

发布时间:2018-01-31 所属栏目:话题作文

一 : 人生的乐趣



















二 : 品味人生的乐趣

出处:文景 2006年第6期、2006年第7期

很多年以前,应《读者文摘》远东出版社《当代文学选粹》杂志主编、我的挚友陈龙根先生的邀请,去香港和香港较近的地方担任几个月的编辑,具体工作当时叫做“洗稿”(washing),即主要做一些修改译文的工作。(www.61k.com]工作之余,我有较多的空闲时间逛书店,一天在一家小书店买到一本名为《人生的盛宴》的书,那是一本从林语堂大量作品中将有关人生的论述选编而成的书,读后觉得还不过瘾,又找来《生活的艺术》(The Importance of Living)一书,后来还找来了原汁原味的英语版,又欣赏了一番林语堂那美妙的英语。

在《生活的艺术》“前言”中,林语堂直言不讳:这是一份个人的供词,表述他思想和生活经验的供词(This is a personal testimony, a testimony of my own experience of thought and life.)。英语testimony一词很容易让人联想到法庭上作的证言,这是作者的幽默,似乎告诉我们:下面他将“以事实为依据”,谈谈他的人生感悟。尔后,作者说该书起名为The Importance of Living 的理由:因为他头脑里主要内容是实实在在的散文,一个比较自然从而比较容易维持的水准(because the main ingredient of my thought is matter-of-fact prose, a level easier to maintain because more natural)。他说自己低躺着,贴近土壤,与青草相亲(to lie low, to cling to the soil, to be of kin to the sod)。接着,他十分谦虚地“承认”:1、这不是原创。他书中的思想是许多中西方思想家考虑过,表达过的,那些他引用的东方智慧在东方是陈旧的真理(hackneyed truths),然而,所有的思想又是他的思想,已经成为他的“自我的一部分”(a part of my being)。2、他不深刻,读书不怎么广博。他认为:假如一个人读得太多了,他便不知道孰是孰非了(If one is too well-read, then one does not know right is right and wrong is wrong)。他说有些著名哲学家的书自己没有读过,他也没有研修过哲学课程,却只是读过第一手的真实生活教科书(but only read life at first hand)。作者随后说了两段带有自嘲意味的话:1、由于没有受过哲学方面的学术训练,他自己不太怕写一本有关哲学的书(Thus deprived of academic training in philosophy, I am less scared about to write a book about it);2、他一直徘徊在哲学圈外,这反而使他获得了勇气(I have always wandered outside the precincts of philosophy and that gives me courage)。尔后,他发现别的作家也跟他有着相同的观点,他把那些中国作家称为“我精神上的朋友”(my friends in spirit),说自己写书时有“一群和蔼的人”(a company of genial souls)与他合作,他提及白居易、苏东坡、金圣叹等人,特别指出:他们都是离经叛道的人,他们太有独立见地了,对事物太有情感了,因此正统的批评家不会喜欢他们(unconventional souls all, men with too much independent judgment and too much feeling for things to be liked by the orthodox critics)。我们可以把这段话看成是林语堂的自我描绘,因为他和这些人对事物的感受一样。林语堂进而提到庄子和陶渊明,称他们“不是他的精神上的伙伴,而是他的精神上的先生”(more as masters than as companions of the spirit),因为他们理解事物时的平静如此合乎人情,又如此超凡脱俗(whose serenity of understanding is so human and yet so divine),他们的智慧表现出来时似乎毫不费力,因为它完全变成自然的(whose wisdom seems to have come entirely without effort because it has become completely natural)。

第一章是“醒悟”(The Awakening)。在第一小节“走近生活”(Approach to Life)中,林语堂提出在他看来是最有智慧的中国人的一种观点:在不同时代逐步进化的一种源于休闲生活的闲适哲学(an idle philosophy born of an idle life, evolved in a different age)。他非常自信地认为,这种人生观在本质上是真实的,因为我们人类肌肤下面彼此的心性是相似的,在一个国家能打动人心的东西,会打动所有地方的人心(this view of life is essentially true, and since we are alike under the skin, what touches the human heart in one country touches all.)。

林语堂把中国哲学家描绘成是睁着一只眼睛做梦的人(one who dreams with one eye open)。他说,中国哲学家闭一只眼,开一只眼,看穿四周所发生的事和意识到自己的好多努力都是徒劳的,却还勉强保留足够的现实感,下定决心走完人生之路(He sees with one eye closed and with one eye opened the futility of much that goes on around him and of his own endeavors, but barely retains enough sense of reality to determine to go through with it)。在作者眼里,典型的中国哲学家既有憧憬,但又不会沉睡在梦幻中醒不过来;他明白人生的不少勤勉是枉然的,但又不会因此而感到幻灭。在中国文化中,建立在一种明慧的不抱幻想的意识基础之上的达观者(a man with a sense of detachment toward life based on a sense of wise disenchantment)被视为最高理想的人。接着,他说一个人若能躲过功名利禄的诱惑(escape the temptations of fame, and wealth and achievement),最后随遇而安地生活(eventually takes what comes),这种自由意识(the sense of freedom)和淡漠态度(nonchalance)会帮助他深切而又热烈地享受生活(the keen and intense joy of living)。作者把西方人和中国人做了一番比较后,得出了一个非常有趣的结论:在西方,疯子太多了,他们被关进疯人院;而在中国疯子太不寻常了,我们崇拜他们。凡是懂得中国文学的人,都会证实这一点(while in the West, the insane are so many that they are put in an asylum, in China the insane are so unusual that we worship them, as any body who has a knowledge of Chinese literature will testify.)。

在第二小节“一个假科学公式”(A Pseudoscientific Formula)中,最吸引人的内容莫过于三组公式:1、关于人类的总公式;2、关于包括中国人在内的不同民族的公式;3、关于一些著名文学家的公式。限于篇幅,下面仅对第一组公式和第二组公式中关于中国人部分作一些介绍。林语堂说,人类进步和历史变迁的“机制”(the mechanism of human progress and historical change)可以用以下公式来表达:现实-梦幻=动物(Reality-Dreams=Animal Being);现实+梦幻=心痛(通常称为“理想主义”)(Reality+Dreams=A Heartache,usually called Idealism);现实+幽默=现实主义(亦称“保守主义”)(Reality+Humor=Realism,also called Conservatism);梦幻-幽默=狂热(Dreams-Humor=Fanaticism);梦幻+幽默=幻想(Dreams+Humor=Fantasy);现实+梦幻+幽默=智慧(Reality+Dreams+Humor=Wisdom)。最后的智慧公式:智慧以现实为基础和支撑,用幽默感来调低我们的梦幻(tone down our dreams with a sense of humor)。但是,公式是机械的,而人类的活动和性格则是多样的,不能把所有的人类活动和性格放进呆板的公式中,所以林语堂把这些公式称为“一个假科学公式”。随后,他又拟了一组“完全是个人的,完全不能证实的”公式(formulas, entirely personal and completely incapable of proof or verification,用于分析一些民族的性格,其中对中国人性格分析公式是:现实4+梦幻1+幽默3+敏感性3=中国人(R4 D1 H3 S3 = The Chinese)。这里有两点需要说明:根据林语堂的解释,第一、 数字“4”为“极高”(stands for “abnormally high”),“3”为“高”(for “ high”),“2”为“一般”(for “fair”),“1”为“低”(for “low”);大写字母S表示“敏感性”(sensitivity)。第二、中国人得出的现实数字为“4”,大概说明中国人是最为现实的(the most realistic people); 梦幻数字为“1”,大概表示中国人不太喜欢生活模式或生活的理想有很大的变化(something of a drag in the changes in their pattern or ideal of life),对于这一点,我想用于考察年纪比较大的人比较合适,用于考察年轻人则比较牵强;幽默数字为“3”,显示了中国人有着将天上的梦幻“软着陆”到现实地面的很高技巧;按照林语堂的说法,中国人的高度敏感性可以从中国的散文、诗歌、绘画得到印证(The whole story of Chinese prose, poetry and painting proclaims Chinese sensitivity)。林语堂对中国人的性格成分比例进行了分析之后,得出了一个很有意思的结论:中国人有一种健全的现实感,一种纯粹的动物意识,一种压倒理性本身从而使任何刚性的哲学体系都无法产生的合乎情理的适度精神(for there is a robust sense of reality, a sheer animal sense, a spirit of reasonableness which crushes reason itself and makes the rise of any hard and fast philosophic system impossible)。

