

发布时间:2017-09-27 所属栏目:人教版六年级下册语文第二单元作文

一 : 人教版旧高中必修二第5单元作文:我和自信交朋友











二 : 人教版高中语文必修二文言文知识梳理(2)









一觞一咏(觞 意为“喝酒”)




少长咸集(少长 意为“少者、老者”)





















1. 以

(1) 介词,把。引以为流觞曲水

(2) 介词,因为。犹不能不以之兴怀

(3) 连词,用来。亦足以畅叙幽情

2. 于

(1) 介词,引出动作的处所。会于会稽山阴之兰亭

(2) 介词,引出动作的对象。当其欣于所遇

(3) 介词,对或在。暂得于己

(4) 介词,到。终期于尽


(1) 动词,作为,当作。引以为流觞曲水

(2) 动词,成为。已为陈迹


(1) 结构助词,的。暮春之初/会于会稽山阴之兰亭/虽无丝竹管弦之盛

(2) 助词,定语后置的标志。仰观宇宙之大

(3) 助词,主谓之间取消句子独立性。夫人之相与/不知老之将至

(4) 动词,到,往。及其所之既倦

(5) 代词,它。感慨称系之矣/犹不能不以之兴怀


















引以为流觞曲水 (引:疏导、引来 )










列坐其次(次 :指旁边)











(1)徘徊于斗牛之间:(古义:斗宿和牛宿,都是星宿名 今义:1种竞技方式)

(2)白露横江:(古义:白茫茫的水汽 今义:二十四节气之一)

(3)凌万顷之茫然:(茫然:古义:旷远的样子 今义:完全不知道的样子。凌:古:超越今:欺凌)






(2) 名词用作动词:







(4) 动词的使动用法:






①望七月既望(名词,农历每月十五) ②如 纵一苇之所如(动词,往)

望美人兮天一方(动词,眺望,远看) 如诉如泣(副词,像)

(3)虚 浩浩乎如冯虚御风(太空) (4)白白露横江(白色的,adj)

盈虚者如彼(指月缺) 不知东方之既白(发白,即天亮了)

(5)于 苏子与客泛舟游于赤壁之下(在,介词) (6)长抱明月而长终(永远,ady)

月出于东山之上(从,介词) 而卒莫消长也(增长,v)



(7)然 其声呜呜然(拟声词词尾,表状态) (8)歌歌窈窕之章(唱,v)

何为其然也(这样,代词) 歌曰(歌词,n)

倚歌而和之(歌曲的 声调或节拍,n)



(1) 连词,表转折:


(2) 连词,表修饰:倚歌而和之/自其不变者而观之

(3) 连词,表承接:正襟危坐而问客

(4) 连词,表并列: 侣鱼虾而友麋鹿


(1) 助词,的:月出于东山之上/哀吾生之须臾

(2) 助词,定语后置的标志:凌万顷之茫然

(3)助词,主谓之间取消句子独立性: 苟非吾之所有/吾与子之所共适

(4) 代词,它、它们:盖将自其变者而观之/耳得之而为声/取之无禁,用之不竭

3. 于



(2) 介词,从:月出于东山之上

(3) 介词,被:此非孟德之困于周郎者乎


(1) 语气词,表示疑问:此非盂德之困于周郎者乎/而又何羡乎

(2) 介词,在:相与枕藉乎舟中

(3) 形容词词尾:郁乎苍苍/浩浩乎如冯虚御风/飘飘乎如遗世独立


l.判断句 : 是造物者之无尽藏也(语气词“也”,表判断)


(1)何为其然也(“何”与“也”表疑问语气) (2)而今安在哉(语气词“哉”,表疑问语气)





(2)(其声)舞幽壑之潜蛟,(其声)泣孤舟之嫠妇(省略 “其声”)













而今安在哉?/ 何为其然也

5.被动句: 此非孟德之困于周郎乎?





































有碑仆道 名词,路、道路

师者,所以传道受业解惑也 名词,道理

于是废先王之道,焚百家之言,以愚黔首 名词,主张

何可胜道也哉 动词,说、讲

策之不以其道 名词,方法


盖其又深,则其至又加少矣 助词,有“大概”的意思

(补充)日初出大如车盖 名词,车盖

盖失强援,不能独完 连词,承接上文,表示原因,可译为“因为”“是因为“是由于”等

况刘豫州王室之胄,英才盖世 动词,超过,胜过


独其为文犹可识,曰“花山” 名词,文字

不以木为之者,文理有疏密 名词,纹理

属予作文以记之 名词,文章

文过饰非 动词,掩饰


至于颠覆,理固宜然 代词,如此,这样

吴广以为然 形容词,对、正确

有穴窈然 形容词词尾,“……的样子”

然视其左右,来而记之者已少 连词,表转折,但、但是


古之人观于天地、山川…不在也 (v.观察)


大王见臣列观(宫廷中的 楼台、宫殿)






以其乃华山之阳名之也 副词,表示判断,可译为“是”“就是”

君子不齿,今其智乃反不能及,何也 副词,竟,竟然,居然

良乃人,具告沛公 副词,于是

于是为长安君约车百乘,质于齐,兵乃出 副词,才



以其乃华山之阳名之也。 第三人称代词,它

而余亦悔其随之而不得极夫游之乐也。 第一人称代词,自己

则或咎其欲出者。 指示代词,指代“欲出者”,译作“那”

则其好游者不能穷也。 指示代词,指代“好游者”,译作“那些”






Ⅲ加强反问语气,相当于“难道”、“怎么” 。



(补充)③固定用法“何其” ,译作“多么”




1、其孰能讥之乎? (其??????乎:难道……吗?)

2、何可胜道也哉! (何??????哉:哪里……呢!)





②唐浮图慧褒始舍于其址 “于其址”作状语修饰限定动词“舍”,“在……”






三 : 人教版高中语文必修二文言文复习资料

四 : 高二(上)英语重点、难点、考点必练(现行人教版)

