

发布时间:2018-05-04 所属栏目:2015英语四级大纲词汇

一 : 1句运营心法,8个核心词汇读懂运营

  A5创业项目春季招商 好项目招代理无忧













  首先是用户运营方面,所谓用户嘛,就是使用我们家产品的各家各户,可以是张三,可以是李四,也可以是张三的公司,李四的公司,即既可以to c,也可以to b,非要给这些用户画一个模型,那么可以参考金字塔模型。













































二 : 新书推荐:四级大纲核心词汇周计划

3. 选择记忆的最佳时间段背单词。据生理学家数据分析得知,在上午6 :00-7 : 30、8 : 00-10 : 00,下午4 : 00-5 : 00,晚上8 : 00-10 :00这四个时间段人的记忆力最佳。


三 : 四级最最核心词汇



参考 2001 - 2011大学英语四级真题,分类整理的最核心考点词汇,包括听力障碍词,阅读关键词,完形辨析词,写作高分词,为大家顺利通过四级考试助四臂之力!



reserve vt.保存,储备

【搭】 be reserved for 留作, in reserve 留下的, 备用的

【记】 serve = save, 储备即反复save → reserve

submit v.提交,服从

【搭】 submit to 服从于,把...提交给...

【记】 词根 mit 表示“送”,提交即从下往上送,提交作业就是服从老师的安排

occasion n.场合,机会,时机

【搭】 on occasion 有时,on the occasion of在...的时候

【记】 case 场合,情况

dissatisfied a.不满意的,不高兴的(说人的)

【搭】 be dissatisfied with

unsatisfactory a.令人不满意的, 不足的(说物的)

【例】 He received unsatisfactory answers.

interfere vi.干涉,妨碍

【搭】 interfere with
【记】 联想法:相互干涉的人,互相之间会很害怕 → inter(互相)- fere(想成fear)

interrupt vt.打断,中断

disturb vt.打扰,扰乱

discourage v.使气馁, 阻碍
【搭】 discourage from 使失信心

prohibit vt.禁止, 阻止
【搭】 prohibit sb. from doing sth.

【记】 禁止入内,即保持在门前 → pro(前面)- hibit(保持)

prevent v.防止, 预防
【搭】 prevent...from 阻止...做某事

revise vt.修订, 校订

【搭】 a revised edition 修订版
【记】 修订即书写完后,回去看看有没有错误 → re(返回)- vise(看)

consequence n.结果

【搭】 in consequence 因此, in consequence of...因为...的缘故, 由于

mankind n.人类(总称)
individual n.个人, 个体

【搭】 the rights of the individual 个人权力

【记】 个体不能再拆分 → in(否定)- divid(分开)- ual
civil adj.公民的

【搭】 civil servant 公务员

attach vt.缚上, 系上, 贴上 v.配属,隶属于
【搭】 be attached to 附属于, attach oneself to 依附,参加(党派等)

【记】 tach = touch

discipline n.纪律, 学科

【例】 We're looking for people from a wide range of disciplines.我们需要各个学科的人才。

regulation n.规则

【搭】 keep to the regulations 遵守规则

impression n.印象

【搭】 be under the impression that 认为, 觉得

make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象

secure a.安全的, 可靠的

【搭】 be secure of 对...有把握, 确信
assure vt.保证, 担保

【搭】 I assure you that...
confirm vt.确定,使巩固

【搭】 confirm one's belief
【记】 firm a.坚定的,牢固的

resolve vt.解决 n.决心

【搭】 keep one's resolve 坚持,make a resolve to do sth. 决心做某事

neutral adj.中立的

【搭】 on neutral ground 站在中间立场上

central a.中心的, 中央的

appeal n.请求, 呼吁,吸引力

【搭】 appeal to 向...呼吁/ 请求, have appeal 有吸引力

conclusion n.结束,结论

【搭】 come to a conclusion/ reach a conclusion 得出结论, in conclusion最后,总之

summary n.摘要, 概要a.概括的,总结的

claim vt.声称, 主张

crack v.(使)破裂, 崩溃

【搭】 at the crack of dawn 黎明时分
blank a.空白的

aspect n. (问题等的)方面

【搭】 look at all aspects of the situation 从不同角度看情况
angle n.角度
【搭】at a different angle 从不同角度,from various angles 从各种不同角度

affection n.情感,感情

【搭】 have an affection for 深爱着

【记】 人与人之间的感情来自于相互影响 ← affect 影响
emotion n.情绪, 情感

concentrate v.集中

【搭】 concentrate on/ upon 集中在,专心于

【记】 centr ← center

rhythm n.节奏

【搭】 play in quick rhythm 用快调奏乐
tone n.音调

volume n.音量

wonder n.奇迹 vt.对...感到惊讶

【搭】 no wonder 不足为怪
wander vi.漫步, 徘徊

【搭】 wander through the woods 徘徊于林中

【记】 wander 谐音:弯的,漫步时,路是弯的

depart vi.离开, 起程 → departuren.启程
【搭】 depart from 离开,从...出发

artificial adj.人造的

【搭】 artificial satellite 人造卫星
informal adj.非正式的
practical adj.实际的, 实践的, 实用的

stiff a.僵硬的,拘谨的

【搭】 a stiff neck 僵硬的脖子

utter a.全然的, 绝对的

【搭】 utter nonsense 十足的废话

classification n.分类, 分级
definition n.定义
function n.功能
perception n.理解,感知

【记】 perceive vt.察觉即 每一个感官收到→ per(每)- ceive(看成 receive)

means n.手段, 方法

【搭】 by means of 通过,借助于, by allmeans(表示同意)当然可以, 没问题,

by no means 决不, 一点也不
approach n.方法,途径

identical a.同一的, 同样的

【搭】 be identical with 和....完全相同, 和...一致
similar a.相似的 ← same

【搭】 be similar to 与...相似, 类似于
familiar a.熟悉的 ← family

【搭】 be familiar with 熟悉,精通

afterwards ad.然后
furthermore ad.此外, 而且

moreover ad 此外, 而且

【例】 I don't like skating, moreover, the ice is too thin. 我不喜欢滑冰,而且冰又太薄。

infer v.推断
interpret v.解释, 说明, 口译

【记】 口译是在两人之间做一些陈述工作 → inter(相互之间)- pret(来自 present 陈述)

enable vt.使能够

【搭】 enable sb. to do 使人能做...
enforce vt.执行

【搭】 enforce a regulation 执行一项条例

【记】 执行一项条例,才能使其有力量、有效力 → en(使)- force(力量)
ensure v.确保, 保证

【搭】 ensure success/ safety 保证成功/ 安全

boundless a.无限的, 无边无际的

【记】 boundary n.边界, 后缀 –less 表“无”
limitless a.无限的
ceaseless a.不停的, 不断的
【记】 cease v.停止 = stop

fatigue n.疲劳

【记】谐音联想: fat-哥,胖哥容易疲劳
confusion n.混淆

【搭】 in confusion 处于混乱状态
puzzle n.难题, 谜

【搭】 be in a puzzle 不知如何是好

via prep.经,经由,通过

【搭】 contact you via E-mail 通过邮件联系你

acquire vt.获得, 学到

【搭】 acquire knwledge of 求得...的知识

【记】 quire 表“询问”,学问学问,一点一点问,一点一点学

inquire v.询问,打听

【搭】 inquire about 打听, 了解(某某情况)

ignore vt.不理睬, 忽视

【例】 He completely ignored all these facts as though they neverexisted.

他完全无视这一切, 好象它们根本不存在似的。

previously ad.先前, 以前

【搭】 previous to (=before) 在...之前
rarely ad.很少地, 罕有地

【搭】 rare animal 稀有动物
merely adv.仅仅, 只, 不过

【例】 She is merely a child. 她只是个孩子。
consistently ad.一贯地,一致地

【例】 What you say is not consistent with whatyou do. 你言行不一

distinguish v.区别, 辨别

【搭】 distinguish...from...把...和...区别开
acknowledge vt.承认

【记】 我承认我错了,即我知道我错了,ac(加强)- know(知道)- ledge
identify vt.识别, 鉴别
convey vt.传达,传播,表达

【例】I can't convey my feelings in words. 我的情感难以言表

defeat vt.n.击败, 战胜

【例】 suffer a defeat 遭受挫败
attack vt.n.进攻, 攻击

【搭】 be attacked with a disease患…病
strike vi.打击,敲击,罢工

【搭】 be on strike 举行罢工

exclusively ad.排外地

【搭】 exclusive of不包括...在内,除...以外
【记】 对比 include 包括 来记忆 exclude 排除

practically ad.实际上, 事实上

competitive a.竞争的

【搭】 competitive price/ society
community n.社区,社会
committee n.委员会

commitment n.承诺

consult v.商议, 请教

【搭】 consult a doctor/ lawyer

【记】 consult 是为了得到一个 result
coach v.训练 n.教练
instruct vt.教育, 教导, 命令, 指示 →instructio n.说明书

【搭】 instruct sb. in English 教某人英语,instruct sb. to dosth.命令某人做某事

【记】 教育是内心建设 → in(内)- struct(建设)

preserve vt.保护, 保持(现状)

【例】 Ice helps to preserve food.冰有助于保存食物。

【记】 serve = save
retain vt.保持, 保留

【搭】 retain an appearance of youth 保持年轻的外貌

convince vt.使确信, 使信服

【搭】 be convinced of 确信, convince sb. Of 使某人信服

【记】 说服某人,你就赢了,vin ← win

proper a.适当的

【搭】 clothes proper for such an occasion 适合这种场合穿着的衣服

reasonable adj.合理的, 有道理的

【搭】 a reasonable person 通情达理的人, reasonable price 公道的价格

adopt vt.采用, 收养

【搭】 adopt a new idea 采纳新意见, adopt a child 收养小孩
【记】 采用即选用,词根 opt 表选择,见单词:option 选择

adapt vt.使适应, 改编

【搭】 adapt to city life

decorate v.装饰

【搭】 decorate with 以...装饰

【记】 dec ← december 十二月,年底了,装饰房子
store vt.存储 n.商店

【搭】 out of store 耗尽, 售完

possession n.所有物,财产

【搭】 in possession of sth. 占有某物
ownership n.所有权

period n.时期

interval n.间隔, 距离

【搭】 at regular intervals 每隔一定时间, class interval 课间

【记】 联想法:教室相互之间有道墙,作为间隔 → inter(相互之间)- val(看成 wall)

appliance n.器具,家用电器

【记】 apply vt.应用 → appliance
equipment n.装备, 设备

facility n.设备, 工具

【搭】 health care facilities 医疗设施

utility n.效用 ← utilizevt.使用

【搭】 of no utility 没用的, 无益的

【记】 uti ← use

purpose n.目的, 意图

【搭】 on purpose 故意地,for the purpose of 为了...的目的
goal n.目的, 目标

【搭】 reach the goal 达到目标

target n.目标,对象,靶子

【搭】 hit the target 达到目标

component n.成分
element n.要素, 元素, 成分
item n.项目, 条款, 产品,展品

【搭】 an export item 出口项目

article n.文章,物品, 商品, 项目, 条款

【搭】 articles of daily use 日用品
particle n.粒子,微粒

【记】 单词是每一篇(p) artical 的例子

accident n.意外事件

【搭】 car accidents
incident n.事件, 事变

【搭】 an international incident 国际事件

confront vt.使面临, 对抗

【搭】 be confronted with 面临,面对,碰上

significant adj.有意义的, 重大的, 重要的

【搭】 a significant change

【记】 signify vi.意味着 → significant

require vt.需要, 要求, 命令

【搭】 do as the law requires 按法律办事
inspire vt.鼓舞, 使生灵感

engage vt.使从事于, 使参加

【搭】 be engaged in 正做着, 正忙着
command v.命令, 指挥

【搭】 at sb.'s command 听某人支配

confine vt.限制, 禁闭

【搭】 be confined to 局限于

【记】 词根 fine 表“范围”
imply vt.暗示

enjoyable a.令人愉快的
stimulating adj.刺激的, 有刺激性的 ←stimulate vt.刺激

【记】 stim ← sting n.刺 ,-ulate 复合后缀

tedious a.单调乏味的

【搭】 tedious work

【记】 对比:tired 疲劳的

stressful a.产生压力的

stress n.压力, 重点

【搭】 place/put stress on 把重点放在...上

harshly ad.严厉地, 苛刻地

【搭】 harsh climate
reluctant a.不情愿地 = unwilling

【例】 He was very reluctant to go away. 他很不愿意离去。

【记】 谐音:驴拉坦克,很不情愿
casually adv.偶然地,随便地
【记】 对比:usually 通常,我们通常都很随便

ensure vt.使确信,确保

【例】 Our precautions ensured our safety. 我们的预防措施保证了我们的安全

assure vt.向…保证

【例】 I assure you that there's no danger.我向你保证没有危险。
require vt.需要, 要求, 命令(强硬)
request vt.请求, 要求(委婉)

【例】 ① Students are required to attend classes. 学生必须按规定上课

② Gentlemen are requested not to smoke. 先生们请勿吸烟

reveal vt.展现, 揭示

【搭】 reveal the truth
reverse a.相反的,颠倒的

【搭】 in reverse 反过来

【记】 词根 vers 表示“转”,见单词:universe
resume vt.恢复 n.简历

【搭】 resume traffic 恢复交通

effect n.效果, 影响

【搭】 have an effect on 对...有影响
affect vt.影响(往往是不利影响)

【例】 Playing video games will affect your study.
reflect vt.反映 vi.反省,思考

【例】 ① Baseball reflects America's history. 棒球反映美国历史。
② I always reflect on my future. 我常思考我的未来。

dictate v.口述,指令 → dictationn.听写

remove vt.消除,移除

【搭】 remove bad habits
relieve vt.减轻, 解除

【搭】 relieve burden/ pressure 减负,减压

【记】 词根 lev 表示“轻”
recalls vt.回忆, 回想

【搭】 recall my schooldays 回忆起我的学生时代

proceed vi.进行, 继续下去

【例】 Business proceeded as usual.

