

发布时间:2018-02-17 所属栏目:怎么了

一 : 夜幕中秋






二 : 96sleepless_in_Seattle西雅图不眠夜中英文

sleepless in Seattle



汤姆 汉克斯 (Tom Hanks) ...... Sam Baldwin 梅格 瑞安 (Meg Ryan) ...... Annie Reed 比尔 普尔曼 (Bill Pullman) ...... Walter

罗斯 马林吉尔 (Ross Malinger) ...... Jonah Baldwin Rosie O'Donnell ...... Becky

加比 霍夫曼 (Gaby Hoffmann) ...... Jessica 维克托 加伯 (Victor Garber) ...... Greg 丽塔 威尔逊 (Rita Wilson) ...... Suzy

Barbara Garrick ...... Victoria

凯里 劳威尔 (Carey Lowell) ...... Maggie Abbott Baldwin 戴维 海德 皮尔斯 (David Hyde Pierce) ...... Dennis Reed 达纳 艾维 (Dana Ivey) ...... Claire Bennett 罗布 赖纳 (Rob Reiner) ...... Jay Tom Riis Farrell ...... Rob

Le Clanché du Rand ...... Barbara Reed


Sam?s voice: Mommy got sick, and it happened just like that. There was nothing anybody could do. It isn?t fair. There is no reason and if we start asking “why”, we?ll go crazy.


Greg?s wife?s voice: Five mintues in the microwave, anyone of them, five minutes and.. done, ready to eat. Do you know how to make juice.

Sam: Microwave. Five mintues.



Sam?s colleague: Here, my shrink. Call him. Sam:



Spouse Cancer without


Support Family partners”,


Group”,”Chicago Network”,”Parents “Partners




山姆的同事:你打算去哪里? 山姆:我在考虑“西雅图”……

Greg?s wife: Eventually, in a few months, you?ll start seeing women. You?ll meet someone.

Sam: Right, right . Move on. Right. That I?m going to do. And then, in a few months “Boom”. I?ll just grow a new heart.

Greg?s wife: Sam, I?m sorry. I didn?t mean it. Sa: I know. I know. Look, it just doesn?t happen twice.



格雷格的妻子:对不起,山姆,我不是这个意思。 山姆:我知道。我知道。看吧,再不会有第二次了。 Walter: (Wa for short) The tall one with red hair is your cousin Irene...


Annie: (An for short ) You? ll recognize her by the disappointed look on her face. 安妮(简称安):一看那愁眉苦脸的样子就知道是她。

We: ... Who is married to Harold, who ran off with his secretary.

华:她嫁给了那个带着秘书私奔的哈罗德。 An: But came back because Irene threatened to put the dog to sleep if he didn?t.


Wa: Your brother Dennis is a professor at john Hopis, who? s married to Betsy. 华:你的兄弟丹尼斯在约翰·霍普金斯大学当教授,他娶了贝姬。 world. 2

yourself.Hug friend, hug a shrink or work,work hard,work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this. Don?t mind him, he?s jut a guy who?s lost his wife. I think what we really need is “change”. 山姆的同事:嘿,这是我心理医生的号码,给他打个电话。

山姆:“丧偶互助组”,“芝加哥癌症家属网”,“单亲家庭”,“没有父母的伴侣”,拥抱你自己,拥抱朋友,拥抱心理医生或者是工作。努力工作,只有工作才能拯救你。工作是唯一使你能够度过难关的好办法。对他别太在意,他只是刚刚失去他的妻子而已,我认为他真正需要的是 “改变”。

Sam?s colleague: Good idea. Take a couple of weeks off. Get some sun. Take Johah fishing.

Sam: No, a real change. A new city. Some place where every time I got around a corner I don?t think of Maggie. Sam: I was thinking about Seattle.

Sam?s colleague: Where are you going to go? An: The most competitive woman in the


Wa : I don? t see how I? m going to remember all this.

华:我真不知道自己怎么才能记住所有这些。 An: Oh, well, Walter, you will. 安:没事的,华尔德,你能行。

Wa: Your uncle Milton lost all of his money... 华:你的叔叔米尔顿把钱全赔了…… An: ... and some other peoples ... 安:……还害了其他人……

wa: ... in a pyramid scheme. Don? t mention the IRS or the federal business system. Your mother Is Barbara. Your father is Cliff. 华 :……是因为传销术。别提税务局或联邦商业系统了。你妈妈是芭芭拉,你爸爸叫克里夫。 An: My father has electric trains. 安:我爸爸拥有电动火车。

Wa: Really? Am I what they had in mind? 华:真的吗?他们脑子里有我吗?

An: Oh, Walter they? re going to love you! 安:哦,华尔德,他们会喜欢你的。

Barbara: (Ba for short) Everybody, Annie has an announcement.

芭芭拉:(简称芭)大家听着,安妮有件事要宣布。 An: Walter and I are engaged! 安:我和华尔德订婚了。

Everybody: Wa! Congratulations Walter. 众人:哇!祝贺你,华尔德。

Everybody: Bless you. Bless you. Oh, my God.


Cliff: (C for short ) Are you all right? 克里夫:(简称克)你没事吧? Wa: it? s nothing, it? s nothing. 华:没事,没事。

An: Maybe it? s the flowers. 安:可能是因为这些花。 Ba : We? ll move them. 芭:我们把它移走。

Wa : No, no! Don? t touch them. It? s terrible sneezing at a time like this. This is a very important moment for me.



An: He? s allergic to everything. Don? t worry about it.


Harold: (H for short) Bees... I? m allergic to bees.


Irene: (I for short) Harold is allergic to every type of bee. We always have to carry a hypodermic of adrenaline wherever we go. 艾琳:哈罗德对什么蜜蜂都过敏。到哪儿我们都得带上肾上腺素。

An: If he eats even one tiny piece of a nut... 安:他就连吃一小颗果仁都会……

Wa: My head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead.


I: It? s the same with Harold and bees. 艾:哈罗德碰上蜜蜂也会这样的。

C: Your mother and I had salmon at our wedding, and I really think that a wedding without cold salmon is...


Wa: I am not allergic to salon... I don? t think. But, you never know.

华:我对鲑鱼不过敏……我也不太清楚,这说不准。 H: You never know. 哈:是说不准的。

I: Harold wasn? t always allergic to bees. 艾:哈罗德以前并不总是对蜜蜂过敏的。 Ba: Oh, honey, what a shame! We had some champagne and what did we use it for? 芭:哦,亲爱的,真糟糕!这里有一些香槟,我们是为什么事情喝掉的?

Dennis: Uncle Milton? s parole. 丹尼斯:米尔顿叔叔假释出狱了。 Milton: It was wonderful. 米尔顿:太好了。

Ba: It was, wasn? t it, Milton? 芭:太好了,不是吗?米尔顿。

Betsy: (Be for short ) When are you getting married, Annie?

贝姬:安妮,你们什么时候结婚? C: Early June, in the garden. 克:六月初,在花园里。

H: Does it have to be in the garden? 哈:一定要在花园吗?

Irene: What about Harold and bees? 艾:哈罗德遇上蜜蜂怎么办? H: I? m allergic to bees. 哈:我对蜜蜂过敏。 Be: We?ll spray.


C: Cold Salmon, a lovely cucumber salad, strawberries...


Wa: I? m afraid I am allergic to straw-berries. 华:恐怕我对草莓过敏。

An: (to Walter) This is all right to you, Walter?


Wa: Today I consider myself the luck m-m-man on the f-f-face of the e-e-earth. 华:今天,我认为我是地球上最最幸运的人。 An: A Lou Gerrig line. You remember? The Lou Gerrig line from...


Wa: “Pride of the Yankees” 华:《美国佬的骄傲》。 An: “Pride of the Yankees” 安:《美国佬的骄傲》。

H: Baseball. It? s baseball. A historical reference.

哈:是关于棒球那个片段的。这句话名垂青史。 Dennis: (cup in hand) I would like to propose a toast... to my kid sister.

丹尼斯:(举杯)我提议让我们为我的小妹干杯。 C: To Walter and my baby. 克:为了华尔德和我的宝贝。

Ba: Everyone, please eat, before it gets cold. 芭:大家快吃啊,不然菜都凉了。

Babara: (bringing out a skirt) Here it is. The historical society wanted this and I never would give it to them.

芭芭拉:(拿出一条裙子)就是这条。历史学家们想问我要,可我没给。 An: Oh, Mom! 安:哦!妈妈。

Ba: I notice these things are back in fashion.


芭:我知道这些东西又在流行了。 An: Grandmother? s dress. 安:外婆的衣服。

Ba: Oh, honey, he? s a lovely man, Annie. 芭:哦,亲爱的。安妮,他这个人不错。 An: I know. He is wonderful, isn? t he? And he? s such a wonderful athlete.

安:是的,他真好,不是吗?他还是优秀运动员。 Ba: Are his folks nice? 芭:他的家人好相处吗?

An: You?ll love them. We? re going down to D.C tonight to be with them Christmas morning.

安:你会喜欢他们的,今晚我们就到哥伦比亚特区去和他们一起过圣诞。 Ba: How did it happen? 芭:你们是怎样开始的?

An: Well, It? s silly really. Um, I? d seen him at the office. Obviously I? d seen him, he? s the associate publisher. And then one day, we both ordered sandwiches from the same place and he got my lettuce-and tomato on whole wheat which of course he was allergic to, and I got his lettuce and tomato on white. 安:嗯,说起来挺可笑的。我在办公室里见过他。我以前是见过他。他是副社长。然后有一天,我们在同一家快餐店都订了三明治,结果他拿了我那份生菜加西红柿的小麦面包,当然他过敏了;我却拿了他那份生菜加西红柿的白面包。 Ba: How amazing! 芭:真不可思议!

An: it is, isn? t it? You make a million decisions that mean nothing and then one day, you order take-out and it changes your life.

安:是啊,你做了那么多决定都无济于事,然而有一天,你要了份快餐,生活就改变了。 Ba: Destiny takes a hand! 芭:是命运在起作用。

An: Mom, destiny is something we?re invented because we can? t stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental. 安:妈妈,命运这东西是我们造出来的,因为我们无法忍受万事充满偶然这样一个事实。

Ba: Then how do you explain that you both ordered exactly the same Sandwich, except

for the bread? How many people in this world like lettuce and tomato, without something else like tuna?

芭:那你如何解释为什么除了面包之外,你们俩都点了同样的三明治?这个世界上会有多少人喜欢生菜加西红柿,而不喜欢金枪鱼什么的? An: Well, it wasn? t a sign. It was a coincidence.


