

发布时间:2018-02-26 所属栏目:少儿英语

一 : 功夫熊猫英文字幕(最全版-修订版)最新!

《功夫熊猫》 英文字幕-修订版 最新!

Legend tells of a legendary warrior, whose Kung Fu skills were the stuff of legend. He travelled the land search of worthy foes.

Evil Ox: I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist.

The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. Then he swallowed. And then he spoke.

Po: Enough talk. Let?s fight.

He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind, from over exposure to pure awesomeness.

Evil 1: My eyes!

Evil 2: He?s too awesome!

Rabbit 1: And attractive.

Rabbit 2: How can we repay you?

Po: There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness.

It matted not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his voracity. Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.

Even the most heroic heroes in all of China. The Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master.

Monkey: We should hang out.

Po: Agreed.

But hanging out should have to wait. Because when you’re facing the ten thousand demons of demon mountain. There is only one thing that matters and that ‘s…

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《功夫熊猫》 英文字幕-修订版 最新!

Monkey: Get up!

Tigress: You?ll be late for work.

Dad: Po… Get up!

Hey, Po… What are you doing up there?

Po: Ahh… nothing. Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper, Tigress… Roarrr! Ahh… Dad: Po… let?s go. You?re late for work.

Po: Coming! Sorry Dad.

Dad: Sorry doesn?t make the Noodles. What are you doing up there? All that noise? Po: Oh… nothing. Just had a crazy dream.

Dad: About what? Uh? What were you dreaming about?

Po: What was I… ah… I was dreaming about … Noodles!

Dad: Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?

Po: Uh… ya, what else would I be dreaming about? Oh, careful. That soup is…sharp! Dad: Oh! Happy day! My son finally having the noodle dream! You don?t know how long I have been waiting for this moment! This is a sign, Po.

Po: Uh… a sign of what?

Dad: You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient, of my secret

ingredient soup. And then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant. Just as I took over from my father who took over from his father who won it from a friend over a game of mahjong.

Po: Dad, Dad, Dad, it was just a dream.

Dad: No, it was THE DREAM. We?re noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins.

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《功夫熊猫》 英文字幕-修订版 最新!

Po: But Dad, didn?t you ever… well… wanted to do something else? Something beside noodles?

Dad: Actually, when I was young and crazy. I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.

Po: So, why didn?t you…?

Dad: Oh, because it was a stupid dream. Can you imagine me making tofu? Ha, ha, ha, TOFU, no, we all have our place in this world. Mine is here, and yours is… Po: I know “is here”.

Dad: No! It?s tables 2,5,7 and 12. Service with a smile.

Master Shifu: Well done, students…if you were trying to disappoint me. Tigress, you need more ferocity. Monkey, greater speed. Crane, height. Viper, subtlety. Mantis... Zeng: Master Shifu…

Master Shifu: What?

Zeng: It… it?s Master Oogway, he wants to see you.

Master Shifu: Master Oogway, you summoned me? Is something wrong?

Master Oogway: Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? Master Shifu: So, nothing is wrong?

Master Oogway: Well, I didn?t say that.

Master Shifu: You were saying…?

Master Oogway: I have had a vision. Tai Lung will return.

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Master Shifu: That is impossible. He?s in prison.

Master Oogway: Nothing is impossible.

Master Shifu: Zeng, fly to Chordom Prison. Tell them to double the guards, double the weapons…double everything! Tai Lung does not leave that prison.

Zeng: Yes, Master Shifu!

Master Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

Master Shifu: We have to do something. We can?t just have him march in the valley. And take his revenge, he?ll, he?ll…

Master Oogway: Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated…it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. Master Shifu: The Dragon?s scroll.

Master Oogway: It is time.

Master Shifu: But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? To become the Dragon Warrior?

Master Oogway: I don?t know.

Po: Excuse me… Sorry…oh…sorry.

Pig1: Hey, watch it, Po.

Mom Rabbit: Oh!

Po: Sorry…ah…oop! Sorry, a thousand pardon. …what? Master Oogway is choosing Dragon Warrior TODAY! Everyone, everyone, go, get to the Jade Palace! One of the five is going to get the Dragon?s Scroll. We have been waiting a thousand years for


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this. Just take the bowl! This is the greatest day in Kung Fu history! Don?t worry about it, just go!

Old Dad: Po! Where are you going?

Po: …To the… Jade Palace…

Old Dad: But you?re forgetting your noodle cart. The whole valley will be there and you will sell noodle to all of them.

Po: Selling noodles? But Dad, you know I was kind of thinking, maybe I… Old Dad: Ya?

Po: I was kind of thinking, maybe I … ahha…could also sell the bean buns. They?re about to go bad.

Old Dad: That?s my boy! I told you that dream was a sign!

Po: Ya … I?m glad I had it.

Baby Rabbit1: I?m the Dragon Warrior!

Baby Rabbit2: Me, too!

Po: Almost there…what? No!

Pig: sorry Po. We?ll bring you back a souvenir.

Po: No. I?ll bring me back a souvenir.

Master Shifu: It is a historic day, isn?t it, Master Oogway?

Master Oogway: Yes. The one I feared I would not live to see. Are your students ready?

Master Shifu: Yes, Master Oogway.

Master Oogway: Now know this, old friend…whomever I chose will not only bring

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peace to the valley, but also to you.

Ceremony Host: Let the tournament begin!

Po: No, no, no, wait! I?m coming. Hey, open the door! Let me in!

Ceremony Host: Citizens of the Valley of Peace. It is my great honor to present to you, Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis! The Furious Five!

Po: Ah…ah…ah…

Po: They are the Furious five! Ah…ah… ouch!

Ceremony Host: Warriors prepare!

Po: Blast, no, quick Po.

Ceremony Host: Ready for battle!

Po: The thousand tons of fire! Ho… ha… howw! Wow! Look at that! Hey, get out the way!

Po: Uhh…oh…ohh! Ah…ah…ah! Hiyaah…ouch!

Ceremony Host: And finally, Master Tigress. Believe me, citizens, you have not seen anything yet.

Po: I know!

Ceremony Host: Master Tigress faces Iron Arms and its Blades of Death.

Master Oogway: I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.

Master Shifu: Citizens of the Valley of Peace, Master Oogway will now choose the

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Dragon Warrior!

Po: Hah… butta… No, no, no, wait! Yaa…

Po: ahh. Ha..ha… haah!

Po: Ha… ha… haah!

Dad: Po! What are you doing?

Po: What does it look like I?m doing? …stop, stop! I?m going to see the Dragon Warrior!

Dad: But I don?t understand! You finally have the noodle dream!

Po: I lied, I don?t dream about noodles, Dad! I love Kung Fu! Uuu!

Dad: Oh, come on, son, let?s get back to work.

Po: Heay… Okay… …Ahh…ahh…ahh!

Dad: Po!

Po: Ahh…ahh… come back! Oh!

Po: Oh, what?s going on…where… ah … what do you point… Oh…Okay, sorry, I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was…

Master Oogway: How interesting!

Tigress: Master, are you pointing at me?

Master Oogway: Him.

Po: Who?

Master Oogway: You.

Po: Me?

Master Oogway: The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior.

Po: What?

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Furious Five: What?

Master Shifu: What?

Dad: What?

Master Shifu: Stop, wait, who told you to… …Master Oogway, wait! That crabby panda can?t possibly be the answer to our problem. You were about to appoint the Tigress. And that thing fell in front of her! That was just an accident!

Master Oogway: There are no accidents.

Tigress: Forgive us, Master. We have failed you.

Master Shifu: No. If the panda has not quit by morning, then I would have failed you.

Zeng: Wait, wait, wait! I bring a message from Master Shifu.

Guard: What? Double the guard? Extra precautions?

Zeng: ?Your prison may not be adequate??

Guard: You doubt my prison secutity?

Zeng: Absolutely not! Shifu does. I?m just the messager.

Guard: I?ll give you a massage for your Master Shifu. Escape from Chordom Prison is impossible.

Guard: Impressive, isn?t it?

Zeng: Yes, very impressive. It is very impressive.

Guard: One way in, and one way out. One thousand guards and one prisoner. Zeng: Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung.

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Guard: Take us down.

Zeng: Ahh…ahh…ahh… oh…oo….oh.. Oh MY!…

Guard: Behold Tai Lung…

Zeng: I?ll… umm… I?ll just wait right here.

Guard: It?s nothing to worry about. It?s perfectly safe. Both posts. At the ready. Zeng: What, Posts?


Guard: Hey, tough guy, did you hear? Oogway is finally going to give someone the Dragon Scroll and it?s not going to be you.

Zeng: What are you doing? Don?t get him mad!

Guard: What is he going to do about it? I?ve got him completely immobilized. Haa… haa… ha… ha…! Oh! Did I step on the wooly kiddy?s tail?

Zeng: I?m gonna…I?ve seen enough. I?m gonna tell Shifu that he has nothing to worry about.

Guard: No, he doesn?t.

Zeng: Okay, I?ll tell him that.

Guard: Hmm…

Zeng: Can we please go now?

Po: Oh, wait a second. I think there has been a slight mistake. Err… everyone seems to think I?m err…aah… the Sacred Hall of Warriors. No way. … Look at this place! Master Flying-Rhino?s armour! With authentic battle damage! Wow… the Sword of Heroes! Said to be so sharp, you can cut yourself just by looking! Ahh! Oww! The

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invisible Dragon of Destiny. Uuhhs… I?ve only seen paintings of that painting! Ahh…ah…ha…ha…ha… Heeyah…yah…aah…ah…ah… Noo…! Ho… oh, oh, oh, oh… The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors! Said to contain souls of the entire Tenshu army. Hello?

