

发布时间:2017-10-05 所属栏目:快与慢 议论文

一 : 鲁人版高中必修1第四单元作文:失之交臂的幸福













二 : 人教版高中语文必修四《苏武传》教学设计



















1、出使匈奴,单于受礼。 2、缑王谋反,祸及汉使。 3、舍生取义,以死明志。

4、卫律劝降,威武不屈。 5、饮雪吞毡,此志不渝。 6、李陵劝降,忠贞如一。

7、武帝驾崩,恸哭数月。 8、汉匈和亲,请还苏武。 9、历尽艰难,发白归汉。









5.苏武的伤势逐渐好了。单于派使者通知苏武,一起来审处虞常,想借这个机会使苏武投降。剑斩虞常后,卫律说:“汉使张胜,谋杀单于亲近的大臣,应当处死。单于招降的人,赦免他们的罪。”举剑要击杀张胜,张胜请求投降。卫律对苏武说:“副使有罪,应该连坐到你。”苏武说:“我本来就没有参予谋划,又不是他的亲属,怎么谈得上连坐?”卫律又举剑对准苏武,苏武岿然不动。卫律说:“苏君!我卫律以前背弃汉廷,归顺匈奴,幸运地受到单于的大恩,赐我爵号,让我称王;拥有奴隶数万、马和其他牲畜满山,如此富贵!苏君你今日投降,明日也是这样。白白地用身体给草地做肥料,又有谁知道你呢!”苏武毫无反应。卫律说:“你顺着我而投降,我与你结为兄弟;今天不听我的安排,以后再想见我,还能得到机会吗?” 苏武痛骂卫律说:“你做人家的臣下和儿子,不顾及恩德义理,背叛皇上、抛弃亲人,在异族那里做投降的奴隶,我为什么要见你!况且单于信任你,让你决定别人的死活,而你却居心不平,不主持公道,反而想要使汉皇帝和匈奴单于二主相斗,旁观两国的灾祸和损失!你明知道我决不会投降,想要使汉和匈奴互相攻打。匈奴灭亡的灾祸,将从我开始了!”


7.当初,苏武与李陵都为侍中。苏武出使匈奴的第二年,李陵投降匈奴,不敢访求苏武。时间一久,单于派遣李陵去北海,为苏武安排了酒宴和歌舞。李陵趁机对苏武说:“单于听说我与你交情一向深厚,所以派我来劝说足下,愿谦诚地相待你。你终究不能回归本朝了,白白地在荒无人烟的地方受苦,你对汉廷的信义又怎能有所表现呢?以前你的大哥苏嘉做奉车都尉,跟随皇上到雍的棫宫,扶着皇帝的车驾下殿阶,碰到柱子,折断了车辕,被定为大不敬的罪,用剑自杀了,只不过赐钱二百万用以下葬。你弟弟孺卿跟随皇上去祭祀河东土神,骑着马的宦官与驸马争船,把驸马推下去掉到河中淹死了。骑着马的宦官逃走了。皇上命令孺卿去追捕,他抓不到,因害怕而服毒自杀。我离开长安的时候,你的母亲已去世,我送葬到阳陵。你的夫人年纪还轻,听说已改嫁了,家中只有两个妹妹,两个女儿和一个男孩,如今又过了十多年,生死不知。人生像早晨的露水,何必长久地像这样折磨自己!我刚投降时,终日若有所失,几乎要发狂,自己痛心对不起汉廷,加上老母拘禁在保宫,你不想投降的心情,怎能超过当时我李陵呢!并且皇上年纪大了,法令随时变更,大臣无罪而全家被杀的有十几家,安危不可预料。你还打算为谁守节呢?希望你听从我的劝告,不要再说什么了!” 苏武说:“我苏武父子无功劳和恩德,都是皇帝栽培提拔起来的,官职升到列将,爵位封为通侯,兄弟三人都是皇帝的亲近之臣,常常愿意为朝庭牺牲一切。现在得到牺牲自己以效忠国家的机会,即使受到斧钺和汤镬这样的极刑,我也心甘情愿。大臣效忠君王,就像儿子效忠父亲,儿子为父亲而死,没有什么可恨,希望你不要再说了!”












