

发布时间:2018-03-22 所属栏目:parker接头样本

一 : 扩口式管接头的使用原理图解

扩口管接头(Flare Fittigs)是一种Tubing管接头。按扩口的角度,常用的有45°扩口管接头和37°扩口管接头。
45°扩口管接头由二个部件组成:螺母、带锥度的本体组成,设计制造标准有SAE J512等。

37°扩口管接头由三个部件组成:螺母、压环、带锥度的本体组成。设计制造标准有SAE J514,ISO 8434-2等。

二 : 51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting


The universal37° ? ared ? tting


Visual index

Tube to tube


p. K10 p. K11 p. K14

Bulkhead union


p. K15 p. K16 p. K17 p. K18 p. K19 p. K92

Tube to

male NPTF

FMTX CMTX CCTX CCCTX VMTX RMTX SMTX p. K36 p. K51 p. K52 p. K53 p. K59 p. K71 p. K65

Tube to

male BSPT

F3MX C3MX V3MX R3MX S3MX p. K37 p. K54 p. K60 p. K72 p. K66

Tube to

male BSPP

F4OMX F42EDMX C4OMX V4OMX R4OMX S4OMX p. K33 p. K32 p. K49 p. K57 p. K69 p. K63

Tube to straight

thread UNF

F5OMX FF5OMX C5OMX CC5OX V5OMX R5OMX S5OMX p. K29 p. K31 p. K47 p. K48 p. K56 p. K68 p. K62

Tube to

male metricISO 6149-3

F87OMX C87OMX V87OMX R87OMX S87OMX p. K28 p. K46 p. K55 p. K67 p. K61

Tube to

male metricDIN 3852-1

F8OMX F82EDMX C8OMX V8OMX R8OMX S8OMX p. K35 p. K34 p. K50 p. K58 p. K70 p. K64

Tube to

female NPTF

GMTX WGMTX DMTX OTX MTX G6X p. K74 p. K75 p. K76 p. K77 p. K78 p. K79

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



Catalogue 4100-8/UK



Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end nutSAE 070110 MS51531

Triple-Lok??? mm in. T6 in. g/1 Steel Stainless Brass 2 BTX-S 2 BTX-SS

2 BTX-B 3 BTX-S 3 BTX-SS 3 BTX-B4 BTX-S 4 BTX-SS 4 BTX-B5 BTX-S 5 BTX-SS 5 BTX-B6 BTX-S 6 BTX-SS 6 BTX-B8 BTX-S 8 BTX-SS 8 BTX-B 14, 15, 16 5/8 7/8-14 1 18 25 54 10 BTX-S 10 BTX-SS 10 BTX-B 18, 1 1 21 26 73 12 BTX-S 12 BTX-SS 12 BTX-B1 14 BTX-S 14 BTX-SS 14 BTX-B 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 1/2 28 29 104 16 BTX-S 16 BTX-SS 16 BTX-B 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 2 34 31 240 20 BTX-S 20 BTX-SS 20 BTX-B 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 2 1/4 41 36 325 24 BTX-S 24 BTX-SS 24 BTX-B

32 BTX-S


Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头



Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end nutSAE 070110

Weight O.D. Triple-Lok?? Stainless Steel 14, 15, 16 5/8 7/8-14 27 18 25 42 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 32 22 26 73 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 50 34 31 240 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 60 41 36 325 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


TX Sleeve

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare tube end sleeve for metric tubesSAE 070105

Tube Weight

O.D. L X Triple-Lok???

mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel Brass 10 13 13 12 14 17 14 17 20 15 17 20 16 17 20 18 17 25 20 17 25 22 19 28 25 20 31 28 23 39 30 23 39 32 23 39 35 28 45 38 28 45 42



Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



TX Sleeve

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare tube sleeveSAE 070105 MS51533