【记】 词根 ced 表示“走”,进行即往前走 → pro(向前)- ceed(走)
progress vt.n.前进, 进步

【搭】 make progress 取得进步

familiar a.熟悉的

【搭】 be familiar with 熟悉, 精通
similar a.相似的

【搭】 be similar to 与...相似
identical a.同样的

【搭】 be identical with 和....完全相同

prospect n.前景, 前途

【例】 We have good prospects. 我们有美好的前途。

【记】 词根 spect 表示“看”,前景即我们向前看到的风景 → pro(向前)- spect(看)
proposal n.提议, 建议 ← proposevt.提议 = put forward

【搭】 propose a solution to the problem 提出解决问题的方案

【记】 词根 pose 表示“放”,提议即把想法放到前面来,大家议一议 → pro(前面)- pose(放)

prompt vt.促使 adj.敏捷的,迅速的

【搭】 a prompt reply 即刻答复

transfer vt.转移(工作调动,转学,转车,转让财产)
transmit vt.传播(传播疾病、信号、数据)

consist vi.由...组成(不用被动)

【例】 New York City consists of five boroughs. 纽约由五个区组成。

compose vt.组成

【搭】 be composed of 由...组成

scale n.规模

【搭】 large/ small scale 大/小 规模

standard n.标准 adj.标准的

【搭】 standard of living 生活水准

abstract n.摘要 a.抽象的

【搭】 an abstract concept 抽象概念

assumption n.假定, 设想 ← assumevt.假设

【例】 Your assumption is wrong. 你的假定是错的。

identify vt.识别, 鉴别
locate v.定位, 位于
reveal vt.展现, 揭示

layout n.规划,布局

【搭】 the layout of a factory 工厂的布局

【记】 工厂的布局即工厂的设备如何摆放

prescribe vt.指示,开药 →prescription n.药方

【搭】 prescribe for a patient in a fever 给发烧患者开药方
justify v.证明...是正当的

【例】 No argument can justify a war.

utter a.全然的, 绝对的

【例】 I was at an utter loss what to do. 我完全不知道该怎样做才好。

scarcely ad.几乎不,简直不, 刚刚, 仅仅, 才

【例】 He was scarcely sixteen when he joined the army.他参军时刚刚十六岁。

interpret v.解释, 说明, 口译

amid prep.在...中 = in the middle of

【例】 He was brave amid all dangers. 他在各种危险中总是勇敢的。

personnel n.人事部门

【搭】 personnel manager 人事经理

installation n.安装

emergence n.浮现,出现

facility n.设备, 工具(给人提供方便的设备)

【搭】 recreational facilities 娱乐设施
instrument n.工具,乐器(精密仪器)
implement n.工具, 器具(大型工具)

【搭】 farming implements 农具
appliance n.用具, 器具(家用电器)

【搭】 electric appliance 电器

cultivate vt.培养, 耕作 →agriculture n.农业

【搭】 cultivate the new generation 培育新一代
nourish vt.养育

【搭】 Milk nourishes a baby. 牛奶供给婴儿养料。
【记】 nutrition n.营养, nursen.护士

channel n.海峡,渠道
current n.电流,洋流 a.当前的,流通的

evaluate vt.评价

【搭】 evaluate performance of employees 评价员工的表现

reservation n.保留,预定

【搭】 make reservations 定座, 定房间
retreat vi.撤退

【搭】 force the enemy to retreat 迫使敌人撤退

【记】 return + eat 回去吃饭
replacement n.代替
recovery n.恢复

derive vi.起源

【例】 Many English words are derived from Latin. 许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。

【记】 de(向下)- rive(看成 river)
descend vi.下降,遗传

【例】 the ballon began to descend and landed near an airfield.气球开始降落,并在一个机场附近着陆了。
distinguish v.区别, 辨别

【搭】 distinguish...from... 辨别, 识别

refer vi.提到,查阅

【搭】 refer to 提到, 参考, 查阅
related adj.有关系的
attached adj.附上...的

【搭】 attach labels to the luggage 把标签系在行李上
associated adj.联合的, 关联的 →association n.社团

【搭】 associate one thing with another 把某一事与另一事联系起来

【记】 核心 soci ← society 社会

behavior n.举止, 行为
gesture n.手势
signal n.信号

relative a.相对的

【例】 Beauty is relative. 美是相对的
negative a.消极的,否定的

positive a.积极的,肯定的
sensitive a.敏感的, 灵敏的
decisive a.决定性的

【搭】 the decisive vote 决定性的一票

grant vt.同意, 准予

【搭】 grant permission 准许, take it for granted 认为理所当然

insistent a.坚持不懈的
resistant a.抵抗的
persistent a.坚持不懈的

【搭】 persistent effort 坚持不懈的努力
consistent a.一致的

【例】 What you say is not consistent with whatyou do. 你言行不一。

retailer n.零售商

【记】 零售,即买一些零头、尾巴, tail 尾巴
consumer n.消费者
manufacturer n.制造商

【记】 词根 fact 表示造,见 factory 工厂,最早的制造业都是手工制造 → mamu(手)- fact(造)-ure

favorable a.赞成的,讨人喜欢的
critical a.批判的,关键性的

moreover ad.而且, 此外

【例】 She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her.Moreover, he was observing her strangely.她看见真有一个男的紧跟在她身后,而且在怪异地注视自己。

nevertheless conj.然而, 不过

【例】 She was very tired, neverthelessshe kept on working. 她虽然很疲倦,然而她却继续工作。

raise vt.升起,提高(人为的,提升具体的事物)

【搭】 raise salary 加薪, raise voice 提高声音, raisechildren抚养孩子
enhance vt.提高, 增强(一般说提升种素质、价值等抽象的事物)

【搭】 Health enhances beauty. 健康使人显得更美。

rarely ad.很少地, 罕有地
readily ad.乐意地

【例】 He readily agreed to help us. 他欣然同意帮助我们。
reality n.现实

cautiously ad.慎重地

【搭】 be cautious of 留意, 谨防

volume n.音量

【搭】 turn up/ down the volume

extent n.范围, 程度

【搭】 to a certian extent 在一定程度上, to some extent 某种程度上
scope n.(活动)范围, 机会, 余地

【搭】 an investigation of wide scope 大规模的调查
amount n.数量

【搭】 a large amount of 大量
range n.范围, 射程

【搭】 out of range 在射程外

【记】 联想法: ran + ge 看哥能跑多远

capacity n.容量,能力

【搭】 seating capacity 座位量
intention n.目的,意图

【搭】 with the intention of 抱有...目的, 打算
reflection n.倒影, 反省

【搭】 without reflection 不经思考

detail n.细节, 详情

vary vi.变化, 不同

【例】 Opinions vary from person to person.观点因人而已

occupy vt.占用, 占领, 占据 →occupation n.职业

【搭】 be occupied in 正在做某事

possess vt.占有, 拥有 →possession n.财产

【搭】 possess valuable data 掌握珍贵的数据资料

maximum n.最大量

【例】 The maximum score on this test is 100. 这份考试的满分为100分。

medium n.媒体 a.中等的

【搭】 a medium size 中等尺寸

essential a.本质的,必须的n.必需品

【搭】 essentials of life 生活必需品

functional a.功能的

optional a.可选择的

【搭】 optional subjects 选修课

grasp vt.抓住, 领会

【搭】 grasp opportunity 抓住机会

acquire vt.获得, 学到

【搭】 acquire knwledge of 求得...的知识

endure v.耐久, 忍耐 ← duringprep.在……期间

【搭】 endure pain/ suffering/ hardship

procession n.(人、车辆或船等的)行列, 队伍 ←proceed v.进行

【记】 队伍向前走 → pro(向前)- cess(走)- ion

profession n.职业, 专业

possession n.拥有, 财产

【搭】 in possession of sth. 占有某物

preference n.偏爱

typical a.典型的

mere adj.仅仅的

【例】 The merest little thing makes him nervous. 一点点小事就使他精神紧张。

provoke vt.激怒, 挑拨

【搭】 provoke a fight 挑起一场战斗

【记】 词根 vok = voc 表示“喊”← voice, 在前面喊,过于嚣张,就会惹起一些事情 → pro(前面)-voke(喊)

prompt vt.鼓动, 促使 a.迅速的

anticipate vt.预期, 期待

【例】 We anticipate a prompt reply form you. 我们期待你的早日回复。

participate vt.参加

curiosity n.好奇心 ← curiousa.好奇的

enforce vt.执行

【搭】 enforce the rules

【记】 执行一个制度,才能使其有力量 → en(使)- force(力量)

sake n.缘故, 理由

【搭】 for the sake of = for one's sake 为了...起见, 为了...

target n.目标, 靶子

【搭】 hit a target

goal n.目的, 目标

【搭】 reach the goal

radical a.根本的,激进的

【搭】 radical change

【记】 激进的,感觉就像射线一样, 词根 radi 表“根、辐射”,见单词:radiation

initial adj.最初的, 初始的

【搭】 take the initial step, initial stage

【记】 对比 exit 出口,init 则可认为是“入门”, 初步的,即入门的 → init-ial

spread v.传播

【搭】 spread news/ diseases 传播消息、疾病

sponsor vt.发起v.赞助 n.赞助商

【搭】 sponsor a competition/ program/ campaign(运动)

access vt.接近 n.通道

【例】 Citizens may have free accessto the library.市民可以自由使用图书馆。

route n.路线, 路程

a train/ bus route 火车/ 公交路线

shrink v.收缩 → wrinklen.皱纹

【例】 The cloth shrinks in the wash.

tighten v.绷紧, 拉紧

loosen v.松开

maintain vt.维持, 维修

【搭】 maintain good relations,maintain a car

sustain vt.支撑, 维持

【搭】 sustainable development 可持续发展

entertain vt.娱乐, 招待 →entertainment n.娱乐

realize vt.认识到,实现

【例】 Does he realize his error yet?他认识到他的错误吗?

recall vt.回忆, 回想,召回

【例】 More than 3,000 cars were recalled yesterday because of abrake problem.


exhibit vt.展出, 陈列

【搭】 exhibit paintings

specific a.明确的, 特殊的

【搭】 the specific description of the problems

excessive a.过分的,过度的

【搭】 excessive speed 超速,excessive drinking 酗酒

【记】 过度的即走到一个极限的外面 → ex(外)- cess(走)- ive

conduct v.引导 n.行为

【搭】 a bad conduct 恶劣行为

precise a.精确的, 准确的 = accurate

【搭】 a precise instrument 精密仪器, a precise measurement 精确的测量

precious a.珍贵的 (cherish vt.珍惜 )

【搭】 precious resource 珍贵资源

particular a.特殊的, 特别的

【搭】 in particular = particularly,especially 特殊地,尤其

peculiar a.古怪的,罕见的

【例】 There is something peculiar about him.他有点古怪

status n.身份, 地位

【搭】 social status 社会地位

statue n.雕像

disappointing a.令人失望的

upsetting a.令人心烦意乱的

multiply v.乘,繁殖

【例】 These creatures can multiply quickly. 这些动物能迅速繁殖。

manufacture vt.生产,制造

breed v.繁殖 ← bring

【搭】 breed up 养育, 教育

profit n.利润, 益处

income n.收入
payment n.付款, 支付

budget n.预算

consequently ad.从而, 因此 = so, therefore, as aresult

current a.当前的,流通的

【搭】 current fashions 流行时尚

trend n.倾向, 趋势
【搭】 the latest trend 最新潮流

remarkably ad.非常地, 显著地
essentially ad.本质上地

particularly ad.独特地, 显著地

【例】 I particularly like the brown shoes. 我尤其喜爱棕色的鞋。

surge vi.汹涌, 澎湃

【例】 The fans surged forward to see the movie star.

surf v.冲浪

slip vi.滑动, 滑倒

【搭】 slip away 溜走,消失
stretch v.伸展, 延伸

【搭】 stretched out one’s hand, stretch thetruth

【记】 联想法:大街上的车,在向前延伸 → stret(看成 street)- ch(看成 che 车)

slight a.轻微的, 微小的

【搭】 slight matters 微不足道小事

liable to 易受, 应受

【例】 Children are liable to catch cold. 小孩易患感冒。

thanks to 由于,多亏于

【例】 Thanks to your explanation, it's clear to me now.

