

发布时间:2018-02-02 所属栏目:苏伊士运河

一 : 苏伊士运河是属于哪个国家的?土耳其海峡又是属于哪个国家的?



苏伊士运河(Suez Canal)位于埃及境内,是连通欧亚非三大洲的主要国际海运航道,连接红海与地中海,使大西洋、地中海与印度洋联结起来,大大缩短了东西方航程.与绕道非洲好望角相比,从欧洲大西洋沿岸各国到印度洋缩短5500—8009公里;从地中海各国到印度洋缩短8000—10000公里;对黑海沿岸来说,则缩短了12000公里,它是一条在国际航运中具有重要战略意义的国际海运航道,每年承担着全世界14%的海运贸易.






苏伊士运河是埃及仅次于侨汇和旅游的第三大外汇收入来源.运河管理局统计报(犇_嫑)告显示,苏伊士运河自1975年6月重新启用到2000年6月的25年里,共为埃及征收的船只过境税达300亿美元,是苏伊士运河自1869年11月正式建成启用到1969年6月因中东战争而关闭的98年间过境费收入总和的6倍.据运河管理局公布的年度报告,2001年共有13986艘各类船只通过苏伊士运河,这些船只的总载重量达4.56亿吨,收取的船只过境费达19亿美元.2002年7月1日至2003年6月30日的财政年度里,苏伊士运河收入达到23.08亿美元,创运河自1869年开通以来新高. 直布罗陀海峡北岸术语西班牙,其中直布罗陀被英国占领;南岸属于摩洛哥,其中休达被西班牙占领.



二 : 苏伊士运河属于哪个国家




三 : 36苏伊士运河规范2007(关于航行灯信号灯)




Edition 2007


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Abbreviations (cont.)

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The Suez Canal Rules of Navigation

Are composed of 5 Parts






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Art. Page


Transit through the Suez Canal …………………………………….. 1 5 Agents ………………………..…………………………………….. 2 6 Canal Water…………………..…………………………………….. 3 6 Responsibilities ……………………………………………….……. 4 7 Temporary delaying of vessels …………………………………….. 5 7 Pilotage ……………………………………….…………………….. 6 8 Changing berth in Roads Anchorages ……………………………… 7 8




Port Said …………………….…………………………….……….. 8 9 A- Anchorage areas:

1. Northern area ……………………………………………… 10

2. Southern area ……………………………………………… 12

3. Prohibited area for anchorage ……………………………… 13

4. Anchorage area for trans-shipment operations ……………. 14

5. Dangerous areas …………………………………………… 14

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Art. Page B- Port Said approach channels ……………………………………. 15

(1)- Buoyage:

a) East approach channel ………………………………….. 15 b) Junction of east and west approach channels …………… 16 c) West approach channel …………………………………. 16

d) El Bahar tower ………………………………………….. 17

(2) Navigation:

a) Northbound vessels …………………………………….. 18

b) Southbound vessels …………………………………….. 18

C – Breakwaters ……………………………………………………. 19

Suez ………………………………………………………………… 9 20

A – Separation zone ……………………………………………. 20

B – Anchorage areas …………………………………………… 21

C – Anchorage area for trans-shipment operations ……………. 24

D – Arrival to Suez for northbound vessels …………………… 24 E – Prohibited are for anchorage ……………………………… 24

F – Suez entrance channel …………………………………….. 25

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Art. Page

G – Canal south entrance ………………………………………. 26 H – Port of Suez ………………………………………………… 27

1) Navigation ……………………………………………… 27

2) Buoyage ………………………………………………… 30

3) Anchorages area ………………………………………… 32 Roads and harbour pilot signals …………………………………… 10 34


Pilotage ……………………………………………………………. 11 35

A. General …………………………………………………….. 35

B. Port Said General ………………………………………….. 35

C. Port of Suez General ……………………………………….. 36

D. Master and Pilot General ………………………………….. 37 E. Moving in Suez Canal water without pilot’s assistance …… 37

F. Calling pilots unnecessarily ……………………………….. 39

G. Extra pilots General ……………………………………….. 40

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Booking for transit ……………………………………….. 12 41 Notice of arrival ………………………………………….. 13 41 Contact with port offices on arrival ……………………… 14 42 Documents and requirements ……………………………. 15 43 Berthing or sty in harbour ……………………………….. 16 46 Change of berth …………………………………………. 17 47


Measures taken before entering the Canal ……………….. 18 49 Mooring ropes ……………………………………………. 19 49 Mooring boats ……………………………………………. 20 50 Spreaders …………………………………………………. 21 51 Indicators …………………………………………………. 22 51 Bow anchors ……………………………………………… 23 51 Accommodation and pilot ladder …………………………. 24 52 Efficiency of vessel’s equipment …………………………… 25 53 Deck cargo ………..………………………………………….. 26 54 Ballast water …………………………………………………. 27 54 Searchlight …………………………………………………… 28 54 Overhead lights ……………………………………………… 29 57 Bridge wing projectors ……………………………………… 30 57

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Funnels ………………………………………………….. 31 57 Bridge and engine room communications ……………… 32 57 Pumping draining arrangements ………………………… 33 57 Watertight bulkheads and doors ………………………… 34 57 Draught marks …………………………………………… 35 57 Whistles and/or Sirens …………………………………… 36 58 Fire fighting equipment on vessel ………………………… 37 58 Side-Doors ………………………………………………… 38 58 Manning vessels …………………………………………… 39 58 Deck watch and engine room ……………………………… 40 58 Special arrangements for escorting VLCC’s, LPG, LNG … 41 59 Accommodations …………………………………………… 42 59 Vessels carrying timber ……………………………………… 43 59 Life saving appliances ……………………………………… 44 59 Anchor watch ……………………………………………… 45 59 Stoppage in Canal ………………………………………… 46 59


Vessels not allowed to transit ………………………….…… 47 60 Plimsoll Maek ……………………………………………… 61


Generalities ……………………………………………………... 48 62

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Formation of convoys ……………………………………………. 49 63

A – Northbound convoy ……………………………………….. 63

B – Southbound first convoy ( N1 ) …………………………… 64

C – Southbound second convoy ( N2 ) ………………………... 65 Limit time of arrival to join convoys ……………………………. 50 67

A – Port Said …………………………………………………... 67

B – Port Taufik ………………………………………………… 68

C – Port Taufik ……………………………………………….... 68 Courses to keep on leaving for sea ………………………………. 51 68

A - Port Said …………………………………………………... 68

B - Port of Suez ………………………………………………... 67



Dimensions of vessels authorized to transit ……………………… 52 69 Conditions of transit ……………………………………………… 53 69 Transit speed ……………………………………………………… 54 70


Canal Authority tugs ……………………………………………… 55 75 Use of private tugs …………………………………………...…… 56 76 Cases of imposed tugs …………………………………………… 57 76 Escorting ………………………………………………………… 58 78

– x –





Art. Page Accidents ……………………………………………………… 59 80 Leak …………………………………………………………… 60 81 Firefighting …………………………………………………… 61 82 Fire on board ……………...…………………………………… 62 83 Fuelling ……………...………………………………………… 63 84 Pollution ………………………………………………………. 64 84

A –Discharge of substances polluting water ……………… 84

B – Oil pollution notification ……………………………… 84



General ……………...………………………………………… 85 Use of anchors, thrusters gyro pilot and whistle or siren …….. 65 85 Firing shots ……………...…………………………………… 66 85 Picking up objects from water ………………………………. 67 85 Riveting, welding, etc, ………………………………………. 68 86 Diving operation ……………...…..…………………………… 69 86 Direct lights …………………………………………………… 70 86 Embarking and disembarking of persons ……………………… 71 86 Boats, other than the Canal Authority’s own ………………….. 72 87 Vessel overtaking another ……………………………………… 73 87 Boat drills …………....………………………………………… 74 87 Venting ……………....………………………………………… 75 87 Long stay ……………...……………………………………….. 76 87 Vessels having damaged container with dangerous cargo ……... 77 88 Declaration of state of navigability …………………………….. 78 88

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Art. Page Transit of : 90

A – Drilling Units …………………………………………… 90

B – Heavy Lift Ships ………………………………………… 91

C – Self Steering Vessels Carrying floating units …………… 91

D – Navy Ships ………………………………………………. 92

E – Integrated Units ………………………………………….. 92 F – Towed Units ……………………………………………… 93

G – Special Designed Ships ………………………………….. 94

H – Special requests ………………………………………….. 94

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Art. Page






Art. Page Canal and Approaches…...…………………………………… 79 97

A – The navigable channel ………………………………….. 97

B - Characteristics of the navigable channel ………………… 98

C – Depth and width of different parts of the Canal:

(1) Main canal and great bitter lake east channel ………... 100

(2) Canal west branches and bitter lake west channel …… 103

D – Bends in the canal ……………………………………….. 105 E – East By – passes:

(1) Port Said by-pass …………………………………….. 106

(2) Ballah loop …………………………………………… 106

(3) Timsah by-pass ………………………………………. 107

(4) Deversoir by-pass ……………………………………. 107

(5) Karbet by-pass ………………………………………... 107

Lakes …………………………………………………………. 80 108

A – Lake Timsah …………………………………………….. 108

B – Great Bitter Lake ………………………………………… 108 Floating bridges ………………………………………………. 81 108

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Art. Page Bouyage …………………………………………………. 82 109 Position and characteristics of buoys in the Suez Canal … 83 109

A – Approaches and sea channels ……………………….. 110

(1) Port-Said:

a) Approaches …………………………………… 110 b) Sea channels: 1- East …………………………. 110 2- West …………………………. 114

(2) Port of Suez:

a) Approach …………....…………………………. 115 b) Sea channel …………....……………………….. 117

B – The Suez Canal ………………………………………. 119



Tides and currents in the SC ……………..………………. 82 109

A – The northern sector …………....…………………….. 129

B – The lakes ( Timsah and Bitter Lakes ) …………......... 130

C – The southern region …………………………………. 131

D – Current buoys ……………………………………….. 132 Weather forecast ………………………………………… 85 132

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Art. Page






Art. Page Wireless and inmarsat service ……………………………………. 86 135

A - General……………………………………………………. 135

B – SC marine communication center SUQ …………………. 136

(1) Radio telex …………………………………………… 136

(2) Inmarsat communications (IMN) ……………………. 136

(3) International land telex, fax and E-mail ……………… 137

(4) Weather reports ………………………………………. 137




-Overview ………………………………………………………………87 138 -System operation ………………………………………………………88 139

A – Transit request …………………………………………………. 139

B – Vessel arrivals …………………………………………………. 139 C- Vessel reaching the anchorage area …………………………….. 139

D – Vessel berth list ……...…………………………………………. 140 E – Creation of the Transit pattern ………………………………….. 140 F – Convoy creation ………………………………………………… 141 G – Real transit pattern …………………………………………….. 141 H – Vessel passes check point ………………………………………. 141 I – Information displayed on the signal station board ………………. 141 J – Vessels leaving the Canal ……………………………………… 141 - New information for vessels transiting the Canal ………………… 89 145

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Art. Page - Generalities …………………………………………… 90 146 - Sound signals ………………………………………… 91 146

A – Normal maneuver ……………………………. 146

B – Obstruction in channel in all circumstances …... 147

C – Ship failure “ to dredgers ” ……………………. 147

D – Vessel mooring voluntary for fog or sand storm 147 E – Vessel aground or across ………………………. 148 F – Signals between vessels and tugs:

(1) Vessel aground in the canal ………………….. 148

(2) Vessel towed in the Canal …………………… 148

G – Signals between VLCC’s and escort tugs ………. 149 - Visual signals ………………………………………….. 92 153

A – Signals displayed on station signal masts to vessel 153

B – Special signals used by vessels in ports and in canals 157

C – Signals used by dredgers ………………………… 162 Appendix No. 2 Vessels light Masts …………………………. 166

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Art. Page






Art. Page - Extract from the regulations for measurement of tonnage

Recommended by the Constantinople commission assembled

At Constantinople in 1873 ………………………………….. 93 169 General principles ……………………………………………... 169 Rule 1 – For empty vessels ( Art.1 – Art. 8 ) ………………….. 170 Rule 2 – For laden ships ( Art.9 – Art. 11 ) ……………………. 175 Sailing vessels ( Art.12 – Art.13 ) ……………………. 176 Steam ship ( Art.14 – Art. 15 ) …………………… 177 - Additional deductions allowed by the Suez Canal Authority … 94 178

A – Spaces for the exclusive use of officers, engineers and Crew ………. 178

B – Navigation spaces ( if above the uppermost deck ) ……… 180 - Measurement of deck spaces ………………………………….. 95 180

A – Vessels with one tier of superstructures only …………….. 180

B - Vessels having more than one tier of superstructure ……… 182 - Suez Canal tonnage ( from A to H ) …………………………... 96 182 - Regulations concerning the containerships …………………… 97 182

A – The container ships are closed spaces increasing the carriage

capacity of the ship when suited over the main deck ……… 186

B – Conditions to consider the containers as part of the ship’s

Permanent equipment ……………………………………… 186

- xvii -

- Regulations to be applied to vessels other than container

Ships carrying containers on weather deck …………… 98 187 - Erroneous declarations ………………………………… 99 187

A – Dangerous cargo erroneous declaration ………….. 187

B – Erroneous declaration affecting transit dues ……... 188



- Canal Dues ……………………………….…………………… 100 189

A – Transit dues …………………………………………….. 189

B – Division of transit ……………………………………….. 189

C – Additional dues on slow vessels ………………………… 189

D – Towage dues ……………………………………………. 190

(1) Vessels towed or escorted in the Canal ……………… 190

(2) Towed large floating units …………………………… 191

(3) Guarantee deposit ……………………………………. 193 - Berthing dues ……………………………….………………….. 101 194

A – Vessels in harbours and not transiting the canal ………… 194

B – Transiting vessels ………………………….…………….. 195

C – Changing of berths ………………………….…………….. 195 - Pilotage dues ……………………………….…………………… 102 196

A - Vessels not transiting the Canal ……………… ……….... 196

(1) Port Said ……………………………………………… 196

(2) Port of Suez …………………………………………… 196

(3) Changing berth ( Port-Said ) ……..…………………… 196

B – Vessels transiting the Canal ……………………………… 197

C – Extra pilot dues …………………………………………… 197

D – Moving in SC water without pilot’s assistance …………… 198 E – Calling pilot unnecessarily ………………………………… 198

- xviii -

- Trial charge ……………………………………………… 103 198 - Charges for SCA tugboats ……………………………….. 104 199 A- Charges for harbour tugs applied at Port Said harbour 199 B- Rates of escorting tugboats …………………………… 199 C- Hire of tugboats ……………………………………….. 199 - Additional dues – various …………………………………. 105 201



- Determination and payment of Canal dues ………………... 106 205 - System and method of paying determined by SCA

Regulation …………………………………………………... 107 206

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Art. Page






Art. Page - Definition ………………………………………………….. 108 209 - Preliminary regulations ……………………………………… 109 212




- General terms and conditions ………………………………… 110 215 A- Grouping system ………………….………………………. 215 B- Description of groups in different IMDG classes …………. 216 - Hazardous Wastes ………….………………………………… 111 216 - Vessels carrying dangerous goods in limited quantities 112 217 - Certificates and declarations …………………………………. 113 217 - Compensation warranty ……………………………………... 114 217 - Permission to take in provisions and fuel or to handle cargo 115 218 - Permission to carry out repairs ……………………………….. 116 218 - Control ……………………………………………………….. 117 218

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Art. Page - General terms and conditions ………………………… 90 146 A- Tankers in ballast or vessels carrying grade C only .. 219 B- Liquefied gas carrier in ballast ……………………. 219 - Pollution prevention ………………………………….. 119 220 - Safety regulation for tankers and dangerous cargo in

Bulk …………………………………………………… 120 220 - Certificates and declarations …………………………... 121 221 - Permission to take in provisions and fuel ……………... 122 221 - Permission to handle cargo ……………………………. 123 222 A- Cargoes of grade A in bulk or in receptacles, and

Cargoes of grade B in bulk ……………………….. 222 B- Cargoes of grade B in receptacles ………………….. 222 C- Liquefied inflammable gas and dangerous chemicals

in bulk carriers ……………………………………….. 222 - Permission to carry out repairs …………………………... 124 222 - Precautions on board ……………………………………... 125 223 - Control …………………………………………………… 126 223

- xxi -


Art. Page - General terms and conditions ………………………… 127 224 Generalities – document – grouping …………………. 224 - Vessels carrying exempted radioactive substances ……. 128 225 - The Authority's approval of transportation of the substances 129 225 - Certificates and declarations …………………………... 130 225 - Compensation warranty ………………………………... 131 226 - Experts of the Atomic Energy Establishment ( A.E.E )… 132 228 - Organization of the transit ……………………………… 133 229 - Appendix No.3. Ships safety declaration ………………..

Declaration " I " Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes …. 230 Declaration " II " Ships safety Declaration ……………… 231 Declaration " III " Technical and protection information in

respect of consignments of group 1

radioactive substances on vessels

transiting SC …………………………… 232

Declaration " IV " Technical and protection information in

respect of consignments of group 2

radioactive substances on vessels

transiting SC …………………………… 236

Appendix No. 4 :

A- Regulations for all vessels …………………………….. 240 B- Additional regulations ………………………………… 240 Appendix No. 5 – Regulations for handling and towing

Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes ………. 242 Appendix No. 6 :

1- Vessels carrying dangerous packaged goods ………….... 246 2- Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes in bulk …………….. 247

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Art. Page Table No. 1 Beam and draught for Southbound Convoy

transit ……………………………………. 54 66

Table No. 2 Transit speed ……………………………... 70 Table No. 3 Draught for vessels in Ballast ……………. 71 Table No. 4 Beam and draught for Loaded Vessels …… 72


Table No. 5 Single station ………………………………. 79 99 Table No. 6 Depth and width of different parts of the Canal 100

6/1 - Main canal and Bitter Lake east channel… 100

6/2 - Canal west branches and Bitter Lake west

Channel …………………………………. 103

Table No. 7 Bends in the Canal …………………………….. 105


Table No. 8 State of north or southbound convoy …………. 88 142 Table No. 9 Meteorological Information …………………… 143 Table No. 10 Emergency Information ……………………….. 144


Table No. 11 Additional dues on slow Vessels ……………… 189

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No. of Drawings

A- Plimsoll Mark ……………………………………… 1 B- Canal and Lakes …………………………………… 39

(1) North and South Entrance ……………………. 3

(2) Plans ……………………………………………. 20

(3) Cross Sections ………………………………….. 8

(4) Garages and Siding …………………………….. 8

C- Buoys ………………………………………………... 8

(1) Sea Channel Buoy Red ………………………….. 1

(2) Channel Buoy …………………………………… 1

(3) Sea Canal Buoy Green …………………………… 1

(4) Conry Rock ………………………………………. 1

(5) Channel Buoy at Hm. 105 ………………………… 1

(6) Fairway Buoy ……………………………………… 1

(7) Wreck Buoy ………………………………………... 1

(8) Current Buoy ……………………………………….. 1

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Appendix No. 1 Special Cases Transit , part I …………… 90 Appendix No. 2 Vessels Signal Light Masts , part III …… 166 Appendix No. 3 Declarations for vessels carrying dangerous

cargoes part V

- Declaration I …………………………... 230

- Declaration II ………………………... 231

- Declaration III .………………………... 232

- Declaration IV ………………………... 236

Appendix No. 4 Regulations for vessels carrying dangerous

Cargoes , part V ………………………… 240 Appendix No. 5 Regulations for handling dangerous goods ,

Part V …………………………………… 242 Appendix No. 6 Regulations summary table for :

1- Vessels carrying dangerous packaged goods 246

2- Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes in bulk 247

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The amendments and modifications introduced to the SCA “Rules of

Navigation”, Feb. 1995 edition, have been approved by the SCA Board of

Directors. Having been modified and revised, this edition shall take effect

as of 1/1/2008.

The new revised edition, however, shall be applicable to normal cases

whereas special cases shall be dealt with individually.






Art. 1 – Transit through the Suez Canal :

(1) Transit through the Suez Canal is allowed to vessels of all nations subject to their complying with the conditions stated in the present Rules of Navigation. All references and circulars which shall be issued by the SCA will constitute an integral part of these rules. Vessels also have to comply with the provisions of the International Regulations for SOLAS, IMDG code if carrying dangerous cargo, MARPOL 73/78, as well as the provisions of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea ( COLREGS ) and all laws, orders, and regulations issued by the Egyptian Government.

(2) The SCA reserves the right to refuse access to the Canal waters, or order the towage or convoying of vessels considered dangerous or troublesome to navigation in the Canal.

( Non or erroneous declaration of dangerous cargo see page 187 ).

(3) By the sole fact of using the Canal water, Masters and Owners of vessels bind themselves to accept all the conditions of the present Rules of Navigation, with which they acknowledge being acquainted, to conform with these conditions in every respect, to comply with any requisition made with a view to their being duly carried out, and to adhere to the SCA private Code of Signals as shown in Part III of these Rules.



Art. 2 – Agents :

(1) Every vessel intending to transit the Suez Canal or staying at Port Said or Port of Suez, or at the Suez Canal basins or docks must have a shipping agent. (2) SCA confirms that it has no agents or representatives abroad.

(3) The Egyptian Authorities are to be notified of intended transit of navy ships in SC viz., Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense as well as Egyptian Authority for maritime safety.

Art. 3 – Canal Waters :

(1) Canal water means the Canal proper, and the access channels thereto(1), the waters within the Canal Authority concession adjacent to the Canal proper, Port Said Harbour and Port of Suez. (2) The Canal proper : As to its length, is reckoned to run from Km 3.710 West Branch for vessels entering from Port Said Harbour and from Km 1.333 East Branch for vessels entering through the East Approach Channel to Hm. 3 at Suez, including the two channels of G.B.L and all Canal by- passes.

(3) As to its width the Canal is bounded by two banks when they are immerged, if the banks are submerged, the width of the Canal is limited to the perpendiculars at the point of intersection of the submerged bank with the horizontal plane corresponding to the maximum draught authorized including squat and under keel clearance.


(1) Port Said Eastern and Western entrance channels, Suez Entrance channel which includes the Port of Suez Eastern channel leading to the Canal entrance.


Art. 4 – Responsibilities :(1)

(1) When on Canal or at its Ports or Roads, any vessel or floating units of any description is responsible for any damage and consequential loss it may cause either directly or indirectly to herself or to CA properties or personnel or to third party.

(2) The vessels or floating units owners and/or operators are responsible without option to release themselves from responsibility by limited liability.

(3) The words ( Owners and/or Operators ) for the purpose of the present article, shall be considered to mean person/persons or corporate body responsible for the vessel at the time of navigational accident or incident.

(4) Moreover, the vessel guarantees to indemnify the CA in respect of any claim against the latter by reason of any damage, whatsoever she may cause either directly or indirectly to third party. (5) The vessel waives the right to claim on the SCA for any damages caused by third party that she may sustain while on Canal.

Art. 5 – Temporary delaying of vessels :

(1) The Canal Authority may delay a vessel for the purpose of investigating any claim or dispute that may arise, or any formal or informal complaint, or allegation of violation of the laws of the Canal or for security reasons.

(2) A vessel may be delayed until, in the opinion of CA, its tenderness, trim, list, cargo, hull, machinery have been put into such condition as will make the vessel reasonably safe for her passage through the Canal.

________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) See also p. 37 ( para. D ), p. 46 ( art. 16 para. A ), p. 75 ( art. 55 para. 5 ), p. 80 ( art. 59 para. 3 ), p. 82 ( art. 60 para. 4,5 ), p. 83 ( art. 62 para. 4 ).


(3) No claim for damages is accepted or considered because of any such temporary delaying of vessels. Art. 6 – Pilotage :

(1) Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels, whatever their tonnage may be when entering, leaving, moving, changing berth or shifting on Canal water or Port Said and Suez harbours. (2) Any exemption must be explicitly authorized by the Suez Canal Authority ( See page 37 ). Art. 7 – Changing Berth in Road’s Anchorages :

Vessels at Port Said Anchorage Areas ( Northern and Southern ), Suez Roads, the Bitter Lakes, Timsah Lake and Ballah west branch are not authorized to change berth(1), anchorage or make fast alongside other vessel or carry out any cargo operations without an explicit authorization from the SCA.



(1) See Art. 105 (3).




Art. 8 – PORTSAID :


( See Admirality Charts No. 234, 240 & 241 ) GENERAL :

The vessels coming from sea fifteen miles before arrival Fairway Buoy(1,2) should contact the harbour office by :

1. V.H.F Channel 12, 13, 16 2. Ismailia Radio/SUQ

INMARSAT – A Telex : + 581-1622570

Fax : + 871-1622574 INMARSAT – B Telex : + 581-362213314 Fax : + 871-362213312 Tel. : + 871-362213310 INMARSAT – C Telex : + 581-462299911 V.H.F. CH. 68 ( see part III p. 135 )

FAIRWAY BUOY : Position : Lat. : 31o 21’.32 N

Long. : 32o 20’.81 E Characteristics : V. Q.


(1) See page 109 and drawing Part II.

(2) All buoys along the Canal and Access Channels may be replaced by other smaller size.


A – Anchorage Areas :

Vessels arriving from sea have to anchor in the berth allocated to them by the Suez Canal Port office. The incoming vessels have two anchorage areas : (1) Northern Area : Comprises two zones :

a ) Zone One : For vessels with draught over 42 feet. This zone is limited as follows : North Limit South Limit East Limit West Limit

: Lat. 31o 28’.50 N : Lat. 31o 27’.00 N : Long. 32o 20’.00 E : Long. 32o 18’.00 E

Vessels at anchor in this area, when entering the Eastern Channel, will proceed between the East and West buoys at Hm 215 ( course 194o )(1). Hm. 215 :

Lat. 31o 26’.11 N Long. 32o 24’.61 E

Lat. 31o 26’.21 N Long. 32o 24’.16 E

Isophase ( 4 sec. ) ( See Part II for Canal and Lakes ).

b ) Zone Two : For VLCC’s, ULCC’s, Car Carriers, RoRo, Container ships, Bulk Carriers and vessels up to 42 feet draught. This zone is limited as follows : North Limit South Limit East Limit West Limit


(1) All buoys in the Suez Canal and its approaches are fitted with Radar reflectors.


: Lat. 31o 25’.00 N : Lat. 31o 23’.20 N : Long. 32o 20’.00 E : Long. 32o 16’.00 E


Vessels at anchor in this area, when entering the Eastern Channel, will proceed between the East and West Light buoys at Hm. 135.

Lat. 31o 21’.95 N Long. 32o 23’.10 E

Lat. 31o 22’.09 N

Long. 32o 23’.00 E

Characteristics : See drawings Part II.

The berths of this zone are called (V) berths and comprise the following : Center of Circle ( Radius 750 meter ). Berth V1 : Lat. 31o 23’.70 N

Long. 32o 19’.50 E

Berth V2 : Lat. 31o 24’.50 N

Long. 32o 19’.50 E

Berth V3 : Lat. 31o 23’.70 N

Long. 32o 18’.50 E

Berth V4 : Lat. 31o 24’.50 N

Long. 32o 18’.50 E

Berth V5 : Lat. 31o 23’.70 N

Long. 32o 17’.50 E

Berth V6 : Lat. 31o 24’.50 N

Long. 32o 17’.50 E

Berth V7 : Lat. 31o 23’.70 N

Long. 32o 16’.50 E

Berth V8 : Lat. 31o 24’.50 N

Long. 32o 16’.50 E


(2) Southern Area :

For all other vessels with draught up to 42 ft, the area is limited as follows : North Limit South Limit East Limit West Limit

: Lat. 31o 22’.95 N : Lat. 31o 21’.20 N : Long. 32o 20’.40 E : Long. 32o 16’.95 E

Vessels at anchor in this area, when entering the port of Port Said through the West Approach Channel proceed as follows :

a) Take on their starboard “ Fairway Buoy ”, ( No. 8 ), ( No. 7 ) and ( No. 6 ) Buoys.

b) On their port there are 3 buoys : at Hm. 105 showing yellow light, at Hm. 92 showing green light & at Hm. 83 showing yellow light. c) On reaching No 5 pair of buoys at hm. 80 showing F. Gr. & F. R. they will proceed through the West channel to port ( Course 217.5o ). Berths at the Southern area called ( C ) : Center of Circle ( Radius 500 meter ) Berth C1 : Lat. 31o 21’.50 N

Long. 32o 20’.10 E Berth C2 : Lat. 31o 22’.10 N

Long. 32o 20’.10 E Berth C3 : Lat. 31o 22’.70 N

Long. 32o 20’.10 E Berth C4 : Lat. 31o 21’.50 N

Long. 32o 19’.40 E Berth C5 : Lat. 31o 22’.10 N

Long. 32o 19’.40 E


Berth C 6 : Lat. 31o 22’.70 N

Long. 32o 19’.40 E

Berth C 7 : Lat. 31o 21’.50 N

Long. 32o 18’.70 E

Berth C 8 : Lat. 31o 22’.10 N

Long. 32o 18’.70 E

Berth C 9 : Lat. 31o 22’.70 N

Long. 32o 18’.70 E

Berth C10 : Lat. 31o 21’.50 N

Long. 32o 18’.00 E

Berth C11 : Lat. 31o 22’.10 N

Long. 32o 18’.00 E

Berth C12 : Lat. 31o 22’.70 N

Long. 32o 18’.00 E

Berth C13 : Lat. 31o 21’.50 N

Long. 32o 17’.30 E

Berth C14 : Lat. 31o 22’.10 N

Long. 32o 17’.30 E

Berth C15 : Lat. 31o 22’.70 N

Long. 32o 17’.30 E

(3) Prohibited area for anchorage :

The area between the East Limit of the two anchorage areas and the approach channels is prohibited for anchorage to all vessels and floating units.


(4) Anchorage area for trans-shipment operations :

a) Vessels up to 60 feet draught : North Limit South Limit East Limit West Limit

: Lat. 31o 25’.00 N : Lat. 31o 24’.00 N : Long. 32o 27’.00 E : Long. 32o 26’.00 E

b) Vessels over 60 feet draught : North Limit South Limit East Limit West Limit

: Lat. 31o 27’.00 N : Lat. 31o 26’.00 N : Long. 32o 28’.00 E : Long. 32o 27’.00 E

(5) Dangerous Areas :

a) Wreck :

A wreck buoy is situated on the western side of a sunken ship at Hm. 195 west of the approach channels :

Lat. 31o 25’.24 N Long. 32o 22’.98 E

Height 5 meter, painted black and red horizontal bands, with day mark 2 black balls, showing FL.(2) every 10 sec. b) Dumping areas :

The hopper dredgers dredge underway for several months every year the entrance channels and dump in the following areas :

– 3140 meter East of the axis of the East Channel at Hm. 140.

Lat. 31o 20’.80 N Long. 32o 25’.80 E


– 4000 meter East of the axis of the East Channel at Hm. 80 approximately.

Lat. 31o 18’.70 N Long. 32o 24’.70 E

B – Port said approach channels : (1) Buoyage :(1)

The Port Said West approach channel extends from the Port of Port Said till Hm. 80 where it joins the east approach channel(2).

The Port Said East Approach Channel extends from the land boundary, east of Port Said, till Hm. 215. The two channels are marked, on each side, by light buoys of 5 meter height ( except from Hm. 215 till Hm. 83 east channel, the height of the buoys is 10 meter ). The light is Red on the eastern side and Green on the western side. The buoys are as follows : a ) East approach channel :(3).

The East Approach channel is buoyed as follows :

– In the West : Green Day mark : Cone point up. FL. Gr. Lights. – In the East : Red, Day mark : Can FL. R. Lights.

The 2 buoys indicating the northern end of the channel, at Hm. 215, are Isophase ( 2 sec. ON, 2 sec. OFF ), and distance between them is 745 meter.


(1) See Drawings Part II.

(2) Height of the buoy at Hm. 80 Green is 10 meters. (3) See Drawings for Canal and Lakes.



b) Junction of East and West approach channels :

Three buoys mark the junction of the East and West approach channels. They are placed at Hm. 83, Hm. 92 and Hm. 105 as follows :

1 – Buoy at Hm. 83 : Yellow and Black in Colour, is fitted with N-Cardinal 2 Cones point up day mark and shows by night Q. FL. Y (5) every 20 sec.

2 – Buoy at Hm. 92 : Green in Colour, shows a FL. Gr. light.

3 – Buoy at Hm. 105 : Yellow in Colour, is fitted with a Yellow ST. Andrews Cross day mark and shows by night FL. Y. (4) every 15 sec.

c) West approach channel :

The buoyage of the west approach channel of Port Said harbour, is as follows :

1 – Port Said “ Fairway Buoy ” :(1)

Off Port Said, a fairway light buoy height 10 meter, painted Black with Yellow horizontal stripes, surmounted by a day mark 2 cones point up, and showing Q.

Lat. 31o 21’.32 N

Long. 32o 20’.81 E

– Buoy No. 8 Green Day mark : Cone point up. F. Gr. Light.

Lat. 31o 21’.13 N

Long. 32o 21’.04 E

– Buoy No. 7 Green Day mark : Cone point up. F. Gr. Light.