Tube O.D. in. 1/8 3/16

1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2

L 9 9

10 11 13 14 17 17 19 23 28 X 7 8

10 11 13 17 20 25 28 39 45 Weight

Triple-Lok???g/1 Steel Stainless Brass2


2 30 51 2 TX-S 3 TX-S 4 TX-S 5 TX-S 6 TX-S 8 TX-S 10 TX-S 12 TX-S 14 TX-S 16 TX-S 20 TX-S 24 TX-S 32 TX-S

2 TX-SS 3 TX-SS 4 TX-SS 5 TX-SS 6 TX-SS 8 TX-SS 10 TX-SS 12 TX-SS 14 TX-SS 16 TX-SS 20 TX-SS 24 TX-SS 32 TX-SS

2 TX-B3 TX-B4 TX-B5 TX-B6 TX-B8 TX-B10 TX-B12 TX-B14 TX-B16 TX-B20 TX-B24 TX-B32 TX-B

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


HMTX Union

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare endsSAE 070101 MS51501

Tube Tube 2 PN (bar)

O.D. O.D. Triple-Lok???

mm in. mm in. T1 T2 Steel Stainless Brass SS

2 HTX-S —

3 HTX-S —4-2 HTX-S 4-2HMTXSS 4-2HMTXB 4-3 HTX-S 4-3HMTXSS 4-3HMTXB 5-4 HTX-S 5-4HMTXSS 5-4HMTXB 6-5 HTX-S 6-5HMTXSS 6-5HMTXB 8-4 HTX-S 8-4HMTXSS 8-4HMTXB 14, 15,16 5/8 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 7/8-14 24 12 12 48 80 14, 15,16 5/8 10 3/8 7/8-14 9/16-18 24 13 8 43 60 14, 15,16 5/8 12 1/2 7/8-14 3/4-16 24 12 10 45 68 18, 20 3/4 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 27 16 16 55 125 18, 20 3/4 12 1/2 1 1/16-12 3/4-16 29 16 10 50 101 12-8 HTX-S 12-8HMTXSS 12-8HMTXB 20 3/4 14, 15,16 5/8 1 1/16-12 7/8-14 29 16 12 52 113 22 7/8 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 1 3/16-12 32 18 18 56 156 14 HTX-S 14HMTXSS 14HMTXB 25 1 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 36 22 22 57 131 25 1 20 3/4 1 5/16-12 1 1/16-12 36 22 16 56 169 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 46 28 28 62 271 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 25 1 1 5/8-12 1 5/16-12 46 28 22 61 235 35, 38 1 1/2 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 50 33 33 70 382 42 42 2 1/4-12 2 1/4-12 60 39 39 71 469 2 2 2 1/2-12 2 1/2-12 67 45 45 87 785 32 HTX-S 32HMTXSS 32HMTXB 140 150

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



EMTX Union elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends SAE 070201 MS51505


mm in. T T1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass 14, 14, 18, 18, 18, 22, 22, 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 28 28 52 52 41 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 33 33 59 59 48 1 2 2 2 2 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

PN (bar)S SS

2 ETX-S —

3 ETX-S —6-4 ETX-S 6-4EMTXSS 6-4 ETX-B 8-6 ETX-S 8-6EMTXSS —10 10-8 ETX-S 10-8EMTXSS 10-8 ETX-B 12 12-8 ETX-S 12-8EMTXSS —12-10 ETX-S 12-10EMTXSS 14 ETX-S 14EMTXSS —16 16-12 ETX-S 16-12EMTXSS 16-12 ETX-B 586 20 778 24 28 ETX-S —32 ETX-S —

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



KTX Union cross

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end (four ends)

SAE 070501 MS51517

Tube PN (bar)

??? O.D. Triple-Lok

g/1 SS4 KTX-S




14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 12 37 22 220 10 KTX-S

18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 16 42 27 345 12 KTX-S

1 16 KTX-S

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.4 KTX-SS 5 KTX-SS 6 KTX-SS 8 KTX-SS 10 KTX-SS 12 KTX-SS 16 KTX-SS 4 KTX-B 5 KTX-B 6 KTX-B 8 KTX-B 10 KTX-B 12 KTX-B 16 KTX-B Catalogue 4100-8/UK


WMTX Bulkhead union

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends

SAE 070601 MS51520

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok???