在第三小节“以顽皮捣蛋者为理想的人”(The Scamp As Ideal)中,我认为最有价值的部分就是作者提出的人类区别于动物的人类尊严的四大事实:第一、人有探索知识的带有游戏意味的好奇心和自然的天赋(he has a playful curiosity and a natural genius for exploring knowledge);第二、人有梦幻和崇高的理想(he has dreams and a lofty idealism);第三、人有能力用幽默感去调整梦幻(he is able to correct his dreams by a sense of humor);第四、人有决定自己的反应和随意改变环境的能力和自由(he possesses the ability and the freedom to determine his own reactions and to change surroundings at his will)。因此,人是好奇的、有理想的、有幽默感的,并崇尚自由的。

第二章是“关于人类的观点”(Views of Mankind)。林语堂在探讨中国人的人生观时,主要谈了道教和孔教的观点(the Chinese Taoist Confucianist view),并坦率承认没有包括佛教观念,因为它太悲观了(I do not include the Buddhist view because it is too sad)。说到中国人的人生态度,作者认为就是中庸之道。他解释说,中国人面对身体、智能和道德三者混合物(the compound of physical, mental and moral assets)时,对自己的态度可以用一句话来总结:“让我们合乎情理吧(Let us be reasonable)。”换句话说,我们既不要追求过多,也不要得到太少,因为人就像三明治,夹在天与地之间,理想主义和现实主义之间,崇高的思想和低下的情感之间,两头都要有所照顾,这是常情,可以理解,应该免于指摘的。为了使读者对我们自己有一个更为真实、更为宽泛的观念,使“动物”一词去掉一些旧的恶味(gives us a truer and broader view of ourselves and takes away from the word “animal” some of its old bad flavor),林语堂专门写了题为“一个生物学的观点”(A Biological View)的小节,来讨论身体的功能和智能的程序。这里,作者主要想敦促我们进一步尊重身体。他说:第一、从遗传学来看,我们人类正安坐在动物谱系的顶端(we are sitting on the top of the genealogical tree of the animal kingdom);第二、我们比任何时候对于身体上的神秘和美丽有着更为深刻的印象(we are more impressed than ever with the mystery and beauty of the body)。由于我们的身体绝对默默无闻地出色完成了极其复杂的任务,所以我们的超一流的玄学思维者可以不受干扰,自由自在地思考精神或者本质的问题(our superfine metaphysician may not be disturbed and is free to think about his spirit or his essence)。第二章节以名为“人生:一首诗”(Human Life: a Poem)的小节结束,而这一小节又是以评说莎士比亚的一段话结束的,写得非常精彩。他说:莎士比亚从来就不是很虔诚地相信宗教,也不是十分关注宗教。他认为这就是莎士比亚伟大之处,他把人生基本上当作人生来看,正如他极少去打扰他的戏剧中的人物一样,他极少去打扰世事的总体结构安排。莎士比亚和大自然本身一样,这是我们对一个作家或思想家最大的赞誉。他只是活在世上,观察人生,然后离开了(I think this was his greatness; he took human life largely as it was, and intruded himself as little upon the general scheme of things as he did upon the characters of his plays. Shakespeare was like Nature herself, and that is the greatest compliment we can pay to a writer or thinker. He merely lived, observed life and went away.)。

大概为了比较细致地讨论普遍认为的人的局限性问题,林语堂写了名为“我们的动物性遗产”(Our Animal Heritage)的第三章。作者首先以“猴子的史诗”(The Monkey Epic)为题名写了一个小节,主要通过《西游记》中一些关于孙悟空的故事,传达自己的观点:那只猴子就是我们自己的映像:尽管自大、调皮,它还是一个极其可爱的动物。因此,尽管人类有其弱点和缺点,我们还是应该去爱人类(So should we, too, be able to love humanity in spite of all its weaknesses and shortcomings.)。在接下来的小节“猴子的形象”(The Image of the Monkey)中,作者谈论了自然变化与人类文明发展的关系问题。他说,就适应大自然来说,所有自然的生物都是奇妙完美的,因为自然灭尽了一切没有完全适应自然环境的生物(So far as adaptation to nature is concerned, all nature’s creatures are marvelously perfect,for those that are not perfectly adapted she kills off.)。我们与其他的生物的区别在哪里呢?我们为什么会有我们认为的弱点和缺点呢?因为人类有社会属性,我们必须适应我们称之为的“文明”。他幽默地说,从文明的角度看,每只老鼠都是贼,每条狗都太吵闹了,每只猫都是不忠实的丈夫,每头狮子和老虎都是嗜杀者,每匹马都是懦夫,每只乌龟都是懒鬼…… (in terms of civilization, every mouse is a thief, every dog makes too much noise, every cat is an unfaithful husband ...,every lion or tiger is a murderer, every horse a coward, every tortoise a lazy louse...)。在随后的几个小节中,林语堂着重讨论了人生命有限(being more mortal)、人有一个肚子(having a stomach)、人有强壮的肌肉 (having strong muscles)和一个好奇的头脑(having a curious mind)等问题。因为生命有限,我们可以以比较轻快的态度来看待人生,记住我们都不是这个地球的永久居住者,而是临时的客人(instead of being permanent tenants upon this earth, we become its transient guests)。从这个意义上说,没有人可以真正拥有一块土地或者一幢房子。因为有了无底洞似的肚子(the bottomless pit called stomach),我们在餐桌上解决争端(we settle disputes at dinner)。经常与他人共同用餐,博得所有人的好感(we bribe our way into the good will of everybody by frequent dinners)。我们有了强壮的肌肉,因而容易发生谋杀(we are susceptible to murder)。作者说了一段发人深省的话:天使完全相信真理;禽兽完全相信力量;只有人类相信力量就是真理(Angels believe sheerly in right; brutes believe sheerly in might; and human beings alone believe that might is right.)。注意:这里两个英语关键词right和 might是压韵的。因为有了好奇的头脑,我们成了造物主的最高贵的产品(the noblest product of the Creation)。但有趣的是,我们的头脑是迷人的,因为它是不合乎情理的,有着根深蒂固的偏见,任性的,不可预料的(The human mind is charming in its unreasonableness, its inveterate prejudices and its waywardness and unpredictability)。