Master Shifu: Have you finished sightseeing?

Po: Sorry, I should have come to see you first.

Master Shifu: My patience is running thin.

Po: Ohh? Well, I mean, it?s not like you are going anywhere.

Master Shifu: You turn around.

Po: Sure. Hey, how is it going? How do you get five… Master Shifu! Ooh! ... Ohh … whooo … Someone broke that… but I?m going to fix it… I?ll… do you have some glue…… aah… ouch… ooo! I?m a splinter.

Master Shifu: So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior, hmm?

Po:… Ahh, I guess so…?

Master Shifu: Wrong! You?re not the Dragon Warrior! You will never be the Dragon Warrior until you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll.

Po: Wow… so… How does this work? Do you have a ladder? A trampoline or…? Master Shifu: Umph… you think it is that easy that I?m just going to hand you the secret to limitless power?

Po: No! I …

Master Shifu: One must first master the highest level of Kung Fu and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.

Po: Someone like me?

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Master Shifu: Yes! Look at you! This fat buttock. Flabby arms.

Po: Those are sensitive in the flabby parts.

Master Shifu: And this ridiculous belly…

Po: Hey… whoo…

Master Shifu: And utter disregard for personal hygiene…

Po: Now wait a minute. That?s a little uncalled for.

Master Shifu: don?t stand that close. I can smell your breath.

Po: Listen, Oogway said that I was the… uh… the Wushi Finger Hold! Never….! Master Shifu don?t…

Master Shifu: Haa… oh… you know this hold?

Po: Developed by Master Wushi in the 3rd dynasty.

Master Shifu: Yes. Oh, then you must know what happens when I flex my pinky. Po: No, no, no…

Master Shifu: You know the hardest part of this? The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. Humm…

Po: Okay. Okay, take it easy.

Master Shifu: Now listen closely, Panda. Oogway may have picked you, but when I?m through with you, I promise you, you?re going to wish he hadn?t. Are we clear? Po: Yes, we?re clear, we?re clear. We are so clear.

Master Shifu: Good… hmm…. Hmm… hmm… I can?t wait to get started.

Master Shifu: Let?s begin.

Po: Wait, wait, wait. Now?

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Master Shifu: Yes, now. Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong and you were not the Dragon Warrior.

Po: Okay. Well, I don?t know if I can do all of those moves.

Master Shifu: Well, if we don?t try, we will never know, will we?

Po: Yes, it?s just, maybe we can find something more suited to my level. Master Shifu: And what level is that?

Po: Well you know I?m not a master, but let?s just start at zero. Level zero. Master Shifu: There is no such thing as level zero.

Po: Hey, maybe I can start with that.

Master Shifu: That? We use that for training children. And poping the door open when it is hot. But if you insist…

Po: Wow… the Furious Five! You?re so much bigger than your action figures. Except for you, mantis. You?re about the same.

Master Shifu: Go ahead, panda, show us what you can do!

Po: Ahh… are they going to watch? Or should I just wait until they get back to work or something?

Master Shifu: Hit it.

Po: Okay, yeah, I mean, I just ate, and so, I?m still digesting, so my Kung Fu meight not be as good as later on.

Master Shifu: Just hit it.

Po: What?d you got? You?re got nothing cos? I got it right here. You picking on my friends? Get ready to fell the thunder. Come on, crazy feet. What?re you going to do about crazy feet? Come on, I?m a blur. I?m a blur. You?ve never seen Bear style.


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You?ve only seen Praying Mantis. Or Monkey style. Imagine snake-kiddy Snake. Master Shifu: Would you hit it!?

Po: Alright. Alright.

Master Shifu: Why don?t you try again? A little harder.

Po: How?s that? Oohhh… oh, that hurts!

Master Shifu: This will be easier than I thought.

Po: Feeling a little nausea… ouch, ouch, ouch! Oohh… my tenders…

Po: … how did I do?

Master Shifu: There is now a level zero.

Monkey: No words.

Crane: Don?t deny that.

Tigress: I don?t understand what Master Oogway was thinking.

Viper: Poor guy is going to get himself killed.

Crane: He is so fighty. The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky in a ball of fire. Mantis: When he walks, the very ground shakes.

Tigress: One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew Kung Fu.

Crane: Ya. Or could at least touch his toes.

Monkey: Or even see his toes.

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《功夫熊猫》 英文字幕-修订版 最新!

Po: Okay… great… ooouuuch! …. Oh hey. Hi. You?re up?

Crane: Am now.

Po: I was just…er…someday…eh? The Kung Fu stuff is hard work, right? Your biceps sore…

Crane: I?ve had a long and rather disappointing day, so… er…ya… I should probably get to sleep now.

Po: Ya, ya,… of course….

Crane: Okay. Thanks.

Po: It?s just, I?m such a big fan… You guys were so totally amazing at the battle of the Weeping River. Outnumbered. A thousand to one. But you didn?t stop. You just,…. Oh, sorry about that….

Crane: ahh…look, you don?t belong here.

Po: Er… I know, I know. You?re right. I don?t have it. It?s just, my whole life, I dreamed of…

Crane”: No, no, no. I mean you don?t belong here, I mean in this room. But this is my room. Property of Crane.

Po: Oh, okay, right, right. So… ya, you want to get to sleep. Keeping you up. We?ve got big things tomorrow. Alright. You?re awesome, the last thing I?m going to say. Okay, bye-bye.

Po: What was that?

Crane: I didn?t say anything. Okay. Alright. Goodnight. Sleep well.

Po: Seem a little bit awkward. Master Tigress, didn?t mean to wake you. Justa… Tigress: You don?t belong here.

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《功夫熊猫》 英文字幕-修订版 最新!

Po: Ah ya… ya… of course… this is your room…

Tigress: I mean you don?t belong in the Jade Palace. You?re a disgrace to Kung Fu and if you have any respect of who we are, and what we do, you will be gone by morning.

Po: Big fan!

Master Oogway: I see you?ve found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. Po: Is that what this is? I?m so sorry. I thought it was just a regular peach tree. Master Oogway: I understand, you eat when you are upset.

Po: Upset? I?m not upset. Why would I be upset!?

Master Oogway: So, why are you upset?

Po: I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of Kung Fu. In the history of China. In the history of sucking.

Master Oogway: Probably.

Po: And the five MAN, you should have seen them, they totally hate me. Master Oogway: Totally.

Po: How?s Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? I mean I?m not like the five, I?ve got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis got those thingies. May be I should just quit and go back to making noodles.

Master Oogway: Quit? Don?t quit. Noodles? Don?t noodles. You?re too concerned with what was and what will be. There?s a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the “present” .

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Guard: Oh, no!

Zeng: What?s happening?

Guards: To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go!

Guard: Fire Cross-Bow! Fire! Fire!

Zeng: Tai Lung is free! I must warn Shifu.

Guard: You?re not going anywhere. Neither is he! Let go of me. Bring it up! Wait! Bring it back!

Zeng: He?s going this way.

Guard: He won?t get far. Archers!

Zeng: We are dead. So very, very dead.

Guard: Ha…ha…. Not yet, we?re not. Now!

Zeng: Can we run now?

Guard: Yes.

Tai Lung: I am glad shifu sent you. I was beginning to feel I?m being forgotten. Fly back there and tell them, the real Dragon Warrior is coming home.

Furious Five: Good morning, Master!

Master Shifu: Panda! Panda! Wake up! Hmm.. hmm.. hmm.. He?s quit.

Viper: What do we do now, master, with the Panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior?

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Master Shifu: all we can do is resume our training and trust that in time the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed. …. What are you doing here?

Po: Haa… hey, good morning, Master. I thought I?ll warm up a little.

Master Shifu: You?re stuck.

Po: Stuck? ….no… what? …stuck? No… this is one of the… ….ya… I?m stuck. Master Shifu: Help him.

Crane: Oh, dear. Lift on three. One, two, …

Po: thank you.

Crane: Don?t mention it.

Po: No, really, I appreciate it…

Crane: Ever!

Master Shifu: You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night. It takes years to develop one?s flexibility. And years longer to apply it in combat. …Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. Po: Yaa… ha… ha… ha. Excellent!

Master Shifu: Let?s get started.

Viper: Are you ready?

Po: I was born ready… oww! Oww!... Oh!

Viper: I?m sorry brother. I thought you said you?re ready.

Po: That was awesome! Let?s go again!

Master Shifu: I?ve been taking it easy on you, Panda. But no more. Your next opponent will be me.

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Po: Alright. Ya.. Let?s go!

Master Shifu: Step forth! … The true path to victory is to find your opponent?s weakness… And make him suffer for it.

Po: Oh, yeah!

Master Shifu: To take his strength and use it against him. Until he finally falls or quits.

Po: But a real warrior never quits. Just don?t worry Master, I?ll never quit! Tigress: If he is smart he won?t come back up those steps.

Monkey: But he will.

Viper: He is not going to quit, is he?

Mantis: He?s not going to quit bouncing. I?ll tell you that.

Po: Oouch! I thought you said acupuncture will make me feel better.

Mantis: Trust me, it will. It?s just not easy finding right nerve points under all this… Po: Fat?

Mantis: Fur! I was going to say fur.

Po: Sure you were.

Mantis: Who am I to judge a warrior based on his size? So I mean, look at me. I?m over here.

Po: Ahh!

Viper: May be you should take a look at this again.

Mantis: Ohh… Okay.

