
what the fuck-What was the joke?

发布时间:2018-05-11 所属栏目:what the hell歌词

一 : What was the joke?

  To end our special news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains. On the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991. And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. We're now going back to the studio.



Power / Potential

If modernist architecture was an attempt to architecturally discipline the indomitable forces of industrial capitalism -- silos, factories and freeways turned into the new production models for the city, the architecture of the 1960's was amongst other things a critique of the sclerosis that the modernist models had started to develop.

如果现代主义建筑是一种同过建筑方式来惩罚工业化资本主义的顽固势力的尝试—— 竖井、工厂和高速公路则转变为新的城市的产品模型,60年代的建筑在其他东西之中是一种对于现代主义模型已经开始发展以至于僵化的批评。(www.61k.com]

An entire class of architects began to develop during this period. Team X, the Japanese post-metabolists and the American post-moderns subverted this identity between Power and Control in order to induce new potentialities.

一个全面的建筑师阶层在这个阶段之中开始发展。十次小组,日本后新陈代谢派 和 美国后现代派 颠覆了存在于权力和控制之间的一致性以达到引入新潜力的目的。

Perhaps the most radical case was Philip Johnson, who always worked via the uncontrolled revelation of power in order to unchain pure potential....while he used his feet to move some wooden blocks around a model under his desk, which appeared to be the place for a skyscraper comples. Philip Johnson, always prepared to sprint 100 metres in high heels, eliminates control in order to turn power into pure potential.


In this disintegration of the correspondence between power and potential as a way of producing virtuality, one should first identify a series of critical practices which work by generating forms of resistance to power.


'politically correct', feminist, regionalist, environmentalist and militant architectures, are examples of this form of practice. These 'critical' architectures are defined as negative feedback mechanisms, and tend to correct deviations or excesses of the predominant forms.

"政治正确",女权主义者,地方主义者,环境主义者和激进主义者建筑,是这种实践的形式的例子。 这些“批判的”建筑被定义为负面的反馈机制,以及意图去改变占主导的形式的偏离或者过量。

When Rafael Moneo, Kenneth Frampton or Steven Holl complain about the erosion of local or historical specificness of the architecture produced by commercial architecture, or when feminist theoreticians criticises phalocentric and fetishist architecture, they are trying to release potential from the consolidated forms of power through the construction of an alternative critical model, by encouraging the forms of difference.


In an initial reading, Peter Eisenman would fit in this same group of resisters or critics of the established forms of power. Eisenman's resistance, however, works from within the discipline instead of becoming a vehicle for an external discourse. His proposal is a radical break between power and control by means of the exercise of arbitrary control, without a reference point extrinsic to the discipline itself.


As a speech to the AA in 1994, Eisenman began with an unequivocal statement: "I have never been interested in power, but rather in the possibility of exercising control over my work." His statement that the more difficult system's assimilation of a work of architecture, the greater its value, is a clear indicator of this position of 'resistance' through the application of a series of control mechanisms which, far from seeking an external meaning, are produced arbitrarily, thus negating the local, historical, political or psychological-specific nature that characterises the other resistant discourses.

在1994年对AA的讲话中,埃森曼一开始就毫不含糊地声明:“我从来不对权力感兴趣,反而对于实施对我作品的控制的可能性感兴趣。”在他的陈述中,建筑工作系统的同化越困难,它的价值就越大,则是一个通过一系列的控制机制的应用,对于这种‘反抗’的立场的明确的指示。这种控制机制根本不寻求一种外部意义,而是任意地产生的,因而是反 地域的,历史的,政治的或者特定心理的天性,这种天性标识了其他反抗者的讨论。

扩展:what is reading / what are you reading / the power of reading

The architects who have adopted what we might define as positive feedback might also include those who, instead of opposing dominant tendencies(globalisation, media control, complexity of production processes, etc...), have received them as the origin of unprecedented potentiality. Rem Koolhaas would fit in this group. He has perhaps been more capable than any other to articulate this position through the proposal of positive feedback as a producer of virtuality.

In a text published in the Harvard Architectural Review in 1996, Koolhaaas makes the following statement: "If we are in this job, it is because one way or another we are interested in power." His defence of the 'generic city', of banality, of linearity... proposes that an extreme, intensified practice of the forms of power may end up producing an enormous potential or imbalance, at least within the established forms of 'educated' architectural practice, which are shrouded in well stratified forms of resistance.
在一个1996年发表的哈佛建筑评图文本中,库哈斯做了如下申明:“如果我们处在这个职业中,那是因为不论如何我们都对权力感兴趣。” 他的对于“一般城市”的关于平庸、关于线性的辩护,提议了一个极端的、增强的关于权力形式的实践可能终结于生产一个巨大的潜能或者不平衡。至少在已确立的“被教导的”建筑实践的形式上,那是个被很好地分层了的反抗形式的裹尸布所包裹。

Although Jean Nouvel and Toyo Ito have less clearly articulated positions, they are very close to Koolhaas on this point, in the sense that it is the strategic intensification of the predominant trends that is capable of projecting new architectural potentials.


Jaques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron, who are often mentioned by 'critical' architects as one of the best examples of resistance to the disappearance of the material qualities of contemporary architecture, are nevertheless in other aspects perfectly capable of avoiding friction between power and potential. In the discussion following a 1997 speech at the AA, a 'politically correct' member of the audience accused them of having become architects of refined, closed precincts for the powerful.

