

发布时间:2018-03-10 所属栏目:计算机考试

一 : MCSE模拟试题:IIS考题

         1. you setup three intranet web sites and set them to use host headers. how do users find them?

a modify hosts files to the server

b modify hosts files to all the clients

c modify lmhost files to all the clients

d modify wins server

2. what must you do if you want to find all unfiltered files?

a @contents= unflitered

b @ unfiltered = true

c tun srchenu.exe

d list noise word file

3. how can you maximize the performance if you using ssl?

a add more ram

b increase cpu

c fast hd

d use ssl certificate

4. what is the easiest way to find how many 32k objects have html extensions?

a import a log file to an excel spread sheet

b site server

c use nt explorer to search the web site dir

d use ftp

5. you want to decrease the amount of tam that index sever uses. choose 2 ?

a increase number of word list

b decrease number of word list

c increase size o f word list

d decrease size of word list

6.-what iis entries would be stored in the iis metabase. select 2

a) location of the iis help files

b) virtual folder security information

c) home directory permissions

d) index server settings

e) site server express settings

7.- you currently store nntp files in a single virtual directory on a single raid 5 disk array. how can you improve performance ?

a) create additional virtual folders on the single disk array

b) create additional virtual folders on multiple disk arrays

c) move the virtual folder location onto a non raid 5 disk

8- -you want to enable logging of your web site. what option should you choose to allow the lowest processing overhead.

a) normal text log

b) compressed normal text log

c) logging to a sql database

d) logging to a remote sql database

1. you setup three intranet web sites and set them to use host headers. how do users find them?

a modify hosts files to the server

b modify hosts files to all the clients

c modify lmhost files to all the clients

d modify wins server

2. what must you do if you want to find all unfiltered files?

a @contents= unflitered

b @ unfiltered = true

c tun srchenu.exe

d list noise word file

3. how can you maximize the performance if you using ssl?

a add more ram

b increase cpu

c fast hd

d use ssl certificate

4. what is the easiest way to find how many 32k objects have html extensions?

a import a log file to an excel spread sheet

b site server

c use nt explorer to search the web site dir

d use ftp

二 : NIT考试模拟试题79




1.在计算机内部,用来传送、存储、加工处理的数据或指令都是以什么形式进行的?( A )


、八进制 C、拼音简码 D、五笔字型码

2.关于几个名词的概念,下列叙述正确的是( C )





3、在下列硬件中,哪个只属于输出设备( a )


、键盘 C、软盘 D、鼠标器

4、3.5英寸软盘的写保护口已经封上( c )



C D、不能读盘,也不能写盘;

5、局部地区通信网络简称局域网,英文编写为( d )


、WAN B、MAN C、SAN D6、在计算机设备中,调制解调器是用来( d )



C、字符识别; D

7、IP地址是一个32位的二进制数,它通常采用点分( c )


、八进制数表示 B、二进制数表示 C、十六进制表示

8、BBS是指:( B





9、在微机的配置中,常看到“处理器 Pentium III/830字样”,其中数字830表示(




D10、一张软盘设置写保护后只能进行只读操作,一般情况下( d )





11、将二进制数(1110011.001)2转化成十进制数是( a )。

B.116.125 C.115.215 D.115.521

12、将十进制数71.625转化成二进制数是( a )

B.10100111.101 C.1100111.101 D.10100101.101



1、微机硬件系统中的最核心的部件是( b )

) d

A、硬件 B

、外设 D、外存

2、用MIPS来衡量的计算机性能指标是( b )

A、字长 B

、存储容量 D、传输速度

3、下列四项中不属于计算机病毒特征的是( c )

A、激发性 B

、传染性 C、潜伏性

4、在微机中1MB准确等于( c )

A、1000×1000个字 B、1000×1000个字节



5、通过Internet发送或接收电子邮件(E-mail)的首要条件是应该有一个电子邮件(E-mail)地址,它的正确形式是( d )

A、用户名*域名 B

、用户名%域名 C、用户名#域名 D

6、操作系统的功能完善的叙述是( b )





c )



a )

A、信息传输 C、文献检索 D、数据共享


d )

A、COM B、Chinese C、China D10、通常下列设备中,既可作为输入设备又可作为输出设备的是(

d )

A、显示器 B、键盘 C、鼠标器 D11、将十进制数

222转化成二进制数是(a )。

B.11011101 C.11011100 D.10111011



A.系统软件工具软件 D.防毒软件

13、第四代计算机的逻辑电路采用的是( d )

