

发布时间:2018-04-27 所属栏目:入境卡的中英文对照表

一 : 垫片类别的中英文对照表


无石墨压缩白石棉垫片 non graphited compressed white asbestos gas-www.61k.com-ket 垫片的型式 type of gasket

平垫片 flat gasket

环形平垫片 flat ring gasket

平金属垫片 flat metal gasket

夹棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with cotton fabric insertion

夹石棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion

夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement

无石墨压缩白石棉垫片 non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket 天然白橡胶垫片 natural white rubber gasket

压缩石棉垫片 compressed asbestos class gasket

石棉垫片 PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket

夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片 spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler 内环 inner ring

外环,外定位环 outer ring

波纹金属垫片 corrugated metal gasket

波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片 corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted 双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片 corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket

双夹套垫片 double jacketed gasket

金属包石棉平垫片 flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket 整体金属齿形垫片 solid metal serrated gasket

槽形金属垫片 grooved metal gasket

环形连接金属垫片 ring joint metal gasket 八角环形垫片 octagonal ring gasket 椭圆环形垫片 oval ring gasket

透镜式垫片 lens gasket

非金属垫片 non-metallic gasket

二 : 17各类保函格式-中英文对照


Appendix - Model Forms



Brief description of Contract (together with successors and assigns). We have been informed that ________________(hereinafter called the “Contractor”) is submitting an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your invitation require his offer to be supported by a parent company guarantee.

In consideration of you, the Employer, awarding the Contract to the Contractor, we (name of parent company) ____________irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee to you, as a primary obligation, the due performance of all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including the Contractor’s compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning.

If the Contractor fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and comply with the Contract, we will indemnify the Employer against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which arise from any such failure for which the Contractor is liable to the Employer under the Contract.

This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract comes into full force and effect. If the Contract does not come into full force and effect within a year of the date of this guarantee, or if you demonstrate that you do not intend to enter into the Contract with the Contractor, this guarantee shall be void and ineffective. This guarantee shall continue in full force and effect until all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract have been discharged, when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us, and our liability hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.

This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or varied by the Employer and the Contractor from time to time. We hereby authorise them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due performance of which and compliance with which by the Contractor are likewise guaranteed hereunder. Our obligations and liabilities under this guarantee shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the Employer to the Contractor, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Contractor or the Employer, or by any other matters, whether with or without our knowledge or consent.

This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract and any dispute under this guarantee shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. We confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract.

Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________ 279


附件1 母公司保函范例格式


雇主名称和地址 (注明继承人和受让人)

我方已经得知, (以下称“承包商”)应你方邀请正在对上述合同提交报价,并且,你方邀请条件中要求其报价有母公司的保函支持。

考虑到贵方(即雇主)将合同授予承包商,并且作为我方的基本义务,我方,即 (填入母公司名称),不可撤回地且无条件地向你方保证承包商将按照合同恰当履行其一切义务和责任,包括依据合同条件的真实意图和含义去遵守合同条件。









(whom the tender documents define as the Employer) We have been informed that ____________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is submitting an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your invitation (the “conditions of invitation”, which are set out in a document entitled Instructions to Tenderers) require his offer to be supported by a tender security.

At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) _________________ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, the Beneficiary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the amount of _______________ (say:________________ ) upon receipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement (in the demand) stating that:

(a) the Principal has, without your agreement, withdrawn his offer after the latest time specified for its submission and before the expiry of its period of validity, or

(b) the Principal has refused to accept the correction of errors in his offer in accordance with such conditions of invitation, or

(c) you awarded the Contract to the Principal and he has failed to comply with sub-clause 1.6 of the Conditions of Contract, or

(d) you awarded the Contract to the Principal and he has failed to comply with sub-clause 4.2 of the Conditions of Contract.

Any demand for payment must contain your signatures(s) which must be authenticated by your bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us at this office on or before (the date 35 days after the expiry of the validity of the Letter of Tender) ___________________ When this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________ 281


附件2 投标保函范例格式


受益人名称和地址 (即招标文件定义的雇主)

我们已经得知 (以下称“委托人”)应你方邀请正在对以上合同提交报价,并且,你方邀请条件(“邀请条件”,在名为“投标人须知”的文件中列出)中要求其报价有投标保函作为支持。

应委托人要求,我们, (填入银行名称)在此不可撤回地保证,在我方收到你方书面要求及在要求中给予下列情况的书面声明后,向你方(即受益人/雇主)支付总数不超过 (用文字表示)的一笔或多笔款额:

