partial payment or be returned. 给付定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,无权要求返还定金;收受定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,应当双倍返还定金。

If the party paying the deposit defaults, he shall have no right to demand the return of the deposit; if the party accepting the deposit defaults, he shall return twice the amount of the deposit.


Article 90 The deposit shall be executed in written form.


The parties shall specify the time limit for the delivery of the deposit in the deposit contract.


The deposit contract shall become effective on the date of the actual delivery of the deposit.


Article 91 The amount of the deposit shall be stipulated by the parties, but it shall not exceed 20 percent of the amount of the principal contract.


Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions


Article 92 The "immovables" as used in this Law means land, and houses, forest, tress and other things firmly fixed on the land.


The movables as used in this Law means things other than the immovables.


Article 93 "Suretyship contract", "mortgage contract", "pledge contract" or "deposit contract" as used in this Law may be contract concluded separately in writing that includes the letters and telex in the nature of guaranty between the parties, or the guaranty clauses in the principal contract.


Article 94 Where the mortgaged property, the pledged property or the retained property is converted into money or sold, the price shall be fixed with reference to the market price.


Article 95 Where the Maritime Code and other laws have special provisions on guaranty, such provisions shall apply.


Article 96 This Law shall be implemented as of October 1, 1995.

三 : 公司法中英对照,律商网

中华人民共和国公司法(2005 年修 订) English Version 发文日期:2005-10-27 有效范围:全国 发文机关:全国人民代表大会常 务委员会; 中华人民共和国主席 文号:主席令[2005]第 42 号 时效性:现行有效 生效日期:0000-00-00 所属分类:综合(公司法->综合)

Company Law of the Peop

le's Republic of China

中文版 Promulgation Date:10-27-2005 Effective Region:NATIONAL Promulgator:Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Document No:Order of the President [2005] No. 42 Effectiveness:Effective Effective Date:01-01-2006 Category:General(Company Law->General)

中华人民共和国公司法(2005 年修 订) 主席令[2005]第 42 号 2005 年 10 月 27 日 《中华人民共和国公司法》已 由中华人民共和国第十届全国人民 代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议 于 2005 年 10 月 27 日修订通过, 现 将修订后的《中华人民共和国公司 法》公布,自 2006 年 1 月 1 日起施 行。 中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛 中华人民共和国公司法 (1993 年 12 月 29 日第八届全 国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次 会议通过 根据 1999 年 12 月 25 日 第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员 会第十三次会议《关于修改〈中华

Company Law of the People's Republic of China

Order of the President [2005] No. 42 October 27, 2005 The Company Law of the People's Republic of China was amended and adopted at the 18th session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005. The amended Company Law of the People's Republic of China is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2006. President of the People's Republic of China: Hu Jintao Company Law of the People's Republic of China (Adopted at the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on December 29, 1993. Revised for the first time on December 25, 1999 according to the Decision of the Thirteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress on


人民共和国公司法〉的决定》第一 次修正 根据 2004 年 8 月 28 日第 十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会 第十一次会议《关于修改〈中华人 民共和国公司法〉的决定》第二次 修正 2005 年 10 月 27 日第十届全 国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八 次会议修订)

Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the second time on August 28, 2004 according to the Decision of the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the third time at the 18th Session of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005) Contents Chapter I General Provisions Chapter II Establishment and Governance of A Limited Liability Company Section 1 Establishment Section 2 Governance Section 3 Special Provisions on Single Shareholder Limited Liability Companies Section 4 Special Provisions on Wholly State-Owned Companies Chapter III Transfers of Limited Liability Company Stock Rights Chapter IV Establishment and Governance of A Joint Stock Limited Company Section 1 Establishment Section 2 Shareholders' Assembly Section 3 Boards of Directors and Managers Section 4 Boards of Supervisors Section 5 Special Provisions on the Governance of A Listed Company Chapter V Issuance and Transfers of Shares in A Joint Stock Limited Company Section 1 Issuance of Shares Section 2 Transfers of Shares Chapter VI Qualifications and Duties of Company Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers Chapter VII Corporate Bonds Chapter VIII Financial Affairs and Company Accounts Chapter IX Merger and Demergers; Increases and Decreases in Registered Capital Chapter X Company Dissolutions and Liquidations Chapter XI Branches of Foreign Companies Chapter XII Legal Liability

目 录 第一章 总 则 第二章 有限责任公司的设立 和组织机构 第一节 设 立 第二节 组织机构 第三节 一人有限责任公司的 特别规定 第四节 国有独资公司的特别 规定 第三章 有限责任公司的股权 转让 第四章 股份有限公司的设立 和组织机构 第一节 设 立 第二节 股东大会 第三节 董事会、经理 第四节 监事会 第五节 上市公司组织机构的 特别规定 第五章 股份有限公司的股份 发行和转让 第一节 股份发行 第二节 股份转让 第六章 公司董事、监事、高 级管理人员的资格和义务 第七章 公司债券 第八章 公司财务、会计 第九章 公司合并、 分立、 增资、 减资 第十章 公司解散和清算 第十一章 外国公司的分支机 构


第十二章 法律责任 第十三章 附 则 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了规范公司的组织 和行为,保护公司、股东和债权人 的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序, 促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制 定本法。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 10 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第二条 本法所称公司是指依 照本法在中国境内设立的有限责任 公司和股份有限公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 12 篇 )

Chapter XIII Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of regulating the organization and operation of companies, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, maintaining the socialist economic order, and promoting the development of the socialist market economy

Article 2 The term "company" as referred to in this Law means a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company established within the territory of the People''s Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of this law. Article 3 A company is an enterprise legal person, which has independent legal person property and enjoys the right to legal person property. It shall bear liability for its debts with all its assets. For a limited liability company, a shareholder shall be liable for the company to the extent of the capital contributions it has paid. For a joint stock limited company, a shareholder shall be liable for the company to the extent of the shares it has subscribed to.

第三条 公司是企业法人, 有独 立的法人财产,享有法人财产权。 公司以其全部财产对公司的债务承 担责任。有限责任公司的股东以其 认缴的出资额为限对公司承担责 任;股份有限公司的股东以其认购 的股份为限对公司承担责任。

第四条 公司股东依法享有资 产收益、参与重大决策和选择管理 者等权利。 (相关文章: 相关案例 56 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 3 篇 ) 第五条 公司从事经营活动, 必 须遵守法律、行政法规,遵守社会 公德、商业道德,诚实守信,接受 政府和社会公众的监督,承担社会 责任。

Article 4 The shareholders of a company shall be entitled to enjoy a return on capital, participate in making important decisions, appoint managers and enjoy other shareholder rights.

Article 5 In conducting its business operations, a company shall comply with laws and administrative regulations, social standards, and business standards. It shall act in good faith, accept the supervision of the government and general public, and act in a socially


公司的合法权益受法律保护, 不受侵犯。 (相关文章:相关案例 12 篇 ) 第六条 设立公司, 应当依法向 公司登记机关申请设立登记。符合 本法规定的设立条件的,由公司登 记机关分别登记为有限责任公司或 者股份有限公司;不符合本法规定 的设立条件的,不得登记为有限责 任公司或者股份有限公司。 法律、行政法规规定设立公司 必须报经批准的,应当在公司登记 前依法办理批准手续。 公众可以向公司登记机关申请 查询公司登记事项,公司登记机关 应当提供查询服务。 (相关文章:法律法规 6 篇 相 关案例 9 篇 热点透视 1 篇 专业书 刊1篇 )

responsible way. The legitimate rights and interests of a company shall be protected by law and may not be trespassed against. Article 6 To establish a company, an application for registration shall be filed with the company registration authority. Where the application meets the establishment requirements of this Law, the company registration authority shall register the company as a limited liability company or joint stock limited company. Where the application does not meet the establishment requirements of this Law, it shall not be registered as a limited liability company or joint stock limited company. Where any law or administrative regulation provides that the establishment of a company shall subject to approval, the relevant approval formalities shall be complied with prior to the registration of the company. The general public may consult the company register at a company registration authority, which shall allow the general public to consult the register. Article 7 For a lawfully established company, the company registration authority shall issue it with a company business license. The date of issuance of the company business license shall be the date of establishment of the company. The company business license shall state the name, domicile, registered capital, paid in capital, business scope, legal representative, etc. Where any of the items stated in the business license change, the company shall amend the registration and the company registration authority shall replace its old business license with a new one.

第七条 依法设立的公司, 由公 司登记机关发给公司营业执照。公 司营业执照签发日期为公司成立日 期。公司营业执照应当载明公司的 名称、住所、注册资本、实收资本、 经营范围、 法定代表人姓名等事项。 公司营业执照记载的事项发生变更 的,公司应当依法办理变更登记, 由公司登记机关换发营业执照。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 5 篇 热点透视 2 篇 专业书 刊1篇 ) 第八条 依照本法设立的有限 责任公司,必须在公司名称中标明 有限责任公司或者有限公司字样。 依照本法设立的股份有限公司,必 须在公司名称中标明股份有限公司 或者股份公司字样。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 5 篇 )

Article 8 A limited liability company established in accordance with this Law shall include the words "limited liability company" or "limited company" in its name. A joint stock limited company established in accordance with this Law shall include words "joint stock limited company" or "joint stock company" in its name.


第九条 有限责任公司变更为 股份有限公司,应当符合本法规定 的股份有限公司的条件。股份有限 公司变更为有限责任公司,应当符 合本法规定的有限责任公司的条 件。有限责任公司变更为股份有限 公司的,或者股份有限公司变更为 有限责任公司的,公司变更前的债 权、债务由变更后的公司承继。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 4 篇 ) 第十条 公司以其主要办事机 构所在地为住所。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第十一条 设立公司必须依法 制定公司章程。公司章程对公司、 股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员 具有约束力。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 29 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第十二条 公司的经营范围由 公司章程规定,并依法登记。公司 可以修改公司章程, 改变经营范围, 但是应当办理变更登记。 公司的经营范围中属于法律、 行政法规规定须经批准的项目,应 当依法经过批准。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 6 篇 )

Article 9 A limited liability company that seeks to be converted into a joint stock limited company shall satisfy the requirements prescribed in this Law for joint stock limited companies. A joint stock limited company that seeks to be converted into a limited liability company shall conform to the conditions prescribed in this Law for limited liability companies. In either of the aforesaid cases, the creditor's rights and debts of the company prior to the conversion shall be assumed by the company after the conversion.

Article 10 A company shall regard its main office as its principal address.

Article 11 A company established in accordance with this law shall formulate articles of association that are binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers.

Article 12 A company's business scope shall be defined in its articles of association and shall be registered in accordance with the law. A company may change its business scope by modifying its articles of association and shall comply with the formalities for amending its registration. Where the business scope of a company includes any activity for which approval is required pursuant to any law or administrative regulation, approval shall be obtained in accordance with the law. Article 13 The legal representative of a company appointed under its articles of association shall be its chairman of the board of directors, its acting director or its manager and shall be registered as such in accordance with the law. Where the legal representative of the company is changed, the company shall comply with the formalities for amending its registration.

第十三条 公司法定代表人依 照公司章程的规定,由董事长、执 行董事或者经理担任, 并依法登记。 公司法定代表人变更,应当办理变 更登记。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 31 篇 热点透视 1 篇 )


第十四条 公司可以设立分公 司。设立分公司,应当向公司登记 机关申请登记,领取营业执照。分 公司不具有法人资格,其民事责任 由公司承担。 公司可以设立子公司,子公司 具有法人资格,依法独立承担民事 责任。 (相关文章:法律法规 3 篇 相 关案例 200 篇 热点透视 1 篇 专家 咨询 1 篇 ) 第十五条 公司可以向其他企 业投资;但是,除法律另有规定外, 不得成为对所投资企业的债务承担 连带责任的出资人。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 专 业书刊 1 篇 ) 第十六条 公司向其他企业投 资或者为他人提供担保,按照公司 章程的规定由董事会或者股东会、 股东大会决议;公司章程对投资或 者担保的总额及单项投资或者担保 的数额有限额规定的,不得超过规 定的限额。公司为公司股东或者实 际控制人提供担保的,必须经股东 会或者股东大会决议。 前款规定的股东或者受前款规 定的实际控制人支配的股东,不得 参加前款规定事项的表决。该项表 决由出席会议的其他股东所持表决 权的过半数通过。 (相关文章: 相关案例 21 篇 专 家咨询 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 )

Article 14 A company may set up branches. To set up a branch, the company shall file a registration application with the company registration authority and shall obtain a business license. A branch shall not enjoy the status of an enterprise legal person and its civil liabilities shall be borne by the company. A company may establish subsidiaries which enjoy the status of an enterprise legal person and shall be independently responsible for their own civil liabilities.

Article 15 A company may invest in other enterprises. However, unless otherwise provided for in any law, a company shall not become a capital contributor that bears joint and several liability for the debts of the enterprises it invests in.

Article 16 Where a company intends to invest in any other enterprise or provide a guaranty for any other person, it shall, pursuant to its articles of association, make a resolution through the board of directors, shareholders' meeting or shareholders' assembly. Where the articles of association prescribe any limit on the total amount of investments or guaranties, or on the amount of a single investment or guaranty, the amount of the investment or guarantee shall not exceed the any of the limits prescribed. Where a company intends to provide a guaranty to any shareholder or de facto controller of the company, it shall make a resolution through the shareholder's meeting or shareholders' assembly. No shareholder as referred to in the preceding paragraph or shareholder controlled by the de facto controller as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall participate in voting on any matter as described in the preceding paragraph. Any such matter requires the affirmative votes of a majority of the other shareholders who attend the meeting. Article 17 A company shall protect the lawful rights and interests of its employees, sign employment contracts with its employees, purchase social insurance policies,

第十七条 公司必须保护职工 的合法权益,依法与职工签订劳动 合同,参加社会保险,加强劳动保

护,实现安全生产。 公司应当采用多种形式,加强 公司职工的职业教育和岗位培训, 提高职工素质。

and strengthen labor protection so as to ensure safety in the workplace. A company shall, in various forms, intensify the professional education and in-service training of its employees so as to improve their personal qualities. Article 18 The employees of a company shall, in accordance with the Labor Union Law of the People's Republic of China, organize a labor union, which shall carry out union activities and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the employees. The company shall provide the necessary conditions for its labor union to carry out its activities. The labor union shall, on behalf of the employees, sign collective contracts with the company with respect to remuneration, working hours, welfare, insurance, work safety and sanitation, and other matters. In accordance with the Constitution and other relevant laws, a company shall adopt democratic management in the form of an assembly of employee representatives or in any other way. To make a decision on restructuring or any important issue relating to its business operations, or to formulate any important policy, a company shall solicit the opinions of its labor union, and shall solicit the opinions and proposals of the employees through the assembly of employee representatives or in any other way. Article 19 A unit of the Chinese Communist Party shall, in accordance with the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party, be set up in companies to carry out the activities of the Chinese Communist Party. The company shall provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the Chinese Communist Party. Article 20 The shareholders of a company shall abide by laws, administrative regulations and the articles of association and shall exercise shareholders' rights under the law. No shareholder may injure the interests of the company or of other shareholders by abusing shareholders' rights, or injure the interests of any creditor of the company by abusing the independent legal person status or limited liability of shareholders. Any shareholder of a company who causes any loss to the

第十八条 公司职工依照 《中华 人民共和国工会法》组织工会,开 展工会活动,维护职工合法权益。 公司应当为本公司工会提供必要的 活动条件。公司工会代表职工就职 工的劳动报酬、工作时间、福利、 保险和劳动安全卫生等事项依法与 公司签订集体合同。 公司依照宪法和有关法律的规 定,通过职工代表大会或者其他形 式,实行民主管理。 公司研究决定改制以及经营方 面的重大问题、制定重要的规章制 度时,应当听取公司工会的意见, 并通过职工代表大会或者其他形式 听取职工的意见和建议。 (相关文章:相关案例 7 篇 热 点透视 4 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 )

第十九条 在公司中, 根据中国 共产党章程的规定,设立中国共产 党的组织,开展党的活动。公司应 当为党组织的活动提供必要条件。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 11 篇 热点透视 1 篇 ) 第二十条 公司股东应当遵守 法律、行政法规和公司章程,依法 行使股东权利,不得滥用股东权利 损害公司或者其他股东的利益;不 得滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有 限责任损害公司债权人的利益。 公司股东滥用股东权利给公司 或者其他股东造成损失的,应当依 法承担赔偿责任。


公司股东滥用公司法人独立地 位和股东有限责任,逃避债务,严 重损害公司债权人利益的,应当对 公司债务承担连带责任。 (相关文章:法律法规 4 篇 相 关案例 129 篇 热点透视 5 篇 专业 书刊 5 篇 )

company or to other shareholders by abusing shareholders' rights shall be liable to pay compensation. Where any of the shareholders of a company evades the payment of its debts by abusing the independent status of legal person or the shareholder's limited liabilities, if it seriously injures the interests of any creditor, it shall bear several and joint liabilities for the debts of the company. Article 21 Neither the controlling shareholder, the de facto controller, nor any of the directors, supervisors or senior management of a company may injure the interests of the company by taking advantage of any insider connection. Any person who causes any loss to the company by violating the preceding paragraph shall be liable to pay compensation. Article 22 Any resolution of the shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or board of directors of a company that violates any law or administrative regulation shall be null and void. Where the procedures for calling a shareholders' meeting or shareholders' assembly, or a meeting of the board of directors, or the voting method used, violates any law, administrative regulation or the articles of association, or where any resolution violates the articles of association of the company, the shareholders may, within 60 days of the date on which the resolution is made, petition the people's court to declare it null and void. Where the shareholders initiate a lawsuit under the preceding paragraph, the people's court shall, at the request of the company, require the shareholders to provide a corresponding guaranty. Where any company has, according to a resolution of the shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or a meeting of the board of directors, completed any amendment to its company registration, and the people's court declares the resolution null and void or strikes out the resolution, the company shall file an application with the company registration authority for cancellation of the amended registration.

第二十一条 公司的控股股东、 实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管 理人员不得利用其关联关系损害公 司利益。违反前款规定,给公司造 成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 12 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第二十二条 公司股东会或者 股东大会、董事会的决议内容违反 法律、行政法规的无效。 股东会或者股东大会、董事会 的会议召集程序、表决方式违反法 律、行政法规或者公司章程,或者 决议内容违反公司章程的,股东可 以自决议作出之日起六十日内,请 求人民法院撤销。 股东依照前款规定提起诉讼 的,人民法院可以应公司的请求, 要求股东提供相应担保。 公司根据股东会或者股东大 会、 董事会决议已办理变更登记的, 人民法院宣告该决议无效或者撤销 该决议后,公司应当向公司登记机 关申请撤销变更登记。 (相关文章:法律法规 6 篇 相 关案例 114 篇 热点透视 2 篇 专业 书刊 1 篇 )


第二章 有限责任公司的设立 和组织机构 第一节 设 立 第二十三条 设立有限责任公 司,应当具备下列条件: (一)股东符合法定人数; (二)股东出资达到法定资本 最低限额; (三)股东共同制定公司章程; (四)有公司名称,建立符合 有限责任公司要求的组织机构; (五)有公司住所。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 20 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第二十四条 有限责任公司由 五十个以下股东出资设立。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 14 篇 专家咨询 1 篇 ) 第二十五条 有限责任公司章 程应当载明下列事项: (一)公司名称和住所; (二)公司经营范围; (三)公司注册资本; (四)股东的姓名或者名称; (五)股东的出资方式、出资 额和出资时间; (六)公司的机构及其产生办 法、职权、议事规则; (七)公司法定代表人; (八)股东会会议认为需要规 定的其他事项。股东应当在公司章 程上签名、盖章。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 46 篇 ) 第二十六条 有限责任公司的 注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的 全体股东认缴的出资额。公司全体 股东的首次出资额不得低于注册资

Chapter II Establishment and Governance of A Limited Liability Company Section 1 Establishment Article 23 A limited liability company shall have: 1. No less than the minimum number of shareholders required by law; 2. No less than the minimum proportion of paid in capital as a percentage of registered capital; 3. Articles of association formulated by its shareholders; 4. A name and a governance structure that complies with the requirements applicable to a limited liability company; and 5. An address. Article 24 A limited liability company shall be established by no more than 50 capital contributing shareholders.

Article 25 The articles of association of a limited liability company shall include the following items: 1. The name and address of the company; 2. The Business Scope of the company; 3. The registered capital of the company; 4. The names of the shareholders of the company; 5. The forms, amounts and dates of capital contributions made by the shareholders of the company; 6. The committees and other decision-making bodies of the company and their formation, functions and procedural rules; 7. The legal representative of the company; and 8. Any other matter deemed necessary by the shareholders of the company. The shareholders shall affix their signatures or seals to the articles of association of the company. Article 26 The registered capital of a limited liability company shall be the total amount of capital contributions subscribed to by all the shareholders listed in the company register. The amount of initial

本的百分之二十,也不得低于法定 的注册资本最低限额,其余部分由 股东自公司成立之日起两年内缴 足;其中,投资公司可以在五年内 缴足。有限责任公司注册资本的最 低限额为人民币三万元。法律、行 政法规对有限责任公司注册资本的 最低限额有较高规定的, 从其规定。 (相关文章:法律法规 4 篇 相 关案例 12 篇 热点透视 2 篇 )

capital paid in by all shareholders shall be not less than 20% of its registered capital and shall be not less than the statutory minimum amount of registered capital. The shareholders shall pay in the remaining amount of registered capital within 2 years of the date on which the company is incorporated, other than in the case of an investment company, for which the relevant period shall be 5 years. The minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company shall be 30, 000 RMB. Where any other law or administrative regulation prescribes a higher minimum registered capital for a limited liability company, the provisions of that law or administrative regulation shall prevail. Article 27 A shareholder may contribute capital in cash, in kind, or using intellectual property rights, land use rights or other non-financial assets, the value of which may be assessed and ownership of which may be transferred in accordance with the law, other than where any other law or administrative regulation prohibits the use of the relevant assets to make capital contributions. The value of any non-financial asset used as a capital contribution shall be assessed and verified, and shall not be overestimated or underestimated. Any law or administrative regulation that provides for value assessments shall be followed. The amount of shareholders' capital contributions paid in cash shall be no less than 30% of the registered capital of a limited liability company. Article 28 Each shareholder shall fully pay in the capital contribution it subscribes for in accordance with the articles of association. Any shareholder's capital contribution made in cash shall be deposited in full into a temporary bank account opened in the name of the limited liability company. The appropriate transfer procedures for the property rights in any non-financial asset used to contribute capital shall be followed in accordance with the law. Where any shareholder fails to make a capital contribution as specified in the preceding paragraph, the relevant shareholder shall not only make full payment to

第二十七条 股东可以用货币 出资,也可以用实物、知识产权、 土地使用权等可以用货币估价并可 以依法转让的非货币财产作价出 资;但是,法律、行政法规规定不 得作为出资的财产除外。 对作为出资的非货币财产应当 评估作价,核实财产,不得高估或 者低估作价。法律、行政法规对评 估作价有规定的,从其规定。 全体股东的货币出资金额不得 低于有限责任公司注册资本的百分 之三十。 (相关文章:法律法规 6 篇 相 关案例 18 篇 热点透视 5 篇 ) 第二十八条 股东应当按期足 额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认 缴的出资额。股东以货币出资的, 应当将货币出资足额存入有限责任 公司在银行开设的账户;以非货币 财产出资的,应当依法办理其财产 权的转移手续。股东不按照前款规 定缴纳出资的,除应当向公司足额 缴纳外,还应当向已按期足额缴纳 出资的股东承担违约责任。 (相关文章: 相关案例 52 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 )


the company but shall also be liable for breach of contract to shareholders who have complied with the requirements of the preceding paragraph. 第二十九条 股东缴纳出资后, 必须经依法设立的验资机构验资并 出具证明。 (相关文章:相关案例 16 篇 ) 第三十条 股东的首次出资经 依法设立的验资机构验资后,由全 体股东指定的代表或者共同委托的 代理人向公司登记机关报送公司登 记申请书、公司章程、验资证明等 文件,申请设立登记。 (相关文章:相关案例 12 篇 ) Article 29 Capital contributions made by shareholders shall be verified and certified by a lawfully established capital verification institution.

Article 30 Following verification of the shareholders' initial capital contributions by a lawfully established capital verification institution, the shareholders' representative or any agent appointed by the shareholders shall apply for registration of incorporation by submitting a company registration application, articles of association, capital verification and any other relevant document to the company registration authority. Article 31 Following the incorporation of a limited liability company, in the event that the actual value of capital contributions made using non-financial assets is found to be lower than the value specified in the articles of association of the company, the shortfall shall be made up for by the shareholder or shareholders who contributed capital in this way, and the other shareholders of the company as at the date of incorporation thereof shall bear several and joint liability therefore. Article 32 Following the incorporation of a limited liability company, each shareholder shall be issued with a capital contribution certificate, which shall specify the following matters: 1. The name of the company; 2. The date of incorporation of the company; 3. The registered capital of the company; 4. The name of the shareholder, the amount of his capital contribution, and the date on which the capital contribution was made; and 5. The serial number and date of issue of the capital contribution certificate, which shall bear the seal of the company. Article 33 A limited liability company shall prepare a

第三十一条 有限责任公司成 立后,发现作为设立公司出资的非 货币财产的实际价额显著低于公司 章程所定价额的,应当由交付该出 资的股东补足其差额;公司设立时 的其他股东承担连带责任。 (相关文章: 相关案例 13 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 )

第三十二条 有限责任公司成 立后, 应当向股东签发出资证明书。 出资证明书应当载明下列事 项: (一)公司名称; (二)公司成立日期; (三)公司注册资本; (四)股东的姓名或者名称、 缴纳的出资额和出资日期; (五)出资证明书的编号和核 发日期。出资证明书由公司盖章。 (相关文章:相关案例 37 篇 )



当置备股东名册,记载下列事项: (一)股东的姓名或者名称及 住所; (二)股东的出资额; (三)出资证明书编号。 记载于股东名册的股东,可以 依股东名册主张行使股东权利。 公司应当将股东的姓名或者名 称及其出资额向公司登记机关登 记;登记事项发生变更的,应当办 理变更登记。未经登记或者变更登 记的,不得对抗第三人。 (相关文章:相关案例 137 篇 热点透视 1 篇 )

shareholders' register, which shall record the following matters: 1. The name and address of each shareholder; 2. The capital contribution made by each shareholder; and 3. The serial number of each capital contribution certificate. The shareholders recorded in the shareholders' register may, pursuant to the shareholders' register, claim and exercise shareholders' rights. A company shall record the name of each shareholder and his capital contribution in the shareholders' register. The company shall amend the register in the even that any of the details recorded change. Any failure to amend the relevant details recorded in the shareholders' register shall not be valid against any third party. Article 34 Any shareholder shall be entitled to consult and copy the articles of association, minutes of shareholders' meetings, resolutions of meetings of the board of directors, resolutions of meetings of the board of supervisors, and financial reports. Any shareholder may request to inspect the accounting records of the company. Where a shareholder requests to inspect the accounting records of the company, it shall submit a written request, stating its reasons. Where the company, for any justifiable reason, considers that the shareholder's request to inspect the accounting records is made for any improper purpose or may impair the legitimate interests of the company, the company may decline the shareholder's request and shall, within 15 days of the date on which the shareholder submits a written request, issue the shareholder with a written reply, stating its reasons. Where the company declines the request of any shareholder to inspect the company's accounting records, the shareholder may apply to the people's court for an order requiring the company to allow the inspection sought. Article 35 Other than where all shareholders agree to the contrary, the shareholders shall distribute dividends on the basis of the respective percentages of capital contributed by each shareholder. Where the company proposes increasing its capital, its shareholders shall

第三十四条 股东有权查阅、 复制公司章程、股东会会议记录、 董事会会议决议、监事会会议决议 和财务会计报告。 股东可以要求查阅公司会计账 簿。 股东要求查阅公司会计账簿的, 应当向公司提出书面请求,说明目 的。公司有合理根据认为股东查阅 会计账簿有不正当目的,可能损害 公司合法利益的,可以拒绝提供查 阅,并应当自股东提出书面请求之 日起十五日内书面答复股东并说明 理由。公司拒绝提供查阅的,股东 可以请求人民法院要求公司提供查 阅。 (相关文章:相关案例 120 篇 热点透视 2 篇 专业书刊 2 篇 )

第三十五条 股东按照实缴的 出资比例分取红利;公司新增资本 时,股东有权优先按照实缴的出资 比例认缴出资。但是,全体股东约 定不按照出资比例分取红利或者不


按照出资比例优先认缴出资的除 外。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 114 篇 热点透视 2 篇 专业 书刊 1 篇 ) 第三十六条 公司成立后,股 东不得抽逃出资。 (相关文章:相关案例 53 篇 ) 第二节 组织机构

have a pre-emptive right to subscribe to the increased amount of capital on a pro rata basis unless all shareholders agree otherwise.

Article 36 Following the incorporation of a company, no shareholder may unlawfully withdraw any paid-in capital.

Section 2 Governance Article 37 The shareholders' meeting of a limited liability company shall be comprised of its shareholders. The shareholders' meeting shall govern the company and shall exercise its powers in accordance with this Law. Article 38 The shareholders' meeting shall exercise the following functions: 1. Determination of the company's operational guidelines and investment plans; 2. Election of non-employee representative directors and supervisors and setting the remuneration thereof; 3. Deliberation on and approval of reports of the board of directors; 4. Deliberation on and approval of reports of the board of supervisors or of the supervisor(s); 5. Deliberation on and approval of annual budgets and final account plans of the company; 6. Deliberation on and approval of company profit distribution plans and debt recovery plans; 7. Making resolutions about any increase or reduction in the company's registered capital; 8. Making resolutions about the issuance of corporate bonds; 9. The adoption of resolutions on any merger, demerger, change in company form, dissolution or liquidation of the company; 10. Revision of the articles of association of the company; and 11. Any other function specified in the articles of association. For any of the matters listed in the preceding paragraph,

第三十七条 有限责任公司股 东会由全体股东组成,股东会是公 司的权力机构, 依照本法行使职权。 (相关文章:相关案例 19 篇 ) 第三十八条 股东会行使下列 职权: (一)决定公司的经营方针和 投资计划; (二)选举和更换非由职工代 表担任的董事、监事,决定有关董 事、监事的报酬事项; (三)审议批准董事会的报告; (四)审议批准监事会或者监 事的报告; (五)审议批准公司的年度财 务预算方案、决算方案; (六)审议批准公司的利润分 配方案和弥补亏损方案; (七)对公司增加或者减少注 册资本作出决议; (八)对发行公司债券作出决 议; (九)对公司合并、分立、变 更公司形式、解散和清算等事项作 出决议; (十)修改公司章程; (十一)公司章程规定的其他 职权。对前款所列事项股东以书面 形式一致表示同意的,可以不召开 股东会会议,直接作出决定,并由

全体股东在决定文件上签名、 盖章。 (相关文章:法律法规 3 篇 相 关案例 51 篇 热点透视 1 篇 专业书 刊1篇 )

where the shareholders unanimously consent in writing to any proposal contemplated in this Article, the company shall not be required to convene a shareholders' meeting. A decision may be made without holding a shareholders' meeting and shall bear the signatures or seals of all shareholders. Article 39 The first shareholders' meeting shall be convened and presided over by the shareholder who accounts for the largest capital contribution, and shall exercise its powers in accordance with this Law. Article 40 Shareholders' meetings shall be classified into regular meetings and interim meetings. Regular meetings shall be held in accordance with the articles of association. An interim meeting shall be held where it is proposed by shareholders representing 10% or more of the voting rights, or by directors representing one third or more of the voting rights, or by the board of supervisors, or where there is no board of supervisors, by the supervisors of the company. Article 41 Where a limited liability company has established a board of directors, shareholders' meetings shall be convened by the board of directors and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors. Where the chairman is unable or fails to perform his duties, the deputy chairman of the board of directors shall assume the duties of the chairman. Where the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or fails to perform his duties, the relevant duties shall be assumed by a director nominated by 50% or more of the directors. Where a limited liability company has no board of directors, shareholders' meetings shall be convened and presided over by the acting director. Where the board of directors or the acting director is unable or fails to fulfill its or his duty to convene a shareholders' meeting, the board of supervisors or the supervisor of a company with no board of supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting. Where the board of supervisors or supervisor does not convene or preside over such a meeting, shareholders representing 10% or more of the voting rights may convene and preside over

第三十九条 首次股东会会议 由出资最多的股东召集和主持,依 照本法规定行使职权。 (相关文章:相关案例 4 篇 ) 第四十条 股东会会议分为定 期会议和临时会议。定期会议应当 按照公司章程的规定按时召开。代 表十分之一以上表决权的股东,三 分之一以上的董事,监事会或者不 设监事会的公司的监事提议召开临 时会议的,应当召开临时会议。 (相关文章:相关案例 13 篇 )

第四十一条 有限责任公司设 立董事会的,股东会会议由董事会 召集,董事长主持;董事长不能履 行职务或者不履行职务的,由副董 事长主持;副董事长不能履行职务 或者不履行职务的,由半数以上董 事共同推举一名董事主持。 有限责任公司不设董事会的, 股东会会议由执行董事召集和主 持。 董事会或者执行董事不能履行 或者不履行召集股东会会议职责 的,由监事会或者不设监事会的公 司的监事召集和主持;监事会或者 监事不召集和主持的,代表十分之 一以上表决权的股东可以自行召集 和主持。 (相关文章: 相关案例 15 篇 专 业书刊 1 篇 )


the meeting on their own initiative. 第四十二条 召开股东会会 议,应当于会议召开十五日以前通 知全体股东;但是,公司章程另有 规定或者全体股东另有约定的除 外。 股东会应当对所议事项的决定 作成会议记录,出席会议的股东应 当在会议记录上签名。 (相关文章:相关案例 35 篇 ) 第四十三条 股东会会议由股 东按照出资比例行使表决权; 但是, 公司章程另有规定的除外。 (相关文章:相关案例 16 篇 ) 第四十四条 股东会的议事方 式和表决程序, 除本法有规定的外, 由公司章程规定。 股东会会议作出修改公司章 程、 增加或者减少注册资本的决议, 以及公司合并、分立、解散或者变 更公司形式的决议,必须经代表三 分之二以上表决权的股东通过。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 30 篇 热点透视 1 篇 ) 第四十五条 有限责任公司设 董事会,其成员为三人至十三人。 本法第五十一条另有规定的除外。 两个以上的国有企业或者其他两个 以上的国有投资主体投资设立的有 限责任公司,其董事会成员中应当 有公司职工代表;其他有限责任公 司董事会成员中也可以有公司职工 代表。董事会中的职工代表由公司 职工通过职工代表大会、职工大会 或者其他形式民主选举产生。董事 会设董事长一人, 可以设副董事长。 董事长、副董事长的产生办法由公 司章程规定。 Article 42 Unless otherwise specified in the articles of association or otherwise agreed by all shareholders, shareholders shall be notified of the fact that a shareholders' meeting is to be held 15 days in advance of the meeting . Minutes on decisions made and matters discussed at shareholders' meetings shall be taken. Shareholders who attend a shareholders' meeting shall sign the minutes.

