

发布时间:2018-04-21 所属栏目:58同城网求职简历

一 : 外企对英文简历的不同要求

  各国外企对英文 简历 的要求

  虽然大部分的国家都在使用英文,但由于各国的历史背景和文化积淀的差异,各个国家对于英文 简历 的要求还是有所不同,下文将为我们作具体介绍:

  (一)在 英语 语言国家

  应在 简历 开头就明确写出求职目标,写上一些精确的信息、具体的时间以及体现你特定方面能力的具体数字,简历的字数不超过一页。


  最后,你最好在简历末尾写上:本人将在某一时间打电话给招聘者以确定是否可能得到 面试 机会。同时,在 面试 过后,千万不要忘记写信给 面试 人,对其接待了你表示感谢。他们对应聘人的做事方式及其求职的方式非常看重,对他们来讲,这些都能显示出你的工作能力。


  你的年龄和经验是很重要的。同时在有些欧洲国家中会有一些特别的习惯,例如90%的法国、意大利及德国企业内部流行笔迹测试,若你的 求职信 不是手写的,有些公司甚至拒绝阅读。





  英文简历中有很多关键词和特殊用法有其特定表达方式,不宜乱用。比如,internship(学期实习)、part-time(兼职)、mentor(导师)等。reference available upon request:这个短语的意思是如需证明,可提供见证人。这在许多英式、港式简历末尾中经常出现,但是美式的简历不要这样写。



二 : 较经典的外贸业务员英文简历

实惠网外贸平台欢迎您的到来! ?

经典外贸业务员英文简历 来源:实惠网外贸论坛(http://bbs.sfyh.com ) ,一起学习外贸知识,分享外贸经验;



外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(一)

name: zhu min

english name : adam chu

personal data:

sex: male

age: 46

height: 168 cm

weight: 55kg

实惠网外贸平台欢迎您的到来! ?

blood type: a

marital status :

single native place

: suzhou, jiangsu , china

email: wtojob@ wtojob.cn msn: wtojob@wtojob.cn office phone: ****-******** mobil: 136******** educational background

major: international trade

graduate school: shanghai foreign trade institute education:

1985.2-1988.10 nanjing normal university majored english language

1989.2-1990.10 shanghai foreign trade institute majored international trade

academic main courses:

实惠网外贸平台欢迎您的到来! ?

management/marketing/international trade,

import/export business, foreign trade english, computer skill and so on

english skills:

have a good command of both spoken and written english.

computer abilities:

外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(二)

skilled in use of windows / office 2000

self assessment:

good professional skills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution. nice characters.

self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. energetic, adaptable and able man, cooperative and honest to others

employment experience :

实惠网外贸平台欢迎您的到来! ?

1993/2—1997/12 worked in st. mila co., (russia), sold leather coats in russian market and lived in moscow city. 1998/2-2000/10 worked in masterstaff travel co., (russia), managed overseas chinese traveling.

2001/2-2003/12 worked in alfa group co., (russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas chinese lives.

2004/9-2005/6 worked in wujiang jinfeng wood door co., manage overseas market business.

2005/7-2006/2 worked in dongguan jinzhong electric co., managed all exporting business.

position wanted:

to obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market

外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(三)

Name: ***

实惠网外贸平台欢迎您的到来! ?

English Name : Adam Chu

Personal Data:

Sex: male

Native Place: Suzhou, Jiangsu , China

Email: wtojobh@wtojob..com.

Office phone: 0577-65597777 Mobil: 13600680907 Educational Background

Major: International Trade

Graduate school: Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute Education:


Nanjing Normal University

Majored English Language


Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute

实惠网外贸平台欢迎您的到来! ?

Majored International Trade

Academic Main Courses:

Management/Marketing/International Trade,

Import/Export Business, Foreign Trade

English, Computer Skill and so on

English Skills:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of Windows / Office 2000

Self Assessment:

Good professional skills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution. nice characters.

self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. energetic, adaptable and able man,

cooperative and honest to others

实惠网外贸平台欢迎您的到来! ?

Employment Experience :

1993/2--1997/12 worked in St. Mila Co., (Russia), sold leather coats in Russian market and lived in Moscow city. 1998/2-2000/10 worked in Masterstaff

Travel Co., (Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling.

2001/2-2003/12 worked

in Alfa Group Co., (Russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas Chinese lives.

2004/9-2005/6 worked in Wujiang Jinfeng Wood door Co., manage overseas market business.