Ba: I was I Atlantic city with my family. Cliff was a waiter. He wasn? t even supposed to work that night, and suppose he hadn? t . He asked me take a midnight walk on the steel pier, I? ve probably told you this a million times, but I don? t care. And he held my hand. At one point I looked down and I couldn? t tell which fingers were his and which were mine, and I knew...

芭:当年我在大西洋城和家人在一起。克里夫是个待者。其实他那天本不该上班。而他要是真的没有上班的话,现在会是什么样呢?他请我半夜到码头去散步。这我可能已经告诉你上万遍了,不过我还是要说。他挽着我的手。我低头时分不清哪些是他的手指,哪些是我的,于是我知道了…… An: What? 安:什么? Ba: You know. 芭;你知道的。 An: What? 安:是什么嘛?

Ba: Magic. It was magic. 芭:魔力。那就是魔力。 An: Magic? 安:魔力?

Ba: I knew we? d be together forever, and that everything would be wonderful, just the way you feel about Walter. Walter, it? s quite a formal name, isn? t it. One of the things I truly knew was that your father and I were going to have a wonderful time in... the “sack”, I believe you call it.

芭:我知道我们会永远在一起,一切都会很美好。就象你对华尔德的感觉一样。华尔德是个挺正统的名字,不是吗?有一件事我清楚明白,那就是我和你爸爸会非常快乐,在……你们称的“床上”。 An: Mom!



Ba: Of course it took several years before everything worked like clockwork in that department, so don? t be worried if it takes a while.


An: Well, we already... 安:嗯,其实我们已经……

Ba: Fine, fine. Fiddle·dee·dee. How? s it working?

芭:好的,好的,算我说错了。那怎么样? An: Like ... clockwork. 安:像……时钟一样运转。 Ba: Oh! Honey. 芭:哦,亲爱的。

An: It? s a sign.


Ba: You don? t believe in signs. 芭:可你又不相信征兆的。

An: (to Walter) They love you. I told you they would love you and they loved you. 安:(对华尔德)他们喜欢你。我说过他们会喜欢你的,而且他们已经喜欢你了。 Wa: I love you 华:我爱人你。

An: I love you, Walter. Did anyone call you anything other than “Walter” ?

安:我也爱你,华尔德。除了“华尔德”,你还有什么称呼吗? Wa: No. 华:没有了。

An: Not even when you were young? 安:连你小时候也没有?

Wa: No. Not even when I was young. You? re sure you don? t want to drive with me? 华:没有,小时候也没有。你真的不想和我一块儿开车去吗?

An: How will I get back to Baltimore on Friday... Oh, I forgot the present. Walter, I left your step-mother? s present in side by accident. I swear, when we? re old and gray you? re going to have to remind me to put my teeth in. I? ll be walking all over town smacking my gums together and not even noticing.

安:那我星期五怎样从巴尔的摩回来呢……哦,我把礼物给忘了,华尔德,我把你继母的礼物落在里面了。我敢说,当我们老态龙钟的时候,你要提醒我把假牙装到嘴里,不然我就会扁着嘴到处跑的。 Wa: I ? ll wait. 华:我等你。

An: Oh, right. No, don? t wait, Walter. It? s


silly. You go ahead. We? re late anyway. I? ll be ten minutes behind you.


Dr. Marsha: (Dr for short) Welcome back to “You and Your Emotions”, I? m Dr. Marsha Fieldstone, broadcasting live across America from the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago Tonight, we? re talking about “Wishes and Dreams”. What? s your wish this Christmas Eve?


An: What? s your wish? My wish is turn the radio station... (She changes the station and then changes it back.)

安:您的愿望是什么?我的愿望是换台……(她换了几个台,又换了回来。) Dr: Seattle, go ahead.


Jonah: (Jo for short) Hello, this is Jonah. 乔那:(简称乔)您好,我叫乔那。

Dr: No last names, Jonah. You sound younger than our usual callers. How old are you?


Jo: I? m 8. 乔:8岁。

Dr: Eight! How come you? re up so late? 玛:8岁!你怎么这么晚不睡呢? Jo: It? s not that late in Seattle. 乔:在西雅图不算晚。

Dr: Oh, of course. You? re absolutely right. Well, what? s your Christmas wish, Jonah? 玛:哦,那当然,你说的没错。乔那,你的圣诞愿望是什么?

Jo: It? s not for me, it? s for my dad. I think he needs a new wife.


Dr: You don? t like the one he has now? 玛:你不喜欢他现在这位吗?

Jo: He doesn? t have one now. That? s the problem.

乔:问题是他现在没有妻子了。 Dr: Where? s your mom? 玛:你妈妈呢? Jo: She died. 乔:她去世了。

Dr: Oh, I? m so sorry to hear that. 玛:哦,我很难过。

An: Well, I can believe this. 安:这我相信。

Jo: I? ve been pretty sad, but I think my dad? s worse.



Dr: Have you talked to your dad about this? 玛:你与你爸爸谈过这事吗? Jo: No. 乔:没有。 Dr: Why not? 玛:为什么?

Jo: It? s like it makes him sadder. 乔:这似乎会使他更伤心。

Dr: Well, I can understand that. Jonah, is our dad home right now?

玛:这我可以理解。乔那,你爸爸在家吗? Jo: Yeah. 乔:在家。

Dr: What?s he doing? Is he busy? 玛:他在干什么?他忙吗?

Jo: Not really. He? s out on the deck. 乔:不怎么忙,他在甲板上。

Dr: Well, I? m sure that I can help, but I? m going to need you to help me help him. 玛:那么,我想我能帮帮他,但我需要你来帮我去帮他。

An: Oh, wretched woman! 安:哦,这个坏女人!

Dr: ... What will you do is bring your dad to the phone.

玛:……你要做的就是叫你爸爸过来听电话。 An: Hang up Jonah! Don? t listen to her! 安:挂断电话,乔那!别听她的。 Jo: No way! He? d kill me! 乔:不行!他会杀了我的!

Dr: Trust me, Jonah. He won? t be angry when he realizes how concerned you are about him.


An: Wanna bet? 安:敢打赌吗?

Jo: Ok. But if I get yelled at, I? m never going to listen to your show again.


Dr: Ok. Fair enough. 玛:好的,这很公道。 Jo: (to Sam) Dad! 乔:(对山姆)爸爸! Sam: Yeah? 山姆:什么事?

Jo: There is someone on the phone for you. (to Dr. Marsha) His name is Sam.


Dr: (to listeners) If you? ve just tuned in, this is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone and tonight? s topic is “Your Wishes and Dreams” and we? re on the line now someone from Seattle. 玛:(对听众)如果您刚刚打开收音机,那您正在收听的是玛莎·菲德斯通医生的节目。今晚的话题是“你的愿望和梦想”,我们正在与一位来自西雅图的听众通话。

Sam: (picking up the receiver) Hello? 山:(拿起话筒)喂?

Dr: Hello, Sam. This is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone on Network America. 玛:你好,山姆,我是美国广播网的玛莎·菲德斯通


Sa: Ok, what are you selling tonight? The micro hibachis or the ginsu knives?


Dr: No, I? m not selling anything. I Just want to help. I want you to know that your son called and he asked me for some advice advice on how you might find a new wife. 玛:不,我什么都不卖,我只是想帮你。你儿子给我打了个电话,向我询问如何帮你打个新太太。 Sa: Who is this? 山:你是谁呀?

Dr: Dr. Marsha Fieldstone of Network America and you are on the air. 玛:我是美国广播网的玛莎·菲德斯通医生,你的声音正通过广播传送。

Sa: (to Jonah) you called the radion station? 山:(对乔那)你打电话给电台了? Dr: Sam, Sam, are you with me?

玛:山姆,山姆,山姆。你在听我说话吗? Sa: Yeah, yes. 山:是,是的。

Dr: Your son feels that since your wife? s death you? ve been very very unhappy and he? s genuinely worried about you.


Sa: (to Jonah) Hey, get out here. Get out here! Come on! Now I? m not going to go through this alone.


Dr: I think it? s very hard for him to talk to you about all this and I thought maybe you and I could talk. Maybe it would make Jonah feel a little better, Sam?

玛:我想他很难和你说这件事,我认为或许我们可以谈谈,这样可能会使乔那好受些,对吗,山姆? Jo: (to Sam) Talk to her, dad, she? s a doctor. 乔:(对山姆)你说话呀,爸爸,她是位医生。 S: Of what? Her first name could be “Doctor”

山:什么医生?可能她的名字就叫“医生”。 Jo: Please. 乔:求求你。

Dr: Sam. Sam. It? s his Christmas wish. 玛:山姆,听着,这是他的圣诞愿望。 Sa: Ok. 山:好吧。

Dr: Ok. Good. Now I know this is difficult, but how long ago did our wife die?


Sa: About a year and a half ago. 山:大约一年半以前。

Dr: Have you had any relationships since? 玛:之后你没再交女友吗? Sa: No. 山:没有。

Dr: No? Why not? 玛:没有?为什么?

Sa: Ah, Marsha, or should I call you Dr.



山: 啊,玛莎,我该叫你菲德斯通医生吗? Dr: Dr. Marsha. 玛:叫我玛莎医生。

Sa: & An: Dr. Marsha. 山和安:玛莎医生。

Sa: I don? t mean to be rude.... 山:我不想无礼……

Dr: ... and I don? t want to invade your privacy.

玛:我也不想侵犯你的隐私。 Sa: & An: Sure you do. 山和安:可你的确侵犯了。

Dr: Go on, Sam. I? m listening. Sam? 玛: 接着说,山姆,我在听着,山姆?

Sa: We had a pretty tough time there at first...

山:开始我们的确不好过…… Dr: Hum-um. 玛:嗯嗯。

Sa: But we? re dealing with it and Jonah and I will get along just fine again, as soon as I break his radio. 山:不过我们一直在克服着,我和乔那会好起来的,只要我把他的收音机砸了。

Dr: Ha-ha, I have no doubt that you? re a wonderful father. You know, you can tell alot from a person? s voice.

玛:哈哈,我确信你是一位好父亲。你知道,你可以从一个人的声音中知道很多。 Sa: You certainly can. 山:你当然可以。

Dr: But something must be missing if Jonah still feels you? re under a cloud. Now just a few questions. Are you sleeping at night? Now just a few questions. Are you sleeping at night?


Jo: He doesn? t sleep at all. 乔:他根本睡不着。

Sa: How do you know that? 山:你怎么知道的? Jo: I live here, dad.