Article 43 Unless otherwise specified in a company's articles of association, shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at shareholders' meetings on the basis of their respective capital contributions. Article 44 Unless otherwise provided in this Law, methods of deliberation and voting procedures at shareholders' meetings shall be specified in a company's articles of association. Any resolution made at a shareholders' meeting on any revision to the company's articles of association, any increase or reduction in its registered capital, or any merger, demerger, dissolution or change in company form shall be adopted by shareholders representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights. Article 45 Unless otherwise provided in Article 51 of this Law, the board of directors established by a limited liability company shall be comprised of between 3 and 13 members. Where a limited liability company is established by 2 or more state-owned enterprises or other state-owned investors, the board of directors shall include representatives of the employees of the company. The board directors of any other limited liability company may also include representatives of the employees of the company. Employee representatives who serve as board directors shall be democratically elected by the employees of the company through the association of employee representatives of the company, the employees' association of the company or in any other way.

The board of directors shall have a chairman and may have one or more deputy chairman. The method for appointment of the chairman and deputy chairman or deputy chairmen shall be specified in the articles of association. 第四十六条 董事任期由公司 章程规定,但每届任期不得超过三 年。董事任期届满,连选可以连任。 董事任期届满未及时改选,或者董 事在任期内辞职导致董事会成员低 于法定人数的,在改选出的董事就 任前,原董事仍应当依照法律、行 政法规和公司章程的规定,履行董 事职务。 (相关文章:相关案例 8 篇 专 家咨询 1 篇 ) Article 46 The term of office for directors shall be specified in the articles of association, but shall not in any case exceed 3 years. Any director may, after the expiry of his term of office, hold a directorship in consecutive terms upon re-election. Where directors are not re-elected promptly after the term of office of the existing directors has expired, or if the number of directors on the board falls below the quorum due to the resignation of one or more directors prior to the expiry of his or their respective term or terms of office, the original directors shall, before any newly-elected directors assume their posts, carry out their duties as directors in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, and in accordance with the articles of association. Article 47 The board of directors shall be responsible for administering the shareholders' meeting and exercising the following functions: 1. Convening shareholders' meetings and presenting reports thereto; 2. Adopting resolutions made at shareholders' meetings; 3. Determining operational plans and investment plans; 4. Formulating the company's annual budgets and final account plans; 5. Formulating the company's profit distribution plans and debt recovery plans; 6. Formulating the company's plans on any proposed increase or decrease in its registered capital, or on the issuance of corporate bonds; 7. Formulating the company's plans on any proposed merger, demerger, change in company form, dissolution, or similar; 8. Making decisions on the establishment of the company's internal management departments; 9. Making decisions on the appointment or dismissal of the company's manager and his remuneration, and, according to the nomination of the manager, making

第四十七条 董事会对股东会 负责,行使下列职权: (一)召集股东会会议,并向 股东会报告工作; (二)执行股东会的决议; (三)决定公司的经营计划和 投资方案; (四)制订公司的年度财务预 算方案、决算方案; (五)制订公司的利润分配方 案和弥补亏损方案; (六)制订公司增加或者减少 注册资本以及发行公司债券的方 案; (七)制订公司合并、分立、 变更公司形式、解散的方案; (八)决定公司内部管理机构 的设置; (九)决定聘任或者解聘公司 经理及其报酬事项,并根据经理的 提名决定聘任或者解聘公司副经 理、财务负责人及其报酬事项;


(十)制定公司的基本管理制 度; (十一)公司章程规定的其他 职权。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 )

decisions on the appointment or dismissal of deputy manager(s) and the finance manager and their remuneration; 10. Establishing the company's basic management system; and 11. Any other function specified in the articles of association. Article 48 A meeting of the board of directors shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors. Where the chairman of the board of directors is unable or fails to perform his duties, the meeting may be convened and presided over by the deputy chairman of the board of directors. Where the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or fails to perform his duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by a director nominated by 50% or more of the directors. Article 49 Unless otherwise provided in this Law, methods of deliberation and voting procedures of the board of directors shall be specified in a company's articles of association. The board of directors shall take minutes on decisions made and matters discussed at its meetings. Directors who attend the meeting shall sign the minutes. In any vote on a resolution of the board of directors, each director shall have one vote. Article 50 A limited liability company may have a manager, who shall be appointed or dismissed by the board of directors. The manager shall be responsible to the board of directors and shall exercise the following powers: 1. Taking charge of managing of the production and business operations of the company and organizing the implementation of resolutions made by the board of directors; 2. Organizing execution of the company's annual operational plans and investment plans; 3. Drafting plans on the establishment of the company's internal management departments; 4. Drafting the company's basic management system; 5. Formulating the company's specific policies; 6. Proposing the appointment or dismissal of the

第四十八条 董事会会议由董 事长召集和主持;董事长不能履行 职务或者不履行职务的,由副董事 长召集和主持;副董事长不能履行 职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以 上董事共同推举一名董事召集和主 持。 (相关文章:相关案例 4 篇 )

第四十九条 董事会的议事方 式和表决程序, 除本法有规定的外, 由公司章程规定。 董事会应当对所议事项的决定 作成会议记录,出席会议的董事应 当在会议记录上签名。 董事会决议的表决,实行一人 一票。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 ) 第五十条 有限责任公司可以 设经理,由董事会决定聘任或者解 聘。经理对董事会负责,行使下列 职权: (一)主持公司的生产经营管 理工作,组织实施董事会决议; (二)组织实施公司年度经营 计划和投资方案; (三)拟订公司内部管理机构 设置方案; (四)拟订公司的基本管理制 度; (五)制定公司的具体规章; (六)提请聘任或者解聘公司 副经理、财务负责人;


(七)决定聘任或者解聘除应 由董事会决定聘任或者解聘以外的 负责管理人员; (八)董事会授予的其他职权。 公司章程对经理职权另有规定 的,从其规定。经理列席董事会会 议。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 5 篇 )

company's deputy manager(s) and finance manager(s); 7. Deciding on the appointment or dismissal of executives for posts other than those decided by the board of directors; and 8. Any other power conferred on the manager by the board of directors. Where a company's articles of association specify that the powers of managers shall include powers other than those specified in this Article, the articles of association shall prevail. A manager shall attend meetings of the board of directors as a non-voting representative. Article 51 Limited liability companies with a relatively small number of shareholders and other relatively small limited liability companies may appoint an acting director and dispense with the appointment of a board of directors. The acting director may concurrently hold the post of company manager. The powers of an acting director shall be specified in the articles of association. Article 52 A limited liability company may establish a board of supervisors of no less than 3 members. Limited liability companies with a relatively small number of shareholders and of a relatively small scale may appoint 1 to 2 supervisors and no board of supervisors is required. The board of supervisors shall include shareholders' representatives and employee representatives at an appropriate ratio, in which such ratio shall not be less than one-third and the specific ratio shall be prescribed in the articles of association. Employee representatives who serve as members of the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected by the employees through the assembly of employee representatives, the employee assembly or by any other democratic means. The board of supervisors shall have a chairman, who shall be elected by a majority of all supervisors. The chairman of the board of supervisors shall convene and preside over meetings of the board of supervisors. Where the chairman of supervisors is unable or fails to perform his duties, a supervisor nominated by 50% or more of the supervisors shall convene and

第五十一条 股东人数较少或 者规模较小的有限责任公司,可以 设一名执行董事,不设立董事会。 执行董事可以兼任公司经理。 执行董事的职权由公司章程规 定。 (相关文章:相关案例 5 篇 )

第五十二条 有限责任公司设 立监事会,其成员不得少于三人。 股东人数较少或者规模较小的有限 责任公司,可以设一至二名监事, 不设立监事会。监事会应当包括股 东代表和适当比例的公司职工代 表,其中职工代表的比例不得低于 三分之一,具体比例由公司章程规 定。监事会中的职工代表由公司职 工通过职工代表大会、职工大会或 者其他形式民主选举产生。监事会 设主席一人,由全体监事过半数选 举产生。监事会主席召集和主持监 事会会议;监事会主席不能履行职 务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上 监事共同推举一名监事召集和主持 监事会会议。 董事、高级管理人员不得兼任 监事。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )


preside over meetings of the board of supervisors. No director or senior manager of the company may concurrently work as a supervisor. 第五十三条 监事的任期每届 为三年。监事任期届满,连选可以 连任。 监事任期届满未及时改选,或 者监事在任期内辞职导致监事会成 员低于法定人数的,在改选出的监 事就任前, 原监事仍应当依照法律、 行政法规和公司章程的规定,履行 监事职务。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) Article 53 The term of office for a supervisor shall be 3 years. Any supervisor may, after the expiry of his term of office, hold a supervisor's post in consecutive terms upon re-election. Where a supervisor is not re-elected after the expiry of his term of office, or if the number of supervisors on the board of supervisors falls below the quorum due to the resignation of one or more supervisors from the board prior to the expiry of his or their respective term or terms of office, the original supervisors shall, before any newly-elected supervisors assume their posts, exercise their supervisory powers in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, and in accordance with the articles of association. Article 54 The board of supervisors or the supervisor(s) of a company with no board of supervisors shall have the following powers: 1. To check the financial affairs of the company; 2. To supervise compliance of the directors and senior managers with their respective duties and propose the removal of any director or senior manager who violates any law, administrative regulation, the articles of association or any resolution of the shareholders' meeting; 3. To require any director or senior manager to take corrective action where he acts in a way that damages the interests of the company; 4. To propose the calling of interim shareholders' meetings and to call and preside over shareholders' meetings where the board of directors does not exercise its functions in that regard as prescribed in this Law; 5. To put forward proposals at shareholders' meetings; 6. To initiate any action against a director or senior manager in accordance with Article 152 of this Law; and 7. Any other power specified in the articles of association. Article 55 Supervisors may attend meetings of the board

第五十四条 监事会、不设监 事会的公司的监事行使下列职权: (一)检查公司财务; (二)对董事、高级管理人员 执行公司职务的行为进行监督,对 违反法律、行政法规、公司章程或 者股东会决议的董事、高级管理人 员提出罢免的建议; (三)当董事、高级管理人员 的行为损害公司的利益时,要求董 事、高级管理人员予以纠正; (四)提议召开临时股东会会 议,在董事会不履行本法规定的召 集和主持股东会会议职责时召集和 主持股东会会议; (五)向股东会会议提出提案; (六)依照本法第一百五十二 条的规定,对董事、高级管理人员 提起诉讼; (七)公司章程规定的其他职 权。 (相关文章:相关案例 5 篇 ) 第五十五条 监事可以列席董


事会会议,并对董事会决议事项提 出质询或者建议。 监事会、不设监事会的公司的 监事发现公司经营情况异常,可以 进行调查;必要时,可以聘请会计 师事务所等协助其工作,费用由公 司承担。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )

of directors as non-voting attendees, and may raise questions or put forward suggestions about matters to be decided by the board of directors. The members of a board of supervisors or the supervisor(s) of a company with no board of supervisors who discover(s) any irregularity in company affairs may instigate an investigation. Where necessary, the supervisor(s) may, at the company's expense, hire an accounting firm to assist with the investigation. Article 56 A board of supervisors shall hold meetings no less than once a year. The supervisors may propose holding interim meetings of the board of supervisors. Unless otherwise specified in this Law, the methods of deliberation and voting procedures for a board of supervisors shall be specified in the articles of association. A resolution of the board of supervisors shall be approved by the affirmative votes of 50% or more of the supervisors. A board of supervisors shall take minutes on resolutions made and matters discussed at its meetings, which shall be signed by supervisors present. Article 57 All expenses necessarily incurred by supervisors in the performance of their duties shall be borne by the company.

第五十六条 监事会每年度至 少召开一次会议,监事可以提议召 开临时监事会会议。 监事会的议事方式和表决程 序,除本法有规定的外,由公司章 程规定。 监事会决议应当经半数以上监 事通过。监事会应当对所议事项的 决定作成会议记录,出席会议的监 事应当在会议记录上签名。

第五十七条 监事会、不设监 事会的公司的监事行使职权所必需 的费用,由公司承担。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 2 篇 ) 第三节 特别规定 一人有限责任公司的

Section 3 Special Provisions on Single Shareholder Limited Liability Companies Article 58 The provisions of this Section shall apply to the establishment and governance of a single shareholder limited liability company. Any matter not covered by this Section shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Chapter. The term "single shareholder limited liability company" as referred to this Law means a limited liability company with only one natural or legal person as a shareholder.

第五十八条 一人有限责任公 司的设立和组织机构,适用本节规 定;本节没有规定的,适用本章第 一节、第二节的规定。 本法所称一人有限责任公司, 是指只有一个自然人股东或者一个 法人股东的有限责任公司。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 3 篇 热点透视 2 篇 专业书 刊1篇 )


第五十九条 一人有限责任公 司的注册资本最低限额为人民币十 万元。股东应当一次足额缴纳公司 章程规定的出资额。 一个自然人只能投资设立一个 一人有限责任公司。该一人有限责 任公司不能投资设立新的一人有限 责任公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 14 篇 ) 第六十条 一人有限责任公司 应当在公司登记中注明自然人独资 或者法人独资,并在公司营业执照 中载明。 (相关文章:相关案例 16 篇 ) 第六十一条 一人有限责任公 司章程由股东制定。 (相关文章:相关案例 28 篇 ) 第六十二条 一人有限责任公 司不设股东会。股东作出本法第三 十八条第一款所列决定时,应当采 用书面形式,并由股东签字后置备 于公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第六十三条 一人有限责任公 司应当在每一会计年度终了时编制 财务会计报告,并经会计师事务所 审计。 (相关文章:相关案例 12 篇 ) 第六十四条 一人有限责任公 司的股东不能证明公司财产独立于 股东自己财产的,应当对公司债务 承担连带责任。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 11 篇 专业书刊 2 篇 ) 第四节 规定 国有独资公司的特别

Article 59 The minimum amount of registered capital of a single shareholder limited liability company shall be 100,000 RMB. The shareholder shall pay the capital contribution specified in the company's articles of association in a lump sum. Any one natural person may establish no more than one single shareholder limited liability company.

Article 60 The company register and business license of a single shareholder limited liability company shall both clearly indicate that the company is funded by only one natural or legal person.

Article 61 The articles of association of a single shareholder limited liability company shall be formulated by the shareholder. Article 62 A single shareholder limited liability company shall have no board of directors. Where the shareholder makes a decision on any of the matters listed in Article 38 of this Law, he shall record it in writing, sign it and retain it in company records.

Article 63 The financial statements of a single shareholder limited liability company shall be prepared by the end of each financial year and shall be audited by an accounting firm.

Article 64 Where the shareholder of a single shareholder limited liability company is unable to prove that the property of the company is independent of his own property, he shall be jointly liable for the debts of the company.

Section 4 Special Provisions on Wholly State-owned Companies


第六十五条 国有独资公司的 设立和组织机构,适用本节规定; 本节没有规定的, 适用本章第一节、 第二节的规定。 本法所称国有独资公司,是指 国家单独出资、由国务院或者地方 人民政府委托本级人民政府国有资 产监督管理机构履行出资人职责的 有限责任公司。

Article 65 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the establishment and governance of wholly state-owned companies. Any matter not covered by this Section shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Chapter. The term "wholly state-owned company" as referred to in this law means a limited liability company in which the sole investor is the state, for which the State Council or the local people's government authorizes the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution of the people's government at the same level to perform the role of capital contributor. Article 66 The articles of association of a wholly state-owned company shall be formulated by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution, or shall be drafted by the board of directors and submitted to the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution for approval. Article 67 A wholly state-owned company shall have no shareholders' meeting. The state-owned assets supervision and administration institution shall exercise the functions of a shareholders' meeting. The state-owned assets supervision and administration institution may authorize the company's board of directors to exercise some of the functions of a shareholders' meeting and decide important matters, other than those that must be decided by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution, such as any merger, demerger, or dissolution of the company, any increase or decrease in its registered capital or on the issuance of corporate bonds. Any decision on a merger, demerger, dissolution or petition for bankruptcy of a key wholly state-owned company shall be subject to the examination of the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution and shall then be submitted to the people's government at the same level for approval. The meaning of the term "key wholly state-owned company" as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be determined in accordance with State Council provisions. Article 68 A wholly state-owned company shall establish

第六十六条 国有独资公司章 程由国有资产监督管理机构制定, 或者由董事会制订报国有资产监督 管理机构批准。

第六十七条 国有独资公司不 设股东会,由国有资产监督管理机 构行使股东会职权。国有资产监督 管理机构可以授权公司董事会行使 股东会的部分职权,决定公司的重 大事项,但公司的合并、分立、解 散、 增减注册资本和发行公司债券, 必须由国有资产监督管理机构决 定;其中,重要的国有独资公司合 并、分立、解散、申请破产的,应 当由国有资产监督管理机构审核 后,报本级人民政府批准。前款所 称重要的国有独资公司,按照国务 院的规定确定。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 )



立董事会,依照本法第四十七条、 第六十七条的规定行使职权。董事 每届任期不得超过三年。董事会成 员中应当有公司职工代表。董事会 成员由国有资产监督管理机构委 派;但是,董事会成员中的职工代 表由公司职工代表大会选举产生。 董事会设董事长一人,可以设副董 事长。董事长、副董事长由国有资 产监督管理机构从董事会成员中指 定。

a board of directors, which shall exercise its functions in accordance with Articles 47 and 67 of this Law. The term of office of its directors shall not exceed 3 years. The board of directors shall include employee representatives. Members of the board of directors shall be appointed by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution, other than employee representatives, who shall be elected through the employee representatives' association of the company. The board of directors shall appoint a chairman and may appoint a deputy chairman. The chairman and deputy chairman shall be designated by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution in accordance with the recommendation of its board of directors. Article 69 A wholly state-owned company shall have a manager, who shall be appointed or dismissed by the board of directors. The manager shall exercise his powers in accordance with Article 50 of this Law. Subject to the consent of the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution, a member of the board of directors may concurrently hold the post of manager. Article 70 The chairman, deputy chairman, directors and senior managers of a wholly state-owned company are prohibited from concurrently holding a post in any other limited liability company, joint stock limited company or any other business organization unless the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution consents to such an appointment. Article 71 The board supervisors of a wholly state-owned company shall be comprised of at least 5 members, of whom employee representatives shall account for no less than the percentage specified in the company's articles of association, but shall in any event be no less than one-third. Other than employee representatives, who shall be elected through the company's employee representatives association, the members of a board of supervisors shall be appointed by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution. The chairman of the board of

第六十九条 国有独资公司设 经理,由董事会聘任或者解聘。经 理依照本法第五十条规定行使职 权。 经国有资产监督管理机构同意, 董事会成员可以兼任经理。

第七十条 国有独资公司的董 事长、副董事长、董事、高级管理 人员,未经国有资产监督管理机构 同意,不得在其他有限责任公司、 股份有限公司或者其他经济组织兼 职。

第七十一条 国有独资公司监 事会成员不得少于五人,其中职工 代表的比例不得低于三分之一,具 体比例由公司章程规定。 监事会成员由国有资产监督管 理机构委派;但是,监事会中的职 工代表由公司职工代表大会选举产 生。监事会主席由国有资产监督管 理机构从监事会成员中指定。监事 会行使本法第五十四条第(一)项 至第(三)项规定的职权和国务院



supervisors shall be designated by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution from among the members of the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors shall exercise the functions set out in Article 54 (1) to (3) of this Law and any other function prescribed by the State Council. Chapter III Transfers of Limited Liability Company Stock Rights Article 72 Stock rights of the shareholders of a limited liability company may be transferred among the shareholders. Where any shareholder proposes transferring his stock rights to any non-shareholder, any such proposal shall be subject to the consent of a majority of the other shareholders. The relevant shareholder shall give the other shareholders written notice of the details of the proposed transfer of stock rights and seek their consent. Any of the other shareholders who fails to respond within 30 days of receiving written notice shall be deemed to have consented to the transfer. Where a majority of the shareholders whose consent is sought disagree with the proposed transfer, the shareholders who disagree with the proposed transfer shall purchase the stock rights to be transferred. In the event that they refuse to purchase the stock rights in question, they shall be deemed to have consented to the transfer and the other shareholders shall have a pre-emptive right to purchase the stock rights to be transferred . Where two or more shareholders exercise such a pre-emptive right, they shall determine their respective purchase percentages by negotiation, failing which they shall exercise the pre-emptive right on the basis of the ratio of their original capital contributions. Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of association, any transfer of stock rights shall be carried out in accordance with the articles of association. Article 73 Where the people's court transfers the stock rights of a shareholder pursuant to a mandatory

第三章 转让


第七十二条 有限责任公司的 股东之间可以相互转让其全部或者 部分股权。 股东向股东以外的人转让股 权,应当经其他股东过半数同意。 股东应就其股权转让事项书面通知 其他股东征求同意,其他股东自接 到书面通知之日起满三十日未答复 的,视为同意转让。其他股东半数 以上不同意转让的,不同意的股东 应当购买该转让的股权; 不购买的, 视为同意转让。经股东同意转让的 股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有 优先购买权。两个以上股东主张行 使优先购买权的,协商确定各自的 购买比例;协商不成的,按照转让 时各自的出资比例行使优先购买 权。 公司章程对股权转让另有规定 的,从其规定。 (相关文章:法律法规 3 篇 相 关案例 209 篇 热点透视 1 篇 专业 书刊 4 篇 )

第七十三条 人民法院依照法 律规定的强制执行程序转让股东的


股权时, 应当通知公司及全体股东, 其他股东在同等条件下有优先购买 权。其他股东自人民法院通知之日 起满二十日不行使优先购买权的, 视为放弃优先购买权。 (相关文章:相关案例 4 篇 专 业书刊 1 篇 ) 第七十四条 依照本法第七十 二条、第七十三条转让股权后,公 司应当注销原股东的出资证明书, 向新股东签发出资证明书,并相应 修改公司章程和股东名册中有关股 东及其出资额的记载。对公司章程 的该项修改不需再由股东会表决。 (相关文章: 相关案例 24 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 )

enforcement procedure provided by law, it shall notify the company and all shareholders that the other shareholders have a pre-emptive right on the conditions referred to in Article 72 of this Law. Any shareholder who fails to exercise such a pre-emptive right within 20 days of receiving notice from the court shall be deemed to have waived the pre-emptive right. Article 74 Where any transfer of stock rights is made in accordance with Article 72 or 73 of this Law, the company shall cancel the capital contribution certificate of the original shareholder, issue a capital contribution certificate to the new shareholder and modify its records of shareholders and their capital contributions in the articles of association and company register. No vote of the shareholders' meeting is required to modify the articles of association due to such a transfer of stock rights. Article 75 Under any of the following circumstances, any shareholder who votes against the relevant resolution of a shareholders' meeting may require the company to purchase his stock rights at a reasonable price: 1. Where the company has not distributed any profits to the shareholders for 5 consecutive years but has made profits for five consecutive years and conforms to the profit distribution requirements of this Law; 2. In the event of any merger, demerger, or transfer of the principal assets of the company; or 3. Where the business term specified in the articles of association expires or any of the other grounds for dissolution prescribed in the articles of association are satisfied, and the shareholders' meeting modifies the articles of association by adopting a resolution allowing the company to continue in existence. Where the relevant shareholder and the company fail, within 60 days of the date on which the relevant resolution is adopted at the shareholders' meeting, to reach an agreement on the purchase of stock rights, the shareholder may take legal action in the people's court within 90 days of the date on which the resolution is adopted at the shareholders' meeting.

第七十五条 有下列情形之一 的,对股东会该项决议投反对票的 股东可以请求公司按照合理的价格 收购其股权: (一)公司连续五年不向股东 分配利润, 而公司该五年连续盈利, 并且符合本法规定的分配利润条件 的; (二)公司合并、分立、转让 主要财产的; (三)公司章程规定的营业期 限届满或者章程规定的其他解散事 由出现,股东会会议通过决议修改 章程使公司存续的。 自股东会会议决议通过之日起 六十日内,股东与公司不能达成股 权收购协议的,股东可以自股东会 会议决议通过之日起九十日内向人 民法院提起诉讼。 (相关文章:法律法规 4 篇 相 关案例 18 篇 热点透视 4 篇 专业书 刊3篇 )


第七十六条 自然人股东死亡 后,其合法继承人可以继承股东资 格;但是,公司章程另有规定的除 外。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 12 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第四章 股份有限公司的设立 和组织机构 第一节 设 立

Article 76 Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of association, any person who inherits the shares of a natural person following that person's death shall assume all the rights and obligations attached to those shares.

Chapter IV Establishment and Governance of A Joint Stock Limited Company Section 1 Establishment Article 77 A joint stock limited company shall: 1. Have the minimum number of promoters required by law; 2. Have the minimum amount of capital stock to be offered and subscribed to by the promoters required by law; 3. Issue its shares and comply with all preliminary procedures required by law; 4. Adopt both its articles of association as formulated by its promoters and its flotation plans at the establishment meeting of the company; 5. Have a name and governance structure that complies with that of a joint stock limited company; and 6. Have an address.

第七十七条 设立股份有限公 司,应当具备下列条件: (一)发起人符合法定人数; (二)发起人认购和募集的股 本达到法定资本最低限额; (三)股份发行、筹办事项符 合法律规定; (四)发起人制订公司章程, 采用募集方式设立的经创立大会通 过; (五)有公司名称,建立符合 股份有限公司要求的组织机构; (六)有公司住所。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 2 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第七十八条 股份有限公司的 设立,可以采取发起设立或者募集 设立的方式。 发起设立,是指由发起人认购 公司应发行的全部股份而设立公 司。 募集设立,是指由发起人认购 公司应发行股份的一部分,其余股 份向社会公开募集或者向特定对象 募集而设立公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第七十九条 设立股份有限公 司,应当有二人以上二百人以下为 发起人,其中须有半数以上的发起

Article 78 A joint stock limited company may be established either by way of promotion or by way of stock flotation. Establishment of a company by way of promotion means that the promoters establish a company by subscribing to all the shares to be issued by the company. Establishment of a company by way of stock flotation means that the promoters establish a company by subscribing to some of the shares to be issued by the company and offer the remaining shares to the general public or to particular classes of investor. Article 79 A joint stock limited company shall have no less than 2 and no more than 200 promoters, of whom a majority shall be domiciled within the territory of

人在中国境内有住所。 第八十条 股份有限公司发起 人承担公司筹办事务。发起人应当 签订发起人协议,明确各自在公司 设立过程中的权利和义务。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 )

China. Article 80 The promoters of a joint stock limited company shall carry out all necessary preliminary procedures relating to the establishment of the company. The promoters shall conclude a promoters' agreement clarifying their respective rights and obligations during the course of establishing the company. Article 81 Where a joint stock limited company is established by way of promotion, its registered capital shall be the total capital stock subscribed to by the promoters as a whole as recorded in the company register. The minimum amount of initial capital contributed by the promoters shall be no less than 20% of the total registered capital, the remaining amount to be paid in by the promoters within 2 years of the date on which the company is incorporated, other than in the case of an investment company, for which the relevant period shall be 5 years. No stock may be offered to any other person before the date on which the entire registered capital is paid in. Where a joint stock limited company is established by way of stock flotation, its registered capital shall be the total paid in capital as recorded in the company register. The minimum amount of registered capital of a joint stock limited company shall be 5 million RMB, subject to any law or administrative regulation that requires a higher minimum amount of registered capital. Article 82 The articles of association of a joint stock limited company shall specify the following matters: 1. The name and address of the company; 2. The business scope of the company; 3. The form of company establishment; 4. The total number of shares, the par value of each share, and the amount of registered capital of the company; 5. The name of each promoter, the number of shares each promoter has subscribed to, and the form and date of capital contributions made; 6. The rules relating to the composition, powers, term of office, and procedures of the board of directors; 7. The legal representative of the company;

第八十一条 股份有限公司采 取发起设立方式设立的,注册资本 为在公司登记机关登记的全体发起 人认购的股本总额。公司全体发起 人的首次出资额不得低于注册资本 的百分之二十,其余部分由发起人 自公司成立之日起两年内缴足;其 中,投资公司可以在五年内缴足。 在缴足前,不得向他人募集股份。 股份有限公司采取募集方式设 立的,注册资本为在公司登记机关 登记的实收股本总额。股份有限公 司注册资本的最低限额为人民币五 百万元。法律、行政法规对股份有 限公司注册资本的最低限额有较高 规定的,从其规定。 (相关文章:法律法规 4 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 )

第八十二条 股份有限公司章 程应当载明下列事项: (一)公司名称和住所; (二)公司经营范围; (三)公司设立方式; (四)公司股份总数、每股金 额和注册资本; (五)发起人的姓名或者名称、 认购的股份数、出资方式和出资时 间; (六)董事会的组成、职权、 任期和议事规则; (七)公司法定代表人;


(八)监事会的组成、职权、 任期和议事规则; (九)公司利润分配办法; (十)公司的解散事由与清算 办法; (十一)公司的通知和公告办 法; (十二)股东大会会议认为需 要规定的其他事项。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 ) 第八十三条 发起人的出资方 式,适用本法第二十七条的规定。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第八十四条 以发起设立方式 设立股份有限公司的,发起人应当 书面认足公司章程规定其认购的股 份;一次缴纳的,应即缴纳全部出 资;分期缴纳的,应即缴纳首期出 资。以非货币财产出资的,应当依 法办理其财产权的转移手续。 发起人不按照前款规定缴纳出 资的,应当按照发起人协议的约定 承担违约责任。 发起人首次缴纳出资后,应当 选举董事会和监事会,由董事会向 公司登记机关报送公司章程、由依 法设定的验资机构出具的验资证明 以及法律、行政法规规定的其他文 件,申请设立登记。 (相关文章:热点透视 1 篇 专 业书刊 1 篇 )

8. The composition, powers, term of office, and procedures of the supervisory board; 9. The procedures for the distribution of company profits; 10. The grounds for dissolution of the company and liquidation procedures; 11. The procedures for issuing company notices or public announcements; and 12. Any other matter deemed necessary by the general meeting of shareholders. Article 83 The form of capital contributions made by promoters shall be governed by the provisions of Article 27 of this Law. Article 84 Where a joint stock limited company is established by way of promotion, the promoters shall subscribe in writing to the full amount of shares provided for in the articles of association. Where capital contributions are to be paid immediately, the promoters shall make their contributions in a lump sum; where capital contributions are to be paid over time, the promoters shall make the first contribution immediately. In the case of capital contributions made using non-financial assets, the promoters shall carry out the relevant procedures for the transfer of property rights in accordance with the law. Any promoter who fails to make capital contributions in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be liable for breach of contract in relation to the stipulations set out in the promoters' agreement. Following payment of their initial capital contributions, the promoters shall elect the board of directors and board of supervisors. The board of directors shall file an application for registration with the company registration authority and submit therewith the articles of association, the capital verification certificate as issued by a lawfully established capital verification institution, and any other documents required by laws or administrative regulations. Article 85 The promoters of a joint stock limited company established by way of stock flotation shall subscribe to

第八十五条 以募集设立方式 设立股份有限公司的,发起人认购


的股份不得少于公司股份总数的百 分之三十五;但是,法律、行政法 规另有规定的,从其规定。 第八十六条 发起人向社会公 开募集股份, 必须公告招股说明书, 并制作认股书。认股书应当载明本 法第八十七条所列事项,由认股人 填写认购股数、金额、住所,并签 名、盖章。认股人按照所认购股数 缴纳股款。

no less than 35 % of the total shares unless otherwise required by any law or administrative regulation.