Lat. 31o 20’.52 N

Long. 32o 21’.31 E

__________________ (1) See Drawing part II


– Buoy No. 6 Green Day mark : Cone point up. F. Gr. Light.

Lat. 31o 19’.91 N

Long. 32o 21’.58 E

2 – The west approach channel : is buoyed as follows :

– In the west : Green Day mark : Cone point up. F. Gr. Light.

– In the east : Red, Day mark : Can F. R. Light.

– Buoy No. 5 of Hm. 80 East Red : Day mark : Can F. R.

Lat. 31o 19’.13 N

Long. 32o 22’.11 E

– Buoy No. 5 of Hm. 80 West Green : Day mark : Cone F. Gr.

Lat. 31o 19’.30 N

Long. 32o 21’.85 E

d) El Bahar Tower :(1)

The base of old tower is still existing at position located :

Lat. 31o 18’.08 N

Long. 32o 21’.57 E


(1) See Drawing part II. ( under reconstruction )


(2) Navigation :

a) Northbound Vessels :

1 – All northbound vessels use the east approach channel. The end of the Navigable channel is marked by 2 pairs of Buoys at Hm. 215, Course : 014o. From Hm. 215, vessels are to steer North ( 000o ) for 5 miles before altering to destination.

2 – Vessels leaving Port Said harbour to sea, use the west approach Channel Course : 037.5o till Hm. 80 ( Buoys No. 5 ) then steer ( 000o ) to 5 mile north of the Buoy of Hm. 215 west :

Lat. 31o 25’.16 N

Long. 32o 23’.85 E

before altering to destination.

3 – Vessels of the northbound convoys wishing to enter Port Said Harbour may proceed through the west channel ( direct to their allocated berth in Port Said Harbour, only If the situation of traffic permits. Otherwise they have to proceed through the east approach channel till Hm. 215, then steer North ( 000o ) for 5 mile and head for the anchorage berth allocated by the Suez Canal Port office(1). b) Southbound Vessels :

The maximum draught authorized for southbound vessels is limited to 42 feet(2),(3) on condition to comply with the tables of p. 72 giving the maximum draught according to the vessel’s beam.


(1) This is to avoid crossing incoming vessels to the northern anchorage area.

(2) Southbound vessels may be authorized to transit with a draught from 42 up to 62 feet with special arrangement.

(3) The Suez Canal is still under expansion to receive vessels up to 66 feet draught.


1 – VLCC’s, ULCC’S in ballast or partially loaded, deep draught, Containerships, LASH over 35000 SC.G.T, L.P.G. & L.N.G. ( Loaded or N.G.F ) and vessels having a draught more than 42 feet and up to 50 feet maximum, have to use the east approach channel, Course : 194o. The said vessels enter the channel between FL. Gr. buoy of Hm. 165 and Q. Gr. buoy at Hm. 135. Vessels with draught over 50 ft. and up to 62 ft. must enter the approach channel between FL. Gr. buoy & FL. R. buoy of Hm. 215.

2 – All other vessels, transiting the Canal or berthing at Port Said have to enter through the west approach channel. Course : 180o from the entrance, passing between the west green buoys and the east yellow – green - yellow buoys till Hm. 80, then alter course to 217.5o passing between green and red buoys, till Port Said Harbour.

A fixed red light on a pylon on the North Quay of Abbas Basin in line with an occulting red Light on a pylon West of the Fuel Oil Tanks at Raswa, indicates the axis of the entrance channel to the harbour.

C – Breakwaters :

(1) The West approach channel is protected by two breakwaters :

a) The Western breakwater protecting the west approach channel is situated to the west of the channel and extends from land boundary till Hm. 73 with a submerged part from Hm. 43.

This part is marked by cigar shaped unlit buoys.

b) The eastern breakwater extends from land boundary till Hm. 21.2 and has an occulting red light at its northern end.

(2) Two breakwaters protect the east approach channel. The eastern extends for 2 Km from the land boundary, and the Western extends for 0.53 Km from the land boundary. Each breakwater has a small fixed white light on its end.


Art. 9 – Suez : (1)

( See Admirality Charts 3214 & 2133 )

Five miles before arrival to the first separation Zone Buoys, all vessels coming from sea should contact the Suez Canal Harbour Office by :

* V.H.F Channel 14, 16.

* Ismailia Radio/SUQ.

INMARSAT – A Telex : + 581 - 1622570

Fax : + 871 - 1622574

INMARSAT – B Telex : + 581 - 362213314

Fax : + 871 - 362213312

Tel. : + 871 - 362213310

INMARSAT – C Telex : + 581 - 462299911

V.H.F. CH. 68

( see part III p. 135 )

A – Separation Zone :

A separation zone has been established, extending 0.3 mile on each side of the line connecting the two separation buoys mentioned hereafter. All vessels arriving or leaving have to pass the separation zone Buoys(1) on their Port Side.

The separation zone buoys are :

(1) Separation zone buoy No. 1 ( Southern buoy ) :

Lat. 29o 39’.49 N

Long. 32o 23’.42 E

Height 6 meters, R.W. colour with top mark Red Ball and a fog horn. Showing LFL 10s and fitted with 9 mile Racon. (O). ( 3,10 cm ).

(2) Separation zone buoy No. 2 ( Northern buoy ) :

Lat. 29o 48’.55 N

Long. 32o 32’.12 E

Height 6 meters, R.W. Top mark Red ball, showing Iso 6s with 9 miles Racon. horn (D) ( 3,10 cm ).



(1) See drawings part II. p. 135.



B – Anchorage areas :

The incoming vessels have two anchorage areas : (1) “V” Area :

For VLCC’s, ULCC’S, deep draught Containerships, vessels over 38 feet draught, L.P.G and L.N.G. vessels ( loaded or N.G.F. ) this area is indicated by : a) The Conry Rock Buoy :

Lat. 29o 48’.11 N Long. 32o 34’.22 E

Height 5 meter, black double cone points inward, Y.B.Y West Mark showing Q (9) 15s. b) South Shoal Buoy :

Lat. 29o 38’.62 N Long. 32o 35’.63 E

Black, double cone points inward, showing Q (9) 15s.

Berths of this area are called “V”. Center of circle ( Radius 833 meters ). Berth V1 : Lat. 29o 46’.50 N

Long. 32o 35’.00 E

Berth V2 : Lat. 29o 45’.50 N

Long. 32o 35’.00 E

Berth V3 : Lat. 29o 45’.50 N

Long. 32o 36’.00 E

Berth V4 : Lat. 29o 45’.00 N

Long. 32o 37’.00 E

Berth V5 : Lat. 29o 44’.50 N

Long. 32o 36’.00 E

Berth V6 : Lat. 29o 44’.50 N

Long. 32o 35’.00 E

Berth V7 : Lat. 29o 44’.00 N

Long. 32o 37’.00 E


Berth V8 : Lat. 29o 43’.50 N

Long. 32o 36’.00 E

Berth V9 : Lat. 29o 43’.50 N

Long. 32o 35’.00 E

(2) East Waiting Area :

For other vessels : This Area is limited by the following buoys :

a) Conry Rock :

Lat. 29o 48’.11 N Long. 32o 34’.22 E

Height 5 meter, Y.B.Y West Mark showing Q. (9) 15s. b) Buoy “M” :

Lat. 29o 50’.00 N Long. 32o 35’.29 E

Height 5 meter, Yellow Cross and showing FL.Y. c) Buoy “N” :

Lat. 29o 50’.63 N Long. 32o 35’.29 E

Height 5 meter, Yellow Cross and showing Q.FL.Y. d) Buoy “D” :

Lat. 29o 51’.28 N Long. 32o 35’.29 E

Height 5 meter, Yellow Cross and showing F.Y. e) Buoy “C” :

Lat. 29o 51’.93 N Long. 32o 35’.29 E

Height 5 meter, Yellow Cross and showing FL.Y. f) Buoy “B” :

Lat. 29o 52’.06 N Long. 32o 34’.54 E

Height 5 meter, Yellow Cross and showing F.Y. Lat. 29o 52’.17 N Long. 33o 33’.84 E

Height 5 meter, Yellow Cross and showing F.Y.


g) Buoy “A” :

h) Buoy Hm. 60.00 East Lat. : 29o 52’.27 N Long. : 32o 33’.16 E

Hm. 60.00 West :

Height 5 meters, Green

Cone point up, and showing Q.Gr. i) Buoy Hm. 70.50 East Lat. : 29o 51’.70 N Long. : 32o 33’.26 E

Lat. : 29o 52’.26 N Long. : 32o 32’.96 E Height 5 meters, Red Can and showing Q.R.

Hm. 70.50 West :

Height 5 meters, Green

Cone point up, and showing FL.Gr. j) Buoy Hm. 80.50 East Lat. : 29o 51’.16 N Long. : 32o 33’.33 E

Lat. : 29o 51’.69 N Long. : 32o 33’.05 E Height 5 meters, Red Can and showing FL. R.

Hm. 80.50 West :

Height 5 meters, Green

Cone point up, and showing Occ. Gr. 4 sec. k) Position “R” : Lat. 29o 48’.52 N Long. 32o 33’.18 E (3) West Waiting Area :

Lat. : 29o 51’.15 N Long. : 32o 33’.13 E Height 5 meters,

Red Can and showing Occ. R.4 sec.

This area for ships waiting for orders, bunkering, repairs, Adabia and Suez Port entering, ... etc. except L.P.G. and L.N.G. ships. – West limit : Long. 32o 31’.60

– East limit : New Port Rock channel and west limit for Prohibited area. – North limit : Lat. 29o 52’.12 – South limit : Lat. 29o 49’.75


C – Anchorage area for trans-shipment operations “S.T.S” :

(1) “A” area :

Lat. : 29o 43’.00 N Long. : 32o 37’.00 E Lat. : 29o 43’.00 N Long. : 32o 38’.00 E Lat. : 29o 42’.00 N Long. : 32o 37’.00 E Lat. : 29o 42’.00 N Long. : 32o 38’.00 E

(2) “B” area :

Lat. : 29o 37’.00 N Long. : 32o 37’.00 E Lat. : 29o 37’.00 N Long. : 32o 38’.00 E Lat. : 29o 36’.00 N Long. : 32o 37’.00 E Lat. : 29o 36’.00 N Long. : 32o 38’.00 E

D – Arrival to Suez for northbound vessels :

Vessels coming from sea to transit the Suez Canal or enter the Port of Suez, have to pass east of the separation zone. VLCC’s, ULCC’s, deep draught container ships, L.P.G., L.N.G., vessels over 38 feet up to 62 feet draught have to anchor in the anchorage area specified for these vessels ( “V” berths ) in the berth allocated to each vessel by the SCA. Other vessels have to pass east of the separation zone and anchor in the east and west waiting areas as previously indicated. ( E., W. areas ) E – Prohibited area for anchorage :

It is strictly forbidden for all northbound vessels to anchor in the area limited as follows :


(1) In the North :

Two buoys marking the dredged channel position at Hm. 80.50 : Western Buoy : Lat. : 29o 51’.15 N

Long. : 32o 33’.13 E

Eastern Buoy : Lat. : 29o 51’.16 N

Long. : 32o 33’.33 E

(2) In the West :

By the line joining the West buoy and position “P” : “P” : Lat. : 29o 48’.52 N

Long. : 32o 30’.90 E

(3) In the East :

By the line joining the East buoy and position “R” : “R” : Lat. : 29o 48’.52 N

Long. : 32o 33’.18 E

(4) In the South :

By the line joining position “P” and position “R” . F – Suez Entrance Channel :

( Including the Eastern Channel leading to the Canal Entrance ).

This channel is used for vessels entering or leaving Suez Canal and also by those entering Port of Suez and using its anchorage(1).

This Channel is buoyed as follows :

(1) A pair of light buoys at Hm. 80.5 “entrance buoys” :

a) The eastern buoy : Height 5 meter, Green, cone point up and showing Occ. G 4 sec. b) The western buoy : Height 5 meter, Red, can day mark and showing Occ. Red 4 sec. The distance between the eastern and western buoys is 340 meter.

____________________________________________________________________________ (1) The maximum draught authorized for vessels using Ibrahim Basin, the Petroleum Basin or El Adabeya Basin must not exceed 42 feet at high water.



(2) Proceeding Northward, the channel is marked on both sides by light buoys, of 5 meter height. a) On the eastern side of the channel : the buoys are Green, cone point up and showing


They are placed in the following locations :

Hm. 70.50

Hm. 60.00

Hm. 44.40

Hm. 24.00

Hm. 14.00

Hm. 7.00

Km. 162.150 ( Occ. Gr. ).

b) On the western side of the channel : the buoys are Red, Can day mark, and showing FL. red.

They are placed in the following locations :

Hm. 70.50

Hm. 60.00

Hm. 44.40

Hm. 24.00

Hm. 19.00

Hm. 1.00 ( Occ. Red. ).

Course : From the Entrance Buoys ( Hm. 80.50 ), ( New Port Rock Channel ), till the Green light buoys of Hm. 24.00 :

Northbound course is 352.5o

Southbound course is 172.5o

G – Canal south entrance :

The Canal south entrance is marked by two light buoys of 7 meter height :

(1) The Eastern Buoy at Km. 162.150 : is Green, cone point UP and showing Occ. Green light every 4 sec.

(2) The Western Buoy at Hm. 1.00 : Red, Can day mark and showing Occ. Red light every 4 sec.


H – Port of Suez :(1)

(1) Navigation :

a) General rules :

1 – All vessels shall conform to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea ( COLREGS ).

2 – Navigation in the port is limited to approved channels only.

3 – Crossing or overtaking at the channels is strictly forbidden.

4 – Vessels must proceed in the port with caution and at a reduced speed.

5 – Vessels must not let go their anchors except in the anchorage areas.

b) Traffic Regulations :

1 – Vessels entering or leaving the port :

For vessels entering the port from sea and vessels leaving the port for sea, all movement shall be effected through the western channel, except for vessels anchored in 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, which should use the eastern channel.

2 – Vessels entering the Canal :

– From the Port and from Zone North West. of Green Island, they must comply to following :

Anchorages 8C to 16C and anchorage groups A and B.(2)

Vessels shall pass through the western channel, then south of Green Island to join the eastern channel and then proceed to the entrance of the Canal.

(1) Port of Suez is delimited by the imaginary line which extend from Ras Adabeya to Eyoun Moussa and comprises the coastal zone north of this up to SC entrance.

(2) For positions of anchorage’s groups ( see plan Part II ).


– From zone North east of Green Island :

Vessels shall proceed directly from their anchorages to the entrance of the Canal. If the number of vessels exceeds the number of anchorages, vessels in excess shall anchor south of the western channel, parallel to anchorages 2A, 4A, 6A, 4B, 7B, making sure to leave the western channel clear for navigation at all times. – From zone South of Green Island : (1)

Vessels shall proceed directly from the anchorages to the Canal or to sea through the eastern channel.

3 – Vessels leaving the Canal :

– They shall proceed through the eastern channel. – Anchoring in the Port :

They shall proceed through the Eastern channel, then the Western channel and shall follow it till the place fixed for their anchorage.

Vessels shall come out of the Canal and proceed directly to this area. c) Priority of movement at the Port :

Priority of movement in the port shall be as follows :

1 – Vessels leaving the Canal.

2 – Vessels proceeding to the Canal.


(1) For positions of anchorage’s groups ( see plan Part II ).


3 – Vessels leaving the anchorages of the Port of Suez.

4 – Vessels coming out of the Basins ( Ibrahim Basin - Adabeya - Petroleum Basin ).

5 – Vessels using the Petroleum Jetty.

6 – Vessels coming from sea must wait outside the port till the Eastern Channel is clear.

d) Priority of Passage in the Eastern Channel is for :

1 – Vessels leaving the Canal.

2 – Vessels in anchorages of Port of Suez, and proceeding Southward to sea, have to pass through the Eastern Channel. Ships approaching Port of Suez from Sea should wait outside until the Channel is clear.

e) When harbour is Closed due to Bad Weather :

1 – Vessels coming from sea :

It is recommended not to enter the Port of Suez when it is closed due to bad weather that prevents the pilots from boarding the vessels.

However, any vessel which would like to enter on her own responsibility will have to contact SC Ismailia Radio ( SUQ) and ask permission for doing so, giving her draught and length in feet, by the following cable :

“ I wish to enter Suez Anchorage on my own responsibility.

Length . . . Draught . . . feet ”.

If permission is granted, the Master will receive the following cable.

“ Port is closed. Entering on your own responsibility. Available anchorage . . . ”.


2 – Vessels leaving the SC :

In case when the embarkation of the Road’s pilot is not possible, the following cable will be sent to the ship ;

“ Owing to bad weather Road’s pilot will not board your ship ”.

The following will be added in case the vessel would ask for an anchorage :

“ Available anchorage . . . ”.

3 – Vessels Anchored in the Port of Suez Leaving for Sea :

Vessels which would like to sail on their responsibility, will have to hoist the signal for pilot, send the following cable to SUQ and wait for orders.

“ I wish to go to sea on my own responsibility. Please Confirm”.

They may proceed if they receive the cable :

“ You may proceed to sea on your own responsibility ”.

(2) Buoyage :

a) Buoy 2A 281.5o - 20.9 cables from New Port Rock Light showing FL 2R5s.

b) Buoy 3A 278.5o - 26.9 cables from New Port Rock Light showing OCC. R5s.

c) Buoyage of Port of Suez position Lat. : 29o 54’.59 N Long. : 32o 31’.80 E

1 – Eastern channel ( East of Green Island ) is limited by the following buoys :



– In the East : Buoy Hm. 7.00 East Hm. 14.00 East Hm. 24.00 East Hm. 44.40 East Hm. 60.00 East Hm. 70.50 East Hm. 80.50 East – In the West : Buoy Hm. 1.00 West Hm. 19.00 West Hm. 24.00 West Hm. 44.40 West Hm. 60.00 West Hm. 70.50 West Hm. 80.50 West

From Green Island Light 064o 082o 113o 144o 153o 156o 159o From Green Island Light 050o 098o 126o 150o 157o 160o 162o


2440 m. 1820 m. 1870 m. 3300 m. 4720 m. 5720 m. 6680 m.

Distance 2600 m. 1300 m. 1370 m. 3110 m. 4640 m. 5630 m. 6630 m.

2 – Shallow water in the Green Island Zones is limited as follows :

– North Buoy bearing 000o at a distance of 1490 meters from Green island Light, black double cone top marks points up, black band above Yellow band ( B.Y. ) showing Q.FL. – Red Buoy of Hm. 19.00 – Red Buoy of Hm. 24.00

– South West Buoy bearing 239.5o at a distance of 780 meters from Green Island Light, black

double cone top marks points down, black band below Yellow band ( Y.B. ) and showing [ Q (6) + L.FL.15s ].

– West Buoy bearing 308o at a distance of 820 meters from Green Island Light, black band with Yellow bands above and below with black double cone top marks points inward ( Y.B.Y.) and showing [ Q (9) 15s ].

3 – Oil Jetty Yellow buoy showing flashing Yellow every 4 sec.


(3) Anchorage Area :

– Group “A” :(1) 1A 306.5o 2A 330o 3A 331.5o 4A 357o 5A 018o 6A 023o 7A 050o 8A 042o 9A 062.5o 10A 084o – Group “B” : 1B 102.5o 2B 093o 3B 079o 4B 064.5o 5B 090.5o 6B 098.5o 7B 075o 8B 095.5o 9B 086o 10B 080o 11B 090o 12B 091o 13B 079o

_________________________________________________________________________________ (1) For ships of draught up to 38 ft. except for L.P.G., L.N.G. ships.

(2) (wreck) buoy black with one or more red bands with black double sphere top marks showing flashing 2 every 10 sec.

, 6.1 cables to Green Island Light. , 7.2 “ “ “ “ “ , 4.1 “ “ “ “ “ , 6.3 “ “ “ “ “ , 3.8 “ “ “ “ “ , 6.8 “ “ “ “ “ , 5.8 “ “ “ “ “ , 8.7 “ “ “ “ “ , 6.3 “ “ “ “ “ , 7.2 “ “ “ “ “

, 14.3 cables to Green Island Light. , 12.0 “ “ “ “ “ , 12.5 “ “ “ “ “ , 13.8 “ “ “ “ “ , 15.1 “ “ “ “ “ , 17.3 “ “ “ “ “

, 16.8 “ “ “ “ “ (2) , 20.2 “ “ “ “ “ , 20.3 “ “ “ “ “ , 15.0 “ “ “ “ “ , 17.8 “ “ “ “ “ , 22.0 “ “ “ “ “ , 19.2 “ “ “ “ “


– Group “C” : 1C 218.5o 2C 208.5o 3C 188o 4C 234.5o 5C 213.5o 6C 170.5o 7C 161o 8C 159o 9C 143o 10C 143.5o 11C 134o 12C 145o 13C 123o 14C 105.5o 15C 100o 16C 075o – Group “D” :(1) 1D 345.5o 2D 004o 3D 021o 4D 033o 5D 043o 6D 047o – Group “H” : 1H 296.5o 2H 306o

(1) For container ships of draught up to 42 ft., others up to 38 ft. except for L.P.G., L.N.G. ships.

, 11.8 cables to Green Island Light. , 11.6 “ “ “ “ “ , 11.4 “ “ “ “ “ , 8.6 “ “ “ “ “ , 8.1 “ “ “ “ “ , 9.6 “ “ “ “ “ , 10.8 “ “ “ “ “ , 9.0 “ “ “ “ “ , 9.4 “ “ “ “ “ , 12.4 “ “ “ “ “ , 12.0 “ “ “ “ “ , 6.58 “ “ “ “ “ , 6.5 “ “ “ “ “ , 6.7 “ “ “ “ “ , 4.7 “ “ “ “ “ , 4.8 “ “ “ “ “

, 12.7 cables to Green Island Light. , 12.4 “ “ “ “ “ , 13.1 “ “ “ “ “ , 14.7 “ “ “ “ “ , 16.0 “ “ “ “ “ , 18.3 “ “ “ “ “

, 12.5 cables to Green Island Light. , 14.8 “ “ “ “ “


– Adabeya Anchorage :

1 059o , 28.3 cables to Green Island Light. 2 054.5o

, 28.8 “ “ “ “ “

Art. 10 – Roads and Harbour Pilot Signals :

Vessels requiring a pilot for : (1) Entering from sea. (2) Sailing out to sea. (3) Changing berth. (4) Entering the Canal.

should hoist a Black Ball over G By day and 3 White Lights by night in a vertical line. These signals are to be hoisted where they can best be seen.




Art. 11 – Pilotage :(1) A – General :

All vessels entering or leaving Canal, must take a pilot ( Pilotage is compulsory ). However, the SCA reserves the right to assign a tug master on board vessels under 1500 SC.G.T., and under 800 SC.G.T. a coxswain, instead of a pilot.

Navy ships and vessels carrying dangerous cargo must have a pilot regardless of their tonnage. Road’s pilots on board vessels arriving from sea shall hand over the Declaration of State of Navigability and the Pilotage Form to the Master.

Masters are held solely responsible for all damage or accidents of whatever kind resulting from the navigation or handling of their vessels directly or indirectly by day or night.

The pilot must inform the Movement Control Office or the Port Office immediately by R. TELEX, Inmarsat and/or V.H.F.(2) if his advice regarding the safety of navigation is not accepted or not respected by the vessel(3). B – Port Said :

(1) Southbound vessels :

a) VLCC’s, ULCC’s, Containerships, LASH vessels over 35000 SC.G.T., L.P.G. & L.N.G and vessels over 42 feet draught are piloted from Northern Anchorage Area for Canal transit through the East Approach Channel.


(1) For pilotage dues see Art. 103 . (2) See Part III Art 86 p. 135 . (3) See Art. 105.




b) Other vessels, either for local trade or intending to transit the Canal, are piloted from Fairway Buoy to berths in the harbour through the West Channel.

c) Vessels are piloted between Port Said Harbour and Port of Suez by Canal pilots who are relieved at Ismailia. (2) Northbound vessels :

a) Through east branch, vessels are piloted till Km. 3.000. However, on Master’s request, pilotage may extend till Hm. 80.

b) Through west branch vessels are piloted till Hm. 80 if weather permits. However, on Master’s request, pilotage may end at Hm. 22 on Master’s responsibility. C – Port of Suez :

(1) Northbound vessels :

a) VLCC’s, ULCC’s, Container Ships, L.P.G. & L.N.G. ( Loaded or N.G.F. ) and vessels over 38 feet draught are piloted from the anchorage area south of Conry Rock V berths for Canal transit.

b) Other vessels are piloted from the waiting area till the inner anchorage area in the Port of Suez. c) Vessels are piloted from Port of Suez to Port Said Harbour by Canal pilots who are relieved at Ismailia. (2) Soutbound vessels :

a) Southbound convoy and vessels at Port of Suez Anchorages sailing south are piloted till Hm 80.50. However, on Master’s request, piloting may end at Hm. 44.4 ( New Port Rock ). b) Vessels have to maintain course through the channel till the last pair of buoys keeping the Separation Zone on the port side.


D – Master and pilot : (1) Master :

When a vessel is transiting the Canal, the Master or his qualified representative should be present at all times on the bridge, he has to keep the pilot informed of any individual peculiarities in the handling of the vessel so that the pilot might be in a position to give better advice to control the navigation and movement of the vessel. (2) Pilot :

The duties of pilots commence and cease at the entrance buoys of Port Said and Port of Suez. He only gives advice on maneuvering the vessel, course to steer, etc. He puts at the disposal of the Master his experience and practical knowledge of the Canal, but as he cannot know the defects or difficulties of maneuverability for every vessel, the responsibility falls completely upon the Master. The pilot has to ensure that the vessel abides by :

a) The articles of the Rules of Navigation.

b) The orders of transit given by the Suez Canal Port Office.

The maneuver and orders are carried out under the direction of the Master who is solely responsible for the ship. It is therefore for the master, taking into account the indications given by the pilot, to give the necessary orders to the helm, to the engines and tugs. If, in interest of quick maneuvers the Master thinks it preferable to allow the pilot to give orders directly, maneuvers carried out in these circumstance shall be considered as having been carried out by the order of the Master and engage his sole responsibility. E – Moving in Suez Canal Water without Pilot’s Assistance :

(1) Unless explicitly Authorized by the Suez Canal Authority, the following must be considered:


a) Whenever a vessel moves in Canal waters or Port Said Harbour without having a pilot on board, she shall be charged an additional due of ( 21 500 U.S. Dollars )(1).

b) An additional due of ( 3200 U.S. Dollar ) shall be charged to vessels moving in Port of Suez Anchorages, or entering or leaving at Port of Suez without having a pilot on board(2).

c) These impositions do not apply in the event if the pilot being suddenly unable to carry on with his duties due to sickness or death. In this case the Master must :

1 – Warn the vessels astern of his intended maneuver by means of the visual and sound signals as

well as V.H.F, or R. TELEX and or Inmarsat Via SUQ.

2 – Reduce speed and contact the Suez Canal Port Office to get advice on making fast if in the

Canal, or the entrance channels; or dropping anchor if at the Lakes.

3 – The movement control office in Ismailia is to be informed at all times by V.H.F, and

confirmed by R. TELEX and or Inmarsat via SUQ. (2) Exceptions :

In case of bad weather to the extend of not allowing pilotage in Canal approach channels, Masters will be authorized by notice from the Suez Canal Port Office, to sail with their vessels on their own responsibility at the following positions :

a) For southbound convoy, from Km. 162 to sea.

b) For northbound convoy, from Km. 3.000 of Port Said east channel northward to sea.

____________________________________________________________________ (1) Vessels under 300 S.C.G.T. are subject to Rules of Navigation for Small Craft. (2) Vessels under 300 S.C.G.T. are exempted as per law 161/59.


c) For Vessels Leaving Port Said Harbour through west approach channel, from Hm. 22 northward.

d) For Vessels anchoring in Port of Suez anchorages wishing to head to sea, also. for vessels in waiting to enter port of Suez Anchorage Area.

e)For vessels entering Port Said Harbour either for transiting the Canal or for trade, through west approach channel till Hm. 50 approx., where Roads pilot will board vessels.

f) For other vessels joining northbound convoy from Port of Suez anchorages, Canal pilots will board vessels at Km. 161 approx.

N.B. : For items c, d, f, the time of proceeding will be fixed by Suez Canal Port office.

1-An extra pilot for assisting the pilots in charge may be assigned on Masters request or by the CA if Deemed necessary.

2-A due of (300 U.S. Dollar) for every additional Canal pilot and (150 U.S. Dollar) for every additional Roads Pilot is charged(1).

3-In all cases, advice will be given if necessary by shore radars to vessels master .

F-Calling Pilots Unnecessarily :

When a vessel signals for pilot, and if is found when boarding that she is not ready to get underway at

the limit time, the vessel is liable to be delayed and pilot disembarked. The vessel will pay pilotage dues for the new pilot as mentioned hereafter.


(1) See Part IV Art 102-Para Cp.197.


G – Extra Pilots :

Extra pilots shall be assigned in the following cases : (1) Vessels over 80000 SC.G.T.

(2) Fourth generation container Ships, Third generation container Ships (over 60000 SC. G.T) and Lashers of 35000 SC.G.T. and over.

(3) Vessels having cargoes or installations impeding visibility from inside the wheelhouse (Bad View ).

(4) If a pilot is disembarked and relieved by another pilot in case of slow speed vessels having trouble which prevents to continue transit with the same convoy, or vessels that have to transit by day light only or any other reasons for successful transit.

(5) If a vessel has no accommodation for the pilot to rest while anchoring in Bitter Lakes or making fast in mooring places for a long period. (6) On Master’s request or by SCA if deemed necessary. (7) Vessels draught 53 feet and over.








Art. 12 Booking for Transit :

(1) Vessels may book for transiting the Canal. The booking notice shall reach the Suez Canal Port Offices not later than four days prior to the transit It must contain the name, date. nationality of the vessel, her type ( Container, RoRo, .... etc. ), her particulars such as draught, length overall, beam, SC.G.T., SC.N.T. and D.W.T. ... etc.

(2) Vessels booking for fixed date will have priority to join the convoy on that date, if they arrive within the limit time defined by the present Rules.

(3) Booking can be cancelled or altered by notice to the SCA Offices at least 12 hour before the date booked for, otherwise, the vessel in shall be charged of ( 150 U.S. Dollar ). case of VLCC’s and similar vessels this charge will be ( 1500 U.S. Dollar ) on account of the special arrangements made by the SCA. Such as escorting by tugs ... etc.

(4) Vessels arriving without previous booking will catch the convoy if the capacity of movement in the Canal permits, otherwise they may join the following convoy.

Art. 13 Notice of Arrival :

Masters of vessel are requested to transmit the following information to their agents 48 hour prior to the vessel’s arrival and SCA via SUQ:


(1) The name and nationality of the vessel, and her ex-name if any.

(2) Suez Canal Gross Tonnage, Suez Canal Net Tonnage and Deadweight Tonnage, Draught and Beam. (3) Whether they intend transiting the canal or merely stopping in the harbours and in this case, mention the duration of stay required. (4) The E.T.A.

(5) Whether they carry dangerous cargo stating quantity(1)and class according to I.M.D.G. code ( see part V) Vessel Carrying Dangerous Cargo.

Art. 14 Contacting with Port Offices on Arrival :

A-Vessels have to contact the Suez Canal Port Office by V.H.F. (2): or via SUQ

(1) Fifteen miles before arrival to Fairway Buoy of Port Said.

(2)Five miles before arrival to Separation Zone Buoy No. 1 off Port of Suez. B-When in touch, give the following information :

(1) Lat. and Long.

(2) Vessel’s name. and vessel’s call sign.

(3)I.M.O number and Suez Canal ID number (SC file number ).

(4) SC.G.T., SC.N.T and D.W.T.

(5) Draught.

(6) Loaded or not.

(7) Kind of cargo.

(8) Any defects affecting the safety of navigation.


(1)In case dangerous cargo is not declared or erroneous declaration (See P.187).

(2)Port Said on channels 12,13,16 and Port of Suez on channels 16,14. (See Art.86,P.135,136)


(9) If transiting the Canal for the first time, the vessel has to send : a ) Date of building. Suez Canal Tonnage Certificate, if available. b ) Call sign and official I.M.O number. c ) Length over-all. d ) Beam.

e ) Type of engine.

f )In all cases, the Master must inform if aiming to transit the

Canal or just stay in the harbour.

Any other information will assist the Suez Canal Port Office to identify the vessel through his radar, acquire and assign the vessels identification "ID" tag which will follow her path till the other end.

C- Any vessel which does not contact the SC Port Offices during her approach is subject to delay in joining

the convoys.

D- When berthing, changing berth or sailing, the Master must handle the mooring ropes by the mooring boats of the Suez Canal mooring and lights company.

Art. 15 Documents and Requirements : A- Documents to be produced are :

( 1 )Suez Canal Special Tonnage Certificate and Calculation Sheets ( 3 copies in the first transit ).

( 2 ) Certificate of Registry & ship’s drawing(1).

( 3 ) Statistical Declaration.

(4)Extract from the vessel’s official documents and information concerning the vessel’s type and her cargo ( Containers, barges,... etc ).


(1) a) Capacity plan.

b) General arrangement plan of ( hull, accommodation and machinery ).


( 5 ) Declaration concerning the use of double bottom tanks and the lower parts of the high tanks. ( 6 ) Declaration concerning vessels in ballast.