mm in. T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS 14, 5/8 7/8-14 12 40 157 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 36 16 44 79 254 1 14 WTX-WLN-S 14WMTXWLNMSS 14WMTXWLNMB 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 50 28 46 84 462 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 55 33 46 89 695 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

For the version without the locknut remove “WLNM” (e. g. 16WMTX)

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

Maximum bulkhead wallthickness

Tube O.D. Straight bulkhead union Shape bulkhead union Max. thickness Max. thickness

Size inch mm mm

8.4 5.3

8.4 5.3

10.7 7.1

11.2 8.4

10 10.9 8.1

12 11.2 8.6

14 10.4 7.9

16 9.9 7.4

20 1 10.2 7.4

24 1 7.1 —

32 7.1 —

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


WEMTX Bulkhead union elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare endsSAE 070701 MS51507


?? O.D. Triple-Lok?

mm in. T Steel Stainless Steel Brass 14, 18, 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4

1 1 1 1 5/8-12 48 28 41 55 80 41

PN (bar)S SS

44 4 WETX-WLN-S 4 WETX-WLN-SS 4 WETX-WLN-B 59 5 WETX-WLN-S 5 WETX-WLN-SS 5 WETX-WLN-B 72 6 145 8 212 10 345 12 370 14 WETX-WLN-S 14 WETX-WLN-SS 474 16 WETX-WLN-S 16 WETX-WLN-SS 753 20 WETX-WLN-S 20 WETX-WLN-SS Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme. Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLNM” (e. g. 16WETX)PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

Maximum bulkhead wallthickness

Size 10 12 14 16 20 24 32

Tube O.D. inch 1 1 Straight bulkhead union

Max. thickness


8.4 8.4 10.7 11.2 10.9 11.2 10.4 9.9 10.2 7.1 7.1

Shape bulkhead union

Max. thickness


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


WNTX 45° Bulkhead union elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare endsSAE 070801 MS51509


PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel S SS

1/4 4 WNTX-WLN-S 4 WNTX-WLN-SS 5/16 5 WNTX-WLN-S —

3/8 6 WNTX-WLN-S 6 WNTX-WLN-SS 1/2 8 WNTX-WLN-S 8 WNTX-WLN-SS 14, 5/8 10 WNTX-WLN-S 10 WNTX-WLN-SS 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 35 16 40 33 62 27 245 12 WNTX-WLN-S 12 WNTX-WLN-SS 22, 25 1 1 5/16-12 41 22 40 37 65 33 355 16 WNTX-WLN-S 16 WNTX-WLN-SS 28, 30, 32

1 1/4

1 5/8-12 48 28 41 40 67 41



Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLN” (e.g. 16 WNTX)PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Maximum bulkhead wallthickness

Tube O.D. Straight bulkhead union

Shape bulkhead union

Max. thickness

Max. thickness

Size inch mm


8.4 5.38.4 5.310.7 7.111.2 8.4 10 10.9 8.1 12 11.2 8.6 14 10.4 7.9 16 9.9 7.4 20 1 10.2 7.4 24 1 7.1 — 32


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



WJTX Bulkhead branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare endsSAE 070959 MS51515


? O.D. Triple-Lok?

mm in. T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel 14, 18, 20 22, 25 28, 30, 32

1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4

1 1/16-12 35 16 40 45 68 27 1 5/16-12 42 22 40 49 71 33 1 5/8-12 48 28 41 55 79 41

379 420 500


PN (bar)S SS


Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLN” (e.g. 16 WJTX)PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Maximum bulkhead wallthickness

Size 10 12 14 16 20 24 32

Tube O.D. inch 1 1 Straight bulkhead union

Max. thickness


8.4 8.4 10.7 11.2 10.9 11.2 10.4 9.9 10.2 7.1 7.1

Shape bulkhead union

Max. thickness


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


WJJTX Bulkhead run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare endsSAE 070958 MS51516

Tube Weight O.D. Triple-Lok? T g/1 Steel (bar)

