
rain and tears-rain cats and dogs

发布时间:2017-10-28 所属栏目:初中英语作文

一 : rain cats and dogs

rain cats and dogs

rain cats and dogs的参考答案


可能你已经知道了rain cats and dogs 的含意为『下倾盆大雨』,但你知道这个短语是怎样衍生而来的吗?下雨就下雨,怎可能从天上掉下来猫和狗呢?下雨同猫及狗又是怎样扯上关系的呢?原来,据说这个短语最早出现于17世纪,不过关于它的起源已经无从考证.但是现在人们普遍认为,它的起源可能同17世纪使用的地下排水系统有关,当时人们使用的排水系统非常简陋,排水能力极其有限.一旦下起暴雨,地下排水沟里的污水便四处横流.随着污水流出来的不仅有垃圾,各种污秽物,有时甚至还有死猫死狗之类的小动物死尸随污水蔓延出来.如此狗和猫便与瓢泼大雨扯上了关系,人们也据此杜撰了 rain cats and dogs 这一短语.由此可以看出,rain cats and dogs 并不是指天上真的掉下猫和狗(要真是如此,还不让那些喜欢猫和狗的西方人笑歪了鼻子乐歪了嘴?),而是由于大雨引起地下排水不畅,结果阴沟里的死猫死狗便随污水漂浮到地面.


二 : Tears And Rain歌词

歌曲名称:te歌手s and rain
歌手:james blunt
专辑:back to bedlam
how i wish i could surrender my soul;
she’d the clothes that become my skin;
see the liar that burns within my needing.
how i wish i’d chosen darkness from cold.
how i wish i had screamed out loud,
instead i’ve found no meaning.
i guess it’s time i run far, far away;
find comfort in pain,
all pleasure’s the same:
it just keeps me from trouble.
hides my true shape, like dorian gray.
i’ve heard what they say,
but i’m not here for trouble.
it’s more than just words:
it’s just tears and rain.
how i wish i could walk
through the doors of my mind;
(hold memory close at hand)
hold memory close at hand,
help me understand the years.
how i wish i could choose between heaven and hell.
how i wish i would save my soul.
i’m so cold from fear.
i guess it’s time i run far, far away;
find comfort in pain,
all pleasure’s the same:
it just keeps me from trouble.
hides my true shape, like dorian gray.
i’ve heard what they say,
but i’m not here for trouble.
far, far away; find comfort in pain.
all pleasure’s the same:
it just keeps me from trouble.
it’s more than just words:
it’s just tears and rain.
far, far away; find comfort in pain.
all pleasure’s the same:
it just keeps me from trouble.
it’s more than just words:
it’s just tears and rain.


扩展:rain and tears歌词 / rain and tears / rain and tears 原唱

三 : 超级好听的经典歌曲:Rain and tears(雨和泪)

来源:优酷视频 作者:佚名


Rain And Tears(雨和泪)

词曲/歌手: Aphrodite‘s Child(爱神之子)


Rain and tears all the same 雨和泪形态都一样

But in the sun, you've got to play the game 但在阳光中,你就得玩这个游戏

When you cry in winter time 当你在冬天哭泣

You can't pretend, it's nothing but the rain 你无法假装那是雨水

How many times I've seen 多少次我看见

Tears coming from your blue eyes 泪水从你蓝色眼睛中流下

Rain and tears all the same 是雨是泪,都一样吧

But in the sun, you've got to play the game 在阳光中,你仍追寻玩这个游戏

Give me an answer , love 给我一个答案,吾爱

I need an answer , love 我需要一个答案,吾爱

Rain and tears in the sun 阳光中的雨和泪

But in your heart, you feel the rainbow, the waves 在你心中,你感受到的是彩虹还是浪潮

Rain and tears both for shown 雨点和泪珠冲刷著心灵

For in my heart, there'll never be a sun 我心里再也不会有阳光

Rain and tears all the same 毕管雨和泪都一样了

But in the sun, you've got to play the game 但在感情的世界下,你就要玩这个游戏

Aphrodite‘s Child,一支希腊籍合唱团,Demis Roussos是一位出生于希腊的歌手,在1968年的时候与另外两位音乐人vangelis和lucas sideras组成了Aphrodites。child.Aphrodite’s Child的这几位成员均受过古典音乐的熏陶,故不但音乐底子好,就连歌词写的也极富诗意。Demis Roussos的音乐极富节奏感,且声音沙哑而感性,让人一听之后欲罢不能。

他们留下的这首rain and tears是西洋老歌中不可或缺的经典作品,却令他们的名字从不曾在音乐史册上轻易消失,这首歌是从德国著名作曲家帕海贝尔的作品canon(卡农)改编而成,乐团在其和弦的基础上填上新的旋律,从而赋予作品独特的韵味。

四 : Wind and rain

  Today is Friday.Recently, I always see on TV a typhoon called "lotus".This semester many typhoon, we here have never affected.I am able to shrug off these reports about typhoon.

  In the morning, I was carefree juggle eating potato chips while watching TV.The sky in a calm, I didn't expect will happen soon.After a while, to blow the cool outside.More and more white clouds in the sky, soon became a huge, wandering alone under the blue sky.I didn't care about, feel will only end light rain, will continue to look at my TV, enjoy the gift of god, cool wind in summer.

  Wind is more and more big, the sky is covered by clouds, the sky turned into a "day".I was reminded of the typhoon, a bit worried about this is really a disaster.A few years ago that terrible day "rabbit", also is such, from white clouds to the wind, and then began to sin.I'll go to accept clothes.

  The clothes on the balcony had a really spooky: gone with the wind, all two down again to the other side to side all two times, not recruit a few leaves of theatre.I'll put the clothes were all closed down, all the doors and Windows shut.None the less, the wind was blowing, the flowers on the balcony lay like a bunch of drunk stagger, but I also

  To manage them, let them enjoy the grace of nature in the wind.

  The sky dark down gradually, the desire of the people with "good" brutally separated.Rain began to fall.Was conspicuous at first, then think heaven and handfuls of silver needle, and on the earth.The emergence of the rain, the depressing atmosphere broke the depressive, brought a cool.I stand under the eaves, just looking at what the rain curtain.Suddenly, a large group of naughty raindrop, opened fire on my face, I have to wipe the face of the water, hiding in the room.

  Winds came in gusts, even in the doors and Windows closed room, also can hear a burst of wind, like a wild horse won the battle after singing the whizzing through the building in hao.Glass, water droplets scattered, like in the struggle of the strong wind left sweat drops.I stood at the window, saw the clouds of the sky in the race, provoked the rain also agley coming down from heaven.Outside a sudden Jin Guangshan, then angry thunder exploding in the sky, the world also follow a shock.But see: tripterygium wilfordii awake nu, dianmu Chen.Tripterygium wilfordii awake nu, ride a fire under the beast day off;Dianmu Chen, disorderly stopper xia from dou fu.Then, the world quiet, the power went out.I wholly surmount to throw the TV remote control, take out the book to see.

  The rain continued the underground, and the wind for a small, but did not stop.The floor of the balcony has sent a layer of water and rain continued to jump.Look at the crack of thunder sky, blustery, I had to silently pray in my heart.But god to go out, can't hear my voice, let the wind the rain god go to the trouble, I have to continue to read my book.

  At night, and god went home, through the thick clouds in the sky.Luna out YuJing, and white moonlight., power cuts the quiet moonlight sprinkled on the town, more lining out the quiet night.We are a family of five reflected the warm candlelight, to drink the tea.


本文标题:rain and tears-rain cats and dogs
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1082684.html

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