

发布时间:2018-01-14 所属栏目:人物

一 : 人人网陈一舟:谁是中国互联网的面壁者?


我演讲的题目是,“谁是中国互联网的面壁者?” 面壁者这个词用的人不多,它来源于中国科幻小说《三体》,这套科幻小说非常棒,不输于任何一本国外科幻小说。面壁者,这个关子我会在演讲的最后跟大家合盘托出。

我要讲的第一点是目前互联网的大趋势。 我有一个有争议的观点,就是目前的无线互联网潮流是70年IT革命中接近尾声时的一个巨大狂潮。狂潮的说法大家都知道,也认同,这里说接近尾声,为什么呢? 首先来看一下IT革命的起源。计算机的出世,应该算在二战期间, 当时参战的国家都在想办法破译敌方的密码。太平洋战争的中途岛之战美国的战机把山本五十六打下来,是因为事先破译了日军的电报密码。因为战争的需要,产生了真正的,现代意义上的电子计算机。


当一个技术行业开始而且必须关注艺术,那是否说明靠技术革新本身能产生的价值已经是越来越少, 所以才需要开始使用别的领域的一些优秀想法,才能把我们的事情做得更好,那是否说明技术本身的革新速度,已经不知不觉在变慢?当人类历史上最值钱公司的产品悄然出现在周围每一个手上的时候,这是否也预示着IT革命已经接近进入最后阶段?如果我没记错,在英国,工业革命末期,1840后的几年,最值钱的公司都是铁路公司,英国当时上市公司一半的市值是铁路公司产生的。这些数据都是可以思索的依据。 

所以我认为,IT革命经过70年来的狂飙突进,可能接近尾部,可能还有10、20年的时间。人类历史上最近的一次大的技术革命,起源于英国的工业革命,也不过持续了100年而已。 IT革命的速度这么快,所需时间似乎应该更短。我这里提出了一个命题,无线互联网是IT革命的最后一个狂潮。如果这是对的,那么在座的投资人以后投互联网的日子可能不会超过10年了。从另外一个角度看,一个技术革命的最后的10年,最有可能出现巨大的高潮,比如工业革命末期的铁路建设狂潮。技术革命的末期应该是最精彩的,就像一部悬念片,可能开始两个小时都看不明白,只是做所有的铺垫,直到最后几分钟才水落石出,恍然大悟。这最后几分钟是非常精彩的。无线互联网领域是IT革命的最后狂潮,一定会产生很多精彩的大结局。


第一,手机上的应用是符合快销品的特点,周期短,起来快,下去会更快。一个用户把手机换掉了,是不是还愿意装你这个应用,或者有但是把你排第二和第三屏的时候,他可能用得很少。 对创业者来说,如果有人愿意给你钱,你就赶快接着,比如说你有个手机应用现在搞得很火,大家追着你要投钱。一大堆钱投你就先接着,价格差不多就行了,别花太多的时间谈条件,你没有足够的时间。因为你所做的事情和PC互联网,包括传统行业创业周期快了很多,你花了很多时间去找钱,导致你执行上慢了,导致你该做的事没有做,很多竞争对手就超过你了。 一个大的互联网应用一般要花5年的时间才能发展起来,无线互联网可能只要花一年的时间,如果你花半年时间融资基本上离死不远了,这是客观现象,也是我们大多数人本能上所不容易理解的。  

第二点,也是我的观察,我个人觉得在移动互联网的应用,大量的价值会集中在手机首屏的这10几个应用中,为什么? 举个例子,最近快被人忘记的eBay突然起来了。外界看他比亚马逊落后了,但ebay还是美国一个非常大的网站。一般用户会把它放在手机的首页,用户本来就用得非常多的应用,手机上可能会用得更多。一个应用如果在PC互联网都用得不是很勤,比如说每隔一个季度用一次,你的手机应用可能排在手机上的第三或者第四页,或者手机下载之后就忘记用了。这个对投资和创业者来说是一个坏消息,因为占手机首屏的应用多半会是一些更有实力,特别大的互联网公司去占领,它扎了根以后会在这上面建设一些更多的垂直应用,会做平台,把很多其它的东西放进去。 这个趋势是值得创业者和投资者仔细去思考的。

