

发布时间:2018-01-15 所属栏目:工程资料承包合同

一 : 投资合同:内部承包经营合同(道路建设项目)























二 : 公路建设承包合同


委 托 方:

服 务 方:




第一条 词语定义1.1业主:在协议书中约定,具有项目发包主体资格和支付工程价款能力的当事人或取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。
























[本文由第 一·范 文 网WWW.DiyiFanwen.Com整理,版权归原作者、原出处所有。] 1.25工程项目总投资:指完成工程项目所发生的价款支出。主要包括土地费、设计费、勘察费、配套增容费、建安工程投资(包括设备)、二次精装修费、工程预备费等。










1.35 小时或天:本合同规定按小时计算时间的,从事件有效开始时计算(不扣除休息时间);规定按天计算时间的,开始当天不计入,从次日开始计算。时限的最后天是 休息日或者其他法定节假日的,以节假日次日为时限的最后一天,但竣工日期除外。时限的最后一天的截止时间为当日24时。







第二条 组成本合同的文件1、 本项目管理合同;

2、 附件:项目管理的工作内容和职责(若分列);

3、 本合同实施过程中经双方协商一致的补充合同文件。

第三条 工程概况工程名称:




第四条 项目管理服务方式本工程由甲方委托乙方并在甲方领导下实施项目管理,提供全过程建设管理和咨询服务。


第五条 项目管理的依据1、 项目管理合同文件;

2、 与本工程建设有关的政府部门的批准文件;

3、 与本工程有关的其它合同文件;

4、 经业主批准的项目管理计划书;

5、 与工程有关的工程建设法规、规范、验收标准。

第六条 乙方管理内容和职责6.1总则乙方在签订合同后一个月内应向甲方提交符合合同和甲方基本要求的项目管理计划书,主要包括拟达到的项目管理目标、项目概况、项目管理组织机构、项目实施总进度及节点实施计划,项目管理的主要内容和方法,拟采用的相应措施以及主要工作的管理流程等。









































































第七条 甲方职责1. 资金落实负责本工程建设资金的落实,按合同规定和工程进度要求,按期核定、确保工程款、材料设备采购款和市政配套费及本工程中发生的各类行政主管部门所收的各项费用等及时到位,并支付给本工程各施工、供货承包单位和其它合同单位。

2. 确定功能定位和设计方案由甲方负责确定项目功能定位,经设计招投标后由专家评议提出中标建议,由甲方最终确定设计中标方案,并对扩大初步设计的优化内容、建议标准予以确认。

3. 确定施工总承包单位4. 主要设备材料确定5. 了解、掌握工程进度情况6. 工程验收7. 为乙方提供必要的工作条件,包括现场办公条件和与项目管理相关的技术资料。

8. 按本合同第六条规定按期支付项目管理费。

第八条 服务班子的组成乙方人员由 为项目经理,并配备具有一定实践经验的人员组成工作班子,名单在项目管理计划中明确,进行本工程的项目管理,根据工程进度逐步到位随时进行补充调整,乙方人员如不称职,甲方有权提出更换。

第九条 服务期限自项目立项报建至工程竣工验收备案资料归档止,时间自 至第十条 服务的费用与支付1、本工程项目管理暂按 元工程项目总投资为计费基数,项目管理费率为 ,项目管理酬金为 万元(大写: 万元)。


·店面承包合同 ·建房承包合同 ·果园承包合同 ·渔业承包合同


4、 支付给政府管理部门及与工程有关的费用,如设计、施工招标管理费,施工招标代理费、监理费、设计费、设计方案补偿费,设计、施工招标过程中的会务费,工程 竣工资料编制费,增补晒图费,市政配套费与之相关的办证费、质监费、工程和相关人员的保险费,由乙方代甲方办理的设备材料采购时所发生的报关、税金、保 险、仓储、商检、国内运输等费用以及应甲方要求,乙方参加供设备材料的调研和谈判活动所发生的差旅费由甲方承担。



本合同签订后一周内,甲方向乙方支付工程项目管理费的 %,此后每季度末支付合同额的 %,余额在 结清。共3页,当前第2页123 7、由于甲方原因增加乙方工作量,如由于甲方原因引起工程的重大变更,建设规模或建设标准的调整而导致乙方工作量的大幅度增减,根据实际工作量的增加,双方友好协商解决。





第十一条 违约责任1、甲方不按合同履行自己的各项义务,应承担违约责任,如逾期未支付工程项目项目管理费按每逾期一天支付应付项目项目管理费的万分之五违约金。(上级拨款逾期日期不计在内)



第十二条 不可抗力不 可抗力发生后,乙方应迅速采取措施,尽力减少损失,并在24小时内向甲方代表通报受害情况,即使会同甲方和施工等单位研究抢险,修复方案,测算损失、清 理、修复的费用。灾害继续发生、乙方应每隔7天向甲方报告一次受害情况,直到灾害结束。甲方应对受害处理提供必要的条件。






第十三条 其他1. 合同生效本合同自甲乙双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。

2. 合同终止本合同自施工总承包合同约定的工程保修期满,且双方工程款项结清之日起终止。

3. 未尽事宜本合同未尽事宜,甲乙双方可另行签订补充协议和附件,经甲乙双方签字盖章后,均与本合同具有同等法律效力。

4. 本合同正本肆份,副本肆份,甲乙双方各执正本贰份,副本贰份。

甲方: 乙方授权代表: 授权代表:

日期: 日期:

三 : 高速公路建设总承包BOT合同(中英文)


高速公路投资建设 /特许经营 /移交项目合同

(BT特许合同/ 工程总承包合同)



Translated from Chinese toEnglish


签约时间:Date of Signature:


第一章 项目概况 Article One Project Overview

第二章 投资资金 Article Four InvestmentCapital

第三章 特许经营权 ArticleThreeFranchising Rights

第四章 土地征用 Article Six LandAcquisition

第五章 项目设计 Article Five ProjectDesign

第六章 项目建设 Article SixConstruction

第七章 项目运行与维护 Article Seven Operation andMaintenance

第八章 项目资产及产权 Article Eight Project Assets andProperty Rights

第九章 项目移交 Article Nine Turn Over ofProject

第十章 双方总体性权利、义务 Article Ten General Tittles andResponsibilities

第十一章 税收 Article Eleven Tax

第十二章 不可抗力和情事变更 Article Twelve Force Majeure andCircumstances Change

第十三章 项目公司 Project Company

第十四章 协议的生效和终止 Article Fourteen Effective andTermination

第十五章 保密条款Confidentiality

第十六章 争议的解决 Article Sixteen Dispute Settlement

第十七章 附 则 Article SeventeenMiscellaneous

甲方(发包方):Party A ( Employer )

乙方(被特许方/承包商):PartyB ( Franchisee / Contractor )




WHEREAS party A, by the mode of franchising operation,grant the franchisee with the rights of investment / construction, operation and managementthis project in accordance with law and transfer this projectupon the expiration of franchising term to the government (party A)or the designed authority by government.