(a) 委托人不经你方同意,在规定的提交报价的截止日期后且在其报价有效期期


(b) 委托人拒绝接受按照上述邀请条件对报价中错误的改正,或

(c) 你方将合同授予了委托人,但他未能遵守合同条件第1.6款,或 (d) 你方将合同授予了委托人,但他未能遵守合同条件第4.2款。

要求支付的文件必须有你方签名,签名必须经你方银行或一位公证人证实。你方经证实的要求和声明必须于 (投标文件有效期期满后35天的那一日)当日或之前由我方在此办公室收到。在上述日期之后,本保函期满并应返还给我方。








Brief description of Contract

Name and address of Beneficiary

(Whom the Contract defines as the


We have been informed that __________________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is

your contractor under such Contract, which requires him to obtain a performance security.

At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) __________________ hereby irrevocably

undertake to pay you, the Beneficiary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the

amount of __________________ (the “guaranteed amount”, say: __________ ) upon receipt

by us of your demand in writing and your written statement stating:

(a) that the Principal is in breach of his obligation(s) under the Contract, and

(b) the respect in which the Principal is in breach.

[Following the receipt by us of an authenticated copy of the taking-cover certificate for the

whole of the works under clause 10 of the conditions of the Contract, such guaranteed

amount shall be reduced by _________% and we shall promptly notify you that we have

received such certificate and have reduced the guaranteed amount accordingly.] (1)

Any demand for payment must contain your [minister’s/directors’] (1) signature(s) which

must be authenticated by your bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand

and statement must be received by us at this office on or before (the date 70 days after the

expected expiry of the Defects Notification Period for the Works) _______________ (the

“expiry date”), when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.

We have been informed that the Beneficiary may require the Principal to extend this

guarantee if the performance certificate under the Contract has not been issued by the date

28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake to pay you such guaranteed amount upon

receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing and your written

statement that the performance certificate has not been issued, for reasons attributable to

the Principal, and that this guarantee has not been extended.

This guarantee shall be governed by the laws of _______________ and shall be subject to the

uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International

Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________ (1) When writing the tender documents, the writer should ascertain whether to include the optional text, shown in

parentheses[ ]



附件3 履约保证 ─ 即付保函范例格式


受益人名称和地址 (招标文件定义的雇主)

我们已经得知 (以下称“委托人”)根据合同作为你方的承包


应委托人要求,我们 (填入银行名称)在此不可撤回地承担


支付总数不超过 (即“保证金额”为: )的任何


(a) 委托人违反了合同规定的义务,及

(b) 委托人违约涉及的方面。


复印件后,上述保函金额将减少 %,并且我们将立即通知你方,我们已经收



公证人证实。你方经证实的要求和声明必须由我方在办公室,于 (填入预计的工程缺陷责任通知期期满后70天的那一日) 当日(即“到期日”)或之






除上文规定外,本保函的适用法律为 ,并受国际商会出版的编号




1当编写招标文件时,编写人应确定是否纳入括号〖 〗里备选内容。




Brief description of Contract Name and address of Beneficiary ______________ (together with successors and assigns, all as defined in the Contract as the Employer)

By this Bond, (name and address of contractor(who is the contractor under such Contract) as Principal and (name and address of guarantor) _______________________ as Guarantor are irrevocably held and firmly bound to the Beneficiary in the total amount of _____________ (the “Bond Amount”, say:________________ ) for the due performance of all such Principal’s obligations and % upon the issue of the taking-over certificate for the whole of the works under clause 10 of the Conditions of the Contract.] (1)

This Bond shall become effective on the Commencement Date defined in the Contract.

Upon Default by the Principal to perform any Contractual Obligation, or upon the occurrence of any of the events and circumstances listed in sub-clause 15.2 of the conditions of the Contract, the guarantor shall satisfy and discharge the damages sustained by the Beneficiary due to such Default, event or circumstances.(2) However, the total liability of the Guarantor shall not exceed the Bond Amount.

The obligations and liabilities of the Guarantor shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the Beneficiary to the Principal, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Principal or the Beneficiary, or by any other matters, whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the Guarantor.

Any claim under this bond must be received by the Guarantor on or before ( the date six months after the expected expiry of the Defects Notification Period for the Works) __________________ (the “Expiry Date”), when this Bond shall expire and shall be returned to the Guarantor.

The benefit of this Bond may be assigned subject to the provisions for assignment of the Contract, and subject to the receipt by the guarantor of evidence of full compliance with such provisions.