第四章是“论人性”(On Being Human),作者比较详尽地探讨上文谈到的人的尊严以及人的尊严所涉及的四个事实,最后一个小节还谈了个性主义的问题。

人类超过一切其他生物,因为人类有四大事实构成的尊严。首先,人有带有游戏意味的好奇心。游戏意味的好奇心是人类发展智力的最早的迹象(the first sings of his developing his intelligence)。其次,人有梦幻(he has dreams)。他说,人们说不满足是神性的(they say, discontent is divine),但他相当肯定,不满足是人性的特点(discontent is human)。人生活在一个真实世界,却有着梦想另一个世界的能力和倾向(Living in a real world, man has the capacity and tendency to dream of another world)。他用了一个比喻:世界很像一个点菜餐馆,每个人都认为邻座点的菜肴总比自己点的菜肴更加诱人,更加可口(The world is therefore pretty much like an a la carte restaurant where everybody thinks the food the next table has ordered is so much more inviting and delicious than his own)。就像英谚所云:The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. (山丘另一边的草地总是更加青翠一点。即:人家的东西总是比自家的东西好一点。)有了梦幻,人可能有了不断激励自己去追求更高目标的抱负;人也可能有了乌托邦或永生的空想。再其次,人有幽默感(he has a sense of humor)。我们学英语的人几乎都知道 Humor is the saving grace(幽默是弥补缺陷的可取之道)这句西方人经常说的话。林语堂给幽默很高的评价:幽默一定和良好的感觉、合乎情理的精神联结在一起,再加上头脑里那探知矛盾、愚蠢和坏逻辑的微妙力量……这是人类智能的最高形式(humor necessarily goes with good sense and the reasonable spirit, plus some exceptionally subtle powers of the mind in detecting inconsistencies and follies and bad logic, and ...this is the highest form of human intelligence)。

第四章的第六小节是“个性主义的理念”(The Doctrine of the Individual)。林语堂宣称:哲学不仅以个人开始,而且以个人终结,因为个人是人生的最后事实 (Philosophy not only begins with the individual, but also ends with the individual. For an individual is the final fact of the life)。因此,怎样使每个个人的幸福得以实现是哲学应当解决的问题。他认为,就文化而言,对某种文化的最后判断是看它产生怎样的男人和女人。(As far as culture is concerned, ... the final judgment of any particular type of culture is what type of men and women it turns out)。作者感到,人生是奇妙的,即便在工业时代也是如此。只要人类还是人类,富于变化总还是生活的滋味(So long man is man, variety will still be the flavor of life)。英语中也有一句非常流行的话:Variety is the spice of life.(富于变化是生活的调味品)。作者认为,个人的重要还不仅仅在于个人生活是一切文明的终极目标,而且政治生活、国际关系等都是个人组成的集体行动而产生的,因而也是以个人的脾性为基础的。他说,法国革命的进程方向不是由“自由、平等、博爱”的口号决定的,而是由一般人性中某些特性,特别是法国人性情中某些特性所决定的(The course of the French Revolution was not determined by the slogan of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, but by certain traits in human nature in general and in the French temperament in particular)。最后,他又用儒家的观点来阐明个人的重要性:身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平(when the personal life is cultivated, then the home life is regulated; when the home life is regulated, then the national life is orderly; and when the national life is regulated, then the world is at peace.)。西方现代主义诗人艾略特认为现代社会的弊端是每个社会成员灵魂弊端的总和(Eliot maintained that the illness of the modern world was the sum of individual souls),这个观点也从反面说明了个人的重要性。

林语堂先生的名作《生活的艺术》第五章是“谁最会享受人生?” (Who Can Best Enjoy Life?), 主要介绍了庄子、孟子、老子、子思和陶渊明的人生态度。作为引子,林语堂用一种揶揄的口吻来给“哲学家”下定义:“哲学家”只是一种“社会上恭维人的美称”(merely a term of social compliment),“哲学家”是“深奥玄妙和不易理解”(abstruse and unintelligible)的人。还有,若你对“现实漠不关心”(unconcerned with the present),那么你就会被看作是“一个哲学家”。我的理解是,“哲学家”的缺点是太“玄”,太远离现实,但从另一个角度看,这一缺点恰恰又是“哲学家”的优点:“哲学家”不会陷入琐碎的事务堆中而成为永远不见寒冬的夏虫。罗素也说过: “智慧的本质是尽量从‘此地此时’的霸道中解放出来。”(the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now.)哲学家的观点各不相同,但有一点是相同的:“人必须有智慧,不惧怕,去过幸福的生活”(man must be wise and unafraid to live a happy life.)。在林语堂看来,孟子有着“较为积极的人生观”(the more positive outlook),老子则有着“较为淘气平和的人生观”(the more roguishly pacifist outlook),何谓中庸哲学?其实就是将孟子的人生观和老子的人生观调和起来。中庸哲学是“普通中国人的宗教”。(the average Chinaman’s religion)作者认为,当我们探讨怎样去享受人生问题的时候,最要紧的是根据具体情况,不断地调整人生,努力做到“顺和平缓地工作,超脱大雅地忍耐,甜美幸福地生活”(work peacefully, endure nobly and live happily)。