WHEREAS party B acknowledge and agree, by the way ofacquirement of franchising rights in accordance with law, to makeinvestment / construction, operation, management and of thisproject, and transfer this project upon the expiration offranchising term to the government (party A) or the designedauthority by government.

NOW THEREFORE THIS CONTRACT WITNESSES that parties hereto,through amicable negotiation on the concerned issues of investment/ construction, operation and management this project’s franchisingrights, have reached the mutual agreement and enter into thiscontract for parties abide by.

第一章 项目概况 Article One ProjectOverview


The particulars of this project is referred to StudyReport of Highway Construction Feasibility




Project Contents: Highway mainline and connecting roadsubject including but not limited to subgrade, pavement, culvert,drainage / protection, environment / greening and securityfacilities, et al. Ancillary facilities including but not limitedto the service zone withfacilities thereof, parking lot with facilities thereof, tollstation with facilities thereof, maintenance zone with facilitiesthereof, administration zone with facilities thereof, toll system,supervision system, communication facilities which are necessaryfor expressway’s normal operation, power facilities andadvertisement facilities, and so on.



Specification and Standard of Project: Total route lengthof project is kilometers,the design speed as kilometers/ hour, the width of roadbed as meters,the construction standard of two-way six lanes of expressway,asphalt concrete pavement, bridge design load by highway – I, othertechnical indicators should be subject to the stipulations ofTechnical Standard of Highway Engineering (JTCB01-2003)issuedby the Ministry of Communications.

Construction Term: the term of this project ismonths.

第二章 投资资金 Article Four InvestmentCapital

2.1 本项目投资预计金额为:万元(以政府交通行政主管部门批准的初步概算为准),本项目的资金来源应符合国家产业政策和资金管理的有关规定。

The budget amount of this project investment ismillionYuan, subject to the primary budget approved by the administrationauthority of communications. The funding sources of project shouldbe in conformity with the relevant provisions of State’s industrialpolicy and fund management.

2.2 乙方应准备充足资金,确保本项目的资本金足额到位,以保证本项目工程建设的顺利实施。

Party B should prepare adequate and enough fund and ensurefull fund in its account for the smooth implementation ofproject.

2.3 甲方有权监督乙方资金的到位情况。在建设期间,如果乙方由于资金不足的原因,导致未能按施工承包协议约定的支付期限支付工程款,经甲方同意延期个月后仍拖延支付工程款超过3 个月以上的,甲方有权终止本合同,并追究因此造成的经济损失。

Party A is entitle to supervise party B’s fund in its bankaccount. Provided that the failure of effecting Work’s payment instipulation of contract during construction, due to party B’sinadequacy of fund, and still delay the payment more than threemonths after party A’s consent of expiration of months,party A is entitle to effect termination of this contract and claimthe compensation of economic loss consequent thereon or incidentalthereto.

2.4 本项目的资金投入应按工程建设进度的需要,分期、分批按计划注入。在本项目全面竣工验收合格后,乙方根据批准的预算及实施过程中经审计认可的变更编制竣工结算,送甲方初审后,报审计机构审计。

The investment of fund to this project should, subject tothe necessity of construction progress, be effected in separateterms and batches. Party B should, upon acceptance of fullcompletion of this project, submit party A with the finalsettlement which are prepared in accordance with the approvedbudget and the alterations which are confirmed by audit during theimplementation of Work for party A’s preliminary review beforeapplication of Audit Agency for auditing.

第三章 特许经营权 ArticleThreeFranchising Rights

3.1 特许经营权内容:本项目的投资建设、经营、管理。

The contents of franchising rights are inclusive ofinvested construction, operation and management /administration.

3.2 特许经营权授予:依照本合同的规定,甲方代表政府在此将本项目的特许经营权授予给乙方。本合同签订后,乙方即获得对本项目进行投资建设、经营、管理的权利。

Award of Franchising Rights: Party A will hereby, pursuantto the provisions hereof, for and on behalf of Government, grantparty B with the franchising rights of this project operation.Party B will, upon the signature of this contract, enjoy the rightsof invested construction, operation and management /administration.

3.3 本合同授予乙方的特许经营权是独占性的,专属于乙方;甲方保证不将特许经营权的任何部分或全部再授予任何第三方。

The franchising rights of operation being awarded by thiscontract is exclusive to party B and party A guarantees that no anypart or all of franchising rights will be awarded to any otherparty.

3.4 特许经营期:授予乙方特许经营权的期限,其中:建设期 4 年,自本项目开工日起计算;收费经营期为 30 年,建设完成后,按政府批准的开始收费之日起计算。


Franchising Period : The term limited which is awarded toparty B’s operation, including four years construction periodcounting from the project commencement date; the term of chargingoperation is 30 years, which will be counted from the charging dateapproved by Government subsequent to the completion ofproject.

Provided that the project is into advance operation priorto schedule, the advance periodwill not calculated into the 30 year’s operation period, and theproceeds thereof will be used for maintenance of project at theproject company sole discretion.

3.5 特许经营期的延长:在特许经营期内,由于不可抗力或非乙方的原因,致使乙方无法正常经营的,或出现本合同中约定的需延长特许经营期的其他情形,乙方有权要求延长特许经营期;具体延长期限由双方协商后确定,并报有权批准的政府及部门批准后执行。


Extension of Franchising Term: Provided that party B failto carry out normal operation during franchising term, due to forcemajuere and non-party B’s reason, or other matters which arestipulated hereof to need extension of franchising term, party B isentitle to require the extension of franchising operation, however,the specific extension limited time should be confirmed by parties’negotiation and put into execution subject to the approve ofGovernment and competent authority.

Party B will, in the period of franchising, enjoy variouspreferential policies of State on expressway investment andoperation, which are including the various preferential policies incurrentand new issued during the operation period.

第四章 土地征用 Article Six LandAcquisition

4.1 由甲方协助乙方开展本项目征地拆迁、安置、补偿及地方协调等工作。

Party A will make available to party B assistance ofdemolition, resettlement, compensation, local coordination andother works, which are related on land acquisition.


Permanent land for the project include but not limited tothe land used for following buildings: The construction land ofinfrastructures such as highway, connecting line, service zone,parking lot, management office, toll station, traffic police, roadadministration and so on. The Expenses relating to the permanentland, demolition, resettlement and compensation shall be on theaccount of party B ( Project Company).