This Bond shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract. This Bond incorporates and shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds, published as number 524 by the international chamber of Commerce, and words used in this Bond shall bear the meanings set out in such Rules.

Wherefore this Bond has been issued by the Principal and the Guarantor on (date) .

Signature(s) for and on behalf of the Principal

(1) When writing the tender documents, the writer should ascertain whether to include the optional text, shown in parentheses [] (2) Insert: [ and shall not be entitled to perform the Principal’s obligations under the Contract.]

Or: [or at the option of the guarantor (to be exercised in writing within 42 days of receiving the claim specifying such Default) perform the Principal’s obligations under the Contract.]


Signature(s) for and on behalf of the Guarantor



附件4 履约保证 ─ 担保书范例格式


受益人名称和地址 (以及继承人和受让人,他们一并在合同中被定义为雇主。)。

根据本担保书, (填入承包商名称和地址,即上述合同的承包商)作为委托人,以及 (填入担保人名称和地址)作为担保人,以总数为 ( “担保金额”即为: )不可撤回地对受益人保证委托人按照合同恰当履行其所应承担的一切义务和责任。〖按照合同条件第10条颁发整个工程的接收证书后,上述合同金额将减少 %。〗1




本担保下的任何索赔必须由担保人于 (工程缺陷通知日之后6个月的那一日)的当日(“到期日”)或之前收到,在到期日,本担保的有效期届满并要退还给担保人。



本保函由委托人和担保人于 (填入日期)签发


代表担保人签字 1 当编写招标文件时,编写人应确定是否纳入括号〖 〗里备选择的文字。

2 插入:〖并无权履行委托人的合同义务〗 或:〖或担保人有权选择(但必须收到说明上述违约的索赔后42天内以书面提出)履行委托人的合同义务。〗





Brief description of Contract Name and address of Beneficiary (whom the Contract defines as the Employer).

We have been informed that _______________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is your contractor under such Contract and wishes to receive an advance payment, for which the contract requires him to obtain a guarantee.

At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) _____________ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, the Beneficiary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the amount of _______________ ( the “guaranteed amount”, say: _____________ ) upon receipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement stating

(a) that the principal has failed to repay the advance payment in accordance with the conditions of the Contract, and

(b) the amount which the Principal has failed to repay.

This guarantee shall become effective upon receipt [of the first instalment] of the advance payment by the Principal. Such guaranteed amount shall be reduced by the amounts of the advance payment repaid to you, as evidenced by your notices issued under sub-clause 14.6 of the conditions of the Contract. Following receipt (from the Principal) of a copy of each purported notice, we shall promptly notify you of the revised guaranteed amount accordingly.

Any demand for payment must contain your signature(s) which must be authenticated by your bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us at this office on or before (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of the time for Completion) ___________ (the “expiry date”), when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.

We have been informed that the Beneficiary may require the Principal to extend this guarantee if the advance payment has not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing and your written statement that the advance payment has not been repaid and that this guarantee has not been extended.

This guarantee shall be governed by the laws of _____________ and shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________ 288


附件5 预付款保函范例格式


受益人名称和地址 (合同定义的雇主)

我们已经得知, (以下称“委托人”)为你方上述合同的承包商并希望收到一笔预付款,合同要求他为该预付款开具保函。

应委托人要求,我们 (填入银行名称)在此不可撤回地保证,在我方收到你方书面要求及说明下列情况的书面声明后,向你方---受益人/雇主支付总数不超过 ( 即“保函金额”为: )的一笔或多笔款额:

(a) 委托人未能按照合同条件返还预付款,以及

(b) 委托人未返还的数额。


要求支付的文件必须有你方签名,签名必须经过你方银行或公证人所证实。你方经证实的要求和声明必须由我们在此办公室,于 (预计的竣工时间期满后70天的那一日)当日(即“到期日”)或之前收到。在该日期之后,本保函期满并应返还给我们。


除上文规定外,本保函的适用法律为 ,并受国际商会出版的编号为458的“即付保函的统一规则”的约束。






Brief description of Contract Name and address of Beneficiary (whom the Contract defines as the Employer)

We have been informed that ______________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is your contractor under such Contract and wishes to receive early payment of [part of] the retention money, for which the Contract requires him to obtain a guarantee.

At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) ____________ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, the beneficiary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the amount of ______________ (the “guaranteed amount”, say: _____________ ) upon receipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement stating

(a) that the Principal has failed to carry out his obligation(s) to rectify certain defect(s) for which he is responsible under the Contract, and

(b) the nature of such defect(s).

At any time, our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed the total amount of retention money released to the Principal by you, as evidenced by your notices issued under sub-clause 14.6 of the conditions of the contract with a copy being passed to us.