in terms of 根据, 按照,在...方面

【例】 He thought of everything in terms of money.他是从钱的角度来看每一件事。

relieve vt.减轻, 解除

revise vt.修订, 校订

average a.平均的

abundant a.丰富的,大量的

【例】 The country is abundant in natural resources.这个国家天然资源丰富。
massive a.大量的,厚重的

【搭】 make massive efforts 做出极大的努力

vehicle n.交通工具, 车辆
device n.装置, 设计 ← devisevt.设计

reckon vt.计算

【搭】 reckon the cost of production 计算生产成本
predict v.预言

prescribe v.指示,开药方

temporary a.暂时的, 临时的

superior a.优越的

【搭】 be superior to 胜过, 比...好

regular a.规则的, 有秩序的

adequate a.适当的, 足够的

【例】 The supply is not adequate to the demand.供不应求。

【记】 足够的,即供求平等的 → ad(加强)- equ(equal平等的)- ate

anxious a.焦虑的,渴望的

【搭】 be anxious about 忧虑, 担心

obstacle n.障碍 = barrier

【搭】 an obstacle to progress

challenge n.挑战

guideline n.方针

retirement n.退休 ( resignvt.辞职 )

stability n.稳定性 ← stablea.稳定的

realm n.领域 = field

【搭】 the realm of science 科学界

【记】 我在我的领域才是真的我 → real(真的)- m(看成 me)

previous adj.先前的, 早先的

【搭】 previous marriage 前一段婚姻

former a.前任的

【搭】 former president 前总统

transform vt.转换, 改变

【例】 Success and wealth transformed his character.成功和财富改变了他的性格。

yield v.生产 n.产量

【例】 That apple tree yield s plenty of apples.

unfairly a.不公平的

instantly ad.立即地(constant a.持续的 )

【例】 I recognized her instantly I saw her. 我一看见她就把她认出来了。

indirectly ad.间接地

reliable a.可靠的

【搭】 a reliable assistant

considerable a.相当(大, 多)的, 可观的

considerate a.考虑周到的

【记】 考虑到吃饭的问题,很周到 → consider(考虑)- ate(吃)

available a.可得到的, 可利用的

【例】 This book is not available here. 这里没有这本书。

feasible a.可行的

【搭】 a feasible plan

【记】 拆分联想:f-easi-ble → 非常 easy, 所以能够做

conscience n.良心, 道德心

【搭】 have a clear conscience 问心无愧

【记】 科学家都很有良心

definition n.定义, 解说
rank n.等级 vt.排列

【搭】 rank first/ second 排第一/ 第二

asset n.资产

【例】 Good health is a great asset. 健康是最大的财富。

ideal n.理想 a.理想的

【搭】 find an ideal job 找一份理想的工作

distract v.分散(注意力)

【例】 Playing video games sometimes distracts him from hishomework.

【记】 dis-分开,tract 表示“拉”,注意力被拉走了,或者想到 attractvt.吸引,注意力被外界事物吸引走了。

descend vi.下降, 遗传

differ vi.不一致, 不同

【例】 Japanese differs greatly from French in pronunciation.日语发音和法语大不相同。

derive vi.起源

reflect v.反射, 反映

detect vt.察觉, 发觉 → detectiven.侦探

visible a.看得见的, 明显的 →invisible a.无形的

responsible a.负责的 →responsibility n.责任

feasible a.可行的

sensible a.明智的

【搭】 a sensible choice 明智的抉择

【记】 sense 理性

appeal vi.呼吁,吸引

【例】 Bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。

advocate vt.提倡

【记】 词根 voc 表“呼喊”(来自 voice),提倡即大声呼唤 → ad(加强)- voc(呼唤)- ate

corporation n.公司

compound n.混合物

【记】 pound 英镑,是一种混合物

slightly ad.轻微地

solely ad.单独地

【记】 词根sol 表“单独”,见单词:solon.独唱,独奏isolated a.孤独的

flexible a.灵活的

【搭】 a flexible schedule/ plan

widespread a.分布广泛的

productive a.多产的

【搭】 a productive writer 多产作家

flourishing a.繁荣的

【例】 Those plants are flourishing. 那些植物长得茂盛。

【记】 flour ← flower, 像鲜花盛开一样繁荣

thriving a.兴旺的 ← thrivevi.兴旺

【例】 A business can not thrive without good management.商业管理不好是兴旺不起来的。

【记】 拆分联想:thrive = three + river , 一个地方若有三条河,一定会很兴旺。

fertile a.肥沃的

【搭】 fertile soil 肥沃的土壤

restraint n.抑制,约束 ←restrain vt.抑制

【搭】 without restraint 自由地, 无拘束地

【记】 strain n.紧张,压力。紧张会抑制一个人的发挥。

surroundings n.环境

treasure n.财宝, 财富

category n.种类

【记】 联想法:cat(猫)-e-go(谐音:狗)-ry → 猫和狗都有很多种类

expand vt.扩张,延伸

【搭】 expand one's knowledge

invade vt.侵略

【搭】 invade sb.'s rights 侵犯某人的权利

【记】 词根 vad 表示“走”,走进来侵略 → in(进)- vade(走)

split v.裂开 n.裂缝

【例】 There is a long split in his coat. 他的大衣上裂了一条大口子。

【记】 联想法:sp (撕破)- lit(看成 little) ,衣服撕破一点点 → 裂缝 split

conventional a.传统的

【搭】 conventional opinions 传统观念

【记】 convention n.大会,惯例, 会议就是大家走到一起来 → con(一起)-vent(走)- ion. 大型会议都是按传统来举办的。

primitive a.原始的, 远古的 ← primea.首先的,最初的

【搭】 primitive societies 原始社会

prior a.在前的,在先的 → priorityn.优先权

【例】 It happened prior to my arrival. 这发生在我到达之前。







accustomed adj.通常的, 习惯的

【搭】 be/ get accustomed to 习惯于

【例】 Accustomed to seeing A’sand B’s on high school report cards, they may be upset when theirchildren’s first semester(学期)college grades are below that level.(07.6)

addition n.增加

【搭】 in addition 另外

【例】 In addition non-readersare more likely to live in rural(乡村的) areas and have less contact withneighbours and friends.(02.6)

advance vt.n.前进

【搭】 in advance 预先

【例】 M: Do we have to get the opera tickets in advance?
W: Certainly. Tickets at the door are usually sold at a higherprice.

alcohol n.酒精, 酒

【搭】 gave up alcohol 戒酒, alcohol abuse 酗酒

【例】 I gave up tobacco and alcohol and searched for new hobbies(爱好). Now I am afraid of looking backsince the past life seemed like a horrible dream.(03.6)

amount n.数量 vi.总计, 等于

【搭】 a large amount of 大量的, amount to 总计

【例】 Reducing the amount of sleep students get atnight has a direct impact on their performance at school during theday.(06.12)

ancestor n.祖先

【例】 Why did the ancestors ofGypsies leave their home? (01.1)

ancient a.古老的

【例】 M: How did you come up with the names of yourcharacters?
W: I invented some of them. But I also collected strange names.I’ve got one from ancientsaints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memoirs and people Imet.(06.12)

anniversary n.周年纪念

【例】 Last month was their tenth anniversary in Britain. And they had a dinnerwith their friends to celebrate(庆祝). (03.9)

apartment n.公寓,套房

【辨】 department n.部门

【例】 M: I am going to New York next week, but the hotel I bookedis really expensive.
W: Why book a hotel? My brother has 2 spare rooms in hisapartment. (05.12)

application n.申请

【搭】 application form 申请表

【例】 an application foradmission (to school) 入学申请

appointment n.约会

【搭】 make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会

【例】 The man has missed his appointment.

arrest vt.逮捕 = capture

【例】 The policeman arrestedthe thief. 警察逮捕了小偷。

artificial a.人造的 = man-made

【搭】 artificial satellite 人造卫星,artificial rain 人工降雨

assess vt.评价,估计 = evaluate

【例】 After a number of different tests and interviews with peoplewho are familiar with the different cameras being assessed, our researchers recommend( 推荐) the Olympic BY model as thebest auto-focus camera available(可得到的) at the moment. (05.1)

association n.协会,社团,交往

【记】 soci ← society 社会

【例】 American Automobile Association

atmosphere n.大气层,气氛

【例】 atmosphere pressure 大气压力

authority n.权威,当局

【搭】 local authority 地方政权

award vt.授予 n.奖品

【辨】 reward vt. n.回报

【例】 I won the first prize in the National WritingContest(比赛) and I got thiscamera as an award. (03.6)

aware a.知道的,意识到的

【搭】 be aware of 意识到……


ban vt.禁止

【搭】 ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事

【例】 Four months later, Pania reluctantly(不情愿地) but courageously(勇敢地) decided to try to educatethe public and to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while a caris moving. (06.12)

bare a.赤裸的

【搭】 a bare arm, bare feet

barely adv.仅仅, 刚刚, 几乎不能

【搭】 be barely able to do 几乎不能做

【例】 W: Professor White’s presentation(报告) seemed to go on forever. Iwas barely able to stayawake.
M: How could you sleep through it? It is one of the best that Ihave ever heard on this topic. (02.1)

behalf n.利益

【搭】 on behalf of 代表, 为了

【例】 But the judge made clear that Kimberly did have standing tosue (起诉) on her ownbehalf. (03.6)

bet vi.打赌

【搭】 bet in doing 打赌做,best bet 最好的办法

【例】 Your best bet is to makereservations ahead of time. 最好的方法是你提前预定

block n.街区

【例】 The man lives two blocksaway from the Smiths.

bound a.一定的,必然的

【搭】 be bound to 必定, 一定

【例】 Since people assume thatthe accidents are bound tooccur, they want to know how cars can be built better to protectthe drivers.(01.1)

breakthrough n.突破

【搭】 major technological breakthrough 重大突破

【例】 But the real truth is that we don't know enough to relieveglobal warming, and - without major technological breakthroughs - wecan't do much about it.

budget n.预算

【例】 M: Christmas is around thecorner(即将来临). And I’m looking for a gift for mygirlfriend. Any suggestions?
W: Well you have to tell me something about your girlfriend first.Also, what’s your budget?(06.12)


campaign n.运动

【例】 Her campaign increased public awareness(意识) of the problem, andprompted(促使) over 300 citiesand several states to consider restrictions(限制) on cell phoneuse.(06.12)

campus n.校园

【搭】 on campus 在校内,off campus 在校外

【例】 M: You know the electronics company is coming to ourcampus to recruit(招收) graduate students next week.
W: Really? What day? I’d like to talk to them and handin(交上) my resume(简历).(05.12)

candidate n.候选人

【例】 W: Why do you think you are the right candidate for this position?

M: As a head broker(经纪人), Ihave a lot of experiences in the stock market(股票市场). I dealwith the clients(客户) on thedaily bases, and I enjoy working with people. (06.6)

catalog n.目录

【例】 M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?
W: Sorry, I don’t know for sure, but I guess it is an early 18century work. Let me look it up(查询) in the catalog. (01.1)

certificate n.证书

【例】 W: Frank, I thought you were working in New York.
M: I was, but I’ve moved back. I just couldn’t get usedto(习惯) living in a big city, so here I am back in school takingcourses for a teacher’s certificate. (04.6)

channel n.(电视)频道,途径

【搭】 open a channel 打开一条通路

【例】 Our government has to work out other ways to collectfunds(资金) from differentchannels, which might bedifficult to operate or control.

civilian n.平民 a.民用的

【搭】 civilian clothes 便装,civilian use 民用

【例】 The passage is chiefly about the civilian use of a military(军事的) detection system. (02.6)

clerk n.职员,店员

【例】 The hotel clerk insistedthat he didn’t make any reservation(预定). (07.6)

comment n.评论

【搭】 make comments on sth. 评论某事

【例】 W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place forconferences.
M: He is certainly in the position to make that comment. HE has been there so often.(05.6)

commit vt.犯错,犯罪

【搭】 commit suicide 自杀

【例】 She committed suicidebecause of her mental disorder. (07.12)

competitive adj.竞争的

【例】 The advertising world is very competitive. And when I look back, I can’timagine how I stood(忍受) it. (03.6)

complaint n.抱怨

【搭】 make a complaint against 对……提出不满意见

【例】 Your complaint may notreach the person in charge(主管). (10.6)

complex adj.复杂的 = complicated

【例】 M: I hear a newly-invented drug can make people tell thetruth and it may prove useful in questioning terrorists. Isn’t itincredible(难以置信的)?
W: Simple solutions to complexproblems rarely succeed. As far as I know, no such drugs are everknown to work. (05.12)

concentration n.集中,浓度

【搭】 high concentration 高浓度

【例】 It can be concluded from the passage that lapses(失误) cannot always be attributedto(归因于) lack of concentration. (03.6)

concrete adj.具体的 n.混凝土

【搭】 concrete evidence/ facts

【例】 The award-winning beach house is quite strong because it isbuilt with timber(木材) andconcrete.(03.12)

considerably adv.相当地

【例】 The American versions(版本) are considerably more expensive.

constitution n.宪法

【例】 The Constitution giveseveryone the right to own arms. It doesn’t spell out(讲清楚)what kind of arms.(04.6)

conventional a.传统的 = tradional

【例】 What does the woman think of the conventional schools? (05.1)

convey vt.传达

【搭】 convey one’s feelings 传达感情

【例】 What message did the researcher intend to convey to parents? (06.12)

copyright n.版权

【例】 Anyone who wants copyright protection for a publication in theU. S. must send two copies to the library.

corporation n.公司,团体

【搭】 multinational corporations 跨国公司

【例】 What we are now pushing for is to have multinationalcorporations meet the standardsset by the ISO. (05.6)

criminal n.罪犯

【例】 People may be afraid of them, look down on(瞧不起) them,or think that they are criminals. (01.01)

crisis n.危机

【搭】 economic crisis 经济危机, energy crisis 能源危机

【例】 Because of the pressure of the job, I used to smoke anddrink too much. The crisis came when my wife left me. (03.6)


decorate vt.装修,装饰

【搭】 decorate our homes

deficiency n.缺乏, 不足

【例】 The experiment is the first to ask teachers to report on theeffects of sleep deficiency inchildren. (06.12)

democratic adj.民主的

【搭】 the Democratic Party [美]民主党, democratic country 民主国家

departure n.启程, 出发

【例】 The plane’s departuretime remains unknown. (02.6)

destructive adj.破坏性的


determine v.决定,测定

【搭】 be determined to do sth. 决心做某事

【例】 What determines the kindof person you are?

device n.装置,设备 ← devisevt.设计

【例】 New radio devices shouldbe developed for tracking(跟踪)the endangered blue whales. (02.6)

discount n.折扣

【搭】 discount of 30% 七折

【例】 It had a 15% discount onweekdays. (07.6)

diverse a.多种多样的 = different

【例】 What did Dale think of Mindsets LLC’s workshop(车间,工厂)?