( 7 ) Declaration of State of Navigability. ( See Art. 78, P. 88 ).

( 8 ) Declaration mentioned for dangerous cargo appendix No. 3 part V. ( 9 ) The last Classification Certificate issued.

(10) Any other information necessary for transiting the Canal.

(11) Piping plan and general arrangement plan for L.P.G. and L.N.G. vessels.

(12) I.O.P.P. ( International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate ) of Compliance and its supplement for the record of construction and equipment as amended for tankers.

(13) I.S.P.S certificate ( International ship and port facility security code).

B- Vessel wishing to transit the Canal must declare at the CA port Offices and pay the various dues mentioned in Part IV Chap. XIII of the present Rules. She must furnish the CA Officials with all the particulars requested by her agent.

C-In addition the vessel must comply with the requirements of the A.R.E Government Authorities.

D- As requested by the SCA to be supplied with a new Seaworthiness Certificate issued by a recognized classification society belonging to I.A.C.S. (1)


(1) : 1 - Lloyds Register (LR) 2 - Bureau Veritas (B.V)

3 - American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 4 - Germanischer Lloyd (G.L) 5 - Det Norske Veritas (DNV) 6 - Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK)

7 - China Classification Society (CCS) 8 - Korean Register of Shipping (KR) 9 – Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)

10- Russian Maritime Register of shipping (RS)


Seaworthiness Certificates to be accepted by SCA, if in native language, are to be translated into Arabic or English and duly certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the ARE.

More-over, the certificate has to be issued by the classification society ( full name and initials of surveyor aside to his signature ) to which the ships belongs, In case the relevant classification society has no representation in the Canal zone, a certificate issued by any other I.A.C.S. representation office may be accepted.


E- Navy shipstransiting the Suez Canal must be provided with a Suez Canal Special Tonnage Certificate showing the SC.G.T. and SC.N.T. If Such document is not on board, the Commanding Officer has to give, the following information in writing :

(1) Name of Ship.

(2) Name of Commanding Officer.

(3) Call sign of the ship ( Radio Call ).

(4) L.O.A., B.O.A. and depth of the ship.

( As long as the ship is not provided with the SC Special Tonnage Certificate, transit dues will be levied on the temporary Gross Tonnage product of the empirical formula without any allowance till the presentation of the documents required ).


(1) Also refer to Appendix No.1 special cases D- Navy ships P.92 and to Art. 96-GP.184



Art. 16 Berthing or Stay in the Harbour:


A-The Master is responsible for the mooring of the vessel in Port Said harbour and or berthing in Port of Suez

and the ship has to be always ready for maneuvering.

B-Mooring lashing ropes :

For the safety and quick berthing of vessels in Port Said Harbou the only Lashing ropes allowed to be used for fixing ship’s rope on the buoys are those provided by the Suez Canal Mooring and Lights Company. For this purpose, the said company provides vessels making fast in the harbour with 2 inch Manilla or Sezal ropes. This service is against 40 U.S. Dollar per vessel to be added to the invoice of the Suez Canal Mooring and Lights Company.

C -The Master is to pay attention to the instructions hereunder :

(1) When the vessel is moored to the buoys, the mooring ropes must be watched to ensure safe mooring. If two vessels are moored to the same buoy, when one leaves, the other must adjust her mooring.

(2 ) Masters must comply with the SC Harbour Master’s advice regarding mooring ropes during the stay of their vessels in port; especially when. In case of expected bad weather, it is necessary to increase the mooring if required.

(3) When a vessel is moored with her stern to the bank, the Master must keep himself continuously informed of the depth of water aft, to avoid grounding on the submerged slope either as a result of the settling of the vessel as she loads, or her proximity to the bank.

_____________________ (1) Refer to Art. 101 P. 194.


(4) At night, the vessel, whether moored or maneuvering, must show the lights prescribed by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at sea, in addition to the SC light signals. (5) Unless authorized, barges alongside a vessel must not be more than two abreast each other. (6) It is forbidden to try projectors, or to turn the propellers during the process of warming up, in the absence of the pilot, or without informing him when on board.

(7) Vessels must not put their engines out of working order for any reason whatsoever without permission from the CA.

(8) The Master must always keep sufficient crew on board to ensure efficient handling of the moorings, fire fighting and damage control.

(9) The SC Harbour Master or his delegates should have free access on board to make sure that Regulations, are duly applied, verify the vessel’s

Seaworthiness certificate, and make sure that the dangerous cargo on board compliance with the SC. Rules.

(10) Vessels canceling booking berth at Port Said for commercial operations, bunkering, .... etc, must do so 6 hour prior to arrival, otherwise an additional due of ( 300 U.S. Dollar ) will be charged.

Art. 17 Change of Berth :

(1) If the Master wishes to change the berth of his vessel, he should notify the SC Port Office stating the desired time when the shift should take place. A tug or more will be imposed to assist in the maneuvers.


The change of berth will take place at the time fixed by the SCA Port Office. A pilot will board the vessel in due time.

(2) The charge for the Shift, made at the Master’s request, and the charge for tugs used will be as per the rates set out in Part IV. p. 199 of these Rules of Navigation.

(3) Charges for shifting due to erroneous or incomplete declarations by the Master must also be paid by the vessel.

(4) When necessary, the SC Harbour Master may order a vessel to shift, when so ordered, it should be made as quickly as possible. In such a case it is free of charge.





Art. 18 Measures Taken Before Entering the Canal :

All vessels ready to enter the Canal must have their ladders and jib booms run in, their boats swung in and any derricks or cranes obstructing the view forward, lowered.

Art. 19 Mooring Ropes :

(1) At least 6 flexible floating mooring ropes of appropriate size for the vessel, in good condition, fitted with spliced eyes must be ready at suitable points on deck for any emergency. All arrangements must be made for their quick handling.

(2) For vessels equipped with tension mooring wires, the number of floating ropes may be reduced to 4. It is to be noted, how-ever, that any mooring lines, likely to produce sparks by their manipulation are absolutely forbidden on board petroleum tankers, LPG, LNG as well as on board any vessel carrying inflammable substances.

(3) It is recommended that :

a) One of the ropes which is selected as First Line Ashore must be of floating material to ensure quick securing to the shore.

b) Wires should not exceed 5.5 inch circumference to facilitate handling.

c) All vessels should have Two fire ropes ( wire ) made fast one forward and one aft., hung over the vessel’s side ready for use in case of emergency.


Art. 20 Mooring Boats :

(1)Vessels transiting the Canal must have mooring boats as mentioned hereafter hired from the Suez Canal Mooring Company approved by SCA.

In case no motor mooring boats from the said company are available, ship’s boats if suitable for


mooringin the Canal can be used and must be manned by shore crew, hired from the SC mooring company, each boat is to be manned by three men. (2)One motor boat for vessels up to 5000 SC.G.T. (3) Two motor boats for vessels over 5000 SC.G.T.

(4)Ships may ask for additional motor boats according to Masters request.

These motor mooring boats must be in constant readiness for lowering to run the ropes to the mooring posts or bollards without any delay during the transit of the vessel.

(5)Ships must be fitted with well maintained lifting appliances capable of lifting mooring boats of 4 ton weight ( Including crew members ).

(6)Ships may carry extra mooring boats as passengers for the interest of navigation. However, L.P.G, L.N.G, and Loaded Tankers are not allowed any extra boats.

(7)The handling of mooring boats must be carried out safely, well clear from the ship’s propellers.

(8)Masters are requested to reduce speed during the lifting or lowering operations of mooring boats, an officer must be in charge, to avoid accidents that may endanger the life of mooring crew.


(9)If the vessel has no means of lifting mooring boats and ship’s boatsare not suitable for mooring in the Canal, the vessel shall not be allowed to transit the Canal unless escorted by imposed tug.


(1) Open type with motor lifeboat

(2) Closed type lifeboat



Art. 21 Spreaders ( Slings ) : Containerships are advised to have their own spreaders ( slings ) to assist

with the unloading and reloading of containers whenever necessary.

However containerships carrying different sizes of containers must have their own spreaders.

Art. 22 Indicators :

There must be a rudder angle indicator and an engine RPM. indicator in the wheelhouse so located and illuminated as to be easily visible by the pilot(1).

(1)If the engine RPM indicator is defective for the first transit both the vessel and its agent will be motivated by SC to fix the indicator.

(2)If the same indicator still defective or still not installed on the 2nd consecutive transit and each following transit the vessel will pay additional dues of ( 4500 US Dollar ).

(3)If the rudder indicator is defective the vessel will not be allowed to transit.

Art. 23 Bow Anchors :

(1)Any transiting vessel must be equipped with two classed anchors located forward of the collision bulkhead. Each anchor must be fitted with its own chain or wire cable, and be capable of being released, by gravity and raised by means of a windlass or capstan (3) , (4).

(2)In lieu of 1, vessels of less than 1500 SC.G.T must be equipped with one working anchor located forward.

(3)Special cases to be studied before transit case by case.

(1) Erroneous indicators are considered defective ( See P. 203, para. 13 ).

(2)If only One anchor, ( See Art. 57 para 5 P. 77 ) imposed tug to be charged.


(1) Erroneous indicator are considered defective (SeeP.203, Para.13)

(2) If only One anchor, (See Art. 57 Para 5P.77) imposed tug to be charged. (3) Vessel unable to use both bow anchors to transit the Canal as towed unit.


Art. 24 Accommodation and Pilot Ladders : A- Pilot Ladder :

(1)In Anchorage Areas, outside the Canal North or South, pilot ladders can be used to embark, and disembark pilots. The ladder shall be

secured in such a position that each step rests firmly against the vessel’s side and so that the pilot can have safe access to the vessel.

Whenever the distance from sea level to the point of access to the vessel is more than 12 feet ( 3.65 meters ), access from the pilot ladder to the vessel shall be by means of an accommodation ladder or other equally safe and convenient means.

(2)The treads of the pilot ladder shall not be less than 19 inch long, 4.5 inch wide and 1 inch in thick. Steps shall be joined in such a manner as will provide the ladder with adequate strength with treads maintained in a horizontal position and not less than 12 inch or more than 15 inch apart.

(3)A man-rope properly secured, and a safety line should be available and ready for use if required. (4)Handholds are to be provided to assist the pilot to pass safely and conveniently from the head of the ladder into the vessel or onto the vessel’s deck and vice versa.

(5)If necessary spreaders shall be provided at such a distance as will prevent the ladder from twisting. (6) The following arrangements must be observed :

a)The rigging of the ladder, the embarkation and disembarkation of the pilot is supervised by a responsible officer of the vessel.

b) A self igniting life buoy is to be available at hand.


B - Accommodation Ladders : (1)

(1) Accommodation ladders are to be used in the Canal harbours, and lakes to embark and disembark pilots. (2) In case the accommodation ladder is difficult to rig or is unavailable,

the vessel has to inform SCA before entering harbour or Canal. The change of pilot which is originally carried out in Ismailia, will take place in the Bitter Lakes after anchoring. In such case, the vessel will be charged extra ( 1000 U.S. Dollars ) as pilotage dues for each relieving pilot.

(3) Vessels with freeboard of less than 10 feet may use pilot ladder.

Art. 25 Efficiency of Vessel’s Equipment :

(1) Before entering the Canal, it must be ascertained that main engines, compasses, steering gear system, engine room, telegraph, rudder angle and RPM. indicators, VHF and radar are in good working order. (2) Every vessel navigating in the SC Water under the advice of SC Pilot, should maintain a bridge and

engine bell books.

(3) Each engine movement, and the time of its transmission from the bridge to the engine room, is recorded in the bridge bell book as well as in the engine room bell book.

(4) Vessels equipped with an automatic device which produces a permanentlegible record of every engine movement are not required to maintain any bell books.

(5) The bell books and the automatic records must be handed, upon request, to SC Officials for the purpose of investigation if necessary.


(1) Accommodation Ladders should be complied with the requirements of SOLAS 74/78.


Art. 26 Deck Cargo:

(1)Deck cargo ( deck load ) is to be stowed in a way so as to pro-vide clear view from the navigating bridge while transiting the Canal, as well as not to affect the vessel’s stability.

(2)The deck cargo ( deck load ) should not protrude more than half

the vessel’s breadth on any side, with a maximum of 15 meters on each side if breadth exceeds 30 meters(2)(3) ,.

(3)If the protrusion exceeds the maximum allowed, each case is to be studied separately and an additional due of 2% of the transit dues is levied on each foot or fraction of foot in excess.


Art. 27 Ballast Water :

Vessels in ballast must fill spaces intended to be used for carrying water ballast in such proportion as the Officials of SCA may direct.

Art. 28 Searchlight :

Before transiting the Canal, the vessel should be provided with a searchlight ( projector ) complying with the following conditions and specifications.

(1) It should be placed on the bow in the axis of the vessel and show the Canal clearly. (2) Specifications are as follows :

a) Minimum range of radiation of single beam 1800 m. ahead ( Brightness of 1 LUX approx, at the atmospheric transmission factor T = 0.85 ).

b) The power of the lamp must give a luminous intensity of single light beam not less than 3 x 10( 3 million ) candles, which is equivalent to a high efficiency incandescent lamp of :


(1) See Art. 105 (14) P. 203.

(2) Containers on container ships are not considered as deck cargo.

(3) Specially built vessels and barges carrying drillers or bulky deck cargo to be studied each separately. (see Appendix p.91, para B )



1- 2000 watt for vessels up to 30000 SC.G.T. 2- 3000 watt for vessels over 30000 SC.G.T.

3- Or any kind of lamps which that fulfills the specifications, under item (2) above and to be of the non explosive type.

c) The drum and stand should be of high corrosion resisting material and can be operated both horizontally and vertically.

d) The front glass must be of hardened type and can stand rapid cooling.

e) The reflector must be in two halves of precise ground glass mirror of highest quality or of polished aluminum having at least 95% the reflective capacity of the glass mirror.

f) The two halves of the reflector can be brought together (zero position) to make a single reflector light beam and can be parted to give two separate light beams each of 5 degree at least on the horizontal level with adjustable dark sector from 0 to 10 degree.


g) The searchlight drum must be watertight (pressure test 0.25kg/cm), and the electric system ( switches,


plugs, socket and cables ) must be of 1class marine type with degree of protection IP55.

h) Gastight searchlight ( according to the classification rules ) for the vessel’s having electric appliances within the dangerous area , and provided with avent-out of which a flexible hose can be fitted on the drum to dissipate the heated air out of the searchlight in addition to a safety vent.

On vessels carrying Petroleum products, L.N.G. or inflammable substances or vessels Not Gas Free, exit of hot air must be effectuate in a place devoid of inflammable gas.

i ) The searchlight must be equipped with 2 lamps carrier that can be turned into position to let the lamp exactly in the focus of the reflector, and the current must be switched on automatically.

j ) The searchlight must have a certificate for the Type Test. This type test must include illuminate test to fulfill the above specifications

issued by one of the classification societies (Lloyds Register, etc).

the original to be submitted to Suez Canal officials and thereby, after test by SCA inspector, the searchlight can be accepted.

ed in a place devoid of inflammable gas.



(3) On all vessels mentioned in item ( 2-h ) , electric cables installations for searchlight and all connections leading to it must be permanently fixed, insulated and gastight.

At the end of the cables, a fixed and gastight non explosive type socket should be installed close to the searchlight.

(4) On board vessels, electrically propelled or having electrically driven gear ( steering, winches, etc. ) the number of generators and their individual power output must be sufficient to ensure uninterrupted

functioning of the searchlight in the event of stoppage of one of the generators, No exception to this rule will be allowed except when there is an independent generator and circuit on board specifically set apart for the searchlight.

(5) A portable projector can be hired locally from the Canal Mooring and lights Company ( weight of projector about 22 kg ).

(6) For vessels fitted with their own projector, two shore electricians should operate the projecter during the transit.

(7) Vessels with special cases :

a) L.P.G. and L.N.G. vessels, without any exceptions, must be provided with their own searchlight. b) Vessels entering the Canal, direct from sea, must be provided also with their own searchlight.

c) Yachts and tugs up to 150 SC.G.T. can transit with their own projectors, on condition that the unit is equipped with at least 2 projectors, each with a capacity of not less than 1000 watt, no shore electricians will board.

(8) If electrical connections and/or searchlight are not in conformity, the vessel is liable to transit only in day-time and therefore, subject to delay. An additional due of ( 4300 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed when the searchlight and/or electrical connections are not in conformity with the 3rd transit and each


Art. 29 Overhead Lights ( Deck Lights ) :

Overhead lights visible all round the horizon with a minimum range of 200 meters ( about 650 feet ). -Kind of lamps to be the non explosive type.

Art. 30 Bridge Wing Projectors :

Bridge wing projectors on either side of the bridge must be fitted to show the Canal banks clearly during the transit and mooring operations, they must have the following characteristics :

-Power about 4 LUX at an atmospheric transmission factor (T = 0.74) and minimum range 200 m. -Kind of lamps to be the non explosive type.

Art. 31 Funnels :

Funnels must be lit to facilitate the identification of the vessel by night.

Art. 32 Bridge and Engine Room Communications :

Communication system between engine room and bridge must be in good working condition.

Art. 33 Pumping-Draining Arrangements :

The pumps and pumping arrangements including valves, pipes and strainer from several holds as well as from the engine space must be in good working condition.

Art. 34 Watertight Bulkheads and Doors :

All watertight bulkheads and doors are required to be in good efficient condition.

Art. 35 Draught Marks :

All vessels shall have the draught plainly marked and painted upon the stem, amidships ( including Plimsoll Mark and Deck Line ) and stern post or rudder post according to load line convention. ( See drawing p. 61 ).


Art. 36 Whistles and/or Sirens :

Whistles and sirens must be always ready for use, as prescribed in Part III, Art. 92.

Art. 37 Fire Fighting Equipment on Vessels :

(1) Vessels transiting the Canal should be equipped with the fire fighting equipment in accordance with the requirements of the SOLAS 74/78 and its amendments. All equipment should be in a good and efficient condition.

(2) Fire hoses with suitable nozzles attached shall be connected to the outlets of fire lines at all times while in Canal. Sufficient hoses shall be connected to reach all parts of the vessels.


(3) Approaching Canal, as precautionary measures, all vessels must have a fire wire hanging over the side ready for use fore and aft, before entering Canal.

Art. 38 Side Doors :

When side doors are used for boarding, and the minimum vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the side door is less than six feet, the doors should be closed immediately after embarking and disembarking of pilot and during transit through the Canal.

Art. 39 Manning Vessels :

The crew of each vessels intending to transit the Canal should have efficient-

and good knowledge of their vessel and be sufficient in number to permit safe handling of the vessel during transit.

Art. 40 Deck Watch and Engine Room :

When underway in Canal, the vessel shall keep a full watch in thebridge and in the engine room, as well as anchor watch.


(1) See Art.19 Para.(3) c, Page 49.


Art. 41 Special arrangements :

Escorting of VLCC’s, .. LPG, LNG, ( See Art.58 P. 78 ).

Art. 42 Accommodations :

(1)A suitable ( Officer Class ) accommodation is to be put at the pilot’s disposal while anchoring in the Bitter Lakes or making fast in mooring places alongside the Canal. In case of no suitable accommodation available, the vessel will pay extra dues of ( 1000 U.S. Dollar ) for each relieving pilot. She may be delayed if no relieving pilot is available.

(2)A sheltered place is to be provided for the mooring boatmen ( 3 to 6 men according to the size of the vessels ) and two shore electricians for the projector, during transit.

Art. 43 Vessels Carrying Timber :

(1) The timber deck cargo shall be compactly stowed, lashed and secure din a way that it shall not hinder the navigation and shall allow safe access on deck.

(2) The loading must not exceed the Tropical Timber Load Line ( L.T. ). The height of the deck cargo above the weather deck shall not exceed one third of the extreme breadth of the vessel.

Art. 44 Life Saving Appliances :

Life Saving appliances for vessels navigating in the Canal should meet the requirements of the SOLAS 74/78 and its amendments.

Art. 45 Anchor Watch :

Anchor station is to be established during bad weather or poor visibility and when advised by the pilot.

Art. 46 Stoppage in Canal :

When anchored in the Bitter Lakes, Lake Timsah or stopped in the Canal, the engines should be always ready for use.

NOTE : In case of failing to comply with any of the previous requirements, a vessel may be delayed from joining the convoy and/or may be subject to special arrangements for her transit. This includes imposing convoying tugboats. Access to the Canal may also be refused.




Art. 47 Vessel not Allowed to Transit : (1 5)

A vessel will not be allowed to transit the Canal in any of the following cases :

A- Any vessel whose Tropical Load Line is submerged, or Plimsoll Marks not plainly visible ( Overloaded ). B- Any vessel considered by the Suez Canal Officials, dangerous for navigation.

C- If carrying dangerous cargo and not conforming to Part V of these Rules or carrying prohibited cargoes. D- If having a list more than 3 degree.

E-If trimmed in a way causing bad maneuverability.

F- If having deck loads protruding from vessel’s sides in a manner endangering the safety of transit(6). G- If the vessel is so tender or loaded in a manner that dangerously affects her stability.

H- If the draught is in excess of the maximum permissible draught as Stated in the SC Rules of Navigation.


(1) For VLCC s and ULCC s and LNG s if there is bad weather.

(2) The SCA may consider delaying the vessel’s entry to the Canal in case of bad weather. (3) Any vessel without bow anchors, ( transit to be done as towed vessel ).

(4) If the radar seems bad or out of order, ( transit to be done during day light and good visibility ). (5) Vessels with rudder indicator out of order ( transit to be done as towed vessel ). (6) See Art. 26.



- 61-



Art. 48 Generalities :

(1) Masters shall ask for pilots by clearly displaying the signal described in Part III, Art. 93 at least two hours before the time they expect their vessel to be ready to get underway. (2) Single up should not be before the pilot is on board.

(3) When several vessels are ready to get underway at the same time, the order of their sailing will be fixed by the CA.

(4) All vessels must stop whenever the passage ahead is not clear.

(5) Vessels must slow down passing collapsed or under repairs banks, as well as when passing all vessels in sidings, hoppers, dredgers and other floating units made fast.

(6) As soon as a vessel is made fast, she must hoist the signals described in Part III, Art. 92 : the vessel must be ready to slack down rope or cut them if necessary, and the engines must always be ready to start.

*** -62-




Art. 49 Formation of Convoys :

Three Main convoys system is applied in the Suez Canal.

A Northbound Convoy :

(1)Starts at hr 0600 at Km. 160 and consists of two groups of vessels(1). a)Group A :

1- Navy ships, Tankers over 40000 SC.G.T in ballast GF. or N.G.F., L.P.G. and L.N.G. ( Loaded or N.G.F ), and Loaded chemicals carriers ( See Art. 54 ).

2- Loaded VLCC’s, conventional loaded Tankers and heavy Bulk carriers ( Draught over 42 feet ).

b)Group B :

Passengers ships, Car Carriers, RoRo, Container Ships with draught over 42 ft., Lash over 35000 SC.G.T., and other vessels anchored in Suez Anchorages.

N.B. : For safety measures, L.P.G. and L.N.G . vessels, in ballast or loaded, and loaded chemicals in bulk are included in the Loaded Tankers group.


(1) A third group ( early group ) may enter Canal from hr 0100 to hr 0330 according to traffic situation. Which drops anchor in G.B.L. and later join end of group B.


(2) The Northbound convoy has almost a free run from Port of Suez till Port-Said. It passes through the

East Kabret channel (except early group), the eastern dredged channel in the Bitter Lakes, the East channel of the Deversoir, the East channel of Lake Timsah, the East channel of Ballah loop and the East channel from km. 17 Northward.

(3) In case the Northbound convoy has to stop in the Bitter Lakes due to traffic situation of Southbound convoy or emergency, the following must be considered :

a)Container Ships heading the convoy will drop anchor in the suitable Eastern Anchorage Areas of the Bitter Lakes.

b) VLCC’s will anchor in the suitable Eastern Anchorage according to their draught. c) All other vessels will anchor in the Eastern Area corresponding to their draught. d) Three berths are available in Kabret Eastern Branch in case of emergency.

B Southbound First Convoy (N1) :

(1) Startsfrom hr 0000 to hr 0500 and consists of 3 groups of vessels:


a) Group A :Vessels anchored in the Northern Anchorage Area consisting of Container ships of draught over 42 ft., VLCC’s, ULCC’s in ballast over 42 feet draught, L.P.G., L.N.G.,

N.G.F. vessels in ballast or loaded and LASH over 35000 SC.G.T. This group will be headed by the Container Ships and the first vessel will enter through Port Said Eastern Approach channel.

__________________________________ (1) Starting time depends on traffic form.


b) Group B :Vessels in Port said Harbour, This group will enter the Canal in due time to join group A at Km. 17.

c) Group C :Vessels anchored in Southern Anchorage Area will enter through Port Said Western channel in

due time to join Group B at Km. 17.

(2) This convoy has a free run to the Bitter Lakes, passes through the East branch of Ballah by-pass, the Eastern channel of Lake Timsah, thechannel and anchors in Deversoir West the Western Anchorages in Bitter Lakes.

(3) The sequence of continue route from the Bitter Lakes will be Warships, Passenger ships, Car carriers,


RoRo, L.P.G., L.N.G. vessels, Containers over 40000 SC.G.T. and LASH over 35000 SC.G.T. followed by VLCC’s in ballast and then other vessels.

The first ship of the Southbound convoy will regulate speed to cross the last Northbound vessel abeam of Kabrit station.

C-Southbound Second Convoy (N2) :

(1) Starts from hr 0700 to hr 0900. The forming and depth of this convoy is subject to situation of traffic and limit time.

(2) Vessels will make fast in Ballah West Branch(2), and continue route after the last Northbound vessel clears Km. 61.

(3) Dimensions of vessels that can make fast at Ballah West Branch should not exceed those indicated in the table No. I.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ (1) Except for vessels with draught of more than 42 feet will pass through East channel and anchorage in eastern anchorage areas.

(2) Maximum capacity 15 vessels according to the NR. of berths at Ballah Loop.




(4)Vessels with the dimensions shown at the table stated above also container ships above 90000 SC.G.T. up to 95000 SC.G.T. within the dimensions are allowed to join N2 convoy against an additional


chargesubject to transit through Port Said east branch up to Ballah by-pass :

(5) The following vessels not allowed to join this convoy are the following :

a) Loaded Tankers ( or Bulk carriers ) carrying Petroleum or similar substances

( Flash point below23”C or 73”F, ascertained by an open test or any equals degree of accuracy ). b) Liquefied inflammable gas vessels ( L.P.G., L.N.G., or similar Loaded or Ballast N.G.F. vessels ). c) Vessels not fitted with double bottom and carrying chemicals in bulk, or any other vessels carrying crude oil or petroleum products.

d) Vessels carrying un-containerised Radioactive substance Group 1. e) Vessels Carrying dangerous wastes.

f) Heavy lifters ( semi-submersible ) carrying heavy lift units with tonnage exceeding the lifting capacity of their individual cranes ( i.e. not able to reduce her draft ).

g) Vessels carrying deck cargo protruding more than what is stated in Art. 26 of the Rules of navigation. h) Container ships over 95000 SC.G.T. i) Navy ships.


(1) Refer to Art. 50 -A- (2) e p.67.


Art. 50 Limit Time of Arrival to Join Convoys :

The Limit Time for arrival to join the convoys will be passed on passing the following Latitudes, and also to be declared by Agents and ready for transit :

A Port Said: South of Lat. 31 28 .7 N

This Lat is limited by Long. 32 00 .27 E & Long. 32 37 .43 E (1) First Southbound Convoy : (N1)

a) The limit time is hr 1900 for the first southbound convoy (N1).

b) Ships arriving after hr 1900 until hr 2100 can join the first southbound convoy against the payment of a surcharge equal to 3% of the normal transit dues with maximum of 7000 SDR.

c) Ships arriving after hr 2100 until hr 2200 can join the first southbound convoy against the payment of a surcharge equal to 5% of the normal transit dues with maximum of 10500 SDR.

d) Ships arriving after hr 2200 may join the first southbound convoy, against the payments of a surcharge equals to 10% of the normal transit dues with a maximum of 20000 SDR if the convoy situation permits.

(2) Second Southbound Convoy : (N2)

a) The limit time is hr 0300 for the second southbound convoy.

b) Ships arriving after hr 0300 until hr 0400 can join the second southbound convoy against the payment of a surcharge equal to 3% of the normal transit dues with maximum of 7000 SDR.

c) Ships arriving after hr 0400 until hr 0500 can join the second southbound convoy against the payment of a surcharge equal to 5% of the normal transit dues with maximum of 10500 SDR.

d) Ships arriving after hr 0500 may join the second southbound convoy if traffic permits, against the payments of a surcharge equal to 10% of the normal transit dues with a maximum of 20000 SDR. e) Container vessels over 90000 SC.G.T. and up to 95000 SC.G.T. and other Vessels both within the permissible dimensions shown in66 see Art. table p.49-C(4), can join the second southbound convoy against the payment of a surcharge as follows :

1- If arriving at the limit time, equal to 5% of the normal transit dues with a maximum of 10500 SDR. 2- If arriving after hr 0300 till hr 0400 hrs, equal to 8% of the normal transit dues with a maximum of 17000 SDR.

3- If arriving after hr 0400 till hr 0500,equal to 10% of the normal transit dues with a maximum of 20000 SDR.

- 67-

B-Port Taufiq : North of Lat. 29 42 .8 N for Tanker Group :

This Lat. is limited by Long. 32 23.1 E & Long. 32 41 .5 E

(1)The limit time is hr 0100 for ships that are allowed to join the tanker group,

a)Ships arriving after hr 0100 until hr 0300 can also join the tanker group, against the payment of a surcharge equal to 3% of the normal transit dues with maximum of 7000 SDR.

b)Ships arriving after hr 0300 until hr 0400 can also join tankers group, against the payment of a surcharge equal to 5% of the normal transit dues with maximum of 10500 SDR.

c)Vessels arriving after hr 0400 may join the northbound convoy, if traffic conditions permit, against the payment of a surcharge equal to 10% of the normal transit dues with maxi mum of 20 000 SDR.

C-Port Taufiq :North of Lat. 29 48.33 N for Ordinary Group : This Lat. is limited by Long.32 27.88 E & Long. 32 38 .01 E

(1)The limit time for ordinary group is hr 0300.

a)Ships arriving after hr 0300 until hr 0400 can also join the ordinary group, against the payment of a surcharge equal to 3% of the normal dues, with the maximum of 7000 SDR.

b)Ships arriving after hr 0400 until hr 0500 can also join the ordinary group, against the payment of a surcharge equal to 5% of the normal dues, with the maximum of 10500 SDR.

c)Ships arriving after hr 0500 may join the ordinary group if the convoy situation is authorized, against the payment of a surcharge equal to 10% of the normal dues, with the maximum of 20000 SDR.

N.B. :In all the above cases, the documents required should be produced before the passage of the vessels by the Canal office at Port Said or Port Taufiq.

Art. 51 Courses to Keep on Leaving for Sea : A-Port Said :

Vessels of the Northbound convoy have to maintain course through the East Approach channel till Hm. 195 then alter course North 000”for five miles before altering to destination.

B-port Of Suez :

Vessels proceeding to sea have to maintain through the channel till the last pair of buoys, then keep the separation zone on the port side till the separation zone buoy no.1.

- 68-




Art. 52 Dimensions of Vessels Authorized to Transit :

These dimensions are given hereunder :

A- Maximum Length : No restrictions. (2),(3) B- Maximum Beam : 254 ft, 3 in..


C-Maximum Air Draft : 68 m. D-Maximum Draught :

Tables, 3, 4, give the maximum draught authorized in relation to the beam of vessel according to the following :

(1) Table 3 : For vessels In ballast transiting in either direction ( p.71 ).

(2) Table 4 : For Loaded vessels transiting southbound & northbound ( p. 72, p.73, p. 74 ).

Art. 53 Conditions of Transit :

The Maximum draught for loaded vessels is according to Table 4 ( must not exceed the Tropical Load Line ). For vessels without tropical load Line indicated in the Load Line Certificate, the maximum draught allowed will be the summer Load Line.


(1) For drilling and towed units, ( See Appendix No. 1 P. 90, 93 ).

(2) Vessels with beam over 210 feet and up to 245 feet, 3 inch are allowed to transit in calm weather, i.e. beam wind not exceeding 10 knots.

(3) Vessels with beam over 245 feet, 3 inch may transit Canal under special request. (4) Above H.H.W.L ( high water level ).


(1) Vessels allowed to transit with a draught of over 50 feet up to 62 feet must, for the first passage, effectuate successful sea trial before entering the Canal either at Suez or Port Said Roads.

(2) Sister-ships are not to benefit of authorization granted to a particular ship of the group.

(3) For safety measures, L.P.G., L.N.G Ships in ballast or loaded, and loaded dangerous chemicals in bulk are included in the Tankers group and they are placed ahead of the loaded tankers.

Art. 54 Transit Speed : (1), (2), (3)



(1) Additional transit dues are levied on slow speed vessels on the basis indicated in Art. 100 P. 189.

