

发布时间:2017-08-12 所属栏目:同位语从句和定语从句的区别

一 : whether和if在名词性从句中的区别

中学英语中,WHETHER和IF这两个词很容易用错。有的学生做客观题投机取巧,只要解释“是否”,就立即选择WHETHER,屡试屡爽,虽然不知道是什么原因,但居然基本上每次都选对。当然,IF解释为“如果”的时候,是不能用WHETHER的。但是在名词性从句中,的确WHETHER的使用场合较高。首先,IF只能用于宾语从句,而WHETHER可以用于任何名词性从句,包括宾语从句以及主语从句等等。其次,WHETHER后面如果有OR NOT的时候,是不能用IF代替的,这一点特别应该在句子翻译中注意。很多同学很容易把WHETHER写成WEATHER(两者读音一样),为了防止写错,往往用IF代替,孰不知,后面有OR NOT,就不能用IF,只能用WHETHER。最后,WHETHER 前面有介词的时候,也不能用IF代替。有兴趣的同学可以翻译下面这句句子:“这件事取决于他明天是否来。”答案是:THE THING DEPENDS ON WHETHRE HE WILL COMETOMORROW。

二 : whether与if怎么区别这两个呀怎么用



原句如果是一般疑问句变为宾语从句时。要用if或 whether引导。可译为“是否”,并把疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。请注意:if与 whether引导宾语从句时不可省,用了if或 whether后不可再用that。如:

She wanted to know if/whether Tom lived in that room.


在这种情况下,if 与 whether均可使用。,但在有些情况下,我们只能用whether。而不能使用if。如:

If she likes physics is not clear to me.



It is not clear to me if she likes physics或把原句中的if改为whether,即:Whether she likes physics is not clear to me.

They were talking about if they would go there at that time.(那时侯他们正在讨论他们是否将去那。)


What she wants to know is if the film is worth seeing.



I really don’t know if to visit him tonight



Please tell me if or not you agree


此句也是错误的。因为if不能直接跟 or not连用引导宾语从句。可以将上句中的if改为whether。或将此句改为Please tell me if you agree or not.

由此可见 whether常与or 或 or not连用引导宾语从句,表语从句 ,介词的宾语从句以及动词不定式一起使用。


三 : whether,if用法区别总结

whether, if用法区别总结



一、whether和if都可以与ornot连用; 但whether和ornot写在一起时,或在动词短语后,只能用whether,不能用if。如:



①Idon't know whether/if I will be able to come.我不知道我是否能来.
②She asked me whether/if I was interested in working forher.她问我是否有兴趣为她工作。
③We'll be told tomorrow whether we should take the exam ornot.我们明天才知道是不是应该参加考试.
④I asked him whether he had done all the workhimself or whether he had had any assistance.我问他这些工作都是他自己做的还是别人帮他做的.

⑤Iwonder if/whether you can examine him now.
( 注意: 在两个供选择的从句之间若用or字, 则须重复whether一字. )

如:Whether I'll have time to go with you I am notsure.我很难说我们是否有时间跟你们一起去。


Whether it is trueor not, I can't say.

=I can't say whether/if itis true or not


Iasked Tom if Mary wouldn’tcome.

4、动词discuss,decide, consider等后习惯上也常用Whether引导从句,不用if。
They discussed whether they should leave atonce.他们讨论了是否应该马上离开。
We discussed whether the house should besold. 我们讨论了这房子是否应卖掉。

Wediscussed whether we should buy the gift forhim.



He can't decide whether to accept orrefuse.


Everything dependson whether he isready.

Idon't care aboutwhether ornot it willrain.


Thequestion whether they ought to stop working was discussed among theworkers.

Ihave no idea whether he isthere.


Whetherhe comes or not doesn't concern me.


WhatMaria doesn't know is whether there will beenoughsnow.


Idon’t know whether or not he will come.我不知道他是不是回来。
I'll be happy whether/if I get the job or not我能不能得到那份工作都一样高兴。注意:当ornot放在whether引导的从句句尾,则可以用if来替换。
7、 当whether和or 连用表示明确的选择时,只用whether不用if。
He asked me whether I wanted to go there by train or bybus.他问我是想乘火车还是坐公共汽车去那里。
He hesitated about whether he should drive or take thetrain.他开车去还是坐火车去, 犹豫不决

注:whether 和or连用还可以引导让步状语从句,此时也不用if。如:We'll go on with the work, whether we canfind the necessary tools or not.

Whether or not it rains / Whether it rains or not, we're playingfootball on Saturday.无论下不下雨, 我们星期六一定踢足球.

