

发布时间:2017-07-30 所属栏目:美国历任总统党派

一 : 英国的三大党派资料总结


辉格党 Whigs
托利派 Tories
改革党 Radical Party
英国保守党 Conservative Party
英国自由党 Liberal Party
爱尔兰议会党 Irish Parliamentary Party
英国工党 Labour Party
英国社会民主党 Social Democratic Party
英国自由民主党 Liberal Democrats


基本上,只有这三个党是全国性的。 其他都是地方小党。





Conservative party

Conservative party, British political party, formally theConservative and Unionist party and a continuation of the historicTory party.
The Rise of the Conservative Party

The name “conservative” was used by George Canning as early as 1824and was first popularized by John Wilson Croker in the QuarterlyReview in 1830. The Reform Bill of 1832 (see Reform Acts), whichcreated some 500,000 middle-class voters, marked the advent of thenew party. The 19th-century Conservatives, like their Torypredecessors, were defenders of the established Church of England.They supported aristocratic government and a narrow franchise. Theyattempted, by passing factory acts and moderating the poor law of1834, to ease hardships stemming from the Industrial Revolution,but they had no comprehensive plan to cope with its widespreaddislocations. They were stronger in rural than in urban areas andwere defenders of agricultural interests.

Sir Robert Peel, in his Tamworth Manifesto (1834) and after,attempted to make the party attractive to the new business classesand formed the first Conservative government. But his repeal (1846)of the corn laws brought about an angry reaction from protectionistagricultural interests, led by Lord George Bentinck and BenjaminDisraeli, and resulted in a party split. The “Peelites” eventuallymerged with the Liberal party, and the Conservatives were hamperedby the loss to the Liberals of able young leaders like WilliamGladstone.

From Disraeli to World War I

In the heyday (1846–73) of free trade and anti-imperial sentiment,the Conservatives were out of office, except for three briefministries, until the Disraeli government of 1874–80. Disraeli'sstrong imperialism and his wooing of a broadened electorate withplans for reform, a program known as “Tory democracy,” wasattractive in a period of depression and increasing imperialcompetition. After the Reform Bill of 1884 campaign, organizationslike the Primrose League and the development of the caucus gave theConservatives greater solidarity and cohesion. They gainedadditional strength as a result of the secession (1886) from theLiberal party of the Liberal Unionists, who, like theConservatives, opposed Home Rule for Ireland. (In 1912 the LiberalUnionists formally merged with the Conservative party.)

The party was in office under the 3d marquess of Salisbury(1885–86; 1886–92; 1895–1902) and Arthur Balfour (1902–5). Effortsby Lord Randolph Churchill to implement further domestic reforms inthe tradition of Tory democracy were unsuccessful, but the popularimperialist emphasis remained. In this period the party wasgradually drawing closer to middle-class business interests, butthe insistence of Joseph Chamberlain on a program of tariff reform,including imperial preference, split the party, which lost (1906)to the Liberals. Conservatives were next in office as part of thecoalition government during World War I.

The Dominant Party

In 1922 the Conservatives refused to continue the coalition formedduring the war, and under Andrew Bonar Law emerged victorious atthe polls. With the Liberals in decline and the Labour party stilldeveloping, the Conservatives entered a period of almost continuoushegemony. They held office from 1922 to 1929, interrupted only by abrief Labour ministry in 1924. They were the dominant power in theNational governments of Ramsay MacDonald (1931–35), Stanley Baldwin(1935–37), and Neville Chamberlain (1937–40). Under the longleadership of Baldwin (1922–37), the party spoke for the interestsof business, the professional and white-collar classes, andfarmers. They lost prestige with Chamberlin's appeasement policytoward Nazi Germany, but the country rallied to his successor, SirWinston Churchill.

Postwar Years

Triumph in war preceded electoral defeat (1945), owing to populardemand for urgently needed social reform, which the Conservativeswould not carry through. Returning to office (1951) underChurchill, the Conservatives displayed a sense of pragmaticmodernity in accepting many of the social reforms instituted by theLabour government. The party's majority in the House of Commons wasincreased in 1955, and Sir Anthony Eden became (1955) primeminister upon Churchill's retirement. Popularity diminishedtemporarily during the Suez Canal crisis, but favorable economicconditions and the political skill of Harold Macmillan, who headedthe government after Eden's resignation (1957), resulted in a solidelectoral victory in 1959. Under the leadership of Sir AlecDouglas-Home, who succeeded Macmillan (1963), the party lostnarrowly to the Labour party in 1964. After that defeat, Lord Homeinstituted a formal balloting system for choosing future partyleaders.

