

发布时间:2018-04-18 所属栏目:浅析外贸英语词汇翻译

一 : 谁的英语好啊,帮忙翻译一下,多谢了!属于外贸英语1`所属国家2`





2`参展项目exhibition projects

3`展品所属行业 Industry

4`股份有限公司 Incorporated company

5`占地面积36万平方米.Occupied ,000 square metres



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二 : 外事办英语翻译总结1

代表团 Delegation

国家代表访问团 National Visiting Delegation

友好城市 Friendship Cities(Sister Cities)

进一步推动 To further enhance

全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放 all-sided,multi-levels,more fields open up to the outside world

友好交流工作 Friendly exchange relationships between

深化交流内容 Deepen the exchange contents

落实 implement

落实交流成果 implement the profits of exchange cooperation 外事办 Foreign Affairs Office

农科院 academy of agricultural sciences

盐城工业职业技术学院 Yancheng Institute of industry technology 友好代表团 Godwill delegation

访问 visit


Now follows the general statement of the

莫斯科国际机场 Moscow International Airport

奥列霍沃祖耶沃 Orekhovo-Zuyevskiy

莫斯科州 Moscow Region

纺织工业 textile industry

革命历史城市 A city of rich revolution history


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

市政府 the municipal government

工商界 industry

企业界 business community

院校人士 academy

专场推介交流会 special introduction exchange meeting 民间交往 non-governmental exchanges

双方 both sides

深入交流 into depth

参会代表 representatives

踊跃提问 ask questions enthusiastically

举行 hold meeting

圣彼得堡 St.Petersburg

彼得格勒 Petrograder

进一步对接交流 in order to deep docking exchange 波罗的海明珠 Baltic Sea Pearl

视察 inspect

斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm

宝莱 Boras

车程 minutes by car

哥德堡 Gothenburg

国家投资项目 national investment projects

国家领导人 national leaders


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

集团总裁 group CEO

简单休整 simple rest

时尚中心 Fashion center

职能部门负责人 head of functional department 前期准备工作充分 full first-phase preparations 目的明确 clear goal

成员组成合理 reasonable member arrangements 预期效果 expectation effect

取得丰硕成果 acquire great success

丰富人脉资源 broaden connections resource 密切了友好关系 tie up the friendship

企业集中区 Centralized Business Zone

回访了老朋友 visit the old friends

结识了新朋友 make some new friends

传达了友谊 convey the friendship

巩固了感情 strengthen the relationship

友好关系 amity

加强 enhance; augment; reinforce; intensify ; 合作内容 cooperation collaboration

合作意向 intention of co-operation

谋求 seek the possibility

实际效果 actual result


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

初衷 original intention

表示 indicate

签署 sign

公务员 Civil Servants

表示 express his wish to

相关 relevant

市长选举 mayoral election

议事日程 schedule

宣传 propagate

农业框架合作 agriculture cooperation framework 发展成果 Yancheng’s development

扩大正面影响 broaden the positive influence

重视宣传工作 emphasis on the propaganda work 宣传画册 brochure

直观窗口 direct window

纪念品 souvenir

当地媒体 Local media

现场直播 Entire journey direct seeding to

代表团团长 head of the delegation

专访 exclusive interview

招商信息 business invitation message

政府官网 government official website


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

营造了氛围 create a friendly atmosphere

实实在在的服务经济发展 serve the needs of economical development in real actions

有心人 conscientious people

友好是载体 amity is the carrier

项目是纽带 program is the tie

落实是关键 implementation is the key

及时提出落实方案 put forward the solution timely

平台 platform

潜力企业 potential companies

孵化器 incubator

以会员制方式吸收企业 absorb companies by member system 共享 share

研发产品 invest in products

索要 ask for

转型升级 transform and upgrade

洽谈 negotiate

反复交流 constant communications

充实丰富 substantial and rich

谈得来,谈的准,能谈出效果 good at communication and capable of reaching results

对方 the other side


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

交流会上直入主题 cut to the chase on the

保持涉外问题的敏感性keep sensitive to foreign-related issues 单边会见 unilateral meeting

政治误解 political misunderstanding

总体情况 The overall summary

关系到...重大问题 a serious issue that would have a direct bearing on

成功概率很低 but probability of success is very low

申根签证 Schengen Visa

正式建交 have agreed to recognize each other

在此范围内 within this context

减少国际军事冲突的危险 reduce the danger of international military conflict

谋求霸权 seek hegemony

中美关系 Sino-American relations

费约abrogate the treaty

承认 recognized

复杂的世界变化,不确定因素增多 was undergoing profound and volatile change with increasing uncertainties