Any demand for payment must contain your signature(s) which must be authenticated by your bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us at this office on or before (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of the Defects Notification Period for the Works) ______________ (the “expiry date”), when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.

We have been informed that the Beneficiary may require the Principal to extend this guarantee if the performance certificate under the Contract has not been issued by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing and your written statement that the performance certificate has not been issued, for reasons attributable to the Principal, and that this guarantee has not been extended.

This guarantee shall be governed by the laws of _____________ and shall be subject to the uniform Rules for Demand guarantees, published as number 458 by the international Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________ 290


附件6 保留金保函范例格式


受益人名称和地址 (合同定义的雇主)

我们已经得知, (以下称“委托人”)为你方上述合同的承包商并希望提前收到[部分]保留金的支付,合同要求他为此开具保函。

应委托人要求,我们 (填入银行名称)在此不可撤回地保证,在我方收到你方书面要求及说明下列情况的书面声明后,向你方---受益人/雇主支付总数不超过 (即“保函金额”为: )的一笔或多笔款额: (a) 委托人未履行按照合同他应负责修补缺陷的义务,以及

(b) 上述缺陷的性质。


要求支付的文件必须有你方签名,签名必须经你方银行或公证人证实。你方经证实的要求和声明必须由我方在办公室,于 (填入预计的工程缺陷责任期满后70天的那一日)当日(即“到期日”)或之前收到。在上述日期之后,本保函有效期期满并应返还给我们。


除上文规定外,本保函的适用法律为 ,并受国际商会出版的编号为458的“即付保函的统一规则”的约束。






Brief description of Contract Name and address of Beneficiary (whom the Contract defines as the Contractor).

We have been informed that _______________ (whom the Contract defines as the Employer and who is hereinafter called the “Principal”) is required to obtain a bank guarantee.

At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) ________________ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, the Beneficiary/Contractor, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the amount of _______________ (say: ______________ ) upon receipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement stating:

(a) that, in respect of a payment due under the Contract, the Principal has failed to make payment in full by the date fourteen days after the expiry of the period specified in the Contract as that within which such payment should have been made, and

(b) the amount(s) which the Principal has failed to pay.

Any demand for payment must be accompanied by a copy of [list of documents evidencing entitlement to payment] __________________, in respect of which the Principal has failed to make payment in full.

Any demand for payment must contain your signature(s) which must be authenticated by your bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us at this office on or before (the date six months after the expected expiry of the Defects Notification Period for the works) __________________, when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.

This guarantee shall be governed by the laws of __________________ and shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the international Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________ 292


附件7 雇主开具的支付保函范例格式


受益人名称和地址 (合同定义的承包商)

我们已经得知 (填入合同定义的“雇主”,以下称为“委托人”)被要求开具一份银行保函。

应委托人的要求,我们 (填入银行名称)在此不可撤回地保证在我方收到你方书面要求及说明下列情况的书面声明后,向你方---受益人/承包商支付总数不超过 (即“保函金额”的金额为: )的一笔或多笔款额:

(a) 对于按照合同应支付的款额,委托人未能在合同规定的应支付此款额的期限


(b) 委托人未支付的数额。

任何要求支付的文件必须附以一份关于委托人未完全支付的款额的 〖证明收款权利的文件清单〗。

要求支付的文件必须有你方签名,签名必须经你方银行或公证人证实。你方经证实的要求和声明必须由我方在此办公室,于 (填入预计的工程缺陷通知期期满后6个月的那一日期) 的当日或之前收到,在该日期之后,本保函有效期期满并应返还给我们。

除上文规定外,本保函的适用法律为 ,并受国际商会出版的编号为458的“即付保函的统一规则”的约束。







We have examined the Conditions of Contract, Specification, Drawings, Bills of Quantities, the other Schedules, the attached Appendix and Addenda Nos _______ for execution of the above-named Works. We offer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity with this Tender which includes all these documents, for the sum of (in currencies of

_______________________________________________________________________________or such other sum as may be determined in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. We accept your suggestions for the appointment of the DAB, as set out in Schedue ________

[We have completed the Schedule by adding our suggestions for the other Member of DAB, but these suggestions are not conditions of this offer.].*

We agree to abide by this Tender until ___________________and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before that date. We acknowledge that the Appendix forms part of the Letter of Tender.