Po: Ooch! Stop! Stop it! Eee… ouch! … I know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me

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at all. But if I didn?t know any better I?ll say he?s trying to get rid of me. Mantis: I know he can seem like heartless.

Po: Aaaahh…!

Mantis: But you know he wasn?t always like that.

Viper: According to legend there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile…

Mantis: No!

Viper: Yes! But that was before…

Po: Before what?

Tigress: Before Tai Lung.

Crane: Aah..ya. we are not really suppose to talk about him.

Tigress: Well, if he is going to stay here, he should know.

Po: Guys, guys, I know about Tai Lung…He was a student…. The first to ever master the 1000 scrolls of Kung Fu…. And then he turned bad and now he?s in jail.

Tigress: he wasn?t just a student. Shifu found him as a cub. And he raised him as his son. And when the boy showed talent in Kung Fu, Shifu trained him. He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness. It was never enough for Tai Lung. He wanted the Dragon Scroll. But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. Outraged, Tai Lung laid waste to the Valley. He tried to take the Scroll by force. And Shifu has to destroy what he had created. But how could he?

Shifu loved Tai Lung like he never loved anyone before. What?s it . And now he has a chance to make things right. To train the true Dragon Warrior. And he is stuck with you. A big fat Panda who treats it like a joke.

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Po: Oh, that?s it! Wait! My fault! I accidentally tweaked his facial nerves. And may have also stopped his heart.

Master Shifu: Inner peace… Inner peace … Inner… in… in….in… inner peace…. Look whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down. Inner…Oh, Zeng, excellent… I could use some good news now.

Zeng: Aaahh…

Master Shifu: Master. Master.

Master Oogway: Hmm…

Master Shifu: I… I… have… it?s a … it?s a very bad news.

Master Oogway: Aah… Shifu. There is just news. No good or bad.

Master Shifu: Master, your vision… your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He?s on his way.

Master Oogway: That is bad news…if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.

Master Shifu: Panda? Master, that Panda is not the Dragon Warrior. He wasn?t even meant to be here. It was an accident.

Master Oogway: There are no accidents.


Master Shifu: Yes, I know. You said that already, … twice. Well, that was no accident either.

Master Oogway: Thrice.

Master Oogway: My old friend. The Panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you,

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yours, until you let go of the illusion of control.

Master Shifu: Illusion?

Master Oogway: Yes. Look at this tree, Shifu. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me. Nor make it bear fruit before it?s time.

Master Shifu: But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall. I can control where to plant the seed. That is no illusion, Master.

Master Oogway: Ah… yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach. Master Shifu: But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung.

Master Oogway: Maybe it can, if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it.

Master Shifu: But how? How? I need your help, Master.

Master Oogway: No, you just need to believe, promise me, Shifu. Promise me, you will believe.

Master Shifu: I… I will try.

Master Oogway: Hmm… good. My time has come. You must continue your journey without me.

Master Shifu: What…What?... what are you… wait, Master! You can?t leave me! Master Oogway: You must believe

Master Shifu: Master!

Po: I?m not scared… yet. Sound like fun, you may be a wolf, you may be the scariest bandit in Harjin Province, but will show a lousy tipper.

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Crane: Really? So, how did you get out of there alive?

Po: I mean I didn?t actually said that, but I thought it, in my mind. If he could read my mind he would have been like…”what!?” Order up! You like it?

Mantis: This is really good.

Po: Now, come on, you should try my Dad?s secret ingredient soup. He actually knows the secret ingredient.

Viper: What are you talking about? This is amazing.

Mantis: Wow, you are really a good cook.

Crane: I wish my mouth was bigger.

Monkey: Tigress, you got to try this.

Tigress: Hmm… it is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single Gingko leaf and the energy of the universe.

Po: I guess my body doesn?t know it?s the Dragon Warrior yet. I need lard more than dew and the universe juice. What?

Mantis: Oh , nothing, Master Shifu.

Crane: Ha… ha…ha…ha…

Po: You will never be the Dragon Warrior unless you lose 500 pounds and brush your teeth. What is the noise you?re making? Laughter? I have never heard of it. Work hard Panda and maybe someday you?ll have ears like mine.

Crane: That?s good.

Furious Five: Oh, oh...

Po: Ears? It?s not working for you. I thought they?re pretty good.

Monkey: It?s Shifu!

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Po: Of course it?s Shifu. What do you think I?m doing? …. Oo …Master Shifu! Ahh…

Master Shifu: You think this is fuuny! Tai Lung has escaped from prison! And you all are acting like children!

Po: What?!

Master Shifu: He?s coming for the Dragon Scroll and you?re the only one who can stop him.

Po: Ha… and here I am saying you?ve got no sense of humor. I am gonna… step down…. What? You?re serious?...And I have to … aaa… not… Master Oogway will stop him. He did it before. He?ll do it again.

Master Shifu: Oogway cannot! Not anymore.

Furious Five: Haa?

Master Shifu: Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior.

Tigress: The Panda?

Master Shifu: Yes, the Panda.

Tigress: Master please, let us stop Tai Lung, this is what you train us for!

Master Shifu: No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung! It is his! ……. Where did he go?

Master Shifu: You cannot leave! A real warrior never quit!

Po: Watch me! … Come on! How am I suppose to beat Tai Lung? I can?t even beat

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you to the stairs.

Master Shifu: You will beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior.

Po: Ouch! You don?t believe that! Oh! You never believed that. From the first moment I got here, you?ve been trying to get rid of me.

Master Shifu: Yes, I was! But now I ask you to trust in your Master as I have come to trust in mine.

Po: You are not my master, and I am not the Dragon Warrior.

Master Shifu: Then why didn?t you quit? You knew I was trying to get rid of you. Yet you stayed.

Po: Ya, I stayed. I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head or said I smelled, it hurt! But it could never hurt more than it did every day in my life just being me. I stayed because I thought if anyone could change me, could make me not me… it was you, the greatest Kung Fu teacher of all of China.


Master Shifu: But I can change you! I can turn you into the Dragon Warrior. And I will!

Po: Come on! Tai Lung is on his way right now. And even if it takes him a hundred years to get here, how are you going to change this into the Dragon Warrior? Hah? How? How? How?

Master Shifu: I don?t know… I don?t know…

Po: That?s what I thought.

Tigress: This is what you trained me for!

Viper: Tigress!

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Tigress: Don?t try and stop me!

Viper: We are not trying to stop you.

Tigress: What?

Viper: We are coming with you.

Po: What? I eat when I am upset, Okay?

Master Shifu: Oh! No need to explain. I just thought you might be Monkey. He hides his almond cookies in the top-shelf.

Po: Don?t tell Monkey…

Master Shifu: Look at you.

Po: Yaa… I know I disgust you.

Master Shifu: No, I mean, how did you get up there?

Po: I don?t know,…I…I don?t know, just get the cookies.

Master Shifu: And yet you are 10 feet off the ground and have done a perfect split. Po: No, this? This is just an accident!

Master Shifu: There are no accidents. Come with me.

Po: I know you are trying to be all mystical and Kung Fu-ee. But could you least tell me where we are going? ……You drag me all the way out here for a bath? Master Shifu: Panda, we do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears. Po: Uhh?... The pool of…

Master Shifu: This is where Oogway unraveled the mysteries of harmony and focus.

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This is the birth place of Kung Fu.

Master Shifu: Do you want to learn Kung Fu?

Po: Yes!!!

Master Shifu: Then I am your Master?

Po: Okay!!!

Master Shifu: Don?t cry.

Po: Okay!!!

Master Shifu: When you focus on Kung Fu, when you concentrate, you stink. Perhaps that is my fault. I cannot train you the way I trained the Five. I see now that the way to get through to you is with this.

Po: Aah, great! Cause I am hungry.

Master Shifu: Good, when you have been trained you may eat. Let?s begin!

Master Shifu: After you, Panda.

Po: Just like that? No sit-ups, no ten-mile hike?

Master Shifu: I vowed to train you and you have been trained. You are free to eat. Enjoy!

Po: Hey!

Master Shifu: I said you are free to eat.

Have a dumpling.

You are free to eat.

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Po: Am I?

Master Shifu: Are you?

Po: I am not hungry. Master!

Tigress: Cut it!

Tai Lung: Where is the Dragon Warrior?

Tigress: How do you know you are not looking at her?

Tai Lung: Ha ha ha…You think I?m a fool? I know you?re not the Dragon Warrior. None of you! I heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire. But he?s a warrior unlike anything in the world has ever seen.


Tai Lung: So that is his name. Po! Finally, a worthy opponent. The battle will be legendary.

Monkey: We got this, help her!

Viper: Monkey!

Mantis: Jump!

Tigress: Mantis! … Now!

Tai Lung: Shifu told you well, but he didn?t teach you everygthing.

Master Shifu: You have done well, Panda.

Po: Done well? Done well! I have done awesome!

Master Shifu: The mark of a true hero is humility…. But yes, you have done

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Po: Fives! They are dead. No, they are breathing. They?re asleep? No, their eyes are open.

Crane: We were no match for his nerve attack.

Master Shifu: He has gotten stonger.

Po: Tai lung? Stonger?

Monkey: He?s too fast! … Sorry, Po.

Tigress: I thought we could stop him.

Master Shifu: He could have killed you. Why didn?t he? So you can come back here…and strike fear into our hearts. But it won?t work.

Po: It might. I mean a little. I?m pretty scared.

Master Shifu: You can defeat him, Panda.

Po: Are you kidding? If they can?t…They?re Five Masters. I?m just one me. Master Shifu: But you have the one thing that no one else does.