D. It met participants’ diverse needs.

downtown adj.市区的

【例】 He owns a piece of land in the downtown area. (2012.12)


efficient a.高效的

【例】 The reason London taxi drivers are so efficient is that they all have gone through avery tough(严格的)training period to get special taxi drivinglicense.(02.1)

elderly a.年长的

【例】 Recently researchers have found that, even in lateadulthood, exercise, strength training with weights, and betterfood can help elderlyindividuals(老年人)significantly improve their health and add happiness to theirlife.

elementary adj.初步的, 基本的

【搭】 elementary school 小学

emergency n.紧急情况

【搭】 an emergency room 急诊室

【例】 In her early days as an emergency room physician, Doctor Joanna Mayertreated a child who had suffered a second degree burn. (09.12)

enormous adj.巨大的

【例】 The type of accidents continued to rise because of humanfailure and an enormousincrease in the numbers of automobiles(汽车) on the road. (2000.6)

enthusiasm n.热情,巨大兴趣

【例】 These overseas students show great enthusiasm for learning a new language.(04.12)

essential a.必不可少的

【搭】 essentials of life 生活必需品

【例】 Regular health checks are essential to keeping fit(保持健康).

exception n.例外 → exceptionala.异常的

【搭】 without exception 毫无例外的

expansion n.扩张 ← expand

【例】 It can be seen from the passage that the expansion of America’s elderly population willprovide good job opportunities in many areas.


financial a.财政的

【搭】 financial crisis 财政危机

fond a.喜欢的

【搭】 be fond of 喜欢……

【例】 Are you fond of music?

forecast vt. n.预测

【例】 The weather forecastsays it will be fine.

formation n.形成

【例】 The particles(粒子)interferewith(影响) the formationof carbon-14 on earth. (02.6)

fortune n.财富

【搭】 make a fortune 赚大钱


generous adj.慷慨的, 大方的

【例】 She was very generous in offering help. (07.6)

grain n.谷物

grand a.盛大的,壮丽的

【搭】 the Grand Theater 大剧院

grasp vt. n.抓住,勾住

【搭】 beyond/ within one's grasp 力量达不到/达得到

【例】 My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might writeanother one. But I never really imagine a target(目标) audience when I’m writing. Theideas come first. So it really depends on the ideas thatgrasp me next.

gratitude n.感激之情

【记】 词根 grat 表“感激”,见单词:grateful a.感激的; 后缀 –tude同 attitude 中的 tude, 感激之情是一种态度。

【搭】 express one's gratitude to sb. for sth. 为某事对某人表示感谢

greedy a.贪婪的

【搭】 a greedy man

guarantee n. vt.保证,担保 = assure

【例】 The cost of the grave(坟墓) is so great that most people chooseto rent the grave for three years and even after it has been dugup, lasting peace is still not guaranteed. (06.6)

guilty a.内疚的,有罪的

【搭】 be guilty of a crime 犯了罪

【例】 In Britain, if you are found guilty of a crime, you can be sent to prisonor be fined or be ordered to do community(社区) work such as tidying publicplaces and helping the old. (02.1)


hobby n.业余爱好

honorable a.光荣的

【搭】 an honorable profession

hostile a.敌对的,不友善的

【搭】 be hostile to

【例】 The ocean has many things in common with space. In theirdifferent ways, both sea and space are equally hostile. (05.12)


identical a.相同的 ← identity

【例】 Nearly all the houses were identical.

imitate vt.模仿

【例】 There was once a man in South America who had a parrot(鹦鹉),a pet bird that could imitatehuman speech. (02.1)

impact n.碰撞,影响

【搭】 have an impact on 对……产生影响

【例】 Reducing the amount of sleep students get at night has adirect impact on theirperformance at school during the day. (06.12)

inadequate adj.不足的,不充分的

【记】 不足的即供求不平等的 → in(否定)-ad-equ(平等)-ate

【例】 Supplies of food and medicines are inadequate.

indicate vt.显示,表明 = point out

【例】 The study published in the journal(杂志) Nature indicates that ...

indispensable a.必不可少的

【记】 词根 pens 表“花费”,一个东西必不可少,就不得不花钱去买 → in(否定)-dis(否定)- pens(花费)-able

【例】 Food and drink are indispensable to one’s existence.

infant n.婴儿

【例】 Chomsky suggested that human infants are born with theability to learn language. (08.12)

innocent a.无辜的,清白的


inquire vt.询问,打听


intensity n.强度

【例】 When Stevenson followed the carbon-14 trailback 跟踪)in time he found carbon-4 levels change with theintensity of solar burning.(02.6)

interfere vi.干扰

【例】 Fox hunting opponents(反对者) often interfere in the game by resortingto(采取) violence.(02.1)

invisible adj.看不见的, 无形的

【搭】 invisible asset 无形资产

item n.项目,产品

【例】 W: I think we’ve covered everything. What about a cup ofcoffee before we move onto the next item?
M: Good idea. I really can’t wait another minute.


laundry n.洗衣店,待洗的衣服

【例】 Her household(家庭的) billspiled up(堆积), along with the dishes and dirtylaundry

likewise adv.同样地

【例】 Some have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resistevil.一个没有能力去做善事的人同样也没有力量抵制邪恶。

luggage n.行李 = baggage

【例】 And remember no more than 10 ounces(盎司) of carry-on baggage are allowed.


marine a.海洋的

【记】 submarine n.潜水艇

【例】 The passage is chiefly about an effort to protect anendangered marinespecies(物种). (02.6)

marvelous a.非凡的

【搭】 marvelous writer

minimum a.最小的,最低的 = lowest

【例】 Individual collegeschoose their own students who have to meet their minimum entrance requirements(入学标准) setby the university. (03.6)

miserable a.痛苦的 → miseryn.痛苦

【例】 You may feel miserable,but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to killthe cold. (06.12)

moderate a.中等的,适度的,有节制的

【搭】 be moderate in drinking 适度饮酒


neat a.整洁的

【搭】 neat hair/ room

nerve n.神经

notable adj.值得注意的, 显著的


optional a.可选择的 = elective

【搭】 optional course 选修课

overcome vt.克服

【搭】 overcome difficulties 战胜困难


package n.包裹

【搭】 open the package

parcel n.小包裹

pale adj.苍白的

【例】 You look pale, Have you got a cold?

panic v.使惊慌

【例】 They may panic in frontof high playground equipment.

pants n.长裤 = trousers

participate vi.参加

【搭】 participate in = take part in

【例】 The London Marathon is a difficult race. Nevertheless(然而), thousands of runnersparticipate every year.

perceive vt.感知

【例】 I perceived sadness in her eyes.

permission n.许可

【搭】 without permission 未经允许,grant permission 准许

physician n.内科医生

【记】 physical a.身体的

pour vi.倒,倾泻

【搭】 pour money into the project

【例】 Tears poured from her eyes.

practical adj.实际的, 实践的, 实用的

【例】 Trains were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of thewest.(00.1)

presentation n.报告

【搭】 self-presentation 自我介绍

【例】 W: The presentation madeby Professor Jackson was complicated(复杂的) to understand.
M: Well, I think he didn’t speak slowly enough for us to take thenotes.

prevent vt.预防

【搭】 prevent diseases 预防疾病

private a.私人的

【搭】 private school 私立校

profit n.利润,好处

【搭】 make a profit 获利

property n.财产

【例】 He is too young to manage his inherited(继承的) property.

prospect n.前景,前途

【例】 M: What do you think of the prospects for online education? Is it going toreplace(代替) the traditionalschool?


range n.范围,一系列

【搭】 a range of 一系列

【例】 We have investigated a range of different models(样式) to see which is the best value formoney. (05.1)

realistic a.现实的,逼真的

【搭】 realistic paintings

reception n.招待会 ← receive

【例】 I ought to(应该) call Joan and tell her about thereception this evening.

recommend vt.推荐

【搭】 recommendation letter 推荐信

【例】 In some cases, students may need to be recommended by their school or a teacher aspart of the qualification(资格,条件) process.

recruit vt.招收

【搭】 recruit students 招生

regret vt.遗憾, 后悔

【例】 They may regret the time they wasted

releive vt.减轻,缓解

【搭】 releive pressure/ stress 减轻压力

religious a.宗教的 ← religionn.宗教

【搭】 religious practice 宗教仪式

represent vt.代表,象征 = stand for

【例】 For better or worse, Michelle will represent us all.不管怎样,米歇尔即将代表我们所有人。(09.12)

reproduce v.繁殖

reservation n.预定

【搭】 make a reservation for 预定

【例】 W: Gorge, look at the long waiting line. I am glad you’vemade a reservation.

respectively adv.各自地,分别地

【例】 The first universities in Britain were Oxford and Cambridge.They were established(成立) in1185 and 1209 respectively.(06.6)

responsible a.有责任感的 = accountable

【搭】 be responsible for 对……负责

revise vt.修改

【搭】 revise the guidelines(指导方针)

rid vt.摆脱

【搭】 get rid of 摆脱

【例】 When a virus(病毒) attacksyour body, your body works hard to get rid of it.

route n.路线

【搭】 the bus route

routine adj.常规的

【搭】 strictroutinetraining严格的日常训练

royal a.王室的

【辨】 loyal a.忠诚的

rural a.农村的

【搭】 rural area 农村地区

rush vi.冲,奔

【搭】 rush hours 高峰期,rush into 冲进

scene n.场景,一幕

【例】 Why was the shocked at the scene the next morning?

schedule n.时间表

【搭】 behind schedule 落后于计划,ahead of schedule 提前, on schedule准时

scholar n.学者 →scholarship n.奖学金

score n.分数

【搭】 test score 考试成绩

security n.安全

【搭】 sense of security 安全感

semester n.学期 = term

【搭】 the first semester 第一学期

seminar n.研讨会

【例】 They organize a series of(一系列)seminars on world economy.

shelter n.避难处,住所

【例】 The refugees(难民) needfood, clothing and shelter.

shift v.转移,转变

【搭】 shift from sth. to sth.

【例】 When my interest shiftedfrom space to the sea, I never expected it would cause suchconfusion(混乱) among my friends.

significant a.重要的

【例】 What was the significantchange in Patricia Pania’s life?

similar a.相似的

【搭】 be similar to 与...相似

slight a.轻微的

【搭】 a slight headache 轻微头痛

slogan n.口号,标语

sort n.种类

【搭】 all sorts of 各种各样的, sort of = kind of 有一点……,有几分

spite n.不顾

【搭】 in spite of 不管,不顾

【例】 I failed the exam again in spite of all the efforts I made.

spoil vt.宠坏

【搭】 spoil my excitement 扫兴

spot n.地点 vt.发现

【搭】 spot a place to park the car

staff n.工作人员

stock n.库存

【搭】 out of stock 脱销

subsequent adj.后来的

【例】 In subsequentpresentations, Pania gained reputation(名声) as a highly effectivespeaker.

switch vi.转换

【搭】 switch to 转向,switch off/ on 开/ 关


target n.目标

【搭】 target audience 目标观众

temper n.脾气

【搭】 lose one’s temper 发脾气

theory n.原理

thorough adj.仔细周到的

【搭】 a thorough search. 彻底的搜查

tough a.困难的,严格的

【搭】 tough training 严格的训练

trace n.痕迹 vt.追溯

【搭】 trace back to 追溯到

tropical a.热带的

【搭】 tropical rain forest 热带雨林

typical a.典型的


ultimate a.最终的

【搭】 ultimate goal/ objective 最终目标

upset a.心烦的

【例】 They made him retire(退休)after 50 years at sea. He is pretty upset about it


variety n.种类 → variousa.各种各样的

【搭】 a variety of 多种多样的

volume n.音量,卷

voluntary a.自愿的

【搭】 voluntary organizations 自愿组织


20066月 四级阅读 PassageOne 关于“说谎与通讯工具”


1. Communications technologies are far from equal when it comesto conveying the truth.

※ convey vt.传送,传达 [ vey = way 方式,通过某种方式来传达]

※vehicle n.车辆,载体 [ veh =way, 一种载体就是一种方式 ]

※voyage v. n.航行 [ voy = way,沿着某个路线航行 ]

2. Emails are automatically recorded -- and can come back tohaunt you.

※ automatic a.自动的 [ auto 自己,mat ← mot 运动 ]

※ automobile n.汽车 [ 自己会移动 ]

※ autograph n.亲笔签名 [ 亲自写名字 ]

※ haunt vt.萦绕,困扰 n.常去的地方 [谐音:hunt 打猎,这个词常用来表达“闹鬼”,假如你们家房子

闹鬼,不就是鬼来“猎杀”你吗,房子闹鬼,就是房子被鬼萦绕,这个房子是鬼常去的地方 ]

3. In the diary they noted the number of conversations or emailexchanges they had and

confessed to how many liesthey told.