If this offer is accepted, we will provide the specified Performance Security, commence the Works as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date, and complete the Works in accordance with the above-named documents within the Time for Completion. Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this letter of tender, together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding a contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive. Signature_____________________ in the capacity of ____________________________ Duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf of ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ payment)

* If the Tenderer does not accept, this paragraph may be deleted and replaced by:

We do not accept your suggestions for the appointment of the DAB. We have included our suggestions in the Schedule, but these suggestions of are not conditions of this offer. If these suggestions are not acceptable to you, we propose that the DAB be jointly appointed in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 of the Conditions of Contract.



附件8 投标函



我方已研究了实施上述之工程的合同条件、规范、图纸、工程量表、资料表、所附附录以及编号为 的补遗。我方以 (以支付货币填写)金额或按照合同条件可能决定的其它此类金额作为报价,按照本投标书(包括以上所有文件)去实施、完成上述工程并修补其中的任何缺陷。

我方接受你方在 资料表中所列的关于任命争端裁决委员会的建议。


我方同意遵守本投标书,直至 (年、月、日)。在该日期之前的任何时间,本投标书对我方一直具有约束力,并可随时接受中标。我方在此认可投标书附录构成我方投标书的一部分。




签字 职务 正式被授权代表 签署投标书 地址 日期

? *如果投标人不接受此建议,本段可删除并代之以:




This Agreement made the ______________day of _________________19 __________

Between __________ of ___________ (hereinafter called “the Employer”) of the one part, and __________ of ___________ (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part Whereas the Employer desires that the Works known as _______ should be executed by the Contractor, and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the execution and completion of these Works and the remedying of any defects therein,

The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows:

1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement:

(a) The Letter of Acceptance dated ______

(b) The Letter of Tender dated _________

(c) The Addenda Nos _______________

(d) The Conditions of Contract

(e) The Specification

(f) The Drawings, and

(g) The completed Schedules.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of the Contract.

4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor, in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

In Witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written in accordance with their respective laws.

SLGNED by:______________________ SLGNED by: ___________________________ For and on behalf of the Employer in the presence of

Witness: __________________________

Name: __________________________

Address: __________________________

Date: __________________________ for and on behalf of the Contractor in the presence of Witness: ___________________________ Name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ 296


附件9 合同协议书

本协议书于19 年 月 日由 (以下简称“雇主”)为一方与 (以下简称“承包商”)为另一方签订。

鉴于雇主欲使承包商实施一项名为 的工程,并已接受了承包商提出的承担该工程的实施、完成以及修补其任何缺陷的投标书


1. 本协议书中的措词和用语具有的含义应与下文提及的合同条件中分别赋予它们的含义


2. 下列文件应被认为是组成本协议书的一部分,并应被作为其一部分阅读和理解。 (a) 日的中标函;

(b) 日的投标书;

(c) 编号为 的补遗;

(d) 合同条件;

(e) 规范;

(f) 图纸;


(g) 已完成填写的资料表。

3. 考虑到下文提及的雇主付给承包商的各项款额,承包商特此立约向雇主保证遵守合同的


4. 雇主特此立约,保证在合同规定的时间内并以合同规定的方式向承包商支付合同价格,








代表承包商签名 证明人: 姓名: 地址: 日期:




[for each member of a three-person DAB]

Name and details of Contract _______________________________________________ Name and address of Employer _____________________________________________ Name and address of Contractor ____________________________________________ Name and address of Member ______________________________________________

Whereas the Employer and the Contractor have entered into the Contract and desire jointly to appoint the Member to act as one of the three persons who are jointly called the “DAB”

[and desire the member to act as chairman of the DAB] to adjudicate a dispute which has arisen in relation to _______________________ *

The Employer, Contractor and Member jointly agree as follows:

1. the conditions of this Dispute Adjudication Agreement comprise the “General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement”, which is appended to the General Conditions of the “Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects” First Edition 1999 published by the Federation internationale des ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC), and the following provisions. In these provisions, which include amendments and additions to the general Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them in the General conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement.

2. [Details of amendments to the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, if any.]

3. In accordance with Clause 6 of the general Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, the Member shall be paid a daily fee of ________________per day.

4. In consideration of these fees and other payments to be made by the Employer and the Contractor in accordance with Clause 6 of the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, the Member undertakes to serve, as described in this Dispute Ajudication Agreement, as one of the three persons who are jointly to act as the DAB.

5. The Employer and the Contractor jointly and severally undertake to pay the Member, in consideration of the carrying out of these services, in accordance with Clause 6 of the general Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement.