第三点,从营销的角度来说,我观察到无线和PC互联网最大的不同,是第一天开始就是非常国际化的市场。 比如,我们早期做猫扑的时候,如果放一个大杂烩到印度去,因为文化的差异,这种BBS社区不会自动在那里长大。 但是在无线互联网有可能,你做一个好的应用,可以同时发布到全世界APP商店里面,全世界很多有这种需求的市场也会取得成功。

最后,谈一个关于行业相对深层的问题。 以前我提到过无线互联网是一个垂直整合的时代,你会发现在过去的5到10年,行业里最大的公司正在变成垂直整合的平台,比如说苹果,亚马逊、谷歌或者Facebook,他们会有一个支付系统,会有一个自己控制的APP商店,甚至操作系统。为什么?硬件越来越便宜,纯利率越来越低。 亚马逊的kindle迟早会变成免费的,因为,以我为例,我在亚马逊买电子书至少买了2千美金,纯利贡献大大的。 没有配送成本,为什么不免费给我送一个kindle呢? 这是迟早的事。 TMT行业垂直整合的趋势越来越明显,比如,运营商迟早要被整进去,估计是被迫而不是主动,这点,全球应该类似。 

无线互联网是全球的市场,对国内大的互联网公司来说,迟早他们会面临全球性巨无霸公司的远程进攻,就像《三体》这本小说所描绘的状况,特别是第二集黑暗森林的故事。这个小说是讲一个地球外文明的故事,有一个很遥远的星球,离地球有四个光年左右的时间,有三个恒星,会形成一个非常不稳定的星系。在行星上生活的智慧生命,经常会被不规则的,突如其来的恒星打断它的进化历程。 当其中一个太阳来的时候,它就脱水,然后躲起来;等太阳走了,它就复活,接着发展它的文明。一次偶然的机会他们发现了地球,决定向地球发起进攻,派出了星际战舰。他们派出的探测器叫水滴,一个水滴把地球派出来的几千艘战舰在20分钟之内全部干掉。做过比喻,国外这些大型的互联网公司,像谷歌、苹果、Facebook,亚马逊,属于三体世界;中国互联网,IT公司,是地球世界。IT革命未来收官阶段的战斗,都是全球性的,会受到来自于国外超级技术文明的攻击,他们派出的武器跟水滴一样,用常规的办法根本打不过。

在“三体”小说里面,地球人为了应对外星人的攻击,决定选出四个面壁者。面壁者的思路不一样,表现出惊人的领导力和创造力。比如说选了南美洲的一个前总统,选了一个美国国防部的部长,最后还选了一个中国人,是一个学者。 最后四个面壁者有三个都被三体星球派来的破壁者杀死了,只剩下中国的这位学者活下来了,最后想出了一招把外星人制住了,然后逼着他们接受了和地球人和平相处的协议。

对于中国整个IT的行业,我们需要考虑远一点。三体文明虽然远在天涯,但迟早还是要来的。 如果不希望中国的IT行业在未来10年全军覆没的话,我们的行业需要出“面壁者”,地球对付三体人的秘密武器。 面壁者的成熟可能不需要10年的时间, 面壁者挑战三体人先进技术的办法是三体人想不到的,也是地球人想不到的。 在中国所有公司和未来的公司里面,需要几个有面壁者气质的公司。 比如,雷军办小米手机如果三年前找我的话,我可能会帮他。 当然现在情况不太一样。 那个时候面壁还来得及, 而现在破壁者已到地球。


我们面临的是一个巨大的机会,是我们做互联网,做TMT的这样一群人,这一辈子里最激动,最忙碌的一个时期。 在未来的5至10年, 将会发生巨大的发展机会。 过了十年以后我看得不太清楚,十年之后这种机会可能会变得越来越少,因为会出现世界级的类似黑洞的超级公司,它们会把所有周围的价值像星际灰尘一样吸干。这种黑洞多半来自国外,我们行业需要开始面壁。