4.3 乙方(项目公司)负责与项目有关的拆迁、安置、补偿支付的有关费用;拆迁、补偿、安置工作由甲方协同有关各级政府完成;乙方及其为本项目成立项目公司对拆迁、安置、补偿费用的使用进行监督,确保该费用落实,以利于本项目的施工、运行正常进行。

The relevant cost and expense of demolition, resettlement and compensation, whichare related to the project will be party B (Project company) ‘sliabilities; the works of demolition, resettlement and compensationwill be accomplished by various governments with the assistance ofparty A; Party B and the project company which is established forthis project will make supervision on the fund use fordemolition, resettlement and compensation and ensure that fund inaccount so as to facilitate the normal execution and operation ofthis project.

4.4 在特许经营期内永久性用地由乙方无偿使用。双方应按照国家有关规定,及时向国土行政主管部门申请土地使用权登记,取得《国有土地使用权证》。

The permanent land will be used and occupied in chargefree by party B during the franchising operation term. Partieshereto should, pursuant to State’s provisions in time, makeapplication of registration on land use rights with the competentadministrative authority and acquire Certificate of State Land UseRight.

第五章 项目设计 Article Five ProjectDesign

5.1 由乙方按照国家法律、法规规定,通过招标确定勘察和设计单位,并报政府交通行政主管部门备案。乙方应要求勘察和设计单位按已经政府主管部门批复的《项目可行性研究报告》中确定的标准和工程规模进行本项目的设计并负担相关费用。

Party B will, in accordance with the provisions of Statelaws and regulations, through invite bids, make determination ofthe survey / design companies, and will submit to the traffic administrative authority ofgovernment for putting on file. Party B should require survey /design companies conduct the project design subject to thestandards and engineering scale which are determined in StudyReport of Project Feasibility which has been approved by thecompetent authority of government, and the cost thereof will beborn by party B.

5.2 项目的初步设计(含技术设计)及概算、施工图设计及预算的评审、报批由政府交通行政主管部门负责并负担相关费用。

The traffic administrative authority of government willliable for preliminary design including technical design andestimate budget, drawings and review / approval of budget and willbear the expenses thereof.


Party B is entitle, pursuant to the actual circumstances,to optimize and modify the design for the purposes of improveengineering quality, accelerate the project progress and so on,however the results of optimization and amendment will not lessthan the standard of original design, nor alter the project scaleand use function, and should submit the same to the trafficadministration authority for putting on file.

第六章 项目建设 Article SixConstruction

6.1 根据国家《招标投标法》和有关法律、法规,乙方应组织对施工、重要设备及重要材料的采购、工程监理等依法进行招标。

Party B should, in accordance with Law of Tenders and Bidsin addition to other relative laws and regulations, carry out thetender / bid for the execution, procurements of main equipments andmaterials and engineering supervision.

6.2乙方按照批准的开工日期组织开工,如果不能按时开工,乙方应在确定的开工日期15 个工作日之前,向甲方提出延期开工的理由和要求,并经同意,其交工日期相应顺延。如果因乙方自身的原因在开工日或经甲方同意顺延的开工日届满后的3 个月期满后未能开工,甲方视为乙方放弃该项目,甲方有权终止本合同。

Party B should, pursuant to the approved commencement dateorganize Work’s commencement, if fail to do so, should on or before15 working days prior to the approved date of commencement, submitto party A with the reason and requirement of extension, and thedate of project delivery may be correspondingly extended subject toparty A’s consent. In case of failure of commencement for party B’sreason after expiration of three months on and from thecommencement date or the extended date which is agreed by party A,party A will deem party B to waiver the project and has rights toterminate this contract.

6.3 如果因乙方原因,在建设期内连续停工超过6个月或全线工程进度滞后施工计划6个月时,甲方有权终止本合同。

Provided that continuous suspension, during constructionperiod due to party B’s reason exceed six months or the progress ofwhole Works delay behind the execution schedule for six months,party A is entitle to terminate this contract.

6.4 工程验收按交工验收和竣工验收两阶段进行。工程交工验收、竣工验收和评定标准按交通部颁布的《公路工程竣工验收办法》和《公路工程质量检验评定标准》的规定进行。

Engineering acceptance will be carried out on two stages,viz. the acceptance of interim handover and completion acceptance,the standards of acceptances and assessment will be subject to thestipulations of APPROACH OF COMPLETION ACCEPTANCE OF HIGHWAYENGINEERING and ASSESSMENT STANDARDS OF HIGHWAY QUALITY,which are promulgated by Ministry of Communications.

第七章 项目运行与维护 Article Seven Operation andMaintenance


Each and all income / proceeds arising out of theoperation business hereof during franchising term will be remain inthe property of party B, to which party B has rights to dispose atits absolute discretion. The project management during franchisingterm will be responsible for party B and party A is liable toassist party B to carry out operation / management of theproject.

7.2 乙方的经营内容:下列经营应当符合国家法律、法规和交通管理的有关规定,并依法办理注册登记。

Party B’s operation items: The operations as bellow shouldcomfort to relevant provisions of State’s laws, regulations andtraffic administration in addition to conduct the registrationthereof.


To collect vehicle tolls pursuant to the toll standardapproved by administrative authority.


To operate various businesses, pursuant to laws, of thisproject, which are located within the zone of highway affiliatedfacilities, including gas station, parking lot, catering,accommodation, vehicle repair, communication, advertisement and soon.


Provided that this project has been delivered and put intooperation, the significant alteration of policy give rise to lossof party B’s income and proceeds, nevertheless party B consent tocontinue operation of this project, party A should takecompensation measures or the extension of franchising period, so asto ensure party B at least can achieve the expectative andavailable interest through performance of items hereof, for whichthe particular schedules will be subject to the negotiation betweenparties before submitting government for approval.

7.4 乙方按交通部规定的技术规范对公路及其设施、设备及时进行维护、养护,确保公路畅通、安全和设施良好,使公路处于良好的技术状态。

Party B should, in accordance with the technical normsstipulated by Ministry of Communications, in time carry outmaintenance and care of highway and its facilities / equipments soas to ensure the smooth, safe and good facilities enable highway inwell technical condition.

第八章 项目资产及产权Article Eight Project Assets andProperty Rights

10.1 在特许经营期内,本项目的经营权、公路资产(指公路本身及其公路附着物)的使用权专属于乙方。本项目公路资产之外的且由乙方投资的其他资产的所有权益专属于乙方。

In the period of franchising operation the operationrights of this project and use rights of highway assets referred tohighway itself and attachments thereof is party B’s exclusiverights, however the properties and interests of other assets, withexception of highway, which are invested by party B.