6. This Dispute Adjudication Agreement shall be governed by the law of ____________

SIGNED by: _____________ SIGNED by: ______________ SIGNED by: __________for and on behalf of the

Employer in the presence of

Witness: ____________

Name: ____________

Address: ____________

Date: _____________ for and on behalf of the Contractor in the presence of Witness: ____________ Name: ____________ Address: ____________ Date: _____________ the Member in the presence of: Witness: ____________ Name: ____________ Address: ____________ Date: ___________ * [A brief description or name of dispute to be added]



附件10 争端裁决协议书






鉴于雇主和承包商已经签订了合同并且希望共同任命由三人组成的DAB中的一名成员,〖并希望该成员担任DAB的主席〗,来裁定关于 已发生的争端。


1. 争端裁决协议条件包括“争端裁决协议通用条件”(附在FIDIC 1999年出版的“施工


2. 〖如有时,填入对争端裁决协议通用条件修改的具体内容。〗

3. 根据争端裁决协议通用条件第6条,成员应得到的日酬金为 。

4. 鉴于雇主和承包商按照争端裁决协议通用条件第6条支付上述酬金和其它款项,该成


5. 考虑到DAB成员提供的此类服务,雇主和承包商承诺按照争端裁决协议通用条件第6


6. 本争端裁决协议的适用法律为 。






承包商方签名 证明人: 姓名: 地址: 日期: 成员签名 证明人: 姓名: 地址: 日期:


三 : 弹力素:弹力素-英文对照,弹力素-行业释义


迪彩弹力素_弹力素 -英文对照


elastin n.
1. (存在于结缔组织中的)弹性蛋白

(www.61k.com)elastin 弹力蛋白...elastin 弹力素...electric pole 电力高压线杆

迪彩弹力素_弹力素 -行业释义



名词 n.
1. 弹性蛋白


1. 弹性蛋白


1. 弹性硬蛋白:1种黄色硬蛋白,是黄色弹性结缔组织的主要成分,干燥时质脆,潮湿时可弯曲,并有弹性

迪彩弹力素_弹力素 -简单介绍

弹力素是给卷发定型,增加头发的弹性的比较适合烫后的卷发。 弹力素始于发廊,是啫喱和发乳的合生物,随着女性对卷发自然的需求以及修复烫后染发发质的需求,之前功能单一的者哩难以达到,弹力素应运而生。

迪彩弹力素_弹力素 -成份

弹力素因品牌和类型不同,成份稍有区别,但以弹力纤维、硅油、丝氨基酸等为主。 弹力素护发定型成份,能在发束表面形成一层极具弹力的柔软定型膜,让发卷保持弹簧般卷曲效果。蕴含维他命E和丰富的角质蛋白,及时为发丝提供营养,帮助对付毛燥,抑制干涩蓬松,同时抵抗最吹风等热能伤害。白色乳液质地,清爽易涂抹,不粘手,特别适合自然卷,热卷和各类烫卷造型。

迪彩弹力素_弹力素 -功能


迪彩弹力素_弹力素 -使用方法


迪彩弹力素_弹力素 -知名品牌

1.欧莱雅L'OREAL (于1907年法国,世界化妆品行业的领先者,中国驰名商标,欧莱雅集团)
2施华寇(黑人头) (于1898年德国,世界美发领导品牌,权威品牌,全球3大美发产品制造商)

3 威娜Wella (于1880年创立于德国,国际专业美发的顶尖品牌,威娜化妆品(中国)有限公司)

4迪彩弹力素 (始于1998年,10大啫喱水品牌,广东省著名商标,广州市迪彩化妆品有限公司)

5汉高MD Spa (于1876年在德国创立,世界500强,多元化的世界性跨国集团,德国汉高集团)

6TIGIBED HEAD (于1970年美国/英国,全球第一专业美发造型品品牌,行业知名品牌)

7美涛Maestro (被誉为专业美发大师,知名品牌,位列美发定型产品前列,广州丝宝集团)

8 章华弹力素 (创建于1981,浙江省著名商标,染发品品牌,上海章华保健化妆品有限公司)

9屈臣氏Watsons (于1828年,亚洲最具规模的个人护理用品连锁店,屈臣氏集团(香港)有限公司)

四 : 车辆类型中英文对照(vehicletype)

道路车辆 road vehicle

商用车辆 commercial vehicle

机动车辆 motor vehicle

电动车辆 electric vehicle

摩托车 motorcycle

轻便摩托车 moped

轿车 passenger car

微型轿车 minicar

普通级轿车 subcompact car

中级轿车 compact car

中高级轿车 intermediate car

高级轿车 limousine (pullmansaloon)