(2) Vessels with draught over 42 ft, the transit speed is the same as for tanker s group except Container Ships. (3) If the vessel transit speed is equal to the critical speed the vessel has to c






(1) Vessels of a Beam Over 210 ft. and up to 254 ft, 3 inch can transit the Canal in a beam wind not exceeding 10 Knot.

(2) Vessels of a Beam Over 254 ft, 3 inch may be allowed to transit the Canal with a special request. (3) Ballast tankers must comply with Art. 119.


BEAM AND DRAUGHT Loaded Vessels ( Southbound & Northbound )


BEAM AND DRAUGHT Loaded Vessels ( Southbound & Northbound ) (Cont.)



- 74 -



Art. 55 Canal Authority Tugs :

(1)At Port Said Harbour, tugs may be placed at the disposal of Masters if the SC port office deems it necessary. No charge is made for the assistance given by these tugs to transiting vessels for mooring and getting underway. In all other cases, a charge is levied as indicated in Part IV. Art. 104.

Vessels maneuvering in the harbour are required to provide their own ropes. Wire tow ropes are prohibited (1).

(2)In other cases, tugs may be hired for mooring, towing for getting a vessel afloat. Charges paid by vessel will be according to rates indicated in part IV. Art. 104.

(3)In accordance with the terms of Art. 57 of this present Chapter, the officials of the CA may impose one or more tugs on certain defective vessels, or vessels carrying dangerous cargo, for towing or escorting operations during the transit of the Canal. In such cases, charges are paid according to Part IV. Art. 104 and in compliance with the present Rules of navigation.

(4)The Master of a vessel using a tug placed at his disposal has the exclusive direction and control of the maneuvers of both the vessel and the tug.

(5)Whatever may be the conditions or circumstances under which the Canal Authority tugs are made use of by a vessel, the Master of the vessel is responsible for any damages or accidents whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the said tugs, including damage which may occur to tugs themselves, and to equipment.


(1) Wire tow ropes should not be confused with the fire wire ropes made fast on board and fitted with the eye splice or connecting shackle hanging over the si as required. ( See Art. 19 P. 49 ).



Art. 56 Use of Private Tugs :

(1) In case the SCA tugs are not available, shipping companies will be allowed to tow their towed units by tugs to be provided by them ( See special cases App. No. 1,P. 90 ). Such tugs should be approved by the SCA prior to transit.

(2)Apart from the special towage dues, tugs belonging to private owners are subject to the strict observance of all Parts of the Rules relative to vessels maneuvering, in transit or berthing.

(3)Towing arrangement must be supervised and approved by Suez Canal Port officials.

Art. 57 Cases of Imposed Tugs : (1)

Chargeable tugs shall be imposed during Canal transit in the following cases : (2),(3).

(1)The CA may require any vessel to take one tug or more tugs during Canal transit, whenever, in SCA judgment, this action is necessary to ensure safety of the vessel or to the Canal.

(2)Vessels without mechanical power, or vessels whose the machinery of which is/or becomes disabled, or whose have bed steering badly, or which is liable to become unmanageable for any reason, shall be towed through the Canal.


(1) For escorting or towing a vessel or floating unit in case of special cases of Canal transit.

(2) The rental value of the imposed tugs from the Canal entry till exit is a unified rate of S.D.R 17000 per a complete transit.

(3) The tariff of hire rate (see Art. 104p.199).


(3)Vessels having engine or steering gear trouble for the second time during the same passage.

(4)Vessel with bad view owing to deck cargo, containers, cranes or constructions that impeded the view from the wheelhouse and wings. ( SC port office officials may decide after survey for the safety of the ship and the canal that the ship has to be towed. ).

(5) a)Vessels of 1500 SC.G.T. and over unable to use one of their bow anchors. b)Vessels of 1500 SC.G.T. and over built with one anchor.

c)Vessels of 1500 SC.G.T. and over built with more than one anchor with only one of them on the bow. d)Special Cases to be studied.

(6) Drilling vessels. ( see special cases item A, page 90 )

(7) Vessels with two engines on one propeller of which one is out of order for any reason and can not maintain speed of at least 10 knots without current ( after sea trial to make sure of the speed and valid sea worthiness certificate ).

(8) Vessels with two engines on two propellers of which one is out of order. (9) On Master s request for one tug or more.

(10) Submarines to be escorted by one or two imposed tugs according to CA. survey. ( depending on submarine condition, anchors, mooring facilities, power drive, . . . etc. ). (11) Air craft carriers to be escorted by two imposed tugs.

(12) a) General Cargo vessels carrying explosive of type class 1, (explosive div.1.1, div. 1.2, div. and 1.3 according to IMDG code ) in less than 50% of the loaded cargo, an imposed tug is to be added during transit, for security.

b) But if the explosive cargoes are 50% or more of the loaded cargo, two imposed tugs are to be added during transit, for security.


Art. 58 Escorting Tugs : (1)

The escort of VLCC s, ULCC’s, L.P.G, L.N.G, Large Bulk Carriers and other vessels, except Container Ships will be as follows :


(1) Loaded vessels less than 70000 SC.N.T.will be escorted by one tug if for technical reasons SCA finds it necessary, or when the vessels draught is more than 47 feet.

(2) Loaded vessels from 70000 SC.N.T. to 90000 SC.N.T. will be escorted by one tug. (3) Loaded vessels over 90000 SC.N.T. will be escorted by two tugs.

(4) Vessels in ballast over 130000 SC.N.T. will be escorted by one tug.

(5) L.P.G., and L.N.G. over 40000 and up to 90000 SC.N.T. (except G.F.), or loaded with Ammonia cargo(3),(4)will be escorted by one tug, and those over 90000 SC.N.T. will be escorted by two tugs. (6) Vessels in ballast with beam over 218 feet up to 233 feet will be escorted by one tug.

(7) Vessels in ballast with beam over 233 feet will be escorted by two tugs. (8) Towed Scrapped vessels will be escorted by one tug.

(9) Loaded Semi-submersible ships carrying drillers or floating units ( 300 SC.G.T. and over ) will be escorted by one tug or more tugs as decided by SC port office after survey on arrival.


(10) Integrated Units to be escorted by one tug during first transit. ( see Appendix Nspecial cases item "E" P. 92 )


(1) For escorting certain vessel during Canal transit.

(2) The SC.N.T. is assessed regardless of sizes that are temporally added in each transit (such as double bottom tanks, Containers on deck … etc.)

(3) L.P.G. , L.N.G. vessels contain ( tank of deck ) completely separated from cargo tank with maximum Tonnage of 180 tons will be considered as gas free vessel.

(4) G.F. carriers are to be treated as tankers in Ballast.


N. B. (1) :

Reference to Art. 57 and Art. 58 :

(1)Any vessel escorted by one tug and the situation requires another imposed tug, So both tugs are considered imposed.

(2)Any vessel escorted by two tugs and the situation requires a third imposed tug, one of the two escorting tugs will be for escort and the second and the third tugs are considered, imposed tugs.

N. B. (2) :

The pre-mentioned vessels in Art. 57 and 58 have to prepare two polypropylene ropes 16 inch

circumference(1) to join the stern of the tug during stopping operations.

The ropes should be eye spliced to fit in the quick release hook on the tug with adequate length to give distance between fore of the tug and stern of the vessel at about 50 meter.

On the vessels, these ropes will be made fast on stern bitts port and starboard. Their eyes will be hanging over the stern about 2 meters above water and lashed with rope stoppers to break loose whenever necessary.

In all the cases mentioned before : Either imposed or escorted tug, the Master is responsible for any damage that may happen to SC tugs, directly or indirectly during the voyage, whatever the reasons of the damage may be.


(1) For vessels under 70.000 SC.N.T. if their draught is over 47 ft.





Art. 59 Accidents :

(1) Whenever a vessel is underway and accidentally going to stop, she must if other vessels are following, attract their attention by giving five or six short blasts on the whistle or siren also contact movement control office by all means of connections ( SUQ. VHF, Fax... etc. ). The master must immediately contact stating :

"I am reducing speed and may have to stop and make fast "

Vessels stopping accidentally at night, must in addition, immediately replace their White light astern by a Red light.

(2) In case of grounding, the Master must immediately hoist the signal shown in Part III, Art. 92 of these Rules, and send a radio message whether a tug is required or not, whether or not passage is clear for the tug and whether lightening is necessary, sounding, statement of fact ... etc.

(3) When a vessel runs aground, Suez Canal Officials are alone empowered to order and direct all operations required to get the vessel afloat and if needed get the vessel unloaded and towed. Nevertheless, Masters remain responsible for all damages or accidents of any kind which may be the direct or indirect consequence of the grounding.

(4) All attempts on the part of other vessels to get off a vessel aground are strictly prohibited



(5) Once afloat, and the Canal Officials find it necessary to tow or escort the vessels by one tug or more tugs, the vessel must from that moment, pay towage charges as mentioned in Part IV. p. 190. Moreover, it is

understood that the vessel bears all expenses necessary for repairs of any damage or breakdown which might interfere with her getting underway, regardless of the time when such damage or breakdown takes place.

(6) When a vessel grounds or stops outside the Canal itself or if the grounding or stoppage is due to a collision, all charges for getting the vessel afloat, towing, unloading, etc..., are paid by the vessel and must be settled as per statement drawn up by CA before the vessel leaves Port Said or Port of Suez.

(7) Whenever a collision appears probable, vessels must not hesitate to run aground should this be necessary to avoid the collision.

(8) When a vessel or any floating units of any description runs aground or strands or sinks or is left

abandoned, either in the Canal itself or in one of its port, Waiting and anchorage Areas and CA deems it as an obstruction or a menace to navigation in Canal, the Authority has the right to take of its own accord such action as may be necessary for the purpose of removing or destroying the vessel or floating structure by whatever means CA may select and at the risk and expense of the owner, or the person responsible for the vessel or the floating structure. In this case the SCA has, the right to sell the vessel or the floating structure of the wreck salvaged or all of them together in public auctions with a view to covering all kinds of expenses.

Art. 60 Leak :

(1)In Case a leak occure or is discovered, when the ship in approaching channel, sea waiting areas and Harbour. The Master must inform the Suez Canal Port Office at once.


(2) When in Canal or anchored in lakes, the Master must inform

immediately the Movement Control Office. At the same time he must make the appropriate International Signal and Call attention by sounding a prolonged blast on the whistle or siren; and take all necessary measures to stop the leakage and ensure the safety of the vessel and environmental protection.

(3) The CA officials, whose decision shall be final, may order any action deemed necessary in the best interest of all concerned; change of berth or mooring, beaching or taking the vessel out to sea.

(4) The Master, the Owner and/or Operator of the vessel is nevertheless

responsible for all damages or accidents arising directly or indirectly from the salvage operations.

(5) The Master, the Owner and/or Operators of vessel shall be liable to indemnify for any damage that may occur from pollution directly or indirectly to the environment and shall pay all expenses incurred for its removal, cleaning costs and all costs and compensation for any damage to the environment. ( E.E.P.A No. 4, 1994 shall be applied )

Art. 61 Fire Fighting :

(1) Vessels transiting the Canal should be equipped with the fire fighting equipment in accordance with the requirement of the SOLAS.

All equipment should be in a good and efficient condition.

(2) Fire hoses with suitable nozzles attached shall be connected to the outlets of fire lines at all times while in Canal. Sufficient hoses shall be connected to reach all parts of the vessel.


(3) As a precautionary measures, on approaching Canal, all vessels must have a fire wirehanging over the side ready for use fore and aft., before entering canal


(1) See Art. 19 para 3 page 49.


Art. 62 Fire on Board :

(1) In case of fire on board, when in harbour, the master must inform the Suez Canal Port Office at once.

(2) When underway in the Canal or anchored in the Lakes or made fast in Canal, Master must inform the Movement control Office. At the

same time, he must make the appropriate International Signal and-

call attention by sounding a prolonged blast on the whistle or siren. Also, he must make ready to get underway if required to do so.

(3) Neigh bouring vessels must in such cases also be ready to change berth ( position ).

(4) Masters are responsible for the use, on board their vessels, the fire fighting appliances and installations for the stability and safety of their vessels.

(5) The CA officials will cooperate with the Master for the purpose of directing the fire fighting operations. (6) If in the opinion of CA officials, whose decision shall be final, there is a risk of fire spreading, they may order any action deemed necessary in the best interest of all parties concerned ; a change of mooring, beaching or taking vessel out to sea. It is understood that Masters are nevertheless responsible for all damages or accidents arising directly or indirectly from outbreaks of fire or from salvage operations.

Art. 63 Fuelling :

(1) A vessel at fuel berth or while being supplied by fuel in waiting areas, shall at all times be ready for immediate fire fighting. vessel shall keep the engines ready to move on short notice.

(2) The Master, the Owners and/or Operators of the vessel shall be liable to indemnify any damage that may occur from pollution during fuelling operation.


Art. 64 Pollution :

A- Discharge of substances polluting water : Vessels must not discharge or throw into the Canal water any

objects or any polluted ballast water, heavy slops, engine or fire room pollutedor any other sub bilge water, oil, wastes-stances that will cause pollution.

The Egyptian Environmental protection Act. No. 4, 1994 Prohibits the discharge of any polluting substances into water. The Provisions of this Act. will apply for any discharge of polluting substances.

If for any reason a leakage of any polluting material from a vessel, the Master, the Owners and/or Operators of the vessel shall be liable to indemnify any damage that may occur from the pollution directly or indirectly to the environment and shall pay all expenses incurred for its removal and compensations. Moreover, she shall pay

for all claims regarding cleaning costs and all environmental economic losses caused from the pollution.


B- Oil pollution notification :

Whenever a vessel observes an oil slick or an oil mixture discharge in the sea waiting areas, Approach Channels, Port said harbour, Canal and anchorage areas in lakes, she must inform SCA with the following information at once :

(1) The time of observation.

(2) The location and place and area covered by the slick.

(3) The directions of movement of the slick.

(4) The approximate oil thickness if possible.

(5) If know, the name of vessel causing the slick.

(6) The meteorological and oceanographic conditions, if possible.

(7) Any other information.


(1) Additional dues of 5000 U.S. Dollar will be imposed for throwing garbage, wastes or any objects.




General :

When a vessel is in the Canal, either at the anchorage areas or ports or during transit, the following is prohibited :

Art. 65 Use of Anchors, Thrusters, Gyro pilot and Whistle or Siren :

(1)Masters must avoid anchoring or using the thrusters in the Canal, except in case of absolute necessity. (2)The use of Gyro-pilot ( Automatic steering ) in the Canal is

absolutely forbidden. (3)any vessel that is unable to use both of her anchors is prohibited to transit Canal on her own power. She may transit as a towed unit after survey ( See Appendix No. 1 ).

(4)The sounding of a whistle or siren is prohibited except for giving any authorized or required signal.

Art. 66 Firing Shots :

(1)Firing shots are not allowed.

(2)An additional due of ( 1000 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed for violation of this rule.

Art. 67 Picking up Objects from Water :

(1)Whenever any object or merchandise whatsoever falls overboard in Canal, it must immediately be reported to the Canal Authority.

If it is considered that the picking up can not be affected by the vessel without impeding transit, CA will proceed to carry it out, at the expense of the vessel.



(2)An additional due of ( 1000 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed for violation of this rule.

Art. 68 Riveting Welding ... etc. :

(1) Riveting, welding, burning metal cutting or similar operations requiring the use of heat, are not allowed unless authorized by SCA.

(2)An additional due of ( 5000 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed for violation of this rule.

Art. 69 Diving Operation :

Diving operation in the Canal, anchorage areas and berths have to be carried out only by the qualified diving team of the SCA that can perform the required duties both safely and efficiently with due consideration given to the safety of the vessel and the regularity of navigation.

Private diving teams are not authorized to carry out any operations in the Canal, without a prior consent of the SCA, and under supervision of SCA diving team.

Additional dues of 43 000 U.S. Dollar will be imposed upon violation.

Art. 70 Direct Lights :

Under no circumstances shall the rays of any blinding lights be directed to the bridge or any other direction which would interfere with the safe navigation of other vessels.

Art. 71 Embarking and Disembarking of Persons :

(1)Unless authorized by CA Port Officials, no person shall embark or disembark from a vessel while passing through the Canal or in Ballah, Timsah Lake or the Bitter Lakes.

(2)An additional due of ( 300 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed for violation of this rule


Art. 72 Boats, other than the Canal Authority s Own :

Not allowed to come alongside vessels underway or maneuvering except the following at their risk : (1)Quarantine and Police boats.

(2) Mooring boats.

(3) The ship agent s boats.

Art. 73 Vessel Overtaking Another :

(1)Vessels proceeding in the same direction are not allowed to overtake one another while underway in the Canal and ports unless authorized by the Suez Canal Control Office.

(2)An additional due of ( 43000 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed for violation of this rule.

Art. 74 Boat Drills :

(1)No boat drills are allowed except after authorization.

(2)An additional due of ( 1000 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed for violation of this rule.

Art. 75 Venting : (1)

(1) Venting of toxic and explosive gases is prohibited in Canal.

(2)An additional due of ( 20000 U.S. Dollar ) will be imposed for violation of this rule.

Art. 76 Long Stay :

(1)Unless due to conditions of traffic or incidents in the canal, transiting vessels should not remain more than 24 hour in Port Said berths, the anchorages in Port Said and Port of Suez roads, Timsah Lake or Bitter Lakes ( See berthing dues par. A. Art. 101 ).


(1) All tank s openings should be closed through the whole transit


(2) If the vessel stays more than 30 day and without crew, the SCA has the right to shift the vessel outside the berthing area on account of the vessel’s owner.

(3) In case of non-transiting vessels impeding SC traffic, the SCA has the right to shift any vessel at the owner and/or operators expenses.

Art. 77 Vessels Having Damaged Container with Dangerous Cargo :

If upon arrival of a vessel in Waiting Areas or Port or while Transiting the Canal, it is found that a container of dangerous cargo has been damaged or leaking, the Master of the vessel has to notify the Suez Canal Port office, Port Authority at once. In case of dangerous situations, the vessel may be ordered to leave the Port or Waiting Area to sea. An additional dues of 43000 US Dollar will be imposed for violation of this Rules.

Art. 78 Declaration of State of Navigability :

The Master shall hand in duly filled and signed, the declaration of state of Navigability. The form to be handed to him by the pilot on his arrival on board.



I, the undersigned, Master of the ...............

(1) Certify that my ship satisfies the conditions laid in Part I Article 18 to 45 of the Navigation Rules and that in particular, the engines and the steering gear system are in good working order.

(2) I declare that my ship has, at the present time, the following defects in engines or steering gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(3) I declare, also, that the wireless installations on my ship permit to transit on the frequencies, in KHz : RadioTelex......................... KHz. RadioTelephone ................ KHz.

(4) I state also that my ship is/is not fitted with a Rudder angle indicator and Engine R.P.M. indicator on the

bridge in such a position that the pilot may read both without having to move away from his station, and that the ( Rudder angle indicator / Engine RPM indicator )is/are in good working condition.

I undertake to bring to the notice of the Suez Canal Authority, before my ship enters the Canal, any defects, not specified above, which may appear.

Made at Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , The signature :


(1) Delete where inapplicable.





TRANSIT OF : A-Drilling units.

B-Heavy Lift Ships carrying drillers, floating units or large units. C-Vessels carrying floating units. D- Navy ships. E- Integrated units. F- Towed units.

G- Special design ships. H- Special requests.

A- Drilling Units They consist of : To be convoyed ( either escorted or towed ) by SC imposed tug. ( see Art. 57 para 6 ) according to vessel speed and survey.

a) Self steering or non self steering.

b) Legs that can be lifted : No extensions under the rig’s keel. To be assisted by Suez Canal tugs :

One Aft. and another - or more - as escort. In addition, a powerful tug forward to maintain a minimum speed of 12 km/hr over the ground. The rigs must be in stable condition.

Otherwise the assignment of tugs will be according to survey by CA officials. c) Legs that cannot be lifted and a part remains under the rig 's keel :

Each case is to be studied separately to decide whether or not the unit is allowed to transit the canal.



B-Heavy Lift Ships Carrying drillers, or floating units ( SC.G.T. not less than 300 ton ), or large units ( weight not less than 250 metric ton ), are submitted to the following conditions :

Semi submersible ships :

(1) Be able if needed, to easily and safely reduce, the draught by one meter ( 3 feet 3 inch ) by way of discharging clean ballast water.

(2) To be escorted by one or more tugs according to the decision of the Suez Canal Representatives, after survey on arrival ( 8000 SDR per tug ).

(3) The following additional dues are levied to cover special precautionary measures for the safety of navigation and vessels :

a) For semi submersible ships, 125% of the transit dues and in addition.

b) A 2% of the transit dues for each foot or fraction of a foot in excess of the maximum breadth prescribed by Art. 26.

For other heavy lift ships :

Carrying on board floating units of 300 SC.G.T or more. are subject to 300% of transit dues of the floating

units SC.G.T. And if carrying large units ( non floating ) of weight not less than 250 metric tons, are subject to 50% of transit dues of the ship.

C-Self Steering Vessels Carrying Floating Units : (1)

(1) Self steering vessels carrying floating units on board, within an adequate period, before vessels transit must introduce the following documents of their floating units : a) Suez Canal Tonnage certificate and calculation sheets. b) Recommended plans.

c) A detailed statement on the floating units loaded on board.

d) Cargo weight statement specifying its location on board and the way of it Loading as per cargo manifest.


(1) Valid lashing certificate is required.


(2)In Case of absence of the pre-mentioned documents in para. (1), the gross tonnage will be calculated according to Linear dimensions, Length, Beam and Depth. (3)Vessels are subject to the following additional dues :

a)A 100% of transit dues of the floating units SC.G.T. ( except general cargo ships )

. b)A 2% of the transit dues for each foot or fraction of a foot in excess of the maximum breadth prescribed by Art. 26.

(4)Such vessels will be able to join the second southbound convoy if their dimensions allow.

D-Navy Ships :

Navy and auxiliary ships belonging to different countries pay, an additional 25% of transit dues is to be added owing to special arrangements. Also ref to Art. 15 E page 45 and Art. 96-G page 184.

E-Integrated Units :

Integrated Units may transit SC and berth in it’s harbour on the following conditions : (1) A valid Seaworthiness Certificate issued by one of I.A.C.S recognized by SCA.

(2) Additional dues of 25% of the transit dues will be charged.

(3) Vessels to be escorted by a Suez Canal tug, on the first transit against dues of 8000 SDR.

(4) If unable to maintain convoy s speed, additional dues for slow speed vessels are applied. ( See Art. 100, 2 (c) - vii P. 189 )

(5) If the Integrated tug is disconnected and the unit towed by normal tugs, this unit will be considered as towed vessel and dues for towed vessels will be applied. Berthing, loading and discharging operations are possible, after getting Harbour Authority authorization.


F Towed Units : (1)

(1)All enquiries concerning the possibility and/or approval of transit of towed units, drilling rigs, dredgers, etc ..., are to be submitted by the owners of the units or their officially recognized representatives in Egypt or Shipping Agent accompanied by a General Arrangement plan and all particulars of the unit including : name, L.O.A., beam, draught, height, self steering,...etc. The application must reach SCA ( Transit Department, Ismailia, Egypt ) not less than two weeks before the sailing of the unit from its base.

(2)Towed units are not allowed to transit the Suez Canal, unless they are towed by Suez Canal tugs, in case SC tugs are not available the vessel can use her own tug ( see art. 56 ). in addition to the assisting SC tugs whenever find necessary by SC official ( see art.100 ).

(3)Any towed unit must be supplied with floating mooring ropes in good condition and suitable in number ( more than six ) and size according to the dimensions of the unit.

(4)A responsible person and a crew of at least 10 persons must be on board the unit during the transit.

(5)Valid Seaworthiness Certificate for the towage through SC must be available. (6)The unit must comply with SC Rules.

(7)A survey of the unit shall be made on the arrival, in order to take the definite steps and make the final arrangements for the transit, if it complies with SC Rules.

(8)The transit is subject to the circumstances of the Navigation in the Canal, and the weather conditions.


(1) a-In case of towing small units ( beam not more than 25 m., draught less than 5 m. ) if the length of the tug increases than half length of the towed unit, then towing to be effected from side and according to S.C.A officials survey.

b-Otherwise towing to be done by two tugs one fore and the other aft acting as rudder and stoppage ( this for towed units less than 100 m. in length and less than 25 m. beam, draught less than 7 m. ).

c-But for towed units larger than above, towing to be by one tug or more in the fore and one tug aft as rudder and also a tug or more for escorting the group

d-In all cases survey by SCA officials to be done and towing method to be approved in advance


G-Special Designed Ships :

(1)Azimuth Stern Drive ships : Without either rudder or rudder indicator should carry out navigational trials before entry for assuring successful maneuvering. After passing successful trials, the ship to join the convoy without a tug if the beam is not more than 20 m., but if the beam exceeds 20 m. and up to 40 m., the ship to be escorted by an imposed tug during the first transit. For large ships of beam exceeds 40 m. to be towed during the transit. (2) With one anchor and following specifications :

- Aluminum hull. High cruising speed ( may reach 45 knots ). - Efficient maneuvering capabilities.

- Four propellers ( two a sides Fwd. and another two Aft. ). - Length not more than 86 m., beam not exceeding 43 m.

These vessels can join the convoy after survey and passing trials without imposed tug. Otherwise, method for transiting to be decided by SCA officials after survey.

H-Special Requests :

Owing to the request of owners for the transit of vessels with beam over 254 ft., 3 inch the SCA undertook careful studies to comply with the said request.

In this connection above mentioned, vessels may transit the Canal under the following conditions : (1)A pre-approval to be obtained in good time prior to transit.

(2)Transit to be effectuated in good weather ( wind not exceeding 10 knots ). (3)One escorting tug against 8000 SDR for vessels with beam up to 233 feet.

(4)Two escorting tugs against 8000 SDR per tug for vessels with beam over 233 feet.


PART II CANAL AND LAKES ( Characteristics )







(1) North Approach Channel ( Port Said ) :

(1.1) East :

a)From outer pair of light buoys at Hm 215 to buoys at Hm 94.90 where it joins the west approach channel.

b)From buoys at Hm 94.90 to buoys at Hm 0.00 E.

c)The light beacons at Km 2.738 E.

(1.2) West :

a)From buoys at Hm 94.90 to buoys at Hm 21.50.

b) Port Said Port from Hm 21.50 to Km 3.700.

c) Port Said Lighthouse at Hm 0.00.

d)Distance from Fairway buoys to Port Said Lighthouse is 11.040 Km ( Bearing 017 degree ).

(2) Main Channel :

a)From buoys at Hm 0.00 E to Ismailia Station at Km 76.133.

b)From Ismailia Station at Km 76.133 to Port Taufiq Station at Km 160.680.

c)From Port Taufiq Station at Km 160.680 to Km 162.250 (Hm 0.00).

(3) West Branches :

a)Port Said Branch from Km 3.700 to Km 17.000.

b)Ballah Branch from Km 51.477 to Km 60.333.

c)Timsah Branch from Km 76.950 to Km 81.000.


d) Deversoir Branch from Km 95.000 to Km 101.050. e) Kabret and Lakes Branch from Km 101.050 to Km 122.100.

(4) South Approach Channel :

a) From Port Taufiq at Km 162.25 (Hm 0.00) to outer pair of buoys at Hm 80.500.

b) Conry Rock-mark at Lat. 29 48.11 N & Long 32 34.22 E.

c) New Port Rock ( Zenobia ) -framework at Lat 29 53·.11 N & Long 32”33·.08 E.

d) Buoyage of Port of Suez :

Position of Green Island Light at Lat 29 54·.59 N & Long 3231·.80 E.


(1) North Approaches :

a)Port Said East Approach Channel from Hm 215 to Hm 0.00.

1-Depth of water .................................23.50 m.

2-Navigational Channel width measured at 23.50 m. depth :

Hm 215.00 300 m.

Hm 195.00 285 m.

Hm 80.00E 205 m.

Hm 0.000E 150 m.

3-Distance between buoys at 745 m. 80 400 m.

4-Side Slopes :

Designed side slopes, ranging from 4/1 near shore to about 50/1 in the off shore part.

b) Port Said West Approach Channel from Hm 94.90 to Hm 21.50.

1-Depth of water ……………………………… 16.50m.

2-Navigational Channel width measured at 16.50m. depth :

Hm 80.00 190 m.

Hm 21.50 150 m.

3-Distance between buoys at :

Hm 80.00 520 m.

Hm 21.50 208 m.


(2) Canal Cross Sections : a)The Canal cross sections are trapezoidal in shape, having

side slopes of 4/1 in the northern part, up to Km. 61.00 and 3/1 in the southern part. Toussoum Zone is the only place where the Western side

slopes are ranging from 2.5/1 to 3/1.

b) Main dimensions of cross sections all through the Canal are mentioned in the following tables and drawings.

c) Both sides of the Canal are provided with mooring bollards, the distance between bollards, at east 125 m and at west 75 m.

(3) South Approach from Hm 0.00 (Km 162.250) to Hm 80.50 :

a) Depth of water 23.50m.

b) Navigational Channel width measured at 23.50 m. depth is 265.00 m.

c) Distance between buoys at 11.00 m depth is 340.00 m.

d) Side slopes : 3/1.

(4) Signal Station :



C - DEPTHAND WIDTH OF DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE CANAL : 1- Main Canal and Bitter Lake East Channel :

TABLE No. 6/1

________________________ (E) : East Kilometric Base Line.

*Navigational depth for East channel.

- 100 –


- 101 -


2- Canal West Branches and Bitter Lake West Channel :

TABLE No. 6/2

* Navigational depth for West channel

- 103 -

- 104 -


The bends in the navigable channel have the following characteristics : (1) Minimum radius of navigation line at inner -11.00 m = 4000 meters. at outer -11.00 m = 5000 meters.

(2)At the ends of two bends, there is usually a funnel made to allow increasing the width of the channel from the width of the straight part to the width of the curves, ( at 11.00 meters depth ).

(3)Location of beginning and end of each bend are included in table No. 7 :


Note : At the approach of the by-passes, bends are made with radius more than 5000 meters.

*-11.00 m is the Suez Canal reference level from chart datum.

- 105 –



(1) Port Said By-Pass :( See drawings 1, 2, 3 and 4 )

A by-pass is situated in the East of Port Fouad, it starting at Km

17.000 and extending straight to join the existing Port Said roadstead at Hm. 94.90 and continuing till Hm. 215. This channel ( Bypass )is used for exit of Northbound ships, the entry of VLCC’s and ULCC s in ballast, 5th, 4th and 3rd generations container ships, LASH over 35.000 SC.G.T.,

L.N.G., L.P.G., Tankers and Vessels with draught over 42 feet coming from North. Characteristics and Dimensions : The kilometric marks are followed by letter ?E? to distinguish them from those of the West branch. The part from Km. 2.800 E to Km.

15.190 E has a width ( at 21.00 meters depth ) of 135 meters with side slopes 4/1, and design depth of 22.50 meters. It is fitted with bollards on the Western side. The transition zone from Km 2.800 E to Hm 0.000 E .

The seaward part(from Hm. 0.000 E to Hm. 94.900 E) with width(at 23.5 meters depth ) ranging from 150 meters at Hm. 0.000 E to 205 meters at Hm. 80.00 E with designed side slopes ranges from ( 4/130/1 ). Two revolving light beacons on each bank, to indicate the entrance of Canal from East Approach channel at Km. 2.738 E.

(2) Ballah Loop :( See drawing No. 8 )

Between Km. 51.449 E and Km. 59.942 E the Canal is doubled. The zone comprising the 2 branches of the Canal limited by the North and south ends where the 2 branches meet, is called "Ballah Loop" . Characteristics and Dimensions :

In the East Branch the kilometric marks are followed by letter "E" . The length of the East branch is 8.493 Km.

The width of straight part of the East Branch at 21.00 meters depth is 135 meters. The width of straight part of the West Branch at 14.00 meters depth is 146 meters.

West East Branch Branch Kilometric marking of North end 51.477 51.449E Kilometric marking of South end 60.333 59.942E Side Slope : 4/1.


In the West Branch, 16 mooring berths are situated on the Eastern bank and numbered South to North.

(3) Timsah By-Pass :

( See drawing No. 10 ) Between Km. 76.578 and Km. 81.692 E. Characteristics and Dimensions :

The kilometric marks are followed by letter "E". Length : 5.114 Km.

Mean Width : 170 meters at a depth of 21 meters. Side slope : 3/1.

The radius of its axis 4885 meters.

The by-pass is used by North and Southbound vessels.

(4) Deversoir By-Pass :

( See drawing No. 12 ) The by-pass is the eastern channel of the doubled part at Deversoir zone. This branch begins at Km. 95.000 and joins the West branch in the G.B.L. at Km. 104.291. This branch is used by Northbound vessels. Dimensions : Length : 9.291 Km.

Width : 135 meters at 21 meters depth, ( straight line part ). Depths : 22.50 meters from Km. 95.000 to Km. 99.000.

22.00 meters from Km. 99.000 to Km. 102.600. 21.50 meters from Km.102.600 to Km.104.291. Side Slope : 3/1.

(5) Kabret By-Pass :

( see drawings No. 14 and No. 15 ) The by-pass is the eastern channel of the doubled part at Kabret zone. It begins at Km. 114.957 and ends at Km. 122.100. Dimensions :

Length : 7.143 Km.