林语堂给庄子的小标题是“发现自我——庄子”(Find Thyself: Chuangtse)。“我们是谁?”这看似是一个十分简单的问题,但是我们很少去思考,当然更难以回答。作者提醒我们说:“那个日常活动中忙碌的自我不完全是真实的自我,我们在纯粹追求自我过程中丢失了一些东西。”(the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite the real self. ……we have lost something in the mere pursuit of living.)林语堂用了庄子那“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”的比喻,说明了追求者在追求过程中往往只看追求的目标,从而陷入失去真正自我的危险:那只黄雀只想吃前面的螳螂而忘了自身的安全,而那只螳螂呢,为了吃前面的蝉,也忘了自身的安全。作者还说,孟子也赞成庄子所持有的人性有所失去的观点,认为“哲学的任务是发现并且找回已经失去的东西”。(the business of philosophy is to discover and recover that which is lost)。在这里,失去的是 “赤子之心”(a child’s heart)。作者援引孟子的话说:“大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。”(A great man is he who has not lost the heart of a child.)美国超验主义领袖爱默生也说过相似的观点,他在杰作《自然》中指出:“太阳只能照亮成人的眼睛,但却照进孩子的眼睛和心灵。热爱大自然的人是内部感觉和外部感受真正协调一致的人,是即使进入了成人时期却仍然保持孩童精神的人。”(The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.)而后,作者给孟子的小标题是“情智勇——孟子”(Passion, Wisdom & Courage: Mencius)。怎样的人最能享受人生呢?作者说,具备最适合于享受人生之性格的人是“热诚的、悠闲的和没有恐惧的人”,(a warm, carefree and unafraid soul),作者介绍了孟子所认为的三个“成熟的美德”(mature virtues):“智,仁和勇”, 而作者则想换其中一字,将“情”(passion)来取代“仁”。我感到,作者援引了他人来论述“情”的一句话十分有韵味:“情之一字,所以维持世界;才之一字,所以粉饰乾坤。”(Passion holds up the bottom of the world, while genius paints its roof.)作者大力褒奖有情的人,他说:“一个有激情有情感的人,或许会做出许多愚蠢和轻率的事,可是一个既无激情也无情感的人却好像是一个笑话或一幅讽刺画”。(while a man with passion and sentiment may do many foolish and precipitate things, a man without passion or sentiment is a joke and a caricature.)作者甚至说,有情感的人会做错事,但是他们与没有情感的人相比较,后者是“一条蠕虫、一台机器、一座自动装置、尘世上一点污点”。(a worm, a machine, an automaton, a blot upon this earth)”。可惜人生残酷,热忱而又多情的人往往被人利用。他说:“那些慷慨的人,往往由于慷慨,由于对敌人过于宽大,对朋友过于信任,而犯了错”。(The generous in nature often make mistakes by their generosity, by their too generous regard of their enemies and faith in their friends)。但是,大概任何人遭到不幸时都会感到幻灭,热忱、多情、慷慨的人却用不着过多长的时间,不快或悲哀的情绪会烟消云散,又变得快乐起来。因此,从一个比较全面的角度来看,一个人单单热忱、多情、慷慨是远远不够的,他还需要智慧和勇气。作者认为,智慧和勇气是紧密相连的,因为“勇气来自于理解生活,彻底地理解了生活的人总是勇敢的。”(courage is born of an understanding of life; he who completely understands life is always brave)作者进而指出,智慧能够抑制我们愚蠢的野心,“把我们从这个世界上时尚的骗局中解放出来,不管这是思想的骗局,还是生活的骗局” (emancipat-ing us from the fashionable humbug of this world, whether humbug of thought or humbug of life.)。说到骗局,林语堂介绍了中国佛教所总结的两大骗局:名和利。他还以乾隆皇帝巡江南时发生的一件事作为佐证:乾隆皇帝看见江上来来往往的船只,问身边的大臣那些船只在干什么,大臣回答说他只看到两只船,一只船叫名,另一只船叫利。作者随后还补充一个骗局:权,在美国人词汇里,那就是“成功”。作者认为,其实人,因为是人,哪怕是有修养的人,很难摆脱这三种骗局的诱惑,只有极少数达到最高境界的人才有可能不受诱惑。最后,作者还提到“时尚”的诱惑。

说到老子,林语堂用了三个词:玩世、傻气、隐匿(Cynicism, Folly and Camouflage)。作者认为,老子的哲学产生了“最高的理想:平和、宽容、简朴和知足”,(the highest ideal of peace, tolerance, simplicity and contentment),老子的教导充满了似非而是的观点(paradoxical views),比如:“傻人的智慧、隐匿的优势、柔弱人的力量和真正洞察世事者的简朴”,(the wisdom of the foolish, the advantage of camouflage, the strength of weakness, and the simplicity of the truly sophisticated)。《圣经》有相似的说法。在《马太福音》中有一段耶稣登山说的宝训所提到八种有至福的人(The Beatitudes):“虚心的人有福了,因为天国是他们的。/哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。/温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受地土。/饥渴慕义的人有福了,因为他们必得饱足。/怜恤人的人有福了,因为他们必蒙怜恤。/清心的人有福了,因为他们必得见神。/使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为神的儿子。/为义受逼迫的人有福了,因为天国是他们的”(Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there is the kingdom of heaven. / Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. / Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth./Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. /Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. / Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. /Blessed are peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. / Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.)。作者认为,中国人相信“作用与反作用的规律”,(the law of action and reaction)(注:有意思的是,牛顿的第三定律“作用与反作用力量相等,方向相反的”英语是 “Action and reaction are equal and opposite”.),没有人可以永远占便宜,也没有人永远做傻瓜,其结论是全副心思都用在如何永远占上风上是愚蠢的、无聊的和无用的。他说,“中国人的和平主义说到底就是忍受暂时的损失,等待时机”。(at the bottom of Chinese pacificism is the willingness to put up with temporary losses and bide one’s time.)。中国人的“滴水穿石”的故事,人人皆知的济公,里面都有老子的思想。

随后一个小节中,林语堂介绍了子思的“中庸哲学”(Philosophy of Half-And-Half: Tsesse)。人们在谈到林语堂,必然谈到他的“半半主义”,从英语来看,“半半主义”其实就是“中庸哲学”。作者指出:“一种吩咐我们过无忧无虑和心地坦荡生活的哲学,极容易向我们提出警告,要我们远离太忙碌的生活和太重的责任,因而容易减少我们行动的欲望。”(a philosophy which enjoins the carefree and conscience-free life has a strong tendency to warn us away from a too busy life and from too great responsibilities, and therefore tends to decrease the desire for action.)然而,大多数中国人依旧过着忙碌的生活,相信财富、名誉和权力。若前者有着道家的消极人生观的某些理念,那么后者可以说有着儒家的积极人生观的某些影响。道家可以做青山之王,绿水之王,可以获得一种彻底的和平感觉。但这是教导我们彻底逃避人类社会的消极哲学。作者而后说,还有一种更加伟大的哲学,即人文主义的哲学(the philosophy of humanism),其具体体现就是:不逃避社会和人生,但“本性保持原有的快乐”(to preserve his original, happy nature)。他认为:伟大的隐士就是“城市隐士”(The Great Recluse is the city recluse.),因为他虽然身居闹市,却有一颗不为喧嚣生活所左右的平静之心。不经过富贵奢华的场合,很难检验得出淡泊宁静的志向;不经过纷扰喧闹的环境,很难检验得出镇定沉稳的节操。若道家和儒家代表两个极端的理论,那么在它们中间还有许多中间的理论。“中庸”是一个伟大的学说,它在两个极端之间找到一个点,在动与静之间找到了均衡。人类是介于真实的现实世界和虚幻的天堂之间,所以“中庸”哲学是“最近人情的”(the most human)。最后,林语堂认为,“中等阶级的人最快乐”(the happiest man is still the man of middle-class),他们的“名气半显半隐,经济宽裕中有点拮据”(in the milieu of well-known obscurity and financial competence with a pinch),“生活逍遥,但不完全无忧无虑”(when life is fairly carefree, and yet not altogether carefree)。若一个人的精神处在这样的状态,这种精神则是最快乐的。

这一章讨论的最后一个人是陶渊明,作者称他为“爱好人生者”(A Lover of Life: T誥o Yuanming)。林语堂认为,陶渊明决不是有的人所认为“逃避主义者”(escapist),他逃避的是政治,而不是生活。在陶渊明眼里,家人是真实的,花园是可爱的,他回到了家庭和田园,找到了和谐。