活顶轿车 convertible saloon

旅行轿车 station wagon

短头轿车 forward control passengercar

小型轿车 coupe

敞蓬小轿车 drop head coupe

跑车 sports car

赛车 racer (racing car)

单座小客车 one-seater

七座小客车 seven-seater

越野车 off-road vehicle

轻型越野车 light-off-roadvehicle

中型越野车 medium off-roadvehicle

重型越野车 heavy off -roadvehicle

超重型越野车 extra heavy off-road vehicle

吉普车 jeep

硬顶吉普车 hard top jeep

客车 bus

微型客车 minibus

轻型客车 light bus

中型客车 medium bus

大型客车 large bus

客货两用小客车 estate car(estate)

多用途客车 multipurposevehicle

厢式小客车 closed car

出租小客车 taxicar

城市客车 urban bus

大客车 coach

城间大客车 intercity bus

长途大客车 long distance coach

旅游客车 sightseeing bus(touringbus)

铰接客车 articulated bus

无轨客车 trolley bus

双层客车 double-deck bus

团体客车 private coach

货车 truck(lorry)

微型货车 mini-truck

轻型货车 light truck

中型货车 medium truck

重型货车 heavy truck

公路货车 highway vehicle

小型货车 pick-up

平板货车 platform truck(flat bedtruck)

通用货车 general -purposevehicle

短轴距货车 short-wheel basetruck

长轴距货车 long-wheelbasetruck

集装箱运输货车 containercarrier

客货两用车 cargo-bus

厢式货车 van

牵引汽车 towing vehicle

全挂牵引汽车 towing vehicle

牵杆式牵引车 full-trailer towingvehicle

半挂牵引车 semi-trailer towingvehicle

道路列车 road train

客用道路列车 passenger roadtrain

铰接式道路列车 articulated roadtrain

双挂式道路列车 double roadtrain

混合式道路列车 composite roadtrain

天然气车辆 natural gasvehicle(NGV)

压缩天然气车辆 compressednatural gas vehicle

液化天然气车辆 liquid petroleumgas vehicle

液化石油气车辆 liquid petroleumgas vehicle

双燃料车辆 duel fuel vehicle

单燃料车辆 single fuel vehicle

专用车 special vehicle

垃圾车 dust car (refusecollector)

冷藏车 refrigerated van

洒水车 street sprinkler (streetflusher)

囚车 prison van

殡仪车 hearse

售货车 mobile store(mobile shop)

图书馆车 mobile library

宣传车 mobile louderspeaker

商业广告车 spiel truck

展览汽车 demonstration car

博览会专用车 fairgroundvehicle

流动艺术展览车 artmobile

邮政车 mobile post office

运油车 fuel tanker

加油车 refueller

飞机牵引车 aircraft tractor

救护车 ambulance (medicalvehicle)