1.the old man       our guide.
 a.acted  b.undertook  as c.undertook  to  be  d.worked
2.-is the table free?   -sorry, it is already      .
 a.seated b.bought c.busy d.engaged
3.----did you wash it in hot water ?
   of course not . i’ m not ______  foolish .
 a.that   b.it     c. such   d. very
4.it is better to lose one's life than       .
 a.if you lose your spirit b.losing his spirit
 c.to lose one's spirit d.your spirit getting lost
5.in front of the farmhouse, they met a little boy        a branch to make a walking stick.
 a.who was working on b.that working at
 c.who worked at d.was working on
6.don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table ____ reach of little children.
a.into   b.without   c.within  d.with
7. michael never dreamt of _____ for him to be sent abroad very soon.
a.being a chance  b.there’s a chance  c.there to be a chance    there being a chance
8.his face seemed pale,for he just ____ a terrible dream and awoke.
a.made  b.lived     c.gave  d.dreamed
9. robert suggested lester ____ the construction of the new building.
a.to undertake  b.undertook carrying out  c.to undertake to carry out   d.undertake
10. we _____ the task of cleaning up the house.
a.understand    b.undergo    c.undertake   d.understimate
11. to everyone’s surprise, the fashionable young man _____ out to be a thief.
a) found  b.proved  c.put  d.turned
12. tom and his brother _____ some plans for acquiring land and starting in business as market gardeners.
a.busied with  b.engaged themselves  c.were engaged with   d.were engaged in
13. jim ___ to marry last week.
a.is engaged  b.was engaged   c.gets engaged  d.got engaged
14. to be frank,i don’t think that the carpets and curtains in your room ____ well.
a.fit   b.suit   c.match   d.go
15. the light was still on after mid-night in the room.he was ____ to know what was happening in it.
a.strange   b.curious   c.anxious    d.interesting
16. he _____ me to come to my party,but until it was over,he didn’t appear at all.
a.asked  b.told   c.promised   d.suggested
17. dong fangzhuo plays football very well.he is a _____ footballer.
a.satisfying   b.hoping   c.promising  d.inspiring
18. it’s ____ that the sick child needs food and sunshine.
a. evidently   b. obvious   c. apparently    d. plain
19. national day is _____ by seven days of holiday in our country.
a) congratulated  b. observed  c.held  d.cheered
20. the police observed the man______ the bank.
a.to enter  b. enters  c. entering  d. entered
21.  he ____ that it had turned cloudy.
a.observed   b. watched  c. felt   d.notice
22.  as there was not much chance to find good jobs in their hometown,many young men now tried to _____ their fortune in cities.
a.find  b.find out   c.seek   d.look at
23.  as time ____ , the theory proved correct.
a.went by   b.went down  c.went through  d.went over
24. truth develops through ____ between different views.
a. discuss  b. argue  c. debate   d. quarrel
25. it was ______ back home after the experiment.
a) not until midnight did hr go 
b) until midnight that he didn’t go
c) not until midnight that he went
d) until midnight when he didn’t go
26. he doesn’t respect his leader;and always does his work _____.
a) the right way  b.rhe other way around  c.another way around  d.under way
27. it won’t be long before we ____ a way to overcome the difficulties.
a.work out   b.make out   c.turn out   d.bring out
28. he had a strange ____ of making /to make his lessons lively and interesting.
a. mean  b. means   c. way   d. method
29. he worked out the maths problem with a different ___.
a. mean  b. means   c. way   d. method
30. try to finish it by all ____.
a. mean  b. means   c. way   d. method
31. wait till you are more _____.it’s better to be content than sorry.
a. inspired   b. inspiring  c. satisfied  d. satisfying
32. into october they tried to find that formula which would _____ the local people’s need of being an independent country.
a. wish  b. dislike   c. reduce    d. satisfy
33. her _____ face suggested she disliked the play.
a) disappointed  b. disappointing  c. satisfied  
d. satisfying  
34. famous _____ a writer,lu xun is well-known ____ chinese ______ his wonderfull works.
a.liked;for;as   b.for;to;as  c.as;to;for  d.to;as;for
35. do what you are told and don’t _____ me.
a.argue with   b.argue against  c.argue about  d.argue into

36. -----shall we have a talk with her and try to persuade her not to see a movie tonight?
-----there is no _____ talking to her.she never listens.
 a.good  b.value     c.point   d.worth
37. writing poetry is one of his many _____ .
a.gifts   b.talents  c.genius  d.wisdom
38. with drink and food _____ , the prisoner had to walk out of the cave where he was hiding.
a.run out  b.run out of  c.use up  d.using up
39. all the money he had had been ____,so he had to make a living by begging.
i. used up  b.taken up  c.stayed up  d.brought up
40. go on ____ the other exercise after you have finished this one.
i. to do  b.doing  c.with  d.to be doing
41. saddam hussein may _____ trial for crimes against humanity within the next few weeks.
ii. start out  b.go on  c.turn to  d.go out
42. ----______ we move the picture over there?do you think it’ll look better?
   -----i can’t agree with you more.
a. what you think  b.what if  c.evev if  d.only if
43.  i will lend you the book ____ i can remember who has borrowed it.
a. if only  b.only if  c.even of  as of
44.she can’t help ____ the house because she’s busy making a cake.
   a.to clean  b.cleaning  c.cleaned   d.being cleaned
45.when i handed the report to john,he said that george was the person _____ .
   a.to send   b.for sending  c.to send it to  d.for sending it to
46. the perpose of new technoiogies is to make life easier,_____ it more difficult.
a. not make  b. not to make  c.not making  d.do not make
47.wang tao was made ____ the dishes for a week as punishment.
a. to wash  b.washing  c.wash  d.to be washing
48.the chair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very comfortable to ____ .
  a.sit   b.sit on  c.be sit   d.be sit on
49.----the light in the office is still on.
  ----oh,i forgot ____ .
a. turning it off  b.turn it off  c.to turn it off  d.having turned it off
50. ----you were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
   ----well,now i regret ____ that.
  a.to do   b.to be doing  c.to have done  d.having done
51. in some parts of london , missing a bus means ______ for another hour .
   a.waiting  b.to wait    c. wait   d. to be waiting
52. we agreed ______ here but so far she hasn’t tuened up yet .
   a. having met   b. meeting   c. to meet    d. to have met
53. little jim should love _____ to the theatre this evening .
   a. to be taken   b. to take   c. being taken   d. taking
54. he gave me this strange object for my birthday and i don’t know _______ .
   a. it what to do with   b. what to do it with 
   c. what to do with it   d. to do what with it
55. she will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live.
   a. to have played   b. to play   c. to be played   d. to be playing

