
too late-高考考场提分技巧:never too late

发布时间:2017-11-26 所属栏目:it is too late

一 : 高考考场提分技巧:never too late


  高考考场提分技巧:never too late


















  高考是限时限量的选拔性考试,在120分钟时间内完成大小22个题,时间很紧张,不允许做大量细致的解后检验,所以要尽量准确运算(关键步骤,力求准确,宁慢勿快),立足一次成功。解题速度是建立在解题准确度基础上,更何况数学题的中间数据常常不但从“数量” 上,而且从“性质”上影响着后继各步的解答。所以,在答卷时,要在以快为上的前提下,要稳扎稳打,字字有据,步步准确,,尽量一次性成功,提高成功率。不能为追求速度而丢掉准确度,甚至丢掉重要的得分步骤。假如速度与准确不可兼得的说,就只好舍快求对了,因为解答不对,再快也无意义。









二 : too late歌词

歌曲名称:Too Late
歌手:Jennifer Lopez
编者:A歌手on制作 QQ:86338828
曲名:Too Late
歌手:Jennifer Lopez
Aaron制作 QQ:86338828

First you say that you have to go away
I never should have been with you anyway
And now you say you want to stay
It s too late, cause I m sending you on your way
You say that you have to go away
I never really loved you anyway
And now you say you want to stay
It s too late, it s too late

Like a puppet on a string
You came and took control of me
Would ve given anything
To be your one and only
Filled my head with fantasies
Of what one day you d give to me
Full of hope for what could be
I sat and waited patiently

First you say that you have to go away (Oh)
I never should have been with you anyway (I never should have been with you baby)
And now you say you want to stay (It s too late)
It s too late, cause I m sending you on your way
You say that you have to go away (You have to go away)
I never really loved you anyway
And now you say you want to stay
It s too late, it s too late

For a time you were for me
Everything that I could need
Gave me time and diamond rings
But something else was missing
You never stayed the whole night through
I suffered, prayed, and cried for you
After all that we ve been through
I feel I never really knew you

First you say that you have to go away
I never should have been with you anyway (Oh no)
And now you say you want to stay (It s too late baby)
It s too late, cause I m sending you on your way (Oh yes I am)
You say that you have to


三 : Lesson7 Too late

Lesson 7

Too late

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? detective airport expect valuable parcel diamond steal main airfield guard precious stone sand n. 侦探 n. 机场 v. 期待,等待 adj. 贵重的 n. 包裹 n. 钻石 v. 偷 adj. 主要的 n. 飞机起落的场地 n. 警戒,守卫 adj. 珍贵的 n. 石子 n. 沙子

Who is he??


He is a detective.

★detective n. 侦探 ? 侦探小说 ? detective story ? Sherlock Holmes ? 夏洛克· 福尔摩斯

★airport n. 机场 ? port 港口; ? airport 航空港 ? at the airport 在机场 ★airfield n. 飞机起落的场地 ? field 田野; ? airfield 停机坪 ? on the airfield 在停机坪上

★expect v. 期待, 等待 ? ① vt.&vi. 预计,预料 ? 正如Jim的老师预料的那样,他数学考试没及格。 ? Jim has failed in mathematics as his teacher expected. ? ② vt. 等待,期待,盼望(心理上的等待) ? 而wait for(动作上的期待) ? expect sth. ? 我期待吉米的来信 ? I expect a letter from Jimmy.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

expect sb.to do sth. 期待某人做某事 我期待你们取得进步。 I expect you to make progress. wait for sth./sb. 动作上的等待 我在等我妈妈 I am waiting for my mother. ③ vt. 认为,猜想(一般用于口语) 我想你已经听到这个消息了 I expect you’ve heard the news. 我希望如此[口语] I expect so./I think so.

★valuable adj. 贵重的 ? 这本书提供了有价值的信息。 ? The book provides valuable information ? value n.价值 ? invaluable 无价之宝,价值连城 ? valueless 毫无价值,没用的 ★precious adj. 珍贵的(带有一定的感情色彩) ? 你在浪费珍贵的时间 ? You're wasting precious time!

Parcel(包裹), bag(袋子), packet(小包)


a _______ of _______ a bag of rice 一袋大米 a parcel of diamonds 一包钻石 a packet of crisps 一小包薯片 a bar of chocolates, a chocolate 一条巧克力

★diamond n. 钻石 ? diamond ring 钻石戒指

? precious stone 宝石

? crystal 水晶

? jade 玉

? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?

★steal(stole,stolen) v. 偷 ① vt.&vi. 偷盗,行窃 英语中“偷”用steal和rob来表达 宾语是物,用steal;宾语是人或跟地点相连,用rob 小偷偷了我的钱包 The thief stole my wallet. ? My wallet was stolen by the thief. rob sb. 抢(某人) 我被抢了 I was robbed. ② vt. 巧妙地占用,偷偷地弄到手 他已赢得玛丽的芳心。 He has stolen away Mary’s heart.