旨在加强 which promotes

以便加强 so as to enhance

欧盟 European Union


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

双方领导人 leaders

并且愿意 expressed their willingness

特别是通过 notably through

加强对话技能 agreed to enhance the dialogue mechanism

有关部门 departments concerned

表示高度重视 stressed the importance they attach

希望 expressed the hope

加强上述问题讨论 consultations on these issues be intensified 尤其表示支持 expressed in particular their support

表示赞赏 noted ...’s appreciation

霍乱 cholera

海关申报卡 Customer Declaration Card

入境登记表 Arrival Form

双方主管单位 Competent departments on both sides

欢迎...的结果 welcomed the results of

落实提出的措施 implementation of the measures proposed

中欧关系 China-EU relations

重申 reaffirm

坚持一个中国原则 adhere to the one China principle

贩卖人口 trafficking in human beings

朝鲜半岛问题详解 reconciliation process on the Korean peninsula 地理相近 geographical proximity


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

经济互补 economic complementarity

经济合作不断加强 growing economical cooperation

增强人员交流 increase people-people exchanges

已有坚实的基础 a solid foundation has been laid

拓展和深化 advance and deepen

有助于实现 contribute to the realization

到来 advent

全球化和信息化 globalization and informationalization

韩国 ROK (Republic of Korea)

和平和繁荣 peace and prosperity

地区和世界 at the regional and global levels

公认的国际准则 universally recognized norms governing international relations

遵循 in accordance with

相互信任,相互尊重 mutual trust and respect

平等互利 equality and mutual benefit

谋求共赢 with a view to securing a win-win result for all

广泛的 across the board

面向未来 future-oriented

经贸 economic relations and trade

信息通讯技术 information and communication technology

领导人会晤 summit meeting


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

努力将此类会议扩展到其它领域 endeavor to hold similar meetings in other areas

部长级别会议 ongoing meetings at the ministerial level

现有和预期实现 currently under way or envisaged

参照双边关系互动小组的建议 in light of the proposals made by the two task forces

符合双方的建议 it is in the interests of both sides to

面对和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系 Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity

迅速,全面,深入的发展 rapid,comprehensive and in-depth growth

取长补短 mutually complementary

互利合作 beneficial cooperation

鉴此 In witness whereof

出访团支付 will be borne by the delegation itself

Fly Flew Flown

Drive Drove Driven

Meet met met


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1

Pay paid paid


外事办 外事办英语翻译总结1


三 : 外贸跟单/英语翻译个人简历表

姓  名: 林小姐 国籍: 中国 照片
目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 肇庆 身材: 151 cm?45 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 25 岁
人才类型: 普通求职?
应聘职位: 外贸跟单:外贸跟单、英语翻译、
工作年限: 2 职称: 初级
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时
月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 广州
公司名称: 世域国际贸易有限公司起止年月:2007-10 ~ 2009-10
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:纺织,服装
担任职务: 跟单翻译 
工作描述: 该公司主要做迪士尼以及华纳的产品(童装),我的工作主要内容是主要包括两个部分:跟单以及业务开发。跟单是我整个工作中的主要内容。很多时候开始接单,客人只是给一个概念,我会把客人的意思翻译出来,跟设计部同事商量,然后他们画一个图稿,给客人确认后就可以开始做样板,报价。在生产时,监控工厂的生产进度,确保按时按量保质交货。出货前做一些单据,发票、装箱单等。 
公司名称: 时代手袋厂(实习)起止年月:2007-03 ~ 2007-04
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:鞋业/皮具/玩具
担任职务: 业务跟单 
工作描述: 这家工厂是世界名牌Coach在中国大陆的其中一家制造工厂,因为工厂规模非常大,很多工作步骤都细分了。当时正是Coach公司准备上市,所以工厂这边必须找一个人主要负责把大货生产进度这些都用文字描述写在Coach的全球共享系统上,而我就担任此工作。在两个月的实习中,内容还包括了工厂ERP系统了解以及样板制作进度的跟进。 
毕业院校: 华南热带农业大学
最高学历: 本科获得学位: 农学学位 毕业日期: 2007-07-01
所学专业一: 植物保护 所学专业二:  
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
2003-09 2007-07 华南热带农业大学 植物保护 学位证书 105651200705000321
外语: 英语 优秀    
国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 优秀
联系电话: 0758-66888888  家庭电话:  
手  机: 1366666666  QQ号码:  
电子邮件: 61k@61k.com 个人主页:  http://www.61k.com