56. peter is my close friend , who can be ______ what he promises .
   a.relied on to do    b.relied to do   c.relied on doing  d.relying to doing
57. although the prices of tv set are ______ , he managed to make the manager ____ the price of
that tv set .
a. going up ; bring down  b. gone up ; go down
c .  going up ; brought down  d. going down ; bring up
58. the manager promised to keep me _______ of  how our business was going on .
   a. to be informed   b. on informing  c. informed   d. informing
59. ----- keep me informed ______ the latest news .
   ----ok .
    a. by   b. at   c. for   d. of
60. can you _____ what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind ?
a. connect    b. keep in touch with   c.  relate   d. join to
61. all the people  _____  at the party were his supporters .
    a. present   b. thankful   c. interested   d. important
62. let’s leave things as they are ______ , even though we may have a change later on .
   a.  present   b. presently   c. at present   d. for the present
63. the long speech given by that old professor  seemed ____ and endless . he felt so _____ that he nearly fell asleep .
    a. disappointed ; boring   b. disappointed ; bored
c. disappointing ; bored  d. disappointing ; boring
64. he was disappointed _____ her at home .
   a.of him not to find   b. not to find  c. not finding  d. with him not to find
65. they ______ in love at first sight . now , they ______ in love  with each other for nearly a month .
   a. were ; fell  b. fell ; were   c. were ; were  d. fell ; fell
66. ______ such a difficult problem , he didn’t know what to do .
   a. faced   b. facing   c. faced to   d. facing with
67. my mum dropped me off at elementary school , leaving me alone to _____ new challenges .
   a. offer   b. avoid   c. deal with    d. face with
68. he would give no _______ for his behaviour .
   a. reason    b. aim    c. cause    d. target
69. be ______ ; you can’t expect her to do all the work on her own .
    a. logical    b. honest   c. reasonable   d. sincere
70. the shopping center in the city was _______ as a result of a cigarette ,which shocked the whole country .
   a. burned down  b. turned down   c. turned up    d. taken in
71. would  you please ______ the light ? i can’t see much clearly . it is getting dark .
   a. switch off     b. switch on    c. turned off   d. take on
72. her happy look _____ that she has done well in the exam .
    a. presents    b. reflects    c. appears    d. seems
73. though van gogh formed his own painting style , we can still see the ______ of some famous french artist on his works .
    a. reflect    b. application    c. relation    d. influence
74. some students , who are addicted _____ the legend games , do not go to school at all .
   a. to play   b. to playing    c. playing   d. be playing
75. some of the members demanded to know why they had been kept _____ the true facts until they reached the present critical stage .
    a. in ignorance of    b. in the light of   c. in honour of     d. in view of
76. things that we’re facimg should be considered¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ _____ , so that we’ll deal with them well.
a.  on  all sides       b. on their side       c. on the side     d. by their side
77. they don’t have the best service , but i ¬¬¬¬_____ it because i love their food.
a.  like             b. tolerate            c. bear        d. stand
78. nothing can stop a _____ student ______ his mind to give up his studies.
a.  promised ; to change   b. promised ; changing  
 c. promising  ; changing    d. promising ; to change
79. anything that _______ mr. green interests me .
a. concerns    b. matters   c. importances  d. subjects
80. it’s not necessary for you to be ¬¬¬¬¬¬_______ about others’ business .
a. concern   b. concern yourself  c. concerning   d. concerned
81. all the preparations for the task ______ , and we are ready to start .
    a.  completed    b. complete    c. had been completed  d. have been completed 
82. she ____ her set for dishes by buying the cups and saucers .
   a. finished     b. ended   c. completed    d. closed
83.  is the story he told us a ________ one ?
   a. end    b. finish   c. stop    d. complete
84. he is so laxy that he has not _______ his homepage for over a year .
   a. updated   b. out of date   c. dated    d. up to date 
85. such animals as dinosaurs died out because they couldn’t ______ to the sudden change of the climate .
    a. suit   b. keep    c. adapt     d. switch 
86. i come to help you rather than _____ you .
    a. harm   b. harmed    c. harming     d. to harm
87. you did _____ carry my books for me that day . you changed my life .
   a. more than   b. better than   c. rather than   d. other than
88. the next day she found the man ______ in bed , dead .
   a.  lying      b. lie   c. lay    d. laying
89. the speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself ______ .
    a. hear   b. to hear   c. hearing   d. heard
90. i thought her nice and honest _______ i met her .
    a. first time   b. for the first time  c. the first time   d. by the first time
91. i watched the film the lord of the ring (<指环王>)last night. seldom _____ such a good film .
   a. i did see   b. have i seen   c. have seen i    d. i saw
92. i’m looking forward with keen anticipation ____ with you and your colleagues .
   a. on work   b. to work   c. on working   d. to working
93. mrs. green’s car ran into a large tree and she _____ in the accident .
   a. got badly hurt    b. was injured badly  c. got badly wounded  d. was wounded badly
94. he is brave , hard-working and kind , so he was selected _____ monitor of our class .
   a. as a   b. to be the    c. a     d. 不填
95. ----- have you ______ what you want to eat ?
   -----not yet .
    a. chosen    b. elected   c. selected   d. choosed
96. on new year’s eve , new york city holds an outdoor _____ witch attracts a crowd of a million or more people .
   a. incident     b. event    c. case     d. affair
97. a lot of precious book have been _____ .
a. stolen     b. robbed     c. robbing    d. stealing
98. i wonder what difficulty he had _____ the plan .
a. to carry out   b. carrying out   c. carried out    d. with carrying out
99. ----what a mess ! tom , who did this to make the room so dirty ?
   -----_____ , at least , it’s not my fault . you know , i was just back from school .
a.  at once    b. once in a while   c. for once   d. once again 
100. the rescue team made every ______ to find the missing mountain climber .
a.  force      b. energy    c. effort     d. possibility
101. great attention must be paid ______ education , especially in the countryside .
   a. develop    b. to develop   c. to developing    d. developing
102. the ______ of blood always makes him feel sick .
a. sight   b. look    c. view    d. scene 
103. _______ she is young , she knows quite a lot things .
    a. when    b. however   c. although   d. unless
104. ______ , he doesn’t study well .
   a. as he is clever    b. clever as he is  c. he is as clever   d. as clever he is
105. nobody believed him _______ what he said .
a. even if   b. in spite    c. no matter    d. contrary to
106. the olympic games , _______ in 776bc , did not include women players until 1912 .
a. first playing    b. to be first played   c. first played  d. to be first playing
107. cleaning women in big cities usually get ______ by the hour .
a. pay   b. paying    c. paid    d. to pay
108. from his ______ look on his face , the price of meat must have risen .
a. disappointed     b. disappointing      c. satisfied    d. satisfying
109. the little boy ______ by his father left home last night .
a. having been scolded    b. to be scolded   c. scolded    d. who has been scolded
110. the film was so ______ that all of us were ______ to tears .
a. moved ; moving    b. moving ; moved   c. moving ; moving  d. moved ; moved
111. -----why are you looking so sad , tom ?
-----the football match ______ for tomorrow will not be held .
a. planned   b. planning   c. to plan   d. to be planned
112. rather than ______ on a crowded bus , he always prefers ______ a bicycle .
a. ride ; ride  b. riding ; ride    c. ride ; to ride   d. to ride ; riding
113. ----- which would you prefer ______ , tea or coffee ?
-----_______. i’m not thirsty . thanks anyway .
a. better ; neither   b. best ; both   c. more ; none   d. 不填 ; neither
114. the speech by the mayor of shanghai before the final voting for expo XX is strongly impressed ______ my memory .
   a. to   b. over   c. by   d. on
115. he______  a design on cloth . what a beautiful design !
   a. pressed    b. impressed   c. put   d. placed
116. it is the people who _______ history .
    a. create    b. invent    c. discover    d. find
117. seeing her lovely daughter running towards her , the young mother’s heart _____ tenderness and happiness .
    a. was filled of   b. was full with   c. was filled with   d. was full by
118. he had a great idea that one should ______ whatever one had begun .
   a. insist on   b. stick to   c. stick out    d. stick with
119. maria has made her decision , and she is determined to _____ it .
    a. make   b. stick    c. stick to    d. carry on
120. it is wise to have some money ____ for old age .
    a. put away   b. kept up    c. given away   d. laid out