Heath, Thatcher, and Major

In 1965, Edward Heath became the first leader chosen throughelection. Heath led a Conservative government from 1970 to 1974that faced the problems of a stagnant economy and a declininginternational political position. In response, the party moved tocurb the power of trade unions and encouraged more economicself-reliance. In foreign affairs, it continued the policy ofrestricting Great Britain's Commonwealth and international roleswhile expanding ties with Western Europe, as demonstrated byBritain's entry (1973) into the European Community (now theEuropean Union [EU]).

In 1974, the Conservatives lost two elections and Heath wasreplaced as party leader by Margaret Thatcher, the first woman tolead the party. Thatcher was prime minister from 1979 to 1990, thelongest uninterrupted government of the 20th cent. Her governmentdismantled much of Britain's postwar welfare state, and the partybecame identified with free-market economic policies. In 1990,Thatcher's leadership was challenged by members of the party; inthe ensuing elections, she was succeeded by John Major. Under hisleadership, the Conservatives won the 1992 general election. Theparty received a resounding defeat in the 1997 elections, and Majorwas replaced as party leader by William Hague. In 2001 the party,which had come to be seen as anti–European Union, was againtrounced at the polls by Labour, leading Hague to resign. IainDuncan Smith was chosen to succeed Hague but served only two yearsas party leader before he was replaced by Michael Howard. The partymade gains in the 2005 elections, but Labour's majority, thoughreduced, remained secure. Following the elections Howard announcedhis resignation, and David Cameron was chosed to succeed him.


See M. Pugh, The Tories and the People (1985); F. O'Gorman, BritishConservatism (1986); R. Shepherd, The Power Brokers (1991).

Labour Party

Labour party, British political party, one of the two dominantparties in Great Britain since World War I.

The Labour party was founded in 1900 after several generations ofpreparatory trade union politics made possible by the Reform Billsof 1867 and 1884, which enfranchised urban workers. Although theLabour Representation League, organized in 1869, electedparliamentary representatives, they were absorbed into the Liberalparty. A Marxist organization, the Social Democratic Federation,was founded by H. M. Hyndman in 1881; but more important for thehistory of the Labour party was the founding of the Fabian Society(1883) and the Independent Labour party (ILP; 1893). With the helpof the Fabian Society and the Trades Union Congress, the ILP in1900 set up the Labour Representation Committee, renamed the Labourparty in 1906. The new party elected 29 members to Parliament in1906; in the two elections of 1910 it elected 40 and 42. Itsstrength lay in the industrial North and in Welsh mining areas; theevolutionary socialism espoused by the Fabians was the dominantideology.

1914 to 1945

At the outbreak of World War I, Ramsay MacDonald led a pacifistwing of the party, but the majority of the party supported the wareffort, and the party's leader, Arthur Henderson, served in thewartime coalition governments. Until 1918 the party was distinctlya federation of trade unions and socialist groups and had noindividual members. After the war economic depression, the growingpolitical consciousness of the working classes, and the split inthe Liberal party gave Labour a national following. In 1918, Labourwithdrew completely from the coalition, and in 1922 it became thesecond largest party in the House of Commons and thus the officialopposition.

In 1924 the party formed its first ministry, with MacDonald asprime minister. As Labour was a minority in Parliament and dependedon Liberal support, the enactment of legislation proved difficult,and the government's domestic program of unemployment relief andhousing differed little from that of its Conservative predecessor.Effective primarily in foreign affairs, the ministry recognized theUSSR. The party was turned out of office in Oct., 1924, in anelection marked by Conservative exploitation of the Zinoviev letter(see under Zinoviev, Grigori).

In 1929, Labour formed another minority ministry. MacDonald andPhilip Snowden reacted to the severe depression with conservativeeconomic policies that involved reducing unemployment relief. Whenthe majority of the cabinet refused to accede, MacDonald formed(1931) a coalition government, but he and the Labour leaders whojoined him were expelled from the party. Heavily defeated in theelection of 1931, the Labour party moved slightly to the left,advocating nationalization of major industries and more progressivetaxation. In the next few years Labour found new leaders in ClementAttlee (later Earl Attlee), Herbert Morrison, and ErnestBevin.