2005/7-2006/2 worked in Dongguan Jinzhong Electric Co., managed all exporting business.

三 : 经典外贸业务员英文简历





免费费外贸b2b平台平-(实惠网网)(http://wwww.61k.com )注册轻轻松获得美金金,机不可失失。 大量量外贸技术性性文章尽在外外贸博客:(htttp://blog.sina.com.cn/logindieer )。 经经典外贸贸业务员员英

外贸贸业务员英英文 简历历 范文(一)

name: zhu min

englishh name : adam chu

personnal data:

sex: mmale

age: 446

heightt: 168 cmm

weightt: 55kg

blood type: a


al status :

single native pplace 简历 英文简


: suzhou, jiangsu , chhina

email: wtojob@ wtojoob.cn mssn: wtoojob@wwtojob.cnn offfice phonne: ****-********* moobil: 1366********* educattional baackground

ational ttrade major: interna

ate schoool: shannghai foreign traade insttitute gradua

tion: educat

2-1988.10 nanjing normmal univversity mmajored 1985.2

nguage english lan

2-1990.10 shannghai forreign traade institute 1989.2

ajored innternatioonal tradde ma

academmic main coursees:

gement//marketiing/internationaal trade, manag

port bussiness, foreign trade english, coomputerr import/exp

ill and so

o on ski

englishh skills:


have aa good ccommand of botth spokeen and wwritten english.

compuuter abilities:

外贸业务务员英文文 简历 范文范(二)

skilled in use oof windoows / offfice 20000

ssessment: self as

professioonal skillls. teamm work sspirit. higgh liability good p

ution. niice characters. and attribu

d, respond well in high--pressure self-motivated

mospherre. enerrgetic, addaptablee and abble man,, atm

coooperativve and hhonest too otherss

employment eexperiennce :

2—19977/12 worked in sst. mila co., (russia), soold 1993/2

ather coaats in ruussian mmarket and livedd in moscow cityy. lea

1998/22-2000//10 workked in mmasterstaff traveel co., ussia), mmanagedd overseeas chineese travveling. (ru


2-2003//12 workked in alfa group co., (rrussia) in

arge of hotel seervice for overseeas chinese livess. cha


2004/99-2005//6 workeed in wuujiang jinnfeng wood dooor co.., managge oversseas maarket business. 2005/77-2006//2 workeed in dongguan jinzhong electric co.., managged all eexportinng busineess. positioon wanteed:

ain a challenging positioon as a sales manager for to obta

market overseas m

外贸贸业务员英英文 简历历 范文(三)

Naame: ****

Englishh Name : Adamm Chu

nal Data: Person

male Sex: m

e Place: Suzhou,, Jiangsuu , China Native

m. Email:


phone: 0577-65597777 Mobil:: 136006680907



Educattional Baackground

Major:: Internaational TTrade

Graduate schoool: Shaanghai Foreign TTrade Institute tion: Educat


ng Normal Univeersity Nanjin

ed Englissh Language Majore

2-1990.10 1989.2

eign Trade Institute Shanghai Fore

ed Internationall Trade Majore

Academic Main Courses:

gement/Marketinng/Interrnationaal Trade,, Manag

mport/Exxport Bussiness, FForeign Trade Im


h, Compputer Skkill and sso on

h Skills:



Have aa good ccommannd of botth spokeen and wwritten English.

Compuuter Abilities:

d in use of Windows / OOffice 2000 Skilled

ssessmeent: Self As

professional skills. teamm work sspirit. high liabillity Good p

ution. niice characters. and attribu

d, respond well in high--pressure self-motivated

mospherre. enerrgetic, addaptablee and abble man,, atm

coooperativve and hhonest too otherss

Employment EExperiennce :

2--19977/12 worrked in SSt. Mila Co., (Ruussia), sold 1993/2

ather coaats in Ruussian mmarket aand livedd in Mosscow cityy. lea

1998/22-2000//10 workked in MMasterstaaff

Russia), manageed overseas Chinnese Travel Co., (R



2001/22-2003//12 workked


in Alfa Group CCo., (Ruussia) in charge of hotel service for overseas CChinese lives.

2004/99-2005//6 workeed in Wuujiang Jinfeng WWood door Coo., manaage overrseas maarket buusiness. 2005/7

7-2006//2 workeed in Doongguan Jinzhonng Electrric Co

o., manaaged all exportinng business. ?