Sa: Look, it? s Christmas. Maggie, my wife, she really did... I mean, she loved... she made everything beautiful. It? s just tough this time of year. Any kid needs a mother. 山:瞧,圣诞到了,我的妻子玛吉,她真的……我是说,她爱……她什么都布置得很漂亮,而今年圣诞的确使人难受。每个孩子都需要一位妈妈。 Dr: Could it be that you need someone just as much as Jonah does?

玛:会不会是你和乔那一样需要有个人来帮助? An: Yes. 安:是的。

Dr: Don? t answer that. Let? s get into that right after these messages. Sam? Jonah? Don? t go away. (to listeners) If you? ve just tuned in, we? re talking to “Sleepless in Seattle”. And we? ll be right back, after this

break, with# our listener response.

玛:你不用回答。让我们广告之后再谈。山姆,乔那,别挂机。(对听众)如果你刚刚打开收音机,听到的是我们与“西雅图失眠先生”的对话。广告之后我们很快会回来,听一下听众的意见。 Sa: What is she talking about? 山:她在说什么?

Jo: #This is when other people get to 乔:这是其他人打电话来评论你刚才说的。

Sa: Oh. Oh. This is really fun. And helpful (Annie goes into a fast-food restaurant, the waitresses are talking about Sam.)


Waitress1: I bet he? s tall with a cute butt. 侍女1:我敢说他一定是个高大的男人,还有一个性感的臀部。

Waitress2: I bet he hasn? t bathed in weeks and he stinks.


Waitress1: Harriet, shut up. (to Annie) Hi, can I help you?


An: Tea, with the bag out. 安:茶,带走喝。

Waitress1: You know, maybe I? ll just hustle myself out to Seattle and give him a little gift for New Year Eve.


Waitress2: Yeah, you go on out there if you want to, but don? t open the re-frigerator. They don? t cover anything when they put it in the fridge, they just stick it in there and leave it? #til if it walks out itself.

侍女2: 是的,想去就去吧。但是不要打开他的冰箱,他们这些人把东西放进去之后就不理了,等着食物自己跑出来。

Waitress1: What I? m saying is I wouldn? t kick this guy out of my bed for eating crackers. (to Annie) 65 cents.


(Dr. Marsha? s voice from the fadio.) (玛莎医生的声音又从收音机里传出。)

Dr: Let? s take a call before we get back to “ Sleepless” Knoxville, Tennessee, you? re on the air, talk to me.


Woman: Yes, I would just like to know where I can get this man? s address. 女士:是的,我只是想知道这位先生的地址。

Waitress1: (to Waitress 2) Honey, get in line. 侍女1:(对侍女2)亲爱的,排队等待吧。 (Annie goes on driving car, turning on the radio.)


Dr: (to colleague) Next call, go ahead, open.... (to Sam) If there was one question


I was allowed to ask...

玛:(对工作人员)下一位,继续,接通……(对山姆)如果我可以问个问题的话…… Sa: Oh, go ahead. 山:哦,说吧。

Dr: People who have truly loved once are far more likely to love again. Sam, do you think there? s someone out there that you could love as much as your wife?


Sa: Well, Dr, Marsha Fieldstone, that? s hard to imagine. 山:嗯,玛莎·菲德斯通医生,很难想像会现这样的情况。

Dr: What are you going to do? 玛:那你打算做些什么呢?

Sa: Well, I? m going to get out of bed every morning, and breathe in and out all day long. And then after a while, I won? t have to remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breathe in and out. And then after a while, I won? t have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while. 山:嗯,我每天早上都会起床,煞后整天专注于呼气吸气。过些时日,我也就不用再提醒自己早上起床呼气吸气了。再过些时日,就不会再去想我曾经拥有的快乐时光了。

Dr: Sam, tell me what was so special about your wife?


Sa: How long is your program? Oh, well, it was million tiny little things, and where you add them all up, it just meant that we were supposed to be together. And I knew it. I knew it the first time I touched her. It was like coming home. Only to no home I? d ever known. I was just taking her hand, to help her out of a car, and I knew it. It was like... 山:你的节目有多长?这么说吧,当你把我许多细小的方面合在该结合在一起。我第一次与她接触时就清楚这一点。这就象回到家一样,只不过是一个从未去过的家,当我挽着她的手,扶她下车,我就有这种感觉了。这就像…… Sa & An: ... magic. 山姆和安妮:……魔力。

Dr: Well folks, it? s time to wrap it up. I? m Dr. Marsha Fieldstone in Chicago, and to all my listeners, a magical and merry Christmas. And to you, “Sleepless in Seattle”, we hope you?ll call again soon and let us know how it? s going .

玛;好了,朋友们,节目结束的时间到了,我是芝加哥的玛莎医生,我想对所有听众朋友们说,祝你过一个神奇的,快乐的圣诞节。我也同样祝福你: “西雅图失眠先生”,我们希望你能再打电话来告诉我们有什么进展。

Sa: Oh, you count on it. 山:哦,我一定会打的。

Annie? s colleague1: This man sells the greatest soup you? ve ever eaten, and he is the meanest man in America. I feel very

strongly about this, Becky, it? s not just about soup.

安妮的同事1:这个人卖的汤最好喝,不过他也是全美国最吝啬的人。对于这一点我感觉特别强烈,贝姬,这不仅仅是汤的问题。 Becky: Do it. What else? 贝姬:那么,还有什么?

Annie? s colleague2: New Year? s Eve. Please don? t make me write it.

安妮的同事2:都除夕夜了,别让我写稿了。 Be: Listen to this: Phone service in the greater Chicago area was tied up for two hours Christmas Eve when some kid calls a phonon radio show and says his dad needs a new wife. 2000 women called the station asking for the guy? s number.

贝:听我说:在平安夜有个小孩给电台热线节目打电话,说他爸爸需要一个新妻子,致使芝加哥地区的整个电话业务忙了两个小时,有2000名妇女打电话给电台询问这个人的号码。 Colleague2: Jesus! 同事2:天啊!

Annie: I heard it. The kid calls up and says, “My dad needs a wife.” And the shrink practically forces the guy onto the phone and says,” Do you want to talk about it?” And he says, “No, as a matter of fact I don? t . And then suddenly, for no reason at all, he starts to talk about how much he loved his wife and how he just fell in love with her like he was one of those cows in Michigan. 安:我听说了,那个孩子打电话说,“我爸爸需要一个妻子。”接着那位心理医生和往常一样迫使那个男人接电话,并对他说“你想谈谈吗?”那个男的说,“不,说实话我不想谈。”后来突然,不知怎么回事,他开始讲他如何爱他委子,又是如何坠入爱河的。听起来他就像只密歇根奶牛。 Be: What cows in Michigan? 贝:什么密歇根奶牛?

An: it was on “60-Minutes”. There were those cows that go zapped by stray voltage and no one knows why, and maybe it was Wisconsin. But, any-way, I was listening to him talk about how much he loved his wife and suddenly I was crying. It? s like what happens when I watch those phone company ads. I don? t have to see the whole thing, just the part where the daughter gives the mother the refrigerator with the big red bow on it.


Be: Yes. And the Polaroid commercial: two five-year-olds at their grandfather? s birth-day party. That kills me. You should write something about this.

贝:对,还有那个太阳镜广告:两个五岁的孩子为爷爷过生日。真让我受不了。你应该写写这些。 An: About what?



Be: Whatever it is. 贝:什么都行。

Colleague 1: I? ll tell you what it is: Two thousand women calling a radio station looking for a husband. There are a lot of desperate women out there looking for love. 同事1:我来告诉你写什么,两千个妇女打电话电台找丈夫。许多如饥似渴的女人在寻找爱情。 Colleague2: Especially over a creating. 同事2:特别是过了某个年龄段的。

Colleague 1: You know it? s easier to be killed by terrorists than it is to get married over the age of forty.


An: That? s not true. That statistic is not true. 安:这不是事实,那个统计数字不是真的。

Be: That?s right, it? s not true... But it feels true.

贝:没错,这不是事实……不过这感觉象是真的。 Colleague: It feels true because it is true. 同事2:感觉象真的是因为这就是真的。

Be: It strikes me a whole book about how that statistic is not true.

贝:我记得专门有一本关于统计结果不实的书。 Colleague2: Calm down. You brought it up. 同事2:别激动。是你先提这件事的。

An: I did not! Wyatt, do you even read that book?


Wyatt (colleague2): Did anybody read that book all the way through? 怀亚特(同事2):会有人把那本书从头读到尾吗? Be: Are you two finished? Fine, now where are we?

贝:你们两个说完了没有?好了,我们讲哪儿了? An: If someone is a widower, why do they say that he was “widowed”? why don?t they say that he was “widowered” ? (No one answers) I was just wondering.


(in the street) (在街上)

Be: What was that about up there? 贝:那是怎么一回事? An: What was what? 安:什么“怎么一回事”? Be: What? s with you? 贝:你在想什么?

An: Nothings with me. 安:没有啊。

Be: Something? s with you. 贝:你一定在想什么。

An: What are you saying? 安:你说什么?

Be: Whatever it is, you can tell me. 贝:什么都好,你告诉我。 (at a restaurant) (在餐厅里)

Be: “Sleepless in Seattle”?


An: That? s what she called him at the show because he can? t sleep.

安:她在节目中这样称呼他,因为他睡不着。 Be: And now 2000 women want his number. The guy could be a cracked, a transvestite, a flasher, a junkie, a chain-saw murder or someone really sick, Someone, like my Rick. 贝:现在有2000位女士想要他的电话号码。那家伙可能是瘾君子,易装癖者,暴露狂,吸毒者,电锯杀人犯,或者干脆就是就是有病,就象我的男友克一样。

An: Actually, he sounded nice.


An: Please, Becky. I? m madly in love with Walter. He did the craziest thing the other night.

安:别这样,贝姬。我深爱着华尔德,他那天晚上做了最疯狂的事。 Be: What was that? 贝:什么事?

An: Oh, It? s was so funny, we were hysterical, what was that?... huh...


[Walter and Annie are dancing at a New Year? s Eve party.]


Walter: You know, I? m thinking, I? ve got to go up to Boston for the AAB convention, and then I gotta visit Winston Hughs about switching over our computer. Why don? s Day weekend?

华:你知道,我想我得去波士顿参加AAB大会,然后要去找温斯顿·休斯谈换电脑的事,我们何不在情人节那个周未在纽约见呢? An: Walter, I? d love to! 安:好啊,华尔德。

Wa: We can stay to the Plaza... 华:我们可以往在广场大酒店…… An: Ice skate in Central Park. 安:在中央公园滑冰。 Wa: Register. 华:注册。 An: Register? 安:注册?

