

发布时间:2018-01-12 所属栏目:中国文化

一 : 李阳疯狂英语口语速成转载

长元音 【 i:】

That movie was extremely funny.那部电影极其有趣。
I have a feeling that things are not so simple.我感觉事情并不那么简单。
I dream of becoming the best English speaker in ourcity.我梦想成为我们城市英语说得最好的人。
I don’t believe him.我不相信他。
I can’t conceive where he came up with thatidea.我想不出他是怎么想到这个主意的。
First conceive,then achieve.先设想,再去达成。
I’m glad to meet you.!我很高兴见到你!/见到你很高兴。/认识你很高兴。
1.The chinese are a great people.中国人民是伟大的人民。
2.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。
3.Speaking english is a pieceof cake.说英语是小菜一碟。
4.The food here doesn't seem to agree with me.看来这里的食物我吃不惯。
5.Do you happen to see the key on the seat?你有没有看到座位上的钥匙?
6.I see what you mean ,but i can't agree withyou.我懂你的意思,但我不能同意。
7.It's easier to dream than toachieve.梦想容易实现难。
8.Whatever your mind can conceive and believe,your mind can achieve! 只要你想得到,只要你相信,你就一定能够做到!
9.Please feel free to call me .请随时给我打电话。
10.Keep it a secret between you andme.请保密/别告诉其他人这件事。
There's a nice breeze between the trees.树林中吹来怡人的微风。
I can't conceive where he came up with that idea!我想不出她是怎么想到这个主意的。
First conceive,then achieve.先设想,再去达成。
I dream of becoming the best English speaker in ourcity.我梦想成为我们城市英语说得最好的人。
How did the game turn out?
短元音【 i 】
How is your business going? 你的生意(做得)怎么样?
1.Give me a minute.给我一点时间
2.I'm pretty busy.我很忙
3.A good beginningmakes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾
4.This is a small gift.I hope you likeit.小小礼物,希望你喜欢
5.Your company is veryimpressive.你们公司让人印象深刻。
6.I was lucky to miss the trafficaccident.我很幸运,没碰上这次交通事故
7.How long did it take you to finish thisjob.你完成这件工作花了多长时间?
8.Nothing is impossible to awilling heart.心之所愿,无事不成。
9.His intelligence is unlimited.他非常聪明
10.Finish it in a minute if it is notdifficult.如果不难,就尽快完成。
He knows a bit of everything.他什么都知道一点
1.Lily lives in a big city.莉莉住在大城市里
2.Business is business.公事公办
3.She has five projects going at once, what abusy bee.她同时做5个项目,忙得不可开交
4.She is always as busy as a bee.她总是很忙
5.He is extremely happy.他高兴极了
6.I mean it ,i'm serious.我说真的,我是认真的。
7.Please meet me here in threeweeks.3个星期之后在这里见面。
8.Progress begins with dreams.进步从梦想开始。

【 e 】
expensive昂贵的remember回忆起记得depend依靠依赖question问题 询问怀疑pressure压力压迫紧迫dedicate提供奉献respect尊重weather天气处境pleasant令人愉快的舒适的already已经
I'll alaways remember my visit to china.我将永远记得我的中国之行
If you want to remember english words,practice everyday.如果你想记住英语单词,你必须每天操练。
I depend on you to be on time.我指望你能准时。
He works well even under pressure.他即使在压力下也能很好地工作。
Respect yourself,or no one else will.人必自敬,而后人敬之。
Welcome back to Korea.欢迎回到韩国。
1.Better late than never.迟到总比不到好
2.East or west,home is best.金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。
3.when is the deadline.最后限期是什么时候?
4.The message was very helpful。这个信息很有帮助
5.I'll never forget that specialday.我永远不会忘记那特别的一天。
6.Fresh air and exercise aregood for health.新鲜空气和运动有益于身体健康。
7.Never let your parents down.永远不要令你的父母失望。
8.Let's get together when the weather isbetter.等天气好一点我们再相聚。
9.Your extra effort will have excellenteffects。你加倍的努力将获得显著的成绩。
10.My friend in America sent me a message thatthe economic forecast is pleasantthere.我在美国的朋友告诉我1个消息说那里的经济前景乐观。
Never forget your best friends in America.永远不要忘记你在美国的朋友。
Let's get started =Let's start.让我们开始吧。
The weather is very pleasant today.今天的天气非常好!
Don't spend every penny you get.不要把你赚的每一分钱花掉。
Let’s get everything ready for the party.让我们准备好聚会的一切吧。
I guess this book will be a best seller.我想这本书一定会成为畅销书的。
All is well that ends well.结局好就一切都好。
Everybody has his merits and faults.人人都有优缺点。
If I play my best,I can win anywhere in the world againstanybody.如果我尽了最大努力,那么我可以在任何地方打败任何人。

This examination is a real challenge.这次考试是一次真正的挑战。
If you buy our product,your satisfaction will be absolutelyguaranteed.如果你购买我们的产品,你一定会非常满意。
I promise to keep working until the project meets yoursatisfaction.
How long are you planning to stay? 你打算呆多久?
1.Not bad.不错
2.He's a handsome man.他是个英俊的男人
3.Don't laugh behind other people'sbacks.不要在别人背后嘲笑他人.
4.I have a happy family。我有1个幸福的家庭
5.If you exaggerate,you willsound fantastically American.如果你发音夸张听起来会特别有美国味。
6.There's always a bad apple in everybunch.到哪儿都有害群之马。
7.As a matter of fact.I think he isoutstanding.事实上,我认为他很杰出
8.That man has a bad habit.那个人有个坏习惯。
9.I am so glad that nothing bad hashappened.我很高兴没发生什么糟糕的事情。
10.Jack is bad at English because he has neverpracticed speaking in class.杰克的英语很差,因为在课堂上从来没有练习说英语。
She worked in the kindergarten for ten years before deciding tomove on to fresh challenges.她在幼儿园工作十年后,终于决定换个工作,面对新的挑战。
Yesterday's report is a report card on the company after themerger.昨天是报告反映了公司在并购后的营运情况。
Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind toit.
1.He who laughs last laughsbest.笑到最后的人笑得最好。
2.She is exactly the right person to meet thechallenge.她是迎接挑战的最佳人选。
3.I'll catch you later.回头再找你
4.What do you plan to do after yougraduate.你毕业后打算做什么?
5.I haven't decided yet.我还没决定。
6.That story has a very sadending.那个故事结局很悲惨。
7.I have never traveled toAmerica.我从来没去过美国。
8.Did you catch him red-handed? 你当场抓住他了吗?
9.Let's meet at half past ten tomorrowmorning.我们明天上午十点半见面吧。
10.He let the cat out of the bag.他泄露了秘密。
11.It's not the end of the world if you fail thattest。就算你考试没及格,也没什么大不了的。
12.In the summer People dress in casual clothes,like T-shirts and shorts.夏天,人们都穿休闲服装如T恤衫和短裤。

1.Enough! I don't want to hear anymore!够了!我不想再听下去了!
2.The little boy is cute but he'strouble.这个小男孩很可爱,但他很麻烦。
3.I had lots of fun at her birthdayparty.在她的生日晚会上我玩得非常开心。
How come you look so tired? 你怎么看上去这么累?
1.What's all the fuss? 这一团糟是怎么回事?
2.It doesn't matter.不要紧。
3.I'm just lucky.我只是运气好。
4.Nothing is more important to her thanlove.对于她,没有什么比爱情更重要。
5.come see us again.再来看我们吧!
6.Money doesn't grow on trees.钱不是从天上掉下来的。
7.Just shut up! 闭嘴!
8.I love it just for fun.我喜欢它只是为了好玩。
9.He's such a lucky guy.他真幸运。
10.Hurry up,Here comes the bus.赶快,汽车来了。
It's fun to run and jump in the sun.在太阳下跑跑跳跳很有意思。
2.Seven is my lucky number.七是我的幸运数字。
3.We haven't had much snow thiswinter.今年冬天,我们这里降雪不多。
1.I study english just for fun.我学英语是为了好玩。
2.When your work is done,come out in the sun andhave some fun.你工作做完了就出来到太阳下玩一玩。
3.She is feeling much better.她感觉好多了。
4.America is a multiculturalcountry.美国是个多元化的国家

I've never heard of anything so stupid! 我从来没有听说过这么愚蠢的事情!
I prefer reading books to watching TV.我宁愿读书,也不愿看电视。
The air here is so dirty.这里的空气好脏啊。
We should all work for world peace.我们都应该为世界和平而努力。
The refugees are in urgent need of food andclothes.难民们急需食物和衣服。
I won’t hurt you.我不会伤害你的。
We were so worried about you last night.昨天晚上我们非常担心你。
Where are you working now? 你在哪里工作?
1.Nobody is perfect.人无完人。
2.I want to be the first.我想做第一。
3.You deserve a break from yourwork.你应该暂停工作休息一会儿。
4.The burning sun made usthirsty.炎热的太阳让我们口渴。
5.I want to curse the person who did the badwork.我要诅咒工作做得如此糟糕的人。
6.World war Two was worse than world warone.二战比一战更残酷!
7.I prefer not to wear this dirtyshirt.我宁愿不穿这件脏衣服。
8.The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
9.First come,first served.先到先得!
10.You'll hurt her feelings if you forget herbirthday.如果你不记得她的生日,她会很伤心的。
I've never heard anything worse than this.我从没听说过比这更糟的事。
We were watching the world cup final lastnight.昨天晚上我们在观看世界杯的决赛。
He's never nervous in front of girls.他在女孩面前从不紧张。
This is my first term in the university.这是我在大学里的第一学期。
How much words have you learned so far?你至今为止学了多少单词?
Earl has worked in that firm for more than thirtyyears.厄尔已在那家公司工作了三十多年了。
It occurred to me that you have never been toBeijing.我想起来了,你从来没去过北京。
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林。
There are three ingredients in the good life:learning,earning andyearning.美好的生活由3种要素组成:学习,收益和向往。
Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts.The person who makesa success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aimsfor it unswervingly.大多数人对待理想时冷时热。取得卓越成就的人必然是目标坚定且矢志不渝的人。

I'm eager to learn english.我渴望学好英语。
Shall we have dinner together? 我们一起吃晚饭好吗?
He is a master of spoken english.他是一名英语口语高手。
I'd like to have dinner with you tonight.我想今晚与你一起吃晚饭好吗?
1.What's the matter with you什么事/怎么了?
2.Don't bother me.\ Stop bothering me.\Quitbothering me 别烦我
3.You'd better come over now.你现在最好就过来。
4.The faster,the better,just try yourbest越快越好,尽管尽力而为。
5.I can run farther and faster thanever.我比以前跑得更远也更快了。
6.I'd rather be a writer than anactor.我情愿做作家,也不愿做演员。
7.We are eager to get together again thisNovember.我们盼望着今年十一月再相聚。
8.The headmaster got all the teacherstogether.校长召集了所有的老师。
9.Their performance at the concert was betterthan ever.他们在音乐会上的演出比以前更好。
10.Her younger brother is a writer and her eldersister is a doctor.她的弟弟是个作家,而她的姐姐是个医生。
The population of that country suffers fromhunger.那个国家的人民忍饥挨饿。
1.you should forget about going to Europe onvacation,it costs too much.你不要再想去欧洲度假了,那里花销太大了。
2.I'm just following orders.我只是照命令行事.
3.Excuse me, can I bother you for amoment?对不起,可以打扰你一会儿吗?
It's quality rather than quantity that matter! 重要的是质量而不是数量!

I’m not alone in thinking so.并非只有我才这样想。
I enjoy being alone.I like being myself.我喜欢1个人呆着,我喜欢做我自己。
Let me introduce my good friend,Adela.我来介绍一下,这是我的好朋友阿黛拉。
Isuppose you are right there.我想你是对的。
It’s a tough/difficult/hard decision.这是1个非常困难的决定。
I’m supposed to clean my room.我应该打扫我的房间。
1.Forget about it.算了吧!
2.I really appreciate your help.我真的很感谢你的帮助。
3.That's impossible!-Nothing is impossible!那不可能-没有什么不可能的。
4.What brings you to china? 是什么吸引你来中国的。
5.Allow me to introduce myself.请容许我介绍一下我自己。
6.I haven't made a decision yet.我还没有做出决定。
7.I apologize for leaving you alone.我很抱歉让你1个人留下。
8.China and America should worktogether.中美应该携手合作!
9.What do you think of the relationship betweenChina and America? 你对中美关系有何看法?
10.The famous musician from America is supposedto come tonight.这个著名的美国音乐家今晚应该会来。

The famous physician had to make a toughdecision.那个著名的医生不得不做出1个困难的决定。
It's very kind of you to help us.谢谢你帮助我们
Call me tonight if possible.如果可能的话给我打个电话。
As a matter of fact,he’s the general manager of a bigcompany.事实上,他是一家大公司的总经理。
1.She is a very clever girl.她是1个非常聪明的女孩。
2.Her father is a teacher and her mother is anurse.她的父亲是个老师,她的母亲是个护士。
3.What’s the purpose of your visit?你参观的目的是什么?
4.The three of us will go to Americatogether.我们3个人一起去美国。
5.I'm eager for an opportunity to advance in mycompany.我渴望在公司里有升职的机会。
6.She is a nervous,sensitivegirl.她是个胆怯而又敏感的姑娘。
7.The orphan has nobody to turnto.这个孤儿没有人可以投靠。
8.This advanced learner’s dictionary is veryhelpful.这个高级学习字典很有用。

Nothing is impossible!Just try yourbest!没有什么不可能,只要你尝试.
This is my personal problem! 这是我个人问题!
You must be honest with me.你必须对我讲实话。
Are you going to change your job?你准备换工作吗?
1.You're impossible! You're very difficult to getalong with.你无可救药了。你很难跟人相处!
2.I promise! 我保证!
3.Do what you want. I don't care what youdo.做你想做的,我不在乎你做什么?
4.A promise is a promise! 说过的话要算数!
5.Try to finish the job as soon aspossible.设法尽早完成这项工作。
6.Could you possibly help me solve the problem?你能不能帮我解决这个问题?
7.I don't want to wait here all day. I've got alot of things to do.我不想在这儿等上一整天。我还有好多事情要做。
8.My God! I forgot to lock thelocker.我的天!我忘记锁存物箱了。
9.She got a better job in a popular fashionshop.她在一家受欢迎的时装店获得一份更好的工作。
10.Sorry to bother you but I want to take a dayoff tomorrow.很抱歉打扰你。我想明天请一天的假。
Tom and I have a lot in common.汤姆和我有很多共同点.
He is full of confidence.他充满自信。
1.Please call me as soon aspossible.请尽快跟我联络。
2.What's your problem.你有什么问题吗?
A: What kind of job are you looking for? 你想找什么样的工作?
B:I want a job with a lot of opportunities.我想找一份充满机会的工作。
4.Honesty is the best policy.诚实总是上策。
5.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。
6.The national economy is very strongnow.国民经济现在非常强大。
7.English is becoming more and more popular allover Asia.英语在亚洲越来越受欢迎!

I have been working hard all morning.我辛辛苦苦地干了一上午的活。
We argued for hours.我们争论了好几个小时。
We need to have a heart-to-heart talk.我们要好好谈一谈。
Are you making progress? 你有进步了吗?
1.It takes a lot of hard work.这需要很多的辛勤劳动。
A.You speak great English.How did you learn English so well?你的英语讲得这么好。你怎么把它学得这么棒的?
B. It takes a lot of hard work.这需要很多的辛勤劳动。
3.Who's in charge here? 这里谁负责?
4.You really have no heart! 你真没有同情心!
5.you are so smart.你真聪明。
6.Pardon me ,where is the GardenHotel?打扰一下请问花园酒店在哪里?
7.Be smart,don't argue with him.放聪明点,别跟他吵。
8.It's hard for us to get a carnow.现在我们很难找到车。
9.I parked my car outside thesupermarket.我把车停在超市的外面。
10.you can't use your charge card at thisbar.你不能在这间酒巴使用信用卡。
11.We have to go to the farm by car because it isvery far.我们开车去农场,因为实在太远了。
1.Pardon me,but where can I park mycar?打扰一下,请问在哪儿可以停车?
2.It's not smart to use your credit card toomuch.经常用信用卡,可不太聪明
3.So far,so good.到目前为止还好。
A.How is your new job going? 你的新工作怎么样?
B.So far,so good.到目前为止还好.
1.As far as I know,Carl will be in charge of thisdepartment.据我所知,卡尔会负责这个部门。
2.Times are hard.时世艰难。
3.Hard words break no bones.直言无害。
4.Don't break my heart.请不要伤我的心。
1.The rich are not always happy.富人未必总是幸福的。
2.We've been having awful weatherlately.最近天气糟透了。
3.Crazy English is very famousat home and abroad.疯狂英语在国内外都很有名。
Who's calling? 请问是哪位(打来的电话)?
1.Don't worry about it.It's not yourfault.别担心,这不是你的错。
2.That's awful. /That's terrible. /That'shorrible. /That's bad!太糟了!太可怕了!
3.You talk too much.Shut up! 你说得太多了,闭嘴!
4.I want to go to law school,that's mydream.我想去上法学院。那是我的梦想。
5.I have never thought that I would goabroad.我从未想过我会出国。
6.He always takes a walk afterdinner.晚饭后,他总是去散会儿步。
7.I already talked to them all.他已经和他们都谈过了。
8.Paul walked down the hall.保罗从大厅走过来。
9.His daughters are all tall.他的女儿都长得高。
10.We always fought and never thought aboutpeace.我们总是打仗,从未考虑过和平。
It's all my fault,I'm awfully sorry,please forgiveme.这全是我的错,我非常抱歉。

My daughter-in-law is a lawer.我的儿媳妇是个律师。
I ought to wash my laundry now.我现在得洗我的衣服了。
"Fall" is the American way to say"autumn"美国人用“fall“来表示”秋天(autumn)”.
The author taught Paul a lot about writing.那个作家教了保罗很多有关写作的东西。
I bought some salt,soy sauce and mineral water at themarket.我在市场买了些盐、酱油和矿泉水。
I’m sorry for calling you this late,but I really have to talk toyou.抱歉这么晚打电话给你,但是我真的得跟你谈谈。
It’s almost finished.差不多完成了。
She had already gone when I arrived.我到之际她已经走了。
I’m sorry I don’t have time to talk.很抱歉,我没时间谈话。
I thought his talk was awful.我觉得他的讲话糟糕得很。
It’s wrong for you to quarrel so often.你们经常这么争吵是不对的。
He looks very strong,but he has a very softvoice.他看起来很强壮,但他的声音很温柔。
I always feel awkward when I have to speakEnglish.当我得要说英语时,我总是感到尴尬。
He always visits me at an awkward time.他老是在我不方便之际来访。
You should learn to crawl before you can walk.在能走之前你先得学会爬。
Are you ready to order now? 你准备好点菜了吗?
What sports are you good at? 你最擅长什么运动?
He’s so abnormal.He’s so weird.他真是不正常。他真奇怪。
It’s getting warmer day by day.天气一天比一天暖和了。
My company won an award for this product.我公司以这个产品获了奖。
I’d like to explore more of westernChina.我想更多地了解中国西部。
Did you lock the door? 你锁门了吗?
China’s open door policy has proved to be a hugesuccess.中国的门户开放政策已被证实是1个巨大的成功。
Thank you for visiting.Let me show you to thedoor.谢谢你的光临,让我送你到门口。
May I take your order? 你可以点菜了吗?
(Yes.Thank you.We’d both like a steak,mediumrare.是的,谢谢你,我们2个都要朱排,七成熟。No.I need a few moreminutes.不,我还需要几分钟。)
I can't afford a new car.I can't even afford a newbicycle.我买不起新车,甚至连一辆新自行车都买不起。
2.I don't like getting up early in the morning.Ihate it more than anything else.我不喜欢早晨早起,我最痛恨早起。
3.I'm sort of tired.I'm sort ofbored.我有点累。我有点烦。
4.That's simply abnormal.He is apsycho.那简直是不正常,他是1个变态的人。
5.Force yourself to do more.强迫你自己做多一些。
6.The report is very boring.I can't standit!这个报告真无聊,我无法接受!
7.I'm looking forward to seeing you inCalifornia.我希望在加里弗尼亚看到你。
8.I’m looking forward to meetingyou.我盼望着认识你。
9.I’m looking forward to working withyou.我盼望着与你一起工作。
10.I’m looking forward to learning English fromyou.我盼望着和你学英语。
11.I’m looking forward to exploringChina.我盼望着探索中国。
12.I was born on the fourth ofJuly.我生于七月四日。
13.You need to sweep the floor oncemore.你要再扫一遍地。
14.I'd like to order enough food for four.我想订购够4个人吃的食物。
I'd like some more pork.我想再来点猪肉。
It's important to take care of orphans.照顾好孤儿是很重要的。
I can barely afford talking the bus any more.我再也不想坐公共汽车了。
It's sort of expensive.I don't want to buy it.有点贵,我不想买了。
He's sort of weird.他有点怪。
I don't believe in fortune.我不相信命运。
It's important for us to practice more.对我们来说,多加练习非常重要。
Later we learned that there was a very importantperson on board .后来我们才听说,飞机上有位非常重要的人物。
My office is on the fortieth floor.我的办公室在第四十楼。
If it were not for the late train,neither my sister nor I wouldhave missed the party.如果不是火车晚点,我姐姐和我都不会错过这聚会。
This kind of sport is becoming more and morepopular.这种运动越来越流行了。
I have to write a report on the reform of theorganization.我得写一篇关于这个机构重组的报告。
The difference between or dinary and extra or dinary is that littleextra.平庸和不平庸之间的区别就在于不平庸的人多做了那么一点。
1.Don't push him too hard. 别逼他太狠了。
2.I’m full.I can’t eat anymore.我饱了,什么也吃不下了。
3.Your mother is a wonderfulwoman.你母亲是1个了不起的女人。
4.You look good;I like your newhairstyle.你看上去真不错,我喜欢你的新发型。
5.Too much television is not good forchildren.看太多电视对孩子们没有什么好处。
I would help you if I could.如果我能帮你的话我会帮的。
It's good for your health.这对你的健康有好处。
(You should eat more fish.It’s good for yourhealth.你应该多吃点鱼,这对你的健康有好处。/Thank you for your advice.I think Iwill.谢谢你的忠告,我会的。)
1.I could do better.我能做得更好。
2.My goodness! What happened? 我的天!发生什么事了?
3.Don't push me.别逼我。/别催我。
4.You shouldn't pull it in thatway.你不应该像那样扯。
5.Goodbye, Linda, and good luck!再见,琳达,祝你好运!
6.You look good today.你今天看上去不错。
7.It took me hours to put everything back intoorder.我花了几个小时把所有的东西整理好。
8.Could you put me through to the salesdepartment? 你能帮我把电话转到销售部去吗?
9.Could I have this book,It's so good!能把这本书给我吗?它很不错。
10.That woman spends a lot of time cooking forand looking after babies.那个妇女大部分时间都花在做饭和照看小孩上。
Children shouldn't read these books.孩子们不应该读这些书。
We tried to book a room,but the hotel wasfull.我们试着订一间房,但旅馆已满。
stop beating around the bush!Get to the point!别拐弯抹角!有话直说!
In most countries,a woman lives longer than aman.在多数国家,妇女的寿命比男人的长。
Who took away my book? 谁拿走了我的书?
Icould have understood the speech better if it were inChinese.如果演讲是用中文讲的话,我可能会听得更明白。
Would you please buy a softer cushion for me when you go to thesupermarket?你去超市时能不能帮我买1个更柔软一点的垫子?
Oops!You stepped on my foot!You should saysorry!哎哟!你踩到我的脚了!你应该说对不起!
I fully understood what the teacher said.我完全明白老师说的话。
He took a look at the book and then shook hishead.他看了看那本书,然后摇了摇头。



