一 : Myfriend——adog
我曾经有一个好朋友,虽然“他”是一条狗,a very smally dog 。他很可爱,浑身上下一片黑色,无半点杂毛,有着一双小小的眼睛。每天当我上学时,他总会送我到校门口;我一回来,他就摇头摆尾地跑来迎接我。二 : myfriend
三 : Myfriend
This my friend.
He is a b[www.61k.com)oy.
He nime isBeern.
He can run and jump.
He is taller then me.
He want to fly kite.
He likes fruit and chocolate.
We share our lunch each other.
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