Width : 140 m. at 21 m. depth ( straight line part ). Side Slope: 3/1.

Change of bearing at Km. 118.000.


The by-pass is separated from the west branch by a submerged island.

The width of the island approximately varies between 200 meters in the North and 66 meters in the South. Some mooring bollards have been installed on the submerged island to be used in case of emergency. The two extremities of the submerged island are marked at Km

115.025 and 122.150 by a light buoy painted horizontally Black and Yellow and showing a flashing White light.

The by-pass ( East channel ) is used by Northbound vessels. Southbound vessels use the West channel.

Art. 80 Lakes : A -Lake Timsah :

Lake Timsah extends from Km. 76.950 to Km. 81.000. is used mainly as an anchorage area. and as a By-Pass for vessels up to 42 ft. draught in case of emergency.

B -Great Bitter Lake : There are 2 dredged channels in G.B.L. The East is the main channel about 346 meters wide at 21.00 meters depth and dredged to 21.50 meters for Northbound vessels. The West channel 232 meters wide at 14.00 meters depth and dredged to 14.50 meters depth for Southbound vessels. The channels divide the Great Bitter Lake into two anchorage areas :

-One to East for the Northbound convoy.


- One to West for the Southbound convoy

Art. 81 Floating Bridges : The fixed parts of floating bridges are outside the line of navigational buoys. The bridges may be rigged day or night. Positions of floating bridges are at Km. 47.500, 87.200, 138.800, 148.300, 151.500, and 155.825.


(1) See admiralty chart No.233.





Art. 82 Buoyage :

-Buoyage system in the Canal is according to IALA Maritime Buoyage System Region A ( Red to port ).

-The navigable channel is marked by pairs of light buoys.

On the east side :Green buoys showing Green Light. On the west side : Red buoys showing Red Light. -In the straight part, the distance between each pair is 1.5 kilometer in the north section, and 1.0 kilometer in the south section.

-In the curves, ( bends ) the distance will be less than 1.0 kilometer.

-All buoys in the Canal and its approaches are fitted with radar reflectors.

-Buoys and beacons marking the Suez Canal and approach channels may be temporarily removed, displaced or changed because of dredging or other operations.

Art. 83 Position and Characteristics of Buoys in the Suez Canal :

( See pp. 110 to 128 ).

*** -109-

A – Approach and Sea Channel : * (1) Port Said :

Position Colour Top mark Characteristic a) Approaches :

Fair way Buoy :

Lat. : 31o 21'. 32 N Black-Yellow 2 Black Cone Q Long: 32o 20'. 81 E Horizontal bands points up

Wreck Buoy :

Lat. : 31o 25'. 24 N Black-Red-Black 2 Black Bolls. Long: 32o 22'. 98 E Horizontal bands

b) Port Said Sea Channel : 1- East :

Hm. 215 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 26'. 11 N Red Can IsophaseR.4 sec. Long: 32o 24'. 61 E

Hm. 215 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 26'. 21 N Green Cone IsophaseG.4 sec. Long: 32o 24'. 16 E

Hm. 195.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 25'. 06 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 24'. 30 E

Hm. 195.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 25'. 16 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 23'. 85 E

Hm. 165.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 23'. 49 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 23'. 81 E

Hm. 165.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 23'. 58 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 23'. 41 E


|*The depth at buoys location is variable according to side slope.

- 110 -

FL.(2)10 sec


Port Said Sea Channels ( East )

Hm. 150.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 22'. 71 N Yellow Yellow Oc.Y ( 4 )s Long: 32o 23'. 57 E St. Andrews

Hm. 150.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 26'. 21 N Green Cone Q.G. Long: 32o 24'. 16 E

Hm. 135.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 21'. 93 N Red Can Q.R. Long: 32o 23'. 32 E

Hm. 135.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 22'. 00 N Green Cone Q.G. Long: 32o 22'. 98 E

Hm. 125 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 21'. 40 N Red Can Iso.R ( 4 )s Long: 32o 23'. 16 E

Hm. 125 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 21'. 47 N Green Cone Iso.G ( 4 )s Long: 32o 22'. 83 E

Hm. 116 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 20'. 93 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 23'. 01 E Hm. 116 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 21'. 00 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 22'. 70 E Hm. 105 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 20'. 34 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 22'. 89 E Hm. 105 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 20'. 42 N Yellow Yellow F.Y. Long: 32o 22'. 54 E St. Andrews Hm. 92 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 68 N White Cardinal V.Q. Long: 32o 22'. 73 E Hm. 92 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 74 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 22'. 35 E

- 111 -

( East )

Hm. 83.0 "Middle Buoy" :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 26 N Black-Yellow Yellow Q Long: 32o 22'. 22 E N.Cardinal

2 blank CONES Point up

Hm. 80.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 05 N Red Can Iso.R ( 4 )s Long: 32o 22'. 43 E

Hm. 80.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 10 N Green Cone Iso.G ( 4 )s Long: 32o 22'. 18 E

Hm. 70.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 18'. 53 N Red Can Iso.R ( 4 )s Long: 32o 22'. 26 E

Hm. 70.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 18'. 58 N Green Cone Iso.G ( 4 )s Long: 32o 22'. 04 E

Hm. 60.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 18'. 01 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 22'. 10 E

Hm. 60.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 18'. 05 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 22'. 89 E

Hm. 45.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 17'. 22 N Red Can FL.G. Long: 32o 21'. 86 E

Hm. 45.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 17'. 26 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 21'. 68 E

- 112 -

( East )

Hm. 30.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 16'. 44 N Red Can F.R. Long: 32o 21'. 61 E

Hm. 30.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 16'. 47 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 21'. 46 E

Hm. 15.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 15'. 65 N Red Can F.R. Long: 32o 21'. 37 E

Hm. 15.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 15'. 68 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 21'. 24 E

Hm. 00.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 14'. 87 N Red Can F.R Long: 32o 21'. 12 E

Hm. 00.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 14'. 89 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 21'. 02 E

Hm. 1.333 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 14'. 16 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 20'. 95 E

Hm. 1.333 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 14'. 19 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 20'. 81 E

- 113 -

2- West

Buoy No.8 :

Lat. : 31o 21'. 13 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 21'. 04 E

Buoy No.7 :

Lat. : 31o 20'. 52 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 21'. 31 E

Buoy No.6 :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 91 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 21'. 58 E

Hm. 83.0 :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 26 N Mentioned in Port said Channels Long: 32o 22'. 22 E as "Middle Buoy".

Hm. 80.0 "East" No.5 :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 13 N Red Can F.R Long: 32o 22'. 11 E

Hm. 80.0 "West" No.5 :

Lat. : 31o 19'. 30 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 21'. 85 E

Hm. 65.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 18'. 50 N Red Can F.R. Long: 32o 21'. 51 E

Hm. 65.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 18'. 65 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 21'. 30 E

Hm. 50.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 17'. 87 N Red Can F.R. Long: 32o 20'. 92 E

- 114 -

( West )

Hm. 50.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 17'. 99 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 20'. 74 E

Hm. 35.0 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 17'. 24 N Red Can F.R Long: 32o 20'. 32 E

Hm. 35.0 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 17'. 34 N Red Can F.G. Long: 32o 20'. 18 E

Hm. 21.5 "East" :

Lat. : 31o 16'. 68 N Green Cone F.R. Long: 32o 19'. 78 E

Hm. 21.5 "West" :

Lat. : 31o 16'. 75 N Green Cone F.G. Long: 32o 19'. 68 E

(1) Port of Suez :

a) Approach :

2 black cones

Lat. : 29o 38'. 87 N Yellow-Black-Yellow point inward Q ( 9 ) 15s Long: 32o 35'. 98 E ( Y.B.Y )

Conry Rock :

2 black cones

Lat. : 29o 48'. 11 N Yellow-Black-Yellow point inward Q ( 9 ) 15s Long: 32o 34'. 22 E ( Y.B.Y )

- 115 -

S. Shoal :


Buoy " L " : Yellow

Lat. : 29o 44'. 93 N Yellow Q.Y. Long: 32o 38'. 67 E S. Andrews

Buoy No. " M " :

Lat. : 29o 50'. 00 N Yellow Yellow FL.Y. Long: 32o 35'. 29 E S. Andrews

Buoy " N " :

Lat. : 29o 50'. 63 N Yellow Yellow Q.Y. Long: 32o 35'. 29 E S. Andrews

Buoy " D " :

Long: 32o 35'. 29 E

Long: 32o 35'. 29 E

Long: 32o 34'. 54 E

Long: 32o 33'. 84 E

Separation Zone Buoy :

Buoy No. 1 :

Lat. : 29o 39'. 49 N R.W. R. ball L.FL. 10s Long: 32o 32'. 42 E Racon (O) Horn

Buoy No. 2 :

Lat. : 29o 48'. 55 N R.W. R. ball Iso 6s Long: 32o 32'. 12 E Racon (D) Horn - 116 -

( New Port Rock )

Lat. : 29o 53'. 11 N Green Frame work FL. 5s 17m 10m Long: 32o 33'. 08 E ( Height 17 meter, Range 10 mile)

b) Port of Suez Sea Channel :

Hm. 80.5 "East" :

Lat. : 29o 51'. 16 N Green Cone Occ.G. 4 sec. Long: 32o 33'. 33 E

Hm. 80.5 "West" :

Lat. : 29o 51'. 15 N Red Can Occ.G. 4 sec. Long: 32o 33'. 13 E

Hm. 70.5 "East" :

Lat. : 29o 51'. 70 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 33'. 26 E

Hm. 70.5 "West" :

Lat. : 29o 51'. 69 N Re d Can FL.R. Long: 32o 33'. 05 E

Hm. 60.0 "East" :

Lat. : 29o 52'. 27 N Green Cone Q.G. Long: 32o 33'. 16 E

Hm. 60.0 "West" :

Lat. : 29o 52'. 26 N Re d Can Q.R. Long: 32o 32'. 96 E

Hm. 44.4 "East" :

Lat. : 29o 53'. 10 N Green Cone FL.G. Long: 32o 33'. 03 E

- 117 -

Hm. 44.4 "West" :

Lat. : 29o 53'. 10 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 32'. 82 E

Hm. 24.00 "East" :

Lat. : 29o 54'. 24 N Green Cone Q,G. Long: 32o 32'. 85 E

Hm. 24.0 "West" :

Lat. : 29o 54'. 15 N Red Can Q,R. Long: 32o 32'. 20 E

Hm. 19.0 "West" :

Lat. : 29o 54'. 50 N Red Can FL.R. Long: 32o 32'. 60 E

Hm. 14.00 "East" :

Lat. : 29o 54'. 73 N Green Cone Q.G. Long: 32o 32'. 93 E

Hm. 7.00 "East" :

Lat. : 29o 55'. 13 N Green Cone FL.G. 2 sec. Long: 32o 33'. 10 E

Hm. 1.00 "West" :

Lat. : 29o 55'. 48 N Red Can Occ. R. 4 sec. Long: 32o 33'. 03 E

Km. 162.250 "East" : ( Hm. 0.00 )

( South entrance of Canal) : Green Cone Occ. G. 4 sec.

Lat. : 29o 55'. 43 N Long: 32o 33'. 29 E -118 -

West Branch "Port Said" :

Km. 4.100 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys Km. 6.100 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 7.100 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 9.100 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 10.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 11.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 13.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 16.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 17.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 17.050 Q (6) + L.FL End of Island, Beacon Horizontal Bands Yellow and Black;

East Branch "Port Said" :

Km. 2.900E F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys Km. 4.500E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 6.000E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 7.500E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 9.000E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 10.500E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 12.000E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 13.500E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 15.100E F.G. F.R. " " Km. 15.450E F.G. F.R. " "


* Buoy are located along the line of 9.0m. design depth.

- 119 –

Main Canal:

Km. 18.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys Km. 18.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 19.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 20.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 22.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 23.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 25.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 26.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 28.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 29.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 30.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 31.500 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 32.350 Occ. R. Canal Buoy West Km. 32.950 Occ. R. Canal Buoy West Km. 34.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys Km. 35.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 36.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 38.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 39.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 41.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 42.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 44.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 45.500 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 47.000 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 48.500 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 50.000 Reflector Reflector Conical (East) & (West) Km. 51.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys Km. 51.427 Q North end of Ballah, Beacon Black & Yellow Horizontal Bands

- 120 -


West Branch “ Ballah ”:

Km. 51.500 F.G. F.R. Light on Rails

Km. 52.200 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 54.200 F.G. F.R. “ “ Km. 55.500 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 57.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 57.500 - - Conical (East)

Km. 58.000 F.G. F.R. Light on Rails

Km. 59.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 60.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

East Branch “ Ballah ”:

Km. 51.449E F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 52.000E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 53.500E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 55.000E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 56.500E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 58.000E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 59.500E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 58.942E F.G. F.R. “ “

Main Canal:

Km. 60.358 Q (6) + L.FL South end of Ballah, Beacon

Yellow & Black Horizontal Bands

Km. 60.637 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 61.000 Reflector Reflector Conical (East) & (West)

Km. 61.330 F.G. Reflector Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 62.00 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 62.330 Reflector Reflector Conical (East) & (West)

Km. 62.660 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 63.000 Reflector Reflector Conical (East) & (West)

Conical (West) - 121 -

Main Canal ( Cont. ):

Km. 63.330 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 64.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 65.500 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 67.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 68.500 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 70.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 71.400 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 72.330 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 73.000 F.G. Reflector Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 73.660 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 74.330 F.G. Reflector Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 75.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 75.660 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 76.330 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 76.950 Q North end of Timsah by-pass

Timsah Lake:

Km. 77.212 F.G. F.R

Km. 77.671 F.G. F.R ( No. 10 )

Km. 78.060 F.R. ( No. 10 bis )

Km. 78.315 F.G.

Km. 78.270 FL.Y.

Km. 78.279 FL.Y. ( No. 11 )

Km. 78.395 FL.Y. ( No. 11 bis )

Km. 78.542 FL.Y.

Km. 78.725 FL.Y. ( No. 12 )

Km. 78.895 FL.Y. ( No. 12 bis )

Km. 78.925 F.G.

Km. 79.065 F.G. F.R ( No. 13 )

Km. 79.943 F.G. F.R

Km. 80.621 F.G. F.R

Km. 81.200 F.G. F.R

Km. 81.250 Q (6) + L.FL South end of Timsah by-pass

Beacon Yellow & Black

- 122 - Conical (West) Conical (West) Beacon Black & Yellow Horizontal Bands Horizontal Bands

East Branch “ Timsah ”:

Km. 77.000E F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 77.660E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 78.420E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 78.900E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 79.800E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 80.360E F.G. F.R. “ “

Timsah Lake:

Km. 82.100 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 83.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 84.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 85.026 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 85.625 F.G. Reflector Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 86.300 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 87.000 F.G. Reflector Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 87.700 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 88.600 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 89.500 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 91.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 92.500 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 93.100 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 94.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 94.955 Q North end of Deversoir by-pass Beacon Black & Yellow

- 123 - Conical (West) Conical (West) Horizontal Bands

West Branch “ Deversoir ”:

Km. 95.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 96.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 97.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 97.700 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 98.700 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 99.700 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 100.250 FL.Y. South end of Deversoir by-pass Beacon Yellow

Km. 101.270W - F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 101.272E F.G. - Canal Buoys

(West channel) G.B.L

Km. 102.600 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

(West channel) G.B.L

East Branch “ Deversoir ”:

Km. 95.000E F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 95.250E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 96.000E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 97.700E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 98.700E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 99.700E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 101.270E FL.G. - “ “

Km. 101.272W - F.R. “ “

Km. 102.600E F.G. F.R. “ “

- 124 -

Great Bitter Lake

Position Characteristics Remarks

East West

Great Bitter Lake:

Km. 103.344 F.G. F.R. End of E. & W. branches Km. 103.755 - F.R. Beginning of W. passage Km. 104.160 - F.R. Limit of West passage Km. 104.160 Q(6) + L.FL. Racon (D) Y.B. black double cone “North Light” top marks points Km. 105.550 - F.R. Limit of West passage Km. 105.550 F.Orange Orange St. Andrew cross “ C1 ”

Km. 105.550 F.G. - Limit of East passage Km. 107.700 - F.R. Limit of West passage Km. 107.700 F.Orange Orange St. Andrew cross “ C2 ”

Km. 107.700 F.G. - Limit of East passage Km. 109.500 - F.R. Limit of West passage Km. 109.500 F.Orange Orange St. Andrew cross “ C3 ”

Km. 109.500 F.G. - Limit of East passage Km. 111.500 - F.R. Limit of West passage Km. 111.500 F.Orange Orange St. Andrew cross “ C4 ”

Km. 111.000 F.G. - Limit of East passage Km. 112.870 - F.R. Limit of West passage Km. 112.870 F.Orange Orange St. Andrew cross “ C5 ”

Km. 112.870 F.G. - Limit of East passage

Km. 114.200 L.FL. 10s Racon (K) Orange St. Andrew cross “ South Light ” R.W. Colour

- 125 - down (S mark)


Great Bitter Lake (Cont.):

Km. 114.200 F.G. - Limit of East passage

Km. 114.200 - FL.R. Limit of West passage Km. 114.750 - FL.R. Limit of West passage Km. 114.800 FL.G. - Limit of East passage

Km. 115.025 Q (9) North end of Kabret by-pass Middle buoy, Y.B.Y (W-mark)

Km. 115.134

West branch

Km. 115.134

East branch

West Branch “ Kabret ”:

Km. 115.603 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 116.800 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 118.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 119.200 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 120.400 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 120.827 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 121.600 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 122.100 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 122.150 Q (3) South end of Kabret By-pass B.Y.B (E-mark) Horizontal bands

East Branch “ Kabret ”:

Km. 115.607E F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 116.800E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 118.000E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 119.200E F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 120.400E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 120.827E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 121.600E F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 122.100E F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 122.150E Q (3) South end of Kabret By-pass B.Y.B (E-mark) Horizontal bands

- 126 - FL.G. FL.R. Beginning of Kabret FL.G. FL.R. Beginning of Kabret

Main Canal:

Km. 122.500 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 122.690 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 123.104 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 123.501 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 123.903 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 124.280 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 124.693 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 125.097 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 125.470 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 125.800 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 126.310 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 127.029 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 128.066 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 129.025 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 129.503 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 130.060 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 130.396 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 130.600 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 131.001 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 131.402 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 131.660 Reflector - Conical (East)

Km. 132.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 133.175 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 133.800 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 135.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 136.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 137.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 138.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 139.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 140.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

- 127 -

Main Canal (Cont.):

Km. 141.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 142.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 143.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 144.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 144.714 - F.R. Canal Buoy (West) Km. 145.496 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 147.146 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 147.975 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 148.985 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 149.660 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 151.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 152.000 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 153.035 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 153.554 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 154.310 - F.R. Canal Buoy (West) Km. 154.685 F.G. - Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 155.000 - F.R. Canal Buoy (West) Km. 155.330 F.G. - Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 156.258 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 156.625 F.G. - Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 157.000 - F.R. Canal Buoy (West) Km. 157.375 F.G. - Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 158.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 158.625 F.G. - Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 159.000 - F.R. Canal Buoy (West) Km. 159.330 F.G. - Canal Buoy (East)

Km. 160.000 F.G. F.R. Canal Buoys

Km. 161.050 F.G. F.R. “ “

Km. 162.150 Occ. G 4sec “ “

N.B: Current buoys see p.132 and drawings.

- 128 -



Art. 84 Tides and Currents in SC :

The SC is divided into three main sectors according to the nature of tide in each.

The characteristics of each can be summarized as follows :

A-The Northern Sector :

This part is located between Port Said and the G.B.L.

(1)The height of tide at Port Said co-oscillates with the tide of the Mediterranean Sea with 0.65 meter extreme tidal range ( Difference between two successive crests and trough levels of tidal wave ) at Spring tides. This extreme tidal range decreases gradually going South, to be 0.55 meter at the entrance of Timsah lake. The average tidal range is about 0.3 meter at both Port Said and Timsah Lake.

(2) In this sector, the peak tidal current may reach 1.6 knot.

(3)Currents may be increased by strong prevailing winds and other factors.

(4)Peak currents often occur between 30 and 90 minutes after predicted H.W. and L.W. at Port Said.

(5)The duration and velocity of currents in this sector are greatly affected by the relative mean sea levels between the Mediterranean Sea, the Bitter Lakes and the Red Sea as follows:


a) In Summer : between July and October, the mean sea level at Port Said is slightly higher than that at Port Taufiq. This difference ( which reaches its maximum of about 0.20 meter in September ), beside the great evaporation at the Bitter Lakes, causes the predominance of the Southward current in duration and velocity.

b) In Winter : between December and May, the Mean sea level at Port Taufiq is slightly higher than that of Port Said. This difference which reaches its Maximum of about 0.30 meter in January, causes the predominance of the Northward current in duration and velocity.

B-The Lakes : ( Timsah and Bitter Lakes ) :

(1)The Lakes along the Canal have an important role in dampening the effects of sudden meteorological changes.

(2)The Bitter Lakes with a surface of about 250 kmreduce the vertical movement of the tide to a minimum between Km.100 and Km130.

(3)The mean high spring tide range ( M.H.W.S ) in G.B.L. may reach 0.25 meter.

(4)The phase of the vertical tide in G.B.L. is about 3 hours later than that of Port Taufiq. 2

(5)The vertical tide in Timsah Lake is almost in phase with the tide in G.B.L.



C-The Southern Region : This part is located between Port of Suez and the Little Bitter Lake :

(1)The height of tide in Suez co-oscillates with the tides of the red Sea with extreme tidal range of about

1.90 meters at Spring tides. This tidal range decreases gradually going North till the Little Bitter Lake entrance at Gineifa where this extreme value becomes about 0.6 meter. The average tidal range is about 1.0 and 0.3 meters at Port Taufiq and Gineifa respectively.

(2)The tidal volume of the Bitter Lakes is very large compared to the tidal volume of the Southern section. Consequently, the currents are relatively strong and almost uniform between Port Taufiq and Gineifa.

(3)In this region, the Northward current is called Flood and the Southward current is called Ebb.

(4)Peak currents occur about 50 minutes after predicted H.W. and L.W. at Port Taufiq.

(5)At the entrance of the Canal, Km. 159, the Flood tide starts at an average of 3 hours after the L.W. at Suez, and the Ebb tide starts at an average of 3 hours after H.W. in Suez.

(6)Generally in Summer, the duration of the Ebb exceeds the average of 6 hours. In Winter, the Flood is the predominant. The Ebb is prolonged by Strong Northerly Winds. The Flood is prolonged by Strong Southerly Winds .

(7)In this region, the average peak current is about 2.2 knots.


D-Current Buoys :

In the Canal, there are current buoys indicating the direction of the current : Head Current : Red & White horizontal bands or 1 reflector at night.

Stern Current : Black & White vertical stripes or 2 reflectors at night. These buoys are laid in the following positions :

Port Fouad .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………… Km. 2.750 El Raswa ................................................................. …... Km. 3.710 East Ras ElIch( E ) ............................ ………………………. Km. 12.800 Ras ElIch(W) ........................ .. .. .. ……………………. Km. 14.304 EL-Tina .................................. ………………………… Km. 24.775 EL-Cap .................................. ………………………… Km. 35.420 Kantara .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………….. Km. 45.130 Ballah(E&W) ................................................................. Km. 54.770 El Ferdan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………….. Km. 64.894 Ismailia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………….. Km. 76.133 Toussoum .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………….. Km. 86.780 Deversoir ( E & W ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................... Km. 97.845 Kabret ( E & W ) . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …………. Km. 120.827 Gineifa.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………….. Km. 133.950 Shallufa. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …………….. Km. 146.125 Port Taufiq ............................................................................ Km. 160.300

- 132 -



(1) North and South Entrance:

1 Suez Canal North – Entrance 1/3 2 Suez Canal South – Entrance(1) 2/3 3 Suez Canal South – Entrance(2) 3/3


4 Suez Canal Key Plan Part(0) 5 Plan from Hm. 215 to Hm. 120 Part(1) 6 Plan from Hm. 120 to Hm. 17E Part(2) 7 Plan from Hm. 17E to Km. 8.550E Part(3) 8 Plan from Km. 8.550E to Km. 20.250 Part(4) 9 Plan from Km. 20.250 to Km. 30.200 Part(5) 10 Plan from 30.200 to Km. 40.100 Part(6) 11 Plan from Km. 40.100 to Km. 50.050 Part(7) 12 Plan from Km. 50.050 to Km. 60.400 Part(8) 13 Plan from Km. 60.400 to Km. 70.650 Part(9) 14 Plan from Km. 70.650 to Km. 82.200 Part(10) 15 Plan from Km. 82.200 to Km. 92.950 Part(11) 16 Plan from Km. 92.950 to Km. 103.400 Part(12) 17 Plan from Km. 103.400 to Km. 108.600 Part(13) 18 Plan from Km. 108.600 to Km. 119.450 Part(14) 19 Plan from Km. 119.450 to Km. 129.750 Part(15) 20 Plan from Km. 129.750 to Km. 139.750 Part(16) 21 Plan from Km. 139.750 to Km. 149.750 Part(17) 22 Plan from Km. 149.750 to Km. 160.250 Part(18) 23 Plan from Km. 160.250 to Km. 80.500 Part(19)

(3)Cross Sections:

24 Various Cross Sections from Km. 6.000 to Km. 30.190 1/8 25 Various Cross Sections from Km. 32.350 to Km. 59.895E 2/8 26 Various Cross Sections from Km. 64.514 to Km. 77.900E 3/8 27 Various Cross Sections from Km. 82.105 to Km. 92.800 4/8 28 Various Cross Sections from Km. 96.000 to Km. 122.100 5/8 29 Various Cross Sections from Km. 125.507 to Km. 144.715 6/8 30 Various Cross Sections from Km. 145.915 to Km. 153.524 7/8 31 Various Cross Sections from Km. 154.724 to Km. 159.900 8/8

(4) Garages and Sidings:

32 Location of Garages and Sidings Part (0) 33 Garage of Km. 17.000 Part (1) 34 Siding of Km. 32.000 Part (2) 35 Garage of Km. 51.500 Part (3) 36 Garage of Km. 60.000 Part (4) 37 Garage and Siding of Km. 80.000 Part (5) 38 Garage of Km. 95.000 Part (6) 39 Siding of Km. 146.000 Part (7) B- BUOYS IN SUEZ CANAL AND APPROACHES:


















Art. 86 Wireless and Inmarsat Service :

A -General :

VHF DSC Radio Telephony (VHF Digital Selective Calling Radio Telephony) :

Vessels must have their VHF DSC radio telephony in a good working order before entering the Canal.

The VHF set must also be operated easily from the bridge. It must have the working frequency range of the marine band ( 156 - 162 MHz ) especially channels 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 68, 71, 73, 74, ....

(1) Port Said Port Office :

a) DSC on CH 70

b) Port management ( calling ) CH. 16

c) Port Said 1 : CH. 12 outside harbour

Port Said 2 : CH. 13 inside harbour

d) Measurement Div.- CH. 73

(2) Port Taufiq Port Office :

a) DSC on CH 70

b) Port management ( calling ) CH. 16

Port Taufiq : CH. 14

c) Measurement Div.- CH. 74

(3) Inside the Canal ( transiting ) :

DSC on : CH. 70

Calling : CH. 16

Working : CH. 8,10,68



B -SCA Marine Communication Center (SUQ) (Ismailia Radio) :

SCA Marine communication Center (SUQ) has different communication

facilities to contact with vessels in the open sea or approaching and transiting the


All these communication facilities are in compliance with latest

IMO/GMDSS regulation :

(1) Radio Telex :

Frequency allocated to contact with vessels by telex while transiting

Suez Canal or from waiting areas, during 24 hours a day.

ID. NO. 4820 or MMSI 006221120.

TX(KHz) RX(KHz) Channel Mode Watch hours

1612 2147 211 FIB 24

DSC CH S : 2187.5, 4207.5, 6312.0, 8414.5, 12577.0, 16804.5 KHz.

(2) Inmarsat communications :

(MES) : Mobile Earth Station.

(IMN) : Inmarsat Mobile Number.

Vessels have on board Inmarsat station to contact SCA’s Mobil earth

station (MES) at SC marine communication center SUQ to send their

E.T.A before arrival by hr 48 and hr 24 and when arriving the


The SCA s ( MES ) IMN as follows :

a) Inmarsat (A)

1-Telex : + 581 -1622570

2-Voice (Tel.) : + 871 -1622570

3-Fax : + 871 -1622574

Answer back : Suez

b) Inmarsat (B)

1-Telex : + 581 -362213314

2-Voice (Tel.) : + 871 -362213310

3-Fax : + 871 -362213312

4-Data : + 871 -362213313

Answer back : Suez


c) Inmarsat (C) :

Telex : + 581 -462299911

Answer back : Suez

(3) International Land Telex, Fax and E-mail :

SC Marine communication center SUQ has international.

- Telex No. + 91-63528 SUQSC UN.

- International Fax No. + 2 - 064 - 3393517

+ 2 -064 -3393230

E-mail :

E-mail : Ismradio@mail.suezcanal.gov.eg. Fax : +2 -064 -3914784/85

E-mail : transit@mail.suezcanal.gov.eg.

E-mail : presidency@mail.suezcanal.gov.eg.

(4) Weather Reports :

SUQ broadcasts daily weather reports and navigational warnings

( If any ) to vessels transiting the Canal or in the approaches in the

waiting area.






Art. 87 Overview :

Suez Canal has upgraded its VTMS in order to keep up with the latest

technological developments. The system provides complete surveillance

and tracking by radar coverage of vessels throughout the Canal and its

approaches at Port Said and Suez anchorage area, the VTMS provides

the following services :

(1) Automatic surveillance and tracking of vessel arriving at SC

approaches ( 15 miles faraway ) until anchorage in the waiting areas.

(2) Automatic determination of arrival times at ports.

(3) Continuous Automatic tracking and monitoring of vessel's position,

speed and separation distances for all vessels transiting the SC.

(4) Providing the SCA Port management control centers at Port

Said and Port Taufiq as well as Ismailia main management control

office, with sufficient instantaneous information about vessels transiting the Canal, by means of displaying complete televised radar pictures of the whole Canal and very powerful informatics system.

(5) Providing automatic display system for pilots at all signal station

( signal state board ) which displays his arrival time ( Passage ) ,

meteorological data , and emergency information.

(6) Providing integral database for vessel information , transit regulations , traffic flow transit pattern , pilot assignment , vessel billing and navigation reports .


(7) Providing an efficient and quick means of communication with vessels arriving at ports and with pilots on board vessels transiting the Canal.

This system secures the highest standard of safety of vessels transiting the SC. consolidates the trust of SC world users , the International Chamber of shipping and the world maritime organizations of the safety of transit and the outstanding performance of the SCA.

Art. 88 System Operation :

A -Transit Request :

In order to assign a vessel in the informatic system a transit request

must be received from the vessel owners/or agent at one of the port

management offices. See Art. 12.

If the vessel is not currently in informatic system and database, the

port management operator will create vessel particulars, and automatically assign

a unique SC ID number.

B -Vessel Arrivals :

-A vessel approaching the Canal at either end is requested to call

the port management office using one of the frequencies listed in

chapter IX Art. 86, See Art. 14.

-The vessel will be tracked automatically by the radar subsystem

and displayed on the graphic display, then the port management

operator will be able to info link the vessel with the informatics on

the arrival list.

C -Vessel Reaching The Anchorage Area :

At both Port Said and Suez, anchorage areas are indicated on radar

graphic displays.

Whenever a linked vessel reaches arrival line, the informatics will

record the time the vessel crosses arrival line ( limit time )

- 139 -

D -Vessel Berth List :

The port management office continues tracking the vessel till entering the

assigned berth location and stops and vessel berth list is created in the informatics.

Each berth location is indicated on the port management graphic

displays as well as Ismailia graphic displays.

The vessel berth list is refreshed periodically to reflect any ongoing

changes to the port operators.

E -Creation of the Transit Pattern :

The main management center at Ismailia generates the optimal convoy pattern based on the vessels currently in the waiting areas or estimated to be in the waiting areas by the limit times.

The transit pattern determines each convoy’s start time and maximum

time width. The official convoy list is only comprised of vessels that

have marked as eligible for transit ( paid the transit fees, performance

certificate ... etc. ).

F -Convoy Creation :

At Port Said and Port Taufiq, the harbour master arranges the vessels

in the convoy patterns that were generated by the main management

Center at Ismailia.

G -Real Transit Pattern :

As the convoy progress along the Canal, the real-time transit pattern is displayed and plotted.

The real-time transit pattern screen provides the capability of viewing

real time information as X, Y positions, speed, km positions and off

axis for each vessel as well as the meteorological data of all signal

stations includes the wind speed and direction, visibility, current

speed and direction, and height of the tide.

- 140 -


H -Vessel passes Check Points :

Check points are the inlets and outlets of by-passes, siding, each signal station, and the two ends of the canal.

The ordering of vessels within the convoy is re-checked at each check point. If any vessel has changed its order (position) within the convoy, this is automatically recorded in the transit history. The informatic database is updated to reflect the convoy and new convoy position displayed against the target.