You should say you’re sorry for being so rude.你这么粗鲁,应该说对不起。
1.This is not good enough.I want to improveit.这还不够好,我要加以改进。
2.She looks blue.她看上去情绪低落。
3.Why do you look so blue? 你为什么看上去如此的沮丧。
4.I was a fool to have refused thejob.我真傻,拒绝了那份工作。
5.She is a liar through andthrough.她是彻头彻尾的说说者/骗子。
what do you do for a living?你做什么工作的?
1.That's cool!/(you look cool!太酷了!/你看上去真酷!
2.I enjoy losing face.我热爱丢脸!
3.Let's get together againsoon.我们不久以后再聚一聚吧。
4.Don't act like a fool.别像个傻瓜似的。
5.Fruit makes your skin smooth. 多吃水果皮肤光滑。
6.Who can tell me the truth? 谁能告诉我真相?
7.You have to improve yourEnglish.你得改进你的英语。
8.Are you through cleaning the room?你打扫完房间了吗?
9.You shouldn't lose this once-in-a-blue-moonchance.你不该错过这个难得的机会。
10.The rumors spread throughout the school verysoon.谣言很快就在学校里传开了。
1.Will you come here on Tuesday afternoon?你能周二下午来吗?
2.You should always tell the truth.你应该永远诚实。
3.It's a rumor,it's not true.那是谣言,那不是真的。
The music sounds so beautiful to me.我觉得这音乐非常动听。
You should do as Romans do while in Rome.你应该入乡随俗。
1.He's a super student atschool.他在学校是个优秀的学生。
2.To tell you the truth,your English needsimproving.说实话,你的英语需要改进。
3.Soon my dream will come true.很快我的梦想就会成真了。
Who do you choose to do the job?你选谁来做这份工作?
I’m thinking about moving to another room.This one is toosmall.我在考虑搬到另1个房间,这一间太小了。
Who threw the chewing gum on the floor?是谁把口香糖扔到地板上的?
We moved to a new city two years ago.I soon got used to the lifethere.两年前我们搬到1个新的城市去住。我很快就适应了那里的生活。
The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being canalter his life by altering hisattitude.任何一代人都有1个最伟大的发现,那就是人类可以通过改变自己的态度来改变自己的人生。
That’s amazing.太让人吃惊了!
China’s rapid development is amazing.It’s changing everyday.中国的快速发展令人吃惊。它每天都在发生变化。
She is a very capable painter.她是1个非常有能力的画家。
Man creates himself.人类创造了自己。
I’m afraid it’s going to rain.恐怕要下雨了。
Our neighbors are very friendly.我们的邻居非常友好。
What’s the delay?什么事耽搁了?
May I have your name? 请问你叫什么名字?
1.Your English is amazing! Your English isunbelievable! 你的英语真让人吃惊!你的英语让人难以置信!
2.What do you do for relaxation.你(平时)做什么消遣? (Ilisten to music.I read books.I go to the movies.Sometimes,I gettogether with my friends.I have many ways torelax.我听音乐,看书、去看电影。有时,我与朋友们聚一聚,我有很多消遣的方式。)
3.No pain ,no gain.不劳而无获。
4.I feel the same way.我有同感。
5.Let's take a break.我们休息一下吧。
6.I want to talk to you face toface.我想和你面谈。
7.He tried to explain why he waslate.他试图解释他迟到的原因。
8.The more mistakes you make .the more progressyou make.你犯的错误越多,你的进步就越大。
9.Today is great day,Today is a beautifulday.今天天气真棒。今天是美丽的一天。
10.I'm afraid I won't be able to make it to yourbirthday party.恐怕我不能出席你的生日晚会了。
Don't make the same mistake.别再犯同样的错误。
Stop making faces.别做鬼脸了。
No way. go away.不行,快走开。
I am afraid of aging too quickly.我害怕老得太快。
Kate,would you please take out the cake I justbaked?凯特,你把我刚烤的蛋糕拿出来好吗?
Go straight until you get to Main Street,then take a left to thebank.一直向前走,走到主街向左转,就到银行了。
Don’t be so lazy and waste your pay on playing videogames.别这么懒,不要把薪水浪费在玩电子游戏上。
Education enables us to achieve great things.教育使我们能够成就伟业。
The train was delayed by the rain.大雨延误了火车。
The cake is on the plate and the plate is on thetable.蛋糕在盘子里,盘子在桌子上。
Better take your raincoat.最好带着雨衣。
James asked me to wait for him at the trainstation.詹姆斯让我在火车站等他。Great changes have taken place in my hometownthese years.这些年来,在我家乡发生了巨大的变化。
I had to delay my speech at the stadium because of a suddenstomachache.我突然间胃痛,不得不推迟了在体育场的演讲。
Some people are afraid of changes,but I say changes createchallenges.有些人害怕变化,但我说,变化带来挑战。
No great thing is created suddenly.Great things taketime.任何伟大的事情都不是突然间创造出来的。成就伟业需要时间。


I'm still looking for the meaning of life.我都还在寻找人生的意义。
Why do you cry?What happened?你为什么哭呢?发生什么事了?
I want to apply for the job.我想申请这项工作。
we see eye to eye on thematter.我们在这个问题上意见致。
(eye to eye=agree)
I don't buy his story.我不相信他的话。
You cannot buy love with money.你不能用金钱买到爱情。
My flight leaves at eight.我的航班八点钟起飞。
Did you get a good sleep last night?
Did you get a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?
(回答:Yes, I slept like a baby.是的,我睡得很香。Not really.i stayed up towrite a report.不太好,我熬夜写了一篇报告。)
Never say die! Try! Try! Try! 永不放弃!努力,努力,再努力!
Time flies.时光飞逝。
Don't be shy.Just try.不要害羞,勇于尝试。
Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。
That sounds like a good idea.听上去是个好主意。
I can't believe my eyes.我真无法相信自己的眼睛。
My flight to china was exciting.坐飞机去中国很令人兴奋。
Life is all about trying to make up your mind.生活就是努力去下定决心。
I like the chinese lifestyle.It's veryinteresting.我喜欢中国人的生活方式,非常有趣。
Mike likes to write by the nice bright light atnight.迈克晚上喜欢在明亮的灯光下写作。
I'd like to buy a bicycle for my sister.我想给我妹妹买辆自行车。
Out of sight,out of mind. 离久情疏。/眼不见,心不烦。
Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。
I’d like to take a look around.我想四周看看。
Mountain climbing is one of my hobbies.爬山是我的爱好之一。
It’s exciting to eat ice cream in winter.冬天吃雪糕真刺激。
Please keep silent while I’m writing my financialreport.我写财务报告时请保持安静。
My child occupies most of my private time.我的孩子占去了我大部分私人时间。
Only a life lived for others is a lifeworthwhile.只有为别人而活,人生才有价值。
Let bygones be bygones.既往不咎。/过去的就让它过去吧。
I hope you don't mind my asking,but why do you always wear thatwhite tie?我希望你不介意我这么问,但你为什么总是戴那条白色领带呢?
Think twice before you decide.决定之前再好好考虑考虑。
I have a strong desire to become better eachday.我有强烈的欲望每天要变得更好。
Time and tide wait for no man.时间不会为任何人停留。
Can I speak to you in private?我能私下跟你谈谈吗?
In my opinion,it’s always a good idea to be kind andpolite.我认为,做个善良而有礼貌的人总是好的。
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appointment约会enjoy享受annoying讨厌的employ雇佣使用royalty皇家 王室使用费版税
Why not join us for dinner?不如跟我们一起吃饭吧?
Where do the two roads join up?
Which is your choice? 你选哪1个?
Are you trying to avoid me? 你是不是想躲我?
Please don't disappoint me.请别让我失望。
I hope you enjoy your stay here.希望你在这里过得愉快。
Enjoy your life.Don't work too/so hard.享受你的生活,别太拼命了。
He has lots of annoying habits.他有很多让人讨厌的习惯。
A firm employs my retired father as aconsultant.一家公司请我已退休的爸爸做顾问。
You have to enjoy losing face.你得热爱丢脸。
How annoying! 真讨厌!
What's your point? what are you trying tosay?你想说什么?你到底想说什么?你在努力说什么?
You have no choice.你没有选择。
I have an appointment with the CEO.我和执行总载有个约会。
The boy was spoiled by his parents.这个男孩被父母宠坏了。
Join our game,and you'll enjoy it.加入我们的比赛,你会喜欢的。
The noise is very annoying.噪音烦死人了。
She was disappointed with her employees.她对她的雇员们感到失望。
The boy's voice was full of joy.男孩的声音里充满了欢乐。
The little boy enjoys destroying toys.那个小男孩喜欢毁坏玩具。
The choice is yours,just tell us what youdecide.选择权在你,告诉我们你的决定就行了。
These flies are annoying me.这些苍蝇真烦人。
Every boy joined in the game.每个男孩都参加了游戏。
Never pour water into boiling oil.永远不要把水倒进热油里。
I'm sorry to disappoint you,but i really can'tagree.很抱歉让你失望,但我真的无法同意你的意见。
He has a noisy voice.他的声音很嘈杂。
I've lost my voice.我的噪子哑了。
It's a joy to watch the boy playing with histoys.瞧,这男孩玩玩具真叫人高兴。
He explained his plan,point by point.他逐条解释了他的计划。
Tom's an employee in a joint venture.汤姆是某合资企业里的1个职员。
I was annoyed.我很生气。
I was annoyed at the boy.我生那个男孩的气。
I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling thetoy.我生那个男孩子的气,因为他损坏了玩具。
I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belongs toJoy.我生那个男孩子的气,因为他损坏了属于乔伊的玩具。

hope希望 open打开propose提议coast海岸goal目标soul灵魂know知道narrow狭窄的sew缝制although尽管

we hope you will understand our position.我们希望你能理解我们的处境。
Let me propose a toast to Mr.Smith.我提议,让我们为史密斯先生干杯!
My goal is to teach 300 million chinese people to speak goodEnglish.我的目标是要教3亿中国人讲一口流利的英语。
Don't be so narrow-minded.不要这样心胸狭窄。
She sews her own dresses.她自己缝制衣服。
Are you feeling ok now?你现在感觉好些了吗?
(Yes,I feel much better.Thank you for asking.是的,我感觉好多了,谢谢你问起)
Wait a moment.请稍等
I told you so.我早告诉过你
I hope so.希望如此
There is no smoke without fire.无火不起烟。/无风不起浪
Think globally,act locally.放眼全球,立足当地
A man who has no purpose or goals will not accomplishanything.没有目标的人永远一事无成
Nobody knows his own fate.没有人知道自己的命运。
Do you know Rose is going to study abroad? 你知道露丝要去国外念书吗?
Don't go home alone.不要1个人回家。
Though I'm alone,I don't feel lonely.尽管我1个人,但我并不感到孤独。
I don't know if his proposal is feasible.我不知道他的建议是否可行。
It's only a joke.只是开个玩笑而已。
You're my only hope.你是我唯一的希望。
There is no place like home.无处能如家。
Business is only so-so.生意马马虎虎。
Show me the photo,Joe.乔,给我看看照片。
Go and open the window,please.请去把窗户打开。
Oh,he is so slow啊,他太慢了。
I love potatoes and tomatoes.我喜欢吃土豆和西红柿
Give me my soap and comb.给我肥皂和梳子。
Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us .They areessential to really keep usalive.我们不仅仅需要目标来保持前进的动力,我们需要有目标才能真正活下去。

I know nothing about it.对此我一无所知。
What a lousy day I’ve had!我这一天过得多糟啊!
Your English is outstanding.你的英语棒极了!
I don’t want to be just good.I want to beoutstanding.我不想只是做得好,我要成为杰出的人。
I‘m not allowed to go out tonight.今晚不允许我外出。
How about going downtown? 要不要去市中心?
His father is a very powerful businessman.他的父亲是个非常厉害的商人。
How long have you been in Korea? 你在韩国多久了?
Never let your country down!永远不要让祖国失望!
As a manager, she has the power to hire and fireemployees.作为经理,她有权聘用和解雇雇员。
I’m very proud of you.我为你骄傲。
Make the voice of China widely heard throughout theworld!让中国之声响彻全世界。
There’s no doubt about it.这事毫无疑问。
How do you account for this? 你对这件事怎么解释?
Get out of my house right now! 立刻从我家滚出去!
I have my doubts about the account.我对这帐目有疑问。
He finally found out how much the house wouldcost.他终于知道了那房子要多少钱?
How about going downtown now? 现在去市中心怎么样?
Jane,you’re so outstanding.We’re proud of you.简,你真是杰出,我们为你骄傲。
I found it.我找到了。
He’s out of town.=He’s( on a trip \away from home.)他出城去了。
I live in a crowded town.我住在1个拥挤的城镇里。
Shout out loud!大声喊出来!
Try to pronounce each word clearly.Train your mouth to make eachsound accurately.要尽量把每个单词都发清楚。训练你的嘴巴以清晰地发出每个声音来。
I can’t go out with you.I have to stay in thehouse to take care of my sister.我不能和你出去。我得在房子里呆着照顾我妹妹。
I found a nice restaurant downtown.It’s not far from myhouse.我在市中心发现一家很好的饭店,离我家不远。
The outfit the company makes us wear is lousy;it’s cheap anduncomfortable.公司让我们穿的制服太糟糕了,又廉价以不舒服。
The crowd gathered around and shouted English after TeacherLi.人群围在一起,跟着李老师大喊英语。
How about going out tonight? 今晚出去玩,好吗?
Get out of my house now.出去!
Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly.张开嘴,大声读这个音。
I found a mouse in my house.我在屋子里发现一只耗子。
I can’t do it without your help.没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事。
You can speak good English without going toAmerica.不用去美国也可以说一口漂亮的英语。
I’ve told you thousands of times.我跟你说过几千遍了。
She is too proud to be a good friend toanyone.她太傲慢自负,成不了别人的好朋友。
This is a piece of work I can be proud of.这是我的得意之作。

Did you hear from her yet? 你收到她的来信了吗?
Can you hear me? 你能听见吗?
It takes years of hard work.这需要多年的辛勤工作。
It’s been years since we last saw eachother.自从我们上次见面以来,已经过去了几年。
That’s my worst fear.那是我最担心的事。
It will take hours for traffic to clear up.需要几个小时交通才会通畅。
I’m not clear what the problem is.我不是很清楚问题在哪里。
My keys seem to have disappeared.I can’t find themanywhere.我的钥匙好像不见了,我到处找都找不到。
He is acting very weird today.今天他怪怪的。
I have a weird feeling.我有1种奇怪的感觉。
He’s such a weird little boy! 他真是个奇怪的小男孩!
I‘m here on vacation.我是来度假的。
Another beer,please.请再来一杯啤酒。
That’s sheer nonsense! 那真是胡扯!
Do you live near here? 你住在附近吗?
Years of hard work made him a successfulengineer.长年的辛勤工作使他成为了1个成功的工程师。
What a weird thing to hear! 多怪异的事情啊!
It’s not polite to jeer or sneer.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。
He was a pioneer throughout his career.在他的职业生涯中,他一直是个先驱。
My dear,dry your tears.亲爱的,别哭了。
Let’s have a beerhere,dear.亲爱的,我们在这儿喝一杯啤酒吧。
The atmosphere here is very clear.这里的空气很纯净。
Where did you get this weird idea? 你这个奇怪的想法是从哪儿来的?
Spiders are my biggest fear.我最怕蜘蛛了。/蜘蛛是我最大的恐惧。
What a dreary day! 多么阴沉沉的一天啊!
Is that clear? 清楚吗?
Keep your fears to yourself,but share yourcourage.把恐惧留给自己,把勇气分给别人。
The skies are very clear this time of year.每年这个时候,天都很晴朗。
I hope this clears up your fears.我希望这能消除你的恐惧。
I fear the atmosphere here is not veryhealthy.我担心这里的空气不太健康。
Did you see the deer near here? 你看见这附近的那头鹿了吗?
That year was the best in my life.那一年是我一生中最好的时光。
He sneered at the queer behavior of the man.他嘲笑着那个男人的奇怪行为。
The sky is clearing up and the sun is comingout.天开始变晴,太阳又出来了。
I‘m serious,my dear.Don’t interfere with me when I’mworking.亲爱的,我是说真的,我工作时别打扰我。
Feel the fear,and do it anyway.感受恐惧,但是勇往直前。
The air in big cities is very polluted.大城市里的空气受到了严重的污染。
Be fair.公平一点。
It’s not fair to give him the prize.让他获奖是不公正的。
It’s a rare opportunity.这是个难得的机会。
Children have to learn how to share.孩子们要学会分享。
Let’s share a moment together.让我们在一起呆一会儿吧。
I would never wear that ugly shirt.我永远不会穿那么难看的衬衣。
There is no harm in trying.不妨一试。/试一试没有坏处。
I lost my keys and looked everywhere for them.我丢了钥匙,于是到处寻找。
Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?
Who cares? 谁在乎?
There goes the bus.We just missed it.公共汽车开走了。我们错过了。
The air is fresh here.这里的空气很新鲜。
It’s not fair to share with her and not withme.和她分享而不和我分享,这是不公平的。
I don’t care what you wear.我才不在乎你穿什么呢。
Where did you get your hair cut? 你在哪里剪的头?
I care about their health.They’re my friends,afterall.我关心他们的健康。他们毕竟是我的朋友。
I don’t dare go there;I’m scared.我不敢去那里,我害怕。
I’ve looked everywhere upstairs and downstairs.我楼上楼下哪儿都找遍了。
I swear I will take care of you wherever yougo.我发誓,无论你在哪里,我都会照顾你。
I can’t bear your lies anymore.我再也不能容忍你的谎话连篇了。
I’m scared to death.我害怕死了。
It’s very rude to stare.盯着人看是很不礼貌的。
I have no time to spare.我没有空闲时间。
They left their bag(s)by the stairs.他们把包放在楼梯旁边。
He wears the same clothes everywhere.他穿着同样的衣服到处去。
It’s not fair.这不公平。
Where do bears live in China? 中国哪儿有熊呢?
Are you scared?你害怕吗?
I’m scared of being attacked when I walk alone atnight.晚上独自走时,我害怕被人袭击。
There are various ways to do the job.做这件事有很多不同的方法。
Sometimes it hurts when you wear a new pair ofshoes.有时穿新鞋子脚会痛。
Yesterday I dared to struggle.Today I dare towin.昨天我敢于斗争。今天我敢于获胜。
Where are you headed? 你去哪儿?
Where are you going? 你去哪儿?
Where did you go to college? 你上的是哪所大学?
(I went to Harvard University.我上的是哈佛大学)
Where do you want to meet? 你想在哪儿见面?
(Any place you want.你觉得哪儿合适就在哪儿)
Where there’s a will,there’s away.功夫不负有心人。/有坚强的意志的话,无论有多大的困难都能克服。
Where’s the rest room? 洗手间在哪儿?
Where have you been for the last week? 上星期你去哪儿了?
Where did you hear the bad news? 你从哪里听到这个坏消息的?
Where can I make a phone call? 在哪儿可以打电话?
Where am I on this map? 我在地图上的什么地方?