Party B is entitle to dispose other proceeds rights at itssole discretion during the operation period. The operation rightsof project’s affiliated service facilities and advertisement rightsmay be placed disposal of party B without party A’s approval,provided that conform to relevant stipulations of State’s law andregulation.

10.3 在本项目正式运行后,乙方可以向第三方转让本合同中的全部或部分特许经营权,但本合同中的各项义务仍由乙方承担。

Party B can, after operation of this project is officiallyrunning, assign all or part of franchising rights hereof to thethird party, however the various liabilities hereof shall be stillundertaken by party B.

第九章 项目移交 Article Nine Turn Over ofProject

9.1 在特许经营期满前一年,双方正式组建项目移交委员会,研究制定本项目移交方案。同时,由甲、乙双方共同对本项目下的公路及其附属设施进行检查后制定移交前的养护、维修计划,由双方授权代表共同签署。乙方应在签署养护、维修计划后30 天内将此养护、维修计划中所列维修金的全额存入双方指定的共管帐号内。

The Transfer Commission will, on the year prior toexpiration of franchising period, be formally instituted by partieshereto to review and formulate the Project Transfer Schedule, atsame time parties hereto will commonly carry out inspection ofhighway and its accessory facilities before formation of plan ofmaintenance, repair, which will be commonly signed by theauthorized representatives of parties. Party B should, within 30days on and after signature of maintenance / repair plan, depositthe maintenance money which is stipulated in such plan into thecommon managing account which is designed by partieshereto.

9.2 在特许经营期届满之日,双方按移交方案组织项目移交。由双方分别承担各自移交所需费用。移交完毕,本合同自行终止,本项目的经营权和公路资产无偿移交给甲方。

Parties hereto will, on the date of expiration offranchising operation, pursuant to the turn-over schedule, organizethe project transfer, each party will undertaken their respectivetransfer cost. This contract will be terminated automatically itseffect upon completion of transfer and the operation rights of thisproject and highway assets will be transferred in free to partyA.

9.3 特许经营期满后,由甲方无偿收回土地使用权,双方共同按规定办理土地使用权移交手续。

Party A will, on expiration of franchising period, recoverthe land use rights in free and transfer procedure of land userights will be processed commonly by parties hereto pursuant to thestipulations.

9.4 在移交日前,乙方应解除移交资产范围内任何种类或性质的与本项目有关债务、留置权、动产或不动产的抵押及其他求偿权。乙方在特许经营期间所发生的一切经济、法律等责任均由乙方承担。

Party B should, before the date of transfer, relieve anddischarge the debt, lien, mortgage and other claim of movable orimmovable properties, which are with relation to this project andwithin transferred assets, irrespective of any kinds and naturethereof. Any and all liabilities of economy and laws which occur infranchising operation period will be undertaken by partyB.

9.5 在移交日,乙方应将本项目的公路资产以及土地使用权证全部、完好、无偿移交给甲方,与此同时,乙方还应向甲方移交项目的运行记录、移交记录、设计图纸等全部资料。乙方应将该项目仍有效的保险单有偿转让给甲方。所有权属证书办理移转所产生的费用由(www.61k.com]甲方负担。

Party B should, on the transfer date, make turn-over infull sets, good and free of charge, to party A with highway assetsand Certificate of Land Use Rights, at same time party B shouldturn over party A with full sets of Operation Record, TransferRecord and design drawings, which are relative to the project.Party B should transfer the insurance policy of this project, whichremaining in force to party A. The fees and expense of conductingthe certificates of properties will be born by party A.


In the turn- over of project the exclusive properties toparty B or the added properties for the project operation by partyB will solely belong to party B.

第十章 双方总体性权利、义务 ArticleTenGeneral Tittles and Responsibilities

10.1 甲方协助乙方按有关规定办理项目建设、经营、管理中的各项审核、报批及办证工作;参与协调、协助解决乙方的项目建设、经营过程中有可能出现的各种矛盾;依法和依本合同约定对本项目的建设、管理、经营和养护进行监督和检查。

Party A will under relevant provisions assist party B toconduct the various examination / verification, application forapproval and license, give assistance by joining in thecoordination to resolve variouspotential contradictions in party B ‘s construction and operation,carry out supervision and inspection by virtue of laws and theagreements hereof on project’s construction, management, operationand maintenance.

10.2 乙方认真执行国家和有关部门关于项目法人责任制、资本金制、招标投标制度、协议管理制、工程监理制等法律、法规有关规定,自觉接受有关主管部门的监督和检查;建立、健全并执行包括计划、技术、财务、物资材料、设备等在内的各项管理制度;本项目工程通过交工验收之后,乙方按规定及时办理竣工验收手续。

Party B should earnestly implement concerned provisions oflaws and regulations, which promulgated by State or competentauthorities, on the systems of project legal person, capital,biding / tender, contract management,projectsupervision and others; and consciously accept the supervision /inspection by relevant competent authority; and establish, improveand implement various management systems including plan,technology, fiancé, goods / material, equipment and so on. Party Bshould upon delivery and acceptance of the project, in accordancewith stipulations, process the procedures of completion andacceptance in time.

第十一章 税收 Article Eleven Tax

11.1 乙方应向税务机关办理税务登记,在建设期和特许经营期内依法缴纳税款。

Party B should conduct the tax registration in taxauthority, and effect the payment of tax in virtue of laws duringthe period of construction andfranchising operation.

11.2 甲方保证乙方获得项目建设、运行期间内,国家颁布的各项税收优惠政策。

Party A will ensure party B available to variouspreferential policies of tax which promulgated by State during theperiod of construction and franchising operation.

第十二章 不可抗力和情事变更 Article Twelve Force Majeure andCircumstances Change


Provided that any party hereto fail to, in virtue of theterms and conditions hereof, perform its liabilities under thiscontract due to force majeure, the said party is entitle to claimthe discharge or release from breach liability within the scope offorce majeure influence, provided that should take all activemeasures to try to reduce or eliminate force majeure influence onWork period, make resumption of performance hereof as soon aspractice.

12.2如果不可抗力时间持续超过180 天,双方可通过友好协商解决如何履行本合同,或终止本合同。

Provided that if force majeure lasts over 180 days partieshereto may through amicable negotiation make treatment ofperformance hereof or termination of this contract.


Provided that if the performance of contract is impossibleafter signature hereof due to change or alteration of State’s law,regulation and local regulation, or due to circumstances change,parties may terminate this contract and carry out common assess onproject, on which parties take consultation of compensation sumwhich is paid by party A to party B’s investment, if failure ofnegotiation, the application of arbitration may be taken inaccordance of the arbitration term hereof.

