
wi fi-免费上网失败 Facebook再为印度提供廉价Wi-Fi

发布时间:2018-04-25 所属栏目:IT业界

一 : 免费上网失败 Facebook再为印度提供廉价Wi-Fi

  北京时间8月9日消息,Facebook在Internet.org平台内策划了一个名为Express Wi-Fi的项目,希望再次为印度农村地区带来廉价上网服务。

  Internet.org之前已经更名为Free Basics免费上网服务,但印度政府之前因为网络中立原则而禁用了这项服务。但Internet.org上的Express Wi-Fi现在已经挂出了新的链接,允许内容发布商申请将自己的网站包含在Free Basics内。




  《印度经济时报》援引Facebook发言人的话称,该公司已经与印度国有运营商Bharat Sanchar Nigam合作在农村地区测试廉价Wi-Fi服务,该服务名为Express Wi-Fi.

  Bharat Sanchar Nigam占据有利地位,该公司号称已经覆盖了58万个村庄和7330座城市,可以提供4374万电话线。

  该报道表示,Express Wi-Fi不会免费,Bharat Sanchar Nigam可能会使用Facebook为其Telecom Infra Project项目开发的技术来提供这项服务。

  当Free Basics在印度遭禁时,Facebook表示该公司不会再在当地提供这项服务。现在看来,免费的部分的确不再提供了,但目前还不清楚新的模式是否仍然不向网站收费。

二 : Broadcom’s BCM4359 Can Actually Use Both Wi-Fi Antennas Simultane

simultaneously Broadcom’s BCM4359 Can Actually Use Both Wi-Fi Antennas Simultaneously, and Might be Inside...

The ‘Internet of Things’ is a concept that has been around for a while, especially popular among folks when the various parts of your house got new model iterations with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or a data connection.  But, the IoT, as it’s called, continues to grow, and become more efficient and competitive with connection.   And, as with every year, a company has stepped up and brought us a new wireless chip, and this year it’s Broadcom with their BCM4359.

This new chip for 2015 looks to optimize your connection to both the Internet as well as within your own IoT.  Specifically, this chip can manage, and is the first to actually do this, a true dual-band connection instead of needing two separate antennae.  The connection that your smartphone has allows, normally, for a Wi-Fi connection to get you Internet access or be able to share something via Wi-Fi direct with you TV for example.  With the BCM4359, a smartphone will be able to use one channel for the direct connection to another device while using the other channel for an actual Internet connection via Wi-Fi.  And that’s the key, but there’s still more about the 4359 that makes it an even greater addition to this year’s smartphones-to-come.

With the new modem from Broadcom, a device can utilize both a 5 and 2.4 Ghz connection to get better speeds and performance and, with Broadcom’s Narrow Band technology, the range can be doubled for greater spans between devices.  With the use of DFS, dynamic frequency selection, the 4359 can use the best connection consistently, to produce better and less interrupted connections and speeds.  The 4359 features the aforementioned Real Simultaneous Dual Band (RSDB) capability of utilizing both of its antennae separately or together, as well as an FM radio and Bluetooth 4.1 connectivity.  The modem comes with 802.11ac capabilities, so speed will not be an issue if you have a router than can produce, support, and handle the speeds the BCM4359 can get to, which are up to 867 megabits per second in MIMO mode.

With smartphones getting ever-better, and the Internet and its files getting ever-bigger, the improvements made with their connectivity is just as, if not more, important.  With data speeds getting so much faster as years go by, from 3G to Category 9 LTE, Wi-Fi is often overlooked, but can be more important, especially for home users or folks without great cellular reception.  How often do you use your smartphone as a Wi-Fi control hub, getting connection and sharing media with another device at the same time?  Do you think that with more possibility to connect via Wi-Fi, more things will come with that capability?  Let us know down below.

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本文标题:wi fi-免费上网失败 Facebook再为印度提供廉价Wi-Fi
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1116822.html

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