I apologize for my poor English.我为我的破烂英语表示抱歉。/请原谅我的破烂英语。
We can give you a tour for four moredollars.如果你再加多四美元,我们可以带你转一转/带你看一看。
The water in the stream is very pure.小溪中的水非常纯净。
I’m sure you can make it.我相信你一定能做到。
Are you sure about it?你对此确信吗?
Great art endures for centuries.伟大的艺术家能持续数百年不衰。
Take your time.慢慢来。
(A/We should hurry.we have to meet Bob atsix.我们应该赶快,我们六点钟要去见Bob.B/Take your time.He called and said he wouldbe late.慢慢来,他打了电话来,说会晚到。)
I’m not sure.You could ask her.我不肯定,你可以问她。
I have a poor memory.I’m always losing things.我记忆力不好,总是丢东西。
It was a pure accident.这纯粹是一场意外。
(A/what did you do to my car,young man?小伙子,你对我的车做了些什么?B/I’msorry,it was a pure accident.对不起,那纯粹是一场意外。)
There’s a detour around the downtown traffic.有一条路可以避开市区的繁忙交通。
Many people can’t resist the lure of money.很多人都抵挡不住金钱的诱惑。
This medicine can cure your disease.这种药能够治愈你的病。
I can’t endure your endless complaintsanymore.我再也不能忍受你无止境的抱怨了。
(You’re the one who’s complaining.你才抱怨呢。)
These bodyguards ensure my personal security at alltimes.这些保镖随时都保证我的人身安全。
I’m sure your tour will be fun.我相信旅行会很有意思。
The brochure assured us that it was secure on theisland.这本小册子向我们保证这个小岛上很安全。
Time cures all wounds./Time can cureeverything.时间能治愈一切。/时间是最好的医生。
I‘m sure you will realize your dream.我相信你一定会实现你的梦想。
The local economy depends heavily on tourism.当地的经济主要依赖于旅游业。
I was furious when the insurance company canceled mypolicy.保险公司取消了我的保单时,我非常生气。
To succeed in business,you must be sure ofyourself.要想经商成功,你必须有自信心。
That family is so poor,they can’t afford to buyfood.那家人穷得连吃的东西都买不起。
The people of the world have endured far too manywars.世界的人民忍受了太多的战争。
We can ensure that the work shall be done in the rightway.我们可以保证把工作做好。
I have a poor memory for names.我不擅长记别人的名字。
He is a poor speaker.他是1个蹩脚的演讲者。
You have to make sure your investments aresecure.你得确保你的投资是安全的。
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commityourself to it.在你承诺投入的那一刻,你的目标就注定要实现。
I‘m not sure.我不敢确定。
I’m not sure what you mean. 我弄不清楚你想说什么。
I don’t know for sure.我不太清楚。
Are you sure? 真的吗?
I’m sure I can do it.我确信我能做好。
(Are you sure you can do it?/Yes,I’m sure I can doit.你真的可以做吗?是的,我确信我能做好)
He is sure to succeed.他一定会成功。
Please make sure that the house is locked before youleave.请你确信锁上房子后才离开。
Do you feel sure about it? 你对这个有把握吗?
Be sure not to forget it.千万不要忘记呀!
Sure you can! 你肯定能行!

李阳发音宝典(23) 辅音 第一节
You should be polite to everyone.你应该对每个人都礼貌。
You have made a lot of progress with yourEnglish.你的英语有了很大的进步。
You have no option.你没有选择的余地。
There are three options open to us.我们有3种选择。
A.Keep it up.就这样,坚持下去!
B.Thanks for the encouragement.谢谢你的鼓励!

Take these pills after meals.这些药饭后吃.
Keep the change.零钱就不用找了.
Paul came out on top in the examination.保罗在考试中名列前茅.
His pessimism keeps him from trying newthings.他的悲观情绪使他不能尝试新事物.
He’s a popular president.他是1个受欢迎的总统.
The company is promoting its new products ontelevision.这家公司正在电视上宣传新产品。
I happened to see Peter on the way to the post officeyesterday.昨天我去邮局的路上正好看见了彼得。
Please pass the pepper.请把胡椒粉递过来。
Would you please help me prepare for the party? 你能帮我准备晚会吗?
In my opinion,people shouldn’t keep pets in apartmentbuildings.我的意见是,公寓楼里不该养宠物。
Our company cannot progress until we employ more professionalpeople.我们公司只有雇用更多专业人才才能发展。
She’s popular with her classmates.她在同学中很受欢迎。
Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
What a surprise! 真让人吃惊!
I hope I can speak perfect English.我希望我能讲一口流利的英语。
Despite her health problems,she has kept heroptimism.尽管她的身体不好,她保持着1种乐观主义的精神。
Let’s try to make the impossible possible.让我们把不可能的事变为可能。
Perhaps I’ll go to the movies tonight—I’m not sureyet.今晚我也许会去看电影,但我还不能肯定。
This type of car is popular among young people.这种车型深受年轻人喜爱。
Football is the most popular sport inAmerica.橄榄球在美国是最受欢迎的运动项目。
She is a real professional.她是1个真正的专业人士。
Don’t pull.You must push.不要拉,而要推。
The meeting is in progress=The meeting is under way.会议正在进行。
He is progressing nicely in his study of English.他的英语学习进展顺利。
Peel the pineapples and I will prepare the pineapplepie.你把菠萝皮削了,我来准备菠萝派。
The president asked the public to support his tax cutprogram.总统请人民支持他的减税计划。
Psychologist 心理学家
Sigmund Freud was an importantpsychologist.西格蒙.弗洛伊德是个非常重要的心理学家。
A psychiatrist cures mental diseases.精神病医生治疗精神上的疾病。
Receipt 收据
Excuse me,can I have a receipt,please?对不起,能给我开张收据吗?

I want to become the best in this business.我想成为这一行的佼佼者。
Break a leg! 祝你成功!/祝你走运!
She absorbs new ideas very quickly.她掌握新思想非常快。
The boy caused a lot of trouble to his parents;he was always introuble.这个男孩给他的父母招来很多麻烦,他总是惹事。
I hope i'm not disturbing you.我希望我没打扰你.
I have a terrible headache.我头痛得厉害。
What a day!I’m beat!这一天过得呀!我累死了!
I have to find a better job.我得找一份更好的工作。
Don’t believe him;he’s just boasting.别相信他,他只不过是在自吹自擂。
Don’t copy my work or we’ll both get intotrouble.别抄袭我的功课,否则我们俩都会有麻烦。
Don’t baby the boy.别惯这孩子。
Do you want to grab a bite before the movie? 想不想在电影开始前吃点什么?
I’m going to buy some roses for my babe.我要给我的爱人买些玫瑰花。
Can you see that big building about two blocks away?你能看见2个街区之外的那幢大楼吗?
He works in a bank,but his hobby is building modelboats.他在银行工作,但他的业余爱好是做船舶模型。
Bob gave his big brother a brown teddy bear.鲍勃给了他哥哥1个棕色的玩具熊。
Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to theclub?很抱歉打扰你,你能告诉我去俱乐部怎么走吗?
Business is business.工作就是工作,不能讲私情。(公事公办)
Be punctual.要严格遵守时间。
Be a man! 你得像个男子汉!
Hi, buddy! How’s business? 嗨,伙计!生意好吗?
Stop beating around the bush and talk to me.What’s theproblem?别和我兜圈子了,直说吧,有什么问题?
Take a deep breath.作深呼吸。
I don’t want to speak about it in public.我不想当众说这件事。
It’s a black day for us.今天我们不走运。
He is absent because he’s on a business trip.他出差了,所以缺席。
She doubled her investment in a year.她一年内增加了一倍的投资。
Our boss has been fired.我们的上司被解雇了。
Bob was able to beat Bill at billiards,but Bill always beat Bobbadly at badminton.鲍勃在台球上能打败比尔,但是打羽毛球比尔常常大败鲍勃。
Bill was beaten black and blue by a bad boy with a traveling bag onhis back.比尔被1个坏家伙用1个旅行袋打在背上,打得他青一块紫一块。
He’s not used to making speeches in public.It’s soembarrassing.他不习惯在大庭广众中演讲,因为这太让人为难了。
B 不发音
Climb爬 I want to climb Mt.Everest some day.有一天我要去爬珠穆朗玛峰。
Comb梳头Boy,your hair needs a good comb.孩子,你的头发要好好梳一下。
dumb哑的;不能说话的/I was dumb at the news.这个消息让我目瞪口呆。
Thumb拇指/The boss gave the thumbs-up to the project.老板称赞了这个项目。
bomb炸弹/The airplanes dropped bombs on the city.飞机向这座城市投掷了炸弹。
plumber水暖工/There’s water everywhere;we need aplumber.到处都是水,我们得找个水暖工来。
Doubt怀疑 He doubts your ability to do the job.他怀疑你做此事的能力。
Debt债务 It’s hard to get out of debt.很难从债务中解脱出来。
Ihave no idea where to go.Let’s play it byear.我不知道去哪儿,我们到进修再说吧。
It’s bumper to bumper all the way.一路上车子大排长龙。
Strive for the best,prepare for the worst.作最坏的打算,争取最好的结果。
Pride and prejudice is my favorite book.《傲慢与偏见》是我最喜欢的书。
Bill broke his promise again.I won’t believe himanymore.比尔又失信了,我再也不会相信他了。
Basketball and baseball are pretty popular inAmerica.蓝球和棒球在美国都非常流行。
Before they drive any of the buses,they will have to pass a specialtest.在驾驶公共汽车前,他们必须通过专门测验。
You must bear in mind that your parents depend on you to become agood doctor.你要记住,你的父母指望你成为一名好医生。

Can we talk it over? 我们可以好好谈谈吗?
I’d like my steak medium rare.我的牛排六面熟。
You look very pretty today.你今天看上去很漂亮。
You bought me exactly the one I wanted.你给我买的正是我想要的。
She has a talent for languages.她有语言天份。
Take it easy.放松。不要紧张。再见。
I worked all night on the book.我整夜工作写这本书。
She has a sweet tooth.她喜欢吃甜食。
What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
Could you tell me where the restaurant is? 你能告诉我饭店在哪儿吗?
You have to take it as you find it.你只能接受它的本来面目。
I feel a little bit better today.我今天感觉好点了。
I don’t really get the point of the story.我不是很明白这个故事讲什么。
I met my teacher in the street today.我今天在街上遇见了我的老师。
Tom bought a lot of sweet potatoes.汤姆买了很多红薯。
I ate stewed beef and potatoes for dinnertonight.我今晚吃的是土豆烧牛肉。
This T- shirt is too tight.这件T恤衫太紧了。
I’ll do it today or tomorrow.我今天不做就明天做。
Take my word for it.相信我。
She has good taste in clothes.她在服装方面很有品味。
Too many students waste time on TV.太多学生把时间浪费在看电视上。
Don’t give it another thought.别想得太多。
Try harder next time.下一次要更加努力。
How much of a tip should I leave the waiter at therestaurant.在这饭店里我应该给服务员留多少小费?
Time stops for no man.时间不为任何停留。
Tina looks pretty in that skirt.天娜穿那条裙子看起来真漂亮。
We walked all the way to town.我们一路走到城里。
She is two-faced,friendly at firs,then she says bad things aboutyou behind your back.她是两面派,当面很友善,背后坏话连篇。
A guy met a very pretty woman and wastongue-tied.1个男人遇上了一位美丽的女人,紧张得说不出话来。
Take the shortest way, please.请走最近的路。

difficult难的艰难的难相处的death死亡adult成年人 成人的成熟的order命令定购add增加 添加补充说beside在旁边 advice劝告 建议noodle面条 cold寒冷的 冷淡的called 打电话
All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。
What would you like to order? 你想点什么菜?
Let’s sit beside the pond.让我们坐在池塘边。 ,
Let me give you some advice.我来给你提点建议。
You should wear a coat when it’s cold.寒冷之际要穿件外套。
I’ll keep that in mind.我会记住的。
I’ll do my best to win the gold medal.我要尽全力去赢得金牌。
The doctor advised me to do more exercise.医生建议我多做运动。
She had a good command of the French language.她精通法语。
They differ in degree but not in kind.他们不是性质不同,而是程度不同。
Let me introduce my friend David to you.我来给你介绍我的朋友大卫。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。
Darling, what did you do today? 亲爱的,你今天做了些什么?
I’d like to go dancing with Donald thisweekend.这个周末我要和唐纳德去跳舞。
I waited and waited,but he didn’t show up.我等了又等,但他就是没出现。
I had a very bad cold,so I decided to stay athome.我得了重感冒,所以决定留在家里。
I don’t have the slightest idea what happened.对发生的事我毫不知情。
There’s no need to worry about it.没必要担心。
My grandfather fed the ducks by the pond.我祖父在池塘边喂鸭子。
I decided to go abroad for further study.我决定出国留学深造。
Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?
Don’t be so hard on yourself.不要对自己太苛刻。
We’ve decided to study English.我们决定学英文。
Dare to be different.要敢于与众不同。
He’s a moody guy,one day happy,the next daysad.他是个情绪化的人,今天兴高采烈,明天就会情绪低落。
I didn’t want to take my Dad’s advice.我不想听我爸的建议。
The old man is dead,he died yesterday.那个老人死了,是昨天去世的。
He works hard day in and day out.他日复一日地努力工作着。
She’s in a good mood today and smiles a lot.她今天情绪好,总是笑。
A:She kissed her baby and then went away.她吻了她的孩子就走了。
I walked home last night.昨晚我是走回家的。
B:I called him several times,but didn’t gethim.我打了几次电话给他,但都找不到他。
He lived in Paris for some time and then moved toLondon.他在巴黎住了一段时间,然后去了伦敦。
C:I stayed at home all night watching TV.我整晚呆在家里看电视。
Have you ever tried this before? 你以前吃过这个吗?
D: You are wanted on the phone.有你的电话。
The plane landed ten minutes ago.飞机十分钟之前降落了。
T: It’s a city in the south of Italy.这是意大利南部的1个城市。
The writer is now in the sitting room.作家现在在客厅里。
That will be forty altogether.那就总共40了。
As a matter of fact,I’ve never been there.事实上,我从未去过那儿。
I feel a little better now.我现在感觉好一点了。
集中训练 {t—d}
混合训练 t和d
Today is a great day.今天天气真好。
Her daughter is a doctor in that hospital.她女儿是那家医院的医生。
I had an appointment with my dentist yesterday afternoon,but Itotally forgot it.昨天下午我本来约了牙医,但我全给忘了。
Dad bought me a radio as a present.父亲给我买了个收音机做礼物。
I telephoned almost twenty times and nobodyanswered.我打了差不多20次电话,但没有人接。
The sad play moved us to tears.这场悲剧让我们感动得流泪。
Just do it today.Tomorrow is too late.今天就做,明天就晚了。
Don’t lose heart.I’m always behind you.别灰心,我会一直支持你

If we cooperate well,the job will be finishedsoon.如果我们合作良好,工作很快就会完成。
One can accomplish anything one sets his mindto.有志者事竟成。/如果你决心做一件事,你就一定可以做到。
Be quiet.安静点!
I didn’t expect to see you here.我没想到在这里见到你。
Turn the music down.I can’t hear you.把音乐小声点,我听不到你说话。
Take care of yourself! 多保重!
You must be kidding! 你一定是开玩笑!
You make me sick! 你让我恶心。
Pick whichever you like.想要哪个就挑哪个。
Relax! Don’t be so anxious! 放松点!别这么忧虑!
You can open an account with the bank.你可以在银行开个户。
I like rock music.It always excites me.我喜欢摇滚乐,它总能让我激动。
Actors aren’t always like the characters theyplay.演员并不总是像自己扮演的角色。
Practice speaking English whenever you have time.Practice makesperfect,you know.一有时间就练习讲英语,要知道,熟能生巧嘛。
I’ll take a quick shower,after that let’s talk over a cup ofcoffee.我很快洗个澡,然后让我们边喝咖啡边谈。
Maybe we can ask Uncle Carl to fix the car.也许我们可以请卡尔叔父来修车。
Ask Carol if we can take her car.问一问卡罗我们是否能用她的车。
There is no question about it.这是毫无疑问的。
She is so careless when she drives a car.她开车时总是粗心大意。
Chemistry is my favorite class.化学是我最喜欢的课.
Crazy English can help you conquer your fear.疯狂英语能帮助你征服内心的恐惧。
Please accept my apologies.请接受我的歉意。
He is a man of good character.他的性格很好。
Stand back to back! 背靠背站好!
I can’t turn my back on him when he needshelp.在他需要帮助之际,我不能不管。
He has been sick for two weeks.他已经病了两周了。
Do you like baked chicken? 你喜欢吃烤鸡吗?
There will be no school tomorrow.明天学校放假。
We had a quick meal and then ran to catch thetrain.我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跟着去趣赶火车。
Be careful when you cross the street.过马路时一定要小心。
After the earthquake,the area was in chaos,no electricity,roadsblocked,injured peopleeverywhere.地震过后,那个地区一片混乱:没有电,交通堵塞,到处是受伤的人。
The cook baked a cake.The cake was baked too long.The cake is ashard as rock.厨子烤了一块饼,饼烤的时间太长,硬得像石头。
Sorry for coming late,John.I couldn’t catch a taxi because of therain.抱歉来晚了,约翰。因为下雨,我很难打到的士。
You never know what you can do till you try.不尝试你就不会知道你能做什么。
Knowledge comes from diligence.知识来自于勤奋。
I need a knife to cut the watermelon.我需要一把刀来切西瓜。
I knocked into the wall and hurt my knee.我撞到墙上,碰了膝盖。
k/weak弱的look看 seek寻找kind善良like喜欢
ck/back背部clock钟sick生病的 恶心的
qu/quick快question问题unique唯一的 独特的

giggle傻笑 gamble赌博 glad高兴 guest客人 ghost 鬼 幽灵 forget忘记egg蛋 brag吹牛colleague同事example例子
When you make new friends,don’t forget the oldones.有了新知,勿忘旧友。
He does nothing but brag,he’s such a bore.他除了吹牛,什么也不干,他真烦人。
She sets a good example.她树立了非常好的榜样。
That’s a good idea.真是个好主意。
Let’s give him a big hand.=Let’s give him a round ofapplause.让我们为他热烈鼓掌。
I’m hungry.Where can I get something to eat?我饿了。到哪儿能搞点吃的呢?
We had a get-together at the Garden Hotel.我们在花园酒店聚会。
My girlfriend and I will go to the exhibition thisSunday.我和我的女朋友准备星期天去看展览会。
He gives a good example to all the students.他给全体学生树立了良好的榜样。
Getting angry won’t do any good.生气不会有什么好处。
That guy bragged about his good looks again.那个家伙又在吹嘘自己长得帅了。
All governments should do something about the growing problem ofillegal drugs.所有政府都应该做些事来解决日益严重的非法毒品问题。
The good goods you can get here are guaranteed for oneyear.你在这儿能买到的优质商品都有一年的质量保证。
The girls giggled when Gary walked into the classroom with hisguitar.盖瑞拿着吉它走进教室时,女孩子们都咯咯地笑了起来。
I’m very grateful for the help you’ve given tome.我非常感谢你对我的帮助。
A good beginning makes a good ending.善始才能善终。(1个好的开始导致好的结尾)。
Please don’t get angry.请不要生气。
Let’s forgive and forget.让我们抛弃前嫌,忘记旧恶。
It’s really great talking with/to you,but I’ve got to gonow.与你谈话真的很棒,但我现在得走了。
The Summer Olympic Games take place every fouryears.奥林匹克夏季运动会每四年举行一次。
She likes gambling.她喜欢赌博。
He talks all the time,he’s a gasbag.他一直在说,的确是个话匣子。
I guess you’re right.我想你是对的。
I’ll pay.You’re my guest this evening.我付帐,今晚你是我的客人。
I’ll never forgive you.我永远不原谅你。
The exam will begin on Tuesday.周二开始考试。
She’s a gifted golfer.她是1个很有天赋的高尔夫球手。
Could you please sign your name here?你可以在这里签上名吗?
I’ll resign from my job soon.我即将辞职。
It’s necessary for us to learn a foreign language.我们有必要学一门外语。
She’s a famous fashion designer.她是个著名的时装设计师。
Game 游戏angry生气grow成熟长大guidance辅导guess猜测forgive原谅disgusting令人反感的gifted有天赋的gathering集会garlic算
Keep going! Don’t give up! 继续下去!别放弃!
Learning English is a piece of cake.学英语是小菜一蝶。
I’d like to have a single room.我想要一间单人房。
Where can I get a catalog of your products? 在哪儿能拿到你们的产品目录?
How do you get along with your colleagues in the new company?你和新公司里的同事处得好吗?
No country can escape the problem of illegaldrugs.没有国家能摆脱非法毒品的困扰。
The goalkeeper caught the good kickperfectly.守门员完善地抓住了那个高明的进球。
Fun乐趣 玩笑 fresh新鲜refuse 拒绝refer谈到afford担负得起stuff原料材料东西phone打电话photograph照片enough足够的laugh笑
Have fun! 再见!尽情玩吧!
She is full of fun.她很幽默/有趣。
Speaking English is a lot of fun.说英语非常有意思。
He refused our proposal.他拒绝了我们的建议。
He refused my help.I don’t know why.他拒绝了我的帮助。我不知道原因何在。
I can’t afford to fly to Beijing.我没钱坐飞机去北京。
I can’t afford a new car.我买不起新车。
Leave your stuff in the hall.把你的东西放在大厅里。
This book is really boring stuff.这本书真是枯燥无味。
Do you call this stuff beer? 你把这东西叫做啤酒吗?
There has been some really good stuff on Tvlately.最近电视上有些不错的节目。
Leave my stuff alone! I told you not to touch it!别动我的东西,我告诉过你!
You look prettier in person than you do in yourphotograph.你真人比照片上看起来漂亮多了。
I can’t thank you enough.我无法表达对你的感谢。
A.You’re been practicing English all afternoon.Enough!/B.It’s neverenough!你整个下午都在练习英语,够了!
There’s enough food for everybody.有足够的食物供大家吃。
You always make me laugh.你总是让我笑。
Don’t laugh at my poor English.不要嘲笑我英语不好!
I’ve had enough. = I’m full.我吃饱了。
Life is beautiful,but it’s not always sweet.生活是美丽的,但并不总是一帆风顺。
Success comes after many failures.成功的背后有无数次失败。
Fact is often stanger than fiction.事实常常比小说更离奇。
That’s far from enough.We need more.那远远不够,我们需要更多。
He offered us some food,but we refused.他要给我们一些食物,但我们拒绝了。
I feel like taking a walk for some freshair.我想出去散散步,呼吸一点新鲜空气。
My favorite food is French fries.我喜欢的食物是炸薯条。
We often play football for fun after calss.我们放学后经常踢足球玩。
I won’t have free time before this tough job isfinished.我要到完成这个艰巨的工作之后才有空闲时间。
Philip asked me to take a photograph of himself and hiswife.菲利普让我给他和他太太拍张照。
Jin 最喜欢的句子
A.We forgot to bring some food for you. 我们忘了给你带吃的了。
B.What am I supposed to eat? 我该吃什么呢?
She fulfilled her dream of becoming an actress.她实现了她当演员的梦想。
That’s fantastic! 那真是奇妙极了!/那真是棒极了!
There’s coffee or tea.Which would you prefer? 有咖啡或茶,你喜欢哪样?
I don’t like living far away from my family.我不喜欢与我的家人远离。
Enjoy losing face! Just forget about your face.热爱丢脸!忘记脸面吧。
Finish the work off before you leave for yourholiday.在你放假之前把工作完成。
There are only a few more cokes left.Let’s finish themoff.只有一点可乐了,我们把它们喝光吧。
First thing first.You must finish this before yougo.要紧的事得先做,你得在走之前完成此事。
We enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit from the garden,and fresh fishfrom the river.我们享用从果菜园摘的新鲜的蔬菜和水果,从河里打来的新鲜的鱼。
No one knows what will happen in the future.没人知道将来会发生什么事。
I had a tough day today.今天我过得很辛苦。
A.I’m sorry./B.Forget it! 我很抱歉。/没关系。
Feel free to call me.随时欢迎给我打电话。
That’s very funny.那很有意思。
I found it.我找到了。
I’m not afraid of anything.我什么都不怕。
We’re friends for life.我们做了一辈子朋友。
How are you feeling? 你感觉如何?
A.How are you feeling?
B.I feel fine.我感觉挺好的。
Laugh in the face of fear.微笑着面对恐惧吧。
Follow me.跟我来。/跟着我。
I prefer coffee.我比较喜欢咖啡。
I’m a tough guy! 我是个坚强的人!
Life is tough,but I like it.生活艰难,但我喜欢。
A tough life is an interesting life.艰苦的生活才有意思。
I always prefer a face-to face talk with my friends.It prevents alot of misunderstandings.我总是更喜欢面对面地和我的朋友沟通。它防止了很多误解的发生。
It’s five after eleven.Jim feels very bad.His face is on fire.Hehas a very high fever.His wife is very frightened.She is phoningthe doctornow.现在是11点过5分。吉姆感到很不舒服,他的脸上像火烧似的。他发了高烧。他太太很害怕,她正在打电话给医生。