四 : 外贸英语翻译3

1、proper acking can be extremely important depending on the type of product and its destination.根据产品的类型及其目标的适当acking是非常重要的。[www.61k.com]2、Ocean voyages may be most damaging to the goods that are not properly packed.西洋可能是最具破坏性的不妥善包装的商品。3、goods subject to breakage have to be crated ,and those subject to moisture wrapped in plastic.破损的货物必须笼,和那些受水分包装在塑料当中。4、others may require some special treatment or coating before shipment,still others have to be refrigerated while in transit.在装运之前,其他人可能需要一些特殊的处理或涂层,还有的人一定要冷藏运输中。5、actually,packing not only serves as a form of protection, but also faciliates loading ,unloading and stowage ,and prevents pilferage.其实,包装不仅是一种保护形式,但也进行加载、卸载和装载,并防止偷盗。6、furthermore it can promote sales.此外,它可以促进销售。1、risk is common in every corner of the world.风险是共同在世界的每一个角落。2、Risk,which is the chance of loss,exists in most business decisions and transaction.风险是损失的机会,存在于大多数商业决策和交易。计算机翻译3、In international trade,goods traveling long distances to another country,out of the direct physical control of both the buyer and the seller,may face all kinds of risks or losses and therefore must be insured against loss or damage at each stage of在国际贸易中,长途旅行到另一个国家的货物,买方和卖方的直接物理控制,可能面临各种风险或损失,因此在每个阶段必须投保损失或损害他们旅行。计算机翻译4、in this way,whatever mode oftransport is being used,neither the exporter nor the customer suffers any loss.这样,无论oftransport正在使用模式,无论是出口还是客户遭受损失。1、so,insurance exists to protect the importer or exporter against the financial loss which he would otherwise suffer in case damage or loss was inflicted upon him.without adequate insurance and protection of the interests of those with goods in transit international trade cannot be guaranteed所以,保险的存在是为了保护对财政损失,以防损坏或丢失,他否则将受到进口商或出口商造成了他。没有足够的保险和保护这些货物在运输途中的利益,国际贸易无法保证。计2、an increase in trade increases the transport of goods.and while the transportation of goods is not political;more a function,in a global sense,political interest comes around domestically,considering that it is the means to sell your products,or receive your goods.在提高货物运输增加。虽然货物运输不是政治;更多的功能,在全球意识、政治利益在国内出现,考虑到这是你的产品推销的手段,或收到您的货物。3、so transpor

外贸翻译 外贸英语翻译3

t is a very important means in international trade because goods sold by the seller have to be delivered to the buyer abroad,and the delivery of goods in made possible by transport sevices.因为由卖方出售的货物必须发送到海外的买家,所以运输是国际贸易中一个非常重要的手段,并交付货物运输服务成为可能。(www.61k.com]4、in order to fulfill an export transaction and effect transport in a safe,speedy,accurate,and economical way,a global businessman will find it usefui to have a fairly good knowledge of transport.为了实现出口交易,影响交通安全、快捷、准确、经济的方式,全球商人会发现有一个相当好的知识是很有用的运输。


本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1156298.html

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