Wa: For dishes, glasses, silver, everything. How about it?


An: I? ll take you to Chinatown for dim sum. 安:我还可以带你去唐人街品尝小吃。 Wa: Does it have wheat in it? 华:小吃里有没有放小麦? An: I don? t think so. 安:应该没有吧。

(The people? s count-down shows the New Year? s coming. Meanwhile, is Sam? s house, Jonah? s sleeping on the couch.)


Sam: Wake up, wake up. Oh, there you go. (carrying Jonah to his room)


山:醒醒,醒醒。哦,起来吧。(把乔那抬到屋里) Jonah: Happy New Year. 乔:新年快乐。

Sa: Happy New Year. 山:新年快乐。

Jo: Kiss Howard. (the doll bear of Johnah? s) 乔:亲亲何尔德(乔那的玩具熊)。 Sa: Good night, Howard. 山:晚安何尔德。

[Sam is in a dream, seeing Maggic.] (山姆在睡梦中见到了玛吉。)

Maggic: Can I have half your beer? 玛克:我喝半杯啤洒可以吗? Sa: Sure, go ahead. 山:当然可以,喝吧。

Maggic: What did I use to say? “Here? s looking at you”? “Here? s mud in your eye”. 玛吉:我以前经常怎么说来着?“就在这里看着你”?“你的眼没洗干净”?

Sa: “Here? s to us”. You used to say “Here? s to us”. Oh, I? m afraid I miss you too much. It hurts.

山:“为我们干杯”。你常说“为我们干杯”。哦,我真太想你了。我很痛苦。 (in Clair? s house) (在克莱尔家里)

Clair: (cl for short) Sam, I? m so glad you? re here. I heard you on the radio. I told everyone about it. I was brushing my teeth and suddenly there you were! I just couldn? t believe my ears. I called my mother in Las Vegas. I said “Mother, turn on the radio. That? s my architect.” You know, it? s so nice when a man can express his feelings.


Sam? s workmate2: It? s wonderful. I wish I could express my feelings.

山的工友2:那真棒。我倒希望我能尽叙真情。 Sa: So, Clair, is there a problem? 山:克莱尔,有什么问题吗?

Cl: I was just tossing and turning last night. You know what that? s like, Sam. Because I realized I? m just never going to fit my platters in that refrigerator we ordered, and when I give parties, Ialways put it platters, so I thought I would get the sub-zero refrigerator instead. The only problem is... 克:我昨天整晚翻来覆去睡不着。你知道这有多难受吗,山姆?原因是大浅盘放不进我们订购的那台冰箱。我在开晚会时,总是用大浅盘放在东西的。所以我想换个低冷冰箱。唯一的问题就是…… Workmate 2,3: We redo all the cabinets. 工友2、3: 我们要重做所有的格子。

Sa: (after messuring) Pull in this wall. 山:(经过度量)得嵌进墙壁。

Workmate2: That? s the bear wall. 工友2:那是主墙。


Sa: (to Clair) That? a delay, Clair, of two, three...

山:克莱尔,那会拖慢二、三…… Workmate3: Five, six... 工友3:五、六……

Workmate2: Twelve weeks. 工友2:十二个星期。

Cl: I don? t mind. The important thing is to get it right.

克:我不介意,重要的是一定要弄好。 Sa: Absolutely. 山:说得没错。

Cl: Won? t worry... I got a rush... 克:别着急……我有个紧急…… (away) (走了)

Workmate2: Well, this is fate. She? s divorced, we don? t want to redo the cabinets and you need a wife. What do they call that when everything intersects?


Sa: The Bermuda Triandle. 山:百慕大三角。

[Sam is heading back home and the postman delivers the mail. It? s raining.] (山姆在回家的路上,邮递员送来邮件。天在下雨。)

Postman: (to Jonah) There? s another one. Do you have room for one more in here... Hey, don? t ... got it right, child.


Jonah: (to Sam) Look at this, dad, they? re all for you.

乔:(对山姆)爸爸你看,都是给你的。 Postman: Yes, sir, Here you go. 邮:是的,先生,这还有。

Sam: “Sleepless in Seattle” care of Dr. Marsha Fieldstone.


Postman: If you? re having trouble sleeping you might want to try to drink a glass of water to the other side.

邮:如果你睡不着觉,你可以低头喝杯水。 Jo: I thought that was for hiccups? 乔:我想那对打嗝有用。

Postman: Won? t for hiccups. 邮递员:对打嗝没用。

Jo: For hiccups, that? s a spoonful of sugar and hold it in it for a minute.


Postman: Really? (在屋里)

Sa: What possessed you to give them our address?


Jo: They called and asked for it? (reading the letter) “Dear Sleepless in Seattle, you? re the most attractive man I have ever laid ears on.”


乔:他们打电话来问的。(读信)“亲爱的西雅图失眠先生,您是我所听到过的最迷人的男士。” Sa: Wait, wait, wait. They called? How did they get our number? Oh, let me guess. You gave it them.

山:等一等,等一等。他们打电话来了?他们怎么拿到号码的?哦,让我猜猜。是你给他们的。 Jo: You have to give them your phone number or they won? t let you on the air, (reading the letter) “Dear? Sleepless in Seattle?, I lived in Tulas.” Where? s that? 乔:你一定要告诉他们号码,不然电台就不给你接通。(读信)“亲爱的?西雅图失眠先生?,我住在塔尔萨。”那在哪儿?

Sa: It? s in Oklahoma. Do you know where Oklahoman is?

山:在俄克拉何马州。你知道俄州在哪儿吗? Jo: Somewhere in the middle? 乔:在中部的某个地方吧?

Sa: I? not even going to think about what they? re not teaching you in school. I? m not going to think about it. Yeah, it? s somewhere in the middle and generally speaking. I think we should rule out anyone that doesn? t live near here.

山:我真不敢想像他们在学校都教了你什么。我真不敢想像。没错,是在中部的某个地方,但总的来说,我想我们不用考虑住得太远的人了吧。 Jo: She? s willing to fly anywhere. 乔:可她愿意坐飞机啊。

Sa: Well she looks like my third grade teacher and I hated my third grade teacher. Wait a minute, she is my third grade teacher! 山:啊,她看起来象我三年级的老师,我很厌恶我三年级的老师。等等,她就是我三年级的老师! Jo: Aren? t you going to read any of these? 乔:这些信你都不看了吗?

Sa: No, because this is not how it?s done. I? d much rather just see somebody that I like, and get a feeling about them, and asking them if they? d want to have a drink or... 山:不看了,因为我不想这样选妻子。我宁愿去结识我喜欢的人,培养一下感情,然后问他们是否想和我一块儿喝一杯或者…… Jo: ... or a slice of pizza? 乔:……或者来一片比萨饼?

Sa: Not dinner. Not necessarily on the first date because halfway through dinner, you could be really sorry you asked them to dinner, where if it? s just a drink, if you like them you can always ask them to dinner, but if not you can just say, “Well, that was great.” And then you go home. See what I mean? I wonder if it still works this way. 山:不要请吃饭。第一次约会不必请人家吃饭。因为可能吃到一半你就会后悔不该请他们吃饭的。如果只是请他们喝一杯,如果你喜欢就可以继续请吃饭,如果不喜欢,你就可以说“今天过得挺不错”,然后就回家了。你明白了吧?我只是不知道现在还能不能行得通。

Jo: It? s doesn? t. They ask you. 乔:行不通了。她们会请你吃饭。 Sa: I? m starting to notice that.


Jo: If she gets you a wife, I guess you? ll have *** with her, huh?


Sa: I certainly hope so. 山:我当然想了。

Jo: Will she scratch up your back? 乔:她会抓你的背吗? Sa: What? 山:什么?

Jo: In the movies, women are always scratching up the men? s back and screaming and stuff when they? re having *** .

乔:在电影里,当他们做爱时,女的总是抓着男人的背大声尖叫,都要窒息了。 Sa: How do you know this? 山:你怎么知道的?

Jo: Jes? s ... got cable. 乔:杰茜卡家里有有线电视。

Sa: Oh, Jessica? s ... Hand me that towel behind you, would you? Thank you.


Jo: I need it too. 乔:我也要。

Sa: Here let me get you... She? s got cable... come on.

山:来,让我帮你……她有有线电视……来吧。 (Annie can? t sleep. She gets up and walks into the kitchen, turning on the radio.) (安妮睡不着,起身来到厨房,打开收音机。) Voice: Welcome back to “The Best of Dr. Marsha Fieldstone”, clinical psycholo gist and the friend you never had. Re member” Marooned in Miami”? 声音:欢迎回到“玛莎·菲德斯通医生节目精选”,你从来有过的最好的朋友和临床心理学专家。还记得“迈阿密露无助女士”吗?

Woman: He says he doesn? t love me any more.


Dr: Why would you want to be with someone who doesn? t love you? 玛:你为什么想和不爱你的人一起? Voice: “Disappointed in Denver” 声音:“丹佛失望女士”。

Woman: Every time I come close to orgasm, he goes to make himself a sandwich.


Dr: Why don?t you make him a sandwich beforehand?

玛:你为什么事先不为他准备好三明治呢? Voice: “Sleepless in ?Seattle” 声音:“西雅图失眠先生”

Sam: Well I? m going to get out of bed every morning breathe in and out all day long, and then, after a while, I won? t have to remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breathe in and out. And then after a while, I won? t have to think about how I had great


and perfect for a while.


Dr: Sam, tell me what was so special about your wife.


Sa: How long is your program? Oh, well, it was a million tiny little things and when you add them up, it just meant that we were supposed to be together, that? s all. And I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It? s like coming home. Only to no home I? d ever known. I was just taking her hand, to help her out of a car. And I knew it. It was like... Magic.


(Annie begins to cry.) (安妮哭了。)

[Annie goes to her brother? s office, talking about marriage.]


An: Well I think I? m going crazy, Dennis, I really do. Are you happily married?


Dennis: What? 丹尼斯:什么?

An: I mean, why did you get married? Was it all trumpets and fireworks and...


Dn: I got married because Betsy said we had to break up or get married, so we got married.


An: But when you first met her, did you believe that she was the only person for you, that in some mystical, cosmic way, it was fated?


Dn: Annie, when you? re attracted to someone, it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing they? re a perfect match.


An: I don? t even know him. I am having all these fantasies about some man I have never even met who lives is Seattle.


Dn: It rains nine months of the year in Seattle.