病院汽车 clinic car

医疗急救车 rescue ambulance

X射线诊断车 mobile-x-rayclinic

防疫监测车 mobile epidemic controlvehicle

计划生育车 mobile family -planningclinic

伤残者运送车 handicapped personcarrier

炊事车 kitchen vehicle

餐车 mobile canteen

沐浴车 mobile shower bath

保温车 insulated van

电视转播车 TV relaying vehicle

电视录像车 video recordingvehicle

摄影车 mobile photographicstudio

电影放映车 film projectionvehicle

邮件运输车 mail carrier

农用车 farm vehicle

种子检测车 plant seeds inspectionvan

植物保护车 plant pest controlvehicle

计量检测车 metrology inspectionvehicle

环境检测车 mobile environmentmonitor

畜禽防疫车 mobile animal eqidemiccontrol

交通监理车 traffic control car

刑事勘察车 mobile crimeinvestigation vehicle

气卸散装水泥车 bulk-cementpneumatic delivery tanker

气卸散装煤粉车 bulk-coal powderpneumatic delivery tanker

气卸散装电石粉车 bulk-calciumcarbide pneumatic delivery tanker

气卸散装化学粉粒车bulk-chemicals pneumatic delivery tanker

食用植物油运油汽车 edible oiltanker

食用植物油加油车 edible oilpump delivery tanker

活鱼运输车 life fish carrier

气卸散装面粉车 bulk-flourpneumatic delivery tanker

吸尘车 vacuum sweeper

高压清洗车 high-pressure sewerflushing vehicle

吸污车 suction -type sewerscavenger

真空吸粪车 suction -type tumbreltanker

自装卸垃圾车 refuse collectingtruck

旋转板自装卸垃圾车 compressionrefuse collector

航空食品装运车 aircraftcaterer”s delivery truck

散装粮食运输车 bulk-graincarrier

散装饲料运输车 bulk-foddertransport truck

牲畜运输车 livestock carrier

家禽运输车 poultry carrier

养蜂车 mobile bee-keeper

原木运输车 logging transporter

管材运输车 pole transporter

车辆运输车 car transporter

锅炉车 mobile boiler

除雪车 snow sweeper

机场客梯车 mobile aircraft landingstairs

消防车 fire-fighting vehicle

水罐消防车 fire-extinguishingwater tanker

泡沫消防车 fire-extinguishing foamtanker

救火泵车 fire pumper

消防水罐车 fire tanker

泡沫灭火车 foam vehicle

消防指挥车 fire service commandingcar

云梯消防车 fire-fighting truntableladder

厢式汽车 van

厢式零担运输车 break bulk cargocarrier

罐式汽车 tanker

酸罐车 acid tanker

液化气罐车 liquified gastanker

奶罐车 milk tanker

食品液罐车 beverage tanker

背罐车 demountable tankercarrier

装卸机械 loading(unload)machine

叉式装货机 fork-type loading(unlaod)machine

刮板式装货机 scraper type loadingmachine

单斗式装货机 single bucketloading machine

带升降塔架车辆 tower crane

塔式超重机 tower crane

汽车吊车 truck crane

移动式起重机 mobile crane

固定式起重机 stationary crane

起重举升汽车 crane/lift truck

特种结构汽车 special constructionvehicle

随车起重运输车 truck withloading crane

后栏板起重运输车 tail-lifttruck

高空作业车 hydraulic aerialcage

(公路事故或故障车辆的)急修车 breakdown truck

修理车 mobile workshop

救险车 recovery vehicle

技术服务车 service car

现场用小车 spot dolly

工具车 tool car

故障检修车 trouble car

勘测工程车 recording bus

筑路工程用车 road machine

压路机 road roller

推土机 ball dozer

平路机 motor grader

铲运机 wheeled loading shovel

轮式装载车 wheeled loader

轮式挖掘机 wheeled excavator

混凝土搅拌车 concrete mixertruck

焊接工程车 mobile weldingworkshop

沥青洒布车 asphalt distributiontruck

沥青路面养护车 asphalt pavementmaintenance truck

沥青运输车 heated bitumenttanker

建筑大板运输车 prfab buildingpanel transporter

电信工程车 telecommunicatin fieldservice truck

工程机械运输车 constructionmachinery transporter

仓栅式汽车 storage/stake truck

钻孔立柱车 pole drill and erectiontruck

油田试井车 oil-well testingvehicle

井架运输车 derrick transporter

修井车 well maintenance vehicle

地锚车 mobile ground anchorvehicle

灌注车 oil well cracking acidpumping truck

照明车 flood lighting vehicle

后翻倾式自卸汽车 rear dumptruck

两侧翻倾式自卸汽车 side dumptruck

三面翻倾式自卸汽车 three-waydump truck

重型自卸汽车 heavy duty dumptruck

矿用自卸汽车 mining dumptruck

专用自卸汽车 special dumptruck

摆臂式自装卸汽车 swept-bodydump truck

车厢可卸式汽车 roll-off skiploader

全挂车 full trailer

半挂车 semi-trailer

特种挂车 special trailer

栏板货厢式挂车 cargo trailer

平板式挂车 flat platformtrailer

低架式挂车 low-loader trailer

厢式挂车 trailer van

自卸式挂车 dumper trailer

旅居挂车 caravan

五 : 垫片类别的中英文对照表


无石墨压缩白石棉垫片 non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket 垫片的型式 type of gasket

平垫片 flat gasket

环形平垫片 flat ring gasket

平金属垫片 flat metal gasket

夹棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with cotton fabric insertion

夹石棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion

夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement

无石墨压缩白石棉垫片 non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket 天然白橡胶垫片 natural white rubber gasket

压缩石棉垫片 compressed asbestos class gasket

石棉垫片 PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket

夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片 spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler 内环 inner ring

外环,外定位环 outer ring

波纹金属垫片 corrugated metal gasket

波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片 corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted 双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片 corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket

双夹套垫片 double jacketed gasket

金属包石棉平垫片 flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket 整体金属齿形垫片 solid metal serrated gasket

垫片英文 垫片类别的中英文对照表

槽形金属垫片 grooved metal gasket

环形连接金属垫片 ring joint metal gasket 八角环形垫片 octagonal ring gasket 椭圆环形垫片 oval ring gasket

透镜式垫片 lens gasket

非金属垫片 non-metallic gasket

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1141862.html

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