一 : oracle表压缩技术(BAISCvsOLTP)
oracle压缩技术分为基本表压缩(basic table compression),OLTP表压缩(OLTP table compression),索引压缩(index compression)和混合列压缩(hybrid columnar compression (HCC))。
basic compression从9i开始推出,是oracle的默认压缩方式。OLTP compression是11g开始推出,支持所有类型的DML操作的数据压缩。压缩会节省磁盘空间,但可能会增加CPU资源的消耗。本文主要讨论常用的basic和LTOP压缩,索引压缩和HCC可以参考oracle其它文档。表压缩技术适合OLAP系统和OLTP系统中数据变化很小的历史表,不适合频繁DML操作的表
1.1 压缩的原理(www.61k.com]
请看一个 ACCOUNTS 表,它包含以下记录:
由于压缩作为触发事件发生,而不是在插入行时发生,因此在正常的 DML 进程中压缩对性能没有任何影响。压缩被触发后,对 CPU 的需求肯定会变得很高,但在其他任何时间 CPU 影响都为零,因此压缩也适用于 OLTP 应用程序,这是OracleDatabase 11g中压缩的平衡点。
除了减少空间占用外,压缩数据还将缩短网络传输时间、减少备份空间,并使在 QA 和测试中维护生产数据库的完整副本变得切实可行。
1.2 basic压缩
basic compression的6组实验,来比较各种情况下的表压缩
sys@MS4ADB3(dtydb5)> select count(*)from test; COUNT(*)---------- 50000-- 1.Baseline CTAScreate table t1 tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum <=50000;-- 2.CTAS with basic compression enabledcreate table t2 compress basic tablespaceusersasselect * from test where rownum <=50000;-- 3.Normal insert into empty table defined as compressedcreate table t3 compress basic tablespaceusersasselect * from test where rownum = 0;insert into t3 select * from test whererownum <= 50000;-- 4.Direct path insert into empty table defined as compressedcreate table t4 compress basic tablespaceusersasselect * from test where rownum = 0;insert /*+append*/ into t4 select * fromtest where rownum <= 50000-- 5.CTAS without compression, then change to compressedcreate table t5 tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum <=50000;alter table t5 compress basic;
--- 6. table move compresscreate table t6 tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum <=50000;alter table t6 move compress basic;对表做表分析
sys@MS4ADB3(dtydb5)> select table_name,blocks, pct_free , compression,compress_for 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name in('T1','T2','T3','T4','T5','T6'); TABLE_NAME BLOCKS PCT_FREE COMPRESSION COMPRESS_FOR---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------- ------------------------T1 666 10 DISABLEDT2 204 0 ENABLED BASICT3 622 0 ENABLED BASICT4 204 0 ENABLED BASICT5 666 10 ENABLED BASICT6 204 0 ENABLED BASIC sys@MS4ADB3(dtydb5)> selectsegment_name,bytes/1024 K from dba_segments where segment_name in('T1','T2','T3','T4','T5','T6');SEGMENT_NA K--------- ----------T1 6144T2 2048T3 5120T4 2048T5 6144T6 2048
basic compression
在CATS,insert /*+append*/和move compress操作会对数据进行压缩。而alter table compress操作会修改表的压缩属性,但不会对已有数据进行压缩,对压缩表做普通的insert操作也不对对数据进行压缩。压缩表的PCT_FREE为0,说明oracle设计基本压缩表的目的就是认为此类表以后会很少修改
1.3 OLTP压缩
-- 1. Baseline CTAScreate table t21 tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum <= 50000;-- 2. CTAS with OLTP compress enabledcreate table t22 compress for OLTP tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum <= 50000;-- 3. Normal insert into empty table defined as compressedcreate table t23 compress for OLTP tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum = 0;insert into t23 select * from test where rownum <= 50000;-- 4. Direct path insert into empty table defined as compressedcreate table t24 compress for OLTP tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum = 0;insert /*+append*/ into t24 select * from test where rownum <= 50000;-- 5. CTAS without compression, then change to compressedcreate table t25 tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum <= 50000;alter table t25 compress for OLTP; --- 6. table move compresscreate table t26 tablespace usersasselect * from test where rownum <= 50000;alter table t26 move compress for OLTP;表分析
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SYS','T21');exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SYS','T22');exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SYS','T23');exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SYS','T24');exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SYS','T25');exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SYS','T26');
sys@MS4ADB3(dtydb5)> select table_name,blocks, pct_free , compression, compress_for 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name in ('T21','T22','T23','T24','T25','T26');TABLE_NAME BLOCKS PCT_FREE COMPRESSION COMPRESS_FOR------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------------- ------------------------T21 666 10 DISABLEDT22 225 10 ENABLED OLTPT23 370 10 ENABLED OLTPT24 225 10 ENABLED OLTPT25 666 10 ENABLED OLTPT26 225 10 ENABLED OLTP
2. Online Redefinition (DBMS_REDEFINITION)
对现有和以后的数据均压缩。使用DBMS_REDEFINITION可以在线对表进行操作,可以使用并行操作。分区表的global index是个例外,需要在线重定义之后重建索引
二 : 压缩机技术
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