vary变化 改变 不同 value价值 评价 重视 voice声音 嗓音 over超过结束遍及通过clever聪明的 机灵的精明的review回顾 复习 检查of属于 由于关于love爱爱好爱情positive积极的绝对的 肯定的 正面effective有效的 有影响的
Prices vary from month to month.物价月月都在变化。
I value your friendship.我珍视你的友谊。
The difference between /f/ and /v/ is thevoice./f/和/v/的区别就是1个发声,1个不发声。
You’re so clever.I’m proud of you.你真聪明,我为你骄傲。
Let’s review the last lesson before starting a newone.我们在讲新课之前复习一下旧课。
I’m positive he’s right.我肯定他是对的。
You must have a positive attitude.你必须有乐观积极的态度。
A.Do you know an effective way to learn English?你知道学习英语有效的办法吗?
B.Sure,Crazy English is an effective way.当然,用疯狂英语的学习方法就非常有效。
Let’s go to see a movie tonight.我们今晚去看电影吧。
It is one of my favorite novels.这是我最喜欢的小说之一。
Can you give me some advice? 你能给我一些建议吗?
The method proved highly effective.这种方法被证明是非常有效的。
Victor has a very good voice.维克多的声音很好听。
You have to arrive before five.你得在五点之前到。
He lives a very active life.他过着非常积极的生活。
We’ll have a valentine’s Day party.Who do you want to invite?我们要开个情人节聚会。你准备请谁来?
In my view,we should avoid violent behavior.在我看来,我们应该避免暴力行为。
The evidence we have discovered did[www.61k.com)n’t convince the vicemanager.我们发现的证据没有能够说服副经理。
It’s seven twelve now, and I’m starting to death! Do we have towait for Vivian? 已经七点十二分了,我就快饿死了!我们一定得等薇薇安吗?
Jim loves Vivian very much,but victor loves Vivian evenmore.吉姆非常爱薇薇安,但维克多更爱薇薇安。
I’d be overjoyed to travel to Vietnam.要是能去越南旅行,我会非常高兴。
Steven deserved to be punished for his behavior.史蒂文的表现应该受到惩罚。
The politician was so disliked that the voters voted himout.这名政客十分不得人心,在选举中被选了下来。
I’ve never been in love before.我以前从未谈过恋爱。
Just leave it to me.I’ll take care of it.交给我吧,我会处理的。
We revised the book several times before publishingit.我们在出书之前进行了几次修订。
I value my best friend’s advice.我重视我最要好的朋友的忠告。
Whatever your mind can conceive and believe,your mind canachieve.只要你想得到,只要你相信,你就能够做到。
I need a vacation.我需要度假。
That’s a great view.这景色真棒。
I’m very tired.我非常累。
Please forgive me.请原谅我。
Leave me alone.走开。/让我1个人呆着。
Have a nice trip.旅途愉快。/一路顺风。
Come and visit me! 来看我吧!
I have to save money.我得存钱。
Practice every day.每天练习。
It’s over! 完了。/结束了。
My family has lived here for over ten years.我家在这儿住了十年多了。
We’ve been busy reviewing for the final exam.我们一直忙于复习准备期末考试。
He’s always the first to arrive and the last toleave.他总是第1个来,最后1个走。
The food here is very expensive,but the service isfirst-class.这儿的食物很贵,但服务是一流的。
We should try our best to prevent the environment from beingpolluted.我们应该尽全力防止环境被污染。
We all love to live in an atmosphere offreedom.我们都喜欢生活在自由的环境中。
Thank you for giving me such a lovely gift.I love it verymuch!谢谢你给了我这么可爱的礼物,我非常喜欢!
Feel free to call me whenever you visitGuangzhou.你无论何时来广洲,都可以随时给我打电话。

silly愚蠢的skillful熟悉的question问题decide决定cease终止fix修理experience经验经历scene场景 场面miss错过 避开 想念success成功 胜利 成就
That’s a silly and stupid question.那是个非常愚蠢的问题。
Don’t be silly! 别傻了!/别说傻话!
That’s the silliest idea I’ve ever heard! 那是我所听到过的最愚蠢的想法!
How silly of me! I’ve left my keys at home.我多么糊涂啊!我把钥匙丢在家里了。
You’re so silly.你真傻。
Have you decided yet? 你决定下来了吗?
No,I need a few more minutes.还没有,我需要再考虑一会儿。
The company has ceased trading in this part of theworld.公司已终止在世界这个地区的贸易活动。
Let’s fix a time for the meeting.我们来定1个时间开会。
Don’t make a scene.别大吵大闹。/别当众出丑。
His new book was a great success.他的新书获得了巨大的成功。
She is a successful business woman.她是1个成功的女商人。
He wasn’t a success as a teacher.他不是个好老师。
Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。
Nothing succeeds like success.一旦功成名就,则事事容易成功。
That was a very successful performance.这个演出非常成功。
If you try hard you’ll succeed.如果你努力就会成功。
His success came from hard work.他的成功来源于刻苦的努力。
His success motivates me.他的成功对我有激励的作用。/他的成功激励了我。
Her success made her parents happy.她的成功让父亲母亲非常开心。
Why are you so busy? 你怎么这么忙呢?
Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?
(A:Are you serious?你是认真的吗?B:Of course.i’m deadserious!当然,我非常认真。)
I’m sorry to upset you.对不起,让你生气了。
(A:I’m sorry to upset you.对不起,让你生气了。B:It’s OK.I’m fine.Don’t worryabout it.没关系,我没事,别担心。)
May I ask you a question? 我可以问你1个问题吗?
(A:May I ask you a question?我可以问你1个问题吗?B:Sure.Goahead.当然可以,问吧。)
He’s so nice to us.他对我们非常好。
(A: Why do you like your English teacher so much?你怎么这么喜欢你的英文老师呢?B:He’s so nice to us.他对我们非常好。)
They say service is good in that restaurant.听说那家饭店的服务很好。
The conference was a success.这次会议很成功。
Her new song was a hit and spread fast among the students.她的新歌很成功,很快在学生中流传开来。
She asks the students to hand in their essays once aweek.她让学生每星期交一次论文。
It seems that she grasps the concept of the text thefastest.看来她是最快掌握课文概念的。
Steven,if you speak less and listen more,you’re certain to be moresuccessful.史蒂文,如果你少说一点,多听一点,你肯定会更成功。
San Francisco is a famous port city on the west coast of theStates. 三薄市是美国西岸著名的港口城市。
The situation is very dangerous.形势非常危险。
This soup tastes great! 这汤的味道好极了!
He is a nice person.He has a nice smile and he has nicetaste.他是1个令人愉快的人,他有怡人的笑容,品味也不错。
If you want to be a success in business,you must beaggressive.如果你想在生意上获得成功,你必须大胆进取。
Tell me something about your experience inThailand.告诉我一些你在泰国的经历。
It’s too expensive.I can’t afford it.太贵了,我买不起。
What’s the schedule for your business trip next week?你下周出差的日程安排是怎样的?
His favorite pastimes are reading books and exercising ingyms.他最喜欢的消遣是读书和去健身房运动。
He very seldom eats breakfast.他很减少进食早餐。
I sincerely hope that you will be successful in your newbusiness.我真诚地希望你在新的事业中成功。
Relax! Don’t be so tense.放松点!别这么紧张。
Don’t worry about it.Just try to relax.不要为这事担心,放松!
That’s a big surprise! 多让人惊讶啊!
That’s impossible! 那不可能!
That’s a nice dress.那件裙子很漂亮。
She’s so special.她真是特别。
She’s very sick.她病得很厉害。
I need a window seat.我需要窗口位。
That’s really something.真是了不起。
Do you want something else? 你还想要别的东西吗?
That’s too expensive.那太贵了。
See you soon.再见。/回头见。
How nice to see you! 见到你真高兴!
Have a nice Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
She’s always having a crisis.她总是有这样那样的危机。
My life is in a state of crisis.我的人生正处于转折点。
Are you satisfied with my answer.你对我的回答满意吗?
S-/ see seem seldom sound sad save seven say sweet stop studysilent smoke
_S/ promise useful excuse close gas enormous jealous
A loose tooth.松动的牙齿
SS/miss boss kiss less mess mass loss pass across message unlessfussy
_S_/last lost against listen risk list fast past ask Boston
C_/city century center race notice pronunciation cent civilcigarette civilization
X/tax sex fix mix extre exciting excellent exit experience
Please tell us about your experiences inAmerica.请告诉我们你在美国的经历。
SC/science scenery scene scissors obscene
A peaceful country scene.宁静的乡间景色。
2个以上的S/Christmas success since cease science discuss dismissuseless sense sentence crisis six exercise silence expensive
I want to discuss your work with you.我想和你一起讨论你的工作。
I’m useless at English.我英语可不行。
Houses are very expensive in this area.这地区房价很高。
She always asks students to visit her home.她总是邀请学生们去她家玩。
There are several risks facing us.我们面临着着几个风险。
Fishermen face a lot of risks in their dailylives.渔夫们在日常生活中面临很多危险。
When a person understands what you’re saying,he/she grasps yourmeaning.当1个人明白了你所说的话,他/她就领会了你的意思。
That car costs a lot of money. 那俩车值很多钱。
/s/+/p/ /t/ /k/的发音
You should study hard to improve yourEnglish.你应该努力学习来提高你的英语水平。
I’m sorry,but the dress you want is out ofstock.对不起,你要的裙子现在没货。
He speaks English with a strange accent.他说的英语带着1种奇怪的口音。
I’ve been expecially busy recently.我最近特别忙。
You look nice in your new skirt.你穿那条新裙子很漂亮。
I was too scared to utter a word.我当时害怕得一句话也说不出来。
The scholar remains modest despite his greatachievements.虽然取得了很大成就,那个学者还是很谦虚。
She is very responsible and is always on time.她很守信用,总是很准时。
Zip拉练crazy疯狂地apologize道歉present礼物business生意exercise练习 锻炼exactly确切的dizzy头晕的buzz嗡嗡声puzzle难题
You have to be crazy about your work if you want tosucceed.如果你想成功,你就得很投入地工作。
I’m crazy about American movies.我非常喜欢美国电影。
I sincerely apologize for my rudeness.我为我的无礼真诚地道歉。
What’s your present job? 你现在的工作是什么?
He gave me this nice pen as a birthdaypresent.他把这支精美的钢笔送给我作生日礼物。
How many people were present at the meeting? 会议有多少人出席?
She presented her idea for a new product at the last salesmeeting.她在一次的销售会上提出了她关于1个新产品的想法。
It’s a pleasure doing business with you.跟你做生意真是荣幸。
Do exactly as you please.完全照你的意思去做吧。
The London Times crossword puzzle really puzzlesme.《伦敦时报》上的拼字谜真的让我很迷惑。
She exercises three times a week.她1个星期锻炼三次。
The doctor advised him to exercise more.医生建议他多运动。
Jogging is a healthy exercise.慢跑是有益健康的锻炼方式。
You don’t exercise enough.你锻炼不够。
You should exercise more to keep energetic.你应当多锻炼以保持精力充沛。
The woman’s disease puzzled the doctor;he couldn’t find it thecause.那个妇女的病症把医生难住了,他无法找到病因。
Do you exercise?你锻炼身体吗?
A.Do you exercise? 你锻炼身体吗?
B.Sure.I do lots of physical exercise everyday.当然,我每天做很多运动。
I exercise by lifting weights and jogging.我通过举重和慢跑来锻炼身体。
He’s not stupid,just lazy.他倒不笨,就是懒。
He’s doing business with our company.他正在和我们公司做生意。
Please apologize to her.请向她道歉。
My cousin likes puzzles.我表兄喜欢猜谜语。
The president was puzzled about what to do.总统不知道该怎么办好。
I like his design for the new houses.我喜欢他这些新房子的设计。
I didn’t realize he was so amazing.我没想到他这么棒。
The town was buzzing with the news.那则消息城里传得沸沸扬扬。
I was exhausted after those miserabledays.那些痛苦的日子过去了,我感到筋疲力尽。
Don’t tease others unless you want others to teaseyou.如果不想别人嘲笑,就不要嘲笑别人。
Please give me your reasons for refusing.请向我讲明你拒绝的理由。
He resigned for health reasons.他由于健康原因而辞职。
My mother loves to buy presents for familymembers.我母亲喜欢给家庭成员买礼物。
My husband bought me a dozen roses.我丈夫给我买了一打玫瑰。
Business is business.公事公办。
Don’t tell him about the present-it’s asurprise.不要告诉他礼物的事,这是1个惊喜。
Noisy music gets on my nerves.I hate noisymusic.嘈杂的音乐使我烦躁,我讨厌啧杂的音乐。
If you always do everything with zeal and enthusiasm,you’ll succeedeasily.如果你凡事都投以满腔热情,你会很容易成功。
Forget it! It’s impossible to reason with him.算了吧!跟他讲理是不可能的。
What a surprise! He said he’s going to leave thecompany!多让人意外啊!他说他要离开公司!
She desires to succeed in business at anycost.她渴望在商业上成功,不惜任何代价。
What size of shoes does your husband wear? 你丈夫穿多大码的鞋?
Do as you please.你高兴做什么就做什么。
I apologize for my laziness.我为我的懒惰道歉。
Don’t do stupid things.别做蠢事。
I’m quitting my job.我要辞职。
What’s your reason? 什么原因?
I’m easy to please.我很容易高兴/取悦。
She’s very easygoing.她非常随和。
(A.How is your new teacher? 你的新老师怎么样?B.She’s veryeasygoing.她非常随和。
It’s none of your business! 这不关你的事!
I have a strong desire for success.我有强烈的愿望要成功。
I’m crazy about/for you.我非常喜欢你。
Excuse me,I forgot your name.对不起,我忘了你的名字。
(A.Excuse me,I forgot your name.B.That’s ok.My name is LiYang.)
He’s too clumsy to be a good dancer.他太笨拙了,不可能成为好的舞蹈演员。
Surprise吃惊business事情 商业 生意easy容易的noisy吵闹的music音乐physical物理的体力的pleasant令人愉快的example例子Tuesday周二disease疾病
That’s a pleasant surprise.真是让人愉快的惊喜。
What a surprise to see you here!看到你在这里真让人意外啊!
Life is full of surprises.生活充满了令人惊讶的事。
I bought a lot of English books today.我今天买了很多英语书。
The project will be finished in a month’s time.这个项目得在1个内完成。
The chief‘s in his office.老板在他办公室里。
She often helps me with my work.她经常在工作上帮我。
Most girls like window-shopping.大部分女孩子都喜欢逛商店。
Tom’s in New York right now.汤姆现在在纽约。
The train arrives a t ten o’clock.火车十点钟到达。
I took a lot of photos in Beijing.我在北京拍了很多照片。
I have no idea where Sally’s houseis.我不知道萨莉家在哪儿。
He’s good at golf.他擅长于打高尔夫球。
She flies to HongKong once a month.她每个月坐飞机去一次香港。
There are many bridges in this city.这个城里有很多桥。
There’s something wrong with the garage’s door.车库的门有点问题。
The boss’s at the meeting right now.老板正在开会。
He teachs English literature at the college.他在大学里教英国文学。
Experience is the mother of wisdom.经验乃智慧之母。
Let me explain the reason I was late for theconference.让我来解释一下我开会迟到的原因。
Sara’s husband Sam is a handsome guy.萨拉的丈夫山姆是个很帅的家伙。
He plans to stay here for several days.他打算在这儿呆几天。
The boss was not satisfied with hisemployees’job.老板对他的员工的工作不满意。
We insist that you accept these presents.我们坚决要求你收下这些礼物。
Would you please sleep on these matters and tell us your decisiontomorrow? 你能否考虑一下这些事,明天告诉我们你的决定?
Susan was pleased with her success.苏珊对她的成功感到很高兴。
Sure当然 的确tension紧张 紧张局势ocean大海social社会的社交的education教育machine机器sharp敏锐的fresh新鲜的conscious有意识的 察觉到mission任务使命
I could hear the tension in her voice as shespoke.从她说话的声音,我可以听出她很紧张。
She finished her education in America.她在美国完成了学业。
My father is a money making machine.He works very hard everyday.我父亲是1个赚钱的机器,他每天都辛勤地工作。
He has a sharp,fresh look.他看上去很时髦,很有精神。
This fish smells,I don’t think it’s very fresh.这鱼有味道了,我想它不新鲜。
She didn’t seem to be conscious of the danger.她似乎并没有意识到危险。
It seems to be his mission to help others.他的天职好像就是帮助别人。
You look really sharp.你看上去真的很时髦。
Don’t rush.We have plenty of time.不用急。我们有足够的时间。
He’s a special friend of mine.他是我的1个好朋友。
You need to shape up or ship out. = Either behave yourself or getlost! 你给我规矩点,不然就滚出去。
Washington D.C.is the national capital of the UnitedStates.华盛顿特区是美国的首都。
You should be patient with your parents.你应该对你的父母耐心点。
The shrimp is very delicious.Can I have somemore?虾很好吃。我能再来点吗?
The pressure of having to take a test causes alot of tension.要考试的压力带来了很大的紧张。
Congratulations to you on your success in the Englishexamination.恭喜你在英语考试中取得成功。
The repetition of the same commercials on television is just tryingto brainwash consumers into compulsiveconsumption.电视上反复播放的广告,就是想通过反复宣传让消费者不自觉地购买。
You can’t wash this shirt in the washing machine,or else it willshrink.这件衬衣不能放在洗衣机里洗,要不然它会缩水的。
I’m in such a bad mood;I just need a shoulder to cryon.我很难过,我就想找个人倾诉一番。
Michelle, would you please take the trash out?米歇尔,把垃圾拿出去好吗?
Life is short.Try more.人生短暂。多点尝试。
Catch every chance to have an Englishconversation.抓住每个机会用英语对话。
My dishwasher isn’t working.我的洗碗机坏了。
We have an unusual relationship.我们的关系非同寻常。
Fish is my favorite dish.鱼是我最喜欢的菜。
It’s nothing.Don’t mention it.没什么大不了的,别提了。
To be an international Chinese,you must speak goodEnglish.要做个国际化的中国人,你得说一口流利的英语。
She’s very sociable;she often goes to lots of parties onweekends.她很喜欢社交,周末经常去各种聚会。
She’s conscious of her shortcomings now.I’m sureshe’ll do better.她现在已经认识到她的缺点了,我相信她一定会做得更好。
You piece of trash! Get out of my face! 你这废物!从我面前滚开!
The government is spending a lot of money oneducation.政府在教育上花了很多钱。
Congratulations on your graduation from school.祝贺你从学校毕业。
经典美国绕口令(Classic American Tongue Twister)
She sells seashells at the shining seashore,and the shells shesells are seashells,I’m sure.她在阳光灿烂的海滨卖贝壳,我确信她卖的贝壳是海贝壳。
That’s for sure.=Definitely.那是一定的。
That’s bullshit! 废话!
Don’t mention it.别提了。
She’s too short for me.对我来说,她太矮了。
Shut up! 闭嘴!
I’m finished. =I have completed.我做完了。
Wash the dishes.洗碗。
Don’t push me.别催我。/别逼我。
Let’s go shopping.我们去购物吧。
I’m under a lot of pressure.我承受很大压力。

Sh-/she sheep ship shop shape shoe shit show should shower shoutshy sharp shock shirt shallow
We were shocked by his sudden death.他的突然死亡使我们大为震惊。
Your English is shocking.你的英语太棒了。/你的英语令人震惊。
-sh/wash push finish fish dish crash selfish trash rush bookishcash fresh
Your English is very bookish.你的英语太书本化了。
s/sure sugar Asia insurance
Too much sugar is bad for your health.吃太多糖对你的健康有害。
-ss-/mission pressure Russia tissue assure
Don’t put too much pressure on your kid.别给你的孩子太多压力。
-sc-/conscious conscience
I had a guilty conscience about not telling her thetruth.我没有告诉她事实真相,心里觉得内疚/有负罪感。
-tion/station nation mention situation competitioncooperation
I appreciate your cooperation.我感谢你的合作。
-t-/patient patience initiate
Learning English takes a lot of patience.学英语需要很多耐心。
-c-/ocean social sociable socialism racial special commercialofficial appreciate
She has a very active social life.她过着非常活跃的社交生活。
I’m not feeling very social tonight,I’d rather just stay home andread a book.今晚我不大想同别人一起, 我宁愿留在家里读本书。
Ch/machine chef Chicago
That restaurant has a famous chef.那家饭店有个名厨。
What a shame!真遗憾/真可惜!
What a shame you didn’t win! 你没赢,真遗憾!
It’s a shame you can’t go shopping with us.很遗憾,你不能与我们一同去购物。
It’s a shame to take money from those who can’t affortit.拿穷人的钱是十分可耻的。
How could you treat her so badly? Shame on you!你怎么能如此对待她?真可耻!
You should practice more often-it’s a shame to waste suchtalent.你应该更经常地练习—浪费这么好的天赋太可惜了。
To my shame/I feel shame that I never thanked him for hiskindness.我感到羞愧的是,对他的帮助我从未表示过感谢。
There’s no shame in being poor.贫穷并不是什么耻辱。
You’ve shamed your family.你给你们家丢脸了。/你使你的家人蒙羞。
You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such a biglie.你应该为撤这样1个大谎而感到羞愧。
I’m ashamed of my poor English.我为我的破烂英语感到羞愧。
You shameless cheater! 你这个无耻的骗子!

