

发布时间:2017-08-06 所属栏目:少女新娘双语阅读

一 : 关注社会:马来西亚“少女新娘”引发的深思

A 14-year-old girl married a 23-year-old teacher. Oh, it did not take place in Africa, a Middle East country or a hidden tribe in Papua New Guinea, but Malaysia.

一位14岁的女孩出嫁了。男方23岁,是位教师。 这不是非洲,这不是中东,这不是巴布亚新几内亚深山老林里的原始部落,这是马来西亚。

To be honest, I felt nausea after reading the news. Alas, 14 years old! At the age of 14, girls are not fully grown yet and they are not physically and mentally mature. At this age, they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents. Their life has just started and there are many things waiting for them to experience and complete.


Of course, if some are premature, a 14-year-old girl might fall in love with a boy or a man, such as her teacher. She might also want to marry him. It is not a big deal. It is just a girl's fantasy, or some call it puppy love. However, it definitely does not mean that she should marry the man or have sexual relations with him as it is just an illusion and cannot become a reality.

当然,如果早熟,一个14岁的女孩也许会爱上一个男孩,或者一个男子,比如她的老师,憧憬着和他步入婚姻殿堂。 但这能算什么呢?这只是少女的懵懂情感,只是少女不切实际的幻想,有人称之为早恋。但绝不意味着女孩真的嫁给他,和他同床共眠。

After a period of time, she will find how childish she was and awake from her fantasy. She will then say goodbye to the Prince Charming in her dream and continue to grow up. Of course, there are some exceptions. Some girls might be obsessed with their fantasy and refuse to wake up. When this happens, family and society, as well as morality and law will have to step in and play a role to prevent underage sexual relations and young marriage. The life of an underage girl, after all, has just started and there are still many ideals to be realised. They should not be a man's wife and children's mother in advance.

过上一段时间,女孩就会从这种幻想中醒来,那时她会发现自己的那些想法是多么的幼稚。于是她会道别梦中的白马王子,重新踏上人生旅程。当然也有例外。有些女孩沉迷于幻想不愿醒来。 此时,家庭与社会、道德和法律将会介入,以阻止这种过早的婚姻和性。一个女孩,尚未到结婚年龄,她们的生活才刚刚开始,她们的心中还充满梦想。不应过早地为人妇、为人母。

Underage marriages take place only in the past feudal times and tribal societies. From the civilisation perspective, it is immoral and not permitted by law. In Malaysia, the legal marriage age is 18 according to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976. As for Muslims, men must be at least 18 years old while girls must be 16 years old or above. Of course, the law also provides that having sexual relations with an underage girl, whether she does it voluntarily or by force, is considered as rape. These are the safety net to protect underage girls.

早婚,那是封建社会和部落社会中才有的现象,在文明社会中,早婚是不道德的,也为法律所不容。在马来西亚,按照1976年(结婚与离婚)法律改革法案规定,结婚年龄是18岁。穆斯林男子至少18岁才能结婚,女子是16岁。 法律中也有规定:与未成年女子发生性关系,不论对方是自愿还是被迫,均属强奸。我们有保护未成年女子的安全网络。

However, there are still loopholes to the safety net. Siti Maryam Mahmood, 14, and her 23-year-old teacher Abdul Manan Othman got married after being given permission in an Islamic Sharia court. They also took part in a 1Malaysia wedding reception organised by the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department (Jawi).

但这个安全网络还是有漏洞,14岁的西蒂(Siti Maryam Mahmood)和她23岁的老师阿卜杜尔(Abdul Manan Othman)经一个伊斯兰教法庭的同意结婚了。并且参加了联邦伊斯兰事务部为他们操办的婚宴。

Leaving religious factors aside, it is actually a humanity and social problem. The personalities of girls at this age are not sound yet and they are not mentally mature. Regardless whether they do it voluntarily or passively, it is a deprival of their innocence and childhood. How should she live her life in the future? Should she get prepared for school or feed her children when she gets up in the morning? Should she do her homework and play or serve her husband when she returns from school in the afternoon? She would not be able to stay innocent and return to her childhood to do things that most 14-year-old girls do.


As for the 23-year-old husband, how could he marry a little girl? He could actually marry a grown woman, or at least, wait until Siti achieves the legal marriage age. Is he a paedophile? Would parents send their children to the school with such a teacher? Have Siti's parents fulfilled their responsibilities to protect her? What kind of example has the marriage set to the society?

那位23岁的丈夫,他怎么能娶一个这么小的女孩呢?他本可以娶一个成熟的女子,至少他也要等西蒂到了结婚的年龄再与她结婚。他是不是患上了恋童癖?谁家父母还敢把孩子送到他们学校上学? 西蒂的父母尽到保护女儿的责任了吗?这桩婚姻会给社会带来怎样的恶果呢?

二 : 61k特邀社团“喵社团” 带来华丽走秀






























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