第十三章 项目公司 Project Company

13.1 乙方在本合同签订后在项目所在地组建项目业主公司,公司成立后全权负责该项目的投融资、建设、经营和移交等事宜。乙方有权对项目公司的股权进行变更。

Party B will, at the locationof project on and after the signature of contract, establish theproject owner company which is responsible in full authority forthe investment, financing, construction, operation, turn-over ofthe project and so on. Party B is entitle to make change to thestock of the company.

13.3 项目公司成立后30日内,应以书面形式向甲方承诺其无条件、不可撤销的、同意履行本合同中为乙方设定的全部责任和义务。

The project company should,within 30 days upon and after establishment thereof, makerepresentative, warranty or guaranty in writing to party A for itsunconditional, irrevocable consent to performance of all duties andliabilities which established on party B in thiscontract.

13.4 项目公司成立后30日内,甲方应以书面形式向项目公司承诺其无条件、不可撤销的、同意履行本合同中为甲方设定的全部义务和责任。

Party A should, within 30days upon and after establishment thereof, make representative,warranty or guaranty in writing to party B for its unconditional,irrevocable consent to performance of all duties and liabilitieswhich established on party B in this contract.

第十四章 协议的生效和终止 Article FourteenEffectiveness and Termination

14.1 本合同自签订之日起成立并生效。

This contract will on and from the date of signature become into establishment and effectiveness.


The amendment and alteration hereof will be subject to thesupplemental agreement signed by parties hereto, which beingequally valid and authentic.

14.3 本合同特许经营期届满之日,移交完毕,本合同自行终止。

This contract will beterminated upon the expiration of franchising operation period andcompletion of project turn-over.

14.4如果因乙方自身的原因在开工日或经甲方同意顺延的开工日届满后的3 个月内仍未能开工,甲方有权提前终止本合同。

Provided that party B fail to commence the Work due toitself reason within 3 months after expiration of the commence dateor the date which is consented by party A for extension, party A isentitle to terminate in advance this contract.


Provided that if party A commit any breach of thiscontract and revoke the franchising rights in advance, party B isentitle to terminate contract and require party A to makecompensation of all fund with interests which have been investedinto the project construction in addition to the accumulative loaninterest which have been paid to bank by party B.

第十五章 保密条款Confidentiality


Each Party undertakes with the other Party that it shalltreat as strictly confidential all information received or obtainedby it or its employees, agents or advisers as a result of enteringinto or performing this Agreement including information relating tothe provisions of this Agreement, the negotiations leading up tothis Agreement, the subject matter of this Agreement or thebusiness or affairs of the other Party or any member of the otherParty’s group of companies and that it shall not at any timehereafter make use of or disclose or divulge to any person any suchinformation and shall use its best endeavors to prevent thepublication or disclosure of any such information.

第十六章 争议的解决 Article Sixteen DisputeSettlement


Provided that if any difference, controversy or claimbetween parties occur due to the explanation which is under thiscontract or relevant to this contract provision, parties should onthe basis of amicable and honesty make settlement thereof. If nosolution through negotiation any party may file application ofarbitration to Arbitration Commission.

第十七章 附 则 Article SeventeenMiscellaneous

17.1 本合同任何修改、变更,只能以书面形式由双方签字并盖章后方为有效。

Any amendment and alterationhereof should be only in writing with the signature / seal ofparties before coming into force and effect.

17.2 如果本合同条款的任何部分被仲裁庭认定为无效,其余部分仍然有效,双方应继续执行。

In case of any part of provisions hereof is deemed asinvalid and null by Arbitration Commission however other partsstill remain effective, for which parties should continue toperform.

17.3 本合同达成双方对本项目的完全理解,代替双方以其他所有有关该项目的以书面、口头方式所做的陈述、协议。

This contract will constitutethe full understand of parties to this project and supersede priorall other representation and agreement in writing or oral, asrelated to this project.

17.4 如果在本合同履行中因法律、法规的变化而造成本合同条款与之冲突,双方应及时协商,以履行本合同最终目的为宗旨,以维护各方依据现行协议的可期待利益为前提就修改和达成新的条款形成补充协议。

Provided that the terms or provisions hereof, duringperformance of this contract, are in conflict or contradiction withlaws or regulations which are altered, parties should makenegotiation in time on the basis of achieving contract’s goal andsubject to guarantee the expected interests which are gained by theexisting contract, to make the supplementary agreement on amendmentthereof or make new provision.

17.5 本合同的附件《高速公路施工设计技术要求》作为本合同的一部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。

The attachment to this contract TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS OF HIGHWAYCONSTRUCTION / DESIGN is the integral part hereof andhas equal law force and valid with same as thiscontract.


This Contract is executed in two counterparts each inChinese and English, each of which shall deemed equally authentic.This Contract is in ____ copies, effective since beingsigned/sealed by both parties. This contract is made inquadruplicate, each party holds two copies and the two copies havethe same legal effect.


Party A ( Employer )Party B ( Franchisee / Contractor )


Legal Representative ( Signature )Legal Representative ( Signature )



目 录 contents

第一部分 工程概况 General Review



第三部分 路基工程 SubgradeWorks

第四部分 防护及排水工程 Protection andDrainage Works

第五部分 桥梁工程Bridge Works

第六部分 涵洞工程Culvert Works

第七部分 路面工程 PavementWorks

第一部分 工程概况 General Review

1、路基工程1.Roadbed Works



The works quantity of the roadbed cut and fill areconsiderately large. The earthworks are the crucial items duringthe early and middle stages of the project.

Roadbed works will be conducted mainly by large-scalemachinery and equipment and will be executed in different smallparts by starting many a working surface on basis of cut-filltransition balance principle. Construction of all small workingparts will be conducted by combining with the access road and thedeveloping situation of adjacent works. Amongst the work items, theroadbed of testing sections and large-scale earthworks sectionswill take the precedence in organization of construction. Theprotection and drainage works will be started at suitable time andit would be better not affect construction of other works. Theprotection and drainage works will be executed concurrently withroadbed construction as possible as could be and the protectionshould be conducted timely and effectively. The method of manpowersetting-out and cement mortar pressing will be adopted to completethe masonry of roadbed retaining works.



During the roadbed construction, one cutting unit plus onefilling unit forms one working surface. Within the cut-fill parts,bulldozers will be adopted if the length of haul is not more than100m while excavators cooperated with dump trucks will be adoptedif the length of haul is more than 100m. The filling parts will befilled and reclaimed one layer by another on the whole width of thecross section.

Excavators will be adopted to excavate the road cut andmanpower will be applied to trim the slopes. As for the blasting ofstones, the method of blasting by steps, drilling holes by manpowerpneumatic drill, filling explosives by manpower and blasting byplain detonators will be adopted. And for the slopes, the methodsof presplitting blasting or smooth blasting will beadopted.

