

发布时间:2018-04-27 所属栏目:英语写作指导

一 : 高考英语蒙题技巧




  一、 找共同点。


  A.study B.to study C.learning D.to read

  可以看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的to study的选择可能性就十分的大。

  二、 找矛盾点(适用于单选)。







  三、 培养“蒙感”






  1.以when, where, what, which, who, how much, how many等疑问词开头引出的问题;

  2.是非判断题,题干中常有TRUE, NOT true或EXCEPT等;

  3.以According to …… 开头的提问方式;


  1) Certain animals change their choice of food when _______.

  2) Daylight Saving Time was introduced in Tasmania _______.

  3) The writer thought Amery “a fair game” because the boy _______.

  4) Mr. Dunlop established his business _______.


  1. 应用文中的细节理解应用文,特别是广告,是阅读理解题中常见的一种体裁。广告简洁明快,语言精练,篇幅小、信息多。广告阅读题多为细节理解题。做这类阅读题的技巧是:先读题目,带着问题有针对性地阅读相关部分快速寻找有效信息。一般情况下,只要细心都会找到正确答案。

  2. 说明文中的细节理解与应用文一样,说明文中的阅读理解也偏重考查细节,我们也可以采用”先看题,然后带着问题在材料中寻找对应信息“的办法答题。

  3. 记叙文中的细节理解故事、人物描写等记叙文体是阅读理解的考查重点之一。做这类题一般也可采用“寻读法”,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关词语或句子进行分析对比,获取准确信息,找出正确答案。

  4. 细节理解题中的代词指代题代词指代题要求考生根据上、下文推测代词的指代意义。此类题一般是在人物或事物关系比较复杂的情况下使用,所以理清人物及事物之间的逻辑关系是关键所在。





  (一)命题方式在推理判断题题干中常含有表示“表明、暗示、推论”的词汇,如infer,imply,suggest,conclude,learn,intend,mean,show等;有时提问中含有表示推测的情态动词,如can,could,might,would等和其他表示可能性的词,如probably,most likely,seem等。2009年高考英语中就出现了下面这些不同的命题方式:

  1. We can infer from the text that humans and animals _______.

  2. We can learn from the last paragraph that _______.

  3. The author seems to believe that _______.

  4. Who are most probably interested in Ralph W. Tyler's memoir?

  5. The author's attitude towards found photographs can be described as _______.

  6. What do we know about the use of DST from the last paragraph?

  7. The author will most probably agree that composers _______.

  8. The main purpose of the text is to _______.

  9. The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that _______.

  10. By telling the story of Karen, the author intends to _______.

  11. Which of the following agrees with the writer's idea?

  12. It can be concluded from the passage that _______.


  1. 如何推断隐含意义做这类推理题时,要注意以下几点:首先,一定要以文章提供的事实和线索为依据,立足已知,推断未知;其次,要全面分析已知信息,进行深层处理,不能就事论事,断章取义,以偏概全;最后,答案一般要依靠合理推理得出,而不能只选择文章中直接表述的信息为答案。

  2. 如何推断态度和观点作者的态度、观点、意图往往隐含在文章的字里行间,或流露于修饰的词语之中,考生应学会揣测和体会。在推断过程中,应特别注意文中作者的措辞,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词。千万不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点。

  3. 如何推断写作目的推测作者的写作目的,必须要先了解文章的主题,然后分析作者的论述方法、论述的重点和材料的安排。故事类记叙文的目的通常是娱乐读者(to entertain);广告类应用文的目的一般是推销产品或服务(to persuade);议论文的目的是要阐述论点(to argue);科普、文化类说明文的目的大多是介绍知识,帮助大家广闻博见(to inform)。

  4. 如何推断文章出处做这类推理题时,最重要的是要抓住各段的段落大意和文章的中心思想,这是推理的前提和基础。

  5. 如何推断人物性格做这类题时一定要注意准确把握字里行间的意思,特别是要注意表达情感色彩、主观态度和个人观点的词语对推断人物性格的主导作用。

  6. 如何推算数据解答此类题,关键是要善于捕捉有关数字的信息,然后在透彻理解原文的字面意义和题意的基础上,运用自己的数学知识,对其进行分析、推算,从而得出正确的结论。




  1) Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “……”?

  2) The underlined word “……” could best be replaced by _______.

  3) In the …… paragraph, the underlined word “……” means (refers to) _______.

  4) What is the meaning of the underlined word “……” in the first paragraph?

  5) What does the underlined word “……” in Paragraph 3 mean?

  6) The author uses the underlined phrase “……” to mean _______.







  1. 通过构词法猜测词义阅读中常常会遇到一些由熟悉的单词派生、转化或合成的新词,我们可以依靠构词法方面的知识来猜测词义。如2005年广东卷中E篇有这样一个句子:It's a quiet, comfortable hotel overlooking (俯瞰) the bay in an uncommercialized Cornish fishing village on England's most southerly point.显然,uncommercialized是考纲词汇表以外的单词。但我们都知道,前缀un?鄄表示否定,后缀-ize意思是“使成为……”,结合词根commercial(商业的),不难猜出uncommercialized的意思是“未被商业化的”。

  再看2004年全国卷ⅡB篇中这样一个句子:I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment.我们都知道,cloud本为名词“云”,但这里却转化成及物动词,有“使模糊;使混乱”之意。英语里,象这种“旧词新义”的情况不胜枚举。

  2. 通过同义、反义关系猜测词义在生词所出现的上下文中,有时会出现与之同义或反义的词语,这时可从熟悉的词语中推知生词的含义。常见的引出同义词的词语有and, or, like, also, similarly等;常见的引出反义词的词语有:though, although, still, but, yet, instead, instead of, however, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, unlike, rather than等。

  3. 通过定义、解释和举例猜测词义阅读文章中,特别是新闻报道及科普类文章中,生词后面往往有解释说明性的短语或句子,如that is, mean, stand for, namely, refer to, in other words等,有时也以同位语、定语从句的形式出现,或用破折号、括号来表示。还有些文章经常用举例来说明前面较难理解的词,这些例子可帮助我们猜测生词。举例时,常常会用一些连接词,如such as, like, for example等。

  4. 通过上、下文间意义的联系猜测词义任何一篇文章中的句子在内容上都不是绝对孤立的,都跟句子所在的段落及整篇文章有关。因此,我们可以利用上、下文提供的情景和线索,进行合乎逻辑的综合分析进而猜测词义。这是阅读过程中的一大关键,这也是近年来高考考查的热点。

  5. 通过经验及生活常识猜测词义阅读理解中,有时我们可以运用自身的实际生活经验及生活常识,根据上、下文能读懂的部分,猜出词义。



  (一)命题方式主旨大意题命题形式主要有三大类:一类是概括中心思想(main idea)型;一类是确定文章标题或主题(topic / title / headline)型;还有一类是问文章的写作目的(purpose)。近些年高考中常见的主旨大意题命题形式有:

  1) What would be the best title for the text?

  2) What is the topic of the text?

  3) Which of the following best expresses the main idea?

  4) The best title / headline for this passage might be ______.

  5) The author‘s main purpose in writing the passage is ______.

  6) Which of the following statements is best supported by the text?

  7) Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

  8) The main idea / The general idea / The main theme of this passage is ______.

  9) The title that best expresses the main idea of the passage is ______.

  (二)解题指导大部分文章都有主题句(topic sentence),主题句表达了文章的中心思想(main idea),找到了主题句,也就抓住了文章的主旨大意。因此,“主题句定位法”是解答主旨大意题的一种行之有效的方法。主题句呈现形式通常有以下几种:





  1. 通过开篇找主题不少文章(特别是说明文、议论文、新闻报道等)一开头便展示出文章的主题,第一段常常是内容的梗概,同时又表达了中心思想。因此,要寻找这类文章的主旨大意就需研究文章的首句。

  2. 通过结尾找主题有不少文章采用归纳法写作方式,即前面几段分述细节和解释说明,最后一段归纳要点、得出结论或概括主题。属于这种结构的文章的主题句一般安排在文章的结尾,作为对全篇的总结。

  3. 结合文章首、尾找主题采用“总——分——总”这种写作模式的文章英语里也不在少数。这类文章中,作者先提出主题,结尾时再次点明主题,首尾呼应。通常,前后表述主题的句子不是简单的重复,后句往往是前句的进一步的引申或发展。做这类题时,仔细阅读首、尾段是解题的关键。

  4. 归纳总结找主题有些文章或段落无明显的主题句,只是从文章的字里行间暗示性地体现主题。这类试题主要考查考生略读文章、领会大意的能力,它对考生的归纳、概括能力有一定的要求。但必须注意,我们在概括总结主旨大意时既不能以偏概全,也不能过于宽泛,要恰如其分。



  none no nothing nobody选none,

  anthing nothing……选nothing


  should would……选should或不填

  冠词选几个选项的交集(懂不?)就是A、 a the B a 不填 C 不填 the

  D a a 就选A 如果只有一个空就选a




  选最常见的词 感情词选文中出现过的







  有all above 选

  有we dont know 选





  有非谓语的ed改ing ,反之亦然


  but -and





  firstly ,in adition ,whats more,moreover先摆上

  在加点every coin has two sides.

二 : 382014年高考英语七选五_答题技巧





























由于英语的句段之间经常会运用关联词表示衔接和过渡,使文章逻辑更清楚和连贯,因此文章中和选项中表示各种逻辑关系的路标性信号词在选择答案时都是很重要的线索。 在做题时可将这三个层面的线索很好地结合起来。例如,在看到表示并列或递进关系的关联词时,一般表示前后句子的名词或句意具有同指性;而表示转折让步关系的词则往往表示前后句子的名词同指,但句意对立,或褒贬对立或肯否对立;而表示例证关系的词则意味着在举例之前或之后有表述概念或某一观点的句


(a)并列与递进关系:and, or, also,neither?nor?,either?or?,likewise, similarly,

equally, in the same way, that is to say ,as well as, the same ?as, besides,

additionally, furthermore, moreover, in addition to ,what is more

(b)因果关系:because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so?that, consequently,

accordingly, due to, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, for this reason,

of course

(c)转折让步关系:but, however, yet, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand,

unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of, it is true that,

of course,although, though, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite, in spite of

(d)时间关系:afterwards, at first, at last, finally, first, firstly, in the first place,

to start with,in the mean time, last, later, next, second, secondly, then, third,

thirdly, to begin with以及一些具体的时间。

5. 根据试题所在的不同位置确定不同的解题策略
















as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可











句是紧密相连的。要特别注意阅读这样相连的两句,通常会找到关键的线索词句。 (e)所选答案是引出下一段的内容。如果在选项中找不出与前文之间的关联,此时可考虑与下一段


是否有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来。 (f)如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题。通常文章第一段要提出文章














根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways

Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third,

note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 72 Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a

selective process. 73 .

The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

●Write your notes in your own words.

● 74 .

●Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you

understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 75 .

A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand

and remember it.



“Taking good notes”这样一个中心话题,形成了文章的线性结构。




第一段的第一句“Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways”与下面几句是解释关系,解释关系是指后面的句子对前面的句子解释、引申、例证,使意思更加明了、具体。后三句之间是平列关系,平列关系指句与句之间处于平等并列地位,互不相属,而只是组合在一起共同说明一个问题。平列关系组合的语段,在次序上并不固定,如果局部改变



三、四句组合为另外一个语段,语段与语段之间是总分关系,总分关系是指前面的句子陈述两个过两个以上的对象,后面的句子紧接着分别对它们加以说明。用这种方式组合的语段能够前呼后应,彼此配合,使语脉清楚,条分缕析,如“Whenever or however you take notes”一句与前两句前呼后应,彼此配合,为前句选“E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes. ”埋伏了一笔,







adventure ;n.& vt.

:venture 冒险;投机 risk; danger; adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的;充满危险的

airplane ;n. aircraft 飞行器;飞机;

disappoint ;v. 指定;委派

argue ;vi. 争论;争吵


brave ;adj. 勇敢的;

care about担心;关心care for 喜欢;

cast vt.& vi. 投掷;投射;抛 (cast,cast) 广播

compass ;n. 罗盘;指南针pass 通过;经过

deserted adj.

荒芜的;荒废的;为人所弃的; desert 沙漠; dessert甜点;drop sb a line给某人写信(通常指写短信)

e-pal; ;n. pale苍白的; e-friend;

error ;n. 错误;差错;false adj. 错误的;fault n.错误false; incorrect不正确的

feeling ;

n. 触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪;



Fond; adj. 喜爱的;喜欢的; ( be) fond of喜欢;爱好 Fry;

;vt. & vi. 油煎;油炸 frying-pan; pot; try

Gun;;n. 炮;枪

Hammer;n. 锤子;槌;



Handsome; ;adj.

英俊的;美观的;beautiful; pretty; smart

honest; adj. 诚实的;正直的

hunt vt.& vi.& n. 打猎;猎取;搜寻 hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找look/ search for in order to 为了


lie ;n./v.

;lied ); lay;lain 躺; loyal

;adj. 忠诚的;忠心的;

;n.忠诚 ;loyalist; 忠臣;


;n. 火柴;比赛 ; 前进 mirror; ;n.

镜子; :error 错误; terror; 恐怖

movie; ;n. 电影;film;

move; I在里边演动感move电影 movie;

parachute ; n. 降落伞; ArA对称graph; separate; character

rope; n. 绳;索 ;望远镜; saw;

;n. 锯; see

scared; ;n.

scar; scarf 围巾; share; ;n./v. 分享;共有;分配;

共享;份额; 野兔

smart; ;adj. 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的; 市场 solution;

;n. 解答;解决办法;解决方案 solve; ;v. resolution n.决心;


n. 悲哀;悲痛;row (划船)n.行;排 sad ;arrow 箭

speech; vt.& vi. 演说;讲话;语音 speak; pronunciation ;lecture such as 例如;like; for example;

survive; ;vi.&vt 幸免于;幸存从……中生还;surprise;

surface ;vive-万岁(法语) wise ; adj. 英明的;明智的;聪明的; classical;


a great many 许许多多;极多(修饰可数名词)a number of;many a;penty of; bathroom ;n./v. 浴室;盥洗室;厕所 bathe;洗澡; bring in; broad;

引进;引来; bring together 带来;聚集 ;

;adj. ―宽的路‖

closet; ;n. 壁橱;储藏室; ;

come about;发生;

; commander; n. 司令官;指挥官

指挥;控制; man Communicate;

vi. 交际;沟通;传达

n. 交流;通讯;通信


compare vt. 比较

contrast 对比


cookbook; n. notebook; exercise book; guidebook;指南;

end up with 以……告终

begin/start with 以……开始 equal adj.

相等的;胜任的; vt.

等于;比得上equality平等 ;equation 方程式;

等式unequal不等的; be equal to

; except for;

除了……之外 besides;加上; in addition to ; apart from;

exchange ;vt.& n. 交换;交流;兑换;

变成 communicate

communication; expression; n.短语;表情; ;



rainfall ;autumn ;call ;hall ;tall

global ;adj. 全球的;球形的 globe; n. 球; 地球仪

government; n. 政府;内阁govern统治; 管理; rule ;

howl; 嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭

independent; adj. 独立自主的depend;

international; landlady; majority;

adj. nation; national

n. 女房东;老板娘 land+ lady;

n. 多数;大半major 主要的

make oneself at home 别客气

movement; n. 运动;动作;运转;move; native; adj./n president;

本国的;本地的 civil 国内的;local;当地的;


organization; n.组织;机构;团体organize; opposite 在……对面

n. 总统;校长;行长;会长; 居民;居住者;reside居住


pronounce; ;vt. 发音;宣告;断言; 名词; pronunciation; pronoun;

publish; v.


pub 酒吧(店)

print ;come out;

repeat; n.vi重做;重复;复述重复;反复replace; vt. 取代;替换;代替;


; take the place of;

service; n. 服务;服务性工作

serve; conservation 保护;维护 signal;

;n. 信号 ;design ;assign;

appoint ;sign 标志;迹象;签名

situation; n. 情形;境遇;

situate v.位于;处于;坐落 southern; n. 南方的;南部的 northern; south; Spanish; ;adj. n stand;



;n. 台;看台;摊,摊位;站;容忍; standard; understand ;stage



statement; tidy;

stay up; 不睡;熬夜;sit up;stay away from

;vt. 整理;收拾 tide 潮汐 clean tongue ;n. 舌头;语言;口语 ;language

mother tongue; n. 母语 tongue twister

total; ;adj. ./v. 总数;合计; 总共;altogether adv.总计;总数 in total;

; altogether; add up to totally; adv. 完全地;整个地 tourism;

;n. 旅游;观光


;n. 毛巾; scarf 围巾;纸巾

hankerchief; 手帕 typhoon;

as well as basic; board;


backpack ; ;n.


背包pack 包

落后的;向后forward 向前; 基本的;基本;要素 base 基础的 basis 基础basin

;in all; all in all;on the whole;

trade; adj.

贸易;商业; business WTO. merchant;

;n. 台风; 谐音: type 类型;种类;打字

adventurous; ;adj. 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的; adventure ;


上(船、飞机等) on broad;

;n. 手机

broad 宽的; aboard 在船/飞机上 cellophane

mobile phone; automobile汽车

combine ;vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合 connect 联合;unit; join;

consider ;vt. 考虑;照顾;认为side;

contain ;vt. 包容;容纳; include ;tain 锡铂; tin 锡罐

; destination eco-travel; equipment;

;n. 刺激;兴奋;激动;


;n. 目的地 purpose 目标;aim; goal

;n. 生态旅游; ecology 生态学

; ecologist 生态学家

;n. 装备;设备; equip v.

quip双关语; decorate装潢;装饰


excite 使激动; thrill;刺激;

experience; vt.& n. 体验;经历;经验 ; experiment; 试验; experienced adj. get away from 逃离;

(fled;fled) handle means nature


;n. 手段;方法 way;


;柄;把手control; operate ;conduct


method; approach;


自然;自然界; natural; 自然的;strait; feature特征;characteristic

normal adj. 正常的;正规的;标准的 formal



normal ;n. 正规;常态; regular; irregular; abnormal

on the other hand 另一方面

unit;单元; unity 统一;团结;



paddle; vi.n.vt. 划桨;涉水; pad

row 划船

;adj 特别的;特殊的; special;especial; common;


poison ;n. 毒药;毒害; poisonous有毒的;有害的;恶毒的

protect sb / sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物;

defend; keep; prevent; stop...from阻止;

adv. responsible; adj. respond 回答;反应



bring sb. back;

responsibly see sb off similarity; simple simply spider stream task;

separate; adj. 单独的;分开的比率;分开;隔离; Sep. 九月(缩写)

.n 类似;类似处


;adj. 简单的 ; difficult; complex

;n. 蜘蛛 蜘蛛图

; ;vt.& vi.

;n. 任务;作业; duty 值日;职责;

;n. 运输;运送transport;


;adv. 仅仅;只不过;简单地;完全;简直;

乳酪 scream 尖叫;

tip; n.小费;

坑;沟通 dip;


unpack; ;vt.& vi 打开(包裹、行李等);卸货pack 包裹;load 装载;unload 卸载

vacation ;n. 假日

watch out

注意;当心; look outadvance; ;vt.& vi./n.

前进;提前 distance;

距离;前进;提升; 前进;进步;progress;


agent; n.代理(商)年纪;manager;travel agent


article n. 文章;论文;冠词;

作文 ;

boom; n./v. 隆隆声;

bloom开花;room房间; broom扫把;拖把;

Buddha; n.佛;佛像;佛陀;;谐音―布带‖佛; couch; n.

(坐卧两用的)长沙发; ouch 哎哟; sofa; 沙发 踪迹;痕迹deadline


vi. 发破裂声;劈啪地响;谐音boom; crash;坠毁;碰撞; track


n. headline 头版头条

destroy; vt. 摧毁;毁坏; damage ;hurt ;harm; wound;ruin; disaster;


n. tragedy 悲剧; misfortune不幸;

vt. 拖;拖曳 rag 破布;烂衣服;

pull 拉; fearless ; fight

fear; vt.& vi./. 害怕;畏惧;恐惧

to be afraid of;terror; fright; horror; shock;

vi. 搏斗;斗争;争吵;

(fought,fought); fright恐惧

finally; adv. 最后;终于; at last; in the end; eventually flow; fright

vi.& n.

流动 wolf狼

n. 惊骇;吃惊 ; frighten; fight; fear; shock;

get on one's feet; 站立起来; struggle to one's feet; go through; 通过;经受;仔细检查 look through

host; king;

vt.n 主办或主持某活动;主人; cost; lost; ghost;hot;

master; owner; n. 国王

queen; emperor;national adj. 国家的;民族的;

:nation; international naughty adj. 顽皮的;淘气的 note; on fire


笔记;注释;纸币; notebook笔记本式电脑

失火;着火; catch fire 在度假;on vacation;

on holiday opportunity pull sb up roar;

n. 机会;时机;可能性; chance

把……往上曳;pull down; pull out;

peanut; n. 花生; 豆; nut 坚果;

rescue; n. 援救;营救

; :save assist; help;


轰鸣;咆哮;怒号 ; howl;

board; n.木板;甲板


scare; vi. 恐吓;使人恐惧;令人惊吓;受恐吓; 关心;



; The careful man is


scarcely scared by the scarce parcel.细心男子勉强被罕见的包裹吓了一下.

seize; ;v. 抓住;逮住;夺取;

grasp; catch; size 尺寸

shake; ;vt. & vi. 震动;摇动;摇;颤抖

quake ;cake; brake 刹车;snake;蛇;bake 烘;烤wake 醒来

; sake缘故;目的;baker;面包师;

silver ;n. scene 场面;布景;

stair ;

n. ( up/down stairs; adv.上/下楼梯

strike ;vi./n 击打;打动; 罢工(struck, struck/stricken); hit; knock; beat




take place 发生; happen occur

temple; ;n. 庙;寺;神殿;

temp 临时的;



; ;n. 牙刷; brush 刷touch; ;v. & n. 触摸;(使)接触;感动;



tower; ;n. 塔;城堡

napkin; towel毛巾


upon; prep. ;adj. 难忘的

forget 在……above; over;

;v./n contest; fight ;compete; ;n. /v. n燕子

;咽;淹没;wallow 沉迷;溺于;wall


academy; n. 学院;AcA 对称 我my的de AcA学院;

accept; vt. 接受;认可;

接近 ;

action ;n. 动作;情节;作用;举动



actress; n. 女演员; 地址; hostess 女主人

adult; ;n. 成人;成年人; teenager 青少年

award; ;n. 奖;奖品; toward ;reward;

boss ; n.

老板;上司; 读了博士(boss

)当老板cross; loss损失

; bring sb back送回某人;

see off;

career; n. 事业;生涯;



; n. 选择;抉择;精选品; 联想;choose ;v.

classical; adj. 古典文学的;古典的

Comment; n. & vi. 评论;注释;意见; opinion; advice; remark;

creature ;n. 生物;动物;


cruelty; ;n. 残忍;残酷;

cruel; kind;

degree; n. 学位;度数;度;程度 agree 同意;grade;academy;n. 学院;

determine vi.&adj. 决定;决心 determined; decide; make up one's mind;


adj. 后续的;

grown-up; 成年人; adult ; director ;n. 导演;主任;理事;董事 direct

direction drama; n. 戏剧;戏剧艺术;AmA

theatre 剧院; comedy follow-up


wrong 走错路,误入歧途;不对头;出毛病;go作系动词加形容词作表语;

happy; pleasure; fun; entertain;

go mad 发疯; go bad 变坏;

happiness; n.



industry ;n. 工业;行业;产业



law ;n. 法律;法学;规律;

律师; legal合法的

leader; n. 领导者lead;

live ;adv.

live; 现场地;直播地; native 本族的;本地的;

lively 活泼的 adj. 直播的;活的;生动的;



:set free;释放;

hero; ;n. 英雄;男主角;男主人公

adj. 寒冷的;冰冷的

icein all 总共;总之;

at all; after all; above lock sb. up on the air ; 正在播出的;

on the radio;broadcast; outer ;adj. 外部的;外面的inner 内部的

owe ;vt. & vi. owe sth to sb.


欠(债等);感激;把…归功于own 拥有;所有;自己的 把……归功于某人;owing to = thanks to 因为; 由于

;n. 和平;和睦;安宁

war 战争; "peace; war; found"


初等教育的;最早的;首要的 prime 主要的;primary school;

n.上三个词: primary ;adj

prize; 小学 ; middle school中学

;n. 奖赏;奖金;奖品award; price

role; n. 角色 part 角色;部分

run after 追赶; be after;seek;search;

scene ;n.

场面;情景;布景;EnEview ;sight 场景;script n.

剧本;description 描述;描绘;形容


silver screen 银幕;电影(业务)

speed ;n.&v 速度;加快;(sped, sped, speeded, speeded)seed 种子;

need ;feed ;weed

stay away;

studio at home;stay up; 熬夜; stepfather n. 继父; stepmother继母 n. 摄影棚(场);演播室;画室;工作室 study 工作室; radio; 收音机

成功;成名;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞 take off

think highly of

advice 对……高度评价 ;n.&v.

advise;vice 副的

apologise ;vi. <英>=apologize<美>道歉;

polo 马球;水球; dramatic; adj. 戏剧的 ; drama


;n. 道歉;say sorry to ; apologize ;v. make an apology to

behave ;vt.& vi. 举动;举止;行为表现;举止适当;守规距;有礼貌; behaviour; n.;good manners; polite;


breast ;n.

骨;骨头; one ;;n. 胸部;east; eat;

childhood n. 孩童时期;童年时代;

孩童年时代; neighbourhood 街区


course ;n.布;织物;衣料; clothes 衣服;clothing ;n. process; 过程;of course;


;n. 逗点;逗号; period句号;dash破折号

culture ;n. 文化;文明; agriculture 农业

custom ;n. 习惯;风俗; habit(个人)习惯; customs; 海关;customer;顾客;damp ;adj. 潮湿的

; dam; lamp;灯;

:堤坝边缘潮湿 wet;

dessert ;n. 甜点; deserted

extra disabled ;adj. 伤残的;残疾的healthy; disability

fashion ;n.


fault ;n. ;adj. 额外的;外加的;特大的; extraordinary 非凡的;不平常的

流行;时尚;方式; cushion;垫子; pattern; model;type;;

follow the ;


false; error; mistake flesh ;n. 肉;(供食用的)肉;果肉; flash 闪烁;动漫; fresh;

forgive ;vt. 原谅;饶恕 (forgave,forgiven) excuse; pardon

formal ;adj.

informal normal;

;n. 印象;感想impress; press

impolite ;adj. 无礼的;粗鲁的; rude; polite;good manners

impression ;have deep impression on

interrupt ;vt.& vi. 打断;中断;插嘴; disturb; bother;trouble;

introduce ;vt. 介绍;引进;提出introduction; produce;reduce;educate;

lap ;n. (坐时的)大腿前部;膝盖; knee 膝盖;tap; map;cap;rap


leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 neglect;omit; regardless;不管;不顾;

make jokes about sb 以某人为笑柄;

make fun of;play tricks on;

manner ;n. 方式;样式;方法

manners ;n. 礼貌;规矩;good manners ; politeness ;

mix ;vt. (使)混合;混淆




raise ;n. 餐巾;餐巾纸

handkerchief 手帕; ;int. 哎哟;

ouch噢; couch 沙发; ;vi.

prais 赞扬;

rise 升起

pray ;vi. 祈祷;恳求;请

ray 光线 pay 付钱 roll ;vt. 面包圈;卷形物滚动;卷;roll up卷起;

sip ;vt.& vi. 抿一小口; dip; skip; 跳过;


spirit ;vt.& vi. 烈酒(常用复数);精神;情绪; emotion 情绪; wine; beer较; softdrink

stare ;vi 凝视;盯着看; fix one's eyes on;

stare at 盯着; glare 注目;怒视;瞪眼; ―Beware the software in the warhouse during the warfare,‖ hare said;glaring at me.兔子怒视着我说:―战争期间当心仓库里的软件。 I daren' t declare that the shares are my spare fare and welfare on the


starter; n. 第一道菜;开端;起动器

tender; ;adj. 嫩的;温柔的;软弱的;


toast ; n. 干杯;烤面包(片);吐司面包coast ;


;v. 打开;显露;阐明扩展;延伸; extend;fold 折叠

;disclose; discover;uncover;

;n. swing 摇摆;旋转

farewell party.

在告别会上,我不westerner ;n. western 西方的


king; ring ; shake; quake ; ancient; ;adj. 古代的;古老的; ancestor

祖先;祖宗; 分


beauty; n. 美;美景;美好的人或事物; beautiful

breath; v. 呼吸; v. breathe; earth ;

;n. 艺术家smart机灵;



brick; ;n. rick 草堆;木料

; chick tick;打钩;

thick bring…back to life ; 使苏醒;使生动;使活泼;come to life 复活;苏醒;

bronze; n. 青铜; 铜;iron 铁;silver;gold;iron

burn;vt. 焚烧;烧焦;点(灯);burn down烧毁;(burnt,burnt;burned,burned)

capsule; n. 太空舱;胶囊; 帽子

carbon; n. 二氧化碳 ;oxide 氧化物

cave; ;n. 洞穴;窑洞

;vt. & n. 损害;伤害


culture ;adj. damage;

堤坝dam年久age失修损坏;毁坏 destroy.

dioxide; ;n. 二氧化物;ox

DIox ID对称

dynasty; n.

nasty 令人作呕的;污秽的;dying 临死的dye 染……色

; fairy tale n. 神话;童话;谎言fair;公平的;

give in give up

include ;vt. 包括;包含;conclude; except;


vt./n 限制;限定; limitless 无限制的


;n. 官员;公务员; adj.官方的;正式的;公务的officer官员office;clerk;职员;


n. 一段时间;时期;句号; times;

pollution; n. pollute v.

portrait n. 肖像;人像; port

港口; trait 特色;特征; image

project ;vt. reject


down 拆毁;推毁;推翻; burn down;pull up;

pyramid ;n. (古代埃及的)金字塔;


白羊座 amid 在中间

mid; 中部的;

rebuild vt. & vi. 重建;复原;改造(rebuild,rebuild) restore; reconstruct;

recreate ;vt. 再创造;再创作;重新创造;重新创新

relic; ;n.

遗物;遗迹;纪念物; site; ruin

represent; n. & vt. symbol; present ;stand for

restore; ;vt. 修复;重建; rebuild 储存;储藏

ruin; n. 废墟;遗迹;毁灭;崩溃 ; 词中词: relic; 遗址; site;



场所; web site; 网址;in ruins sincerely;

算 ;

stone; n. jewel 珠宝;宝石; jewellery 珠宝

unite ;v. unit 单元 connect;

join; unity团结;the Untied Kingdom;英国;The UK;

vase ;n. 花瓶;瓶; base;

website ;vi. 站点;网址; address 地址; site 地点;地址;

AD(=Anno Domini);公元;反义:BC 公元前;

athlete ;n.complete; player


BC (=before Christ)公元前;比较; AD comma逗号; photograph;

n. 照片; telegrap;h电报; photo; picture

set up found; build;

;adv. 真 since; rely 依靠; statue; n. 雕像;statue ;state 洲;国家;状态; figure;n.人物;图形

v. 描绘;计


because of 因为;由于

;owing to;

compete; vi. 竟争;

pet 比赛;

complete; 完成;结束contrast;

competition;.竟争者;对手;比赛者; contest ; continent;n. 大陆;陆地;

landmass; dive;vi. 潜水drive 开车;驾驶

effect; final; flame;

n. result 结果; affect v.影响; elect ;

face; surface; necklace;

;adj. 最终的;最后的finally;at last;in the end;eventually;

;n. 火焰; 荣誉;名誉;famous;著名的

facial; adj.

flag; n. fag 疲劳;drag;拖; banner; 旗子;

further; ;adv. (在时间或空间上)

距离更大地,更远地; father;

gesture; n. signal 信号;sign; 记号;motion移动; pose


adj./ n. 金的;金制的;黄金;金币old jade 玉;翡翠;silver银;


golden ;diamond

;old; told; sold ;hold; fold;

gymnastics; n. 体操; 简称;gym; 体育馆;健身房;体育课;PE; nasty 污秽的

n. 座右铭;格言;题词 moto;r马达

medal; n. 奖章;勋章;纪念章; metal 金属; mental 脑力的;智力的


point vt.& vi. 得分;点;尖端 ;指;指向 position; n. 位置;职位 ;

location; preparation; ;n. prepare;

prepare; compare; repair;


准备;预备;in preparation


为……准备make preparations for; get ready for;

professional; adj


profile; ;n. 简介;file;


;n.& vt.& vi. 分等级;排名; grade; 年级; degree ;度数;学位tank; bank

;n. 射击;

fire ;gun; bomb;

行;河岸 thank shooting; skill;

;n. 技能;技巧;熟练;巧妙;



represent 代理;代表

参加; attend ; join in ;

skillful;experienced; stand for take part title;



vt. 超级明星 super girl超女

tie; vt. 固定;捆紧; lie; pie; fasten;

n. 题目;标题;称号;头衔;topic; subject;

;n. 火炬 ;知识来源;手电; light touch 触摸;接触

;n. 速滑;

track and field n. 田径 ;track;轨迹;踪迹; speed skating

venue; 育馆; weigh;


avenue大街;广场; avenue 大街 stadium 体vi. 重(若干)






weightlifting; n. 举重;weight+lifting;

well-known; adj. famous;

would rather n.

had better;

wrestling ;;n. 摔跤;rest 休息;

absolutely; according ;adv. agreement

appointment ;n. point 点;指向;指出;disappoint; 的;

;n. (=behavior)行为;举止;习性; 毁掉;坏掉;中止;break out


;adj. 宽带的;broad + band(带; 波段)

n. 日历;历法; lend;

要求;需要ask for; require;


; n. 汽车 mobile 流动的;易动的; autobus 巴士; autocar; auto自动behaviour;

broadband calender; call for case; clone

;adv. 绝completely;


in one's

opinion; according to按照;根据……所说

;n. 一致;协定disagreement;

break down;

;n. 事;病例;案例;情形; base 基础; vase花瓶;

;vt.& n. ;

敢;胆敢; care; compare; rare

in case (of)/that; 假设;万一in the case of 在......情况下

clue ; n. 线索;提示词语; cue 暗示; glue;胶水

dare; vt.&v.aux. defeat;

defeat; n. 功绩;伟绩

vt. fail 失败;


department; ;n. 部;局;处;科;部门;系;departapartment 公寓;套房


vi. independent; 独立的;rely;dependant;依赖;

vt. 拨号; diagram 表格; dialogue; 对话; dialect方言;

;vi. 不同意的;不一致;



agreement ;disagreement

electricity; ;n. electric; electronic;

emergency; ;n. 紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻; passion情感; emerge出现;显露骨feeling;

feature; n. 特征

;特色;force n. 力量;暴力;


power ;strength ;fierce;force vt. 强制;促使;强迫; function;

;n. 功能;作用fun;funeral;葬礼;

image; ;n.

图象;肖像;形象; imagine; 想象 item ; ;n. negative;


;adj. 否定的;

负面的;消极的; positive 正面的;积极的

interview; vt.& n. 接见;会见;

meet; view;review;international; latest; ;adj. 最近的

recent 最近的; late ;later 后来,以后; obey ;vt. 服从;顺从disobey; beyond 在远处;在那边

peaceful ;adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的; peace planet press

;n. 行星;

plane 飞机; plan 计划;plant; 种植;star;恒星;

;n. 压力;印刷;新闻 impress; expression;express;

;n. 资源;财力 ; source 源泉;来源 pond 池塘

remind; vt.& vi. 提醒;使想起mind;remind… of…; resource

; skip;

revise; ;v. 修订;校订;修正review;复习;

vi.& vt. 跳读;略过scan 细看; skim 浏览;sip;咂一口;

与……保持联络keep/get in touch with

;v. 成功;取得成功; success; successful

接受;接管 ; take up; 从事;

stay in touch with; succeed; take over; teenager; 岁;

throughout; prep. whatever;

n. (13—19岁的)青少年;in one‘s teens;/twenties---nineties某人几岁;几十

遍及;贯穿; all over the……;across;

unexpected; adj 想不到的;意外的;未预料到的; expect wonder; n. 奇迹;惊奇; wonderful ; wander徘徊; 漫游

pron./adj 凡是


act; vt. & vi. 扮演;担当;表演;表现action; active; activity; actor; actress;adapt vt.


; A-A 对称;

增加;添加;补充说 加;加起来;增添; addition;address

amount ;

n. 数量; 山;峰Emei;mountain;Mount 峨眉山;



作为(……的)结果result in;导致; 结果是

antelope; n. 羚羊; 望远镜

as a result of; at present ;

现在;目前; so far

adapt to; 适应(新环境等); 采纳;

add; vt.&vi

attractive ;adj. 吸引人的;有魅力的; active; draw attention to ; active;

battery; n. 电池; bath 洗澡butterfly; 蝴蝶 ;bat 蝙蝠;球棒;


adj. 简洁的;扼要的 short ;simple ;belief 相信;信仰;

common; adj. 共同的;普遍的;

: general;usual;

devote; vt. 投入于;献身;

deter 妨碍;延缓;vote; devote …to 于…… vote 投票 ;

die out 灭绝;逐渐消失; die down 减弱;die off; ecosystem;

n. 生态系统; system系统

endanger; vt. 危害;使受到危险danger; dangerous

endangerment; n. 危害;受到危险; in danger; environmental;


adj. 环境的

environment; 环境; iron铁; mental 精神的;脑力的



adj. 平的;平坦的 flat 套房; flat ;n. 〈英〉公寓住宅;单元住宅 apartment giraffe; n. 长颈鹿 ;deer

fur ;n.

毛皮;毛;软毛; leather 羽毛;feather;

graph; n. 图表;曲线图; diagram ; picture; drawing ; paiting; telegraph;portrait;肖像;


habitat; n. 生活环境;栖息地habit;

harmful ;adj. jungle

有害的;伤害的; harm;in danger在危险中;垂危;endanger;

in the wild 在自然环境中; 在野外; in the open air;

;n. 热带丛林forest; bush灌木丛

kangaroo ;n.

lead vt./vi.

领导;率领;致使;通向;导致 lead adj. 领头的;领先的;leading lead to导致某种结果; result in make a difference measure

;vt. & vi.

组织;组织起来; organize;organise v.

adj. 最初的;原始的;独特的; singal 信号; origin n.起源;由来package;



有关系;有影响;有差别; 成功;

material ;n. 材料;原料; mate 同伴;室友

n./v 尺寸;措施;财宝;采取措施; take a step;

n. 包裹;包;

backpack背包 pack n.包;行李 page 页码; wrap包裹;packagevt. 包装; pack + age; luggage;packaging n.


减少;缩减;简化increase; 增加; produce 生产


回答;响应; answer ; reply; responsible; responsibility;

respond to;

poster; n. 海报;招贴; post 邮寄;

reduce; v. respond;

set free 释放 ; in prison 坐牢 soda;

n. 苏打;谐音:碳酸水

species; n. 种类; special ;kind; type; sort ; throw away topic;

adj. 扔掉 ;

n. 话题;主题;title; subject;


tour; n. 旅行;游历;旅游;

trip ;journey ;voyage;

valuable; adj. value ; percious blues chant desire

亚洲; A-A 对称

wolf; n. 狼;


n. 布鲁斯音乐;布鲁斯歌曲 蓝色 ;clue;线索; glue胶水

;n. 唱或喊叫 ant 蚂蚁; merchant;商人

; can; hat; n. ; will 愿望; admire

Unit 11

vt.& vi. 使欢乐;招

characteristc ;n. feather 特征

emotion ;n.情感;感情;情绪 motion 动作 ;entertain

待;款待; enter

entertainment ; fun

express; vt. press 压;挤;expression;

folk adj./n guitar; inner;

n. 吉他;六弦琴 tar 焦油



n. 工具;器械;


adj. 内部的;内心的;里面的


民间的; relatives 亲属local当地的

in common instrument ;

intelligence; n. 智力;聪明;智能; intelligent; adj. IQ;智商;

jazz n. 爵士音乐 musical musician; perform;


;adj .

音乐的; music ;

n. 音乐家; physican 医生;医师;

表演;履行;执行; form 表格;形成;

表演者; performance ;


performer; n.

process;;n. 制作;加工;处理; success; access;

rap; rapper 创造;

;n. rapid 快的;迅速的; trap 陷井;

vt. 说唱艺人;进行说唱表演的人

tap;轻拍; map; cap; rap;

vt. 纪录;唱片; according to 根据;

按照 ; create; v.

tape; type ;recorder; 录音机;磁带;

record; n. 记录;录音;

rhythm; n.rime

押韵; satisfy; vt.& vi. 满足;使满意;

satisfaction; satisfied; satisfying ; slave; n. brave ;slave

spread ;



(spread; spread); motion运动;提议;unfold展开;extend

; suggestion; n. suggest; gesture 手势

traditional ; n. tradition; n. custom(社会)习俗;trade;


turn… into


大学; 把…变成

change into; ;adj 通用的;普遍的;世界的;全体的

universe 宇宙;university

variety; n. 多样性;种类;

vary 改变; various各种各样的




trust; faith ; belief

n. 品格;特性;人物; :act 扮演;


n. 展览会;展览品; exhibit v.展示; on show

Unit 12 forehead; n. 前额;(任何事物的)前部 foreign外国的; forearm 前臂;

forecast 预言;预测; forefather 祖先 ;forfinger 食指;


in trouble ; 处于困境中;

in danger;

literature; n. 文学(作品);文艺; culture 文化;

versus 土; announcement ;n.&n.&vi. 宣告;公告;告示; noun; announce ;cement

水泥;混凝believe in character;

exhibition; comedy; n. 喜剧;喜剧性的事情; tragedy; 悲剧


; n. 习惯;习性; custom(社会)习俗;(复数)海关;关税;habitat栖息

local ; adj. 当地的;地方的;乡土的folk ;


n. 魔法;魔术;魔力;adj. 用魔法或魔术的 wich 女巫 wichcraft;


power; n.

scar ;vt.


a series of

shoulder; miserable ; adj. pity; sympathy;

force 伤痕;疤痕 scared;恐怖的 ;

a pair of; serious;严肃的;严重的;

肩;肩部; n.should ;explode 爆炸;chestromantic adj 浪漫的;传奇式的; modern

;n. 连续;系列 serious 严肃的; serial 连载的;定期的;




burden负担;load ;explod;爆炸;

stupid; adj. 愚蠢的

foolish; clever; wise; bright

treat; v.

trick ; n.




对待;视为;治疗;款待; cure ;regard/consider/look on … as 诡计;恶作剧; fun; joke 转过身;转过来;turn over ; vi. 不幸的;不快乐的;

happy;sad; n. 村民 village 村庄; vi./ n 耳语;私语 his ;

turn around;

witchcraft; n. 魔法;巫术; witch ;

女巫施魔witch 转换开关switch ;aircraft;飞行器;飞机;


n. 神汉;术士;奇才


v. minority ;n. 少数 majority 按;压;逼迫; express 表示;表达; impress; address 地址;

approach; process;n. 过程;程序;方法

access; v. 接近;迈进; award; course过程

programme ;程序;


profession 职业; professor 教授;


n.&vt. 木筏; rat 老鼠;

craft 飞机;aircraft;飞行器;

飞机; 谐音归纳: typhoon








howl 台风 塔 石头 苏打(水) 旅途;旅游 "默契"比赛 麦克风 ―老爷‖忠诚 沙发 microphone 嚎叫;

ouch 噢;

oop 哦

magic n. 魔法;魔术;魔力

guitar 吉他;



guitar; 吉他;

modern; 摩登;

高一册下 单词分类速记

Unit 13


fibre; n. 纤维; fire 头;



;n. mineral ;n. 矿物、矿石

fever [助记]:

function ;

nutrition 富有营养的;

digest ;vt.

消化; dig+est; stomach胃 steam ;n.



boil; ;.

peach ; n.

chemical;adj.sleepy;mushroom;蘑菇;mush软块;〔美国〕 玉米面粥+room; ....

boil; oil;油mixture;mix;混合spoonful;spoon;调羹;汤匙;lettuce; 【植物;植物学】莴苣。 ...............


peel 剥―皮‖―peel‖;


salad n. 色拉; bacon

bar n. 棒,吧,酒吧; fue―油‖燃料



pace n. 步调; race 比赛 /种族;necklace 项链;

face 脸/面对;surface 表



bean 豆; pea 大豆;beancurd豆腐; mean 意思是,意味着;吝啬的;lean倾斜; clean, ocean, pean;感恩歌,赞美歌;


gain 获得;增加;brain n. 头脑,大脑;main 主要的;pain 收获;entaintain娱乐;

No pains no gains.不劳无获。Srain brain on the train is restrained. 在列车上过度用脑受到约束. The gained grain drained away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again. 收获的谷物随雨水流失了,所有辛劳又白费。


examine; mine; line;

nine; fine; shine; wine;考试;检查/我的;矿/线;



ice; slice ; mice ;rice ; dice



wipe; ripe;擦、消灭;成熟;







Unit 14

theme n. 主题;the. me



thesis 论文,论题; topic 话题;

holy, 空孔中没有神圣holy神圣的;hole;洞;空;

symbol 象征 ;






sign, mark, represent;symbolize v. 作为…的象征;

sympathy n. 同情心;symphony 交响;乐/曲;syntax v.