※ confess v.坦白,忏悔 [ 坦白就是把你做过的坏事全说出来, 词根 fess表示“说”, 该词根不是

很常见,简单词如:professor,一个在前面说话的人 ]

4. It is crucial whether a conversation is being recordedand whether it occurs in real time.

// They are afraid ofleaving behind tracesof their lies.

※ crucial a.关键的,至关重要的 [ cruc ← cross处在十字路口,每一个决定都很关键;

近:critical 关键性的 ]

※trace n.痕迹 [ 近:evidence,mark ]

※track v.追踪,跟踪 [ 对比:truck 卡车]

5. People are more likely to lie in real time than if they havetime to think of a response.

※response n.反应,回答 ←respond v.反应

※responsible a.负责的 →responsibility n.责任

※sponsorvt.发起 n.发起人,赞助商

串记:上课老师提问,学生举手发言就是一种 response,学生就是sponsor, 而回答老师问题也是学生的

责任 responsibility

6. The phone might be the best medium for sales where employeesare encouraged to

stretch thetruth.

※ stretch v.延伸,伸展 [ stret(看成street)-ch(想成车),大街上的车,在不断向前延伸 ]

※ extend v.延伸 [ 词根 tend 表伸展 ]

※ exaggerate v.夸张 [ ex(外)- ag(加强)- ger(看成gen生)- ate, 夸张就是向外强烈地生长 ]

7. Telephone is a preferable medium for promotingsales.

※ preferable a.更好的 [ 类比:loveable a.可爱的 ]

※ preference n.偏爱

※promote vt.推动,促进 [ pro(向前)-mote(运动)]

※motion n.运动 → emotionn.情绪 [ 内心运动的外露 ]

8. Work assessment where honesty is a priority, might bebest done using email.

※ assess vt.评估,估计 [ ass 屁股,“评估”与“屁股”谐音;近:estimate ]

※ access vt.接近 n.进入,通道 [ac(加强)- cess(走), 朝一个目标不断走,就接近目标了 ]

※ prior a.在前的 → priorityn.优先,优先权

※ prime a.主要的,最初的 →primitive a.原始的

9. Email is now the dominant medium of communicationwithin a company.

※ dominate vt.统治,支配 →dominant a.占优势的,有统治权的

※ domestic a.家庭的,国内的 [ 词根 dom 表示“家”,谐音:洞 ]

10. Hancock’s study focuses on the consequences of lying invarious communications media.

※ consequence n.结果,因果关系 [ 词根 sequ 表示“跟随” (原型seek 寻找), 结果就是随之而来的

全部东西 ]

※ sequence n.次序,顺序 [ 就是一个接着一个 ]

※ various a.各种各样的 → varietyn.种类,多样性 [ vari = very, -ous 有“多”的含义,

非常多,所以各种各样 ]

※ diverse a.多种多样的 →diversity n.差异,多样性 [ di(分开,来自于divide)- vers(转)-e,

方向不一样,结果就多种多样 ]


face-to-face interactions (面对面交流)

human-computer interaction (人机交流)

interpersonal communications (人与人之间的交流)

deception (欺骗) makes people uncomfortable

feel less restrained(拘谨的) to exaggerate

2006年6月四级阅读 PassageTwo 关于美国逮捕非法移民


1. In a country that defines itself by ideals, not byshared blood, who should be allowed

to come work and livehere?

※ ideal n.理想 a.理想的

※ define vt.定义 → definition [ 词根 fin表“范围”,给一个事物下定义就是告诉你它属于什么,

用来干嘛的,即给它划一个范围 ]

※ confine vt.限制 [ 即控制在某个范围内,如孙悟空给唐僧画个圈,把唐僧的活动confine 在圈内 ]

※ finance n.财政 → financial a.财政的 [ 财政是有限的]

※ finite a.有限的 → infinitea.无限的 [ 即 没有范围的 ]

2. Those captured were anything but (决不) terrorists, most ofthem were illegal immigrants

fromCentral or South America.

※ capture vt. n.捕获 [ cap帽子,小时候我们抓蝴蝶,就是用帽子,加根棍,跟着蝴蝶跑,然后把它

扣住;如果捕获的蝴蝶逃跑了,就叫 escape]

※immigrant n.移民 [ 谐音:移民过来的]

※ migrate vt.移居,迁徙 → migrantn.候鸟,移居者

3. They felt as if they were being treated like disposablegoods.

※ dispose vi.处理 [ dis(分开)-pose(放),处理垃圾就是把不同的垃圾放在不同的地方 ]

→disposable a.可任意使用的,一次性的

※ depositv.存放 n.存款,押金 [ 即 把钱放下 ]

※ compose v.组成 [ 即 放到一起来 ] →component n.成分; compositionn.作文,成分

※ propose v.提议 [ 把建议放到前面来,大家来商讨 ] →proposal n.建议

4. While she awaits the outcome, the government hasgranted her permission to work here.

※ await vt.等候 [ 辨析:await是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,宾语大都是抽象名词,如:decision,

reply,arrival,return等;wait一般作不及物动词用,与for,to,until 等词连用,wait for的宾语

一般是具体的东西, 如等车 ]

※ outcome n.结果 [ 考试结果 出来 come out, 再如:战争爆发break out → outbreak n.爆发 ]

※ output n.产量,输出

※ grant vt.给予,批准,拨款 n.助学金 [助学金 需要申请,通过上级批准 ]

※ allow vt.允许 → allowancen.津贴

※ permit v.许可 → permission [ 每个人都承认,才能批准 ]

※ admit v.承认 → admission

5. How did the immigrants in Salt Lake Cityfeel about “Operation Safe Travel”?

A)Guilty.B) Offended.
C)Disappointed.D) Discouraged.

※guilty a.有罪的,内疚的 [谐音:故意踢,你故意踢我,你是有罪的 ]

※innocent a.无辜的,清白的 [in-no-cent, 里边没有一分钱, 比如,查一官员,结果发现他家里没有

一分钱,他是清白的 ]

※ offend v.冒犯 → offensivea.冒犯的;offended a.被冒犯的 [ 比如有同学课上经常用中指推眼镜,

这其实是一个 offensive action,我在台上 feel offended ]

※ defend vt.防御 [ 谐音:提防 ] →defensive a.自卫的

※disappointed a.失望的 [ 该单词 核心point 点,失望就是因为没有达到你所期待的点 ]

※appointment n.约会 [正式的约会要先告知时间点和地点,男女朋友的约会叫 date, 只需约个日期,

地点随便,可见这是非正式的 ]

※ discourage vt.使泄气,阻碍 [ 该词就是 “ encourage 鼓励”的反义词 ]

6. There are other ways of enforcing the law.

※enforce vt.执行,加强 [ en(使动)-force(力量,强迫),一项法律法规,只有执行它,

才能使它有力量 ]

※execute vt.执行,处决 [ exe(看成axe 斧头)- cut(砍)- e,处决就是用斧头砍下去 ]

7. She is allowed to stay permanently.

※permanent a.永恒的,持久的 [每一个男人都是永恒的,女生如果能对男朋友好一点的话,

他将一直陪在她的身边,爱情将永恒不变 ]

※perpetual a.永恒的,持久的 [每一个宠物都是永恒的,如果主人对它好的话,它会一直跟着主人 ]

※ temporary a.暂时的,临时的 [ 词根 temp 表“时间” ]

8. She will be deported sooner or later.

※deport vt.驱逐 [ de(离开)-port(港口)]

※depart vi.离开,启程 →departure n.出发

※ deprive vt.剥夺 [ priv ← private,剥夺的一般是财产、权利、头衔等私人的东西 ]

※ privilege n.特权


federal and local authorities (联邦和当地政府)

false identification (假省份证)

undocumented worker (无证工人)

individual pursuits (个人追求)

potential terrorists (潜在恐怖分子)

2006年12月四级阅读 PassageOne关于瓶装水


1. Arthur, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the fewwater critics in North America.

※title n.标题,头衔 [ 谐音:抬头,抬头看标题]

※entitle vt.授权 [ en-使动,给他个头衔,就自然有权利,常见搭配:be entitled to ...

享有……权利 ]

※ critic n.批评家 → criticala.批评的

2. He kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best.

※ journal n.日记,杂志 →journalist n.记者

※brand n.品牌,商标

※trademark n.商标

3. And many of the fancier brands aren’t available instores.

※fancy vt. n.爱好 [ 想到:fans 粉丝]

※fantasy n.幻想 [ 范特西 ] →fantastic a.极好的 [ 和想象中的一样好 ]

※ available a.可利用的,可得到的 [ vail ← value,有价值,所以可利用 ]

5. Regardless of how it’s sold, the popularity of bottled watertaps into our desire for

better health, our wish toappear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.

※ regardless a.不顾,不管

※cultivate vt.培养,栽培 →agriculture n.农业

※ long for 渴望 = desire for

※ pure a.纯的,纯洁的 → purityn.纯洁; purify vt.净化

6. Bottled water is clearly superior to tap water. //Bottled water often appeals more

to dogs taste.

※ superior n.上司 a. 优良的,更好的 [super(上)- ior,上司就是我上面的人,上司理论上是

更优秀的的 ]

※ inferior n.下属 a.次的,差的,劣等的[ infer 推断,下属有时总在推断上级的意思 ]

※ appeal v.呼吁;吸引 n.吸引力 [ 词根pel 含义为“推、拉”, “呼、吸” 的本质是 “推、拉”;

再对比 attract 其中词根 tract也表示“拉”,所以这两个“吸引” 本质是一样的 ]

※ propel vt.推进,驱使 [ pro(向前)- pel(推) ]

※ expel v.排出,开除 [ ex(向外)- pel(推)]

7. Competition from the wine industry is intense.

※ industry n.工业,行业

※ intense a.激烈的 [ 词根 tens表示“伸展”,内部在伸展、斗争,所以很激烈 ]

※ intend vt.打算 → intentionn.目的 → intensive a.强烈的

※ extend vt.延伸 → extentn.程度,范围 → extensive a.广泛的


plain tap water (普通自来水)

New York’s municipal water (政府用水)

purified tap water (净化过的自来水)

champagne (香槟酒) champion (冠军)

shameless tactics (无耻的策略)

2006年12月四级阅读 PassageTwo 关于治病与防病


1. The focus of medical care in our society has been shiftingfrom curing disease to


※ shift vt.转移,替换 [ 请看电脑键盘 ]

※ cure v.治疗 → secure a.安全的 [分开治疗,对病人隔离,就很安全, se: separate ]

※ prevent v.预防,防止 [ 预防就是提前行动,pre-提前,vent = go]

2. The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguishedbetween someone who is merely

“not ill” and someone who is in excellenthealth.

※ distinguish v.区别,辨别 [ dis-分开, sting刺,通过刺某种记号来和别的事物分开 ]

→distinction n.区别,特征;distinctive a.与众不同的

※ extinguish vt.熄灭 [ ex(出)- ting (停)- usih,火苗出来,让它停,即熄灭 ]

→extinction n.灭绝

3. Some health specialists have begun to apply the terms“wellness” only to those who

are actively striving tomaintain and improve their health.

※ apply v.申请,应用 → appliancen.器具 [ 使用的东西 ]

※ strive v.努力 [ 谐音:死try, 努力就是往死里try ]

※ maintain vt.维持,保持 [ 词根 tain 就有“保持”的含义,如contain,container 容器就是

能够装住、能做保持住物质的工具 ]

※ sustain vt.支撑,维持 [ sus 即 sub(下),在下边保持住,即支撑 ]→ sustainable a.可持续的

4. People who are well are likely to be better able to resistdisease and to fight disease

when it strikes.

※resist vt.抵抗 [ re(返回)-sist(站),抵抗即站在对立面 ] → irresistible a.难以抗拒的

※ strike vi.袭击 n.罢工

※ attack v.攻击

5. By focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the conceptof wellness can have a beneficial

impact on the waysin which people face the challenges of daily life.

※ beneficial a.有益的 ← benefitn.好处,利益

※ artificial a.人造的 [ art 艺术,词根 fic表示“做、造”,人造的东西都造得很有艺术 ]

※ superficial a.表面的,肤浅的 [ super(上)- fic(做)-ial ]

※ impact n.碰撞,影响,效果 [ 近:effect ]

6. Today medical care is placing more stress on removingpeople’s bad living habits.

※ stress vt.强调 n.重点,压力

※ emphasize vt.强调 [ em( = en 使动)- phas (来自于face)- ize, 强调某一个方面,

就是使这个方面重要起来 ]

※ remove v.移动,去掉,开除 [ 即 move back ]

※ discard v.丢弃,抛弃 [ dis(否定)-card(牌),打牌的时候,不好的牌,扔掉 ]

7. According to what the author advocates, which of thefollowing groups of people would be


※ advocate vt.提倡,鼓吹 [ voc ← voice, 提倡就是一种强烈的声音]

※ call for 提倡

※ provoke vt.激怒,招惹 [ vok = voc,在前面喊,过于嚣张,就会惹起一些事情 ]

→provocation n.挑衅


nutritious foods (有营养的事物)

exercises only occasionally (偶尔锻炼)

physical disease or handicap (障碍)

symptoms of disease (疾病的症状)

recover(恢复) from illness

2007年6月四级阅读 Passage One 关于“写作的创造性思维和批判性思维”


1. The book has helped my writing processes tremendously.

※ tremendous a.巨大的 [ tre(three)- men(男人)-do(做)- us, 三个人,即众多人,能做很大

的事情 ]

※ immense a.巨大的 [ im(否定)- mense(来自于 measure测量),大到没办法测量 ]

※ enormous a.巨大的 [ e(出)- norm(标准)- ous,大到超出标准]

2. The distinction is between the creative mind and the criticalmind.

※ distinguish vt.区别,辨别 →distinction a.区别,特征

※ distinctive a.与众不同的

※ creative a.创造性的

※ critical a.批判的 → criticismn.批评

3. They cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might liketo think so.

// They are in constantconflict with each other.