四 : 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历





免费费外贸b2b平台平-(实惠网网)(http://wwww.sfyh.coom )注册轻轻松获得美金金,机不可失失。 大量量外贸技术性性文章尽在外外贸博客:(htttp://blog.sina.com.cn/logindieer )。 经经典外贸贸业务员员英

外贸贸业务员英英文 简历历 范文(一)

name: zhu min

englishh name : adam chu

personnal data:

sex: mmale

age: 446

heightt: 168 cmm

weightt: 55kg

blood type: a


外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

al status :

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

single native pplace 简历 英文简

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


: suzhou, jiangsu , chhina

email: wtojob@ wtojoob.cn mssn: wtoojob@wwtojob.cnn offfice phonne: ****-********* moobil: 1366********* educattional baackground

ational ttrade major: interna

ate schoool: shannghai foreign traade insttitute gradua

tion: educat

2-1988.10 nanjing normmal univversity mmajored 1985.2

nguage english lan

2-1990.10 shannghai forreign traade institute 1989.2

ajored innternatioonal tradde ma

academmic main coursees:

gement//marketiing/internationaal trade, manag

port bussiness, foreign trade english, coomputerr import/exp

ill and so

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

o on ski

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

englishh skills:

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


have aa good ccommand of botth spokeen and wwritten english.

compuuter abilities:

外贸业务务员英文文 简历 范文范(二)

skilled in use oof windoows / offfice 20000

ssessment: self as

professioonal skillls. teamm work sspirit. higgh liability good p

ution. niice characters. and attribu

d, respond well in high--pressure self-motivated

mospherre. enerrgetic, addaptablee and abble man,, atm

coooperativve and hhonest too otherss

employment eexperiennce :

2—19977/12 worked in sst. mila co., (russia), soold 1993/2

ather coaats in ruussian mmarket and livedd in moscow cityy. lea

1998/22-2000//10 workked in mmasterstaff traveel co., ussia), mmanagedd overseeas chineese travveling. (ru

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

2-2003//12 workked in alfa group co., (rrussia) in

arge of hotel seervice for overseeas chinese livess. cha

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


2004/99-2005//6 workeed in wuujiang jinnfeng wood dooor co.., managge oversseas maarket business. 2005/77-2006//2 workeed in dongguan jinzhong electric co.., managged all eexportinng busineess. positioon wanteed:

ain a challenging positioon as a sales manager for to obta

market overseas m

外贸贸业务员英英文 简历历 范文(三)

Naame: ****

Englishh Name : Adamm Chu

nal Data: Person

male Sex: m

e Place: Suzhou,, Jiangsuu , China Native

m. Email:

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历



phone: 0577-65597777 Mobil:: 136006680907

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


Educattional Baackground

Major:: Internaational TTrade

Graduate schoool: Shaanghai Foreign TTrade Institute tion: Educat


ng Normal Univeersity Nanjin

ed Englissh Language Majore

2-1990.10 1989.2

eign Trade Institute Shanghai Fore

ed Internationall Trade Majore

Academic Main Courses:

gement/Marketinng/Interrnationaal Trade,, Manag

mport/Exxport Bussiness, FForeign Trade Im


外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

h, Compputer Skkill and sso on

h Skills:

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


Have aa good ccommannd of botth spokeen and wwritten English.

Compuuter Abilities:

d in use of Windows / OOffice 2000 Skilled

ssessmeent: Self As

professional skills. teamm work sspirit. high liabillity Good p

ution. niice characters. and attribu

d, respond well in high--pressure self-motivated

mospherre. enerrgetic, addaptablee and abble man,, atm

coooperativve and hhonest too otherss

Employment EExperiennce :

2--19977/12 worrked in SSt. Mila Co., (Ruussia), sold 1993/2

ather coaats in Ruussian mmarket aand livedd in Mosscow cityy. lea

1998/22-2000//10 workked in MMasterstaaff

Russia), manageed overseas Chinnese Travel Co., (R


外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

2001/22-2003//12 workked

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历


in Alfa Group CCo., (Ruussia) in charge of hotel service for overseas CChinese lives.

2004/99-2005//6 workeed in Wuujiang Jinfeng WWood door Coo., manaage overrseas maarket buusiness. 2005/7

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

7-2006//2 workeed in Doongguan Jinzhonng Electrric Co

外贸业务员英文简历 经典外贸业务员英文简历

o., manaaged all exportinng business.


本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1169342.html

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