In the early 1930s the party passed antiwar resolutions andadvocated collective security through the League of Nations, but itfavored aid to the republican government in the Spanish civil warand eventually came to accept rearmament against the threat fromNazi Germany. After the fall of France to German forces in WorldWar II, Labour agreed to join Winston Churchill's coalitiongovernment; Bevin as minister of labor and Attlee as deputy primeminister, together with other Labour ministers, took charge ofdomestic affairs during the war years.

The Postwar Years

In 1945 the party won an overwhelming electoral victory, and Attleebecame prime minister in Labour's first majority government. Thenew government nationalized the Bank of England, the fuel and powerindustries (coal, electricity, gas, and atomic energy),transportation, and most of the iron and steel industry. It alsoenacted a comprehensive social security system, which included anational health service. In the areas of colonial and foreignpolicy, it granted independence to India and Pakistan, Burma(Myanmar), and Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and allied itself with theUnited States in a strong anti-Communist posture.

Faced with postwar shortages and the problems of reconstruction,Attlee's government encountered severe financial difficulties,despite American assistance. Rationing continued to be a necessity,economic recovery was slow, and the cost of rearmament increasedthe strains on the economy. The government barely maintained itsmajority in the general elections of 1950, and the following yearit was defeated by the Conservatives.

During the long period of opposition that followed (theConservatives were returned to power in 1955 and in 1959), theLabour party argued and almost split on questions of disarmament,aid to developing countries, and furtherance of socialism at home.When Attlee and other elder leaders retired and Hugh Gaitskellbecame party leader, Aneurin Bevan, leading the left wing of theparty, unsuccessfully contested Gaitskell's position. AlthoughBevan was soon reconciled with the party leadership, his supporterscontinued to urge a policy of diplomatic neutralism and unilateraldisarmament, in addition to a strong socialist program. The party'sright-wing, on the other hand, argued that prosperity haddiminished the appeal of socialism to the average worker and thatthe party should adopt a broader, more pragmatic program. Gaitskellconsolidated his position as leader in the early 1960s, and theparty achieved a new solidarity.

The 1960s to the Present

Harold Wilson, who became leader on Gaitskell's death in 1963, wasable to lead the party to victory in 1964. He was prime ministeruntil the Conservative party returned to power in 1970. Wilson'sadministration was marked by a continued decline in Britain'sinternational political and economic position, which gave littleopportunity for social innovation.

After 1970, the Labour party, in opposition, again found itdifficult to present a united front. The reversal of the party'sposition on Britain's entry into the European Community (now theEuropean Union), after having earlier supported it, and a renewedcall for further nationalization of industry were indications of agreater left-wing militancy within the party. The party returned topower as a result of the elections of Feb., 1974, but as a minoritygovernment. Wilson's second administration began renegotiation ofthe terms of Britain's membership in the European Community andannounced plans for large-scale nationalization. Despite continuingeconomic difficulties he called new elections in Oct., 1974, andLabour won a small majority. James Callaghan took over as primeminister following Wilson's resignation in 1976.

The party lost power to the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcherin the 1979 elections and remained in the opposition until the late1990s. Michael Foot became party leader in 1980 but was succeededby Neil Kinnock in 1983. Kinnock led the party to abandon some ofits traditional left-wing positions but proved unable to achievevictory at the polls. He resigned in 1992 after the Conservativevictory in the general elections and was succeeded by John Smith.After Smith's untimely death in 1994, moderate Tony Blair waschosen to lead the party. Under Blair's leadership, the partyformally abandoned traditional socialism in 1995 and subsequentlywon (1997, 2001) consecutive resounding victories at the polls. Theparty's narrower victory in 2005 marked the first time Labour hadthree consecutive national elections.


See H. Wilson, The Labour Government 1964–1970 (1971); B. Jones andM. Keating, Labour and the British State (1985); K. Laybourn, TheRise of Labour (1988).

二 : 三国群英传OL的兑换官在哪有个时效坐骑兑换券需要找兑换官不知道他


有个时效坐骑需要找兑换官不知道他在哪里 有高手知道吗?

有个时效坐骑兑换券需要找兑换官不知道他在哪里 有高手知道吗


三 : 三国英雄资料

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