Article 86 In any public offer of shares, the promoters shall issue a prospectus and prepare share subscription forms. The share subscription forms shall include the items listed in Article 87, and a subscriber shall indicate the number of and total consideration to be paid for the shares he subscribes for, and shall note his address and affix his signature or seal thereto. A subscriber shall pay for the number of shares he has subscribed to. Article 87 Any prospectus issued shall be accompanied by the articles of association as formulated by the promoters and shall include the following details: 1. The number of shares subscribed to by the promoters; 2. The par value and issue price of the shares; 3. The total number of unregistered shares issued; 4. The purposes for which the funds raised will be used; 5. The rights and obligations of subscribers; and 6. The offer period and a statement that subscribers may withdraw their subscriptions in the event that the offer is under-subscribed at the close of the offer period.

第八十七条 招股说明书应当 附有发起人制订的公司章程,并载 明下列事项: (一)发起人认购的股份数; (二)每股的票面金额和发行 价格; (三)无记名股票的发行总数; (四)募集资金的用途; (五)认股人的权利、义务; (六)本次募股的起止期限及 逾期未募足时认股人可以撤回所认 股份的说明。 第八十八条 发起人向社会公 开募集股份,应当由依法设立的证 券公司承销,签订承销协议。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第八十九条 发起人向社会公 开募集股份,应当同银行签订代收 股款协议。 代收股款的银行应当按照协议 代收和保存股款,向缴纳股款的认 股人出具收款单据,并负有向有关 部门出具收款证明的义务。

Article 88 A public offer of shares shall be underwritten by a lawfully established securities company and an underwriting agreement shall be concluded thereon.

Article 89 The promoters of any public offer of shares shall sign an agreement with the receiving bank appointed. The receiving bank appointed shall receive and hold as agent payments made for shares in accordance with the terms of the agreement, issue receipts to subscribers who make payments, and shall be obliged to produce evidence demonstrating the receipt of payments to the relevant government departments. Article 90 Where full payment has been made for any public



足后,必须经依法设立的验资机构 验资并出具证明。发起人应当在三 十日内主持召开公司创立大会。创 立大会由认股人组成。发行的股份 超过招股说明书规定的截止期限尚 未募足的,或者发行股份的股款缴 足后,发起人在三十日内未召开创 立大会的,认股人可以按照所缴股 款并加算银行同期存款利息,要求 发起人返还。

offer of shares, the subscriptions shall be verified and certified by a lawfully established capital verification institution. The promoters shall invite all subscribers to a company establishment meeting held within 30 days of receipt of all subscriptions. In the event that shares offered to the public are not fully subscribed to within the offer period disclosed in the prospectus, or the promoters fail to hold an establishment meeting within 30 days of receipt of all subscriptions, the subscribers may require the promoters to refund their subscriptions and pay interest calculated at the bank deposit interest rate for the relevant period. Article 91 The promoters shall notify each subscriber of or publicly announce the date of the establishment meeting no less than 15 days in advance of the meeting. The establishment meeting may not be held unless subscribers representing a majority of the shares subscribed to attend. The establishment meeting shall: 1. Consider the report on pre-establishment activities prepared by the promoters; 2. Adopt the articles of association; 3. Elect members of the board of directors; 4. Elect members of the board of supervisors; 5. Verify expenses incurred in establishing the company; 6. Verify the value of any asset contributed by the promoters by way of capital contribution; and 7. In the event of any force majeure or material change in operating conditions that may affect the establishment of the company, consider adopting a resolution not to establish the company. Any resolution adopted at the establishment meeting on any of the matters described in the previous paragraph requires an affirmative vote passed by subscribers representing a majority of the votes of those attending the meeting. Article 92 Promoters and subscribers shall not withdraw any paid in share capital unless the offer is not fully subscribed within the offer period, the promoters fail to convene the establishment meeting within the relevant time limit, or the establishment meeting has resolved not to establish the company.

第九十一条 发起人应当在创 立大会召开十五日前将会议日期通 知各认股人或者予以公告。创立大 会应有代表股份总数过半数的认股 人出席,方可举行。创立大会行使 下列职权: (一)审议发起人关于公司筹 办情况的报告; (二)通过公司章程; (三)选举董事会成员; (四)选举监事会成员; (五)对公司的设立费用进行 审核; (六)对发起人用于抵作股款 的财产的作价进行审核; (七)发生不可抗力或者经营 条件发生重大变化直接影响公司设 立的, 可以作出不设立公司的决议。 创立大会对前款所列事项作出决 议,必须经出席会议的认股人所持 表决权过半数通过。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )

第九十二条 发起人、认股人 缴纳股款或者交付抵作股款的出资 后,除未按期募足股份、发起人未 按期召开创立大会或者创立大会决 议不设立公司的情形外,不得抽回 其股本。


(相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第九十三条 董事会应于创立 大会结束后三十日内,向公司登记 机关报送下列文件, 申请设立登记: (一)公司登记申请书; (二)创立大会的会议记录; (三)公司章程; (四)验资证明; (五)法定代表人、董事、监 事的任职文件及其身份证明; (六)发起人的法人资格证明 或者自然人身份证明; (七)公司住所证明。 以募集方式设立股份有限公司 公开发行股票的,还应当向公司登 记机关报送国务院证券监督管理机 构的核准文件。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) Article 93 The board of directors shall, within 30 days of the conclusion of the establishment meeting, file an application for registration with the company registration authority and submit the following documents: 1. An application for company registration; 2. The minutes of the establishment meeting; 3. The articles of association; 4. A capital verification certificate; 5. The appointment documents and identity cards of the legal representative, directors and supervisors; 6. Documents evidencing the legal person or natural person status of the promoters; and 7. Proof of the address of the company. A joint stock limited company established by way of stock flotation that makes a public offer of its stock shall, in addition to the documents referred to above, submit to the company registration authority the approval documents issued by the securities regulatory institution of the State Council. Article 94 Following the establishment of a joint stock limited company, any promoter who fails to make full payment for capital contributions as stipulated in the articles of association shall pay the amount outstanding in full, failing which the other promoters shall be jointly and severally liable for the shortfall. Following the establishment of a joint stock limited company, where it is found that the actual value of any non-financial asset used as a capital contribution for the establishment of the company is clearly lower than its value as stipulated in the articles of association, the promoter who made the capital contribution shall make up the shortfall, failing which the other promoters shall be jointly and severally liable for the shortfall. Article 95 The promoters of a joint stock limited company shall be liable as follows: 1. In the event that the company is not established, the promoters shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts and expenses incurred in pre-establishment

第九十四条 股份有限公司成 立后,发起人未按照公司章程的规 定缴足出资的,应当补缴;其他发 起人承担连带责任。 股份有限公司成立后,发现作 为设立公司出资的非货币财产的实 际价额显著低于公司章程所定价额 的,应当由交付该出资的发起人补 足其差额;其他发起人承担连带责 任。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 )

第九十五条 股份有限公司的 发起人应当承担下列责任: (一)公司不能成立时,对设 立行为所产生的债务和费用负连带 责任;


(二)公司不能成立时,对认 股人已缴纳的股款,负返还股款并 加算银行同期存款利息的连带责 任; (三)在公司设立过程中,由 于发起人的过失致使公司利益受到 损害的, 应当对公司承担赔偿责任。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 )

activities; 2. In the event that the company is not established, the promoters shall be jointly and severally liable for refunding the paid-in capital of the subscribers plus interest thereon calculated at the bank interest rate for the relevant period; and 3. Where, in the course of establishing the company, its interests are damaged due to the negligence of the promoters, the promoters shall be liable to compensate the company. Article 96 Where a limited liability company is changed into a joint stock limited company, the total amount of paid-in capital shall be no less than the total value of its net assets, and any offer of shares to the public made for the purpose of increasing the capital of the company shall be made in accordance with the law.

第九十六条 有限责任公司变 更为股份有限公司时,折合的实收 股本总额不得高于公司净资产额。 有限责任公司变更为股份有限公 司,为增加资本公开发行股份时, 应当依法办理。 (相关文章:专家咨询 1 篇 ) 第九十七条 股份有限公司应 当将公司章程、股东名册、公司债 券存根、股东大会会议记录、董事 会会议记录、监事会会议记录、财 务会计报告置备于本公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 )

Article 97 A joint stock limited company shall prepare and maintain on company premises its articles of association, shareholders' register, corporate bond receipts, minutes of general meetings of shareholders, minutes of meetings of the board of directors, minutes of meetings of the board of supervisors, and financial reports. Article 98 Shareholders shall be entitled to inspect the articles of association, shareholders' register, corporate bond receipts, minutes of general meetings of shareholders, minutes of meetings of the board of directors, minutes of meetings of the board of supervisors, and financial reports, and may put forward proposals and raise questions about the business operations of the company. Section 2 General Meetings of Shareholders Article 99 The shareholders' assembly of a joint stock limited company shall be comprised of all the shareholders. The shareholders' assembly shall govern the company and shall exercise its powers in accordance with the law.

第九十八条 股东有权查阅公 司章程、股东名册、公司债券存根、 股东大会会议记录、董事会会议决 议、监事会会议决议、财务会计报 告,对公司的经营提出建议或者质 询。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 )

第二节 股东大会 第九十九条 股份有限公司股 东大会由全体股东组成,股东大会 是公司的权力机构,依照本法行使 职权。 (相关文章:相关案例 4 篇 )

第一百条 本法第三十八条第 一款关于有限责任公司股东会职权 的规定,适用于股份有限公司股东 大会。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 ) 第一百零一条 股东大会应当 每年召开一次年会。有下列情形之 一的,应当在两个月内召开临时股 东大会: (一)董事人数不足本法规定 人数或者公司章程所定人数的三分 之二时; (二)公司未弥补的亏损达实 收股本总额三分之一时; (三)单独或者合计持有公司 百分之十以上股份的股东请求时; (四)董事会认为必要时; (五)监事会提议召开时; (六)公司章程规定的其他情 形。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 2 篇 ) 第一百零二条 股东大会会议 由董事会召集,董事长主持;董事 长不能履行职务或者不履行职务 的,由副董事长主持;副董事长不 能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由 半数以上董事共同推举一名董事主 持。 董事会不能履行或者不履行召 集股东大会会议职责的,监事会应 当及时召集和主持;监事会不召集 和主持的,连续九十日以上单独或 者合计持有公司百分之十以上股份 的股东可以自行召集和主持。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 )

Article 100 The provisions of the first paragraph of Article 38 of this Law prescribing the powers of the shareholders' assembly of a limited liability company shall apply to the shareholders' assembly of a joint stock limited company. Article 101 A shareholders' assembly shall be held annually. Under any of the following circumstances, an interim shareholders' assembly shall be held within 2 months: 1. Where the number of directors falls below two-thirds of the minimum number of directors as required by this Law or as specified in the articles of association; 2. Where the bad debts of the company reach one-third of its total paid-in capital; 3. Where an interim meeting is requested by a shareholder who holds or by shareholders who together hold 10% or more of the company's shares; 4. Where the board of directors deems it necessary; 5. On the request of the board of supervisors; or 6. Any other circumstance specified in the articles of association.

Article 102 A shareholders' assembly shall be convened by the board of directors and shall be presided over by the chairman of the board of directors. Where the chairman is unable or fails to perform his duties, the meeting shall be presided over by the deputy chairman of the board of directors. Where the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or fails to perform his duties, the meeting shall be presided over by a director nominated by 50% or more of the directors. Where the board of directors or the acting director is unable or fails to fulfill its obligation to convene a general meeting of shareholders, the board of supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting. Where the board of supervisors does not convene or preside over the meeting, a shareholder who holds or shareholders who together hold 10% or more of the shares may convene and preside over the meeting on his or their own initiative. Article 103 Shareholders shall be notified no less than



会议,应当将会议召开的时间、地 点和审议的事项于会议召开二十日 前通知各股东;临时股东大会应当 于会议召开十五日前通知各股东; 发行无记名股票的,应当于会议召 开三十日前公告会议召开的时间、 地点和审议事项。 单独或者合计持有公司百分之 三以上股份的股东,可以在股东大 会召开十日前提出临时提案并书面 提交董事会;董事会应当在收到提 案后二日内通知其他股东,并将该 临时提案提交股东大会审议。临时 提案的内容应当属于股东大会职权 范围,并有明确议题和具体决议事 项。股东大会不得对前两款通知中 未列明的事项作出决议。无记名股 票持有人出席股东大会会议的,应 当于会议召开五日前至股东大会闭 会时将股票交存于公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 7 篇 )

20 days in advance of a shareholders' assembly of the time and place of the meeting and the matters to be considered at the meeting. Shareholders shall be notified no less than 15 days in advance of an interim general meeting of shareholders. Holders of unregistered shares shall be notified by way of public announcement no less than 30 days in advance of any shareholders' assembly of the time and place of the meeting and the matters to be considered at the meeting. Any shareholder who holds or shareholders who together hold 3% or more of the shares of the company may put forward an interim proposal and notify the board of directors of the proposal in writing 10 days in advance of a general meeting of shareholders. The board of directors shall notify other shareholders of the interim proposal within 2 days of the receipt thereof and submit the proposal to the general meeting of shareholders for consideration. Any interim proposal put forward shall fall within the purview of the shareholders' assembly and shall have clear discussion points and matters to be decided. The shareholders' assembly shall not decide any matter for which notice is not given in accordance with either of the preceding two paragraphs. Shares of holders of unregistered shares who attend the shareholders' assembly shall be frozen in the name of the company during the period from 5 days prior to the meeting until the meeting is closed. Article 104 Other than shares registered in the name of the company, which shall have no voting rights attached, each share shall have one vote at a shareholders' assembly. Any resolution proposed at a general meeting of shareholders shall be adopted by an affirmative vote of shareholders representing a majority of the voting rights of shareholders present, other than resolutions proposing any modification to the articles of association, or any increase or decrease in registered capital, or any resolution about any proposed merger, demerger, dissolution or change in company form, which shall be adopted by shareholders representing 2/3 or more of the voting rights of shareholders present.

第一百零四条 股东出席股东 大会会议,所持每一股份有一表决 权。但是,公司持有的本公司股份 没有表决权。股东大会作出决议, 必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权 过半数通过。但是,股东大会作出 修改公司章程、增加或者减少注册 资本的决议,以及公司合并、分立、 解散或者变更公司形式的决议,必 须经出席会议的股东所持表决权的 三分之二以上通过。 (相关文章:相关案例 5 篇 )


第一百零五条 本法和公司章 程规定公司转让、受让重大资产或 者对外提供担保等事项必须经股东 大会作出决议的,董事会应当及时 召集股东大会会议,由股东大会就 上述事项进行表决。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 热 点透视 2 篇 ) 第一百零六条 股东大会选举 董事、监事,可以根据公司章程的 规定或者股东大会的决议,实行累 积投票制。本法所称累积投票制, 是指股东大会选举董事或者监事 时,每一股份拥有与应选董事或者 监事人数相同的表决权,股东拥有 的表决权可以集中使用。 (相关文章:热点透视 1 篇 专 业书刊 1 篇 ) 第一百零七条 股东可以委托 代理人出席股东大会会议,代理人 应当向公司提交股东授权委托书, 并在授权范围内行使表决权。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百零八条 股东大会应当 对所议事项的决定作成会议记录, 主持人、出席会议的董事应当在会 议记录上签名。会议记录应当与出 席股东的签名册及代理出席的委托 书一并保存。 (相关文章:相关案例 4 篇 ) 第三节 董事会、经理

Article 105 The board of directors shall promptly call a shareholders' assembly to decide any important matter within the purview of the shareholders' assembly either in accordance with this Law or in accordance with the articles of association, such as any transfer of company assets, taking an assignment of any significant asset or acting as guarantor for any other person.

Article 106 The shareholders' assembly may adopt a cumulative voting system for the election of directors and supervisors pursuant to the articles of association or by way of a resolution made at its meeting. The term "cumulative voting system" as referred to in this Law means a voting system whereby shareholders can multiply their voting rights by the number of candidates and cast their votes for one candidate for director or supervisor.

Article 107 A shareholder may appoint an agent to attend a shareholders' assembly. The agent appointed shall present a proxy form issued by the shareholder to the company and shall exercise his voting rights within the scope of his authorization. Article 108 The shareholders' assembly shall take minutes on decisions made and matters discussed at its meetings. The chair of the meeting and directors present shall sign the minutes, which shall be retained together with a list of signatures of shareholders present and any powers of attorney exercised.

Section 3 Board of Directors and Managers Article 109 A joint stock limited company shall establish a board of directors, which shall be comprised of between 5 and 19 members. The board of directors may include employee representatives. Employee representatives who serve as board directors shall be democratically elected through the employee representatives' association, the

第一百零九条 股份有限公司 设董事会, 其成员为五人至十九人。 董事会成员中可以有公司职工 代表。董事会中的职工代表由公司 职工通过职工代表大会、职工大会 或者其他形式民主选举产生。 本法第四十六条关于有限责任

公司董事任期的规定,适用于股份 有限公司董事。 本法第四十七条关于有限责任 公司董事会职权的规定,适用于股 份有限公司董事会。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 专 业书刊 1 篇 )

employees' association or otherwise. The provisions of Article 46 of this Law on the term of office of the directors of a limited liability company shall apply to the directors of a joint stock limited company. The provisions of Article 47 of this Law on the functions of the board of directors of a limited liability company shall apply to the board of directors of a joint stock limited company. Article 110 The board of directors shall elect a chairman and may elect a deputy chairman. The chairman and deputy chairman shall be elected by a majority of directors. The chairman of the board of directors shall call and preside over the meetings of the board of directors and monitor the implementation of resolutions of the board of directors. The deputy chairman shall assist the chairman in his responsibilities and shall perform the chairman's duties in the event that the chairman is unable or fails to perform his duties. Where the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or fails to perform his duties as described in this paragraph, a director nominated by a majority of directors shall perform those duties. Article 111 The board of directors shall convene no less than two meetings per year and shall notify all directors and supervisors no less than 10 days in advance of the meeting. A proposal to hold an interim meeting of the board of directors may be put forward by shareholders representing 10% or more of the voting rights, or by one-third or more of the directors or supervisors. The chairman of the board of directors shall, within 10 days of receiving such a proposal, call and preside over a meeting of the board of directors. Where the board of directors holds an interim meeting, it may separately decide the method of and time limit applicable to notifications about meetings of the board of directors. Article 112 No meeting of the board of directors may be held unless a majority of directors are present. Any board resolution shall be adopted by a majority of directors.

第一百一十条 董事会设董事 长一人,可以设副董事长。董事长 和副董事长由董事会以全体董事的 过半数选举产生。 董事长召集和主持董事会会 议,检查董事会决议的实施情况。 副董事长协助董事长工作,董事长 不能履行职务或者不履行职务的, 由副董事长履行职务;副董事长不 能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由 半数以上董事共同推举一名董事履 行职务。 (相关文章:相关案例 5 篇 )

第一百一十一条 董事会每年 度至少召开两次会议,每次会议应 当于会议召开十日前通知全体董事 和监事。代表十分之一以上表决权 的股东、三分之一以上董事或者监 事会,可以提议召开董事会临时会 议。董事长应当自接到提议后十日 内,召集和主持董事会会议。董事 会召开临时会议,可以另定召集董 事会的通知方式和通知时限。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 专 业书刊 2 篇 )

第一百一十二条 董事会会议 应有过半数的董事出席方可举行。 董事会作出决议,必须经全体董事


的过半数通过。 董事会决议的表决,实行一人 一票。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百一十三条 董事会会 议,应由董事本人出席;董事因故 不能出席,可以书面委托其他董事 代为出席,委托书中应载明授权范 围。 董事会应当对会议所议事项的 决定作成会议记录,出席会议的董 事应当在会议记录上签名。董事应 当对董事会的决议承担责任。董事 会的决议违反法律、行政法规或者 公司章程、股东大会决议,致使公 司遭受严重损失的,参与决议的董 事对公司负赔偿责任。但经证明在 表决时曾表明异议并记载于会议记 录的,该董事可以免除责任。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )

Each director shall have one vote in any resolution put to a vote of the board of directors.

Article 113 Directors shall attend meetings of the board of directors in person. Where any director is unable to attend the meeting for any reason, he may issue a written proxy appointing another director to attend the meeting on his behalf and stating the scope of his authorization. The board of directors shall take minutes on resolutions made and matters discussed at its meetings, which shall be signed by directors present. Directors shall be responsible for resolutions of the board of directors. Where a resolution of the board of directors violates any law, administrative regulation, article of association, or any resolution of the shareholders' assembly and causes any serious loss to the company, the directors who participated in adopting the resolution shall compensate the company. Where a director is proven to have raised anobjected to the relevant resolution and his objection is recorded in the minutes, the director may be exempted from liability. Article 114 A joint stock limited company may have a manager, who shall be appointed or dismissed by the board of directors. The manager of a joint stock limited company shall exercise his powers in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of this Law. Article 115 The board of directors of a company may appoint one of its members to serve concurrently as the manager of the company. Article 116 No company may, either directly or via any of its subsidiaries, lend money to any of its directors, supervisors or senior managers. Article 117 A Company shall regularly disclose to its shareholders information about the remuneration it pays to its directors, supervisors and senior managers.

第一百一十四条 股份有限公 司设经理,由董事会决定聘任或者 解聘。 本法第五十条关于有限责任公 司经理职权的规定,适用于股份有 限公司经理。 第一百一十五条 公司董事会 可以决定由董事会成员兼任经理。

第一百一十六条 公司不得直 接或者通过子公司向董事、监事、 高级管理人员提供借款。 第一百一十七条 公司应当定 期向股东披露董事、监事、高级管 理人员从公司获得报酬的情况。



Section 4 Boards of Supervisors Article 118 A joint stock limited company shall establish a board of supervisors comprised of no less than 3 members. The board of supervisors shall include shareholders' representatives and an appropriate proportion of employee representatives. The proportion of employee representatives shall be specified in the articles of association but in any event shall account for no less than one-third of the supervisors appointed. Employee representatives who serve as members of the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected through the employee representatives' assembly, the shareholders' assembly or in any other way. The board of supervisors shall have one chairman and may have a deputy chairman. The chairman and deputy chairman shall elected by a majority of supervisors. The chairman of the board of supervisors shall call and preside over meetings of the board of supervisors. Where the chairman of the board of supervisors is unable or fails to perform his duties, the deputy chairman of the board of supervisors shall call and preside over meetings of the board of supervisors. Where the deputy chairman of the board of supervisors is unable or fails to perform his duties, a supervisor nominated by a majority of supervisors shall call and preside over meetings of the board of supervisors. No director or senior manager of a company may concurrently act as one of its supervisors. The provisions of Article 53 of this Law on the term of office of the supervisors of a limited liability company shall apply to the supervisors of a joint stock limited company. Article 119 The provisions of Articles 54 and 55 of this Law on the functions of a limited liability company shall apply to the board of supervisors of a joint stock limited company. All necessary expenses incurred by the board of supervisors in exercising its functions shall be borne by the company.

第一百一十八条 股份有限公 司设立监事会,其成员不得少于三 人。 监事会应当包括股东代表和适 当比例的公司职工代表,其中职工 代表的比例不得低于三分之一,具 体比例由公司章程规定。监事会中 的职工代表由公司职工通过职工代 表大会、职工大会或者其他形式民 主选举产生。监事会设主席一人, 可以设副主席。监事会主席和副主 席由全体监事过半数选举产生。监 事会主席召集和主持监事会会议; 监事会主席不能履行职务或者不履 行职务的,由监事会副主席召集和 主持监事会会议;监事会副主席不 能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由 半数以上监事共同推举一名监事召 集和主持监事会会议。 董事、高级管理人员不得兼任 监事。 本法第五十三条关于有限责任 公司监事任期的规定,适用于股份 有限公司监事。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )

第一百一十九条 本法第五十 四条、第五十五条关于有限责任公 司监事会职权的规定,适用于股份 有限公司监事会。 监事会行使职权所必需的费 用,由公司承担。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 )


第一百二十条 监事会每六个 月至少召开一次会议。监事可以提 议召开临时监事会会议。 监事会的议事方式和表决程 序,除本法有规定的外,由公司章 程规定。 监事会应当对所议事项的决定 作成会议记录,出席会议的监事应 当在会议记录上签名。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第五节 特别规定 上市公司组织机构的

Article 120 A board of supervisors shall hold no less than one meeting every 6 months. The supervisors may call interim meetings of the board of supervisors. Unless otherwise specified in this Law, the methods of deliberation and voting procedures of a board of supervisors shall be specified in the articles of association. A board of supervisors shall take minutes on resolutions made and matters discussed at its meetings, which shall be signed by all supervisors present. Section 5 Special Provisions on Governance of A Listed Company Article 121 The term "listed company" as referred to in this Law means any joint stock limited company whose shares are listed and traded on a stock exchange.

第一百二十一条 本法所称上 市公司,是指其股票在证券交易所 上市交易的股份有限公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百二十二条 上市公司在 一年内购买、出售重大资产或者担 保金额超过公司资产总额百分之三 十的,应当由股东大会作出决议, 并经出席会议的股东所持表决权的 三分之二以上通过。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 ) 第一百二十三条 上市公司设 立独立董事,具体办法由国务院规 定。 (相关文章:专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第一百二十四条 上市公司设 立董事会秘书,负责公司股东大会 和董事会会议的筹备、文件保管以 及公司股权管理,办理信息披露事 务等事宜。

Article 122 Where a listed company purchases or sells any important asset or provides a guaranty for any amount exceeding 30% of its total assets such a transaction shall be subject to a resolution of the shareholders' assembly passed by shareholders representing two-thirds of the voting rights of shareholders present.

Article 123 A listed company shall have independent directors, who shall be subject to any specific measures implemented by the State Council.

Article 124 A listed company may appoint a secretary to the board of directors, who shall be responsible for preparing for general meetings of shareholders and meetings of the board of directors, the preservation of documents, the management of company stock rights, information disclosure, and similar duties. Article 125 Where any director has a relationship with any enterprise involved in a matter to be decided at a

第一百二十五条 上市公司董 事与董事会会议决议事项所涉及的


企业有关联关系的,不得对该项决 议行使表决权,也不得代理其他董 事行使表决权。该董事会会议由过 半数的无关联关系董事出席即可举 行,董事会会议所作决议须经无关 联关系董事过半数通过。出席董事 会的无关联关系董事人数不足三人 的,应将该事项提交上市公司股东 大会审议。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )

meeting of the board of directors, he shall not vote on the relevant resolution either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other director. Any agenda item at a meeting of the board of directors shall not be discussed or voted on unless a majority of directors without any interest in the relevant matter are present at the meeting. Any resolution of the board of directors shall be adopted by the affirmative votes of a majority directors without any interest in the relevant matter. Where less than 3 directors without any interest in the relevant matter are present, the matter shall be submitted to the listed company's shareholders' assembly for deliberation. Chapter V Issuance and Transfers of Shares in Joint Stock Limited Companies Section 1 Issuance of Shares Article 126 The capital of a joint stock limited company shall be divided into shares of equal value. The shares of a company shall be represented by stock certificates. A stock certificate issued by the company shall certify ownership of one or more shares by a shareholder. Article 127 Any issue of shares shall be conducted with fairness and impartiality. Shares of the same class shall have the same rights and benefits. Shares issued at the same time shall be issued at the same price and shall be subject to the same conditions. The price of shares purchased by any organization or individual shall be the same.

第五章 发行和转让 第一节



第一百二十六条 股份有限公 司的资本划分为股份,每一股的金 额相等。 公司的股份采取股票的形式。 股票是公司签发的证明股东所持股 份的凭证。 第一百二十七条 股份的发 行,实行公平、公正的原则,同种 类的每一股份应当具有同等权利。 同次发行的同种类股票,每股的发 行条件和价格应当相同;任何单位 或者个人所认购的股份,每股应当 支付相同价额。 (相关文章:热点透视 1 篇 ) 第一百二十八条 股票发行价 格可以按票面金额,也可以超过票 面金额,但不得低于票面金额。 第一百二十九条 股票采用纸 面形式或者国务院证券监督管理机 构规定的其他形式。 股票应当载明下列主要事项: (一)公司名称;

Article 128 Shares may be issued at a price equal to or at a premium to their par value, but shall not be issued at a price below par value. Article 129 Stock certificates shall be issued in certificated form or any other form prescribed by the securities regulatory institution of the State Council. Stock certificates shall state the following principal details:

(二)公司成立日期; (三)股票种类、票面金额及 代表的股份数; (四)股票的编号。 股票由法定代表人签名,公司 盖章。 发起人的股票,应当标明发起 人股票字样。

1. The company name; 2. The company's date of incorporation; 3. The class and par value of the stock, and the number of shares it represents; and 4. The serial number of the stock. Stock certificates shall bear the signature of the legal representative and the seal of the company. Stock certificates held by promoters shall be inscribed with the words "promoters' stock". Article 130 Stock certificates issued by a company may be in registered form or bearer form. Stock certificates issued to promoters or legal persons shall be in registered form, shall state the relevant name of the promoter or legal person, and shall not be registered in the name of any other person or in the name of any representative thereof.

第一百三十条 公司发行的股 票,可以为记名股票,也可以为无 记名股票。 公司向发起人、法人发行的股 票,应当为记名股票,并应当记载 该发起人、法人的名称或者姓名, 不得另立户名或者以代表人姓名记 名。 第一百三十一条 公司发行记 名股票的,应当置备股东名册,记 载下列事项: (一)股东的姓名或者名称及 住所; (二)各股东所持股份数; (三)各股东所持股票的编号; (四)各股东取得股份的日期。 发行无记名股票的,公司应当 记载其股票数量、 编号及发行日期。

Article 131 Any company that issues stock certificates in registered form shall prepare a shareholders' register, which shall record the following matters: 1. The name and address of each shareholder; 2. The number of shares held by each shareholder; 3. The serial numbers of stock certificates held by each shareholder; and 4. The date on which each shareholder acquired his shares. Any company that issues stock certificates in bearer form shall record the amount, serial numbers and date of issue of the stock certificate. Article 132 The State Council shall separately make provisions on enterprises' offering of stocks other than those as stipulated by the Law. Article 133 A joint stock limited company shall formally deliver stock certificates to its shareholders following establishment of the company and not before. Article 134 Any company that proposes issuing new shares shall, pursuant to its articles of association, make a resolution about the following matters through the shareholders' assembly or the board of directors:

第一百三十二条 国务院可以 对公司发行本法规定以外的其他种 类的股份,另行作出规定。 第一百三十三条 股份有限公 司成立后, 即向股东正式交付股票。 公司成立前不得向股东交付股票。 第一百三十四条 公司发行新 股,依照公司章程的规定由股东大 会或者董事会对下列事项作出决 议:

(一)新股种类及数额; (二)新股发行价格; (三)新股发行的起止日期; (四)向原有股东发行新股的 种类及数额。 第一百三十五条 公司经国务 院证券监督管理机构核准公开发行 新股时,必须公告新股招股说明书 和财务会计报告,并制作认股书。 本法第八十八条、第八十九条 的规定适用于公司公开发行新股。

1. The class and number of new shares to be issued; 2. The issue price of the new shares; 3. The offer period for the new shares; and 4. The class and amount of new shares to be issued to the existing shareholders. Article 135 Where any company offers new shares to the public upon the approval of the securities regulatory institution, it shall issue a new share prospectus and financial reports, and shall produce a share subscription form. The provisions of Articles 88 and 89 of this Law shall apply to any public offer of new company shares. Article 136 A company that issues new shares may set the offer price according to its business operations and financial status. Article 137 Any company that successfully completes a new offer of shares shall amend its registered details maintained by the company registration authority and make an public announcement thereon. Section 2 Share Transfers Article 138 Shareholders may transfer their shares in accordance with the law.

第一百三十六条 公司发行新 股,可以根据公司经营情况和财务 状况,确定其作价方案。 第一百三十七条 公司发行新 股募足股款后,必须向公司登记机 关办理变更登记,并公告。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 ) 第二节 股份转让

第一百三十八条 股东持有的 股份可以依法转让。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第一百三十九条 股东转让其 股份,应当在依法设立的证券交易 场所进行或者按照国务院规定的其 他方式进行。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第一百四十条 记名股票,由 股东以背书方式或者法律、行政法 规规定的其他方式转让;转让后由 公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住 所记载于股东名册。股东大会召开 前二十日内或者公司决定分配股利 的基准日前五日内,不得进行前款

Article 139 Any transfer of shares by a shareholder shall be carried out via a lawfully established stock exchange or by any other means prescribed by the State Council.