Po: You really believe I?m ready?

Master Shifu: You are, Po.

Master Shifu: Behold, the Dragon?s Scroll. It is yours.

Po: Wait. What happens when I read it?

Master Shifu: No one knows. But legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly?s wings beat.

Po: Wow! Really? That?s cool.

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Master Shifu: Yes! And see light in the deepest cave. You will feel the universe in motion around you.


Po: Wow! Can I punch through walls? Can I do a quadruple back flip?

Master Shifu: Focus. Focus. Focus!

Po: Oh, ya…yah.

Master Shifu: Read it Po. And fulfill your destiny. Read it and become the Dragon Warrior.

Po: Wow…!... it?s impossible to open… Thank you. Probably, I loosen it up for you. Okay, here goes. Aargh…!... It?s blank.

Master Shifu: What?

Po: Here look!

Master Shifu: No, I am forbidden to look upon it. Blank? I don?t … I don?t understand.

Po: Okay, so like Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all.

Master Shifu: No, Oogway was wiser than us all.

Po: Oh, come on, face it, he picked me by accident. Of course I?m not Dragon Warrior. Ooo..am I kidding!?

Tigress: But who will stop Tai Lung?

Crane: He will destroy everything. And everyone.

Master Shifu: No…Evacuate the valley. You must protect the villagers from Tai Lung?s rage.

Tigress: What about you, Master?

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Master Shifu: I will fight him.

Po: What?

Master Shifu: I can hold him off long enough for everyone to escape.

Po: But Shifu, he?ll kill you.

Master Shifu: Then I would have finally paid for my mistake. Listen to me, all of you. It is time for you to continue your journey without me. I am very proud to have been your master.

Tigress: We got to get them out safely.

Monkey: Come little one, let?s find your Mama.

Tigress: Viper, gather the southern farmers. Mantis, the north. Crane, light the way. Dad Rabbit: Look, it?s the Dragon Warrior.

Po: Hey, Dad…

Dad: Po! It?s good to have you back, son.

Po: Good to be back.

Dad: Let?s go, Po. For our next shop, it?s time to face it. The future of noodles is diced cut vegetables. No longer slices. Also, I was thinking...maybe this time we?ll have a kitchen you can actually stand up in. Hmm! You like that? ...... Po, I?m sorry things didn?t work out. It just wasn?t meant to be. Po, forget everything else. Your destiny still awaits. We are noodle-folk. Broth runs deep through our veins.

Po: I don?t know, Dad. Honestly, sometimes I can?t believe I?m actually your son. Dad: Po, I think it?s time I told you something I should have told you a long time ago. Po: Okay.

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Dad: The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup…

Po: Ohh…

Dad: Come here with me, the secret ingredient is…nothing!

Po: Hah?

Dad: But you heard me. Nothing! There is no secret ingredient.

Po: Wait, wait. It?s just plain old noodle soup? You don?t add some kind of special sauce or something?

Dad: Don?t have to! To make something special, you just have to believe it is special. Po: There is no secret ingredient…

Tai Lung: I have come home, Master.

Master Shifu: This is no longer your home and I am no longer your master.

Tai Lung: Yes, you have a new favorite. So where is this Po? Did I scared him off? Master Shifu: This battle is between you and me.

Tai Lung: So that?s how it?s going to be.

Master Shifu: That is how it must be.

Tai Lung: I rotted in jail for 20 years, because of your weakness!

Master Shifu: Obeying your master is not weakness!

Tai Lung: You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! You always knew! But when Oogway said otherwise, what did you do? What did you do! Nothing!

Master Shifu: You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior. That was not my fault! Tai Lung: Not your fault! Who failed my every dream? Who told we should train until my bones cracked? Who denied me my destiny?!!

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Master Shifu: It was never my decision to make!

Tai Lung: It is now! Give me the Scroll.

Master Shifu: I would rather die!

Tai Lung: What I ever did, I did to make you proud! Tell me how proud you are, Shifu! Tell me! Tell meee!

Master Shifu: I … I have always been proud of you…from the first moment, I have been proud of you. And it was my pride that blinded me. I love you too much to see what you were becoming, what I was turning you into. I?m…I?m sorry… Tai Lung: I don?t want your apology. I want my Scroll! … what? Where is it?

Master Shifu: Dragon Warrior has taken Scroll half way across China by now. You will never see that Scroll, Tai Lung! Never!

Po: Hey! … stairs …

Tai Lung: Who are you?

Po: Buddy… I am the Dragon Warrior.

Tai Lung: You? Him? He is a Panda. You?re a Panda. What are you going to do, Big Guy? Sit on me?

Po: Don?t tempt me. Now, I?m going to use this. You want it? Come get it. Tai Lung: Finally! That Scroll is mine!


… That Scroll has given him power.

Tai Lung: Finally! Oh, yes. The power of the Dragon Scroll is mine! … It?s nothing! Po: It?s okay. I didn?t get it the first timer either.

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Tai Lung: What?

Po: There is no secret ingredient. It?s just you.

… stop it!! Ho, ho, ho, I?m going to pee! Don?t, don?t, don?t… ha…ha…ha… Tai Lung: You can?t defeat me! You?re just a big fat Panda!

Po: I?m not a big fat Panda. I?m the BIG FAT PANDA!!

Tai Lung: ? The Wushi Finger Hold?

Po: Oh? You know this hold?

Tai Lung: You?re bluffing. You?re bluffing! Shifu didn?t teach you that!

Po: No, I figured it out. Skedush…!

Pig: Ah… look! The Dragon Warrior!

Dad: That?s my boy! The big lovely Kung Fu warrior is my son!

Po: Yes, thanks Dad! … Hey guys.

Tigress: Master!

ALL: Master!

Po: Master? Master Shifu?

… Master! Shifu! Shifu! Are you okay?

Master Shifu: Po, you are alive. … Or we are both dead.

Po: No, Master, I didn?t die. I defeated Tai Lung.

Master Shifu: You did? … wow, it is as Oogway foretold. You are the Dragon Warrior. You have brought peace to this Valley. … And to me. Thank you. Thank you, Po. Thank you, thank you…

Po: No, Master! No, no, no! Don?t die, Shifu, please!

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Master Shifu: I?m not dying, you idiot … ahh… Dragon Warrior… I?m simply at peace. Finally.

Po: Oh… so I should stop talking?

Master Shifu: If you can…

Po: Do you want to get something to eat?

Master Shifu: Ya.

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三 : 功夫熊猫英文字幕


Legend tells of a legendary warrior, 2

whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 3

He travelled the land in search of worthy foes. 4

I see you like to chew. 5

Maybe you should on my fist. 6

The warrior said anything for his mouth was full. 7

Then he swallowed. 8

And then he spoke. Enough talk. Let's fight. 9

He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind, 10

from over exposure to pure awesomeness. 11 My eyes! He's too awesome! 12

And attractive. How can we re-pay you? 13

There is no charge for awesomeness. 14

Or attractiveness. 15

It mattered not how many foes he faced.

They were no match for his voracity. 16

Never before had a panda been so feared, and so

loved. 17

Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, 18

The Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master. 19

We should hang out. 20 Agreed. 21

But hanging out would have to wait. 22

Cause when you're facing the ten

thousand demons of demon mountain. 23

There is only one thing that matters and that... 24 Get up!

You'll be late for work. 25 Po... Get up! 26 Hey, Po.

What are you doing up there? 27

Ahh.. nothing. 28

Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper,

Tigress ... Roarrrr! 29 Ahh... 30 Po. Let's go. You're late for work. 31 Coming! 32

Sorry Dad. 33

Sorry, doesn't make the Noodles. 34

What were you doing up there? All that noise?

35 Oh...nothing. Just had a crazy dream. 36

About what? Uh? What were you dreaming about? 37

What was I...aah... 38

... I was dreaming about a... 39 Noodles. 40 Noodles?

You were really dreaming about noodles? 41 Uhh... Ya,

what else would I be dreaming about? 42 Oh, careful. That soup is - sharp! 43

Oh... happy day. My son finally having the noodle dream. 44

You don't know how long I have been waiting for this moment. 45

This is a sign, Po. 46

Uh... a sign of what? 47

You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret

ingredient, 48

... of my secret ingredient soup. 49

And then you will fulfill your destiny and take





Just as I took over from my father

who took over from his father. 51

who won it from a friend over a game of mahjong. 52

Dad, dad, dad. It was just a dream. 53

No, it was the Dream. 54

Wu Xiang noodles. Po, broth runs through our veins. 55

But Dad, didn't you ever wanted to do something else? 56

Something, beside noodles. 57

Actually, when I was young and crazy. 58

I thought of running away and learning how to make tofu. 59

So why didn't you? 60

Oh, because it was a stupid dream. 61

Can you imagine me making tofu?


Ha, ha, ha. Tofu! 63

No, we all have our place in this world. 64

My is here and yours is... ... I know "is here". 65

No, it's tables 2, 5 ,7 and 12. 66

Service with a smile. 67

Well done, students... 68

... if you were trying to disappoint me. 69

Tigress, you need more ferocity.

Monkey greater speed. 70 Crane, height.



Mantis... Master Shifu... 71

Master Shifu... What? 72

It...its Master Oogway, he wants to see you. 73 Master



summoned me? Is something wrong? 74

Why must something be wrong

for me to want to see my old friend? 75

So, nothing is wrong? Well, I didn't say that. 76

You were saying? 77

I have had a vision. 78

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Tai Lung will return. 79

That is impossible. He's in prison. 80

Nothing is impossible. 81

Zeng, fly to Chordom Prison.

