一 : controversy paper 的 abstract 怎么写? Introductio
[abstract怎么写]controversy paper 的 abstract 怎么写? Introduction 和 background 需要怎么写(两者有什么不同?)?网友给出的答复:
二 : abstract怎么写?
怎样写摘要? 摘要又称提要、概要。发表论文多附有摘要,它是论文主要内容的概括,是全文内容不加注释和评论的简单陈述,便于读者概略了解全文和作为二次文献转载。根据论文的类型、内容和发表方式及写摘要的目的,摘要类型分为①指示性摘要,表明文章主题范围与内容概括的一种“简介”,篇幅要求短,一般50~150字,仅适用于综述、述评、泛述性文章;②报道性摘要,以浓缩信息及具体数据介绍研究工作的目的、方法、结果、结论,揭示研究工作中的重大发现和新内容,一般200~300字。研究报告、专题论文等都应附报道性摘要;③指示/报道性摘要(150~250字);④资料性摘要(1000~2000字)。一篇好的论著性论文摘要应简短、精粹、完整,一般200字左右。从大量来稿中看,相当一部分作者写得比较规范,但仍有一部分作者对撰写摘要的特点缺乏了解,往往夹杂一些无关紧要的成分或企图把全文内容都概括进去,摘要长达1000多字屡见不鲜。有的作者对该用报道性或指示/报道性摘要却使用了指示性摘要,结果字数太少,提供信息不足;有的对摘要四要素在不同类型摘要中的侧重面掌握不好,该详写的略写了,不能省略的省略了,造成应侧重的结构要素残缺;有的摘要内容重复文题或文中标题,信息价值低,可读性差;有的摘要偏重背景及过程介绍,重复引言内容,不但造成摘要冗长,且未能确切表达论文摘要应侧重表达的需要。 如何写英文摘要Abstract WritingTag:英文摘要AbstractWriting版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明 The abstract is a veryimportant document for the specialist reader. In combination withthe title , the abstract is the vehicle through which readersidentify and locate an article or a report and decide if they needto read it or not . In the second case, the abstract is a sortingdevice : it should sort out all readers who don't need to read areport from those who do . To fulfill the identifying and locatingfunction , the abstract must contain the bibligraphic informationneeded by libraries and infortmation retrieval systems forcataloguing . To fulfill the sorting function , the abstract mustin addition contain a condensation of the report or the article. The problem of distinguishingsummaries and abstracts is complicated by the lack of anythingapproaching a general agreement about terminology . In a set ofinstructions for use within a single organization , the problem canbe solved by the use of arbitrary definitions : but in a book forgeneral use ,this simple solution is unsuitable . The basicdefinitions that probably are most widely accepted in industry areas follows. An abstract is a brief section- rarely more than six or eight lines long - the purpose of whichis to tell the reder what points are covered in some piece ofwriting without attempting to tell him what is said about them. Itmay be written ofr a report or various other kinds of writing . Ifit is written as a section of a report , it is one of the firstparts that a reader encounters . It is an independedt elementrather than an integral part of the body . Such abstracts sometimesappear by themselves in publications devoted entirely to abstractsof material in some particular field . A summary - at least thesummary of a report - is asection that presents in a highlycondensed form the most important information that the reportcontains . It is brief , but not so brief as the type of abstractdescribed above . It is placed , as an abstrat would be , extremelyearly in the report ; and like an abstract , it is an independentelement rather than a part of the body . |
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法
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四 : abstract怎么写
abstract class E{
public abstract void show();//public abstract 可以省略
class F extends E{
void show(){
E e=new F();
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