Usually经常的casual偶然的pleasure愉快 快乐leisure空闲treasure珍惜 财富decision决定 决心决策occasion场合 时机confusion混乱massage按摩mirage海市蜃楼 幻想
We’re usually in bed by ten.我们通常十点钟上床睡觉。
I usually dress casually.我一般穿着非常的随便。
I was asked to make a casual speech at theparty.聚会上,我应邀做了个即席的发言。
Casual clothes are becoming more and more polular inChina.休闲服装在中国越来越受欢迎了。
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our nextspeaker.我很高兴向大家介绍下一位演讲者。
It’s been a pleasure to work with you.和你一起工作真是一件乐事。
What do you like to do in your leisure time? 你业余时间喜欢做什么?
What’s your decision? 你的决定如何?
I have a very important decision to make.我要做个非常重要的决定。
I’m sure you’ll make the right decision.我相信你会做出正确的决定。
You have to make a decision right away.你得马上做个决定。
Whose decision was that? 那是谁做的决定?
That’s a bad decision.这个决定不好。
Think carefully before you make an importantdecision.做重要决定之前要认真思考。
We need a decision on the matter now.这件事我们现在就得做出决定。
A. Have you made a decision yet? 你是否已作出决定了?
B. No, I’m still thinking about it.还没有,我仍在考虑。
I realize now that I made the wrong decision.我现在意识到我做出了错误的决定。
There was confusion everywhere.到处一片混乱。
There is a lot of confusion about the best way to studyEnglish.究竟怎样学英语最好,这个问题众说纷纭。
What do you usually do after work? 你下班后一般做些什么?
I take pleasure in learning foreign languages.我学外语感到很快乐。
I take pleasure in reading books.我读书感到很快乐。
I take pleasure in playing sports.我进行体育运动感到很快乐。
I take pleasure in cooking.我喜欢烹饪。
I take pleasure in writing.我喜欢写作。
I take pleasure in meeting new people.我喜欢认识新朋友。
It’s a happy occasion for all of us.这是我们大家都非常开心的时刻。
I usually jog for half an hour in the morning.我通常在早上跑半小时步。
What’s your vision for the future? = What are your plans for thefuture? 你对未来的设想如何?/你想像中的未来是什么样子的?
The room was in complete confusion. =The room was a mess. /No onein the room knew what was happening.房间一团糟。/房间里谁都不知道是怎么回事。
My mother is an unusual woman.我妈妈是1个不平凡的女人。
I treasure my leisure time.我很珍惜我的空闲时间。
That’s just a casual decision.那只是1个临时决定。
His powers of persuasion calmed the confusion of thecrowd.他的说服力让混乱的人群安静了下来。
The thirsty man saw a vision of mirage.那个口渴的人看见了海市蜃楼的景象。
I’m not very sure about my decision.我对自己的决定不是很有把握。
I occasionally watch television in my leisuretime.我空闲时间里偶尔看看电视。
I treasure your friendship.我珍惜你的友谊。
China’s prestige in the world is rising veryquickly.中国在国际上的声望上升得很快。
I’m so sore.I’ll go get a massage.我太累了,我要去按摩。
Please call me at your leisure.方便时请打个电话给我。
I’m very honored to be invited to speak on such a prestigiousoccasion.我非常荣幸,能应邀在如此重大的场合发表讲话。
I only wear a tie on special occasions.我只在特殊场合才打领带。
It’s my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。
A. Thank you so much for all your help.非常感谢你所帮的忙。
B. It’s my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。
Same as usual.跟以前一样。
(How’s business?生意如何?Same as usual.跟以前一样。)
I’ve already made my decision.=My mind is madeup.我早已做了决定。/我已下了决心。
I have no leisure time.我没有空闲时间。
Today is an important occasion.今天是个重要的日子。
I treasure your letters.我很爱惜你的信。
You watch too much television.你看太多电视了!
Don’t jump to conclusions. =Don’t come to a decision tooquickly.不要乱下结论。
I need a massage.我需要按摩。
It’s unusually hot today! 今天不同寻常的热!
Usual 通常
Are you coming home at the usually time?你准备按往常的时间回家吧?Yes,I’ll leavethe office at the same time as usual.是的,我将和平常一样准时离开办公室。
He arrived late as usual.他照常迟到。
I’ll have my usual,please.请给我来一份我通常要的。
A.Did you hear Jane decided to go abroad? 你听说了吗,珍妮决定出国?
B.Yes,but she’s not very sure that she made the rightdecision.听说了,但她对自己的决定是否正确不是很肯定。
Teacher Li has international prestige.李老师享有国际声望。
Some of our national treasures are in the ForbiddenCity.我们的一些国宝保存在故宫里。
The invitation said we should dress formally,notcasually.邀请函上讲,我们应该穿着正式服装,而不是休闲服装。
I think the day we met was a specialoccasion.我想我们相识的那一天是很特别的。
He’s very shy.It’s unusually for him to share hisopinions.他很害羞,他并不常表达他的意见。
One of the greatest pleasures of life isconversation.人生的最大乐趣之一就是谈话。
He’s washing his car in the garage.他在车房里洗车。

Thank感谢thoughtful体贴的thousand一千Thursday周四author作家healthy健康的nothing没什么truthful真实的诚实的oath誓言breath呼吸 气息

A.Thank you for being so thoughtful.谢谢你如此周到。
B.It was nothing! Think nothing of it.没什么。小事一桩。

If you exercise regularly and eatproperly,you’ll stay fit and healthy.如果你经常锻炼并适当饮食,你会保持健康的。
I have nothing to do with that.我跟此事全无关系。
It’s nothing serious.这没什么了不起。
Nothing’s going to change my love for you.没什么能改变我对你的爱。
She’s nothing to me.她在我心目中微不足道。
We want you to tell us the truth-nothing more,nothingless.我们要你说实话,一点不多,一点不少。
A. What’s the food like at your school? 学校的伙食怎么样?
B. Nothing special.不太好。
A. Is there anything good on TV tonight? 今晚的电视有好节目吗?
B. Nothing in particular.没什么特别的。
Calm down and take a deep breath.冷静下来,深吸一口气。

What did you think of it? 你觉得它怎么样?(I didn’t think it wasanything special.=I thought it was nothing special.我觉得没什么特别的。)


It was really thoughtful of you to bringflowers.你真是想得太周到了,还带了花来。

He always takes a left-handed oath.Let’s not believe him. =Hedoesn’t mean what he says./He makes emptypromises.他总是随便发誓。我们不要相信他。

I was so thirsty that I drank three glasses ofwater.我太渴了,喝了三杯水。

A thousand thanks for your kindness.对你的好意万分感谢。

Nothing is more important than staying healthy.没有比保持健康更重要的了。

To tell the truth,you need a bath.说实话,你需要洗个澡了。

My baby already has three teeth.我的孩子已经长了三颗牙了。

The rumor passed from mouth to mouth.谣言不胫而走。/谣言到处流传。

Through thrift you will become wealthy.勤俭节约才会富裕。

The author thought there was something in thebathroom.那个作家觉得浴室里有什么东西。


Health is wealth.Actually,health is much more important thanwealth.健康就是财富。事实上,健康远比财富重要。

My birthday is Thursday.Would you like to comeover?我的生日是周四。你要过来吗?

Beth gave birth to a very healthy son lastnight.昨晚贝丝生了1个非常健康的儿子。


Birth and death are natural parts of life.生和死是人生必经之事。

A. Can I get you anything? 要我给你拿点什么吗?
B. No, nothing.i’m fine, thanks.不,什么都不用了。我很好,谢谢。

We’ve been through thick and thin together.我们一直同甘共苦。

I’m through with you! =I don’t want to see you again.Ourrelationship is over.我跟你完了!/我跟你断绝关系!


I was all thumbs today. =I couldn’t do anything righttoday.我今天笨手笨脚的。
Hold on for a second! Let me catch my breath.稍等一会儿,让我喘口气。
He’s an outstanding athlete.他是名杰出的运动员。
The doctor made a thorough examination of me.医生替我做了详细的检查。
I forgot a thousand things, but I remembered to say thankyou.我忘了很多事,但我还是记得对你说声谢谢。
I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother’sdeath.听说你祖母去世了,我感到非常难过。
Our path in life will not always be smooth.我们的人生之路不会永远平坦。
That’s the truth!事实就是这样。
I’m thirsty.我渴了。
I’m all thumbs. =I’m clumsy/uncoordinated.我真是笨手笨脚。
Throw it away.把它丢掉。
Thanks a lot.多谢。
I think so.我认为如此。
Here’s to your health.为你的健康(干杯)
It’s nothing.=you’re welcome.没什么。/不用谢。
Happy birthday.生日快乐!
Something is better than nothing.总比没有好。/聊胜于无!
(A.Sorry,all we have to drink is water.对不起,我们只有水喝。B.Something isbetter than nothing.总比没有好。/聊胜于无。)
Think thank thin thing theme thief thought thousand Thursday theorythrough three thirst threat theater thesis throughout thirsty

A.Wow!i think you look a lot thinner than the last time I sawyou.哇!我觉得你比我上次看见你瘦了很多。
B.thanks! i’ve been on a diet for three months.谢谢,我节食3个月了。
Something nothing anything healthy wealthy faithful bathtub authorbreakthrough bathroom earthquake birthday athlete methodtruthful

A. This is just a little something for yourbirthday.这是给你生日准备的一点小小心意。
B. You didn’t have to buy me anything.Thank you!你不用给我买什么东西的,谢谢你!
A. It’s nothing.不用谢。

Death health wealth oath truth seventh teeth tooth month path bothbath earth north south faith breath worth fourth growth

We both think he’s telling the truth.我们都认为他讲的是真话。


Than比that那么那个there那里though虽然another另1个together在一起weather天气breathe呼吸clothe穿衣为…提供服务 覆盖 smooth平滑的

I know you better than he does.我比他更了解你。

A. Is there anyone outside? 外面有人吗?
B.Yes,There is someone waiting to see you.有,有个人在等着见你。

We plan to gather together this weekend.我们计划这周末聚一聚。
Get yourself together.振作起来。
We stand together on this issue.在这个问题上,我们站在一起。
She and her ex-husband are getting back together.她同她的前夫就要复婚了。
Let’s get together and talk about it.让我们聚一聚,讨论一下这件事。
We should get together one evening.咱们应该找个晚上聚一聚。

A.How do you know each other? 你们怎么认识的?
B.We went to school together.我们一起上学。

What was the weather like on your vacation? 度假期间的天气怎么样?
How about going shopping together?一起去购物怎么样?(I’d rather go to amovie.我情愿去看电影。)
At last we can breathe with ease.我们终于可以轻松地呼吸了。
Do you prefer northern food or southern food?你喜欢北方的食物还是南方的食物?
My mother bought some new clothes there.我母亲在那儿买了些新衣服。
Can I bother you with another question? 我能再问你1个问题吗?
These are bigger than those.这些要比那些大。
Though my mother is old.she still has smoothskin.尽管我妈妈年纪大了,她的皮肤却还是很光滑。
I’d rather go there than to your brother’shouse.我宁愿去那里也不去你哥哥家。
Either we go now,or we wait for another day with betterweather.我们或者现在去,或者等哪一天天气好点再去。
Other than that,we were together the wholetime.除了那个时候,我们一直在一起。
This leather is smoother than that leather.这种皮革比那种皮革光滑。
The mother clothed her little babybeautifully.母亲给他的小婴儿穿上漂亮的衣服。
I’m sorry to bother you, but could I speak to you for amoment?对不起,可以跟你说几句话吗?
He didn’t even bother to say thank you.他连一声谢谢也没说。
You don’t look very happy.Is something botheringyou?你好像不是很开心,到底有什么事使你心烦?
Don’t bother waiting for me.I’ll catch up with youlater.不用等我,我很快就能追上你们的。
Don’t bother me with this and that.不要什么事都来烦我。
My back is bothering me again.我的背又疼得要命了。
Don’t bother.别烦我。
It’s no bother.一点都不麻烦。
I can’t be bothered with that right now.现在我没空处理这个。
I’m taking business courses to further mycareer.为了促进我的事业,我在上商业课程。
They’re trying their best to smooth relations between the twocountries.他们尽全力缓和两国之间的关系。
Nice weather! 天气不错!
Don’t bother.不用麻烦了。
A.I can help you with that bag.我可以帮你提那个包。
B.Don’t bother.不用麻烦了。
We should help each other.我们应该互相帮助。
My father loves my mother.我爸爸爱我妈妈。
Breathe deeply and calm down.深呼吸,冷静下来。
We can make it together.我们可以一起做到。
I’d rather not.我情愿不去。
A.Do you want to go swimming? 你想去游泳吗?
B.I’d rather not. 我情愿不去。
Either one is OK.哪1个都行。
A.Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪1个?
B.Either one is OK.哪1个都行。
It’s cold out there.外面很冷。
That’s great! 太棒了!
therefore因此further进1步gather聚集rather相当either两者之一bother打扰rhythm节奏northern臭的smooth光滑的平坦的bathe洗澡 沐浴

For further imformation please call or visit ourwebsite.需要更多信息,请打电话或访问我们的网站。
Don’t come any further or I’ll shoot.别再靠近,不然我就开枪了。
I plan to go to the United States to further mystudies.我计划去美国留学深造。
I have nothing further to say! 我再没什么可说的了!
Don’t try my patience any further.别再烦我了,我的耐心是有限的。
Both my mother and father are rather tired now,so I had better notbother either of them!我父亲母亲都很累了,我最好不要去打搅他们!
I have trouble with math.我学数学有问题。
I think both of them told the truth.我认为他们2个讲的都是真话。
Father and mother went through thick and thin together.They nowlive a healthy and wealthy life.爸爸和妈妈曾经共过患难,现在他们过着健康而富裕的生活。
There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-threefeathers on that thrush’s throat.那只画眉的脖子上有三万三千三百三十三根羽毛。


He’s a handsome man,tall and slim.他身材修长,是个英俊的男子。

I hope you’ll be better soon.我希望你能很快好起来。

Happy holidays! 节日愉快!

She handles the company’s PR.她负责处理公司的公共关系。

He’s a hard man to handle.他这个人不好对付。

I will handle some business,then go home earlytoday.今天我处理一些生意后打算早点回家。
Get the police.let them handle it.把警察找来,让他们来处理。

I guess I didn’t handle this very well.我想这事我处理得不好。

Please handle those objects carefully.拿那些物品时请小心点。

I’m so unhappy with my new job.我对的新工作很不满意。

I hitchhike from Tianjin to Beijing.我从天津搭便车去北京。

Are you telling me the whole truth? 你告诉我全部事实真相了吗?

I spent the whole morning in bed today.今天我整个早上都在床上。


I haven’t decided yet.我还没有决定下来。

A.When are you going to America? 你什么时候去美国?
B.I haven’t decided yet.我还没有决定下来。


I hope it won’t rain today.我希望今天不要下雨。

Have you seen Henry? 你见过享利吗?

How was your holiday? 你的假期过得怎么样?

He looks unhappy.What happened? 他看上去很不开心,发生了什么事?

We have a happy home.我们有1个幸福的家。

He has lots of head,but not much heart.他很有头脑,但是没什么同情心。

I hope you haven’t hurt your head.但愿你没伤着头。

I hate him for his behavior.他的行为令我生厌。

He hates to help his mother with housework.他不愿意帮他母亲做家务。

She hasn’t heard from her husband for half amonth.她有半个月没收到丈夫的来信了。


You have to hurry up if you are going to catch thetrain.你得赶快点,要不然就赶不上火车了。

He has the bad habit of smoking.他有抽烟的坏习惯。

I have a headache.我头疼。

He is always helping her with herhomework.他总是帮她做功课。

Don’t hurt yourself.不要伤着你自己。


I haven’t heard from her for a while. 我有一段时间没收到她的信了。

He is a hardworking employee.他是个工作努力的雇员。

Heads up! I ’ m coming through with boiling hotwater!当心!我拿着滚烫的水过来了!

In her heart of hearts,she does not love him enough to marryhim.内心深处,她爱他还没有爱到想嫁给他的程度。

In my heart of hearts I know thetruth.我心里知道真相是什么。

Don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if you are verysick.如果你得病了,请不要犹豫,马上去医院吧。

I had a horrible headache after drinking toomuch.由于喝了太多酒,我头痛得历害。



I’ll finish it in an hour.我1个小时即可完成了。


Feel very honored to have the opportunity to speakhere.有机会在这里讲话,我感到非常荣幸。

It’s my honor to meet you.很荣幸认识你。

honest诚实的 正直的

He is honest in doing business.他做生意很诚实。


John was his father’s only heir.约翰是他爸爸的唯一继承人。

Exhibition表现 展览会
The exhibition at the museum is marvelous.博物馆的展览棒极了。
I like the rhythm of this song.我喜欢这首歌的节奏。
Thomas will come this weekend with hisgirlfriend.这个周末汤玛斯要带他女朋友过来。
Language is the vehicle of human thoughts.语言是人类表达思想的工具。


Can you help me? 你能帮我个忙吗?
Sure.what do you need?/what can I help you with?当然可以,你需要什么?
It’s so hot in here.这里太热了。
I’m in a hurry.我赶时间。
Have a nice day! 祝你愉快!
Have a happy honeymoon! 祝蜜月愉快!
I hate him.我恨他。
I’m hungry.我饿了。
Behave yourself.注意你的行为。/表现好点。
Hurry up! 快点!
Hi, how are you doing? 嗨,你好吗?

Hardworking努力工作的 habit 习惯hero 英雄hesitate犹豫 history历史 holiday假日humble谦卑的 headline新闻头条 behave 行为表现sweetheart爱人 情人
China is a country with a long history and hardworkingpeople.中国是1个历史悠久,而且具有勤劳勇敢的人民的国家。
Hurt受伤hate憎恨hell地狱huge巨大的secondhand二手的behind在后somehow以某种方法hand inhand手拉手have the habit of有…习惯ahead在前 向前
My head hurts like hell today.I must have had too much to drinklast night.今天我的头痛死了,昨天晚上喝酒一定喝得太多了。

I respect his courage.我敬重他的勇气。
I promise to respect your wishes.我答应尊重你的意愿。
Respect yourself,or no one else will.人必自敬,然后人敬之。
This is a really serious problem.这是个非常严重的问题。
Let’s crack English together.让我们一起攻克英语。
Be frank,tell me what you think.坦白点,告诉我你在想什么。
We read the newspaper to stay current with theworld.我们读报来跟上世界(的变化)。
Can I make a reservation?我能预定吗?
A.Can I make a reservation? 我能预定吗?
B.Sure, What time,Sir?当然,你想订在什么时候?
Can I have a receipt for this?能给我开张收据吗?