Tell them to double the guards, 82

Double the weapons. Double everything. 83

Tai Lung does not leave that prison. 84

Yes, Master Shifu. 85 One




destiny on

the road he takes to avoid it. 86

We have to do something. We can't

just have him march in the valley. 87

And take his revenge. He'll, he'll... 88

Your mind is like this water my friend. When it is agitated... 89

... it becomes difficult to see. 90

But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. 91

The Dragon's scroll. 92 It is time. But who? 93

Who is worthy to be trusted

with the secret to limitless power? 94

To become the Dragon Warrior. 95 I don't know. 96

Excuse me. Sorry. 97 Oo...oo sorry. Hey, watch it Po. 98 Sorry. Aah... Oop! 99

Sorry, a thousand pardon. 100 What? 101 Master Oogway



a Dragon Warrior, today. 102

Everyone, everyone, go! Get to the Jade Palace! 103

One of the five is going to get the Dragon's Scroll.


We have been waiting a thousand

years for this. Just take the bowl! 105

This is the greatest day in Kung Fu

history! Don't worry about it. Just go! 106

Po! Where are you going? 107

To the Jade Palace. 108

But you're forgetting your

noodle car. 109

The whole valley will be there and

you will sell noodle to all of them. 110

Selling noodles? 111

But Dad. You know I was kind

of thinking, maybe I... 112 Ya?

I was kind of thinking, maybe I... 113 Ahh...Haa..? 114

Could also sell the bean buns.

They're about to go bad. 115 That's my boy!

I told you that dream was a sign. 116 Ya...

I'm glad I had it. 117 Almost there. 118 What? No! 119 No! No! 120 Sorry Po.

We'll bring you back a souvenir. 121

No, I'll bring me back a souvenir. 122

It's a historic day. Isn't it Master Oogway? 123

Yes. The one I feared

I would not live to see. 124

Are your students ready? Yes, Master Oogway. 125

Now know this old friend... 126

Whomever I chose will not only bring

peace to the valley, but also to you. 127

Let the tournament begin! 128

No, no, no, wait! I'm coming. 129

Hey! Open the door. 130 Let me in! 131

Citizens of the Valley of Peace. 132

It is my great honour to present to you, 133 Tigress, Viper,


Monkey, Mantis.


The Furious Five! Ah...Ah...Ahh... 135

They're The Furious Five! Aah..aah... ouch! 136

Warriors prepare! 137

Blast, No, Quick Po. Ready for battle. 138

The thousand tons of fire! Ho...ha...howw! 139

Wow... Look at that! Hey! Get out of the way! 140


Ah...ah...aah! 141

Hiyaah...ouch! 142 And finally,


Tigress. 143

Believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet. 144 I know! 145

Master Tigress faces Iron Arms

and its Blades of Death. 146

I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us. 147

Citizens of the Valley of Peace, 148

Master Oogway will now choose

the Dragon Warrior. 149 Hah...butta... No, no, no wait! 150 Yaa...ahh. 151

Ha...ha...haah! 152

Ha...ha...haah. Po! What are you doing? 153

What does it look like I'm doing? 154 Stop! Stop!

I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior. 155

But I don't understand, you finally have the noodle dream. 156

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I lied. I




noodles, Dad. 157

I love Kung Fu...uuu! 158

Oh come on son. Let's get back to work. 159 Heay...okay. 160

Ahh...aahh...aah. 161

Po!...Heay...heay...hey. Oh...Somebody... 162

Oh. What's going on? 163 ... Where? 164

Why are you pointing...? 165

Oh. Okay. Sorry. I just wanted

to see who the Dragon Warrior was? 166

How interesting? 167

Master, are you pointing at me? 168 Him. Who? 169 You. Me? 170

The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior. 171 What? What? What? What! 172 Stop wait. Who told you to... 173

Master Oogway, wait.


That crabby panda can't possibly

be the answer to our problem. 175

You were about to appoint the Tigress.

and that thing fell in front of her. 176

That was just an accident. There are no accidents. 177

Forgive us Master. We have failed you. 178

No. If the panda has not quit by

morning, then I would have failed you. 179

Wait, wait, wait! 180

I bring a message from Master Shifu. 181

What? Double the guard. Extra precautions. 182

Your prison may not be adequate? 183

You doubt my prison security? 184

Absolutely not! 185 Shifu does.

I'm just the messenger. 186

I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. 187 Escape from


prison is impossible. 188

Impressive isn't it? 189

Yes, very impressive. It is very impressive. 190 One way in. And one way out. 191

One thousand guards and one prisoner. 192

Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung. 193 Take us down. 194

Ahh...ahh...ahh...ahh Oh...oo...oh.. 195 Oh my... 196

Behold Tai Lung. 197

I'll umm...I'll just wait right here. 198

It's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly safe. 199 Both posts. At the ready. 200

Hey tough guy. Did you hear... 201

Oogway is finally going to give someone the


Scroll... 202

...and it's not going to be you. 203

What are you doing? Don't get him mad. 204

What is he going to do about it?


I've got him completely immobilised. 206

Haa...haa...haa...haa! 207

Oh...Did I step on the wooly kiddy's tail? 208

I'm gonna... I've seen enough. 209

I'm gonna tell Shifu that he has nothing to worry about. 210 No, he doesn't. Okay I'll tell him that. 211 Hmm...

Can we please go now? 212

Oh. Wait a second. 213

I think there has been a slight mistake. 214

Err...Everyone seems to think I'm err... 215

Ahh...The sacred Hall of Warriors.

216 No way. 217

Look at this place. 218 Master Flying-Rhino's

armour. 219 With authentic



220 Wow...the Sword


Heroes. 221

Said to be so sharp, you can cut yourself just by looking ... Aah!...Oww! 222

The invisible Dragon of Destiny. 223

Uuhhs... I've only seen paintings of that painting. 224

Aah...ah...ha...ha...ha... Heeyah...yah.. Aah...ah...ah.. 225

Noo..! Ho...oh, oh, oh... 226

The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors. 227

Said to contain souls of the entire Tenshu army. 228 Hello? Have you




Sorry. I should have come to see you first. 230

My patience is running thin. Ohh? 231

Well. I mean, it's not like you are going anywhere. 232

You turn around.

Sure. 233

Hey, how is it going?

How do






234 Ohh...whooo... 235

Someone broke that... But I'm going to fix it...I...

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Do you have some glue... Whooo.... 237

Aah...ouch...ooo! I've a splinter. 238

So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior? Hmm... 239

Ahh, I guess so? Wrong! 240

You are not the Dragon Warrior.

You will never be the Dragon Warrior... 241

... until you've learned the secret

of the Dragon scroll. 242 Wow...so... How does this work? 243

Do you have a ladder? a trampoline or...?


Umph...You think it is that easy? 245

That I'm just going to hand you

the secret to limitless power? 246 No! I... 247

One must first master the highest level of Kung Fu 248 and that




if that one is someone like

you. 249

Someone like me? Yes! 250 Look at you!

This fat blob. Flabby arms. 251

Those are sensitive. in the flabby parts. 252

And this ridiculous belly. Hey...whooo... 253

And utter disregard for personal hygiene. Now wait a minute. 254

That's a little uncalled for. Don't stand that close. I can smell your breath. 255

Listen, Oogway said that I was the... 256

Uh... the Wushi Finger Hold. 257 Never... Master


don't... 258

Haa...oh... You know this hold? 259 Developed by


Wushi in the 3rd dynasty. Yes. 260

Oh. Then you must know what happens when I flex my pinky. 261 No, no, no... 262

You know the hardest part

of this?...

The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.

263 Humm...

Okay. Okay, take it easy. 264

Now listen closely, Panda. 265

Oogway may have picked you,

but when I'm through with you,... 266 I promise you,

you're going to wish he hadn't. 267 Are we clear? 268

Yes, we're clear, we're clear. We are so clear. 269

Good. Hmm, Hmm, Hmm. I can't wait to get started. 270 Let's begin. 271

Wait, wait, wait. 272 Now? Yes now. 273

Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior. 274

Okay. Well, I don't know if I can do all of those moves. 275

Well, if we don't try, we will never know, will we? 276

Yes, it's just, maybe we can find

something more suited to my level.


And what level is that? Well you know... 278

I'm not a master, but let's just start at zero. 279 Level zero.

There is no such thing as level zero. 280

Hey, maybe I can start with that. 281

That. We use that for training children. 282

And popping the door open when it is hot. 283

But if you insist. 284

Wow... The Furious Five. 285

You're so much bigger than your action figures. 286

Except for you, Mantis. You're about the same. 287

Go ahead, Panda. Show us what you can do. 288

Ahh...Are they going to watch? Or should I just wait until they get back to work or something? 289 Hit it.

Okay, I mean, I just ate, 290

and so I'm still digesting, so my

Kung Fu may not be as good as later on. 291 Just hit it. 292

What'd you got? You've got nothing cos' I got it right here. 293 You





Get ready to fell the thunder. 294

Come on, crazy feet. What're you going to do about crazy feet? 295

Come on. I'm a blur. I'm a blur.

You've never seen Bear style. 296

You've only seen Praying Mantis. 297

Or Monkey style. Imagine snake-kiddy

Snake. 298

Would you hit it! 299

Alright. Alright. 300

Why don't you try it again? A little harder. 301 How's that? Oohhh... 302 Oh, that hurts! 303

This will be easier than I thought. 304

Feeling a little nausea... Ouch, ouch, ouch! 305

Oohh... My tenders. 306 How did I do? 307

There is now a level zero.

