一 : 上海市中考语文辅导--中考作文
| 上海市中考语文辅导--中考作文 | | http://www.sina.com.cn 新闻晨报 | | 谁都知道,文学作品是语言的艺术。每个作家都有自己的语言风格,以至有的作品你即使不知道作者的名字,只要一读那语句的味儿,就足以使一个熟悉作家语言风格的读者知道是谁的作品了。你只要闭上眼睛回味一下,课本里读过的鲁迅、茅盾、老舍、巴金、冰心的作品不是可以领悟到吗?他们同样是使文字精确、简炼、生动、活泼,但是不一样---都表现出不同的语言风格。我们读它们,深受其熏陶,丰富了我们的语言仓库。 从中我们还可以进一步思考,这些名家的名作,都是倾注了自己的思想和感情,都是从血管里流出的血凝成的。用自己的语言,得心应手,一词一句地把复杂的事物描述出来,把独到的见解和认识搬到纸上来,是一件很费功夫的事。语文老师常常让同学们思考课文中某些词的表现力,某些句子丰富深刻的含义,就是在引导大家学会推敲,回味作家表情传意的语言风格。你有没有在复习和回忆这些名家名篇的时候想到一个词:“文如其人”。 作家的语言风格就是文如其人在遣词造句上的反映。写自己的话,写真情实感老实话,就会形成与别人不一样的语言风格,伟大的作家是这样,卑鄙的作家也是这样。当然后者语言的虚伪、雕饰、圆滑,以至下流,是登不上大雅之堂的,是不应该进课本的。 初中毕业生参加中考,写作文是不是也要讲求语言的艺术。我想,一篇中考作文能够表现出或者看得出是在追求表现语言的艺术,有什么不好呢?虽然他们不是作家,他们写的不一定是文学作品,但他们都应该写自己的话,写真情实感老实话,都应该努力使写出的文字精确、简炼、生动、活泼,尽管这些方面不一定能达到作家的水准,却是写作能力的考试一类卷的标准,不过是从初中毕业生这个层面去衡量罢了,如果这些方面有所欠缺,评卷也就等而下之了。 因此,请记住俄国大文豪托尔斯泰说的一句非常精辟的忠告:“一个人只有在他每次蘸墨水时都在墨水瓶里留下自己的血肉,才应该进行写作。”换言之,中学生作文,特别是参加中考作文,非用心血去浇铸语言不可,只有这样才能体现文如其人,让人读了觉得“像他说的话”,不是空话,大话、假话、矫揉造作的话、生搬硬套的话、甚至剽窃抄袭别人的话、人云亦云的话。 现在可以知道什么是你作文该用的最好的语言了吧? 请读读这样几段中考一类卷作文的语言:一、进入初中后,我的阅读面更广泛了。我曾参加过“经院哲学”的无休论战,从保尔?柯察金身上得到了生活启示之后,又穿过骊山阿房宫去聆听秦俑的低语,之后又踏上了去埃及金字塔探幽寻胜的征程;在与拿破仑叱咤风云于欧洲战场的同时,也不忘与外星来客共同探讨人类文明的进程……愈读书,我愈发现自己的无知;愈读书,我愈来愈多地看到五彩缤纷的世界。 二、那天是我十四岁的生日,在熠熠烛光下,妈妈捧出了她珍藏多年的《雷锋日记》,并慎重地递给我:“十四岁了,该长大了!这是妈妈青年时代的良师益友,在那迷惘的年代里,它为我指明了方向。今天,把它送给你,希望它也能给你某些启迪。”……初二的时候,我自告奋勇,担当起了班级团支部黑板报的出版工作。一时间,议论颇多……我只是默默无闻,一期复一期,辛勤地耕耘着这小小的一方精神园地。出乎意料,期末,我竟被大家一致推选为校“三好”……是雷锋的思想给了我充实、快乐与友谊。 你看,同是写以书为“良师”,语言大不同。但都是自己的语言,谈读书的收获,从中我们可以看到两位性格思想很不一样的同学,都很可爱。愿你也在这次中考时,写出文如其人的最美的语言来! | | |
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二 : 上海市中考语文辅导--考场作文
上海市中考语文辅导--考场作文 |
新闻晨报 |
惟独喜欢根之力 芭蕾舞演员精彩的单腿飞转,那是力的旋律;健美运动员块块隆起的肌肉,那是力的线条;赛跑健将风驰电掣般的冲刺,那是力的速度。我却独爱那令人震撼的根之力。 一场大雨过后,我家后院的盆景经过雨水的洗涤,格外美丽,片片嫩叶透着爽人的绿 ,隐隐约约还有几缕清香袭来,是含笑吧,我循着香味走去,低头一闻,咦,怎么没有香味?哦,原来是一旁的兰花。 真扫兴,含笑上个星期已含苞待放,为何又迟迟不肯开花呢,我默默地抚弄着绿叶,忽然发现花盆有几道裂缝,是哪个调皮鬼捣的蛋,说不定就是因为这几条裂缝,才使含笑不“笑”呢! 我找来爸爸,爸爸看到好好的花盆弄破了,也很生气,问我是不是有谁将它打破,我也讲不出个头绪。爸爸只好找来几根铁丝将花盆箍紧。 可是几天后,铁丝松了,裂缝也越来越大,爸爸无奈,只得去买了一只新花盆。 搬来含笑,爸爸像往常一样,在花盆底部的洞里一戳,怪了,盆和花却怎么也分不开。我仔细端详着这盆,除了裂缝外,花盆表面已变得凹凸不平,盆口的圆形也变成了椭圆。爸爸索性拿来铁锤,几下子把花盆锤碎了,这下,我和爸爸惊呆了,花盆里全是浅褐色的密密麻麻的根,哪里还看得见得土啊! 谁都能想到,随着枝叶的繁茂,根也在生长,可谁曾想到,当小小的花盆已容不下根的时候,根会挣扎,根会反抗,根会怒吼,花盆变形了,裂开了,这就是根的力量,一种无形的力量。 我喜欢根的力量,我钦佩根的力量,我为这不屈不挠的精神所震撼。