An: I know. I know. I do not want to move to Seattle. But what I really don? t want to do is end up always wondering what might have happened and knowing I could have done something. What do you think? It? s just cold feet isn? t it? Everybody panics before they get married. I mean, didn? t you? 安:我知道。我不想搬到西雅图去。只不过我还想知道发生了些什么,还想知道我能做些什么时,我不想这一切这么早结束。你怎么想的?临阵退缩?每个人在结婚前都有些心神不定,你是不是这样? Dn: Yes, I did. 丹:的确,我也是。

An: Yes, you did. Thank you. Dennis, I feel so much better having just blown this off. 安:其实你也是。谢谢你,丹尼斯。把这些话都说出来我感觉好多了。 Dn: Anytime.


Workmate2: Sandy has a girlfriend, Glenda. She? s a weight lifter. It? s not like her neck is bigger than her head or anything...


Sam: No, no, no. I? m not asking you to set me up. That?s not what... I don? t need you help with that. I just want to know what it? s like... out there.


Workmate2: That? s what I? m trying to tell you. What women are looking for pecks and a cute butt.


Sa: You mean like “He has the cutest butt” ? Where did I hear that recently?


Workmate2: Everywhere. I mean, you can? t even turn to the news nowadays without hearing about how some babe thought some guy? s butt was cute. Who was the first woman to say this, I don? t know, but somehow, it caught on.


Sa: So how? s my butt? 山:我的臀部怎么样? Workmate2: Not bad. 工友2:不错。 Sa: Really? 山:真的吗?

Workmate2:Yeah. 工友2:是的。

Sa: is it cute, though?



Workmate2: I don? t know. Are we grading on a curve?


Workmate2:When? s the last time you were out there?

工龙2:你最后一次呆在单身世界是什么时候? Sam: Jimmy Carter, 1987. 山:1987年,吉米·卡特当政时。

Workmate2: Things are a little different now. First you have to be friends. You have to like each other. Then you neck, This could keep on for years. Then you have tests. Then you get to do it with a condom. The good news is you split the check.


Sa: I don? t think I could let a woman pay for dinner.


Workmate2: Great. They?ll throw a parade in your honor. You? ll be” man-of-the-year”in Seattle Magazing. (to waiter) Tiramisu.


Sa: What is Tiramisu? 山:什么是千层糕?

Workmate2: You? ll find out. 工友2等会儿你知道的。

Sa: Some woman is going to want me to do it to her and I? m not going to know what it is. 山:有位女士想我做这道菜给她,可我却不知道是什么。

Workmate2: You? ll love it. 工友2你会喜欢这道菜的。

Sa: Oh, this is going to be tough, tough, tough. This is going to be much tougher than I thought it would be.

山:哦,一定很难、很难做,比我想象的要难得多。 Workmate2: That decorator on the Bennett job.

工友2那位班特家的装璜师怎么样。 Sa: victoria. 山:叫维多利亚。

Workmate2: Yea. She? s pert. 工友2对,她挺不错的。 Sa: No, I don? t ... No... 山:不,我不是……不…… Workmate2: Yeah, what? 工友2怎么了?

Sa: How would I do that? 山:我怎么开口呢?

Workmate2: You call her up. You say, “come on, let? s get together. We? ll look at Swatches.”


Workmate2: Yeah, you know. Color schemes.


Sa: She? s not going to see right through that?


Workmate2: You don? t do it like I do it. You do it in your own suave way. Think Carey Grant. 工友2:你别照念嘛,你要有你自己讨好人的法子。想想加利·格兰特。

Sa: Carey Grant would call up and say, “Come over and look at my Swatches.” ? “Come over and look at my Swatches.”? 山:加利·格兰特会打电话说“过来看看我的?斯沃奇斯?表”吗?

Workmate2: How do you know? Maybe he did? 工友2:你怎么知道不是呢?他可能就是这样说的。 Sa: “Gunga-din”? Did he do it in “Gunga-din”?


Workmate2: “Gunga-din” is not a Swatch kind of movie, Nobody knows what he did in real life.

工友2: 《英雄泪》可不是“斯沃奇斯”等名牌赞助的电影。没有人知道他在实际生活中会怎么做。 Sa: Oh, he did that with Diane Canon. Oh yeah, sure.

山:哦,他是对黛安·卡侬说。对了,一定是。 Workmate2: “Hello, Diane. Take a look at these Swatches.”

工友2: “黛安,你好。来看看这些“斯沃奇”表好吗?”

[Sam gets back home.] (山姆回到家里。)

Sam: Jonah, I ? home. Hey, Jonah! Jonah! Jonah? Hey, Jonah... 山:乔那,我回来了。嘿!乔那!乔那?嘿,乔那……

Jonah: Hi, dad. This is Jessica. 乔:爸爸。这是杰茜卡。

Sa: (to Jessica) Well, it? s nice to meet you, Jessica.

山:(对杰茜卡)啊,杰茜卡,很高兴见到你。 Jo: (referring to a disc) Dad, this is amazing. If you play this backwards. It says “Paul is dead”.


Sa: Uh, yeah, yeah, I know. 山:啊,那我知道。

Jo: How do you know? Dad, could you shut the door?

乔:你怎么知道的?爸爸,把门关上好吗? Sa: Sure, sure. 山:好的,好的。

Jessica: H and G. “Hi and Good bye”. 杰茜卡:H-G。“嗨和再见”。 (Sam calls.) (山姆在打电话。)

Sa: Hello, Victoria? This is Sam Baldwin. I


don? t know if you remember me, but... Oh, great. Hi. Uh, I was wondering if you would like to have a drink with me. Dinner? Din ner would be even better. Uh, Friday would be great. Yeah... I hear that? s a good place. 7:30 for dinner. Great. Me too. Bye. 山:你好,是维多利亚吗?我是山姆·鲍德温。我不知道你还是否记得我,但是……哦,太好了,你好。我在想能不能与你一起喝一杯。吃饭?那更好啦。星期五不错。对……我听说那个地方不错。7:30可以。还有……好。我们在那里见。好的,没问题。那星期五7:30。太好了,我也是。再见。


Man: Are you in love with him? 男:你爱上他了吗?

Woman: I?m not now. 女:现在没有。

Annie: Now those were the days when people knew how to be in love. 安:那时候人们知道如何相爱。 Becky: You? re a basket case. 贝:我看你是疯了。

An: They knew it. Time, distance, nothing could separate them because they knew it was right. It was real. It was...


Be: ... a movie. That? s your problem. You don? t want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie. Read it (the letter) to me. 贝:那是电影。你的问题就在这里。你不想去爱上一个人,你想在电影里寻找爱。读(那封信)给我听听。

An: “Dear Sleepless and son, I have never wrote a letter like this in my life...”


Be: That? s what everyone writes at the beginning of letters to strangers.


An: I know that. You think I don? t know that? 安:我知道。你以为我不知道吗? Be: What about Walter? 贝:那么,华尔德怎么办?

An: Oh, Walter. Oh, I would give anything to marry Walter. He? s so unex-pected. You think you can tell by just looking at him, but you can? t . I should write something in this about magic.

安:哦,华尔德。哦,我会为嫁给他付出一切。他是那么地出人意料。你以为见到他你可以知道一切,可是实际不行。我应该在信中写写“魔力”。 Be: What? 贝:什么?

An: Something. What if I never meet him? What if this man is my destiny and I never meet him?


Be: Your destiny can be your doom. Look at me and Rick.


An: (continuing to typing the letter) “I want to meet you...”


Be: ... On the top of The Empire State Building, sunset, valentine? s Day. 贝:在情人节的黄昏,在帝国大厦的顶楼。

An: I? ll be in New York with Walter. I can squeeze it in. I? ll be in New York with Walter. (Suddenly, she tears the letter.)


Be: Do you want to hear about destiny? If I hadn? t married Martin I never would have bought the house with the dead tree. On account of which, I got divorced. On account of which, I hit a car and met Rick while buying a neck brace.


An: Wait a minute. You never told me you got divorced because of a dead tree. 安:等一下。你从来告诉我你因为一棵枯树而离婚。 Be: The tree man. 贝:是一位园丁。

An: You fell in love with tree man? 安:你爱上园丁了?

Be: I did not say love. Did I say love? This is my favorite part. (referring to the TV) 贝:我没有说爱情。我说爱情了吗?我是我至爱的部分……(指电视节目) (on TV) (电视上)

Man: It? s now or never. 男:要么现在,要么永远不。

Woman: “Never” is a frightening word. 女:“永远不”是个可怕的词语。

Man: We? d be fools to let happen this pass us by. 男:如果让这一切从我们身边溜走,我们就太傻了。 Woman: winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. We? ve already missed the spring. 女:对那些没有温馨回忆的人来说,冬天是寒冷的。我们已经错过春天。 Man: Yes. 男:是的。

Be: Men never get this movie. 贝:男人永远不懂这部电影。 An: I know. 安:我知道。

[Jonah has a dream shouting Mommy. (乔那在梦中喊妈妈。) Jonah: Mommy! Mommy! 乔:妈妈!妈妈!

Sam: It? s OK, it?s Ok. I? m here. 山:没事的,没事的,我在这。


Jo: Dad! 乔:爸爸!

Sa: (rushing into) I? m coming. It? s alright. It? s OK. It? s OK.It? s OK, it? s alright. It? s OK, it? s alright. What was that about?

山:(冲进房间)我来了。没事的,没事了,没事的,没事了。怎么了? Jo: It was sinking. 乔:它在下沉。 Sa: What was? 山:是什么?

Jo: Our house. There was water coming in all the windows.

乔:我们的房了。水从所有的窗子流进来了。 Sa: Oh, it? s OK, now, It? s alright. So what should we do? Your mother used to sing to you when you had bad dreams.

山:哦,现在没事了,没事的。我们该怎么办呢?以前你做恶梦时,妈妈会给你唱歌。 Jo: “Bye-bye Blackbird”. 乔:“再见了,黑鸟。” Sa: Yeah. 山:是的。

Jo: I miss her. What do you think happens to someone after they die?


Sa: I don? t know. 山:我不知道。

Jo: Like, do you believe in heaven? 乔:就像,你相信有天堂吗?

Sa: I never did, or the whole idea of an af 安:绝对是的。

Walter: Couldn? t you do a phone interview? 华:你不能做个电话采访吗?

An: Not for the kind of piece that I want to do. I won?t be in Chicago that long.


Wa: When you get back, I? ll be gone. 华:你回来时,我已经走了。

An: And then I? ll see you in New York! 安:那我去纽约与你见面。 Wa: I? ll get it, I? ll get it. 华;我来开门。

(Annie is on her way to Seattle by air. ) (安妮在去西雅图的飞机上。)

Captain: This is Captain Browning and we? re at our cruising altitude of approxi-mately 35,000 feet. Weather looks clear to the West and we expect to arrive in Seattle on schedule.