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Don't deny that. I don't understand what Master Oogway


thinking. 309

Poor guy is going to get himself killed. He is so fighty. 310

The Dragon Warrior fell out

of the sky in a ball of fire. 311

When he walks, the very ground shakes. 312

One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone


actually knew Kung Fu.


Yes. Or could at least touch his toes.

Or even see his toes. 314 Okay. 315 Great. 316 Ooouuch! 317 Oh hey. Hi. You're up? 318 Am now. I


just..er...someday...eh? 319

The Kung Fu stuff is hard work, right? Your biceps sore. 320

I've had a long day and rather

disappointing day, so...er... 321

Ya...I should probably get to sleep now. 322

Ya... Ya...of course. Okay. Thanks. 323

It's just, I'm such a big fan... 324

You guys were so totally amazing

at the battle of the Weeping River. 325

Outnumbered. A thousand to one.

But, you didn't stop. You just,.... 326

Oh. Sorry about that. 327

Ahh... Look you don't belong here. 328

Er...I know, I know. You're right. 329 I don't have it.

It's just, my whole life, I dream of... 330

No, no, no. I meant you don't

belong here, I mean in this room. 331

But this is my room. Property of Crane. 332

Oh, okay right, right. So... 333

Ya, you want to get to sleep. Keeping you up. 334 We've






Alright. You are awesome. The last thing

I'm going to say. Okay, bye-bye. 336

What was that? I didn't say anything. 337

Okay. Alright. Goodnight. Sleep well. 338

Seem a little bit awkward. 339

Master Tigress, didn't mean to wake you. Just a... 340

You don't belong here. Ah ya...ya, of course... 341

This is your room... I mean you don't belong in the Jade Palace. 342

You're a disgrace to Kung Fu and if

you have any respect of who we are, 343

and what we do, you will be gone by morning. 344 Big fan. 345

I see you've found the Sacred Peach

Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. 346

Is that what this is? I'm so sorry. 347

I thought it was just a regular peach tree. 348

I understand, you eat when you are upset. 349

Upset? I'm not upset. Why would I be upset? 350

So, why are you upset? 351

I probably sucked more today

than anyone in the history of Kung Fu. 352

In the history of China. 353

In the history of sucking. 354 Probably. And the Five...man, 355

you should have seen them, they totally hate me. 356 Totally.

How's Shifu ever going to turn me 357

into the Dragon Warrior? 358

I mean I'm not like the Five,

I've got no claws. 359 No wings, no venom. 360

Even Mantis got those thingies. 361

May be I should just quit and go back to making noodles. 362

Quit. Don't quit. Noodles. Don't noodles. 363

You are too concerned with what was and what will be. 364

There's a saying. Yesterday is history,


Tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift. 366

That is why it is called the "present". 367 Oh No! What's happening? 368

To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go! 369

Fire Cross-Bow! Fire! 370 Fire! 371

Tai Lung's free. I must warn Shifu. 372 You




anywhere. Neither is he! 373 Let go of me. Bring it up! 374

Wait! Bring it back! 375

He's going this way. He won't get far. 376 Archers! 377 We Dead. So very, very dead. 378

Ha..Ha. Not yet, we're not. Now! 379

Can we run now? Yes. 380

I am glad Shifu sent you. 381

I was beginning to feel I'm being forgotten.

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Fly back there and tell them, the

real Dragon Warrior is coming home. 383

Good Morning, Master. 384 Panda! 385

Panda! Wake up! 386

Hmm, hmm, hmm... He's quitted. 387

What do we do now Master with the Panda gone? 388

Who will be the Dragon Warrior? 389

All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time... 390

the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed. 391

What are you doing here? 392 Haa...hey.

Good Morning Master. 393

I thought I'll warm up a little. 394 You're stuck.

Stuck?...No...What?...Stuck? 395

No...This is one of the... Ya...I'm stuck. 396 Help him. Oh dear. 397

Lift me on three. One, two, ....

398 Thank you. Don't mention it. 399

No really. I appreciate it... ...Ever. 400

You actually thought you could

learn to do a full split in one night. 401

It takes years to develop ones flexibility. 402

And years longer to apply it in combat. 403 Put that down! 404

The only souvenirs we collect down here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. 405

Yaa...ha...ha...ha. Excellent! 406

Let's get started. 407

Are you ready? I was born ready...Oww! 408 Oww!...Oh!. I'm



I thought you said you're ready. 409

That was awesome! Let's go again! 410

I've been taking it easy on you Panda

but no more. Your next opponent... 411 ...will be me. Alright. Ya...Let's go!

412 Step forth! 413

The true path to victory is to find

your opponent's weakness. 414

And make him suffer for it. 415

Oh yeah. To take his strength

and use it against him. 416

Until he finally falls or quits. 417

But a real warrior never quits.

Don't worry Master, I'll never quit. 418

If he is smart he won't come back those steps. 419 But he will.

He's not going to quit, is he? 420

He's not going to quit bouncing. I'll tell you that. 421

Oouch! I thought you said accupuncture will make me feel better. 422

Trust me it will. It's just not easy finding right nerve points 423

under all this...fat? Fur! 424

I was going to say fur. Sure you were. 425

Who am I to judge a warrior

based on his size? 426

So I mean, look at me. I'm over here. 427 Haa...aah...

Maybe you should take a look at this again. 428 Ohh... Okay. 429 Oouch! Stop! Stop it! 430 Eee...ouch! 431

I know Master Shifu is trying

to inspire me and all. 432

But if I didn't know any better

I'll say he's trying to get rid of me. 433

I know he can seem like heartless. Aaahh...! 434

But you know he wasn't always like that. 435

According to legend there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to spy... 436 No...

Yes, but that was before... 437 Before what? Before Tai Lung. 438 Aah...ya.

We are not really suppose to talk about him. 439

Well if he is going to stay

here he should now. 440 Guys, guys,

I know about Tai Lung. 441

He was a student. The first to ever

master the 1000 scrolls of Kung Fu. 442

And then he turned bad and now he's in jail. 443

He wasn't just a student. 444

Shifu found him as a cub. 445

And he raised him as his son. 446 And




showed talent in Kung Fu 447

Shifu trained him. 448

He believed in him. He told him he was





It was never enough for Tai Lung. 450

He wanted the Dragon Scroll. 451

But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. 452

Outraged, Tai Lung laid waste to the Valley. 453

He tried to take the Scroll by force. 454

And Shifu has to destroy

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what he had created. 455

But how could he? 456

Shifu loved Tai Lung like he

has never love anyone before. 457 What's it? 458

And now he has a chance to make things right. 459

To train the true Dragon Warrior. 460

And he is stuck with you. 461

A big fat Panda who treats it like a joke. 462

Ohh... That's it! Wait! My fault! 463

I accidentally tweaked his facial nerves. 464

And may have also stopped his heart. 465 Inner peace. 466 Inner peace. 467

Inner...in...in...in inner peace. 468

Look whoever is making that

flapping sound quiet down. 469 Inner...Quaaa! 470

Oh, Zeng, excellent. 471

I could use some good news now.

472 Aaahh.... 473

Master. Master. Hmm... 474

I...I..have ...It's a... It's a very bad news. 475

Aah... Shifu. There's just news. No good or bad. 476

Master, your vision was right. 477

Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way. 478

That is bad news... 479

... if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him. 480

Panda? Master, that Panda is not the Dragon Warrior. 481

He wasn't even meant to be here.

It was an accident. 482

There are no accidents. 483 Yes, I know. You said that already. 484 Twice.

Well, that was no accident either. 485 Thrice. My old friend. 486

The Panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you, yours. 487

Until you let go of the illusion of control. 488 Illusion? Yes. 489

Look at this tree, Shifu. 490

I cannot make it blossom when it suits me. 491

Nor make it bear fruit before it's time. 492

But there are things we can control. 493

I can control when the fruit will fall. 494

I can control where to plant the seed. 495

That is no illusion, Master. 496

Ah...yes, but no matter what you do 497

That seed will grow to be a peach tree. 498

You may wish for an apple or an orange. 499

But you will get a peach. But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung. 500

Maybe it can, if you are willing

to guide it, to nurture it. 501

To believe in it. 502

But how? How? I need your help, Master. 503

No, you just need to believe. 504

Promise me, Shifu. Promise me, you will believe. 505 I... I will try. Hmm...Good. 506

My time has come. 507

You must continue your journey without me. 508

What?...what?...what are

you... Wait! 509 Master. 510

You can't leave me. 511

You must believe. 512 Master. 513

I'm not scared...yet. Sound like fun. He maybe a wolf. 514

You may be the scariest bandit

in Harjin Province. 515

But you're a lousy tipper. Really. 516

So, how did you get out of there alive? 517

I mean I didn't actually said that,

but I thought it, in my mind. 518

If he could read my mind

he would have been

like...what? 519

Order up! You like it? 520

This is really good. 521

Now, come on. You should try

my dad's secret ingredient soup. 522

He actually knows the secret ingredient. 523

What are you talking about? This is amazing. 524

Wow...you are really a good cook.

I wish my mouth was bigger. 525

Tigress, you got to try this. Hmm... 526

It is said that the Dragon Warrior can

survive for months at a time on nothing 527

but the dew of a single Gingko leaf

and the energy of the universe. 528

I guess my body doesn't know

it's the Dragon Warrior yet. 529

I need lard more than dew and the universe juice. 530 What?