★main adj. 主要的 ? 主要街道 ? main street ? 主要建筑 ? main building ? 注意main不能与人连用

★guard n. 警戒, 守卫 ? life guard ? 救生员 ? body guard ? 保镖 ? keep guard 守望,警戒 ? stand guard 站岗,放哨

Reciting tips
飞机延误,空等候。 等候宝石,

非洲货。 预告此货,需保护。 候机楼,停机坪,皆守候。 保镖一路,至海关。 看门,开包,无遗漏。 暮然回首,沙石已代囊中物。

Lesson 7 Too late

(在机场) The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. 飞机延误,空等候。 They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. 等候宝石,非洲货。

Lesson 7 Too late (在警署) A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. 预告此货,需保护。

Lesson 7 Too late (在机场)(飞机到达后) When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. 候机楼,停机坪,皆守候。 Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. 保镖一路,至海关。

Lesson 7 Too late

(在海关) While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. 看门,开包,无遗漏。 To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! 暮然回首,钻石已成大兴货。

Reciting tips
飞机延误,空等候。 等候宝石,非洲货。 预告此货,需保护。 候机楼,停机坪,皆守候。 保镖一路,至海关。 看门,开包,无遗漏。 暮然回首,沙石已代囊中物。

? 过去进行时的构成:was/were+现在分词 ? 当John的妻子在做饭时,他正在看电视。 Eg. John was watching TV while his wife was cooking. ? 过去进行时和一般过去时经常同在一个句子里 使用。 ? 过去进行时表示过去正在进行的短暂的动作或 情况,一般过去时则表示已经完成的动作或事 件,且可表示永久性或较长久的情况。 ? 正在进行中的动作或情况往往由连词when, while,as,just as等引导。

? 正当我要离开家的时候,你进来了。 ? Just as I was leaving the house, you came in.

? 过去进行时往往与表示一段时间的状语连用, 如all morning,all night,all day,all evening, the whole week等,表示这段时间一直在干什 么。 ? 你一晚上都在干什么? ? What were you doing all evening?

? The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. ? 这里detectives第一次出现,且只是强调“侦 探”这类人,所以可以不用冠词。 ? all 一般直接加表示时间的单数名词构成副词 短语,比如all day,all night,all week,all winter,all year 但不说all hour。 ? The plane was late 飞机晚(点)了 ? 汽车/火车晚点了 ? The bus was late./The train was late.

? They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. South Africa 南非 ? A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.
? 立足点是侦探们等在机场的时间。主句用的过去完 成时

,从句用的过去将来时。 ? a few hours earlier 几个小时以前 ? = a few hours before/a few hours ago ? a few hours ago 现在之前,以现在的时间为基点往前 推,一般用于一般过去时。 ? a few hours earlier 比之前更早,以过去的时间为基 点往前推,一般用于过去完成时。

? When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. ? 代词others常常和some连用,表示“有些 (人)……,也有些(人)……”或“有的……, 其余的……” ? 一些学生很努力,其他学生不努力。 ? Some students are very hard-working, others are not. ? others=other+名词复数

Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.
take off常用的三个意思: 1)(上文) 拿出来 2)He took off his coat and went into the room.脱掉 3)The plane took off at 8:30 a.m.起飞

?Customs House 海关

? While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. ? 两个动作同时发生, 当延续时间不一致时, 长一 点时间的动作用进行时态, 短时间的动作用过 去时. ? 当有人敲门的时候,我正在吃晚饭。 ? When someone knocked at the door, I was having dinner. ? keep guard 守卫 ? at the door 在门边(固定搭配)

? To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! ? to one's surprise 让某人惊讶的是 ? to one‘s excitement 令某人兴奋的是 ? 让我们兴奋的是,我们队赢了。 ? To our excitement, our team wins. ? to one’s disappointment令某人失望的是 ? be full of ...装满=be filled with ? 我的包里装满了书 ? My bag was full of books. ? 杯里装满了水 ? The cup is full of water.

一、when可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和短暂 性动词连用;而while和as只能和延续性动词连 用。 二、when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之 前、之后或同时发生;while和as从句的谓语动 作必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。 三、when和while 还可作并列连词。when表示“ 在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系 。 as有“随着??”;“一边??,一边 ??”之意

1.My brother is watching TV ______ I am reading. 2.My father was reading newspapers _______ the telephone rang. 3.________the teacher came in, we were talking. 4. ___________we were talking, the teacher came in. 5.He is strong _______ his brother is weak. 6.______ he had finished his homework, he took a short rest.

Check yourself
The plane was late and ___________were waiting detectives at the _______all morning . They were expecting a airport _______ _______ofdiamonds valuable parcel _________from South Africa. A few hours earlier , someone had told the police that steal _____

___would try to __________the diamonds . thieves When the plane arrived , some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.

took off Two men ______the parcel_____ the plane and carried it into the Custom House . While two keeping guard detectives were __________ __ ___at the door , two others opened the parcel . ______ ______ , To their surprise thepreciousparcel _____ ______ ______stones _______ was full of and sand!

Discuss: Did the detectives save the diamond?这个小故事中,

没有。看来小偷们很狡猾(cunning)。 你认为这个故事背后到底有什么呢?请 随便说。

也许是瞒天过海、偷梁换柱、暗度陈 仓,也许根本就是个骗局(hoax), 是有人想跟侦探们开个玩笑(play a joke)。

本文标题:too late-高考考场提分技巧:never too late
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1063125.html

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