The shrimp salad is really good.Do you wantsome?鲜虾色拉真的很不错,你要来一点吗?
He has a crazy spirit in learning English.他学英语时有1种疯狂的精神。
He has no respect for my rights!他不尊重我的权利!
I’m very grateful for what you did for me.我很感激你对我所做的事。
I can tell right from wrong.我能辨别是非。
You really broke the record?That’s amazing!你真的破记录了吗?真了不起!
He is responsible for taking care of his younger brother while hisparents are away.父母不在家时,他有责任照顾他弟弟。
Currently,I’m a writer of children’sprograms.目前,我是儿童节目的编写人。
Richard impressed us with his brilliantproposal.理查德的精彩建议给我们留下了深刻的印象。
She is a sales representative for a largecompany.她是一家大公司的销售代表。
Americans love hamburgers with French fries.美国人喜欢吃汉堡包加炸薯条。
Don’t believe his promises;he’s unreliable.别相信他的承诺,他是个不负责任的人。
I respect you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。
I am a lawyer and my husband is a doctor.We have a beautifuldaughter.我是名律师,我丈夫是个医生。我们有个漂亮的女儿。
When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。
It’s a rare opportunity.这是个难得的机会。
Crazy English really works miracles.疯狂英语真的能创造奇迹。
Speaking good English really requires a lot of hard work andenergy.But,it’s really worth theeffort.要讲好英语真的需要很多努力,需要付出很多精力,但这都是值得的。
I wrote several letters to her,but she didn’treply.我写了几封信给她,但她没有回复。
My wife reminded me to buy a present for Rachel’sbirthday.我太太提醒我买一份礼物给雷切尔做生日礼物。
Her grandson is in the first grade in primaryschool.她孙子在小学读一年级。
The credit limit on my Visa credit card is threethousand.我的Visa信用卡上的信用额度是三千元。
I wracked my brain,trying to remember her telephonenumber.我绞尽脑汁,想记住她的电话号码。
There are a lot of differences between oral English and writtenEnglish.在英语口语和书面英语之间有很多不同。
He has a natural curiosity about aircrafts.他对飞行器有天生的好奇心。
The rumor that he’s gone broke spread veryquickly.他已经破产了的谣言很快就流传开来。
You’re right.I’m wrong.你是对的,我错了。
I really need a break.我真的需要休息一下。
Could you repeat that?你能重复一次吗?
You need more practice.你需要更多练习。
Are you ready?你准备好了吗?
Pretty good.不错。
A. How are you doing?你好吗?
B.Pretty good.不错。
Write that down.把它写下来。
Be proud of yourself.要以自己为傲。
I enjoy reading and writing.我喜欢读书和写作。
I want to be really rich.我想大富大贵。
I respect your right to your own opinion.我尊重你持有自己意见的权利。
There was a car crash on my street thismorning.今天早上我住的这条街发生了撞车事故。
I’m sure you’re aware that the airport is very far away fromhere.Let’s hurry.我相信你一定知道机场离这儿是很远的。让我们赶快点!
I’m terribly sorry to have worried you.让你担心了,我非常抱歉。
Small children do not know right form wrong.小孩子不懂分辨是非。
The store is just around the corner.商店就在街的拐角处

He is a natural speaker.=He is very good at makingspeeches.他是一位天生的演讲家。

It is difficult to be natural when you aretense.人在紧张之际很难泰然自若。

Tim is in a difficult situation at the moment.提姆现在处于困境。

Raise your hand if you want to ask a question. 想发问请举手。

What are the main features of crazy English? 疯狂英语的主要特色是什么?

Crazy English changed my life.疯狂英语改变了我的人生。

You’re changed a lot since I last saw you.自从我上次见到你以来,你改变了很多。

She didn’t touch the food at all.她一点东西都没吃。

Don’t touch anything in my room.不要动我房间中的任何东西!

You should catch every chance to speak English.你应该抓住每个机会讲英语。

Could you give me the check please?把 账单给我好吗?
A. could you give me the check please?把帐单给我好吗?
Can I pay by check?我能用支票结帐吗?
It’s chilly today.You should put on your coat.今天真冷,你该穿上外套。
I accepted her challenge to a tennis match.我接受她的挑战,跟她赛一场网球。
Why did you choose to study literature? 你为什么选择学文学?
Rich people are seldom cheerful.富裕的人很少感到快乐。
Catch me before you leave for the speech.去演讲之前来找我。
Chopsticks are commonly used in China and other Asiancountries.在中国和一些其它的亚洲国家,人们通常使用筷子。
Our Chinese teacher changed his mind about going toAmerica.我们的中文老师改变了去美国的主意。
Charles is a cheap guy!He wanted me to buy himlunch!查理是个吝啬鬼!他想我请他吃午饭!
Which girl did you say is very rich and charming?你说哪个女孩很有钱又迷人?
Do you go to the beach much?你经常去海滩吗?
What’s the charge for a night in this hotel? 在这家酒店住一晚上多少钱?
Don’t count your chickens before they arehatched.鸡蛋还未孵,别忙数小鸡。/别指望得过早。
Some rich people give money to charities to help thehomeless.有些有钱人把金钱捐助给慈善机构以帮助无家可归的人。
She likes to chat with friends on the phone.她喜欢在电话上与朋友聊天。
You’d better check each item on the list to make sure thateverything is OK.你最好检查一下单子上的每一项,以确保一切都没问题。
She has a cheerful attitude toward life.她对人生的态度非常乐观。
Oh,don’t be so childish!Cheer up!哦,别这么孩子气!振作起来!
The choice is yours;tell us what you decide.选择权在你,告诉我们你的决定。
Americans like to say cheese when takingpictures.美国人在照相时喜欢说“cheese”
My suggestion is that we should check more about the price beforewe make a choice.我的建议是,在做出选择之前,再多打听一点价格方面的信息。
I’ve heard a lot about you.我听说过很多你的事。
I’ve been wanting to meet you.我一直想与你会面。
I didn’t mean to hurt you.我并不想伤害你。
I thought I met you somewhere last year.我想我去年在什么地方见过你。
Everyone came here on time except you.Don’t you feelashamed?除了你,每个人都准时到了。你难道不感到惭愧吗?
Check please!结帐!
I didn’t catch what you said.我没听到你说的话。
A.I didn’t catch what you said.我没听到你说的话。
B.OK,I’ll tell you again.好,我再跟你说一遍。
Watch out!=Be careful!小心!
What’s for lunch?午饭吃什么?
Which is your choice?你选什么?
A. Which is your choice?你选什么?
B.It’s up to you.由你决定。
I changed my mind.我改变主意了。
A.I thought you were going to America.我以为你要去美国。
B.I changed my mind.我改变主意了。
How can I reach you?我怎么联络你?
A. How can I reach you? 我怎么联络你?
B. Here’s my card.这是我的名片。
I’m deeply touched.我深深地被感动了。
A. I’m deeply touched.我深深地被感动了。
B. I feel the same way.我也有这样的感觉。
Teacher Li’s story touched me and changed mylife.李老师的故事让我感动,也改变了我的人生。
May I make a suggestion?我可以提1个建议吗?
I’m so glad I had the chance to visit China.能有机会去中国,我真的很高兴。

You sure were lucky to visit China.你能去中国真是太幸运了。
What did you think of your trip?你认为你的旅行怎么样?
Did you have fun on your trip?你的旅行有意思吗?拼写发音一起练
Our children are our future.我们的孩子们是我们的未来。
Thank you very much for such a wonderful lunch.I enjoyed it everymuch.非常感谢你这么美味的午餐,我吃得很开心。
A.Did you watch that movie on TV last night?昨晚你看了电视上那部电影没有?
B.I didn’t catch it.Was it good?没赶上。好看吗?
Do you have any questions or suggestions?你有什么疑问或建议吗?
1.Can you take a picture for us?你能帮我们拍张照吗?
2.Can I take a picture with you?我能跟你合个影吗?
I like to chitchat with my friends on phone.我喜欢用电话与我的朋友们聊聊天。
Your suggestions are unworkable/impossible.你的建议是行不通的。
I’d like to make a suggestion.我想提个建议。
He rejected my suggestion.他拒绝了我的建议。
On/At your suggestion I bought the more expensivemodel.遵照你的建议,我买了较贵的型号。
I want suggestions about what to do today.今天做什么,我想听听你的意见。
I welcome your questions and suggestions.欢迎你们提出问题和建议。

That’s a funny joke.那笑话真有意思。
I didn’t mean that seriously-I was onlyjoking.我不是那个意思,我不过是开个玩笑。
Don’t get upset.He is just joking.别生气,他只是开玩笑罢了。
He has a genius for learning languages.他有学语言的天赋。
I can’t imagine what it looks like.我想像不出它是什么样子的。
That’s far different from what I imagined.那跟我设想中的大不一样。
What’s the procedure for opening a bankaccount.在银行开个帐户要办什么手续?
Please follow the correct procedure if you would like to work forthis company.如果想要在这家公司工作,请按照正确的程序做事。
Don’t exaggerate;tell me what happened exactly.别夸张,告诉我发生了什么事。
The seriousness of the situation has been greatly exaggerated inthe press.形势的严重性让媒体夸大了。
Don’t judge people by their appearances.不要以貌取人。
I am a good judge of character.我很善于判断人的性格。
You really did a good job.你干得好极了!
I can’t imagine what will happen.我真是想像不出会发生什么事。
That joke just isn’t funny.那个玩笑一点也不好笑。
We held a large graduation party last night.It wasfantastic!我们昨晚举行了盛大的毕业晚会,真是太精彩了!
Jim is always generous to his friends.He is the nicest guy I’veever known.吉姆对朋友总是很慷慨。他是我所认识的最好的家伙。
His gestures showed that he was jealous.他的姿态表明他在妒忌。
George has a genius for languages.=George has a talent/has a giftfor languages.乔治有语言天分。
January in Japan is genuinely chilly.日本一月真的很寒冷。
Would you arrange an appointment with the manager forme?你能安排一下我和经理会面吗?
Jane looks gorgeous in her jeans.简穿着牛仔裤很漂亮。
The assistant general manager is in charge of the overseasagencies.副总经理负责海外机构。
There’s a place around here where you can eat genuine Egyptianfood.这附近有个地方可吃到真正的埃及菜。
He’s a genius at computers.他是电脑方面的天才。
I drink orange juice every day.我每天喝橙汁。
He’s a real gentleman.他是1个真正的绅士/君子。
He is a gentle,generous man.他是1个非常有礼貌的、大方的人。
My new job is a huge challenge.我的新工作是个巨大的挑战。
I met a journalist on my journey to Japan.我在去日本的途中遇到了一名记者。
His courage to meet the challenge greatly encouragedme.他迎接挑战的勇气极大地鼓励了我。
Generally speaking,June and July are the hottest monthshere.总的来说,这里六、七月是最热之际。
I like seafood with ginger.吃海鲜时,我喜欢放上姜一起吃。
We respect him for his wide range of knowledge.他广博的知识让我们尊敬。
Judging from what he has just said,the company will reduce thestaff.从他刚才所说的判断,公司将要裁员。
He told me the procedure for changing the oil in mycar.他告诉我给我的车换机油的步骤。
He managed to work his way through college.他设法靠半工半读读完了大学。
Would you please give me something to drink?你能给我点喝的吗?
Could you come over here?I need your help.你能过来一下吗?我需要你的帮助。
I can’t find your house. 我找不到你的房子。
I can’t stand your bad attitude any more.我再也受不了你的恶劣态度了。
Do I have to remind you again and again? 我需要再三提醒你吗?
Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!
Good job!干得好!
I’m just looking.我只是看看。
I want to see the manager.我要见经理。
A. We can’t give you a refund.我们不能还钱给你。
B. I want to see the manager.我要见经理。
I enjoy driving.我喜欢开车。
Don’t be jealous!别妒忌!
You’re a jerk!你这个混蛋!
I love challenge.我喜欢挑战。
A. This is a very difficult job.Do you think that you can doit?这工作非常难。你认为你可以做得来吗?
B. I love challenge.我喜欢挑战。
Be generous.大方点。/慷慨点。
I want to go to college!我要去上大学!
Have a smooth journey!一路平安!
judge判断joyful快乐的 range范围 general一般的 generous慷慨的 ginger姜 procedure程序suggest建议 digest消化 marriage结婚
The average marriage in America lasts five years.美国的婚姻一般持续5年。
job工作 psychology心理学 gentle温和的 jealous妒忌的 challenge 挑战language语言giant巨大的 page页 huge巨大的 damage损害
She’s in charge of the new project.她负责这个新项目。
Our new manager is a woman with a great deal ofcharm.我们的新经理是1个很有魅力的女性。
Teacher Li is going to make a speech at ourcollege.李老师要来我们学校演讲。
A Chinese and a Japanese auto maker agreed to form a joint ventureto produce cars.一家中国和一家日本的汽车制造商同意组织一家生产汽车的合资企业。
Many people enjoy the fresh taste of naturalfoods.许多人都喜欢天然食品的新鲜滋味。
You can imagine the situation there.你可以想像那里的情况。
The child is jealous of her sister.这孩子很嫉妒她姐姐。
Teacher Li invented a unique set of gestures to help students withtheir pronunciation.李老师发明了一套独特的手势来帮助学生练习发音。
This test is a real challenge.这次考试是一次真正的挑战。
My job is very challenging.我的工作很有挑战性。
China is changing fast.中国变化得很快。
Can you wait five minutes while I change?你能等五分钟让我换一下衣服吗?
The two countries exchanged prisoners.两国间交换了俘虏.
The two men exchanged grettings.那2个男人互相问候.

Li yang is already developing Crazy Chinese for the globalmarket.李阳也在发展疯狂中文的全球市场。
It’s very difficult to master a foreignlanguage.精通一门外语是非常困难的。
What’s your mobile phone number? 你的手机号码是多少?
New York is famous for its museums.纽约以博物馆驰名于世。
How can we improve our public image? 我们怎样才能改善公众形象?
Our company employs more than 100 workers.我们公司雇有100多名员工。
Why didn’t you employ the new method? 你为什么不采用那个新方法呢?
I practice for at least one hour each day to improve myEnglish.为了提高我的英语,我每天至少练习1个小时。
Her health improved a lot after she came back fromvacation.度假回来后,她的健康好多了。
The company makes money by marketing miracles.这公司通过推广神奇的东西赚钱。
Sometimes television can be an excellent medium foreducation.电视有时可以是1种绝好的教育手段。
A.How do you like your steak, rare, medium or well-done?你的牛排要几成熟?半熟、中等熟还是全熟?
B.I like mine medium rare! 我的牛排要七分熟!
Damn! The computer crashed again.该死!这电脑又坏了。
It’s damn cold today.今天冷得要命。
Li Yang, your English is damn good! 李阳,你的英语真是棒极了!
I don’t give a damn what you say! 你说什么我压根儿不在乎!
I’m just in a bad mood.我只是心情不好。
A.What’s wrong with you? You look miserable.怎么了?你看起来很糟糕。
B.I’m just in a bad mood.我只是心情不好。
That’s the same as mine.那跟我的一样。
Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartoon character.米老鼠是我最喜欢的卡通人物。
A. Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartooncharacter.米老鼠是我最喜欢的卡通人物。
B.He’s mime too!He is so cute!也是我最喜欢的!它太可爱了。
The system is more complicated than I thought.这个系统比我想像的更复杂。
Motivation is most important in trainingemployees.在员工训练中激励最重要。
Ma’am,I’d like to have some more milk.夫人,我想再来点牛奶。
Music is important to me.It can always make merelax.音乐对我来说很重要。它总能让我放松。
Melinda might be able to swim one more mile.梅林达也许可以再多游一英里。
My mother wants to make money from the stockmarket.我母亲想在股票市场上赚钱。
My employees make me happy most of the time.我的雇员大部分时候让我很开心。
My mother makes the most delicious meals for thefamily.我母亲为家人烹调最美味的饭食。

二 : 李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1

李阳疯狂英语教材 李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1

李阳疯狂英语手势突破发音 (元音)

1.[i:] (Together! One,two,three.) 2.[i] (Please demonstrate.) (Ok,your turn.) It’s not difficult to speak English.

3. [e] Go to . (Thank you for your help.)

Everything is ready.(Outstanding!---Just so so.)

4. [?] (Let’s do it together. One,two,three.) Practice makes perfect.

5. [∧] My mother is a wonderful teacher. You speaks perfect Chinese.---I wish.

7. [?r] remember Remember to call your mother.----OK.I will remember to call my mother.

8. [?] America and China should always work together.----That’s right.

America and China should always work together. 9. [ɑ:] Sorry to bother you.I’m sorry,Anthony, ----Thst’s OK. 10.[ɑr] You’re very charming.

You’re a charming young man.--Oh.Thank you.Li Yang. You have a charming smile. 11. [?(One more time.) Always say “please” and “thank you”

12. [?r] (One more time,sing it .) It’s important to practice English every day. Do you think so?----I agree.

13. [u] You should work harder.-----Yes, I should.

14. [u:] What’s your favorite food?-----Chinese food.

OK.My favorite food is noodles.-- Oh.My favorite food is noodles.

15. [ei] mistake(You have a big mouth.—Yes, I do.) Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

16. [ai] China smile fly

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I Is this your first time in China?----This? No.

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It’s your third or?---I’ve been here for three years.But I travel back to America some


(Is this your first time in China? It’s a good.--That’s a wonderful sentence.)(Very useful.—Yeah, very useful.)

16. [?i] enjoy I really enjoyed talking to you. Keep in touch. -----OK. Bye-bye.

(When you were disgusted, you know, When you don’t like Somebody. You know, When

you don’t want to talk with him anymore.The polite way of ending a conversation is to say” I really enjoyed talking to you.”means that it’s time to say goodbye.)(Get lost.Like a ball.)

17. [?u] smoke hope (Loke Wushu. Martial art.) hope I hope to see you again.-- I hope to

see you again,too. (OK. Keep in touch.)

18. [au] how outstanding You’re outstanding.

19. [i?] clear It’s important, it’s very important to have clear pronunciation.(Whether it is) your

mother language your foreign language, it’s very important to have clear

conversation, clear pronunciation.—That’s correct.

You have very clear pronunciation.---Yes,I do have very clear pronunciation.

You’re not retarded.---No,I’m not.

Could you imitate a retarded person?—It’s like a, a football player or boxer has been hit in

the head a few times and can not, you know, just speak.

20. [e?] care We should all care about the environment.

OK,read it. We should all care about the environment.

America should care about the environment.—We do.

(You waste too much energy.—That’true. You people are too greedy.---Yes.Sorry.

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21. [u?] sure

I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

I’m sure you’ll like China.

I’m sure we’ll have a good time.

I’m sure you’e going to speak good English.


1、本单元音标:双唇爆破辅音 美语音标 /p/ 英语音标[p] possible,可能的;impossible,不可能的

Nothing is impossible.没有什么是不可能的。[www.61k.com]

Everything is possible.一切都是可能的。

2、美语音标/b/ 英语音标[b]


Believe in yourself.相信你自己。

3、美语音标/t/ 英语音标[ t ]


Don't waste time.不要浪费时间。

Don't waste water.不要浪费水。

4、齿龈爆破辅音 /d/


Decide to study English.决定学英语。

Let me know what you decide.让我知道你的决定。

5、软腭爆破辅音 /k/


Keep up the good work.再接再厉!

6、软腭爆破辅音 /g/


Our government does a good job.我们的政府表现非常出色。

7、唇齿摩擦辅音 /f/


I feel a little sick today.我今天有点不舒服。

I feel great today.我今天感觉棒极了!

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8、唇齿摩擦辅音 /v/


When are you leaving?你什么时候离开?

9、舌尖齿龈摩擦辅音 /s/


You're never nervous.你从来不紧张。(www.61k.com)

Don't be nervous.别紧张。

10、舌尖齿龈摩擦辅音 /z/


Do you do a lot of business in China?你在中国的生意多吗?

Good business!好生意!

11、舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音 /?/


This is a special local dish.这是一道地方特色菜。

12、舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音 /?/


It's a pleasure to be here today.我很高兴今天能来到这里。

It's my pleasure.我也很高兴。

13、舌齿摩擦辅音 /θ/


In America,if you say WC,nobody would understand.在美国,如果你说WC,没有人会听得懂。 I need to use the bathroom.我需要使用洗手间。

14、舌齿摩擦辅音 /e/


Are you used to the weather here?你适应这里的天气吗?

15、声门摩擦辅音 /h/


Let me help you.让我来帮助你。

16、舌尖齿龈(后部)摩擦辅音 /r/


You look terrific today.你今天看起来棒极了!

17、舌端齿龈破擦辅音 /t?/


China is changing every day.中国每天都在变化。

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18、舌端齿龈破擦辅音 /d?/


English is an international language.英语是国际语言。[www.61k.com)

Chinese is an international language,too.汉语也是国际语言。

19、双唇鼻辅音 /m/


I have a poor memory.我的记忆力不好。

I have a good memory.我的记忆力很好。

No matter how poor your memory is,you have to say,"I have a good memory."不论你的记忆力有多糟糕,你都要说“我的记忆力很好。”

20、舌尖齿龈鼻辅音 /n/


Can you give me your telephone number?你能给我你的电话号码吗?

21、舌后软腭鼻辅音 /?/


Is there anything wrong?有什么问题吗?

Nothing is wrong.没问题。

22、舌边辅音 /l/


learn something new every day.每天都学点新东西。


You're very helpful.你帮了大忙。

23、舌后软腭半元音 /w/


You are welcome to join us.欢迎加入我们的行列。

24、舌前硬腭半元音 /j/


When did you arrive?你是什么时候到的?

I arrived yesterday morning.我是昨天早上到的。

25、齿龈后部破擦辅音 /tr/


I don't want to trouble you.我不想麻烦你。

26、齿龈后部破擦辅音 /dr/


What would you like to drink?你想喝什么?