Oh nothing, Master Shifu. 531

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Ha...ha...ha...ha! 532

You will never be the Dragon Warrior unless you



pounds. 533

and brush your teeth. What is the noise you're making? 534 Laughter?

I have never heard of it. 535

Work hard Panda and maybe someday you'll have ears like mine. 536 That's good. Oh...oh, yup. 537 Ears?

It's not working for you. 538

I thought they're pretty good. It's Shifu! 539

Of course it's Shifu. What do you think I'm doing? 540 Master Shifu. Aahh... 541

You think this is funny! Tai Lung has escaped from prison! 542

And you all are acting like children! What? 543 He's




Dragon Scroll and you're the only one who can stop him. 544

Ha...and here I am saying you've

got no a sense of humour. 545

I am gonna... step down. What? You're serious? 546

And I have to...aaa...not... Master Oogway will stop him. 547

He did it before. He'll do it again. Oogway cannot! 548 Not anymore. Haa? 549

Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior. 550 The Panda? Yes, the Panda! 551

Master please, let us stop Tai Lung?

This is what you train us for! 552

No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung! It is his! 553

Where did he go? 554

You cannot leave! A real warrior never quit! 555 Watch me! 556

Come on! How am I suppose to beat Tai Lung? 557

I can't even beat you to the stairs. 558

You will beat him because

you are the Dragon


559 Ouch!

You don't believe that! 560

Oh! You never believed that. 561

From the first moment I got here,

you've been trying to get rid of me. 562 Yes, I was! 563

But now I ask you to trust in your Master

as I have come to trust in mine. 564

You are not my Master. And I am not the Dragon Warrior. 565

Then why didn't you quit? You knew I was trying to get rid of you. 566

Yet you stayed. Ya. I stayed. 567

I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head 568

Or said I smelled, it hurt! 569

But it could never hurt more than it

did everyday in my life just being me. 570

I stayed because I thought if anyone

could change me, could make me not me... 571

...it was you. The greatest Kung Fu teacher of all of China 572

But I can change you! I can turn you into



Warrior. And I will!


Come on, Tai Lung is on his way right now. 574

And even if it takes him a hundred years to get here. 575

How are you going to change this into




576 Hah? 577 How? 578 How? 579 How? I don't know! 580 I do not know 581

That's what I thought. 582

This is what she trains for it 583 Tigress! 584

Don't try and stop me. 585

We are not trying to stop you. What? 586

We are coming with you. 587 What?

I eat when I am upset,

okay! 588

Oh! No need to explain. 589

I just thought you might be monkey. He hides



cookies in the top-shelf.


Don't tell Monkey. 591 Look at you. Yaaa..! 592

I know I disgust you. No, I mean, how did you get up there? 593

I don't know,...I... I don't know. Just get the cookies. 594

And yet you are 10 feet off the ground

and have done a perfect split. 595 No, this?

This is just an accident! 596

I know you are trying to be all mystical and Kung Fu-ee. 597

But could you least tell me where we are going? 598

You drag me all the way out here for a bath? 599

Panda, we do not wash our pits

in the pool of sacred tears. 600

Uuh?...The pool of... 601

This is where Oogway unraveled

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the mysteries of harmony and focus. 602

This is the birth place of Kung Fu. 603

Do you want to learn Kung Fu? 604 Yes

Then I am your Master. 605 Okay! 606 Don't cry. Okay. 607

When you focus on Kung Fu,

when you concentrate, you stink. 608

But perhaps that is my fault.

I cannot train you the way I trained the Five. 609

I see now that the way to get

through to you is with this. 610

Aah great, cause I am hungry. 611

Good, when you have been trained you may eat. 612 Let's begin. 613

After you, Panda. 614 Just like that.

No sit-ups. No, ten-mile hike. 615

I vowed to train you and you've been

trained. You are free to eat. 616 Enjoy 617 Hey!

I said you are free to eat. 618

Have a dumpling. 619

You are free to eat. Am I? 620 Are you? 621

I am not hungry. 622 Master. 623 Cut it! 624 Where is the Dragon


How do you know you are not looking at her? 625

You think I'm a fool. 626

I know you are not the Dragon Warrior. None of you! 627

I heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire. 628

But he's a warrior unlike anything

in the world has ever seen. 629 Po?

So that is his name. 630 Po! 631

Finally, a worthy opponent. 632 The






We got this, help her. 634 Monkey! Jump! 635 Mantis! 636 Now! 637

Shifu, taught you well. 638

But he didn't teach you everything. 639 You




Panda. Done well? 640 Done well! I have done awesome! 641

The mark of a true hero is humility. 642 But yes,

you have done, awesome. 643 Five? Fives! 644 They're dead. No, they are breathing. 645

They're asleep? No, their eyes are open. 646

We were no match for his nerve attack. 647

He has gotten stronger. 648 Tai Lung? Stronger! 649 He's too fast. Sorry, Po. 650

I thought we could stop him.

He could have kill you. 651 Why didn't he?

So you can come back here... 652

...and strike fear into our hearts. But it won't work. 653

It might. I mean a little. 654

I'm pretty scared. You can defeat him, Panda. 655

Are you kidding? If they can't... They're Five Masters. 656

I'm just one me. 657

But you have the one thing that no one else does, 658

You really believe I'm ready. 659 You are, Po. 660

Behold, the Dragon Scroll. 661 It is yours. Wait. 662

What happens when I read it?

No one knows. 663

But legend says you will be able

to hear a butterfly's wings beat. 664

Wow! Really? That's cool. Yes! 665

And see light in the deepest cave.

You will feel the universe in motion around you. 666

Wow! Can I punch through walls?

Can I do a quadruple back flip? 667

Focus. Focus. Focus! Oh, ya...yah. 668 Read it Po.

And fulfill your destiny. 669

Read it and become the Dragon Warrior. Wow...! 670

It's impossible to open. 671 Thank you. 672

Probably, loosen it up for you. 673

Okay, here goes. 674 Aargh...! 675 It's blank. What? 676 Here, look.

No, I am forbidden to look upon it. 677 Blank!

I don't...I don't understand. 678

Okay. So like Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all. 679

No. Oogway was wiser than us all. 680

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Oh, come on.

Face it. He picked me by accident. 681

Of course I'm not Dragon Warrior. 682

Who am I kidding? 683

But who will stop Tai Lung?

He will destroy everything. 684 And everyone. No. 685

Evacuate the Valley. You must protect the villagers... 686

... from Tai Lung's rage. 687

What about you, Master? 688

I will fight him. What? 689

I can hold him off long enough

for everyone to escape. 690

But Shifu, he'll kill you. 691

Then I would have finally paid for my mistake. 692

Listen to me, all of you. 693

It's time for you to continue

your journey without me. 694

I am very proud to have been your master. 695

We got to get them out safely. 696

Come little one, let's find your Mama. 697

Viper, gather the southern farmers. Mantis, the north. 698

Crane, light the way. 699

Look, it's the Dragon Warrior. 700 Hey Dad. 701 Po! 702

It's good to have you back son. 703

Good to be back. Let's go Po. 704

For our next shop, it's time to face it.

The future of noodles is diced cut vegetables. 705

No longer slices. Also, I was thinking... 706

... maybe this time we'll have

a kitchen you can stand up in. 707 Hmm! You like that? 708

Po, I'm sorry things didn't work out.

It just wasn't meant to be. 709

Po, forget everything else. Your destiny still awaits. 710

We are noodle-folk. Broth runs deep through our veins.


I don't know dad. Honestly, sometimes I can't believe I'm your son. 712

Po, I think it's time I told you

something I should have told you... 713

... a long time ago. 714 Okay. 715

The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup... 716 Ohh...

The secret ingredient is... 717 Nothing! Hah?... 718

But you heard me. Nothing! 719 There is




720 Wait, wait.

It's just plain old noodle soup. 721

You don't add some kind of special




722 Don't have to. To make




...you just have to believe it is special. 724 There is





I have come home, Master.


This is no longer your home

and I am no longer your master. 727

Yes, you have a new favourite. 728

So where is this Po? 729

Did I scare him off? This battle is between you and me. 730

So that's how it's going to be.

That is how it must be. 731

I rotted in jail for 20 years... 732 ...because of



Obeying your master is not weakness! 733

You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! 734

You always knew. But when Oogway said otherwise... 735

What did you do? What did you do! 736 Nothing!

You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior. 737

That was not my fault! Not your fault! 738

Who failed my every dream? 739

Who told we should train

until my bones cracked? 740 Who denied





It was never my decision to make! 742 It is now. 743

Give me the Scroll. 744

I would rather die! 745

What I ever did, I did to make you proud! 746

Tell me how proud you are Shifu? 747 Tell me! Tell meeee! 748

I...I have always been proud of you. 749

From the first moment I have been proud of you. 750

And it was my pride that blinded me. 751

I love you too much to see what you were becoming. 752

What I was turning you into. 753 I'm... I'm sorry. 754

I don't want your apology. I want my Scroll. 755 What? 756 Where is it?

功夫熊猫英文字幕 功夫熊猫英文字幕


Dragon Warrior has taken Scroll half way across China by now. 758

You will never see that Scroll, Tai Lung! 759 Never! 760 Hey! 761 ...Stairs. 762 Who are you? 763 Buddy...

I am the Dragon Warrior. 764 You? 765 Him? He's a Panda. 766

You're a Panda.

What are you going to do, Big Guy? 767 Sit on me. 768

Don't tempt me. 769

Now, I'm going to use this. 770

You want it. Come get it. 771 Finally. 772

That Scroll is mine! 773

The Scroll has given him power. 774 Finally. Oh yes. 775

The power of the Dragon Scroll is mine! 776 It's nothing!