综合synthesis 分析; basis基础;

conflict n. 斗争,战斗,冲突

con- 正面/方;with和……在一起; pros and cons 正方反方


cern 与…有关,影响,涉及,关联 v. 作结论;推论;conclusion n. 结论;condition n. 条件,状况,环境;confidence

n. 信赖,信任,信心;conference n. 会议

condense v. 浓缩,凝结;condenser 冷凝器,电容;

conflictfl(y) ict 在正反面/方之中飞来fly冲突

struggle, fighting, struggle quarrel.

flict ;flick 短暂,突然的动作;

argue v.



debate, discuss 辩论;讨论

opinion ;op.in.i.on;看法、观点

就在我I里in,在我I上on.idea, view, thought 观点/看法/想法;

in one‘s opinion=according to 根据…的观点,看法major adj. 重大,主要的;



media majority 大多数;

probable adj. 客观上的可能性用;

probably adv. pro.baby



possible; perhaps; probably; probably是有几分根据的猜测,比possible可能性大。有充分根据的预测用likely;既指人又指物。be likely to perhaps和possibly同义,也许如此,也许不如此。


h.on.our n.&v.荣誉;恩惠;帮助; 诚实; 尊敬,尊重;honey 蜂蜜

; 可敬的;hone 磨刀石



-our -or



n. 祖先,祖宗


n. ancient adj.古代的;远古的an, c-(b)est最早的人or;

-est forest, interest,chest, rest,test,west



principle prin.ci.ple n. 原理,原则

prince 君主,王子,太子


印刷;publish 出版


purpose pur 向前;pose 放;purp.ose

n.目标,目的; pose 姿势;purp.le 紫色 purse 钱夹;pure; purchase买卖;

: 模特摆好姿势pose展示紫色;

purple的钱夹purse,目的purpose纯粹pure是为了买卖purchase玫瑰rose和钱夹purse. -ose

rose lose close suppose nose those whose



creativity n. 创造性(力);创造; creative adj.

有创造性的;creature v. 生物,creation n. 创造、创作;creator n. 创造者,创作者;

activity 活动; act;

cream 奶油 ; cream 乳脂;

faith n.信念,信仰,忠实, belief




have faith/belief in=believe in=trust

commercial adj.commerce 商业;贸易E-commence common 普通,共同的;comment 评论、意见;communicate 交流,交际;command 命令,指示;comma 逗号;




joy ;n.欢乐;喜悦;乐趣;


toy 玩具 boy 男孩 employ雇用; destroy vt.破坏;损坏; enjoy;欣赏;

voyage n.航海;航行;soy

similar ;adj. 相似的;


same , equal;similarity ;n. 相似性;popularity;

be similar to 与……相似 be equal to

—a r 词尾/组块

particular 特别的; special;especial

grammar ;n 语法;ram.mar对称

collar ;n 衣领;

adj 极点的;generation n

一代(人) general ;adj 一般的 普通的 ;n.将军;gene n. 基因;遗传因子;energy

n. 能量 、精力;活力;intelligence ;n. 智力 ;n 天才;天赋;天资


adj. 温柔的;文雅的;gentleman绅士;

salute n v 致意;行礼;敬礼

salt 盐

-ut cut but nut shut hut 小屋


future computer butter 黄油;button 按纽 ; duty 职责;责任

pollute v. pollution 污染;

butcher .;n 屠夫 ―切‖她her

kiss ;vt. 吻


miss ;n. 小姐;vt. 想念;错过;遗漏;

miss kiss ;dismiss

v. 解雇; 解散 ; 使离开; fire ;v. 雇佣


cheek ;n. 面颊;脸蛋seek v 寻找、寻求;check/cheque支票; -eek

Greek 希腊;

creek 小溪;week 星期 week 虚弱 seek寻找;

nod v. 点头; 神;上帝


dog 狗, rodgesture body language;celebration

n. 庆祝 congratulation ;celebrate v.祝贺;congratulate v. 祝贺;

-ele- elect 选举; select 挑选;

elephant 大象; electricity n 电;

eletric ;adj 电的; electronic

adj. 电子的; electrify v通电,触电,充电;

brat n 小儿;乳臭未干的小子bat;rat;

-ect select ; elect; project; reject; expect选择/挑选/选举/工程/拒绝/期待;

respect vt. 尊敬;

:admire 钦佩;羡慕; envy v 妒忌,嫉妒; honour 尊敬; appreciate 欣赏; regard; 敬意;问候

gift n 礼物;天赋; 换一字:lift v 举起 ; n 电梯;

-ift drift;

漂浮; shiftpresent 礼物是提前

pre-送的; talent 天赋;天才;才干; power 力量,权利; ability 能力;


n. 周期;循环 轮子,自行车;摩托车;v骑车 圆;圈子;圆圈;bicycle 自行车;recycle 循环;回收利用;surround包围,环绕;


fool n.

愚人;白痴 vt. 欺骗;愚弄

凉;酷 stool 凳子 pool 水池

tool 工具 wool 羊毛

invitation n. v. 邀请;

request - ite bite 咬; excite ;v. 激动; recite ;v. 背诵;cite = quote 引用,引言; Unit 15

dormitory n 宿舍; dor. mi. tory寄宿舍; 简写:dorm=bedroom 卧室;

recognize; recognise vt.识别;认出 to know again;recognition n.. 认识 ; 眼熟;注意; 察觉; realize

认识;意识; recognized adj.apologize 道歉;被公认的;


popularize大众化; modernize 现代化

surely 想必;确实;一定; certainly; of course; be supposed to 一定 必须


n 钻石; dia .m .ond

拨电话、表盘;刻度盘 diagram 曲线图;图表dialogue对话

-ond fond

adj. 喜欢;爱好;pond池塘;wonder;奇迹;wonderful;奇异的;

gold 金子;黄金 silver白银;

jewel 珠宝 jewllery珠宝(总称);巧记:The man beyond the pond is fond of the second wonderful diamond.池塘边的人喜欢第二颗奇异的钻石。

dialect 方言;土语;accent;口音;dial拨(电话);

diamond wedding 钻石婚(六十年纪念)

diameter ;n 直径; :半径 radius;meter; 米;

explain ;vt..

解释;说明; ex-向外plain adj. 明白的;清楚的;朴素的;平淡的n平原;平地 -ain

rain brain train main

Chain grain pain contain


西班牙 again against

remain 继续 bargain n 买卖;交易

; 火车上训练;




ball n. 求;舞令


call fall hall small

tall wall ;shall ;swallow

allow valley volleyball


challenge 挑战call on 访问;另召

jewellery n 珠宝;首饰(总称); jewel 珠宝;宝石;jew 犹太人


franc France 法国 French 法语,法国的;

continue v 继续 con . tin . ue


blue; true;clue; glue蓝色/真正的/线索/胶水

due ad. 预期的;应得到的;dialogue 对话;tongue 舌头;语言language; lovely adj.


friendly 友好的 ; daily 每日的;

monthly 每月的 ; weekly 每周的;

likely 很可能的 adv 大概,或许

precious adj. 宝贵的;valuable有价值的;appreciate 欣赏;感激; ocean 海洋; -ous

dangerous curious 好奇的;poisonous 有毒的;serious 严重的;严肃的;

adventurous 冒险的;大胆的;


positive 肯定的;积极的

active 积极的negative否定的;

position ;n. 位置,姿势;职位;appositive ;n 同位语(语法术语);opposite 对立的;

暴露的 suppose 猜测;假定;possess 占有;拥有own;composition 作文;

attend; vt. 出席;参加上学; at . tend

;tend 倾向;易于;照顾;照看; end;tender


温柔的;soft 软的; mild;

attitude; n. 态度


attack; attract 进攻;吸引;

earn vt.

挣钱;赚钱加一字learn 学习I heared that learned learners earned much by learning.我听说有学问的学者靠知识赚钱。

-ear- year;bear; dear; hear ; fear; tear; pear;wear 年/熊;忍受;出生/亲爱的;贵的


巧记:I nearly fear to tear that tearful girl‘ fearful paper;我几乎害怕撕碎那个泪流满面女孩的可怕试卷。

lecture n 演讲;演说;讲课



picture 图片 temperature 温度 future将来;

silly adj. 傻的;缺乏常识的

因生病 ill 而变傻了

stupid 愚蠢的

clever; bright; wise 聪明:明智

mos ;n. 蚊子

;adv. 很;非常 谐音mosco 蚊子多flies苍蝇;

bat n. 蝙蝠;球拍;


pat 拍;轻拍 rat 老鼠;cat 猫 ; fat 脂肪

hat 帽子;chat 聊天 ; flat 套房;sat (sit) 的过去式;

author n 作者;作家 -or 指人

editor 编辑 ; visitor 游客professor 教授conductor列车员;(音乐)指挥;

operator 操作员;接线员;

besides 除外;此外; adv.&prep.

beside 在…什么旁边 (be+side)



outline n 轮廓;要点;摘要; headline 头版 online 在线; 上网


plot n. (小说)情节;结构

许多; pot锅;potential

潜力;这个情节是:十多口锅;许多帐篷;很有潜力;quality; n. 品质;质量;性质;

n. 数量;number;


性格 ; 品格;

nature本性; 本质猫、老鼠、聊天、耳朵、艺术、小汽车、关心、欺骗、野兔、是;

Unite 16

experiment n. 实验;试验experi .ence n.

经验;经历;experienced adj. 有经验的;熟练的;expert

n. 专家;内行specialistexpect v 期望;test

; lab ; laboratory



n 手套

glove 是送给爱人的 love

-ove drove (drive的过去式)

move 移动;运动

remove v 移动;搬开;消除

prove 证明improve 改进;改善

wove (weave) 的过去式 编织、;纺织;stove;火炉;


gas n 气体;汽油=gasoline;petrol;汽油;feul;燃料;steam n 蒸气;水蒸气

iquid n 液体solid; n 固体;

Three states of material (liquid-solid-gas)

advantage; n. 优点; 有利条件;

disadvantage n . 不利之处


advance n .& v. 前进;进步

adv+ant+age :adv. 副词 ant 蚂蚁age


page 页码; cage 鸟笼; stage 舞;台 manage 设法;管理;manager;经理; courage 勇气; message 信息; wage 工资; garage

车库passage n. 走道;通道;villager;村民;; 的勇气和工资;

application n.应用;实施;用途


v. 应用;申请;请求;supply;

appear 出现 ; appearance n

applaud 鼓掌;欢呼;applause;

appreciate v 欣赏;感激; engine n 发动机;引擎;engine+ er ---engineer n 工程师;pioneer;先驱;先锋;


length 长度; strength n 力气;强度;实力;English; England

passenger n. 乘客;compass 圆规;罗盘;指南针


combine 结合;define 下定义;解释

headline 头条新闻;outline 大纲;轮廓;提纲;mine 矿山; examine 考试; 检查;vitamine 维他命;维生素;determine 决定; shine 发光;闪烁;ine 葡萄酒;巧记:结合头条新闻的提纲;给矿山和维生素下个定义;认定葡萄酒闪闪发光;


adj. 原子能;核子的

nu + clear; clear 清楚;清晰;


comfort v. 安慰;

舒适;com + for+t ; fort 炮台;要塞 comfortable adj.fforth 向外;向前;ffortnight 两星期;十四日;

un+necessary 不必要的;

successful success + full对称加重点注音法:


/e/ /i / /ks/ /z/

access 超过;

process 过程;处理;assess 估价;评价


progress 进步express 表达impress 印象 prossess 过程dress 衣裙 address 地址

actress女演员;princess公主;press按;压;印刷; success表达成功的进程和过程;给公主印象深刻;决定留下地址;

conduct v. 实施;管理n 行为 操作


product 产品 introduce v

production 生产 introduction 介绍;

produce v 生产

productive 产出的;有作为的;

lighting n 闪电

暴风storm thunderstorm

雷雨;暴风雨; 暴雨;

light 光; 点亮\燃;


bright 明亮的;聪明的 fight 斗争 战斗;night 夜晚; sight 情景;视力;

right 右边 ; flight n 飞行;航班

tight adj. 紧的;牢固的;slight;

string n 线;绳索;弦

ring v 打电话;打铃;

sing v 唱歌; single单个;仅仅; 仅仅只唱sing了le一首歌

rope 绳: thread ;细丝line; 线条;绳索;线索;wire电线;

clue n 线索;plot情节;

charge vt. 充电;要价;控告; n 控告;in charge (of) 负责;in the charge of由……负责;in charge ; take charge 负责; be charged with 充满的;be full of;be filled with;复习:large adj. 大的;巨大的;huge; tiny;

electric adj. 电的;导电的;电动的;

elect v 选举; electricity n 电electronic adj. 电子的; 电子学的;复习:wire 电线;shock n 电击;打击;震动;shocked adj. 受打击的;惊喜的


sock 短袜;cock 公鸡; knock 敲; lock 锁;rock 岩石; block 大块;封锁 街区阻塞; 串记:穿短袜的公鸡被大块岩石锁住

pocket 口袋; 衣袋 ;

prove v 证明;

n 证据;证明; roof房顶;


glove n 手套;move 移动 ; remove 拿走;移开;improve 改善;改进;

(tore , torn) v 撕扯;撕裂; n 眼泪


wear 穿; bear 熊;受;

dear; hear; swear;串记:She sweard to her dear that she can't bear wearing tears.

frame n 结构;框架;fame ;n 名誉;

famous adj. 著名的

_ ame

name; same; game;shame 耻辱;羞耻; blame v 责备;

ham 火腿;

handkerchief n. 手帕

词中词:hand ; chief; 主要的 ;复数:handkerchiefs;

chief酋长 roof屋顶poof 证据gulf 海湾scarf 围巾;

control v. 控制;

troll v. 轮唱

trolley bus n. 无轨电车

limit 控制;指挥;conduct; handle


adj. 锐利的;灵敏的


; clever; intelligent


foot 英尺


foot 长一英尺 foot

英寸inch英里 miles

1 metre =39.37 inches =1.094 yard 码

1 kilomre =0.62137 miles ;

fast . en belt扎牢;固定;拴紧

tight adj. 紧的;牢固的

tighten v. 拴紧;捆牢; tie v.

捆 ;绑 ; 拴loosen 放松 ; 松开

;unfasten 放松 ;解开;uncover;discover; unfold;

n(对称 se se ) n 感官;感觉



test n & v 测验;测试exam ;examine;experiment 实验;check 检查

contest 竞赛;test;

; 香波(谐音) 洗发精

耻怒; ham

可耻;skin n. 皮肤 果皮;peel 剥皮;

kin 亲戚 家簇; = relative;sin 罪; 罪过; 过失;false;error错误

activist n. 激进分子; 行动主义分子

active adj. 积极的;act n. 活动;

行动; 充当;

doubt n. 怀疑;



climb ; thumb ; 大拇指; dumb 聋的;


adj. 残忍的;残酷的; cruelly adv;cruelty n

残忍;冷酷 kind;

view n 观点;风景

opinion 观点;看法;风景:sight; scene 场景; scenery 风景;

attitude n 态度;

interview v 采访;review v

preview v 预习;conclusion n

结论 conclude

v 推理;推断result ; 结果 effect ; 影响;结果

; beginning ; 开始 ; 开端start ; outset;



inspire v 鼓舞;鼓励;感动;激发; ≈encourage v


respect 尊敬; envy ;


fire; tire 使疲倦;累;厌倦 retire 退休;

wire n. 线; hire 雇佣=employ

require 需要;需求;entire


desire 愿望;欲望;

generous adj. 慷慨;

mean 吝啬的;gene 基因; ene 对称; general 一般的;普通的;将军;The generous general' s genuine genius is in making generators. 那位慷慨将军的真正天才在于制造发电机.

-ous 形后缀

dangerous 危险的;poisonous 有毒;

serious 严肃的;严重的;

nutritious 有营养的;curious 好奇的precious 宝贵的;珍贵的;adventurous 冒险的;

cheerful adj. n & v. 快乐;欢呼;


engineer 工程师;pioneer n. 先驱;先锋; beer 啤酒 deer n. 冠


champagne ;香槟酒;

shampoo 香洗; n 火腿;championship 冠军头衔;pioneer n 先锋;

mile 英里; foot (feet ) 英寸;

inch smile 微笑;


迷底 : 两个s之间有一英里;

stormy storm + y ;adj. 暴风鱼的;狂风暴的;storm n. 风暴;暴雨

thunder ;n. 雷(鸣);雷声; ;v. 打雷;.

thunder storm ;n 雷声;lighting ;n 闪电 ;

n + y adj.

多雨的;cloudy 多久的;sunny adj. 阳光的;阳光灿烂;funny adj. 滑稽;可笑的;injury adj.




otto 对称 top;

botany ;n. 植物学 ; 生态学optimistic adj. 乐观的

n . 雾; fog;misty adj. 雾的;mistily adv.

模糊地;pessimistic adj. 悲观的;悲观主义的乐观的


workday 工作日;工作时间; weekday (一周)工作日


somehow adv 从某种方式; anyhow adv. 无论如何;不管怎样 以往何方法

; shelter n. 掩敝处;避难所


shell 贝壳;shellfish



regret 遗憾;痛恨;后悔

n vt. g前后的re 对称;extreme adj. 极端;极度;



tree ;


climate n. 气候;cli-mate ; mate 同伴;伙伴;朋友 同学

workmate 工友;同事;material 材料;原料;climb 爬 ; n. 诊所 门诊室\所;

value ;n. 价值; ;v 重视;评价;valuable adj.precious ;adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的; pianist n 钢琴家; i an i 对称;piano 钢琴;

提琴; boher vt. 打扰;烦恼

–r- 兄弟



fame ;n 名誉;名声;

famous ; well-known;


game flame 火焰; blame 责备;same shame n 耻辱frame相框; 同样的比赛中感到耻辱;火焰责备相框;

;n&v 前途;承诺; seeming to succeed ; have good result;misery ;n 悲惨;

miserable adj. 可怜的;悲惨的;

pro ;支持;赞成;正方(辩论)upporting;反义:反方:consprobably 可能problem 问题; ;vt. 恐吓;威胁;eat;eaten;three;ate;tea;neat;ten;hen;hat;rat;heat;that;theatre;thread 线 ;bottom

;n 底部;

pro 生产; profession 职业;program 节目;程序;project 计划;项目;设计reject拒绝;pronounce 发音;pronunciation;


surprise ;vt. 惊奇;吃惊;rise vi. 上升;advise ; ;vt. 劝告;建议;wise adj. 明智的;有智慧的;otherwise adv 在其它方面;否则;exercise 练习;锻炼;revise 校订;修改;复习;previse = predicate 预言;预测;

kindergarten adj. n 幼儿园;启蒙的;



hardship n 困难;艰难;贫困;difficulty; pain;suffering;

-ship 抽象 各词后缀;friendship 友谊;scholarship 奖学金;relationship ;n 关系; bear (bore borne)

;v 忍受;承受

? bear 熊 ;


(bore born). 令人厌烦的,boring;


n 毕业 v 毕业; =finish schooling;;


state 状态; 国家; rate 比率;hate v. 讨厌;恨 ; gate 大门;climate 气候;天气;mate同伴;伙伴;congratulate

祝贺celebrate 庆祝graduate v 分等级;定级;n 毕业生(大学)grade n 年级;等级; high school graduate ;gradually adv. 逐渐地' Unit 18

fisherman n 渔民;渔夫; go fishing 钓鱼;捕鱼;


wish English foolish 愚蠢的

selfish 自私的

northeastern 东北的;


northern;southern;western ; eastern;

northeastern; northwestern; outheaster; southwester;


– grandfather外曾祖父great – grandmother外曾祖母;

central adj. 中心的;中央的center n 中心;cent 分; percent 百分之一;百分率;


recent 最近的; comment 评论;accent 口音; current 流行的;当前的;accident 事故;ncident 事件;

absent 缺习的present 现在的;目前的 呈现;引见prevent 阻止;预防content内容;


coast n

夸口;夸耀 ;

toast 敬酒;祝酒;烤面包


sur. round 包围;围绕


circle 围绕;盘旋;cycle 循环


found 创立;缔造 ; sound 声音;听起来;pound 磅 ; wound


ground 地面 ; found 了一磅的pound 伤口;听起来sound 围绕着surround 地面; The wounded founder bought a pound of compound. 受伤的奠基人买了一磅化合物 sur-

surface 表面; surprise 惊奇; surname 姓氏 ; survive 幸存;存活;残存; surrender 放弃;投降; surpass 超越;超过;

mild ;adj. 温和的;不严厉的;gentle; soft ;wild 野(生)的; 狂野的


bay ;n 海湾; gulf 海湾;

harbour 海港

coast 海岸

beach 海滩;岸边


shore 海岸;海滨;

oversea 海外;华侨;

-our -or

neighbour 临居 ; hour;

colour 颜色 ; flour 面粉

humour 幽默 ; favour 恩惠

rumour 谣言 ; vapour 蒸汽

labour 劳动(力); four;

tour 旅游 ; sour 酸的;变酸

pour 倾倒;泼 ;

rat 老鼠;耗子 mouse (复mice) 田鼠

rat 老鼠;


fat cat hat 帽子(有边)bat


pat 轻拍 flat 平坦的 单调的

猫猫; 快拍那只胖老鼠和那只戴帽子的蝙蝠。

vo n 火山

〇 〇 火山会爆发;



active volcano 活火山;


volcano 死火山;

spring n 泉 ring

heat 热 ;加热; n. v. 令发热;

eat 吃;hat n.帽子;

surface 表面;外面 复习:surround

脸;面对; surprise

settle vt. 使定居;解决;平静;安家;

settler 定居;安家;

放置 ; n 装置;cattle n 牛,牧畜; 复数不加


mainly 主要地;大体上

adj 主要的


voyage n 航行;航海;


message 信息; courage 勇气;

cage 笼子 ; 牢房 ; wage 工资;

engage 从事;忙于; manage 管理;

front-page 头版的;重要版面;

passage 通道 ; 走栏 cabbage 白菜;baggage ; luggage; 行李;garage 车库;

average ; 平均 ; damage

毁坏;image 图像;

possession 拥有;占有 v 占有;拥有;

bold adj. 黑体的; 粗体印刷的; 突出的;大胆;


told ; sold ; cold; hold ; gold



paragraph ;n 段落passage 段落;chapter 章节;telegraph telegram电报;

surprising令人吃惊的;使人吃惊;的;surprised (sb.) 吃惊;惊讶;


震惊的 震惊 amaze 惊讶satisfy ; disappoint ; scare ; frighten;

horror; terror;panic;alarm 等;

ary n 秘书;书记;文书 秘密;

-ary (形后缀)

library 图书馆 ;secondary 第二的次要的;dictionary 字典;



centigrade 摄氏度;centimeter 厘米;

center 中心 中央;central 中心的;

focus以…为中心;grassland 草原;草地;

mountain + ous----- mountainous adj. 多山的;如山的;巨大的;mount 山;山脉;

Mount Emei 峨眉山


certain 确定;确实


wedding n 婚礼;婚宴

w两个dd 办婚礼;marriage 婚姻;

conference n

会议;讨论会 信心;自信;confident adj. 自信的; relation

关系;亲属 有关系的;亲戚;relationship 关系;

agricultural adj. 农业的;农艺的;

文化;cultural 文化的农业agri- 是文化艺术

industry 工业;

farming ; 耕作;农业;cattle n 牛;畜牧

猫settle 安家;定居; battle 战争;战役; bottle 瓶子

export n 输出;出口;

ex- 向外 ; port


从港口码头运出商品;出口商品;import 进出;lamb 小羊;羊羔;小羊b不叫(不发音); tomb;

cottage n 村舍;小别墅 小屋 农舍 帆布床;婴儿床;cote 棚;栏; tag 捉人游戏(hide-and-seek) 捉迷藏;

seaside 海滨\边

beach coast;camp v. 宿营

lamp 灯damp 潮湿的;

Unit 19


n. 保护conserve v.保护; protect;defence 保卫 ; guard 防卫;保卫

; 影响; elect 选举;select 精选;


n 技术;方法;技巧 skill方法 method; technology


irrigation n

gate ;

irri- I和R对称gate里放水灌溉;

pump n. 泵;抽水机; v. 抽吸;p p 对称;

seed 种子;萌芽

-eed weed 杂草 need


seed 间的杂草 weed 需要need;清除 weed ;


im + port 进口;引入;export 出口;

trade 贸易; business 商业;


产品;产量 vt. 生产;product n 产品;introduction


depend = rely-reliable

n. independent adj 独立的


method n 方法;办法way


me ; met ;

me .met

root 根;根部roof 房顶; foot 脚;

branch 叶 leaf




树干 stem;

insect n 昆虫pest 害虫(拍死它)

protect select project; direct;collect保护/选择/工程/指导;直接/收集;

―吞八口‖烟叶;cigar 纸烟;香烟

cigar 雪茄(谐音);

golden adj. 金色的;黄金的;gold + en


+ en wooden 木制的 woolen 毛织的;

bold 大胆的;黑体的


n.领带;领巾;鞋带 v. 系;捆;拴;

tire戴―领带‖ (tie) 很累 tired;

discovery n. 发现 ≈findings;

dis + cover 覆盖 + y (后缀);discover v. 发现;

garden n. 花园

; v. 从事园艺guard;kindergarten 幼儿园;gardening n. 园艺。园林;gardener n.


wisdom n. 智慧;

adj. 聪明的;明智的;

-dom 抽象名词后缀;


自由;kingdom; 王国;

bottom 底部

bloom 开花;


adj. 实际的;实践的; 实用的;

practice n. 实践;练习;practice v.


Suitable national natural arrival chemical physical合适/国家的/自然的/到达/化学的/物理的; guide n. 向导; 谐音:见鬼的―向导‖;direct


firstly adv. 第一;首先

at first ; above ; all first of all ; ;

secondly thirdly…;…

sow 播种

seed 种子;row 划船 n 排 ; 行saw n 锯子(see的过去式)

; condition n 条件;状况;情形situation情形;情况;;

soil n 土壤 ; 土地; s + oil


weed 杂草 v 除草;铲除;seed 种子need; feed;

re + move 移动;移除;搬开;

movie n 电演;我I在里边演电演


sun + flower n 向日葵; sunflower seeds;sunrise 日出; sunset

sunbathe 日光浴sunburn 晒黑 晒伤sunglass 太阳镜;

Unit 20

humour = humor 幽默;谐音;humourous adj. 滑稽的;幽默的;rumour n. 谣言

fun funny;-our= –or honour;colour favour 恩惠;帮助;neighour 邻居 labour n. 劳动;

+ ous adj.

serious 严重的;严肃的; dangerous;curious 好奇的;mysterious 神秘的;generous 慷慨的;大方的 poisonous;

bitter adj.

苦的;痛苦bit 一点点;sweet 甜的; sour 酸的


switch n 女巫


chalk 粉笔 v 谈话;

couple n (一)对;双;夫妇;

minister n 牧师; mini - 小的;微型的迷你的; minibus;

circus n 马戏团;杂技团;circle 圆圈;环绕;clown 小丑;


vt. tend 照料;照顾 ;tender adj. 柔软的;温柔的;gentle 温柔的


stage n 舞台;阶段;时期; line 台词;对白;


manage;nationality 国籍;国家;部落;

nation n 国家;民族;national 国家的

inter . nation . al


certain adj. 确定的;的;某(种);


surely; amuse vt. 使发笑;使愉快 v 惊奇;吃惊;please 使高兴;使愉快;amused ; pleased ;delight v 使高兴delighted adj. 高兴的;

laughter n 笑声;laugh + at v 笑,发笑;


Bought; brought; thought;caught;cough n 咳嗽;咳嗽声;plough v 犁地;耕地 enough adj. 足够的;


n 口音;空调;重音 分;percent 白分之……

Unit 20

access 进入;通向;接近 接受receive收到;accident n 事故;意外incident小事;according to 根据;按照;

actually adj. 事实上;实际上;a

adj. act n 行动;行为

adj. 积极的;活动的;activity n 活动;所做的事;

typical adj. 典型的;象征性的;type 类型;种类;physical chemical;symbol n.象征 ;

tradition n. 传统 adj. 传统的;trade n. 贸易;商业business, commercial;


rapid adj. 迅速的; 快的fast quick


appreciate vt. 赏识;鉴赏 感激;欣赏

拍手;喝彩;鼓掌applause n.cheer up高兴起来;振作;exist vi 存在;生存


survive v 存活;辛存vive复活;

phrase n

词组;短语ase 追 赶;case 箱子;案例;base 基础

idiom 惯用法;习语;

suffer v

经历;遭遇fer vi 涉及;指;提及;prefer 宁愿 喜欢


经历;operate vi 运转;操作 京剧;

direction n 方向;方位;指示;说明;

direct v 指导; 导演;指示;


brake n v 刹车; bake 烤烘;cake n 蛋糕;饼;lake 湖 quake 颤动;震动;earthquake 地震; mistake 错误;wake

醒来; make;

cyclist n 骑手;骑车人 名单


le 循环;周期;两轮车 单车;自行车;recycle v. 循环;回收在利用; fortunately adv. 幸运地;fortunate adj. = lucky; luck n. 运气;mis-fortunate = unlucky;fortune n. = luck 运气;幸运;

silence n.

寂静;沉默;安静 adj. 安静的;沉默的;quiet still 安静的;不动的;

rude adj. 粗鲁无礼;残暴的;polite 礼貌的;impolite 无礼的; bad manners;


vt. 迷惑;打乱;混淆的;

拒绝reject拒绝;puzzle 使迷惑不解;confused 困惑的;

Unit 21

unfair 不公平的;不公正的;air 公平的;实的just正义的justice正义;fairly adv 很;非常 ≈rather;

customer n 顾客;主顾

n 习惯;海关 + s;avoid v 避免;contact v 接触;联系connect联系;suitcase n 手提箱suitable合适的; suit 适合;套服;case n 箱子;

ahead adv adj. 在前;向前;head 头;向前ahead of 更前;更早;

manage 管理;经营;做成某事

;man + age

经理;管理者;fold 折叠 ;

vt. 改变;使多样化; change ; shift;

various adj.

各种各样的;=all kinds of

very 很;非常;variety多样性=diversity;crazy

adj. 疯狂的;狂热的懒惰 ;mad ; 发疯的;

part v.

分离;分开;n 部分 离开; 分别;apartment 公寓;套房flat;apart

分开;department 部门;系 百货商店;

firm adj. 牢固的 ;稳定有力的tight; steady;stable strong;

handshake 握手;shake hands with …握手;

bow n. vi 鞠躬;弯腰; n. 弓箭;

arrow n. 箭; sparrow麻雀;fist n. 拳头 boxing 拳击'palm 手掌 arm 手臂;hip n. 臂部;bend (bent) 弯曲;屈服;起于;

adj. 弯曲的;end末尾,末端,助记:字母b末端弯曲;

tap 轻拍;轻敲;

拍;rap 说唱;艺术;


轻松地;逐渐的 gentle; gentleman 绅士;

; n. 愤怒;angry adj. 愤怒的;生气的;danger 危险; dangerous


useless 无用的;无效的 有用的;有效的;occur

v. 发生;出现; n happen ; break out

focus 中兴;焦点middle 中心;concentration


specific adj. 具体的;特有的 特别的;专门的;abstract 抽象的;n 摘要summary总结;小结concret具体的;

Unit 22


n. 消遣;娱乐use v. 使高兴;使愉快;amaze v. 使惊讶;souvenir n. 纪念品;Soviet 苏联 苏维埃;


n. 吸引力ract v. 吸引;attractive adj.


collection n. 收集 集体 v. gather v.

castle n..掷;broadcast 广播;minority n . 少数;少数民族


cartoon n ;

car 小汽车;carrot 萝卜;cart 马车;

Humour; 幽默; rumour谣言; sofa 沙发

salad 色拉 shampoo couch长椅子;沙发


n 兴奋;激动ill

直到 ill 病 ; hill 小山山上病了;entertainment

n 娱乐;招待;

v 娱乐;招待;enter 进入;certain 肯定的 ; 确定的;某种; curtain窗帘;educate

v. 教育;引导;

n .

教育;educator 教育者(家) n. 产品

conduct v . 操作;实施;执行 管理 指挥handle控制;把柄; direct, operate, manage ;conductor n. 售票员 列车员 ;

conservation n. 保护;管理;保存;conserve vt. =protect;serve vt. 服务protect 保护;coastal 海岸的;沿海的;coast n 海岸; harbor 海港;beach 海滨 shore


divide v 分 ; 划分; 隔开dive潜水;


connect ; contact ; 联接;联系touch

section n 部分 压抑;part ; region地区/区域 ;area; zone 地区;区域;department 部分 分支shuttle n 航天飞机;穿梭机; spaceship (航天飞机)

shut 关闭;

butterfly n 蝴蝶


flies 苍蝇;injury n. 伤害;受伤

injure v. hurt; damage;wound; harm

rocket n 火箭

岩石;摇滚;jacket 夹克;helicopter n 直升飞机 carve v 雕刻 n carving ;;


achievement n. 成绩;成就 ;

; v. 取得ache

疼痛 ; eve 除夕eve之事;需要痛苦


civilization n. 文明;开化ivil adj. 内部的;公民的divide分开 Civilize; 使开化;教化civilization文明;开化;

prevent v. 妨碍;阻止 ;保护;twist n. v.

弯曲;扭曲 ;

绕口令; imagine v. 想象(力);imagination n. ;endless 无穷的;无止境的 limitless

darkness n. 黑暗;漆黑 dark adj. ;

dawn 黎明;开端;

一 册 下phrases and idiom 短语和习语归纳

make a choice 做出选择

keep up with 跟上 赶上

keep pace with 与……同步

plenty of \a number of 大量

roll up 变成卷形 ; 卷起

dress up 打扮;装饰;盛装

in one‘s opinion 按……看法;依……的观点;

have faith in = believe in

play a trick on 开……玩笑;欺骗某人

to one‘s joy\delight 使 某人高兴

take in 摄取;欺骗

call on 访问;号召;邀请

bring back 拿回;使恢复

day and night 日日夜夜

pay off 还清;付清

earn\make money 挣、赚钱

act out 表演;付出行动

a great deal of (修饰不可数)大量;许多

test on 在……上做实验try on

around the corner 即使来临;在拐角处

die down (声音)变弱;平息;消失

come to terms with 甘心忍受

take possession of 占有;占领

make up 组成;构成;占……

turn to 开始干;求助于;转向

go sailing 驾船航行;帆船运动

go camping 宿营

depend on 依赖;依靠

and soon = etc 等等

make fun of 取笑;嘲笑

make use of 利用

date back to\from 回溯;追溯到

be on good terms with 与……关系好

look on… as 把……看作\当作

regard…as , consider…as….think of… as…

ahead of 在……前;更早in advance

get through 通过;度过;到达

tear down 拆除;推倒pull down

hold up 举起;拿出

make a face 做鬼脸

in order 整齐;按顺序= tidy

divide… into… 把……分成 部分

focus…on 以……为中心

prevent…from… 使…...不……,保护……不受危险 威胁危害keep….from

stop … from protect …from

manage to… 努力做成try to do


突破130分,快速提高30分的锦囊妙计! 6步搞定任何高考英语阅读真题,一般人不告诉他(她)!













一、2013阅读吴军猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征

二、2013阅读吴军暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词






【2010辽宁卷B篇】I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because I'm in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very “I‘


They'll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who don‘t drink, end up paying even more. But if I try to use the same trick, the hostess will shout: "Where are you going?" And it's not like I can say I have somewhere to go: everyone know I have nowhere to go.

people's homes.(转折对比,说明前面New Yorkers 评价是Self-centred.) Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I went to one, the guests were from France, India. Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations


New York. The mix is less striking. It's like a gathering at Bloomingdale's, a well-known department store.


A There is a strange mix of people.

B. The restaurants are expensive.

D. People have to pay cash

A. Easy-going. B. Self-centred. C. Generous. D. Conservative.

【2012四川卷E篇】So far, efforts to cut emissions(排放)of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2℃ this century — a point scientists

say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.


the world’s temperature?

A. It has risen nearly 0.2℃ since 1979.

B. Its change will lead to weather extremes.

C. It is 0.8℃ higher in 1979 than that of 1990.

within 2℃ in this century.


every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars‘(杨树)putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local steam as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake.


43. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

B. The seasons make the scenes change. C. The weather often changes in the forest.

D. The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons.

【2012陕西卷C篇】The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed

not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary

to protect public health.


55. What can we learn from the text? A. Eating fatty food has immediate effects on your heart.

B. The EPA conducted many studies on air quality.

C. Moderate air quality is more harmful than smoking,

Stricter regulations

【2012江西卷D篇】For those who make journeys across the world, the speed of travel today has turned the countries into a series of villages.Distances between them appear no greater to a modern traveler than those which once faced men as they walked from village to village. Jet plane fly people from one end of the earth to the other, allowing them a freedom of movement undreamt of a hundred years ago.

Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far. A price has been paid,

they say, for the conquest (征服) of time and distance. Travel is something to be enjoyed, not endured (忍受). The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights and sounds of a journey. A journey by train also has a special charm about it. Lakes and forests and wild, open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing. On board a plane, however, there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow window of the airplane. The soft lighting, in-flight films and gentle music make up the only world you know, and the hours progress slowly.

Then there is the time spent being ―processed‖ at a modern airport. People are conveyed like robots along walkways; baggage is weighed, tickets produced, examined and produced yet again before the passenger move again to another waiting area. Journeys by rail and sea take longer, yes,


―processed‖ at departure and arrival in airports are luckily absent. Man, however, is now a world traveler and can not turn his back on the airplane. The working lives of too many people depend upon it; whole new industries have been built around its design and operation. The holiday maker, too, with limited time to spend, patiently endures the busy airports and limited space of the flight to gain those extra hours and even days, relaxing in the sun. speed controls people‘s lives; time saved, in work or play, is the important thing—or so we are

told. Perhaps those first horsemen, riding free across the wild, open plains, were enjoying a better world than the one we know today. They could travel at will, and the clock was not their master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

73.According to Paragraph3,


A.they pay less for the tickets

B.they feel safer during the travel C.they can enjoy higher speed of travel ‘75.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Air travel benefits people and industries

. B.Train Travel has some advantages over air travel.

C.Great changes have taken place in modern travel.

speed of air travel at a cost.


First of all, students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among

middle school and high school


between students

student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn't in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51. From Paragraph 2 we can learn that________ .

A. violence is more likely to occur at lunchtime 具体


C. students tend to lose their temper easily

D. the eating habit of a student is often the cause of a fight 具体!

【2011湖北卷D篇】our own generation has access to more nutritious food .more convenient transport .bigger houses, better ears .and of course, more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us .This will continue as long as we there things to make other things, This more we specialize and exchange, the better off we‘ll be.

2) Brilliant advances One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer-lived and freer than ener before is that the four most basie human needs -food, clothing, fuel and shelter- have grown a lot cheaper

. ‘s light cost six hours‘

work. In the 1880s ‘ work to pay for. In 1950 it was eight seconds. Today it‘s half second.


A. oil lamps give off more light than candles

B. shortening working time brings about a happier life.

C. advanced technology helps to produce better candles.

lower cost of goods.

Control (handle, deal with )是选项中答案高频暗示词!


Those who choose

to be look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, they don‘t let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, they don‘t blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred(神圣的)moment of life

is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.



A. seem willing to experience failures in life B. possess the ability to predict future life

wisely D. have potential to create something new


Last year, it was a refrigerator that tweeted. This year, it

‘and fridges that can tell you when your groceries are going bad.

The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control, so the machines can be turned on and off while their owners is at work or on the bus.

Samsung says it‘s not just something new — the app connection actually has some practical uses.

―If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go,‖ said spokesperson Amy Schmidt.

The company also says that with electricity rate(电价)varying depending on the time of day, more control over when the machines are used can help save money.

Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do —enable laziness. Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done, users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.


A. They can tell you when your clothes need washing


C. They are difficult to operate

D. They are sold at a low price


There is sadly no home milk delivery today. Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete (竞争). Besides, milk is for sale everywhere, and it may just not have been practiced to have a delivery service.


门廊). Every so often my son's friends will ask what it is. So I start telling stories of my boyhood, and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.


old days. B. He wanted to tell interesting stories.

C. He needed it for his milk bottles. D. He planted flowers in it.


Andy rode slowly on his way to school, day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was

the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seemed to be heading angrily towards him. With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding furiously—but without knowing how to escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping furiously, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his panic increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive to bee stings(蜇). The last sting had landed him in hospital—and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days.


56. Why did Andy fail to notice

the swarm of bees earlier?

A. He was riding to school.

B. He was listening to a strange sound.

C. He was going fishing with his father.



尾段首末句, 90%在末句


Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nest(巢)and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper一a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax (蜂蜡) in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees‘ nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest. When they waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.


63. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Wild Bees B. Wax and Honey

C. Beekeeping in Africa

Honey-Lover's Helper

表转折和因果处:but, yet, however,

instead,today,now,Although,so, was…………

It was a village in India. The people were

their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries.

Then one day, some visitors from the city arrived . They told the villagers there were some

people elsewhere who liked to eat frog‘s legs. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, and so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.

This seemed like money for nothing . There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was catch them . Agreement was reached, and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. For the first time ,the people were able to dream of a better future. But the dream didn‘t last long.


From Paragragh 1 we learn that the villagers .

A.worked very hard for centuries B.dreamed of having a better life

somewhat content D.lived a different life from their forefathers


Grown-ups are

often surprised by how well

have never practiced still swim as well as ever since. A man when he gets back who has not had a chance to go swimming for years can in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away. He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son. A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins "Twinkle, twinkle, little star"。remember the story of Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


67. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

B. Children have a better memory than grown-ups.

C. Poem reading is a good way to learn words.

D. Stories for children are easy to remember.


In his 1930 essay ―Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren ―, John Keynes, economist, rewrote that human needs fall into two classes: absolute needs ,which are indeed what other have , and relative needs ,which make

us feel superior to our fellows. He relative needs may indeed be insatiable (无止境的) this is not true of absolute.

Keynes was surely correct that only a small part of total spending id decided by the super- iority He was greatly mistaken Decisions to spend are also driven by ideas of quality which can influence the den almost all

goods, including even basic goods like food. When a couple goes out for an dinner, for example, the thought of feeling superior to others probably never comes to them. The goal is to share a special meal that stands out from other meals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

75.The author of the passage argues that ______.

no limits

B. demands for quality are not insatiable C. human desires influence ideas of quality

D. relative needs decide most of our spending

【2012陕西卷C篇】 Eating too much fatty food, exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of

heart problems

more immediately: Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露)to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problem, but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke (中风)within as little as a few hours after exposure. In one review of the research, scientists found that people exposed to high levels of pollutants (污染物)were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack within days of exposure than those with lower exposure. A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be of ―moderate‖ (良好)quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure.


C. heart problems and smoking

B. heart problems and exercising D. heart problems and fatty food

【2012重庆卷B篇】Top lists are lecturing people on everything from"100 books to read ". Aren't you just tired of being told what to do with your time?

Take a look at the following two examples from the list of "101 things not to do":


Go to See the Mona Lisa?

There must be something about the mysterious(神秘的)smile. The 6 million people who the lady in the Louvre every year can‘t all be wrong after all. But they can be quite and standing in front of you, holding up their cameras to prevent you from seeing anything. In fact hard for you to see the painting clearly because you have to stay away from it for security read. After queuing for hours, many tourists can remain in front of the painting only for 15 seconds most.

So, still long to see the Mona Lisa? If you want to find out more about the list, read 101 Tings NOT to Do Before You Die.

63. What is the main purpose of the passage?

book B. To introduce a website

C. To comment on popular lists D. To recommend tourist activities.



After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program, according to Educators for Social Responsibility, "64 percent of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom; 75 percent of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92 percent of the students felt better about themselves". Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends,. teachers. parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.


54. The writer‘s purpose for writing this article is to_______.

A. complain about problems in school education

B. teach students different strategies for school life

C. advocate teaching conflict

management in schools


【2012全国II卷D篇】ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - One of the world's most famous fossils (化石) - the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy skeleton ( 骨骼 ) unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974 - will go on an exhibition tour abroad for the first time in the United States, officials said Tuesday. Even the Ethiopian public has only seen Lucy twice.

The Lucy on exhibition at the Ethiopian National Museum in the capital. Addis Ababa is a


of National Service in to U.S. tour. Texas spent four years disscusing with the Ethiopians for the U.S. tour. Which will start in Houston next September.

"Ethiopia's rich culture of both the past and today, is one of the best kept secrets in the world,"said Joel Bartsch, director of the Houston museum.

The six-year tour will also go to Washington, New York. Denver and Chicago. Officials said six other U.S. cities may be on the tour. But they said plans had not yet been worked out.

Traveling with Lucy will be 190 other fossils.

Lucy, her name taken from a Beatles song that played in a camp the night of her discovery, is part of the skeleton of what was once a 3?-foot-ball ape-man (猿人).


A. introduce a few U.S. museums B. describe some research work

C. discuss the value of an ape-man

Tanni‘s enduring success had been part motivation(动机), part preparation, ―The training I do that enables me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员) enables me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and keeps me prepared for whatever distance I want to race…. I am still competing at a very high lever, but as I get older things get harder and I want to retire before I fall apart.‖


58. The underlined word ―that‖ in the 5th paragraph refers to _______.

(此题容易错选 A ,但正确答案是 C ,怎样避开陷阱?)

B. being a good sprinter

every day D. part motivation and part preparation



At exactly eleven Sir Percival knocked and entered, with anxiety and worry in every line of

his face. This meeting would decide his future life,and he obviously knew it.

"You may wonder, Sir Percival,‘‘ said Laura calmly, ―if I

much.― 汉语标注处是出题核对点!

His face relaxed a little, but one of his feet kept beating the carpet.

"No, if we are going to withdraw.(退出)from our planned marriage, it will be because of your wish, not mine.

―Mine?‖ he said in great surprise. ―What reason could I have for withdrawing?‘

"A reason that is very hard to tell you," she answered. "There is a change in me. ‖

His face went so pale that even his lips lost their color. He turned his head to one side.