121. let harry play with your toys sa well , clare---you must learn to _______ .
     a. support    b. care    c. spare    d. share
122. the oranges tasted ______ , so i bought a lot .
    a. well     b. good    c. badly    d. wonderfully
123. pop music is liked by many people , but it is not _______ everyone’s taste .
     a. with    b. in    c. on    d. to
124. the book _______ the soup . it _______ delicious .
     a. tasted ; tasted    b. is tasted ; is tasted   b. tasted ; was tasted  d. is tasted ; tastes
125. come over and have a chat with mie whenever ______ .
   a. you will be convenient      b. it will be convenient
   c. you are convenient         d. it is convenient to you
126. you past your test , _____ !
a. fantastic    b. cheer up    c. happy    d. ineresting
127. he doesn’t have enough  money to buy a house . that’s why he is going to _____ a room for himself not far from his office .
a. hire   b. build   c. supply    d. rent
128. i am not his equal ______ english .
a. with    b. in    c. to      d. for
129. he doesn’t seem equal _____ our demands .
a. to meet    b. to meeting   c. in meeting   d. in meet
130. it’s hard for me to imagine what i would be doing today if i _______ in love , at the age of seven , with the melinda cox library in my hometown .
   a.wouldn’t have fallen   b. had not fallen   c. should fall   d. were to fall
131. if i ever decided to quit , then nothing my parents or my coaches _____ say _____ change my mind . it’s my life , not theirs .
a. could ; would   b. could ; should   c. would ; must   d. would ; should
132. _____ be sent to work there ?
   a. who do you suggest   b. who do you suggest that should
   c. do you suggest who should   d. do you suggest whom should
133. january asked me to take my problem to the oerson ______ can help me .
a. whom i think   b. i think who   c. who i think   d. whoever i think
134. the village is far away from here indeed . it’s ______ walk .
a. a four hour    b. a four hour’s   c. a four—hours   d. a four hours’
135. his job is to sell the _______ carvings (雕) in the _____ department of the company .
a. wooden ; sales   b. wood ; sales     c. wood ; sale     d. wooden ; sale
136.----- mum , it is nice weather . i want to skate this afternoon .
   -----don’t you think the ice on the lake is too thin to ______ your weight ?
   a. stand    b. bear    c. catch    d. take
137.----- do you like ______ in public ?
   ------i don’t think so . it makes me nervous .
   a. to be glared    b. being glared    c. to be looked    d. being stared at
138. the two men stood ____ angrily at each other , while the crowd looked on with amusement .
   a. staring   b. glaring    c. glancing    d. seeing
139. there are several people interested in your new plan , _____ mr jones and dr simpson .
   a. that is    b. for an example     c. like     d. included
140. the old woman’s son ______ all her financial affairs .
a. does with   b. looks after   c. looks at     d. deals with
141. ----i felt very bad these days . ------ oh , you should ______ your  body .
   a. build up   b. look at     c. think    d. take care
142. reading is to the mind ______ food  is to the body .
   a. what     b. that    c. which    d. of which
143. _______ monitor of our class , little mike decided to ______ his classmates hear and soul .
a. serving as ; serve      b. serving as ; serve as
c. serving ; serve as      d. serving ; serve
144. ---you look upset . anything wrong ?
---i failed in the physics exam again ____ all the efforts i made .
a. in spite of    b. because of    c. but for   d. as to
145. a good student must ______ what he reads _____ what he sees around him .
a. connect ; to   b. join ; to    c. connect ; with    d. join ; with
146. countries all over the world are _______ with computer .
a. joined   b. connected    c. taken      d. related
147. little tom doesn’t have to be  made _____ . he always works hard .
a. learn    b. to learn    c. learning     d. learned
148. he is made ______ monitor of our class .
a. a    b. the   c. one    d. 不填
149. the company has _____ a new branch in wales .
a. look up    b. changed    c. set up      d. set out
150. it is time for supper now . please ______ your books aside so that we can use the table for supper .
    a. take    b. bring   c. set    d. carry
151. ----good morning . can i help you ?
   -----i’d like to have this package _____, madam .
   a. be weighed    b. to be weighed    c. to weigh    d. weighed
152. having passed all the tests , she felt a great weight ______ off  her mind .
   a. taking    b. taken    c. take    d. to be taken
153. the murderer was brought in , with his hands ______ behind .
   a. tied    b. tying    c. to tie     d. being tied
154. china has been developing rapidly since its foundation ,but as is known to us , she is still a country _____ the third world .
    a. belongs to     b. belonged to    c. belonging to   d. to belong to
155. when asking how to improve listening , he was ______ to listen more . the more , the better . which is wrong ?
     a. advised    b. suggested     c. recommended   d. required
156. everyone gave five pence as a contribution ______ the famine relief fund .
    a. at    b. on     c. to      d. over
157. the boy is just stupid ; i can’t ______ to him at all , even when i explain things in words of one syllable(音节).
   a. see through   b. look through     c. go through    d. get through
158. what you said just now _____ me of that american professor .
   a. mentioned    b. informed    c. reminded    d. memorized
159. i’m standing out ______ his idea ; i’m standing out _____ my own .
   a. for ; as   b. from ; against    c. for ; against     d. against ; for
160. the hat stood out ______ its strange shape .
    a. as    b. from   c. because of    d. against 
161. he _____ into the habit of smoking at the age of sixteen .
   a. formed    b. came    c. threw      d. fell
162. when he ________ basketball , his sister usually ______ a volleyball by the court .
    a. plays ; plays with   b. plays with ; plays  c. plays ; plays  d. plays with ; plays with
163. with the development of socialist construction , our country will ______ mor and more advanced technology and management from abroad .
    a. lead   b. bring   c. introduce   d. result
164. “why ! it’s you !” catherine said . her face _____ ..
   a. lighted up    b. turned up   c. took up   d. brought up
165. the old lady is seriously ill ,and we have to ______ a doctor .
   a. send in   b. send for   c. send off   d. see off
166. ______ them , i had no one to talk to .
  a. take apart   b. set apart   c. fall apart    d. apart from
167. he ______ for weeks , so he had a lot of work _____ .
  a. was absence ; make b. was absent ; make up c. had absence ; make out d. had absent ; make
168. the sound of happy laughter ____ memories of his childhood .
    a. called for    b. called on   c. called at   d. called up
169. _____ with the size of the whole earth , the biggest ocean doesn’t seen big at all .
   a. compare   b. when comparing    c. comparing   d. when compared
170. i have worked with him for some time and have found that he is ______ than john .
   a. more efficiently a worker    b. a more efficient worker
   c. more an efficient worker     d. a worker more efficiently