Article 140 A transfer of registered stock shall be effected by way of a shareholder's endorsement or by any other means prescribed by the relevant laws or administrative regulations. Following any transfer, the company shall record the name and address of the transferee in the shareholders' register. The shareholders' register may not be modified within the 20


规定的股东名册的变更登记。 但是, 法律对上市公司股东名册变更登记 另有规定的,从其规定。

days preceding any shareholders' assembly or within the 5 days preceding any ex-dividend date fixed by the company. Any law that provides otherwise in relation to the amendment of details recorded in the shareholders' register of a listed company shall prevail over the provisions of this Article. Article 141 Any transfer of stock issued in bearer form shall take effect immediately on delivery of the stock certificate to the transferee by the transferor. Article 142 Company shares held by the promoters of the company shall not be transferred within 1 year of the date of incorporation of the company. Shares issued prior to any public offer of shares shall not be transferred within 1 year of the date on which the shares of the company are first listed and traded on a stock exchange. Directors, supervisors and senior managers of a company shall notify the company of the shares they hold and any changes therein. During their respective terms of office, any shares transferred by any of the company's directors, supervisors and senior managers in any year shall not exceed 25% of the relevant individual's total stake in the company. Company shares held by any director, supervisor or senior manager shall not be transferred within 1 year of the date on which the shares are first listed and traded on a stock exchange. Any of the aforesaid persons who ceases to hold his post shall not transfer any of his shares within 6 months of the date on which he ceased to hold his post. Any other restrictions on transfers of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior managers may be specified in the articles of association. Article 143 No company shall purchase its own shares other than in any of the following circumstances: 1. Where a company reduces its registered capital; 2. Where the company plans to merge with a company which is one of its existing shareholders; 3. Pursuant to an employee share award incentive scheme; or 4. Pursuant to a request from any shareholder to purchase his shares because of his objection to any company

第一百四十一条 无记名股票 的转让,由股东将该股票交付给受 让人后即发生转让的效力。 第一百四十二条 发起人持有 的本公司股份,自公司成立之日起 一年内不得转让。公司公开发行股 份前已发行的股份,自公司股票在 证券交易所上市交易之日起一年内 不得转让。 公司董事、监事、高级管理人 员应当向公司申报所持有的本公司 的股份及其变动情况,在任职期间 每年转让的股份不得超过其所持有 本公司股份总数的百分之二十五; 所持本公司股份自公司股票上市交 易之日起一年内不得转让。上述人 员离职后半年内,不得转让其所持 有的本公司股份。公司章程可以对 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员转 让其所持有的本公司股份作出其他 限制性规定。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 热 点透视 2 篇 专家咨询 1 篇 )

第一百四十三条 公司不得收 购本公司股份。但是,有下列情形 之一的除外: (一)减少公司注册资本; (二)与持有本公司股份的其 他公司合并; (三)将股份奖励给本公司职 工; (四)股东因对股东大会作出


的公司合并、分立决议持异议,要 求公司收购其股份的。 公司因前款第 (一) 项至第 (三) 项的原因收购本公司股份的,应当 经股东大会决议。公司依照前款规 定收购本公司股份后,属于第(一) 项情形的,应当自收购之日起十日 内注销;属于第(二)项、第(四) 项情形的,应当在六个月内转让或 者注销。 公司依照第一款第(三)项规 定收购的本公司股份,不得超过本 公司已发行股份总额的百分之五; 用于收购的资金应当从公司的税后 利润中支出;所收购的股份应当在 一年内转让给职工。 公司不得接受本公司的股票作 为质押权的标的。 (相关文章:法律法规 3 篇 相 关案例 25 篇 热点透视 2 篇 )

resolution concerning a merger or demerger made at any shareholders' assembly. Any company purchase of its own shares for any reason specified in sub-paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall be subject to a resolution of the shareholders' assembly. Following any company purchase of its own shares pursuant to the provisions of this Article, the company shall, in the event of a purchase made pursuant to sub-paragraph 1, cancel the relevant shares within 10 days of the purchase, or in the event of a purchase made pursuant to sub-paragraph 2 or 4, transfer or cancel the relevant shares within 6 months of the purchase. Any shares purchased by the company in accordance with Item 3 of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 5% of the total shares already issued by the company. The funds used to acquire the shares shall be derived from the after-tax profits of the company. The shares purchased by the company shall be transferred to the relevant employees within 1 year of the company's purchase thereof. No company may take a pledge of its own stock. Article 144 Where any registered stock is stolen, lost or destroyed, the relevant shareholder may request the people's court to declare the stock invalid in accordance with the public notification procedure prescribed in the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. Where the people's court invalidates stock pursuant to this procedure, the relevant shareholder may file an application with the company for the issuance of new stock. Article 145 The shares of a listed company shall be listed and traded in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, and with the dealing rules of the stock exchange on which they are listed and traded. Article 146 A listed company shall, in accordance with laws and administrative regulations, publicly announce matters relating to its financial status, business operations and any significant litigation to which it is a party, and shall publish its financial reports once in every six month period in each financial year.

第一百四十四条 记名股票被 盗、遗失或者灭失,股东可以依照 《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》规 定的公示催告程序,请求人民法院 宣告该股票失效。人民法院宣告该 股票失效后,股东可以向公司申请 补发股票。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )

第一百四十五条 上市公司的 股票,依照有关法律、行政法规及 证券交易所交易规则上市交易。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百四十六条 上市公司必 须依照法律、行政法规的规定,公 开其财务状况、经营情况及重大诉 讼,在每会计年度内半年公布一次 财务会计报告。


第六章 公司董事、监事、高 级管理人员的资格和义务 第一百四十七条 有下列情形 之一的,不得担任公司的董事、监 事、高级管理人员: (一)无民事行为能力或者限 制民事行为能力; (二)因贪污、贿赂、侵占财 产、挪用财产或者破坏社会主义市 场经济秩序,被判处刑罚,执行期 满未逾五年,或者因犯罪被剥夺政 治权利,执行期满未逾五年; (三)担任破产清算的公司、 企业的董事或者厂长、经理,对该 公司、 企业的破产负有个人责任的, 自该公司、企业破产清算完结之日 起未逾三年; (四)担任因违法被吊销营业 执照、责令关闭的公司、企业的法 定代表人,并负有个人责任的,自 该公司、企业被吊销营业执照之日 起未逾三年; (五)个人所负数额较大的债 务到期未清偿。公司违反前款规定 选举、委派董事、监事或者聘任高 级管理人员的,该选举、委派或者 聘任无效。董事、监事、高级管理 人员在任职期间出现本条第一款所 列情形的,公司应当解除其职务。 (相关文章: 法律法规 28 篇 相 关案例 6 篇 )

Chapter VI Qualifications and Duties of Company Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers Article 147 None of the following people shall be eligible for appointment as a director, supervisor or senior manager of a company: 1. Any person who does not have civil capacity or who has only limited civil capacity; 2. Any person who has been convicted of any criminal offence in the nature of corruption, bribery, conversion, misappropriation or disrupting the economic order of the socialist market and 5 years have not elapsed since any penalty imposed has been completed, or any person who has ever been deprived of his political rights due to any crime and 3 years have not elapsed since the penalty imposed was completed; 3. Any former director, factory director or manager of a company or enterprise which has been declared bankrupt and liquidated in circumstances where he was personally responsible for the bankruptcy of the company or enterprise, and three years have not elapsed since the bankruptcy and liquidation of the company or enterprise was completed; 4. Any former legal representative of a company or enterprise which has had its business license revoked and has been ordered to close its business operations due to any violation of law in circumstances where the former legal representative was personally liable for the revocation of the business license and three years have not elapsed since the date of revocation; or 5. Any person who has significant unpaid debts. Any election or appointment of any director, supervisor, or senior manager made in violation of the provisions of this Article shall be invalid. Any existing director, supervisor or senior manager the appointment of whom would violate the provisions of this Article shall be removed from his post. Article 148 The directors, supervisors and senior managers of a company shall comply with laws, administrative regulations, and the articles of association and shall owe duties of fidelity and due diligence to the company.

第一百四十八条 董事、 监事、 高级管理人员应当遵守法律、行政 法规和公司章程,对公司负有忠实 义务和勤勉义务。 董事、监事、高级管理人员不

得利用职权收受贿赂或者其他非法 收入,不得侵占公司的财产。 (相关文章:法律法规 5 篇 相 关案例 21 篇 热点透视 1 篇 专业书 刊1篇 ) 第一百四十九条 董事、高级 管理人员不得有下列行为: (一)挪用公司资金; (二)将公司资金以其个人名 义或者以其他个人名义开立账户存 储; (三)违反公司章程的规定, 未经股东会、股东大会或者董事会 同意,将公司资金借贷给他人或者 以公司财产为他人提供担保; (四)违反公司章程的规定或 者未经股东会、股东大会同意,与 本公司订立合同或者进行交易; (五)未经股东会或者股东大 会同意,利用职务便利为自己或者 他人谋取属于公司的商业机会,自 营或者为他人经营与所任职公司同 类的业务; (六)接受他人与公司交易的 佣金归为己有; (七)擅自披露公司秘密; (八)违反对公司忠实义务的 其他行为。董事、高级管理人员违 反前款规定所得的收入应当归公司 所有。 (相关文章: 法律法规 10 篇 相 关案例 35 篇 )

No director, supervisor or senior manager may take any bribe or other illegal gain by taking advantage of his position or misappropriate company assets for personal use.

Article 149 No director or senior manager may: 1. Misappropriate company funds; 2. Divert company funds into an account held in his own name or in the name of any other individual; 3. Loan company funds or provide any guaranty to any other person by using company property in violation of the articles of association without first obtaining the consent of a shareholders' meeting, a shareholders' assembly or the board of directors; 4. Become a party to any contract or business dealings with the company in violation of the articles of association without first obtaining the consent of a shareholders' meeting or a shareholders' assembly; 5. Seek business opportunities for himself or for any other person by taking advantage of his position, or operate on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person any business similar in nature to that of the company, without first obtaining the consent of a shareholders' meeting or a shareholders' assembly; 6. Personally accept any commission on any transaction to which the company is a party; 7. Unlawfully disclose confidential company information; or 8. Act in any way that is inconsistent with his duty of fidelity to the company. Any income received by any director or senior manager in violation of this Article shall be treated as the property of the company. Article 150 Where any director, supervisor or senior manager violates any law, administrative regulation, or the articles of association in the course of performing his duties, he shall be liable to compensate the company for any loss thereby caused to the company..

第一百五十条 董事、监事、 高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反 法律、行政法规或者公司章程的规 定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担 赔偿责任。 (相关文章: 相关案例 44 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 )


第一百五十一条 股东会或者 股东大会要求董事、监事、高级管 理人员列席会议的,董事、监事、 高级管理人员应当列席并接受股东 的质询。 董事、高级管理人员应当如实 向监事会或者不设监事会的有限责 任公司的监事提供有关情况和资 料,不得妨碍监事会或者监事行使 职权。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百五十二条 董事、高级 管理人员有本法第一百五十条规定 的情形的,有限责任公司的股东、 股份有限公司连续一百八十日以上 单独或者合计持有公司百分之一以 上股份的股东,可以书面请求监事 会或者不设监事会的有限责任公司 的监事向人民法院提起诉讼;监事 有本法第一百五十条规定的情形 的,前述股东可以书面请求董事会 或者不设董事会的有限责任公司的 执行董事向人民法院提起诉讼。 监事会、不设监事会的有限责 任公司的监事,或者董事会、执行 董事收到前款规定的股东书面请求 后拒绝提起诉讼,或者自收到请求 之日起三十日内未提起诉讼,或者 情况紧急、不立即提起诉讼将会使 公司利益受到难以弥补的损害的, 前款规定的股东有权为了公司的利 益以自己的名义直接向人民法院提 起诉讼。 他人侵犯公司合法权益,给公 司造成损失的,本条第一款规定的 股东可以依照前两款的规定向人民 法院提起诉讼。 (相关文章:法律法规 4 篇 相 关案例 58 篇 热点透视 1 篇 专业书 刊2篇 )

Article 151 Where a meeting of shareholders or a shareholders' assembly requires any director, supervisor or senior manager to attend the meeting as a non-voting representative, he shall do so and shall answer the shareholders' inquiries. Directors and senior managers shall faithfully provide relevant information and materials to the board of supervisors or to the supervisor(s) of a limited liability company with no board of supervisors, and may not obstruct the board of supervisors or any supervisor in the exercise of its or his powers. Article 152 Where a director or senior manager is liable to compensate a company in accordance with Article 150 of this Law, any shareholder or group of shareholders of the limited liability company or joint stock limited company concerned who has or have held 1% or more of the shares in the company for 180 consecutive days or more may make a written request to the board of supervisors or to the supervisor(s) of a limited liability company with no board of supervisors to initiate legal action in the people's court against the relevant director or senior manager. Where any supervisor is liable to compensate the company in accordance with Article 150 of this Law, the aforesaid shareholder(s) may make a written request to the board of directors or to the acting director of a limited liability company with no board of directors to initiate legal action in the people's court. Where any board of supervisors, any supervisor of a limited liability company with no board of supervisors, or any board of directors or acting director refuses to initiate legal action after receiving a written request described in the preceding paragraph, or fails to initiate legal action within 30 days of receiving the request, or if, in the event of any urgent situation in which failing to initiate legal action forthwith will cause irreparable damage to the interests of the company, the shareholder(s) described in the preceding paragraph may initiate legal action in the people's court in his or their own name(s). Where the legitimate rights and interests of a company are damaged and the company thereby suffers any loss, the shareholder(s) described in the first paragraph of this


Article may initiate legal action in the people's court in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. 第一百五十三条 董事、高级 管理人员违反法律、行政法规或者 公司章程的规定, 损害股东利益的, 股东可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 (相关文章: 相关案例 17 篇 热 点透视 1 篇 专业书刊 1 篇 ) 第七章 公司债券 Article 153 Where any director or senior manager damages the shareholders' interests by violating any law, administrative regulation, or the articles of association, the shareholders may initiate legal action in the people's court.

Chapter VII Corporate Bonds Article 154 The term "corporate bonds" as referred to in this Law means negotiable instruments issued by a company under the relevant statutory procedures with guaranteed payment of principal and interest by a specified future date or dates. Any company that issues corporate bonds shall satisfy the issuance requirements specified in the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China. Article 155 Following the approval of any application to issue corporate bonds by the department authorized by the State Council, the issuing company shall publish an offering circular which shall include the following key information: 1. The company name; 2. The purpose(s) for which the proceeds of the corporate bond issue will be used; 3. The total amount of corporate bonds to be issued and the par value thereof; 4. The method for determining the coupon rate of the bonds; 5. The maturity date and the method for principal and coupon payments; 6. The terms of any bond guaranty; 7. The issue price of the bonds and the offer period; 8. The net assets of the company; 9. The total amount of the company's corporate bonds outstanding; and 10. The underwriters of the corporate bonds. Article 156 Any bonds issued by a company in certificated

第一百五十四条 本法所称公 司债券,是指公司依照法定程序发 行、约定在一定期限还本付息的有 价证券。公司发行公司债券应当符 合《中华人民共和国证券法》规定 的发行条件。

第一百五十五条 发行公司债 券的申请经国务院授权的部门核准 后,应当公告公司债券募集办法。 公司债券募集办法中应当载明下列 主要事项: (一)公司名称; (二)债券募集资金的用途; (三)债券总额和债券的票面 金额; (四)债券利率的确定方式; (五)还本付息的期限和方式; (六)债券担保情况; (七)债券的发行价格、发行 的起止日期; (八)公司净资产额; (九)已发行的尚未到期的公 司债券总额; (十)公司债券的承销机构。



券方式发行公司债券的,必须在债 券上载明公司名称、 债券票面金额、 利率、偿还期限等事项,并由法定 代表人签名,公司盖章。 第一百五十七条 公司债券, 可以为记名债券,也可以为无记名 债券。 第一百五十八条 公司发行公 司债券应当置备公司债券存根簿。 发行记名公司债券的,应当在 公司债券存根簿上载明下列事项: (一)债券持有人的姓名或者 名称及住所; (二)债券持有人取得债券的 日期及债券的编号; (三)债券总额,债券的票面 金额、利率、还本付息的期限和方 式; (四)债券的发行日期。 发行无记名公司债券的,应当 在公司债券存根簿上载明债券总 额、利率、偿还期限和方式、发行 日期及债券的编号。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第一百五十九条 记名公司债 券的登记结算机构应当建立债券登 记、存管、付息、兑付等相关制度。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百六十条 公司债券可以 转让,转让价格由转让人与受让人 约定。 公司债券在证券交易所上市交 易的,按照证券交易所的交易规则 转让。 第一百六十一条 记名公司债 券,由债券持有人以背书方式或者 法律、行政法规规定的其他方式转 让;转让后由公司将受让人的姓名

form shall state the company's name, the par value, the coupon rate, the maturity date and similar details, and shall bear the signature of the legal representative of the company and the company seal. Article 157 Corporate bonds may be issued in registered or bearer form.

Article 158 Any company that issues corporate bonds shall complete and retain corporate bond stubs. The stub for any registered corporate bond shall state: 1. The name and address of the bondholder; 2. The date on which the bondholder acquired the bond and the serial number of the bond; 3. The total face value of the bond, par value, coupon rate, maturity date and method for payments of principal and coupon; and 4. the date on which the bond was issued. The stub for any corporate bond issued in bearer form shall state the total face value of the bond, the coupon rate, the maturity date and payment method, the issue date and the serial number of the bond.

Article 159 The registration and settlement institution for registered corporate bonds shall establish rules on the registration, custody, and acceptance of bonds, and on the payment of coupons. Article 160 Corporate bonds may be transferred. The transfer price shall be negotiated by the transferor and the transferee. Any transfer of corporate bonds which are listed and traded on a stock exchange shall be carried out in accordance with the dealing rules of the stock exchange. Article 161 Any transfer of registered corporate bonds shall be effected by the bondholder's endorsement or by any other method prescribed in the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

或者名称及住所记载于公司债券存 根簿。 无记名公司债券的转让,由债 券持有人将该债券交付给受让人后 即发生转让的效力。

In the event of any transfer of registered bonds, the company shall record the transferee's name and address on the corporate bond stub. Any transfer of unregistered corporate bonds shall take effect when the bondholder delivers the bonds to the transferee. Article 162 A listed company may, pursuant to a resolution of a shareholders' assembly, issue convertible bonds on terms specified in the corporate bond offering circular. To issue convertible bonds, a listed company shall file an application with the securities regulatory institution for examination and approval. Convertible bonds shall be inscribed with the words "convertible bonds" and the number of convertible bonds issued shall be specified in the company's bondholder records.

第一百六十二条 上市公司经 股东大会决议可以发行可转换为股 票的公司债券,并在公司债券募集 办法中规定具体的转换办法。上市 公司发行可转换为股票的公司债 券,应当报国务院证券监督管理机 构核准。发行可转换为股票的公司 债券,应当在债券上标明可转换公 司债券字样,并在公司债券存根簿 上载明可转换公司债券的数额。 第一百六十三条 发行可转换 为股票的公司债券的,公司应当按 照其转换办法向债券持有人换发股 票,但债券持有人对转换股票或者 不转换股票有选择权。 第八章 公司财务、会计

Article 163 Any company that issues convertible bonds shall exchange its shares for convertible bonds held by bondholders in accordance with the conversion formula prescribed, provided that bondholders shall in any event retain an option to convert their bonds. Chapter VIII Financial Affairs and Company Accounts Article 164 A company shall establish its financial and accounting policies in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions of the treasury department of the State Council.

第一百六十四条 公司应当依 照法律、行政法规和国务院财政部 门的规定建立本公司的财务、会计 制度。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百六十五条 公司应当在 每一会计年度终了时编制财务会计 报告, 并依法经会计师事务所审计。 财务会计报告应当依照法律、行政 法规和国务院财政部门的规定制 作。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 ) 第一百六十六条 有限责任公 司应当按照公司章程规定的期限将 财务会计报告送交各股东。股份有

Article 165 A company shall, after the end of each financial year, draft a financial report and have it audited by an accounting firm. The financial report shall be prepared in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions of the treasury department of the State Council.

Article 166 A limited liability company shall submit its financial report to each shareholder within the time limit prescribed in its articles of association. The

限公司的财务会计报告应当在召开 股东大会年会的二十日前置备于本 公司,供股东查阅;公开发行股票 的股份有限公司必须公告其财务会 计报告。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百六十七条 公司分配当 年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百 分之十列入公司法定公积金。公司 法定公积金累计额为公司注册资本 的百分之五十以上的,可以不再提 取。 公司的法定公积金不足以弥补 以前年度亏损的,在依照前款规定 提取法定公积金之前,应当先用当 年利润弥补亏损。 公司从税后利润中提取法定公 积金后,经股东会或者股东大会决 议,还可以从税后利润中提取任意 公积金。公司弥补亏损和提取公积 金后所余税后利润,有限责任公司 依照本法第三十五条的规定分配; 股份有限公司按照股东持有的股份 比例分配,但股份有限公司章程规 定不按持股比例分配的除外。 股东会、股东大会或者董事会 违反前款规定,在公司弥补亏损和 提取法定公积金之前向股东分配利 润的,股东必须将违反规定分配的 利润退还公司。公司持有的本公司 股份不得分配利润。 (相关文章:法律法规 3 篇 相 关案例 6 篇 热点透视 3 篇 专业书 刊1篇 )

financial report of a joint stock limited company shall be prepared for inspection by shareholders at the offices of the company 20 days in advance of the date on which the annual general meeting of shareholders is held. A joint stock limited company that has offered its shares to the public shall publicize its financial report. Article 167 Where a company distributes its after-tax profits for the current financial year, it shall draw 10 per cent of its profits as the company's statutory common reserve, provided that a company with an aggregate common reserve of more than 50 percent of the company's registered capital may elect not to draw any of its current year profits as a statutory common reserve. Where the aggregate balance of the company's statutory common reserve does not cover any loss the company made in the previous financial year, the current financial year's profits shall first be used to cover the loss before any statutory common reserve is drawn therefrom in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. Where any company has drawn a statutory common reserve from its after-tax profits, it may, subject to a resolution of the shareholders' assembly, draw a discretionary common reserve from its after-tax profits. Where losses have been covered and the statutory and discretionary common reserves have been drawn, any remaining profits shall be distributed to shareholders in accordance with Article 35 of this Law in the case of a limited liability company or on a pro rata basis in the case of a joint stock limited company. Where a shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or board of directors distributes profits in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph before losses are covered and the statutory common reserve is drawn, the profits distributed must be returned to the company. No company may distribute any profits to itself by way of a distribution of profits to shares the company owns. Article 168 Any stock premium received by a joint stock limited company from the issuance of stock at a premium to par and any other income to be included in the capital reserve account under any relevant provisions of the

第一百六十八条 股份有限公 司以超过股票票面金额的发行价格 发行股份所得的溢价款以及国务院 财政部门规定列入资本公积金的其


他收入, 应当列为公司资本公积金。

treasury department of the State Council shall be recorded as the company's capital reserve. Article 169 A company's common reserves shall be used to cover losses made in past years, to enhance the company's productivity and expand its business or to increase its registered capital; however a company's capitalized common reserves shall not be used to cover the company's losses. Where the statutory common reserve is converted into capital, the value of the remaining common reserve shall be no less than 25 % of the company's registered capital prior to the conversion. Article 170 Any proposed appointment or dismissal of a company's auditor shall be subject to a resolution of a shareholders' meeting, a shareholders' assembly or of the board of directors in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association. Any shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or board of directors that votes to dismiss any accounting firm as its auditor shall allow the accounting firm to express its own opinions. Article 171 A company shall provide the accounting firm appointed as its auditor with accurate and complete accounting books and records, financial and accounting statements, and other accounting documents, and may not refuse to do so or conceal any such accounting records or make any false statement to its auditor. Article 172 A company shall not maintain any set of accounts that differs from its statutory accounting books. No company assets may be held in any account opened in the name of any individual. Chapter IX Mergers and Demergers; Increases and Decreases in Registered Capital Article 173 A corporate merger may be effected by way of merger or consolidation. In the case of a merger, one company absorbs another

第一百六十九条 公司的公积 金用于弥补公司的亏损、扩大公司 生产经营或者转为增加公司资本。 但是,资本公积金不得用于弥补公 司的亏损。 法定公积金转为资本时,所留 存的该项公积金不得少于转增前公 司注册资本的百分之二十五。 (相关文章:热点透视 2 篇 )

第一百七十条 公司聘用、解 聘承办公司审计业务的会计师事务 所,依照公司章程的规定,由股东 会、股东大会或者董事会决定。 公司股东会、股东大会或者董 事会就解聘会计师事务所进行表决 时,应当允许会计师事务所陈述意 见。

第一百七十一条 公司应当向 聘用的会计师事务所提供真实、完 整的会计凭证、会计账簿、财务会 计报告及其他会计资料, 不得拒绝、 隐匿、谎报。

第一百七十二条 公司除法定 的会计账簿外, 不得另立会计账簿。 对公司资产,不得以任何个人 名义开立账户存储。 (相关文章:相关案例 5 篇 ) 第九章 资、减资 公司合并、分立、增

第一百七十三条 公司合并可 以采取吸收合并或者新设合并。 一个公司吸收其他公司为吸收

合并,被吸收的公司解散。两个以 上公司合并设立一个新的公司为新 设合并,合并各方解散。 (相关文章:热点透视 1 篇 ) 第一百七十四条 公司合并, 应当由合并各方签订合并协议,并 编制资产负债表及财产清单。公司 应当自作出合并决议之日起十日内 通知债权人,并于三十日内在报纸 上公告。债权人自接到通知书之日 起三十日内,未接到通知书的自公 告之日起四十五日内,可以要求公 司清偿债务或者提供相应的担保。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 )

company and the company that has been absorbed is dissolved; in the case of a consolidation, two or more companies combine to establish a new company, and the existing companies are dissolved. Article 174 To carry out a corporate merger, both parties to the merger shall conclude an agreement with each other and formulate balance sheets and schedules of assets. The two parties to a merger shall, within ten days of making the decision to merge, notify their respective creditors and make a public announcement of their intention to merge in a newspaper within 30 days of making the decision to merge. Any creditor may, within 30 days of receiving said notice or, in the event that the creditor does not receive a notice, within 45 days as of the issuance of said public announcement, require the company to repay its debt in full or to provide a corresponding guaranty. Article 175 In any corporate merger, the assets and liabilities of the two parties to the merger shall be assumed by the company that survives the merger, or by the newly-established company in the case of a consolidation.

第一百七十五条 公司合并 时,合并各方的债权、债务,应当 由合并后存续的公司或者新设的公 司承继。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 9 篇 热点透视 1 篇 ) 第一百七十六条 公司分立, 其财产作相应的分割。公司分立, 应当编制资产负债表及财产清单。 公司应当自作出分立决议之日起十 日内通知债权人,并于三十日内在 报纸上公告。 (相关文章:相关案例 6 篇 专 家咨询 1 篇 )

Article 176 The assets of any company that goes through a demerger shall be divided between the companies that result from the demerger. To enable a demerger to proceed, balance sheets and schedules of assets shall be formulated. The company shall inform its creditors within 10 days of the date on which the decision to proceed with the demerger is made, and shall make a public announcement about the demerger proposal in a newspaper within 30 days of the date on which the decision to proceed with the demerger is made. Article 177 Unless otherwise agreed to by the company and its creditors in any written agreement regarding the repayment of company debts concluded prior to any demerger, the companies that result from the demerger shall be jointly and severally liable for the existing debts of the company.

第一百七十七条 公司分立前 的债务由分立后的公司承担连带责 任。但是,公司在分立前与债权人 就债务清偿达成的书面协议另有约 定的除外。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 9 篇 热点透视 1 篇 专家咨


询2篇 ) 第一百七十八条 公司需要减 少注册资本时,必须编制资产负债 表及财产清单。 公司应当自作出减少注册资本 决议之日起十日内通知债权人,并 于三十日内在报纸上公告。债权人 自接到通知书之日起三十日内,未 接到通知书的自公告之日起四十五 日内,有权要求公司清偿债务或者 提供相应的担保。公司减资后的注 册资本不得低于法定的最低限额。 (相关文章:热点透视 1 篇 ) Article 178 Where a company finds it necessary to reduce its registered capital, it must formulate its balance sheet and schedule of assets. The company shall, within ten days of the date on which it decides to reduce its registered capital, notify its creditors and make a public announcement about the proposed reduction in capital in a newspaper within 30 days of the date on which it decides to reduce its registered capital. Any creditor shall, within 30 days of receipt of such a notice or, where it does not receive a notice, within 45 days of the date of the public announcement, be entitled to require the company to repay its debt in full or to provide a corresponding guaranty. The registered capital of any company that reduces its registered capital shall not be any lower than the minimum prescribed by law. Article 179 Where a limited liability company increases its registered capital, the respective capital contributions of shareholders for the amount of the increase shall be governed by the relevant provisions of this Law regarding capital contributions in the establishment of a limited liability company. Where a joint stock limited company issues new stock to increase its registered capital, shareholder subscriptions for new stock shall be governed by the relevant provisions of this Law regarding stock purchases in the establishment of a joint stock limited company. Article 180 Where, as a result of any corporate merger or demerger to which a company is a party, any of the company's registered details change, the company shall amend its registered details with the company registration authority. In the event that any company that is a party to a merger or demerger is dissolved, it shall be deregistered in accordance with the law. In the event that any new company results from any merger or demerger, it shall comply with the procedures for establishment of a company as provided by law. In the event that any company that is a party to a merger or demerger increases or reduces its registered capital,

第一百七十九条 有限责任公 司增加注册资本时,股东认缴新增 资本的出资,依照本法设立有限责 任公司缴纳出资的有关规定执行。 股份有限公司为增加注册资本 发行新股时,股东认购新股,依照 本法设立股份有限公司缴纳股款的 有关规定执行。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 热 点透视 2 篇 )

第一百八十条 公司合并或者 分立,登记事项发生变更的,应当 依法向公司登记机关办理变更登 记;公司解散的,应当依法办理公 司注销登记;设立新公司的,应当 依法办理公司设立登记。 公司增加或者减少注册资本, 应当依法向公司登记机关办理变更 登记。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 2 篇 专家咨询 1 篇 )


the company shall comply with the amendment procedures of the company registration authority in accordance with the law. 第十章 公司解散和清算 Chapter X Company Dissolutions and Liquidations Article 181 A company may be dissolved where: 1. Its term of business operation as prescribed in the articles of association expires or any dissolution event as prescribed in the articles of association of the company occurs or is satisfied; 2. The shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly resolves to dissolve the company; 3. Dissolution of the company is necessary due to any merger or demerger to which the company is a party; 4. Its business license is revoked or it is ordered to close down or be dissolved in accordance with the law; or 5. The people's court makes an order for dissolution of the company in accordance with Article 183 of this Law.

第一百八十一条 公司因下列 原因解散: (一)公司章程规定的营业期 限届满或者公司章程规定的其他解 散事由出现; (二)股东会或者股东大会决 议解散; (三)因公司合并或者分立需 要解散; (四)依法被吊销营业执照、 责令关闭或者被撤销; (五)人民法院依照本法第一 百八十三条的规定予以解散。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 57 篇 ) 第一百八十二条 公司有本法 第一百八十一条第(一)项情形的, 可以通过修改公司章程而存续。依 照前款规定修改公司章程,有限责 任公司须经持有三分之二以上表决 权的股东通过,股份有限公司须经 出席股东大会会议的股东所持表决 权的三分之二以上通过。 (相关文章:相关案例 1 篇 )

Article 182 Where any of the circumstances prescribed in Article 181 (1) of this Law occurs, a company may nevertheless continue in existence by amending its articles of association. Any amendment to the articles of association in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the consent of shareholders representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights in the case of a limited liability company, or to the consent of two-thirds or more of the voting rights of shareholders who attend the relevant shareholders' assembly in the case of a joint stock limited company. Article 183 Where any company encounters serious difficulties in its operations or management that will lead to significant shareholder losses if they persist and the situation cannot be resolved by any other means, shareholders representing ten per cent or more of the voting rights of all shareholders may petition the people's court to dissolve the company.

第一百八十三条 公司经营管 理发生严重困难,继续存续会使股 东利益受到重大损失,通过其他途 径不能解决的,持有公司全部股东 表决权百分之十以上的股东,可以 请求人民法院解散公司。 (相关文章: 热点透视 2 篇 专 业书刊 2 篇 相关案例 70 篇 法律法


规5篇 ) 第一百八十四条 公司因本法 第一百八十一条第 (一) 第 项、 (二) 项、第(四)项、第(五)项规定 而解散的,应当在解散事由出现之 日起十五日内成立清算组,开始清 算。有限责任公司的清算组由股东 组成,股份有限公司的清算组由董 事或者股东大会确定的人员组成。 逾期不成立清算组进行清算的,债 权人可以申请人民法院指定有关人 员组成清算组进行清算。人民法院 应当受理该申请,并及时组织清算 组进行清算。 (相关文章:法律法规 3 篇 相 关案例 55 篇 专业书刊 2 篇 ) Article 184 Where any company is dissolved in accordance with the provisions of Article 181 1, 2, 4, or 5of this Law, a liquidation committee shall be formed within fifteen days of the date on which the circumstances leading to dissolution of the company occurred in order to administer the liquidation. The liquidation committee of a limited liability company shall be comprised of its shareholders, while that of a joint stock limited company shall be comprised of its directors or any other individuals appointed by the shareholders' assembly. Where a liquidation committee is not formed within the time limit specified, the company's creditors may petition the people's court to appoint appropriate individuals to form a liquidation committee. The people's court shall approve such a petition and form a liquidation committee in order to liquidate the company in a timely manner. Article 185 A liquidation committee may take the following steps during the course of the liquidation: 1. Liquidate the company's assets and produce a balance sheet and schedule of assets; 2. Notify the company's creditors by way of notice or public announcement; 3. Manage and wind down the remaining business of the company; 4. Pay outstanding taxes and any tax liability incurred in the course of the liquidation; 5. Pay the company's accounts payable and recover its accounts receivable; 6. Dispose of the company's residual assets; and 7. Represent the company in any civil litigation to which it is a party.