"What change?" he asked, trying to appear calm.

― When the promise was made two years ago, ‖ she said, my love did not belong to anyone. Will you forgive me, Sir Percival, if I tell you that it now belongs to another person?‖ ―I wish you to understand, ― Laura continued, ―that I will never see this person again, and that if you leave me, you only allow mc to remain a single woman for the rest of my life. All I ask is that you forgive mc and keep my secret."

?I will do both those things, ― he said. Then he looked at Laura, as if he was waiting to hear more. "I think I have said enough to give you reason to withdraw from our marriage, ― she added quietly.

― No. You have said enough to make it the dearest wish of my life to marry you, ― he said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. marry


B. Laura's father wished to end her marriage

C. Percival had been married to Laura for two years

D. Percival asked to be released from the marriage


(XINHUA NET),或每段首句有具体时间信息点,则选项一定与!


If Confucius(孔子)were still alive today and could celebrate his September 28 birthday with a big cake, there would be a lot of candles.He‘d need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them


While many people in China will remember Confucius on his special day, few people in the United States will give him a passing thought. It‘s nothing personal. Most Americans don‘t even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes.

But this doesn‘t mean that Americans don‘t care about Confucius. In many ways he has become a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of China.

the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学).Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy. Students in the United States, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.

So the old thinker‘s ideas are still alive and well.

China attracts the West more than ever, and it will need more teachers to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.

As for the old thinker, he will not soon be forgotten by people in the West, even if his birthday is.


67. The passage is likely to appear in ___________.

A. a biography B. a history paper

D. a philosophy textbook




learning at any stage of life.

Its formal ,serious style closely matches its content ,a school-masterly book on schooling .The author , W .H . Armstrong ,starts with the basics : reading and writing . In his

opinion , reading doesn‘t just mean recognizing each word on the page ; it means taking in the information,digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himself .The goal is to bring the information back to life , not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees . Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other ; in fact ,the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text .I‘ve seen it again and again :some-one who can‘t express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn‘t read it at all.

Only a third of the book remains after that discussion ,which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages ,math , science and history . He generally handles these topics thoroughly(透彻地) and equally ,except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion(激情) regarding history to his students , that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across .To my disappointment , in this part of the book he ignores the arts .As a matter of fact ,they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do,though the study differs slightly in kind .Although it‘s commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired ,actually ,learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.

My other comment is that the text aged. The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s—none of the references(参考文献)seem newer than the late 1950s. As a result, the discussion misses the entire computer age.

These are small points, though, and don‘t affect the main discussion. I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student.


66. This passage can be classified as________.

A. an advertisement

C. a feature story D. A news report


The Basics of Math—Made Clear

Basic Math introduces students to the basic concepts of mathematics, as well as the fundamentals of more tricky areas. These 30 fantastic lectures are designed to provide students with an understanding of arithmetic and to prepare them for Algebra(代数) and beyond.

The lessons in Basic Math cover every basic aspect of arithmetic. They also look into exponents(指数), the order of operations, and square roots. In addition to learning how to perform

various mathematical operations, students discover why these operations work, how a particular mathematical topic relates to other branches of mathematics, and how these operations can be used practically.

Basic Math starts from the relatively easier concepts and gradually moves on to the more troublesome ones, so as to allow for steady and sure understanding of the material by students. The lectures offer students the chance to ―make sense‖ of mathematical knowledge that may have seemed so frightening. They also help students prepare for college mathematics and overcome their anxiety about this amazing—and completely understandable—field of study.

By the conclusion of the course, students will have improved their understanding of basic math. They will be able to clear away the mystery(神秘性) of mathematics and face their studies with more confidence than they ever imagined. In addition, they will strengthen their ability to accept new and exciting mathematical challenges.

Professor H. Siegel, honored by Kentucky Educational Television as ―the best math teacher in America,‖ is a devoted teacher and has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious. From the basic concrete ideas to the more abstract problems, he is master in making math lectures learner-friendlier and less scary.

With a PhD in Mathematics Education from Georgia State University, Dr. Siegel teaches mathematics at Central Arizona College. His courses include various make-up classes and a number of lectures for future primary school teachers.

If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction to you, you can easily exchange it for any


59. Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?

A. A news report. B. A book review

C. A lesson plan.



Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far. A price has been paid, they say, for the conquest (征服) of time and distance.


The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights

and wild, open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing. On board a plane, however, there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow window of the airplane. The soft lighting, in-flight films and gentle music make up the only world you know, and the hours progress slowly.


72.How does the writer support the underlined statement in Paragraph2?


One explanation is the law of overlearning , which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional learning trials(尝试)increase the length of time we will remember it.

In childhood we usually continue to

swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.

an exception to the eeneral rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68.The author explains the law of overlearning by_________.

A. presenting research findings B. setting down general rules

C. making a comparison

A.By giving instructions. C.By following the order of time.

B.By analyzing cause and effect.


【2011重庆卷A篇】There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care. To

water his flowers, he used two buckers. One was a shiny and new bucket. The other was a very

56. What does the underlined word ―dilapidated‖ probably mean?

B. Dark

D. Plain-looking.



(关心的; 有同情心的)


A. Reliable and devoted.

C. Proud but patient.



B. The are impatient and annoyed

C. The are impatient and annoyed.

D. The are excited and curious.


A. Shy B. Polite

C. Brave B. Tough and generous.

but .



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辨别有没有效,好不好使,其实方法也很简单:一要看你教的学生是不是真实的? 广告中提分的学员是否留有学校,班级和学生真实姓名及提分幅度?这样一来,知道了班级和姓名就很容易核实了,不符则可称为诈骗,可追究法律责任! 不敢留学生真实姓名,只是写上张某某(或从别处粘贴了外地高考状元的照片)并随意说提了50分是不可信的,目的也是可想而知!吴军英语的广告中声称的提分效果,都写明了学校班级和学生姓名及提分幅度,是可信的,也是敢于让公众监督的! 比如,吴军英语关于提分在其官网上是这么写的:











徐可,沈阳4中高三0班,考生号:12210106110515,考场在15中学, 总分605(过理科一本线)。2012年高考英语为125分。来时100多分,通过短期10课的学习,分数提了近20分;


袁小力,鲁美附中高三1班艺考生,考生号:12210104130667,考场在50中学, 总分436。按其成绩排名基本上可以考取鲁美。通过短期集中20课的学习,其由来时的30多分,上升到本次高考66分,分数翻倍,险过小分!





---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 许译 鲁美附中高三1班,考生号:11210104130303; 宁莹莹 鲁美附中高三3班2011届高三文科艺考生,考生号:11210702130017; 黄钰乔 沈阳27中高三13班,考生号:11210105130331,2011年高考英语分别提高了30-55分不等,已被一批本科鲁迅美术学院和中央美术学院录取!

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2012吴军高考英语3天提分秘诀辽宁卷效果示例 一、知识点和词汇全部押对!



22. We used to see each other , but I haven‘t head from him since last year.

A. especially . regularly C. particularly D. approximately

有些连知识点都不用,只是通过吴军老师教你的正负 / 过程和结果解题法就所向披靡了!通过正负,可知A和D可选!再通过过程和结果,可知A. with pleasure强调的是结果,说明借过后,表示荣幸,所以不符!电话还没借呢,故只有D符合。

23. — I‘m terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? It‘s rather urgent.

— Yes,

A. with pleasure B. no burry C. it doesn‘t matter


24. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school.

A. might B. could D. will

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-2第25页,有宾语主动,无宾语被动!follow后面有宾语,with的宾语后面可加形容词、副词、分词、不定式、名词等作宾补,这儿pet dog与follow构成主谓关系,所以用following.

25. The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog them.

A. to follow C. followed D. follows

2012吴军高考英语高频答案词一本通第108页,Rod喜欢拆卸钟表,然而,他从来都不能再重新装好。所以选B项。另外However两边句子相反,看到put…… together, 当然相反的就是taking apart啦!

26. Rod loves

B. giving away C. making up D. turning off

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-1第6页,one作―一个‖,―一本‖,―一件‖等解,用来代替上文提到过的paper。相当于a copy of paper.

28. If you‘re buying today‘s paper from the stand, could you get B. such C. this D. that


30. Leave your key with your neighbor you lock yourself out one day.

A. as long as B. even though D. as if

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-3第4页,Not until位于句首时句子要倒装,consider having a holiday abroad这个动作发生在retire之后,所以用一般过去时。

32. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad.

A. he had considered B. had he considered

C. he considered

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-1第26页,在句型 ―It’s high/ very time that…‖中, 从句中的谓语动词用did或should do.所以选D项。

33. Jack is a great talker. It‘s high time that he

A. will do B. has done C. do . did


34. The newcomer went to the library the other day and scarched for he could find about Mark Twain.

A. wherever B. however D. whichever




When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an uncommon connection between him and the small black cat. He her Inky.

― I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats seventy-year-old man,says. ―My hearing was damaged by the

39. B. friends C. farmers D. neghbors

in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt going into shock(休克). the house. Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs.

―Go get Brenda, ‖ Krugger said to Inky. to the bedroom door and scratched

until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the Brenda found her husband the stairs and called 911.

52. A. bedroom C yard D. house

通过同现解决问题! 看到rushed后就知道很匆忙,故50空纠结时,通过同现校正答案,就不能误选C了,ran与rushed同现;51空是C还是D呢?Inky是猫,madly更贴切;53空,叫911送医院


to the bedroom door and scratched

until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the Brenda found her husband

the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital.

50. A. walked . ran C. returned D. withdrew

51. A. rapidly B. suddenly . madly

D . urgently

53. B. in the middle of C. at the top of D. in the front of


―My hearing was damaged by the

farm epuipment , so I learned to connect . They react to what they see and what you do. ‖

38. A. sound B. alarm D. voice



Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day‘s work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can communicate with family and friends by email, isternet phone and throhgh Private video conferenes.

While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activetics that they can still enjoy. Before a mission. The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for The astromauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth. During their missiom, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters . And as from early 2010, the internet became available on the ISS , giving astronaouts the chance to do some ―web surfing (冲浪)‖in their personal time. Besides relaxing with these more commom entertainments, astromauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.

Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth‘s vast land mass and oceans.

63. The passage mainly discusses how astronauts . (2012辽宁卷阅读B篇)

A. work for longer missions in space B. connect with people on the Earth

C. observe the Earth from space spend their free time in space



Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day‘s work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.

60. What does the word ―‖in Paragraph 1 probably mean?(2012辽宁卷阅读B篇)

A. Find

C. Change D. Lose

找到minic这个动词的宾语way,way they do things做事的方式,Find 发现?;Copy 模仿?Change 改变?Lose 失去?way they do things做事的方式,当然是模仿做事的方式喽!


In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy. are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.

65. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students______。(2012辽宁卷阅读C篇) B. take an active part in Chinese competitions C. try to get high scores in Chinese exams D. fight for a chance to learn Chinese

65题根据题干关键字American students文章定位,就近原则参考点为racing to learn Chinese. 有些同学在A和D之间纠结。如果确实区分有困难的话,可以根据―A大于D,则选A。‖原则,则选A。


69. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? (2012辽宁卷阅读D篇)


B.More volunteers will go to new Orleans for the hurricane cleanup.

C.Many new cafes will be opened to offer free lunches in the town.

D.The lunch menu has remained the same since the café was started.

69题出题点在尾句,更有出题信号词instead ;选项中A是前后矛盾的句子,符合答案特征; 选项A中含有的volunteers是文章反复出现的中心词,所以答案就可以选A了.

四、洞穿7选5秘诀, 吴军高考英语运筹帷幄!


How to Make Friends

Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

1. Associate with others.

The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

2.Start a conversation

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.

Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

4.Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend.

5.Enjoy your friendship

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of

friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful.

B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

E. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.

71空发现复现词friend,根据吴军高考英语7选5法则转折关系(形容词或副词相反,转折),选E; 72空根据吴军7选5法则同现原则, spoken to与conversation关联,所以选C; 73空看到每段都是祁使句,而只有B项中有与原文中的复现词together,所以选B; 74空就近原则指代一致you,复现一致your friend,所以选G; 75空后面有them,说明前面有复数名词,再加上否定句结构排比Try not to,所以75空选D.

五、改错探秘, 吴军教案看7遍,错点全部找到!

Dear Diana,

Thank you for the lovely day we you to let us bring Anne's

had of

friend. Gina. , the only problem was the journey home. There had been a terrible


accident on the highway and, a result, there was a long line of traffic for at least six . In

as miles

the end, we drove to a service station and waited there the road was clear. In the car park

until ,Gina nearly got knocked over as ∧car drove out far too quickly from behind a lorry. there a We


1. 第1句have→had, 参考吴军改错教案一23页,由后面的was可知,这儿应该用过去时态。

2. 第2句 for→of, 参考吴军改错教案二3页押中原题,It‘s kind of you为固定用法。

3. 第3句 Unfortunate→Unfortunately, 参考吴军改错教案一18页押中原题,用副词作状语。

4. 第4句 for→as, 考吴军改错教案二2页,as a result固定搭配。

5. 第4句 mile→miles, 参考吴军改错教案一4-5页,mile是可数名词,并且前面是six.

6. 第5句 unless→until, 考吴军改错教案二4-5页,这儿后面一句是一个时间状语从句,意思是我们一直等到路通了。

7. 第6句 here→there, 参考吴军改错教案一16-19页,叙述的是别的地方发生的事,所以用there.

8. 第6句 car前加a, 参考吴军改错教案一1页,car不是特指,并且是可数名词,所以前面要加a.

9. 第7句 they→we, 参考吴军改错教案一9页押中原题,叙述的是我们做的事,所以用we.

10. 第7句去掉to, 参考吴军改错教案二2页押中原题,make one‘s way home中home为副词,所以前面不用介词to。

2013吴军高考英语迅捷提分秘术! 版权所有,侵权必究! 同行抄袭可耻,转载注明出处!



within ;prep. Unit 1 with+in在里面;在……范围内;和……一起在里面

engage v. undertake v;t.& vi. 从事;着手做;承担(undertook,undertaken)



名词后缀 ;

从事;订婚; gage抵押品;挑战;担保; ;n. 农业;农学;agri(土地)+culture文化,农业农学是一种文化(艺术) -ureresearch ;n. 探索;调查;研究;

:单是寻找search还不够,要再研究调查,搜集资料 wheelchair

废的 ;

;n.智力;天才; :在我头脑里就有天才的;

;n. 轮,wheel轮+chair椅

剥(削)皮 disable ;vt. 使丧失能力 dis不+able能够; 使不能够做某事; disabled adj. 残intelligence misunderstand vt. :不理解;就在下边under站着stand,在下边站着就不会误会或误解 ; seek(sought,sought) vt.&vi. 寻找;探索;追求k scan vt.

:细看能看见―s‖;skin(发音相似) ; curious ;adj. 好奇地cur(e) I O US 好奇;



科学的;-tific+ce-fic+stscience ;n. 科学

;vt. :察觉ob在服役/务 heaven ;n.

have; he+ave+n ;n.

scientific ; adj.



match v. :他(w)在波浪似 scientist ;n. (c不发音); 赛恩斯‖science;

n. 良心;良知;adj.conscious;清醒的;有意识/良知的; 火柴―默契match比赛;换一字



patient adj. ―拍pat‖它t要―耐心patience‖ ;

scan v.

:细看(s can)S形―浏览‖; microphone n. 麦克风;谐音 boundary science n.

Unit 2

media ;n. ―媒‖me体―体‖是―宣传工具‖;[pl.复数 ]medium;

reliable ;adj. 可信赖的; rely=depend on 确实是能够 relic遗物;留下的遗物relic;是可靠的;reliable;valuable adj 有价值的;贵重的responsible ; honourable;unforgetable; fire

n. burning 燃烧;flame;火焰fibre;纤维;纤维少了b才能燃烧;




be on fire 着火;对……充满热情/激情passion激情;热情emotion情绪;mood; 心情, 情绪; (精神)状态;[pl. ]喜怒无常, 脾气不好; face

meet withsurface n.表面;necklace项链;

—ace race ;n. 种族;比赛; ;n-vt. 面对;正视;

edit vt.

编辑; ditch; 壕沟;排水沟editor n.编者;主笔;总编;edition n. 版;版本;




really adv.reality n.真实;现实realize v. 认识;领会;:reasonable; reasonably; reasoning n. 推理 ;rear ;n. 后部;rare ;adj. 稀罕的;珍奇的;难得;elect ;vt.& vi. 选举;推选;

electricity;n;. 电


reject ;v.

: reflect反映 respect; effect; subject ;object;


;v. :connect;expect project/protect; n./vt. 原因;道理;说服;推论


real; cause ;n.(引起某种结果/行动的直接)原因;cause and effect原因与结果; 真正的;

elephant ;n. 大象;

;direct;collect;affect;lecture ;protect; perfect;

injurevt. : injury n.


harm ;hurt;wound; —ure n.sure;future; measure;量(尺寸):temperature



rumour ;n. 谣言;传闻; humour;幽默

;rumour;honour;favour;colour;neighbour; vt. 通知; :in.form.ation 消息;信息;informed消息;灵通的;见闻的;;n. 形式;表格: perform表演;演出;



The bookworm in uniform is informed of the storm穿制服的书呆子得到暴风雨的消息。

relate; ;v. 有关;涉及:related相关的;涉及的;relative相关的;相对的;n. 亲


戚;relation talent switch

;n. 关系

: in relation to;

n. 故事;传说 ; lent 借lend过去式;


;n. 天资;天赋;才能;


:gift; genius; ;

v. 开关;转换; 女巫witch用魔法(wit)

/ :switch


;n. 女巫;


intelligent;able;ability;tale on= turn on

present ;n. (提前pre送sent礼物)adj.在场;出席vt.



;n. 出席;在场;存在; effort spirit AIDS

addict lost in -ic

strict 严厉(格)的 ;district n. 地段街区; ignore 忽视; -ore

more ; bore 厌烦;

score (二十)therefore;因此;

tolerate ;vt. 容忍;忍受;

bear;stand;忍受;rate;比率; hate;cross; 脾气不好的;易怒的;patient耐心的

-anger;angry; locate;v. 坐落于;位于;location; 位置;position; affair social

;n. 事情; matter,thing,event(大事);fair公平的,好的

; ;adj. 社会的;society ;n.社会;

;adj. 社会主义的;社会主义者;commune

vt. :pay no attention;turn a deaf ear to;take no notice of

不注意;attention ;n. :at. ten. tion ;attentive

adj. 专心

;n. 努力; effect影响;结果;

passion ;

客人;乘客 ;

;n. 艾滋病;Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


;n. :spiritual adj. inspiration;灵魂mind; soul;spiritual ; ;vt. 使沉溺;使入迷;上瘾:加上添加ict就会上瘾/入迷

be addicted to = be drug 毒品/药; medicine,pill;draw one's attention to/be attracted


;n. 地址;

志地pay attention to注意;专心 ;


;v. 亲近,亲密;relative;亲属;亲戚;community社区;乡村居委会;

就……而言;telegram ;n. 电报;


concern vt./n 使担忧;烦恼;负责;牵连;担心;忧虑;焦急;:concert音乐会;as far as… concerned

complete ;vt. 赛)


bear v.





compete完全;完美; 让宠物pet来比

retire; ;vi. 退休;退职;撤退: tire使累;使厌倦; learn ......by heart; attitude n. 态度; conclude

推断/推理;conclusion include;包括;

生 bear 忍受;负担(bear,bore,born )bear bear/keep in mind 牢记在心;

disappoint ;vt. 使失望;受挫折;point点appoint指定;约定;任命;委派

disappointment n.guard n. 守卫;警戒;保卫;门卫;yard 庭院;校园; card

卡片defend 保(守)卫 keep on watch; citizen

;n. 公民;市民;居民;citizenship;

polluter ;n. 污染者;污染源;

-ute; pollute;pollution; poll; n. 民意测验,舆论调查;pull推; update

Unit 3

arch.itec.ture ;n. 建筑; :arch; n. :Antarctic; prefer.ence

弓形门;弧形;architect n.


者;arctic adj. 北极的;Arctic Ocean北冰洋ant.arctic南极;North Pole

;n. 偏爱;偏好;喜好;优先 ;prefer' ;v. 喜欢;宁愿 ; 名词后缀;;vt.

:up.date ; 更新;改造;最新的;upward向上; upstairs上楼;

refer v. 提及;涉及;参考

reference n. 参考;提到;参照;引用;参照物; —ence design

confidence 信心 fence 篱笆;栅栏 defence n.保卫;



;vt.& n. 设计;计划 ;sign n. :resign放弃;辞

furniture n. 家具(总称)leather 皮革;皮制品; feather羽毛; 家具;

毛皮;毛皮制品;furs;further更大;更远;skin 动植物的)皮;a(n)piece/article of furniture一件-ure; ture;

cure 治愈;矫正; pure 纯的; sure 确实的; lecture 演讲 mixture 混合物

n.& v.


insure 保险;pressure 压力; measure;尺寸agriculture 农业 ;future 将来; picture 图片; adventure; 冒险

temperature; 温度literature文学;taste waste; 浪费;花费 ; sofa n. 沙发;couch;

modern adj. 谐音―摩登‖;现代的;时髦的

ancient;out-of-time; out-of-date





n. 蜂密;花密;宝贝儿;亲爱的;honey bee


money;grey;gray;monkey;obey; convenient con-

adj. 方便的;

fashion n. 式样;model;模型;

;contribute;contribution;connect ; consider;continent;containcontest; continue;convenience n.concert;concern;condition;confident;confidence;conflict ; block —ock 人; apart

;n. 街区;大建筑;大块(固体);

;n. 公寓房间分成一部分;




cock;lock;sock;shock;clock 助记 :公鸡穿着袜子,刁着钟锁在大建筑里很吓


style n. 风格;式样;作风 fashion:pattern,model;stand;

bear,support,suffer ;passage n. 段落;走道;过道; 助记 :pass+age; chapter 章节

passenger乘客 passport:护照;passion 热情passive被动的;消极的;ugly adj.



drug 药;毒品sugar糖 ;luggage 行李; struggle斗争;奋斗;

construct ;v. 建造;建设;structure 结构;construction建设;instruction ;n. 指示;instruct ; ;v.production生产;产品;product产品;produce生产; steal; (同音异形词) v. 象的; ;n. 摘要; secret 秘密;

偷 steel 钢; iron 铁; gold 金;

silver 银;

concrete ;n. 混凝土;具体的事物;adj.具体的;有形的;实在的

抽impress ;vt. 铭刻;给……深刻的印象; 联想 :impression;have/leave impression on; press

; v. 压;按杂志;出版物;言论界; 联想:dress穿裙子;衣服; address地址;v.

那 个受到来自新闻界压力压抑的人表达了他的印象;联想:



压;按杂志;出版物;言论界; The man depressed by the pressure from the press expressed

the impression on him. affect; roof

dress穿裙子;衣服; address地址


;v. 影响; 影响;结论 ;

屋顶;顶部;联想:roofs 复数只加s ; chiefs;handkerchiefs;gulfs;cliffs; proofs


balcony ;n.

烟囱 lawn 草坪; pass 走栏;走道; fantasy ;n 幻想;空想;fancy 幻想;想象;谐音:"范特西"; create

助记 :创造是为了吃 ate ; -ail

fantastic ;;adj. 奇异的;荒诞的;fan 爱好者;狂热者;……迷;taste 兴趣;口味

;vt. 创造;创作;创建 联想:;creative; creation;复习:construction 建设

sail n./v. 帆;蓬;航行; sailor 船员;海员;联想:fail失败mail邮寄nail指甲;钉子;

tail 尾巴; tailor裁缝; rail 铁轨;pail 桶; snail 蜗牛;tailor;裁缝; rail 铁轨'trail

(复数media) 媒体;方法;媒介;

小路;小径; detail 细节' wail 恸哭;哀求; medium

stand n. 看台;助记 : 站着看露天体育赛很悲哀; belong; vi. 联想:own 拥有;属于某人的; paint;vt./n

涂;颜料;油漆;颜料;涂料; 换一字:联想:faint 晕倒;昏倒;模糊;茫

然; 词中词:pain疼痛;痛苦; aside rent v. poem enemy


adv. 边;侧面;方面;观点;联想:side ;take sides 租用;租金

lent; bent;

by side并肩;shoulder to shoulder; develop v.

发展;冲洗(底片)d联想:evelop(ment); eve除夕;envelope信封;

n. 诗;韵文;诗体文; 联想:poet诗人 poetrythem ;problem ; n. 敌人

friend ;

chemistry n. 化学; 联想:chemist 药剂师;chemics; extremely adv. empty regret



极端;极其; 联想:extreme; 空的


attempt n.∕v. 尝试; 联想:trial; effort;

n.∕v. 遗憾;

秘密的; forget 忘记;联想:let; net 网 pet 宠物 ; set 放-et

wet 潮湿 yet; get; met;upset 扰乱;使心烦; carpet 地毯

; ;n. 意图;目的;打算帐篷; 联想:intend 打算;计划;

intention ; recite


;v. 背诵;b联想:ite咬; kite 风筝; quite 很;非常;spite 不管 despite 不管;不顾;write; white; excite 激动;site

遗址;场所;遗迹;invite邀请 ;

mad adj. 疯狂的;精神错乱的;小伙伴;

madam(e) damn

;v. 咒骂;指责; 联想:damned被诅咒的;该死的;

;n. ;mad 女人; dame 贵夫人; dam 的;


;n. 模式;方式;典型;式样模型 type 类型;style 风格;方式;fashion

;n. 方式;做法;流行;时尚;

;n./adj. 专利的;明显的;


dialogue ;n. 对话;对白; 台词 stage 舞台

conversation 对话联想:dial 拨(电话);dial 119 打119;log 圆木;原木;dialect 方言;diamond ;联想:diary 日记;

sort ;n./v. 种类;类型;分类整理; 联想: kind type 类型;种类;short 短 ;sport 运动 ;


fantasy ;;n. 想象;幻想;fan(


imagination fancy; loneliness;n. 孤独;寂寞;联想:sorrow;

grammar ;n. 语法; ram 前后对称

RAMMARgram 克(重量单位,简写g);hammer 锤;联想:program (programme) 节目;项目;程序 ; glory; 诚的; 点;

归类记忆:vocabulary词汇(sentence) pattern句型;(grammar) structure结构;

;n. 光荣;荣誉;联想:lorry四轮马车;truck卡车;glorious;光荣的loyal; 忠

absence ;n. 缺习;不在; 联想:absent ;adj. absent-minded心不在焉的;difference不同

district ;n. 地区;区域;

area; reigon;strict严格的;严肃的conflict冲突; atmosphere 子;粒子;

;n. 气氛;情绪;大气层

cloud云; smog烟雾 ;fog 雾;atoms原


passion ;热情;联想:;be on fire for; spiritual adj. 精神上的;心灵的; merely

仅仅;只不过;联想: here; where ;there

introduce ;v. 介绍;联想:intro 向内 -duc-引导;生产;educate; education 教育 ;-duc

produce 生产; conduct指导; conductor列车员 ;

translate v. -ate

翻译; 联想: translation n. trans 越过;超;转换transport 运输;交通;

fortunate;graduate;date;gate;;hate;late;plate; skate;transplant;;classmate;;state;playmate; talent shade

天赋; 联想:tale故事;传闻;传说;tail 尾巴 pale 灰色的sale卖;销售; ;n. 阴凉;树荫;荫;暗部; 联想:;sad 悲哀的;悲伤的

;grade 等级;年级;

联想:comrade 同志;persuade说服; trade商业;贸易;


;n. 习语;成语;习惯用法; 联想:IDI对称 ;

extraordinary adj. 特别的;平常的; 联想:extra 特别的;额外的; ordinary普通的;平常的idiom

dust n./adj. 灰尘;尘土;灰的;脏的;联想:just 刚刚;仅仅;公平的trust 信任;相信;

; ;

industry n. 工业; custom 习惯;

crow;n. 鸦;乌鸦;联想:blow 吹;爆 flow 流动; grow 生长;变成 powder 粉末;bowl碗; brown;town;downtown商业区;narrow弓箭 apart ; essay gay 挥;

部门;部分 ; 议论文; recommend

cow 母牛;奶牛 low 低; show; snow ;throw 扔;crowd 人群;拥挤 ;

adv. 相隔;相距; ; 联想:depart离去;离开;department;n. 论说文;散文;随笔;联想:description; 描写(叙述);记叙文;argument ;adj. 快乐;欢呼lay 放;搁;(下)蛋; 联想: delay推迟


;vt. mend 补;修理;comma逗号;command命令;指

common ;adj. 普通的;共同的联想:;commerce商业commerical商业的; contribute Unit 5


;vi. 由……组成;构成;i联想:nsist 坚持 mystery ;n. 秘密;神秘 ; mysterious;assistant ;助手;

;vi.贡献;捐献;联想:contribution ;n.贡献attributive形容的;修饰的;attribute

;n./v. 特质;属性;归因于;归咎于;


state ;n. 国家;政府;州;部门; 联想:country国家;乡村county县;郡;statement ;n. 陈述;叙述;state of matters (materials):gas -solid-liquid ; 乘方;

powerful ;adj. 强大的;强有力的; 联想:power力;功率;能力;力量;动力;电力 ;幂mistaken ;adj. 错误的;弄错的;联想:mistake弄错;误会; narrow ;adj. 狭隘的;狭窄的;arrow 弓箭;箭头; republic

;共和国(体);联想:;public 公开的;公众的; 联想:pub 酒吧; publish;

Europe ;n. 欧洲; 联想:European欧洲的;hope; telescope; 望远镜 ;

form ;vt./n 形成;构成表格;形式


联想:formal 外形的;正式的;合乎礼仪的;former 从前的;以前的;前者;

formula ;n. 公式;分子式formation形成;构成; 灯; traffic

;n. 交通; 联想:plastic塑料;basic基本/础的; 联想:historic历史的 music;logic

Atlantic ;adj./n 太平洋的太平洋; 联想:lane小路; lance长矛;鱼叉lantern灯笼;提


general adj. 一般的;普通的; 联想:gene 基因;common ordinary 普通的;共同的; 影响


流畅;流利; 联想:fluent流利的;流畅的 fence

inflence ;n. 影响;作用; 联想:effect 影响;结果impress给……留下印象;影响;affectfluency ;n/adj. -ence 数; sheet 甜的 grain chain; -ain

;n. 被单;床单;薄板; 联想:quit被子a sheet of paper 一张纸feet 脚 meet; sweet

在列车上过度用脑受到约束. The gained grain drained

;n. 谷物;谷类植物;联想:rain 下雨; 下雨才能长谷物;brain大脑;train 火车; main 主要的;联想: pain 疼痛;certain山脉; Spain 西班牙;curtain 窗帘; Srain

篱笆; 联想:

defenece防卫;捍卫difference 不同点;区别; pence(penny);(便士)复数 ;

conference 会议commence 开始


;分析; 联想:basis基础;根据;基本原则;base 基础;基底;地基;根据 bases 复

brain on the train is restrained. 费。 -ward

away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again. 收获的谷物随雨水流失了,所有辛劳又白

eastward; southward; northward toward 朝;向 afterwards后来;以后;

approach vt. 向……靠近;接近;联想:close to go/come near靠近;appreciate欣赏;感激;高兴;access 进入;接近;方法(途径); Unit 6 prediction

;n. 预言;预报;预告; 联想:diction 措辞;用字;dictionary 字典;dictation

听写 pre-


预言;预测; 联想:prepare 准备;

predict v.

提前;预先; forecast; 预测;预报president; 总统;董事长 ;

precious 贵重的;宝贵的; 联想:predicate 表语;preface序言/文;

prefecture县府;地区;专区;prefix 前缀-surfix后缀prefix 前缀-surfix后缀; exact


present礼物;呈献;出席; 联想:president 总统;董事长;president总统;董事长

;adj. 精确;正确的;严谨的; 联想:exactly;inactive不积极的;被动的; positive;

foresee 预测; 联想:foresight 远见;forest 森林;forefinger 食指

forecast n./v. 预测;预报; 联想:fore 前;提前forehead前额;脑门fortell 预言;预测fore+ trend

broadcast n./v. 广播; 联想:cast;投;抛;掷;cast;

;n. 倾向;趋势;时尚; 联想: fashion;tend;照顾; 倾向;

contemporary adj. 当代的;现代的; 联想:current当今的;流行的;时尚的;currency货币;temorary临时的 ; 【串记】Because of the temperature tempo, I temporarily lost temper to my contemporary in the temple. 由于温度进度的原因,我在庙里一时地同代人发了脾气。 The empty empire' s emperor made an attempt to tempt the contemptuous man. 空虚帝国的皇帝试图诱惑那个轻蔑的人。 indicate

;vt. 表明;象征;预示; 联想:predict; porecast;symble;象征;show; -ate

create;tolerate;graduate;updateurban adj. 城市的;都市的; 联想:rural乡村的;田

保证;担保;保护;保卫; 联想:guard;defend;insuranle 保险;

园的;rural scenery 田园风光city城市;countryside 农村county县; ensure v. 茎状物;

system ;n. 系统;网;制度;体制; 联想:sister 妹妹;system茎;树干;叶(果)柄;;symbol 象征; 联想:sympathy 同情心; synthesis; synthesize 综合;合成;

consumer n. 消费者;用/客户 ; 联想:consume;sum 总结;小结 summary总结;摘要goods商品;货物;

trade business;

purchase购买;购置物; 联想:chase追赶;追求;bargain购买;讲价;讨价还价; tiny adj. 极小;微小的; 联想:tin 罐头;听筒;huge 巨大的; check;支票;chepue;

n. 重要性; 联想:import出口;entrance 入口;通道;distance距离performance

cash 现金;;联想:cash crops 经济作物;cash 现金;现款;

remain vi. 保持不变;剩下; 联想:main 主要的;stay;keep; importance 演出;表演;

regular adj. 有规律地;规则的; 联想:irregular不规则的;

medical adj. 医学的;医疗的; 联想:medicine药;医学;chemical;physical;political; deal n./v. 对付;处理;分配;(dealt dealt);deal with; do with; handle; physician; (P.E体育课)

n. 医生;内科医师; 联想:musician;politician政客;政治家;physical物理学

cure ;n./v. 治疗;治愈; 联想:treat;incuriable 不可治疗的;无法治愈的; biochemistry ;n. 生物化学; 联想:biology;chemistry ;

educate ;v. 教育; 联想:educator 教育家;教育者;education教育; 援助; cheat wrist

欺骗; 联想:heat 热;加热;chat 聊天;hat 帽子

distance ;n. 远处;远方;距离; 联想:distant距离/远的;assistant辅助的;助手assistancehopeful ;adj. 有希望的;怀有希望的;promising 有希望(前途)的;


;腕;腕关节; 联想:wristwatch 手表;

分类记忆: require ;vt.vi

palm 手掌;掌心 thumb 拇指 ;forefinger食指arm手臂shoulder;elbow ;要求;需要; 联想:request 需要;要求;need;demand;


肘;胳膊肘(writ;knee;ankle 踝等的弯曲部分);

insist;二命令order;command;三建议advise;suggest;recommend;四要求;require;demand;request;urge;(宾语从句中常用should加原形;) programme reality absurd


节目;计划;规划;程序;按计划;列入节目单; 联想:progress 进步;


project 项目;规划;

;n. 现实;真实; 联想:real;activity 活动;活动性

;adj. 荒谬的;不合理的;荒唐的;un联想:reasonable不合理的;abstract抽象;incredible;

Unit 7

beancurd豆腐 ;

quiz ;n. 竞赛;比赛; 联想:test测试;match;n./v. 比赛; 联想:math竞赛;compete;false


错误的;假的;伪造的;错误;联想:fault;error错误; mistaken; 凭借;通过;经过;经由; 联想:visa 签证;在护照上签证


virus via blood

;n. 病毒;病原体;毒素; 联想:thus因而;如此 ;

;n. 血液;flood洪水;水灾; 联想:food 食物; goods 商品;货物;good;wood木

oo 除―食物food‖发长音外,其余发短音;

头;wooden木制的; 注意:-oo- prevention defensive fence

;n. 预防;阻止;联想:prevent ;v. event事情;事件; ;adj.

defensive;防御的;防守的;防卫; 联想:defenceless无防备的;

n. 篱笆;栅栏; 联想:defence防卫;保卫;defend等于guard;protect保护;保卫;

persuade ;vt. 说服;劝说; 联想:advise 劝说;劝告;advice; illness

;n. 病;疾病; 联想:disease;


treatment ;n. 治疗;对待;处理; 联想:cure 治疗incurable不可治疗的;curious 好奇的;

deal 对待;处理; regard/ look on……as unprotected

;adj. 无防卫的;无保护的; 联想:protect; defend ;prevent;sex 性别;

fax ;n. 传真;tax 税;联想: wax 蜡;next;text;lack n./v. 缺乏;没有; 攻;袭击;

back ;adj . black 黑色 ;联想:pack包;行李;track足迹;行踪backpack 背包;attack 进

proper ;adj. 合适的;适当的; 联想:suitable 合格的; right;

probably ;adv. 可能地; 联想:pro- 向前;代理;progress;pronoun;projoct;programme -per 每个; per- 全;透;贯;完全;perfect 完全的;完美的; 联想:persuade available discourage

;n. 专家;专科医生; 联想:expert专家

有意义的;意味深长的; 联想:mean;meaning意思;涵义

;adj. ;vt.

可利用的;可达到的;有效的;avail 有用;有利;有效 ; 使泄气;使失去信心; 联想:courage勇气;discouraged;discouraging;

cheer ;v. 使兴奋;使高兴; 联想:pioneer;先驱enpineer;montaineer 登山者 specialist 个人的; meaningful fierce

special adj. 专门的;特别/殊的; 联想:especial特别; particular特殊的;特定的;个别的;


adj. 激烈的;凶猛的;强烈的; 联想:fire 火一般的;猛烈;strong;wild

cell ;n. 细胞;小房间;单人房间; 联想:cellphone=mobile 手机; radiation ;n. 放射;发射;辐射; 联想:radio; power ;n. 力;力量; 联想:powerful;

recover ;v. 重新找到;弥补;discover uncover 揭开;remove 移走;搬开; rely ;vi. fight v. 面;

依靠;depend on ;relic遗址;

struggle斗争; 奋斗;+with / against/for

library; dictionary;contrast 对照;对比;

countrary ;adj. 相反的;相对的; 联想:country 国家;乡村; opposite 相对;相反;对-ary; -ry

Unit 8

aid ;n. 援助;救助;助手; 联想:help ;assitance 帮助;救助; drown 过去分词;

flood 洪灾;水灾;联想:bleed(bled;bled) 出血;流血; choke

窒息;呛住 ; 联想:coke=coca cola 可乐;焦炭;

;v. 溺死; 联想:dawn 黎明;拂晓 dask 黄昏down; 向下;drawn画画(drow)

category n. 种类;类别;范畴; 联想:cat 猫; glory光荣; kind;sort;type 类别;类型;;

wire ;n. 电览;电线;金属丝; 联想:fire;tire;retire;hire;admire; electrical ;adj. scream ;vi. 团队;组

witness ;vt. proof

container ;n. 容器;集装箱; 联想:contain 包括;包函;容纳;certain 肯定;确定;

电的; 联想:eletricity;电;electric 电的;和电的;

目堵;目击;证据;目击者联想:;wit 机智;智力;心智;智慧;

呼啸,发出刺耳的声音; 联想:cream;乳酪;ice cream 冰棋淋;team 队;

witch ;n. 女巫; 联想:witchcraft 魔法;妖术;

;n. 证据; 联想:evidence 证据;证明


;n. 智慧; 联想:intelligence 智力;kingdom;

calm adj./v


镇静;宁静的;平静; 联想:quiet 安静 ;silent 无声; still 静止;不动;

惊慌;恐慌; 联想:picnic野炊;野餐;hurry匆忙;in a hurry


umbulance tip ;n.v. slight chest 循环 pulse wound

;n. 救护车;


小费;顶尖;赏钱;尖端;指示;使倾斜;给小费; 联想:top顶端; pit洞;坑;

轻微;少量;纤细的; 联想:light 轻的; flight航班;飞行;

陷阱; dip ;


;n. 胸膛;胸腔; 联想:;nest 巢; rest 休息; ;

;n. 脉搏;跳动;谐音:怕尔死:

use;blood vessel 血管;脉管;

;n. 摩托车; 联想:motor 发动机;motto 箴言;格言;motorbike;electric;

suddenly; all of a sudden 突然;(by) accident/chance 意外

;n. 创口;伤口;创伤;联想:harm;hurt;injure;injury;found 创造;建立;成立;

circulate ;vi. 循环;环流;流通; 联想:circle循环;circular圆形的;环形的;circulation

缔造; motorcycle

blanket ;n. 毛毯; 联想:carpet 地毯;blanket空格;bracket括号; blank bike电动车; sudden ;adj. loose ;adj. explanation pronounce

tape ;n. 磁带;tap 水龙头; 联想:pat 轻拍;

lose 丢失; 联想:tight 紧的; firm 紧;坚固

Unit 9

的;bandage ;n.(谐音)邦狄牌绷带;band 乐队;

;n. explain v.解释

;v. 发音 pronunciation;联想:noun 名词;pronoun 代词;

ecology ;n. 生态;生态学;联想:technology技术 biology生物学;eco-system/environment生态环境 summarise

coal ;n. 煤; 联想:coat 衣服;外衣;charcoal炭;carbon;

;v. 概括;总结;s联想:ummary总结;概括;sum up 总结;summer 夏天;

content ;n./adj 内容;目录;满意;满足的;s联想:atisfied ;satisfying;tent帐篷; representative ;n. 代表;典型; 联想:represent代表;呈献;present 出现;呈现killer

;n. 杀手;杀虫剂;止疼药; 联想:murderer 谋杀者;杀人犯;pain-killer 止痛药;

;n. 接近;进入;进入/接近的方法; 联想:approach=close 接近;进入;靠近;


violence ;n. 侵犯;强/猛烈; 联想:violent强/猛烈的;fence篱笆defence保卫;sentence句子commence peace

conflict ;n. 冲突; 联想:demonstration 示威;游行 parade

;n. 和平; 联想:at war 交战;pea;war;found―屁是我放的‖


per prep. alternative defend

每;每一;按照; 联想:percent 百分之;period时期;时代

;;adj.n. 选择的;两者取一; 联想:alter改变;native;本族的;土著的;native

language 本族语 incorrect ;adj. 完全的 affect 体; -ect 的;


;n./ad j. 防卫;保卫;为……辩护;联想:defence;guard;protect;

不正确的;不妥当的; 联想:correct正确的;correct正确的;incomplete 不影响;感动; 联想:effect n.影响;作用;效果;perfect完美的;object物

subject科目;主题;文体; 联想:expect期待;期望;collect收集;聚集;direct直接


premier ;n. 总理;首相; 联想:prime 主要的;首要的; prime minister 首相;总理;primary 第一的;首要的;基本的; 联想: primary school 小学; stress 址;


着重;强调;压力;紧张; 联想:actress 女演员; dress 裙子; address 地

tension ;n. 拉紧;张力;紧张;不安;联想:tense;紧张的;tent; tend;

equality ;n. 相等;平等;公平; 联想:equal;fair;fairness;cruelty残忍;残酷 difficrlty; willingness wipe ;vt. script advise


frighting ;adj.

responsibility ;n. 责任;责任心; 联想:responsible负责的;respond负责;回答;beauty;

;n. 愿意;心甘情愿;联想:content;willing愿意的;甘愿的; 情愿的;

擦;揩; 联想:pipe管子;烟斗;ripe熟的;成熟的;

harmony n. 协调;和谐;和睦 联想:;harm伤害;损坏

;n. 手稿; 联想:description描述;describe ;vt.

劝告;劝说;提建议; 联想:advice建议;意见;persuade说服;劝说 ;

害怕; 恐惧; 联想:frightened; surprising ;frightening; shocked terrified;

surprised; frightened ;shocking ;;terrifing;

hurrycane ;n. 飓风;联想:hurry 匆忙; cane 棍子; erupt

interrupt ;v. 打扰;干扰; 联想:disturb; bother; bury ;v.

;v. 爆发;喷发;联想:hurry 匆忙; cane 棍子;interrupt;打扰;

埋葬;掩藏; 联想:;funeral;tomb 坟墓 comb 梳子;

ash ;n. 灰;灰尘; 联想:trash垃圾;rubbish;dirt; dust;污垢 dirty 脏的;flash动画;mud烂泥sudden ;adj. spot

突然的;意外的; 联想:all of a sudden; suddenlly

;n. 少量;点; 联想:sport 运动‘; pot ;

sight ;n. 情景;视线;视觉;视野;联想:;fight;light;night;right;tight;sign叹息

-ight slight轻微的; flight飞行;航行kight;fright恐惧delight高兴 might may(过去

催促;强烈希望;鼓励;强烈的欲望; 联想:edge边缘 border 边界arrival

时) urge vt./n

flee ;v. 逃走;run;away;联想: escape;(fled;fled);fee;费用;free;

;n. 到达; 联想:arrive+at/in;(小/大地方);survival 幸存;trial

bath ;n. 浴缸;浴室; 联想:athe洗澡; bathtube pillow

(药片/药丸; immediately ;adv. fresh ;adj. inch

;n. 枕头; 联想:low 低的; 联想:pillow 枕头要靠低的,靠高了要吃药 pill

立即;马上;联想:at once;immediate;adj.