171. yao ming has ____ just size . he can play skillfully .
    a. more than   b. no more than   c. not more than  d. much more than
172. ____ it ____ or not , i will go to attend the conference on time .
  a. if ; rains   b. whether ; rains   c. if ; will rain  d. whether ; will rain
173. it make no difference _____ he comes or not .
  a. if    b. that    c. when    d. whether
174. the chair is comfortable to _____ .
   a. sit   b. sitting   c. sit on    d. be sitting
175. if the building project ______ by the end of this month is delayed , the construction company will be fined .
   a. being completed   b. is completed  c. to be completed  d. completed
176. in front of our house stand a lot of tall trees , the _____ of which give welcome _____ .
a. shadows ; shade  b. shadows ; shadows  c. shade ; shade  d. shade ; shadows
177. on the east of the city _____ a collection of  high buildings , which has been built up since i live here .
    a. stand   b. stands   c. are stood  d. is standing
178. after he retired , the general lived ______ in a small village in his hometown , but he didn’t feel _______ .
    a. lonely ; alone   b. lonely ; lonely  c. alone ; lonely  d. alone ; alone
179. we have published lots of books .this year ______ we’ve done three million .
    a. only   b. just   c. alone   d. merely
180. _____ , mother will wait for him to have dinner together .
    a. however late is he   b. however late he is
    c. however is he late   d. however he is late
181. ---do you believe me ?  ----yes . i will believe ______ you say .
  a. however    b. no matter how   c. whatever   d. no matter what
182. ______ social reform aroused elizabeth williams’ enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the united states .
   a. no    b. nothing   c. not   d. none
183. she does better in it not only than ______ in her own class but also than ______ in mine .
   a. any other student ; any student   b. anybody ; anybody else
   anybody ; anybody      d. the other ; others
184. the president hu jintao called ____the people of our country to fight bravely against sars .
a. off    b. on    c. back    d. out
185. someone _____ me last night , but he hung up before i could answer the phone . which of the following answers is wrong ?
    (1) called    (2)rang    (3) called up    (4) rang up  (5)telephoned  (6)phoned
    (7)gave a phone call to  (8)made a telephone call to  (9)phoned up
    a. (9)      b. (4)        c. (6)     d. (8)
186. ----what time would you like me to _______ this evening for the concert ?
    ----i think 6:30 will be ok .
     a. pick up you   b. call you for   c. call on you   d. come for you
187. the new law will come into _____ on the day it is passed .
     a. effect     b. use    c. service   d. existence
188. if there were no examinations ,we should have ______ at school .
    a. the happiest time b. a more happiest time  c. much happier time d. a much happier time
189. ______ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day .
    a. what a fun   b. what fun    c. how funny   d. how a fun
190. _____ the speech , there will be a few minutes for questions .
    a. to follow   b. follow   c. following   d. followed
191. ----as you are getting a better job , you’ll be paid more .
   -----no, that doesn’t necessarily _____ .
    a. come   b. take    c. follow   d. mean
192. ----excuse me , but can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital ?
    ----just ______ your nose and you’ll get there soon .
   a. blow     b. follow    c. keep     d. count
193. you’d better ____ more clothes , _____ you’ll catch a cold .
    a. dress ; and    b. put on ; or   c. have on ; but  d. wear ; so
194. you ought to have put ______ some amount of money for a rainy day .
   a. down   b. aside   c. up   d. on
195. she was trying to make a final statement , but people kept _____ her speech by shouting .
   a. taking out  b. putting of   c. giving up    d. getting along
196. no matter how frequently ______ , the works of beethoven (贝多芬) always sttracts large audiences .
    a. performing    b. performed   c. be performed   d. perform
197. _____ in thought , he almost ran into the car in front of him .
    a. losing   b. having lost   c. lost    d. to lose
198. _____ up in the village as a child , mr gao offers ________ fifty thousant yuan to the primary school to help build a classroom building .
a. brought ; to contribute  b. having been brought ;contributing
c. having brought ; to contribute   d. to be brought ; contributing
199. the research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it .
a. begins   b. having begun   c. beginning   d. begun
200. students should be encouraged to finish their homework ______ .
a. of themselves   b. of their own  c. for their own  d. on their own
201. the difference between tom and mike lies in how they ______ their spare time . once it is made full use of , the result will be quite different .
a. take    b. cost     c. employ     d. spend
202. there ______ an old temple on the hill . can you see it ?
a. lies     b. lying    c. stands     d. standing
203. it is possible that one day we will ______ disability , so we shouldn’t look down upon the disabled .
a. end up with   b. put up with  c. come up with  d. catch up with
204. at present ____ large number of people ______ the worst danger from automobiles _____ accidents and not pollution .
a. a;thinks;are  b.a;think;is  c.the;think;are   d.the;thinks;is
205. the number of people invited _____ fifty , but a number of them _____ absent for different reasons.
a. were ; was   b. was;was   c. was ; were  d. were ; were
206. the cookies were all ______ stars .
   a. in form of    b. in forms of    c. in the form of  d. in form
207. people _______ like her , although sometimes she annoys them .
a. in generally   b. general    c. in general   d. in a general
208. over-heating development might have bad ______ on the national economy .
a. cause     b. influence     c. result    d. factor
209. my parents considered my friend to be a bad _______ on me .
a. effort    b. influence    c. affect     d. result
210. honestly speaking , it is my teacher’s _______ that made me finally take up my present career as a biology researcher .
a. advantage    b. influence    c. taste     d. guard
211. what _______ do you have for this judgement .
a. basis   b. base    c. basic    d. case
212. when karl marx was forced to leave his native country and come to england , he then made london the ______ for his revolutionary work .
    a. basis     b. homeland    c. base     d. foundation
213. ______ from his accent , he must be ______ america .
   a. judged ; from   b. to judge ; of   c. judging ; from   d. judging ; of
214. _____ from the number of cars , he thought , there were not many people at the club yet .
   a. to judge   b. judged   c. judging    d. having judged
215. when is the best time to _______ my employer about an increase in salary ?
   a. arrive at    b. get to   c. reach   d. approach
216. i’d like to take ______ of this opportunity to thank you for your help .
    a. care    b. chance    c. advantage    d. use 
217. he was a much older tennis player but he had the great ______ of experience .
    a. interest    b. benefit    c. profit    d. advantage
218. he doesn’t believe you are innocent , _______ ?
    a. are you    b. aren’t you      c. does he      d. doesn’t he
219. ---- the boys are not doing a good job at all , are they ?
   -----__________ .
   a. i guess not so  b. i don’t guess  c. i don’t guess so   d. i guess not
220. i thought i might be transferred but ______ it is i shall have to look for a new job .
   a. to   b. with    c. as     d. for
221. the world is _____ seven continents and four oceans .
   a. made up of   b. made out of    c. made from   d. made in
222. such good use has been ______ his spare time _______ his english has improved a lot .
   a. made of ; that    b. made of ; as  c. made in ; that  d. found in ; as
223. the country is an island one _____ the south coast .
   a. away    b. from   c. off    d. out of 
224. some birds fly _____ in winter and some stay in the north .
   a. south    b. the south   c. in the south   d. to south
225.-----is your brother a reporter ?  ----- yes . he is ____ china dalian .
   a. in     b. from     c. at     d. on
226. -----our holiday cost a lot of money .
    ----did it ? well , that doesn’t matter _____ you enjoyed yourselves .
    a. as well as   b. as good as   c. as far as    d. as long as
227. john plays football ______ , if not better than , david .
    a. as well    b. as well as   c. so well   d. so well as
228. the great wall winds its way from west to east , _____ deserts , ______ mountains , _____ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea .
 a. over ; across ; across b. through ; past ; past c. across ; over ; through d. past ; through ; over 
229. i have been to beijing twice ,but i still want to go there ______ >
a. a third time   b. the third time   c. a third times   d. the third times
230. india , which is one member of the united ______ ,is a developing _____ with the second largest population in the world .
      a. states ; state  b. nations ; country  c. countries ; nation   d. nations ; state
231. we thought of selling this old furniture , but we’ve ecided to _____ it . it might be valuable .
   a. hold on to  b. keep up with   c. turn to   d. look after
232. be careful when you cross this very busy street .if not , you may _____ run over by a car .
   a. have   b. get   c. become    d. turn
233. we are _____ water . we’d better store some .
   a. running out  b. running out of   c. run out   d. run out of
224. ______ , i lost heart in english learning , but my teacher often said to me , “keep on working hard ; you’ll succeed ______ .”
  a. at a time ; in time b. at a time ; on time  c. at one time ; in time  d. at one time ; on time
225. you’ll find this map of great _____ in helping you to get around london .
   a. price    b. cost   c. value    d. usefulness
226. most animals have little connection with ______ animals of _____ different kind unless they kill them for food .
   a. the ; a    b. / ; a    c. the ; the      d. / ; the
227.--- how many parts is the bed _____ wood ______ ?
   ----three separate parts .
a. made of ; made up of  b. made from ; made up
c. making of ; making up   d. making from ; making up od
228._____ at least a score of buildings will be built soon .
    a. it hopes    b. it is hoped that  c. we are hoped   d. it is wished that
229. _____ that he has returned home for one month .
   a. it is said   b. it said   c. it was said   d. it says
230. sometimes we are asked _____ the likely result of an action will be .
   a. that we think    b. what we think  c. what do we think  d. that what we think