我想,这俨然象征着中华民族喷薄而出的根之力,一定会在属于它的这片沃土上扎根、伸展…… 【点评】这篇作文跟夏衍先生的散文《种子的力量》有异曲同工之妙,《种子的力量》是写在抗日战争的艰苦时期,着重描写种子生根发芽长大的力能使巨石开裂,象征着民族的坚强力量必将战胜顽敌。这篇考场作文写于改革开放的经济腾飞时期,叙述含笑不“笑”而使花盆开裂变形,发现了“象征着中华民族喷薄而出的根之力……”真是一脉相承的新发展,文中叙述雨后的叶色,再循香味,而点出含笑,发现裂缝,两设悬念,最后破盆发现,确实令人意外,十分震撼,两段抒情也就“扎根”很深了。(2001年湖北荆州市中考作文一类卷,满分50分) 试题一、请自拟题目进行作文,题目中必须含有“喜欢”一词。 二、将拟出的题目认真写在下页的横线上。 三、作文字数不少于540字;除诗歌外,文体不限;文中不得出现真实的人名、地名、校名。 |
三 : 中考英语作文辅导17:介绍城市海口


四 : 2006年度-MPA考前辅导英语倒装部分练习一
so strange did she look that everyone stared at her.
so loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.
so little did i know about philosophy that the lecture was completely beyond me.
very important in the peasants’ life is the tv weather report.
bright, very bright were the stars over the wild, dark hills.
present at the meeting were professor smith, sir hugh and many other celebrities. especially popular are the musical and theatrical groups.
on the either side of the road were rows of fruit trees.
near the southern end of the village was a large peach orchard.
seated on the ground are as groups of young men playing horse head fiddle. scattered like stars in the deep mountains are numerous reservoirs and ponds. helping them raise their artistic level are various professorial organizations. visiting the great wall were 200 american college students.
英语中含有否定意义的副词与词组有never,seldom,few,little, barely,hardly,scarcely,rarely, nowhere, by no means, under no circumstances, in no way, at no time, in no case, in vain, not until等。
nowhere could the homeless girl go in the cold winter.
under no circumstances shall i change my attitude towards work.
never before has the mass of the people been so inspired, so militant and so daring as at present.
no sooner had i gone to sleep than someone telephoned.
not until columbus discovered the new land, were bananas brought to europe. scarcely had we reached home when it began to rain.
not only did they present a musical performance but they also gave a brief introduction to the history of western brass instrument.
tired as he is, he goes on with his work.
much as he likes her, he does get irritated with her sometimes.
child as he is, he knows how to please the others.