第六章是“人生的宴席”(The Feast of Life),其中第一、第二小节分别是“幸福的问题”(The Problem of Happiness)和“人类的幸福是感觉的”(Human Happiness Is Sensuous)。第一节中最重要的观点之一是在很多情况下,物质的快乐和精神的快乐是互为作用,难以区分的。作者说:在他看来,“物质和精神快乐的区分是要引起混乱的,不可理解的和不真实的。”(The classification between material and spiritual pleasures is confusing, unintelligible and untrue)第二小节的主要观点是顺着第一小节的观点说下去的,在作者看来,“我们精神和肉体之间的隔膜只有很薄的一层”。(the partition separating our flesh from our spirit is extremely thin)快乐在许多情况下与感官享受有关,与听觉、嗅觉和视觉这些感觉紧密联系。林语堂在第三小节中提及了金圣叹在《西厢记》的批语中“三十三个快乐时刻”。这“三十个快乐时刻”颇有意味,篇幅有限,只能用最为简洁的语言摘录前十条如下:

1、六月天大热,无风,苍蝇在我鼻子上转悠, 驱之不走(It is a hot day in June when is not a whiff of wind or air. Flies swarm about to rest on my nose and refuse to be driven away)。突然一场暴雨,苍蝇走了,我可以吃饭了(Suddenly, rain water begins to pour down. All flies disappear to hide themselves and I can eat my rice.)。

2、一个阔别十年的朋友在一天太阳落山的时候突然造访(A friend, one I have not seen for ten years, suddenly arrives at sunset.)。

3、我正在为床头一只老鼠感到烦恼,忽然看到一只凶猛的猫,我屏住呼吸,突然,那只老鼠像一阵风似的不见了(I am just getting annoyed at a mouse at the head of my bed and I suddenly see a ferocious-looking cat. I hold my breath, and suddenly the mouse disappears like a whiff of wind.)。

4、在我书斋前,拔去海棠、紫荆的植物,种上芭蕉树(I have pulled out the hait誥ng and chihching in front of my studio, and have just planted green banana trees)。

5、春夜,与几个豪士饮酒(I am drinking with some romantic friends on a spring night)。席间,外出放大鞭炮(I rise from the table and fire the big fire-crackers off)。

6、在街上,看见两个粗汉争嘴,直眉瞪眼,脸红脖子粗(In the street, I see two poor rascals engaged in a hot argument of words with faces flushed and their eyes staring with anger.)。突然,来了一个壮夫,一声喝声,把他们分开了(Suddenly, there appears a big husky fellow, and with a shout tell them to disperse)。

7、听孩子滚瓜烂熟地背诵书(I hear our children recite classics so fluently)。

8、一次,我要买一件小物。我们讨价还价了一会,还是有点小差异,我从袖口中拿出一件小东西,扔给卖货的小孩,他露出笑容(After bargaining for some time, we still haggle about a small difference. I take out a little thing from my sleeve and throw it at the boy. The boy smiles)。

9、看见别人欠我家钱的几百张借条。无论如何,已无归还的希望,于是取火烧尽。(I see there a dozen or hundreds of I.O.U誷 from people who owe my family money. In any case there is no hope of their returning the money. I put them together in a pile and make a bonfire of them.)。

10、手拿凉伞,看年轻人唱吴歌,踏水轮(I hold a parasol to watch young people sing Soochow folk songs while treading the water wheel.)。

仅从才摘录“三十个快乐时刻”三分之一还不到的内容中,我们已经看到一个事实:如果你是一个真正追求快乐的人,带着盎然的兴味观察人生,投入人生,那么快乐无处不在,无时不有。用作者的话来说,这是一个充满美妙感觉的世界,人生是一场宴席。在接下来的两个小节中,作者进一步讨论了物质和精神问题。他告诫我们要消除对物质主义的误解,认为在“感官的合作和心脑合作后”(the cooperation of the senses and of the heart with the head),我们能得到“智能上的热情”,(intellectual warmth),而智能上的热情“好似植物中的绿色,生命的标志”。(the sign of life, like the color of green in a plant)。说到心灵的欢乐时,林语堂认为,艺术、诗歌和宗教的目的是帮助我们恢复新鲜的感觉,特别当我们年老感觉麻木的时候。作者说的一句结论性的话给我留下极其深刻的印象:“任何一种完备的人生哲学必须以我们天生的本能的和谐为基础”。(Any adequate philosophy life must be based on the harmony of our given instincts.)

既然人生是一场宴席,我们就应该去尽情享受。林语堂在后面几章中主要论述怎样去享受人生的问题。第七章为“悠闲的重要性”(The Importance of Loafing),前面三小节分别是 “人类:唯一工作的动物”(Man: The Only Working Animal)、“中国的悠闲理论”(The Chinese Theory of Leisure)以及“对悠闲生活的狂热崇拜”(The Cult of the Idle Life)(注意:cult一词源于拉丁语“崇拜”之意,往往含有“宗教上的崇拜”、“狂热崇拜”的意义,比如:the cult of Apollo 对阿波罗的崇拜,the cult of surfing冲浪狂等)。作者认为,我们应该有好胃口,这样人生是一场宴席对我们来说才有意义。他感到,自然间的野兽大概会想人是唯一工作的动物,关于人的方面“最不可理解的事”(the most bewildering thing)是他对工作的观念以及他强加给自己的工作量,随着人类文明变得越来越复杂,到处都是“责任、义务、恐惧、障碍和野心”(duties, responsibilities, fears, inhibition and ambition)。然而,为了防止在这个问题上走极端,或者说为了体现林语堂自己再三强调的“中庸”精神,我想说说罗素关于工作的主要观点:只要工作不要过量,它可以是“防止枯燥的一种手段”,(a preventive of boredom),提供了“实现自我价值的可能性”。(chances of success and opportunities for ambition),给人不同程度的满足感(different grades of satisfaction)。

在第二小节中,林语堂第一句话就是批评美国人,赞美中国人,他说:“美国人是出名的伟大劳碌者,中国人出名的伟大悠闲者”。(The American is known as a great hustler, as the Chinese is known as a great loafer. )然而,据我的观察,中国人现在也不是悠闲者了,在这一方面,美国人的生活态度似乎占了上风。不过,林语堂在这一小节中最后一段话说得很好,发人深省,他说:我们的“生活太狭窄了,我们不能享受看到精神生活中各种美妙的地方那自由的视野。我们缺乏精神上的屋前空地。”(so cramped in our life that we cannot enjoy a free perspective of the beauties of our spiritual life. We lack spiritual frontage.)第三小节中有一句话非常深刻地分析了金钱与悠闲的关系:“真正享受悠闲生活乐趣的能力在有钱人的身上失却了,却只能在极其轻视财富的人身上找到”。(The capacity for true enjoyment of idleness is lost in the moneyed class and can be found only among people who have a supreme contempt for wealth.)。我认为,对于金钱,很多人将其看作是获取更多金钱的资本,所以脑子里想的是如何有效地投资赚更多的钱,很少有人会去想用金钱去获得一种摆脱受金钱束缚的自由。林语堂说的主要观点有:人生有限,因此我们应该尽力在有限的生命里过着天堂的生活。他引援Sir Arthur Keith 的话说:“如果人们跟我一样,相信这个人间尘世是唯一的天堂,他们将更加不遗余力地将这个世界造成为天堂。”(For if men believe, as I do, that this present earth is the only heaven, they will strive all the more to make heaven of it.)我非常同意这个观点,因为我们必须记住两个事实:1)人不是神,不能永生,莎士比亚也经常说:一切美好的东西都是租赁的,都有一个期限;2)地球是我们人类的星球,人间尽管有许多遗憾和问题,但它是我们唯一的世界,所以我们应该努力把地球和人间变成欢乐的伊甸园。林语堂还谈到美国人的弱点:“美国人三大弱点似乎是效率、准时和追求成就和成功的欲望。”(The three great American vices seem to be efficiency, punctuality and the desire for achievement and success)对于雇主来说,具有这三大弱点的雇员无疑是可贵的,但恰恰是这三点,会在不知不觉间抹杀人那渴望自由的天性,人的主观理想生活和客观现实生活会严重隔离。