I -Information Displayed on the Signal Station Board :

As each vessel passes a signal station, the informatics then updates the signal station boards to provide convoy progress the following information ( Table 8 ) for a vessel as it passes the station. Information of vessels ( as vessel name, convoy position, SC ID number . call sign, speed, location and meteorological data ) will be displayed to the signal station operators on signal station PCs.

j -Vessel Leaves the Canal :

When vessel gets out of range of radar the informatics will close the vessel transit and is saved as a closed transit for historical reporting purpose.

*** - 141 -


Table No. 8 State of North or Southbound convoy :

The characteristic Letter used are :


Variable system parameter ( 6 characters ) which may be inserted manually on request by movement office or signaling station for meteorological, Emergency and the navigational information

alternatively. These 6 characters must be alphanumeric characters.

N.B :The state board will be rotated to face the NB or SB convoy.

Environmental data may not display.

- 142 -

* Explanation of the state board display :


Wind direction Wind speed current direction and speed B

Wind direction Air pressure

N.B. : The state board will be rotated to face the NB or SB convoy.

* A and B will be displayed alternatively ( One at a time ) starting with A.

- 143 -

* 1st line indicates the convoy direction and the current time.

* 2nd line (VSP) indicates the Meteorological, Emergency and the navigational information alternatively.

* 3rd line indicates time of the preceding vessel.

* 4th line indicates time of the vessel in front of the signal station.

Table No. 9 Meteorological Information :

Table No. 10 Emergency Information :

In case of emergency the second alteration :

( B ) of the ( VSP ) line will be replaced by the emergency or information if either is needed to be displayed as the following examples :

State of emergency information


State of navigational information

( Previ time )

- 144 -

Art. 89 New Information For Vessels Transiting the Canal :

(1) Each vessel has special SC file number ( SC ID number ) in the new informatics system in Suez Canal.

SCA distributes free of charge special SC ID number card to be kept in the radio room, The vessel must report SC ID number on all arrival messages for transits or port calls.

Any change in vessel s characteristics should be reported to SCA officially to be filled in SC ID number.

(2)Meteorological data is displayed on signal state boards ( 2nd line ) to

inform vessels of the prevailing weather conditions as they pass the signal station.

Also emergency or navigation instructions from the main management office at Ismailia can be displayed on the same line alternatively.

*** - 145 -




Art. 90 Generalities :

A -All signals used in Canal are Mentioned hereafter.

B -All flags and pendants to be hoisted by vessels, as mentioned

hereafter, should be those in the International Code of Signals.

C -Night signals shall be hoisted where best be seen by other vessels.

Art. 91 Sound Signals :

A -Normal maneuver :

(1)The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea


One short blast : I am altering my course to starboard. Two short blasts : I am altering my course to port. Three short blasts : I am operating astern propulsion.

(2)The signal 5 or 6 short blasts repeated several times at short

intervals to say : I am reducing speed and may have to stop

or make fast.

At night besides the blasts, four to five long flashes with the

Aldis lamp or signal mast lamp.

(3)The signal one prolonged blast to draw attention.

The expression "short blast" means a blast of about I second duration.

The expression "prolonged blast" means a blast of 4 to 6 seconds duration.

- 146 -

B -Obstruction in channel in all circumstances :

Whenever a vessel which under any circumstance causes or finds

obstruction in the Channel she must right away warn other vessels in

the vicinity.

That warning is given by whistle or siren :

4 long blasts meaning : The channel is not free ".

That warning must be repeated every 3 minutes until vessels concerned

have answered in the same manner. As soon as they hear the signal mentioned above,

the vessels take steps to stop and instruct for Radio Watch, to receive a full detail

of the alert given by the vessel that sent the said signal.

The vessel should maintain Radio Watch until otherwise advised.

C -Ship failure ( to dredgers ) :

In Case of engine or steering failure making the vessel not under

command, while approaching a dredger, the vessel has to give the

signal :one long blast followed by two short blasts( ..).

D -Vessel mooring voluntarily for fog or sand storm :

During the mooring maneuver, the vessel sounds every 2 minutes a

series of 6 short blasts.

Once made fast { Signal No. 16G.V. hoisted }, the vessel must

ring rapidly the bell for 5 seconds at intervals not exceeding one minute.

For vessels of 100 metres and over, they will have to ring the bell for-

ward and in addition a gong aft, at intervals not exceeding one minute

( a gong or any other instrument whose tone and sound will be different

to that of the bell forward ).

These signals are stopped when the vessel is told that all vessels

concerned have been notified of her mooring.


(1) See ( p. 160 ). (1)

- 147 -

E -Vessel aground or across :

F -Between vessels and tugs :

See Art. 92 B -Obstruction in channel.

(1) Vessel aground in the Canal :

Between a vessel aground in the Canal and a tug.

These signals are for maneuver of re-floating, as long as the vessel

has one of the grounding signal s :

Pull slowly ??? .

Increase ??? . .

Stop ??? ???

Slack the line ??? ??? .

I am going to let go ??? ??? . .

These signals are to be repeated by the tug.

(2) Vessel towed in the Canal :

Between a vessel towed in the Canal and a tug.

Radiotelephony is used as communication between ship and tug,

besides the following signals :

By Day ( flag ) At Night ( sound )

Slow speed : "A" hoisted above bridge ??? .

Half speed : "A" hoisted half way ??? . .

Normal tow : "A" hoisted right up ??? . . .

Steady : "A" lowered ??? ???

( or sound signals if considered surer )

- The sound signals are to be repeated by the tug.

- The flag signal remains flying as long as the tug is to give the

signalled speed.

- By day, every change of flag signals is followed by a long blast.

- 148 -

G -Signals between VLCC s and escort tugs :

(1) Attention to start maneuver :

Several prolonged blasts given by the ship.

(2) Stern tug :

Bring my stern to starboard .

Bring my stern to port . .

Keep my stern in the axis . . .

Pull my stern aft slowly . . . .

Increase pulling my stern . . . . _

Up to half speed a stern . . . . .

Increase pulling my stern . . . . . _

Up to full speed a stern . . . . . .

Stop pulling ( very long blast ) _____

(3) Forward tug :

Give me a push on starboard bow

Give me a push on port bow

Stop pushing ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


- 149 -


Art. 92 Visual Signals :

A -Signals displayed on station signal masts to vessels :

Signal No. :

( 1 ) Stand by proceed ( general ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 153 ( 2 ) Proceed ( general ) .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 153 ( 3 ) Stand by to make fast ( signal mast Km. 18 ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 154 ( 4 ) Make fast ( signal mast Km. 18 ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 154 ( 5 ) Attention .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 154 ( 6 ) Immediate stopping .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 154 ( 7 ) Make fast ( vessels from North ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 154 ( 8 ) Make fast ( vessels from South ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 155 ( 9 ) Proceed ( vessels from North ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 155 ( 10 ) Proceed ( vessels from South ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 155 ( 11 ) Current signal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 155 ( 12 ) Port closed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 155 ( 13 ) W/T watch ( vessels from North ).. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 ( 14 ) W/T watch ( vessels from South ).. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 ( 15 ) Passage authorization ( Ferry Boats). .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 ( 16 ) Isolated signal station .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 156

- 150 -


Page B -Special signals used by vessels in ports and in the Canal :

Signal No. :

( 1 ) Vessels carrying bulk petroleum flash point between

73o and 150o F. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 157 ( 2 ) Vessels carrying explosives - vessels N.G.F. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 157 ( 3 ) Vessels carrying bulk petroleum flash point under 73o F. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 157 ( 4 ) Vessels carrying radioactive substances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 157 ( 5) I require a pilot . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 158

( 6 ) I require Free Pratique .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 158 ( 7 ) Coming from infected port .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 158 ( 8 ) Under Quarantine .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 158 ( 9 ) Tug required (in ports ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …. 158

(10) Mooring boats .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. … 159

(11) Searchlight .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 159

(12) Last in convoy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 159

(13) Making fast. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 159 (13-bis) Doubling in G.B.L... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 159

(14) Vessel maneuvering to sea . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 160

(15) Vessel maneuvering to Canal. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 160

(16) Voluntary stopping ( G. V.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 160

(17) Aground .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 160

(18) I have a pilot :

a) On board .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 161 b) To disembark .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 161

(19) May vessel is isolated , I have no means of communication 161

- 151 -

C -Signals used by dredgers :

(1) Dredgers working underway :

Signal No. :

1)Dredgers underway .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 162

2)Passage clear on side shown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 162

3) Passage clear on both sides .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 162

4) Passing not allowed on clear side .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 163

5) I am going about .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 163

6)I am not under command . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 163

(2) Stationary dredgers and floating equipment :

1)Passage clear on side shown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 164

2)Passage clear on both sides .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 164

3) Passage clear on side shown, with speed reduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 164

4) Passing not allowed on either side .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 165

5) Passing not allowed : maneuvering to clear passage .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 165

6) I am not under command – passing not allowed. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 165

Appendix No.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 166


- 152 -


Signal No. 1 : Stand by to Proceed :

a)Hoisted on Kabret, Deversoir and Ras El Ich : " Stand by to Proceed on signal No.2.

b)Hoisted on Ballah and repeated on El Ferdan

" Southbound vessels made fast in Ballah

West Branch , Stand by to proceed ".

c)Hoisted on Ballah and repeated on El Kantara :

" Northbound vessels made fast in Ballah

West Branch, Stand by to Proceed .

d)Hoisted on Km. 3 East branch of Port Said :

" Southbound vessels using Port Said East

Branch, Stand by to Proceed .

Signal No. 2 :Proceed :

a) Hoisted on Port Taufiq, Kabret, Deversoir and Ras El Ich : "Proceed". b) Hoisted on Ballah and repeated on El Ferdan :

Southbound vessels made fast in Ballah

West Branch, Proceed .

c) Hoisted on Ballah and repeated on El Kantara :

Northbound vessels made fast in Ballah

West Branch, Proceed .

d) Hoisted on Km. 3 East branch :

" Southbound vessels using Port Said East

Branch , Proceed".

e) Absence of Signal No.2 : " Stay at anchor or

made fast and keep continuous W/T watch ".

- 153 -

Signal No. 3 : Stand by to Make Fast :

Hoisted at Km. 18 mast :

" Southbound vessels made fast in West branch Km. 4 to 14 and Northbound vessels already passed Tineh station, Stand by to make fast

Signal No. 4 : Make Fast :

Hoisted at Km. 18 mast :

" Southbound vessels in Port Said East or West by-pass and Northbound vessels already passed Tineh station, MAKE FAST " .

Signal No. 5 : Attention :

" Southbound & Northbound vessels stand by to make fast or maneuver. Keep W/T watch immediately " .

Signal No. 6 : Immediate Stopping :

" Southbound & Northbound vessels make fast immediately ".

Vessels may proceed when signal is lowered or switched off.

Signal No. 7 : Make Fast :

"Vessels from North : Make Fast ". ( to be lowered or switched off when all concerned vessels are made fast ) .

- 154 -

Signal No. 8 : Make Fast :

" Vessels from South : Make Fast s". ( to be lowered or switched off when all concerned vessels are made fast ).

Signal No. 9 : Proceed :

" Vessels from North Made Fast on Signal No. 7, Proceed ".

( Southbound vessels made fast in Port Said West branch and Ballah West branch to Proceed on signal No. 2 ).

Signal No. 10 : Proceed :

" Vessels from South Made Fast on Signal No. 8, Proceed ".

( Northbound vessels made fast in Ballah West branch to Proceed on signal No. 2 ).

Signal No. 11 : Current Signal :

Current indication signal.

Hoisted on Shallufa and Gineifa Signal masts :

" Current Running NORTH "

Absence of signal : " Current is Running SOUTH or Slack Water ".

Signal No. 12 : PORT CLOSED :

" Suez Roads closed for bad weather " .

- 155 -


Signal No. 13 : W/T Watch (*) :

" Vessels from North establish Wireless

Telegraphy Watch ".

Signal No. 14 W/T Watch (*) :

" Vessels from South establish Wireless

Telegraphy Watch ".

Signal No. 15 : Passage Authorization :

" Ferry Boat not allowed to move "

( By night : Light on wharf ).

Signal No. 16 : Isolated Signal Station :

" This signal station is isolated ".

All communications are made by

Wireless Telegraphy .

(*) Signals No. 13 & 14 can be used at the same time addressing both convoys from North and South.

- 156 -


Signal No. :

(1) Oil tanker carrying bulk petroleum

( Flash point between 73 and 150 F. )

(2)Vessels carrying Ist group dangerous goods

N.G.F. tankers.

LPG-LNG. Dangerous chemicals in bulk.

(3) Petroleum in bulk :

( Flash point below 73 F. )

(4) Vessels carrying radioactive substances.

- 157 -

Signal No. :

(5) I require a Pilot :

N.B.: a)From Port to Sea or changing

berth, signal to be hoisted half

an hour before sailing time.

b)For the Canal at least 2 hours

before the 1st Vessel is expected

to enter the Canal.

(6) I require Free Pratique :

( only in port )

My vessel is coming from an infected port.

( only in port )

(8) My vessel is under Quarantine.

(9) I require a tug (followed by a numeral pendant to indicate the number of tugs required).

By night : A long blast on the whistle

and Letters "YA" flashed by Morse

Lamp several times,(Only in Port).

- 158 -


Signal No. :

(10) I have no mooring boats.

By night : numeral 3 flashed by Morse

lamp several times.

( only in port )

(11) I have no shore searchlight.

By night: numeral 4 flashed by

Morse lamp several times.

( Signals 10 & 11 can be used in

one hoist if vessel has no mooring boats

and searchlight ).

(12) Last Vessel in the convoy.

(13) The Vessel is making fast(*) :

N. B.: In the Canal when made fast,

the 2 white lights are extinguished and

a red light put on aft all the time the

vessel is moored until actually underway.

(13-bis) vessels doubling in G.B.L. :

(Numeral Pendant indicating new

turn of vessel).

(*) When signal No. 13, 14, & 15 are hoisted, vessels are not authorized to overtake or cross until vessel is securely made fast and signal No. 16 ( G. V. ) is hoisted

- 159 -

Signal No. :

(14) The vessel is maneuvering to get underway to Sea(*).

(15) The vessel is maneuvering to get underway to the Canal(*).

(16) Voluntary Stopping ( G. V. )"Garage Voluntaire ".

Vessel is not ready and will maintain her turn in the convoy.

If hoisted by a vessel in the Canal : " I am securely made fast and can be crossed or doubled by other vessels in the convoy" .

(17) Aground :

" Passage clear for tugs ".

" Passage not clear for tugs ".

- 160 -


Signal No. :

(18) a ) I have a Pilot on board.

b ) Leaving Port Said & Port of Suez :

I have a Pilot to disembark.

(19) My vessel is isolated.

I have no means of communication.

- 161 –



Signal No. : by day by Night


I am dredging

underway and cannot

get out of the way.


Passage is clear

on the side shown.


Passage is clear

on both sides.

A white light at the yard arm on arm side on which the passage is clear. A red which passage is light at the yard arm on which the passage is not clear. Two white lights along the bulwark where passage is clear A drum at both yard arms A white light at both yard arms and arms.

Two white lights along the bulwark both


- 162 -

Signal No. : by Day by Night


Passing not allowed

on either side

5 I am going about.

6(*) I am not under command.

International Signal


(*)This signal may be hoisted together with the International signal K (sound & visual)


- 163 -


by Day by Night

Signal No. :


Passage is clear

on the side shown..

( I am work or

Moored )


Passage is clear

on both sides.

( I am at work ).

3(*) (**)

Passage is clear on

the side shown but

only to proceed at

A red flag at the mast A white light over a green light on the the lowest possible

head. A drum at the yard side on which the passage is clear. speed.

arm on the side on which Two white lights along the bulwark on the

the passage is clear. side on which the passage is clear.


( * )This signal is also used by Warehouse string of barges.

(**)The International Signal TE may also be hoisted. In this case the decrease of speed is imperative. By night the imperative decrease of speed is shown on the Pilot s boarding order.

-164 -

by Day by Night

Signal No. :


Passing not

allowed on either



Passing not

allowed. I am

maneuvering to

make fast to clear

the Passage.


Passing not

allowed. I have a

breakdown &

cannot get out of

the way..

International Signal


(*)This signal may be hoisted together with the International signal K ( Sound & visual ) : meaning : Stop Immediately . –

- 165 -




NOTE : When made fast in the Canal, a R.

light in lieu of the stern light.

- 166 -



- 167 -



Art. 93 Extract from the Regulations for the Measurement of tonnage

recommended by the International Tonnage Commission

assembled at Constantinople, In 1873.

( Minutes of proceedings XXI, Appendix II ).

General Principles :

(1)The gross tonnage or total capacity of ships comprises the exact

measurement of all spaces ( without any exception ), below the

upper deck, as well as of all permanently covered and closed -in

spaces on that deck.

N.B. : By permanently covered and closed - in spaces on the upper

deck are to be understood all those spaces which are separated-

ed off by decks or coverings, or fixed partitions and therefore

represent an increase of capacity which might be used for the

stowage of merchandise, or for the berthing and accommodation

of the passengers or of the officers and crew.

Thus, any one or more openings, either in the deck or coverings,

or in the partition, or a break in the deck, or the absence of a portion

of the partition, will not prevent such spaces being comprised in the

gross tonnage, if they can be easily closed -in after admeasurement,

and thus better fitted for the transport of goods and passengers.

But the spaces under awning decks without other connection with

the body of the ship than the props necessary for supporting them,

which are not spaces " separated off " and are permanently exposed

to the weather and the sea, will not be comprised in the gross tonnage,

although they may serve to shelter the ship s crew, the deck passengers

and even merchandise known as 169 deck loads .

- 169 -

(2) Deck loads " are not comprised in the measurement.

(3)Closed spaces for the use or possible use of passengers will not be

deducted from the gross tonnage.

(4)The determination of deduction for coal spaces may be effected either

by the rules of the European Danube Commission of 1871 or by the exact

measurement of fixed bunkers.

( Art.1)The length for the admeasurement of ships having one or more decks is taken

on the tonnage deck, which is:

a) The upper deck for vessels having one or two decks.

b)The second deck from below for vessels having more than two decks.

Measure the length of the ship in a straight line along the upper side of the tonnage

deck from the inside of the inner plank ( average thickness ) at the side of the stem to the inside of the mid ship stern timber or plank there, as the case may be ( average thickness ), deducting from this length what is due to the rake of the bow in the thickness of deck, and what is due to the rake of the stern timber in the thickness of the deck, and also what is due to the rake of the stern timber in one-third of the round of the beam; divide the length so taken (1)into the number of equal parts required by the following Table, according to the class in such Table to which the ship belongs.

( Art.2 ) Class 1 : Ships of which the tonnage deck is, according to

the above measurement, 50 feet long or under, into

four equal parts.

Class 2 : Ships of which the tonnage deck is, according to the

above measurement, above 50 feet long and not

exceeding 120 feet, into six equal parts.


(1) Refer the constantinople in 1873. Rule 1 - For Empty Vessels

- 170 -


Class 3 : Ships of which the tonnage deck is, according to the above measurement,

above 120 feet long and not exceeding 180 feet, into eight equal parts.

Class 4 :Ships of which the tonnage deck is, according to the above measurement,

above 180 feet long and not exceeding 225 feet, into ten equal parts.

Class 5 :Ships of which the tonnage deck is, according to the above measurement,

above 225 feet long, into twelve equal parts. (1)

( Art.3 ) Then, the hold being first sufficiently cleared to admit of the required depths and

breadths being properly taken, find the transverse area of such ship to each point

of division of the length as follows :

Measure the depth at each point of division, from a point at a distance of

one-third of the round of the beam below such deck, or, in case of a break, below

a line stretched in continuation thereof, to the upper side of the floor timber, at the

inside of the limber strake, after deducting the average thickness of the ceiling

which is between the bilge planks and the limber strake. Then, if the depth at the

mid ship division of the length does not exceed 16 feet, divide each depth into four

equal parts; then measure the inside horizontal breadth at each of the three points

of division, and also at the upper and lower points of the depth, extending each

measurement to the average thickness of that part of the ceiling which is between

the points of measurement. Number these breadths from above ( ie. numbering the

upper breadth 1, and so on down to the lowest breadth ).

Multiply the second and fourth by four, and third by two; add these products

together, and to the sum add the first breadth and the fifth. Multiply the quantity thus

obtained by one-third of the common interval between the breadths, and the product

shall be deemed the transverse area; but if the mid ship depth exceed 16 feet, divide

each depth


(1) A greater number of division is not prohibited so long as they are an even number.

- 171 -

into six equal parts instead of four, and measure, as before directed, the horizontal

breadths at the five points of division, and also at the upper and lower points of the

depth, number them from above, as before, multiply the second, fourth, and sixth

by four, and the third and fifth by two; add these products together, and to the sum

add the first breadth and seventh. Multiply the quantity thus obtained by one-third

of the common interval between the breadths, and the product shall be deemed the

transverse area

( Art.4 )The area of the transverse sections can also be measured with the same precision

by the following method of polar co-ordinates :

Divide each transverse half-section into five angular sectors, having the same

angle at the apex ( this angle is equal to of a degree = 18 degrees ), and take for

the area of each of these sectors the area of the sector of the circle comprised between

its extreme radii, and described by the mean radius.

In making the measurement, measure the mean radius of each sector, of which

the two extreme radii would make, the one with the horizontal line and the other

with the vertical line, an angle of 9 degrees, while the others are uniformly 18 degrees


In order to obtain their directions, place on the plane of the section a semi-circle

properly divided, and turned so that its horizontal diameter may pass through the third

of the round of the beam, and that its centre may be found in the central longitudinal

vertical plane of the ship; the radii are to be measured by means of a tape fixed in the

centre of the semi-circle.

In order to calculate the area of the section , square the mean radii thus measured

, add them together , and the sum multiplied by 3.1416 Shall be deemed to the area

of the section .

- 172 -


( Art.5 ) Number the transverse sections measured by one of these methods successively

1, 2, 3, etc giving No 1 to the extreme limit of the length at the bow, and the last

number to the extreme limit of the length at the stern; then, whether the length be

divided according to the table into four or twelve parts, as in Classes 1 and 5, or any

intermediate number, as in Classes 2, 3 and 4, multiply the second and every

even-numbered area by four and the third and every odd-numbered area ( except the

first and last ) by two; add these products together, and to the sum add the first and

last, if they yield anything; multiply the quantity thus obtained by one-third of the

common interval between the areas, and the product will be the cubical contents of

the space under the tonnage deck. The tonnage of this volume is obtained by dividing

it by 100, if the measurements are taken in English feet, and by 2.83 if the

measurements are taken in metres. (1)

( Art.6 )If the ship has a third deck, commonly called a spar deck, the tonnage of the space

between it and the tonnage deck shall be ascertained as follows :

Measure in feet the inside length of the space at the middle of its height from the

plank at the side of the stem to the lining on the timbers at the stern, and divide the

length into the same number of equal parts into which the length of the tonnage deck is

divided, as above directed; measure ( also at the middle of its height ) the inside breadth

of its space at each of the points of division, also the breadth at the stem and the breadth

at the stern; number them successively 1, 2, 3 etc commencing at the stem, multiply the

second and all the other even-numbered breadths by four, and the third and all the other

odd-numbered breadths ( except the first and last ) by two; to the sum of these products

add the first and last breadths, multiply the whole sum of one-third of the common interval

between the breadths, and the result will give in superficial feet the mean horizontal area of

such space;


(1) In these rules the multiplier 0.353 may be used instead of the divisor 2.83 to give metres .

- 173 -

measure the mean height of such space, and multiply by it the mean horizontal area, and the product will be the cubical contents of space; divide this product by 100, or by 2.83 if the measurements are taken in metres, and the quotient shall be deemed to be the tonnage of such space, and shall be added to the other tonnage of the ship ascertained as aforesaid; and if the ship has more than three decks, the tonnage of each space between decks above the tonnage deck shall be severally ascertained in manner above described, and shall be added to the tonnage of the ship ascertained as aforesaid.

( Art.7 )If there be a break, a poop, or any other permanent closed-in space on the upper deck,

available for cargo or stores, or for the berthing or accommodation of passengers of crew, the tonnage of such space shall be ascertained as follows :

Measure the internal mean length of such space in feet, and divide it into two equal parts; measure at the middle of its height three inside breadths, namely, one at each end and the other at the middle of the length; then to the sum of the end breadths add four times the middle breadth, and multiply the whole sum by one-third of the common interval between the breadths; the product will give the mean horizontal area of such space; then measure the mean height, and multiply by it the mean horizontal area; divide the product by 100, or by

2.83 if the measurements are taken in metres, in order to obtain the tonnage of such space.

( Art.8 )In measuring the length, breadth, and height of the general volume of the ship or that of The other spaces, reduce to the mean thickness the parts of the ceiling which exceed it.

When the ceiling is wanting, or when it is not permanently fixed, the length and breadth are reckoned from the frame of the ship

- 174 -

Rule 2 For Laden Ships

( Art.9 )-When ships have their cargo on board, or when for any other reason their tonnage cannot be ascertained by means of Rule 1, proceed in the following manner :

Measure the length on the upper deck from the outside of the outer plank at the stem to the aft side of the stern-post, deducting there from the distance between the aft side of the stern-post and the rabbet of the stern-post at the point where the counter-plank crosses it.

Measure also the greatest breadth of the ship to the outside of the outer planking or wales.

Then, having first marked on the outside of the ship, on both sides thereof, the height of the upper deck at the ships sides, girth the ship at the greatest breadth in a direction perpendicular to the keel from the height so marked on the outside of the ship, on the one side, to the height so marked on the other side by passing a chain under the keel; to half the girth thus taken add half the main breadth; square the sum, multiply the result by the length of the ship taken as aforesaid; then multiply this product by the factor 0.17 ( seventeen hundredths )in the case of ships built of wood, and by the factor 0.18 ( eighteen hundredths ) in the case of ships built of iron. The product will give approximately the cubical contents of the ship, and the general tonnage can be ascertained by dividing by 100 or by 2.83, according to the measurements taken in English feet or in meters.

( Art.10 )- If there is a break, a poop, or other permanent covered and closed -in spaces ( as

defined in the general principles ) on the upper deck, the tonnage of such spaces shall be ascertained by multiplying together the mean length, breadth and depth of such spaces and dividing the product by 100 or 2.83, according to the measurements taken in English feet or meters, and the quotient so obtained shall be deemed to be the tonnage of such space, and shall be added to the other tonnage in order to determine the gross tonnage or total capacity of the ship.

- 175 -


Deductions : (1)

To be made from the Gross Tonnage in order to ascertain the Net


( Art.11 )-To find from the gross tonnage of vessels as above set forth the official, or net registered tonnage, either for sailing vessels or for steam ships, the following mode of operations must be resorted to

Sailing Vessels

( Art.12 )- For sailing vessels deduct : the spaces exclusively and entirely occupied by the crew and ship's officers, those taken up by the cookhouse and latrines exclusively used by the ship s officers and crew whether they be situated above or below the upper deck; the covered and closed in spaces, if there be any situated on the upper deck, and used for working the helm, the capstan, the anchor gear, and for keeping the charts, signals and other instruments of navigation.

Each of the spaces deducted as above may be limited according to the requirements and customs of each country, but the deductions must never exceed in the aggregate 5 (2) percentof the gross tonnage.

( Art.13 )- The measurement of these spaces is to be effected according to the rules set forth the measurement of covered and closed -in spaces on the upper deck, for result,

obtained by deducting the total of such allowances from the gross tonnage, represents the net or register tonnage of sailing vessels.


(1)Extract from the final report of the International Tonnage Commission assembled at Constantinople in 1873. It is recommended that a penal provision shall be enacted to the effect that any of the permanent spaces which have been deducted shall be employed either for the use of merchandise or passengers , or

in any way profitably employed for earning freight , this spaces shall be added to the net tonnage , and nevermore be allowed as a deduction .

(2) Maximum raised to 10% from 1st April 1948 .

- 176 -

deduct : Steam Ship ( Art.14 )-For vessels propelled by steam or any other mechanical power,

A -The same spaces for sailing vessels ( Art. 12 ) with the limitation to five

percentof the gross tonnage.

B -The spaces occupied by the engines, boilers, coal bunkers, shaft trunks of

screw steamers, and the spaces between decks and in the covered and

closed - in erections on the upper deck surrounding the funnels, and required

for the introduction of air and light into the engine-rooms and for the proper

working of the engines themselves. Such deductions cannot exceed 50 percent

of the gross tonnage.

(Art. 15 ) The measurement of the spaces allowed for both in sailing vessels and in

steam ships ( section A of Art. 14 ) is to be effected according to rules set

forth in Articles 12 and 13 for sailing vessels.


(1) Maximum raised to 10% from 1st April 1948.

-177 -


Art. 94 Additional Deductions allowed by the Suez Canal Authority :

The SCA allows the following spaces to be included in the deductions specified in

Art. 12 of the Regulations for Measurement of Tonnage, provided the deductions do

not, in the aggregate, exceed 5 %gross tonnage and subject to of the condition that

they are clearly and permanently marked so as to show the purpose to which they are

exclusively appropriate :


A- Spaces for the exclusive use of officers, engineers and crew :

- Master s accommodation.

- Officer s smoking room.

- Chief engineer s and Chief officers dayrooms and/or offices.

- Doctor s and dentist s cabins ( if they are occupied by the doctors and

dentists for whom they are intended ).

- Consulting rooms.

- Hospital.

- Infirmary.

- Surgery or operating room.

- Chemist s laboratory.

- Cabins of wireless operators ( if utilized ).

- Stewards cabins ( if the stewards are solely employed for the officers, engineers or crew ). - Cabins of the engineers storekeepers and water tenders.

- Mess rooms. ( No deduction is allowed for officers mess room in vessels having passenger accommodation which are not also provided with a passengers mess room ).

(1) Maximum raised to 10% from 1st April 1948. ______________________

- 178 –

- Bath-rooms. ( With the exception of such bath-rooms as are available for passengers when no bath- rooms for their exclusive use is provided ).

- Lavatories.

- Library.

- Bar.

- Gallery, cook-house.

- Pantry.

- Scullery.

- Bakery ( only on vessels having no passenger accommodation ).

- Laundry.

- Drying room.

- Heating boilers.

- Refrigerating machinery ( excluding cold storage rooms and store rooms ).

- Distilling apparatus.

- Disinfecting apparatus.

- Wardrobes, oilskin and life belt lockers.

- Ventilators ( utilized neither for passengers nor cargo ).

- Night watchmen accommodation ( provided these men are signed on as crew

and are not employed in connection with passengers or cargo ).

- Accommodation of fire fighting personnel(1) .

- Domestic water pump rooms.

- Switchboard Lockers(2).

- Transformer rooms(2) .


(1)Fire extinguishing installations are also to be deducted.

(2)Installations used for the needs of the crew and also for the purpose of navigation are to be treated as navigation spaces.

- 179 -

B- Navigation spaces ( if above the uppermost deck ) :

-Chart house.

-Master s spare room on the bridge ( especially on warships ).

- Search light spaces. Submarine telephone spaces.

-Direction finder spaces.

-Sounding spaces.

-Gyro compass spaces.

-Wireless telegraphy spaces.

-Radar spaces ( exclusively used for navigational purposes ).

-Lamp room ( if only containing signal lamps ).

-Lookout houses.

-Emergency compressors ( if used exclusively in case of accident for

pumping out water and not for any commercial purposes ).

-Switchboard lockers.

-Transformer rooms.

Art. 95 Measurement of Deck Spaces :

For vessels fitted with superstructures, the following rules, which concern only such spaces as are excluded from the national tonnage, are applied.

A- Vessels with one tier of superstructures only :

(1)Poop, bridge, forecastle :

The following exemptionsare allowed under certain conditions :

a)Such length of the poop measured from the inside of the stern timber, at half height of the said poop, as shall be equal to 1/10th of the full length of the ship.


(1) See ( Art. 96 – B p. 182 ) . (1)

- 180 -


b) The portion of the bridge in way of the light and air spaces of the engine and boiler

spaces, is being understood that such light and air spaces are not considered to extend beyond the forward bulkhead of the stoke-hold and the after bulkhead of the main


c) Such length of the forecastle measured from the inside of the stern at half height of the said forecastle, as shall be equal to 1/8of the full length of the ship.

d) In each of the above three cases of superstructures, such portions as are in way of

corresponding openings in the sides of the ship, not provided with any means of



(2)Poop and bridge combined, or forecastle and bridge combined :

In each of these combined spaces, the following exemptions are (1) are

allowed under certain conditions :

a) That length only which corresponds to the openings of the engine-room and

boiler spaces as specified in (1b) above.

b) Such portions as are in way of corresponding openings not provided with any

means of closing in the sides of the ship.

(3)Shelter-decks :

In the case of shelter-decks. The following exemptions are allowed under certain

conditions :

a) The portions in way of corresponding openings in the side plating of the ship

not provided with any means of closing.

b) Such air spaces as are situated with in the shelter-decks must be measured into

the engine-room space and deducted together with 75% of their volume.


(1) See ( Art. 96 – B p. 182 ) .

- 181 -

B- Vessels having more than one tier of superstructures :

(1)The exemptions Prescribed in paragraph A - (1),(2) and (3) above are applicable

in their entirety to the lowest tier only.

