
abstract怎么写-controversy paper 的 abstract 怎么写? Introductio

发布时间:2017-09-01 所属栏目:abstract怎么写

一 : controversy paper 的 abstract 怎么写? Introductio

[abstract怎么写]controversy paper 的 abstract 怎么写? Introduction 和 background 需要怎么写(两者有什么不同?)?
需要写一篇 controversy paper 。第一次写英语论文,因此不知道怎么下手。主题是关于cloud computing的。


二 : abstract怎么写?



如何写英文摘要Abstract Writing



The abstract is a veryimportant document for the specialist reader. In combination withthe title , the abstract is the vehicle through which readersidentify and locate an article or a report and decide if they needto read it or not . In the second case, the abstract is a sortingdevice : it should sort out all readers who don't need to read areport from those who do . To fulfill the identifying and locatingfunction , the abstract must contain the bibligraphic informationneeded by libraries and infortmation retrieval systems forcataloguing . To fulfill the sorting function , the abstract mustin addition contain a condensation of the report or the article.

The problem of distinguishingsummaries and abstracts is complicated by the lack of anythingapproaching a general agreement about terminology . In a set ofinstructions for use within a single organization , the problem canbe solved by the use of arbitrary definitions : but in a book forgeneral use ,this simple solution is unsuitable . The basicdefinitions that probably are most widely accepted in industry areas follows.

An abstract is a brief section- rarely more than six or eight lines long - the purpose of whichis to tell the reder what points are covered in some piece ofwriting without attempting to tell him what is said about them. Itmay be written ofr a report or various other kinds of writing . Ifit is written as a section of a report , it is one of the firstparts that a reader encounters . It is an independedt elementrather than an integral part of the body . Such abstracts sometimesappear by themselves in publications devoted entirely to abstractsof material in some particular field .

A summary - at least thesummary of a report - is asection that presents in a highlycondensed form the most important information that the reportcontains . It is brief , but not so brief as the type of abstractdescribed above . It is placed , as an abstrat would be , extremelyearly in the report ; and like an abstract , it is an independentelement rather than a part of the body .


abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

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abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

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abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

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abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

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abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

abstract怎么写 ABSTRACT 写法

扩展:abstract 模板 / 网页的reference怎么写 / 新闻abstract写法

四 : abstract怎么写












abstract class E{

public abstract void show();//public abstract 可以省略



class F extends E{

void show(){





E e=new F();




本文标题:abstract怎么写-controversy paper 的 abstract 怎么写? Introductio
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1106509.html

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