新鲜的; 联想:flesh 肌肉;flash 闪烁;动漫;

web 网 ; 联想:WWW 世界万维网;net 网; internet 因特网;

英寸; 联想:foot(feet) 英尺;board ;n./v

on board在(船/甲板/机)上;blackboard;黑板 broad宽的;广阔的 unbelievable ;adj. 相信; -able

;n./v ;adv.

crash aloud

船弦;甲板;登机;上船; 联想:

steamboat ;n. 汽船;汽轮; 联想:steam蒸气; gas煤气;汽油;

不可相信的;难以置信的; 联想:uncomfortable 不舒适的;believe

unreasonable毫无道理的;unthinkable不可想象的; unimaginable不可想象的

破裂;崩溃;坠毁; 联想:trash垃圾;dash冲;跑; 破折号

大声地;高声地; 联想:loud大声;高声的;read aloud 朗读; speak aloud;

reading ;n. 读数;阅读;联想:read; swear

;vi./vt. 诅咒;宣誓(swore sworn); 联想:wear 穿;戴 ( wore worn);

as though=as if;live trough 度过;经受住;


all of a sudden=suddenly 突然 drawl one‘s attention to 吸引注意力 at hand 在手边

knock about 漫游;on board 上船; calm down 镇静,平静

advise sb. (not) to do sth. 劝某人(不)做某事 advise doing 建议做某事 wipe out 消灭,擦干净 take part in 参加

in harmony with 与……协调 the UN-Untied Nation 联合国 in case of 假使,以防 in the case of 在……情况下 a list of 清单

keep in mind 记住 free from 不受……影响 pay attention to 注意 contribute to 为……作贡献 =make contribution to in general 一般地,大体地 light up 照亮;使……放光彩 play with 玩耍;游戏 call up 召唤;使想起 fill up with 用……装 fall in love with 爱上…… relate…to 与……有关 go up 上升,增长

cheer up 使振奋;使高兴起来

put…together 把……结合成整体;装配


Unit 11

solar adj.

sun 太阳 grammar 语法;

particular 特别的,比较:lunar 阴历的, 月球的, lunar calendar 阴历

mankind人类human being ,people , person,

constitution ;n. 宪法;


;n. 协会;学会

support ;v.&n. supper; port ,super超级

daily日常的; 每日的 achiev

e ;v. 获得;取得


economy n. 经济经济的

zone n.时区



电话;private 私人的;个人的

public ate ; mate ;rate ;hate ;fate; late;( 大门;同伴;比率;讨厌;命运;迟到


grasp ;vt. 草=master , catch; follow; understand perfect ;adj. 完美的;极好的,绝对的;

arrange ;v. 安排;筹划 范围, set foot in =到达,涉足;踏上;have/leave

an effect on 影响,产生作用;对……有效果;

rely v;. 依靠; 依赖; 指望;rely on 依靠 ;依赖 ;指望;depend on; failure ;n. 失败; 失败的人(事)come to life 活跃 ;苏醒过来;

valley ;n. 山谷,溪谷; 低凹处base

基地; 根据地 ;底部; mark ;n. 标志 表示 做记号 打分数agency ;n.机构 ;代理商

organ ;n.器官

organize组织;organization ;n. 组织;


backward; toward朝; 向;afterward后来; 以后upward


put for ward 提出;

breakthrough n. 突破;突围break though;

march ;n. 前进; 行军

比较 :March r—t match 比赛(谐音:默契);

aim v&n purpose; goal aim (sth.) at旨在; 目的在于;瞄准;

announce ;vt. 宣布; 宣告;

=declare 名词 announcement ;n. evolution ;n. 发展; 进化; revolution革命

battle ;n.

战斗; 战役; fight; struggle ;bat 蝙蝠; 拍子;球拍

strategy ;n.. 吃ate的策略

Unit 12

fiction ;n. 小说=noveldictionary字典

; belief ;n. 信仰;信念ballon ;n.

ballbotany ;n.

生物学zoology; 动物学geography;地理学

apply ;n.

应用;申请 application ;n. apply to/for向……申请;应用 applied adj.

应用的; apple; appreciate欣赏; 感激;servant

;n.仆人;公务员serve vt.服务;whale

;n. 鲸鱼; 强壮的;矫健的

pale ;tale 苍白的; 故事传说;

hunter n. 猎人

hunt n. 打猎; 搜索

hut 小屋;棚子

hunt for =search for / look for 寻找

collision ;n.碰撞; 冲突;


companion ;n. 同伴;伙伴 company ; 公司;accompany 陪伴; 陪同

permanent n.永久的;永恒的per. man.ent 每个per男人man 都是永恒的 guest n. 客人

主人;东道主 host ;乘客 passenger

master; guest


voyage ;n. travel; journey ; trip ;tour; flight飞行; 航班

iron ;n.. 铁; metal; copper; gold; silver; tin 金属/ 铜 / 金/ 银/锡

environment 环境中有铁iron

aboard ;adv. 在船/机/车上; 上船 ; 登机

木板;cupboard; blackboard橱柜/

adv. 到国外/海外

lamp ;n. 电灯

damp 潮湿的

dislike ;vt. 不喜欢 hate prisoner ;n..囚犯;犯人 prison监狱

gentle ;adj. 温柔/和的

soft; kind

绅士 marble

;n. 大理石 jade 玉石;珠宝 shore ;n.

luggage ;n.

行李 (总称) baggage;


brilliant ;n. 辉煌的;杰出的;耀眼的; ;remarkable; extraordinary phenomenon ;n. 现象;

(复数) phenomena 没有no男人 men 在on PHE上的现象

; labour ;n. our劳动在实验室lab干

; hesitate ;n. 犹豫;踌躇 he犹豫地作着sit吃

ate; butcher ;n. 屠夫 bu 不切她

her curtain ;n. certain要挂窗帘

; lip ;n. dip浸泡;tip小费;提示; Unit 13


;n. 立方体/块 试管cubic ;adj.立方体的;square平方的;广场 sailor ;n. 海员; 船员;水手sail航行

benefit ;n&v.. 利益;好处;transport ;n.&v.

运输;运送 transportation; range ;vi. 在一定范围内变化; 安排;

unique ;adj. 唯一; ―由你去/克‖(谐音)

; hydrogen ;n. 氢; 龙

oxygen ;n.氧牛;公牛;

relative ;adj.相对的;;n. ;


solid ;n. &adj.

liquid; 如此―坚固的‖盖子lid


;n.&adj. 冰点; 极冷的;冰 冷的; freeze ;v. 结冰


pure adj. 纯净的

gramme =gram ;n. grammar语法programme; 节目;项目

hammer 锤 kilogram(me)千克; telegram电报,

mass ;n. 质量; 团; quality; 质量quantity 数量

float ;v.. 飘;漂流

decrease ;v.变小;减少increase增加


; n.物质; 主旨; stance例子=example 物体subway地铁;distance距离


;adj.. 摄氏温度 分+grade度; percent百分之; recent最近的

absorb ; n.吸收; 吸引 attract, draw in


thus ;adv. 如此


stable ;adj.稳固的; 牢固的=steady;solid;

table 是稳固的

sensitive a;dj.

sense 感觉; 感官;


.;v.相信; 信任= believe in nursery

;n.保育院;育儿室 护士;

recreation n.

; create创造

Unit 14

civil ;n.. 国内的

文明; 开化

murder ;v.&n. 谋杀


youth ;n. 青年;

青春 ; revolution ;n..

pollution;revolute旋转; 变革


;n. 奴隶

wave; cave; save; brave; pave波浪/洞穴/救/勇敢/铺(路;街道); pavement 人行道 soul ;n. 灵魂;心灵;精神

heart and soul全心全意地



;vt. 逮捕;拘留; rest


separation ;n. 分开;隔离; separate


race ;n.种族; 赛跑;

trace跟踪;痕迹; surface; necklace


n. 婚姻;结婚; marry 结婚;


forbid v. 禁止;不许 not allow

permit; allow;

vote ;n. 选举; 投票


vote 献身于; 贡献; 花时间/精力在 ……上


political adj. n.. 政治;


demand ;v. 要求

should + 原行(虚拟语气)

boycott ;n.&v抵制;抵抗 boy喜欢抵抗;


;n. 律师; law 法律―老爷‖(谐音);legal 合法的;法律的

racial ;n种族的; 种族

discrimination ;n.歧视;

区别 ;v. crime

;n. 犯罪;prison; prisoner; murder;

act ;n. 法令;条例 ;动作;行为;行动 拓展

action; active; actor; actress; activity bill ;n. 议案;帐单; 钞票


religion ;n. 宗教 ; 文物;遗产;


; n. 独立;自主;自立 depend依靠; rely ; independent 独立的

unconditional ;n. 无条件的; 绝对的; 条件

abolish ;n. 废止;废除; get rid of ; break away from

prejudice ;n. 偏见;成见 juice 汁;果汁


preference ;dice


;n. 不管; 不顾;

看待; 对待

chapter ;n. 章;回; 篇; cap帽子

;hat; cat; apt;

段落paragraph 段

ridiculous ;n. 可笑的; 荒谬的

Unit 15

upset ;adj. 苦恼的; 心烦的;


airline ; n. 航线; 航班;航空公司 航线; 航班

fly ;n. 苍蝇 航行

downtown ;n.&adj 市中心;城市商业区(的)


;n. 大街;通道; 会场; 集合地点;

altitude n. 纬度



guarantee ;v. 保证; 确保 ensure; 保证insure 保险


gather ;n. 集合; 聚拢collect


;n. 享受; 盛宴


dip ;v. 洗澡; 浸泡 gym ;n.体育馆 gymnastics 体操

analyses ;v. 分析; analysis n.


v. 聊天;猫cat戴着帽子hat聊天


get ;n. 预算

bud花蕾;get 得到; rate ;n. 价格;费用;速度; 比率

--ate date; gate; late; mate; hate; 日期


visa ;n. 护照

arrangement n.安排; 整理 arrange v.

range 在一定范围内变化

cheque= check

;n. 支票; cash 现金

currency ;n. 货币; 通货; current ;adj.

当前的; 通行的; 流通的;

Unit 16

entry ;n. 进入;许可 entrance


mental ;n. 脑力的;精神上的;智力的;

medal; 奖章metal 金属


physical ;adj.. 身体上的; 物理的;


suffering ;n. 痛苦; 折磨;苦难

suffer ; pain; difficulty;hardship

greedy adj.


trader ;n 商人; trade v. 贸易


;n. adj. 失业的 out of job;

employ; employer; employee;

unrest ;n.动乱; 骚乱;

sacrifice ;n.&v. 牺牲; 奉献;祭祀lose one‘s life;

reconstruction n. construction建设 ; construct


;n. 以前的;


funeral ;n. 葬礼

bury ; tomb; vain

;adj. 徒劳的;白费的;徒然的

main; pain; rain; lain ;plain; chain


;n. 最后;

event 事件; 赛事; finally; at last ;in the end;


;n. 开端; down向下;

drown 溺水; drawn


overcome ;n. 克服;战胜(overcame; overcome get rid of

insist ;vi resist;抵制assist 援助

; sister;

chief n.& adj. 首领;酋长; 上司;

主要的; 复数形式chiefs;

belief ; thief

afterwards ;n. 后来;以后

widespread ;adj. 分布广的; 普遍的

wide + spread spread 传播; 传遍 比较 wildlife 野生动物

rot ;n. 腐烂;堕落

carrot ; 萝卜 parrot 鹦鹉

supply ;v.& n. 供应;

supper ; super ; apply

chain ;n. 链条; 连锁; 一连串

plain ;

pain; gain; main;

willing ;adj. 愿意的;心甘情愿的

content 心甘情愿的

Unit 17

disability ;n. 残疾; ability;能力 able, disabled

sidewalk ;;n. 人行道; = pavement(英)

waist ;n.

腰部 wait 等待

waist belt腰带 waistband 腰带

waist coat背心

fair ;n. 商品交易会/展览会;公平的; justice

potential ;n&adj. . 潜力;潜在的;可能的 ; tent

guidance ;n. 指导;引导;指引

guide 导游; 指导; 向导

gifted ;adj. 有天赋的;天资的

assist ;vt. 援助;

aid ; help

sympathy ;n. 同情(心);


encouragement n.

鼓励; 鼓舞

encourage v.


a;dj. 视觉上的 ; 视力的

vision ; view ;


;v. 调整 ; 调节

candy ;n.

niece ;n. 侄女;

外甥女 ;侄子; 外甥 cousin 堂弟兄;



;n. 和谐;



dignity ;n. dig

participate ;vi. 参与;参加+ in ici对称比较: attend; join; take part in part; 部分;pat 拍;pate头顶;

conduct vt. 引导; 主持; 控制

lead; direct; guide; control 拓展 conductor列车员; 指挥;director 导演


accessible ;adj. 可使用/得到的/ 进入

Unit 18

vest ;n. 背心= waist coat ;

heel ;n. 鞋跟;后跟;



;n. 专利(权); officer

;n. official 官员;



petrol ;n. pet

control 控制;trolly bus

background ;n.

背景;back+ ground



reject ;vt.


;n. 三个I; 一个y

chance; potential;

otherwise ;adv. 否则; 要不然=or;

connection ;n. 联系;连接;

previous ;adj. 以前的;



;adj. 意识到;软件hardware

know; realize; recognize


;n. 尝试;试验; 审判 try; arrivexperiment; test; attempt


;n. 骑手;骑马/车者;


;adj. 肮脏的 灰尘 ; ; windy; cloudy;

funny; sunny

pilot ;n.

飞行员阴谋;情节lot许多; pot ; 锅; 飞行

storage ;n. 储藏;储存;

v. restore;

glue ;n. clue信索;暗示blue; true;

typewriter ;n. 打字机

type打字+ writer;

Unit 19


;n. man ; hat;can; ran; cat mercy


businessman; 昧(谐音)良心的商人 反复吟唱;单调地重复 ; 单调的歌/曲;


;n. 王冠;皇冠; crow;鸡叫/啼 cow;

奶牛 own自己的/ 拥有;row; 排; 行;


mercy ;n. 吝悯;同情;仁慈;

merciful sympathy;; kind cruel 残忍 cruelty


my ;n. 敌人; friend; benefit; gene; general

; ENE对称 reasonable ;adj. 有道理的;合情理的

judgement ;n.

;n&v. 判断;审判;法官

gentlemen n.


greeting n. 招呼; 问候; greet v. 打招呼;

wave;挥手;致意 envy


jealous admire;



troublesome ;adj. 令人烦恼/

trouble ;

accuse ;v. 指控;指责;

consequence ;n.. 结果;后果result; effect


fortune ;n. 运气 ;机会;大笔钱

fortunate ; fortunately ; luck; lucky; fate;

bargain ;n.&v. 讨价还价;谈判;交易;协议;



bless ;vt.

祝福; legal ;adj. 合法的;


;n. 行动; deep



surgeon ;n. 姓;surprise; pigeon鸽子


requirement ;n. 要求;需要;规定

declare ;v. announce;


ourt ;n.. 法庭

课程; 过程


justice ;n. 正义;

therefore ;adv. 因此;所以; so ; thus

worthy ;adj.


;n. mercy; sympathy; punish

;v. 惩罚;punishment n.

责备 order

;n&v. 命令;下令; 秩序;顺序;订购;预定

sword ;n. 剑;刀; ;

complex ;adj. 错综复杂的;难解的;simple

Unit 20

decoration ;n. 装饰;装潢;decorate ;v.


;n. 矛; 枪;梭镖 pear

n.梨; ear;

pot n. 锅;罐; 平底锅 top 顶部;


;n. 国王;queen皇后; prince 王子; princess公主;

pin ;n.针; 松树

clothing ;n. 布; clothes 衣服

distinction ;n.

centimeter ;n. kilometer 千米 millimeter 毫米

clay ;n. 粘土;泥土;

arrow ;n.

sparrow麻雀 弓

dozen ;n. 打; 十二个 dozens of 许多的; 二十

cushion n. cushion谐音)一样; mat


spare ;adj. 备用的;额外的;业余的v. 腾出; 抽出(时间)

tend vi倾向于;趋向; v.

approximately adv. 接近;近乎;大约

approach 途径;

average ;adj.

lorry ;n.


link ;vt.

monument n. 纪念馆/碑 谐音)(牦牛)纪念馆;

homeland ;n.祖国;home + land;


;n. 地位;雕像; 塑像;state国家;州; 状态;陈速;叙述;

remote ;adj. 遥远的;偏僻的distant远的

quantity ;n. 大量; 数量quality


mask ;n. 面具 task ;

accompany ;v.

陪伴/同; 公司


vast ;adj.

cast; 抛; 投;撒 vase花瓶; vestsquare

;n.&adj. 广场;平方; 方形的菱形的;triangle三角形


triangle n;. 三角形;angle angel 天使;


set foot in 涉足; 到达

have an effect on 对……影响……

rely on= depend on

come to life 苏醒; 复活;

put forward 提出

aim at 旨在;瞄准

set out 出发; 上路

make a living 谋生

apply to 申请

in public 公开

cut up 切碎

benefit from 得益于; 受益于;

all the way 一路上;一直

take advantage of 对……加以利用

give off 释放

a variety of 各种各样的

put in prison 把……投入监狱

set an example to/for给 ……树立榜样

from then on 从那时起

start with 以 …… 开始

regardless of 不管; 不顾

at first sight 乍 一看

look into 调查

every now and then 不时地

get/be tired of 对…..厌倦

cool off冷却; 变凉

take a chance冒险; 碰运气

in vain 白费

insist on 坚持

put out 出版; 产生;扑灭

in turn 依次; 轮流

get round=get about 活动; 四处走动

get used to 习惯于

allow for 顾及;为……做准备

get stuck 困住

break away from 摆脱;脱离

be aware of 知道意识到

after all 毕竟

pay back 偿还

keep track of 保持联系

have mercy on 怜悯

as far as I know就…..而言=in terms of

at the mercy of 由 ……摆布/控制

lend a hand 帮助


Unit 1








tight ;紧的;紧密的

loose; 松的;tighten; v

edition ;版本edite;editor编辑、主编; publish ;come out;make up; 编造

brewery ; 酒精;alcoholic;drinks;spirit;brandy


地;whiskey威士忌;soft drink; coffee;coke;tea;

conclude ; conclusion;

reach/arrive at/come to conclusion/drow

conclusion 和解; infer;推断、理;

hire/employ ;v. 雇佣;

rent ; v. 出租;租借;

length ;—


high----height;depth---deep;warmth; health; wealth;

althletic/athlete ; 远动(员)(的)


sport;/match/game/sports meet/compete/ /competition;

fade ;v.【谐音】―废的‖;----

die down;

in a row = one by one ;one after another,一个接一个;接连不断地

in the first place ; = first fo all, above all; in the last place

the one hand; on the other hand;for one thing; for another thing;

account ; count ;数数;计算;重要;算数;take …into


attempt ; vt./n =effort尝试;企图;tempter ; n.



suitable ; adj.

apply for 申请;请求; apply to求职者;

inspect ; v.

confirm ;v. 昆虫



certificate ; v.文凭;、proof

/evidence/turn out to be;prove;

bid ; (bid bid);


decade ;annaul 每年的,anniversary,周年纪念;dozen/十二 score二十;



committee ; . commit犯罪、犯错;commit a crime犯罪,commit to


交给;【串记】The committee admits it committed an omission in commissioning the mission.


fasinate ; v .

puzzle;strike;be lost in/ be addicted to;

burst ;v. (burst; burst) into crying/laughter 突然哭、explode;爆发;爆炸;



underline ; vt.underlined ; adj.


globe ; n. 地球(仪); global; adj. 全球的;universe; universal ;




; n. 灌木(丛)brush 刷子;毛笔;push;推;


skillful ; adj. ;

admininstration ; n. authority :


rule ;control;;govern;government;【串记】In the Administration, this minister is in charge of registering regional 在内阁中这个部长负责登记区域宗教。

permission ; v.permit admit; allow;

familiar ;adj. 熟悉的;be familiar with;

centre on /concentrate on /focus on 集中……注意力。以、把 ……当作重心;lay stress on;强调;

helmet ; n .



truly ;true的副词; honestly;loyal, earnest, sincerely; (写信结尾客套话)


delight; 乐趣,高兴;delighted; adj.

energetic 精力充沛的;充满活力的;

cautious ;

register ; n. sign ; 签名;报名;

skim ; v.


feat ; n.(功绩;成绩)-----feast(宴会);a feast for the eyes;:achievement ;

Unit 2

evaluate ; v.


highly/much of;【串记】I didn' t evaluate the blue glue due to the vague plague. 因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。

various ; adj. vary; v. variety; n.; all kinds/sorts of; alter; change;differ; in the name of /hope …

in exchange of归纳:in honour of/favour/need/search/want…注意:有the 和无 the 的区别; in return 报答; 回报

African; 非洲人; 非洲的;—an—ian

:人 ;Canadian;musician, physician,musician; ambassador ;大使说:―俺是不怕死的‖。




wander ;v.



survive ; v. 存活;幸存;arrive;

accurate ; adj;


navy ; airforce空军;army;


treasure ; n 财宝;财富; V. precious


fleet ; n. flee(fled;fled)逃跑;逃走;fee费用;feet 脚、英尺;

command ; v.命令;指挥;控制;

宾语从句中用虚拟语气(should )加动词原形:





四要求; demand;require;request;claim;


六催促、敦促; urge;

set sail to/ for/from

帆; 航行; sailor; 海员


; n.王室的; noble


zebra 斑马;

symbolic ;adj. symbol; n. 象征;represent;代表;

volunteer ;自愿者;


-eer; pioneer; engineer; beer;

radium medium; 媒体;radio; 收音机;

sum 总额; summary;总结; 概括;摘要;summer夏天;

dam 损坏;毁坏;

accomplish ; v. 完成;

accompany;be/get accustomed


apart from= besides; 除外(还有);

sickness ; disease ;


sacred ;神圣的;宗教的; 上帝的,神的。 害怕;

run out ;用完;

aircraft ; aeroplane; plane;飞机; 飞行器;



evidence ; n. 证据; proof;证明;



chairman 主席; president; 总统;

praise ; v.赞扬; raise; proud; pride‘



; n, 海峡; straight, adj & adv. 直的;笔直的;trait,特征; 特色; street; 街道;

fellow ; adj.& n ;同伴; 伙伴; 比较: follow;

跟随; 听懂; 明白;

allow ; 允许;



criminal ; n. 罪犯; adj. crime 犯罪;复习: prison(er), jail , murder(er); rob; claim vt.&n. 要求;声称;(should +v原形)

govern ; vt. 管理; governor;

总督; government; rule; control; handle;

as a consequence (of)= as a result of, 结果; 由于;

resemble ; vt. be similar/equal to; (be) like/as;symble; 象征; 符号;

diverse ; adj.


transform ;


transfer;转移;换车;translate; 翻译;translation. translator ; n.transpplant;移栽;移植; transport; transportation; 交通;transmit;传送=deliver;

immigrate ; n. immigration v.

immediate(ly); 立即;

right away; at once; straight away; instantly; directly; without delay

strengthen ; v. stong; strength;

pronunciation ; n. 发音;pronounce; v. dialect ;

accent; 口音;oral;


vocabulary ; grammar; 语法;pattern; 句型;idiom;短语;习语;

femal ; male; 男性;

mate ; = fellow; classmate; workmate; roommate ;= match;成配偶;配合;搭配

concept ; except;

break out 爆发; 突然发生;(不用被动);

=happen; take place;

breakthrough ; 突破;重大进展;break through;

chew ; jaw;下巴;lip嘴唇;chin ;面颊;beard;小胡子;moustache


feed…on ; 把 ……喂 给;live… on; depend on;

entire ; adj. 全部的;整个的;

:complete; total; altogether;adv.

mine ; n.&v.


mineral ; metal;material; 物质;材料;

fence ; defence;defend;防卫;


round up ;


outdoors ;adv.

indoors; 在户内;

birthplace ;


outing ; 远足; ;outer; inner;

lemonade ; 柠檬;汽水;


barbecue ;


roast ; vt. 烤;bake; 焙; toast; 敬酒;干杯;

steak ; 排; beef 牛肉;

barrier ; n.

bar ; 酒吧

pointed ; adj.


claw ; vt.&vi.&n. 爪子;挠;刮;

hairy; bushy; 灌木茂密的;丛生的;

medium ; 中等的;媒介物;传导体;媒质,基质,介质,介体;中间物;mass media 大众传播媒介;宣传工具;

Unit 4

procedure ; n. 步骤;


rose ; n, 玫瑰(花)

-rise 的过去式;

arise ; rise;



bunch ; n. 束; 串; 团;


lunch; 午餐;

merely; adv. 仅仅; 只不过;=only; singly;


herb; hero ;英雄;


catalog; sort;grade;


identification n. 验明;鉴别;=proof; identify ;v. = prove ; ID card 身份证;

promote ; improve; arise; advance


botanical botany; adj./n. 植物学(的)


privilege ; n. village;村庄; preference ;偏爱;偏好;

cosy= comfortable; 舒适的;

appetite ; 恳求;上诉;吸引;

wealth ; 富有; 财富; = riches; richness; prosperity;


appoint; vt. 任命;约定;appointment; 约会;date; disappoint; 使失望

;disappointed; disappointing; disappointment;

calculate; evaluate ;work out; estimate; calculator;计算器;

astronomy ; astronaut;宇航员;


expense ; n.成本; 昂贵的;

enterprise; n.企业(单位);

settlement ; 开拓;

accumulate; vt. 积累;聚集;together ;

accurate; 准确;精确;

abandon ; vt. 离开;

desert; deserted; throw away;band;

pineapple; 菠萝;pine


tone; tune; 调旋;调节(音量);ton ;吨(重量);

reward ; n.&vt.

award; in return;

technical ; technique;technology; 技术(的)

technician ;

skill; skilled; skillful; experienced;

nowhere ; adv.&n. 无处; 任何地方都不;

altogether adv.

completely; thoroughly; entirely;

appearance; appear;出现;

disappear; feature; characteristic; trait; output n. 产量;

product; input;

latter ; adj. 后者的;比较: late; later; former;前者;

distinguish ; vt./vi.

differ;tell from;tell the difference of/ from;

millimeter; kilometer; centimeter;

in detail


name…after , 给…取名;命名;

pass away


year after year 年复一年;年年;

year by year; 逐年;

look out for

;警惕; watch out; look out;

on a large scale ;大规模的; 大范围地;

Unit 5

convey ; vt. 表达;

express; transmit; transport;

advertise ; vi. /vt. 登广告;

advertiser;advertisement; make…known; announce; brand ; 商标;

band; 乐队;班派;

consideration; n. 考虑; 体贴;

take… into consideration consider; vt charge ; n/v. 主管; 价钱;控告;充电;

loss ; lose; n; v. 损失;

blame ; vt./n. 责备; 谴责; 责怪;归咎于;

be to blame (不用被动)


broadcast ; (broadcast; broadcast); 广播;播出;

post vt.

post office; post box ;postman; deliver; mail ;

react ; vt./vi.

respond; reflect;

annoy ; Vt./ vi.; 使烦恼;annoying; adj. 讨厌的;

tiresome; upset; frustrating; boring;

accuse ; vt. 控告;


associate ; Vt./vi.

connect; contact; touch; join;

appeal ; vi/n. + to ; 吸引;呼吁;charge; accuse ; attract; draw/catch one‘s attention;

frequent ;

constant; normal ; regular;

figure ; 数字; 价格; 图表;number; count; form ;shape; diagram; graph; drawing;;

figure out 想象出;

salesman/ saleswoman ;


profit ;

interests; benefit; income;

campaign ; vt./ vi. 运动;

war; battle; fight; action; activity;

policy ;

document文件; principle;

原理;原则;stragety; 策略;

spokesman ;/spokesman 发言人;

illegal ; 非法的;

legal; criminal; unlawful;

target ; 目标;

aim ; goal; objective; intention;

sneaker ; sneak; 偷偷悄悄走;潜行;

nowadays ;adv. 现在; at present; currently ;

at the moment;

nephew ; neice侄女



waitress ;

waiter; actress;hostess女主人; 女主持人;复习:heroine; 女英雄;

bridegroom ; n. bride新娘;

attach vt. 系; attachment;

discount ; n./ vt. 打折;折扣;count;数数;计算;ac

count; 说明解释;账目;账单 bonus ; n.

reward; medal;

point out point at 指向;

get across 传播; 为人理解;=make known;

appeal to 吸引;

in charge of

in the charge of 被……负责;

hand in hand 手拉手;关系密切;

make sense; 有意义;

nonsense; 废话;无意义;common sense 常识;常理;


quit ; (quit; quit)vt. /vi. stop; give

up; pause;break;

apply to

apply for;

add up add up to 加起来达到;

lose heart 灰心

;泄气;注意:不用one‘s 或

lose one's balance 失去平衡,跌倒。 lose one's head 被斩首;被搞糊涂。 lose one's life 丢了性命

circumstance ; 环境; 情况;= environment;

condition; situation;surroundings;

assessment ; n. assess; V. 估价;评定;evaluate;estimate;

biscuit ; 饼干;烤饼;

alcohol ;

wine; beer;

goat ; sheep;绵羊;


; flower 花;floor; 地板;

nail ;

sail 航行;mail 邮寄;tail 尾巴;fail 失败;

razor ; shave;


; n. sheet;床单;quilt 被单;blanket

carpet ; 地


beyond ; prep./adv. 在……外; 超出;远胜;

leave behind 落后;留下;

fall behind;

ox ; n. 公牛;复习:cow; cattle;

frontier ; n.



lose one’s way lose heart;


salty adj.

salt; thirsty; catchy; 吸引的;cosy;舒适的;

pond n; pool ; swimming pool; fish pond;

pound 磅; 英镑;= 453.6克,略作 1b. 或1b.英镑=100便士,略作£或L〕。a pound note 一张一英镑钞票。 a pound of flesh ;by the pound 按每磅(计价


burden ; n. load;

desperate ; n. 绝望的;极其严重的;

beast n. 动物;

animal; cattle; bird;

accustomed adj.

get accustomed to 习惯于;

starvation ; n. starve; go hungry ;

anxiety ; n. 担忧; anxious; adj.


; adj. deep; 深的;allow 允许;

swallow; 吞咽;燕子;

come to an end put an end to;

tax ;

fax 传真;taxpayer纳税人;

anniversary ;


granddaughter/son ;孙女、孙子;grabdfather/mother

flu ;

bird flu

cold; cough;

throat ;


castasrophe ; 大灾难; disaster灾难,大祸;tragedy悲剧


relief ;


deliver ;

post; mail;send;

tough ; 困难;

cough;plough;enough;though;through; quilt ;sheet;bedding;比较:


tie up ; tie …to


packet ;


ray ;

X-ray; shine;

bark dark;shout; howl; 嚎叫;roar; 吼,咆哮;(海、风等)呼啸,怒号; sculpture ;

雕像;雕刻[塑]物[品]; carve;figure;statue;monument;纪念碑,石碑;墓碑

; memorial ; 纪念物,纪念品;纪念日;纪念馆;纪念碑;纪念仪式; monument;纪念碑,石碑;墓碑

in honour of;

retell ; repeat;reread; 重新读,再读


go for ; go in for 爱好; 从事;go after


Unit 7

care for 喜爱;

care about; 关怀;关心 (for);介意,计较,(不)管,(不)顾,(不)问(for, about)。〔与 for 连用〕爱好;愿意,望,欲。 care for her health 挂念她的健康。

He cares for music. 他喜欢音乐。 carefor sb.'s education 负责某人的教育;

bacteria ; (复数)细菌;;(单数)bacterium;

mediun (复数).媒介物;传导体;媒质;(单数);追求media;

powder ;

= power;gun powder ;火药face powder;搽脸香粉;

standard n.

level; scale;range;

conscience n. science; awareness;

frost ; n.fog; freeze;

handwriting n. 书法;手写稿;手迹;

overcoat ; 大衣; garment;

wage ;

salary 薪水;income;earnings;

anyway ; adv.


god ; n. heaven;

leave alone ; 不管;随……

neglect; ingore; regardless of;

admit vt. confess; The chess professor confessed his professional blessing in the confession.


foolish ; adj.



clap ;v.

applaud; applause;

partner ; n.

fellow; mate;

abundant ; adj. 丰富的;

enough; plenty;

in want of ; in need of ;

in search of ; in honour of;

warmth ; n.


badly off 潦倒;穷困; well off;

occupy ; v. 忙碌;从事;占有;be occupied (in doing sth., with affairs) 在做…,在忙…。 occupy oneself about [in, with] ... (正)从事…

constant adj. 经常的;

welfare n.

fare; fee;

clerk ; n. staff;crew;

have an eye for 有眼光、眼力;

composer n. compose;.组成,构成

novelist 小说家;

firm 公司; 商行;.

坚固的,坚牢的;company; trading firms 商行。 a printing firm 印刷公司


as follow ;如下(列举例子)as usual; 像平常一样

shadow n. shade ;shady;

ambition n. ambitious; adj. 有理想、抱负的;

noble 高贵的;高尚的;

bond n. pond; fond;

indeed adv. 的确; 确实;


loose 松的;geese ( 复数);

selfish adj. foolish;self-introduction;

bishop n. 主教;

艺考生的救命稻草! 突破130分,快速提高30分的锦囊妙计!









2013高考英语阅读3天提分秘术, 既不是神人的牛B押题,也不是最牛高考班的密卷!而是沈阳高分英语家教吴军老师从2000-2012年2700多篇高考英语阅读真题答案内幕规律衍生出的迅捷提分秘诀!





一、2013阅读吴军猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征

二、2013阅读吴军暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词





【2010辽宁卷B篇】I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because I'm in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very “I‘


They'll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who don‘t drink, end up paying even more. But if I try to use the same trick, the hostess will shout: "Where are you going?" And it's not like I can say I have somewhere to go: everyone know I have nowhere to go.

people's homes.(转折对比,说明前面New Yorkers 评价是Self-centred.) Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I went to one, the guests were from France, India. Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations in New York. The mix is less striking. It's like a gathering at Bloomingdale's, a well-known department store.


A There is a strange mix of people. B. The restaurants are expensive.

D. People have to pay cash

A. Easy-going. B. Self-centred. C. Generous. D. Conservative.

【2012四川卷E篇】So far, efforts to cut emissions(排放)of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2℃ this century — a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.


the world’s temperature?

A. It has risen nearly 0.2℃ since 1979.

B. Its change will lead to weather extremes.

C. It is 0.8℃

higher in 1979 than that of 1990.

within 2℃ in this century.


A篇every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars‘(杨树)putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local steam as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake.


43. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

B. The seasons make the scenes change.

C. The weather often changes in the forest.

D. The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons.

【2012陕西卷C篇】The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed

not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health.


55. What can we learn from the text?


A. Eating fatty food has immediate effects on your heart.

B. The EPA conducted many studies on air quality. C. Moderate air quality is more harmful than smoking,

Stricter regulations

【2012江西卷D篇】For those who make journeys across the world, the speed of travel today has turned the countries into a series of villages.Distances between them appear no greater to a modern traveler than those which once faced men as they walked from village to village. Jet plane fly people from one end of the earth to the other, allowing them a freedom of movement undreamt of a hundred years ago.

Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far. A price has been paid, they say, for the conquest (征服) of time and distance. Travel is something to be enjoyed, not endured (忍受). The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights and sounds of a journey. A journey by train also has a special charm about it. Lakes and forests and wild, open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing. On board a plane, however, there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow window of the airplane. The soft lighting, in-flight films and gentle music make up the only world you know, and the hours progress slowly.

Then there is the time spent being ―processed‖ at a modern airport. People are conveyed like robots along walkways; baggage is weighed, tickets produced, examined and produced yet again before the passenger move again to another waiting area. Journeys by rail and sea take longer, yes,


―processed‖ at departure and arrival in airports are luckily absent. Man, however, is now a world traveler and can not turn his back on the airplane. The working lives of too many people depend upon it; whole new industries have been built around its design and operation. The holiday maker, too, with limited time to spend, patiently endures the busy airports and limited space of the flight to gain those extra hours and even days, relaxing in the sun. speed controls people‘s lives; time saved, in work or play, is the important thing—or so we are

told. Perhaps those first horsemen, riding free across the wild, open plains, were enjoying a better world than the one we know today. They could travel at will, and the clock was not their master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

73.According to Paragraph3,


A.they pay less for the tickets

B.they feel safer during the travel C.they can enjoy higher speed of travel ‘75.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Air travel benefits people and industries. B.Train Travel has some advantages over air travel.

C.Great changes have taken place in modern travel.

speed of air travel at a cost.


lead to (result in, bring about, cause)是选项中答案高频暗示词!


First of all, students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school and high school that between students student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn't

in the sandwich,

but in the way students deal with the conflict.


51. From Paragraph 2 we can learn that________ .

A. violence is more likely to occur at lunchtime 具体!

C. students tend to lose their temper easily

D. the eating habit of a student is often the cause of a fight 具体!

【2011湖北卷D篇】our own generation has access to more nutritious food .more convenient transport .bigger houses, better ears .and of course, more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us .This will continue as long as we there things to make


things, This more we specialize and exchange, the better off we‘ll be.

2) Brilliant advances

One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer-lived and freer than ener before is that the four most basie human needs -food, clothing, fuel and shelter- have grown a lot cheaper

. ‘s light cost six hours‘ work. In the 1880s ‘ work to pay for. In 1950 it was eight seconds. Today it‘s half second.


A. oil lamps give off more light than candles

B. shortening working time brings about a happier life.

C. advanced technology helps to produce better candles.

lower cost of goods.

Control (handle, deal with )是选项中答案高频暗示词!


Those who choose to

be look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, they don‘t let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, they don‘t blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred(神圣的)moment of life is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.



A. seem willing to experience failures in life

B. possess the ability to predict future life

wisely D. have potential to create something new


Last year, it was a refrigerator that tweeted. This year, it

‘and fridges that can tell you when your groceries are going bad.

The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control, so the machines can be turned on and off while their owners is at work or on the bus.

Samsung says it‘s not just something new — the app connection actually has some practical uses.

―If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go,‖ said spokesperson Amy Schmidt.

The company also says that with electricity rate(电价)varying depending on the time of day, more control over when the machines are used can help save money.

Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do —enable laziness. Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done, users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.


A. They can tell you when your clothes need washing


C. They are difficult to operate

D. They are sold at a low price


There is sadly no home milk delivery today. Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete (竞争). Besides, milk is for sale

everywhere, and it may just not have been practiced to have a delivery service.

门廊). Every so often my son's friends will ask what it is. So I start telling stories of my boyhood, and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.


old days. B. He wanted to tell interesting stories.

C. He needed it for his milk bottles. D. He planted flowers in it.


Andy rode slowly on his way to school, day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was

the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seemed to be heading angrily towards him.

With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding furiously—but without knowing how to escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping furiously, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his panic increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive to bee stings(蜇). The last sting had landed him in hospital—and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days.


56. Why did Andy fail to notice the swarm of bees earlier?

A. He was riding to school.

B. He was listening to a strange sound.

C. He was going fishing with his father.




尾段首末句, 90%在末句


Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nest(巢)and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper一a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax (蜂蜡) in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees‘ nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest. When they waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.



63. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Wild Bees B. Wax and Honey

C. Beekeeping in Africa

Honey-Lover's Helper

表转折和因果处:but, yet, however, instead,today,now,Although,so,

It was a village in India. The people were

their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries.

Then one day, some visitors from the city arrived . They told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frog‘s legs. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, and so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.

This seemed like money for nothing . There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was catch them . Agreement was reached, and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. For the first time ,the people were able to dream of a better future. But the dream didn‘t last long.


From Paragragh 1 we learn that the villagers .

A.worked very hard for centuries B.dreamed of having a better life

somewhat content D.lived a different life from their forefathers


Grown-ups are

often surprised by how well

have never practiced still swim as well as ever since. A man when he gets back who has not had a chance to go swimming for years can in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away. He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son. A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins "Twinkle, twinkle, little star"。remember the story of Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


67. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

B. Children have a better memory than grown-ups.

C. Poem reading is a good way to learn words. D. Stories for children are easy to remember.


In his 1930 essay ―Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren ―, John Keynes, economist, rewrote that human needs fall into two classes: absolute needs ,which are indeed what other have , and relative needs ,which make us feel superior to our fellows. He

relative needs may indeed be insatiable (无止境的) this is not true of absolute.

Keynes was surely correct that only a small part of total spending id decided by the super- iority He was greatly mistaken

Decisions to spend are also driven by ideas of quality which can influence the den almost all goods, including even basic goods like food. When a couple goes out for an dinner, for example, the thought of feeling superior to others probably never comes to them. The goal

is to share a special meal that stands out from other meals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

75.The author of the passage argues that ______.

no limits

B. demands for quality are not insatiable

C. human desires influence ideas of quality

D. relative needs decide most of our spending


Eating too much fatty food, exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of

heart problems

more immediately: Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露)to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problem, but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke (中风)within as little as a few hours after exposure. In one review of the research, scientists found that people exposed to high levels of pollutants (污染物)were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack within days of exposure than those with lower exposure. A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be of ―moderate‖ (良好)quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of

stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure.


C. heart problems and smoking

B. heart problems and exercising D. heart problems and fatty food


【2012重庆卷B篇】Top lists are lecturing people on everything from"100 books to read ". Aren't you just tired of being told what to do with your time?

Take a look at the following two examples from the list of "101 things not to do":


Go to See the Mona Lisa?

There must be something about the mysterious(神秘的)smile. The 6 million people who the lady in the Louvre every year can‘t all be wrong after all. But they can be quite and standing in front of you, holding up their cameras to prevent you from seeing anything. In fact hard for you to see the painting clearly because you have to stay away from it for security read. After queuing for hours, many tourists can remain in front of the painting only for 15 seconds most.

So, still long to see the Mona Lisa? If you want to find out

more about the list,


101 Tings NOT to Do Before You Die.

63. What is the main purpose of the passage?

book B. To introduce a website

C. To comment on popular lists D. To recommend tourist activities.



After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program, according to Educators for Social Responsibility, "64 percent of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom; 75 percent of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92 percent of the students felt better about themselves". Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends,. teachers. parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.


54. The writer‘s purpose for writing this article is to_______.

A. complain about problems in school education B. teach students different strategies for school life

C. advocate teaching conflict management in schools


【2012全国II卷D篇】ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - One of the world's most famous fossils (化石) - the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy skeleton ( 骨骼 ) unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974 - will go on an exhibition tour abroad for the first time in the United States, officials said Tuesday. Even the Ethiopian public has only seen Lucy twice.

The Lucy on exhibition at the Ethiopian National Museum in the capital. Addis Ababa is a of National Service in to U.S. tour. Texas spent four years disscusing with the Ethiopians for the U.S. tour. Which will start in Houston next September.

"Ethiopia's rich culture of both the past and today, is one of the best kept secrets in the world,"said Joel Bartsch, director of the Houston museum.

The six-year tour will also go to Washington, New York. Denver and Chicago. Officials said six other U.S. cities may be on the tour. But they said plans had not yet been worked out.

Traveling with Lucy will be 190 other fossils. Lucy, her name taken from a Beatles song that played in a camp the night of her discovery, is part of the skeleton of what was once a 3?-foot-ball ape-man (猿人).


A. introduce a few U.S. museums B. describe some research work

C. discuss the value of an ape-man

Tanni‘s enduring success had been part motivation(动机), part preparation, ―The training I do that enables me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员) enables me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and keeps me prepared for whatever distance I want to race…. I am still competing at a very high lever, but as I get older things get harder and I want to retire

before I fall apart.‖


58. The underlined word ―that‖ in the 5th paragraph refers to _______.

(此题容易错选 A ,但正确答案是 C ,怎样避开陷阱?)

B. being a good sprinter

every day D. part motivation and part preparation

没有中心句(中心词四选项都有),尾段也没有核对点,则找出题点核对! 【2012福建卷B篇】

At exactly eleven Sir Percival knocked and entered, with anxiety and worry in every line of his face. This meeting would decide his future life,

and he obviously knew it.

"You may wonder, Sir Percival,‘‘ said Laura calmly, ―if I

much.― 汉语标注处是出题核对点!

His face relaxed a little, but one of his feet kept beating the carpet.

"No, if we are going to withdraw.(退出)from our planned marriage, it will be because of your wish, not mine.

―Mine?‖ he said in great surprise. ―What reason could I have for withdrawing?‘

"A reason that is very hard to tell you," she answered. "There is a change in me. ‖

His face went so pale that even his lips lost their color. He turned his head to one side.

"What change?" he asked, trying to appear calm.

― When the promise was made two years ago, ‖ she said, my love did not belong to anyone. Will you forgive me, Sir Percival, if I tell you that it now belongs to another person?‖

―I wish you to understand, ― Laura continued, ―that I will never see this person again, and that if you leave me, you only allow mc to remain a single woman for the rest of my life. All I ask is that you forgive mc and keep my secret."

?I will do both those things, ― he said. Then he looked at Laura, as if he was waiting to hear more.

"I think I have said enough to give you reason to withdraw from our marriage, ― she added quietly.


― No. You have said enough to make it the dearest wish of my life to marry you, ― he said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




B. Laura's father wished to end her marriage

C. Percival had been married to Laura for two years

D. Percival asked to be released from the marriage

若首段有小括号,里面有新华,搜狐,网易,新浪,路透,BBC等提示,如(XINHUA NET),或每段首句有具体时间信息点,



If Confucius(孔子)were still alive today and could celebrate his September 28 birthday with a big cake, there would be a lot of candles.He‘d need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them out.

While many people in China will remember Confucius on his special day, few people in the United States will give him a passing thought. It‘s nothing personal. Most Americans don‘t even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes.

But this doesn‘t mean that Americans don‘t care

about Confucius. In many ways he has become a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of China.

the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学).Some

social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy. Students in the United States, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.

So the old thinker‘s ideas are still alive and well.

China attracts the West more than ever, and it will need more teachers to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.

As for the old thinker, he will not soon be forgotten by people in the West, even if his birthday is.