三 : 【人教版必修四“快与慢”作文讲评材料】

四 : 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World

慈禧的满棺珍宝流向何处 外研版必修四Module_6_Unexplained_Mysteries_of_the_Natural_World



五 : Unit1名师点津(新人教版必修四)

ⅰ. 单项填空
1. someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to ________a good researcher.
a. make                    b. turn
c. get                      d. grow
2. although the teacher didn’t mention any names,everybody knew who he was  ________.
a. speaking to        b. turning to
c. referring to               d. talking to
解析:选c。句意:尽管老师没有提到任何名字,但每个人都知道他指的是谁。refer to在此表示“提到,谈及”。
3. tom, ________ yourself. have you already forgotten the rules i told you?
a. behave                   b. respect
c. consider                  d. entertain
解析:选a。句意:tom规矩点,你忘了我告诉你的那些规矩了吗?behave oneself意为“规矩点”。
4. everything  ________ into consideration,they ought to have another chance.
a. to take                   b. taken
c. to be taken                d. taking
解析:选b。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。根据短语take sth. into consideration“考虑到某事”的结构分析,此处把该短语的宾语everything提前,所以应该使用过去分词表示被动。
5. he failed the midterm examination and only then ________how much time he had wasted.
a. he realized                b. did he realize
c. he had realized            d. had he realized
解析:选b。本题考查动词的时态和倒装句的用法。根据语法要求only引导状语位于句首时,需要使用倒装句结构。而该状语only then表明了动作发生在过去。
6. we had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didn’t quite  ________.
a. find out          b. give out
c. hand out                  d. work out
解析:选d。本题考查短语动词辨析。句意:我们原本想中午前完成任务,但是结果并不如愿。find out发现;give out分发,用尽;hand out分发;work out结果。根据句意,work out为正确选项。
7. lucy has ________all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.
a. acquired                  b. finished
c. concluded                 d. achieved
解析:选d。本题考查固定搭配,achieve one’s goals意为“实现目标”。
8. on his way to the airport,it ________him all of a sudden that he had forgotten his passport.
a. hit                       b. knocked
c. occurred                  d. beat
解析:选a。考查固定句型。it hits/hit sb. that. . . 意为“某人突然想到……”。
9. —it was ________of jack to turn off the radio when i was sleeping in the bedroom.
—so he was.
a. reasonable                 b. sensible
c. considerate                d. generous
10. the new equipment ________the disabled during the XX beijing paralympics.
a. was intended for            b. was intended to
c. intended for               d. intended to
解析:选a。be intended for sb. 为固定短语,表示专供某人使用。句意:这些新设备是XX年北京残奥会期间专供残疾人使用的。
ⅱ. 阅读理解
(XX年重庆第一次诊断)new york-wednesday,october fifteenth,is the first global hand washing day. activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.
experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so?called critical moments. these include after using the toilet,after cleaning a baby and before touching food.
global hand washing day is the idea of the public?private partnership for hand washing with soap. the goal,they say,is to create a culture of hand washing with soap. the organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease?causing germs(病菌). they say the correct way to wash hands is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. rub it into all areas,including under the fingernails. then,rinse well under running water. finally,dry your hands with a clean cloth.
the partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs. and it usually leaves a pleasant smell,which increases the likelihood that people will wash again.
it also says washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. it could help reduce cases of diarrhea (痢疾),which is the second leading cause of child deaths,killing more than one and a half million children a year,by almost half.
1. the most suitable title for the text would be ________.
a. hand washing brings good health
b. hand washing gets a day of its own
c. it is soap that matters
d. partnership for hand washing takes action
2. the partnership creates global hand washing day to  ________.
a. call on people to wash hands
b. help the developing countries
c. promote the importance of soap in hand washing
d. make a culture of hand washing in the third world
3. the following facts can explain why soap is important except that ________.
 a. soap gives people a longer hand washing time
 b. soap helps to get rid of more germs off hands
 c. soap attracts people to do more hand washing
 d. soap gets people into the habit of washing hands
4. according to the last paragraph,diarrhea is a disease that ________.
a. kills half of the kids in developing countries
b. causes the greatest number of child deaths
c. can be prevented by washing hands with soap
d. makes soap stand out in hand washing
one of the main decisions you must make when traveling is deciding where to stay. a good place to stay can often make a holiday. whether you are looking for a classy hotel or a night under the stars,we can guide you through your different options.
bed and breakfast