2、桥梁工程Bridge Works




According to the stratum distribution shown in the BridgeStratum Bar Chart of the geological exploration data, percussiondrill will be adopted to construct the pile foundations and steeltube will be used to grout concrete underwater. Open-cut extensionslope method will be adopted to excavate the spread foundation andcombined steel formwork will be adopted. The concrete will bemechanically mixed and grouted by manpower and mechanicallyvibrated. The support method will be adopted to build up the piers,for which the large integral steel formwork will beapplied.

All-round support method will be adopted to construct thesuperstructure of bridges. The support system will be set up onlyafter being qualified by checking computation. The foundationbottom will be treated via compacting prior to setting up ofsupports. Pre-pressing treatment will be completed after setting upof support system.

The reinforcement steels will be processed collectivelyand transported, by truck, to the sites for colligation. Theconcrete will be mixed in-situ by movable mixing machine. Theconcrete for substructure will be transported by small dump trucksand automobile cranes will be adopted to put the concrete into theformwork. Pumps will be applied for grouting in–situ of bridgebeams.

3、涵洞排水工程Culvertand Drainage Works


The culverts will be built up prior to the filling andcompacting of roadbed; the drainage works will be timely executedthrough taking roadbed filling and compacting works and protectionworks into consideration. Pipe culverts will be prefabricatedcollectively and hauled to the sites by flat truck and unloaded andput into place by automobile crane. The method of grouting concretein-situ will be adopted for construction of boxculverts.








The pavement works will be constructed by specializationpavement teams after a certain length of roadbed has beencompleted. Subbase materials will be purchased from local suppliersand base materials will be obtained from the quarries viamechanical exploitation.

The subbase will be paved in two layers with 100mm thickof each layer. The following methods will be adopted: excavating byexcavator, loading by loader, transporting and distributing by dumptruck, leveling by grader, watering by water wagon and compactingby roller. The working index of each working unit should be250m/day or more.

The mixed materials of base will be paved in two layers:the lower layer of 150mm and upper layer of 100mm. The followingmethods will be adopted: collective mixing by plant mixingequipment, transporting by dump truck, leveling by grader or pavingby paver and compacting by automobile vibrating roller. The workingindex of each working unit should be 250m/day or more.

The bituminous prime coat and tack coat will bedistributed by asphalt distributor.

SBST and DBST: packing materials in bituminous mixingplant, spreading by bituminous spreading machine and aggregate chipspreading machine and compacting by rubber tyre roller.

The bituminous concrete will be mixed collectively andtransported by dump truck and spread by bituminous concretespreading machine and compacted by roller. The working index ofeach working unit should be 0.8-1.0km/day or more.



1、平面控制系统的建立Formingof Plane Control System


(1) Before commencement, the starting control coordinates(not less than 3 points) provided by the Employer or Engineer willbe connectedly measured and checked. The measurement results willbe reported to the Engineer for approval; otherwise, the subsequentworks will not be started.


(2) After approval by the Engineer on starting controlcoordinates, the density-adding measurement of plane controlcoordinates will be executed.

2、高程控制系统的建立Formingof Elevation Control System



The benchmarks (not less than 2 points) provided by theEmployer or Engineer will be connectedly measured and checked. Themeasurement results will be reported to the Engineer for approval;otherwise, the subsequent works will not be started.

3、施工图审核Reviewof Drawings


Before setting-out, the measurement engineer willre-calculate the data given in the construction drawings. If thereis any discrepancy or deviation between the calculation and thedrawings, the measurement engineer will make relevant tables orcharts as formal writing information, which will be submitted tothe Engineer along with the original data give in the drawings.Therefore, such discrepancy or deviation will be considered by thedesigner and the related setting-out will be conducted afterobtaining the clear reply and confirmation by thedesigner.

4、施工测量放线ConstructionMeasurement Setting-out


Upon completion of construction drawings, the measurementsetting-out works will be conducted and reported to the Engineerafter completion of setting-out works. The approval andconfirmation will be the basis of construction and subsequentworking procedures.












(1) Technical Requirements and MeasurementMethod

a. Horizontal measurement will be conducted with totalstation according to the technical requirements and accuracyindices of precise traverse measurement.

b. Vertical displacement (settlement) measurement will beconducted with precise gradienter according to the technicalrequirements and accuracy indices of ASTM levelmeasurement.

(2) Set of Deformation Point

a. During the construction of bearing platform of eachpier, two deformation observation points will be pre-buried inadvance. They will be set in the normal line that has a samedistance from the both sides of the pier. The elevation of theirtop surface will be a litter higher than the designed floorelevation.

b. The point locations will not be changed in any wayuntil handover of the project.

(3) Observation Period

The observation period of horizontal and verticaldeformation (settlement) will depend on the change of constructionsequence and will be conducted by tracing.

(4) Collection and Report of Results

The measurement results will be collected in time upon thecompletion and reported to the Engineer for review andconfirmation.









(1) Method and Technical Requirement of As-builtMeasurement

a. The coordinate system, elevation system and diagramsfor the as-built measurement will be the same as the originalconstruction measurement. Also, the basic methods and accuracyrequirements of the measurement will be the same as the originalconstruction measurement.

b. As for the items suffering variations duringconstruction, the related works will be measured according to itsactual plane/vertical completion locations.

c. If there are as-built measurement results that exceedthe design limit and/or difference limit, it will be re-measuredfor final confirmation. If the difference really exists, clearmarks will be made; also, the related information will be reportedto the Engineer for coordination and improvement.

(2) Collection of As-built Measurement Results

a. Upon completion of the measurement of each item/part ofworks, the tables of as-built measurement results, as-builtdrawings and as-built measurement reports will be timelyprepared.

b. Upon completion of the item/part of works and theas-built measurement, the general as-built measurement drawingswill be prepared on basis of the as-built drawings of eachitem/part of works.

7、施工测量的质量保证措施QualityAssurance Measures for Construction Measurement










The quality assurance measures for constructionmeasurement will be as follows:

(1) The construction measurement will be conductedin strict conformity withdesign drawings and relevant technical specifications and standardsso as to meet the requirements of accuracy.

(2) Establishing and perfecting the quality assurancesystem for construction measurement. The duties andresponsibilities will be clearly assigned.

(3) The measurement staff will be familiar with thedrawings and instructions concerning with the construction andreview the setting out data in the design drawings beforesetting-out.

(4) All the measurement works will be redone forconfirmation.

(5) All measurement works will be clearly recorded with aunified form and the original records should not be erased ormodified in any way.

(6) All the measurement equipment will be checked andrectified regularly to make them maintain goodconditions.

(7) Upon completion of each item of measurement, it willbe reported in the form as instructed by the Engineer for signingas approval.