※ parallel v.平行 a.平行的 [para(并列)- ll(像两条直线)- el ]

※ constant a.持续的 [ stant ← stand ]

※ instant a.立即的,速溶的

※ withstand vt.抵挡,经受住

串记:constant friend 坚定的朋友,instant noodle方便面: constant friend 能 withstand 所有的

困难,就算吃 instantnoodle,也能站在一起(con-stant)。

※ conflict vi. n.冲突 [ flict 看成 fight ]

※ clash v.冲突 [ 学生周末来新东方上课,有时会和学校的选修课冲突,Thereis a clash between

two classes. ]

※ crash v. n.碰撞,坠毁 [ cr-ash, 飞机坠毁前,大家都在 cry,过了几秒钟,一切都变成了ash 灰 ]

4. Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly thesingle greatest barrier to writing

that most of usencounter.

※barrier n.障碍 [ bar横木,走山路时倒下一棵树,就是最明显的障碍物 ]

※obstacle n.障碍 [ ob(哦不)-stacle(stand),假如一个人站在路中间,堵住了道路,你会说,

哦,不要站在这,因为他是障碍物 ]

※ encounter v.遇到 n.遭遇 [en(使)- counter(反),从相反的方向过来,中途遇到;

与 meet 的不同点在于,encounter一般指遇到危险、困难等不好的东西 ]

※ counterpart n.对应的人或物 [ counter(反)-part(角色)]

eg: Japanese prime ministeris the counterpart of the US president.


5. In free writing, the objective is to get words down on papernon-stop, usually for

15-20 minutes.

※ objective a.客观的 n.目标,宾语 [宾语就是动作的对象,动作的目标 ]

※ subjective a.主观的

6. In what way does the critical mind help the writer in thewriting process?
A) It refines his writing into better shape.

※ refine vt.提纯,提炼 [ re(反复)-fine(完美的),提炼是反复使一个东西完美的过程 ]

※ extract vt.拔出,提取 [ ex(向外)- tract(拉)]


raw materials (原材料)

fleeting thought (短暂的思维)

ignoring grammatical soundness (忽略语法完整性)

move back and forth (来回运动)

2007年6月四级阅读 Passage Two 关于“女科学家”的故事


1. There was a time in my life when people asked constantly forstories about what it’s like

to work in a fielddominated by men.

※ constant a.持续的

※ dominate vt.主导,支配 → dominant

2. Then one day a few years ago, out of my mouth came a sentencethat would eventually become

my reply to any and allprovocations.

※ eventually ad.最终

※ provocation n.挑衅 [ voc ← voice ]

※ advocate vt. n.提倡,鼓吹 [ voc ← voice ]

3. She is fed up with the issue of genderdiscrimination.

※ be fed up with 厌烦

※ issue n.问题, 争端vt.发行,发布

※ gender n.性别 [ gen 基因,性别由基因决定 ]

※ discrimination n.歧视 [ crimin ← criminal罪犯,歧视某人,把他当罪犯看待 ]

4. We can infer that people would attribute the author’sfailures to the very fact that

she is a woman.

※ attribute to 归因于 [ tribute = give,见:contribute贡献;归因与,就是把结果最终还给…… ]

※ contribute to 导致

※ distribute vt.分发,分布 [ dis(分开)-tribute(give)]

5. More female students are pursuing science thanbefore.

※ pursue vt.追赶,追求 → pursuitn.追求 [ purse 钱包,追求物质要有钱 ]

※ chase vt. n.追赶

※ purchase vt.购买 [ 拿着 purse 去 chase ]

6. Women can balance a career in science and having afamily.

※ balance v. n.平衡 [ ballet 芭蕾 ]

※ career n.事业,生涯 [ care(关心)- er, 每个人都很关心自己的事业]

※ profession n.专业 →professional a.专业的

※ occupation n.职业 ← occupy 占据


astrophysics (天文物理学)

post-doctor (博士后)

the lens(透镜) of gender politics

nature and nurture(培养)

stereotyped attitude (刻板姿势)

widespread misconceptions(误解)

2007年12月四级阅读 PassageOne 关于远程教育


1. By almost any measure, there is a boom in Internet-basedinstruction.

※ measure n.测量,尺度,程度 [ 度量度量,度就是量 ] =extent

※ boom n.繁荣 [ 近:prosperity ]

※ instruction n.教育 [ in–struct(建设),教育是内心建设 ] →instructor n.教师

※ destruct vt.破坏 [ 近:destroy ]

2. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used to support itsclaim to be the largest

private university in thecountry.

※enroll v.招收,入学,登记 [ en(进入)-roll(卷,名单),入学即把你的名字登入进学校的名单 ]

※register v.登录,注册

※tuition n.学费 [ tuit ←taught ← teach ]

※tutor n.家教 [ tut ← taught ←teach ]

※ statistic n.统计值,统计数字 [ state陈述,会议做报告,一般都是陈述一些数据,用数据说话,

最有说服力 ]

※ claim vt. n.声称,断言 [ 词根 claim 表示“喊叫” ]

※ exclaim vt.呼喊

3. DL usually signifies a course in which the instructors postsyllabi (课程大纲), reading

assignment, and scheduleson websites, and students send in their assignments by e-mail.

※ signify vt.标志着,意味着 →significant a.有意义的,重要的 [ 即意味着很多的 ]

※ assignment n.任务,作业 ←assign vt.分配 [ sign 签字,分配物资时需要签字 ]

4. Face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized oreliminated altogether.

※ minimize vt.最小化 [ mini- 小 ]

※ maximize vt.最大化 [ max- 大 ]

※ eliminate vt.消除,排除,淘汰 [ e(外)- limin(limit)-ate, 淘汰即把某个选手限制在外 ]

※ exclude vt.排除在外 [ clude ← close, 见:include包括 ]

5. But figures indicate that the reduced effort resultsin a reduced commitment to the course.

※ indicate vt.显示,表明 [ 词根 dic表示“说”,数据表明什么,就是数据里面告诉我们什么 ]

※ commit vt.委托 → commitmentn.承诺

※ committee n.委员会



6. Students themselves seem to understand the weaknessesinherent in the setup.

// The evaluation systemused by online universities is inherently weak.

※ inherent a.与生俱来的 ← inheritvt.继承

※ heritage n.遗产 [这个单词的拼写反映出兄弟之间为了遗产通常会产生各种冲突,为了遗产

--- he(他)- ri(日)- ta(他)-ge(哥)]

串讲:先用技巧把遗产记住,然后遗产去掉后缀-age, 前面加in-,就变到继承;继承把-it 换成形容词结尾 –ent, 就变成了形容词 inherent 与生俱来的

※ evaluation n.评价 [ e(出)- valu(value)- ation,把价值估计出来 ]

※ assessment n.估计,评估

7. From the schools’ perspective, there’s a lot of money to besaved.

※perspective n.观点,角度 [per(每)- spect(看)- ive, 每个人都有每个人的观点,

每个人的观点就是每个人怎么看的 ]

※inspect vt.检查,视察 [ 看里边]

※ prospect n.前景 [ 展望前景,向前看 ]

8. What accounts for the high drop-out rates for onlinestudents?

A) There is no mechanism toensure that they make the required effort.

※ account for 解释,说明; 占(百分比)

※ on account of 由于

※ mechanism n.机制 ← machine 机器


grants degrees (授予学位)

dropout rate (退学率)

servers and networks (服务器和网络)

teaching facilities (教学设备)

minimally upgraded(升级) systems

maintaining(维护) parking lots

a variety of reasons (各种原因)

most striking feature (显著特征)

2007年12月四级阅读 Passage Two 关于女作家教育小孩


1. In this age of Internet chat, videogames and realitytelevision, there is no shortage of

mindless activities tokeep a child occupied. // A lot of distractionscompete for

children’s timenowadays.

※ mindless a.不用脑子的 [ 后缀 -less 表示“无” ]

※ distraction n.娱乐,分心的事物 ←distract vt.分散 [ dis(分开)- tract(拉),分散注意力

就是外界事物把我的注意力拉走了 ]

2. My 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisuretime writing short stories.

// She believed shepossessed real talent for writing.

※ leisure n.空闲,休闲 [ 联想:lei 累,累了需要休息 ]

※ possess vt.占有,拥有 [ 词根 pos表示“放”,学生图书馆占位子就是把书包,水杯往那桌子上一放 ]

→possession n.财产 [ 财产即我们拥有的东西 ]

※ property n.财产 [ proper 合适的,可以认为 property是合法财产,possession 是通过强制性占领

弄来的财产 ]

※ talent n.天赋,才能 [ tal ← tall,你在某方面有天赋,就是你在那方面比别人高一点 ]

3. I know the pressure of trying to live up to a reputationcreated by previous victories.

※reputation n.名声 [ re(反复)-put(放)- ation,一个人的名声是什么样子的,会在你心中

留下印象,反复放在你心里 ]

※ fame n.名声 → famous 著名的

※ previous a.早先的 [ 看美剧,开头第一句话一般是“上集回顾”如之前我看越狱,听到的第一句话

都是:previous on Prison Break]

※ victory n.胜利,成功

※ victim n.牺牲品,受害者

4. My way to success was full of pains and frustrations.

※ frustration n.挫折 →frustrated a.失败的,受挫的

5. I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endingsfor her tales.

※ character n.性格,角色 [ 故事里的角色一般都很有个性,塑造某个典型]

※ conflict n.冲突,斗争

※ tale n.故事,传说 [ ← tell ]

※ legend n.传奇 [ 词根 leg = lect 表示说,见: lecture]

6. The author took great pains to refine her daughter’s storiesbecause she believed

she had the knowledge andexperience to offer guidance.

※ refine vt.提炼,改进

※ guidance n.指导

※ guideline n.路线,方针

7. Parents should keep an eye on the activities theirkids engage in.

※engage vi.参加,从事,订婚

※participate vi.参加 = takepart in

2008年6月四级阅读 PassageOne 关于 “全球变暖”


1. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, makesome fairly solemn-sounding commitments

to avoid it.

※ solemn a.庄严的,隆重的 [ 谐音:所罗门 ]

※ commitment n.承诺 ← commitvt.委托 [ 上文有讲过 ]

2. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitmentsseem, the less likely they are

to be observed.

※ observe vt.观察,察觉 [ serve 服务,给主人服务,要察言观色]

3. The real truth is that we don't know enough to relieve globalwarming, and - without

majortechnological breakthroughs - we can't do much about it.

※relieve vt.减轻 [ 词根 lev表示轻,来自于 leaf 树叶 ] → relief n.减轻

[ 对比:believe → belief ]

※elevate vt.提升,举起 →elevator n.电梯

※ breakthrough n.突破

4. We need economic growth unless we condemn the world's poor totheir present.

※condemn vt.谴责 [ demn 看成damn it 他妈的,谴责就是很多人一起来说他们的 ]

※protest v. n.抗议

5. No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economicgrowth and personal freedom

that might cut back globalwarming.

※adopt vt.采用,收养 [ 词根 opt表“选择”, 采用就是选用 ]

※adapt vt.适应,改装 [改装其实也就是为了适应需求 ]

※ rigid a.坚硬的,严格的 = strict, tough

※ restriction n.限制,约束 [ 限制非常严格 strict ]

6. Many signatories(签字国) didn't adopt tough enoughpolicies to hit their 2008-2012 targets.

// Few nations have adoptedreal tough measures to limit energy use.

※ signature n.签名,署名

※ policy n.政策 ← politicsn.政治

※ target n.目标,靶子 [ 谐音:他 get ]

7. The debate over global warming will lead to technologicalbreakthroughs.

※ debate v. n.争论,辩论 [ 谐音:打败他 ] = argument

※ dispute v.n.争论,纠纷

8. The ultimate solution to global warming lies in newtechnology.

※ ultimate a.最终的,终极的 [ ul-ti-mate谐音:啊,他妈的,一个人火了最终都会说些脏话 ]

※ lie in 在于……


solemn-sounding commitments (听起来很隆重的承诺)

greenhouse gas emissions (温室气体排放)

modest growth (适度的增长)

fossil fuels (化石燃料)

energy consumption (能源消耗)

2008年6月四级阅读 Passage Two关于“隐私的重要性”


1. Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without yourpermission or scan the Website

you've visited.

※permit v.许可 →permission n.允许

※admit v.承认 →admission n.承认,录取,允许进入

※ scan v.浏览,扫描 [ 谐音:试看 ]

※ Skimming and Scanning 浏览和扫描,即快速阅读题

2. Perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit cardpurchases or cellphone bills.

※ casual a.随便的,不经意的 [ 对比记忆:我们 usually 都是很casual ]

※ occasional a.偶然的

※ glance v. n.扫视,一瞥 [ 指瞥的动作 ]

※ glimpse v. n.瞥见 [ 指瞥的结果 ]

串记:考场上你戴起glasses 打算 glance 旁边同学的试卷,结果什么都没有glimpse 到 ]

3. They will see you in a way you never intended to be seen -the 21st century equivalent of

being caught naked. //People's personal information is easily accessed without their

knowledge. // People leavetraces around when using modern technology.