第一百八十五条 清算组在清 算期间行使下列职权: (一)清理公司财产,分别编 制资产负债表和财产清单; (二)通知、公告债权人; (三)处理与清算有关的公司 未了结的业务; (四)清缴所欠税款以及清算 过程中产生的税款; (五)清理债权、债务; (六)处理公司清偿债务后的 剩余财产; (七)代表公司参与民事诉讼 活动。 (相关文章: 相关案例 10 篇 专 业书刊 1 篇 ) 第一百八十六条 清算组应当 自成立之日起十日内通知债权人, 并于六十日内在报纸上公告。债权 人应当自接到通知书之日起三十日 内,未接到通知书的自公告之日起 四十五日内, 向清算组申报其债权。

Article 186 A liquidation committee shall, within 10 days of its formation, notify the company's creditors of its formation, and shall make a public announcement in a newspaper on the formation of a liquidation committee within 60 days of its formation. Any creditor shall, within 30 days of receipt of a notice or within 45 days


债权人申报债权,应当说明债 权的有关事项,并提供证明材料。 清算组应当对债权进行登记。在申 报债权期间,清算组不得对债权人 进行清偿。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 14 篇 )

of the public announcement in the event that the relevant creditor does not receive a notice, make a claim to the liquidation committee on the debt it is owed. In making a claim for any debt outstanding, a creditor shall describe the relevant details and provide supporting evidence. The liquidation committee shall record all debts claimed, and may not repay any creditor during the debt claim period. Article 187 A liquidation committee shall, after liquidating the assets of the company and producing a balance sheet and schedule of assets, draft a liquidation plan and present it to the shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly or to the people's court for confirmation. Any remaining assets after payment of liquidation expenses, employee wages, social insurance premiums and legal indemnity premiums, outstanding taxes and outstanding debts may, in the case of a limited liability company, be distributed to shareholders on a pro rata basis in accordance with the respective proportion of capital contributed by each shareholder or, in the case of a joint stock limited company, distributed on a pro rata basis in accordance with the respective proportion of stock held by each shareholder. A company in liquidation shall continue in existence during the course of the liquidation but may not conduct any new business unconnected with the liquidation. No company assets may be distributed to any shareholder before being applied as described in the previous paragraph. Article 188 Where, after liquidating the assets of a company and formulating a balance sheet and schedule of assets, a liquidation committee finds that the company's assets are insufficient to meet its obligations in full, it shall file a bankruptcy petition with the people's court. Where the people's court declares the company bankrupt, the liquidation committee shall hand over administration of the liquidation to the people's court.

第一百八十七条 清算组在清 理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财 产清单后,应当制定清算方案,并 报股东会、股东大会或者人民法院 确认。 公司财产在分别支付清算费 用、职工的工资、社会保险费用和 法定补偿金,缴纳所欠税款,清偿 公司债务后的剩余财产,有限责任 公司按照股东的出资比例分配,股 份有限公司按照股东持有的股份比 例分配。清算期间,公司存续,但 不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。 公司财产在未按前款规定清偿前, 不得分配给股东。 (相关文章: 相关案例 27 篇 热 点透视 5 篇 )

第一百八十八条 清算组在清 理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财 产清单后,发现公司财产不足清偿 债务的,应当依法向人民法院申请 宣告破产。 公司经人民法院裁定宣告破产 后,清算组应当将清算事务移交给 人民法院。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 3 篇 )


第一百八十九条 公司清算结 束后,清算组应当制作清算报告, 报股东会、股东大会或者人民法院 确认,并报送公司登记机关,申请 注销公司登记,公告公司终止。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 3 篇 )

Article 189 On completion of any company liquidation, the liquidation committee shall draft a liquidation report and submit it to the shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly or to the people's court for confirmation, and shall submit it to the company registration authority for the company to be struck off the register. The liquidation committee shall also make a public announcement about the fact that the company has been struck off the register. Article 190 The members of a liquidation committee shall, during the course of liquidation, carry out their duties and perform their obligations in accordance with the law. No member of a liquidation committee may take advantage of his position by taking any bribe or any other unlawful payment, nor may he misappropriate any company asset. Any member of a liquidation committee who causes any loss to the company or to any of its creditors either intentionally or due to his gross negligence shall be liable to compensate the affected party. Article 191 Any company adjudicated bankrupt in accordance with the law shall be liquidated in bankruptcy in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.

第一百九十条 清算组成员应 当忠于职守,依法履行清算义务。 清算组成员不得利用职权收受 贿赂或者其他非法收入,不得侵占 公司财产。 清算组成员因故意或者重大过 失给公司或者债权人造成损失的, 应当承担赔偿责任。 (相关文章:相关案例 22 篇 )

第一百九十一条 公司被依法 宣告破产的,依照有关企业破产的 法律实施破产清算。 (相关文章:相关案例 7 篇 ) 第十一章 构 第一百九十二条 本法所称外 国公司是指依照外国法律在中国境 外设立的公司。 (相关文章:相关案例 3 篇 ) 第一百九十三条 外国公司在 中国境内设立分支机构,必须向中 国主管机关提出申请,并提交其公 司章程、所属国的公司登记证书等 有关文件,经批准后,向公司登记 机关依法办理登记, 领取营业执照。 外国公司分支机构的审批办法 由国务院另行规定。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 外国公司的分支机

Chapter XI Branches of Foreign Companies

Article 192 The term "foreign company" as referred to in this Law means a company established outside the territory of China under any foreign law.

Article 193 Any foreign company that plans to establish a branch within the territory of China shall submit an application with the competent authority in China and shall submit supporting documents such as its articles of incorporation, its certificate of incorporation as issued in its country of domicile, and similar documents, shall comply with the lawful registration requirements of the company registration authority, and shall obtain a business license.

关案例 1 篇 热点透视 1 篇 )

The measures for the examination and approval of branches of foreign companies shall be separately formulated by the State Council. Article 194 Where a foreign company establishes any branch within the territory of China, it must designate a representative or agent within the territory of China to take charge of the branch, and shall allocate to the branch funds commensurate with the business activities it engages in.

第一百九十四条 外国公司在 中国境内设立分支机构,必须在中 国境内指定负责该分支机构的代表 人或者代理人,并向该分支机构拨 付与其所从事的经营活动相适应的 资金。对外国公司分支机构的经营 资金需要规定最低限额的,由国务 院另行规定。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第一百九十五条 外国公司的 分支机构应当在其名称中标明该外 国公司的国籍及责任形式。 外国公司的分支机构应当在本 机构中置备该外国公司章程。 (相关文章:相关案例 2 篇 ) 第一百九十六条 外国公司在 中国境内设立的分支机构不具有中 国法人资格。 外国公司对其分支机构在中国 境内进行经营活动承担民事责任。

Article 195 The name of any branch of a foreign company shall indicate its country of domicile and its form of legal liability in terms of the law of the country in which it is domiciled. Any branch of a foreign company shall make its articles of incorporation available at its place of business. Article 196 No branch of a foreign company established within the territory of China shall have the status of a legal person. A foreign company shall bear civil liability for business operations of its branches carried on within the territory of China. Article 197 Branches of foreign companies which are established and approved shall abide by the laws of China in pursuing business activities carried on within the territory of China and may not injure the social or public interests of China. The lawful rights and interests of branches of foreign companies shall be protected by Chinese law. Article 198 Any foreign company that closes down any of its branches within the territory of China must pay the branch's debts in full in accordance with the law and shall liquidate the branch in accordance with the provisions of this Law on the procedures for the liquidation of a company. No branch of a foreign company established in China may transfer any of its assets out

第一百九十七条 经批准设立 的外国公司分支机构,在中国境内 从事业务活动,必须遵守中国的法 律, 不得损害中国的社会公共利益, 其合法权益受中国法律保护。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相 关案例 1 篇 ) 第一百九十八条 外国公司撤 销其在中国境内的分支机构时,必 须依法清偿债务,依照本法有关公 司清算程序的规定进行清算。未清 偿债务之前,不得将其分支机构的 财产移至中国境外。 (相关文章:法律法规 1 篇 相

关案例 8 篇 )

of China before first paying its outstanding debts in full. Chapter XII Legal Liability Article 199 Any person who, in the course of registering a company, misstates its registered capital, submits false documentation or uses any other fraudulent means in order to conceal any important fact shall be ordered by the company registration authority to remedy the defect. Where the registered capital of a company is misstated, the person responsible shall be fined between 5% and 15% of the amount by which the registered capital was misstated; where false documentation is submitted or where any other fraudulent means is used in order to conceal any important fact, the person responsible shall be fined between 5,000 RMB and 50,000 RMB; where the circumstances are serious, the company's registration certificate shall be revoked or its business license shall be revoked. Article 200 Any promoter or shareholder of a company who makes any fraudulent capital contribution or fails to deliver or fails to promptly deliver the money or non-financial assets to be used as a capital contribution shall be ordered by the company registration authority to remedy the defect and shall be fined between 5% and 15% of the purported value of the fraudulent capital contribution. Article 201 Any promoter or shareholder who unlawfully withdraws his capital contribution after the company is incorporated shall be ordered by the company registration authority to remedy the defect and shall be fined between 5% and 15% of the capital contribution unlawfully withdrawn.

第十二章 法律责任 第一百九十九条 违反本法规 定,虚报注册资本、提交虚假材料 或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事 实取得公司登记的,由公司登记机 关责令改正,对虚报注册资本的公 司,处以虚报注册资本金额百分之 五以上百分之十五以下的罚款;对 提交虚假材料或者采取其他欺诈手 段隐瞒重要事实的公司,处以五万 元以上五十万元以下的罚款;情节 严重的,撤销公司登记或者吊销营 业执照。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 3 篇 )

第二百条 公司的发起人、股 东虚假出资,未交付或者未按期交 付作为出资的货币或者非货币财产 的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处 以虚假出资金额百分之五以上百分 之十五以下的罚款。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 2 篇 ) 第二百零一条 公司的发起 人、股东在公司成立后,抽逃其出 资的,由公司登记机关责令改正, 处以所抽逃出资金额百分之五以上 百分之十五以下的罚款。 (相关文章:法律法规 2 篇 相 关案例 4 篇 ) 第二百零二条 公司违反本法

四 : 公司法中英对照,律商网 71



English Version




务委员会; 中华人民共和国主席




所属分类:综合(公司法->综合) Company Law of the People's Republic of China 中文版 Promulgation Date:10-27-2005 Effective Region:NATIONAL Promulgator:Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Document No:Order of the President [2005] No. 42 Effectiveness:Effective Effective Date:01-01-2006





主席令[2005]第42号 2005年10月27日








中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛




会议通过 根据1999年12月25日


会第十三次会议《关于修改〈中华 Company Law of the People's Republic of China Order of the President [2005] No. 42 October 27, 2005 The Company Law of the People's Republic of China was amended and adopted at the 18th session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005. The amended Company Law of the People's Republic of China is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2006. President of the People's Republic of China: Hu Jintao Company Law of the People's Republic of China (Adopted at the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on December 29, 1993. Revised for the first time on December 25, 1999 according to the Decision of the Thirteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress on


次修正 根据2004年8月28日第




修正 2005年10月27日第十届全


次会议修订) Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the second time on August 28, 2004 according to the Decision of the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the third time at the 18th Session of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on

October 27, 2005) Contents

Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II Establishment and Governance of A Limited

Liability Company

Section 1 Establishment

Section 2 Governance

Section 3 Special Provisions on Single Shareholder

Limited Liability Companies

Section 4 Special Provisions on Wholly State-Owned


Chapter III Transfers of Limited Liability Company Stock


Chapter IV Establishment and Governance of A Joint Stock

Limited Company

Section 1 Establishment

Section 2 Shareholders' Assembly

Section 3 Boards of Directors and Managers

Section 4 Boards of Supervisors

Section 5 Special Provisions on the Governance of A Listed


Chapter V Issuance and Transfers of Shares in A Joint

Stock Limited Company

Section 1 Issuance of Shares

Section 2 Transfers of Shares

Chapter VI Qualifications and Duties of Company

Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers

Chapter VII Corporate Bonds

Chapter VIII Financial Affairs and Company Accounts

Chapter IX Merger and Demergers; Increases and Decreases

in Registered Capital

Chapter X Company Dissolutions and Liquidations

Chapter XI Branches of Foreign Companies

Chapter XII Legal Liability 目 录 第一章 总 则 第二章 有限责任公司的设立和组织机构 第一节 设 立 第二节 组织机构 第三节 一人有限责任公司的特别规定 第四节 国有独资公司的特别规定 第三章 有限责任公司的股权转让 第四章 股份有限公司的设立和组织机构 第一节 设 立 第二节 股东大会 第三节 董事会、经理 第四节 监事会 第五节 上市公司组织机构的特别规定 第五章 股份有限公司的股份发行和转让 第一节 股份发行 第二节 股份转让 第六章 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格和义务 第七章 公司债券 第八章 公司财务、会计 第九章 公司合并、分立、增资、减资 第十章 公司解散和清算 第十一章 外国公司的分支机构

第十二章 法律责任

第十三章 附 则

第一章 总 则

第一条 为了规范公司的组织





(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例10篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第二条 本法所称公司是指依



(相关文章:相关案例12篇 ) Chapter XIII Supplementary Provisions Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of regulating the organization and operation of companies, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, maintaining the socialist economic order, and promoting the development of the socialist market economy Article 2 The term "company" as referred to in this Law means a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company established within the territory of the People''s Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of

this law. Article 3 A company is an enterprise legal person, which

has independent legal person property and enjoys the

right to legal person property. It shall bear liability

for its debts with all its assets. For a limited liability

company, a shareholder shall be liable for the company

to the extent of the capital contributions it has paid.

For a joint stock limited company, a shareholder shall

be liable for the company to the extent of the shares it

has subscribed to. 第三条 公司是企业法人,有独立的法人财产,享有法人财产权。公司以其全部财产对公司的债务承担责任。有限责任公司的股东以其认缴的出资额为限对公司承担责任;股份有限公司的股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任。

第四条 公司股东依法享有资



(相关文章:相关案例56篇 热

点透视1篇 专业书刊3篇 )

第五条 公司从事经营活动,必




责任。 Article 4 The shareholders of a company shall be entitled to enjoy a return on capital, participate in making important decisions, appoint managers and enjoy other shareholder rights. Article 5 In conducting its business operations, a company shall comply with laws and administrative regulations, social standards, and business standards. It shall act in good faith, accept the supervision of the government and general public, and act in a socially



(相关文章:相关案例12篇 )

第六条 设立公司,应当依法向













(相关文章:法律法规6篇 相

关案例9篇 热点透视1篇 专业书

刊1篇 ) responsible way. The legitimate rights and interests of a company shall be protected by law and may not be trespassed against. Article 6 To establish a company, an application for registration shall be filed with the company registration authority. Where the application meets the establishment requirements of this Law, the company registration authority shall register the company as a limited liability company or joint stock limited company. Where the application does not meet the establishment requirements of this Law, it shall not be registered as a limited liability company or joint stock limited company. Where any law or administrative regulation provides that the establishment of a company shall subject to approval, the relevant approval formalities shall be complied with prior to the registration of the company. The general public may consult the company register at a company registration authority, which shall allow the

general public to consult the register. Article 7 For a lawfully established company, the company

registration authority shall issue it with a company

business license. The date of issuance of the company

business license shall be the date of establishment of

the company. The company business license shall state the

name, domicile, registered capital, paid in capital,

business scope, legal representative, etc. Where any of

the items stated in the business license change, the

company shall amend the registration and the company

registration authority shall replace its old business

license with a new one. 第七条 依法设立的公司,由公司登记机关发给公司营业执照。公司营业执照签发日期为公司成立日期。公司营业执照应当载明公司的名称、住所、注册资本、实收资本、经营范围、法定代表人姓名等事项。公司营业执照记载的事项发生变更的,公司应当依法办理变更登记,由公司登记机关换发营业执照。 (相关文章:法律法规2篇 相关案例5篇 热点透视2篇 专业书

刊1篇 )

第八条 依照本法设立的有限






(相关文章:法律法规2篇 相

关案例5篇 )

Article 8 A limited liability company established in accordance with this Law shall include the words "limited liability company" or "limited company" in its name. A joint stock limited company established in accordance with this Law shall include words "joint stock limited company" or "joint stock company" in its name.

第九条 有限责任公司变更为









(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例4篇 )

第十条 公司以其主要办事机


(相关文章:相关案例3篇 热

点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第十一条 设立公司必须依法




(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例29篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第十二条 公司的经营范围由







(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例6篇 ) Article 9 A limited liability company that seeks to be converted into a joint stock limited company shall satisfy the requirements prescribed in this Law for joint stock limited companies. A joint stock limited company that seeks to be converted into a limited liability company shall conform to the conditions prescribed in this Law for limited liability companies. In either of the aforesaid cases, the creditor's rights and debts of the company prior to the conversion shall be assumed by the company after the conversion. Article 10 A company shall regard its main office as its principal address. Article 11 A company established in accordance with this law shall formulate articles of association that are binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers. Article 12 A company's business scope shall be defined in its articles of association and shall be registered in accordance with the law. A company may change its business scope by modifying its articles of association and shall comply with the formalities for amending its registration. Where the business scope of a company includes any activity for which approval is required pursuant to any law or administrative regulation, approval shall be

obtained in accordance with the law.

Article 13 The legal representative of a company

appointed under its articles of association shall be its

chairman of the board of directors, its acting director

or its manager and shall be registered as such in

accordance with the law. Where the legal representative

of the company is changed, the company shall comply with

the formalities for amending its registration. 第十三条 公司法定代表人依照公司章程的规定,由董事长、执行董事或者经理担任,并依法登记。公司法定代表人变更,应当办理变更登记。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相关案例31篇 热点透视1篇 )

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第十四条 公司可以设立分公








(相关文章:法律法规3篇 相

关案例200篇 热点透视1篇 专家

咨询1篇 )

第十五条 公司可以向其他企




(相关文章:相关案例3篇 专

业书刊1篇 )

第十六条 公司向其他企业投














(相关文章:相关案例21篇 专

家咨询1篇 专业书刊1篇 ) Article 14 A company may set up branches. To set up a branch, the company shall file a registration application with the company registration authority and shall obtain a business license. A branch shall not enjoy the status of an enterprise legal person and its civil liabilities shall be borne by the company. A company may establish subsidiaries which enjoy the status of an enterprise legal person and shall be independently responsible for their own civil liabilities. Article 15 A company may invest in other enterprises. However, unless otherwise provided for in any law, a company shall not become a capital contributor that bears joint and several liability for the debts of the enterprises it invests in. Article 16 Where a company intends to invest in any other enterprise or provide a guaranty for any other person, it shall, pursuant to its articles of association, make a resolution through the board of directors, shareholders' meeting or shareholders' assembly. Where the articles of association prescribe any limit on the total amount of investments or guaranties, or on the amount of a single investment or guaranty, the amount of the investment or guarantee shall not exceed the any of the limits prescribed. Where a company intends to provide a guaranty to any shareholder or de facto controller of the company, it shall make a resolution through the shareholder's meeting or shareholders' assembly. No shareholder as referred to in the preceding paragraph or shareholder controlled by the de facto controller as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall participate

in voting on any matter as described in the preceding

paragraph. Any such matter requires the affirmative votes

of a majority of the other shareholders who attend the


Article 17 A company shall protect the lawful rights and

interests of its employees, sign employment contracts

with its employees, purchase social insurance policies,

第十七条 公司必须保护职工的合法权益,依法与职工签订劳动合同,参加社会保险,加强劳动保




提高职工素质。 and strengthen labor protection so as to ensure safety in the workplace. A company shall, in various forms, intensify the professional education and in-service training of its

employees so as to improve their personal qualities.

Article 18 The employees of a company shall, in accordance

with the Labor Union Law of the People's Republic of

China, organize a labor union, which shall carry out union

activities and safeguard the lawful rights and interests

of the employees. The company shall provide the necessary

conditions for its labor union to carry out its

activities. The labor union shall, on behalf of the

employees, sign collective contracts with the company

with respect to remuneration, working hours, welfare,

insurance, work safety and sanitation, and other matters.

In accordance with the Constitution and other relevant

laws, a company shall adopt democratic management in the

form of an assembly of employee representatives or in any

other way.

To make a decision on restructuring or any important issue

relating to its business operations, or to formulate any

important policy, a company shall solicit the opinions

of its labor union, and shall solicit the opinions and

proposals of the employees through the assembly of

employee representatives or in any other way. Article 19 A unit of the Chinese Communist Party shall,

in accordance with the Charter of the Chinese Communist

Party, be set up in companies to carry out the activities

of the Chinese Communist Party. The company shall provide

the necessary conditions for the activities of the

Chinese Communist Party.

Article 20 The shareholders of a company shall abide by

laws, administrative regulations and the articles of

association and shall exercise shareholders' rights

under the law. No shareholder may injure the interests

of the company or of other shareholders by abusing

shareholders' rights, or injure the interests of any

creditor of the company by abusing the independent legal

person status or limited liability of shareholders.

Any shareholder of a company who causes any loss to the

第十八条 公司职工依照《中华人民共和国工会法》组织工会,开展工会活动,维护职工合法权益。公司应当为本公司工会提供必要的活动条件。公司工会代表职工就职工的劳动报酬、工作时间、福利、保险和劳动安全卫生等事项依法与公司签订集体合同。 公司依照宪法和有关法律的规定,通过职工代表大会或者其他形式,实行民主管理。 公司研究决定改制以及经营方面的重大问题、制定重要的规章制度时,应当听取公司工会的意见,并通过职工代表大会或者其他形式听取职工的意见和建议。 (相关文章:相关案例7篇 热点透视4篇 专业书刊1篇 ) 第十九条 在公司中,根据中国共产党章程的规定,设立中国共产党的组织,开展党的活动。公司应当为党组织的活动提供必要条件。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相关案例11篇 热点透视1篇 ) 第二十条 公司股东应当遵守法律、行政法规和公司章程,依法行使股东权利,不得滥用股东权利损害公司或者其他股东的利益;不得滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任损害公司债权人的利益。 公司股东滥用股东权利给公司或者其他股东造成损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。





(相关文章:法律法规4篇 相

关案例129篇 热点透视5篇 专业

书刊5篇 ) company or to other shareholders by abusing shareholders' rights shall be liable to pay compensation. Where any of the shareholders of a company evades the payment of its debts by abusing the independent status of legal person or the shareholder's limited liabilities, if it seriously injures the interests of any creditor, it shall bear several and joint liabilities for the debts

of the company. Article 21 Neither the controlling shareholder, the de

facto controller, nor any of the directors, supervisors

or senior management of a company may injure the interests

of the company by taking advantage of any insider

connection. Any person who causes any loss to the company

by violating the preceding paragraph shall be liable to

pay compensation.

Article 22 Any resolution of the shareholders' meeting,

shareholders' assembly or board of directors of a company

that violates any law or administrative regulation shall

be null and void.

Where the procedures for calling a shareholders' meeting

or shareholders' assembly, or a meeting of the board of

directors, or the voting method used, violates any law,

administrative regulation or the articles of

association, or where any resolution violates the

articles of association of the company, the shareholders

may, within 60 days of the date on which the resolution

is made, petition the people's court to declare it null

and void.

Where the shareholders initiate a lawsuit under the

preceding paragraph, the people's court shall, at the

request of the company, require the shareholders to

provide a corresponding guaranty.

Where any company has, according to a resolution of the

shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or a

meeting of the board of directors, completed any

amendment to its company registration, and the people's

court declares the resolution null and void or strikes

out the resolution, the company shall file an application

with the company registration authority for cancellation

of the amended registration. 第二十一条 公司的控股股东、实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管理人员不得利用其关联关系损害公司利益。违反前款规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相关案例12篇 专业书刊1篇 ) 第二十二条 公司股东会或者股东大会、董事会的决议内容违反法律、行政法规的无效。 股东会或者股东大会、董事会的会议召集程序、表决方式违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程,或者决议内容违反公司章程的,股东可以自决议作出之日起六十日内,请求人民法院撤销。 股东依照前款规定提起诉讼的,人民法院可以应公司的请求,要求股东提供相应担保。 公司根据股东会或者股东大会、董事会决议已办理变更登记的,人民法院宣告该决议无效或者撤销该决议后,公司应当向公司登记机关申请撤销变更登记。 (相关文章:法律法规6篇 相关案例114篇 热点透视2篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第二章 有限责任公司的设立


第一节 设 立

第二十三条 设立有限责任公









(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例20篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第二十四条 有限责任公司由


(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例14篇 专家咨询1篇 )

第二十五条 有限责任公司章














(相关文章:法律法规2篇 相

关案例46篇 )

第二十六条 有限责任公司的




Chapter II Establishment and Governance of A Limited Liability Company Section 1 Establishment Article 23 A limited liability company shall have: 1. No less than the minimum number of shareholders required by law; 2. No less than the minimum proportion of paid in capital as a percentage of registered capital; 3. Articles of association formulated by its shareholders; 4. A name and a governance structure that complies with the requirements applicable to a limited liability company; and 5. An address. Article 24 A limited liability company shall be established by no more than 50 capital contributing shareholders. Article 25 The articles of association of a limited liability company shall include the following items: 1. The name and address of the company; 2. The Business Scope of the company; 3. The registered capital of the company; 4. The names of the shareholders of the company; 5. The forms, amounts and dates of capital contributions made by the shareholders of the company; 6. The committees and other decision-making bodies of the company and their formation, functions and procedural rules; 7. The legal representative of the company; and 8. Any other matter deemed necessary by the shareholders of the company. The shareholders shall affix their signatures or seals to the articles of association of the company. Article 26 The registered capital of a limited liability company shall be the total amount of capital contributions subscribed to by all the shareholders listed in the company register. The amount of initial









(相关文章:法律法规4篇 相

关案例12篇 热点透视2篇 ) capital paid in by all shareholders shall be not less than 20% of its registered capital and shall be not less than the statutory minimum amount of registered capital. The shareholders shall pay in the remaining amount of registered capital within 2 years of the date on which the company is incorporated, other than in the case of an investment company, for which the relevant period shall be 5 years. The minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company shall be 30, 000 RMB. Where any other

law or administrative regulation prescribes a higher

minimum registered capital for a limited liability

company, the provisions of that law or administrative

regulation shall prevail. Article 27 A shareholder may contribute capital in cash,

in kind, or using intellectual property rights, land use

rights or other non-financial assets, the value of which

may be assessed and ownership of which may be transferred

in accordance with the law, other than where any other

law or administrative regulation prohibits the use of the

relevant assets to make capital contributions.

The value of any non-financial asset used as a capital

contribution shall be assessed and verified, and shall

not be overestimated or underestimated. Any law or

administrative regulation that provides for value

assessments shall be followed.

The amount of shareholders' capital contributions paid

in cash shall be no less than 30% of the registered capital

of a limited liability company.

Article 28 Each shareholder shall fully pay in the capital

contribution it subscribes for in accordance with the

articles of association. Any shareholder's capital

contribution made in cash shall be deposited in full into

a temporary bank account opened in the name of the limited

liability company. The appropriate transfer procedures

for the property rights in any non-financial asset used

to contribute capital shall be followed in accordance

with the law.

Where any shareholder fails to make a capital

contribution as specified in the preceding paragraph, the

relevant shareholder shall not only make full payment to 第二十七条 股东可以用货币出资,也可以用实物、知识产权、土地使用权等可以用货币估价并可以依法转让的非货币财产作价出资;但是,法律、行政法规规定不得作为出资的财产除外。 对作为出资的非货币财产应当评估作价,核实财产,不得高估或者低估作价。法律、行政法规对评估作价有规定的,从其规定。 全体股东的货币出资金额不得低于有限责任公司注册资本的百分之三十。 (相关文章:法律法规6篇 相关案例18篇 热点透视5篇 ) 第二十八条 股东应当按期足额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认缴的出资额。股东以货币出资的,应当将货币出资足额存入有限责任公司在银行开设的账户;以非货币财产出资的,应当依法办理其财产权的转移手续。股东不按照前款规定缴纳出资的,除应当向公司足额缴纳外,还应当向已按期足额缴纳出资的股东承担违约责任。 (相关文章:相关案例52篇 热点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 )

公司法中英对照,律商网 71_律商网

the company but shall also be liable for breach of

contract to shareholders who have complied with the

requirements of the preceding paragraph. 第二十九条 股东缴纳出资后,



(相关文章:相关案例16篇 )

第三十条 股东的首次出资经






(相关文章:相关案例12篇 ) Article 29 Capital contributions made by shareholders shall be verified and certified by a lawfully established capital verification institution. Article 30 Following verification of the shareholders' initial capital contributions by a lawfully established capital verification institution, the shareholders' representative or any agent appointed by the shareholders shall apply for registration of incorporation by submitting a company registration application, articles of association, capital verification and any other

relevant document to the company registration authority. Article 31 Following the incorporation of a limited

liability company, in the event that the actual value of

capital contributions made using non-financial assets is

found to be lower than the value specified in the articles

of association of the company, the shortfall shall be made

up for by the shareholder or shareholders who contributed

capital in this way, and the other shareholders of the

company as at the date of incorporation thereof shall bear

several and joint liability therefore.

Article 32 Following the incorporation of a limited

liability company, each shareholder shall be issued with

a capital contribution certificate, which shall specify

the following matters:

1. The name of the company;

2. The date of incorporation of the company;

3. The registered capital of the company;

4. The name of the shareholder, the amount of his capital

contribution, and the date on which the capital

contribution was made; and

5. The serial number and date of issue of the capital

contribution certificate, which shall bear the seal of

the company.

Article 33 A limited liability company shall prepare a

第三十一条 有限责任公司成立后,发现作为设立公司出资的非货币财产的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定价额的,应当由交付该出资的股东补足其差额;公司设立时的其他股东承担连带责任。 (相关文章:相关案例13篇 热点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 ) 第三十二条 有限责任公司成立后,应当向股东签发出资证明书。 出资证明书应当载明下列事项: (一)公司名称; (二)公司成立日期; (三)公司注册资本; (四)股东的姓名或者名称、缴纳的出资额和出资日期; (五)出资证明书的编号和核发日期。出资证明书由公司盖章。 (相关文章:相关案例37篇 ) 第三十三条 有限责任公司应














热点透视1篇 ) shareholders' register, which shall record the following matters: 1. The name and address of each shareholder; 2. The capital contribution made by each shareholder; and 3. The serial number of each capital contribution certificate. The shareholders recorded in the shareholders' register may, pursuant to the shareholders' register, claim and exercise shareholders' rights. A company shall record the name of each shareholder and his capital contribution in the shareholders' register. The company shall amend the register in the even that any of the details recorded change. Any failure to amend the relevant details recorded in the shareholders' register

shall not be valid against any third party.

Article 34 Any shareholder shall be entitled to consult

and copy the articles of association, minutes of

shareholders' meetings, resolutions of meetings of the

board of directors, resolutions of meetings of the board

of supervisors, and financial reports.

Any shareholder may request to inspect the accounting

records of the company. Where a shareholder requests to

inspect the accounting records of the company, it shall

submit a written request, stating its reasons. Where the

company, for any justifiable reason, considers that the

shareholder's request to inspect the accounting records

is made for any improper purpose or may impair the

legitimate interests of the company, the company may

decline the shareholder's request and shall, within 15

days of the date on which the shareholder submits a

written request, issue the shareholder with a written

reply, stating its reasons. Where the company declines

the request of any shareholder to inspect the company's

accounting records, the shareholder may apply to the

people's court for an order requiring the company to allow

the inspection sought.

Article 35 Other than where all shareholders agree to the

contrary, the shareholders shall distribute dividends on

the basis of the respective percentages of capital

contributed by each shareholder. Where the company

proposes increasing its capital, its shareholders shall 第三十四条 股东有权查阅、复制公司章程、股东会会议记录、董事会会议决议、监事会会议决议和财务会计报告。 股东可以要求查阅公司会计账簿。股东要求查阅公司会计账簿的,应当向公司提出书面请求,说明目的。公司有合理根据认为股东查阅会计账簿有不正当目的,可能损害公司合法利益的,可以拒绝提供查阅,并应当自股东提出书面请求之日起十五日内书面答复股东并说明理由。公司拒绝提供查阅的,股东可以请求人民法院要求公司提供查阅。 (相关文章:相关案例120篇 热点透视2篇 专业书刊2篇 ) 第三十五条 股东按照实缴的出资比例分取红利;公司新增资本时,股东有权优先按照实缴的出资比例认缴出资。但是,全体股东约定不按照出资比例分取红利或者不



(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例114篇 热点透视2篇 专业

书刊1篇 )

第三十六条 公司成立后,股


(相关文章:相关案例53篇 )

第二节 组织机构

第三十七条 有限责任公司股



(相关文章:相关案例19篇 )

第三十八条 股东会行使下列


























have a pre-emptive right to subscribe to the increased amount of capital on a pro rata basis unless all shareholders agree otherwise. Article 36 Following the incorporation of a company, no shareholder may unlawfully withdraw any paid-in capital. Section 2 Governance Article 37 The shareholders' meeting of a limited liability company shall be comprised of its shareholders. The shareholders' meeting shall govern the company and shall exercise its powers in accordance with this Law. Article 38 The shareholders' meeting shall exercise the following functions: 1. Determination of the company's operational guidelines and investment plans; 2. Election of non-employee representative directors and supervisors and setting the remuneration thereof; 3. Deliberation on and approval of reports of the board of directors; 4. Deliberation on and approval of reports of the board of supervisors or of the supervisor(s); 5. Deliberation on and approval of annual budgets and final account plans of the company; 6. Deliberation on and approval of company profit distribution plans and debt recovery plans; 7. Making resolutions about any increase or reduction in the company's registered capital; 8. Making resolutions about the issuance of corporate bonds; 9. The adoption of resolutions on any merger, demerger, change in company form, dissolution or liquidation of the company; 10. Revision of the articles of association of the company; and 11. Any other function specified in the articles of association. For any of the matters listed in the preceding paragraph,


(相关文章:法律法规3篇 相

关案例51篇 热点透视1篇 专业书

刊1篇 ) where the shareholders unanimously consent in writing to any proposal contemplated in this Article, the company shall not be required to convene a shareholders' meeting. A decision may be made without holding a shareholders'

meeting and shall bear the signatures or seals of all


Article 39 The first shareholders' meeting shall be

convened and presided over by the shareholder who

accounts for the largest capital contribution, and shall

exercise its powers in accordance with this Law.