①The question is whether to go to Munich orVienna.问题是去慕尼黑还是去维也纳.
②She doesn't know whether to get married now orwait.是否现在结婚或是等待她不知道。
③We were wondering whether to go today ortomorrow.我们弄不清是今天走还是明天走.
④I'm not sure whether to resign or stayon.我拿不准主意是辞职还是留任.


If Iwere you,I would not buy.

Whether he agreesor not,I shall go there.

We'll go on withthe work, whether we can find the necessary tools ornot.不管我们能否找到所需的工具,我们要把这件工作做下去。
Whether or not it rains / Whether it rains or not, we're playingfootball on Saturday.无论下不下雨, 我们星期六一定踢足球.


Whether they win orlose is all the same to me. 他们是赢是输於我都一样.(此时whether不能换作if )
It's doubtful whether there'll be any seats left.说不上还有没有空座位了.(此句whether能换作if)


The doubt was whether you had broken the beautifulvase.疑问是你是否打坏了这只漂亮的花瓶。

Thequestion whether we'll build another lecture building hasn't beensettled.是否要另建一幢教学楼的问题还未决定。

1. The question has not been answered ____ Taiwan will be includedon the Olympic torch relay route.
2. You have not yet answered my question _____ I can join in theparty tonight ornot.
A.whether B.ifC.thatD.which
3.— I d like to invite you to a party this evening.
— Thank you, but _____ I’ll be free I m not sure at themoment.
A.whileB.ifC.whenD. whether
4.---What are you anxious about?
A.If we succeed B.That we cansucceedC. Do we succeed D.Whether wecan succeed
5. Only when _____ the painting _____ decide ______the painting isworthbuying.

A.he sees, he can,whether B.does he see, can he,if
C. he sees, can he,whether D.sees he, he can,that
6. _____ English is his favourite subject
A. I askedhimifB. I asked him that whether C. I asked himthatD. I asked him which
7. _____ they’ll go to the Summer Palace ____ the weather.
A. If;dependsonB. Whether; depends upon C.Whether; dependedonD. If; depended upon
8.It isn’t quite _____ ______ he will be present at themeeting.
A. sure;whetherB. sure;ifC. certain;whetherD. certain; that
9. _____ the 2008 Olympic will be held in Beijing is not knownyet.
A.WhetherB.IfC.WheneverD. That
10. No one was sure _____ he would be asked to speak nextyear.
A.whenB.whetherC.whatD. how
11. It is still a question to us all _____ there is any livingthing in some other places in the space.
A.whetherB.whichC.whatD. where
12. I doubt _____ he will come here on time.

A.thatB.whetherC.whenD. where
13. The pointis not who said the words, _____ they are true ornot.

A.butwhetherB. andwhether C.buthowD. and how
14. “What did he ask you?” “_____ I would be late.”
A.ThatB.WhenC.WhereD. Whether
15. He treated all the people around him,______he knew or he didn'tknow,______.
A. if,friendlyB. whether, friendly
C. if, in a friendlywayD. whether, in a friendly way
16. At the meeting, we discussed _____ we should employ moreworkers.
A.ifB. whetherC.thatD.不填

四 : whether和if的区别

一、引导宾语从句。 这时两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用。
I don't know whether/if they will come to help us.

但是,当whether与or not连成一个词组时,whether不可换用if。
I don't know whether or not they will come for our help.

若whether和or not不连在一起,在口语中可以用if取代whether,当然也可以用whether。
I don't care if/whether your car breaks down or not.我不在乎您的车是否是会出故障。

I am not interested in whether you'll come or not.

He doesn't know whether to stay or not.

We discussed whether we should make a change in our plan.

It is unknown whether he will come.
Whether the news is true remains a question.

The question is whether they can take our advice.

The question whether he'll come is unknown.

Tell me if it is not going to rain, please.

Please let me know if you intend to come.这个句子有两种解释:A:“请让我们知道你是否想来。”B:“如果你打算来,请让我们知道。”在书面语中,如果我们想表达的第一种含义,就得用whether来改写第一句。
Please let me know whether you intend to come.


五 : whether和if的用法区别


1)whether和if常用来引导宾语从句,这时两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用。例如: ①I don't know whether/if they will come to help us. 我不知道他们是否来帮助我们。 ②I am not sure whether/if I'll have time to go with you. 我很难说我们是否有时间跟你们一起去。 上面两句无区别。

但是,当whether与or not连成一个词组时,whether不可换用if。例如: ③I don't know whether or not they will come高中政治for our help. 我不知道他们是否要来求我们支援。 【注意】若whether和or not不连在一起,在口语中可以用if取代whether,当然也可以用whether。例如: ④I am not certain if/whether the train will arrive on time. 我没有把握火车是否准时到达。 ⑤I don't care if/whether your car breaks down or not. 我不在乎您的车是否是会出故障。

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