二 : 中国采访奥运会的第一个记者是谁?谢谢




三 : 谁是这个世界的印花女王?MaryKatrantzou独家采访(





- Mary Katrantzou-






MaryKatrantzou 2015ss




















































Mary Katrantzou这个在美国研习建筑,后来转战英国学习面料设计的女人,在10年前就开始了她的印花梦。



▽明星身着Mary Katrantzou设计的裙装


(www.61k.com)MaryKatrantzou forTOPSHOP








LL: How was last night

Mary: It was such a wonderful event I think. We decided tocome herewith Net-a-Porter, they are the biggest distributor in terms ofonlineplatform here in Asia, so it made sense to do a event thathas show casing thecollection, creating a runway show, it alsoallow the guests to look at thedetails of the collection, and havethe opportunity to meet them. So yeah, itwas a really funnight.

Mary: did you have a good time

LL: of course. Lots of Champaign and snacks is what Ilike

Mary: it always helps the party

LL: it always makes people feel happy andrelax.

LL: I know I can find your design and clothe in Lane Crawford orJoyce, why you choose Net-a-Porter as the online platform thistime?

Mary: In BJ, we are stocked at Lane Crawford, and Joyce and MariaLuisa. It’s great to have that presence, because it has to do withthe real presence that your customer can go in and experience theproduct. But interms of our online distribution, it’s such so vast,and actually the Asian consumerbase is our biggest consumer basewithin Net-a-Porter, so it was so importantto do an event with aplatform that our biggest consumer is actually Asian, andwithonline commerce, we are just now started to ship to Asia, weshipped toSingapore, we shipped to Seoul, but we don’t ship to BJ,but Net-a-Porter doesthat for us. So they are one of our mostimportant partners. Having that support and being able to do anevent that showcases your work at such a level,you can’t really sayno to. So we are really happy to do it with Net-a-Porter. Theystageeverything so professionally and the execution I think is soperfect. So yeah, we love coming here withNet-a-Porter

LL: I was really expecting to see your Designs on Net-a-Porter.Meand my assistance Sheila, she really loves shopping online, so it’sgoing tobe very popular in china we believe, especially in BJ, SHthe major cities.

Mary :Yeah, when you find a platform that showcases your work onall different levels, and it’s a very diverse offering, that’sreally whatyou want, that’s really what any brand want from theirpartners at wholesalelevel, at online level, you have to have theentire collection represented, andNet-a-Porter does that sowell.

LL: can you tell us something about yourself, I know you are aGreek, and you studied in American and started up your own brand inEngland.Is there anything behind this tremendouschange?

Mary: I think you know I did start as in architecture, andthen Itransitioned into textile design then into fashion, then ontobuilding myown business, my own brand. And I think within thattransition I found out somany elements about my work and what makesmy work distinctive and to me it becamea medium to allow women towear pieces that are really special and desirable atthe same time,and timeless and also unique. I started with digital printing,itwas about allowing women to wear any filtered beauty you can findwithindesign, and wear it in a very confident and powerful way, andnow it’s evolvedinto texture and form and shape and to a much morediverse universe. But at thesame time, I think that is veryspecific, I am inspired by design, I aminspired by art, inspired bywhat you want to see around yourself, and surroundyourself with.And I allow those elements to influence my design process andthepiece. There’s always a theme in my work, from perfume bottles tointeriorsto objects of art, to symbolism. As abstract and asspecific as it is, I thinkit means to have a narrative, and I thinkwomen want to buy into narrative, atleast our womendo.

LL: yeah always buy in narrative. I am a writer, I writeaboutfashion, I always influence my followers with narratives, it’svery importantfor a brand to last so long time.