67. The passage is likely to appear in ___________.

A. a biography B. a history paper

D. a philosophy textbook




learning at any stage of life.

Its formal ,serious style closely matches its content ,a school-masterly book on schooling .The author , W .H . Armstrong ,starts with the basics : reading and writing . In his opinion , reading doesn‘t just mean recognizing each word on the page ; it means taking in the information,digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himself .The goal is to bring the information back to life , not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees . Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other ; in fact ,the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text .I‘ve seen it again and again :some-one who can‘t express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn‘t read it at all.

Only a third of the book remains after that discussion ,which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages ,math , science and history . He generally handles these topics thoroughly(透彻地) and equally ,except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion(激情) regarding history to his students , that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across .To my disappointment , in this part of the book he ignores the arts .As a matter of fact ,they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do,though the study differs slightly in kind .Although it‘s commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired ,actually ,learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.

My other comment is that the text aged. The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s—none of the references(参考文献)seem newer than the late 1950s. As a result, the discussion misses the entire computer age.

These are small points, though, and don‘t affect the main discussion. I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student.


66. This passage can be classified as________.

A. an advertisement

C. a feature story D. A news report


The Basics of Math—Made Clear

Basic Math introduces students to the basic concepts of mathematics, as well as the fundamentals of more tricky areas. These 30 fantastic lectures are designed to provide students with an understanding of arithmetic and to prepare them for Algebra(代数) and beyond.

The lessons in Basic Math cover every basic aspect of arithmetic. They also look into exponents(指数), the order of operations, and square roots. In addition to learning how to perform various mathematical operations, students discover why these operations work, how a particular mathematical topic relates to other branches of mathematics, and how these operations can be used practically.

Basic Math starts from the relatively easier concepts and gradually moves on to the more troublesome ones, so as to allow for steady and sure understanding of the material by students. The lectures offer students the chance to ―make sense‖ of mathematical knowledge that may have seemed so frightening. They also help students prepare for college mathematics and overcome their anxiety about this amazing—and completely understandable—field of study.

By the conclusion of the course, students will have improved their understanding of basic math. They will be able to clear away the mystery(神秘性) of mathematics and face their studies with more confidence than they ever imagined. In addition, they will strengthen their ability to accept new and exciting mathematical challenges.

Professor H. Siegel, honored by Kentucky Educational Television as ―the best math teacher in America,‖ is a devoted teacher and has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious. From the basic concrete ideas to the more abstract problems, he is master in making math lectures learner-friendlier and less scary.

With a PhD in Mathematics Education from Georgia State University, Dr. Siegel teaches mathematics at Central Arizona College. His courses include various make-up classes and a number of lectures for future primary school teachers.

If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction to you, you can easily exchange it for any


59. Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?

A. A news report. B. A book review

C. A lesson plan.



Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far. A price has been paid, they say, for the conquest (征服) of time and distance.

The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights and wild, open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing. On board a plane, however, there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow window of the airplane. The soft lighting, in-flight films and gentle music make up the only world you know, and the hours progress slowly.


72.How does the writer support the underlined statement in Paragraph2?


One explanation is the law of overlearning , which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional learning trials(

尝试)increase the length of time we will remember it.

In childhood we usually continue to

swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.

an exception to the eeneral rule that we forget A.By giving instructions

. C.By following the order of time. B.

By analyzing cause and effect.

rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

68.The author explains the law of overlearning by_________.

A. presenting research findings B. setting down general rules

C. making a comparison


【2011重庆卷A篇】There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care. To water his flowers, he used two buckers. One was a shiny and new bucket. The other was a very

56. What does the underlined word ―dilapidated‖ probably mean?

B. Dark

D. Plain-looking.



(关心的; 有同情心的)


A. Reliable and devoted.

C. Proud but patient.



B. The are impatient and annoyed B. Tough and generous.

but .


C. The are impatient and annoyed.

D. The are excited and curious.


A. Shy B. Polite C. Brave




2013高考英语阅读3天提分秘术教案 原价5000元 现6折 元 2013高考英语完形3天提分秘术教案 原价5000元 现5折 元 2013高考英语语法词汇3天提分秘术 原价3000元 现5折 元 2012高考英语阅读矩阵法则教案 原价3200元 现3折 元 2012高考英语完形易经法则教案 原价3200元 现3折 元 2012高考英语语法词汇高频考点 原价2000元 现3折 元 2012高考英语高频答案词一本通 原价2500元 现2折 元 2011高考英语阅读高分密码 原价3000元 现2折 元 2011高考英语完形高分密码 原价2500元 现2折 元

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比如,2011年高考的时候就有人假借吴军老师的名义实施骗局!他在网上贴吧和博客上出卖的教案根本不是吴军的核心授课教案,是免费公益版的;另外淘宝网上卖的也是假的,是武汉某某在沈阳吴军高分英语家教网站上或百度文库,英语周报英语教师网及新浪爱问共享资料上免费下载的,是可以免费得到的,然而他却卖你3000元,但其并非吴军本人核心授课教案!声明:没有与沈阳吴军本人联络,且未将款项打入沈阳吴军个人银行帐号的交易与吴军无任何关系,其后果自负!已经上当的家长,请看一下你得到的是类似如下吴军高分教案吗? 不要图便宜,还是与吴军本人亲自交易吧!

辨别有没有效,好不好使,其实方法也很简单:一要看你教的学生是不是真实的? 广告中提分的学员是否留有学校,班级和学生真实姓名及提分幅度?这样一来,知道了班级和姓名就很容易核实了,不符则可称为诈骗,可追究法律责任! 不敢留学生真实姓名,只是写上张某某(或从别处粘贴了外地高考状元的照片)并随意说提了50分是不可信的,目的也是可想而知!吴军英语的广告中声称的提分效果,都写明了学校班级和学生姓名及提分幅度,是可信的,也是敢于让公众监督的! 比如,吴军英语关于提分在其官网上是这么写的:









徐可,沈阳4中高三0班,考生号:12210106110515,考场在15中学, 总分605(过理科一本线)。2012年高考英语为125分。来时100多分,通过短期10课的学习,分数提了近20分;


袁小力,鲁美附中高三1班艺考生,考生号:12210104130667,考场在50中学, 总分436。按其成绩排名基本上可以考取鲁美。通过短期集中20课的学习,其由来时的30多分,上升到本次高考66分,分数翻倍,险过小分!





---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 许译 鲁美附中高三1班,考生号:11210104130303; 宁莹莹 鲁美附中高三3班2011届高三文科艺考生,考生号:11210702130017; 黄钰乔 沈阳27中高三13班,考生号:11210105130331,2011年高考英语分别提高了30-55分不等,已被一批本科鲁迅美术学院和中央美术学院录取!

卢涵 沈阳铁路中学高三11班2011届高三艺考生,考生号:11210105130901, 李奕宣 沈阳同泽女中学高三3班2011届高三艺考生,考生号:112101053130422, 2011年高考英语成绩分别提高了30-35分不等,已被中国传媒大学文编专业和天津师范大学播音专业录取!

李晨晖 沈阳2中2011届高三考生,考生号:11210103151002,总分:651分,理科,一本线重点大学,来吴军高分英语前110-120分,本次高考英语成绩为127分;

杨嘉睿 东北育才双语2011届高三4班考生,考生号:11210102111097,总分:559分, 理科,预估一本线,来吴军高分英语前120分,本次高考英语成绩为130分;

鲁菲 沈阳120中7班2011届高三考生,考生号:11210105110762,总分:544分, 理科,一本线,来吴军高分英语前110分,考前共学5课,本次高考英语成绩为119分。

姜萧栩 沈阳雨田中学初三2班 考号:061020116 2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为145分; 杨淇 辽宁省实验中学北校区初三8班 考号:051008906 2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为146分; 王一乾 沈阳雨田中学初三2班 考号:061020406 2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为146分; 袁若琳 沈阳雨田中学初三1班 考号:061021102 2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为144分; 童俊豪 沈阳7中初三21班 考号:031009521 2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为146分; 张天爱 沈阳雨田中学初三1班 考号:061019414 2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为144分。






22. We used to see each other , but I haven‘t head from him since last year.

A. especially . regularly C. particularly D. approximately

有些连知识点都不用,只是通过吴军老师教你的正负 / 过程和结果解题法就所向披靡了!通过正负,可知A和D可选!再通过过程和结果,可知A. with pleasure强调的是结果,说明借过后,表示荣幸,所以不符!电话还没借呢,故只有D符合。

23. — I‘m terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? It‘s rather urgent.

— Yes,

A. with pleasure B. no burry C. it doesn‘t matter


24. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school.

A. might B. could D. will

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-2第25页,有宾语主动,无宾语被动!follow后面有宾语,with的宾语后面可加形容词、副词、分词、不定式、名词等作宾补,这儿pet dog与follow构成主谓关系,所以用following.

25. The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog them.

A. to follow C. followed D. follows

2012吴军高考英语高频答案词一本通第108页,Rod喜欢拆卸钟表,然而,他从来都不能再重新装好。所以选B项。另外However两边句子相反,看到put…… together, 当然相反的就是taking apart啦!

26. Rod loves

B. giving away C. making up D. turning off

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-1第6页,one作―一个‖,―一本‖,―一件‖等解,用来代替上文提到过的paper。相当于a copy of paper.

28. If you‘re buying today‘s paper from the stand, could you get

B. such C. this D. that


30. Leave your key with your neighbor you lock yourself out one day.

A. as long as B. even though D. as if

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-3第4页,Not until位于句首时句子要倒装,consider having a holiday abroad这个动作发生在retire之后,所以用一般过去时。

32. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad.

A. he had considered B. had he considered

C. he considered

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-1第26页,在句型 ―It’s high/ very time that…‖中, 从句中的谓语动词用did或should do.所以选D项。

33. Jack is a great talker. It‘s high time that he

A. will do B. has done C. do . did


34. The newcomer went to the library the other day and scarched for he could find about Mark Twain.

A. wherever B. however D. whichever




When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an uncommon connection between him and the small black cat. He her Inky.

― I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats seventy-year-old man,says. ―My hearing was damaged by the

39. B. friends C. farmers D. neghbors

in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt going into shock(休克). the house. Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs.

―Go get Brenda, ‖ Krugger said to Inky. to the bedroom door and scratched

until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the Brenda found her husband the stairs and called 911.

52. A. bedroom C yard D. house

通过同现解决问题! 看到rushed后就知道很匆忙,故50空纠结时,通过同现校正答案,就不能误选C了,ran与rushed同现;51空是C还是D呢?Inky是猫,madly更贴切;53空,叫911送医院了,说明掉楼梯底下了。

to the bedroom door and scratched until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the

Brenda found her husband the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital.

50. A. walked . ran C. returned D. withdrew

51. A. rapidly B. suddenly . madly

D . urgently

53. B. in the middle of C. at the top of D. in the front of


―My hearing was damaged by

the farm epuipment , so I learned to connect . They react to what they see and what you do. ‖

38. A. sound B. alarm D. voice



Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day‘s work. This type of schedute is far too

demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can communicate with family and friends by email, isternet phone and throhgh Private video conferenes.

While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activetics that they can still enjoy. Before a mission. The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for The astromauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth. During their missiom, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters . And as from early 2010, the internet became available on the ISS , giving astronaouts the chance to do some ―web surfing (冲浪)‖in their personal time. Besides relaxing with these more commom entertainments, astromauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.

Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth‘s vast land mass and oceans.

63. The passage mainly discusses how astronauts . (2012辽宁卷阅读B篇)

A. work for longer missions in space B. connect with people on the Earth

C. observe the Earth from space spend their free time in space


Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day‘s work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.

60. What does the word ―‖in Paragraph 1 probably mean?(2012辽宁卷阅读B篇)

A. Find

C. Change D. Lose

找到minic这个动词的宾语way,way they do things做事的方式,Find 发现?;Copy 模仿?Change 改变?Lose 失去?way they do things做事的方式,当然是模仿做事的方式喽!


In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). Some social

scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy. are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.

65. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students______。(2012辽宁卷阅读C篇) B. take an active part in Chinese competitions C. try to get high scores in Chinese exams D. fight for a chance to learn Chinese

65题根据题干关键字American students文章定位,就近原则参考点为racing to learn Chinese. 有些同学在A和D之间纠结。如果确实区分有困难的话,可以根据―A大于D,则选A。‖原则,则选A。


69. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? (2012辽宁卷阅读D篇) cannot

B.More volunteers will go to new Orleans for the hurricane cleanup.

C.Many new cafes will be opened to offer free lunches in the town.

D.The lunch menu has remained the same since the café was started.

69题出题点在尾句,更有出题信号词instead ;选项中A是前后矛盾的句子,符合答案特征; 选项A中含有的volunteers是文章反复出现的中心词,所以答案就可以选A了.

四、洞穿7选5秘诀, 吴军高考英语运筹帷幄!


How to Make Friends

Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or


changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

1. Associate with others.

The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places. 2.Start a conversation

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.

Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

4.Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend.

5.Enjoy your friendship

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful.

B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

E. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.

71空发现复现词friend,根据吴军高考英语7选5法则转折关系(形容词或副词相反,转折),选E; 72空根据吴军7选5法则同现原则, spoken to与conversation关联,所以选C; 73空看到每段都是祁使句,而只有B项中有与原文中的复现词together,所以选B; 74空就近原则指代一致you,复现一致your friend,所以选G; 75空后面有them,说明前面有复数名词,再加上否定句结构排比Try not to,所以75空选D.

五、改错探秘, 吴军教案看7遍,错点全部找到!

Dear Diana,

Thank you for the lovely day we you to let us bring Anne's

had of

friend. Gina. , the only problem was the journey home. There had been a terrible


accident on the highway and, a result, there was a long line of traffic for at least six . In

as miles

the end, we drove to a service station and waited there the road was clear. In the car park

until ,Gina nearly got knocked over as ∧car drove out far too quickly from behind a lorry. there a We


1. 第1句have→had, 参考吴军改错教案一23页,由后面的was可知,这儿应该用过去时态。

2. 第2句 for→of, 参考吴军改错教案二3页押中原题,It‘s kind of you为固定用法。

3. 第3句 Unfortunate→Unfortunately, 参考吴军改错教案一18页押中原题,用副词作状语。

4. 第4句 for→as, 考吴军改错教案二2页,as a result固定搭配。

5. 第4句 mile→miles, 参考吴军改错教案一4-5页,mile是可数名词,并且前面是six.

6. 第5句 unless→until, 考吴军改错教案二4-5页,这儿后面一句是一个时间状语从句,意思是我们一直等到路通了。

7. 第6句 here→there, 参考吴军改错教案一16-19页,叙述的是别的地方发生的事,所以用there.

8. 第6句 car前加a, 参考吴军改错教案一1页,car不是特指,并且是可数名词,所以前面要加a.

9. 第7句 they→we, 参考吴军改错教案一9页押中原题,叙述的是我们做的事,所以用we.

10. 第7句去掉to, 参考吴军改错教案二2页押中原题,make one‘s way home中home为副词,所以前面不用介词to。

2013吴军高考英语迅捷提分秘术! 版权所有,侵权必究! 同行抄袭可耻,转载注明出处!

Unit 8

motivation n. 动机; motivate ; v. insporation; stimulate;

dictation ; 听写; 口授; 命令;

correction n. correct ; v. 改正;修改;

alphabet; n. 字母表;alpha;阿尔法〔希腊语字母表首字母α,相当于英语的 a〕。

stick vt. (stuck; stuck) 伸出; stick to 坚持;insist on;

effective adj. effect n. efficient; 高效的;

acquire vt. 学到;获得; acquistion ;n.

require; get; obtain;

make sense in other words

in a word 简言之;

awful ; adj.可怕的

terrible; [口语〕非常,极其。 I'm awful glad you came. 你来了,我非常高兴


instruct ;vt. 教导;指示; instruction; teach; educate; coach;

data n. 资料;数据;〔此词系 datum 的复数。但 datum 罕用,一般即以 data 作为集合词,在口语中往往用单数动词;如系指一件资料,则说作

this data〕。The data is not enough to be convincing.

material; date;

medium;media; bacterium;bacteria;

acdemic ; adj. 学术的;学院的;

comprehension 理解,理解力; be above [pass, be beyond] comprehension 难理解,不可解。understanding;

anxious ; adj. 忧虑的; 焦急的;令人但有的;

anxiety; eager;

secure ; adj. 安心的;不必担心的;有把握的

safe; sure; ensure; insure;

take a risk ;


experiment with try; trial;

translator ; n. 译员;interpretor ; 口译;

patience ; n.



adopt ; v. 适应;adopt a proposal 采纳提议。 words adopted from a foreign language 外来语。

pile ; n. 堆;叠; vi; .堆 (up on) 积蓄 (up) 堆积;层积;1.堆积,堆;火葬柴堆 (

=funeral pile)。2.大量,大批,大块;高大建筑物;〔口语〕钱堆,财产; a pile of; 一堆;piles of ; 大堆; mile; pill 药;

tyre ; tire疲倦,累 (with) 厌倦 (of)。使疲倦;使厌倦。

Walking soon tires me. 我一走路就累。 She never tires of speaking English. 她讲起英语来从不厌倦。 tire down 把…追赶到跑不动,使疲惫到精疲力尽,逐渐微弱。 tire out =tireto death 使疲倦到极度 (I am tired out. 我累得要死,十分疲倦);

overweight adj; 发胖;超重的;an overweight luggage 过重行李。vt.使…装载过重;使


put an end /stop to ; bring to an end; 结束;使……中断、停止;

operation ; 手术; operate ; v. the operation of a machine 机器的运转;in operation 活动着;运转着;施行着。 perform an operation (on sb. for a disease) (给某人)动(外科)手术。 put into operation 实施,施行。 undergo an operation 受手术。

knock down ; knock about [around] 1. 接连敲打;乱打,乱敲。 2. 殴打,虐待,(浪等)冲打(船只)。 knock against 1. 碰撞;同…冲突。 2. 偶然遇见。 knock at 敲(门、窗等); knock at the wrong door 找错了门路)。

knock away 敲下,敲掉。

level; standad ; n. 水平;


junior ; 年少的;

senior;年长的; 等级较高的;

a senior statesman 富有资历的政治家。 a senior officer 高级军官。 a senior man 高班(学)生。 a senior citizen 老年人〔尤指退休老人〕; junior middle school; 初中;senior middle school 高中; primary school小学;

fall behind ; 落后;跟不上。 . 拖欠。 fall beyond 属于…外,在…外;fall into 1. 陷入(网等)中;陷入(坏习惯等)中,fall into the habit of doing;fall off 1. 下降,跌落。2. 减退,销路减少;衰退;堕落;

association 社团;

CBA; NBA;associate把…同…联系起来 (with)。 Be associated with sb. In an enterprise


appropriate ; adj. 适当的,合适的;be appropriate for [to] 适于,合乎

postcode ; n. code; (电)码,代码,密码,暗码;代号,略号,暗号


Unit 9

abuse ; v. 滥用;虐待;abuse one's privilege 滥用特权;A word of abuse accuse;控告[告发]某人犯某罪 (of) ;谴责[指控]某人 (for); 把某事归罪于某人 (for)。

insurance ;保险(业) insure; 保险,给…保险;保障,为…提供保证。assure; 保证,担保,确告;使安心,让…放心;

I assure you of his honesty. (那人)包你老实可靠。 assure one's life 保人寿险。 assure oneself of 弄清楚,查明 (I must assure myself of the real situation. 我必须查明真实情况)

。 I assure you that... 包你…。

carpenter ; n. carpet:地毯,桌毯;毛毯,绒毯;wood ;woodcutter;


lay off 下岗;

be out of job;

income ;收入; profit; wage; salary; outcome结果;成果;后果;输出口;〔比喻〕出路。input; 输入;import; export;

to make thing worse ;更糟糕 的是;更危险、困难的; (作插入语);=what‘s even worse; what‘s more ;不仅如此;

hopeless ; 无望; 绝望;

= desperate 悲观失望的,穷途末路的,无可救药的; 极想得到的; clinic ; 诊所;门诊部;doctor‘s office;

picnic; 野餐,郊游;

allowance ; n.津贴,补助,零用钱bonus; 奖金;额外津贴;award; 奖品


fundamental ; adj. basic;基本的; fund资金,基金,专款; mental; 智慧的,智[脑

]力的。精神的,思想的;心理的 (opp. corporal)。

pressure ; n. 压力; press; 压,按;印刷


consult ; v. 咨询; 查阅;consult a dictionary 查词典。 consult a doctor 找医生诊治。 chemist chemicial; chemistry;

statistics ; 统计数字[资料],统计表〔用作复数;

fee; 税;会费,学费,报名费,入场费

fare; charge; bill;fund;

nationwide 全国性的; 遍及全国的;

make ends meet 使 收支相抵; 量入为出;


fortunate ; (不)幸运的;


tailor ; n. sailor;

incident ; n. 小事;事件;

事情;事故;事变。 accident; significance ; n. 意义;

significant; adj. 有意义的; 重要的,重大的,值得注意的。

bench ; n. 长凳;条凳; a park bench 公园长凳。 an experimental bench 试验架。 a carpenter's bench 木工工作台。stool; 凳子;搁脚凳;

sink ; n/v; (sank , 〔古、美〕 sunk sunk, sunken )洗涤槽;污水池; 下沉;下垂;下沉,坍下去,塌下去,下陷。

the sun sinks in the west. 太阳落在西方。 The floods are sinking rapidly. 洪水正在急退中; jar ; n.


lid ; n. cover;

devotion ;devote ; 献身; 奉献;忠心;dvote…to…

Unit 10

garbage ; n.

litter; rubbish; waste

garage;车库;cabbage;baggage;luggage; maid ; n 女仆;

.婢,侍女,处女,未婚女子,闺女;〔诗〕少女,姑娘。an old maid老处女。 a lady's maid侍女。

prince ; n princess; 公主;

outcome ; n. 结果; 效果; income 收入;

penny ; 便士; 分;(pl. pence , pennies ); 表示价格的复数用 pence; 表示辅币个数的复数用 pennies.; cent; change; 零钱;six-penny series 六便士丛书currency; money;

A penny saved is a penny gained. 省一文就得一文。

A penny soul never come to twopence. 小气鬼成不了大事。Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. 小事留意,大事顺利。

grocery ; 杂货店;〔美常用 pl.

store; shop;

bakery ; n. bake; 烤;焙;烧;baker面包师傅;烤箱〔美国〕烧烤会餐。

barbecue;〔美国〕(吃烧烤全牲的) picnic ;野餐;野炊;

weep ; (wept; wept) ;v. cry; sob; 抽噎,啜泣;哽咽,呜咽;wail; 痛哭,大哭

;howl; sweep ; 扫地;

furnish ; v. 装饰; 提供家具;装备,布置,装修(房屋)。furnish sb. with sth.

=furnish sth. to sb. 供给某人某种东西。 a well furnished shop 货物齐全的商店。 furnished rooms to let. 备有家具的房间出租。 be furnished with 备有; furniture;decorate;

shabby ; adj. (衣衫)褴褛的;破旧的;寒酸的;a shabby street 肮脏的马路。 a shabby fellow 卑鄙的家伙;小气鬼;mean;


mailbox ;

postbox; 〔英国〕信箱;邮筒;

bell ; n. 钟声; 铃声;钟,铃;门铃;electric bells 电铃。 A hand bell 手摇铃。 A door bell 门铃

attend to 处理; 照顾;关照;look after; take care of;

rag ;

in rags 穿破衣服;

He has not a rag to his back. 他衣不蔽体。

rare ; adj. 稀少; 罕见的;

unusual; infrequent; regular;


take a pride in ; = be proud of 感到自豪;


; n. 一件衣服;外衣;外套;长袍。a lady garment-ed in silk 一位穿着绸衣服的女士; clothes; blouse; 短上衣trousers;vest;T- shirt; skirt;uniform; 制服;

do up = dress up 打扮;

carpet ; n. 地毯;桌毯;毛毯,blanket毛毯,绒被;毛毡状物,层,垫。


barbershop 理发店; barber haircut;

anecdote ; n. tale 故事;

let down 使 失望; 不支持;=disappoint;



mutton beef; pork;


stove ; n. heater; oven灶,炉,炭窑,干燥炉;烘箱

; baggage ; n. 行李; cabbage; 白菜;

pale ; adj. 苍白; gray/ grey灰白;

prayer ; n. 祈祷; pray请求,恳求 (for)祷告,祈祷 (to)


fix sth. on /upon ;fix one’s eyes on 全神贯注于; stare at; focus on;

approve ; v. 批准; disapprove; disapproval; n.



anyhow ; adv. 无论如何;


shave ; v. 刮脸; 修面;剃胡须;剃刀,刮刀


comb ; v./n.




at length = at last ;eventually; 最后; 终于;

flash ; vi. 闪烁; ash;shine;flesh;

simplify ; vt. 简化;simple; simply;brief; 简洁的;

Unit 11

criterion ; 标准; 尺度;(pl.复数 -ria) (评判等的)

standard; level;scale; stick with ; 继续支持; stick to 坚持;

pull out ;从……中退出;The drawer won't pull out. 抽屉拉不开。 a train pulling out of the

station 一列开出车站的火车。pull in . 使后退,缩(头等)。 . (火车等)到站;船靠近(海岸)。 逃走,离开pull off . 忙着脱(衣服、鞋等)。 做好,完成;协定。 实行。 . 开(船);(船)离开。

summary ;

sum, 总数,总计,总额; primary


percentage ,percent;cent;


问卷; millionaire 百万富翁;survey 调查

reputation ,

n. fame; credit 信用,信任;名誉,名望,声望; have a reputation for=have the reputation of 因…而著名,以…闻名,有…的名气。 live up to one's reputation 不负盛名;


colleague college; fellow; mate;


; vt. 怀疑; suppose; wonder;

staff 全体职工;

clerk ;crew乘务员,(中下级)船员;同事们,工友们;personnel; 人员;人事部门;

in reality

; 实际上;= in fact; as a matter of fact; actual;

temporary ; permanent永久的,不变的,耐久的;持久的,经久的;regular;规则的;

coach 教练;家庭教师;辅导员;(长途)公共汽车。carriage(四轮)马车;〔英国〕

(铁路)客车车厢(=〔美国〕train; judge;


operate ;operate; 操作,工作;(机械等)动作;运转


uncertain ; 不确切; certain;sure;

expection ;

期望; 期待;意料; live up to one‘s expection 不辜负某人的期望;

division ; 分割;划分;separation; partion; distribution;

divide ; v.

keep an eye on

attend to; look after;

compromise ; n. 妥协; 和解; promise

cooperation; negotiation 谈判;

excite ; vt.

exciting; excited;

regulation ; n. 规则; 复习:regular ;adj 规则的;

bureaucratic; bureau; (政府机构的)局(=〔英国〕office);司(=〔英国〕department)


take into consideration 考虑;take…into account;

dynamic ; 动力的; dynmo 发电机;


shortcoming ; 缺点weakness; disadvantage;


ss ;vt. 尴尬;为难;be [feel] embarrassed; frustrate挫败(敌人);破坏(计划等),阻挠

; be frustrated in 在…方面归于失败;终成画饼。

contradictory ; 矛盾的;

oppose; opposing;


violent ; adj. violent ;n. 暴力;

resign ; v.


ambitious ; adj.

ambition; n. 抱负,志气,雄心;

determined; motivated;

as a whole ; 普遍说来;

generally speaking;in all;

definite ; adj. 确切的;

certain; sure;

congratulate ; v. 祝贺; congratulation; n.


smooth ;adj. 顺利的; 光滑的;plain ; 平坦的;


smooth;rough; 粗糙的;

finance ; n./v.


combination ; n; 结合; combine; v. be combined with 与…结合着

; join; connect; unite;

bride ; n. bridegroom; 新郎;

shame ; n. 羞耻; pity; ashamed; adj.

pursue ; v. 追求;

be/go after

decline ; v. 拒绝;减弱; resist; reject; decrease; reduce; turn down; oral ; adj.

口头的; 口述的;spoken;

Unit 12

load ; n. burden; a load of care 精神负担。 a load of debt 债务的负担。 be ever ready to bear a heavy load on one's shoulders 勇于挑重担。 V. 把货装到(船、车等)上;装(货)。a heart loaded with care 心事重重。 a table loaded with delicacies 摆满佳肴的桌子。 air loaded with carbon 充满碳气的空气。 load one's stomach with food 吃得太多。

load sb. with praise 极力称赞某人。load a camera with film 给照相机装胶卷。

download 下载; workload 工作负担;

strict ; adj. 严格; destrict 地区;gentle; 温柔;

hard ; severe; cruel; compulsory ; adj. 义务的; 必须做的;必修的;

equired; necessary; essential;

commitment ; n. 承诺;

committee委员会; guarantee;assuarance;

to begin with 开始; 起初;

in the first place;

sceptical ; adj.

wonder; doubt;

tendency ;n. 倾向; tend to

absent ; adj. 缺席的;


drop out (of) 退出;

leave school;graduate;

expand ; v. 扩大;

enlarge; increase; spread out; extend;

distribute ; v. 分配; hand out ; give out ;

result in 产生; 导致(某种作用或结果)

lead to;result from由 ……引起;

corporation ; n. 公司; firm ; company;

donate ; 捐赠;赠送;donate blood to a blood bank 向血库捐血。 donate 1,000 dollars to an orphanage 向孤儿院捐赠 1,000 美元;

They used to donate to the Red Cross every year. 他们每年捐钱给红十字会;同义: give away. 让掉,赠送;分送,分发。

curriculum ; n. 全部课程; 必修课程; course;

ministry ; n. 部;部长的任务[职务、任期]。常作 M-〕〔英国〕内阁;〔英国〕(政府的)部(=〔美国〕


wordwide nationwide;

aspect ; n. 方面;局势,形势,a beautiful aspect 好景;美观。 a thing in its true aspect 事物的真相。 The house has a southern aspect. 那间房子朝南。 the physical aspect of China 中国的地势。 consider a question in all its aspects 由各方面考虑问题。 assume [take on] a new aspect 面目一新,呈新局面。

profession ; n; 职业;professional ; adj. professor; 教授;

advocate ; v. support; promote;oppose; object to; obtain ; v. 获得;取得;=achieve; require;get; obtain a reward 得到报酬。 obtain a prize 得奖

obtainable 形容词;能得到的;能达到的 accessible ; .能接近的,容易会见的。可以进入的;容易理解的;


; adj. 明显的; 清楚的; evidence; n. proof;

restriction ;n. 限制; limit; control; limitation;

schedule ; n. 程序表,计划表;进度表;时间表。a train schedule 火车时刻表。 a design

schedule 设计计算表,进度表。 according to schedule 按照预定计划[时间表]


presentation ; n. present; v. introduction; description; measurement; measure; 量尺寸;衡量;测量;

Unit 13

informal ; formal (非)form; inform;perform;reform; The bookworm in uniform is informed of the storm


reception ; n. 接待; 招待(会)

receive; attend to ;

considerate ; adj. 考虑周到的;

cigar ; n. 雪茄; cigarette; tobacco烟草;烟叶;烟丝,卷烟,纸烟;


;adj. 壮丽的; wonderful;marvelous;

send; end; spend; lend; did; pen; pend吊着;悬而未决;待决;

astonish ; v. 使 惊讶; 使……

amaze; surprise;shock; fright;alarm; upset;fear;horror; terror;panic;

coincidence ; n.

accident; chance; luck;

tension ; n. 紧张;tense;adj. 拉紧的; 绷紧的; n. 时态;

elegant ;adj. 优雅的;

graceful; 优美的,雅致的; 得体的,适度的; 比较; elephant; 大象;

bachelor ; n. 未婚男子;

single; unmarried; master; doctor;

prescription ;n. description ; 描述;叙述;

drawer ; n. 抽屉;制图人〔pl.〕 橱柜。


;n. 偷;

steal; stealing;

religious ; adj. relif减轻;缓解;

stubborn ;adj. 顽固;倔强的; a stubborn resistance 顽强的抵抗。 stubborn facts 不容抹煞的

事实。 a stubborn illness 顽疾。 as stubborn as a mule

persist; enquiry ; n. 问讯;查询;


assitance ; n. aid; assist; help


vital ; adj.

重要的;生死攸关的,致命的;重大的,紧要的;very important; critical;esstial;

guilty ; n. guilty behaviour 犯罪行为。 have a guilty conscience 自疚,问心有愧。 wear a guilty look 露出内疚的神色。 be found guilty 被判决有罪。 be guilty of 犯…罪(be guilty of murder 犯杀人罪);

stain ; n./v. 污点污迹;玷污;

染污;It is stained with ink. 它让墨水弄脏了。 hands stained with blood smear


; n. 宴会; 盛宴 feast;

convince ; v. 使确信;说服;convince people by sound arguments 以理服人。 be convinced of

[that] 确信,深知。 be fully convinced 充分相信。 convince (sb.) of [that] 使(人)承认[信服]。 convince oneself of


assume ; v. assumption ;n. 假定;假设;

I assume that you know. 我以为你是知道的。 assume a new name 用一个新名字。 assume airs of 摆…


assuming that ... 假定…suppose;supposing;given that;

cancel ; v. 取消;废除;划掉,略去,删去= call off;

meanwhile ; adv. =at the same time; 同时;

remark ;n./v. 评论;评述;话,言语;评论,意见。a theme of general remark 议论纷纷的事情。 Did you make a remark 你有没有说过什么话?[发表意见] make a remark on 就…说一说〔表示一点意见〕。 make no remark 什么也不说。 make remarks 说东道西;评论;演说;


;adj. blameless ;not guilty;


commit ; vt. 犯罪; 做(不合法的事);干(坏事等),做(某事);commit a crime 犯罪。

commit sin 犯(宗教、道德上的)罪过。 commit robbery 抢劫。 commit suicide committee; 委员会;commitment许诺,诺言;



straightforward ; adj. 直接的;

frank ; 随和的;easygoing ;speak frankly; 坦率交换意见; have a frank exchange of views; 为人坦率;

roundabout ; adj.


Unit 14

humorous ;adj. funny; amusing;

ant ; n.

restaurant; elegant; elephant;sigificant;peasant;

get hold of = catch; 抓住; 拿住;


; n. 蜜蜂;honeyfee;

honeymoon 蜜月;

transparent ;adj.

trans + parent;trasnplant; transfer; transport;translate;

tell … apart ; = tell … from; tell the difference;辨别;区分;

dot ; n. 圆点;

spot; point;mark; period;

over and over again 一再;多次;反复;

surrounding ; dj./n.

situation; condition; environment;

troop ; n./v. 大群;〔pl.

force; army; navy;

semicircle ; adj. 半圆的;半圆的东西circle; 圆圈;

apparent ; adj.

parent ;transparent;clear; obvious;

sideways ; adv.

to one side;

come to light throw light on;启发;使显露;

maximun ; n.

最大量;[反义]minmun; 最小量;The maximum plus or minus the minimum

makes minute difference.最大值加上或者减去最小值只产生极小的差异.

precise ; adj. 精确的;

exact; accurate; specific;

adequate ; adj; 足够的;

enough; plenty; Qualified quality and adequate quantity are equally important. 合格的质量和足够的数量同等重要。

clarify ; vt.

make clear;

fetch ; v . 去拿来;

bring; take;carry;

upward ;adv. downward(s); 向下;forward;

backward; toward;forward;eastward; westward; northward; southward;

kid ; n. /v. 取笑;

child; teenager; youngster;

disgusting ; ad;

horrible; awful; unpleasant; dreadful;

psychology ; n. 心理学;比较:philosophy哲学

changeable ; adj.

variable; unstable; irregular;

adaption ; n.


stripe ; n. strip条带,长条;条板;带状地。

camel ; n. camera; 相机;

primitive ; adj.


missile ; n.

rocket; bomb;

walnut ; n. nut; 坚果;

session ; n. term; period;

Unit 15

voluntary ; adj 志愿的;

我能volun; The voluntary revolutionaries revolted like the outbreak of volcano. 志愿革命者们象火山爆发一样起义了.

; adj. every year; per year;

acknowledge ;vt.承认;告知已收到;为…..

acknowledge one's defeat 认输。 acknowledge one's fault 认错,赔不是,道歉;


deny; At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknowledged the knowledgeable man. 在边缘上


scheme ; n.计划;方案;plan; plot; design;

elder ; adj.年长的;年龄较大的;

elderly ;adj.

old; older;

breathless ;adj.使人屏住呼吸的;气喘吁吁的;

dizzy ; adj.头晕的;philosophyfaint; v. 头晕,昏过去 (away) be faint with hunger 饿得头晕眼花。

feel faint 感到头昏眼花

eyesight ; n.视力; 眼力;眼界;见解,观察; nearsighted; shortsighted;近视;

weekly ; adj.fortnight ; 两周;两星期; 十四日

beneficial ; adj. benefit; n.利益;好处;

profit ;interest;do good to; straight away =without delay; =right away;立刻地;

communist ; adj. /n. communism; 共产主义;

socialism; socialist;

satisfaction ; n. satisfactory令人满足[满意]的,称心如意的;=satisfying;

satisfactory results satisfy; v.

eager ; adj. 热切的;渴望的;热衷于

(after; about; for;be eager to do sth. 极想做某事。

I am eager for [after] news about them. 我渴望得到有关他们的消息;比较: anxious;


worthwhile ; adj. worth; deserve; It‘s worthwhile doing;

timeable ;


starve ; v.

hungry; hunger; go hungry;

adjustment ; n. adjust ; v.

fill in (with) = adjust to ; 与……想适应、协调;

mature ; adj. full- grown; ripe; raw;

生的;未煮过的;未加工的,粗的;familiar ;熟悉的;

due to = owing to =thanks to = because of =on account of; 因为; 由于;

jeans ; n. pants; trousers

uniform ;

n. 制服;军服;〔the uniform〕 军人;adj. 一贯不变的;始终如一的;

casual ;adj.

informal; Televisions and telescopes give the visitors visual ability to see the casual casualty.- - 电视和望远镜赋予参观者们看见偶然伤亡事故的视觉能力。 shopkeeper= storekeeper 店主; grocery ;

adolescent ;

maid; youngster;youth; teenager;

recent ; adj. recently ; adv.


whereas ; conj. 鉴于;然而;而,却,倒;其实,反过来。

I hate whereas you merely dislike him. but; while;

however;nevertheless; 仍然(还),不过

possess ; v. 拥有; 具有;

possession; session;学期;

Unit 16

barber ; n. 理发师;〔多指为男子理发的人〕

hair-dresser〕;a barber's shop = 〔美国〕 a barber shop 理发店;shave;

chef ; n.


accountant ;n. account计算;账;账目;账户;计算书,账单;


adviser ; advise;

typist ; n. type; typewriter; 打字机


receptionist ;n. reception; receive;

greengrocer ;n. grocer食品商,杂货商。

astronaut ; n.

spaceman; pilot;

adore ; v. admire;respect; worship;

vacant ; adj.



outstanding ; adj; excellent; I exceed the excellent student who has excessive excellence. 我胜过那个有过多优点的优秀学生marvleous ;exceptional;remarkable惊人的;显著的;非凡的,非常


assess ; v. 评价; 估价;形近:access; 接近;会面;


salary ; n. 工资;


occupation ; n. profession; occupy占领,占据


amateur ; n. 业余爱好者;part-time; professional ;专业的;

instant ; adj, instantly ; adv. 立刻地; 一……就



flexible ; adj. 灵活的;

regular; fixed; I' m perplexed by the flexible complex index of sex and age. 我被灵活复杂的性别与年龄索引迷惑住了。

shortly ; adv. 立刻;

shortly after; immediately; right away; straight away;

significant ; adj. 重要的; sinificance ;n. 意义;

nevertheless ; adv/conj. 虽然如此;

yet but; however; on the other hand ;all the same;

drawback ; n.

shortcoming; disadvantage;

applicant ; n. apply; application适用,应用;运用;申请,请求;申请表格。

up to date ; 现代的; out of date; 过时的;

personnel ; n.

person; personal;

accommodation ; n. 住宿;

accommodate ; v. 留宿;收容(病人),装载(乘客)


addition ; n.

in addition to ; = besides;apart from;

qulification ; n. qualify ;.v. 合格;符合;qualified ; adj. 合格的;

modest ; adj. 谦虚的; moudesty; n. proud; pride;

hold back

退缩;踌躇;阻止;抑制,draw back; Hold on 1. 拉住,抓牢。 2. 继续;坚持下去。 3. (打电话时)不挂断;〔口语〕等一等,停住Hold out 1. 伸出;提出,主张; Hold up 1. 举起;展示


Catch [claw, get, lay, seize, take] hold of 抓住,掌握

arithmetic ; n. 算术;

athematics; caculation;

paperwork ; n. file; 文件;档案;

punctual ; adj. on time; as punctual as the clock 时间准确(的)。

punctual to the minute 一分不差。

tournment ; n. match; competition;


draft ; n./v. 草稿; outline; summary;

send off 寄出;派遣;驱逐,撵走。 送别(出走、旅行等的人; send away 撵走;开除;解雇;;send for 派人去叫[请];遣人去拿;乞求 (send for a doctor 派人去请医生。 send for a book 派人去拿一本书); send up 弄上去;使上升;发射



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先行词 n./pron ---被定语从句修饰的,根据先行词选择连接词

物:which/that//whose 人:who/whom/that/whose


〖2012定从预测1〗My friend showed me round the town, was very kind of him.

A. which B. that C. where D. it〖2012定从预测2〗The road conditions there turned out to be very good, ______was more than we could expect.?

A.it B.what C.which D.that

〖2012定从预测3〗I‘ve become good friends with several of the students in my school ____I met in the English speech contest last year.

A. who B. where C. when D. which

〖2012定从预测4〗The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of left their village homes for a better life in the city.

A. whom B. which C. them D. those

〖2012定从预测5〗A person ______ e-mail account is full won‘t be able to send or receive any e-mails.A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever〖2012定从预测6〗In china, the number of cities is increasing ______development is recognized across the world.

A. where B. which C. whose D. that


the people are still suffering.

A.that B.whose C.those D.what


在非限制性定语从句中,均可替代整个主句. 如从句在主句之后,两者皆可用;如从

句在主句之前,用as。 介词/逗号后, 永远不用that!

〖2012定从预测8〗_____is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That

D. What

___is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.

〖2012定从预测9〗Jim passed the driving test,

A.which B.that surprised everybody in the office.? D.it C.this

〖2012定从预测10〗____ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

〖2012定从预测11〗Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, ______, of


course, made the others envy him.

A. who B. that C. what D. which

〖2012定从预测12〗____ has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.

A. That B. As C. It D. What

地点:where/which /that 时间:when/which/that

〖2012定从预测13〗The Science Museum, we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is

one of London‘s tourist attractions.

A.which B.what C.that D.where

〖2012定从预测14〗I can think of many cases _____ students obviously knew a lot of English

words and expressions but couldn‘t write a good essay.

A. why B. which C. as D. where

〖2012定从预测15〗Occasions are quite rare .I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

A.who B.which C.why D.when

〖2012定从预测16〗We are living in an age ______ many things are done on computer.

A. which B. that C. whose D. when

〖2012定从预测17〗The film brought the hours back to me_______I was taken good care of in

that far-away village.

A. until B. that C. when D. where



(about which--- argue about sth)

There is no one _____ she can turn when in trouble

(to whom----turn to sb for help)


(for which----- the reason for)

〖2012定从预测18〗Wind power is an ancient source of energy we may return in the near


A. on which B. by which C. to which D. from which

〖2012定从预测19〗Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time.

A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which

〖2012定从预测20〗For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further,

New York is an example.

A.for which B.in which C.of which D.from which

〖2012定从预测21〗By nine o‘clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount

Qomolangma, A.of which


〖2012定从预测22〗She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction had

taken more than three years.

A.for which B.with which C.of which D.to which B.on which C.from which D.above which 〖2012定从预测23〗The newly built café, the walls of_______ are painted light green, is really a

peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.

A. that B. it C. what D. which

〖2012定从预测24〗Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, , of

course, made all the others upset.

A. who B. which C. what D. that

〖2012定从预测25〗She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met before.

A. them B. who C. whom D. these

〖2012定从预测26〗Last week, only two people came to look at the house, wanted to buy it.

A.none of them B.both of them? C.none of whom

定语从句真题练习 D.neither of whom 〖2009辽宁〗They‘ve won their last three matches, ________I find a bit surprisingA. that B. whenC. what D. which〖2007辽宁〗Eric received training in computer for one year, he found a job in a big


A.after that \B.after which? C.after it D.after this

in the school, 〖2006辽宁〗


B.study;of them? C.studying;of them A.study;of whom D.studying;of whom

〖2004辽宁〗The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% ______ are sold


A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that




I have forgotten ∧where we went yesterday.

Where we went yesterday∧ is covered with all kinds of flowers.

Oh! This is ∧where we came yesterday.


需要用什么引导词看从句。名词性从句中缺什么意思用什么意思的引导词; 缺名词性成


〖2011江西卷〗The villagers have already known we‘ll do is to rebuild the bridge.

A.this B.that C.what D.which

〖2011四川卷〗Our teachers always tell us to believe in we do and who we are if we want

to succeed.

A. why B. how C. what D. which

〖2011陕西卷〗I‘d like to start my own business –that‘s I‘d do if I had the money.

A.why B.when C.which D.what



will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.

A. which B. that C. what D. who

〖2012名词性从句预测2〗 was most important to her, she told me, was her family.

A.It B.This C.What D.As



A.where B.how? C.what D.which [1] In my eyes, _______ is known to all _____ Chinese economy has taken off.

[2] ______ is known to all, Chinese economy has taken off.

[3] I took some medicine for the bad cold, but _____ didn’t help.

[4] I took some medicine for the bad cold, ______ didn’t help.