231. go and get your coat . it’s _____ you left it .
   a. there   b. where   c. there where    d. where there
232. the difficulty we now meet with is ______ we can persuade him to tell the truth .
a. that   b. what   c. how   d. why
233. after five hours’ drive , they reached ______ they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of .
    a. that   b. where    c. which    d. what
234. the scientific exploration team was led by the _____ engineer .
    a. major    b. main    c. chief    d. most
235. the bell _____ the end of the period rang , _____ our heated discussion .
   a. indicating ; interrupting   b. indicated ; interrupting
   c. indicating ; interrupted    d. indicated ; interrupted
236. the lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ______ .
    a. 20 dollars remained     b. 20 dollars to remain
b. remained  20 dollars  d. remaining 20 dollars
237. although she received a lot of money , she ______ sad because she could never see her son
again .
   a. continued    b. went on    c. remained    d. kept on
238. ----why do these photos look so ______ ?
----the film was not ______ in the right way .
a. black ; washed  b. dark ; developed  c. bad ; printed  d. wrong ; worked
239. to ensure him ______ danger , we’ll take on another bodyguard .
a. for   b. against   c. at    d. out
240. the ______ and _____ policy has brought us chinese people a rich and colourful life .
a. reform ; the open   b. reforms ; the open  c. reform ; open  d. reforms ; open
241. look ! there ____ only ____ goods on the shelf .
a. is ; two pieces of  b. is ; two piece of  c. are ; two pieces of  d. are ; two piece of
242. it’s a deadly _____ victory ,one for which many lives were lost .
a. lead to    b. instead of   c. result as   d. purchase
243. she arrives every day at five , _____ .
a. how good she os   b. it is surprised 
c. regular as clockwork   d. that’s nice
244. he was asked many times to join the party , but he always ______ .
   a. went the distance   b. in the distance   c. kept his distance  d. keep him at a distance
245. a _____ cousin of mine has come to see me from a _____ village .
   a. distance ; distant   b. distants ; far  c. distance ; far away  d. distant ; away
246. that man is really bad ! he _____ her wife , he not only always shouts  to her but also fights with her .
    a. beat    b. is in love with   c. cheats him of   d. cheats on
247. jim’s father was accused of ______ at cards , but in fact not .
   a. good   b. playing   c. cheating  d. winning
248. the house is too old , it requires _____ .
   a. to repair    b. repaired   c. repairing   d. repair
249. i have all that is  ____ by law .
a. important   b. needed   c. told   d. required
250. nowhere in nature is aluminum found free ,owing to its always _____ with other elements , most commonly with oxygen .
a. combined  b. having combined   c. combine   d. being combined
251. as i’ll be away for at least a year, i’d appreciate _______ from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along.
a. hearing  b. to hear  c. to be hearing  d. having heard
252. he has been keeping _____ with her for more than two years.
a. company     b. compare   c. compass    d.compose
253. the hospital building ______ has been delayed by lack of money.
a. plan    b. program    c. project    d. sketch
254. be careful when  you cross this very busy street. if not , you may _______ run over by a car.
a. have    b. get   c. become   d. turn
255. he has been fired and will have to ______ over charge of his office tomorrow.
a. take   b. hand    c. get    d. go
256. you can eat food free in my restaurant _____ you like .
a. whenever   b. wherever   c. whatever    d. however
257. ________ david says sounds right to helen. that’s why  she has made up her mind to leave him  ______  happens.
   a. whatever; whatever    b. no matter what; whatever
   c. no matter what; no matter what    d. whatever; however
258. _____ we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister.
    a. whatever    b. however   c. whenever    d. whichever
259. _____ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctor’s help to end her life.
    a. having given up hope of cure    b. with no hope for cure
    c. there being hope for cure       d. in the hope of cure
260. ______ two exams to worry about ,i have to work really hard this weekend.
     a. with       b. besides     c. as for    d. be4cause of      
261. some of the houses on the hillside are ______ to cares.
   a. inaccessible    b. impossible  c. inconvenient   d. inadequate
262. the secret of his success is that he does everything ______.
   a. efficiently    b. curiously   anxiously    d. sufficiently
263. what surprises me most is that the ______ is also a(an) ______.
   a. visiter;inventer   b. viviter;inventor  c. visitor;inventer  d. visitor; inventor
264. after the rain, you should get down ______ the room.
   a.to repair   b. repair  c. repairing  d. to repairing
265. great attention should be paid to _____ the education.
   a. develop     b. developed   c. developing   d. being developed
266. the professor _____ in the letter is from shanghai.
    a. referred    b. referred to  c. referring    d. referring to
267.experts _____ what the weather will be like tomorrow.
   a. forecast    b. predict   c. prove   d. broadcast
268. i usually listen to the weather ______ , though i have little faith in it.
   a. broadcast   b. prediction   c. forecast   d. announcement
269. everyone passes the exam except tom, so he feels _____ .
   a. tiny   b. little   c. small  d. few
270. we are going on a _____ to shanghai.
   a. journey   b. travel   c. tour   d. trip
271. he was a heavy smoker. i _____ him to give up smoking but he just wouldn’t listen to me.
   a. suggested   b. tried to persuade  c. persuaded   d. managed
272.the fire in the hotel broke out at midnight and spread quickly ,but everyone ______ to escape from being burned or killed.
    a. was able to   b. tried   c. failed   d. succeeded to
273. though _______ money . his parents managed to send him to university .
     a. lacked    b. lacking of    c. lacking    d. lacked in
274. i’m sorry . we’re ______ that kind of trousers . would you come back next week ?
    a. short    b. lacking   c. in need    d. short of
275. i don’t think peter is too young to take care of the pet dog ______ .
    a. correctly    b. properly     c. exactly    d. actively
276. it was late . he wondered whether it would be ________ to knock at the door of her room.
    a. proper    b. better    c. interesting    d. disappointed
277. it’s very _______ that every time i try to ride a bicycle , i fell off.
    a. discouraged     b. discouraging    c. discouragement    d. being discouraged
278. -----he’s no use at all.    ----- ______, i have found him a great deal of use.
    a. cenerally speaking   b. believe it or not   c. first of all  d. on the contrary
279. we are told that “not” and “cold” are ______ terms.
    a. contrary    b. similar    c. same    d. different
280. because we were sailing ______ the wind ,we had great difficulty in getting to the opposite bank.
     a. with   b. against    c. by   d. at
281. you’d better put away some money for old age . that is to say , to save money ______ a rainy day.
    a. by   b. before    c. at     d. against
282. ----- i’d like a table for six .
   -----sorry, sir, but we  don’t have any tables _______ right now .
   a. unable     b. suitable    c. comfortable   d. available
283. watching some professional videos in google’s index _______ free software ______ at http://video.google.com.
   a. provide ; useful    b. requires ; available  c. provides ; useful  d. requires ; useful
284. it ______ the old woman to have her young  neighbour  visit her .even she was very happy for a whole day.
   a. cheered    b. bored    c. troubled    d. comforted
285. he is ______ in his mind , so he is popular with us .
    a. cheerful     b. merry    c. glad    d. joyful
286. _______ such heavy pollution already , it may now be too late to clean up the river .
    a. having suffered   b. suffering    c. to suffer     d. suffered
287. ---tom , please don’t watch too much tv . it’s a waste of time . how about doing something ________ instead ?
   --- ok , mom , i’ll turn off it right now .
   a. comfortable    b. interesting    c. meaningful    d. good
288. in the history of chinese revolutionary , taierzhuang battle was a ______ battle in which both sides suffered heavy losses .
      a. fierce     b. strong     c. hot     d. peaceful
289. the team _____ its lead in the second half .
     a. recovered    b. restored    c. recuperated     d. remained
290. --- what about the protection ?
    --- let’s keep the surface ______ dirty by putting a cover over it .
   a. far from   b. free from    c. apart from    d. away from
291. she uses wit with ______ effect .
    a. deal    b. deadness   c. deadly    d. dying
292. in february XX some people got ______ with a strange disease and died eith in a month .
    a. infect   b. infecting    c. infected    d. to be infected
293. violent crime is one of the most serious ______ of modern society .
    a. illnesses     b. diseases    c. sickness    d. pains