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I'd like to drink water.我只想喝水。(www.61k.com]

27、舌端齿龈破擦辅音 /ts/


I have lost of friends from all over the world.我有很多朋友来自世界各地。



Words can't express how thankful I am.言语无法表达我的感激之情。

My pleasure.不客气。(这是我的荣幸。)


1、Will well wall

2、World where very well very weird very wild

Where are you from? I am from the world,i am the world ,we are the world.

You are very weird. 你很奇怪

Anthony is very wild.

3、kind important solve

You are very kind.

I enjoy solving problems.

You enjoy creating problems.

You have to practice very hard.你一定要刻苦操练。

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

You're going to be the best speaker in the world.你将会是世界上最出色的演讲家。

With my help,with our help,with our Crazy Bady,we're going to shake the world.在我的帮助下,在我们的帮助下,在Crazy Bady的陪伴下,我们要撼动世界。

We're going to set the world on fire.我们要用热情点燃世界!

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Part 1 语音技巧

1. 发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

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2.语调 Dialogue

1. Boy: You are pretty! Girl: Thank you! Boy: Pretty? ugly. Girl: You are funny. Boy: Thank you. Girl: Funny looking.

2. Jacky and Ketherine just got back from America. They ran into Rocky at the People’s Park. R: So, how was your trip? J: Oh, it was quite nice.

K: What do you mean, nice? It was brilliant! R: Good hotel.

J: Quite pleasant, yes.

K: Pleasant? It was excellent! Wonderful! R: How about the food? J: It was OK.

K: OK? It was absolutely delicious! R: And the scenery? J: Quite pretty.

K: It was amazing! Beautiful!

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Part 2 三最短文挑战

Passage 1

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Passage 2

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很多人把今天能做的事推到明天。[www.61k.com]他们总是找借口拖延做事。 到头来,事情总是没做完。如果我们没把事情做完,我们心里会感到忐忑不安。这样会造成不必要的压力。因此,如果你有这种坏习惯的话,最好是将它克服并且尽快把事情做好。

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Passage 3

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Note: People need companions! People need a support network! Team stands for Together Everyone Achieves More! Everything is easier when you are a part of Team! Passage 4

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我们像成功者一样思考和行动。我们会加入成功者行列。 我们相信我们美好的未来。


162011疯狂英语暑期培训班 大学梦英数美培训中心

三 : 疯狂口语速成(宝典)

疯狂的英语 口语速成


Ten steps to Tackle a Sentence!


2. 然后,给每个单词注音标。

3. 接着开始疯狂嘴巴操练。首先注意五大发音要点 (1)双元音、长元音饱满; (2)短元音收小腹,短促有力;(3)连读;(4)省略;(5)咬舌头。切记不要乱喊乱叫!

4. 三最口腔肌肉训练:最大声,最快速,最清晰。

5. 一口气:一口气之内重复尽可能多遍。训练底气,气势压人!

6. 反复地、自然地说出优雅的、摸模糊糊的英文。达成英美人士的境界!

7. 想象语言环境。想象在什么情况下,这个句子可以卖弄出去。

8. 举一反三,融会贯通。

9. 纸条漫天飞,环境随身带。把操练完的句子抄写在纸条上,随身携带!





1. Absolutely.(用于答话)是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此。 本辑超级重点

Top American Movie Lines!


Absolutely! 当然了;绝对;绝对没问题;没错;太对了!


A strong affirmation.




Kim's Note: Absolutely is such a useful word for many reasons. It

shows confidence, it can answer a question in one word, and like any strong and powerful word, it makes you instantly sound like a native speaker!

In fact, the word absolutely has become overused in America. Many people say it automatically without thinking. Everything they hear is answered by the same word "Absolutely".





A: You agree, I suppose?


B: Oh, absolutely!


A: That's a wonderful movie.


B: Absolutely!


A: Could you call her and tell her everything?


B: Absolutely!


A: She's really pretty, isn't she?


B: Absolutely!


A: Are you sure you can help me?


B: Absolutely.


A: Sanya is the most beautiful place in the world.


B: Absolutely!


A: I think George Bush is too stupid to be the president of such a powerful country.


B: Absolutely! I couldn't agree more.




Of course.(当然。)

That's right.(是那么回事。)

Sure. / Yes.(是的。)

Correct. (正确。/没错。)

No problem.(没问题。)

学了“Absolutely!”之后,你就不用每次给别人予肯定回答时都“Yes”个不停了,你完全可以充满自信地喊出“Absolutely!”。当然,如果你还想再充满自信、斩钉截铁地给别人一个否定回答的话,学好下面的“Absolutely not!”


这个月,我要请你自己注音标!你注国际音标也没有问题,因为在这本书的后面有国际音标和美国音标的对比。踏踏实实,一步一步来,你一定会迈向成功! 第三个月:克服烦燥

这已经是第三个月了,你是不是感到有点烦燥了?学习英语就是这样一个过程,没有操练的痛苦,又哪来成功的喜悦呢?只要你坚持,你就一定会成功! 第四个月:卖弄成就

你已经学了三个月了,你的财富已经累积到90个句子了。别小看这90个句子哟!如果你能善加运用,你已经能够在英语角获得大家艳羡的目光了!找个地方去卖弄这些财富吧,你一定会享受到英语给你带来的乐趣和成就感! 第五个月:条件反射











通过口语来突破听力、阅读、写作和翻译。"听说读写译"本来就是一家。 学习英语最后就被简化成"说句子",或者是"脱口而出句子"。这就是学习英语的本质。学一句算一句,说一句顶十句! 验证你英文水平的不是无聊的 "单词量",而是实实在在的、能够脱口而出的 "句子量"! 学英语没有什么了不起!攻克英语,小菜一碟。"疯狂英语" 最神奇的方法之一:一、三、五!一口气训练法! 这个方法主要训练你说英语的底气。




学习英语是 "体力劳动" ,而不只是脑力劳动! 英语的能力不是*学习了多长,而是*操练了多长时间! 游泳是游出来的,钢琴是弹出来的,舞蹈是跳出来的,车是开出来的,饭是做出来的,电脑是玩出来的,语言是说出来的。只有脱口而出才算是真正学习语言。






口语突破听力! 李阳老师独创,可为国家节省大量外汇,停止引进日本语言实验室。 我们从小绝对没有专门练习过听力,但我们的听力一流! 口语和



口语突破考试! 考试的最大特点是"换汤不换药",考来考去就是那点"破玩意"。 李阳疯狂英语考试秘诀就是将考试题统统脱口而出,而不只是选对答案! 培养一流语感,对考试陷阱轻车熟路! 素质教育和应试教育完美结合。



到底怎么学英语? 总而言之就是:学习,学习,再学习;实践,实践,再实践。

用简单的手势突破困饶中国人多年的发音问题 神奇的五大发音秘诀:


长元音和双元音饱满。这是悦耳英文的秘诀。 * inside my mouth (在我的嘴里) * Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. (麦克喜欢在夜晚明亮的灯光旁写作。)【八次疯狂张嘴,元音极其饱满!】

短元音短促有力。这是干净利落的发音。你只要一收腹就可以精确地发出短元音。 * Couldn't be better.(再好不过了。) * It took me a month to get rid of my cough. (我用了一个月的时间才使咳嗽痊愈。)

连音和省略。这是真正的地道英文境界(含含糊糊)。* I don't-know what-to do. (我不知道该做些什么。)【两个辅音连接,只读后一个!】 * I'm working on-it. (我正在努力。)【连音】【美国总统常用】

咬舌头。这是英语独特的魅力。* Neither father nor mother likes this weather. (爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这天气。)【咬五次舌头】 * the same thing(同样的一件事) * Something is better than nothing. (有一点总比一点都没有好。)



1. I’ve been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想见到你

2. Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold.


3. I only have eyes for you. 我只在意你

4. You don’t have a care in the world. 你不知人间烦恼为何物

5. If you don’t want to lose me, you’d better lay it on the line. 如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我吧

6. Tell me your story, I’m all ears. 告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听

7. If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承认吧

8. I have no direction, I just get wherever the wind blows. 我没有方向,只是随风到处飘

9. You are always trying to get my goat. 你总是想惹我发火

10. I’m a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人

11. Just cool your heels! 好了,安静会儿吧

12. Save your breath! I don’t want to hear it. 不要说了,我不想听

13. Really?? You are so bad! 真的吗?你真棒!!

14. I’m not myself. 我感觉不好。

15. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。

16. Don’t hog mg girlfriend. 别缠着我女朋友。

17. I will treat you! 我请客。

18. What are you in the mood for? 你想吃什么

四 : 李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材


1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)





一.前元音 /i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音) 发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。

e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想

ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。

3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。


额外奉献: 这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)

1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.

二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音” 发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。

i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙

ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造

实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。

2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。

三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。

e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好

2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。

3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。

四. 美语音标/?/ 疯狂外号:“大开口夸张90度音”。简称“90度大嘴音”。 发音时舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高,舌位比/e/更低;双唇平激情 ch伸,成扁平形。

a: practice练习 passion allenge 挑战 relax 放松 au:laugh笑

实用操练:1. I have a happy family.我有个幸福的家庭 。

2. Not bad.不错。 3. As a matter of fact , I think he is outstanding.事实上,我认为他很杰出。

五. 中元音 英语音标[ ?: ] 疯狂外号:"重读卷舌音"发音时舌中部比发/ /音时略高。双唇扁平。

e:early 早的 heard 听到 er:prefer更喜欢 ir:dirty脏的 ere:were 是(be) or:world世界 ur:hurt伤害 urgent 紧急的 our:journal杂志

实际操练:1. Nobody is perfect. 人无完人。 2. The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。


er:together一起 dinner 晚餐 or:actor男演员 docter 医生 u:suppose认为 ea:ocean海洋

a:alone单独的 American美国 o:introduce介绍 e:open打开 i:possible可能的 io:decision决定

实际操练:1. What's the matter with you? 什么事?/你怎么了? 2. The faster,the better.Just try your best.


3. Forget about it. 算了吧。 4. Allow me to introduce myself. 请容许我介绍一下我自己。

七. 后元音 美语音标 /a:/ 疯狂外号:“感叹祖国大好山河音” 发音时口张大,舌身压低并后缩,后舌稍隆起,舌尖不抵下齿。双唇稍收圆。

a:what想要 watch 观看 o:job工作 stop 停止 popular 流行的 problem问题 ear:heart 心

ar:far远的 hard艰苦的 smart聪明的 pardon原谅 are:are是 uar:guard保卫 实际操练:1. It takes a lot of hard work. 这需要很多的辛勤劳动。 2 So far ,so good, 到目前为止还好。

3. Don't break my heart. 请不要伤我的心。 4. Times are hard. 时世艰难。

八. 中元音 美语音标 /∧/ 疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥急促短啊音。”简称“短啊音”。 发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,唇形稍扁,开口度较大,与


o: money 金钱 love 爱 u:fun乐趣 lucky幸运的 oo:blood血液 ou:enough 足够 trouble 烦恼,困难

实用操练:1.It doesn't matter. 不重要。 2.Seven is my lucky number. 七是我的幸运数字。

3.Something is better than nothing. 有总比没有强。

九. 后元音 美国音标[ ? ] 疯狂外号:“中嘴长元音”发音时口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆。

a :always总是 small小的 o:long长 cost 花费 au: fault过错 augh :daughter 女儿

aw: awful糟糕的 draw 画 ough:thought想 oa:abroad在国外

实际操练:1. It's all my fault. I'm awfully sorry. 这全是我的错,我非常抱歉。 2. You talk too much.shut up!

十. 美语音标/?r/ 疯狂外号:“中嘴卷舌长元音”简称“中嘴卷舌音” 发音时舌后部抬得比/ /即美式/ /美式/ /高,双唇收得更圆更小,并向前突出。

Or:order命令 sport运动 ar:warm温暖的 award奖赏 our:fourth第四 source来源 Ore:more 更多 explore 探险 oor:door 们


1. It's important for us to practice more. 对我们来说,多加练习非常重要。

2. Force yourself to do more.强迫你自己做多一些。

超级句型:I'm looking forward to... 1. I'm looking forward to meeting you.我盼望着认识你。

2. I'm looking forward to working with you.我盼望着与你一起工作。

十一. 后元音 美语音标/u/疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥圆唇短乌音” 发音时舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿。双唇收圆,稍突出。

U:push推 pull 拉 put 放 full 慢的 o:woman 女人 oo:cook烹调 look看 good 好


Ou:could能 would 将

实际操练:1.Your mother is a wonderful woman. 你妈妈是个了不起的女人。

2.. Too much television is not good for children. 看太多电视对孩子们没有什么好处

十二. 后元音 美语音标 [ u: ] 疯狂外号:“小圆唇长乌音”,简称“长乌音”。 发音时舌后部尽量抬起。双唇收圆并突出。口形比/u/稍小。

U:rude粗鲁的 conclusion 结论 o:improve改善 ue:blue忧郁的 oe:shoe 鞋 Oo:soon 不久 fool傻瓜 ui:fruit水果 ou:route路线 oug:through穿过 实际操练1. That's cool! / You look cool! 太酷了!/ 你看上去真酷! 2. Let's get together again soon.

3. Who can tell me the truth? 谁能告诉我真相? 4. You have to improve your English. 十三. 合口双元音 美语音标 [ ei ] 疯狂外号:“嘴角咧到耳朵上音”。 先发/e/音,然后滑向/i/音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。

a:amazing 惊人的 ai:afraid担心的 ea:great伟大的 eigh:neighbor邻居 ay:pay 支付 delay 耽搁

实际操练: 1. Don't make the same mistake. 别再犯同样的错误。 2. No pain, no gain. 不劳则无获。

3. The more mistakes you make,the more progress you make. 你犯的错误越多,你的进步就越大。

十四. 合口双元音 美语音标/ai/疯狂外号:“超级大嘴饱满阿姨合口双元音”,简称“大嘴阿姨音” 先发/a/音,然后滑向/i/音。舌尖抵住下齿。发此音的关键是要把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。

i:china中国 life 生活 y:cry哭 ey:eye眼睛 ie:pie 馅饼 ui:guide知道 uy:buy买 igh:flight飞行 eigh:height 高度


1. Never say die! Try !Try! Try! 永不放弃!努力,再努力!2. Don't be shy. Just try. 不要害羞,勇于尝试。

3.That sounds like a good idea. 听上去是个好主意。 4. I can't believe my eyes. 我真不敢相信自己的眼睛

十五. 合口双元音 / ?i/ 疯狂外号:“中嘴短衣合口双元音”,简称“中嘴短衣音”。 发音时双唇从圆到扁,口形从开到合。发好这个音的关键是首先要把后元音/a// // /发足,然后滑向/i/音。

oi:join 加入 choice 选择 aviod 避免 point要点 观点 oy:enjoy享受 employ 雇佣 实际操练:1. I hope you enjoy your stay here. 希望你在这里过得愉快。 . You have to enjoy losing face.

十六. 合口双元音 美语音标/?u/ 疯狂外号:“疯狂舀水合口双元音”,简称“舀水音” -它由元音/ /滑向后元音/u/即美音和英音的/ /,舌位由半低到高,口形由半开到小。注意将音发足。


o:hope 希望 open 打开 oa:coast海岸 goal 目标 ou:soul灵魂 ow:知道 ew:sew缝制 ough:although尽管

实际操练:1. You're my only hope. 你是我唯一的希望。 2. There is no place like home. 无处能如家。

十七. 合口双元音 /au/疯狂外号:“鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音” 由/a/滑向/u// /。舌位由低到高,口形由大到小。注意将音发足。.

ou:about 关于 doubt 怀疑 proud自豪 ow:allow容许 flower 花 power强大的 ought:bough树枝

实际操练:1 There's no doubt about it.这事毫无疑问。 2. Get out of my house right now! 立刻从我家滚出去!

3. Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly. 张开嘴,大声读这个音。

十八. 集中双元音 美语音标美语音标/ir/ 英语音标[ i? 疯狂外号:“短衣集中卷舌音”,简称“短衣卷舌音”

ear:hear 听见 year 年 fear 害怕 ere:here这里 eer:beer啤酒 eir:weird古怪的 实际操练:1. That year was the best in my life. 那一年是我一生中最好的时光。

2.Keep your fears to yourself,but share your courage. 把恐惧留给自己,把勇气分给别人。 十九.集中双元音 美语音标/εr/ 英语音标[ ε? ] 疯狂外号:“咧嘴集中卷舌音”,简称“咧嘴卷舌音”。 从/ //e/音滑向音。发间时舌端抵下齿,前舌略抬起,双唇半开,此音中的/ /有似于/e/音,/ /音较轻。

air:air 空气 stairs 楼梯 are:share 分享 ear:wear 穿 eir:their 他们 ere: there这里 实际操练:1. Where there's a will,there's a way.功夫不负有心人。 2. Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?

3. . It's not fair to share with her and not with me.和她分享而不和我分享,这是不公平

二十. 集中双元音 美语音标 /ur/ 英语音标 [u?] 疯狂外号:“短乌集中卷舌音”,简称“短乌卷舌音”。 -发音时,嘴唇从收圆到半开。发好这个音的关键是首先要把/u// /音发足,然后滑向/ /音。

oor: poor穷的 our: your 你的 tour 旅行 ure: cure治愈 pure纯的 sure 肯定的 实际操练:1. I'm not sure. You could ask her. 我不肯定,你可以问她。 2. I'm not sure. 我不敢确定

十一. 双唇爆破辅音 美语音标 /p/ 疯狂外号:“气破双唇音”

Polite 有礼貌的 supply 提供 spprove 批准 option 选择 people:人民 hope希望 help帮 keep保持

happen 发生 picture 图画;照片 impossible 不可能的 pollution 污染 popcorn 爆玉米花 person 人

实际操练:1. You have made a lot of progress with your English. 你的英语有了很大进步。

2. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。3. Let's try to make the impossible possible. 让我们把不可能的事变为可能。

二十二. 双唇爆破辅音 美语音标/b/ 疯狂外号:“气破双元音”。


become变成 building建筑物 boast自夸 break 打 obvious明显的 trouble麻烦 disturb打扰

public 公众的 breakfast 早餐 breath 呼吸 brother 兄弟double 双份的 absent 缺席的 absorb 吸收

实际操练:1. I have to find a better job. 我得找一份更好的工作。



climb 爬 comb 梳子;梳 dumb 哑的 thumb 拇指 bomb 炸弹 plumber 水暖工 debt 债务

2.训练p和b:I have no idea where to go.Let's play it by year我不知道去哪儿好,我们到时候再说

二十三. 齿龈爆破辅音 美语音标/t/ 疯狂外号:“舌尖齿龈弹气音”。

Talk谈话 tomato西红柿 twelve十二 steak牛排 pretty 漂亮的 little一点 exactly 确切地

实际操练:1. What are you talking about? 你在说什么? 2. I feel a little bit better today. 我今天感觉好点了。

3. Try harder next time. 下一次要更加努力。 4. Time stops for no man. 时间不为任何人停留。

二十四. 齿龈爆破辅音 /d/疯狂外号:“舌尖齿龈弹气音”。

difficult难的 death 死亡 aduth 成人的 order命令 add添加 advice建议 beside在旁边 noodle面条

实际操练:1. I'll keep that in mind. 我会记住的。 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。


A: 过去式,过去分词"ed"的发音

a) 当ed出现在清辅音之后时(/t/后除外)发成/t/ She kissed her baby and then went away. b) 当ed出现在浊辅音之后时(/d/后除外)发成/d/ I called him several times,but didn't get him.

c) 当ed出现在元音之后时,发成/d/. I stayed at home all night watching TV. d) 当ed出现在/t/或/d/之后时,发成/Id/ You are wanted on the phone.

B: 在美语中/t/音变:当/t/出现在两个原因之间、重读音节之后时,常念作相当于浊辅音的/d/,但又不完全是浊辅音,这时的发音特点是:用舌尖毫不费力地轻轻碰一下上齿龈,随即迅速落下,不送气,与后面的元音一起发出, forty 四十 city 城市 water 水 matter 事情 little 一点 better 更好dirty 肮脏的writer 作家

二十五. 软腭爆破辅音 /k/疯狂外号:“气破舌根软腭音”

question 问题 character 性格 conquer 征服;战胜 cookbook 食谱correct 正确的


couple 夫妇

kiss吻 claim声称 chemistry化学 quiet安静的 expect期待 music音乐 lock锁上 实际操练:1. You must be kidding! 你一定是开玩笑! 2. There is no question about it. 这是毫无疑问的。

3. Practice speaking English whenever you have time. Practice makes perfect, you know. 一有时间就练习讲英语,要知道熟能生巧嘛。

拼写一起练:1. k eak 弱的 look 看 seek 寻找 kind 善良 like 喜欢 2. ck ack 背部 clock 钟 sick 生病的;恶心的

3. c camp 野营 cry 哭 card 卡片 careful 小心的 4. cc according 根据 occupy 占有

5. cc accept 接受 accident 事故 success 成功 6. ch school 学校 christmas 圣诞节 stomach 胃

7. q quick 快的 question 问题 unique 唯一的;独特的 8. x relax 放松 except 除了 experience 经验

二十六. 软腭爆破辅音 /g/疯狂外号:“气魄舌根软腭音”

giggle傻笑 glad高兴的 gamble赌博 ghost鬼 forget忘记 egg鸡蛋 example例子 实际操练:1. Let's give him a big hand. 让我们为他热烈鼓掌。 2.That's a good idea. 真是个好主意。

3. He gives a good example to all the students. 他给全体学生树立了良好的榜样。


1. Could you please sign your name here? 2. It's necessary for us to learn a foreign language.

二十七. 双唇鼻辅音 /m/疯狂外号:“双唇闭嘴鼻音” 帮助你发/m/ 的简单技巧:只要闭上嘴!

market 市场 master控制 mobile移动 famous著名 image想像 employ雇佣 improve改善 company伴侣

实际操练: 1. Men make mistakes. 人人都会犯错误。 2. Waht seems to be the problem? 大概是什么问题3. Nothing is impossible. 没什么是不可能的 4. Money will come and go. =Easy come,easy go.钱会来也会去。

二十八. 舌尖齿龈鼻辅音 /n/ 上疯狂外号:“舌尖齿龈开口鼻音”。

nonsense胡说 negative消极的 person人 confidence自信 annoy使生气 design设计 knowledge知识

实际操练:1.I can't thank you enough for all your kindness. 2 No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。

3. He sure is a pain in the neck. 他真是个讨厌的家伙。4. English grammar is a pain in the neck.英语语法真是烦人。

二十九舌后软腭鼻辅音 /?/疯狂外号:“舌后软腭撒娇鼻音”

thank感谢 conquer攻克 anxious忧虑的 language语言 angry生气的 English英语 singer歌手


bring带来 among在?之间 tongue语言

实际操练:1. How are you getting along with your English? I was practicing my English this morning.