6 1/4 7/16-20 17 4 26 25 40 11



10 3/8 9/16-18 21 8 28 28 46 14


6 WJJTX-WLN-S 420 8 WJJTX-WLN-S 420 14, 10 WJJTX-WLN-S 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 35 16 40 45 68 27 340 12 WJJTX-WLN-S 350 22, 25 1 1 5/16-12 42 22 40 49 71 36 390 16 WJJTX-WLN-S 280 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12

48 28 41 55 79 41




Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLN” (e.g. 16 WJJTX)PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Maximum bulkhead wallthickness

Tube O.D. Straight bulkhead union

Shape bulkhead union

Max. thickness

Max. thickness

Size inch mm


8.4 5.38.4 5.310.7 7.111.2 8.4 10 10.9 8.1 12 11.2 8.6 14 10.4 7.9 16 9.9 7.4 20 1 10.2 7.4 24 1 7.1 — 32


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



C6MX Swivel nut elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel endSAE 070221 MS51521

Tube PN (bar)

?? O.D. Triple-Lok

mm in. T T6 g/1 Steel Stainless SS 6 1/4 8 10 3/8 12 1/2 14, 5/8 18, 20 3/4 22 7/8 25 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 35, 38 1 1/2 2

1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 42 44 30 27 1 3/16-12 1 3/16-12 35 18 46 45 34 33 1 1 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 50 28 52 59 43 41 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 59 66 47 48 2 1/2-12 2 1/2-12 73 45 78 89 62 66

260 293 679 747 920

3 C6X-S 14 C6X-S 20 C6X-S 20C6MXSS 24 C6X-S 24C6MXSS 32 C6X-S —

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


V6MX 45° Swivel nut elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end

SAE 070321 MS51522

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T T6 g/1 Steel Stainless SS 6 1/4 4 V6X-S 4 V6X-SS 8 5 V6X-S 5 V6X-SS 10 3/8 6 V6X-S 6 V6X-SS 12 1/2 14, 5/8 10 V6X-S 10 V6X-SS 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 33 38 24 27 203 12 V6X-S 12 V6X-SS 22 7/8 1 1 14 V6X-S 25 1 1 1 16 V6X-S 16 V6X-SS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 51 27 40 52 36 41 572 20 V6X-S 20 V6X-SS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 45 58 39 48 715 24 V6X-S 24 V6X-SS 2 2 1/2-12 2 1/2-12 72 45 56 70 50 66 960 32 V6X-S 32 V6X-SS Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


S6MX Swivel nut branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end

SAE 070433 MS51524

Tube PN (bar)

?? O.D. Triple-Lok

mm in. T T6 g/1 Steel Stainless SS 6 1/4

8 10 3/8

12 1/2

14, 5/8

18, 20 3/4

25 1

28, 30, 32 1 1/4

35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 42 44 30 27 328 1 1 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 50 28 52 59 43 41 708 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 59 68 49 48 1100 4 S6X-S 4 S6X-SS 20 S6X-S 20 S6X-SS 24 S6X-S 24 S6X-SS Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


R6MX Swivel nut run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end

SAE 070432

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T T6 g/1 Steel Stainless SS 6 1/4 4 R6X-S 4 R6X-SS 8 10 3/8 12 1/2 14, 5/8 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 42 44 30 27 319 22 7/8 1 1 14 R6X-S 14 R6X-SS 25 1 1 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 50 28 52 59 43 41 712 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 59 66 47 48 1100 24 R6X-S 24 R6X-SS Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



F87OMX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male metric thread – O-ring (ISO 6149)



mm in. ?Triple-Lok? T87 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel PN (bar)S SS 14, 15,16 5/8 M14 × 1.5 7/8-14 41 19 24 11 73 14, 15,16 5/8 M18 × 1.5 7/8-14 43 19 24 13 75 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 44 19 27 13 98 14, 15,16 5/8 M27 × 2.0 7/8-14 46 19 32 16 75 18, 20 3/4 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 48 22 27 13 104 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 51 22 32 16 158 25 1 M27 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 51 23 36 16 206 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 53 23 41 16 273 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 M42 × 2.0 1 5/8-12 55 24 50 16 431 35, 38 1 1/2 M48 × 2.0 1 7/8-12 59 28 55 18 564 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