A.电子管 B.晶体管 C.中小规模集成电路 14、操作系统应属于软件系统的( a )。

B.应用软件 C.工具软件 D.防毒软件



个人计算机属于( b )


2、读写速度由快到慢:( b )


、 硬盘--光盘—RAM--软盘;BC、光盘--软盘—RAM--硬盘;D、软盘--光盘—RAM--硬盘


b )


4、个人计算机以拔号方式接入INTERNET时,必须使用的设备:( c )


5、不是病毒传播的途径:( a )



6、WINDOWS操作系统是:( b )

A、 单用户单任务操作系统;B


7、软件系统包括:( a )



8、在微机中,VGA的含义是( c )


、微机型号 B、键盘型号 C、显示器型号

9、在16*16点阵字库中,存储单个汉字的字形码需用的字节数为:( a


B、16B;C、12B;D、8B (16*16/8=32B)

10、不是网络拓扑结构:( d

A、 总线型拓扑结构;B、树型拓扑结构;



、VGA显示器主要的性能指标:( a )


2、P41G的1G表示的是:( b )


、CPU的型号;BC、字长 ;D、容量


、建立网络的目的是:( a )

A、信息传输 C、文献检索 D、数据共享


、在计算机中信息传送形式是:( b )


5、计算机系统包括:( b )

A、 系统软件和应用软件;B

C、程序设计语言和操作系统 ;D、应用软件和硬件系统

6、断电后(存储信息消失)丢失数据的内存储器是:( b )



、计算机能直接识别和处理的语言是:( b )


8、计算机病毒是:( c )

A、 生物病毒;B、化学感染 ;



a.b )


C、超文本传输 ;D、简单邮件传输

10、Windows98操作系统是 b

A、单用户单任务系统 B、C、多用户多任务系统 D、 多用户单任务系统


1、CPU组成部分,包括:( a )


2、存取速度最快的是:( a )



3、10个24*24点阵字库,其字型码占用节数为:( )


、72B;C、10B;D、24B (24*24*10/8=720)

4、主存储器包括( b )


、ROM; B C、硬盘; D、软盘

6、下列那些属于系统软件:( a )


B、WORD2000; C、EXCEL2000; D、用友财务软件


b )

A、读写光盘; B C、可移动硬盘;D、软盘


、网络拓朴指的是:( )

A B、网络形状;C、网络协议


指的是:( a )




1、CPU不能直接访问的存储器是( d )

A、ROM B、RAM C、Cache D2、微型计算机中,控制器的基本功能是:( d )





、下列四条叙述中,属RAM特点的是( b )






c )

A、逻辑部件 B、算术运算部件 C、算术和逻辑部件

5、在微型计算机中,ROM是( c

A、顺序读写存储器 B、随机读写存储器



c )

A、信息流通 B、数据传送 C、降低费用

7、E—mail是指( a )





环境中,用来储存并处理工作表数据的文件,称为 C

A、单元格 B、工作区 C、工作表

9、在Word的编辑状态,当前在汉字输入状态,若要切换到输入大写英文字母状态,应当按( a )


、Shift 键 C、Ctrl+空格键 D、Ctrl + Shift键

10、目前计算机的应用领域可大致分为三个方面,指出下列答案中正确的是( c )





11、下列设备中,属于输出设备的是( b )

A、扫描仪 B

、触摸屏 D、光笔

12、下列设备中,属于输入设备的是( c )

A、声音合成器 B

、激光打印机 C、显示器

13、微型计算机配置高速缓冲存储器是为了解决( d )




D14、可以写入数据的存储器是( d )


、CD—ROM D15、磁盘存储器存、取信息的最基本单位是( A )


、字长 C、扇区 D、磁道


a )




17、具有多媒体功能的微型计算机系统中使用的CD—ROM是一种( c )




18、ISP指的是( a )


、 因特网的专线接入方式

C、 拨号上网方式 D 、因特网内容提供商

19、在Word的编辑状态,当前文档中有一个表格,选定表格中的一行后,单击表格菜单中“拆分表格”命令后,表格被拆分成上、下两个表格,已选择的行( b )


、在上边的表格中 B、不在这两个表格中 D被删除

20、将十进制数93转换为二进制数为( d )


、1110111 B、1110101 C、1010111 D21、世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于 b

A、 1941年 B

C、1949年 D、1950年

22、微型计算中中普遍使用的字符编码是( d )