(2)Tiers above the lowest tier, are only allowed the exemption(1) of such portions

as are in way of corresponding openings in the side plating of the vessel not provided with any means of closing.

Art.96-Suez Canal Tonnage :

A -The tonnage on which all dues and charges to be paid by vessels, as specified in these regulations, are assessed, is the net tonnage resulting from the system of measurement laid down by the International Commission held at Constantinople in 1873, and duly enetered, on the special certificates issued by the competent authorities in each country.

In assessing the dues, any alteration of net tonnage subsequent to the delivery of the above mentioned certificates is taken into account.

B-In order that the exemptions from measurement shown on the special certificate may apply, there must be no merchandise, commercial stores, or supplies, of any kind in the portions of spaces which are entitled to exemption.

(1)Should a vessel, at anytime, transit with passengers, merchandise of any kind or bunker coal, or commercial stores of any description, in any portion whatever of any exempted or deducted spaces, the whole of that spaces is added to the net tonnage and can nevermore be exempted from measurement.

(2)Nevertheless, the SCA agrees that in cases where the vessel is sold, the new owners can again claim exemption of the exemption table spaces previously taxed. The sale of the vessel must of course be effective and bona fide. A new SC special Tonnage certificate must be obtained.

- 182 -

C-Double Bottom :

(1)When any bottom space is utilized over 6 inches for the carriage of bunker during the transit of the Canal, its cubical capacity will be added to the tonnage.

(2)Contrary, however, to the rules now in force, this addition will not be a permanent character, the cubical capacity of the said spaces will only be added to the tonnage when they are utilized.

D- Verification

(1)The CA Officials(1) are empowered to ascertain whether cargo or passengers, are carried in any space not included in the net tonnage entered on the vessel’s special certificate.

(2)And, generally, may verify whether all spaces which ought to be included in the tonnage are entered on the certificate and are correctly determined thereon. Seamen occasionally taken on board vessels passing through the SC are considered as passengers, unless they are duly entered on the ship s articles and certified as being intended for vessels belonging to the same owners.

E- Deck Loads :(2)

Unfixed and unenclosed deck loads are not included in the measurement. Closed deck loads on weather deck of cargo ships are to be included in the measurement.

F- Vessels without a valid special tonnage certificate :(3)

(1)Every vessel not provided with a valid special tonnage certificate showing the net tonnage prescribed by the Constantinople commission, to be measured by the CA Officials in conformity with the Rules laid down by the Constantinople commission.


(1) They are Authorized to get on board ships at Port Said, Bitter Lake and during transiting the Canal.

(2) For vessels carrying containers ( Se Art. 97 , 98 )

(3) Document issued by the Tonnage Authorities of the vessel's Registry.

- 183 -

(2)The net tonnage thus arrived at, is provisionally used for the assessment of dues, until such time as the vessel tenders at a subsequent transit, a special certificate duly drawn up by the competent authorities.

(3)If there are any difficulties in assessment of the net tonnage,

especially in Maiden voyage, the dues shall be levied provisionally

on the gross tonnage until measured in other trips.

G-Navy Ships :

(1) As long as the ship is not provided with SC Special Tonnage Certificate, transit

dues will be levied on the temporary gross tonnage product of the empirical formula without any allowance till the presentation of documents required (1).

(2) Navy ships may be on request to be escorted by one imposed tug or more during transit.

(3) Meanwhile, owing to special arrangements necessary for transit of navy ships, a surcharge of 25% of the transit dues is to be applied for Navy and auxiliary ships belonging to the Navy of different countries, also for ships chartered to Navy or ships carrying any military cargoes.

H-Vessels in ballast distinctive character :

(1)Merchant Vessels :

a) Which are not carrying any cargo and does not earning freight on their voyage. b) Which are only carrying fuel for their own consumption.

c) Carrying only its own crew, with their private provisions, are considered as being in ballast.

(2) Containers on containerships, trailers on vehicle carriers, and barges on lash

vessels are considered as a permanent vessels equipment if fulfilling SC Conditions. _____________________

(1) Refer to Art. 15-E (P.45)

- 184 -

(3) The presence of oil residueson tankers, as well as dry bulk cargo

on bulk carriers or combined carriers, does not lose the vessels the privilege of being in ballast.

(4) A small quantity of the previous cargoon the liquefied gas carriers, to maintain in a low temperature inside the cargo tanks to be able of receiving the new cargo, does not lose the vessel the privilege of being in ballast.

(5) Small quantity remainder of previous packed cargo garbage, sweeping, ... etc., not exceeding 2 Metric ton on general cargo vessels does not lose the vessel the privilege of being in ballast (3) .

(6) For human reasons, the SCA will, however, tolerate the presence of shipwreck survivors rescued at sea on board vessels in ballast. The presence on board of such survivors shall not render the vessel liable to dues at the full rate.

(7) A vessel landing her passengers or cargo before passing through the Canal and taking them on board afterwards will in no case be considered as being in ballast.

(8)Further, in order to be entitled to claim the benefit of the ballast rate, the volume of bunker coal or fuel must not exceed 125% of the engine room space as shown on the Suez Canal Certificate. Bunker coal or fuel should, primarily, be contained in the vessel’s permanent or movable bunkers.

(9) On board vessels in ballast, the CA allows part of the bunkers to be carried in the exempted portion of the bridge without loss of the exemption.

(10) In any case, owners will have to take the necessary steps to ensure that the total volume of all bunkers on board can be easily ascertained.


(1)These residues must not exceed 1% of the vessel s Deadweight.

(2)Not to exceed more than 2% of the Summer Deadweight.

(3) Rejected cargo not included. (2)(1)

- 185 -


Art. 97 Regulations concerning the " Containerships " :

A-The Container Ships are closed spaces increasing the carriage capacity of the ship when situated over the main deck (weather deck ) :

(1) They are considered as a ships permanent equipment. It is a matter of fact that those in the cargo holds are included in the under deck tonnage. A surcharge on Canal dues relevant to number of tiers on weather deck is taxed.

(2) Containerships are to be exempted from extra dues on the top tier if it contains no more than ten containers (TEU). (3)In case there is an upward protrusion of more than 4 ft, protrusion is to be calculated as an extra container.

B-Conditions to consider the containers as part of the ship's permanent equipment :

(1)They must belong to :

a) The ship s owner.

or b) The time charter.

or c) The container s consortium.

or d) Containers leasing company.

(2)They must bear a serial number as well as the owners name.

(3)They must be registered on the ships official documents.

(4) The Master of the containerships must assure to SCA Representatives all

facilities concerning the measurement and number of containers, their internal

capacities and the kind of cargo contained.

(5) Containerships are considered in ballast :

If all container on the main deck as well as those inside the cargo holds are empty besides fulfilling all conditions mentioned above B -1, 2, 3, 4.

- 186 -

Art.98 Regulations to be applied to vessels other than container ships carrying containers on weather deck :

(1) Any vessel carrying only containers is to be treated as F.C.C. ( fully cellular container vessel ) so far as the rate of SC tolls and the surcharge of the ratio of tiers on upper deck are concerned.

(2) In case of carrying container on deck beside their traditional cargo are to be treated like container ships carrying containers on deck so far as rates of extra dues for deck tiers are concerned, transit dues according to vessels type are applicable.

Art.99 Erroneous Declarations :

A Dangerous cargo erroneous declarations :

(1) The SCA reserves the right to refuse access to Canal Water for any vessel in case of carrying prohibited cargoes, and in case of non or erroneous declaration on the presence of dangerous cargo or its state ( leakage or damaged container ) on board, such as ammunition, explosives, radioactive substance, etc.

(2) If the dangerous cargo mentioned in para. (1) is discovered during the transit, the SCA reserves the right to refuse access to Canal Waters to this vessel for a period not exceeding two years. An additional due of ( 43 000 U.S. Dollars ) will be imposed for this violation.

- 187 -

B-Erroneous Declarations Affecting Transit Dues :

(1)If the CA Officials find out erroneous information concerning the cargo carried

or the ships situation : ballast or loaded resulting from the shipping clerks or the

Masters negligence, in all documents held, the tolls difference will be doubled.

The tolls difference means the difference between the correct and the wrong amount of the transit dues.

(2)Claims for errors in the declaration of tonnage or in the levying of the dues must be

sent in within six months of the vessel s passage through the Canal, starting from the next day of transit.

(3)In Case of submitting claims after period of six months necessary procedures of

correction will be taken as from next transit without any retro financial settlement.


(1)i. e. the carriage of sweet water as cargo while declared as ship s water ballast; the omission of declaring the presence or quantity of containers on the weather deck or any cargo on board, passengers, etc. (2) See Art. 15 p.43. (2)(1)

- 188 -



Art. 100 Canal Dues : (1)

A- Transit dues

(1)Transit dues are assessed on SC.N.T.

(2)Transit dues rates will be levied according to the latest circular to be issued by SCA.

(3)Transit dues are payable in advance.

B- Division of transit :

A reduction of a quarter, half or three quarters of the transit

dues is allowed to vessels using only three quarters, half or one quarter of the Canal. Once a vessel just entered the Canal; a quarter of transit dues is to be levied(2)

C-Additional dues on slow speed vessels :

Additional transit dues are levied on slow speed vessels on the basis indicated hereunder :

TABLE No. 11

(1) Not applicable to vessels under 300 tons SC.G.T.

(2) Northern Entrance :

a) At. Km. 3.710 ( West Channel ).

b) At. Km. 1.333 ( East Channel ).

Southern Entrance :

At. Hm 3.000

- 189 -

D-Towage Dues(1):

(1) Vessels towed or escorted in the Canal :

a)Transit dues are to be calculated in accordance with the regulations for vessels that transit under their own power.

b)Extra dues of 100% are to be levied in case of engine and/or steering failure or in case of scrapped vessels.

However, there must be a person in charge and at least 10 crew members on board the vessel.

c)Transit dues on scrapped vessels are to be calculated on the basis of SC.G.T., with due consideration of the rates for each category.

d)If towed by tugs not belonging to the Suez Canal Authority, Vessels have to pay the towage dues of 0.25 U.S. Dollars. per SC.N.T., while scrap vessels have to pay the same dues of 0.25 U.S. Dollars per SCGT.

e)Approved tugs not belonging to SCA pay transit dues as a laden vessel.

f)In case a vessel is towed or escorted by a tug not belonging to SCA, a pilot is imposed against a payment of a lump sum of 450 U.S. Dollars.

g)The towed vessel is charged by the pilotage dues for the additional pilots appointed to assist the pilot on board. The rate being 300 U.S. Dollars for every extra pilot in the Canal and 150 U.S. Dollars for every extra harbour pilot.


(1) For vessels under 300 tons SC.G.T., See Rules of Navigation for Small Craft.

- 190 -


(2) Towed Large floating units :

Transiting Canal dues are to be levied as follows :

a) Transit dues :

1-Towed Large floating units : Transit dues are to be levied on the basis of SC.N.T. The tug of the unit will be treated as laden conventional ship regarding dues.

2-Scrapped floating units arriving in the Canal :

Transit dues are levied on the basis of the SC.G.T.

b) Towage dues :

Dues are levied on the towed unit at a rate of 25 U.S. Cent per ton of Net Tonnage. For scrapped units dues are levied on the basis of SC.G.T.

c) Extra Charges :

1-Length :

If the length of the towed unit, together with its deck load exceeds 200

( two hundred ) feet, an extra charge equal to 0.25% of the transit dues will be

levied for every foot in excess. This extra charge will not exceed 125% of the

unit's transit dues.

2-Beam :

If the maximum beam of the towed unit or the deck load it carried exceeds 100 ( one hundred ) feet, an extra charge equal to 1% of the transit dues will be levied for every foot in excess. This extra charge will not exceed 125% of the units transit dues.

3-Draught :

If the draught of the towed unit exceeds 10 (ten) feet, an extra charge equal to 4% of the transit dues will be levied for every foot in excess.

This extra charge will not exceed 125% of the unit's transit dues.

- 191 -

4-Height :

If the height of the towed unit or if the cargo carried exceeds 15 ( fifteen ) feet

calculated as from the water level, a charge equal to 0.5% of the transit dues is

levied for every foot in excess.

This extra charge will not exceed 125% of the unit's transit dues.

5-Non self steering unit :

If the towed unit is not fitted with an efficient apparatus self steering and its

beam exceeds 50 ( fifty ) feet, a charge equal to 2% of the transit dues is levied

for every foot of the beam in excess.

This extra charge will not exceed 125% of the unit's transit dues.

6-Speed of transit :

The towed unit must have a sufficient ability to transit the Canal with the help

of the towing units belonging to the owner or hired, at a speed not less than 12

( twelve ) kilometers per hour.

All towed units other than ships not sailing in the Canal under their own power

will be considered with no steering.

If the speed of transit is below this limit, the towed unit will be subject to the

following charges :

Speed of Transit Charges to be

less than levied

12 Km/h 5% of the transit dues

11 KM/h 10% of the transit dues

10 KM/h 20% of the transit dues

9 KM/h 40% of the transit dues

8 KM/h 80% of the transit dues

7 KM/h 160% of the transit dues

- 192 –

7-Pilotage dues :

The towed unit to be charged with the pilotage dues for the additional pilots appointed to assist the pilot on board that unit, at a rate of ( 300 U.S. Dollars ) for every extra

pilot in the Canal and of ( 150 U.S. Dollars ) for every extra harbour pilot.

(3) Guarantee deposit :

Before entering the Canal, towed units, unmanned or scrapped

vessels must deposit a " guarantee deposit " ( either in cash or by a letter of guarantee, through the ship's agency ) That bank guarantee must be confirmed by any Egyptian

bank_Plus to the transit dues the value of this Bank guarantee is to be calculated as

follows :

a) 80% of the transit dues to cover the extra expenses for slow speed.

b)A lump sum on account of any damage occurring to SCA property and/or

equipment and installations during transit as follows :

Less than 1000 SC.G.T 4000 U.S Dollars (2)

Up to 2000 SC.G.T 10000 U.S Dollars

Up to 4000 SC.G.T 20000 U.S Dollars

Up to 6000 SC.G.T 30000 U.S Dollars

Up to 10000 SC.G.T 50000 U.S Dollars (3)

In abnormal cases, a higher amount may be imposed.


(1) Not applied for vessels disabled during the transit .

(2) Small craft covered by insurance policy are exempted .

(3) Over 10000 tons gross to be studied case by case . (1)

- 193 -

c)The approximate cost of hiring assisiting tugs "Imposed tugs" ( see Art. 57 P. 76 ) , at a rate of SDR's 17 000 for class-A tug per day or the fraction of a day. And at

a rate of SDR's 53 000 for the salvage tug per day or the fraction of a day, is based on the number of tugs required and the expected duration of transit.

d) ( See Art. 107 ).

Note :The said deposit shall be refunded after deduction of the exact extra expenses, if any.

Art. 101 Berthing Dues(1)


A-Vessels in harbours and not transiting the Canal :

(1) Vessels not intending to transit the Canal and anchoring or mooring in Port Said

Harbour, Timsah Lake, G.B.L. anchorage, have to pay berthing dues as follows :

a) 1st till 10th day.

5 U.S. Cent / SC.N.T / Day

b) 11th till 20 day.

10 U.S. Cent / SC.N.T / Day

c) 21st till 30th day.

20 U.S. Cent / SC.N.T / Day

d) Over 30 days.

30 U.S. Cent / SC.N.T / Day

If the vessel stays more than thirty days and without crew, the SCA has the right

to shift the vessel outside the berthing area at the vessel s owner expense.


(1) For vessels under 300 tons SC.G.T., see Rules of Navigation for Small Craft. (2)Vessels undergoing repairs in the Authority dockyard or floating docks and (2)

- 194 -

(2)Units or vessels authorized by official authorities to offer services in harbour ( as launches, barges, bunkering barges, tugs, floating cranes, floating silos, hopper barges or any floating unit serving the harbour ) : have to pay a rate of ( 5 U.S. Cent / SC.N.T / Day ).

B-Transiting vessels :

(1)Berthing dues are not payable by transiting vessels for the first 24 hours of their arrival in harbour. The un taxable period can be extended if transit of the vessel is delayed due to traffic conditions in the Canal.

(2)If during the Canal transit, a vessel stops in any of the anchorage are as of Bitter Lake, Timsah Lake or the Port Said the vessel shall be required to bay the berthing dues as mentioned in para. A above.

C-Changing berths :

(1) Pilotage dues(1).

(2) Changing berth for tugs(2), at the SCA s request, is free of charge, except vessels staying more than 30 days and without crew(3).

(3) If vessels in Port Said Anchorage Area ( Northern and Southern Anchorages ), or the Bitter Lake or Lake Timsah, and the vessel in Suez anchorage areas change berth or anchorage without the explicit authorization of the SCA, they shall be charged an additional due of ( 5200 U.S. Dollars ) meanwhile in Suez anchorage areas an additional due of ( 3200 U.S. Dollars ).


(1) See Art. 102.

(2) See Art. 104.

(3) See Art. 17 p.47.

- 195 -


Art. 102 Pilotage Dues(1) :

A-Vessels not transiting the Canal :

(1) Port Said :

Pilotage is compulsory for vessels from Anchorage Area to Port or from

Port to sea. The dues are as follows :

Vessel SC.N.T. Day Night

Pilotage Pilotage

Up to 2 500 tons 60 U.S. Dollars 90 U.S. Dollars

Up to 5 000 tons 90 U.S. Dollars 130U.S. Dollars

Up to 10 000 tons 115 U.S. Dollars 175 U.S. Dollars

Up to 20 000 tons 150 U.S. Dollars 220 U.S. Dollars

Up to 30 000 tons 175 U.S. Dollars 260 U.S. Dollars

Up to 50 000 tons 200 U.S. Dollars 300 U.S. Dollars

Over 50 000 tons 230 U.S. Dollars 350 U.S. Dollars

(2)Port of Suez :

a)Pilotage is compulsory from Waiting Area to Port of Suez anchorages areas, from Port of Suez anchorage to Basins(2), also from Basins to Anchorage area or sea. The dues are as per port of Suez Tariff.

b)In case of non-transiting vessels that impeded SC Traffic, the SCA has the right to shift any vessel at the Owners and/or Operators Expenses.

(3)Changing Berth ( Port Said ) :

For changing berth, the Pilotage rate mentioned in para (1) is doubled; in addition, the vessel will have to pay the following :


(1) For vessels under 300 tons SC.G.T., see Rules of Navigation for Small Craft .

(2) Including Ibrahim Basin. Petroleum Basin and Adabiya Docks .

- 196 -

Up to 2 500 tons(1) 30 U.S. Dollars

Up to 5 000 tons 45 U.S. Dollars

Up to 10 000 tons 60 U.S. Dollars

Up to 20 000 tons 75 U.S. Dollars

Up to 30 000 tons 85 U.S. Dollars

Up to 50 000 tons 100 U.S. Dollars

Over 50 000 tons 115 U.S. Dollars

B-Vessels transiting the Canal :

(1) Pilotage dues are not payable by vessels transiting the Canal :

a) Southbound from Port Said Anchorage Area to Km. 162, pilotage

dues are payable from Km. 162 to Hm. 80 south or to Port Suez anchorages. b) Northbound, vessels pay pilotage dues from the anchorage area of VLCC’s or the waiting area to Port Suez anchorages areas. They also pay pilotage dues from the Port of Suez anchorage area to Km. 162. From Km. 162 Northward, no pilotage dues are payable for Transiting vessels.

(2) In all cases when the pilot is disembarked and another pilot comes on board,

owing to vessel stopping in Canal Water for any reason relating to the vessel herself, such as engine trouble, steering trouble, etc ..., the vessel will pay the charges for the new pilot as mentioned in para C. hereafter.

C-Extra Pilot Dues :

In case of having any extra pilot on board, the vessel shall pay extra dues of ( 300 U.S. Dollars ) per Canal Pilot and ( 150 U.S. Dollars ) per Roads Pilot. Vessels with bad visibility will pay the dues for extra pilots if such vessel is

piloted by one pilot only, she will pay 50% of these rates.


(1) Transit dues are levied on SC.N.T.

- 197 -

D-Moving in SC Water without Pilot’s Assistance(1):

(1)Whenever a vessel without authorization of the SCA moves in Canal water or Port Said Harbour without having a Pilot on board, she shall be charged an additional charge of ( 21 500 U.S. Dollars ).

(2)An additional charge of ( 3 200 U.S. Dollars ) shall be charged to vessels moving without authorization of SCA in Port of Suez Anchorages, or entering or leaving Basins at Port of Suez without having a pilot on board(2).

These impositions do not apply in the event of the pilot being suddenly unable to carry on with his duties owing to sickness or death(3).

E-Calling Pilot Unnecessarily :

When a vessel signals for pilot, and it is found when boarding, that she is not ready to get underway in the limited time, the vessel is liable to be delayed and pilot disembarked.

The vessel will pay extra pilot dues for the new pilot.

Art. 103 Trial Charges :

For the safety of navigation, trials may by requested by the SCA before entering the Canal or resuming the transit.

A pilot will supervise the trails.

A charge of ( 170 U.S. Dollars ) is to be paid by the vessel for each pilot or Canal expert for each trial.

If trials are made outside Canal water. The charge will be ( 340 U.S. Dollars ).


(1) For vessels under 300 tons SC.G.T., see Rules of Navigation for Small Craft.

- 198 -

Art. 104 Charges for SCA Tugboats :

The charges will be Levied according to the latest circular to be issued by SCA.

A-Charges for harbour tugs applied at Port Said harbour :

(1)Vessels transiting the Canal are free of charge.

(2)For other vessels charges, are payable for mooring or getting under way: Will be levied according to the latest circular to be issued by

SCA. These charge are payable each time the CA sends one or two tugs to assist in maneuvering the vessel.

(3)The charges are doubled when a vessel change its berth.

B-Rates of Escorting Tugboats ( see Art. 58 ):

A unified Canal passage rate of 8 000 SDR. is to be paid for each escorting tug in the all cases stated in Art. 58 page 78.

C-Hire of Tugboats :

(1) Tariff per tug :

Will be Levied according to the latest circular to be issued by SCA.

a)Hire is reckoned from the time of starting preparations to get underway and ceases when tug returns to its base.

b)Fractions of an hour will be reckoned as full hour.

c)Hire charges are increased by 10% when tug is used after official working hours or on Fridays or Public Holidays.

d)Hire charges are increased by 100% when tug is used outside canal waters.

- 199 -

e)Hire charges outside the Territorial Water are to be agreed upon with SCA. f)This tariff may be revised every 3 months without notice.

(2) The tariff is applied in the following cases :

a)Towing of vessel or floating unit in Canal Water.

b)If the towed vessel or unit calls for the assistance of one or more of the Authority tugs to help or escort during the towing operation. Or if the Authority considers it necessary to escort the towed unit by one or more of its tugboats to ensure the safety of transit.

c)In case SCA Officials consider the transit of a vessel dangerous to navigation due to defects in the vessel, such as engine trouble, etc. ..., or bad view. In such case the vessel will be escorted by tug or more.

d)When a vessel stops in the Canal itself in consequence of an accident other than ( collision, engine troubles, auxiliary and steering gear troubles ) CA, in order to clear the way with all possible speed, and to get her underway, will assist by the necessary tugs to afloat her, free of charge.

(3) Hire of Plant other than tugboats :

The tariff for the hire of other plant is at the disposal of clients at SC Offices.

- 200 -


Art. 105 Additional Dues -Various :

Additional Dues In U.S. Dollars

(1) Boat drill ( Violation of the indication to carry out

boat drills ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1000

(2) Alteration of date or cancellation of the booking for transit :

a) VLCC s, ULCC s, LNG, and similar vessel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1500

b) Other vessels .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 c) Booking a berth at Port Said Harbour for commercial

operations, bunkering, repairs etc, cancellation before

6 hours or less before arrival to Port said .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300

(3) Changing berths or anchorages without authorization :

a) Port said Anchorage Area, Bitter Lakes, Timsah

Lake .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5200 b) Suez Anchorage areas .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3200

(4) Declaration ( erroneous declaration ), see Art. 99

p. 187 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43000

(5) Embarking and (or) disembarking persons without

authorization .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300

(6) Firing shots .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1000

(7) Overtaking underway without authorization .. .. .. 43000

(8) Picking objects from water without authorization 1000

(9) Pilots:

a) Accommodation for pilot unavailable .. .. .. .. .. .. 1000 per relieving pilot

- 201-

b) Accommodation ladder unavailable, entailing

relief of pilot in Bitter Lakes instead of Timsah Lake . . . . 1000

per relieving pilot

c) Extra pilots :

Canal Pilot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300

per pilot

Roads Pilot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150

per pilot

d) Navigation or movement without pilot : 2- In Port Said Harbour .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

3- In Suez Anchorage areas .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

5- In Port of Suez Basins .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

e) Pilot’s advice concerning orders issued from SCA

( refusal of execution ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21500

f) Pilotage dues for tugs or salvage tugs not belonging

to SCA, carrying out towage .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 450

- 202 -

(10) a) Throwing wastes or any objects .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5000

b) Venting gas .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 20000 Welding without

Metal cutting authorization .. .. .. .. 5000

Operation requiring

use of heat

(12) Slow speed :

a) Vessels ( See Art. 100 ) P 189 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

b) Towed units and unmanned or disabled or scrapped vessels

( See Art. 100 ) P189 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

(13) Vessels indicators ( rudder and/or engine RPM ):

a) Same indicators still defective or still not installed:

The 2nd consecutive transit and each following transit . . . . . . 4500

b) Both indicators still defective or still not installed :

The 2nd consecutive transit and each following transit . ., . . . . 7500

(14) Deck Load protrusion in excess :

- 2% of transit dues on each foot or fraction in

excess of the maximum breadth authorized by Art. 26. P.54

-203 -

Additional Dues In U.S. Dollars

(15) Semi submersible Ships loaded with drilling rigs

or large floating units 300 SC.G.T. and above

or large units of 250 metric ton or more are subjected

to 125% of transit dues, plus 2% of transit dues for

each foot or fraction in excess of the maximum breadth

authorized ( see Art. 26 & p. 91 )

(16) Heavy lift ships carrying on board floating units of 300

tons or more SC.G.T. are subject to 300% of transit dues

of the floating units. and if carrying large units ( non

floating ) of weight not less than 250 metric tons are

subject to 50% of transit dues of the ship.

(17) Other self steering vessels carrying floating units are

subjected to 100% of the to floating units SC.G.T. ( except

general cargo ships ) plus 2% of transit dues for each foot

or fraction of foot in excess of the maximum breadth

authorized ( see Art. 26 & p. 92 )

(18) Navy and auxiliary ships belonging to different countries,

and ships loaded with any military cargoes an addition

of 25% of transit dues is to be added owing to special


(19) Searchlight and/or electrical connections not in conformity

with SCA Rules for the 3rd transit and each following

transit .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4300

(20) Diving in Canal water without authorization .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43000

- 204 -



Art. 106 Determination of Payment of Suez Canal Dues :

(1) The SC dues rates are determined on the basis of SDR units ( Special Drawing Rights ).

(2) Dues are calculated on this basis are payable in one of the acceptable currencies according to their rates in relation to SDR as declared in the latest bulletin issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

(3) The acceptable currencies for dues payment are :

-US Dollar -Swedish Krona

-Euro -Danish Krone

-Sterling Pound -Norwegian Krone

-Japanese Yen -Swiss Franc

-Canadian Dollar

The chosen currency must be declared in the statistical declaration submitted to the SCA by dues payer.

(4) Canal dues may be paid in Egyptian pounds when the vessel fulfill the following conditions :

a) Vessels under the Egyptian flag.

b) The owner s nationality is Egyptian.

c) If the charter is Egyptian, in this case chartering agreements must be


(5) Dues must be paid to the SCA, through an authorized agent prior to the vessel s transit according to the SCA Regulation(1), using a bank account, Bank draft cheques and certified cheques are also acceptable.


(1) Dues of Navy ships can be paid through their embassies in Egypt.

- 205-


(6)Exemption of Canal Dues :

The following vessels may be exempted from Canal dues :

a)Vessels belonging to the Egyptian Government, provided

that they do not carry any cargo or passengers

b) Vessels belonging to the United Nations and Multi

National Forces.

c)Motor boats belonging to authorized agents, on

condition that they are not carrying passengers.

Art. 107- The System that regulate dealing with agents regarding

the method of paying transit dues and additional guarantee

is determined by the SCA regulations.


- 206 -




- 207 -



Art. 108 – DEFINITIONS :

For the purpose of these regulations, the meaning of the terms and expressions mentioned in each of the following articles will be as defined in the respective subparagraph :

(1) “ Dangerous Cargo ” Means the following :

a) Any substance whether packaged or in bulk, intended for carriage or storage and having properties coming in the classes listed in the I.M.D.G. Code as amended from time to time. b) Any substance shipped in bulk not coming within the I.M.D.G Code classes but is subject to the requirements of the Codes for the dangerous chemical in bulk, liquefied gases in bulk and solid bulk as amended from time to time.

(2) “ Packaged Dangerous Goods ” Means any dangerous cargo contained in a receptacle, portable tank, freight container or vehicle. The term includes an empty receptacle, portable tank which has previously been used for the carriage of a dangerous substance, unless such receptacle or tank has been cleaned and permits transport with safety.

(3) “ Hazardous Wastes ” Means wastes having hazard characteristics according to Basel

Convention and its amendments on the control of trans boundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal.

(4) “ Dangerous Cargo in Bulk ” Means any dangerous substance, carried without any

intermediate form of containment, in a tank or cargo space which is a structural part of a vessel or in a tank permanently fixed in or on a vessel.

- 209 -

(5) “ Petroleum ” : reference to Petroleum in these Regulations shall be deemed to include all products such as : Rock oil, Rangoon oil, Burmah oil, oil made from petroleum, rosin, boghead, coal, schist, shale peat and other bituminous substances, any products of petroleum, and any of the above mentioned oils, ( such as benzene, kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil, toluene, turpentine, paraffin wax ... etc. ).

For the purpose of these Regulations, Petroleum is classified :

a) Grade A – Those of the above mentioned products or any other not mentioned and having a flash point below 23 degrees Centigrade ( 73o Fahrenheit ).

b) Grade B – Those of the above mentioned products or any other not mentioned having a flash point between 23 degrees Centigrade ( 73o F ) and 66 degrees Centigrade ( 150o F ).

c) Grade C – Those of the above mentioned products or any other not mentioned having a flash point above 66 degrees Centigrade ( 150o F ).

(6) “ Tanker ” Means any vessel that transports bulk inflammable liquids. She shall

comply with standards of “ SOLAS 74/78” and its amendments and must be classified in one of the Recognized Classification Societies belonging to the IACS to carry inflammable liquids ( petroleum ) and still under its supervision.

(7) “ F. P. ” Means Flash Point for petroleum and must be ascertained by Open Cup test or any other closed test of an equal degree of accuracy.

(8) “ I.G.” Means Inert Gas used in cargo tanks and must be checked to ensure that the oxygen concentration is below the required level and the mixture of gases are below the flammable limit, i.e. can be considered as free from explosive gases.

(9) “ N.G.F.” Means Non Gas Free, i.e. not sufficiently free at the time of test from toxic and explosive gas.

- 210 -


(10) “ I.G.C ” Means the International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk as amended.

(11) “ Liquefied inflammable gas carrier ” Means any vessel that transports bulk liquefied inflammable gas. She shall comply with the standards of “ SOLAS 74/78 ” and its

amendments and must be constructed according to I.G.C code as amended or to standards at least as effective, and must be classified in one of the classification societies belonging to IACS and still under its supervision.

(12) “ I.B.C ” Means the International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemical in bulk, as amended.

(13) “ Dangerous chemicals in bulk Carrier ” Means any vessel that transports bulk

dangerous chemical. She shall comply with the standards of “ SOLAS 74/78” and its amendments and must be constructed according to I.B.C code as amended or to standards at least as effective, and must be classified in one of the classification societies belonging to IACS, and still under its supervision.

(14) “ Code for solid bulk ” Means the code of safe practice for solid bulk cargoes.

(15) “ Prohibited Goods ” Means :

a) Any goods which are specified by “ I.M.D.G ” code as carriage prohibited.

b) Bulk dangerous cargoes not listed in the code of dangerous chemical in bulk,

the code of liquefied gases in bulk or solid bulk code.

c) Dangerous cargoes that are not listed on ship certificate of fitness.

d) Dangerous cargoes that are not listed in dangerous cargo manifest

( See Art. 113 ).

- 211 -

e) Any goods which are not fulfilling with cargo requirements in these Rules.

(16) “ MARPOL 73/78 ” Means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, as amended .

(17) “ I.O.P.P Certificate” Means the I.M.O International Oil Pollution Prevention certificate, certifying that the ship has been surveyed in accordance to “ MARPOL 73/78 ”(1) and its amendments.

(18) “ Certificate of Fitness ” Means a certificate issued by a national government, or

society on behalf of government, certifying that the construction and equipment of the ship are in accordance with the I.B.C code or I.G.C code or to standards at least as effective.

(19) ISM means the International code for the safety and management of ships operation and pollution prevention.

Art. 109 – Preliminary Regulations :

(1) These regulations apply to the transport of dangerous goods through the S.C., as


(2) The classification in these regulations are in accordance with I.M.D.G code

and its amendments.