Article 40 Shareholders' meetings shall be classified

into regular meetings and interim meetings. Regular

meetings shall be held in accordance with the articles

of association. An interim meeting shall be held where

it is proposed by shareholders representing 10% or more

of the voting rights, or by directors representing one

third or more of the voting rights, or by the board of

supervisors, or where there is no board of supervisors,

by the supervisors of the company.

Article 41 Where a limited liability company has

established a board of directors, shareholders' meetings

shall be convened by the board of directors and presided

over by the chairman of the board of directors. Where the

chairman is unable or fails to perform his duties, the

deputy chairman of the board of directors shall assume

the duties of the chairman. Where the deputy chairman of

the board of directors is unable or fails to perform his

duties, the relevant duties shall be assumed by a director

nominated by 50% or more of the directors.

Where a limited liability company has no board of

directors, shareholders' meetings shall be convened and

presided over by the acting director.

Where the board of directors or the acting director is

unable or fails to fulfill its or his duty to convene a

shareholders' meeting, the board of supervisors or the

supervisor of a company with no board of supervisors shall

convene and preside over the meeting. Where the board of

supervisors or supervisor does not convene or preside

over such a meeting, shareholders representing 10% or

more of the voting rights may convene and preside over

第三十九条 首次股东会会议由出资最多的股东召集和主持,依照本法规定行使职权。 (相关文章:相关案例4篇 ) 第四十条 股东会会议分为定期会议和临时会议。定期会议应当按照公司章程的规定按时召开。代表十分之一以上表决权的股东,三分之一以上的董事,监事会或者不设监事会的公司的监事提议召开临时会议的,应当召开临时会议。 (相关文章:相关案例13篇 ) 第四十一条 有限责任公司设立董事会的,股东会会议由董事会召集,董事长主持;董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由副董事长主持;副董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上董事共同推举一名董事主持。 有限责任公司不设董事会的,股东会会议由执行董事召集和主持。 董事会或者执行董事不能履行或者不履行召集股东会会议职责的,由监事会或者不设监事会的公司的监事召集和主持;监事会或者监事不召集和主持的,代表十分之一以上表决权的股东可以自行召集和主持。 (相关文章:相关案例15篇 专业书刊1篇 )

the meeting on their own initiative. 第四十二条 召开股东会会








(相关文章:相关案例35篇 )

第四十三条 股东会会议由股



(相关文章:相关案例16篇 )

第四十四条 股东会的议事方








(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例30篇 热点透视1篇 )

第四十五条 有限责任公司设













司章程规定。 Article 42 Unless otherwise specified in the articles of association or otherwise agreed by all shareholders, shareholders shall be notified of the fact that a shareholders' meeting is to be held 15 days in advance of the meeting . Minutes on decisions made and matters discussed at shareholders' meetings shall be taken. Shareholders who attend a shareholders' meeting shall sign the minutes. Article 43 Unless otherwise specified in a company's articles of association, shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at shareholders' meetings on the basis of their respective capital contributions. Article 44 Unless otherwise provided in this Law, methods of deliberation and voting procedures at shareholders' meetings shall be specified in a company's articles of association. Any resolution made at a shareholders' meeting on any revision to the company's articles of association, any increase or reduction in its registered capital, or any merger, demerger, dissolution or change in company form shall be adopted by shareholders representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights. Article 45 Unless otherwise provided in Article 51 of this Law, the board of directors established by a limited liability company shall be comprised of between 3 and 13 members. Where a limited liability company is established by 2 or more state-owned enterprises or other state-owned investors, the board of directors shall include representatives of the employees of the company. The board directors of any other limited liability company may also include representatives of the employees of the company. Employee representatives who serve as board directors shall be democratically elected by the employees of the company through the association of employee representatives of the company, the employees'

association of the company or in any other way.

公司法中英对照,律商网 71_律商网

The board of directors shall have a chairman and may have

one or more deputy chairman. The method for appointment

of the chairman and deputy chairman or deputy chairmen

shall be specified in the articles of association. 第四十六条 董事任期由公司









(相关文章:相关案例8篇 专

家咨询1篇 ) Article 46 The term of office for directors shall be specified in the articles of association, but shall not in any case exceed 3 years. Any director may, after the expiry of his term of office, hold a directorship in consecutive terms upon re-election. Where directors are not re-elected promptly after the term of office of the existing directors has expired, or if the number of directors on the board falls below the quorum due to the resignation of one or more directors prior to the expiry of his or their respective term or terms of office, the original directors shall, before any

newly-elected directors assume their posts, carry out

their duties as directors in accordance with the relevant

laws and administrative regulations, and in accordance

with the articles of association.

Article 47 The board of directors shall be responsible

for administering the shareholders' meeting and

exercising the following functions:

1. Convening shareholders' meetings and presenting

reports thereto;

2. Adopting resolutions made at shareholders' meetings;

3. Determining operational plans and investment plans;

4. Formulating the company's annual budgets and final

account plans;

5. Formulating the company's profit distribution plans

and debt recovery plans;

6. Formulating the company's plans on any proposed

increase or decrease in its registered capital, or on the

issuance of corporate bonds;

7. Formulating the company's plans on any proposed

merger, demerger, change in company form, dissolution,

or similar;

8. Making decisions on the establishment of the company's

internal management departments;

9. Making decisions on the appointment or dismissal of

the company's manager and his remuneration, and,

according to the nomination of the manager, making 第四十七条 董事会对股东会负责,行使下列职权: (一)召集股东会会议,并向股东会报告工作; (二)执行股东会的决议; (三)决定公司的经营计划和投资方案; (四)制订公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案; (五)制订公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案; (六)制订公司增加或者减少注册资本以及发行公司债券的方案; (七)制订公司合并、分立、变更公司形式、解散的方案; (八)决定公司内部管理机构的设置; (九)决定聘任或者解聘公司经理及其报酬事项,并根据经理的提名决定聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人及其报酬事项;






(相关文章:相关案例2篇 ) decisions on the appointment or dismissal of deputy manager(s) and the finance manager and their remuneration; 10. Establishing the company's basic management system; and

11. Any other function specified in the articles of

association. Article 48 A meeting of the board of directors shall be

convened and presided over by the chairman of the board

of directors. Where the chairman of the board of directors

is unable or fails to perform his duties, the meeting may

be convened and presided over by the deputy chairman of

the board of directors. Where the deputy chairman of the

board of directors is unable or fails to perform his

duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over

by a director nominated by 50% or more of the directors.

Article 49 Unless otherwise provided in this Law, methods

of deliberation and voting procedures of the board of

directors shall be specified in a company's articles of


The board of directors shall take minutes on decisions

made and matters discussed at its meetings. Directors who

attend the meeting shall sign the minutes.

In any vote on a resolution of the board of directors,

each director shall have one vote. Article 50 A limited liability company may have a manager,

who shall be appointed or dismissed by the board of

directors. The manager shall be responsible to the board

of directors and shall exercise the following powers:

1. Taking charge of managing of the production and

business operations of the company and organizing the

implementation of resolutions made by the board of


2. Organizing execution of the company's annual

operational plans and investment plans;

3. Drafting plans on the establishment of the company's

internal management departments;

4. Drafting the company's basic management system;

5. Formulating the company's specific policies;

6. Proposing the appointment or dismissal of the

17 第四十八条 董事会会议由董事长召集和主持;董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由副董事长召集和主持;副董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上董事共同推举一名董事召集和主持。 (相关文章:相关案例4篇 ) 第四十九条 董事会的议事方式和表决程序,除本法有规定的外,由公司章程规定。 董事会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的董事应当在会议记录上签名。 董事会决议的表决,实行一人一票。 (相关文章:相关案例3篇 ) 第五十条 有限责任公司可以设经理,由董事会决定聘任或者解聘。经理对董事会负责,行使下列职权: (一)主持公司的生产经营管理工作,组织实施董事会决议; (二)组织实施公司年度经营计划和投资方案; (三)拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案; (四)拟订公司的基本管理制度; (五)制定公司的具体规章; (六)提请聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人;








(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例5篇 ) company's deputy manager(s) and finance manager(s); 7. Deciding on the appointment or dismissal of executives for posts other than those decided by the board of directors; and 8. Any other power conferred on the manager by the board of directors. Where a company's articles of association specify that the powers of managers shall include powers other than those specified in this Article, the articles of

association shall prevail.

A manager shall attend meetings of the board of directors

as a non-voting representative.

Article 51 Limited liability companies with a relatively

small number of shareholders and other relatively small

limited liability companies may appoint an acting

director and dispense with the appointment of a board of

directors. The acting director may concurrently hold the

post of company manager.

The powers of an acting director shall be specified in

the articles of association. Article 52 A limited liability company may establish a

board of supervisors of no less than 3 members. Limited

liability companies with a relatively small number of

shareholders and of a relatively small scale may appoint

1 to 2 supervisors and no board of supervisors is

required. The board of supervisors shall include

shareholders' representatives and employee

representatives at an appropriate ratio, in which such

ratio shall not be less than one-third and the specific

ratio shall be prescribed in the articles of association.

Employee representatives who serve as members of the

board of supervisors shall be democratically elected by

the employees through the assembly of employee

representatives, the employee assembly or by any other

democratic means. The board of supervisors shall have a

chairman, who shall be elected by a majority of all

supervisors. The chairman of the board of supervisors

shall convene and preside over meetings of the board of

supervisors. Where the chairman of supervisors is unable

or fails to perform his duties, a supervisor nominated

by 50% or more of the supervisors shall convene and 第五十一条 股东人数较少或者规模较小的有限责任公司,可以设一名执行董事,不设立董事会。执行董事可以兼任公司经理。 执行董事的职权由公司章程规定。 (相关文章:相关案例5篇 ) 第五十二条 有限责任公司设立监事会,其成员不得少于三人。股东人数较少或者规模较小的有限责任公司,可以设一至二名监事,不设立监事会。监事会应当包括股东代表和适当比例的公司职工代表,其中职工代表的比例不得低于三分之一,具体比例由公司章程规定。监事会中的职工代表由公司职工通过职工代表大会、职工大会或者其他形式民主选举产生。监事会设主席一人,由全体监事过半数选举产生。监事会主席召集和主持监事会会议;监事会主席不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上监事共同推举一名监事召集和主持监事会会议。 董事、高级管理人员不得兼任监事。 (相关文章:相关案例1篇 )


preside over meetings of the board of supervisors.

No director or senior manager of the company may

concurrently work as a supervisor.

第五十三条 监事的任期每届









(相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) Article 53 The term of office for a supervisor shall be 3 years. Any supervisor may, after the expiry of his term of office, hold a supervisor's post in consecutive terms upon re-election. Where a supervisor is not re-elected after the expiry of his term of office, or if the number of supervisors on the board of supervisors falls below the quorum due to the resignation of one or more supervisors from the board prior to the expiry of his or their respective term or terms of office, the original supervisors shall, before

any newly-elected supervisors assume their posts,

exercise their supervisory powers in accordance with the

relevant laws and administrative regulations, and in

accordance with the articles of association. Article 54 The board of supervisors or the supervisor(s)

of a company with no board of supervisors shall have the

following powers:

1. To check the financial affairs of the company;

2. To supervise compliance of the directors and senior

managers with their respective duties and propose the

removal of any director or senior manager who violates

any law, administrative regulation, the articles of

association or any resolution of the shareholders'


3. To require any director or senior manager to take

corrective action where he acts in a way that damages the

interests of the company;

4. To propose the calling of interim shareholders'

meetings and to call and preside over shareholders'

meetings where the board of directors does not exercise

its functions in that regard as prescribed in this Law;

5. To put forward proposals at shareholders' meetings;

6. To initiate any action against a director or senior

manager in accordance with Article 152 of this Law; and

7. Any other power specified in the articles of


Article 55 Supervisors may attend meetings of the board

19 第五十四条 监事会、不设监事会的公司的监事行使下列职权: (一)检查公司财务; (二)对董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务的行为进行监督,对违反法律、行政法规、公司章程或者股东会决议的董事、高级管理人员提出罢免的建议; (三)当董事、高级管理人员的行为损害公司的利益时,要求董事、高级管理人员予以纠正; (四)提议召开临时股东会会议,在董事会不履行本法规定的召集和主持股东会会议职责时召集和主持股东会会议; (五)向股东会会议提出提案; (六)依照本法第一百五十二条的规定,对董事、高级管理人员提起诉讼; (七)公司章程规定的其他职权。 (相关文章:相关案例5篇 ) 第五十五条 监事可以列席董








(相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) of directors as non-voting attendees, and may raise questions or put forward suggestions about matters to be decided by the board of directors. The members of a board of supervisors or the supervisor(s) of a company with no board of supervisors who discover(s) any irregularity in company affairs may instigate an investigation. Where necessary, the supervisor(s) may, at the company's expense, hire an accounting firm to

assist with the investigation. Article 56 A board of supervisors shall hold meetings no

less than once a year. The supervisors may propose holding

interim meetings of the board of supervisors. Unless otherwise specified in this Law, the methods of

deliberation and voting procedures for a board of

supervisors shall be specified in the articles of


A resolution of the board of supervisors shall be approved

by the affirmative votes of 50% or more of the

supervisors. A board of supervisors shall take minutes

on resolutions made and matters discussed at its

meetings, which shall be signed by supervisors present.

Article 57 All expenses necessarily incurred by

supervisors in the performance of their duties shall be

borne by the company. 第五十六条 监事会每年度至少召开一次会议,监事可以提议召开临时监事会会议。 监事会的议事方式和表决程序,除本法有规定的外,由公司章程规定。 监事会决议应当经半数以上监事通过。监事会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的监事应当在会议记录上签名。 第五十七条 监事会、不设监事会的公司的监事行使职权所必需的费用,由公司承担。

(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例2篇 )

第三节 一人有限责任公司的


第五十八条 一人有限责任公







(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例3篇 热点透视2篇 专业书

刊1篇 ) Section 3 Special Provisions on Single Shareholder Limited Liability Companies Article 58 The provisions of this Section shall apply to the establishment and governance of a single shareholder limited liability company. Any matter not covered by this Section shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Chapter. The term "single shareholder limited liability company" as referred to this Law means a limited liability company with only one natural or legal person as a shareholder.


公司法中英对照,律商网 71_律商网

第五十九条 一人有限责任公








(相关文章:相关案例14篇 )

第六十条 一人有限责任公司




(相关文章:相关案例16篇 )

第六十一条 一人有限责任公


(相关文章:相关案例28篇 )

第六十二条 一人有限责任公





(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第六十三条 一人有限责任公




(相关文章:相关案例12篇 )

第六十四条 一人有限责任公




(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例11篇 专业书刊2篇 )

第四节 国有独资公司的特别

规定 Article 59 The minimum amount of registered capital of a single shareholder limited liability company shall be 100,000 RMB. The shareholder shall pay the capital contribution specified in the company's articles of association in a lump sum. Any one natural person may establish no more than one single shareholder limited liability company. Article 60 The company register and business license of a single shareholder limited liability company shall both clearly indicate that the company is funded by only one natural or legal person. Article 61 The articles of association of a single shareholder limited liability company shall be formulated by the shareholder. Article 62 A single shareholder limited liability company shall have no board of directors. Where the shareholder makes a decision on any of the matters listed in Article 38 of this Law, he shall record it in writing, sign it and retain it in company records. Article 63 The financial statements of a single shareholder limited liability company shall be prepared by the end of each financial year and shall be audited by an accounting firm. Article 64 Where the shareholder of a single shareholder limited liability company is unable to prove that the property of the company is independent of his own property, he shall be jointly liable for the debts of the company. Section 4 Special Provisions on Wholly State-owned Companies

第六十五条 国有独资公司的








有限责任公司。 Article 65 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the establishment and governance of wholly state-owned companies. Any matter not covered by this Section shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Chapter. The term "wholly state-owned company" as referred to in this law means a limited liability company in which the sole investor is the state, for which the State Council or the local people's government authorizes the

state-owned assets supervision and administration

institution of the people's government at the same level

to perform the role of capital contributor. Article 66 The articles of association of a wholly

state-owned company shall be formulated by the

state-owned assets supervision and administration

institution, or shall be drafted by the board of directors

and submitted to the state-owned assets supervision and

administration institution for approval.

Article 67 A wholly state-owned company shall have no

shareholders' meeting. The state-owned assets

supervision and administration institution shall

exercise the functions of a shareholders' meeting. The

state-owned assets supervision and administration

institution may authorize the company's board of

directors to exercise some of the functions of a

shareholders' meeting and decide important matters,

other than those that must be decided by the state-owned

assets supervision and administration institution, such

as any merger, demerger, or dissolution of the company,

any increase or decrease in its registered capital or on

the issuance of corporate bonds. Any decision on a merger,

demerger, dissolution or petition for bankruptcy of a key

wholly state-owned company shall be subject to the

examination of the state-owned assets supervision and

administration institution and shall then be submitted to the people's government at the same level for approval.

The meaning of the term "key wholly state-owned company"

as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be

determined in accordance with State Council provisions.

Article 68 A wholly state-owned company shall establish

第六十六条 国有独资公司章程由国有资产监督管理机构制定,或者由董事会制订报国有资产监督管理机构批准。 第六十七条 国有独资公司不设股东会,由国有资产监督管理机构行使股东会职权。国有资产监督管理机构可以授权公司董事会行使股东会的部分职权,决定公司的重大事项,但公司的合并、分立、解散、增减注册资本和发行公司债券,必须由国有资产监督管理机构决定;其中,重要的国有独资公司合并、分立、解散、申请破产的,应当由国有资产监督管理机构审核后,报本级人民政府批准。前款所称重要的国有独资公司,按照国务院的规定确定。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 ) 第六十八条 国有独资公司设











定。 a board of directors, which shall exercise its functions in accordance with Articles 47 and 67 of this Law. The term of office of its directors shall not exceed 3 years. The board of directors shall include employee representatives. Members of the board of directors shall be appointed by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution, other than employee representatives, who shall be elected through the employee representatives' association of the company. The board of directors shall appoint a chairman and may

appoint a deputy chairman. The chairman and deputy

chairman shall be designated by the state-owned assets

supervision and administration institution in accordance

with the recommendation of its board of directors.

Article 69 A wholly state-owned company shall have a

manager, who shall be appointed or dismissed by the board

of directors. The manager shall exercise his powers in

accordance with Article 50 of this Law. Subject to the

consent of the state-owned assets supervision and

administration institution, a member of the board of

directors may concurrently hold the post of manager.

Article 70 The chairman, deputy chairman, directors and

senior managers of a wholly state-owned company are

prohibited from concurrently holding a post in any other

limited liability company, joint stock limited company

or any other business organization unless the state-owned

assets supervision and administration institution

consents to such an appointment.

Article 71 The board supervisors of a wholly state-owned

company shall be comprised of at least 5 members, of whom

employee representatives shall account for no less than

the percentage specified in the company's articles of

association, but shall in any event be no less than


Other than employee representatives, who shall be elected

through the company's employee representatives

association, the members of a board of supervisors shall

be appointed by the state-owned assets supervision and

administration institution. The chairman of the board of

第六十九条 国有独资公司设经理,由董事会聘任或者解聘。经理依照本法第五十条规定行使职权。经国有资产监督管理机构同意,董事会成员可以兼任经理。 第七十条 国有独资公司的董事长、副董事长、董事、高级管理人员,未经国有资产监督管理机构同意,不得在其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司或者其他经济组织兼职。 第七十一条 国有独资公司监事会成员不得少于五人,其中职工代表的比例不得低于三分之一,具体比例由公司章程规定。 监事会成员由国有资产监督管理机构委派;但是,监事会中的职工代表由公司职工代表大会选举产生。监事会主席由国有资产监督管理机构从监事会成员中指定。监事会行使本法第五十四条第(一)项至第(三)项规定的职权和国务院

规定的其他职权。 supervisors shall be designated by the state-owned assets

supervision and administration institution from among

the members of the board of supervisors.

The board of supervisors shall exercise the functions set

out in Article 54 (1) to (3) of this Law and any other

function prescribed by the State Council. Chapter III Transfers of Limited Liability Company Stock


Article 72 Stock rights of the shareholders of a limited

liability company may be transferred among the


Where any shareholder proposes transferring his stock

rights to any non-shareholder, any such proposal shall

be subject to the consent of a majority of the other

shareholders. The relevant shareholder shall give the

other shareholders written notice of the details of the

proposed transfer of stock rights and seek their consent.

Any of the other shareholders who fails to respond within

30 days of receiving written notice shall be deemed to

have consented to the transfer. Where a majority of the

shareholders whose consent is sought disagree with the

proposed transfer, the shareholders who disagree with the

proposed transfer shall purchase the stock rights to be


In the event that they refuse to purchase the stock rights

in question, they shall be deemed to have consented to

the transfer and the other shareholders shall have a

pre-emptive right to purchase the stock rights to be

transferred . Where two or more shareholders exercise

such a pre-emptive right, they shall determine their

respective purchase percentages by negotiation, failing

which they shall exercise the pre-emptive right on the

basis of the ratio of their original capital

contributions. Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of

association, any transfer of stock rights shall be

carried out in accordance with the articles of


Article 73 Where the people's court transfers the stock

rights of a shareholder pursuant to a mandatory

第三章 有限责任公司的股权转让 第七十二条 有限责任公司的股东之间可以相互转让其全部或者部分股权。 股东向股东以外的人转让股权,应当经其他股东过半数同意。股东应就其股权转让事项书面通知其他股东征求同意,其他股东自接到书面通知之日起满三十日未答复的,视为同意转让。其他股东半数以上不同意转让的,不同意的股东应当购买该转让的股权;不购买的,视为同意转让。经股东同意转让的股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有优先购买权。两个以上股东主张行使优先购买权的,协商确定各自的购买比例;协商不成的,按照转让时各自的出资比例行使优先购买权。 公司章程对股权转让另有规定的,从其规定。 (相关文章:法律法规3篇 相关案例209篇 热点透视1篇 专业书刊4篇 ) 第七十三条 人民法院依照法律规定的强制执行程序转让股东的






(相关文章:相关案例4篇 专

业书刊1篇 )

第七十四条 依照本法第七十







(相关文章:相关案例24篇 热

点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 ) enforcement procedure provided by law, it shall notify the company and all shareholders that the other shareholders have a pre-emptive right on the conditions referred to in Article 72 of this Law. Any shareholder who fails to exercise such a pre-emptive right within 20 days of receiving notice from the court shall be deemed to have waived the pre-emptive right. Article 74 Where any transfer of stock rights is made in accordance with Article 72 or 73 of this Law, the company shall cancel the capital contribution certificate of the original shareholder, issue a capital contribution certificate to the new shareholder and modify its records of shareholders and their capital contributions in the articles of association and company register. No vote of the shareholders' meeting is required to modify the articles of association due to such a transfer of stock

rights. Article 75 Under any of the following circumstances, any

shareholder who votes against the relevant resolution of

a shareholders' meeting may require the company to

purchase his stock rights at a reasonable price:

1. Where the company has not distributed any profits to

the shareholders for 5 consecutive years but has made

profits for five consecutive years and conforms to the

profit distribution requirements of this Law;

2. In the event of any merger, demerger, or transfer of

the principal assets of the company; or

3. Where the business term specified in the articles of

association expires or any of the other grounds for

dissolution prescribed in the articles of association are

satisfied, and the shareholders' meeting modifies the

articles of association by adopting a resolution allowing

the company to continue in existence.

Where the relevant shareholder and the company fail,

within 60 days of the date on which the relevant

resolution is adopted at the shareholders' meeting, to

reach an agreement on the purchase of stock rights, the

shareholder may take legal action in the people's court

within 90 days of the date on which the resolution is

adopted at the shareholders' meeting. 第七十五条 有下列情形之一的,对股东会该项决议投反对票的股东可以请求公司按照合理的价格收购其股权: (一)公司连续五年不向股东分配利润,而公司该五年连续盈利,并且符合本法规定的分配利润条件的; (二)公司合并、分立、转让主要财产的; (三)公司章程规定的营业期限届满或者章程规定的其他解散事由出现,股东会会议通过决议修改章程使公司存续的。 自股东会会议决议通过之日起六十日内,股东与公司不能达成股权收购协议的,股东可以自股东会会议决议通过之日起九十日内向人民法院提起诉讼。 (相关文章:法律法规4篇 相关案例18篇 热点透视4篇 专业书刊3篇 )

公司法中英对照,律商网 71_律商网

第七十六条 自然人股东死亡




(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例12篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第四章 股份有限公司的设立


第一节 设 立

第七十七条 设立股份有限公













(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例2篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第七十八条 股份有限公司的










(相关文章:相关案例2篇 )

第七十九条 设立股份有限公



Article 76 Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of association, any person who inherits the shares of a natural person following that person's death shall assume all the rights and obligations attached to those shares. Chapter IV Establishment and Governance of A Joint Stock Limited Company Section 1 Establishment Article 77 A joint stock limited company shall: 1. Have the minimum number of promoters required by law; 2. Have the minimum amount of capital stock to be offered and subscribed to by the promoters required by law; 3. Issue its shares and comply with all preliminary procedures required by law; 4. Adopt both its articles of association as formulated by its promoters and its flotation plans at the establishment meeting of the company; 5. Have a name and governance structure that complies with that of a joint stock limited company; and 6. Have an address. Article 78 A joint stock limited company may be established either by way of promotion or by way of stock flotation. Establishment of a company by way of promotion means that the promoters establish a company by subscribing to all the shares to be issued by the company. Establishment of a company by way of stock flotation means that the promoters establish a company by subscribing to some of the shares to be issued by the company and offer the remaining shares to the general public or to particular classes of investor. Article 79 A joint stock limited company shall have no less than 2 and no more than 200 promoters, of whom a majority shall be domiciled within the territory of


第八十条 股份有限公司发起




(相关文章:相关案例3篇 ) China. Article 80 The promoters of a joint stock limited company shall carry out all necessary preliminary procedures relating to the establishment of the company. The promoters shall conclude a promoters' agreement clarifying their respective rights and obligations

during the course of establishing the company. Article 81 Where a joint stock limited company is

established by way of promotion, its registered capital

shall be the total capital stock subscribed to by the

promoters as a whole as recorded in the company register.

The minimum amount of initial capital contributed by the

promoters shall be no less than 20% of the total

registered capital, the remaining amount to be paid in

by the promoters within 2 years of the date on which the

company is incorporated, other than in the case of an

investment company, for which the relevant period shall

be 5 years. No stock may be offered to any other person

before the date on which the entire registered capital

is paid in.

Where a joint stock limited company is established by way

of stock flotation, its registered capital shall be the

total paid in capital as recorded in the company register.

The minimum amount of registered capital of a joint stock

limited company shall be 5 million RMB, subject to any

law or administrative regulation that requires a higher

minimum amount of registered capital.

Article 82 The articles of association of a joint stock

limited company shall specify the following matters:

1. The name and address of the company;

2. The business scope of the company;

3. The form of company establishment;

4. The total number of shares, the par value of each share,

and the amount of registered capital of the company;

5. The name of each promoter, the number of shares each

promoter has subscribed to, and the form and date of

capital contributions made;

6. The rules relating to the composition, powers, term

of office, and procedures of the board of directors;

7. The legal representative of the company;

第八十一条 股份有限公司采取发起设立方式设立的,注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的全体发起人认购的股本总额。公司全体发起人的首次出资额不得低于注册资本的百分之二十,其余部分由发起人自公司成立之日起两年内缴足;其中,投资公司可以在五年内缴足。在缴足前,不得向他人募集股份。 股份有限公司采取募集方式设立的,注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的实收股本总额。股份有限公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币五百万元。法律、行政法规对股份有限公司注册资本的最低限额有较高规定的,从其规定。 (相关文章:法律法规4篇 热点透视1篇 ) 第八十二条 股份有限公司章程应当载明下列事项: (一)公司名称和住所; (二)公司经营范围; (三)公司设立方式; (四)公司股份总数、每股金额和注册资本; (五)发起人的姓名或者名称、认购的股份数、出资方式和出资时间; (六)董事会的组成、职权、任期和议事规则; (七)公司法定代表人;










(相关文章:相关案例3篇 )

第八十三条 发起人的出资方


(相关文章:相关案例2篇 )

第八十四条 以发起设立方式
















(相关文章:热点透视1篇 专

业书刊1篇 ) 8. The composition, powers, term of office, and procedures of the supervisory board; 9. The procedures for the distribution of company profits; 10. The grounds for dissolution of the company and liquidation procedures; 11. The procedures for issuing company notices or public announcements; and 12. Any other matter deemed necessary by the general meeting of shareholders. Article 83 The form of capital contributions made by promoters shall be governed by the provisions of Article 27 of this Law. Article 84 Where a joint stock limited company is established by way of promotion, the promoters shall subscribe in writing to the full amount of shares provided for in the articles of association. Where capital contributions are to be paid immediately, the promoters shall make their contributions in a lump sum; where capital contributions are to be paid over time, the promoters shall make the first contribution immediately. In the case of capital contributions made using non-financial assets, the promoters shall carry out the relevant procedures for the transfer of property rights in accordance with the law. Any promoter who fails to make capital contributions in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be liable for breach of contract in relation to the stipulations set out in the promoters' agreement. Following payment of their initial capital contributions, the promoters shall elect the board of

directors and board of supervisors. The board of

directors shall file an application for registration with

the company registration authority and submit therewith

the articles of association, the capital verification

certificate as issued by a lawfully established capital

verification institution, and any other documents required by laws or administrative regulations.

Article 85 The promoters of a joint stock limited company

established by way of stock flotation shall subscribe to

第八十五条 以募集设立方式设立股份有限公司的,发起人认购




第八十六条 发起人向社会公






缴纳股款。 no less than 35 % of the total shares unless otherwise required by any law or administrative regulation. Article 86 In any public offer of shares, the promoters shall issue a prospectus and prepare share subscription forms. The share subscription forms shall include the items listed in Article 87, and a subscriber shall indicate the number of and total consideration to be paid for the shares he subscribes for, and shall note his address and affix his signature or seal thereto. A

subscriber shall pay for the number of shares he has

subscribed to. Article 87 Any prospectus issued shall be accompanied by

the articles of association as formulated by the

promoters and shall include the following details:

1. The number of shares subscribed to by the promoters;

2. The par value and issue price of the shares;

3. The total number of unregistered shares issued;

4. The purposes for which the funds raised will be used;

5. The rights and obligations of subscribers; and

6. The offer period and a statement that subscribers may

withdraw their subscriptions in the event that the offer is under-subscribed at the close of the offer period. 第八十七条 招股说明书应当附有发起人制订的公司章程,并载明下列事项: (一)发起人认购的股份数; (二)每股的票面金额和发行价格; (三)无记名股票的发行总数; (四)募集资金的用途; (五)认股人的权利、义务; (六)本次募股的起止期限及逾期未募足时认股人可以撤回所认


第八十八条 发起人向社会公



(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第八十九条 发起人向社会公






部门出具收款证明的义务。 Article 88 A public offer of shares shall be underwritten by a lawfully established securities company and an underwriting agreement shall be concluded thereon. Article 89 The promoters of any public offer of shares shall sign an agreement with the receiving bank appointed. The receiving bank appointed shall receive and hold as agent payments made for shares in accordance with the terms of the agreement, issue receipts to subscribers who make payments, and shall be obliged to produce evidence

demonstrating the receipt of payments to the relevant

government departments.

Article 90 Where full payment has been made for any public

第九十条 发行股份的股款缴










发起人返还。 offer of shares, the subscriptions shall be verified and certified by a lawfully established capital verification institution. The promoters shall invite all subscribers to a company establishment meeting held within 30 days of receipt of all subscriptions. In the event that shares offered to the public are not fully subscribed to within the offer period disclosed in the prospectus, or the promoters fail to hold an establishment meeting within 30 days of receipt of all subscriptions, the subscribers may require the promoters to refund their subscriptions

and pay interest calculated at the bank deposit interest

rate for the relevant period. Article 91 The promoters shall notify each subscriber of

or publicly announce the date of the establishment

meeting no less than 15 days in advance of the meeting.

The establishment meeting may not be held unless

subscribers representing a majority of the shares

subscribed to attend. The establishment meeting shall:

1. Consider the report on pre-establishment activities

prepared by the promoters;

2. Adopt the articles of association;

3. Elect members of the board of directors;

4. Elect members of the board of supervisors;

5. Verify expenses incurred in establishing the company;

6. Verify the value of any asset contributed by the

promoters by way of capital contribution; and

7. In the event of any force majeure or material change

in operating conditions that may affect the establishment

of the company, consider adopting a resolution not to

establish the company.

Any resolution adopted at the establishment meeting on

any of the matters described in the previous paragraph

requires an affirmative vote passed by subscribers

representing a majority of the votes of those attending

the meeting.