294. the smiths were not rich , but they ______ to send their two daughters to collages .
    a. tried    b. managed    c. attempted     d. failed
295. all of _______ sudden , i caught ______ sight of my english teacher in the crowd , smiling to me . i calmed down .
    a. a ; 不填   b. a ; a   c. 不填 ; a    d. 不填 ; 不填
296. i don’t understand what you’re talking about . would you ______ a little ?
   a. explain you     b. express you     c. explain yourself    d. express yourself
297. every time stephen _______ ,he pulled over more of the bedclothes to his side .
   a. rolled back    b. rolled in     c. rolled over     d. rolled up
298. the college student ,majoring in ______ engineering , is changing an ______ lamp in his home .
   a.  electricity ; electronic       b. electric ; electricity 
   c. electrical ; electric           c. electronic ; electrical
299. we are lucky to be among the generation of people who have _______ and experienced the great social changes in our country .
   a. reported    b. appreciated    c. impressed     d. witnessed
300. barking dogs do not _______ .
    a. bite    b. eat    c. sleep    d. drink
301. you can’t waste your youth on the ______ .
     aaaaa> contrary     b. other hand    c. loose    d. moment
302. take an umbrella ______ it rains .
    a. in any case   b. in case   c. because    d. for
303. she turned up the radio to _____ out the noise of the traffic .
    a. cover   b. drown     c. flood    d. innudate
304. how much overseas ______ does britain give ?
   a. help   b. assist    c. aid    d. favour
305. we should treasure our friends by ________ their aid when they are in trouble .
   a. going to   b. turning to   c. dropping to    d. failing to
306. attention , please . and keep _______ when i am taking a photograph of you .
   a. calm   b. quiet   c. still    d. silent
307. he is so kind a boy that he often _________ his mother clean the table , even the furniture .
   a. aided    b. helped     c. assisted     d. offered
308. -----are you going to the football game ?
    ----no,the tickets are ______ more expensive for me .
    a. highly     b. hardly     c. slightly     d. nearly
309. if tim carries on working like that , he’ll ______ sooner or later .
    a. turn out     b. keep out    c. hold out   d. wear out
310. tom _____ the waitress for her good service .
    a. pays     b. costs    c. affords    d. tips
311. if you want to be successful in the end ,you should study hard from ______ to toe .
    a. beginning    b. tip    c. starting    d. head
312. in that terrible rebellion , a great many houses were set _____ , most of which were burnt ______ the ground .
    a. fire ; 不填     b. a fire ; on    c. fire to ; to    d. on fire ; down
313. washington , a state in the united states , was named ______ one of the greatest american presidents .
     a. in honour of    b. instead of     c. in favor of    d. by means of
314. it was so easy and _______ so reasonable .
    a. in a way   b. in the way    c. in this way   d. by the way 
315. that contagious disease was turning the town upside down . the government was taking measures to help people _______ their minds off it .
     a. reduce    b. put    c. throw    d. take
316. he gave an answer ______ her question , “you will answer _____ your violent behaviour in court .”
   a. for ; to   b. to ; for   c. for ; for   d. to ; to
317. the audience ______ their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope .
   a. lose    b. hold    c. keep     d. stop
318. i didn’t see your sister at the meeting .if she _____, she would have met my brother .
    a. has come    b. did come  c. came   d. had come
319. if it _______ tomorrow , we ______ at home .
   a. rained ; would stay   b. rained ; stayed  c. would rain ; rained   d. will rain ; will stay
320. before suing the machine ,you must ______ carefully to these instructions .
    a. join     b. join in    c. take part in    d. attend
321. since no one else has volunteered ,shella will be _______ food for the trip .
    a. responsible to supply   b. responsible for supplying
    c. the responsible person to supply    d. responsible to the
322. ----but , mr taylor , your suggestions don’t seem to be ______ the aims of the project .
    ----maybe they should make some changes to their project .
   a. in honor of    b. according to   c. satisfied with    d. in harmony with
323. she was chosen to be the first secretary of the state government and has regular and immediate _____ to the president.
    a. control    b. opportunity   c. access     d. effect
324. generally speaking , it is ______ easy to blame students when something does go wrong , which , in fact , may hurt their pride deeply .
    a. all too   b. none too    c. too only    d. too much
325. ----- anything to ______ ?
    ----yes, enough must be done before to ______ any possible accident .
    a. say ; stopping    b. mention ; keeping   c. remind ; control  d. stress ; prevent
326. the _____ is on the first syllable .
    a. hit    b. heavy    c. stress     d. stick
327. the government has promised to _____ on the energy crisis .
a. take place   b. take turns    c. take action    d. take part
328. the teacher ______ with an eraser what she had written on the board .
a. cleared out    b. wiped out     c. washed out    d. put out
329. i can’t afford a lawyer so i shall ______ myself .
a. recommend     b. affect     c. predict     d. defend
330. i have no _____ but to go .
a. way    b. alternative     c. method     d. means
331. the study was carried out in one small town so we can’t be sure that the results are truly ______ .
a. proper     b. exact     c. representative    d. natural
332. tim , you should priefly ______ the main arguments before the voting .
a. prevent     b. identify     c. observe      d. summarize
333. it’s only a small disagreement ---let’s not make a (an ) ________ of it .
a. matter    b. thing    c. issue      d. problem
334. the great ______ today is whether there will be war or peace . which one is wrong ?
a. threat    b. problem    c. issue    d. concern
335. he gave me a book as a present , whose title is an introduction ______ english grammar .
a. of   b. by    c. to     d. for
336. parents’ words have a great _______ on me . i decide to make every _______ to learn english well .
a. effect ; effect   b. effect ; effort   c. effort ; effort   d. affect ; effect
337. that rich woman is tired of city life ,so she is _______ to live in the country .
a. afraid    b. unwilling      c. content      d. tiring
338. no one _______ the building without the permission of the police .
a. is leaving   b. is to leave   c. has left   d. will be leaving
339. ----why haven’t you bought any butter ?
   ---- i _______ to but i forgot about it .
a. liked    b. wished   c. meant  d. expected
340. ----do you think the stars will beat the bulls ?
----yes . they have better players , so i _______ them to win .
a. hope    b. prefer     c. expect     d. want
341. if a film is ________ ,it could _______ a child .
a. frightened ; frighten    b. frightening ; be frightened
c. frightened ; be frightening    d. frightening ; frighten
342. from the _______ look on her face , i know it must be due to the ______ film .
a. terrified ; terrifying      b. terrified ; terrified
c. terrifying ; terrified      d. terrifying ; terrifying
343. when he was trying to break into the bank , the thief was caught ______ .
a. in a spot   b. on the spot   c. on this spot   d. in the spots
344. they urged that the library ________ during the vacation .
a. be kept open    b. would be kept opening  c. to be kept opened  d. was open kept
345. the other day , we saw an accident on the road .jack ran for a doctor immediately ; ______ i stayed with the wounded person .
a.  therefore     b. meanwhile   c. so     d. however
346. in the evening , he ______ in his book .
a. reads him    b. reads himself    c. buries him    buries himself
347. ________ the airport , he was arrested by the police .
a. as soon as arriving   b. upon he arrived   c. on arriving  d. upon arrival at
348. he reads the children a story to ______ them _______ .
a. calm ; down    b. take ; down   c. get ; down   d. put ; down
349. the soldiers were ordered to shoot the enemy ______ .
a. on sight   b. in sight    c. within sight    d. i seen
350. that’s a task calling for great ________ and patience .
a. courage     b. encourage     c. brave      d. discouragement
351. the clouds are gathering in the sky as if it ______ to rain .
   a. were    b. were going     c. is going     d. went
352. a cook will be fired immediately if he is found ______ in the kitchen .
   a. smoke     b.  smoking    c. to smoke    d. smoked
353. a brazilian mask (面具) maker has finished two models of masks of iraqi ex-president saddam hussein , one of him in power and one of him when ______ by u.s. soldiers .
a. caught    b. catching    c. to be caught    d. to catch
354. we have only a sofa , a table and a bed in our apartment . we need to buy ______ mor furniture.
    a. any     b. many    c.  little    d. some
355. the driver turned his car sharply to the left to give the way to the running bull only _____ a tree by the road .
    a. to knock into    b. knocking down   c. to knock at  d. knocked over