Stranger: (to Annie) Don? t you hate flying? 陌生人:(对安妮)你不讨厌坐飞机吗?

An: Yes I do. And I just told the most terrible one to the man I? m about to marry. Do you feel that any lie is a betrayal?

安:不,我很讨厌,而且我刚刚跟我的未婚夫撒了个大谎。你觉得诺言都是背叛吗? Stranger: I said FLYING.



(At the SEATTLE AIRPORT, Sam is seeing Victoria off.)

(在西雅图机场,山姆在为维多利亚送行。) Victoria: Thanks for bringing me out here. 维:谢谢你把我送到这儿。

Sam: Well, he likes the planes. 山:没事,他喜欢飞机。

Vi: (to Jonah) Can I bring something back for you? Souvenir? Do you like those little “Snow Globes” (a kind of doll)? You know you shake them up and then the snow floats down.

维:(对乔那)我能给你带回什么吗?纪念品什么的?你喜欢“小雪球”吗?你一摇雪花就飘下来了。 Jonah: Sure. I? d really like that. Thank you so much.

乔:太好了,那太好了。非常感谢你。 Sa: He is eight. 山:他才8岁。

Vi: He? s good at it. 维:确实如此。

Sa: I read an article about this. All children are hideous at the age of eight. It? s quite normal.


Vi: Well, maybe when I come back, the two of us ought spend some time together on our own. What do you think? Bye. (to Jonah ) Bye. Jonah.

维:嗯,我回来时,我们俩也许应该独自在一起呆一阵。你认为如何?再见,(对乔那)再见,乔那。 Jo: Bye. 乔:再见。

Sa: Jonah. Listen to me. You don? t know Victoria. I hardly know her myself. She is, in fact, a mystery to me. She tosses her hair a lot. Why does she do this? Is it a twitch? I have no idea. Does she need a haircut? Should she use a barite to keep the hair out of her face? These are things I? m willing to get to the bottom of. That is why I am dating her. That? s all I? m doing. I? m not living with her. I? m not marrying her. Can you appreciate the difference? This is what single people do. They try other people on and see how they fit. But everybody? s an adjustment. Nobody? s perfect. There? s no such thing as a perfect... (seeing Annie who got off just now)



Sam: (to Jonah) Come on. 山:(对乔那)走吧。

Jonah: Dad, I was talking to Jessica about reincarnation. She said you knew Annie in another life.


Sa: Who? s Annie? 山:谁是安妮?

Jo: The one who wrote to us. But Jessica says, you and Annie never got together in that life, so your hearts are like puzzles with missing pieces and when you get together, the puzzle is complete. The reason I know this and you don? t is because I? m younger and pure so I? m more in touch with cosmic forces.


Sa: Who told you this stuff? 山:谁告诉你这些的? Jo: Jessica! 乔:杰茜卡!

Sa: Well I sincerely hope you? re not marrying Jessica.

山:啊,我真心希望你别与杰茜卡结婚。 (In hotel, Annie is calling Becky.) (在洒店里,安妮打电话给贝姬。)

An: I watched him play with his son at the beach.

安:我看见他和他儿子在海边玩耍。 Be: Did you talk to him? 贝:你与他交谈了吗?

An: I couldn? t do it. How did I get here ? 安:我不敢。我是怎么来的?

Be: You told a lie and got on a plane. 贝:你说了个谎,然后坐飞机去的。

An: That? s not what I mean. I? m going back over there tomorrow and talk to him. I am. 安:我不是这个意思。我明天回去和他谈谈。我真地要去。

Be: Ok, Good. Good bye. 贝:好吧。再见。 An: Beck. 安:贝姬。 Be: What? 贝:什么事?

An: Is this crazy?


Be: No . That? s the weirdest part about it. 贝;不。这是最离奇的一部分。 An: Thank you. I love you. 安:谢谢。我爱你。 Be: I love you, too. 贝:我也爱你。 An: Good night. 安:晚安。 Be: Night. 贝:晚安。

(Annie goes to see Sam. Sam is with



Sa: (to Victoria) ... That? s great... 山:(对维多利亚)……真是太捧了……

(Suddenly, a cart runs by between Annie and Sam when Annie is dumbfounded. Sam notices her.)

(安妮正在发呆时,突然一辆大卡车在她与山姆之间驶过。山姆注意到了她。) Sa: (to Annie) Hello. 山:(对安妮)你好。 An: Hello. 安:你好。

(Annie flies back to Baltimore.) (安妮回到了巴尔的摩。)

Becky: So then what happened? 贝:然后怎么样了?

An: So then I left, obviously. 安:然后我就走了。

Be: You were standing in the middle of a street?


An: You know that dream where you? re walking down the street naked and everyone is looking at you? 安:你不记得在那个梦里,你光着身体在大街上走,每个人都在盯着你吗? Be: I love that dream. 贝:我喜欢那个梦。

An: That was nothing compared to this humiliation. Nothing.

安:没有什么比我这次更令人羞愧的了。没有了。 Be: But he saw you, right? 贝:但是他见到你了,是吗? An: He saw me. 安:他是见到了我。

Be: You were ace-to-face. 贝:你们面对面。

An: He said” Hello”. 安:他说了“你好”。

Be: He said “Hello”, and what did you say? 贝:他说“你好”,你说什么了? An: All I could say was “hello”. 安:我能说的就是“你好”。 Be: Oh my God. I... 贝:哦,天啊,我…… (in house) (回到家里)

Woman on television: All I could say was “hello”.

电视上的女士:我所能说的就是“你好”。 Be: It? s a sign. 贝:这是个好预兆。

An: It? s a sign that I have watched this movie too many times. Those stupid... from the minute I listened to that stupid girl? s show on the radio. I? ve been a complete jerk.

安:这就“预兆”着这部电影我看过太多次了。真是太愚蠢了……从我在收音机上听到那个傻姑娘的节目那一分钟起,我已经成了一个完完全全的怪人。 Be: You are not a jerk.


贝:你不是个怪人。 An: Thank you. Idiot.


Be: You don? t know who she was, Annie? 贝:你不知道她是谁吗,安妮?

An: I saw her. I have a picture of her. I? ll show you a picture of her. That detective in Seattle sent me a picture of her. Here. See. Huh? That? s exactly what she looks like. 安:我见过她。我有她的照片。我拿给你看。在西雅图的侦探给我寄了张她的照片。这儿,你看。怎么样?这就是她的长相。

Be: This is a picture of someone? s back. 贝:这只是某个人背面的照片。

An: Well, it was her and he was crazy about her. (seeing a letter) What? s this? This is from Seattle. Becky...

安:这就是她,他很爱她。(见到了一封信)这是什么?从西雅图寄来的,贝姬…… Be: So I mailed your letter. 贝:我把你的信寄出去了。

An: (reading the letter)” Dear Annie, thanks for your letter. It was great. You sound neat. We? re very excited about meeting you in New York on valentine? s Day and seeing if we are M-f-e-o. See you soon. Sleepless in Seattle.”

安:(读信)“亲爱的安妮,谢谢你的来信。太好了。你说话挺简洁的。我们热切盼望在情人节上纽约与你见面,看看我们是不是MFEO。希望早日见到你。西雅图失眠先生。” Be: M-F-E-O ? 贝:MFEO?

An: “Made for each other”. 安:天造地设。

Be: It? s cute. It? s like a little clue. So he can? t write. Big deal. Verbal ability is a highly over-rated thing in a guy and our pathetic need for it is what gets us into so much trouble.


An: I am going to run back to Walter? s arms, if he? ll still have me.

安:我要重回华尔德的怀抱,只要他还要我。 Be: What about the letter? 贝:那封信怎么办?

An: It means nothing. It was written before I went out there, before the “ho”. The only thing is, she didn? t look like a “ho”. She looked like somebody we would? ve been friends with.

安:那没什么。那是在我去那儿之前写的,在那个“妓女”之前。但她看上去又不象是个“妓女”,她看上去像是我们可以结识的朋友。 (at the Greg? s) (在格列戈家里)

Greg? s wife: (Gw for short) You saw her in the airport and then here?


Sam: And I tried to talk to her. It was like I

knew her or something,. It was weird. 山:我想与她聊聊。好像我过去认识她似的。真奇怪。

Greg: (Gr for short) You mean like a deja- vu thing?


Sa: it was a very French deja vu-ishkind of thing. Oui (French for yes). 山:是一件离奇的事,是的。

Gr:Oui. At least you? re at there seeing people again that? s terrific.


Sa: Well, I mean, there? s really just the one. 山:嗯,我是说确实有这样一个人。 Jo: Victoria.


Gw: You don? t like Victoria? 格妻:难道你不喜欢维多利亚? Jo: She laughs like a hyena? 乔:她笑起来象只土狗。

Gw: (to Sam)Is this true? 格妻:(对山姆)是真的吗?

Sa: No... sort of... a little bit. Hey, tell them what you did. 山:不……有点……有一点吧,嘿,把你做的说出来。 Jo: Dad. 乔:爸爸。

Sa: Tell them about the radio show. Go, go ahead.

山:告诉他们电台的事,去,说吧。 Jo: Dad. 乔:爸爸。

Sa: They want to hear it. Go ahead tell? em, tell? em. Christmas Eve he phones in one of those radio call-in shows and tells them I need a new wife.


Gw: Oh, you? re kidding. That? s so sweet. 格妻:哦,你在开玩笑吧,那真有趣。

Sa: Now he is obsessed with this one woman who wrote me.

山:现在他对这位来信者非常着迷。 Gr: Are you serious? 格:你是说真的?

Sa: Yeah, she wants to meet me at the top of the Empire State Building.

山:当然,她说要我去帝国大厦楼顶会面。 Jo: On Valentine? s Day. 乔:在情人节那天。

Gw: Oh, it?s like that movie. 格妻:哦,就像那部电影。 Jo: What movie? 乔:哪部电影?

Gw: “An Affair to Remember”. Did you ever see it? Oh, God. Carey Grant and Deborah Carr. Is it Carr or Kerr?