※ intend vt.打算,想要 →intention n.目的

※ equivalent a.等价的,相当的 [equ(equal)-i-val(value)-ent ]

※ naked a.裸体的 [ 联想:snake 蛇,就是S形的裸体 ]

※ bare a.赤裸的 → barren a.贫瘠的[ 即土地很赤裸 ]

※ access vt.接近,获得 →accessible a.可获得的

※trace n.痕迹 →track v.追踪

※evidence n.证据 →evident a.明显的

※proof n.证据 ←prove vt.证明

4. Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that it'simportant to reveal yourself to

friends, family and loversin stages, at appropriate times.

※ boundary n.边界 [ 谐音:班得瑞,音乐无边界 ]

※ border n.边界,国界 [ b(不)- order(秩序),边界一般都没什么秩序]

※ reveal vt.揭示,展现 [ 即:揭开面纱,veal ← veil 面纱]

※ appropriate a.适当的 ← propera.合适的

5. A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with60 percent of respondents

saying they feel theirprivacy is "slipping away, and that bothers me."

※ overwhelming a.压倒性的 [ whel ← wheel车轮,车轮当然是压倒性的 ]

※ pessimistic a.悲观的 →pessimism n.悲观,悲观主义

※ optimistic a.乐观的 →optimism n.乐观,乐观主义

串记: pess 谐音“怕死”, mistic 联想成 mistake, 再把opt 看成 top : 一个人犯了错就很怕死

---悲观的(pessimistic);如果犯了错还觉得很高级 top ---乐观的(optimistic)。

6. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in aneffort to preserve their privacy.

※ fraction n.小部分 [ = part, 词根 fract = frag表“破裂”,小部分即小碎片 ]

※ fragile a.易碎的,脆弱的

※ fragment n.碎片,片段

※ preserve vt.保护,保持 [ serve = save ]

※ reserve vt.保存,储备 [ 即:反复 save ] →reservation n.预定 [ 即给我储备一间房或一张票 ]

※ conserve vt.保存,节约 [ 即:全部 save,不要浪费 ]

7. People will surrender personal information like SocialSecurity numbers just to get their

hands on a pitiful50-cents-off coupon(优惠卷) .

※ surrender vt.交出,放弃,投降 [ 星火词汇书中说:rend = give,见 rent a house 租房,把房租给你,


8. People don't cherish it until they lose it. // It's likehealth: When you have it, you don't

notice it. Only when it'sgone do you wish you'd done more to protect it.

※ cherish vt.珍爱 [ cher ← care ]

※ charity n.慈善 [ char ← care,很慈祥、很善良,关爱众生]

※ precious a.珍贵的 [ preci = price 价格,珍贵的东西价格很高]


a tiny fraction of (一小部分)

supermarket loyalty cards (信用卡)

business transactions (商品交易)

2008年12月四级阅读 PassageOne关于“男性健康”


1. Some men are scared of what might be there and wouldrather not know.

※ scare v.惊吓,恐慌 [ 联想:scar 刀疤,看到刀疤很恐慌 ]

常用口语表达:You scared the shitout of me.

2. Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, butit would have prolonged this life.

※ detect vt.察觉 → detectiven.侦探 [ 中学学过福尔摩斯,这词应该会 ]

※ prolong vt.延长 [ = lengthen ]

3. Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain onthe public purse(国库),

But prevention is cheaperin the long run.

※ inevitable a.不可避免的 [ evit ← evade 逃避 ]

※ unavoidable a.不可避免的

※ strain n.紧张,压力 [ train 火车每一节车厢拉得很紧,很紧张 ]

※ stress n.压力,重点

※in the long run 从长远来看 = inthe long term

※in the short term 就眼前来说

4. Their average life span has been considerably extended.

※ life span 寿命

※ considerable a.相当大的 [ -able 能够,该词本意为“值得考虑的”]

※ considerate a.考虑周到的,体贴的 [ -ate吃,考虑到吃饭的问题,很周到,新东方英语学校若能收购

新东方烹饪学校,让来上课的学生都有地方吃饭,那就真的相当 considerate 了 ]

※ extend v.延伸 → extentn.范围,程度 → extensive a.广泛的

5. Men aren’t as cautions as women in face of danger.

※ caution n.小心,谨慎 [ 见公共场所地板滑提示:caution, wetfloor ]→ cautious a.谨慎的



a new therapy (治疗法)

ultimate cost (最高费用)

psychological strains (心理压力)

premature death (太早死亡)

2008年12月四级阅读 PassageTwo 关于“顾客的抱怨”


1. Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retailstore, but instead will

alert their friends,relatives, co-workers.

※ complain v.抱怨 → complaintn.抱怨

※ pursue vt.最求 → pursuitn.追求

※ retail n.零售 [ tail 尾巴,零售就是一点一点卖,卖一批货的尾巴]

※ detail n.细节,详情 [ 细枝末节就是事情的尾巴 ]

※ alert vt.警告 a.警惕的 [al(all)- er(人)- t(特),所以人都要特别紧剔 ]

2. According to the research, shoppers who purchased clothingencountered the most problems,

ranked second and thirdwere grocery and electronics customers.

※ encounter v.遇到: meet

※ rank vt.排列 n.等级

※ range vt.排列 → arrangev.安排

3. This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle theparking lot endlessly,

and avoided confrontationbetween those eyeing the same parking space.

※ eliminate vt.消除,排除 [ 即:限制在外,limi ← limit]

※ confront vt.面临,对抗 →confrontation n.冲突

4. Salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angrycustomers.

※ diplomatic a.老练的,外交的

※ diplomat n.外交官

※ diploma n.文凭


5. To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advisedto ___.
A. exert pressure on stores toimprove their service

※ exert vt.施加(压力、影响) [ 想到 exercise 锻炼,即给肌肉施加压力]


out-of-stock items (脱销货物)

long check-out lines (结账队伍)

peak shopping hours (逛商店高峰期)

parking attendants (停车场值班人员)

store layouts (商店布局)

experienced cashiers(出纳)

sales representatives(销售代表)

smoothing over issues (消除问题)

2009年6月四级阅读 PassageOne关于“时装与绿色材料”


1. Organized by the New York-based nonprofit Earth Pledge, theshow inspired many top designers

to work with sustainablefabrics for the first time.

※ nonprofit a.非赢利的

※ profitable a.可盈利的

※ inspire vt.鼓励 [ 词根 spir 表“呼吸、气”,鼓励即“朝里面打气”,和encourage “使其有勇气”

是类似的 ] →inspiration n.鼓励,灵感

※sustainable a.可持续的 [ 词根tain = keep ]

※fabric n.编织物,布

※ fibre n.纤维

2. Several have since made pledges to include organicfabrics in their lines.

※pledge n.誓言

※ guarantee n.保证 [ guar ← guard 保卫 ]

3. The designers who undertake green fashion still face manychallenges.

※ undertake v.承担,采取 [ 在这里类似于 attempt, try,take ]

4. Most designers with existing labels are finding there aren’tcomparable fabrics that can

just replace what you’redoing and what your customers are used to. // Some popular

synthetics,like stretch nylon, still have few eco-friendlyequivalents.

※ label n.标签,商标 [ = brand ]

※ laboratory n.实验室 [ 有很多标签 ]

※ comparable a.比得上的 [ eg: Nothing iscomparable to your beauty ]

※ equivalent n.等价物,相等物

※ synthetics n.合成材料 ←synthesis n.合成 [ syn(same)-thesis(论文),大学生搞论文一般

都是网络上下一些相似的论文,再合成一下 ]

※eco-friendly a.不妨害生态环境的

※environment-friendly materials 绿色材料

5. Organic cotton and non-organic cotton are virtuallyindistinguishable once woven into a dress.

※ virtually ad.几乎: almost

※ distinguish v.区分 →indistinguishable a.难以分辨的

7. This week Wal-Mart is set to announce a major initiativeaimed at helping cotton farmers

go organic.

※ announce vt.宣告 [ nounce 表“声音”,见 pronounce 发音]

※ declare vt.宣布,声明 [ clare = clear,声明就是在公共场合把话讲清楚 ]

辨析:announce 指预告性的宣布;declare 指当众发表,正式“公布”

※initial a.开始的,最初的 [谐音很像某些方言里的“一、二” ]

※initiative n.主动 [主动就是一开始就行动 ]

8. Mainstream is about to occur. // It has a very promisingfuture.

※ mainstream n.主流

※ prevail vi.流行,盛行 →prevalent a.流行的,盛行的 [ val←value,一个事物之前认为有价值,

就会盛行起来 ]

※ promising a.有希望的,有前途的 [ 我们经常说,我发誓,这个东西很有前途]

9. Green just isn’t yet on her mind. But—thanks to thecombined efforts of designers,

retailers and suppliers—oneday it will be.

※ combine v.联合 [ = unite,uni- 表“一”,bi-表“二”,联合就是合二为一 ]

※ combined efforts 共同的努力

※ retailer n.零售商

2009年6月四级阅读 Passage Two关于头发定位居住地


1. Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where aperson has lived using

a strand (缕) of hair.

※ devise vt.设计,发明 → devicen.装置 [ 类比:advise → advice ]

※ determine v.测定,决定 [ 在这里 = discover ]

※ determination n.决心

※roughly ad.粗略的,大概的 [ rough粗糙的 ]

※approximately ad.近似,大约 [approach(接近)+ similar(相似的) ]

2. A technique that could help track the movements ofcriminal suspects or unidentified

murder victims.

※ track vi.追踪 → tracen.痕迹

※ criminal suspects 嫌疑犯

※ identity n.身份

※ identify vt.识别,鉴别(身份) →unidentified a.(身份)未经确认的

※ identical a.同样的,一模一样的

※victim n.受害者,牺牲品

※victory n.胜利

3. While U.S. diet is relatively identical, water supplies vary.The differences

result from weatherpatterns.

※ relative a.相对的,比较而言的

※ vary vi.不同 → variousa.各种各样的

※ result from 由…引起

4. The chemical composition of rainfall changes slightly as rainclouds move.

※ composition n.成分 ← composev.组成

※ component n.成分

※ slightly ad.轻微地

5. They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broadregions roughly

corresponding to themovement of rain systems.

※ accurate a.精确的 [ cur ← care, 很仔细就能很精确 ]

※ correspond vi.对应,与……一致 [ respond反应,对应就是在对面反应,一起反应 ]

6. “It’s not good for pinpointing (精确定位),” Ceding said. “It’sgood for eliminating

manypossibilities.”// It helps the police narrow downpossibilities in detective work.

※ eliminate vt.排除 [ 即限制在外 ]

※ exclude vt.把……排除在外 [ 对比 include ]

7. Food and drink leave traces in one’s body tissues. // Foodand drink are indispensable

to one’s existence.

※ trace n.痕迹,踪迹,微量 [ trace elements 微量元素 ]

※ tissues n.组织,纸巾

※ indispensable a.不可缺少的 [ in(否定)- dis(否定)-pens(花费)-able, 一个东西必不可少,

你就不得不花钱去买 ]

※ essential a.必须的 [ 谐音:医生sure, 医生当然是不可缺少的]

8. What did Cerling’s team produce in their research?

D) A chart illustrating themovement of the rain system.

※ chart n.图表 [ cha 插 - art 艺术,图表也要插得有艺术 ]

※ graph n.图表 [ 词根 graph 表示“写、画”, 如:autograph签名 ]

※ illustrate vt.(举例/插图)说明

※ illustration n.例子,插图

200912 四级阅读Passage One 关于奥巴马夫人


1. Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused onthe presidential candidates

and how they’ll changeAmerica.

※ tense a.紧张的 → intensea.激烈的 → intensive a.强烈的,密集的

※ candidate n.候选人 [ can-did-ate 能做又能吃,所以选他]

2. But selfishly, I’m more fascinated by Michelle Obama and whatshe might be able to do, not just for this country, but for me asan African-American woman. // Why does Michelle Obama hold a strongfascination for the author?

※ selfish a.自私的

※ childish a.幼稚的

※ fascinate vi.迷住,感兴趣 ←fancy vt.喜爱 ← fans 粉丝

※ fantasy n.幻想 → fantastica.极好的

3. The prevailing theory seems to be that we’re all hot-temperedsingle mothers who can’t

keep a man.

※ prevail vi.流行,盛行 →prevailing a.占优势的,主要的 [ 近:dominant ]

※ prevalent a.普遍的

4. Because few mainstream publications have done in-depthfeatures on regular African-American

women. // She possessesmany admirable qualities becoming a First Lady.

※ mainstream n.主流

※ feature n.特征,特写 [ 貌似 future,一个人有特色才会有未来,有feature 才会有 future ]

※ possess vt.占有,拥有 →possession n.财产,所有物

5. What is the common stereotype of African-American womenaccording to the author?

D) Theylive on charity and social welfare.

※ stereotype n.陈规,老套,固定的形象 [ stereo立体声,很立体就显得很牢固固。

break through thestereotypes 打破陈规 ]

※ charity n.慈善 [ char ← care, 慈、善 就是关爱众生;前面有讲到cherish vt.珍爱,

cher ← care ]

※ welfare n.福利 [wel(看成well)-fare(费用);或想到:WiFi无线上网,福利好的公司就有

免费的WiFi ]

※ subsidy n.补助金,津贴 [ sub(下)- sidy(看成side),社会下边即底层的人需要补助 ]

→subsidize vt.资助

6. However many fans she has, she should remain modest, She willgive priority to

African-American women’sconcerns.