A、BCD码头 B、拼音码 C、补码 D

23、在Windows98中,实现窗口移动的操作是( c )




24、在Word97中,要改变行间距,则应选择 c






25、下列描述中,正确的是( b )





26、Word2000中,文档保存默认的扩展名是( c )



27、防止软磁盘感染计算机病毒的一种有效方法是( c )




28、发现微型计算机染有病毒后,较为彻底的清除方法是(d )

A、用查毒软件处理 B、用杀毒软件处理 C

、删除磁盘文件 D29、微型计算机采用总线结构连接CPU、内存储器和外部设备,总线由三部分组在,它包括( d )




D32、目前计算机应用最广泛的领域是( c )




33、操作系统的功能是( a )




30、一个计算机网络组成包括( a )




31、Windows98的系统工具中,磁盘碎片整理程序的功能是( a )





三 : 海南高招调研 “模拟高考”试题有海南味

      1月22、23、24日这3天,是海南省2007年普通高等学校招生考试调研测试时间。此次测试的科目设置及考试时间完全参照高考要求,测试成绩将为我省2007年高考提供命题参考。 老师:语文开放型试题增多

    “模拟高考”的试题成为大家关注热点之一。海南中学高三年级组长郑会锋最先带领学生进入高中课改,拿到今天的模拟试题,他立刻说了一句:“和我们这里的学生最近一两个月来所做的练习题很相似嘛。”只有一点出乎他的意料,那就是这次调研测试题还是能拉开差距的。如这份语文试卷上出现了3篇作文。一篇不少于800字的大作文属“传统”作文,有一篇属情景作文,要求用100字来表达。第三篇要求用150字完成,题目是:学校要出版唐诗宋词研究性学习成果集,请你写篇小序,简介有关内容,评述出版意义,明显具有一定的难度。“现在考语文开放型试题较多,分值所占比例达五分之四;客观型试题则相对减少。”郑老师分析说。 学生:本地风物被列入试题


    海南中学高三(4)班易俊洁感觉试题不太难,题型或结构都与平时做的模拟试题基本相似。有的题目与海南风物有关,如有一道语言表达题,要求描写海上傍晚,作为本地孩子,还是第一次做这种“乡土味”的试题,感到很亲切。高三(17)班的杨曦和另外几个同学的感受是,用150分钟的时间做完整套试卷,感到时间有些紧。 专家解析:调研测试为高考命题发“信号”





四 : MCSE模拟试题:IE4.0考题

         additional components added in to ieak that are custom, must be digitally signed and in what type of format?
a. (. dat)

b. (. ico)

c. (. exe)

d. (. cab)

answer: c, d

cab files are executables that are added into ieak for custom component install. they should be :

a. approved by version

b. digitally signed

c. approved by ie development team

d. compressed for installation

answer: b

which of the following would allow your user to access certain files but at the same time avoid her from downloading unsigned controls?

a. do not place any urls in any zone.

b. place urls in question in the restricted sites zone.

c. place urls in question in the restricted sites zone and set download unsigned activex controls to disable.

d. place urls in question in the restriced sites zone with medium security settings.

answer: a

when installing ie 4.0 on a nt 4.0 workstation, the user must login as which of the following to complete the installation.

a. member of server operators

b. any user

c. member of power users

d. member of administrators

answer: c, d

when installing ie 4.0 on a windows 95 machine, the user must login as which of the following to complete the installation.

a. member of server operators

b. any user

c. member of power users

d. member of administrators

answer: b

which settings will be imported from netscape navigator 3.0 to internet explorer 4.0?

a. cookies, bookmarks, & proxy information

b. plug- ins and favorites

c. cookies, plug- ins and proxy settings

d. favorites, cookies and plug- ins

answer: a

how many favorites or favorite links can you add during a custom build of ie4.0 through ieak?

a. 20

b. 10

c. 200

d. 100

answer: c

how many download sites can you add to a custom setup of ie4.0 through ieak?

a. 20

b. 10

c. 200

d. 100

answer: b

suppose the following situation exists: several developers at your company frequently download activex components from the internet for beta testing.

required result:

prompt the developers before downloading signed activex controls.

optional desired results:

1) enable the developers to download unsigned activex controls.