[5] I find ______ is a pity that he failed in the driving test.

A. which B. that C. it D. As

〖2012名词性从句预测4〗 is known to us all is that the 2014 Olympic Games will take

place in L.

A.It B.What C.As D.Which




惯上也只能说whether or not,而不说if …or not。




,只能用 whether 引导,不能用 if .

disease soon.医生真正怀疑的是我母亲能否很快从重病中恢复过来。

〖2012名词性从句预测5〗We‘ve offered her the job, but I don‘t know______ she‘ll accept it.

A. where B. what C. whether D. which

〖2012名词性从句预测6〗Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and

it is

rough or smooth.

A./ B.whether? C.how D.what

〖2012名词性从句预测7〗What the doctors really doubt is _____my mother will recover from

the serious disease soon.

A. when B. how C. whether D. why


〖2006辽宁〗 makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.

A.What B.Who C.Whatever D.Whoever


〖2011四川卷〗Frank insisted that he was not asleep I had great difficulty in waking him up.

A. whether B. although C. for D. so

〖2009湖南〗______ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof

about it, they could not arrest him.

A. Although B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as

〖2007全国Ⅰ〗Between the two generations, it is often not their age, their education that

causes misunderstanding.

A.like B.as C.or D.but

〖2007湖南〗Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, _______ the way they actually are.

A.as B.or C.but D.and

〖2012状从预测1〗Excuse me for breaking in, _______ I have some news for you.

A.so B.and C.but D. yet

[1] It was in this city ______ he was born.

[2] It was this city ______ he was born.

[3] It was in 1989 ______ he was born.

[4] It was three days _____ he was born.

[5] It is three days _____ he was born.

A. where B. which C. that D. before E.since

〖2010陕西〗John thinks it won‘t be long he is ready for his new job.

A. when B. after C. before D. since

〖2008北京〗I‘m sorry you‘ve been waiting so long, but it‘ll still be some time ___

gets back.

A. before B. since C. till D. after

〖2011四川卷〗 As it reported, it is 100 years Qinghua University was founded.

A. when B. before C. after D. since

〖2012状从预测2〗The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long

we meet them again. Brian


A.after B.before C.since D.when

〖2012状从预测3〗He was told that it would be at least three more months he could recover and return to work.?

A.when B.before C.since D.that

〖2012状从预测4〗That was really a splendid evening. It‘s years I enjoyed myself so much.?

A.when B.that? C.before D.since

but,however, although

didn’t Unless/if ...not

never Without 接名词,主句有would或could until

so, therefore, as a result, accordingly

because, since, as, for

前后两句一肯一否,除了转折关系,2009-2011年考的更多的是因果关系,until和unless. However和 instead同时出现在选项中时,容易选instead ;However和otherwise同时出现在选项中时容易选otherwise;but和so同时出现在选项中时容易选so(therefore) ;but和because同时出现在选项中时容易选because(as,since),具体结合语境。

〖2008北京〗—Did you return Fred‘s call?

—I didn‘t need to ____I‘ll see him tomorrow.

A. though B. unless C. when D. because

〖2006北京〗He found it increasingly difficult to read, his eyesight was beginning to fail.

A.and B.for C.but D.or

〖2007天津〗It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life______we‘ve actually had that lesson.?

A.until B.after C.since D.when

〖2006广东〗―You can‘t have this football back_____you promise not to kick it at my cat again.‖ the old man said firmly.

A.because B.since C.when D.until

〖2010上海〗 our manager objects to Tom‘s joining the club, we shall accept him as a member.

A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After

〖2010全国Ⅰ〗The little boy won‘t go to sleep ______ his mother tells him a story.

A. or B. unless C. but D. whether

so that(宾语从句后面有can)是解!

〖2005北京〗I‘d like to arrive 20 minutes early A.as soon as B.as a result? I can have time for a cup of tea. D.so that C.in case

〖2004全国I〗Roses need special care ______ they can live through winter.

A. because B. so that C. even if D. as

〖2003安徽春〗Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report ______ her boss could read it first thing next morning.

A. so that B. because C. before D. or else

〖2002 NMET〗John shut everybody out of the kitchen _________ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.

A. which B. when C. so that D. as if

in case (万一, 以防)是解!

〖2011山东卷〗He had his camera ready_____ he saw something that would make a good picture.

A. even if B. if only C. in case D. so that

〖2010浙江〗I guess we‘ve already talked about this before but I‘ll ask you again just .

A.by nature B.in return C.in case D.by chance

〖2007北京〗Leave your key with a neighbor you lock yourself out one day.?

A.ever since B.even if? C.soon after D.in case While


much time on it.

A. If

C. Because D. As

〖2011四川卷〗 volleyball is her main focus, she‘s also great at basketball.

A. Since B. Once C. Unless D. While

〖2010全国Ⅰ〗Mary made coffee ________ her guests were finishing their meal .

A. so that B. although C. while D. as if

〖2008湖南〗 the Internet is of great help, I don‘t think it‘s a good idea to spend too much time on it.?

A.If B.While C.Because D.As D. as (2008湖南)______ the Internet is of great help, I don‘t think it‘s a good idea to spend too

〖2008四川〗In some places women are expected to earn money men work at home and raise their children.?

A.but B.while C.because D.though


〖2010重庆〗Today, we will begin _____we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.

A. when B. where C. how D. what

〖2009江苏〗 __ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.

A. Before B. Where C. Unless D. Until

〖2009山东〗The little girl who got lost decided to remain _____she was and wait for her mother.

A.where B.what C.how D.who

〖2004全国III〗There were dirty marks on her trousers ____ she had wiped her hands.

A. where B. which C. when D. that

as long as

〖2010江西〗— Our holiday cost a lot of money.

— Did it? Well, that doesn‘t matter______ you enjoyed yourselves.

A as long as B unless C as soon as D though However \ Whatever

However 接形容词或副词!

However (=No matter how) expensive it may be, I’ll take it.无论它有多贵,我也要买下它。

_______, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

A. However the study is amusing

C. However amusing the story is B. No matter amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing

Whatever 接名词或从句谓语动词少宾语!

Whatever (=No matter what) I say or how I say it, he always thinks I’m wrong.



〖2010上海〗 you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem

C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem

〖2008全国Ⅰ〗The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit______the season.? C.whichever D.wherever B.whatever

A.whatever B.wherever? C.whenever D.however



〖2009重庆〗Peter was so excited _______he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.

A. where B. that C. why D. when

〖2008福建〗Nancy enjoyed herself so much she visited her friends in Sydney last year.


〖2010四川〗Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break she got to her office.

A. since B. that C. when D. until

〖2009福建〗She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.

A. when B. while C. after D. since

〖2007北京〗—Where‘s that report??

—I brought it to you you were in Mr. Black‘s office yesterday.? B.which C.when D.where

A.if B.when C.because D.before

〖2006湖南〗I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel I heard the steps.? A.while B.when C.since D.after

〖2004上海〗Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _____ she was bitten on the leg by a lion.

A. when B. while C. since D. once


〖2010辽宁〗The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair_ _he wanted to sit next to his wife.

A.although B.unless C.because D.if

〖2008辽宁〗______hungry I am. I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.?

A.Whatever B.Whenever C.Wherever D.However

〖2008辽宁〗I used to love that film I was a child, but I don‘t feel it that way any more.?

A.once B.when C.since D.although

〖2007辽宁〗We had to wait half an hour we had already booked a table.?

A.since B.although C.until D.before

〖2006辽宁〗He was about halfway through his meal a familiar voice came to his ears.?











【2011重庆卷】Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself of his own dreams.

A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remind

【2011陕西卷】Claire had her luggage an hour before her plane left.

A.check B.checking C.to check D.checked

【2011陕西卷】More highways have been built in China,_ it much easier for people to travel form one place to another.

A. making B. made C. to make D. having made

【2011全国卷II】Sarah pretended to be cheerful,_ nothing about the argument.

A. says B. said C. to say D. saying

【2011天津卷】 into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.

A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translated

【2011上海春招】Mike found his missing car in the street outside his house, newly cleaned and polished.

A. looked B. to look C. looking D. to be looking

【2011上海春招】 in 1955, Disneyland in California is regarded by many as the riginal fun park.

A. Opened B. Having opened C. Opening D. Being opened

【2011全国卷II】The island, to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.

A. joining B. to join C. joined D. having joined

【2011湖南卷】The players from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game .

A selecting B to selece C selected D having selected

【2011江西卷】On receiving a phone call from his wife she had a fall, Mr. Gorden immediately rushed home from his office.

A. says B.said C.saying D.to say

【2011浙江卷】Bats are surprsingly long-lived creatures, some a life span of around 20 years.

A.having B had C. have D. to have

不及物动词做状语只有working 和to work两种形式,相当于及物动词后面有了宾语doing sth/to do sth. 没有worked形式!

【2011全国卷】The next thing he saw was smoke from behind the house.

A.rose B.rising C. to rise D.risen

〖2010安徽〗He had a wonderful childhood, _____with his mother to all corners of the world

A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling

〖2010湖南〗Dina, for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.

A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle

have sth to do

the only (best,first等)way to do

be done to do sth

【2011重庆卷】 More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced people‘s concern over food safety.

A.to raise B.raising C.to have raised D. having raised

【2011天津卷】Passeagers are permitted only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

A.to carry B. carrying C. to be carried D. being carried


A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce

〖2007全国I〗—The last one _________ pays the meal.


A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving


【2011四川卷】 an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.

A.Offer B.Offering C.Offered D.To offer

〖2009江西〗_____ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars.

A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given

〖2005福建〗When_______ help, one often says―Thank you. ‖ or ― It‘ s kind of you. ‖

A.offering B.to offer C.to be offered D.offered

〖2003北京〗____ time,he‘ll make a first-class tennis player.

A .Having given B.To give C. Giving D. Given


【2011辽宁卷】 around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.

A. Gather B. To gather C. Gathering D. To be gathering

〖2010辽宁〗Alexander tried to get his work _______in the medical circles.

A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized

〖2009辽宁〗______, you need to give all you have and try your best.

A Being a winner B To be a winner C Be a winner D Having been a winner 〖2008辽宁〗

A.to stop B.stopping? C.to have stopped D.having stopped

〖2007辽宁〗You can‘t imagine what difficulty we had ______ home in the snowstorm.

A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking

〖2007辽宁〗The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported ______ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.

A. breaking B. having broken C. to have broken D. break

〖2004辽宁〗 by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.?

A.Attracting B.Attracted? C.To be attracted D.Having attracted.


〖2011湖南卷〗No one ________ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.

A. can B. need C. must D. might

〖2008福建〗It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it be rather cold sometimes.

A.must B.can C.should D.would

〖2009安徽〗Some people who don‘t like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they just be quiet people.

A. must B. may C. should D. would

〖2008四川〗Although this sound like a simple task, great care is needed.?

A.must B.may C.shall D.should

〖2005浙江〗The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it

be very slow.?

A.should B.must C.will D.can

〖2004上海〗Children under 12 years of age in that country be under adnlt‘s supervision when in a public library.?

A. must B.may C.can D.need

2012完形高分策略(Skills of Cloze Tests)



选材特点: 以记叙文为主, 多以记叙文和夹叙夹意为主

命题特点: (1) 设空特点: 名词\ 动词(5-8个)为主

(2) 考点层次分三部:




(3)考查重点: 短文第一句不设问.




3、缺乏必要的生活常识和不了解中西文化的差异。 做题三忌:

? 急于求成,未通读全文便忙于答题,不了解文意,无整体概念边读边填,两眼忙于空白与选项之间,欲速则不达。

? 只抠字眼,语法,不顾文意,抓不住关键。

? 断章取义,就题论题,不管前后联系,互不照应,前后矛盾。





and when I was

14 he said, ―You‘re never going to bebut a failure. ‖

A. bright

C. simple D. hopeful

Our father was

I always knew he was

but used to bring out our best.

37. A. strict

38. A. help

His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and

trousers. Although his family often about that, Ed refused to buy a 43. A. cared B. forgot C. quarreled

44. A. clean B. straight

D. darker

常见的标志性的词语有以下几种:结构层次:firstly, secondly, thirdly;逻辑关

系:thus, therefore, so;

递进关系:besides, what‘s more, further;转折关系:but, while, however, on the other hand等。 about losing several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet developed.

A. disappointing C. uncomfortable D. important B. honest D. learned B. peace C. smile




句式结构:前面肯定后面否定、前面否定后面肯定,则选对立关系的词。 考点:(以下条件缺一不可)

①考查的是一个肯定句和否定句之间的逻辑关系,空前后必须是独立的句子; ②出题位置在两个句子之间或第二个句子的开头,不能处在一个句子的末尾或中间;









Liumei is among the __22__ ones. The Chinese University of Hong Kong

granted (答应给)Liu a full scholarship --- HK$500,000. Not all students are so fortunate.

22. A. poor B. smart C. lucky D. silent

Friendship is one of the permanent themes in the literature of all

language. ? Some of us like __2__ friends while others like different friends. Personally I prefer both.

Having similar friends has many advantages. ?

2. A. true B. right C. same D. similar

…and the officers then began to eat their meal , saying that the mushrooms had a

A. besides C. and D. or

The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. springs and streams sometimes means control , particularly in the

B.distant C.deserted D.wild

I went into a café and asked for a coffee . was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place , but I sensed

A.Before B.Since C.Although Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told someone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then

23. A. wished B. hoped C. blamed D. shared 解题思路:利用语法分析解题,选项中的动词都是过去式,其后句宾语从句

1) He was only fourteen and was not good at swimming__1_.So he shouldn‘t have gone into that place.

1.A.after all B. in all

D. for all

When, two weeks later, I this same boy, I was more aware of my position in A. ran after C. ran over D. ran to

I believe that a mixture of friends is equally advantageous. One can ___7___

from various sorts of friends in three aspects. First, frequent contacts with different friends broaden my world outlooks. Just as various kinds of nutriments keep you healthy, making a __8__ of friends keep you lively. … Secondly, I have found that different friends can not only lead to new adventures but also show me new avenues to success in life. …

7. A. obtain B. benefit C. suffer D. earn

8. A. range B. series C. quantity D. variety














(2011·全国新课标卷)完形填空( 共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分 ) In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman (同义复现)course about 20 years ago.(记叙文,回忆、人物、时间、事件education)

hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and

(同义复现)how many beans the jar contained. After the professor smiled a (与前面相对应)and went on saying, ‖You have just __Never

(上文提到的人物)could guess what the professor概括的是答案),which can be discovered only 51相对),‖(找and)the women says, ―and I did

36.A. art B. history C. science

C. got through D. math D. marched into 37.A. searched fo B. looked at

38.A. count

39.A. warning

40.A. ready

41.A. learned

42.A. lose

43.A. lecturer

44.A. described

45.A. voyage

46. A. professor

47. A. model

48. A. hear

49. A. suggesting

50. A. believed

51. A. growth

52. A. firm

53. A. task

54. A. cruel

55. A. dropped B. guess C. report B. giving C. turning away B. possible C. correct B. prepared C. taught B. trust C. sharpen B. scientist C. speaker B. respected C. saw B. movement C. change B. eye C. knowledge B. senses C. spirit B. make C. present B. beginning C. pretending B. doubted C. proved B. strength C. faith B. interesting C. wrong B. tool C. success B. proud C. frightened B. started C. passed D. watch D. listening to D. difficult D. taken D. show D. woman D. served D. rush D. light D. methods D. refuse D. waiting D. explained D. truth D. acceptable D. connection D. brave D. missed


36. C 联系下文an important lesson about science我们知道,这是一节理科实验课。

37. D 从空后的placed upon his desk a large jar filled with…我们可以知道,老师走进了教室。

38. B 联系空后的how many beans the jar contained我们可以知道,教授让学生们猜一下,这个坛子能装多少豆子。

39. D 联系空后的shouts of wildly wrong guesses我们知道,学生们喊出了各种错误的推测,


40. C 联系空前的announced和空后的answer我们知道,教授向学生们公布了正确答案。

41. A 联系空后的an important lesson about science我们知道,教授认为他们学到了一堂非常重要的理科课程。

42. B 学生们的推测都是错误的,因此教授说,“不要相信你们的意识。”

43. D 联系下文But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept…我们知道,这个妇女能够推


44. C 前文有提示:,由此我们可以得出答案。

45. A 联系空后的into the unknown world我们知道,教授的目的是带学生们进行一次激动人心的知识旅行。

46. B 联系后文我们知道,这个世界是眼睛看不到的,只有通过科学方法才可以看到。

47. D 联系前文的invisible to the eye我们知道,这个世界只有通过科学的方法才可以看到。

48. A 联系空前的could not accept我们知道,她不能接受,甚至听到这个邀请。or在这里表


49. B 联系前文的the seventeen-year-old girl我们可以推断,这个小女孩年龄很小,只是刚刚开始认识这个世界。

50. A 空后的her firsthand experience could be the (truth)是她的认识,因此我们选


51. D 联系前文我们知道,教授想告诉学生的是第一手经验并不一定是事情的真相,我们要通过科学实验来验证真相,但是小女孩的想法与之相反。

52. C 联系前文我们可以知道,教授认为小女孩认识世界的方式是错误的。

53. B 显然空前提到的her first-hand experience就是她认识世界的工具。

54. C 联系下文的haven‘t gone near science since我们知道,她对理科产生了恐惧。

55. A 联系空后的haven‘t gone near science since我们知道,那天下午她就放弃了理科。D有


高考英语完型填空实战演练二 ( 共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分 )

Sometimes people call each other ―scared-cat‖, but have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood- stream.

Although the cat doesn‘t this, its body is getting ready for action.

If the danger continues, this animal will do one of the two things. It will

itself, or it will run away as fast as it can.

our bodies also go through many changes. Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react. We, too, get ready to defend ourselves run.

Human beings, to our feelings and let them we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger, or hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told someone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then later you had kept your mouth shut? It isn‘t always to express your feelings freely.

Does this mean that it‘s smarter always to our feelings? No! If you feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays Physical illnesses can develop. It can actually be for your health.

Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside, don‘t just . It‘s like you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them, but you‘d smell them. And if you opened the cupboard, you‘d little fruit flies hovering (盘旋) all over them. They‘d be rotten.

You can try to treat emotions they were bananas in the cupboard. You can they don‘t exist, but they‘ll still be them. Just like those bananas. 16. A. mind B. admit C. realize D. remember 17. A. save B. help C. defend D. hide

18. A. Truly B. Frequently C. Similarly D. Differently 19. A. chemical B. physical C. health D. ill 20. A. and B. or C. but D. yet 21. A. therefore B. but C. besides D. however

22. A. take off B. take on C. take over D. take up

23. A. wished B. hoped C. blamed D. shared 24. A. useful B. right C. easy D. wise 25. A. handle B. hurt C. hide D. prevent 26. A. keep B. find C. control D. let 27. A. relaxed B. tense C. same D. different 28. A. good B. harmful C. helpful D. useful 29. A. go away B. go on C. go up D. go out 30. A. long before B. as usual C. before long D. right away 31. A. meet B. observe C. catch D. see

32. A. as if B. just as C. just after D. even though 33. A. pretend B. expect C. decide D. assume 34. A. in B. around C. over D. beyond

35. A. eat up B. deal with C. throw away D. send out

Sometimes people call each other ―scared-cat‖, but have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get the cat doesn‘t

16. A. mind B. admit C. realize D. remember 解题思路捕捉题眼,寻找契机:所谓―题眼‖就是解题线索,就是那些原句中出现的、对解题起重要暗示作用的关键词。找准关键词语,有时题干中带有对解题起着关键作用的词语,如果能迅速找准这些词语,再结合各选项的意义和特点,就能很快选出正确答案。

17. A. save B. help C. defend D. hide 解题思路:没有同义复现或固定搭配,考虑概括的是解。

并列结构法: 根据文章中表示并列关系的连词或副词如:and/also/or或逗号



our bodies also go through many changes. beat faster, and get ready to defend ourselves run.

18. A. Truly B. Frequently C. Similarly D. Differently



如表示结构层次的语篇标志语有: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等; 表示逻辑关系的语篇标志语有: thus, therefore, so等;

表示改变话题的语篇标志语有: by the way等;

表示递进关系的语篇标志语有: besides, what‘s more, further等;

表示时间关系的语篇标志语有: before, so far, yet, meanwhile, later等。

19. A. chemical B. physical C. health D. ill 解题思路:摆脱思维定势,排除“陷阱” chemical, 后提示句Our hearts beat 都是physical。

20. A. and B. or C. but D. yet

解题思路:与前面句子It will 17 itself, or it will run away as fast as it can.



Human beings,

we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger, or hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told someone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and

then your mouth shut? It isn‘t always

to express your feelings freely.

21. A. therefore B. but C. besides D. however but转折法:文中一出现―but‖ ―Although‖ ―though‖ ―however,‖ ―while‖等词,应该马上想到前后语意有转折。只要知道其中一方的语意,就可以反向推出另一方的意思,从而解题。完形填空题中,but一词后多半会设题。所以,大家在考试时,只要看到but就做一个标记,遇到类似but这样表转折的词也同样处理。这样便于回到原文去寻找解题的依据。

22. A. take off B. take on C. take over D. take up 解题思路:and并列结构法,give way to的同义词

let 。。take

23. A. wished B. hoped C. blamed D. shared 解题思路:利用语法分析解题,选项中的动词都是过去式,其后句宾语从句

24. A. useful B. right C. easy D. wise

smarter的近义词是 。


Does this mean that

always to our feelings? No! If you body stays

develop. can actually be for your health.

25. A. handle B. hurt C. hide D. prevent


26. A. keep B. find C. control D. let

解题思路:利用语法分析解题,动词 可以带宾补hidden away or bottled up inside。 27. A. relaxed B. tense C. same D. different 解题思路:跨段落篇章复现tense


28. A. good B. harmful C. helpful D. useful



对 ?

that you keep all bottled

. It‘s like you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them, but you‘d smell them. And if you opened the cupboard, you‘d

little fruit flies hovering (盘旋) all over them. They‘d be rotten. 29. A. go away B. go on C. go up D. go out 到对选择有提示作用的词或句,go ?


It will

No! If you

feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness


30. A. long before B. as usual C. before long D. right away 解题思路

but 30 you‘d smell them. 句中的‘d=would是过去将来时.in no time=by and by=in a flash=before long=soon是将来时的时间状语,表示“很快”;而right away=right now=quickly=at


31. A. meet B. observe C. catch D. see

解题思路:利用语法分析解题,you‘d 31

盘旋) all over them. (A. meet ,B. observe, C. catch ,



them. Just like those bananas.

32. A. as if B. just as C. just after D. even though 解题思路:利用语法分析解题,You can try to treat emotions 32 they were bananas in the cupboard.是虚拟句。

33. A. pretend B. expect C. decide D. assume 解题思路:抉择于A. pretend 和D. assume之间, exist?



34. A. in B. around C. over D. beyond =be there, there= in? around? Over? beyond?

35. A. eat up B. deal with C. throw away D. send out 解题思路:容易错选C.throw away


高考英语完型填空实战演练二( 共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分 )

Anna arrived far too early. Usually she left things to the last minute, today was a very special occasion. It was almost by getting there an hour :raced through

her mind. ―Do I look all right? Will he notice that I‘m wearing atrouser suit? , seen Joe. She fished of her handbag and inspected her face. Too much make-up?of(赞成)heavy make-up—―gilding the lily‖,it. It was funny how much a good impression on him. After all,friends do not judge each other All the same,it was the first meeting after a long separation,and she wanted everything to

Looking out of the window,a first glimpse,through a break in the ,him to be the guest lecturer at their Autumn Congress yet again. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee,as a matter of Courtesy(礼貌),had. the airport,as he had done on previous occasions. This time,it was not necessary, ,but mainly because

16. A. and

17. A. because

18. A. thought

19. A. Idea

20. A. new

21. A. like

22. A. before

23. A. purse

24. A. never

25. A. told

26. A. offering B. but B. since B. liked B. Facts B. strange B. recognize B. recently B. handkerchief B. almost B. called B. taking C. for C. as if C. had C. Thoughts C. latest C. terrify C. last C. mirror C. often C. saw C. having

C. make-up

C. go off

C. enjoyed

C. train D. as D. when D. hoped D. Matters D. single D. tell D. most D. book D. regularly D. thought D. making D. looking D. get out D. met D. clouds 27. A. appearance B. clothes 28. A. come across B. turn up 29. A. caught 30. A. air B. left B. rain


31. A. employed

32. A. offered

33. A. therefore

34. A. luckily

35. A. put

B. invited, B. arrived B. however B. really B. make C. told C. intended C. instead C. partly C. take D. informed D. attempted D. as well D. separately D. leave

高考英语完型填空实战演练二( 共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分 ) Anna arrived far too

she left things to the last minute,

was a very special occasion. It was almost by getting there an

hour raced through her mind. ―Will he notice that I‘m wearing atrouser suit? , seen Joe. She fished

of her handbag and inspected her face. Too much of(赞成)heavy make-up—―gilding the lily‖,it. It was funny how much a good impression on him. After all,friends do not judge each other All the same,it was the first meeting after a long separation,and she wanted everything to

16. A. and B. but C. for D. as

解题思路:转折特点:一句肯定,一句否定;前后句有一组反义词;前句是形副词原级,后句是比较级;前句是一般过去式,后句是一般现在时或前句是过去完成时,后句是一般过去式;后句有一‖still‖词;前句有―Maybe‖, ―Perhaps‖, ―It meight be‖等表示―可能‖的副词。

17. A. because B. since C. as if D. when



18. A. thought B. liked C. had D. hoped


19. A. Idea B. Facts C. Thoughts D. Matters

解题思路:―Do I look all right? Will he notice that I‘m wearing a 20 trouser

suit? Will he me? 这两个问句说明她在想。Think = raced through her mind.?

20. A. new B. strange C. latest D. single

解题思路:利用排除法解题I‘m wearing a 20 trouser suit? Will he even 21 recognize怀疑是否能 recognize我,说明I‘m wearing a

21. A. like


22. A. before B. recently C. last D. most B. recognize C. terrify D. tell


23. A. purse B. handkerchief C. mirror D. book

解题思路:与make-up相关的是 ?

24. A. never B. almost C. often D. regularly


25. A. told B. called C. saw D. thought 解题思路:代入法―gilding the lily‖,he 25 it.=he 25 it ―gilding the lily‖?

26. A. offering B. taking C. having D. making


27. A. appearance B. clothes C. make-up D. looking

解题思路: judge each other by 27 ?概括的是解。

28. A. come across B. turn up C. go off D. get out 解题思路:联想法Everything goes well,Everything与 go搭配!

Looking out of the window,,

him to be the at their yet again. of the Organizing Committee,as a matter of Courtesy(礼貌),airport,as he had done on previous occasions. This time

because Joe was quite familiar with the city

29. A. caught B. left C. enjoyed D. met

解题思路:固定搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。删除干扰部分,就是将起干扰作用的定语从句、介词短语或插入语删除Joe 29 a first glimpse

30. A. air B. rain

C. train D. clouds

解题思路:the town far below.暗示是从飞机向下看,突然看不到了片刻是因为天空中 挡了一下?

31. A. employed B. invited C. told D. informed 解题思路:Autumn Congress 与guest lecturer有关的动词是 ?

32. A. offered B. arrived C. intended D. attempted 解题思路:intended 与attempted近义,应排除,承诺去接。

33. A. therefore B. however C. instead D. as well

解题思路:转折特点:一句肯定,一句否定;前后句有一组反义词;前句是形副词原级,后句是比较级;前句是一般过去式,后句是一般现在时或前句是过去完成时,后句是一般过去式;后句有一‖still‖词;前句有―Maybe‖, ―Perhaps‖, ―It meight be‖等表示―可能‖的副词。

34. A. luckily B. really C. partly D. separately 解题思路:转折特点:一句肯定,一句否定;前后句有一组反义词;前句是形副词原级,后句是比较级;前句是一般过去式,后句是一般现在时或前句是过去完成时,后句是一般过去式;后句有一‖still‖词;前句有―Maybe‖, ―Perhaps‖, ―It meight be‖等表示―可能‖的副词。后面句子中it was not necessary

was quite familiar with the city take the afternoon off提示未知的空应是的反义词。

35. A. put B. make C. take D. leave

解题思路:固定搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。不知道take off是请假的话,联想have two days off是请2天假的意思也行,因为词组也含off. 36—40 BCDCA 41—45 BCCAB 46—50 DACAD 51—55 BABCC


很多同学觉得英语学不会很大程度上有由于词汇量太少所致。。。然而其实不然,有一些词汇很简单,你个个都认识可组合起来就不一定了或者意思就会产生偏差,这就是名曰词组的东西。可恰恰有些词组总是受到高考命题老师们的偏爱,特此整理出来以便同学们整理背诵。【好好记一记,比背单词的效率高多了呢~(*^__^*) 】

1 abandon oneself to sth. 完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动)

2 have a (the )ability to do sth. ( have the ability in doing sth.)有能力做某事 3 to the best of one's ability 尽力

4 be about to do when… 正准备做某事突然。。。

5 above all 首先,最重要; in all 总计 after all 毕竟; 终究

6 at home and abroad 在国内外 go abroad 出国

7 in sb.'s absence 不在时 in the absence of (人)不在时 be absent from 缺席 8 be absorbed in 全神贯注于

9 access to 接近;进入

10 by accident 偶然 by chance by mistake 由于错误

11 be delayed through an accident 由于事故而耽误

12 be accompanied by 附有;伴随

13 according to (后面不接view,opinion…); in my opinion

14 collect accounts收账; open an account 开账户; keep accounts 记账 ; account for说明; give a full account of 做一个完整的说明; on account of=because of 因为

15 accuse sb. of… 控告某人; charge sb. with sth. 起诉某人; Blame sb. for sth. 责备某人

16 be accustomed to sth.( to doing sth.)=be used to sth.(to doing sth.)习惯于干某事 17 have some acquaintance with 熟悉;熟知

18 come (run) across (偶然)碰到 ; get sth. across 使人理解;领会

19 act as充当,担任 act out 表演(对话、故事); act on(upon) 对。。。起作用 20 catch sb. in the act of doing sth. 抓住某人干某事; take action 采取行动

21 be active in 在。。。积极 take an active part in 积极参加lead an active life过着积极的生活

22 adapt oneself to 使自己适应 adapt sth. to 使某物适应 adapt from 根据。。。改写(改编)

23 add in 包括; 加进去 add to 增加;加强 add… to 把。。。加到。。。上 add up to 合加起来

24 be addicted to sth.( doing sth. ) 嗜好。。。的;上了。。。瘾的

25 in addtion/ in addtion to 此外

26 deliver an address to 向。。发表演讲 giving a closing address 致闭幕词 an address of welcome 欢迎词

27 admit to sth.( doing sth.) 承认

28 in advance=beforehand 提前

29 be of great (no ) advantage to 对。。。大大有利(毫无裨益) gain(have) an advantage over优于;胜过; take advantage of sb. 利用某人;欺骗某人

30 put an advertisement 登广告

31 ask for sb.'s advice 征求某人的建议 give sb. advice on how to do sth. 就如何 何干某事提出忠告

32 advise sb. on sth. 就某事对某人提出忠告;advise sb. against( doing) sth.劝某人不干某事

33 be afraid of 害怕;担心 be afraid to do 不敢做某事

34 be after 寻求;追求

35 be against one's proposal 反对(意见 go against nature违背自然stand against the wall 靠墙而立

36 at the age of 在。。。岁时; be under age 未成年

37 agree with sb.( what 从句 ); agree with the climate/饮食 对气候等的适应

agree to +advice/suggestion/ idea/proposal … agree on (upon) 。。。就。。达成一致意见 38 ahead of ( time) 在。。。前面 go ahead 继续;前进

39 aid sb. in sth./aid sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 in aid of 支持 ;give sb. first aid对某人实施急救

40 aim at 瞄准

41 on the air(用无线电、电视)播送 in the air 在空中; by air 乘飞机; put on (give oneself) airs 摆架子

42 all along 一直;始终 all over the country(world)遍及全国(世界) all alone 单独;独自地 all but 几乎;差一点

43 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某事

44 let alone 更不用说 There is not enough room for us,let alone six dogs.

45 get along (on) with 在。。。方面有进展 take along with 随身携带

46 not only…but also

47 make an analysis of 分析

48 in the ancient time 在古代

49 and so on/and so forth 等等

50 be angry about sth.对某事生气 be angry at sth.因某事生气

be be angry with sb.生某人的气

51 annoy sb. with sth./annoy sb. by doing sth. 因。。。使某人生气;52 one after another 相继

53 answer for 对。。。负责 answer sb.'s call 回电话 make no answer 不作回答 54 be anxious about ( for) 为。。。担心 be anxious to do 渴望(急于)做某事 55 apologize to sb. for sth./ make an apology to sb. for sth 因某事向某人道歉

56 in appearance 外貌上 make one's appearance 登台 by/from all appearances 显然

57 apply…to… 将。。应用于 apply for 申请 apply to 适应于 apply oneself to 专心致志于 ; apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某物

58 appoint sb. to a post 派某人任某职; appoint a time for the meeting 约定开会时间 59 approach to 接近 make an approach to 对。。。进行探讨

60 approve of 赞同

61 argue with/against sb. about/on sth. 与某人辩论某事;argue sb. into doing 说服某人做某事

62 arm in arm 肩并肩 hand in hand 手拉手 ; shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 take sth. in one's arms抱 be armed to the teeth 全副武装

63 arrange for 安排;准备 arrange with sb. about sth. 与某人商定某事


64 as a whole 作为总体 on the whole 总体上 65 as…as one can 尽力;尽可能 66 as to/with regard to 至于;说到 67 be ashamed at sth. 为某事感到羞愧be ashamed for 为某人感到羞愧 68 ask for sth. 请求 ask sb. for sth. 向某人索取某物 ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 69 every aspect of=all the aspects of 各个方面 70 assist sb. with sth./assist sb. in doing sth./assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 71 associate..with… 把。。。和。。联系起来 ; in association with … 与。。。联手 72 be astonished( surprised) at (the news) 对。。感到惊奇 73 at the latest 最迟 74 e attached to 附属于。。。;依恋; attach sth. to… 把。。贴上 把。。系在。。。75 attempt/try to do sth.(make an attempt to do sth.) 企图做。。。;attempt at sth. 试图获76 attend on/to sb. 照看/护理某人; attend to 关心;照料 77 attract/capture/catch/draw/get one's attention 吸引某人注意 hold one's attention on 将注意力集中于 devote one's attention to 专心于 turn one's attention to 将注意力转向 pay attention to 注意 78 one's attitude towards… 某人的态度对。 79 on (the ) average按平均; above( below) average 平均以上(下) 80 be aware of 意识到,觉察 81 back and forth 来回地(屋内) 82 at the back of sb./at sb.'s back 支持某人;at the back of 在。。。后 lie on one's back 朝天躺着 83 go from bad to worse 每况愈下 84 go bad(wrong/hungry) 变腐 85 keep(lose) balance 保持(失去)平衡 ; be in the balance 悬而未决 86 ban( prohibit) sb.from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 be under a ban被禁止 87 base sth. on/upon sth. 以。。。为基础; be based on 基于 on…basis=on the basis of 以。。。为根据; 在。。。基础上 88 battle against 向。。。开战; battle with 与。。。搏斗; battle for为。。。而战 89 because of + 名词(代词、 what 从句) 90 make the bed 整理床铺;in bed/on the bed 在床上 91 beg sb. to do sth.恳求某人干某事; beg for sth. 请求得到 beg sth. of sb.恳求某人某事 92 begin with 从。。。开始 93 on behalf of 代表 ; on sb.'s behalf 以某人的名义 94 believe in 信赖 95 belong to (无被动语态) 属于 96 beyond recognition认不出来 beyond belief 难以置信 beyond description 无法用言语表达 beyond sb. 对某人来说难以理解 97 by birth 在血统上 at birth 诞生;出生 give birth to 生(产)

比较: not a bit 一点也不 not a little 很,非常 99 be black and blue 遍体鳞伤 100 bear the blame 受过lay/ put the blame on/upon sb. for sth. 把责任推到某人身上

唤起迅捷激情 震撼学子心灵


透过已知信息 推断未知信息





扫描选项 同义词 / 同类词排除




思路 瞻前顾后 复现


左顾右盼 P原则


技巧归纳: 感情色彩 时态暗示法 动词综合法(主语/宾语是人是物? 及不及物?过程还是结

果?......), ...... (略) 共20多项法则,交叉都指向同一个答案才最准确!

满分策略: 五四运动法 串线交叉法 主线贯穿法, ......(略)


瞻前顾后 同现 复现 逻辑结构 同现



something greatly

about getting to the ___29____ of a high mountain: a

struggle against nature is finer than a battle ___30____other human begins. And then , when you are at the 奖品 ) it is to be able to look

___33___ on everything within

___34____! At such time , you


B. interested C.dangerous D.terrible

32.A.surprising C.disappointing D.astonishing

◆little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this __2__ for years and years. ―Now it is here at last,‖

The song made her ___4___ to

the days when she was Lauren‘s ___5___. As a young United States. ―You can become

a fine

in the future,‖ her teachers told her. ―But

you must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years.

7. A. French

8. A. actress B. face B. student C. dress C. piano

D. life D. dance D. dancer

抓住中心意思-----围绕什么话题 (在文章中出现频率最多的词)

◆Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall ( 演讲厅

open up for class ___3___.

1. A. subjects C. speeches D. lectures




ask, doubt, wonder, want to know, know, guess


〖2011·全国新课标卷〗The professor 37 the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆

shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the answer, and went on saying, “an important lesson about science.

38. A.count

B. guess C. report D. watch




opportunities(机会),41. A. why B. wherever C. whether D. whenever




正面的,积极的,肯定的, 还是负面的,消极的,否定的?

◆―I’m sorry, but we have enough 27 for the newspaper already. Come back next year and we‘ll talk then.‖ Jenna smile


28. A. widely

B. weakly C. excitedly

D. brightly

〖2011·四川卷〗I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my future as a

in October 2007, I was a cook.. In December that year. while I was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me distraught(忧心如焚的).Some days later, I was that day. ―could prhe necklace he found.‖

22.A. burned B. disappeared C . broke D. dropped


‖(return)可知此处是指项链丢失了。B B. unhappy C. not pleased D. careful B.seriously C.carefully


〖2011·安徽卷〗Nearly ten minutes later, he 45, He asked me about my plans

and 积极的!

had resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man his business partner‘

s office to make me offering me a job.

46. A. silent B. busy C. positive D. comfortable 他问了问我的打算,鼓励我要振作起来,不要灰心。选C。A项为―沉默不语的‖;B项为―忙绿的‖;C项为―积极乐观的,有信心的‖;D项为―舒适的,舒服的‖。

48. A. dull B. good C. guilty D. general 作者对他的主动帮助感到有点惊奇,但是对他充满了―好感‖ (good feeling)。选B。A项为―阴暗的,无趣的‖;C项为―内疚的‖;D项为―一般的,普通的‖。

53. A. lonely B. funny C. disappointed D. satisfied



〖2011·四川卷〗Some days later, I was 23 that a guy who was working with us that day. ―could prklace he found.‖Hearing how I‘d Mum for six months before her death, he said, ―Christmas is going to be

why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks?

27.A.long B. hard C. merry D. free



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诗人的心:洞穿作者、命题人思维轨迹!(高考漏题啦?!) 七品芝麻官,说的是这个官很小,就是芝麻那么小的一点. 《阿里巴巴》用“芝麻开门”,讲的是“以小见大”. 就是那点芝麻,竟把那个庞然大门给“点”开了. 以点成线、以点带面、两线交点、三线共点、还有顶点、焦点、极限点等等,足以说明“点”的重要性. 要有诗人般的细心和灵感,发现这些隐藏起来的点!


西餐宴上,摆着漂亮的什锦比萨. 众人虽然都在称好,但没有一人动手. 原来这东西罩在一个透明的“玻璃盒”里,不知从哪儿打开,大家只好故作谦让,互相叫“请”.?

一小孩不顾礼节,拿着餐刀往“盒”上直戳,七戳,八戳,戳到了“玻璃盒”的花纹处,此时盒子竟像莲花一样自动地启开了. 大家惊喜,夸这孩子有见识. 其实,这孩子的成功在他的“敢于一试”,在试试中碰到了盒子的入口.?


侠客的剑: 推助满分的力量! (棒极了!)

关羽不同于诸葛. 诸葛是智星,靠着扇子;关羽是武士,用的大刀. “过关斩将”用这大刀,“水淹七军”用这大刀. 关羽的“切瓜分片”是什么意思?切者,七刀也,分者,八刀也!再难的高考英语完形和阅读题,经过这七刀、八刀,


速度比完美更重要 思路比题海要有效 2012高考英语阅读思维重现法则


精确线索 模糊线索

(数字、大写、专名、显性逻辑关系) 1全文反复重复的内容 2题干与原文貌离神合

与主旨靠 3使用原文的近义结构

1数字、大写、专名 原文找意思一样的内容 主-- -被 人---物

2逻辑关系 因 果 选项定位 真---虚 陈述---倒装

手段 目的 4使用原文、原词、原结构

条件 事实 5使用原文的反说

3成分定位 6使用原文的上义词、下义


4主旨靠 7使用原文的总结归纳

5找意思一致内容 8使用原文的分说例证



1 内容相似 都排除


54. It can be inferred from the passage that___.

A. no drugs have been found to treat the disease

B. the alternative treatment is not easily available to most people A=B

C. malaria has developed its ability to resist parasites

D. nobody knows what will be the drug to treat the disease

2 内容相反 取其一

有一大汉,想进某屋. 门上并未加锁,但他久推不开,弄得满头大汗.?


大汉真的向后一拉,果然门就轻轻地开了. 大汉奇怪地问:“这门上并没有写拉字,你怎么知道是拉门的呢?”?


41.We can learn from the text that__________.

A. email is less popular than the fax service


B> <C


D. the fax service has a history as long as the postal service does

74. We can learn from the text that the driver needs to stop for a break when his response time is _____.

A. about 400 milliseconds B. 500 milliseconds B> <C

C. over 500 milliseconds D. about 4 minutes

73. The underlined phrase A. those who try their best to win

B. those who value competition most highly

C. those who are against competition most strongly B> <C

D. those who rely on others most for success

80.The last paragraph implies that RFID technology .

A.will not be used for such matters as buying milk

B.will be widely used, including for buying milk A> <B

C.will be limited to communication uses

D.will probably be used for pop music 63.According to the passage, listening only with ears may happen to us when____

A) we are emotionally tired

B) we are physically disabled A> <C

C) we are so interested in the topic

D) we are asked many questions

72.Q: There is unlikely any life on Venus because______.

A.it has very thin atmosphere

B.the surface temperature is too hot B> <C

C.the weather is too cold

D.it is extremely short of water

3 结构相似 取其一(有众多相同的词)

一时装模特,在表演时,自己笑了,台下一片喝彩声. 她自感成功,下去向老板索奖. 谁知老板不仅没奖,反而把她炒了. 冤枉不?不冤枉!模特二字,特是幌子,模是目的. 模特表演是不能笑的. 试想,模特一笑,只能显示模特本人的特色,谁还去看她身上的服装呢?所以,模特一笑,特在模掉!?

70. According to the study of Brown Medical School, ______.

A. more than 6 million Americans distrust doctors

B. only 1/10 of medical websites aim to make a profit

C. about 1/10 of the websites surveyed are of high quality B≈C

D. 72% of health websites offer incomplete and faulty facts

E. 72. According to the text, Driver Alert _____.

A. aims to reduce tiredness-related accidents

B. has gone through testing at laboratories

C. aims to prevent drivers from sleeping A≈C

D. has been on sale for 12 months

69. When people suffer from Alzheimer‖s disease, _______.

A. their families and friends will suffer from the same disease

B. their families and friends will experience mental sufferings A≈B


C. they will certainly die in 8 to 10 years

D. they will forget everybody but their spouses

16. The rapid-transit rail lines should ______.

A. develop as quickly as possible

D. develop with the construction industry


4 相对、绝对项 取其一




74.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Mountaineering is a match between climbers.

B.Mountaineering is similar to other sports in many ways. C相对D绝对

C.Climbers work like a team when their lives may depend on a rope.

D.Climbers help each other in time of difficulty.

52.According to the passage, the new treatment_________.

A.can kill all the H1V viruses A相对B绝对

B.cannot get rid of the viruses completely

C.can double the number of disease - fighting cells

D.can reconstruct the patient's immune system



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矩阵法则将使您的孩子 快速提分 易如反掌!

学习信心 建入佳境!

金榜题名 浮想联翩!





2012年将为您解密高考阅读标准答案设置规律: 矩阵法则

比如我给你三个矩阵法则序列,来选择下列无法定位的2007辽宁卷58题: 出题大概是按照顺序出的;



What will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question, you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in bio-technology(生物技术). With the help of new medicine, the human body will last a very long time. Death will come mainly from accidents, murder and war. Today's leading killers, such as heart diseases, cancer, and aging itself, will become distant memory.

In discussion of technological changes, the Internet gets most of the attention these days.

humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells(细胞) are the basic units

of all living things, and until recently, scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells, such as those of brain cells, would not last medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so, people will be able to take

life, will build new brain cells, heart cells, and so on---in much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.

It is exciting to imagine that the advance in technology may be changing the most basic conditional human existence, but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future.

56.According to the passage, human death IS now mainly caused by____.

A.diseases and aging B.accidents and war

C.accidents and aging D.heart disease and war

57.In the author‘ s opinion, today‘s most important advance in technology lies in____.


A.medicine B. the Internet C.brain cells D. human organ

58.Humans may live longer in the future because_____.

A.heart disease will be far away from us

B.human brains can decide the final death

C.the basic materials of cells will last forever

59.We can learn from the passage that ____.