※ modest a.谦虚的,适度的 [ 词根 mod “模式”,谦虚是做人的最好模式]

※ moderate a.中等的,适度的

※ prior a.在前的,优先的 → priorityn.优先,优先权

2009年12月四级阅读 PassageTwo 关于 “全球大学向美国聘请管理人才”


1. Andrew Hamilton, the 55-year-old provost (教务长) of Yale,who’ll become Oxford’s

vice-chancellor —a positionequivalent to university president in America.

※ equivalent a.等价的,相当的

2. Yet the talent flow isn’t universal. High-level personneltend to head in only one

direction: outward fromAmerica.

※ universal a.宇宙的,普遍的

※personnel n.人员,人事部门

※personal a.个人的,私人的

串记:personal后面有一个 n 字母,personnel 有两个 n 字母,n字母形状像门,一个人只有一扇门,


※ tend to 倾向 [ 词根 tend 表“伸展” ]

※ tendency n.趋势

※ outward ad.向外 [ 对比:forward 向前,backward 向后]

3. The board ultimately picked Bruce Benson, a 69-year-oldColorado businessman and

political activist.

※ board n.木板,会议桌,理事会,董事会 [ 一起围在圆桌上开会 ]

※ panel n.仪表盘,座谈小组 [ pan 平底锅,一堆人一边吃火锅,一边座谈]

※ ultimate a.最终的,终极的 [前面有说过,一个人火了最终都会说些脏话,哦,他妈的 ]

4. Fund-raising is a distinctively American thing, since U.S.schools rely heavily on donations.

※ fund n.资金 → fundamentala.基本的

※ found v.建立,创建 → foundationn.基础

※ distinctive a.特别的,与众不同的 ←distinguish v.区别,辨别 [ dis分开,sting 刺,

通过刺一些记号来和别的东西分开 ]

※ donation n.捐款 [ don = give, 见: pardon =forgive ]

5. In the past few years, prominent schools around the worldhave joined the trend.

// Institutions worldwideare hiring administrators from the U.S.

※prominent a.卓越的,突出的 [pro(前面)- mine(我)- nt. 我在前面,我很突出,

同:outstanding (站出来的) ]

※eminent a.杰出的 [ 联想到:美国说唱歌手Eminem 非常 eminent ]

※ trend n.趋势,潮流 [ tree + end = trend,树朝一个末端生长,就是一种趋势 ]

※ tendency n.趋势

※ institution n.公共机构 [ stit = stand/ sit,一些学者坐在机构里面搞研究 ]

※ administer vt.执行,管理 [ minister部长,大臣,他们是国家的管理者 ]

→ administrator 管理者

6. Foreigners can offer a fresh perspective on establishedpractices.// They can enhance

the university’s image. //They will bring with them more international faculty.

※ perspective n.观点,看法 [ per(每)- spect(看)- ive,每个人都有每个人的观点,

观点就是每个人怎么看,每个人可能只能看到某一个方面aspect ]

※ establish vt.建立 [ e(出)- stabl(stable稳定)-ish, 把一个组织或一段感情建立起来,

然后要稳定下来 ]

※ enhance vt.提高 = improve

※ hence ad.因此 = therefore

※ faculty n.能力,全体老师

※ facility n.设备,工具

串记:词根 fac 表示“做、造”,如工厂 factory就在生产制造的地方,用来制造的工具叫 facility, 一个



7. What do we learn about European universities from thepassage?

A) The tuitions they chargehave been rising considerably.

B) Their operation is understrict government supervision.

D) Most of their revenuescome from the government.

※ tuition n.学费

※ considerably ad.大量地,相当地

※ supervision n.监督,管理 [ super(上)- vis(看)-ion,在上面观察,监督下面的人 ]

※ revenue n.收入,税收 [ re(返回)- ven(走)-ue,收入就是走回来的钱 ]

※ avenue n.大街,林荫大道 [ ven = vent =go,林荫大道是一个行走的地方 ]

※ venue n.活动地点 [ ven = vent =go,在什么地方搞活动,我们就去哪 ]


Oxford University (牛津大学)

Cambridge University (剑桥大学)

Atlantic (大西洋)

France, Egypt, Singapore(新加坡)

keep pace with (跟上步伐)

2010年6月四级阅读 PassageOne 关于 “飞机的黑匣子”


1. When planes fall from the sky, the black box is the best betfor identifying what went wrong.

※ best bet n.最好的办法

※ identify vt.识别,鉴别

2. Australian scientist David developed a flight-memory recorderthat would track basic

information like altitudeand direction.

※ track vt.追踪 → trace

※ altitude n.海拔高度 [ alt ← tall,把tude 认为是“度”,如attitude 态度 ]

※ longitude n.经度

※ latitude n.纬度

3. Early models often failed to withstand crashes.

※ withstand vt.抵挡,经受住

※ crash v. n.碰撞 [ 飞机要crash, 乘客会cry, 几秒钟后,一切都成了ash ]

※ clash n.冲突 [ 新东方周末的class 有时会和学校的选修课时间 clash]

4. So in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved tothe rear of the plane

– the area least subject toimpact.

※ rear n.后部 a.后面的 [ r(人)-ear(耳朵),人的耳朵靠近头的后部 ]

※ subject to 遭受

※ impact n.碰撞,冲击 [ im 冲进来,pa 汉语拼音读“啪” ]

5. the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, whichwere never actually black,

be painted orange or yellowto aid visibility. // To distinguish them from the color of

the plane.// To make themeasily identifiable.

※ visibility n.可见度 ← visiblea.看得见的 [ 词根 vis 表示看,见: visit ]

※ distinguish v.区别,辨别 [ dis- 分开,sting刺,通过刺一些记号来和别的事物分开 ]

6. the boxes can withstand massive force and temperatures up to2,000℉. When submerged,

they're also able to emitsignals from depths of 20,000 ft.

※ massive a.巨大的

※ submerge vi.淹没 [ sub(下)- merge(没) ]

※ emerge vi.浮现,出现 [ e(出)- merge(没)]

※ emit vt.发射,排放 [ e(出)- mit(放、送)] →emission n.排放物

※ transmit v.传播,传输 [ trans- 转移,传播即“从一边送到另一边”]

7. the black box is an indispensable device on an airplane.

※ indispensable a.不可缺少的

※ device n.装置,设备 ← devisevt.设计,发明

8. Why was the black box redesigned in 1965?
B) Too much space was neededfor its installation.

C) The early models oftengot damaged in the crash.

※ installation n.安装 [ 安装软件时注意一下,会出现这个词 ]


comic book (连环漫画册)

determining(测定) the cause

stainless steel(不锈钢)

ward off(避开) disasters

Brazil (巴西)

20010年6月四级阅读 PassageTwo 关于“消极思想的力量”


1. Trying to get people to think more positively can actuallyhave the opposite effect:

it can simply highlight howunhappy they are.

※ positive a.积极的,肯定的 [ 反 negative ]

※ opposite a.相反的,对面的

※ highlight vt.突出,强调 [本意为加亮区,同学做笔记时会用荧光笔标注一些重点,这就叫 highlight ]

※ emphasize vt.强调 [ em(使动)- phas(face)-ize,强调就是使这个方面重要起来 ]

2. when people get feedback which they believe is overlypositive, they actually feel worse,

not better. // The effectsof positive thinking vary from person to person.

※ feedback n.反馈,反应

※ vary vi.不同 → variousa.各种各样的

3. If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of anEinstein, you're just underlining

his faults. // You arepointing out the errors he has committed. // You are emphasizingthe

fact that he is notintelligent.

※ dim a.暗淡的;迟钝的 [ 谐音:定,迟钝的人不灵活,好像被定住了 ]

※ potential n.潜能 a.潜在的 [ pot茶壶,我们常说茶壶里煮饺子,有货倒不出,但货还是有的啊,

能力潜在里面 ]

※ underline vt.强调 [ 即 下划线 ]

※ error n.错误 [ er人- r 人 – or人,每个人都会犯错 ] =mistake

※ commit vt.犯错,犯罪 [ 之前讲过 commit有委托的意思,在这个社会某些人犯了错或犯了罪,


4. Those with low self-esteem didn't feel better after theforced self-affirmation.

// Forcing a person tothink positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem.

※ self-esteem 自尊,自尊心

※ self-affirmation 自我肯定 [firm v.使牢固,变稳固 ]

5. In fact, their moods turned significantly darker than thoseof members who weren't urged to

think positivethoughts.

※ signify vt.意味着 →significant a.重要的,相当大的 [ 即意味着很多的 ]

※ magnify vt.扩大,放大 →magnificent a.宏伟的,华丽的

※ urge vt.催促,怂恿 [ 联想:ur 饿 – ge哥,哥哥很饿,就会催促做饭的快点]

→ urgenta.紧急的 → urgency n.紧急事件

6. Meditation (静思) techniques, in contrast, can teach people toput their shortcomings

into a larger, morerealistic perspective.

※ in contrast 相反 = on the contrary

※ shortcoming n.缺点,短处 = weakness

※ drawback n.缺点,弊端

※ virtue n.优点,美德 [ 对比 virgin 处女,为什么能保持 virgin,因为很有 virtue ]

※ realistic a.现实的 → realityn.事实,现实

※ idealistic a.理想主义的

※ perspective n.观点,看法

7. What do we learn from the first paragraph about the self-helpindustry?

A) It is a highlyprofitable industry.

C) It was established byNorman Vincent.

D) It has yielded positiveresults.

※ profitable a.有利可图的

※ establish vt.建立 [ e(出)- stable(稳定的) ]

※ yield vt.产生 n.产量 [ year +field(田地)= yield ]

8. There can be no simple therapy for psychologicalproblems.

※ therapy n.治疗法 [ 谐音:Sara -- 《越狱》中 MichaelScofield 的女朋友,是个医生 ]

※ remedy n.治疗法,药物 [ med ← medicine ]

※ psychotherapy 心理疗法


Citing(引用) older research

write essays(散文)


I am lovable(可爱的)

2010年12月四级阅读 PassageOne 关于 “研究人员在学术界与工商界的转换”


1. Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was totake advantage of the

greater freedom to chooseresearch questions.

※ academy n.学会 → academica.学术的 → academia n.学术界

※ take advantage of 利用

2. What was Helen Lee’s major consideration when she changed herjob in the middle of her career?

[A] Flexible workhours.

[C] Her preference for thelifestyle on campus.

[D] Prospects of academicaccomplishments.

※ flexible a.灵活的 [ 对比 relax 放松,能够放松就能很灵活 ]

※ preference n.偏爱

※ prospect n.前景 [ pro(前)- spect(看) ]

※ accomplishment n.成就 [ ←complete vt.完成 ]

3. The impact of a salary cut is probably less severe for ascientist in the early stages

of a career.

※ impact n.影响,冲击

※ severe a.严格的,严重的 [ 貌似 serve服务,给别人服务,要严格要求自己,否则后果很严重 ]

4. Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is usually moresignificant. // Guy Grant chose

to work as a researcher atCambridge in order to raise his status in the academic world.

※ ladder n.梯子,阶梯

※ status n.地位 [ stat(stand)-us(地位),地位高的人站在我们上面 ]

※ significant a.有意义的 ←signify v.意味着

5. What contribution can industrial scientists make when theycome to teach in a university?

[A] Increase its graduates’competitiveness in the job market.

[C] Help it to obtainfinancial support from industry.

[D] Gear its researchtowards practical applications.

※ competitiveness n.竞争力

※ obtain vt.获得

※ attain vt.达到,获得

※gear v.调整 [ 这词超纲 ] =adjust, adapt

eg: geared the speech to aconservative audience. 调整演讲以适应保守的观众

※ practical application实际应用

2010年12月四级阅读 PassageTwo 关于“社交网络与长寿”


1. Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to yourlife.

※ sociable a.好交际的

※ associate vi.交往 →association n.协会,社团

2. the biggest longevity (长寿) boost seems to come from marriageor an equivalent relationship.

※ lifespan n.寿命

※ boost vt.促进,提升 n.推动力

※ equivalent a.等价的,相当的

3. Even if the odds are stacked against you(对你不利), marriage canmore than compensate.

※ odds n.几率,可能性

※ ratio n.比,比率

※ likelihood n.可能性

※ compensate v.补偿,抵消 [ 词根 pens 表“花费”,补偿即补偿你所付出的 ]

4. Caring for a spouse with mental disorder can leave youwith some of the same severe problems.

※ spouse n.配偶 [ 谐音:死抱死 --- 夫妻恩爱,死都抱在一起 ]

※ severe a.严重的,严厉的

5. Social contact can boost development of the brain and immunesystem, leading to better health

and less chance ofdepression later in life.

※ contact vt. n.接触 [ tact = touch ]

※ immune system 免疫系统

※ depression n.沮丧,忧愁 →depressive a.郁闷的

6. People in supportive relationships may handle stressbetter.

※ supportive a.支持的

※ stress n.压力,重点

※ strain n.紧张

7. A life partner, children and good friends are all recommendedif you aim to live to 100.

※ recommend vt.推荐

※ commend vt.称赞

※ comment n.注释,评论

串记:看电影的comment, 很多人在 commend 这部电影,我就把它recommend 给你

8. People are interconnected, so their health isinterconnected.

※ interconnected a.相互联系的 [ inter- 相互 ]

※ interpersonal-relationship人际关系

--- END---








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