贾克斯 赫尔佐格 和 皮尔 德梅隆,经常作为“批判的”建筑师被提及,是对当代建筑中材料质量的消逝的抵抗的最好例子中的一个。然而从另一个方面来讲他们完美地避开了权力和潜力的摩擦。在1997年AA的一次演讲后的讨论中,一个“政治正确”的听众指责他们已经成为权力的精致的,范围封闭的建筑师。

He was answered by Herzog with disdain for the resistance: "We star architects often get amazing projects that enable us to explore fields that are unknown to the majority of architects." Herzog & De Meuron's ability to maintain a constantly experimental and accommodative practice at the same time is perhaps what has placed them amongst the most interesting figures on the contemporary scene.
赫尔佐格用对反抗的轻蔑回答了他的指责:“我们明星建筑师经常能够得到令人惊异的项目,让我们能够探索对大多数建筑师来说还是未知的领域。” 赫尔佐格和德梅隆能够在保持连续的实验性的同时保持实践的可行性的能力可能是把他们置于当代场景中最有意思的人物之中的原因。

In contrast to these positions of rupture between control and power as an instrument for the production of virtuality, there are several important cases of assimilation or 'capture' of certain architectural discourses that are adopted by forms of political or economic power, which do not exploit the disintegration between power and control but instead are capable of turning this correspondence into a productive process of architectural culture. The examples we shall now analyse lie at the opposite extreme from the group of virtual practices that have been described above.


The first notable case is that of assimilation by the international corporate culture of the English high-tech architects' discourse. English high-tech architecture is clearly the heir to the modernist, functional, efficient lineage, although it contains a strong does of Anglo-Saxon pragmatism and Victorian strictness that distances architects like Foster, Grimshaw and Rogers from modern idealism.


扩展:what is reading / what are you reading / the power of reading

The replacement of the modern ideological presumptions with this pragmatic, specific attitude to the conditions of each problem, without relinquishing technical efficiency as a fundamental stratum underlying architectural practice, drifted into the proposal for flexible, multifunctional structures, where the consideration of environmental and regional factors as part of the functional requirenments were the perfect recipe for their total assimilation by the new Thatcherian culture of economic and social deregulation, making them perfect architects for the implimentation of the new international corporate culture.

对现代意识形态的推测 的替换带着这种实用的、明确针对每个问题状况的态度,绝不放弃把技术上的效率作为建筑实践之下的基本组织层,漂移进了主张灵活的、多功能的结构,在那儿对环境和区域因素作为功能要求的一部分被考虑是完美的处方对于他们的彻底的通过新的撒切尔的关于经济和社会撤销管制的文化同化。使得他们成为完美的能实施新的国际化协作文化下的建筑师。

Another peculiar example of contemporary relations between architectural discipline and political power is what has been called the Berliner Clique, and active group of O.M. Ungers' disciples in Berlin such as Dudler, Kolhoff and Sawade. In the 1980's they became recognised as the architects of the new Berlin thanks to an aesthetic and ideological alliance with City Councillor Stimman.

At a time when Germany had to forge a new post-reunification image that was to be synthesised in the new capital, this group of architects became a perfect product for the new urban image of united Germany. They synthesis of references to Schinkelian and Miesian architecture -- abstract, material and static--, along with Berlin metropolitanism and germuetlich, which reproduces tree-lined avenues and repetitive orders of spans on facades, is one of most consisten and powerful manifestos of contemporary architecture.


Attempts by Behnish, whose new building for the Bundestag was the first victim of the political process, or by Libeskind to establish alternatives to this crystallisation of the urban forms of repetition and stability, have hitherto been incapable of producing a consistent alternative.

In an almost opposite architectural direction from Berlin, where the political requirement of architecture was the need to reconstruct an image of the power purportedly diluted ever since the end of W.W.II, Olympic Barcelona witnessed another coincidence between an emerging political and economic structure and a new architectural proposal. In contrast to Berlin, where the thrust was to unify, solidify and centralise, the political situation of Barcelona in the 1980's demanded an almost opposite structure which could provide a new independent identity to post-dictatorship Catalonia.

Instead of an identity of repetition and centrality which had characterized the centralist Franc regime, the new identity of Catalan architecture was constructed on the basis of difference and periphery, through an out-ward-looking view towards the rest of Europe instead of inwards to the Iberian Peninsula. The Barcelona of Mayor Maragall provided the opportunity for a generation of architects to construct one of the most consistent urban manifestos of the second half of this century, through the production of an identity that was ambiguous and elusive, landscapist and geometrically complex.


扩展:what is reading / what are you reading / the power of reading

三 : What was the joke?

  to end our special news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, we're going over to the macaroni fields of calabria. macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. two of the leading growers, giuseppe moldova and riccardo brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. the whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the september rains. on the right, you can see mrs. brabante herself. she has been helping her husband for thirty years now. mrs. brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. this last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous calabrian macaroni-eating competition! signor fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991. and that ends our special bulletin for today, thursday, april lst. we're now going back to the studio.

四 : what the xxoox moust

what the xxoox moust

what the xxoox moust的参考答案


most adv.最;非常,极其;最多;几乎 | adj

must aux.

必须,一定;可以,应当;很可能 | n

本文标题:what the fuck-What was the joke?
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1180894.html

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