2) enable the developers to run activex scripts.

proposed solution:

set up internet explorer and accept the default configuration.

which results does the proposed solution produce?

a. the proposed solution produces the required result and both of the optional desired results.

b. the proposed solution produces the required result and only one of the optional desired results.

c. the proposed solution produces the required result but neither of the optional desired results.

d. the proposed solution does not produce the required result.

answer: b

where does ie get the information for the autocomplete fearture?

a. favorites folder

b. manually added

c. temporary internet files folder

d. history folder

answer: d

to customize the control panel and my computer of a custom install of ie4.0 which files must be modified?

a. mycomp. htm

b. mycomp. htt

c. controlp. htm

d. controlp. htt

answer: c

for an isp using ieak for ie4.0 what are the 2 types of user signups available?

a. internet sign- up server

b. use sign up wizard in setup

c. serverless setup

d. isp connection wizard

answer: a, c

you are an administrator for a global organization. your users require multiple languages for the internet explorer. you currently have 3 different installation options and need them in 3 different languages. how many different times must you reset your system's regional settings in order to make your custom packages.

a. none

b. six

c. three

d. nine

answer: a 

the resolution of a fully qualified domain name to an ip address uses what service?

a. wins

b. dns

c. pptp

d. arp

answer: b

after setting up a dialing parameters, how should you test to see if your configuration is correct?

a. do a test install and run setup. exe

b. run setup. ins from command line

c. click verify information on dialing parameters screen

d. click test sign up page

answer: d

in which stage of building a custom version of ie4.0 through ieak ,will you be able to modify the security zone?

a. zone 1

b. zone 3

c. zone 4

d. zone 5

answer: d

you have created two custom components for your custom browser package. one component is a .cab file, the other is an .exe file. besides the component name, location and guid, what else is required to install these components?

a. that a parameter entry be specified for the .cab component

b. that a parameter entry be specified for the .exe component

c. that a command entry be specified for the .exe component

d. that a command entry be specified for the .cab component

answer: d

which of the following internet e- mail standards does outlook express support?

a. post office protocol 3 (pop3)

b. internet mail access protocol version 4 (imap4)

c. exchange mail porotocol (emp)

d. simple mail transfer protocol (smtp)

answer: a, b, d

during which ieak wizard stage are download urls specified?

a. stage 1: gathering information

b. stage 2: specifying active setup parameters

c. stage 3: customizing active setup

d. stage 4: customizing the browser

answer: c

what are the individual components of a digital id?

a. public key

b. certificate key

c. private key

d. digital signature

answer: a, c, d

you have been asked to build a custom package for a group of users, and that custom package must allow those users to share and collaborate on a microsoft word document. which custom component for internet explorer must be added to allow for users to collobarte on an excel spreadsheet?

a. netmeeing

b. vrlm viewer

c. activex control for excel

d. netshow

answer: a

a device that acts a security barrier between your intranet and internet is a?

a. gateway server

b. proxy server

c. pdc

d. setup server

answer: b

which of the following custom files must you sign digitally? choose two.

a. setup. exe

b. ie40cif. cab

c. ie40. cif

d. desktop. cab

answer: b, d

what are the reasons you might receive a message regarding a file might not be safe for downloading?

a. you have not upgraded to authenticode 2.0.

b. the software you are downloading is a java applet.

c. the software that you attempted to download has not been marked as safe for scripting.

d. the publisher's certificate has expired.

answer: a, d

how should a user, who connects to the internet just when she is connected to her corporate lan, configure her options when subscribing to a web site?

a. manually

b. scheduled weekly

c. scheduled daily

d. personal schedule

answer: d

in a at& t unix system that holds your custom ie4.0 installation files. which must be capitalized, for ie4.0 setup to work properly? choose all that apply.

a. branding. cab

b. desktop. cab

c. ie40cif. cab

d. ie4setup. exe

answer: a, b, c, d

which of the following settings will enable downloads from sites in a trusted zone?

a. choosing the custom security setting for the zone and choosing enable for file download

b. choosing the security setting of low

c. choosing the security setting of medium

d. choosing the security setting of custom

answer: a, b, c

using a setup server and custom sign- up files that contain information about your isp service, that contains a link to an html page on your server, is called what?

a. setup. htm

b. signup. htm

c. server. htm

d. info. htx

answer: b

additional components added in to ieak that are custom, must be digitally signed and in what type of format?
a. (. dat)

b. (. ico)

c. (. exe)

d. (. cab)

answer: c, d

cab files are executables that are added into ieak for custom component install. they should be :

a. approved by version

b. digitally signed

c. approved by ie development team

d. compressed for installation

answer: b

which of the following would allow your user to access certain files but at the same time avoid her from downloading unsigned controls?