A.human life will not last more than 120 years in the future

B.humans have to take medicine to build new skin cells now

C.much needs to be done before humans can have a longer life

D.we have already solved the technical problems in building new cells




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透过已知信息 推断未知信息 不易策略,扫描选项,在万变中找到不变的规律! 简易策略,瞻前顾后,化繁为简,化难为易! 变易策略,左顾右盼,以变制变,熟能生巧! 首尾段首尾句,边做边看选项中与中心同现词或复现 同义词 / 同类词排除 高频答案词 相反项有解 同现 复现 逻辑结构 P原则 关联结构


技巧归纳: 感情色彩 时态暗示法 动词综合法(主语/宾语是人是物? 及不及物?过程还是结果?......), ...... (略) 共20多项法则,交叉都指向同一个答案才最准确!

满分策略: 五四运动法 串线交叉法 主线贯穿法, ......(略)


瞻前顾后 同现 复现 逻辑结构 同现



something greatly

about getting to the ___29____ of a high mountain: a

struggle against nature is finer than a battle ___30____other human begins. And then , when you are at the 奖品 ) it is to be able to look

___33___ on everything within

___34____! At such time , you


B. interested C.dangerous D.terrible

32.A.surprising C.disappointing D.astonishing

◆little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this __2__ for years and years. ―Now it is here at last,‖

The song made her ___4___ to

the days when she was Lauren‘s ___5___. As a young United States. ―You can become

a fine

in the future,‖ her teachers told her. ―But

you must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years.

7. A. French

8. A. actress B. face B. student C. dress C. piano

D. life D. dance D. dancer

抓住中心意思-----围绕什么话题 (在文章中出现频率最多的词)

◆Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall ( 演讲厅

open up for class ___3___.

1. A. subjects C. speeches D. lectures




ask, doubt, wonder, want to know, know, guess


〖2011·全国新课标卷〗The professor 37 the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆

shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the answer, and went on saying, “an important lesson about science.

38. A.count

B. guess C. report D. watch




opportunities(机会),41. A. why B. wherever C. whether D. whenever




正面的,积极的,肯定的, 还是负面的,消极的,否定的?

◆―I’m sorry, but we have enough 27 for the newspaper already. Come back next year


28. A. widely

B. weakly C. excitedly

D. brightly

〖2011·四川卷〗I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my future as a

in October 2007, I was a cook.. In December that year. while I was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me distraught(忧心如焚的).Some days later, I was that day. ―could prhe necklace he found.‖

22.A. burned B. disappeared C . broke D. dropped


‖(return)可知此处是指项链丢失了。B B. unhappy C. not pleased D. careful B.seriously C.carefully


〖2011·安徽卷〗Nearly ten minutes later, he 45, He asked me about my plans

and 积极的!

had resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man his business partner‘

s office to make me offering me a job.

46. A. silent B. busy C. positive D. comfortable 他问了问我的打算,鼓励我要振作起来,不要灰心。选C。A项为―沉默不语的‖;B项为―忙绿的‖;C项为―积极乐观的,有信心的‖;D项为―舒适的,舒服的‖。

48. A. dull B. good C. guilty D. general

作者对他的主动帮助感到有点惊奇,但是对他充满了―好感‖ (good feeling)。选B。A项为―阴暗的,无趣的‖;C项为―内疚的‖;D项为―一般的,普通的‖。

53. A. lonely B. funny C. disappointed D. satisfied


〖2011·四川卷〗Some days later, I was 23 that a guy who was working with us that day. ―could prklace he found.‖Hearing how I‘d Mum for six months before her death, he said, ―Christmas is going to be

why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks?

27.A.long B. hard C. merry D. free



每一个秘诀的准确率都在95%以上,甚至是100% 吴军英语高分密码,真正做到了立竿见影!甚至是一剑封喉!马上用吴军英语高分密码对照历年所有的高考真题进行逐一的验证吧! 遇到吴军老师,您太幸运了!






2012高考英语高频答案词 高频考点 必考点










完形高频答案词 可快速向标准答案靠拢!解决―发挥不稳定‖及―看不懂短文或看懂了还错‖的两大难题。知道了第一类高频答案词就可以马上秒杀答案, 知道了第二类高频答案词,可快速缩小范围,在剩余两项中结合2012吴军高考英语高分密码快速对比,迅速做答!

drop落下,掉下; 丢下,扔下

(2011·全国新课标卷) ―I remember feeling small and ‖ the woman says,―and I did the only thing I could do. the course that afternoon,and I haven‘t gone near science since.‖

55. A. B. started C. passed D. missed

(2011·湖南卷)My 37 came one morning when I was in the community library. I passed by a girl who her books out of her locker .Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick them up, I continued my way.

38. A. took B. C. got D. pulled

不管备选项是什么词,最终的答案始终是dropped, 您可以再试试更早的高考真题,领悟



eventually =finally =at last最后

(2011·湖北卷)Then after receiving a 41 from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance firm and started her own company.

42. A. gradually B. actually C. D. naturally

(2009·北京)The day __50_ came when James counted his money and found $ 94. 32. He _51__ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted.

50. A. B. instantly C. normally D. regularly

(2008·山东)I would like to thank all of you who made the effort reported to work.It is always reassuring (令人欣慰),at times like these,when employees so clearly show their

50.A.hardly B.casually C.absolutely D.

再试了这个后,你同样可以发现红花词还是我们总结的eventually 或finally,其他的都是绿叶词,欲想知道更多的一类秒杀高频答案词当然要预定2012吴军高频答案词一本通喽!

现在再看一下第二类高频答案词:realize 97%是完形答案,recognize是三类高频词,同时出现时要小心,应适当对比一下:

(2010·全国Ⅰ)Now I 51 that in marriages, true love is 52 of all that, The happiest people don‘t 53 have the best of everything; they just 54 the best of everything they have .55 isn‘t about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

51. A. B. suggest C. hope D. prove

(2008·四川)that it got in my way.So I had to change.

35.A. B.apologized C.imagined D.explained

(2010·北京)The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was in the program as "Student Art Assistant" because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.

48. A. introduced B. C. identified D. considered

49. A. confirmed B. decided C. D. acknowledged 2010·北京高考英语卷中recognized 和realized分别在不同的选项,当然各选各的啦!关键是他们有时会同时出现,比如下面的2009年高考英语辽宁卷,那该怎么办?

(2009·辽宁) He did not contact(联系street an old man who looked like his father. He 46. A learned B 接事 C recognized接人 D admitted


为了让您深信不疑,我们再举个例子, decide 95%是完形答案, know是三类高频词, 2011年福建卷和2010年辽宁卷毫无疑问选了decided. 关键是2009年辽宁卷decide和know两个词都出现了,该怎么办?

(2011·福建卷)When arriving in Canada in 2008,she had one 37 ;to have what she had back Home in Colombia.‖I didn‘t want to Country,‖ she said .‖I myself properly.‖

39. A. demanded B. C. agreed D. hesitated

(2010·辽宁)I really wondered why my aunt __43_ to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I _44__ that monolingual dictionaries are __45_ in learning a foreign language

43.A.offered B.agreed C. D.happened

(2009·辽宁)A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he a beautiful sports car in a dealer‘s showroom, and him that was all he wanted.

37. A finding B proving C deciding

此题找到主语即动作发出者he时,代入两个词,He his father……,他决定他父亲还是他知道他父亲?当然知道通顺了,很快突破,选了D.

词汇单选高频答案词 主要考词汇辩析,吴老师教你另类答题方法!

actually = in fact =as a matter of fact 事实上 强调时或看到插入语I think, I believe, there is时,选in fact或actually.

◆As I found out, there is, 46

对应)between two 47 in two languages. 强调!

46. A. at least

suddenly突然, 只要选项里出现,一般都是答案!

◆What laughing 42 we had about the 43 respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth. 44, I would write something else.

44. A. Especially B. Probably C. D. Fortunately B. in fact C. at times D. in case

◆And so we 27 for another ten minutes,until 28 my daughter burst into tears,and 29

that she was beaten.

28.A.nervously B.immediately C.strangely D

(2008·四川)“If you’,you’re going to play it slowly.”And so we another ten daughter burst into she was beaten.




◆ 50 , she insisted that I read the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual

I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning. what she meant.

52. A. Largely

B. Generally C. D. Probably B.immediately C.strangely D.高频核心短语(以介词和副词为中心及连词搭配)

请看2011年福建卷中after all 和above all都是高频短语答案词! 转折时用after all,并列或……时,用above all!

(2011·福建卷)Looking back, Diana, a fashion(时装)designer, 54 her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and the efforts she made. Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing.

55. A. after all B. C. at least D. at first

And时选above all ,but时选after all.方法很具体,很实在!是对2012吴军高考英语高分密码的细节补充!

高频短语either…or…, from…to…, between…and…, not…but…, would rather…than…等是解决看不懂长句的法宝!

(2011·天津卷)Your words became my motto. I 31

found myself in the unique position

medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said , ―Yes, I‘ll try that.‖

32. A. and B. but C. or D. for


(2011·北京卷)With my 52 self-confidence comes more praise from teachers and

classmates. I have the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself,

my hand— even when I sometimes wasn‘t and not 100 percent 54. A. by B. for C. with D. to


语法考点高频答案词 避开语法的干扰,平均轻松多得3-7分!



The famous scientist grew up where he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.

2.关系副词。用于定从。 There were dirty marks on her trousers where she had wiped her bands.


You are saying that everyone should be equal and this is where I disagree.

〖2011陕西卷〗I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.

A.which B. C. who D.that

〖2010全国Ⅰ〗We haven‘t discussed yet ______ we are going to place our new furniture.

A. that B. which C. what D.

〖2010全国Ⅱ〗—Have you finished the book?

---No,I‘ve read up to_________the children discover the secret cave.

A.which B.what C.that D.

〖2010江苏〗—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. —That‘s_______I don‘t agree. You should have a more active life.

A. B.how C.when D.what

〖2010重庆〗Today, we will begin _____we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.

A. when B. C. how D. what

〖2009江苏〗 __ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.

A. Before B. C. Unless D. Until

高频句型核心词 对完形和单选有快速突破作用,同时对作文造句起到立竿见影的功效!

〖2008江苏〗—I can‘t repair these until tomorrow, I‘m afraid.

—That‘s OK, there‘s ______.

A. no problem B. no wonder C. no doubt D. no hurry

no problem意思是 ―没问题‖, 通常单独使用或用That‘s no problem;(It‘s) no wonder…意思是 ―难怪‖;There is no doubt…意思是 ―毫无疑问‖。〖答案〗D

〖2003北京〗—_____I‘m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke.I was very tired.

—There is no______ for this while you are on duty.

A.reason B.excuse C.cause D.explanation

excuse理由、借口。说话人意为:你在值班的时候是没有任何理由出去的。reason原因;cause事情起因;explanation解释, 与句意不符。〖答案〗B

〖2006全国Ⅱ〗It is no arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.

A. use B. help C.time D.way

it is no use后接动词+ing形式或动词+ing形式短语表示做某事没有用。help意为 ―帮助‖。time意为 ―时间‖。way意为 ―方法‖。〖答案〗A


______when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009. =with no A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration

delay:耽搁, 延误;effort:努力;schedule:时间表;consideration:考虑, 体谅;关心。当H1N1型2009年4月袭击墨西哥时, 世界卫生组织毫不犹豫地向人们提出了警告。选A。



(2008·安徽卷)What is the 52 of studying towns in the way? For me, it is simply that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with one‘s own eyes. A personal visit to a town may help one better

understand why it is attractive than just reading about it in a guide-book.

B. view C. problem D. difficulty

(2004·重庆卷)―This scar will be lasting,but to this day, I have never regretted what I did.‖At this point, the little boy came out running toward his

mother with tears in his eyes. He held her mother for him. He held her hand tightly for the tightly of the day.

54.A honor C.happiness D.pride

再举个例子serve是[服务]的意思, 如果你不知道他们的僻义是[端饭, 端菜端酒等及 对……起作用]的话, 下面的高考完形真题,您可能同样会选错的! 若想知道更多详尽的高频归纳请立即购买2012吴军高考英语高频答案词一本通教案!


(2008·四川卷)...Clearly I had made mistakes. I had started the evening wanting to have a happy time with my daughter but had allowed my desire to win to become more important than my relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, my desire to win realized that it got in my way. So I had to change.

34 A offered B

C controlled D taught

(2006·全国卷I)…A waiter appeared. He paused for just a second, walked into the water to set the table and take their order,and then walked back to the cheers of the rest of his customers. Minutes later he returned carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Without pausing, crowd…

50. A. change B. drink C. sell

(2004·全国卷I)It was the night before the composition was due. As I looked at the list of topics (题目) , "The Art of Eating Spaghetti (意大利面条) " caught my eye. The word "spaghetti" brought back the memory of an evening at Uncle Alien' s in Belleville when all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat spaghetti for supper. Spaghetti was an exotic (外来的) treat in those days.

38 A cooked B

C got D made

吴军2012高考英语必考点解密 简洁明快,使您能快速融入到具体的试题语境中,快速地搜索答案!



[1] It was in this city ______ he was born.

[2] It was this city ______ he was born.

[3] It was in 1989 ______ he was born.

[4] It was 1989 _____ he was born.

A. where B. which C. that D. when



[1] In my eyes, _______ is known to all _____ Chinese economy has taken off.

[2] ______ is known to all, Chinese economy has taken off.

[3] I took some medicine for the bad cold, but _____ didn‘t help.

[4] I took some medicine for the bad cold, ______ didn‘t help.

[5] I find ______ is a pity that he failed in the driving test.

A. which B. that C. it D. As

[1] CB [2] D [3] C [4] A [5] C

3.与there be句型的对比

[1] ______ is no doubt that China plays an important role in the world affairs.

[2] ______ is no/little wonder that Liu Xiang is a flying man in the world.

[3] ______ is no point in working on his PhD.

[4] ______ is no knowing where she is now.

A. There B. That C. It D. This ACAA

阅读高频答案词 很具体,很实战!秒杀答案当仁不让!不读文章直接做题,准确率80%以上;只读一遍,准确率达到95%!再配合语境答题技巧,准确率达到100%也不再是梦!解决了同学们―做题慢、浪费时间‖和―准确率低‖等困难。


(2011湖北卷)54.What lesson has the author learnt from his experience?

A. Learning form parents is necessary.

B. Jumping to a conclusion is dangerous.

D. Selecting pleasant words may not be the perfect policy.

(2010广东卷)45. We can inter from the passage that Chinese English

A. is clear and natural to non-native speakers

B. is vivid and direct to non-native speakers

C. has a verv bad reputation in America

(2010江苏卷)62.According to those against killing wolves,when wolves eat other animals,

A.they never eat strong and healthy ones

B.they always go against the law of nature


D.they disturb the ecological balance in the wilderness

表示范围大的different和various是 阅读高频答案词!

(2011·重庆卷)74. The author mentioned the review in Nature in order to____.

B. find fault with Lomborg‘s book

C. challenge the authority of the media

D. point out the value of scientific views.

(2010·重庆卷)What is surprising about the standard of the clothing industry?

A. It has been followed by the industry for over 400 years.

for men‘s clothing and women‘s.

C. It woks better with men than with women.

D. It fails to consider right-handed people.

(2010江苏)China‘s new high-speed railway plan will be a win-win project because .

A.China will get much-needed resources and develop its western regions


C.China will develop its railway system and communication with other countries

D.the foreign countries involved will develop their railway transportation,business and tourism (2010广东卷)From Paragraph 5,we can learn that .

A. mushrooms should not be eaten

B. vegetables are safer than meat and seafood

C. natural poisons are more dangerous than chemicals

(2010江西卷)What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?

A. Body language is unique to humans.

B. Animals express emotions just as humans do.

C. Humans have other powers of communication.

表示难的difficult, hard (trouble = difficulty)是阅读高频答案词! (2011·辽宁卷)60. What is a problem with cyberschools?

A. Their equipment costs a lot of money.

B. They get little support from the state government.

D. The students find it hard to make friends.

(2010·重庆卷)Women‘s clothes still button from the left today because .

A. adopting men‘s style is improper for women

B. manufacturers should follow standards

C. modern women dress themselves

(2010·辽宁卷)What is the researchers' understanding of the New Zealand study results?

A. Poorly motivated 26-year-olds watch more TV.

B. Habits of TV watching reduce learning interest.

C. TV watching leads to lower education levels of the 15-year-olds.

(2010·四川卷)Which is true about the warship patrols according to the text?

A.The patrols are of little effect.


C.More patrols are quite necessary even in Asia.

D.The patrols only drive the pirates to other areas.

(2010·山东卷)What can we learn from the last paragraph?

B. Needless material is mostly recycled.

C. People like collecting recyclable waste.

D. The author is proud of their consumer culture.

(2010·浙江卷)In his mother‘s eyes, the writer_______.

A. was a born artist

C. was a problem solver

D. worked very hard





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诸葛亮既不会舞刀,也不会射箭,他的兵器就是他手中的那把扇子. 草船借箭用扇子,借东风也是用扇子. 有人把“借东风”的意思弄肤浅了,以为东风就是东边来的风,其实,这里真正所指是“东吴”的风. 在赤壁大战中,刘备哪是曹操的对手,后来能把曹兵打败,借的就是东吴的力量.


2012高考英语巨献--掌握全套答题技巧,只需3整天! 《2012




突破135分的高分密码 有下列的机会你想要吗?

1. 耗时最少,最短3秒、最长45秒之内,即可找出正确答案;

2. 准确率最高,至少是90%、绝大多数接近100%的准确率;

3. 掌握最容易,学会使用一个技巧,最多只需花费5分钟;

4. 首次课英语提5-10分,10-20次课提20-73分! 瞬间即可成为考试高手,考试将会变得很容易! 若家庭条件不好的话,可以不传授知识,只传授解题秘诀!

不看文章和题干,只是比较四个选项,就能选出正确答案?! 遇到吃不准选项的题(即不会做的题),可以90%概率猜中正确答案?!

36. A. worried B. sad C. surprised D. nervous 36题的正确答案是C, ABD都是一个人状态不好的倾向词,而C则为中性词,表述态度不一致者是答案。.

52. A. Largely B. Generally C. Gradually D. Probably 52题的正确答案是C, ABD都是含义不肯定的副词,排除表述不明确的选项,答案就水落石出了. 如果你知道了这些秘诀,你就可以解决很多类似的完型填空题!

试试看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在5秒之内选出正确答案? .

A.worked very hard for centuries

B.dreamed of having a better life

C.were poor but somewhat content

D.lived a different life from their forefathers

56题的正确答案是C, 选项中表述的内容前后相互矛盾的是答案! 思路很简单,如果你掌握了其中的秘诀,抛开文章,你也可以很快选出正确答案. 真的有这么神奇吗?是!一点儿没错!效果是绝对的真实!作为一种标准化考试,选择



但绝大多数的情况是,您孩子的英语分数纹丝不动甚至下降了!为什么? 花言巧语的广告轰炸和信誓旦旦的保分承诺是让很多家长经不起的诱惑!其实很多品牌家教派给您孩子的家教不过是以前在马路上举牌仅值30-50元/小时的应往届毕业生而已!最终,拿回承诺的退费比登山还难,即使退了,也换不来孩子的分数和本应美好的未来!


什么北京XX高分突破,60分钟高考英语提分秘诀,2012高分核按纽,选择 题高分模板等层出不穷,到底哪个才有效啊?与吴军高分密码有什么区别? 有的用名头砸人(比如用北京或上海英语学科带头人,参加过高考出题,享受国务院特殊津贴等作为卖点);有的用卖成功学陈XX那样的文字广告框人;有的干脆模仿或照抄相关广告文案去骗人,甄别起来,还真是有点困难!

真想区别开来,其实是可以找到答案的: 骗子是很好鉴别的,一是可以让您的孩子问一些高考英语中阅读和完型很具体的问题,看他或她回答的如何?另外,骗子一般都不留自己的联络地址和电话号码,只留邮箱,QQ号码和银行卡号,让你被骗之后无从寻找。另外,他们还会承诺,不满意,可以退回资料,马上退款,还负责汇款手续费,让你觉得深信不已!其实,仔细想一想,资料都暴漏了,谁拿到后都可以马上复印,若可以退的话,岂不是所有人都可以免费拿到资料了吗?


却卖你3000元,但其并非吴军本人核心授课教案!声明:没有与沈阳吴军本人联络,且未将款项打入沈阳吴军个人银行帐号的交易与吴军无任何关系,其后果自负!已经上当的家长,请看一下你得到的是类似如下吴军高分教案吗? 不要图便宜,还是与吴军本人亲自交易吧!

辨别有没有效,好不好使,其实方法也很简单:一要看你教的学生是不是真实的? 广告中提分的学员是否留有学校,班级和学生真实姓名及提分幅度?这样一来,知道了班级和姓名就很容易核实了,不符则可称为诈骗,可追究法律责任! 不敢留学生真实姓名,只是写上张某某(或从别处粘贴了外地高考状元的照片)并随意说提了50分是不可信的,目的也是可想而知!吴军英语的广告中声称的提分效果,都写明了学校班级和学生姓名及提分幅度,是可信的,也是敢于让公众监督的! 比如,吴军英语关于提分在其官网上是这么写的:

2011吴军高分英语高考成绩公告 李晨晖 沈阳2中2011届高三考生,考生号:11210103151002,总分:651分,理科,预估一本线重点大学,来吴军高分英语前110-120分,本次高考英语成绩为127分;

杨嘉睿 东北育才双语2011届高三4班考生,考生号:11210102111097,总分:559分, 理科,预估一本线,来吴军高分英语前120分,本次高考英语成绩为130分;

胡兢元 沈阳4中2011届高三考生,考生号:11210106110544,总分:531分,文科,预估二本线,来吴军高分英语前89分,本次高考英语成绩为111分;

鲁菲 沈阳120中7班2011届高三考生,考生号:11210105110762,总分:544分, 理科,预估一本线,来吴军高分英语前110分,考前共学5课,本次高考英语成绩为119分;

许译 鲁美附中高三1班2011届高三文科艺考生,考生号:11210104130303,总分:409分,目前看来,其专业分高,100%可考入鲁美,来吴军高分英语前50分左右,本次高考英语成绩为85分;7月11日获悉,已被一批本科鲁迅美术学院摄影专业录取!

宁莹莹 鲁美附中高三3班2011届高三文科艺考生,考生号:11210702130017,总分:372分,目前看来专业分极高(工业设计前几名),99.9%可考入鲁美,来吴军高分英语前30分左右,通过吴军高分英语资料及10次冲刺课,成绩大幅提高,本次高考英语成绩为67分,险过英语小分;7月11日获悉,已被一批本科鲁迅美术学院工业设计专业录取!

黄钰乔 沈阳27中高三13班2011届高三艺考生,考生号:11210105130331,总分:495分,目前看来文化课分数较高,可考入鲁美或央美院校,来吴军高分英语前70分左右,本次高考英语成绩为98分;7月11日获悉,已被一批本科鲁迅美术学院艺术设计专业录取!

卢涵 沈阳铁路中学高三11班2011届高三艺考生,考生号:11210105130901,总分:496分,目前看来文化课分数较高,可考入中国传媒大学南广学院,来吴军高分英语前70分左右,本次高考英语成绩为103分;

姜艾丽 沈阳铁路中学高三6班2011届高三艺考生,考生号:11210102152394,来吴军高分英语前接近90分,本次高考英语成绩为115分;

李奕宣 沈阳同泽女中学高三3班2011届高三艺考生,考生号:112101053130422,总分:493分,目前看来文化课分数较高,7月17日获悉,其已被天津师范大学传播与主持艺术专业录取,来吴军高分英语前70分左右,本次高考英语成绩为100分;

宫健翔 沈阳1中2011届高三毕业生2班 考生号:11210103110031,7月13日上午获悉,在吴军老师处英语分提了20多分,使总分达到了一批提前录取的公安海警学院分数线以上,被部队后勤管理专业录取,表示祝贺!

李鑫瑜 同泽女中高三2班 考生号:11210103130437,高考最后5天来吴军老师处学习,经过几课的强化学习,英语成绩迅速上升30多分,最终被二本鞍山师范大学艺术设计专业录取!

鲁湛 沈阳11中12班2011届高三考生,考生号:11210105150640, 理科,预估二本线,来吴军高分英语前80-90分,考前共学5课,本次高考英语成绩为101分.





姜萧栩 沈阳雨田中学初三2班 考号:061020116 总分:738分,本次2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为145分;

杨淇 辽宁省实验中学北校区初三8班 考号:051008906 总分:731分,本次2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为146分;

王一乾 沈阳雨田中学初三2班 考号:061020406 总分:725分,本次2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为146分;

袁若琳 沈阳雨田中学初三1班 考号:061021102 总分:728分,本次2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为144分;

童俊豪 沈阳7中初三21班 考号:031009521 总分:724分,本次2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为146分;

张天爱 沈阳雨田中学初三1班 考号:061019414 总分:723.6分,本次2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为144分;

陈皓宸 沈阳雨田中学初三3班 考号:061017527 来吴军老师这儿学习时成绩为80-90分,本次2011年沈阳中考英语成绩为122分;

于子寒 沈阳南昌中学初三6班 考号:021013316 中考前接近最后一个多月才找到吴军老师,来吴




抚顺2中的徐金良同学,来时成绩是71分左右, 2009年高考成绩为117分;沈阳4中的刘洪鹏同学 来时成绩是46分, 2009年高考成绩为100分; 黑山1中的高三刘璐同学来时成绩是50-70分, 2010年高考成绩为113分!……………………….

孩子从小学开始,学习英语已经多年,孩子天天背单词、做习题、记笔记,做过的卷子岂止几百套,上千套,那么孩子的英语成绩一直在稳步提高吗?还是一直没有提高,甚至越学越落后、越学越迷茫?如果孩子的英语成绩一直提高不了,如果孩子一直抓不住重点、找不到感觉,就来找 ―神奇‖的吴军老师吧!在这里孩子马上就会体验到英语学习成绩―突飞猛进‖的快乐!在这里一天提高几十分的孩子比比皆是!输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询!


热烈庆祝吴军一对一家教学员---2010届鲁美附中1班王巨龙、冯潇潇,沈音附中李同学(女,不愿公开全名)及沈阳2中补习班姜雯悦等7人考取鲁美和沈阳音乐学院!为什么一个英语烂到家的学生,在不到2-3个月内成绩突飞猛进?为什么英语基础几乎为零的学生经过他辅导10到20 次课,成绩就能迅速提升30-70多分?走捷径考高分的窍门是什么?沈阳高端英语快速提分名师吴军老师将为您咨询谜底。艺术类国本,英语小分很关键!9年的高分经验能成就了他们,同样也可以成就暂时停止成功的你!


能接触到吴军老师《英语高分密码》的人太幸运了!如何把握中心,猜测题意,一听就会!融会贯通,举一反三!沈阳83中高二的金柏岑同学来时成绩是82分, 2010年学习5次课后的期末成绩为108分; 现就读于沈阳4中高二文科班的胡兢元同学来时成绩是91分, 13


次课后的期末成绩为125分; 现就读于皇姑区沈阳10中高一的高雅慧同学来时成绩是90分左右, 2010年高一下学期期中考试的成绩为127分;现就读于沈阳东北育才高中本部高二的戴冠宇同学来时成绩是107分,学习后的成绩稳定在125-140分之间,最好成绩是由倒数到班里前6名。输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询!


2010届杏坛中学初三6班的周千会同学(女), 2010年沈阳市铁西区一模才120分左右,其中一大半还是?懵‘来的。跟吴军老师学习3-4次后,自己很快找到了英语学习的感觉,好像一下子容易了很多,二模考了135分。10次课后,中考距离满分竟然只差了七分,考了143分。她说没想到她的最高纪录竟然创造在2010年沈阳中考中!输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询!




2011届育才双语初二7班刘露阳,原来英语成绩在班里十六七名左右,通过吴军2011育才分流英语高分系统提前直升学习,目前已稳定在前5-6名以内, 2011年上学期期末总成绩在育才双语全校排名上升到第60名!






要知道,如果对文章似懂非懂,那么,在文章中寻找答案线索就像大海捞针一样的难,更谈不上做对题!吴军英语高分密码将会告诉你此类瞬间解题秘诀,帮助你辨识选项中的诸多暗示点,瞬间找出正确答案,或者瞬间排除错误选项.请记住!在英语完型填空和阅读理解题的选项中,从头到尾都充满了暗示点,善于利用这些暗示点,可以快速做对题! 无论任何人,在考试中,总会遇到吃不准选项的题,或可以称之为不会做的―难题‖,那么,如果遇到―难题‖,你会怎办?是放弃?不可能,怎么着也要―猜‖出一个答案!那么,是―瞎猜‖吗?如果是―瞎猜‖,其正确率仅是25%,是可想而知的低!那么,如何―猜‖才能有高的准确率呢?如果我告诉你N个秘诀,让你在做―难题‖时,猜出的答案的准确率由25%提高至95%,甚至是100%,你愿意继续看下去吗?

35. A. eat up

D. send out

35题在B和C模棱两可处到底选哪个? 当然选范围大的,能包括另一个的,即选B. 再举个例子,假如2010年辽宁卷高考英语完形填空的47题,不知选哪个, 怎么办? , often no perfect equivalence(对应in two languages. My aunt even goes so far as to that a Chinese ―equivalent‖ can never 47. A. words B. names C. ideas D. characters


new book ,just as 48. A much B still C hardly D quite


高频形容词 \ 副词: suddenly, even, finally, first, last, again, also, however, though, although, yet, instead, even though, but, still等.





22. We used to see each other , but I haven‘t head from him since last year.

A. especially . regularly C. particularly D. approximately

有些连知识点都不用,只是通过吴军老师教你的正负 / 过程和结果解题法就所向披靡了!通过正负,可知A和D可选!再通过过程和结果,可知A. with pleasure强调的是结果,说明借过后,表示荣幸,所以不符!电话还没借呢,故只有D符合。

23. — I‘m terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? It‘s rather urgent. — Yes, .

A. with pleasure B. no burry C. it doesn‘t matter


24. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school.

A. might B. could D. will

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-2第25页,有宾语主动,无宾语被动!follow后面有宾语,with的宾语后面可加形容词、副词、分词、不定式、名词等作宾补,这儿pet dog与follow构成主谓关系,所以用following.

25. The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog them.

A. to follow C. followed D. follows

2012吴军高考英语高频答案词一本通第108页,Rod喜欢拆卸钟表,然而,他从来都不能再重新装好。所以选B项。另外However两边句子相反,看到put…… together, 当然相反的就是taking apart啦!

26. Rod loves

B. giving away C. making up D. turning off

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-1第6页,one作―一个‖,―一本‖,―一件‖等解,用来代替上文提到过的paper。相当于a copy of paper.

28. If you‘re buying today‘s paper from the stand, could you get B. such C. this D. that


30. Leave your key with your neighbor you lock yourself out one day.

A. as long as B. even though D. as if

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-3第4页,Not until位于句首时句子要倒装,consider having a holiday abroad这个动作发生在retire之后,所以用一般过去时。

32. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad.

A. he had considered B. had he considered

C. he considered

2012吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题3天提分密码B-1第26页,在句型 ―It’s high/ very time that…‖中, 从句中的谓语动词用did或should do.所以选D项。

33. Jack is a great talker. It‘s high time that he

A. will do B. has done C. do . did


34. The newcomer went to the library the other day and scarched for he could find about Mark Twain.

A. wherever B. however D. whichever




When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an uncommon connection between him and the small black cat. He her Inky.

“ I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats 37 playmates,”Kruger,The seventy-year-old man,says. “My hearing was damaged by the of farm epuipment , so I

39. B. friends C. farmers D. neghbors

in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt going into shock(休克). the house. Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs.

“Go get Brenda, ” Krugger said to Inky. to the bedroom door and scratched

until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the Brenda found her husband the stairs and called 911.

52. A. bedroom C yard D. house

通过同现解决问题! 看到rushed后就知道很匆忙,故50空纠结时,通过同现校正答案,就不能误选C了,ran与rushed同现;51空是C还是D呢?Inky是猫,madly更贴切;53空,叫911送医院了,说明掉楼梯底下了。

to the bedroom door and scratched until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the

Brenda found her husband the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital.

50. A. walked . ran C. returned D. withdrew

51. A. rapidly B. suddenly . madly

D . urgently

53. B. in the middle of C. at the top of D. in the front of


“My hearing was damaged

by the . They react to what they see and what you do. ”

38. A. sound B. alarm D. voice




Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day‘s work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can communicate with family and friends by email, isternet phone and throhgh Private video conferenes.

While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activetics that they can still enjoy. Before a mission. The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for The astromauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth. During their missiom, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters . And as from early 2010, the internet became available on the ISS , giving astronaouts the chance to do some “web surfing (冲浪)”in their personal time. Besides relaxing with these more commom entertainments, astromauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.

Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth‘s vast land mass and oceans.

63. The passage mainly discusses how astronauts . (2012辽宁卷阅读B篇)

A. work for longer missions in space B. connect with people on the Earth

C. observe the Earth from space spend their free time in space


Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day‘s work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.

60. What does the word “in Paragraph 1 probably mean?(2012辽宁卷阅读B篇)

A. Find

C. Change D. Lose

找到minic这个动词的宾语way,way they do things做事的方式,Find 发现?;Copy 模仿?Change 改变?Lose 失去?way they do things做事的方式,当然是模仿做事的方式喽!


In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy. are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.

65. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students______。(2012辽宁卷阅读C篇) B. take an active part in Chinese competitions C. try to get high scores in Chinese exams D. fight for a chance to learn Chinese

65题根据题干关键字American students文章定位,就近原则参考点为racing to learn Chinese. 有些同学在A和D之间纠结。如果确实区分有困难的话,可以根据“A大于D,则选A。”原则,则选A。


A risky business plan, perhaps, but SAME Café has done one unchangeable thing in the Mile High City for six years: Open only at midday, the restaurant provides poor local can instead volunteer as waiters and waitresses, and dishwashers, or took after the buildings and equipment for the cafe.(2012辽宁卷阅读D篇)

69. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? cannot

B.More volunteers will go to new Orleans for the hurricane cleanup.

C.Many new cafes will be opened to offer free lunches in the town.

D.The lunch menu has remained the same since the café was started.

69题出题点在尾句,更有出题信号词instead ;选项中A是前后矛盾的句子,符合答案特征; 选项A中含有的volunteers是文章反复出现的中心词,所以答案就可以选A了.

四、洞穿7选5秘诀, 吴军高考英语运筹帷幄!


How to Make Friends

Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

1. Associate with others.

The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places. 2.Start a conversation

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.

Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

4.Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend.

5.Enjoy your friendship

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful. B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to. D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

E. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.

71空发现复现词friend,根据吴军高考英语7选5法则转折关系(形容词或副词相反,转折),选E; 72空根据吴军7选5法则同现原则, spoken to与conversation关联,所以选C; 73空看到每段都是祁使句,而只有B项中有与原文中的复现词together,所以选B; 74空就近原则指代一致you,复现一致your friend,所以选G; 75空后面有them,说明前面有复数名词,再加上否定句结构排比Try not to,所以75空选D.

五、改错探秘, 吴军教案看7遍,错点全部找到!

Dear Diana,

Thank you for the lovely day we with you. It was so kind had of

friend. Gina. , the only problem was the journey home. There had been a terrible


accident on the highway and, a result, there was a long line of traffic for at least six . In

as miles

the end, we drove to a service station and waited there car park until ∧car drove out far too quickly from behind a lorry. there a We


1. 第1句have→had, 参考吴军改错教案一23页,由后面的was可知,这儿应该用过去时态。

2. 第2句 for→of, 参考吴军改错教案二3页押中原题,It‘s kind of you为固定用法。

3. 第3句 Unfortunate→Unfortunately, 参考吴军改错教案一18页押中原题,用副词作状语。

4. 第4句 for→as, 考吴军改错教案二2页,as a result固定搭配。

5. 第4句 mile→miles, 参考吴军改错教案一4-5页,mile是可数名词,并且前面是six.

6. 第5句 unless→until, 考吴军改错教案二4-5页,这儿后面一句是一个时间状语从句,意思是我们一直等到路通了。

7. 第6句 here→there, 参考吴军改错教案一16-19页,叙述的是别的地方发生的事,所以用there.

8. 第6句 car前加a, 参考吴军改错教案一1页,car不是特指,并且是可数名词,所以前面要加a.

9. 第7句 they→we, 参考吴军改错教案一9页押中原题,叙述的是我们做的事,所以用we.

10. 第7句去掉to, 参考吴军改错教案二2页押中原题,make one‘s way home中home为副词,所以前面不用介词to。








徐可,沈阳4中高三0班,考生号:12210106110515,考场在15中学, 总分605(过理科一本线)。2012年高考英语为125分。来时100多分,通过短期10课的学习,分数提了近20分;


袁小力,鲁美附中高三1班艺考生,考生号:12210104130667,考场在50中学, 总分436。按其成绩排名基本上可以考取鲁美。通过短期集中20课的学习,其由来时的30多分,上升到本次高考66分,分数翻倍,险过小分!






Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.

Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 50 years old.

The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie. 2 .

Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries. 3 The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience don't mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all. 4 Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents. Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films. 5 They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.

A.Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

B.There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.

C.Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film.

D.Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music.

E. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values.

F.The result is a fun-filled musical.

G.So if you're tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood



The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we’ve never been before.

But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line. Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.

For anything you’re about to send: ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person’s face?” If the answer is no, rewrite and reread. .

If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. 3 If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

4 Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it’s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If it’s a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn’t give you license to

correct everyone else. 5 At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.

It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex and marital status. Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don’t ask such questions.

A. It’s natural that there some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.

B. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying the words to

the person’s face.

C. Everyone was new to the network once.

D. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to


F. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages.

G. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely.


Before going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer(温度计)for the temperature. This helps us decide what to wear. 1 . We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven. If we don’t feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer. Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale.

Both systems use the freezing and boiling points of water as their guide. 2 .

The most common kind of thermometer is made with mercury(水银)inside a clear glass tube. As mercury (or any other liquid) becomes hot, it expands. As it gets colder, it contracts(收缩). That is why on hot days the mercury line is high in the glass tube. First. Take a clear glass juice bottle that has a cap; fill the bottle with coloured water. Tap a hole in the center of the cap using a hammer and thick nail. Put the cap on the jar. Then stick a plastic straw(吸管) through the nail hole.

4 .

Finally. Place a white card on the outside of the bottle and behind the straw. Now you can see the water lever easily.

5 .

As the temperature goes down, the water will contract, and the lever in the straw will come down. Perhaps you will want to keep a record of the water lever in the straw each morning for a week.

A.We use and depend on thermometers to measure the temperature of many other things in our daily lives.

B.Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in the same way when they are heated or cooled.

C.Now that you know this rule you can make a thermometer of your own that will work.

D.The water will rise in the straw. As the temperature of the air goes up, the water will

expand and rise even higher.

E.They label these in different ways. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees

and boils at 212 degrees. On the Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at


F.Take wax (you may use an old candle if you have one) and melt some of it right where

the straw is struck into the cap to seal把..粘住) them together.

G.People use thermometers which are made by themselves when travelling around the world.


1 One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays.

The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. 2 Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. 3 All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.

4 You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages.

At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret!

Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.

So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A. That’s easy.

B. Enjoy your own club!

C. Invite a designer to join you.

D. What are you interest in?

E. Some vacation is just around the corner.

F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.

G. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.


My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard. Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.

My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.

3 Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us. 4 She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too

busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.

Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this is! 5 This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A. She enjoys listening to classic music.

B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

C. She loves her students and cares for them.

D. She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.

E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

G. Can you tell us something about your mother?




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二战时,美军在法国澳马哈海滩登陆,遇到德军强大的火力,死伤无数,美军上校泰勒向士兵讲了这样一段话: There are two types of people in this beach (海滩),the dead (死人) and those who are going to die. (在这个海滩上只有两种人:死人与将要死的人.) Follow me and try to get out of the hell!(地狱) 跟着我,冲出这地狱!战后,这句话成为美国的名言。[www.61k.com]在学习英语中,也同样只有两种人:失败的人与将要失败的人;

Follow me and try to get out of the hell ! ! !





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同学们可直接从后面实战练习入手,逐渐掌握应试技巧, 然后再回头看应试技巧理论总结《应对要领表》,这样比较容 1

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1 正确率应在90%。

2 五篇文章应控制在35分钟之内。(否则将没有时间完成其它部分的考试)



② 识别特点:文章不成段落,长短不一,有价钱电话号码,附有表格或地图 ③解题要领------只查不读





英语提分 高考英语提分技巧

? 中心

? 举例说明

● 作者观点或文章结论




1. 围着中心转-----中心 ( 第一句) 结论(最后一句)。

2. 注意段落结构---段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句)。


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3. 第二段—第一句 有but “??.” ----- today this day so yet therefore however .中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。[www.61k.com]

4. 注意连词 -------- but “??.” ---- today this day now so yet

therefore however?.这些连词后为重心。

5. 注意主从句 --- ●宾语从句看从句 ●状语从句看主句 ●定语从句—看主句(先行词


6. 并列疑问句或在一段中并列地名、人名、国名、一般最后一个为重心。并列多个形容


7. 在答案中A、B、C、D有三个至四个重复单词,此单词为重心(即关键词)


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一. 牢牢抓住中心—围着中心转

英语提分 高考英语提分技巧

(1) 文章的中心思想—第一句,如第二句是 but “??.” ---- today this

day now so yet therefore however?..应在第二句。

(2) 第二段—第一句 but “??.” ----- today this day so yet

therefore ?,中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。

(3) 如第一段以人物故事开头, 第一段一般是引子,中心应在第二段。

(4) 如第一段第一句以介绍人物开头, 第一句应是引子.中心应第二句。



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1. 文章的中心思想


注意:1 如有两个选项中出现中心词----需认真推敲

2 如出中心词的选项是否定时---需认真推敲,注重肯定旬。

3 中心题最好放在最后做。一但某一题不会做,跳过去,所有题

选完后,最后做,你会发现原来很容易,万不可一棵树吊死! 2. 作者观点或文章结论。下列词一般示为作者观点或段落,文章结论题imply暗示 infer推断 suggest暗示 learn from for example ?


3. 查细节——查细节关键词选择四大原则:

1尽量避免用中心词,和常用词作为关键词, 如提问方式中常用词汇、助动词、介词、连词等) 2如答案A、B、C、D里有3 -- 4个相同的词,便是关键词

3用关键词在文章中按顺序找到问题的出处,可能是关键词的重复,以多个关键词的重复为准。(有可能题干中的关键词和文章中的关键词会产生变化—即同意词,如“土豆”—“马玲薯”, “一碗豆腐”—“豆腐一碗”)a used vehicle--------- vehicles which are used -----a second-hand vehicle

4发现A、B、C、D四个选项中,哪个选项出现中心,一般该选项是正确答案的可能性较大。 5如果多个细节都有可能,选择有概括性的,结论性的。

3. 对错选择—解题要领及步骤

①围绕中心选择正确答案 ,如无法确定答案再到文章中查找答案



4. 解释词义


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LONDON (Reuters) - Organic fruit, delivered right to the doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.

"Organic produce is always better," Gold said. "The food is free of pesticides (农药), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally (本地) grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty." Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into organic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported (进口) to meet growing demand. "The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a 5

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very fast-growing market," said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.

1. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because_____.

A. they are getting richer

B. they can get the food anywhere

C. they consider the food free of pollution

D. they like home-grown fruit

2. Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain?

A. It grows indoors all year round.

B. It is produced outside Britain.

C. It is grown on family farms.

D. It is produced on large farms.

3. What is the meaning of "the organic trend" as the words are used in the text?

A. growing interest in organic food

B. better quality of organic food

C. rising market for organic food

D. higher prices of organic food

4. What is the best title for this news story?

A. Organic food healthy, or just for the wealthy?

B. The making of organic food in Britain

C. Organic food to import or not?

D. Good qualities of organic food



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1. 先将文章分类——信息类,一般文章





LONDON (Reuters) - Organic fruit, delivered right to the doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.


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第二段第一句有引号为中心句,第一段不必看。[www.61k.com)从冠词The food推出Organic produce是一种食品,该文中心为-----某种食品好!切记--------围着中心转!

"Organic produce is always better," Gold said. "The food is free of pesticides (农药), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally (本地) grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty." Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into , and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported (进口) to meet growing demand. "The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market," said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.

1. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because_____.(查细节)

A. they are getting richer

B. they can get the food anywhere

C. they consider the food free of pollution

D. they like home-grown fruit

2. Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain? (对错选择)

A. It grows indoors all year round.

B. It is produced outside Britain.

C. It is grown on family farms.

D. It is produced on large farms.


3. What is the meaning of "the organic trend" as the words are used in the text? ( 解释词义)

A. growing interest in organic food

B. better quality of organic food

C. rising market for organic food

D. higher prices of organic food





也可围着文章中心"The food is good.选择


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4. What is the best title for this news story? (文章的中心思想)

A. Organic food healthy, or just for the wealthy?

B. The making of organic food in Britain C. Organic food to import or not?

D. Good qualities of organic food




One of the greatest killers in the Western world is heart disease. The death rate (率) from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years. Today in Britain, for example, about four hundred people a day die of heart disease. Medical experts know that people can reduce their chances of getting heart disease by exercising regularly, by not smoking, by changing their diets, and by paying more attention to reducing stress (压力) in their work.

