

发布时间:2017-12-08 所属栏目:广告传媒

一 : 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion

fashion什么意思 什么是fashion


二 : FASHION是什么品牌衣服的品牌!




三 : 什么是fashion



Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body piercing, or furniture.

Everyday, people weke up and wonder what they are going to wear?

Do we really the about why
we are go to all this trouble or we clueless? Why does fashion exist?

People use fashion to persent themselves to the public eye.

Fashion exisits to provide information about ourselves.
Who we think we are and who we aspire to be. It defines our age, our sex, our occupation and often our ethnicity.

A man walks down the street in business suit ----and we gather information about him.

A young girl wears a tank top and short pink skir ----and we from an ampression of her.

Fashion has evolved over the countries. In cultures that wear few clothes, body paint is used as a subsitituble. In some cultures the powerful decide what everyone wears.

They use laws to mark off different segments of society from earch.

Today we tend to dress based on the way clothes appeal to our personal taste.

Fashion is a term commonly used to descibe a style of clothing worn by most of people of country. A fashion usually remains popular about 1-3 years and then is replaced by yet another fashion.

Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion most people do not easily except to changes.

A clothing style may be introduced as a fashion. but its use become a costom after being handed down from generation to generation. A fashion that comes and goes is called s Fad. During the mid-1800's a mass production of clothing was made fashionable and available to more people for lower prices. This encouraged more people to wear more stylish chothes which is why we are wearing what we are today.

Clothing is made out of all types of matieral. such as cotton, rayon, spandex, and polyestor. And they are just few used , some clothing may even be made of 2 or more different types. this is know as "Brending"

Clothing can be decorsted or designed with all types of images and colors. The design can either be embroiderd onto the fabric woven onto the fabric.silk screened or ironed onto the fabric to creat a desired look. Some images that have been used to enhance an atride of clothing range from a simple design on front of a T-shirt to a famous printing that has been woven into fabric creating a colorful piece of art that on can wear,

Fashion is a term that usually applies to a person that is often wearing the in clothes.

but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all.
Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly that the culture as a whole. The term'fashionable' and 'unfashionable 'are employed to describe whether someone or someting fits in with the current popular mode of expression. The term 'fashion'is frequently used in a positive sense. as a synonym for glamour, beauty.and style. In this sence fashion are a short of communal art,

through which a culture examine its notions of beauty and goodness. the term fashion is also sometimes use in a negative sense, as a synonmy for fads, trend and materialism.



本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1167516.html

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