Article 92 Promoters and subscribers shall not withdraw

any paid in share capital unless the offer is not fully

subscribed within the offer period, the promoters fail

to convene the establishment meeting within the relevant

time limit, or the establishment meeting has resolved not

to establish the company. 第九十一条 发起人应当在创立大会召开十五日前将会议日期通知各认股人或者予以公告。创立大会应有代表股份总数过半数的认股人出席,方可举行。创立大会行使下列职权: (一)审议发起人关于公司筹办情况的报告; (二)通过公司章程; (三)选举董事会成员; (四)选举监事会成员; (五)对公司的设立费用进行审核; (六)对发起人用于抵作股款的财产的作价进行审核; (七)发生不可抗力或者经营条件发生重大变化直接影响公司设立的,可以作出不设立公司的决议。创立大会对前款所列事项作出决议,必须经出席会议的认股人所持表决权过半数通过。 (相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) 第九十二条 发起人、认股人缴纳股款或者交付抵作股款的出资后,除未按期募足股份、发起人未按期召开创立大会或者创立大会决议不设立公司的情形外,不得抽回其股本。

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(相关文章:相关案例2篇 ) 第九十三条 董事会应于创立
















(相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) Article 93 The board of directors shall, within 30 days of the conclusion of the establishment meeting, file an application for registration with the company registration authority and submit the following documents: 1. An application for company registration; 2. The minutes of the establishment meeting; 3. The articles of association; 4. A capital verification certificate; 5. The appointment documents and identity cards of the legal representative, directors and supervisors; 6. Documents evidencing the legal person or natural person status of the promoters; and 7. Proof of the address of the company. A joint stock limited company established by way of stock flotation that makes a public offer of its stock shall, in addition to the documents referred to above, submit

to the company registration authority the approval documents issued by the securities regulatory

institution of the State Council.

Article 94 Following the establishment of a joint stock

limited company, any promoter who fails to make full

payment for capital contributions as stipulated in the

articles of association shall pay the amount outstanding

in full, failing which the other promoters shall be

jointly and severally liable for the shortfall.

Following the establishment of a joint stock limited

company, where it is found that the actual value of any

non-financial asset used as a capital contribution for

the establishment of the company is clearly lower than

its value as stipulated in the articles of association,

the promoter who made the capital contribution shall make

up the shortfall, failing which the other promoters shall

be jointly and severally liable for the shortfall.

Article 95 The promoters of a joint stock limited company

shall be liable as follows:

1. In the event that the company is not established, the

promoters shall be jointly and severally liable for the

debts and expenses incurred in pre-establishment

第九十四条 股份有限公司成立后,发起人未按照公司章程的规定缴足出资的,应当补缴;其他发起人承担连带责任。 股份有限公司成立后,发现作为设立公司出资的非货币财产的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定价额的,应当由交付该出资的发起人补足其差额;其他发起人承担连带责任。 (相关文章:相关案例2篇 热点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 ) 第九十五条 股份有限公司的发起人应当承担下列责任: (一)公司不能成立时,对设立行为所产生的债务和费用负连带责任;








(相关文章:相关案例2篇 ) activities; 2. In the event that the company is not established, the promoters shall be jointly and severally liable for refunding the paid-in capital of the subscribers plus interest thereon calculated at the bank interest rate for the relevant period; and 3. Where, in the course of establishing the company, its interests are damaged due to the negligence of the

promoters, the promoters shall be liable to compensate

the company.

Article 96 Where a limited liability company is changed

into a joint stock limited company, the total amount of paid-in capital shall be no less than the total value of

its net assets, and any offer of shares to the public made

for the purpose of increasing the capital of the company

shall be made in accordance with the law. 第九十六条 有限责任公司变更为股份有限公司时,折合的实收股本总额不得高于公司净资产额。有限责任公司变更为股份有限公司,为增加资本公开发行股份时,应当依法办理。

(相关文章:专家咨询1篇 )

第九十七条 股份有限公司应





(相关文章:相关案例2篇 ) Article 97 A joint stock limited company shall prepare and maintain on company premises its articles of association, shareholders' register, corporate bond receipts, minutes of general meetings of shareholders, minutes of meetings of the board of directors, minutes of meetings of the board of supervisors, and financial


Article 98 Shareholders shall be entitled to inspect the

articles of association, shareholders' register,

corporate bond receipts, minutes of general meetings of

shareholders, minutes of meetings of the board of

directors, minutes of meetings of the board of

supervisors, and financial reports, and may put forward

proposals and raise questions about the business

operations of the company.

Section 2 General Meetings of Shareholders

Article 99 The shareholders' assembly of a joint stock

limited company shall be comprised of all the

shareholders. The shareholders' assembly shall govern

the company and shall exercise its powers in accordance

with the law.

第九十八条 股东有权查阅公司章程、股东名册、公司债券存根、股东大会会议记录、董事会会议决议、监事会会议决议、财务会计报告,对公司的经营提出建议或者质询。 (相关文章:相关案例3篇 ) 第二节 股东大会 第九十九条 股份有限公司股东大会由全体股东组成,股东大会是公司的权力机构,依照本法行使职权。 (相关文章:相关案例4篇 )

第一百条 本法第三十八条第




(相关文章:相关案例3篇 )

第一百零一条 股东大会应当















(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例2篇 )

第一百零二条 股东大会会议













(相关文章:相关案例3篇 ) Article 100 The provisions of the first paragraph of Article 38 of this Law prescribing the powers of the shareholders' assembly of a limited liability company shall apply to the shareholders' assembly of a joint stock limited company. Article 101 A shareholders' assembly shall be held annually. Under any of the following circumstances, an interim shareholders' assembly shall be held within 2 months: 1. Where the number of directors falls below two-thirds of the minimum number of directors as required by this Law or as specified in the articles of association; 2. Where the bad debts of the company reach one-third of its total paid-in capital; 3. Where an interim meeting is requested by a shareholder who holds or by shareholders who together hold 10% or more of the company's shares; 4. Where the board of directors deems it necessary; 5. On the request of the board of supervisors; or 6. Any other circumstance specified in the articles of association. Article 102 A shareholders' assembly shall be convened by the board of directors and shall be presided over by the chairman of the board of directors. Where the chairman is unable or fails to perform his duties, the meeting shall be presided over by the deputy chairman of the board of directors. Where the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or fails to perform his duties, the meeting shall be presided over by a director nominated by 50% or more of the directors. Where the board of directors or the acting director is unable or fails to fulfill its obligation to convene a general meeting of shareholders, the board of supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting. Where the board of supervisors does not convene or preside over the

meeting, a shareholder who holds or shareholders who

together hold 10% or more of the shares may convene and

preside over the meeting on his or their own initiative.

Article 103 Shareholders shall be notified no less than

第一百零三条 召开股东大会





















(相关文章:相关案例7篇 ) 20 days in advance of a shareholders' assembly of the time and place of the meeting and the matters to be considered at the meeting. Shareholders shall be notified no less than 15 days in advance of an interim general meeting of shareholders. Holders of unregistered shares shall be notified by way of public announcement no less than 30 days in advance of any shareholders' assembly of the time and place of the meeting and the matters to be considered at the meeting. Any shareholder who holds or shareholders who together hold 3% or more of the shares of the company may put forward an interim proposal and notify the board of directors of the proposal in writing 10 days in advance of a general meeting of shareholders. The board of directors shall notify other shareholders of the interim proposal within 2 days of the receipt thereof and submit the proposal to the general meeting of shareholders for consideration. Any interim proposal put forward shall fall within the purview of the shareholders' assembly and shall have clear discussion points and matters to be decided.

The shareholders' assembly shall not decide any matter for which notice is not given in accordance with either of the preceding two paragraphs.

Shares of holders of unregistered shares who attend the shareholders' assembly shall be frozen in the name of the company during the period from 5 days prior to the meeting until the meeting is closed. Article 104 Other than shares registered in the name of the company, which shall have no voting rights attached, each share shall have one vote at a shareholders'

assembly. Any resolution proposed at a general meeting of shareholders shall be adopted by an affirmative vote of shareholders representing a majority of the voting rights of shareholders present, other than resolutions proposing any modification to the articles of

association, or any increase or decrease in registered capital, or any resolution about any proposed merger, demerger, dissolution or change in company form, which shall be adopted by shareholders representing 2/3 or more of the voting rights of shareholders present. 第一百零四条 股东出席股东大会会议,所持每一股份有一表决权。但是,公司持有的本公司股份没有表决权。股东大会作出决议,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权过半数通过。但是,股东大会作出修改公司章程、增加或者减少注册资本的决议,以及公司合并、分立、解散或者变更公司形式的决议,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权的三分之二以上通过。 (相关文章:相关案例5篇 )

第一百零五条 本法和公司章程规定公司转让、受让重大资产或者对外提供担保等事项必须经股东大会作出决议的,董事会应当及时召集股东大会会议,由股东大会就上述事项进行表决。

(相关文章:相关案例3篇 热点透视2篇 )

第一百零六条 股东大会选举董事、监事,可以根据公司章程的规定或者股东大会的决议,实行累积投票制。本法所称累积投票制,是指股东大会选举董事或者监事时,每一股份拥有与应选董事或者监事人数相同的表决权,股东拥有的表决权可以集中使用。

(相关文章:热点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第一百零七条 股东可以委托代理人出席股东大会会议,代理人应当向公司提交股东授权委托书,并在授权范围内行使表决权。 (相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) 第一百零八条 股东大会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,主持人、出席会议的董事应当在会议记录上签名。会议记录应当与出席股东的签名册及代理出席的委托书一并保存。

(相关文章:相关案例4篇 )

第三节 董事会、经理

第一百零九条 股份有限公司设董事会,其成员为五人至十九人。 董事会成员中可以有公司职工代表。董事会中的职工代表由公司职工通过职工代表大会、职工大会或者其他形式民主选举产生。 本法第四十六条关于有限责任

Article 105 The board of directors shall promptly call a shareholders' assembly to decide any important matter within the purview of the shareholders' assembly either in accordance with this Law or in accordance with the articles of association, such as any transfer of company assets, taking an assignment of any significant asset or acting as guarantor for any other person. Article 106 The shareholders' assembly may adopt a cumulative voting system for the election of directors and supervisors pursuant to the articles of association or by way of a resolution made at its meeting. The term "cumulative voting system" as referred to in this Law means a voting system whereby shareholders can multiply their voting rights by the number of candidates and cast their votes for one candidate for director or supervisor. Article 107 A shareholder may appoint an agent to attend a shareholders' assembly. The agent appointed shall present a proxy form issued by the shareholder to the company and shall exercise his voting rights within the scope of his authorization. Article 108 The shareholders' assembly shall take minutes on decisions made and matters discussed at its meetings. The chair of the meeting and directors present shall sign the minutes, which shall be retained together with a list of signatures of shareholders present and any powers of attorney exercised. Section 3 Board of Directors and Managers Article 109 A joint stock limited company shall establish a board of directors, which shall be comprised of between 5 and 19 members. The board of directors may include employee representatives. Employee representatives who serve as board directors shall be democratically elected through the employee representatives' association, the

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(相关文章:相关案例1篇 专

业书刊1篇 ) employees' association or otherwise. The provisions of Article 46 of this Law on the term of office of the directors of a limited liability company shall apply to the directors of a joint stock limited company. The provisions of Article 47 of this Law on the functions of the board of directors of a limited liability company

shall apply to the board of directors of a joint stock

limited company.

Article 110 The board of directors shall elect a chairman

and may elect a deputy chairman. The chairman and deputy

chairman shall be elected by a majority of directors.

The chairman of the board of directors shall call and

preside over the meetings of the board of directors and

monitor the implementation of resolutions of the board

of directors. The deputy chairman shall assist the

chairman in his responsibilities and shall perform the

chairman's duties in the event that the chairman is unable

or fails to perform his duties. Where the deputy chairman

of the board of directors is unable or fails to perform

his duties as described in this paragraph, a director

nominated by a majority of directors shall perform those

duties. Article 111 The board of directors shall convene no less

than two meetings per year and shall notify all directors

and supervisors no less than 10 days in advance of the


A proposal to hold an interim meeting of the board of

directors may be put forward by shareholders representing

10% or more of the voting rights, or by one-third or more

of the directors or supervisors. The chairman of the board

of directors shall, within 10 days of receiving such a

proposal, call and preside over a meeting of the board

of directors. Where the board of directors holds an

interim meeting, it may separately decide the method of

and time limit applicable to notifications about meetings

of the board of directors.

Article 112 No meeting of the board of directors may be

held unless a majority of directors are present. Any board

resolution shall be adopted by a majority of directors.

第一百一十条 董事会设董事长一人,可以设副董事长。董事长和副董事长由董事会以全体董事的过半数选举产生。 董事长召集和主持董事会会议,检查董事会决议的实施情况。副董事长协助董事长工作,董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由副董事长履行职务;副董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上董事共同推举一名董事履行职务。 (相关文章:相关案例5篇 ) 第一百一十一条 董事会每年度至少召开两次会议,每次会议应当于会议召开十日前通知全体董事和监事。代表十分之一以上表决权的股东、三分之一以上董事或者监事会,可以提议召开董事会临时会议。董事长应当自接到提议后十日内,召集和主持董事会会议。董事会召开临时会议,可以另定召集董事会的通知方式和通知时限。 (相关文章:相关案例3篇 专业书刊2篇 ) 第一百一十二条 董事会会议应有过半数的董事出席方可举行。董事会作出决议,必须经全体董事




(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例1篇 )

第一百一十三条 董事会会















(相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) Each director shall have one vote in any resolution put to a vote of the board of directors. Article 113 Directors shall attend meetings of the board of directors in person. Where any director is unable to attend the meeting for any reason, he may issue a written proxy appointing another director to attend the meeting on his behalf and stating the scope of his authorization. The board of directors shall take minutes on resolutions made and matters discussed at its meetings, which shall be signed by directors present. Directors shall be responsible for resolutions of the board of directors. Where a resolution of the board of directors violates any law, administrative regulation, article of association, or any resolution of the shareholders' assembly and causes any serious loss to the company, the directors who participated in adopting the resolution shall compensate the company. Where a director is proven to have raised anobjected to the relevant

resolution and his objection is recorded in the minutes,

the director may be exempted from liability.

Article 114 A joint stock limited company may have a

manager, who shall be appointed or dismissed by the board

of directors.

The manager of a joint stock limited company shall

exercise his powers in accordance with the provisions of

Article 50 of this Law.

Article 115 The board of directors of a company may

appoint one of its members to serve concurrently as the

manager of the company.

Article 116 No company may, either directly or via any

of its subsidiaries, lend money to any of its directors,

supervisors or senior managers.

Article 117 A Company shall regularly disclose to its

shareholders information about the remuneration it pays

to its directors, supervisors and senior managers.

第一百一十四条 股份有限公司设经理,由董事会决定聘任或者解聘。 本法第五十条关于有限责任公司经理职权的规定,适用于股份有限公司经理。 第一百一十五条 公司董事会可以决定由董事会成员兼任经理。 第一百一十六条 公司不得直接或者通过子公司向董事、监事、高级管理人员提供借款。 第一百一十七条 公司应当定期向股东披露董事、监事、高级管理人员从公司获得报酬的情况。

第四节 监事会

第一百一十八条 股份有限公
























(相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) Section 4 Boards of Supervisors Article 118 A joint stock limited company shall establish a board of supervisors comprised of no less than 3 members. The board of supervisors shall include shareholders' representatives and an appropriate proportion of employee representatives. The proportion of employee representatives shall be specified in the articles of association but in any event shall account for no less than one-third of the supervisors appointed. Employee representatives who serve as members of the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected through the employee representatives' assembly, the shareholders' assembly or in any other way. The board of supervisors shall have one chairman and may have a deputy chairman. The chairman and deputy chairman shall elected by a majority of supervisors. The chairman of the board of supervisors shall call and preside over meetings of the board of supervisors. Where the chairman of the board of supervisors is unable or fails to perform his duties, the deputy chairman of the board of supervisors shall call and preside over meetings of the board of supervisors. Where the deputy chairman of the board of supervisors is unable or fails to perform his duties, a supervisor nominated by a majority of supervisors shall call and preside over meetings of the

board of supervisors.

No director or senior manager of a company may

concurrently act as one of its supervisors.

The provisions of Article 53 of this Law on the term of

office of the supervisors of a limited liability company

shall apply to the supervisors of a joint stock limited


Article 119 The provisions of Articles 54 and 55 of this

Law on the functions of a limited liability company shall

apply to the board of supervisors of a joint stock limited


All necessary expenses incurred by the board of

supervisors in exercising its functions shall be borne

by the company. 第一百一十九条 本法第五十四条、第五十五条关于有限责任公司监事会职权的规定,适用于股份有限公司监事会。 监事会行使职权所必需的费用,由公司承担。 (相关文章:相关案例3篇 )

第一百二十条 监事会每六个









(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第五节 上市公司组织机构的


第一百二十一条 本法所称上



(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第一百二十二条 上市公司在






(相关文章:相关案例1篇 热

点透视1篇 )

第一百二十三条 上市公司设



(相关文章:专业书刊1篇 )

第一百二十四条 上市公司设




务等事宜。 Article 120 A board of supervisors shall hold no less than one meeting every 6 months. The supervisors may call interim meetings of the board of supervisors. Unless otherwise specified in this Law, the methods of deliberation and voting procedures of a board of supervisors shall be specified in the articles of association. A board of supervisors shall take minutes on resolutions made and matters discussed at its meetings, which shall be signed by all supervisors present. Section 5 Special Provisions on Governance of A Listed Company Article 121 The term "listed company" as referred to in this Law means any joint stock limited company whose shares are listed and traded on a stock exchange. Article 122 Where a listed company purchases or sells any important asset or provides a guaranty for any amount exceeding 30% of its total assets such a transaction shall be subject to a resolution of the shareholders' assembly passed by shareholders representing two-thirds of the voting rights of shareholders present. Article 123 A listed company shall have independent directors, who shall be subject to any specific measures implemented by the State Council. Article 124 A listed company may appoint a secretary to the board of directors, who shall be responsible for preparing for general meetings of shareholders and meetings of the board of directors, the preservation of documents, the management of company stock rights,

information disclosure, and similar duties.

Article 125 Where any director has a relationship with

any enterprise involved in a matter to be decided at a 第一百二十五条 上市公司董事与董事会会议决议事项所涉及的










(相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) meeting of the board of directors, he shall not vote on the relevant resolution either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other director. Any agenda item at a meeting of the board of directors shall not be discussed or voted on unless a majority of directors without any interest in the relevant matter are present at the meeting. Any resolution of the board of directors shall be adopted by the affirmative votes of a majority directors without any interest in the relevant matter. Where less than 3 directors without any interest in the relevant matter are

present, the matter shall be submitted to the listed

company's shareholders' assembly for deliberation.

Chapter V Issuance and Transfers of Shares in Joint Stock

Limited Companies

Section 1 Issuance of Shares Article 126 The capital of a joint stock limited company

shall be divided into shares of equal value.

The shares of a company shall be represented by stock

certificates. A stock certificate issued by the company

shall certify ownership of one or more shares by a


Article 127 Any issue of shares shall be conducted with

fairness and impartiality. Shares of the same class shall

have the same rights and benefits. Shares issued at the

same time shall be issued at the same price and shall be

subject to the same conditions. The price of shares

purchased by any organization or individual shall be the

same. 第五章 股份有限公司的股份发行和转让 第一节 股份发行 第一百二十六条 股份有限公司的资本划分为股份,每一股的金额相等。 公司的股份采取股票的形式。股票是公司签发的证明股东所持股份的凭证。 第一百二十七条 股份的发行,实行公平、公正的原则,同种类的每一股份应当具有同等权利。同次发行的同种类股票,每股的发行条件和价格应当相同;任何单位或者个人所认购的股份,每股应当支付相同价额。

(相关文章:热点透视1篇 )

第一百二十八条 股票发行价



第一百二十九条 股票采用纸





Article 128 Shares may be issued at a price equal to or at a premium to their par value, but shall not be issued at a price below par value. Article 129 Stock certificates shall be issued in certificated form or any other form prescribed by the securities regulatory institution of the State Council. Stock certificates shall state the following principal details:

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人股票字样。 1. The company name; 2. The company's date of incorporation; 3. The class and par value of the stock, and the number of shares it represents; and 4. The serial number of the stock. Stock certificates shall bear the signature of the legal representative and the seal of the company. Stock certificates held by promoters shall be inscribed

with the words "promoters' stock".

Article 130 Stock certificates issued by a company may

be in registered form or bearer form.

Stock certificates issued to promoters or legal persons

shall be in registered form, shall state the relevant name

of the promoter or legal person, and shall not be

registered in the name of any other person or in the name

of any representative thereof. 第一百三十条 公司发行的股票,可以为记名股票,也可以为无记名股票。 公司向发起人、法人发行的股票,应当为记名股票,并应当记载该发起人、法人的名称或者姓名,不得另立户名或者以代表人姓名记


第一百三十一条 公司发行记









记载其股票数量、编号及发行日期。 Article 131 Any company that issues stock certificates in registered form shall prepare a shareholders' register, which shall record the following matters: 1. The name and address of each shareholder; 2. The number of shares held by each shareholder; 3. The serial numbers of stock certificates held by each shareholder; and 4. The date on which each shareholder acquired his shares. Any company that issues stock certificates in bearer form shall record the amount, serial numbers and date of issue

of the stock certificate.

Article 132 The State Council shall separately make

provisions on enterprises' offering of stocks other than

those as stipulated by the Law.

Article 133 A joint stock limited company shall formally

deliver stock certificates to its shareholders following

establishment of the company and not before.

Article 134 Any company that proposes issuing new shares

shall, pursuant to its articles of association, make a

resolution about the following matters through the

shareholders' assembly or the board of directors:

第一百三十二条 国务院可以对公司发行本法规定以外的其他种类的股份,另行作出规定。 第一百三十三条 股份有限公司成立后,即向股东正式交付股票。公司成立前不得向股东交付股票。 第一百三十四条 公司发行新股,依照公司章程的规定由股东大会或者董事会对下列事项作出决议:






第一百三十五条 公司经国务





的规定适用于公司公开发行新股。 1. The class and number of new shares to be issued; 2. The issue price of the new shares; 3. The offer period for the new shares; and 4. The class and amount of new shares to be issued to the existing shareholders. Article 135 Where any company offers new shares to the public upon the approval of the securities regulatory institution, it shall issue a new share prospectus and financial reports, and shall produce a share subscription form. The provisions of Articles 88 and 89 of this Law shall

apply to any public offer of new company shares.

Article 136 A company that issues new shares may set the

offer price according to its business operations and

financial status. Article 137 Any company that successfully completes a new

offer of shares shall amend its registered details

maintained by the company registration authority and make

an public announcement thereon.

Section 2 Share Transfers

Article 138 Shareholders may transfer their shares in

accordance with the law. 第一百三十六条 公司发行新股,可以根据公司经营情况和财务状况,确定其作价方案。 第一百三十七条 公司发行新股募足股款后,必须向公司登记机关办理变更登记,并公告。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 ) 第二节 股份转让 第一百三十八条 股东持有的股份可以依法转让。

(相关文章:相关案例2篇 )

第一百三十九条 股东转让其




(相关文章:相关案例2篇 )

第一百四十条 记名股票,由






的基准日前五日内,不得进行前款Article 139 Any transfer of shares by a shareholder shall be carried out via a lawfully established stock exchange or by any other means prescribed by the State Council. Article 140 A transfer of registered stock shall be effected by way of a shareholder's endorsement or by any other means prescribed by the relevant laws or administrative regulations. Following any transfer, the company shall record the name and address of the transferee in the shareholders' register. The shareholders' register may not be modified within the 20



另有规定的,从其规定。 days preceding any shareholders' assembly or within the 5 days preceding any ex-dividend date fixed by the company. Any law that provides otherwise in relation to

the amendment of details recorded in the shareholders'

register of a listed company shall prevail over the

provisions of this Article.

Article 141 Any transfer of stock issued in bearer form

shall take effect immediately on delivery of the stock

certificate to the transferee by the transferor. Article 142 Company shares held by the promoters of the

company shall not be transferred within 1 year of the date

of incorporation of the company. Shares issued prior to

any public offer of shares shall not be transferred within

1 year of the date on which the shares of the company are

first listed and traded on a stock exchange.

Directors, supervisors and senior managers of a company

shall notify the company of the shares they hold and any

changes therein. During their respective terms of office,

any shares transferred by any of the company's directors,

supervisors and senior managers in any year shall not

exceed 25% of the relevant individual's total stake in

the company. Company shares held by any director,

supervisor or senior manager shall not be transferred

within 1 year of the date on which the shares are first

listed and traded on a stock exchange. Any of the

aforesaid persons who ceases to hold his post shall not

transfer any of his shares within 6 months of the date

on which he ceased to hold his post. Any other

restrictions on transfers of shares held by directors,

supervisors and senior managers may be specified in the

articles of association.

Article 143 No company shall purchase its own shares other

than in any of the following circumstances:

1. Where a company reduces its registered capital;

2. Where the company plans to merge with a company which

is one of its existing shareholders;

3. Pursuant to an employee share award incentive scheme;


4. Pursuant to a request from any shareholder to purchase

his shares because of his objection to any company

第一百四十一条 无记名股票的转让,由股东将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。 第一百四十二条 发起人持有的本公司股份,自公司成立之日起一年内不得转让。公司公开发行股份前已发行的股份,自公司股票在证券交易所上市交易之日起一年内不得转让。 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员应当向公司申报所持有的本公司的股份及其变动情况,在任职期间每年转让的股份不得超过其所持有本公司股份总数的百分之二十五;所持本公司股份自公司股票上市交易之日起一年内不得转让。上述人员离职后半年内,不得转让其所持有的本公司股份。公司章程可以对公司董事、监事、高级管理人员转让其所持有的本公司股份作出其他限制性规定。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 热点透视2篇 专家咨询1篇 ) 第一百四十三条 公司不得收购本公司股份。但是,有下列情形之一的除外: (一)减少公司注册资本; (二)与持有本公司股份的其他公司合并; (三)将股份奖励给本公司职工; (四)股东因对股东大会作出



















(相关文章:法律法规3篇 相

关案例25篇 热点透视2篇 ) resolution concerning a merger or demerger made at any shareholders' assembly. Any company purchase of its own shares for any reason specified in sub-paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall be subject to a resolution of the shareholders' assembly. Following any company purchase of its own shares pursuant to the provisions of this Article, the company shall, in the event of a purchase made pursuant to sub-paragraph 1, cancel the relevant shares within 10 days of the purchase, or in the event of a purchase made pursuant to sub-paragraph 2 or 4, transfer or cancel the relevant shares within 6 months of the purchase. Any shares purchased by the company in accordance with Item 3 of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 5% of the total shares already issued by the company. The funds used to acquire the shares shall be derived from the after-tax profits of the company. The shares purchased by the company shall be transferred to the relevant employees within 1 year of the company's purchase thereof.

No company may take a pledge of its own stock. Article 144 Where any registered stock is stolen, lost

or destroyed, the relevant shareholder may request the

people's court to declare the stock invalid in accordance

with the public notification procedure prescribed in the

Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.

Where the people's court invalidates stock pursuant to

this procedure, the relevant shareholder may file an

application with the company for the issuance of new


Article 145 The shares of a listed company shall be listed

and traded in accordance with relevant laws,

administrative regulations, and with the dealing rules

of the stock exchange on which they are listed and traded.

Article 146 A listed company shall, in accordance with

laws and administrative regulations, publicly announce

matters relating to its financial status, business

operations and any significant litigation to which it is

a party, and shall publish its financial reports once in

every six month period in each financial year.

第一百四十四条 记名股票被盗、遗失或者灭失,股东可以依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》规定的公示催告程序,请求人民法院宣告该股票失效。人民法院宣告该股票失效后,股东可以向公司申请补发股票。 (相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) 第一百四十五条 上市公司的股票,依照有关法律、行政法规及证券交易所交易规则上市交易。 (相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) 第一百四十六条 上市公司必须依照法律、行政法规的规定,公开其财务状况、经营情况及重大诉讼,在每会计年度内半年公布一次财务会计报告。

第六章 公司董事、监事、高


第一百四十七条 有下列情形



























(相关文章:法律法规28篇 相

关案例6篇 ) Chapter VI Qualifications and Duties of Company Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers Article 147 None of the following people shall be eligible for appointment as a director, supervisor or senior manager of a company: 1. Any person who does not have civil capacity or who has only limited civil capacity; 2. Any person who has been convicted of any criminal offence in the nature of corruption, bribery, conversion, misappropriation or disrupting the economic order of the socialist market and 5 years have not elapsed since any penalty imposed has been completed, or any person who has ever been deprived of his political rights due to any crime and 3 years have not elapsed since the penalty imposed was completed; 3. Any former director, factory director or manager of a company or enterprise which has been declared bankrupt and liquidated in circumstances where he was personally responsible for the bankruptcy of the company or enterprise, and three years have not elapsed since the bankruptcy and liquidation of the company or enterprise was completed; 4. Any former legal representative of a company or enterprise which has had its business license revoked and has been ordered to close its business operations due to any violation of law in circumstances where the former legal representative was personally liable for the revocation of the business license and three years have not elapsed since the date of revocation; or 5. Any person who has significant unpaid debts. Any election or appointment of any director, supervisor,

or senior manager made in violation of the provisions of

this Article shall be invalid. Any existing director,

supervisor or senior manager the appointment of whom

would violate the provisions of this Article shall be

removed from his post.

Article 148 The directors, supervisors and senior

managers of a company shall comply with laws,

administrative regulations, and the articles of

association and shall owe duties of fidelity and due

diligence to the company.

第一百四十八条 董事、监事、高级管理人员应当遵守法律、行政法规和公司章程,对公司负有忠实义务和勤勉义务。 董事、监事、高级管理人员不

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(相关文章:法律法规5篇 相

关案例21篇 热点透视1篇 专业书

刊1篇 )

第一百四十九条 董事、高级

























(相关文章:法律法规10篇 相

关案例35篇 ) No director, supervisor or senior manager may take any bribe or other illegal gain by taking advantage of his position or misappropriate company assets for personal use. Article 149 No director or senior manager may: 1. Misappropriate company funds; 2. Divert company funds into an account held in his own name or in the name of any other individual; 3. Loan company funds or provide any guaranty to any other person by using company property in violation of the articles of association without first obtaining the consent of a shareholders' meeting, a shareholders' assembly or the board of directors; 4. Become a party to any contract or business dealings with the company in violation of the articles of association without first obtaining the consent of a shareholders' meeting or a shareholders' assembly; 5. Seek business opportunities for himself or for any other person by taking advantage of his position, or operate on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person any business similar in nature to that of the company, without first obtaining the consent of a shareholders' meeting or a shareholders' assembly; 6. Personally accept any commission on any transaction to which the company is a party; 7. Unlawfully disclose confidential company information; or 8. Act in any way that is inconsistent with his duty of fidelity to the company. Any income received by any director or senior manager in violation of this Article shall be treated as the property

of the company.

Article 150 Where any director, supervisor or senior

manager violates any law, administrative regulation, or

the articles of association in the course of performing

his duties, he shall be liable to compensate the company

for any loss thereby caused to the company.. 第一百五十条 董事、监事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。

(相关文章:相关案例44篇 热

点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第一百五十一条 股东会或者










(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第一百五十二条 董事、高级


























(相关文章:法律法规4篇 相

关案例58篇 热点透视1篇 专业书

刊2篇 ) Article 151 Where a meeting of shareholders or a shareholders' assembly requires any director, supervisor or senior manager to attend the meeting as a non-voting representative, he shall do so and shall answer the shareholders' inquiries. Directors and senior managers shall faithfully provide relevant information and materials to the board of supervisors or to the supervisor(s) of a limited liability company with no board of supervisors, and may not obstruct the board of supervisors or any supervisor in the exercise of its or his powers. Article 152 Where a director or senior manager is liable to compensate a company in accordance with Article 150 of this Law, any shareholder or group of shareholders of the limited liability company or joint stock limited company concerned who has or have held 1% or more of the shares in the company for 180 consecutive days or more may make a written request to the board of supervisors or to the supervisor(s) of a limited liability company with no board of supervisors to initiate legal action in the people's court against the relevant director or senior manager. Where any supervisor is liable to compensate the company in accordance with Article 150 of this Law, the aforesaid shareholder(s) may make a written request to the board of directors or to the acting director of a limited liability company with no board of directors to initiate legal action in the people's court. Where any board of supervisors, any supervisor of a limited liability company with no board of supervisors, or any board of directors or acting director refuses to initiate legal action after receiving a written request described in the preceding paragraph, or fails to initiate legal action within 30 days of receiving the request, or if, in the event of any urgent situation in which failing to initiate legal action forthwith will cause irreparable damage to the interests of the company, the shareholder(s) described in the preceding paragraph may initiate legal action in the people's court in his or their own name(s). Where the legitimate rights and interests of a company

are damaged and the company thereby suffers any loss, the

shareholder(s) described in the first paragraph of this

Article may initiate legal action in the people's court

in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two

paragraphs. 第一百五十三条 董事、高级




(相关文章:相关案例17篇 热

点透视1篇 专业书刊1篇 )

第七章 公司债券

第一百五十四条 本法所称公





的发行条件。 Article 153 Where any director or senior manager damages the shareholders' interests by violating any law, administrative regulation, or the articles of association, the shareholders may initiate legal action in the people's court. Chapter VII Corporate Bonds Article 154 The term "corporate bonds" as referred to in this Law means negotiable instruments issued by a company under the relevant statutory procedures with guaranteed payment of principal and interest by a specified future date or dates. Any company that issues corporate bonds shall satisfy the issuance requirements specified in the

Securities Law of the People's Republic of China.

