

发布时间:2017-08-03 所属栏目:中俄关系发展历程

一 : XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享

61阅读/ www.61k.net


[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 一
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 二
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 三
如果此时弹出打印机服务未开的提示,可以开启:开始→控制面板→管理工具→服务→Print Spooler→启动类型→自动→应用→启动→确定。
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 四
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 五
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享——共享打印机:

[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 一
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 二
稍后会弹出打印机属性界面→共享→点选 共享这台打印机 并且记住这台打印机的 共享名(以备后用)
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 三
如果共享这台打印机的操作系统不一样,比如这台电脑是Windows XP 操作系统,局域网上还有64位的Windows7操作系统,就需要再安装和那台电脑相匹配的打印机驱动程序。
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 四
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 五
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 六
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 七
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 八
开始→打印机和传真→添加打印机→欢迎使用打印机向导→下一步→本地或网络打印机→点选 网络打印机或连接到其他计算机的打印机→下一步
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 九
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 十
在弹出来的对话框中点选 是(默认打印机)
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 1一
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 1二
开始→运行→输入:CMD 回车打开命令提示符窗口,输入命令查询主机IP地址:ipconfig 查看并记录 IP address 项中的IP地址,关闭窗口。
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 1三
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享
[xp打印机共享怎么设置]XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享 1四
xp打印机共享怎么设置 XP操作系统设置:[38]打印机共享

二 : Windows 7系统共享打印机出现“无法保存打印机设置操作无法完成 错误0x


Windows 7系统共享打印机出现“无法保存打印机设置操作无法完成 错误0x00000d9”。


此问题是因为防火墙windows firewall服务未开启导致。


开启windows firewall服务


1. 鼠标右键点击我的电脑,选择管理并打开管理;

2. 打开左侧的服务和应用程序,双击击右侧的服务并打开;

3. 在出现的服务列表中找到 windows firewall 选择启用即可。


1. 控制面板下找到防火墙;

2. 使用推荐设置或启用防火墙。

三 : 中印关系大发展 龙象共舞大跨越(双语)


The Asian Century Beckons


Luo Zhaohui, China’s ambassador to India

中印关系 中印关系大发展 龙象共舞大跨越(双语)


I developed a bond with India when I was young. As a postgraduate student in Beijing University, I specialised in Indian culture and history under the renowned Sanskrit scholar, Ji Xianlin and the art history professor, Chang Renxia. Back then, I had a dream – to visit India. That dream came true when I was posted in Delhi after joining the foreign ministry of China. Upon leaving India in 1993, I had another dream: To return to India one day. Twenty-three years later, I am back in India as the Chinese ambassador and my second dream has come true.


Looking back at the past two decades, both India and China-India relations have made great strides. Walking around Delhi, I still come across monkeys, squirrels and peacocks. But the city is cleaner, the streets are wider and Delhi has new buildings. Metros and highways remind people of the profound changes India has undergone. The World Bank’s statistics shows that India’s GDP grew from $284.2 billion in 1993 to $2.091 trillion in 2015. I congratulate India on the achievements it has made over the years.


Over the past 20 years, China-India relations have improved in both breadth and depth. There has been a warming of political ties. This year, President Pranab Mukherjee paid a successful visit to China while President Xi Jinping has met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi twice, in Tashkent and Hangzhou. China-India business cooperation is booming. The two-way trade has soared from $272 million in 1993 to $75 billion in 2015. People-to-people exchanges exceeded one million for the first time last year, and 11 pairs of sister provinces/cities have been created between the two countries. There is close cooperation between India and China in international and regional affairs, with better coordination under the framework of multilateral regimes including the UN, G20, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Cooperation between the two has also strengthened in issues pertaining to climate change, global governance and reform of international financial institutions. Together we have contributed significantly to the building of a fair and more equitable international order.


As the 15th ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to India, I will work with Indian friends from all walks of life to promote the relationship between the two countries, so that it will live up to its true potential and make even greater strides. I will try to promote the relationship between the two countries in the following ways.


First, keep up the momentum of high-level exchanges. Frequent exchanges between the leaders of both countries have injected dynamism into our ties. President Xi will attend the BRICS leaders’ meeting in Goa and meet PM Modi in a few days. This will be the ninth meeting between the two leaders since they took office, and the third this year. It is important to maintain regular exchanges between the senior members of the governments and legislatures as well as senior military officials of the two countries, and give full play to the existing mechanisms to enhance strategic communication and increase mutual understanding.


