片,教师示范读音,幼儿跟读。(2) 教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。(3) 教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。3、游戏“超市”请几个幼儿扮收银员,其他幼儿扮顾客到超...
everyone! c:good moring teacher! (2) t:hello! c:hello! t:how are you! c:fine , ...
波波波ears、ears、ears 听声音2.学习单词:eye、mouse、mouth.(师):我们每个人都有一张“Face”,在我们的”face”上长有...
1. t:good morning boys and girls . c:good morning teacher . t:do you want to d...
个水果?” 请幼儿把水果放到各个小篮里。 ——“现在小篮子里有几个水果?” 2、根据要求装水果: 在...
lo, how are you? Fine, fine, fine, thank youHello,hello, how are you ? Oh, oh, j...
hat day,如下例:What day is December 14, 2005?(2005年12月14日是星期幾?)1A:What day is it to...
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