Sa & Gr: Carr. 山和格:卡尔。


Gw: Ok. She is going to meet him at the top of the Empire State Building, only she got hit by a taxi. And he waited, and waited. And it was raining. I think. And then she? s too proud to tell him that she? s a ... crippled, and he? s too proud to find out why she doesn? t come. But he comes to see her anyway. I forgot why. But, oh, oh it? s so amazing when he comes to see her because he doesn? t even notice that she doesn? t get up to say hello. And he? s very bitter. And you think that he? s just going to walk out the door, and never know why she? s just lying there, you know, on the couch with this blanket over her shriveled little legs... 格妻:噢,当他准备同他在纽约帝国大厦楼顶见面时,她被出租车给撞了。他等呀等呀,而且还下雨。之后她不愿告诉他她跛了,他也不愿弄清她为什么没来。但是最后他还是去了看了她,原因我忘了。但,哦,奇怪的是他去看她时竟然没注意到她没能坐起来向他问好。他还字字讽剌。想想吧,他就要离开了,再也不会知道她为什么还躺在床上。长椅上,毯子遮着她那双枯缩的小腿…… Jo: Are you alright? 乔:你没事吧? Gr: She? s is fine. 格:她没事的。

Gw: And suddenly, he saw the painting. And he goes to the bedroom and he looks and he comes out and looks at her and he kind of just...and they know, and they hug...


Sa: That? s a chick movie. 山:那是女人看的电影。

Gr: I would say so. What kind of a person would wrrite to someone they heard on the radio?


Sa: I got hundreds of letters from women all over the country.

山:我收到来自全国各地好几百封女人的来信。 Gr: Desperate women. 格:如饥似渴的女人。

Gw: Just because someone is looking for a nice guy, doesn? t make them desperate. 格妻:不能仅仅因为她们想找个好男人,就说她们如饥似渴。 Gr: How about” rapacious” and “love-starved”?

格:那就是“贪得无厌”或是“缺乏爱情”的那种。 Gw: No.


Gr: It is easier to be killed by a terrorist to find a husband after the age of 40.

格:四十岁之后找男人比被恐怖分子杀死还难。 Gw: That is absolutely untrue. 格妻:完全不对。

Gr: Right honey, right. 格:是,宝贝,就是这样的。

Sa: Well, I? m not looking for a mail-order

bride. I? m just looking for some-one I can have a decent conversation with over dinner without having it falling down into weepy tears over some movie.


Gr: She? s very emotional. 格:她真是多情善感。

Sa: But I cried at the end fo “The Dirty Dozen”.

山:但我看到《十二英豪》结尾时落泪了。 Gr: Well who didn? t ? 格:谁不会呢?

Sa: Jim Brown is throwing these hand grenades down these air shafts and Richard Jackel and Lee Marvin were sitting on the top of this armored personal carrier, and they? re dressed up like Nazis and Treaty Lopez... he busted his neck when they were parachuting down behind Nazi lines. Richard Jackel had an his shinny helmet because he was the MP. 山:吉米·布朗把手榴弹大把地扔到风井里,理查德·杰克尔和李马文藏在装有枪弹的私人运输船顶上。穿得像个纳粹分子,崔尼洛帕降落时脖子给打了个窟窿,宪兵理查德·杰克尔那个闪亮的头盔…… Gr: Please no more... Oh, God I loved that movie.


Je: This is the best movie I? ve seen in my whole life.

杰:这是我整个生命中看到的最好的片子。 Jo: What? s so great about it? 乔:到底好在哪儿?

Je: You have to find her, Jonah. You have to go to her.


Jo: Do you know how much money it costs to go to New York?


Je: Nobody knows. It changes practically everyday. How much money do you have? 杰:谁也不知道,票价每天都在变,你有多少钱? Jo: 80$


Je: I have 42$. That will probably cover taxicabs.

杰:我有42美元,可能够付出租车的钱。 Jo: But how would I get there? 乔:但我怎么才能到那儿?

Jessica? s Mom: Honey, I have to run the tickets over to someone. Can you keep an eye on things at front until I get back? 杰母:宝贝,我得去把这些票倒给别人。你能不能照看一下东西,等我回来。

Je: Sure, mom. Do you want a window seat or on aisle?

杰:好的,妈妈。你要靠窗的还是靠过道的座位? Jo: Window. 乔:靠窗的。

Je: Do you want a food plate?


杰:你想带一个水果盘吗? Jo: I don? t know. Do I ? 乔:我不知道,要吗?

Je: I? d rather die than eat airplane food. I? m telling them you? re twelve so that you can fly unaccompanied and the stewardess won? t carry you around and stuff like that. 杰:我死也不吃飞机上的东西,我告诉他们你已经十二岁,可以自已坐飞机,那些空姐也就不会围着你团团转了。

Jo: Are you crazy? Who? d believe I? m twelve?


Je: If it? s in the computer, they believe anything.

杰:在电脑里,他们会相信任何事情。 Jo: Are you sure? 乔:真的吗?

Je: Do you want me to say that you? re really short for your age and that they should ? t say anything because it would hurt your feelings?


Jo: yeah that? s a great idea! 乔:不错,真是个好主意!

An: Oh, Walter. 安:哦,华尔德!

Becky: You? re going to miss the train. 贝:你快赶不上火车了。

Annie: No, I? m not. I? m so happy, Becky. Finally, I feel happy. This is right. This is real Everything else is what happens when you watch too many movie and you completely lose sight of what counts. Please, don? t tell anybody what happened because I would be so absolutely mortified if any one knew that I did any-thing even remotely close to what I have done. Do you promise?

安:不,不会的。我真是高兴,贝姬,最后,我感到幸福,是真的,很真实。其它一切都是因为看得太多电影,而对重要的东西视而不见。求求你别把发生的一切告诉别人,因为要是有人知道我做了那怕是一点点这种傻事,我也会感到没脸见人的,答应我,好吗? Be: I promise. 贝:我答应你。

An: “Sleepless in Seattle” is history. 安:“西雅图失眠先生”,已成历史了。

Walter: Go ahead. 华:说吧。

Annie: No, you go. 安:不,你先说。

Wa: Well I was just going to say that ever since Christmas, you? ve been different kind of distracted, distant. But now it feels as if you? re coming back from where ever you were.



An: I am. I was just... I just... I just got... I think I got nervous. But that? s normal, right? I mean don? t you ever feel nervous about, you know...

安:是的,我只是,我只是有点……我认为我是太紧张了吧。但那是很正常的,是不是?我是说难道你从没觉得过紧张吗?对于…… Wa: What? 华:什么?

An: “Forever”. 安:“一生一世”。 Wa: No. 华:不。

An: Well, I did and, you know what I think? I think I thought it was too perfect, you know? I started to wonder if we were the human equivalent of two rights making a wrong. You know what it was? It was like kid? s myth... but not, if you see what I mean, you have to grow up. You just can? t keep having these adolescent fantasies about how exciting our life is going to be. (seeing a set of china) Don? t hate me but I love this pattern.


Wa: You couldn? t. 华:你不喜欢的。 An: I do. 安:我喜欢。

Wa; This is just like my grandmother? s china.


Sales woman: How many plate settings should I put down?

女售货员:要配多少个盘子! An & Wa: Ten. 安和华:……太多。

(Walter gives a box to Annie.) (华尔德把一个盒子递给安妮。) An: Walter! 安:华尔德。

Wa: It was my mother? s . I had them size it down. She had really fat fingers.


An: It? s so beautiful. It? s exactly what I would pick out if I had every ring in the whole world to choose from. You see what I mean. There are people who would like a relationship to full of surprises. But I am not one of those people. No siree. Surprises are highly over-rated.




(at the Sam? s ) (在山姆家)

Sam: I? m leaving first thing in the morning, but I? only going to be gone one night. And Clarifies going to be here, so you? ll be able to see plenty of “ Gerald” and “Nightmare on Elm Street 12” and I will never know.


Jonah: are you going with her? 乔:你要同她一起去吗?

Sa: I am going with Victoria. Yes. Don? t try anything tricky, understand? Don? t go rolling I poison ivy as soon as I leave the house, or lock yourself in a closet or do anything that needs stitches. If your finger falls off, it? s staying off. No one? s going to pack it on ice and take you to the hospital, so you can be a breakthrough in laser surgery. Is this about that woman in Baltimore?

山:我同维多利亚去,对了,别玩什么花招,明白吗?我走后别碰毒漆,或者把自己关在屋内,把自己弄伤。如果你弄伤掉了手指,那就让它掉,没有人来帮你冰熬或送到医院,给激光外科手术带来前所未有的突破。是不是还想着那巴尔的摩女人? Jo: Annie, (slams the door) I don? t care what you do!

乔:是安妮。(大力关门)你干什么我才不管呢。 Sa: Good fine. I will tell you what I? m doing this weekend. I? m getting laid. 1990? s and nobody is getting laid. I? m the only man in America who is getting laid this weekend and I haven ? t been laid that much. Six girls in college, maybe seven. How long have you been standing there?

山:好,很好。我告诉你我这周未要什么,我要干它一家伙。都90年代了,我还没干过,我是美国唯一要在这个周未要干一家伙的人,我已经好久没干过了,大学时我干过六个女孩,也许是七个,你站这儿多久了? Jo: Forever.


Sa: What did you hear me just say? 山:你刚才听我说什么了?

Jo: Six girls in college, maybe seven. 乔:干过六个女孩,也许还是七个。 Sa: Seven. Eight! Mary Kelly. 山:七个,还八个呢!玛丽·克丽。 Jo: This is the one I like. 乔:这个我喜欢。

Sa: Jonah, the fact is, you? re not going to like any woman because it isn? t our mother. 山:乔那,事实是只要不是你母亲,你谁也不喜欢。 Jo: How do you know? What? s wrong about Annie?

乔:你怎么知道是这样的?安妮不好吗? Sa: Oh, Jonah, shut up! 山:噢,闭嘴!乔那!

Jo: Shut up?! Shut up? Mom never said


“shut up” to me. Mom never yelled to me. 乔:闭嘴?闭嘴?妈妈从来没叫我闭嘴,妈妈从来没有对我大声喊叫。

Sa: The conversation is finished. 山:谈话到此结束。

Jo: Why Can? t we go to New York? 乔:为什么我们不能去纽约?

Sa: There is no way that we are going on a plane to meet some woman who could be a crazy lunatic. Didn? t you see Fatal Attraction?

山:要我坐飞机去和一个可能是疯女人见面是不可能的,你没看过《孽缘》吗? Jo: You wouldn? t let me. 乔;你没让我看。

Sa: Well I saw it, and it scared the shit out of me. It scared the shit out of every man in America.


Jo: I? m not leaving until you say “yes”. I hate you. I hate you.