《生活的艺术》的第九章是写得最为细腻的一个章节,围绕着“生活的享受”的问题分成十个小节来讨论。在第一节开头的地方,作者似乎用一种率真的口吻说,他自己将无可奈何地要变成一个“市场哲学家”( a market philosopher),因为哲学有一种将一些简单事繁琐化,使之成为费解的学科的趋势,而他自己却走一条相反的路,将一些繁琐事简单化,并充满自信地认为:“尽管有诸如‘物质主义’,‘人文主义’,‘超验主义’,‘多元主义’,和其他一切冗长的‘主义’等哲学名称,但我还是认为这些系统的学说不比我的哲学深刻。毕竟,人类的生活是由下面的平凡事构成的:吃饭和睡觉,朋友的会面和分别,接风和饯行,流泪和欢笑,两周理一次头发,为花浇水,看着邻居从屋顶上掉下来。”(In spite of names like “materialism”, “humanism”, “transcendentalism”, “pluralism”, and all the other longwinded “isms”, I contend that these systems are no deeper than my own philosophy. Life after all is made up of eating and sleeping, of meeting and saying good-by to friends, of reunions and farewell parties, of tears and laughter, of having a haircut once in two weeks, of watering a potted flower and watching one’s neighbor fall off his roof…)就这样,作者为后面谈享受生活中各种细节铺平了路。
林语堂先谈“躺在床上”(On Lying in Bed)和“坐在椅上”(On Sitting in Chairs)的快乐:躺在床上,身体上与世隔绝,头脑获得寂静和沉思的机会;[这里,我想到了一篇有关失眠问题的文章中的一句话:躺在床上,“若我在合适的心情中,我能谱写宏伟的交响乐,画出壮丽的画卷。我同时是莎士比亚,贝多芬和米开朗琪罗。”(When I am in the humor, I can compose grand symphonies, and paint magnificent pictures. I am, at once, Shakespeare, Beethoven, and Michael Angelo.)]坐在椅上,“舒适不是一种罪恶” (comfort is not a sin)。
接着谈“聊天”(On Conversation):“与君一夕话,胜读十年书。” ( Talking with you one night is better studying books for ten years.)。作者认为,聊天与比较正式的交流思想有所不同,它是不受主题限制的海阔天空的漫谈,在中国古代,聊天的主体常常是有着良好教养的女子(cultivated ladies)和闲适文士(leisurely scholars)。林语堂似乎心无城府地说了坦白话:“谈天时,若人群中杂坐着几个善于倾听、一脸甜美遐想的女子,总是令人感到愉快和兴奋。我总感到谈天说地时有这种女子在场远胜过面对傻乎乎的男人。”(conversation is always pleasantly stimulated when there are a few ladies who know how to listen and look sweetly pensive. I always find it more delightful than talking to stupid-looking men.)
关于“品茶和友谊”(On Tea And Friendship),林语堂说,“我认为,从人类文化和幸福来看,对于我们享受休闲、友谊、社交和聊天来说,有着极其的重要意义并做出直接贡献的莫过于吸烟、饮酒和饮茶的发明。”(I do not think that, considered from the point of view of human culture and happiness, there have been no more significant inventions in the history of mankind, more vitally important and more directly contributing to our enjoyment of leisure, friendship, sociability and conversation, than the invention of smoking, drinking and tea.)在他看来,在中国和英国,饮茶对于社交极为重要,而饮茶的环境、气氛、伙伴和艺术也含糊不得,他说:“这样,一个人神清气爽,心境安然,知己高朋满座的时候,最适宜品茶了。”(Thus chastened in spirit, quiet in mind and surrounded by proper company, one is fit to enjoy tea.)他赞美饮茶,指出:“中国人似乎又往前跨了一步,将饮茶与风雅隐士联系在一起了。”(the Chinese seem to go further and associate it with the high-minded recluse)。
关于“食品和药物” (On Food And Medicine),林语堂强调“吃”的重要性:“我们的生命不是在神的掌握之中,而是在厨子的掌握之中,因为我们享受生活的权利很大才程度上掌握在他的手中,在于他认为适时地给予还是拿走。”(Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cook, because so much of the enjoyment of life lies within his power to give or to take away as he sees fit.)
在第十章中,林语堂把眼光转向了大自然,强调“享受大自然”(The Enjoyment of Nature)。林语堂对《圣经》中说的“失乐园”故事采取了不以为然的态度,“由于一个原始时代的宗教传说,今天人们会普遍接受‘失乐园’的虚构故事,并信以为真”。(the fiction of “Paradise Lost”is generally accepted as being true today, as a result of a primitive religious tradition.)这在他看来是不可思议的。若那个故事是真实的,那么被上帝逐出乐园的夏娃、亚当后代的人类所居住的尘世一定肮脏不堪了。果真是这样吗?林语堂明确说“不”,他认为:“我们的星球是一个很好的星球。”(Our planet is a very good planet)他进而用十大理由来佐证自己的观点,比如,有黑夜和白昼的更替(In the first place, there is the alternation of night and day);四季的变化。他说:“夏天和冬天的交替,那两个季节本身已经完美了,再逐渐引进春天和秋天,则变得更加完美了。”(the alternation of summer and winter, perfect in themselves, but made still more perfect by being gradually ushered in spring and autumn);有“宁静而又高贵的树”( the silent and dignified trees);有“随着不同的月份更替,花开果熟。”(flowers blooming and fruit ripening by rotation in the different months);“云雾天与晴朗天交替”(cloudy and misty days alternating with clear and sunny days);有“春雨、夏雷、秋风和冬雪”(the spring showers and summer thunderstorms and the dry crisp wind of autumn and the snow of winter)。
在林语堂看来,自然是伟大的,人在自然面前是渺小的,比如 :在中国山水画里人总是渺小的。作者认为,“自然本身总是一家疗养院。”(Nature is itself always a sanatorium.)能够医治各种各样的“世俗的野心和灵魂的疾病”( curing the ambitions of the flesh and diseases of the soul )。他还以“中国两个女子”为例,援引中国作家沈三白的《浮生六记》(Shen Sanpo誷 Six Chapters of a Floating Life)和蒋坦的《秋灯琐记》(Chiang T誥n誷 Reminiscences Under the Lamp Light)中的话,来说明两位作者的夫人秋芙(Ch読ufu)和芸(Yun)“虽然没有受过特别的教育,却有着适当的性情。”(had the right temperament, although they were not particularly educated or good poets),由此可见“享受大自然是一种艺术,很大程度上依赖于一个人的心情和个性……。一切肯定都是非外界强迫的自发性的,自发地源于一种艺术性情。”(The enjoyment of Nature is an art, depending so much on one誷 mood and personality,… Everything must be spontaneous and rise spontaneously from an artistic temperament.)。
在“张潮的隽语”(The Epigrams of Chang Ch誥o)一节里,林语堂介绍17世纪中叶的诗人张潮所著的《幽梦影》(Sweet Dream Shadows)中的一些隽语,来说明“人以了解生活艺术家的资格开始去选择自然的合适性情,使其与自己的性情融合起来。”( man as the perceiving artist of life begins to select the proper moods of nature and harmonize them with his own.) 下面转摘录几段精彩的隽语,与读者共欣赏:
1)赏花宜对佳人,醉月宜对韵人,映雪宜对高人。(One should enjoy flowers in the company of beauties, get drunk under the moon in the company of charming friends, and enjoy the light of snow in the company of high-minded scholars.);
2)种花须见其开,待月须见其满,著书须见其成,美人须见其畅适,方为实际;否则皆为虚设。(One should see flowers when they are in bloom, after planting the flowers; should see the moon when it is full, after waiting for the moon; should see a book completed, after starting to write it; and should see beautiful women when they are gay and happy. Otherwise our purpose is defeated.);
3)山之光,水之声,月之色,花之香,文人之韵致,美人之姿态,皆无可名状,无可执著;真足以摄召魂梦,颠倒情思。(The light of hills, the sound of water, the color of the moon, the fragrance of flowers, the charm of literary men, and the expression of beautiful women are all illusive and indescribable. They make one lose sleep dreaming about them and lose appetite thinking about them.);
4)对渊博友,如读异书;对风雅友,如读名人诗文;对谨饬友,如读圣贤经传;对滑稽友,如阅传奇小说。(To talk with learned friends is like reading a rare book; to talk with poetic friends is like reading the poems and prose of distinguished writers; to talk with friends who are careful and proper in their conduct is like reading the classics of the sages; and to talk with witty friends is like reading a novel or romance.);
5)人须求可入诗,物须求可入画。(A man should so live as to be like a poem, and a thing should so look as to be like a picture.);
6)美味以大嚼尽之,奇境以粗游了之,深情以浅语传之,良辰以酒食度之,富贵以骄奢处之,俱失造化本怀。(It is against the will of God to eat delicate food hastily, to pass gorgeous views hurriedly, to express deep sentiments superficially, to pass a beautiful day steeped in food and drinks, and to enjoy your wealth steeped in luxuries.)
整本书中,第十一章和第十三长最为简短,各自仅有两个小节,分别讨论了“旅行的享受” (The Enjoyment of Travel) 和“与上帝的关系”(Relation-ship to God)的问题。在第十一章的第一小节中,作者表达对旅行的基本看法,他反对带有明确目标的“虚假旅行”(false travel),其具体表现为:1)“旅行以求改善心胸”(travel to improve one誷 mind);2)“旅行以求谈资”(travel for conversation, in order that one may talk about it afterwards)。他认为,旅行的目的应该是“忘其身所在”(travel to become lost and unknown)或“忘却”(travel to forget)或除了看看自然界中“松鼠、麝鼠、土拨鼠、云和树”(squirrels and muskrats and woodchucks and clouds and trees)等一类自然的东西外,“不为看物,不为看人”( travel to see nothing and to see nobody)。我的理解是,没有明确目的的随心看随心游才是旅游的境界。
第二小节主要是林语堂根据16世纪末一个作家写的题为“冥廖子游”(The Travels of Mingliaotse)的翻译,里面不乏精辟的片段,仅举三例如下:1) “吾闻之,道士处静不枯,处动不喧,居尘出尘,无缚无解。”(I have heard that the followers of Tao live in quiet and does not feel lonely, and live in a crowd and does not feel the noise. He lives in the world and yet is out of it, is without bondage and without need for emancipation);2)“得道之人,入水不濡,入火不焦,触实若虚,蹈虚若实,靡境不冥,则其固然。余乃好道,非得道也。得道者,把柄在我,虚空粉碎。”(He who has attained the Tao can go into water without becoming wet, jump into fire without being burned, walk upon reality as if it were a void and travel on a void as if it were a reality. He can be at home wherever he is and be alone in whatever surroundings. That is natural with him. But I am not one who has attained the Tao, I am merely a lover of Tao. One who has attained the Tao is master of himself, and the universe is dissolved for him.);3)“又况其所谓‘百’者,所谓‘三万六千’者,人生常不满,而其间风雨忧愁,尘劳奔走之日常多;良时嘉会,风月美好,胸怀宽闲,精神和畅,琴歌酒德,乐而婆娑者,知能几何?”(Furthermore, the so-called ‘hundred’and the so-called ‘thirty-six thousand’in life are not always as we wish them to be, and among the days and years, most are passed in bad weather and sorrow and worry and running about. How many moments are there when the day is beautiful and the company enjoyable, when the moon and the wind are good and our heart is at ease and our spirit happy, when there is music and song and wine and we can enjoy ourselves and while away the hours!)第十三章“与上帝的关系”由两小节组成,作者主要谈了对宗教的看法。
第十四章“文化的享受”(The Enjoyment of Culture)和第十六章“思想的艺术”(The Art of Thinking)见解不凡,想来会引起不少文化人共鸣。在“知识上良好的鉴赏力”(Good Taste in Knowledge)一节中,林语堂强调了鉴赏力的重要性,他说:“所以,一个受过教育的人明辨是非。这就是我们所谓的鉴赏力,有了鉴赏力,则有了魅力。”( An educated man, therefore, is one who has the right loves and hatreds. This we call taste, and with taste comes charm.)而一个人的鉴赏力很大程度上在于其独立判断力。我非常认同这样的观点:一个人真正学问不在于他积累了多少知识,而是在于他的鉴赏力和独立判断力的程度,若一个人能够看到别人看不到的东西(able to see what is invisible to others),能够“不为浮云遮望眼”,那么他就是大学问家。
在“艺术作为游戏和个性”(Art as Play and Personality)一节里,林语堂似乎倾向于艺术是一种消遣活动,他说:“我赞成一切领域的业余主义。我喜欢业余哲学家,业余诗人,业余摄影者,业余魔法师,造自己房子的业余建筑师,业余音乐家,业余植物学家,业余航空员。”(I am for amateurism in all fields. I like amateur philosophers, amateur poets, amateur photographers, amateur magicians, amateur architects who build their own houses, amateur musicians, amateur botanists and amateur aviators.)他似乎比较反对艺术有一种明确的功利目的,比较喜欢一种“为艺术而从事艺术”(Art for art’s sake)的观点。他举例说:“希特勒将许多现代艺术的形式贬斥为不道德,但是我认为那些为希特勒画肖像,放到新艺术博物馆里,去取媚于这个握有政柄大权的统治者的画家,是不道德诸事中最不道德的。那不是艺术,是卖淫。”(Hitler has denounced many forms of modern art as immoral, but I consider that those painters who paint portraits of Hitler, to be shown at the new Art Museum in order to please the powerful ruler, are the immoral of all. That is not art, but prostitution.)