Second, align our development strategies. As the two largest developing countries, China and India share common ideas and complementary strategies of development. China is at a crucial stage of deepening reform and restructuring its economy comprehensively. We are implementing programmes such as the Made in China 2025, Internet Plus and Mass Innovation and Entrepreneurship. India too is at a critical juncture of reform and development. Prime Minister Modi has undertaken initiatives such as Make in India, Digital India, Smart Cities. We need to align our development strategies.


Third, deepen business cooperation. We may actively explore a China-India regional trading arrangement and encourage cooperation on major projects. We look forward to new industrial cities built by the Wanda Group and China Fortune Land Development Company in India. Such projects will help create jobs and boost India’s development. We can work together on new and renewable energy projects.


Fourth, promote people-to-people exchanges. We can start more direct flights to destinations in the two countries. We shall also continue our good work in matters pertaining to religious exchanges, and facilitate the Indian pilgrims who visit Kailash Manasarovar in China’s Tibet. Next month, a 200-member Chinese youth delegation will visit India and a Chinese art troupe will take part in the Delhi International Arts Festival.


Fifth, enhance international and regional cooperation. As two major developing countries and emerging economies, the scope of China-India relations have gone beyond bilateral matters. We have broad converging interests and face common challenges in Asia and beyond. We need to enhance cooperation in SCO, and work together to ensure the success of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the BRICS New Development Bank, increase strategic communication and coordination on international and regional affairs and become global partners in matters of strategic coordination.


Sixth, manage differences properly. As two large neighbours, it is natural that China and India do not see eye to eye on every issue. We should focus on cooperation while handling differences properly. We should reduce our differences by expanding the pie of cooperation and work for healthier bilateral relations by addressing differences.


China and India account for a third of the world’s population. The relationship between the two countries is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. When Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi paid a historic visit to China in 1988, I was working in the Asian Department of the Foreign Ministry of China. I still remember what Deng Xiaoping said when he met him, “Only when China and India have developed will a real Asian century emerge”. I have high hopes and great optimism for the prospects of China-India relations.

四 : Cookie跨域操作

JS跨域设置和取Cookiecookie 是存储于访问者的计算机中的变量。[www.61k.com]每当同一台计算机通过浏览器请求某个页面时,就会发送这个 cookie。你可以使用 JavaScript 来创建和取回 cookie 的值。本文主要JS怎样读取Cookie以及域的设置。AD:在Javascript脚本里,一个cookie 实际就是一个字符串属性。当你读取cookie的值时,就得到一个字符串,里面当前WEB页使用的所有cookies的名称和值。每个cookie除了 name名称和value值这两个属性以外,还有四个属性。这些属性是: expires过期时间、 path路径、 domain域、以及 secure安全。Expires – 过期时间。指定cookie的生命期。具体是值是过期日期。如果想让cookie的存在期限超过当前浏览器会话时间,就必须使用这个属性。当过了到期日期时,浏览器就可以删除cookie文件,没有任何影响。Path – 路径。指定与cookie关联的WEB页。值可以是一个目录,或者是一个路径。如果http://www.zdnet.com/devhead /index.html 建立了一个cookie,那么在http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/目录里的所有页面,以及该目录下面任何子目录里的页面都可以 访问这个cookie。这就是说,在http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/stories/articles 里的任何页面都可以访问建立的cookie。但是,如果http: //www.zdnet.com/zdnn/ 需要访问设置的cookes,该怎么办?这时,我们要把cookies 的path属性设置成“/”。在指定路径的时候,凡是来自同一服务器,URL里有相同路径的所有WEB页面都可以共享cookies。现在看另一个例子: 如果想让 http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/filters/ 和http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/stories/共享cookies,就要把path设成“/devhead”。Domain – 域。指定关联的WEB服务器或域。值是域名,比如zdnet.com。这是对path路径属性的一个延伸。如果我们想让 catalog.mycompany.com 能够访问shoppingcart.mycompany.com设置的cookies,该怎么办? 我们可以把domain属性设置成“mycompany.com”,并把path属性设置成“/”。不能把cookies域属性设置成与设置它的服务器的 所在域不同的值。Secure – 安全。指定cookie的值通过网络如何在用户和WEB服务器之间传递。这个属性的值或者是“secure”,或者为空。缺省情况下,该属性为空,也就是 使用不安全的HTTP连接传递数据。如果一个 cookie 标记为secure,那么,它与WEB服务器之间就通过HTTPS或者其它安全协议传递数据。不过,设置了secure属性不代表其他人不能看到你机器本 地保存的cookie。换句话说,把cookie设置为secure,只保证cookie与WEB服务器之间的数据传输过程加密,而保存在本地的 cookie文件并不加密。如果想让本地cookie也加密,得自己加密数