Article 155 Following the approval of any application to

issue corporate bonds by the department authorized by the

State Council, the issuing company shall publish an

offering circular which shall include the following key


1. The company name;

2. The purpose(s) for which the proceeds of the corporate

bond issue will be used;

3. The total amount of corporate bonds to be issued and

the par value thereof;

4. The method for determining the coupon rate of the


5. The maturity date and the method for principal and

coupon payments;

6. The terms of any bond guaranty;

7. The issue price of the bonds and the offer period;

8. The net assets of the company;

9. The total amount of the company's corporate bonds

outstanding; and

10. The underwriters of the corporate bonds.

Article 156 Any bonds issued by a company in certificated

第一百五十五条 发行公司债券的申请经国务院授权的部门核准后,应当公告公司债券募集办法。公司债券募集办法中应当载明下列主要事项: (一)公司名称; (二)债券募集资金的用途; (三)债券总额和债券的票面金额; (四)债券利率的确定方式; (五)还本付息的期限和方式; (六)债券担保情况; (七)债券的发行价格、发行的起止日期; (八)公司净资产额; (九)已发行的尚未到期的公司债券总额; (十)公司债券的承销机构。 第一百五十六条 公司以实物





第一百五十七条 公司债券,



第一百五十八条 公司发行公
















(相关文章:相关案例2篇 )

第一百五十九条 记名公司债



(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第一百六十条 公司债券可以






第一百六十一条 记名公司债




form shall state the company's name, the par value, the coupon rate, the maturity date and similar details, and shall bear the signature of the legal representative of the company and the company seal. Article 157 Corporate bonds may be issued in registered or bearer form. Article 158 Any company that issues corporate bonds shall complete and retain corporate bond stubs. The stub for any registered corporate bond shall state: 1. The name and address of the bondholder; 2. The date on which the bondholder acquired the bond and the serial number of the bond; 3. The total face value of the bond, par value, coupon rate, maturity date and method for payments of principal and coupon; and 4. the date on which the bond was issued. The stub for any corporate bond issued in bearer form shall state the total face value of the bond, the coupon rate, the maturity date and payment method, the issue date and the serial number of the bond. Article 159 The registration and settlement institution for registered corporate bonds shall establish rules on the registration, custody, and acceptance of bonds, and on the payment of coupons. Article 160 Corporate bonds may be transferred. The transfer price shall be negotiated by the transferor and the transferee. Any transfer of corporate bonds which are listed and traded on a stock exchange shall be carried out in accordance with the dealing rules of the stock exchange. Article 161 Any transfer of registered corporate bonds shall be effected by the bondholder's endorsement or by any other method prescribed in the relevant laws and administrative regulations.





即发生转让的效力。 In the event of any transfer of registered bonds, the company shall record the transferee's name and address on the corporate bond stub. Any transfer of unregistered corporate bonds shall take effect when the bondholder delivers the bonds to the

transferee. Article 162 A listed company may, pursuant to a resolution

of a shareholders' assembly, issue convertible bonds on

terms specified in the corporate bond offering circular.

To issue convertible bonds, a listed company shall file

an application with the securities regulatory

institution for examination and approval. Convertible

bonds shall be inscribed with the words "convertible

bonds" and the number of convertible bonds issued shall

be specified in the company's bondholder records. 第一百六十二条 上市公司经股东大会决议可以发行可转换为股票的公司债券,并在公司债券募集办法中规定具体的转换办法。上市公司发行可转换为股票的公司债券,应当报国务院证券监督管理机构核准。发行可转换为股票的公司债券,应当在债券上标明可转换公司债券字样,并在公司债券存根簿


第一百六十三条 发行可转换





第八章 公司财务、会计

第一百六十四条 公司应当依




(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第一百六十五条 公司应当在






(相关文章:法律法规2篇 )

第一百六十六条 有限责任公



Article 163 Any company that issues convertible bonds shall exchange its shares for convertible bonds held by bondholders in accordance with the conversion formula prescribed, provided that bondholders shall in any event retain an option to convert their bonds. Chapter VIII Financial Affairs and Company Accounts Article 164 A company shall establish its financial and accounting policies in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions of the treasury department of the State Council. Article 165 A company shall, after the end of each financial year, draft a financial report and have it audited by an accounting firm. The financial report shall be prepared in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions of the treasury department of the State Council. Article 166 A limited liability company shall submit its financial report to each shareholder within the time limit prescribed in its articles of association. The

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(相关文章:相关案例1篇 )

第一百六十七条 公司分配当

























(相关文章:法律法规3篇 相

关案例6篇 热点透视3篇 专业书

刊1篇 ) financial report of a joint stock limited company shall be prepared for inspection by shareholders at the offices of the company 20 days in advance of the date on which the annual general meeting of shareholders is held. A joint stock limited company that has offered its shares to the public shall publicize its financial report. Article 167 Where a company distributes its after-tax profits for the current financial year, it shall draw 10 per cent of its profits as the company's statutory common reserve, provided that a company with an aggregate common reserve of more than 50 percent of the company's registered capital may elect not to draw any of its current year profits as a statutory common reserve. Where the aggregate balance of the company's statutory common reserve does not cover any loss the company made in the previous financial year, the current financial year's profits shall first be used to cover the loss before any statutory common reserve is drawn therefrom in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. Where any company has drawn a statutory common reserve from its after-tax profits, it may, subject to a resolution of the shareholders' assembly, draw a discretionary common reserve from its after-tax profits. Where losses have been covered and the statutory and discretionary common reserves have been drawn, any remaining profits shall be distributed to shareholders in accordance with Article 35 of this Law in the case of a limited liability company or on a pro rata basis in the case of a joint stock limited company. Where a shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or board of directors distributes profits in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph before losses are covered and the statutory common reserve is drawn,

the profits distributed must be returned to the company.

No company may distribute any profits to itself by way

of a distribution of profits to shares the company owns.

Article 168 Any stock premium received by a joint stock

limited company from the issuance of stock at a premium

to par and any other income to be included in the capital

reserve account under any relevant provisions of the 第一百六十八条 股份有限公司以超过股票票面金额的发行价格发行股份所得的溢价款以及国务院财政部门规定列入资本公积金的其


他收入,应当列为公司资本公积金。 treasury department of the State Council shall be

recorded as the company's capital reserve. Article 169 A company's common reserves shall be used to

cover losses made in past years, to enhance the company's

productivity and expand its business or to increase its

registered capital; however a company's capitalized

common reserves shall not be used to cover the company's

losses. Where the statutory common reserve is converted into

capital, the value of the remaining common reserve shall

be no less than 25 % of the company's registered capital

prior to the conversion.

Article 170 Any proposed appointment or dismissal of a

company's auditor shall be subject to a resolution of a

shareholders' meeting, a shareholders' assembly or of the

board of directors in accordance with the provisions of

the articles of association.

Any shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or

board of directors that votes to dismiss any accounting

firm as its auditor shall allow the accounting firm to

express its own opinions.

Article 171 A company shall provide the accounting firm

appointed as its auditor with accurate and complete

accounting books and records, financial and accounting

statements, and other accounting documents, and may not

refuse to do so or conceal any such accounting records

or make any false statement to its auditor.

Article 172 A company shall not maintain any set of

accounts that differs from its statutory accounting


No company assets may be held in any account opened in

the name of any individual.

Chapter IX Mergers and Demergers; Increases and Decreases

in Registered Capital

Article 173 A corporate merger may be effected by way of

merger or consolidation.

In the case of a merger, one company absorbs another

52 第一百六十九条 公司的公积金用于弥补公司的亏损、扩大公司生产经营或者转为增加公司资本。但是,资本公积金不得用于弥补公司的亏损。 法定公积金转为资本时,所留存的该项公积金不得少于转增前公司注册资本的百分之二十五。 (相关文章:热点透视2篇 ) 第一百七十条 公司聘用、解聘承办公司审计业务的会计师事务所,依照公司章程的规定,由股东会、股东大会或者董事会决定。 公司股东会、股东大会或者董事会就解聘会计师事务所进行表决时,应当允许会计师事务所陈述意见。 第一百七十一条 公司应当向聘用的会计师事务所提供真实、完整的会计凭证、会计账簿、财务会计报告及其他会计资料,不得拒绝、隐匿、谎报。 第一百七十二条 公司除法定的会计账簿外,不得另立会计账簿。 对公司资产,不得以任何个人名义开立账户存储。 (相关文章:相关案例5篇 ) 第九章 公司合并、分立、增资、减资 第一百七十三条 公司合并可以采取吸收合并或者新设合并。 一个公司吸收其他公司为吸收




(相关文章:热点透视1篇 )

第一百七十四条 公司合并,









(相关文章:相关案例2篇 ) company and the company that has been absorbed is dissolved; in the case of a consolidation, two or more companies combine to establish a new company, and the existing companies are dissolved. Article 174 To carry out a corporate merger, both parties to the merger shall conclude an agreement with each other and formulate balance sheets and schedules of assets. The two parties to a merger shall, within ten days of making the decision to merge, notify their respective creditors and make a public announcement of their intention to merge in a newspaper within 30 days of making the decision to merge. Any creditor may, within 30 days of receiving said notice or, in the event that the creditor does not receive a notice, within 45 days as of the issuance of said public

announcement, require the company to repay its debt in

full or to provide a corresponding guaranty.

Article 175 In any corporate merger, the assets and

liabilities of the two parties to the merger shall be

assumed by the company that survives the merger, or by

the newly-established company in the case of a

consolidation. 第一百七十五条 公司合并时,合并各方的债权、债务,应当由合并后存续的公司或者新设的公司承继。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例9篇 热点透视1篇 )

第一百七十六条 公司分立,






(相关文章:相关案例6篇 专

家咨询1篇 ) Article 176 The assets of any company that goes through a demerger shall be divided between the companies that result from the demerger. To enable a demerger to proceed, balance sheets and schedules of assets shall be formulated. The company shall inform its creditors within 10 days of the date on which the decision to proceed with the demerger is made, and shall make a public announcement about the demerger proposal in a newspaper within 30 days

of the date on which the decision to proceed with the

demerger is made.

Article 177 Unless otherwise agreed to by the company and

its creditors in any written agreement regarding the

repayment of company debts concluded prior to any

demerger, the companies that result from the demerger

shall be jointly and severally liable for the existing

debts of the company. 第一百七十七条 公司分立前的债务由分立后的公司承担连带责任。但是,公司在分立前与债权人就债务清偿达成的书面协议另有约定的除外。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例9篇 热点透视1篇 专家咨


询2篇 ) 第一百七十八条 公司需要减











(相关文章:热点透视1篇 ) Article 178 Where a company finds it necessary to reduce its registered capital, it must formulate its balance sheet and schedule of assets. The company shall, within ten days of the date on which it decides to reduce its registered capital, notify its creditors and make a public announcement about the proposed reduction in capital in a newspaper within 30 days of the date on which it decides to reduce its registered capital. Any creditor shall, within 30 days of receipt of such a notice or, where it does not receive a notice, within 45 days of the date of the public announcement, be entitled to require the company to repay

its debt in full or to provide a corresponding guaranty.

The registered capital of any company that reduces its

registered capital shall not be any lower than the minimum

prescribed by law.

Article 179 Where a limited liability company increases

its registered capital, the respective capital

contributions of shareholders for the amount of the

increase shall be governed by the relevant provisions of

this Law regarding capital contributions in the

establishment of a limited liability company.

Where a joint stock limited company issues new stock to

increase its registered capital, shareholder

subscriptions for new stock shall be governed by the

relevant provisions of this Law regarding stock purchases

in the establishment of a joint stock limited company. Article 180 Where, as a result of any corporate merger

or demerger to which a company is a party, any of the

company's registered details change, the company shall

amend its registered details with the company

registration authority. In the event that any company

that is a party to a merger or demerger is dissolved, it

shall be deregistered in accordance with the law. In the

event that any new company results from any merger or

demerger, it shall comply with the procedures for

establishment of a company as provided by law.

In the event that any company that is a party to a merger

or demerger increases or reduces its registered capital,

54 第一百七十九条 有限责任公司增加注册资本时,股东认缴新增资本的出资,依照本法设立有限责任公司缴纳出资的有关规定执行。 股份有限公司为增加注册资本发行新股时,股东认购新股,依照本法设立股份有限公司缴纳股款的有关规定执行。 (相关文章:相关案例1篇 热点透视2篇 ) 第一百八十条 公司合并或者分立,登记事项发生变更的,应当依法向公司登记机关办理变更登记;公司解散的,应当依法办理公司注销登记;设立新公司的,应当依法办理公司设立登记。 公司增加或者减少注册资本,应当依法向公司登记机关办理变更登记。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相关案例2篇 专家咨询1篇 )

the company shall comply with the amendment procedures

of the company registration authority in accordance with

the law.

第十章 公司解散和清算

第一百八十一条 公司因下列













(相关文章:法律法规2篇 相

关案例57篇 )

第一百八十二条 公司有本法








(相关文章:相关案例1篇 ) Chapter X Company Dissolutions and Liquidations Article 181 A company may be dissolved where: 1. Its term of business operation as prescribed in the articles of association expires or any dissolution event as prescribed in the articles of association of the company occurs or is satisfied; 2. The shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly resolves to dissolve the company; 3. Dissolution of the company is necessary due to any merger or demerger to which the company is a party; 4. Its business license is revoked or it is ordered to close down or be dissolved in accordance with the law; or 5. The people's court makes an order for dissolution of the company in accordance with Article 183 of this Law. Article 182 Where any of the circumstances prescribed in Article 181 (1) of this Law occurs, a company may nevertheless continue in existence by amending its articles of association. Any amendment to the articles of association in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the consent of shareholders representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights in the case of a limited liability company, or to the consent

of two-thirds or more of the voting rights of shareholders

who attend the relevant shareholders' assembly in the

case of a joint stock limited company.

Article 183 Where any company encounters serious

difficulties in its operations or management that will

lead to significant shareholder losses if they persist

and the situation cannot be resolved by any other means,

shareholders representing ten per cent or more of the

voting rights of all shareholders may petition the

people's court to dissolve the company. 第一百八十三条 公司经营管理发生严重困难,继续存续会使股东利益受到重大损失,通过其他途径不能解决的,持有公司全部股东表决权百分之十以上的股东,可以请求人民法院解散公司。 (相关文章: 热点透视2篇 专

业书刊2篇 相关案例70篇 法律法


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规5篇 )

第一百八十四条 公司因本法













(相关文章:法律法规3篇 相

关案例55篇 专业书刊2篇 ) Article 184 Where any company is dissolved in accordance with the provisions of Article 181 1, 2, 4, or 5of this Law, a liquidation committee shall be formed within fifteen days of the date on which the circumstances leading to dissolution of the company occurred in order to administer the liquidation. The liquidation committee of a limited liability company shall be comprised of its shareholders, while that of a joint stock limited company shall be comprised of its directors or any other individuals appointed by the shareholders' assembly. Where a liquidation committee is not formed within the time limit specified, the company's creditors may petition the people's court to appoint appropriate individuals to form a liquidation committee. The people's court shall approve such a petition and form a liquidation

committee in order to liquidate the company in a timely

manner. Article 185 A liquidation committee may take the

following steps during the course of the liquidation:

1. Liquidate the company's assets and produce a balance

sheet and schedule of assets;

2. Notify the company's creditors by way of notice or

public announcement;

3. Manage and wind down the remaining business of the


4. Pay outstanding taxes and any tax liability incurred

in the course of the liquidation;

5. Pay the company's accounts payable and recover its

accounts receivable;

6. Dispose of the company's residual assets; and

7. Represent the company in any civil litigation to which

it is a party. 第一百八十五条 清算组在清算期间行使下列职权: (一)清理公司财产,分别编制资产负债表和财产清单; (二)通知、公告债权人; (三)处理与清算有关的公司未了结的业务; (四)清缴所欠税款以及清算过程中产生的税款; (五)清理债权、债务; (六)处理公司清偿债务后的剩余财产; (七)代表公司参与民事诉讼活动。 (相关文章:相关案例10篇 专

业书刊1篇 )

第一百八十六条 清算组应当






Article 186 A liquidation committee shall, within 10 days of its formation, notify the company's creditors of its formation, and shall make a public announcement in a newspaper on the formation of a liquidation committee within 60 days of its formation. Any creditor shall, within 30 days of receipt of a notice or within 45 days 56






(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例14篇 ) of the public announcement in the event that the relevant creditor does not receive a notice, make a claim to the liquidation committee on the debt it is owed. In making a claim for any debt outstanding, a creditor shall describe the relevant details and provide supporting evidence. The liquidation committee shall record all debts claimed, and may not repay any creditor

during the debt claim period. Article 187 A liquidation committee shall, after

liquidating the assets of the company and producing a

balance sheet and schedule of assets, draft a liquidation

plan and present it to the shareholders' meeting or the

shareholders' assembly or to the people's court for


Any remaining assets after payment of liquidation

expenses, employee wages, social insurance premiums and

legal indemnity premiums, outstanding taxes and

outstanding debts may, in the case of a limited liability

company, be distributed to shareholders on a pro rata

basis in accordance with the respective proportion of

capital contributed by each shareholder or, in the case

of a joint stock limited company, distributed on a pro

rata basis in accordance with the respective proportion

of stock held by each shareholder.

A company in liquidation shall continue in existence

during the course of the liquidation but may not conduct

any new business unconnected with the liquidation. No

company assets may be distributed to any shareholder

before being applied as described in the previous


Article 188 Where, after liquidating the assets of a

company and formulating a balance sheet and schedule of

assets, a liquidation committee finds that the company's

assets are insufficient to meet its obligations in full,

it shall file a bankruptcy petition with the people's


Where the people's court declares the company bankrupt,

the liquidation committee shall hand over administration

of the liquidation to the people's court. 第一百八十七条 清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单后,应当制定清算方案,并报股东会、股东大会或者人民法院确认。 公司财产在分别支付清算费用、职工的工资、社会保险费用和法定补偿金,缴纳所欠税款,清偿公司债务后的剩余财产,有限责任公司按照股东的出资比例分配,股份有限公司按照股东持有的股份比例分配。清算期间,公司存续,但不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。公司财产在未按前款规定清偿前,不得分配给股东。 (相关文章:相关案例27篇 热点透视5篇 ) 第一百八十八条 清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单后,发现公司财产不足清偿债务的,应当依法向人民法院申请宣告破产。 公司经人民法院裁定宣告破产后,清算组应当将清算事务移交给人民法院。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例3篇 )


第一百八十九条 公司清算结





(相关文章:法律法规2篇 相

关案例3篇 ) Article 189 On completion of any company liquidation, the liquidation committee shall draft a liquidation report and submit it to the shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly or to the people's court for confirmation, and shall submit it to the company registration authority for the company to be struck off the register. The liquidation committee shall also make

a public announcement about the fact that the company has

been struck off the register.

Article 190 The members of a liquidation committee shall,

during the course of liquidation, carry out their duties

and perform their obligations in accordance with the law.

No member of a liquidation committee may take advantage

of his position by taking any bribe or any other unlawful

payment, nor may he misappropriate any company asset.

Any member of a liquidation committee who causes any loss

to the company or to any of its creditors either

intentionally or due to his gross negligence shall be

liable to compensate the affected party.

Article 191 Any company adjudicated bankrupt in

accordance with the law shall be liquidated in bankruptcy

in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. 第一百九十条 清算组成员应当忠于职守,依法履行清算义务。 清算组成员不得利用职权收受贿赂或者其他非法收入,不得侵占公司财产。 清算组成员因故意或者重大过失给公司或者债权人造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 (相关文章:相关案例22篇 ) 第一百九十一条 公司被依法宣告破产的,依照有关企业破产的法律实施破产清算。

(相关文章:相关案例7篇 )

第十一章 外国公司的分支机

第一百九十二条 本法所称外



(相关文章:相关案例3篇 )

第一百九十三条 外国公司在








(相关文章:法律法规2篇 相

Chapter XI Branches of Foreign Companies Article 192 The term "foreign company" as referred to in this Law means a company established outside the territory of China under any foreign law. Article 193 Any foreign company that plans to establish a branch within the territory of China shall submit an application with the competent authority in China and shall submit supporting documents such as its articles of incorporation, its certificate of incorporation as issued in its country of domicile, and similar documents, shall comply with the lawful registration requirements of the company registration authority, and shall obtain a business license. 58

关案例1篇 热点透视1篇 ) The measures for the examination and approval of branches

of foreign companies shall be separately formulated by

the State Council. Article 194 Where a foreign company establishes any

branch within the territory of China, it must designate

a representative or agent within the territory of China

to take charge of the branch, and shall allocate to the

branch funds commensurate with the business activities

it engages in. 第一百九十四条 外国公司在中国境内设立分支机构,必须在中国境内指定负责该分支机构的代表人或者代理人,并向该分支机构拨付与其所从事的经营活动相适应的资金。对外国公司分支机构的经营



(相关文章:相关案例2篇 )

第一百九十五条 外国公司的





(相关文章:相关案例2篇 )

第一百九十六条 外国公司在




境内进行经营活动承担民事责任。 Article 195 The name of any branch of a foreign company shall indicate its country of domicile and its form of legal liability in terms of the law of the country in which it is domiciled. Any branch of a foreign company shall make its articles of incorporation available at its place of business. Article 196 No branch of a foreign company established within the territory of China shall have the status of a legal person. A foreign company shall bear civil liability for business operations of its branches carried on within the

territory of China.

Article 197 Branches of foreign companies which are

established and approved shall abide by the laws of China

in pursuing business activities carried on within the

territory of China and may not injure the social or public

interests of China. The lawful rights and interests of

branches of foreign companies shall be protected by

Chinese law. Article 198 Any foreign company that closes down any of

its branches within the territory of China must pay the

branch's debts in full in accordance with the law and

shall liquidate the branch in accordance with the

provisions of this Law on the procedures for the

liquidation of a company. No branch of a foreign company

established in China may transfer any of its assets out

59 第一百九十七条 经批准设立的外国公司分支机构,在中国境内从事业务活动,必须遵守中国的法律,不得损害中国的社会公共利益,其合法权益受中国法律保护。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相关案例1篇 ) 第一百九十八条 外国公司撤销其在中国境内的分支机构时,必须依法清偿债务,依照本法有关公司清算程序的规定进行清算。未清偿债务之前,不得将其分支机构的财产移至中国境外。 (相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例8篇 ) of China before first paying its outstanding debts in


Chapter XII Legal Liability Article 199 Any person who, in the course of registering

a company, misstates its registered capital, submits

false documentation or uses any other fraudulent means

in order to conceal any important fact shall be ordered

by the company registration authority to remedy the

defect. Where the registered capital of a company is

misstated, the person responsible shall be fined between

5% and 15% of the amount by which the registered capital

was misstated; where false documentation is submitted or

where any other fraudulent means is used in order to

conceal any important fact, the person responsible shall

be fined between 5,000 RMB and 50,000 RMB; where the

circumstances are serious, the company's registration

certificate shall be revoked or its business license

shall be revoked.

Article 200 Any promoter or shareholder of a company who

makes any fraudulent capital contribution or fails to

deliver or fails to promptly deliver the money or

non-financial assets to be used as a capital contribution

shall be ordered by the company registration authority

to remedy the defect and shall be fined between 5% and

15% of the purported value of the fraudulent capital


Article 201 Any promoter or shareholder who unlawfully

withdraws his capital contribution after the company is

incorporated shall be ordered by the company registration

authority to remedy the defect and shall be fined between

5% and 15% of the capital contribution unlawfully

withdrawn. 第十二章 法律责任 第一百九十九条 违反本法规定,虚报注册资本、提交虚假材料或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事实取得公司登记的,由公司登记机关责令改正,对虚报注册资本的公司,处以虚报注册资本金额百分之五以上百分之十五以下的罚款;对提交虚假材料或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事实的公司,处以五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,撤销公司登记或者吊销营业执照。 (相关文章:法律法规2篇 相关案例3篇 ) 第二百条 公司的发起人、股东虚假出资,未交付或者未按期交付作为出资的货币或者非货币财产的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处以虚假出资金额百分之五以上百分之十五以下的罚款。 (相关文章:法律法规2篇 相关案例2篇 ) 第二百零一条 公司的发起人、股东在公司成立后,抽逃其出资的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处以所抽逃出资金额百分之五以上百分之十五以下的罚款。 (相关文章:法律法规2篇 相

关案例4篇 )

第二百零二条 公司违反本法





Article 202 Any company that maintains any set of accounts that differs from its statutory accounting books in violation of this Law shall be ordered by the treasury department of the people's government at the county level or above to remedy the defect and shall be fined between 60

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50,000 RMB and 500, 000 RMB. 第二百零三条 公司在依法向







第二百零四条 公司不依照本





第二百零五条 公司在合并、
















(相关文章:法律法规2篇 ) Article 203 Where a company falsifies records or conceals any important matter in materials such as financial and accounting statements submitted to relevant government departments, the relevant government department shall impose a fine of between 30,000 RMB and 300,000 RMB on the person or persons directly responsible. Article 204 Any company that fails to draw a statutory common reserve in accordance with this Law shall be ordered by the treasury department of the people's government at the county level or above to draw the required amount and may be fined up to 200,000 RMB. Article 205 Any company that fails to make any notification to its creditors by way of notice or by way of public announcement of any merger, demerger, reducion in its registered capital or liquidation shall be ordered by the company registration authority to remedy the defect and may be fined between 10,000 RMB and 100,000 RMB. Where, in the course of any liquidation, any company conceals any of its assets or makes any false entry in its balance sheet or schedule of assets or distributes any of the company's assets before repaying its outstanding debts in full, it shall be ordered by the company registration authority to remedy the defect and may be fined between 5% and 10% of the value of company assets it has concealed or distributed prior to paying the company's outstanding debts in full, and the person or persons directly responsible may be fined between

10,000 RMB and 100,000 RMB.

Article 206 Any company that, in the course of any

liquidation, carries on any business activity

unconnected with the liquidation shall be reprimanded by

the company registration authority and any unlawful

proceeds shall be confiscated. 第二百零六条 公司在清算期间开展与清算无关的经营活动的,由公司登记机关予以警告,没收违法所得。 (相关文章:法律法规2篇 相

关案例2篇 )

第二百零七条 清算组不依照

Article 207 Any liquidation committee that fails to











(相关文章:法律法规2篇 ) submit a liquidation report to the company registration authority in accordance with the provisions of this Law or conceals or omits any important fact in or from the liquidation report submitted shall be ordered by the company registration authority to remedy the defect. Any member of a liquidation committee who takes advantage of his position to seek any unlawful personal benefit either for himself or on behalf of any of his relatives or who procures any unlawful gain or who misappropriates any of the company's assets shall be ordered by the company registration authority to return any company

assets and confiscate any unlawful benefits or gains as

appropriate, and shall be fined between 1 and 5 times the

value of the assets, benefits or gains unlawfully

derived .

Article 208 Any institution that undertakes an appraisal

or verification of assets or a verification of

certificates that provides any false materials shall have

its unlawful proceeds confiscated by the company

registration authority, shall be fined between 1 and 5

times the value of any proceeds unlawfully gained, may

be ordered by the competent administrative department to

suspend its business operations or to cancel the

qualification certificate(s) of the person or persons

directly responsible, and shall have its business license


Any institution that undertakes the appraisal or

verification of assets or a verification of certificates

that omits any important matter from the report it submits

shall be ordered by the company registration authority

to remedy the defect; where the circumstances are

serious, it shall be fined between 1 and 5 times the value

of any proceeds unlawfully obtained thereby, and may be

ordered by the competent administrative department to

suspend its business operations, to cancel the

qualification certificate(s) of the person or persons

directly responsible, and may have its business license


Any institution that undertakes an appraisal or

verification of assets or a verification of certificates

that provides an appraisal result or proof of asset

verification or certificate verification that is 第二百零八条 承担资产评估、验资或者验证的机构提供虚假材料的,由公司登记机关没收违法所得,处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,并可以由有关主管部门依法责令该机构停业、吊销直接责任人员的资格证书,吊销营业执照。 承担资产评估、验资或者验证的机构因过失提供有重大遗漏的报告的,由公司登记机关责令改正,情节较重的,处以所得收入一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,并可以由有关主管部门依法责令该机构停业、吊销直接责任人员的资格证书,吊销营业执照。 承担资产评估、验资或者验证的机构因其出具的评估结果、验资或者验证证明不实,给公司债权人造成损失的,除能够证明自己没有过错的外,在其评估或者证明不实的金额范围内承担赔偿责任。 (相关文章:法律法规3篇 相关案例6篇 热点透视1篇 专业书刊2篇 )

subsequently proven to be inaccurate and which has caused

any loss to the creditors of the company shall be liable

to compensate the creditors for the difference between

the appraised or verified amount and the value at which

the assets etc. should have been accurately appraised or

verified, unless it is able to demonstrate that the

inaccurate appraisal or verification did not contribute

to any loss suffered. 第二百零九条 公司登记机关






(相关文章:法律法规1篇 )

第二百一十条 公司登记机关







予行政处分。 Article 209 Where any company registration authority registers any application that does not meet the conditions prescribed in this Law or fails to register any application which meets the conditions prescribed in this Law, the person or persons directly responsible shall be subject to an administrative sanction. Article 210 Where any company registration authority is required by its superior government department to register any application that does not meet the conditions prescribed in this Law or to refuse any application that meets the conditions prescribed in this Law or where its superior government department suppresses information relating to any unlawful registration, the person or persons directly responsible

shall be subject to an administrative sanction in

accordance with the law. Article 211 Any person who carries on business operations

in the name of a limited liability company or joint stock

limited company without registering a limited liability

company or joint stock limited company in accordance with

the law or who carries on business operations in the name

of a subsidiary of any limited liability company or joint

stock limited company without registering as a subsidiary

of any limited liability company or joint stock limited

company in accordance with the law shall be ordered by

the company registration authority to remedy the defect

or be subject to its enforcement procedures, and may be

fined up to 100,000 RMB.

Article 212 Any company that fails to commence business

operations within 6 months of incorporation without

第二百一十一条 未依法登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司,而冒用有限责任公司或者股份有限公司名义的,或者未依法登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司的分公司,而冒用有限责任公司或者股份有限公司的分公司名义的,由公司登记机关责令改正或者予以取缔,可以并处十万元以下的罚款。 (相关文章:法律法规2篇 相关案例1篇 ) 第二百一十二条 公司成立后无正当理由超过六个月未开业的,









(相关文章:法律法规3篇 相

关案例2篇 ) reasonable justification or that suspends its business operations of its own volition for a period of 6 months or more after it has commenced business operations shall be liable to have its business license revoked by the company registration authority. Any company that fails to comply with registration amendment procedures in accordance with this Law following any change in the company's registered details shall be ordered by the company registration authority to amend its registration within a specific period of

time; if it still fails to make the required amendment,

it shall be fined between 10,000 RMB and 100,000 RMB. Article 213 Any foreign company that violates this Law

by unlawfully establishing any branch within China shall

be ordered by the company registration authority to

remedy the defect or to close down the branch, and may

be fined between 50,000 RMB and 200,000 RMB. 第二百一十三条 外国公司违反本法规定,擅自在中国境内设立分支机构的,由公司登记机关责令改正或者关闭,可以并处五万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。

(相关文章:法律法规1篇 )

第二百一十四条 利用公司名




(相关文章:法律法规1篇 相

关案例3篇 )

第二百一十五条 公司违反本




(相关文章:相关案例2篇 ) Article 214 Where any person commits, in the name of a company, any serious violation of law that threatens the security of the state or injures the public interest or the interests of society, the business license of the company shall be revoked. Article 215 Any company that violates any provision of this Law shall be liable in civil law to pay compensation and shall also pay any corresponding fines and other financial penalties. Where the company's assets are insufficient to pay any corresponding fines and other

financial penalties, the company shall first meet any

valid claim for compensation in civil law.

Article 216 Any company that commits any crime in

violating any of the provisions of this Law shall be

subject to criminal liability therefore.

Chapter XIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 217 The terms listed below are defined as follows:

1. A "senior manager" means any manager, deputy manager,

第二百一十六条 违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第十三章 附 则 第二百一十七条 本法下列用语的含义:

























(相关文章:相关案例14篇 热

点透视1篇 ) finance manager, secretary to the board of directors of a listed company, or any other person specified in the articles of association. 2. A "controlling shareholder" means a shareholder whose capital contribution accounts for 50% or more of the total capital of a limited liability company or any shareholder whose stock accounts for more than 50% of the total stock of a joint stock limited company or a shareholder whose capital contribution or proportion of stock is less than 50% of the total capital or stock but who holds sufficient voting rights to have a significant influence on any resolution put to the shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly. 3. A "de facto controller" means any person who is not a shareholder but is in a position to exercise de facto control over the acts of the company by means of investment relationships, agreements or any other arrangements. 4. "insider connection" means any connection between the controlling shareholder, de facto controller, director, supervisor, or senior management person of a company and the enterprise directly or indirectly controlled thereby and any other connection that may enable the transfer of any interest in the company. Enterprises controlled by the state do not have an insider connection as between themselves simply because their shares are controlled by

the state. Article 218 Limited liability companies and joint stock

limited companies that have foreign investors shall be

governed by this Law. Where the provisions of any other

law regarding foreign investment conflict with this Law,

the former shall prevail. 第二百一十八条 外商投资的有限责任公司和股份有限公司适用本法;有关外商投资的法律另有规定的,适用其规定。 (相关文章:相关案例8篇 热

点透视1篇 )

第二百一十九条 本法自2006


Article 219 This Law shall take effect on January 1, 2006.

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1080296.html

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