(3) Dangerous cargoes in these regulations are divided as follows :

a) The dangerous packaged goods, as classified in accordance with I.M.D.G.

code and its amendments.

b) The dangerous cargoes in bulk ( Petroleum, liquefied inflammable gases and

dangerous chemicals ).

c) The radioactive substances, as mentioned in Class 7 of I.M.D.G code and its



(1) ( See Art 119 ).

- 212 -

4) All dangerous cargo alarms, safety equipment and fire fighting equipment must be checked within 24 hours prior to the arrival to S.C. The ship's log shall be available for inspection by the boarding pilot or inspector.

(5) SCA may consult a recognized surveyor, where such consultation is required by the SCA.

(6) Advanced notice of arrival must reach the CA Port Offices at least 48 hours before the vessel's arrival to the Canal entrances.

(7) The Master, owner and/or operator is responsible for any damage, direct or

indirect, caused to CA or to third party, which may result by presence of

dangerous goods on board of his vessel, during passage the Suez Canal or existence in Canal water.

They are also is responsible for the loading of the cargo, handling and the stowage of dangerous goods on board of the vessel, and that the dangerous goods have been

packed in a good manner adequate to withstand the ordinary risks of transport. ( See also, Art. 4, Art. 60 ).

(8) Vessels Carrying dangerous good must comply with the standards of SOLAS

74/78 as amended and must be classified in one of the recognized classification societies belonging to the IACS and still under its supervision.

(9) A vessels arriving in the S.C. without fulfilling the required regulations shall be considered as a danger for navigation and the security of the Canal and shall bear full responsibility if not authorized to enter the harbour or handle other goods or transit the Canal. She will also bear the responsibility for any information given which

- 213 -

may subsquently prove to be inaccurate(1) besides the other responsibilities provided for in common law.

(10) Loading, packing labeling, marking stowage, segregation and inspection certificate shall be in compliance with the I.M.D.G code and its amendments.

(11) Any vessel carrying dangerous goods or dangerous cargoes in bulk must hoist the special signal indicating the nature of her goods before entering SC ( See page 157 ), The master must state the fact to pilot as soon as he arrives on board, he must comply with the Regulation Art. 113, 121, 130 concerning certificates and declarations.

The Agent of vessel carrying Radio Active substances should advise S.C.A and the

A.E.E.(2) of the time of arrival of the vessel at least 48 hours in advance.

The vessel bears the responsibility of her delay in entering the harbour and transiting the Canal resulting from a delay in giving notice of her arrival(3).

(12) Any vessel carrying dangerous goods shall be assigned a berth or mooring place at Port Said, such place will be selected by the SC port-office ( according to the information sent in advance and declaration of the master ).

Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes in bulk are only allowed to have a berth at Port Said Outer Harbour Basin Except gas free carriers and tankers carrying Grade C only. Vessels carrying Grade A or liquefied inflammable gas should avoid using anchor when berthing.


(1) See Additional dues Art. 105.

(2) See Art 129, 132.

(3) Notice of arrival must include kind, quantity and number of packages radio active substances.

- 214 -




Art. 110 – General Terms and Conditions :

A – Grouping System :

For purpose of berthing and cargo handling each of IMDG classes ( Except Class 7, radioactive, See Chapter XVIII ) is further divided by SCA into three groups, These groups are as follows :

(1) Group 1 : Substances representing high danger : no handling is allowed either for ordinary goods or dangerous goods; vessels carrying these substances are only allowed to have a berth at Port Said outer harbour, bunkers taking place at the outer harbour basin.

(2) Group 2 : Substances representing medium danger, handling of cargo is allowed as follows : a) Containers can be handled in the inner harbour.

b) General Cargo vessels(1) can be handled by isolating the vessel in Port Said outer harbour basin. A vessel carrying not more than 100 tons total of these substances will not be given a special berth for handling the ordinary cargoes, providing holds containing these dangerous substances is kept closed while ordinary cargoes are being handled on these vessels.

(3) Group 3 : Substances representing minor danger : vessels carrying these substances shall be considered as ordinary vessel.


(1) Except dangerous substances of Group 2 in Containers.

- 215 -


B – Description of Groups in Different IMDG Classes :

(1) Group 1 : ( Substances representing high danger ) :

It contains the following :

a) Class 1, explosives, ( div. 1.1, div. 1.2 and div. 1.3 ).

b) Class 2, gases in large welded receptacles.

c) Class 3, Inflammable liquids ( div. 3.1 and div. 3.2 ) in large welded receptacles.

d) Discovery of substances of its existence and/or stowage on board the ship, the Master has no knowledge(1).

e) Hazardous wastes.

(2) Group 2 : ( Substances representing medium danger ) :

It contains all substances of the Classes which do not belong to either Group 1 or

Group 3.

(3) Group 3 : ( Substances representing minor danger ) :

It contains the following :

a) Class 1, explosives, ( div. 1.5, ).

b) Class 2, gases ( non flammable compressed gas only ).

c) Class 3, Inflammable liquids ( high flash point group only ).

d) Substances in Class 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of minor danger.

(4) Vessels carrying more than one group at the same time will be treated as vessel of the higher dangerous group.

Art. 111 – Hazardous Wastes :

In respect of Hazardous Wastes, transit documents according to Basel convention ( BC ) must be sent to both E.E.A.A. and SCA for prior approval. The transit of the Hazardous Wastes is not granted until SCA receives the E.E.A.A. approval.


(1) Additional dues according to Art. 105 p. 201.

- 216 -

Art. 112 : Vessels Carrying Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantities :

Limited quantities of dangerous goods can be carried according to I.M.D.G code and the Certificate of Compliance specified by these Rules must be produced to SCA on arrival of the vessel to Canal entrances.

Art. 113 : Certificates and Declarations :

(1) The Master of the vessel shall submit to the CA’s Officials on arrival the list or the manifest or the stowage plan for the dangerous goods placed in the vessel signed by the ship owners and/or their representatives and approved by an official authority of the port of loading and includes the following :

a) The chemical name and the quantities of the dangerous goods classified in accordance to IMDG.

b) The substances group as according to Art.110-B of these Rules.

c) Certificate of complying with cargo requirements.

d) The flash point for inflammable substances in degrees centigrade, if applicable.

(2) Further, the Master of the vessel must furnish a signed SC declaration which will be handed to him by the pilot when he comes on board or through vessel’s Agent.

Art. 114 : Compensation Warranty :

The Master shall submit a certificate issued by an official Recognized Authority in charge of the protection and compensation of ship owners against damage, and approved by SCA, this certificate must indemnify SCA & third party against any compensation for all kind of damage that may occur directly or indirectly, to the environment and shall pay all expenses incurred for its removal, cleaning costs and all compensations.

- 217 -

Art. 115 : Permission to take in provisions and fuel or to handle cargo :

(1) Vessels of group 2 and 3 enter SC, take in provisions and fuel and handle cargo within the limits set in Art. 110-A.

(2) When taking in provision or fuel, they must begin the necessary operations at once, carry them out as quickly as possible and be ready to enter the Canal immediately afterwards.

Except in case of emergency, of which CA shall be sole judge, such operations shall not last more than 12 hours.

Art. 116 – Permission to carry out Repairs :

The CA’s Shipyard shall be sole judge whether or not repairing operation can be done. Art. 117 : Control :

(1) The CA reserves the right to inspect the stowage and state of dangerous goods, and if the information given is found to be incorrect(1), access to the Canal may be forbidden or the change of berth necessary shall be at vessel’s cost(2).

(2) For the safety of the navigation, the Harbour master is entitled to stipulate any further safety measures that are required with regard to local conditions, other vessels traffic and other circumstances.

(3) During the whole stay in SC, vessels carrying dangerous goods from any group shall comply with the instructions of Appendix No. 4 for their respective groups.


(1) See Art. 77.

(2) See Additional dues Art. 105.

- 218 -




Art. 118 – General Terms and Conditions :

A – Tankers in Ballast or Vessels Carrying Grade C Only :

(1) Tankers in ballast and vessels carrying Grade C only are deemed to be ordinary ( non

dangerous ) vessels, if they have been rendered gas free or free from inflammable gases since they last carried Grade A or Grade B. They are not subject to any of the foregoing

regulations, but the Master must sign the declaration which will be handed to him by the pilot when he comes onboard and hand it to the CA Officials ( See Appendix 3 ).

(2) Tankers in ballast and vessels carrying part cargo of Grade C without having been rendered gas free or free from inflammable gases since they last carried Grade A or Grade B, are subject to these Regulations.

(3) Tankers or vessels carrying two grades of hazardous cargoes at the same time, will be treated as vessels of the grade corresponding to that of the more volatile product.

B – Liquefied gas Carrier in Ballast :

Liquefied inflammable gas carrier in ballast are to be ordinary vessels, if they have been rendered gas free or free from any inflammable gas.

- 219 -

Art. 119 – Pollution Prevention(1) :

Ballast tankers required to reduce their draught for transiting the Canal must discharge clean ballast water according to IMO regulations.

Art. 120 – Safety Regulation for tankers and dangerous cargo in bulk :

(1) Further to Regulations of Appendix No. 4, the vessel shall conform to the requirements of SOLAS 74/78 and its amendments and must be constructed according to I.B.C and I.G.C codes as amended from time to time or to standards at least as effective, and must be classified in one of the classification societies belonging to IACS and still under its supervision.

(2) The vessels must have outside her cargo tanks, non dangerous substances ( clean ballast water, fuel oil, etc. ) which can, if needed, be easily and safely unloaded, in sufficient quantity to reduce her draught by one foot ( 30 cm.), for tankers and by 3 feet ( 90 cm.), for vessels carrying liquefied inflammable gases or dangerous chemicals in bulk.

(3) Vessels carrying Grade A must also comply with the following requirement :

a) Two mooring boats immediately available; that is to say, slung outboard, ready for


b) Fire wires made fast one forward and one aft and hung over the vessel’s side ready for use, so that a tow rope can be easily fastened there to by a tug in an emergency. c) A special searchlight for night transit ( See Art. 28 ).


(1) See Article 64.

- 220 -


Art. 121 – Certificates and Declarations :

The Master shall hand to the SC Port Offices Declaration I and Declaration II, Appendix 3 ( see page 230, 231 ).

Art. 122 – Permission to Take in Provisions and fuel :

(1) All these operations are Not Allowed for N.G.F. tankers ( Grade A or B ) and N.G.F. Liquefied inflammable gases.

(2) All these operations are Not Allowed for Tankers carrying Grade A.

(3) All these operations are Not Allowed for liquefied inflammable gas carriers and dangerous chemicals in Bulk carriers.

(4) All these operations are Not Allowed for Tankers in ballast and vessels carrying part cargo of Grade C without having been rendered gas free from inflammable gases since they last carried Grade A or Grade B goods.

(5) Fuelling is only allowed by a permission from the Harbour Master for Tankers in ballast and contain Grade B vapors, also for Tankers loaded with Grade B and Tankers loaded with Grade C and contain Grade B vapors.

(6) All above mentioned operations are allowed for gas free carriers, or free from

inflammable gases, also for tankers loaded with Grade C.

- 221 -

Art. 123 – Permission to Handle Cargo :

A – Cargoes of Grade A in bulk or in receptacles, and cargoes of

Grade B in bulk :

Handling of cargo not allowed, except upon special application in advance. Shipping and handling of receptacles of Grade A or Grade B at specially appointed places may by carried out, provided the Regulations of Appendix No. 5 are complied with, and barges, lighters, and tugs satisfy the requirements of Appendix No. 5 ( D - 6, 7, 8, 9 ) and are approved by SCA.

B – Cargoes of Grade B in Receptacles :

For the purpose of cargo handling, Grade B is regarded as vessels carrying dangerous goods of the second group.

C – Liquefied inflammable gas and dangerous chemicals in bulk carriers :

Handling of cargo is Not allowed.

Art. 124 – Permission to Carry Out Repairs :

(1) No repairs that involve burning, welding, riveting, other hot work, high speed drilling,

chipping, hammering, or other similar operations to any compartment or pipe line which has contained petroleum shall be begun or carried out in any vessel unless a certificate issued from a recognized chemist certifies that he has examined the vessel or such part of the vessel and he finds that is free from inflammable vapors, and safe for such operations

(2) The CA’s Shipyard shall be sole judge whether or not repairing operations can be done in case of emergency.

- 222 -

Art. 125 – Precautions on board :

During the whole of their stay in SC, vessels carrying dangerous chemical and liquefied gases, Petroleum Grade A or B or N.G.F. Carriers shall comply with the regulations of Appendix No. 4 .

The Handling on board of any vessel with liquid having a flash point of or below 66 degrees Centigrade ( 150o Fahrenheit ) is strictly prohibited. The handling of receptacles of Grade A petroleum is however, allowed within the conditions specified in Art. 123-A.

Further, no craft with a naked fire shall come or remain alongside a vessel carrying benzene, or liquefied inflammable gases.

Art. 126 – Control :

Chemicals in bulk must help CA’s officials by all possible means to inspect the vessels installations.

The CA reserves the right, after inspection of the vessel by its officials, to refuse transit, if sufficient precautions have not been taken, to obviate any danger of fire during her stay in S.C.


- 223 -




Art. 127 – General Terms and Conditions :

Generalities - Documents - Grouping :

(1) Art. 109, Art 112 - shall be applied.

(2) Permission is granted to carry through the SC radioactive goods on condition that the following documents are produced :

a) Documents proving that vessel carrying radioactive substance has complied with conditions and prescriptions contained in those laws and rules in force in the exporting country and with the conditions and prescriptions recommended by the I.M.D.G code or that of the IAEA.

b) Compensation warranty document covering all direct or indirect damage that may be caused by the presence of radioactive substances on board.

c) The master of the vessel must furnish a signed declaration ( see Appendix 3 ) pages ( 232- 239 ), each declaration concerns one of the two basic groups :

1 – Declaration III, Group 1 Radioactive, which includes, fissile materials. i.e. artificially produced nuclear substances such as enriched uranium, uranium-235 and plutonium-239, which under certain conditions are capable of undergoing fission, and irradiated uranium and other fissile material.

2 – Declaration IV, Group 2 Radioactive, which includes radioactive goods stated by I.M.D.G code as exemption, Uranium ores and concentrate, natural uranium and

thorium, radio isotopes for medical, agricultural, scientific or industrial use, irradiated specimens of metals or minerals except those which fall within declaration III above.

- 224 -

Art. 128 – Vessels Carrying Exemption Radioactive Substances :

Vessels carrying substances which are stated by I.M.D.G code as exemption are deemed to be ordinary vessels, provided they satisfy conditions in Art. 109 above.

Art. 129– The Authority’s Approval of Transportation of the Substances :

(1) In respect of substances of Group 1 radioactive, Prior Approval of Authority for the transit of goods before shipment, is required and is not granted until approval of A.E.E. is notified to the Authority.

(2) In respect of Group 2 radioactive, The Master of the vessel shall hand to the Agency on

arrival, all the documents concerning the goods for checking and ascertaining the authenticity of the details contained therein that these formalities are sufficient.

Art. 130 – Certificates and Declarations :

The Master of a vessel shall hand to the CA’s representatives, on arrival, a list or manifest or stowage plan for dangerous goods places in the vessel signed by the ship owners and/or their representatives at the port of loading and including the following :

(1) Full and clear details concerning the goods, and mentioning its kind, quantity, weight, etc. shall be furnished on declaration form to the Authority.

(2) Information in respect of goods of radioactive substances which do not require special formalities and are excluded of the regulations concerning radioactive substances and those concerning protection issued by the IAEA, must also be furnished to the Authority. Such information must also be in the possession of the Master to be produced to the SCA inspector on request.

- 225 -


Art. 131 – Compensation Warranty :

(1) The Master shall hand the following Warranty Documents to SCA. These documents are to be kept by the Authority.

(2) In respect of substances of Group 1 Radioactive the Master shall hand one of the two following documents :

a) Either an insurance Policy issued by an approved protection and insurance organization for a preliminary amount of twenty Million U.S. Dollars with a guarantee certificate issued

by a recognized Atomic Energy Organization Establishment. The SCA is entitled to

request the increase of the insurance in any case when the circumstances of any load

require such an increase pursuant to a technical study by the experts of A.E.E. or.

b) A full engagement ( guarantee ) with unlimited compensation amount from the recognized exporting Atomic Energy Authority, accompanied by a guarantee certificate issued by its

government, covering the compensation. The guarantee must also fulfil all legal conditions

according to the laws of the guaranteeing country and bind its government.

(3) In respect of substances of Group 2 Radioactive the Master shall hand a certificate issued by an official recognized Authority in charge of the protection and compensation of shipowners against damage, and approved by SCA, this certificate must indemnify against any compensation for all kind of damage due to the passage of the vessel.

(4) The following provisions must also be enforced :

- 226 -

a) The compensation guarantee document of whatever kind ( documents - insurance guarantee - engagements ) must explicitly provide that the victims shall receive

compensation for all direct and indirect damage resulting from the radioactivity of the

load for the time during which the vessel stays in the SC or its lakes, including the two

entrances and their vicinity and also the port of Suez and its entrance and their vicinity.

b) This document shall remain good as long as there exist a possibility that damage may occur as a result of the transit of the shipment, according to what SC will decide in this


c) Payment of compensation in all cases mentioned in paragraphs above shall be based on the mere occurrence of a damage resulting from the load whether at present or in

future. It is sufficient that the mere occurrence of damage generates the right for

compensation without need for indicating the causes.

d) In Case of any accident resulting from the transit of an atomic shipment or radioactive substances of any kind, courts of the A.R.E. are solely and exclusively competent to

decide thereof in claims of damage compensation and all that may be connected with

the accident or its direct or indirect consequences. The sentence shall be executor in

any country and the insurance mentioned in these regulations shall be a guarantee for

the execution of the sentence rendered by A.R.E. courts, without any other formalities.

e) Ship owners and/or operators whose vessels carry radioactive substances transiting the Canal must undertake, in the country of registration of these vessels, all measures

ensuring that the government of such country shall respect the above prescriptions.

- 227 -

Art. 132 – Experts of the Atomic Energy Establishments A.E.E. :

(1) Experts of the A.E.E. may go on board to inspect and examine the load, make the radioactive measures, make sure they are good(1) and approve them before the vessel enters the port, to take a decision in the following matters :

a) Loading, labeling packing stowage, segregation is in compliance with IMDG code classes.

b) Handling of other goods inside and outside the vessel.

c) Transporting the radioactive load to another vessel or to shore.

d) Authorizing the vessel to make repairs in the port and take supplies.

(2) The A.E.E. experts may decide for safety requirement to accompany the load from the moment it enters the Territorial water of the A.R.E. till it leaves. In such a case, the vessel’s Agent has to arrange with the vessel for ensuring their comfort while aboard and Masters tender every assistance requested by the representatives of the A.E.E. and those accompanying the load and comply with their advice concerning the safety requirement of radioactive substances.

(3) The vessel bears the traveling expenses of A.E.E. experts to reach the vessel and their return expenses. The vessel’s Agent shall pay these expenses if claimed by the A.E.E. and also the cost of the needed works carried out by A.E.E. experts.


(1) See Art 77.

- 228 -

Art. 133 – Organization of the Transit :

(1) Vessels carrying radioactive substances Group 1 Radioactive; Southbound : may be put at the end of the No. 1 convoy; Northbound : may be put at the end of convoy.

During transit, an interval of 20 minutes at least must be put between these vessels and the preceding vessel. They may also transit convoyed by a salvage tug at the vessel’s expenses and the Agent must in this case file an order to this effect if it is necessary for safety.

(2) Vessels carrying radioactive substances Group 2 Radioactive have no special regulation with respect to their position in the convoys.


- 229 -



( Packaged / Bulk Dangerous Cargoes )

I, the undersigned, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Master of M/V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

owned by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , carrying dangerous cargoes (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

as shown on list herewith, enclosed and established according to Suez Canal Rules of Navigation for vessels carrying dangerous cargo, do hereby declare and certify, on behalf of the owners, as follows :

(1) The vessel is specially classed for the carriage of (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

and Classed (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(2) The vessel’s safety equipment and radio telegraphy were inspected under the

authority of (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , and are in good working conditions.

(2) The cargo (5) has been packed, stowed and segregated in accordance with IMDG

code, and has not been disturbed.

(4) The vessel ( has been/has not been ) rendered gas free or free from explosive gases (6).


(1) State the type of cargoes, packaged or bulk.

(2) State the kind of cargoes according to IMO codes.

(3) State in which of the IACS societies the vessel is classed and still under supervision.

(4) Inspector, Port Authority officials, etc., as the case may be.

(5) Only for packaged dangerous goods.

(6) Only for ballast tanker which carried Grade A or Grade B petroleum or liquefied inflammable

gases in bulk.

- 230 -

Palace and Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master’s Signature : . . . . . . . . . . .



Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vessel’s Name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registry : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vessel’s Owner : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vessel’s Operator : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agent : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(1) Issued from one of IACS and still under its supervision. (2) Including ISM requirement.

Master’s Signature : ……….…

- 231 -

Technical and Protection Information in Respect of Consignments of Group 1 Radioactive Substances

on Vessels Transiting SC

( Page 1 )

( All items must be completed. If any of the items in this statement is not applicable, the letters “ N.A.” should be inserted ).

Name of vessel : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nationality : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master’s Name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Port of entry : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date of transit : . . . . . . . . . . . Port of loading : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port of destination : . . . . . . . . (1) Regulations according to which the packing is prepared for transportation. (2) Number of packages containing fissile materials, their marks and serial numbers.

(3) Required information on packages characteristics ( Similar packages with the same contents should be mentioned together with indication of their marks and serial number ) :

a) Marks and serial number (1). b) Colour category.

c) Dimensions in cms ( indicate whether it is large radioactive source ). d) Type of packing.

e) Nature and quantity of the fissile materials present in M.C. each package. f) Class category. g) Weight.


(1) Marks and serial number of packages containing defected fuel elements should be underline.

- 232 -

( Page 2 )

__________________________________________________________________________ a – b – c – d – e – f – g –

__________________________________________________________________________ a – b – c – d – e – f – g –

_________________________________________________________________________ a – b – c – d – e – f – g –

__________________________________________________________________________ a – b – c – d – e – f – g –

- 233 -


( Page 3 )

( 4 ) Radiation level in mr equivalent per hr. at :

a) External surface.

b) One meter from external surface. c) Two meters from full load.

( 5 ) Precautions required on a routine basis.

( 6 ) Precautions to be taken in case of accident or unexpected delay. ( 7 ) Physical and chemical state of the fissile materials in the packages. ( 8 ) Max. temperature at surface of the package during transport (1). ( 9 ) Any information known about the following :

a) Coolant inside the package.

b) Neutron absorbing material within the package.

c) Moderating or reflecting material inside the package.

(10) Number, date and competent authority issuing the packing certificate (2). (11) Stowage conditions of packages ( where and how ). (12) Depth of screening by other cargo or bulkheads in meters. (13) Statement of presence of :

a) Explosive materials. b) Inflammable materials.

c) Spontaneously inflammable materials. d) Corrosive materials. e) Oxidizing materials. f) Compressed gases. g) Liquefied gases. h) Any other materials.


(1) This item applies only to irradiated fuel in process quantities.

(2) A copy of this certificate is required if package contains irradiated fuel in process quantities.

- 234 -


( Page 4 )

(14) The following certificate must be signed by the technical person responsible for these shipments and recognized by the Master of vessel on behalf of the ship owner :

“ We the undersigned certify that the information given in 1 to 14 is surely correct and that the

packing of these fissile materials and marking and labeling on the packages are in accordance with”.

“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”

– Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – Stamp of vessel


N.B. : Items 1 to 12 should be filled and forwarded to the Suez Canal Authority before the vessel leaves

her port of loading.

Signature: ………….

Master’s Signature : ……….

- 235 -


Technical and Protection Information in Respect of

Consignments of Group 2 Radioactive Substances

on Vessels Transiting SC

( Page 1 )

( All items must be completed. If any of the items in this statement is not applicable, the letters

“ N.A.” should be inserted ).

Name of vessel : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nationality : . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Master’s Name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Port of entry : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date of transit : . . . . . . . . . . .

Port of loading : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port of destination : . . . . . . . .

(1) Regulations according to which the packing is prepared for transportation.

(2) Appropriate information related to the radioactive material :

a) Material and group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b) Activity in M.C. per package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c) Physical and chemical state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

d) Max. temp. at the surface of the package during transport . . . . . . . . .

e) Encapsulated state (1).

(3) Required information on packages characteristics. ( Similar packages with same contents should be mentioned together with indication of their marks and serial numbers ) :

a) Marks and serial number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b) Type of packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c) Packing category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

d) Dimensions in cm ( indicate whether it is large radioactive source ).

e) Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(1) If encapsulated state, indicate date and competent authority which approved the encapsulation.

- 236 -

( Page 2 )


a –

b –

c –

d –

e –

f –

g –


a –

b –

c –

d –

e –

f –

g –


a –

b –

c –

d –

e –

f –

g –


a –

b –

c –

d –

e –

f –

g –

- 237 -

( Page 3 )

( 4 ) Radiation level in mr equivalent per hr. at :

a) External surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b) One meter from external surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c) Two meters from full load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

( 5 ) Precautions required on a routine basis.

( 6 ) Precautions to be taken in case of accident.

( 7 ) Number, date and competent Authority issuing the packing certificate.

( 8 ) Stowage conditions of packages ( where and how ).

( 9 ) Depth of screening by other cargo.

(10) Statement of presence of :

a) External materials.

b) Inflammable materials.

c) Spontaneously inflammable materials.

d) Corrosive materials.

e) Oxidizing materials.

f) Compressed gases.

g) Liquefied gases.

h) Any other materials.


N.B. : For large radioactive sources, only items from 1 to 8 should be filled and forwarded to the Suez Canal Authority before the vessel leaves her port of loading.

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( Page 4 )

(11) The following certificate must be signed by the technical person responsible for these shipments and recognized by the Master of vessel on behalf of the ship owner :

“ We the undersigned certify that the information given in 1 to 11 is surely correct and that the packing of radioactive materials and marking and labeling on the packages are in accordance with”. “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”

“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”

– Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

– Stamp of vessel

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Master’s Signature:…………… Signature :…………….


A – Regulations for all vessels carrying dangerous goods ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups ) :

(1) The vessel must fly the prescribed signal.

(2) All dispositions for coping with a fire must be attended to ( steam up for the pumps, fire hose in position, inspection of sluice valves, etc. ).

(3) The captain must keep on board sufficient crew to ensure the manning of all appliances for coping with a fire and for opening the sluice valves.

(4) The signal “ Fire on Board ” must be kept ready to be hoisted at any moment as follows : By day : N.Q. of the International code, and giving in addition one long blast

on the whistle.

By night : One long blast on the whistle and at the same time, if possible, the

signal N.Q. by Morse lamp.

B – Additional Regulations for :

– Vessels carrying 1st Group substances.

– Vessels carrying liquefied gases or dangerous chemicals in bulk.

– Vessels carrying Grade A and Grade B petroleum.

– Vessels handling 2nd(1) group substances.

(1) The vessel must be ready to get under way at any moment, an officer remaining on watch throughout the vessel’s stay in SC.

(2) The use of portable heating or cooking appliances and of naked fire of any kind or incandescent objects in contact with the air is prohibited.

Smoking on board, except at specially appointed places, is also prohibited.

The use of portable lighting appliances is prohibited except hand lamps fed by dry battery, un-spill able accumulator or dynamo, of not more than 6 volts, and of a safety type suitable for use in fiery coal mines.


(1) Except ammonium nitrate and artificial fertilizers of any kind, the handling, loading or unloading of which is

absolutely prohibited in SC. That of class 5 ( Division 5-1 ) can exceptionally allowed by SCA.

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(3) Only boats and other craft of the consignees or agents or those indispensable for service requirements are permitted to go alongside(1).

Tugs or any other steam vessels going alongside the ship must have their funnels fitted with spark screens. Fuel oil tanks and water tanks supplying benzene and kerosene vessels must compulsory be motor propelled.

Authorized tugs, lighters, tank-lighters may only go alongside the vessel at the moment of starting operations; they must remain alongside when these are completed.

(4) With the exception of the consignee's agents and of persons having duties to perform on board

( stores, projector, mooring boats and where undertaken, commercial operations or repairs ), no stranger is allowed on board(1).

Persons authorized to go on board ( in particular the crew of mooring boats ) are not permitted access to the interior of the ship, save in cases of absolute necessity.

(5) Masters of vessels carrying Grade A petroleum or liquefied inflammable gases are advised to fit metallic spark screens on the top of the vessel's funnels during transit, to prevent the escape of insufficiently cooled flakes which might start a fire.

(6) Tankers in ballast, whether gas free or not, must keep their cargo tank hatches closed during the whole of their stay in SC.


(1) These instructions do not apply to Officials or craft of the SCA or to those of the Government.

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Regulations for Handling and Towing Vessels Carrying

Dangerous Cargoes

A – Handling and towing substances of the 3rd Group is allowed(1), subject to the regulations of

Appendix No. 3 & 4 being complied with.

B – Handling and towing substances of the 1st Group is not, as general rule, allowed in SC When this

is exceptionally allowed by the CA, the Captain or the shipper must sign a declaration to the effect that the operations will be carried out at his entire responsibility, whether on board, or during the transport from the vessel to the landing place, or on land, further, the regulations of item D of this Appendix must be complied with.

C – Handling and towing substances of the 2nd Group for General Cargo vessels, of Grade(2) A and Grade B or C petroleum is only allowed on the following conditions :

(1) At Port Said the vessel shall be isolated in the Outer Harbour (3).

(2) On being landed, dangerous substances shall be placed in stores specially fitted out for the purpose and approved by CA.

(3) The regulations of D of this Appendix shall be complied with.


(1) Except ammonium nitrate and artificial fertilizers of any kind, the handling, loading or unloading of which is absolutely prohibited in SC. That of class 5 ( Division 5–1 ) can be exceptionally allowed by SCA.

(2) On special application.

(3) If the whole quantity of 2nd Group cargo to be handled is in tight containers or if its weight does not exceed 10 tons, the vessel may by authorized to handle this cargo in the harbour.

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D – When handling dangerous substances of 1st or 2nd Group is allowed in accordance with paragraph

B or C above, the following instructions shall be strictly complied with :

(1) All holds must remain closed except those which contain the 1st or 2nd Group substance allowed to be handled.

(2) These operations must be carried out without interruption during day time so as to be

completed as promptly as possible. They shall never be allowed during the night.

(3) Wearing boots or shoes with iron nails or shod or strengthened with iron is prohibited.

(4) The tugs or any other steam vessels taking part in these operations or coming alongside the vessel must have their funnels fitted with a spark screen.

(5) The tugs, barges and lighters must be approved by the CA.

(6) The barges and lighters must be constructed of steel plates of 6 or 7 mm. thickness; and in both their peak and stern there be made fast to bitts or clinched on board and hung over their side a connecting shackle so that a tow rope can be easily fastened thereto. The barges or lighters must be approved by SCA.

(7) Towing two boats abreast is not allowed.

(8) The tow ropes must be of metal or at any rate fastened to the shackle hanging over the side of the lighters or barges.

(9) The use of cranes or winches for loading or unloading substances of the 1st or 2nd Group which are sensitive to shocks like chlorate of potash must be avoided as possible.

Packages shall be passed from hand to hand carefully and handled with the greatest care in order to avoid shocks.

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Packages weighing more than 25 kilograms shall be handled by at least two men together. If the use of cranes or winches and the slinging of packages cannot be avoided, these

operations shall be carried out in such a manner as to prevent the possibility of any package containing 1st Group substances being roughly handled or dropped.

No substance of the 1st or 2nd Group shall remain either in barges or lighters, or on land, or on deck, except under the constant supervision of a watchman appointed by the Captain or the shipper.

(10) Bins filled with sand shall be immediately at hands where receptacles of dangerous liquid

( benzene, alcohol, etc.. ) are being handled together with foam facilities ( foam concentrate ), a pump and branch pipes.

(11) Receptacles containing dangerous liquids shall be inspected on their being landed or put on board, and those showing traces of leakage shall be isolated at once.

(12) In the interior of vessels, lighters, or boats where 1st Group substances are intended to be

placed or carried, there shall be no iron or steel unless the same be covered with leather, wood, cloth or other suitable material. Terpaulins shall be spread out both on top and under the packages of 1st Group substances.

The decks gangways, and spaces over or through which it is intended to carry 1st Group substances, shall be carefully swept and kept clean. If any category substance shall escape from the package in which it is contained, or be spilt, or if any package appears to be defective, such package or such 1st Group substance shall immediately be collected and destroyed by environmentally safe method.

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(13) No substance of any of the 3 Groups shall remain on land except at places specially appointed for each group.

No substances of any of the 3 Groups shall remain in lighters except by special permission

obtained in writing from the Canal Authority. The CA shall appoint a mooring place to the lighters, whose place as a general rule will be near the land depot of the corresponding group.

In any case, the Egyptian Government's Regulations concerning the care and supervision of these substances, and the CA's Regulations with regard to mooring, will have to be complied with.

(14) All the Regulations of Appendix No. 4 shall apply.

E – Handling of the 2nd Group dangerous packaged goods in containers can be handled in the Inner Harbour, subject to the Regulations of Appendix No. 3 and 4 been complied with.

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