However, Western health-care systems are still not paying enough attention to the prevention of the disease. There is a need for more programs to educate the public about the causes and prevention of heart disease. Instead of supporting such programs, however, the U.S. health-care system is spending large sums of money on the surgical (外科的) treatment of the disease after it develops. This emphasis (强调) on treatment clearly has something to do with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten to fifteen. Years. In this time, modern technology has enabled doctors to develop new surgical techniques. Many operations that were considered impossible or too risky (有风险的) a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S. hospitals. The result has been a huge increase in heart surgery.

Although there is no doubt that heart surgery can help a large number of people, some people point out that the emphasis on the surgical treatment of the disease has three clear disadvantages. First, it attracts interest and money away from the question of prevention. Second, it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise. After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery, they must try to recover the money they have spent. To do this, they raise costs for all their patients, not just those patients whose treatment requires the equipment. The third disadvantage is that doctors are encouraged to perform surgery―even on patients for whom an operation is unnecessary―because the equipment and expert skills are there. A government office recently stated that major heart surgery was often performed even though its chances of success were low. In one type of heart surgery, for example, only 15 percent of patients improved their conditions after the surgery. 8

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However, more than 100,000 of these operations are performed in the United States every year.

56. What effect has modern technology had on medicine?

A. It has reduced the costs of medical treatment. B. It has helped save the lives of most patients.

C. It has encouraged doctors to do more heart surgeries.

D. It has helped educate people about the prevention of heart disease.

57. “To do this” (in Paragraph 3) means ______.

A. to help patients recover B. to increase the number of heart surgeries C. to get back the money spent on the equipment D. to buy new equipment for the treatment of heart disease

A. more money should be spent on the prevention of heart disease

B. heart surgery has helped most patients improve their conditions

C. modern technology has made heart surgery more risky than before

D. the public have known a great deal about the causes of heart disease

59. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. The Greatest Killer in the West

B. Heart Disease: Treat or Prevent

C. Modern Technology and Heart Surgery D. Heart Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages

58. The author would agree that ______.


One of the greatest killers in the Western world is heart disease. The death rate (率) from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years. Today in Britain, for example, about four hundred people a day die of heart disease. Medical experts know that people can reduce their chances of getting heart disease by exercising regularly, by not smoking, by changing their diets, and by paying more attention to reducing stress (压力) in their work.


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There is a need for more programs to educate the public about the causes and prevention of heart disease. Instead of supporting

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This emphasis (强调) on treatment clearly has something to do with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten to fifteen. Years. In this time, modern technology has enabled doctors to develop new surgical techniques. Many operations that were considered impossible or too risky (有风险的) a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S. hospitals. The result has been a huge increase in heart surgery.

Although there is no doubt that heart surgery can help a large number of people, some people point out that the emphasis on the surgical treatment of the disease has three clear disadvantages. First, it attracts interest and money away from the question of prevention. Second, it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise. After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery, they must try to recover the money they have spent. they raise costs for all their patients, not just those patients whose treatment requires the equipment. The third disadvantage is that doctors are encouraged to perform surgery―even on patients for whom an operation is unnecessary―because the equipment and expert skills are there. A government office recently stated that major heart surgery was often performed even though its chances of success were low. In one type of heart surgery, for example, only 15 percent of patients improved their conditions after the surgery. However, more than 100,000 of these operations are performed in the United States every year.

56. What effect has modern technology had on medicine?

A. It has reduced the costs of medical treatment. B. It has helped save the lives of most patients.

C. It has encouraged doctors to do more heart surgeries.

D. It has helped educate people about the prevention of heart disease.


57. “ (in Paragraph 3) means ______.


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A. to help patients recover B. to increase the number of heart surgeries C. to get back the money spent on the equipment D. to buy new equipment for the treatment of heart disease

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58. The author would agree that ______.

A. more money should be spent on the prevention of heart disease

B. heart surgery has helped most patients improve their conditions

C. modern technology has made heart surgery more risky than before

D. the public have known a great deal about the causes of heart disease


59. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. The Greatest Killer in the West

B. Heart Disease: Treat or Prevent





Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that one roof.

People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls

C. Modern Technology and Heart Surgery D. Heart Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages




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Admit 承认 help can’t help doing 情不自禁 Avoid 避免 help doing or to do帮助做某事 Advise 建议 imagine 想象;以为;假想

Appreciate 赏识, 感激 like 喜欢doing or to do

begin 开始doing or to do love 喜爱doing or to do

consider 考虑;思考 mind 介意;

deny 否认 postpone 延期;

delay 推迟 practice 实践;熟练

encourage 鼓励 put off 推迟;

endure 耐久, 忍耐 require 需要,要求

escape 逃脱, 避开 remember doing记得做过某事 enjoy 喜爱 to do 记着做某事 excuse 原谅, 申辩 regret doing 后悔 to do抱歉 finish 完成 start 开始doing or to do

fancy 想象, 设想, 认为 stop doing 停止做某事

forget doing 忘记做过某事 to do 停下来做另外事

to do忘记要做某事 suggest 建议

give up, 放弃 try doing试着做 to do 努力做 hate 不喜欢doing or to do

▲ Enough...to do 足够.. 做 too… to do太….而不能 == so as not to

▲ have sb do sth让某人做某事 have sth to do有什么事要做 have sth done让别人做某事e

▲不定式做宾语补语省略to的动词 feel, hear, notice, see, watch , have, help, let, make 注:当不定式做主语补语时to不可省。[www.61k.com)。


1 先行词被形容词最高级修饰。

2 先行词是all, everything, nothing, something等不定代词

3 当先行词被only, any, no, very, little或序数词修饰时。

注:上面3种情况不能使用who, whom, which等关系代词。



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常用连词 as 1.一边.一边2.当...时3.因为 as soon as 一…就… as(so) long as 只要 as(so) far as 据…所知 as...as 像...一样 as-- 尽管 accordingly 因此 所以 although, though 虽然 尽管 After 在...之后

A as well as B 不但A而且B before 在...之前 besides 而且 because 因为,放在主句后。[www.61k.com) both A and B 既是A又是B but 但是,而是,的确?但 consequently 因此 所以 either A or B 不是A是B even if 即使 even though 即使 else 否则

for fear that 以防万一 furthermore 而且 however 然而 hence 因此 所以 however 不论 if 如果 是否 in addition 而且 in order that 为了 in case 以防 假使,如果 in that 因为 既然 lest 以防万一 moreover 而且 not...until--直到...才 no sooner--than-- 一…就… not so(as)...as 不像... now that 既然 no matter(what, when, where, how) 无论(什么.何时,何地……) nor 也不 neither A nor B 既不是A也不是B not only A but also B 不但A而且B nevertheless 然而 once 一旦; 一度 on condition that 条件是 otherwise 否则 or 或,否则,不管是?,还是; provided that 如果 有时省略that still 然而 since 既然, 因为 Since 自从...通常主句用现完成时 so...that 太...以至so形容词或副词 so that 以便,为了 so可以省去。 so 因此,所以,那么,这样看来; such...that 太.以至 such后用名词。 the moment 一…就…(=as soon as) thus 因此 所以 therefore 因此 所以 more...than 比...怎么样 用于比较,后面用形容词或副词。 The more..., the more...- 越...越... though 虽然 尽管 Unless 如果不,除非 =if not When 1.当...的时候 While 1.在...期间 2.而3 虽然 尽管 Where 在...的地方 Wherever 无论哪里 Whatever 不管 Whether 不管,常与or not连用 yet然而



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about 关于,对于,在附近,在?周围 instead of 取代

在?范围 inside 在?之内(封闭状态) above 在?以上(标准)超过,过于 在?内部(时间) across 交叉,横穿,在?(对面) 那边 into 到?里,进入到?之内 after 在?之后(时间),在?后面 like 象,如同 against 相反,反对,逆着,靠着 near 在?近旁,近似于 along 顺着,沿着,带着 of ?的,由?制成的,关于,对于 alongside 和并肩,与?并排 off 从?离开,从?掉下,脱离 among 在?之中(三者以上) on 在?之上,依附于,在?时候(日) around 围绕,四处,在?周围 opposite 在?对面 as 当作,作为,以?身份 out of从?出来,出于?中间有? at 在?方面,在?地点,在?时刻 outside 在?之外,向?之外 because of 由于,因为 over走遍整个.. 越过,在?正上方 before 在?之前(时间),先于 past 过去(时间),超过,晚于 behind 在?之后(物体),落后 regarding 关于,对于,就?而论 below 在?下面(标准),到?下面 round 在周围,环绕,在?附近 beneath 在?下(on的反义词),低 since 自从,自?以来,从?至今 beside 在?旁边,和?比较 through 穿过,通过,从头至尾 besides 除?之外,在?之外 throughout 遍及,贯穿,从头至尾 between 在?之间(两者),介乎? till 直到?为止,直到?(才)


beyond to 向,往,给?,直到?为止

在?那一边,超过,迟于 toward 向,对于,接近,将近 but ( 用于nothing, nobody, who, under 在?正下方,低于 all等词之后 ) 除?之外 until 到?为止,在?以前 by在旁边,经,按照,通过,用,被 up 向上,在上,沿 despite 尽管,不管,不论 upon 在?之上,在?后立即 down 在?下方,往?下方,尽头 with 与?一起,和?,带着,偕同 during 在?期间,在?的时候 within 在?之内(时间),在?范围 except 除了?之外,除非,若不是 without 在?外面,没有,如果没有 for 为了,因为,对于,一段时间 from worth 值得….


in 在之内(敞开状态),在?期间 including 包括

in spite of 尽管,不管,不论


be是, 在, 存在 was, were been beat敲打, 拍子, 打, 打败 beat beaten become变成, 成为, 变得 became become begin开始, 首先 began begun blow殴打, 突然的打击 风吹, 吹气于, 叫, 喘blew blown 气

break休息, 暂停, 破裂, 突变。(www.61k.com]打破, 违犯, 折broke broken 断, 削弱, 超过, 突变

bring拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼) 停brought brought 下


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build建造, 建筑 构造, buy买, 购买,

catch捕捉, 捕获物, (窗)钩捕获, 赶上(车船等), 发觉, 感染(疾病)抓住 choose选择, 选定

come来, 来临, 到达, 出现,

cost成本, 价钱, 代价价值为, (使)花费(金钱,

时间,劳力等), 使失去(生命,健康等), 令人付出花费

cut切(割、削), (直线等)相交, 剪, 截, 刺穿, 刺痛, 删节, 开辟(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削, 削减, 删节, 伤口, 切口

dig掘, 挖, 钻研, 搜集 do

做, 实行, 尽力, 给予, 可用, 制作, 算出, 解答draw拉, 曳, 牵, 画, 绘制, 拖曳 汲取, 领取, 提取, 引起, 吸引 向...移动, 挨近 平局, 和局, 拖曳

drink饮料, 酒, 酗酒, 一口(或一些)饮料 喝, 喝酒, (植物、土壤等的)吸水, 举杯庆贺

drive驾车, 驱动器, 快车道, 推进力, 驱使, 动力, 干劲, 击球 开车, 驱赶, 推动、发动(机器等), 驾驶(马车,汽车等) 开车, 猛击, 飞跑

eat吃, 腐蚀 fall秋天, 落下, 瀑布, 降低, 落差, 采伐量, 堕落, 下降


, 落下, 来临, 失守, 变成, 垮台, 下跌, 阵亡feel摸, 触, 试探, 感觉, 觉得, 触摸, 以为

有知觉, (人)有某种感觉, 摸索, 同情 感觉, 觉得, 触摸

fight打架, 战斗,

打仗, 搏斗, 对抗, 打架

与...打仗, 指挥战斗, 反对...提案


找到, 发现, 感到, 查明, 得到, 认为, 见


fly飞翔, 飘扬, 溃逃 逃脱 forget忘记, 忽略忘记, 忘形, 忘乎所以 get获得, 变成, 收获, 使得, 挣得, 受到(惩罚,打击等), 染上, 抓住 到达, 成为, 变得

Give 给, 授予, 供给, 献出, 让步, 引起, 发表, 捐助

built bought caught chose came cost


dug did drew

drank drove

ate[et] fell

felt fought found

flew forgot got


built bought caught chosen come cost cut dug done drawn

drunk driven

eaten fallen

felt fought found flown forgotten got given


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go离去, 走, 进行, 去, 进行

went grow生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 grew 种植, 栽培, 培育 have有, 持有,

had hear听到, 听说, 听取,

heard Hide 剥...的皮, 痛打, 隐藏, 掩藏, 隐瞒, 掩饰 hid hit打击, 打, 碰撞, 击中, 袭击,

hit hold把握, 把持力, 柄, 控制, 监禁, 掌握,

held 拿着, 保存, 支持, 占据, 持有, 拥有 支持, 保持, 控制, 保留


刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害,

hurt 损害, 受伤


保持, 保养, 保存, 遵守, 经营,, 维持,



know知道, 了解, 认识, 熟悉, 认出, 分辨, knew 确信

lay放置, 铺设, 产(卵)提出, 平息, 布置 laid lead领导, 引导, 致使 led

领导, (道路等)通向, 导致

learn学习, 听到, 获悉 学习, 学会, 认识到 learned, learnt leave许可, 同意, 请假, 休假


离开, 动身, 剩下, 遗忘, 委托, 遗弃 出发, 离开

lend借给, 贷(款) lent let假设, 出租, 允许, 排放, 让...进入(或通过), let


出租, (工程等)被承包 出租屋,

lie躺, 平放, 展现, 展开, 位于 说谎, 躺 lay lose遗失, 浪费, 错过, 输去, 使失去, 使迷lsot

路, 使沉溺于 受损失, 失败


制造, 安排, 使成为, 认为, 产生, 获

made 得, 进行, 构成

mean 意谓, 想要, 用意, 有意义 meant[ment] meet

met 遇见, (迎)接, 与(某人目光)相遇, (赴约)和...会面, (经介绍)与...相识, 对付 相遇, 接触


薪水, 工资 支付, 交纳, 给予, 有利, 值

paid 得, 合算

put 放, 摆, 安置, 表达, 迫使, 移动, 提出, put

read读, 阅读, 理解, 学习


done grown had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known laid led

learned, learnt left

lent let lain lsot made meant[ment] met paid put



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上升, 增加, 上涨, 高地, 小山, 发生, 出

升起, 起身, 发源, 起义, 高耸, 增长, 上升, 复活


run跑, 赛跑, 奔跑, 运转, 趋向

跑, 奔, 逃跑, 竞选, 跑步, 蔓延, 进行, 行驶 使跑, 参赛, 追究, 使流, 管理, 运行

say说, 讲, 表示, 比方说, 话语, 想说的意见, see看, 看见, 了解 sell出售, 卖

set放, 置, 移动到, 使(人或事物处于某种状

态), 提出, 树立

send送, 寄, 发送, 派遣, 打发 shake摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动 shine照耀, 发光 擦亮 shoot射击, 发射,

射击, 投射, 伸出, 拍摄, 用完, 挥出, 给...注射, 使爆炸

射出, 射击, 发出, 发芽, 射门, 拍电影

show表示, 展览, 炫耀, 外观, 假装

出示, 指示, 引导, 说明, 显示, 展出, 放映

shut关上, 闭上, 关闭 sing唱, 演唱 sit (使)就座, (使)坐 sleep睡, 睡觉

speak说话, 发言, 演讲, 操(某种语言) spend花费, 消耗, 用尽 度过, 消磨

spread伸展, 展开, 传播, 蔓延, 酒席, 宴会,


伸展, 展开, 铺, 涂, 敷, 摆, 传播, 散布

spring 跃起, 泉, 弹簧, 发条, 弹性, 弹力, 根源

跳, 跃, 跃出, 使跳跃, 使爆炸, 触发


站, 立, 站起, (使)竖立, (使)位于, 维持不变, 持久, 经受

steal偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗

sweep扫, 打扫, 清扫, , 扫过, 掠过 swim游泳, 漂浮, 潮流, 眼花

take拿, 拿走, 取, 抓, 占领, 获得, 接受, teach讲授, 教授

rose ran said[sed] saw sold set sent shook shone shot

showed shut sang sat slept spoke spent spread


stood stole swept swam took taught


run said[sed] seen sold set sent shaken shone shot

shown shut sung sat slept spoken spent spread sprung stood stolen swept swum taken taught


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Tear 扯, 撕, 撕破, 戳破, 拉掉, 折磨, 使分tore torn 裂, 撕掉

tell告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道 told told 讲述, 泄密, 告发, 表明, 作证

think想, 思索, 认为 thought thought 认为, 以为, 预料

throw投, 掷 threw thrown 扔, 抛 , (指马)把骑者摔在地上, 使苦恼, 惊忧,


understand懂, 了解, 听说, 推定, 以为 understood understood wake叫醒, 激发 醒来, 醒着, 警觉, 振奋 woke waked wear穿, 戴 wore worn (~ out) 磨损, 用旧, (~ out) 穿着

win (获)胜, 赢得, 劝诱, won won


赢, 胜利

write书写, 著述, 写, 写wrote written

满, 写信给

写, 写字, 写信, 写作, 作曲




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一、 我们的优势及我们的劣势。[www.61k.com]

二、 搂(?)草打兔子还是直奔兔子去.

三、 学习方法的重要性。

四、 解决方案。




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1 这个人 是 一个老师。 The man is a teacher.


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主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(名词)

2 他 (是) 很忙。(www.61k.com] He is busy.

主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(形容词) ▲ 注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。

3 她(是)在教室里。 She is in the classroom. 主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(介词短语)



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---英国法学家 波洛克

Happiness is


形容词 介词短语

介词短语 形容词


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形容词 介词短语

The teacher is handsome.

My book is

表语(介词短语) 定语 (介词短语) She is


课堂练习 1



2不是 我的。

3.我的家乡 hometown 峡谷valley里。



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请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。[www.61k.com]先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。另外请大家注意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家下载学习。


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钱 不是 我的。

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is not mine

3.我的家乡 峡谷里。

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My hometown is

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课堂练习 2



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1.医院里的那个傻子fool 是 从英国来的。[www.61k.com]

2.教室里靠窗户的桌子上的那台电脑computer 是 新的。

3.你们班里的那个漂亮的女孩子 是 个贼 knife。


请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。另外请大家注意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家下载学习。


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是 从英国来的。

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是 新的。

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3女孩子 是 个贼

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There is the room.

=In the room, there is a table.


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there are 某人

There are five people in my family.

▲ 如果需要,该种句型中名词同样可被定语修饰,请看例句。[www.61k.com)

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There isin

There isin


1 注意英语的三个句子,举什么旗子不要错,不要


2 注意肯定否定,别忘了问号。


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3 注意定语的位置

4 小心单数复数和冠词。[www.61k.com)

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4.树上面的那个红苹果blue bird

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请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。另外请大家注意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家下载学习。


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有 五位

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Are there

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是 你姐姐的吗?

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是 你的吗?


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Is the old

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5女人 是

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I we you they he she it

宾格 me us you them him her it 形容词性所有格 my our your their his her its 名词性所有格 mine ours yours theirs his hers its

▲ 主+谓+宾+状

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介词短语 1


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介词短语 副词

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状语 状语


状语 状语

▲ 在任何一种句型中,只要需要,名词都可以被定语修饰。(www.61k.com)


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3 学习英语。

study English hard in the

课堂练习 4




3. 客厅里靠窗户的墙上的画里的那个小村庄是你的家乡吗?

4. 你前面的那个人是一个从英国来的贼。

5. 那个从美国来的小偷每年在北京市偷一百辆自行车。




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1 注意英语的三个句子,举什么旗子不要错,不要


2 注意肯定否定,别忘了问号。

3 注意定语的位置

4 小心单数复数和冠词。


请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。另外请大家注意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家下载学习。


Tom does his homework in the reading room every evening.



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3. 客厅里靠窗户的墙上的画里的那个小村庄是你的家乡吗?

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4. 你前面的那个人是一个从英国来的贼。


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is a thief

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5. 那个从美国来的小偷每年在北京市偷一百辆自行车。[www.61k.com]

The thief steals

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100 bikes in Beijing every year.

6. 我不喜欢你们班的那个老师。

I don’t like

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your father and mother watch TV in the living room at 12 every night?



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系 Our village is

2 状语

The students review English every 29

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evening in the reading-room

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状语 there are

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There are

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our class.



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It is the moon.



1. 充分重视三种基本句型的重要性,它们是学好英语


2. 请特别注意英语中的 常用介词不过30多 30

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3. 将中英两种文字加以比较,注意它们的相同与不同之处,掌握其规律,学习英语就变得异常容易。

孙老师特别提示:本课为现在录音,可以重复听基础课第四课,尤其是基础较差的同学。当课堂上面授同学做练习时,网上同学请退出网络,在下载区下载相应练习。先做完练习再继续听课。我们发现大多数同学在自己做练习中会出现大量的问题,这些问题将会直接影响到您的三级考试成绩。这是网络学习的一大弱势,因此希望同学们花一点时间和面授同学一块进行练习,在练习完毕之后,我们会认真分析你练习中的错误。如果你想在考试中拿高分, 孙老师提示——请务必按照我们的要求扎实基础,千万!!!





1. 无论动词如何变化,我们都能识别它,并且熟练地应用它,这就要求我们熟记 31

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2. 它们的每种变化到底意味着什么?它们与中文的动词有什么区别?

3. 最关键的是,要了解什么是时态,其实时态的本质是一半时,一半态。



▲ 一般时态所表示的时间概念



▲ 一般时态所表示的时间概念


▲ 一般时态的构成


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is am are

was were Be------ will be Would be

You are rich.


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is are

was were There be --- will be

Would be

There is a wallet on the desk.

▲ 主+谓+宾+状

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The students study English.

The students do not study English.

Do the students study English?


The student studies English .


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The student does not study English. Does the student study English?

▲ 一般过去时态的基本用法


The students studied English .

The students did not study English. Did the students study English?

▲ 一般将来时态的基本用法


The students will study English .

The students will not study English. Will the students study English?

▲ 一般过去将来时态的基本用法


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The students would study English .

The students would

▲ 一般现在时态的基本用法

1、 表示客观事实或普遍真理

● The earth moves around the sun.


● Practice makes perfect.


2、 表示目前的情况及反复发生的动作,或习惯性的动作,常与

频率副词连用。如sometimes, often, always, usually, seldom, 这种副词通常放在主语和动词之间。

● She seldom gets up before 6 in the morning.


● They often 星期天他们经常去郊游。

▲ 一般过去时态的基本用法


● I went to see a doctor yesterday。

36 Would the students study English? not study English.

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● He was a pilot five years ago.


● He married a stewardess.


▲ 一般将来时态的基本用法


1. will, shall

shall 用于第一人称,will用于其它人称。


● She will arrive in London on Friday.


● We will never forget you forever.


● He often says he will be rich in the future.


2. to be (am, are, is ) going to do (be)



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● I am going to get up at five o’clock tomorrow morning. 我明天早上打算五点起床。[www.61k.com)

● I’m going to have dinner at home this evening.


shall, will和to be going to的比较

● He is going to see his teacher this afternoon.

● He will see his teacher this afternoon.

第一句只是一种打算,第二句在一定程度上已经决定了。 ● I’m going to climb to the top.

● I will climb to the top.


will和to be going to的区别有时并不十分明显,可以换用,但在有些情况下却不行。

● I will never forget you.

╳ I’m not going to forget you.


3. be (is, am, are) to + 动词原形


● Mary and my brother are to be married next year.


be to + 动词原形与to be going to + 动词原形的比较

● We are going to finish our paper the end of this month.


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● We are to finish our paper the end of this month.


第一句to be going to do是表示打算。


4. be (is, am, are) about to + 动词原形


● Look! The plane is about to take off.


▲ 一般过去将来时态的基本用法




1. would , should



● I thought he would take the chance.



● I knew he would be a good teacher.



● Last evening he said he would go to America.



从上面的三个例句可以看出:一般过去将来时态在使用时通常 39

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● Should I go on?



● You should give up smoking.


(表示应该,指一种义务或责任,但语气较客气) ● Would you like to have dinner with me?



2. to be ( was / were ) going to


3. to be (was were) to +动词原形


4. be (was were) about to +动词原形


---------------------------------------------------- ●I am about to --- or I am going to --- die: either expression is correct.

----Dominique Bouhours, French grammarian, D.


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我将或者我即将——死去:两种表达方式都正确。(www.61k.com)---法国语法学家 伯阿沃斯 . D. (遗言) ●

Oh, do not cry ---be good children and we will all meet in heaven(天堂).

-----Andrew Jackson, American president

哦,不要哭,要做乖孩子,我们都会在天堂见面的。 --美国总统 杰克逊 . A. (遗言)


二战时,美军在法国澳马哈海滩登陆,遇到德军强大的火力,死伤无数,美军上校泰勒向士兵讲了这样一段话: There are two types of people in this beach (海滩),the dead (死人) and those who are going to die. (在这个海滩上只有两种人:死人与将要死的人.) Follow me and try to get out of the hell!(地狱) 跟着我,冲出这地狱!战后,这句话成为美国的名言。在学习英语中,也同样只有两种人:失败的人与将要失败的人;

Follow me and try to get out of the hell !


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▲ 特殊疑问句的构成


1. 提问主语,句子不变。[www.61k.com)

2. 提问句子的其他成分,先变一般疑问


3. 提问主语的定语,按主语处理,提问


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1. Who studied English hard in the university for the test on Sunday?

2. What did he study hard in the university for the test on Sunday?

3. How did he study English in the university for the test on Sunday?


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4. Where did he study English hard for the test on Sunday?

5. Why did he study English hard in the university on Sunday?

6. When did he study English hard in the university for the test?


7. What did he do hard in the university for the test on Sunday?


8.How many students study English?

9. IHow many children do you have?

10. Who is your teacher?

11. Where do you live?

43 注:在谓主状句型中,无论提问什么成分,都要先把句型变成一

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Is there anything on the desk?

Is there anybody in the clossroom

How many people are there

in your family?

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do did will do be (is am are ) going to be to be about to


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孙老师 ---- 请网络同学退出网络,在下载区下载先将作业做完再听讲解并认真总结经验。这一点非常重要,切记!!!

课堂练习 1



1. 2. 3. The meeting will begin .

4. 5. 6. 7. He can finish the job 8.


请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。另外请大家注意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家下载学习。


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1. Where did John teach?

2. What does Tom study?

3. When (What time) will the meeting begin?

4. Why was she happy?

5. When were they neighbors?

6. How many times (How often) a month did you go to the cinema?

7. When can he finish the job?

8. Who sold the cotton by weight?

课堂练习 2


1. 北京市的那所学校去年有五位从美国来的老师吗?

2. 去年你们班的同学在你们学校附近的那所医院里种了一百棵树吗?

3. 昨天夜里十二点,有个拿刀的贼在我们家客厅里把我们家的猫


4. 我们班的老师明年要教从美国来的学生吗?

5. 两个警察中间的那个小偷去年在美国偷了一百辆自行车。

6. 明年谁会是你们班最好的学生?


请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的 46

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错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。[www.61k.com]另外请大家注意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家下载学习。

1. 北京市的那所学校去年有五位从美国来的老师吗?

Were there five teachers from America in the school in Beijing?

2. 去年你们班的同学在你们学校附近的那所医院里种了一百棵树吗?

Did your classmates plant 100 trees in the hospital near your school last year?

3. 昨天夜里十二点,有个拿刀的贼在我们家客厅里,把我们家的猫杀了。

The thief with a knife killed my cat in our living room at 12 yesterday night.

4. 我们班的老师明年要教从美国来的学生吗?

The teacher of our class will teach the students from America.

5. 两个警察中间的那个小偷去年在美国偷了一百辆自行车。

The thief between two policemen stole 100 bikes in America

6. 明年谁会是你们班最好的学生?

Who will be the best student in your class?


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我们前面所学的四种时态,表达的只是时间概念。本课所学的进行时态除时间概念外,又加入了某种感情色彩。 在传统的教学中,进行态往往被认为只是表示一个进行的动作,其实这只是一个表面现象,进行态更多的含义在于给人一种生动的画面感。 我们可以形象地比喻:使用一般态像听录音机,使用进行态则像看电视机,而后者所具备的功能正是画面,这恰恰是一般态和进行态的不同之处。第二,进行态给我们的是一种暂时性。




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▲ 进行时态的构成

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Be doing

▲ 现在进行时态和过去进行时态



● They live in America.(一贯的)

● They are living in America.(暂时的)



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YOU are not eating much.

● My TV works well.

我的电视非常好。(www.61k.com)(一贯的) ● My TV is working well.



2. 进行时态的感情色彩。


It rained. It was raining. The girl cried. The girl was crying.

● Do you know your girl friend

was having dinner with a guy in the restaurant near our school yesterday evening?

你知道不知道你的女朋友昨天晚上和一个小伙子在学校附近的餐馆一起吃饭? 50

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注:说话的人没有用一般过去时,而是用过去进行时态。(www.61k.com)从这句话 中可以看出他通过进行时态的画面感,给对方一个亲眼看到的感觉,以刺激听话的人。

-------- I had very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it.

▲ 将来进行时态

● I will wait for you at the airport.

● I will be waiting for you at the airport.




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4. 学好时态的关键是要了解时态是“时与态”的


5. 掌握进行态的关键,在于它表示的是一个暂时性的动作和


6. 在今后的阅读和听外国人讲话时,多注意他们是怎样使用


7. 我们在课后也为同学们准备了大量练习,希望同学们用





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请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。[www.61k.com)先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。另外请大家注意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家下载学习


1. The last time I Jane, she cotton in the fields.

A. had seen; was picking B. saw; picked

D. saw; was picking C. had seen; picked

2. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he office soon.

A. leaves B. would leave

D. had left C. left

3. –Can I join the club, Dad?

--You can when you a bit older.

A. get B. will get

D. will have got C. are getting

4. –Do you like the material?

--Yes, it very soft.

A. is feeling B. felt

D. is felt C. feels

5. I don’t really work here; I until the new secretary arrives.

A. just help out B. have just helped out

D. will just help out C. am just helping out

6. –quite catch it.

--It’s 9568442.

A. didn’t B. couldn’t

D. can’t C. don’t

7. I don’t think Jim saw me; he into space.

A. just stared B. was just staring

D. had just stared C. has just stared

8. –Can I help you, sir?

--Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it 53

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A. didn’t work B. won’t work

D. isn’t working C. can’t work

9. I first met Lisa three years ago. She at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked B. was working

D. had worked C. had been working

10. –Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

--I A. had B. would

D. did C. was going to

11.–Is this raincoat yours?

--No, mine there behind the door.

A. is hanging B. has hung

D. hung C. hangs


1. The last time I Jane, she cotton in the fields.

A. had seen; was picking B. saw; picked

C. had seen; picked D. saw; was picking

2. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he office soon.

A. leaves B. would leave

D. had left C. left

3. –Can I join the club, Dad?

--You can when you a bit older.

B. will get A. get

D. will have got C. are getting

4. –Do you like the material?

--Yes, it very soft.

A. is feeling B. felt

D. is felt C. feels

5. I don’t really work here; I until the new secretary arrives.

A. just help out B. have just helped out

C. am just helping out D. will just help out

6. –quite catch it.


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--It’s 9568442.

B. couldn’t A. didn’t

D. can’t C. don’t

7. I don’t think Jim saw me; he into space.

A. just stared B. was just staring

D. had just stared C. has just stared

8. –Can I help you, sir?

--Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it A. didn’t work B. won’t work

C. can’t work D. isn’t working

9. I first met Lisa three years ago. She at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked B. was working

D. had worked C. had been working

10–Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

--I A. had B. would

D. did C. was going to

11.–Is this raincoat yours?

--No, mine there behind the door.

B. has hung A. is hanging

D. hung C. hangs

1. D the last time在此做连词,引导状语从句,该句应译成:上次看到他时,他在地里采棉花。(www.61k.com)谓语动词用的是see,因此该句给我们一个短暂或某一时刻的感觉。应用进行态,进行态常用来表示动作的暂时性。

2. B

3. A 主从句都是将来时,从句用一般时,主句用将来时。注意can, must, may, to be able to这些情态动词都是表示将来时。

4. C feel是系动词。

5 C 进行态表示暂时性。


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6. A 7 B

8. D 表示目前的状况。(www.61k.com]

9. B at this time表示一个短暂的时间,所以用进行态。

10. C 此句用was going to或would都应该是对的,但是was going to有打算的意思,而would表示将要的意思,从第一句看出,他实际上没有去成,was going to只是一种打算,所以应选C。

11. A 特别强调目前的状态,用进行时。








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掌握名词性从句并不难。[www.61k.com]只是在我们过去学过 的三种基本句型中出现名词的位置上,根据需要将 名词扩大成一个句子,并做小小的改动。也就是说 在一个主系表或主谓宾句型中再套上一个主系表或 主谓宾的句子而已。并注意中文表达上的区别。

I know the teacher

I know

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I know

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I know


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that you know that she found that

▲ 由连词that、if、whether 引导的名词性从句

主 语 谓 语 宾语(宾语从句)


主 语 谓 语 宾语(宾语从句) 57 主语 状语 谓语

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●Everyone knows

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从上面的例句可以看出,宾语从句只是将宾语扩大成一个句子,并用连词 that 引导。(www.61k.com]因为 that 没有实际意思,通常可以省略。

主语(主语从句) 系 表语

地球围着太阳运行 是 一条真理。


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同样的一个句子,当把它放在主语的位置时,我们便称其为主语从句。通常将主语从句放在句子的后面,并用 it 代替其原先的位置,叫做形式主语。在这种情况下,连词 that 通常不省。

主 语 系● My idea is


由连词if、whether 引导的名词性从句也是完整的句子,所不同的是 that 在句子中没有实际意思,可以省略,而 if、whether 因为有是否的意思,故不可省略。


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● I wonder

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注:whether 可加

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or not 而 if 不能。(www.61k.com)有时我们可以将由whether引导的主语从句放在句首,if则不能。

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不要忘了,世界上最强大的力量是爱情。--美国实业家 洛克菲勒

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. N.

经验证明,大部分时间都是被一分钟一分钟地而不是一小时一小时地浪费掉的。 --------法国语言学家 梅耶 . P.

I am glad that I am sorry that I am sure that


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I am afraid that

▲ 由连接代词who、whom、what、which、whose、

how much、how many 引导的名词性从句


who -------------- 人(主格,也可用于宾格)

whom ------------ 人(只用于宾格)

what -------------- 物(主格或宾格)

which ------------ 哪一个(名词的定语)

whose ------------ 谁的(名词的定语)

how many(much) 多少(代替名词或做名词的定语)

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连接代词做主语(代替人) 谓 宾

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代词做宾语(代替物)主 谓

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连接代词做主语的定语(代替谁的) 主

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谓 宾

代词做buy的宾语 主 谓 的定语(代替哪一本)

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系 连接代词做


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连接代词做 主 谓

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状 宾语(代替谁)

代词做 主

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谓 状



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-----------------Patrick White, British novelist


----------英国小说家 怀特 . P.

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(关心 -----Abraham Lincoln, American president

我不知道我爷爷是什么样的人,我更关心的是,他的孙子会成为什么样的人 --------------美国总统 林肯 . A.


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▲ 由连接副词where, when, why, how引



where ------------ 地点

when ------------- 时间

why -------------- 原因

how -------------- 方式

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●-He told me how he studied English in the university to go

abroad five years ago.

●-He told me where he studied English hard to go abroad

five years ago.

●-He told me why he studied English hard in the university

five years ago.

●-He told me when he studied English hard in the university

to go abroad.

我们同样可以把带有连接副词的句子放在主语或表语的位置 62

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▲ 由连词that、if、whether 引导的名词性从句

▲ 由连接代词who、whom、what、which、whose、

how much、how many 引导的名词性从句


who -------------- 人(主格,也可用于宾格)

whom ------------ 人(只用于宾格)

what -------------- 物(主格或宾格)

which ------------ 哪一个(名词的定语)

whose ------------ 谁的(名词的定语)

how many(much) 多少(代替名词或做名词的定语)

▲ 由连接副词where, when, why, how引导



where ------------ 地点

when ------------- 时间

why -------------- 原因


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how -------------- 方式

▲ This(that, it)is + because…

当主语是this, that, it时,常用because引导表语从句。[www.61k.com) ●—Women live longer than men after retirement.

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主语 谓语

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1. 我 忘记

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系 2. 就是

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( depend on ) It


1. 学习名词性从句特别注意的是词性及词序,, 64

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2. 在进行中英文互译的时候,要特别注意中英文的不同点。


主语从句 系 表语从句

你爱的那个人 就是 我爱的那个人。

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请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误, 英语水平提高得较快,以便在考试中避免同样的 65

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1. 你相信那个从英国来的贼去年在北京市偷了好多自行车吗? Do you believe that the thief stole a lot of bikes in BEIJIN last year?

2. 昨天医生告诉我,我们老师可能要死了。

The doctor told me that our teacher was going to die.

3. 你知道你们班的那个漂亮的女孩昨天为什么要偷你们老师的钱包吗?

Do you know why the beautiful girl of your class stole the wallet of your teacher?

4. 昨天他告诉我,明年他会挣多少钱。

Yesterday, he told me how much money he (would)was going to make.

5. 我不相信你们班长明天会来。

I do not believe that your monitor will come tomorrow.

6. 昨天他告诉我他在王府井大街买了什么。

Yesterday , he told me what he had bought in Wang Fu Jin Street.

7. 你知道昨天是谁的妹妹咬了我吗?


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Do you know whose sister bit me yesterday?



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2. 谁是我们的敌人,谁是我们的朋友,是革命的首要问题。(www.61k.com]

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I don’


8. 明天他是否会参加那个舞会,没人知道。


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I’m glad to know

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11. I’m sorry to hear

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定语从句 I

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英文中一个大句子往往套着一个或几个小句子,中文却 68

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▲ 由关系代词引导的定语从句




that可以与who which whom换用。


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Do you know the boy

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● 这就是那个男孩

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=the boy’s

● 你认识那个女孩吗

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=the girl’

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▲ 介词后的关系代词



● 我认识你们谈论的那个人。


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注:关系代词做介词about的宾语,about被保留在句尾时,关系代词可以用whom who或that,可以省略。(www.61k.com]我们也可以将about放在关系代词whom之前。

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▲ 必须使用关系代词that的几种情况

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● that I have read.

● I know.


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等不定代词 ● He told methat he knew.

3、 或序数词修饰时。 ● leads into the mountain. ●

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that came here?

注:上面3种情况不能使用who, whom, which等关系代词。

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二、 汉译英


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Do you know t

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定语从句练习 1 你能找到你出生的那个房子吗? 我不喜欢你买的那辆汽车。 你能把那本字典给我吗?就是那本皮是红的。 他就是那个英语说得很好,个子最高的男生。 你就是我一直在找的那个女孩子。



1. Can you find the house in which (where) you were born?

2. I do not like the car that (which ) you bought?

3. Would you give (pass) me the dictionary whose cover is red?

4. He is the tallest boy that speaks English best

5. You are the girl who I have looked(have been looking) for.


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对不起我也没下载全,后还有十几课,还有关于高考 ,中考应试技巧,讲绝了。[www.61k.com]




在学习定语从句 时,请注意关系代词和关系副词的区别,关系代词在从句中起到的是名词的作用,而关系副词起的是副词或介词短语的作用,即状语的作用。

▲ 关系副词





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从以上的例句中可以看出,关系副词在从句中代替的是一个介词短语,相当于on the day,

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● Look at the house. In the house, I was born.


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注:where在从句中充当状语,代替in the house,该句也可以用


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● I know the reason. She is unhappy today.

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关系副词why代替从句中for the reason。此句可以用关系代词做。

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▲ as引导定语从句,先行词可以是一个名词,也可以是一个短


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● 代替前面整个句子

(As you know, the earth moves around the sun.)



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● There are only two families in the world, as

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-----------Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist



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-----西班牙小说家 塞万提斯 .M.

●Money is the sinews(力量) of love, as

As = Money is the sinews

-----------George Farquhar, Irish dramatist

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--------爱尔兰剧作家 法夸尔 .G.

●Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as

As = ever the beginning

-------Thomas Carlyle, British historian and essayist


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East Asia.


注:如译成China lies in East Asia and its population is the largest in the world。就不如上面例句好。正如前面一课导言中所说: 英文的表达方式像葡萄,而汉语像竹子。在阅读中应多注意两种语言的差异。

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● I am going to see my wife ,who is living in America




I wanted to work in your company in 1995, when I came back from English ,where I had studied from 5 years.


The flat is in the build in Wang Fu Jing street, which is not far from the school.

▲ 定语从句与同位语从句的区别


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● The news that she is going to marry an American is surprising. 她要嫁给一个美国人的消息令人吃惊。(www.61k.com]


● The news that he told me is not true.





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3. 4. 5.

6. 学生们正在学习商务英语 79

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will always

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always be his boss.

----DIANE RAVITHCH, speech (1985)






定语从句练习 1

1. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。


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2. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?

3. 昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我的苹果,那个苹果是我妈妈给我买的。(www.61k.com]

4. 自从她出生以来他就从未见过她爸爸。

5. 她昨天告诉我,自从他去年见到她父亲,就再也没有见过了。

6. 你知道你们班长喜欢的那个是贼的女孩吗?



1. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。

She is the girl who will have made ten thousand dollars by the end of nest year.

2. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?

Do you know the thief whom (who) the policeman has been looking for?

3. 昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我的苹果,那个苹果是我妈妈给我买的。 Yesterday, He told me who had eaten my apple which my mother bought for me.

4. 自从她出生以来她就从未见过她爸爸。

She has never seen her father since he was born.

5. 她昨天告诉我,自从他去年见到她父亲,就再也没有见过了。

Yesterday, she told me that she had never seen her father sine she was born

6. 你知道你们班长喜欢的那个是贼的女孩吗?

Do you know the girl who (whom) your monitor likes?



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在学习定语从句 时,请注意关系代词和关系副词的区别,关系代词在从句中起到的是名词的作用,而关系副词起的是副词或介词短语的作用,即状语的作用。(www.61k.com)

▲ 关系副词





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从以上的例句中可以看出,关系副词在从句中代替的是一个介词短语,相当于on the day,

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● Look at the house. In the house, I was born.

注:where在从句中充当状语,代替in the house,该句也可以用



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● I know the reason. She is unhappy today.

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关系副词why代替从句中for the reason。[www.61k.com)此句可以用关系代词做。

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▲ as引导定语从句,先行词可以是一个名词,也可以是一个短


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● 代替前面整个句子

(As you know, the earth moves around the sun.)


● There are only two families in the world, as -----------Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist


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那就是富人和穷人。[www.61k.com] -----西班牙小说家 塞万提斯 .M.

●Money is the sinews(力量) of love, as

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As = Money is the sinews

-----------George Farquhar, Irish dramatist


--------爱尔兰剧作家 法夸尔 .G.

●Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as

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As = ever the beginning

-------Thomas Carlyle, British historian and essayist


▲ 非限定性定语从句






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East Asia.


注:如译成China lies in East Asia and its population is the largest in 84

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the world。(www.61k.com)就不如上面例句好。正如前面一课导言中所说: 英文的表达方式像葡萄,而汉语像竹子。在阅读中应多注意两种语言的差异。

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● I am going to see my wife ,who is living in America




I wanted to work in your company in 1995, when I came back from English ,where I had studied from 5 years.

这个公寓在王府井大街的一个大楼里,它离学校不远 The flat is in the build in Wang Fu Jing street, which is not far from the school.

▲ 定语从句与同位语从句的区别

● The news that she is going to marry an American is surprising. 她要嫁给一个美国人的消息令人吃惊。


● The news that he told me is not true.




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9. 10. 11.








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will always

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always be his boss.

----DIANE RAVITHCH, speech (1985)






定语从句练习 1

1. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。

2. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?

3. 昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我的苹果,那个苹果是我妈妈给我买的。

4. 自从她出生以来他就从未见过她爸爸。

5. 她昨天告诉我,自从他去年见到她父亲,就再也没有见过了。

6. 你知道你们班长喜欢的那个是贼的女孩吗?



1. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。

She is the girl who will have made ten thousand dollars by the end of nest year.


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2. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?

Do you know the thief whom (who) the policeman has been looking for?

3. 昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我的苹果,那个苹果是我妈妈给我买的。[www.61k.com) Yesterday, He told me who had eaten my apple which my mother bought for me.

4. 自从她出生以来她就从未见过她爸爸。

She has never seen her father since he was born.

5. 她昨天告诉我,自从他去年见到她父亲,就再也没有见过了。

Yesterday, she told me that she had never seen her father sine she was born

6. 你知道你们班长喜欢的那个是贼的女孩吗?

Do you know the girl who (whom) your monitor likes?

对不起我也没下载全,后还有十几课,还有关于高考 ,中考应试技巧,讲绝了。最好还是自己到网址上去听,笑死人,不知觉英语学会了。(资料的第二页是课堂网址)


同学们可直接从后面实战练习入手,逐渐掌握应试技巧, 然后再回头看应试技巧理论总结《应对要领表》,这样比较容易切入并理解。



1 正确率应在90%。

2 五篇文章应控制在35分钟之内。(否则将没有时间完成其它部分的考试)



② 识别特点:文章不成段落,长短不一,有价钱电话号码,附有表格或地图 ③解题要领------只查不读


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? 中心

? 举例说明

● 作者观点或文章结论





1. 围着中心转-----中心 ( 第一句) 结论(最后一句)。

2. 注意段落结构---段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句)。

3. 第二段—第一句 有but “??.” ----- today this day so yet therefore however .中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。

4. 注意连词 -------- but “??.” ---- today this day now so yet

therefore however?.这些连词后为重心。

5. 注意主从句 --- ●宾语从句看从句 ●状语从句看主句 ●定语从句—看主句(先行词


6. 并列疑问句或在一段中并列地名、人名、国名、一般最后一个为重心。并列多个形容


7. 在答案中A、B、C、D有三个至四个重复单词,此单词为重心(即关键词)


五 : 名师指导之中考英语答题技巧










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