(8) Collecting, keeping and filing all the measurementresults.

第三部分路基工程 SubgradeWorks

一、路基挖方Subgrade Excavation






Earth will be excavated with the method of sectiondivision in vertical direction and layer division in level,excavation will be done from up to down. Excavators, dump trucksand excavators will be used for the construction. Protection layerof side slope will be reserved during the construction. Subgradeexcavation for soft geology will adopt section excavation andsection building to guarantee the stability of side slop andconstruction safety. If some changes are found in earth quality orbad soil is found under the subgrade surface during excavation, itwill be reported to the Engineer for treatment. The following willbe given attention to:

(1) Strengthening survey and controlling, side slope willbe shaped after excavation, and it will be kept plane and smooth.Early protection will be done for side slope.

(2) Waste will be piled at the specified location withregular shapes.

(3) Soft rock section will be strengthened in temporarysupport and guarantee side slope to be stable.



二、路基填筑Subgrade Filling


The subgrade and non-frost subbase will be filled andcompacted by a layer with 150mm thick. Subgrade filling willutilize excavators, loaders for loading, dump truckstransportation, bulldozers for paving, graders for fine leveling,water cars for watering, rollers for compacting and nucleardensimeter for checking the compactness. The construction processwill be divided into three stages, four section, and eight flows.Each section will not be shorter than 40m.

三、特殊路基Special Subgrade

1、填挖交接处路基Subgradeof Cut & Fill Joint



(1) For the cut &fill joint in vertical direction, transition section that is notless than 10m will be established,andunder part of road trench for the transition section will beexcavated into ladder-shape, which will be filled with the fillingsection, when it reaches the required compactness, transverse blindditches will be built at the combined part.

(2) For the cut & fill joint in transverse direction,benches will be made on the slope of the connecting part of fillingand excavations for strengthening entireness, and under part ofroad trench for the excavation subgrade will be excavated intoladder-shape, which will be filled and compacted to meet therequirements of compactness. Vertical blind ditches will be builtat the combined part. And one layer of seepy material will beplaced at slope foot of subgrade for draining water withinsubgrade.

3、桥头、涵洞缺口过渡段路基Transition Section Subgrade of Bridge End and CulvertPortal


When structures of bridges and culverts are completed andreach the designed strength, construction of transition sectionwill be started. Filler for the transition section will adopt themacadam, which can meet requirements of the designed gradation.Transition section will be constructed together with the connectedembankment. Filling method of it will be same as that for normalembankment. Transition type adopted according to design will bethat the filler for embankment will be placed first, then thetransition. Both embankment and the transition section will becompacted together. The area where is 1m by bridges and culvertsand big compactor can not work on it, the small compactor will beused for it. For the area where is difficult for rolling, certainamount of cement paste will be added in the graded sand and gravel,with plate vibrator for tamping.

第四部分 防护及排水工程 Protection andDrainage Works

浆砌防护Mortared Protection


Masonry will be built with mortar, which will be even andstable and dense. Each layer order will be angle stone, surfacestone, and web stone. Selecting smooth big stone, which will beused for surface stone. Inner and external stone will be lappedwell.

第五部分桥梁工程Bridge Works



一、桩基础Pile foundation





The works will include 16 medium and small bridges intotal, where the No.1 section will have 7 sets and the No. 2section will have 9 sets, see the following table for thedetails.

Concrete used for bridges and culverts or other structureswill be approved by the Engineer according to mixing ratio designand testing parts fabrication before concreteproduction.

According to the drawings of bidding documents, pilefoundation will be constructed with method of percussion drills,and concrete will be mixed in site and concreted underwater.

1. Construction Preparation

Prior to drilling, pile location will be checked andembedding steel casing. Top of the casing will be higher thanground level (height of it will be determined in accordance withthe geologic condition of the pile location) and guarantee it’s2.0m above the underground water level. The steel casing is 1.5~2mlong,itwill be determined in accordance with geologic condition and theembedding depth.

Mud pond, storage pond and settlement pond will beestablished around drills, which will be connected with pipes. Mudis fresh clay with small amount of bentonite. The mud pond will notbe built within the range of subgrade.

二、墩台身Pier and Abutment





Pier and abutment will adopt M24 concrete, with big steelforms, which will be set up once and concreting and shaping will becompleted once. Surrounding of forms will be supported with steelpipes for keeping the shape of concrete.

The complicated part of abutment will adopt wooden forms,which will be placed with PVC plate inside the forms for theexternal quality.

Lacing wire for formworks installation and strengtheningwill be protected with plastic pipes and the wires will be cutafter the formworks is removed. Remained holes will be blocked withmortar.

Prior to concreting, technical personnel will makeinspection with theodolite, when it’s qualified, construction canbe carried out. Concrete for pier body will be mixed with mixer,with tip carts doing transportation, and crane trucks will be usedfor unloading concrete to the forms, the concrete will be coveredand maintenance with plastic film.

三、现浇梁体Concreting Beam Body




Ground under bridge will be leveled and compacted orreplaced for reinforcing, with good drainage facilities, when aboveworks are done well, support will be set up. The support will befull supporting, which is done with φ40mm steel pipes. Bottom ofthe support will be placed with vertical grade beam along thedirection of bridge axle. Square timber will be set up at the topof the support to bear vertical beam and transverse beam,transverse beam will be set up by bridge pedestal and landingdevice will be installation under the transverse beam.

The support will be pressed in advance before fabricatingbeams, load for press will be 100% of the beam weight, and add loadaccording to the weight allocation.

2、梁体现浇施工Constructionof Beam Body Concreting









(1) Forms setting up:Bottom forms will adopt big plane steel forms, side forms willadopt steel forms, inner form of box girder will be built-upforms.

(2) Reinforcements installation

Reinforcements will be cut into sections for makingskeleton, which will be placed in the forms with crane. Theskeleton will be welded and location of it will be controlledstrictly with model.

(3) Prestressed reinforcement hole making

Prestressed reinforcement hole making will adopt themethod of embedding sheet pipe.

The sheet pipe will be taken through with reinforcementswhen binding reinforcements,locationof it will be controlled by the assisting reinforcement accordingto axle. The pipe will be protected from blocking due to leakageand mortar flowing in.

(4) Concreting beam body

Concrete will be mixed at the site, and pumped into forms.Concreting will be done in twice. The bottom plate and the webplate that is a little higher than the bottom plate will beconcreted at the first time and the remained web plate and all thetop plates will be concreted in the second time.

Vibrating for bottom plates and web plates will adopt theattached vibrators, with plate vibrators for the location of topplates. Partial area will adopt the inserted vibrators.