2. Thank you for everything. 谢谢你的一切。

3. You can conquer your shyness if you really try. 只要你去尝试一定可以克服你的羞怯。 三十.唇齿摩擦辅音 /f/疯狂外号:“唇齿相依摩擦音”俗称“咬唇音”。

fun娱乐 fresh新鲜的 refuse拒绝 refer谈到 afford负担得起

stuff 原料 phone电话 photography照片 enough足够的 laugh 笑

实际操练:1. Life is beautiful,but it's not always sweet. 生活是美丽的,但并不总是一帆风顺的。

2. Enjoy losing face! Just forget about your face. 热爱丢脸!忘记丢脸吧!

疯狂实战:A: How are you feeling? B: I feel fine.

.三十一.唇齿摩擦辅音 /v/疯狂外号:“唇齿相依摩擦音”,俗称“咬唇音”。

Value价值 voice声音 over超过 clever聪明的 of由于 love爱 positive积极的 effective有效的

实际操练:1. Can you give me some advice? 你能给我一些建议吗?

2. He lives a very active life. 他过着非常积极的生活。

3. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe,your mind can achieve. 只要你想得到,只要你相信,你就能够做到。

混合训练:三大鼻音集中操练 /m/ /n/ /?/

1. You gave me the wrong number. 你给我的电话号码是错的。

2.. I'm beginning to see what you mean. 我开始明白你的意思了。

3. Thanks a million for all that you've done for me. 非常感谢你为我所做的一切。

4. I hope you don't mind my smoking here. 我希望你不要介意我在这儿抽烟。

. 三十二. 舌后软腭半元音 /w/疯狂外号:“圆唇突出短我音”

wage工 wander开小差weird奇怪的 equal平等的 qualification条件 whatever无论什么 once曾经

实际操练1. Once you begin practicing English in this way,you'll find it fun. 你一旦开始用这种方式操练英语,你就会觉得很有意思。 2. Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

3.Don't give up.We'll always be with you. 别放弃,我们会永远支持你。

三十三.舌尖齿龈摩擦辅音” /s/疯狂外号:“气通舌尖齿龈音”

silly 愚蠢的skillful熟练的 question问题 decide决定 fix 修理 scene场景 miss错过 success成功

实际操练:1.I sincerely hope that you will be successful in your new business.我真诚地希望你在新的事业中成功。

2.Relax!Don't be so tense. 放松点!别这么紧张 3. That's impossible!那不可能。

4. That's really something.真是了不起



1. She always asks students to visit her home.她总是邀请学生们去她家玩。

2. There are several risks facing us.我们面临着几个风险。


1. You should study hard to improve your English。2 He speaks English with a strange accent. 3. You look nice in your new skirt

三十四. 舌尖齿龈摩擦辅音 /z/疯狂外号:“气通舌尖齿龈音”

zip拉 crazy 疯狂 apologize道歉 present礼物 business生意 exercise练习 puzzle难题 实际操练1. Don't tease others unless you want others to tease you. 如果不想别人嘲笑你,就不要嘲笑别人。

2. Business is business. 公事公办。 3. Experience is the mother of wisdom. 经验乃智慧之母。


A:清辅音结尾的词后---/s/ I bought a lot of English books today.2.She often helps me with my work.

B:浊辅音结尾的词后---/z/ .Most girls like window-shopping.2. Tom's in New York right now.

C.元音结尾的词后---/z/ I took a lot of photos in Beijing.

D: 以/s/,/z/,/?/,/?/,/t?/,/d?/结尾的词后---/iz/ There are many bridges in this city. 三十五. 舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音 /?/疯狂外号:“舌端齿龈气擦音”

sure当然 tension紧张 ocean大海 social社会的 education教育 machine机器 sharp敏锐的 fresh新鲜的 conscious意识的 mission任务

实际操练:1.You should be patient with your parents.你应该对你的父母耐心点。

2..It's nothing.Don't mention it.没什么大不了.别提了

2.Catch every chance to have an English conversation. 抓住每个机会用英语对话。 三十六. 舌齿摩擦辅音 /θ/疯狂外号:“唯一咬舌音”

thank感谢 thousand一千Thursday 星期四 author作 healthy健康的 nothing没什么 breath呼吸

实际操练:1.A thousand thanks for your kindness. 对你的好意万分感谢。

2. What did you think of it? 你觉得它怎么样?

3.Nothing is more important than staying healthy. 没有比保持健康更重要的了。 三十七. 舌齿摩擦辅音 /e/疯狂外号:“唯一咬舌音”

than比 that那个 there那儿 though虽然 another另一个 together共同 weather天气 clothe给...穿衣 smooth光滑的 gather 聚集 rather 相当 either 两者之一 bother 打扰 实际操练:1. Can I bother you with another question?我能再问你一个问题吗?

混合操练:/θ/和/e/ 1. I have trouble with math. 我学数学有问题。 2. I think both of them told the truth.我认为他们两个讲的都是真



facts 事实 accounts帐目 attracts吸引 classmates同学 pizza比萨饼

实际操练:1.I just want to know the facts. 我只想知道事实。 2. .I just want to know the facts. 我只想知道事实。


afterwards后来 hands手 words单词 话语 besides除此之外 odds可能性

实际操练:1. 2.Great minds think alike英雄所见略同. 2..His deeds don't agree with his words 他言行不一。

3. I have no words to express my gratitude. 我无法用语言来表达我的感激之情。

四十声门摩擦辅音 /h/疯狂外号:“大口喘气音”

handsome 英俊 heaven hope希望 holiday假日 unhappy不高兴的 perhaps或许 whole整个的

实际操练:1. We have a happy home. 我们有一个幸福的家。 2. Don't hurt yourself. 不要伤着你自己。

四十一. 舌前硬腭半元音 /j/疯狂外号:“双唇扁平短爷音”

Young年轻yesterday昨 lawyer律 confuse使迷惑secure安全的 junior初级的 review复习 beautiful漂亮的

实际操练:1. Your baby is so cute. 你的孩子真可爱

2. She's particularly young for the job. 对这份工作而言,她特别没经验。

发音技巧:---/t/,/d/,/s/,/z/+/j/的音变 : /t/+/j/---/t?/ /d/+/j/---/d?/ /s/+/j/---/?/ /z/+/j/---/? 四十二舌尖齿龈(后部)摩擦辅音 /r/疯狂外号:“四指卷舌音”,又叫“美国发音最具特色音”

respect尊敬 serious严重的 break打破 carry搬运 current目前的 wrong错误的 实际操练:1. You're right. I'm wrong. 你是对的,我错了。 2. Are you ready? 你准备好了吗? 3. Pretty good. 不错。


① r- right, respect, rain, raise, read, return, rest, responsible, resolution, resent, reservation, rescue, red, rose, ready, rob, rely, rather,radio, room

特别奉献:I respect your right to your own opinion. 我尊重你持有自己意见的权利。 ②-r- three, crash, street, control, introduce, proud, program, trip, shrewd, plural, every, already 特别奉献:There was a car crash on my street this morning. 今天早上我住的这条街发生了撞车事故。

③-r(e) car, care, more, fear, door, fire, far, near, bore,pure,scare,cure,sure,pair,stare,aware,clear,desire

特别奉献:I'm sure you're aware that the airport is very far away from here.Let's hurry. 我相信你一定知道机场离这儿是很远的。

④-rr- current, sorry, borrow, narrow, terrify, marry, marriage, arrive,tomorrow, hurry, worry


特别奉献:I'm terribly sorry to have worried you. 让你担心了,我非常抱歉。

⑤ wr- write,wrong, writer,wrinkle,wrap,wreck, wrestle

特别奉献: Small children do not know right from wrong. 小孩子不懂分辨是非。

⑥一个单词中有两个r river,roar,require, corner,torture, wherever, quarter, further, reserve,rural, rare

特别奉献:The store is just around the corner. 商店就在街的拐角处。

四十三 舌边辅音 /l/ 疯狂外号:“舌尖齿龈清晰旁流音” &&&“舌尖齿龈含糊旁流音”


leading领先 largely主要的 classic经典 popular流行的 lately最近 follow跟随 actually实际上

实际操练:1. Would you like some coffee or tea? 你想来点咖啡还是茶?

2.A: How's life?过得怎么样? B: Couldn't be better.


Calm平静的 behalf代表 talk谈话 walk步行 could可能 would将会 should应当


World世界 solve解决 scold责备 control控制 special特别的 personal个人的 yell大叫 recall回忆

实际操练:1. An apple a day helps you stay healthy. 每日一个苹果,让你保持健康。

2. Please speak English boldly. 请大胆说英语。


四十五. 齿龈后部破擦辅音 /tr/

trade贸 traditional传统的 trick骗局 introduce引进 contract合同 straight直的 destroy破坏

extremely极其地 interest兴趣 trip旅行

实际操练:1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦不找你,就别自找麻烦。

2.Relax!Don't stress yourself out. 放松!别给自己太大压力。

四十六. 齿龈后部破擦辅音 /dr/

drive 驾驶 dry干的 dream梦 drink喝 dramatic夸张的 drop落下 children孩子们 drastic 严厉的

实际操练:1.Drop by whenever you like. 想来就随时来坐坐。. 2. She's driving me crazy. 她快让我发疯了。3. My biggest dream is to speak good English. 我最大的梦想就是讲一口流利的英语。

四十七..舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音 /?/疯狂外号:“舌端齿龈气擦音”。

usually通常地 casual偶然的 pleasure愉快 leisure 空闲 treasure 珍惜 television电视

decision决心 occasion时机 massage按摩 usual通常 revision复习 measure测量 实际操练:1. I'm sure you'll make the right decision. 我相信你会做出正确的决定。

2.I take pleasure in learning foreign languages. 我学外语感到很快乐。


3. I treasure my leisure time./ your friendship. 我很珍惜我的空闲时间。


1. I think the day we met was a special occasion. 我想我们相识的那一天是很特别的。

2. One of the greatest pleasures of life is conversation. 人生的最大乐趣之一就是谈话。 四十八舌端齿龈破擦辅音 /t?/疯狂外号:“气冲舌尖齿龈音”

Situation情况 culture文 question问题feature 特征 change改变 church教堂 catch抓住 touch接触

实际操练:1. Oh,don't be so childish!Cheer up! 哦,别这么孩子气!振作起来! 2. 2. Cheers! 干杯!

3. The choice is yours;tell us what you decide. 选择权在你,告诉我们你的决定。

4. 3. I didn't catch what you said. 我没听到你说的话。



1. I've heard a lot about you. 我听说过很多你的 2. I've been wanting to meet you. 我一直想与你会面。

四十九. 舌端齿龈破擦辅音 /d?/疯狂外号:“气冲舌尖齿龈音”

Joke玩笑 January一月 genius天才 imagine想像 large巨大的 wage工资 exaggerate夸张 judge判断

实际操练:1. Good job! 干得好! 2. I want to go to college! 我要去上大学! 3. I'm just looking. 我只是看看。



1. Would you please give me something to drink? 你能给我点喝的吗?

2. Could you come over here?I need your help. 你能过来一下吗?我需要你的帮助。

3. I can't find your house. 我找不到你家。


/p/ /b/--/p/是p的发音,/b/是b的发音。双唇爆破辅音。发音时双唇紧闭,憋住气,然后突灰分开,气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音。/p/是清辅音,声带不振动;/b/是浊辅音,声带振动。

/t/ /d/--/t/是t的发音,/d/是d的发音。舌齿爆破辅音。发音时舌尖抵上齿龈,憋住气,然后突然分开,使气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音。/t/是清辅音,声带不振动;/d/是浊辅音,声带振动。

/k/ / g/--/k/是字母k和字母c的发音,/ g/是字母g的读音。舌后软颚爆破辅音。发音时舌后部隆起紧贴软颚,憋住气,然后突然分开,气流送出口腔,形成爆破音。/k/是清辅音,声带不振动;/ /是浊辅音,声带振动。

/f/ /v/--/f/是f和ph的发音,/v/是v的发音。唇齿摩擦辅音。发音时下唇轻触上齿,气流由



/ /



// /是th的发音。舌齿摩擦辅音。发音时舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由舌齿间送出,形成摩擦音。/ /是清辅音,声带不振动;/ /是浊辅音,声带振动。

/s/ /z/--/s//z/是s的发音,/z/又是z的发音。舌齿摩擦辅音。发音时舌端靠近齿龈,气流由舌端齿龈间送出,形成摩擦音。/s/是清辅音,声带不振动;/z/是浊浦音,声带振动。

/∫/ / /--/∫/是sh的发音,/ /是s的发音。舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音。发音时舌端靠近齿龈后部,舌身抬起靠近上鄂,双唇稍收圆并略突出。气流通过时形成摩擦音。/∫/是清辅音,声带不振动;/ /是浊辅音,声带振动。





/--/ /是ng的发音。舌后软颚鼻辅音。发音时软颚下垂,堵住口腔通道,气流从鼻腔送出。声带振动。




/j/--/j/传统的国际音标的读音符号 该音是国音字母y在词首的读音,是舌前硬颚半元音。发音时舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起,舌位较高,双唇伸展成扁平状。它是个浊辅音,声带振动。 /

/--/ /是ch的发音,/ /是dge的发音。舌端齿龈破擦辅音。发音时舌身抬高,舌端抵上齿龈后部,气流通过时发出破擦音。/ /是清辅音,声带不振动;/ /是浊辅音,声带振动。

/ts/ /dz/传统的国际音标读音符号,新课本中美式、英式读音都没将其包括在内,破擦音/ts/、/dz/分别是字母组合ts和ds的读音。舌端齿龈破擦辅音。舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后略下降,气流送出口腔。/ts/是清辅音,/dz/是浊辅音。

/tr/ /dr/传统的国际音标读音符号。新课本中美式、英式读音都没将其包括在内。/tr/、/dr/分别是tr、dr的发音。齿龈后部破擦辅音。发音时舌身与/r/相似,舌尖贴齿龈后部,气流冲破阻碍发出短促的/t/后立即发/r/。/tr/是清辅音,/dr/是浊辅音。


五 : 疯狂口语速成(宝典)

疯狂的英语 口语速成


Ten steps to Tackle a Sentence!


2. 然后,给每个单词注音标。

3. 接着开始疯狂嘴巴操练。首先注意五大发音要点 (1)双元音、长元音饱满; (2)短元音收小腹,短促有力;(3)连读;(4)省略;(5)咬舌头。切记不要乱喊乱叫!

4. 三最口腔肌肉训练:最大声,最快速,最清晰。

5. 一口气:一口气之内重复尽可能多遍。训练底气,气势压人!

6. 反复地、自然地说出优雅的、摸模糊糊的英文。达成英美人士的境界!

7. 想象语言环境。想象在什么情况下,这个句子可以卖弄出去。

8. 举一反三,融会贯通。

9. 纸条漫天飞,环境随身带。把操练完的句子抄写在纸条上,随身携带!





1. Absolutely.(用于答话)是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此。 本辑超级重点

Top American Movie Lines!


Absolutely! 当然了;绝对;绝对没问题;没错;太对了!


A strong affirmation.




Kim's Note: Absolutely is such a useful word for many reasons. It

shows confidence, it can answer a question in one word, and like any strong and powerful word, it makes you instantly sound like a native speaker!

疯狂口语 疯狂口语速成(宝典)

In fact, the word absolutely has become overused in America. Many people say it automatically without thinking. Everything they hear is answered by the same word "Absolutely".





A: You agree, I suppose?


B: Oh, absolutely!


A: That's a wonderful movie.


B: Absolutely!


A: Could you call her and tell her everything?


B: Absolutely!


A: She's really pretty, isn't she?


B: Absolutely!


A: Are you sure you can help me?


B: Absolutely.


A: Sanya is the most beautiful place in the world.


B: Absolutely!


A: I think George Bush is too stupid to be the president of such a powerful country.


疯狂口语 疯狂口语速成(宝典)

B: Absolutely! I couldn't agree more.




Of course.(当然。)

That's right.(是那么回事。)

Sure. / Yes.(是的。)

Correct. (正确。/没错。)

No problem.(没问题。)

学了“Absolutely!”之后,你就不用每次给别人予肯定回答时都“Yes”个不停了,你完全可以充满自信地喊出“Absolutely!”。当然,如果你还想再充满自信、斩钉截铁地给别人一个否定回答的话,学好下面的“Absolutely not!”


这个月,我要请你自己注音标!你注国际音标也没有问题,因为在这本书的后面有国际音标和美国音标的对比。踏踏实实,一步一步来,你一定会迈向成功! 第三个月:克服烦燥

这已经是第三个月了,你是不是感到有点烦燥了?学习英语就是这样一个过程,没有操练的痛苦,又哪来成功的喜悦呢?只要你坚持,你就一定会成功! 第四个月:卖弄成就

你已经学了三个月了,你的财富已经累积到90个句子了。别小看这90个句子哟!如果你能善加运用,你已经能够在英语角获得大家艳羡的目光了!找个地方去卖弄这些财富吧,你一定会享受到英语给你带来的乐趣和成就感! 第五个月:条件反射






疯狂口语 疯狂口语速成(宝典)






通过口语来突破听力、阅读、写作和翻译。"听说读写译"本来就是一家。 学习英语最后就被简化成"说句子",或者是"脱口而出句子"。这就是学习英语的本质。学一句算一句,说一句顶十句! 验证你英文水平的不是无聊的 "单词量",而是实实在在的、能够脱口而出的 "句子量"! 学英语没有什么了不起!攻克英语,小菜一碟。"疯狂英语" 最神奇的方法之一:一、三、五!一口气训练法! 这个方法主要训练你说英语的底气。




学习英语是 "体力劳动" ,而不只是脑力劳动! 英语的能力不是*学习了多长,而是*操练了多长时间! 游泳是游出来的,钢琴是弹出来的,舞蹈是跳出来的,车是开出来的,饭是做出来的,电脑是玩出来的,语言是说出来的。只有脱口而出才算是真正学习语言。






口语突破听力! 李阳老师独创,可为国家节省大量外汇,停止引进日本语言实验室。 我们从小绝对没有专门练习过听力,但我们的听力一流! 口语和

疯狂口语 疯狂口语速成(宝典)



口语突破考试! 考试的最大特点是"换汤不换药",考来考去就是那点"破玩意"。[www.61k.com) 李阳疯狂英语考试秘诀就是将考试题统统脱口而出,而不只是选对答案! 培养一流语感,对考试陷阱轻车熟路! 素质教育和应试教育完美结合。



到底怎么学英语? 总而言之就是:学习,学习,再学习;实践,实践,再实践。

用简单的手势突破困饶中国人多年的发音问题 神奇的五大发音秘诀:


长元音和双元音饱满。这是悦耳英文的秘诀。 * inside my mouth (在我的嘴里) * Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. (麦克喜欢在夜晚明亮的灯光旁写作。)【八次疯狂张嘴,元音极其饱满!】

短元音短促有力。这是干净利落的发音。你只要一收腹就可以精确地发出短元音。 * Couldn't be better.(再好不过了。) * It took me a month to get rid of my cough. (我用了一个月的时间才使咳嗽痊愈。)

连音和省略。这是真正的地道英文境界(含含糊糊)。* I don't-know what-to do. (我不知道该做些什么。)【两个辅音连接,只读后一个!】 * I'm working on-it. (我正在努力。)【连音】【美国总统常用】

咬舌头。这是英语独特的魅力。* Neither father nor mother likes this weather. (爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这天气。)【咬五次舌头】 * the same thing(同样的一件事) * Something is better than nothing. (有一点总比一点都没有好。)



疯狂口语 疯狂口语速成(宝典)

1. I’ve been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想见到你

2. Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold.


3. I only have eyes for you. 我只在意你

4. You don’t have a care in the world. 你不知人间烦恼为何物

5. If you don’t want to lose me, you’d better lay it on the line. 如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我吧

6. Tell me your story, I’m all ears. 告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听

7. If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承认吧

8. I have no direction, I just get wherever the wind blows. 我没有方向,只是随风到处飘

9. You are always trying to get my goat. 你总是想惹我发火

10. I’m a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人

11. Just cool your heels! 好了,安静会儿吧

12. Save your breath! I don’t want to hear it. 不要说了,我不想听

13. Really?? You are so bad! 真的吗?你真棒!!

14. I’m not myself. 我感觉不好。(www.61k.com)

15. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。

16. Don’t hog mg girlfriend. 别缠着我女朋友。

17. I will treat you! 我请客。

18. What are you in the mood for? 你想吃什么

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1115061.html

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