It's okay. I didn't get it the first time either. 778 What?

There is no secret ingredient. 779 It's just you. 780

Stop it! Ho, ho, ho. I'm going to pee. 781

Don't...don't...don't. Ha...ha...ha... 782

You can't defeat me. 783

You...you're just a big fat Panda! 784

I'm not a big fat Panda. 785

I'm the Big Fat Panda! 786

The Wushi finger hold? Oh, you know this hold. 787

You're bluffing. You're bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you that! 788

No, I figured it out. 789 Skedush...! 790 Ah... look! 791

The Dragon Warrior. 792 That's my boy!

The big lovely Kung Fu warrior is my son! 793 Yes. 794 Thanks Dad. 795 Hey guys. 796

Master. 814 Master. If you can. 797 815

Master? Do you want to get Master Shifu? something to eat? 798 816 Master!

Yes Shifu! Shifu! Are you okay? 817

799 Created by Firstsub.


You are alive. 800

Or we are both dead. 801

No Master, I didn't die. 802

I defeated Tai Lung. You did? 803 ... Wow!

It is as Oogway foretold. 804

You are the Dragon Warrior. 805

You have brought peace to this Valley. 806 And to me. Thank you. 807 Thank you, Po. 808

Thank you. Thank you... 809 No, Master... 810 No, no, no! Don't die Shifu, please 811

I'm not dying, you idiot! Aah... Dragon Warrior...


I'm simply at peace. Finally. 813

Oh...So I should stop talking.

四 : 功夫熊猫的英文字幕


Legend legendary Foes (opponent) chew on(考虑) (the warrior said nothing ,for his

mouth was full.) Swallow enough talk(少说废话) shashabooey that his

enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. He is too awesome.

Attractive how can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractive ( 凶猛

帅气本是天生) bodacity never before had a panda been so feared. ---We should hang out.(闲

逛) ---agreed demon(恶魔,邪恶的人) that’s only one thing that matters. You will be

late for work. What are you doing up there? Nothing monkey mantis crane viper tigress.

Coming(就来了 ) sorry doesn’t make the noodles. What were you doing up there? all that noise. I just had a crazy dream. About what? What else would I be dreaming about?

That soup is sharp. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for the moment. This is a sign.(好兆头) you are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup. Then you will fullfil your destiny and take over the restaurant .

mahJong we are noodle folk, broth(肉汤,液体培养基) runs through our veins. Didn’t you ever want to do something else? I thought about running away and learning how to

make tofu. A stupid dream we all have our place in this world. Service with a smile.

Well done! You need more ferocity(凶猛,残忍,暴行). Greater speed. Subtlety(微

妙,敏锐,精明) master oogway you summoned me. Why must something wrong for me to want to see my

old friend? I have had a vision. Nothing is impossible. Guard weapon one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. We can’t let him march on(前进,

进攻) the valley, take his revenge. Your mind is like the water,when it is agitated(焦虑,

激动,不安),it becomes difficult to see. The dragons’ scroll who is worthy to be trusted

with the secret to limitless power? Watch it suck it up.(别抱怨,算了吧,忍耐)

A thousand pardons. Bow you’re forgetting your noodle cart. Bean buns they are about

to go bad. There is spots at the top. We will bring you back a souvenir. It is a historic day.

Tournament(锦标赛) let me in . it is my great honor to present to you peeky-hole

ready for battle get out of the way (让开,避开) you have not seen anything yet face iron

oxand his blades of death I sense the dragon warrior is among us. I lied. What’s going on?

I just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was. Are you pointing at me? The universe has

brought us the dragon warrior. That flabby panda can’t possibly be the answer to our problem.

You were about to point at tigress and that thing fell in front of her. There are no accidents. Forgive us we have failed you. If the panda has not quit by morning,then I will have failed you. Extra precaution your prison may not be adequate. You doubt my prison security. Absolutely

not. I am just the messenger. Impressive . take us down behold(瞧看) I am just

gonna wait right here(就是这里)(我就在这里等着好了). It’s perfectly safe. Crossbow tough guy don’t get him mad what’s he gonna do about it?i have got him completely

immobilized. Tail

wait a second I think there’s been a slight mistake. The sacred(神圣的) hall of warriors

armor(装甲,盔甲) authentic(真正的) battle damage sword invisible I’ve only

seen paintings(印刷品) of that painting. the legendary urn(瓮,骨灰盒) of whispering

warriors. Have you finished sight-seeing(观光)? I should have come to you frist. My

patience is wearing thin. Would you turn around? Fix it glue I guess so . ladder

trampoline (蹦床) you think it’s that easy? Secret to limitless power one must first

master the highest level of kung fu. This fat butt, flabby arms those are sensitive in the flabby parts. This ridiculous belly. And utter disregard for personal hygiene.(卫生,卫生学) That’s uncalled for(不适当的,没有理由的). Don’t stand that close, I can smell your breath. Developed by master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty(秦朝). Then you know what happens when I flex my pinky. The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. Take it easy. Now listen closely. Maybe we can find something more suited to my level. What level is that? Let’s just start at zero. Prop(支撑,支持) the door open when it is hot you are bigger than your action figures(人形公仔,.动作玩偶) Go ahead show us what you can do. Are they gonna watch,or I wait till they get back to work? Digest you pick on my friends? I am coming at you with crazy feet. Blur how’s that?(怎么样) I am feeling a little nauseous(令人作呕的,厌恶的). My tenders how did I do?

There’s no words.(我都无语了) no denying that.(可不是吗) the poor guy’s gonna get himself killed. Mighty(有势力的,有力的,很) toes that kung fu stuff is hard work, are your biceps sore? I’ve had a long and rather disappointing day. I am such a big fan. You guys were amazing at the battle of weeping river. Outnumbered(寡不敌众) a thousand to one(以一敌千),but you didn’t stop. Sorry about that. Property of crane. Sleep well that seemed a little awkward. I didn’t mean to wake you. You are a disgrace to kung fu. I thought it was just a regular peach tree. you eat when you are upset. I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu. Claw wing venom(毒液,使有毒) you are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the “present”.

What’s happening? Fire crossbows. He is coming this way/ archer commander (指挥官)

all we can do is resume(做简历讲时另作读音;重新开始,继续) our training and trust that in time. Reveal warm up stuck(卡住) maybe on three (数到三)) don’t metion it ever(永远=打住) you actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? It takes years to develop one’s flexibility. And years longer to apply it in combat. Put that down. I’ve been taking it easy on you,but no more. Step forth. The true path to victory is to find your opponent’s weakness. Bounce (跳弹) acupuncture (针灸) right nerve point he is trying to inspire me. Get rid of me heartless(铁石心肠) there was once a time when shifu actually used to smile. We are not really supposed to talk about him. He turned bad jail cub(幼兽) he told him he was destined for greatness. Outraged

he tried to take the scroll by force. Shifu had to destroy what he had created. Shifu loved him like he had never loved anyone before.

Would whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down He wasn’t meant to be (命中注定)here. Thrice illusion I can’t make it blossom when It suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time. Plant the seed nurture promise me my time has come wolf scariest banditin a lousy(讨厌的) tipper(给小费的人)

you are a really good cook, I wish my mouth was bigger. Dew of ginkgo leaf(银杏叶) and the energy of the universe. Brush your teeth how am I supposed to beat him?

Throw a brick at my head no need to explain. I thought you might be monkey. he hides

the almond(杏仁,杏树) cookies on the top shelf. I disgust you. How did you get up

there? You are ten feet off the ground. An accident(名词:意外) could you at least

tell me where we are going? You dragged me . we do not wash our pits in the

pool of sacred tears. This is the place where oogway unraveled(解决,阐明,散开) the

mysteries.(注:unrevealed=未揭露的) This is the birth place of kung fu. Concentrate

you stink(臭味,讨厌的人,招人讨厌) sit-up(仰卧起坐) ten-mile hike I vowed

(发誓,郑重宣告)to train you, and you have been trained, you are free to eat. Have a


You think I am a fool? Our battle will be legendary.

I have done awesome.(了不起) The mark of a true hero is humility.(谦卑,谦逊) We were no match for(不是…的对手) his nerve attach.(点穴) so you could come back

and strike fear into(使感到害怕) our hearts. but it won’t work. Scared you can

defeat him. Behold the dragon scroll . can I punch through(穿通现象) walls/ I probably loosened it up for you though. It is blank. I am forbidden to look upon.

Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all(毕竟,终究). He picked me by accident.

Evacuate(疏散,撤退,排泄) the valley. You must protect the villagers from his rage. I will fight him. I can hold him off long enough. It is time for you to continue your

journey without me. I am very proud to have been your master. Gather the southern

farmers light the way slice I am sorry if things didn’t work out. Your destiny still awaits. honestly the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is nothing. You don’t add some kind of special sauce (酱油,沙司,调味品)or something? To make something special,you just believe it’s special. There is no secret ingredient.

This is no longer your home. Did I scare him off? I rotted in jail for 20years

because of your weakness. Obey(服从) you are not meant to be the dragon warrior.

Crack I would rather die. Blind me I don’t want your apology.(名词,道歉)

Buddy(伙伴) don’t tempt(诱惑) me . lightning I am gonna pee.(尿,撒尿) You are bluffing.(欺骗,吓唬) Nope (不是,不,没有) I figured it out.(搞

明白) Skadoosh i defeated him. It is as oogway foretold. You idiot? I am simply at peace. Want to get something to eat??/ yeah Jackie chan

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