Sa: That? s good. You? ll have a lot of to tell Oprah. How your dad destroyed your life ? cause he had to go off for a weekend special at the Holiday Inn... (Clarise arrives) Jonah, Clarise is here and I? ve got to go... Jonah. Jonah? All right, Jonah. Listen, I got to go now. Jonah? 山:那好,你再去电台说你爸爸如何毁了你的一生。只因为他周未去旅馆过夜。(克莱丽丝到了)乔那,克莱丽丝来了,我要走了。乔那?我要走了,乔那!乔那?好了,乔那,听着,我要走了。乔那? Clarise: Jonah? 克莱丽丝:乔那?

Sam: (running out) Hey Jonah! Jonah! Jonah? Jonah?!

山:(冲出去)嘿,乔那?乔那?乔那?乔那? (at the Jessica? s ) (在杰茜卡家里)

Jessica? s Mom: Jessica, honey. You have to tell us where he is. Jonah? s daddy is very upset.


Jessica? s Dad: Jessica, this is your father. Tell us where he is, right this minute!


Jessica: N-Y. 杰:NY。

Sa: What is that? 山:什么意思?

Jessica? s Dad: “No Way”. 杰父:“无可奉告”。 Sa: That? s “N-W”. 山:但那是N-W。

Je: New York. He? s no his way to New York. 杰:纽约。他正往纽约去了。 Jessica? s Mom: What? 杰母:什么? Sa: How?



Je: United (airline), 597.

杰:乘联合(航空)飞机597航班。 Jessica? s Mom: Jessica. 杰母:杰茜卡。

Sa: When does it leave? 山:什么时候起飞? Jessica? s Dad: 7:30. 杰父:7点三十分。

(Jonah is on his way to New York by air.) (乔那在去纽约的飞机上。)

Stewardess: (to Jonah) Here you go. Here? s a nice pin for you for flying with us.


Jo: Thank you. 乔那:谢谢。

Stewardess: You? re welcome. Can I take this (bag) for you?

空姐:别客气,要我为你拿着(包)吗? Jonah: No. 乔:不要。 (New York) (纽约)

Cab Driver: Where to, kid? 出租司机:上哪?小孩。

Jo: The Empire State Building. 乔:帝国大厦。

Cab Driver: Get a little farther away from the cab next time, Mac... Here it is, whatcha gonna do? When you get up there? Spit off the top?


Jo: No. I? m going to meet my new mother. 乔:不,我要去见我的新妈妈。

Jo: (to a stranger) Excuse me. I? m Jonah. Are you Annie?


Woman: No. I? m Cynthia. 女:不是,我叫辛西娅。

Jo: (to another strange) Excuse ,e. Are you Annie?


(Annie and Walter are at a restaurant.) (安妮和华尔德在一家餐厅。)

Walter: Oh, great table. Something wrong? 华:哦,这桌子位置不错。怎么了? Waiter: Can I get you a drink? 待:要来点饮料吗?

Walter; Some champagne. 华:来点香槟。 Annie: Fine, fine. 安:好的。

Walter: Can we have a bottle of Dom... Delousie (a fat actor from the 70? s and 80? s ). Just kidding. 华:给我来个唐·德劳西(一位七八十年你的胖演员)。开个玩笑。

An: It was a joke. He meant Dom Perignon.

安:他在开玩笑,他是要唐·彼里根香槟。 Waiter: I got it. 待:知道了。

Walter: Beautiful view, isn? t it. 华:景色很美,是不是?

An: Walter, there? s something I have to tell you.

安:华特,有件事我一定要跟你讲。 (Now Sam arrives at New York.) (现在山姆来到纽约。)

Sam: Hey, money, money... (to cab driver) the Empire State Building, please.


(back to the restaurant)

Walter:So, he could be on top of the Empire State Building now.


An: No... I guess he could be... No. It? s not him, Walter, it? s me. I can? t do this.


Wa: Look, Annie, I love you, but let? s leave that out of this. I don? t want to be someone that you? re settling for. I don? t want to be someone that anyone settles for. Marriage is hard enough without bringing such low expectations into it. Isn? t it?

华:啊,安妮,我是爱你的,但是我们还是分手吧。我不想成为你勉强将就的人,我不想成为你勉强就的人,我不想成为任何人勉强将就的人。婚姻是很困难的,不可能没能失望,对吗? An: Walter, I don? t deserve you. 安:华尔德,我不配你。

Walter: No, I wouldn? t put it that way,but, OK.

华:不,我不愿你那样说,没事了。 (Annie returns the ring to Walter.) (把戒指还给华尔德。) An: You Ok? 安:你真的没事? Wa: Yeah. 华:是的。 An: Look! 安:看, Wa: What. 华:什么?

An: It? s a sign. 安:那是个预兆。

Wa: Who needed a sign? 华:谁需要好预兆?

An: Walter, I have to go. (rashing out and getting on a taxi)


(on the Observation Deck of the Empire State building, Sam finds Jonah.)

(在帝国大厦的观看台,山姆找到了乔那。) Sam: Jonah! Jonah! 山:乔那,乔那! Jonah: Dad! 乔:爸爸!


Sa: What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn? t get to you?


Jo: I? m sorry. I? m sorry. 乔:对不起,对不起。

Sa: What would I have done? You? re my family. You? re all I? ve got.


Jo: I thought she? d be here. I thought she? d come.


Sa: We? re doing Ok, aren? t we? I mean, aren? t we Ok? So far have I done anything really stupid?

山:我们相处得不错,是不是?我说,我们俩不是活得好好吗?我做了什么蠢事吗? Jo: No. 乔:没有。

Sa: I? ve screwed it up for the both of us? 山:我让我们的感情破裂了吗? Jo: No. 乔:没有。

(Annie rushes into the Empire State Building.)


Annie: (to guard) Observation deck. 安:(对保安)我要去观看台。

Guard: Sorry, ma? am, but it? s too late. 保安:对不起,女士,过时间了。

An: No, please. I really need to get up there. 安:不,求求你,我确实需要上去。

Guard: We? re closing up. No more runs tonight.


An: Listen, can I just take a look? There? s someone I was supposed to meet. He? s probably not here, but if I don? t at least look. I? ll always wonder about it.

安:我能不能只看一眼?我约了人,他可能不在这里,但是如果我不看一眼,我会永远想着这事的。 Guard: “Carey Grant” right? 保安:《加利·格兰特》,对吗? An: You know that movie? 安:你知道那部电影?

Guard: One of my wife? s favorites. 保安:我妻子最喜欢的片子之一。

(Sam and Jonah are to go downstairs in elevator.)


Sam: Hey, maybe when we get home, we?ll get a dog.

山:嘿,也许我们回到家,我们要弄条狗养一养。 Jo: OK. 乔:OK。

Sa: what do you mean “O-K”? wouldn? t you like to have a dog?

山:这O-K又是什么意思?你不喜欢养狗吗? Jo: Sure.


(Annie goes upstairs while Sam and Jonah have been downstairs.)


Elevator operator: I? m sorry ma? am. Empty. 电梯员:抱歉,夫人,没有人。 An: Can I take a minute? 安:我花上两分钟转转,行吗? Elevator operator: go ahead. 电梯员:好吧。

(Annie finds a parcel while Sam and Jonah comes over.)

(安妮见到了一个包裹。山姆和乔那走了过来。) Jo: I left it by the telescopes. 乔:我把他落在望远镜那边了。 Sa: It? s you.

山:(对安妮)是你? An: It? s me. 安:是我。

Sa; I saw you in the street. 山:我在街上看过你。 Jo: Are you Annie? 乔:你是安妮? An: Yes. 安:是的。

Sa: you? re Annie? 山:你是安妮?

An: This is must be yours. 安:这是你落下的吧。

Jo: I? m Jonah. This is my dad. His name? s Sam.


An: And who ? s this (referring to the doll bear)?

安:这又是谁(指玩具熊)? Jo: Howard. 乔:豪伍德。

An: Oh, Howard. Hello, Howard. 安:哦,豪伍德。你好,豪伍德。 Sa: We? d better go. Shall we? 山:我们得走了,好吗?

An: Sam, it? s nice to meet you. 安:山姆,见到你真高兴!


三 : 今日推荐中英字幕《西雅图不眠夜》(爱情片)











【剧情介绍】 自从妻子玛吉病逝后,山姆就一直带着8岁的儿子乔纳默默地生活着。他谢绝了朋友的安慰和再婚的介绍,他相信真正的爱只有一次,他永远不会再找到象玛吉一样的女人了。为了调整心情,他决定离开芝加哥到西雅图去过1种新的生活。时间已经是一年半以后。巴尔的摩的一位女记者安妮与男朋友沃尔特订婚了。她决定去华盛顿和男友一起过圣诞节。在汽车上,安妮打开收音机听情感热线,正好听到乔纳打电话要求给父亲找1个妻子。山姆十分生气,但在主持人的耐心劝导下,他讲述了自己的经历。他知道乔纳需要1个新母亲,但他明白再也找不到象原来那样完美的家了。安妮被这个伤感的故事深深触动了。过完圣诞,安妮回到办公室时,发现几乎所有的同事都在谈论这件事。传说有2000个女人想和山姆取得联系。安妮告诉自己她爱着的是沃尔特,可奇怪的是她又很关心那个“西雅图未眠人”。山姆在同事的劝说下,决定同1个叫维多利亚的女子见面约会。而安妮每次听那节目录音都感动得热泪盈眶。她终于写信去约山姆情人节在纽约帝国大厦顶楼见面。乔纳认为维多利亚不宜爸爸,却对安妮的来信很亲近。安妮以做报道为名来到西雅图,正看见山姆迎接好友苏茜,她误认为那是山姆的女友而放弃与山姆见面,两人只打了个照面。安妮回来后,决定彻底放弃这种古怪的感情去爱沃尔特,而不再理会那个约会了。由于山姆并不打算去纽约赴约,乔纳偷偷地上了飞机,独自来到了纽约去见那个“安妮”。但他却找不到安妮。而安妮在经过认真考虑后也将自己这一段时间的感情经历告诉了沃尔特,并将戒指还给了他。沃尔特早已觉察到她的变化,他平静地接受了分手。山姆知道乔纳独自去了纽约,也赶了过去。天黑时,山姆终于在帝国大厦顶楼找到了苦苦等候的儿子。安妮终于决定去赴约会,但她赶到时只看到了一只帆布背包。正在此时,留下那只包的乔纳拉着爸爸又回到了这里。双方一见面就立刻明白了对方是自己要见的人,也正是自己内心中所希望的伴侣。乔纳伸出双手,一边牵着爸爸,一边拉着安妮。3个人一起走进了美丽的夜色之中。




































学英语的电影 英语电影 双语字幕 看电影学英语

四 : 夜中幕













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