a. do not place any urls in any zone.

b. place urls in question in the restricted sites zone.

c. place urls in question in the restricted sites zone and set download unsigned activex controls to disable.

d. place urls in question in the restriced sites zone with medium security settings.

answer: a

when installing ie 4.0 on a nt 4.0 workstation, the user must login as which of the following to complete the installation.

a. member of server operators

b. any user

c. member of power users

d. member of administrators

answer: c, d

when installing ie 4.0 on a windows 95 machine, the user must login as which of the following to complete the installation.

a. member of server operators

b. any user

c. member of power users

d. member of administrators

answer: b

which settings will be imported from netscape navigator 3.0 to internet explorer 4.0?

a. cookies, bookmarks, & proxy information

b. plug- ins and favorites

c. cookies, plug- ins and proxy settings

d. favorites, cookies and plug- ins

answer: a

how many favorites or favorite links can you add during a custom build of ie4.0 through ieak?

a. 20

b. 10

c. 200

d. 100

answer: c

how many download sites can you add to a custom setup of ie4.0 through ieak?

a. 20

b. 10

c. 200

d. 100

answer: b

五 : MCSE模拟试题:SQLServer考题

       your company’s s ql server 7 . 0 dat abase i s backed dail y at m i dn i ght. one morni ng you load a large amount of data by using a nonlogged transaction. you then disable the selectinto/bulkcopy ption. what is the easiest way to restore the validity of the transaction logbackup sequence?

a. create a database backup.

b. truncate the transaction log.

c. backup the transaction log.

d. create a differential database backup.

answer: d

you want to improve the performance of a sql server 7.0 database by distributing input/output operations across multiple physical disks. you know which tables and indexesare queried most frequently, and you want to place each of them on a separate disk. how canyou place each of the most frequently queried tables and indexes on its own separate disk?answer: one each disk, create a filegroup consisting of a single file and place each table andindex in its own filegroup.you are planning to use sql server profiler to debug and optimize queries and applicationsin sql server 7.0. you want to be able to use sql server query-processing tools analyze thedata captured by profiler. where should you save the event data that will be captured by the profiler trace?

a. in a text file

b. in a windows nt application log

c. in the trace definition file.

d. in a sql server table

answer: d

notice: if you want to use sql server query processing tools to analyze the captured data, thenyou should save the event data to a table.you must perform multiple identical installations of sql server 7.0 in remote branches ofyour company that are not connected to the central office. the network administrators in thebranches have not been trained to install sql server 7.0. how can you facilitate theinstallations so that most of the work will be done automatically?answer: run sql server setup interactively to install sql server on a computer in the centraloffice. during installation, assign the mssqlserver and sqlserveragent services to the localsystem user account send the iss file to the branches.your company is using sql server 7.0 store corporate business data on a windows nt server computer. to assess disk space requirements and to optimize disk space usage you want to know how often new data is record in database, what tool will provide you with information about the frequency of write operations:

answer: windows nt performance monitor

you are the sql server 7.0 administrator for your company. you want to identify all errors in the sales database, but repair only the allocation errors, which two of the following statements should you issue to identify all errors and repair only all allocation errors?(choose two answers)


dbcccheckdb(‘sal es?& dbcc checkalloc ?`sales’repair_allow_data_loss ?/p>

you provide technical support to companies that use sql server 7.0. a customer reportsthat there is a problem, and you are asked to investigate it. you want to capture a trace insql server profiler. what are the minimum permissions that you must have at thecustomer’s s ql server co mput er t o be ab l e t o creat e and capt ure a profil er traceanswer: you must have the exec permission for the profiler extended stored procedures.you are running a web site, you want accounting who is accessing specific tables. whichshould you use performance monitor to monitor?

a. connect event, execution plan event, service control event, sql username, nt user name.

b. attention event, exec prepared sql event, sql username, nt user name

c. connect event, disconnect event, existingconnection event, nt user name

d. object: opened event, sql user name, nt user name.

answer: d

the departmental server has full text search implemented on its sql server database. currently both the full text database and the database files reside on the same logical drive. you do not want the full text indexing to use more than 25% of the available drive space because you want to allow space for dynamic expansion of the data files. you want to be able to remotely monitor the amount of space in use by the catalogs. how should you remotely monitor the space usage with a minimum number of additional administrative steps?