an english invention,bed and breakfasts offer exactly what they suggest,a bed for the night and breakfast in the morning. people who hate the anonymity of hotels but want more luxury than a hostel often choose to stay at bed and breakfasts. “b&b’s”,usually someone’s private home,are often found in the countryside.
for those traveling on a tight budget,hostels are the best accommodation option. informal places usually with a friendly youthful vibe,they offer dormitory beds for rent. bathrooms are usually down the hall.
remember to check reviews by previous guests online before you book your hostel.
couch surfing
an unusual but interesting option,couch surfing is a growing trend among young internationals. the idea is that you become a member of the online couch­surfing community (www. couchsurfing. com) and then when you travel,look up other members in that country and ask to stay on their couch(沙发). most hosts will suggest sightseeing trips and take you out in the evening,making it a great way to see things that aren’t in your guidebook. and remember,it may be free but don’t forget to offer to buy your host a drink or dinner.
sleeping under the stars! for budget travelers staying at camping grounds is the cheapest way to travel. the drawback is that you have to carry a tent with you. camping grounds can be found across europe,america and australia. however,if you intend on camping in busy cities,check first where the nearest campsite is. more often than not,they are on the outskirts,which can mean lengthy bus rides into town when you want to eat or see the sights.
【解题导语】 出门旅行,住宿是一大问题。本文为手头紧张的出门旅游者介绍了四种住宿方式:住宿兼次日早餐的旅馆,青年宿舍,睡沙发旅行和露宿,并介绍了各自的优点和不足之处。
5. hostels are popular among budget travelers because they provide ________.
a. a friendly atmosphere
b. dormitory beds for sale
c. reviews by previous guests
d. beds and bathrooms as well
解析:选a。考查细节理解。hostels一节说,这些非正式的场所给你一种友好的充满青春活力的氛围(friendly youthful vibe)。
6. the advantage of couch surfing is that ________.
a. you don’t have to pay any money
b. you can have a couch to sleep on
c. you can explore the nightlife there
d. the host will charge you for sightseeing
解析:选c。考查推理判断。couch surfing下谈到旅游时寻找这样的家庭,主人给你提供自家的沙发代替旅馆,在夜晚,主人会带你出去转悠,你能看见在旅游指南上找不到的东西。
7. the disadvantage of camping is that you have to ________.
a. sleep in the open air
b. take some extra articles
c. camp near big cities for safety
d. take a long distance bus to the campsites
8. you want a better but not too expensive place to stay,you may choose ________.
a. bed and breakfast      b. hostels
c. couch surfing               d. camping
ⅲ. 任务型读写
some common tips can help you in preventing air journey problems. these tips are very common but you can travel happily if you follow them.
go to a journey with a minimum sized bag.
you can bring your own food for journey to make sure that you get what you want to eat. bring at least a magazine or a book to avoid boredom.
you can eat at the airport before you take off so as to make sure that you do not feel hungry during the journey. the basic idea is that you should not feel hungry or get bored during the journey as it might spoil your mood.
when boarding the plane,do notice the place of exit. also,count the number of rows you have to pass from the exit. doing this can help you to have a better idea of escaping from the plane in case of any emergency.
read the manual or instructions provided by the staff. a plane for a safer journey will make you feel cool and relaxed at the time of traveling.
if you buy tickets online,call airline,and ask them to assign you a seat right away. if you come at the last moment,just before your plane takes off,you might not get a desired seat.
sometimes,planes are overbooked,and if you are not assigned a seat,you might be forced to fly by another flight.
make sure you keep everything you need before you take off. avoid checking your bag again and again. keep your money safe.
the best way to avoid problem is to make a note of everything you have in your bag. in this way,you can never forget anything important.
helpful 1.  ________for a happy air journey

the purpose of giving the tips to help you to prevent air journey 2.  ________. 
before your journey pack up a bag in a minimum 3.  ________.
bring your own food to make sure that you get what you want to eat.
take a magazine or a book in case of 4.  ________bored.
when you 5. _______ the plane pay much attention to the place of exit and count the 6.  ________of the rows you have to pass from the exit.
read the manual or instructions and make a plan for a 7.  ________journey.
the way to buy tickets online after getting tickets online,you’d better ask airline to assign you a seat on the 8.  ________.
the best 9.  ________to avoid problems 10.  ________everything you want to take for your journey.
答案:1. tips/instructions 2. problems 3. size 4. feeling/getting 5. board 6. number 7. safe 8. phone 9. way/method 10. list

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