2) be+主语+or连接的两个表语。这个句型相当于whether…or…引导的让步从句。
be it cheap or dear, i will take it.
we should put our energysintosour work, be it mental like the work of a scientist or physical like the work of a smith.五、让步状语从句中的倒装
tired as he is, he goes on with his work.
much as he likes her, he does get irritated with her sometimes.
child as he is, he knows how to please the others.
2) be+主语+or连接的两个表语。这个句型相当于whether…or…引导的让步从句。
be it cheap or dear, i will take it.
we should put our energysintosour work, be it mental like the work of a scientist or physical like the work of a smith.
only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard.
only in this way can we achieve what we want.
only in each afternoon does the university library open.
only under special circumstances ____to take make up tests.
a) are freshmen permitted
b) permitted are freshmen
c) freshmen are permitted
d) are permitted freshmen
society has changed and so have the people in it.
yesterday i went shopping, so did my best friend.
the organization had broken no rules, but neither had it acted responsibly.
he didn’t want to apologize for his mistake, neither/nor did his assistant.
五 : 2006年-MPA考前辅导英语情态动词部分练习一
一、should与ought to用法辨析
1) should和ought to表示责任、建议或劝告,翻译为"应该",后者语气强一些。
you should listen to the doctor’s advice if you want to recover soon.
such things ought not to be allowed.
2) should接动词的完成式,是一种谴责,表示过去应该做而没有做或过去做了而不应该做。
i missed the class. i should have come earlier.
i shouldn’t have made such a foolish mistake.
二、need与have to 用法辨析
1) need表示需要,主要用于否定句和疑问句。用于疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn’t。have to表示他人或客观情况要求"必须",也可以翻译为"不得不",have to否定形式意思是"不一定"或"没有必要"。
you needn’t come if you don’t want to.
i don’t think you need be so polite to her.
you don’t have to work so hard if you just want to pass band 4.
because of the heavy rain, the children have had to get up earlier than usual this week.
it was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you ____it.
a) mustn’t have done b) would not have done
c) might not have done d) didn’t have to
本句译为:你把这些东西洗了,你真是太好了。但是你没有必要洗。must, would, might后面接动词的完成式,都很少用否定式,而didn’t have to表示没有必要,符合题意,故答案为d.
2) need后面接动词的完成式,主要用于否定句,表示本可不必做某事。
you ____ all those calculations! we have a computer to do that sort of thing.
a) needn’t have done b) must not have done
c) shouldn’t have done d) can not have done
"needn’t +不定式完成式"表示"本来不必做,但实际做了"。题意是:你没有必要做全部计算,这类计算我们用计算机来做。故答案为a.
三、used to的用法
"used to加不定式"表示过去常常干某事,现在不在干了。例如:
i used to go to work by bus. now i take a taxi.
she used to be very shy.
"be used to doing"表示习惯于干某事。
i am used to getting up early and going to bed early.
he is used to being praised by others.
1) must表示必须,否定回答时用needn’t. mustn’t表示不许可。
you must get to the station before 3, otherwise you will miss the train.must i hand in my homework tomorrow?
no, you needn’t. you can turn it in the day after tomorrow.
you mustn’t smoke in the hospital.
2) must用于肯定句,可以表示推测,翻译为:一定或想必。后面接动词的一般时,表示对现在的推测,接动词的完成式,表示对过去的推测。对过去的推测是考试的重点。
she must live near here, for she comes to work on foot.
she was absent from class. there must have been something wrong with her.
the light was out. they must have gone to bed.
mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class. she ____ have studied very hard.
a) may b) should c) must d) ought to
"must +不定式完成式"表示对过去发生事情的推测。题意为:玛丽的考试成绩全班第一,她学习一定很刻苦。答案为c.
if he passes the exam he shall have a holiday.
the law shall comes into effect on may 1st.
1) will作情态动词,表示意愿、习惯等。would表示过去的习惯。
it will be highly appreciated if you will send us your latest price list.
on sundays he would get up early and go fishing.
2) will/would you please do...,would you like to do...,would you mind doing...
will you please pass me a cup of tea?
would you like me to give you a hand?
this box is too heavy, ____give me a hand?
a) would you mind b) would you please
c) will you like to d) will you please to
四个结构中,would you mind接动名词;would you please接动词原形;
will you like to不是正确结构;will you please to也不是正确结构,因此答案为b
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