Mary: I think it’s important for brand recognition, you haveso manyoptions, and women today I think want to find something that feelsespeciallydesign for them. I think it’ssoimportant; a lot of things in my collections unite differentplaces. I did a collectionon postage towns, obsolete bungalows, butit was from far farmland places likechina, Canada, south Africa, somany different places, but at the end when youare wearing it, it’ssaying something every different about yourself. Same withourresort collection, it was really based on the idea of the alphabet,it’sway we communicate in all languages, but at the same time, fromthat came thebirth of a clutch bag in the shape of a letter, andthat at the end to me is aproduct, it’s part of what you understandin shape and form, but it’s alsowearable, so I think there’sdefinitely something in my work now that connectsdifferentreferences at a very international level but makes it very specialtoa person buying, and I think the person buying with definitelyfeel when theysee a dress or any garment that it’s meant forthem.

LL: we all know you are one of the very successfuldesigners,especially for floral print and digital print. so isthere any differentnarrative from others?

Mary: I think you know everyone working with print worksin a verydistinct way, for me it was never about print, it was always aboutperception;it was about allowing women to wear a print that they’venever seen before. Mywork I think the distinction is that it’s notgeometric, or floral or traditionallythat way, it’s a bit braverand a bit more unique in its conception, and Ithink it’s the way Iwork. I like looking at references that you haven’t seenbefore orbeing able to design a collection with a newest to it? I thinkit’shard to find these days something that feels new, and in verycollection that’swhat I try to say. So for me it’s not about print,it’s that print when Istarted that became a medium that cantranslate what I had in my mind intoclothe. Now I’ve actuallystepped away from prints, which was a reallystrategic decision,because I think print now is everywhere. I am so happy thatI’vehelped made print so easy for women to dress in, but now on alllevelsfrom luxury to high street it saturated the market, so now Ifeel the need toactually move away, and I think sometimes youquestion those decisions becauseit’s a brave decision when it’sdoing so well for you, but you have to move on,evolve yoursignature, evolve your offering, evolve your brand, and tomethathappened naturally through looking at structure, and texture.The collectionyou saw yesterday was all about embroidery, lace andbouquets. All the textileswe created are entirely our own, and alsoelevate the brand to a differentlevel.

LL: Yeah I am very looking forward to see the diversity inyourdesign. Are all your designs on Net-a-Porter or, you pick or theybuy somethingspecially for Net-a-Porter?

Mary: They do their edits and it’s entirely curate byNet-a-Porter,they have an incredibly talented buying team whounderstand their markets sowell and represent us as a brand sowell. So they buy from the collection, nowthey buy four seasons ayear, and we are about to launch our pre-fallcollection now when wego back to London, and sometimes we offer them exclusivepiecesbecause I think it creates a point of difference to our otherwholesaleaccounts or to what we sell online on our website. So youknow you have todifferentiate as much as you can, and I think asmuch as your resources in timeallows you to, it’s great to doexclusives because it makes all more specialtothem.

LL: Net-a-Porter provides different choice and options forthecustomers. Sounds very positive for the market.

Mary: they have a great offering, I think it’s down to thatyou needfor every brand to be able to represent on all levels of theirdesign.We have the highly embellished pieces that are on a couturelevel that younever be able to mass produce but it filters throughdifferent categories froma day shirt in cotton, or a simple skirtthat you can buy at entry price pointlevel, especially becauseprint is so democratic in that way so it allows us todo that. We dothat within our own collection, and we also do it withourcollaboration with Adidas because you almost create a secondworld that can sitalong side of your own, and reach a differentdemographic.

LL: That’s fantastic, I really really looking forward tosee all ofyour good designs. I will personally buy it I cansee.

Mary: I hope so

LL: Nice to meet you and so welcome to China, the thirdtime you arehere we could have lunch or dinner to continue ourpleasantconversation.

Mary: 100% !Just give me 6 month and we will be back.6month is likea season and it will go by in no time. We really want to spendmoretime in BJ, there’s such an energy and you can meet so manyinterestingpeople and we haven’t really had the time to explore soI think another visit isdue very soon.









Contact: Contact@Ladyliaoliao.com




本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1116196.html

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