林语堂还认为,艺术家的个性与他的作品有着密切的关系,怎么样的艺术家就产生怎么样的艺术作品,“个性就是艺术的灵魂。”(personality is the very soul of art)因此,中国人在从事艺术活动时,十分注重艺术家的人品,说到人品,“它则倾向于强调人类的理解、高尚、超然、不小气、不卑琐、不庸俗的理念” (it tends to emphasize the notion of human understanding, high-mindedness, detachment from life, absence of pettiness or triviality or vulgarity.)。
“读书的艺术” (The Art of Reading)一节大为精彩,引人入胜,许多话都说到我心坎里去了。在文明社会中,读书是一种乐趣。林语堂将一生喜爱读书的人和一生不知读书的人做了比较后得出结论:“没有读书习惯的人,就时间和空间而言,被囚禁在周遭的世界里”。(The man who has not the habit of reading is imprisoned in his immediate world, in respect to time and space)但是,一个人拿起书的时候情形则发生了很大的变化,“他立刻有机会接触世界上一位最为善谈者。这位善谈者引领你走进另一个国界,或者另一个时代。”(he is immediately put in touch with one of the best talkers of the world. This talker leads him on and carries him into a different country or a different age.)可见,读书不仅使人长知识,而且能开拓一个人的视野。这大概就是培根为什么在《论学习》中说“有经验的人虽能逐一处理或判断具体的事务,但总体策划、统筹全局则最佳由饱学之士来做”(expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshaling of affairs, come best from those that are learned.)的原因吧。
读书有许多益处,其主要功用是提高你个人的修养,具体地讲,它帮助你学会思考( thought and reflection),让你有风韵和风味(charm and flavor)。读书会使你有一张美丽的面孔,“不是由花粉和胭脂所造就的一张美丽的面孔,而是纯粹由思想的力量赋予的一张美丽的面孔。”(a face not made up by powder and rouge, but by the sheer force of thinking)读书会使你很有味,因为“如果一个读者从书中得到味道,他会在谈吐中显露出来;如果他的谈吐中有味,那么他的写作中自然就有味了。” (If a reader gets the flavor of books, he will show that flavor in his conversation, and if he has the flavor in his conversation, he cannot help also having a flavor in his writing.)
应该读什么书呢?作者认为,每个人在不同的时期应该有不同的选择,即便一个人在人生不同阶段读同一本书也会有不同的感受。说到最好的读书方法是一个人按照自己的兴味,去寻找所喜爱的作家时,林语堂用了一个很妙的比喻:“ 犹如一个人对他的心上人一见钟情,一切都是恰到好处。她的高度恰好,脸蛋姣好,头发颜色合度,说话的嗓音高低合度,谈话和微笑的样子合度。合适的作家不必经老师的教导年轻人就会爱上的。他会发觉那个作家对他正合适,他的风格、品位、观点和思维方式都是合适的。于是,他就如饥似渴地阅读那个作家写的每个字每句话。因为他与作家之间有一种精神融洽,他对那个作家写的一切内容都能融会贯通。”(like a man falling in love with his sweetheart at first sight, everything is right. She is of the right height, has the right face, the right color of hair, the right quality of voice and the right way of speaking and smiling. This author is not something that a young man need be told about by his teacher. The author is just right for him; his style, his taste, his point of view, his mode of thinking, are all right. And then the reader proceeds to devour every word and every line that the author writes, and because there is a spirit affinity, he absorbs and readily digests everything.)
在“思想的艺术”(The Art of Thinking)一章里,第一小节是“合乎人情的思想的必要性”(The Need of Humanized Thinking)。在林语堂看来,“思想是一种艺术,而不是一门科学”。(Thinking is an art, and not a science.)他认为,西方有太多的专门知识(so much specialized knowledge),太少合乎人情的知识(so little humanized knowledge)。他说:“我们看到在西方科学思想侵入到合乎人情知识的领域,其特点是高度专业化,大量使用科学和半科学的术语。”(We see an invasion of scientific thinking into the proper realm of humanized knowledge in the West, characterized by high specialization and its profuse use of scientific or semi-scientific terminology.)作者强调常识的重要性,认为逻辑中若没有了常识,那就会变得不近人情。西方学问的一大特点就是知识分门别类,分割化,专业化。他指出:“我们现在到了人类文化这样一个阶段:我们只有知识门类,却没有知识本身;只有专业化,却没有专业的整体化;只有专家,却没有人类智慧的哲学家。”(we have now come to a stage of human culture in which we have compartments of knowledge but not knowledge itself; specialization, but no integration; specialists but no philosophers of human wisdom.)这里,我想到了罗素所谓的“头脑狭隘的专业工作者”(narrow-minded professionals),想到了罗素在说到知识与智慧区分时强调了“全面性”(comprehensiveness)、“比例性” (proportion)和“均衡性”(balance)的观点。
林语堂认为需要一种重新改造的思想形式(a regenerated form of thinking),它应该是一种更富于诗意的思想(a more poetic thinking),能够更加稳定地看待生活并将其看成为一个整体(which can see life steadily and see it whole)。林语堂强调“回归常识”(The Return to Common Sense),援引孔子的一段话:“道不远人,人之为道而远人,不可以为道。”(Truth may not depart from human nature; if what is regarded as truth departs from human nature, it may not be regarded as truth.)他反对任何不近人情的逻辑、哲学,反对走极端,强调要谦和。他说:“合乎情理的精神使我们所有的思想都人性化了,使我们对自己的正确性不那么坚定不移了。”(The reasonable spirit humanizes all our thinking, and makes us less sure of our own correctness.)总而言之,作者提倡过一种平和的生活,过一种合乎人情的生活。

三 : 人生的乐趣(裴顺民)






试驾是比较理想的,只是提车时,下着大雨,既然决心已定,那就风雨无阻,那天,在同学和好友的伴驾下,我们把车开回家时,已经是晚上7点40.( 文章阅读网:www.61k.com )


车开回家,我们开始忙碌了:爱人先是去买布,然后是量尺寸,最后裁剪和缝制,这样,一个漂亮而又合适的座套就做好了;而我呢,利用家里闲置的物品,制作了一个车挂装饰品,车挂装饰品下面是小镜框,里面是我和孩子的照片,有好多人询问,怎么没有你爱人的照片?我笑语:我和孩子都姓裴啊,爱人不姓裴。呵呵,其实,那是孩子钥匙上的一个废弃装饰品。 如今,每周日的下午,我都有活干:自己动手,把车洗一遍,不管车脏不脏。


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