a. use the windows nt performance monitor to connect to the server and to monitor the size of the microsoft search catalog

b. create a scheduled job to regularly monitor the size of the full text indexes and send the result to your e-mail address

c. create a batch file to monitor the size of full text indexes and send the result to you vianetwork message. use the windows nt scheduler service to schedule the batch file to run


d. create a batch file to monitor the size of the full text indexes and send the result to you via network message. create a scheduled job to run the batch file regularly.

answer: a

you are a sql server 7.0 system administrator for you company. to provide users with full text search capabilities, you create a full text catalog and enable full text indexing for specific tables in a database. from your windows nt workstation computer, you want to remotely monitor the size of the full text catalog on windows nt server computer that is running sql server. which of the following tools is the most convenient to use for monitor the full text catalog?

a. performance monitor

b. query analyzer

c. the sp_monitor system stored procedure

d. sql server profiler.

answer: a

notice: to obtain real-time information about the size of a specific full-text catalog, you can continuously monitor the appropriate instance of the microsoft search indexer catalogs you load a lot data into your database, then you find that the space for log is almost full, how can you do to ensure the restore: (choose all that apply)

a. make a full backup

b. make a differential backup

c. backup the transaction log with the default options

d. backup the transaction log with truncate only

answer: a, d

the engine manufacturing application records data about all the engines that are manufactured at your plant, the database contains approximately 500 million records and is approximately 50gb in size. the database increases by 1000 records per day. you want to accomplish the following goals:

1. minimize the time required to recover the database

2. provide the ability to recover the database to a specific time

3. minimize the number of transaction logs that need to be during recovery

4. minimize the time required to backup the database

you take the following actions:1. schedule a full database backup of the entire database to occur every sunday at am 1:00 2. schedule transaction log backup to occur every day at p.m which result or results do these action produce? ( choose all that apply )

a. the time required to recover the database is minimized

b. the database can be recovered to a specific time.

c. the number of transaction logs that need to be applied during recovery is minimized

d. the time required to backup the database is minimized

answer: b, d

you check the free space on a log file and run a backup log with no_log on a database that is a publisher for transactional replication. you check the free space after running this command and note that free space has not changed. what is the most likely reason that free space has not changed?

a. the distributor database is full

b. log reader agent has stopped

answer: b

you have 2 tables, t1 & t2, gi should be able to update t1, g2 should be only able to select from t1 and third group g3 able to select and update on t2. the question is how manyapplication roles do you need?

answer: 3

sales representatives use portable computers. they need to implement replication scenario so that the sales representatives can enter the orders. you want to minimize network traffic:

a. transactional

b. snapshot with pull

c. snapshot with push

d. merge

answer: b

your company’s s ql server 7 . 0 dat abase i s backed dail y at m i dn i ght. one morni ng you load a large amount of data by using a nonlogged transaction. you then disable the selectinto/bulkcopy ption. what is the easiest way to restore the validity of the transaction logbackup sequence?

a. create a database backup.

b. truncate the transaction log.

c. backup the transaction log.

d. create a differential database backup.

answer: d

you want to improve the performance of a sql server 7.0 database by distributing input/output operations across multiple physical disks. you know which tables and indexesare queried most frequently, and you want to place each of them on a separate disk. how canyou place each of the most frequently queried tables and indexes on its own separate disk?answer: one each disk, create a filegroup consisting of a single file and place each table andindex in its own filegroup.you are planning to use sql server profiler to debug and optimize queries and applicationsin sql server 7.0. you want to be able to use sql server query-processing tools analyze thedata captured by profiler. where should you save the event data that will be captured by the profiler trace?

a. in a text file

b. in a windows nt application log

c. in the trace definition file.

d. in a sql server table

answer: d

notice: if you want to use sql server query processing tools to analyze the captured data, thenyou should save the event data to a table.you must perform multiple identical installations of sql server 7.0 in remote branches ofyour company that are not connected to the central office. the network administrators in thebranches have not been trained to install sql server 7.0. how can you facilitate theinstallations so that most of the work will be done automatically?answer: run sql server setup interactively to install sql server on a computer in the centraloffice. during installation, assign the mssqlserver and sqlserveragent services to the localsystem user account send the iss file to the branches.your company is using sql server 7.0 store corporate business data on a windows nt server computer. to assess disk space requirements and to optimize disk space usage you want to know how often new data is record in database, what tool will provide you with information about the frequency of write operations:

answer: windows nt performance monitor

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