1----5:cdaca   6---10:cdddc    11---15:dddcb   16---20:ccbbc
21---25:acacc   26---30:bacdb  31---35:cdaca
36---40:cbbaa   41---45:bbbac   46----50:babcd  51---55:acacb
56---60: aacdc    61---65: adcbb    66---70: bcaca    71---75: bbdba
76---80: abcad    81---85: dcdac    86---90: daadc    91---95: bdbda
96---100: babcc   101---105: cacbc  106---110: ccacb   111---115:acddb
116---120: acbca  121---125: dbdad  126---130: adbbb   131---135: aacdb
136---140: bdbcb  141---145: baaac  146---150: bbdcc   151---155: dbacb
156---160: cdcdc  161---165: dacab  166---170: dbddb  171---175: abdcc
176---180: abccb  181---185: caaba  186---190: dadbc  191---195: cbbbb
196---200: bcadd  201---205: ccabc  206---210: ccbbb  211---215: acccd
216---220: cdcdc  221---225: aacad  226---230: babab  231---235: bcdca
236---240: dcbbc  241---245: cdccb  246---250: dccda  251---255: aacbb
256---260: aacba  261---265: aaddc  266---270: bacca  271---275: bacdb
276---280: abdab  281---285: ddbaa  286---290: acaab  291---295: ccbba
296---300: cccda  301---305: cbbca   306---310: cbcdd  311---315: bcaad
316---320: bbdad  321---325: bdcad   326---330: ccbdb  331---335: cdccc
336---340: bcbcc   341---345: dabab  345---350: ddaaa  351---355: cbada

五 : 人教版高中语文必修第二册《孔雀东南飞》说课稿范文

  一、 教材分析










  二、 教法分析



  三、 学法分析


  四、 教学过程




















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