cookie设置 Cookie跨域操作

据。[www.61k.com)例:a.b.com和c.b.com两个站,建立方式如下:a.b.com站下建a.html。关键代码如下:<script type="text/javascript"> function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays) { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+expiredays); alert(exdate.getDate()+expiredays); document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";expires="+exdate.toGMTString())+";path=/;domain=b.com"; } window.onload=function(){ setCookie("listallwjh","sfwjh"); alert("Cookie设置成功!"); } </script> c.b.com站下建a.html。关键代码如下<script> function getCookie(c_name) { if (document.cookie.length>0) { c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "="); if (c_start!=-1) { c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1 ; c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",c_start); if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end)); } } return ""; } window.onload=function(){ var c_name="listallwjh"; if(getCookie("listallwjh")!=null){ alert(getCookie("listallwjh")); } } </script> 这两个一个也面是设置,一个是取,只要保证两个规则一样,就行。运行,结果:OK!注:这两个方法有时候也可以写在一起,先判断cookie是否存在,在创建。友情资料:一、浏览器允许每个域名所包含的 cookie 数:Microsoft 指出 Internet Explorer 8 增加 cookie 限制为每个域名 50 个,但 IE7 似乎也允许每个域名 50 个 cookie( color="#006da3">《Update to Internet Explorer&rsquo;s Cookie Jar》)。Firefox 每个域名 cookie 限制为 50 个。Opera 每个域名 cookie 限制为 30 个。Safari/WebKit 貌似没有 cookie 限制。但是如果 cookie 很多,则会使 header 大小超过服务器的处理的限制,会导致错误发生。注:每个域名 cookie 限制为 20 个将不再正确!二、当很多的 cookie 被设置,浏览器如何去响应。除 (可以设置全部cookie,不管数量多少),有两个方法:最少最近使用(least recently used (LRU))的方法:当 Cookie 已达到限额,自动踢除最老的 Cookie ,以使给最新的 Cookie 一些空间。 Internet Explorer 和 Opera 使用此方法。Firefox 很独特:虽然最后的设置的 Cookie 始终保留,但似乎随机决定哪些 cookie 被保留。似乎没有任何计划(建议:在 Firefox 中不要超过 Cookie 限制)。三、不同浏览器间 cookie 总大小也不同:Firefox 和 Safari 允许 cookie 多达 4097 个字节, 包括名(name)、值(value)和等号。Opera 允许 cookie 多达 4096 个字节, 包括:名(name)、值(value)和等号。Internet Explorer 允许 cookie 多达 4095 个字节, 包括:名(name)、

cookie设置 Cookie跨域操作

值(value)和等号。[www.61k.com)注:多字节字符计算为两个字节。在所有浏览器中,任何 cookie 大小超过限制都被忽略,且永远不会被设置。当访问者首次访问页面时,他或她也许会填写他/她们的名字。名字会存储于 cookie 中。当访问者再次访问网站时,他们会收到类似 "Welcome John Doe!" 的欢迎词。而名字则是从 cookie 中取回的。这就是Cookie,希望本文能帮助到你。参考:--自己例子(注意域名不是url(不能加http://否则无法保存))CookieUtil.setDdlibUserCookie(response, "fuck", uid, "mlib.fudan.edu.cn");CookieUtil.setDdlibUserCookie(response, "you", password, "mlib.fudan.edu.cn");

扩展:cookie跨域 ip操作 / cookie 跨域 / 跨域获取cookie

扩展:cookie跨域 ip操作 / cookie 跨域 / 跨域获取cookie

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1082445.html

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