Tensioning work will be done after strands beinginstalled, concrete strength reaches the standards of design andspecifications, it’s normally 7 days afterconcreting and the concrete precasting parts is qualified afterpressing. Tensioning will be done according to de designed order,which will be done symmetrically from both ends at the same time.Tensioning will be both controlling in meter numbers and theelongation. Jack and oil meter will be calibrated beforeoperation.

If elongation and calculation value of the prestessedreinforcements is excess standards, reason of it will be found out,and calibration and measuring modulus of elasticity of theprestressed reinforcements again.

As soon as the tensioning work is completed anchor sealingwill be started, section of beam end will be cleaned, roughenedfirst, then placing reinforcement net and casting anchor sealingconcrete. Wooden mould will be used for anchor sealing, which willbe placed with galvanized iron sheet or PVC plate inside.Compaction of it will adopt insertion type tamper.

4、支架卸落及拆除Removingof Supports


① 低丝杆高度,卸落支架顶部纵、横梁。纵、横梁均用导链拖出并用汽车吊配合拆除,支架卸落顺序为:中跨、边跨、中间支点、两端支点。


When concrete reaches the strength of bearing it selfload, supports can be removed. Removing of supports will be donethrough the link located on the post head. Process of it will be asthe following:

a. Lowering height of the link, vertical and transversebeams on the top of the supports, and vertical and transverse beamswill be hauled out with chain and removed with the assisting ofcrane trucks. Order of the work will be middle span, side span,middle supporting point, supporting points of both ends.

b. Stand of the supports will be removed one by one.Members and fastening will be piled separately for anotherusing.

四、桥面系Bridge Deck System





Bridge deck system will adopt the method of constructingthe collision rails first, and constructing the bridge deckingsecond. Construction of it will be done in separated width andsections.

1. Construction of Bridge Decking Collisionrails

Casting-in-situ collision wall: bridge decking of theposition will be roughed, washed, measured and located first.Setting up shape-fixing steel forms, U-steel will be corrected invertical direction and fixed entirely. Reinforcements that extendsto the bridge decking will be placed into the reinforcements net inadvanced.

Precasting collision rails: collision rails will beprecated in the precasting plant and transported to theinstallation place with plate cars.

2、桥面铺装层施工Constructionof Bridge Decking Installations


Bridge decking of the works is 65mm bitumen concretewearing layer, construction of it is same as that for pavementbitumen concrete.

3、伸缩缝施工ExpansionJoints Construction



Prior to installation, preserved channel will be cutfirst, width and depth of the channel and the embeddedreinforcements will be inspected to meet the requirements ofinstallation. Then, rabbet will be cleaned without dust and foreignsubstance.

Expansion device will be placed into the channel withtransverse hoisting beam. Top of the expansion device will be onthe same level of the bridge decking. Transverse and longitudinalslope of it will conform to the transverse and longitudinal slopeof bridge decking, doing welding and installation when isqualified.

第六部分涵洞工程Culvert Works


Earthwork excavationfor culvert foundation will be machinery construction mainly, withexcavator digging and loading, labor cleaning base bottom and dumptrucks doing transportation. Section of pipe culvert will beproduced in plan with crane trucks for hoisting and loading. Bodyof the box culvert will be concreted at the site. Back filling ofthe culvert will be done by machinery and labor.

第七部分路面工程 PavementWorks


Another important point of the works is long in lengthwith large quantity of pavement works. Pavement works will bedivided into three layers, that is 200mm t hick subbase, 250mmthick graded macadam base and 50mm bitumen concrete surface layer.Part of the existing road will need to do bituminous surfacetreatment.



Subbase materials is mainly the natural gravel. Loaders,dump trucks, graders or bulldozers, water cars, smooth- wheelrollers will be used for the construction. During the construction,surface of the filled subgrade will be kept in good condition, theuneven part will be repaired, and compacting strength of pavementbedding course will be qualified before subgrade filling andconstruction.

二、碎石基层Crushed Stone Base



Mixture for base will be mixed in plant with dump trucksfor transportation and grader or pavers for paving. Compaction willadopt vibrating roller.

Construction for pavement base will follow the work oftest section, and test data, construction machinery and operationmethod will be reported to the Engineer for approval. Materialunloading distance will be controlled well during the paving, andmaterial quantity and moisture content will be also controlledwell. The compaction works will be done in the longitudinal wayfrom the outside to the inside of the roadway; as for the curvesuper-elevation sections, the compaction works will be done fromthe lower side to the higher side. The compacting thickness, widthand density will reach the requirements.

三、沥青表面处理Bituminous Surface Treatment



Bituminous surface treatment is divided in single- layersurface treatment and double-layer surface treatment. Thedouble-layer surface treatment will have double layers operation,the second layer materials is different with the first layer inmaterial size and bitumen amount, and bonding layer will be placedbetween the two layers.

Pavement base paving will be carried out with the testsection being done first. Test data, used machinery and operationmethod will be reported to the Engineer for approval. Bitumen willbe processed in the qualified bitumen and macadam mixing building,then transported to the site with dump trucks, it willbe placed with spreading car. All the curbs, road facilities andtop wall of culverts, tress trunks will be protected duringspreading, and facility that is polluted by the bitumen will becleaned with solvent.




As soon as bitumen spreading is completed, it will becovered with clean and dry macadam. Macadam spreading will adoptmacadam spreading machine , it will follow the bitumen spreading.Interval time between the bitumen spreading and macadam spreadingwill not be excess one minute at any time.

Rolling adopts tire wheel roller, which is over than 2twheel loading. Rolling will compact the crushed stones into thebituminous layers. Rolling times will be decided by the Engineerafter the test section is completed. Each point will be compactedfor 6 times with tire wheel rollers normally.

Communication will be closed within 48h after spreadingbitumen and crushed stones until it’s accepted by the Engineer andthe bitumen is connected well with crushed stones for avoidingseparation.

四、沥青混凝土面层Bitumen Concrete Surface Layer


Bitumen concrete will be mixed in plant, with intermittentmixing station for mixing. The construction also adopts dumptrucks, pavers, double smooth wheel rollers, tire rollers,double-wheel double-vibrating rollers and for works. Angles partwhere the roller is difficult for tamping, it will be widened inedge, doing tamping with walking vibrating rollers. The difficultangle part can be tamped by labor and hot iron.




When doing bitumen mixture, the mixing materials will bedried , heated, screened and calculated. Mixing will be done withcoercible mixer.

Bitumen mixing material will be transported to the sitewith dump trucks. Transportation trucks will be covered.Temperature of the bitumen mixture which is transported to thepaving point will conform to the standards ofspecifications.

Rolling will be divided into the preliminary rolling,second rolling and final rolling.

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1137253.html

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