F5OMX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)

SAE 070120 MS51525

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel Stainless S SS2 F5OX-S 3 F5OX-S 3-2 F5OX-S 4-3 F5OX-S 4-3F5OMXSS 4-5 F5OX-S 4-5F5OMXSS 35 4-8 F5OX-S 4-8F5OMXSS 4-10 F5OX-S 4-10F5OMXSS 5-4 F5OX-S 5-4F5OMXSS 5-6 F5OX-S 5-6F5OMXSS 5-8 F5OX-S 5-8F5OMXSS 6-4 F5OX-S 6-4F5OMXSS 6-5 F5OX-S 6-5F5OMXSS 85 6-10 F5OX-S 6-10F5OMXSS 1 6-12 F5OX-S 6-12F5OMXSS 58 8-4 F5OX-S 8-4F5OMXSS 44 73 1 1 8-16 F5OX-S 8-16F5OMXSS 14, 75 14, 5/8 9/16-18 7/8-14 18 13 8 43 34 60 10-6 F5OX-S 10-6F5OMXSS 14, 65 14, 15,16 5/8 1 1/16-12 7/8-14 32 12 12 47 32 132 14, 15,16 5/8 1 5/16-12 7/8-14 41 13 13 48 33 170 10-16 F5OX-S 10-16F5OMXSS 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 16 50 35 134 18, 20 3/4 3/4-16 1 1/16-12 29 16 10 49 38 104 12-8 F5OX-S 12-8F5OMXSS 18, 20 3/4 7/8-14 1 1/16-12 27 16 12 48 35 108 18, 20 3/4 1 3/16-12 1 1/16-12 35 16 16 50 35 170 12-14 F5OX-S 12-14F5OMXSS 18, 20 3/4 1 5/16-12 1 1/16-12 38 16 16 51 35 197 18, 20 3/4 1 5/8-12 1 1/16-12 48 16 16 53 38 230 12-20 F5OX-S 12-20F5OMXSS 1 174 14 F5OX-S 14F5OMXSS 1 223 14-16 F5OX-S 14-16F5OMXSS 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 22 22 52 37 203 1 1 160 16-8 F5OX-S 16-8F5OMXSS Continued on page K30

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


F5OMX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)

SAE 070120 MS51525

Tube PN (bar)

?? O.D. Triple-Lok

mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel Stainless S SS 1

25 1

25 1

25 1

25 1

28, 30, 32 1 1/4

28, 30, 32 1 1/4

28, 30, 32 1 1/4

35, 38 1 1/2

35, 38 1 1/2

35, 38 1 1/2


2 1 1/16-12 1 3/16-12 1 5/8-12 1 7/8-12 1 5/8-12 1 1/16-12 1 5/16-12 1 7/8-12 1 5/8-12 2 1/2-12 2 1 1 1 5/16-12 36 22 16 52 37 1 5/16-12 35 22 18 52 37 1 5/16-12 48 22 28 54 39 1 5/16-12 55 22 22 56 41 1 5/8-12 50 28 28 55 40 1 5/8-12 43 28 16 58 43 1 5/8-12 43 28 22 59 44 1 7/8-12 55 33 33 60 45 1 7/8-12 51 33 28 64 49 1 7/8-12 70 34 34 64 49 2 2 183 16-10 F5OX-S 16-10F5OMXSS 204 198 16-14 F5OX-S 16-14F5OMXSS 270 16-20 F5OX-S 16-20F5OMXSS 310 16-24 F5OX-S 16-24F5OMXSS 274 250 20-12 F5OX-S 20-12F5OMXSS 280 20-16 F5OX-S 20-16F5OMXSS 355 340 24-20 F5OX-S 24-20F5OMXSS 400 24-32 F5OX-S —650 32 F5OX-S —600 32-24 F5OX-S —Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


FF5OMX Extended male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)

SAE 070122 MS51526

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel Stainless SS 6 1/4 4 FF5OX-S 4 FF5OX-SS 10 3/8 6 FF5OX-S 6 FF5OX-SS 12 1/2 8 FF5OX-S 8 FF5OX-SS 14, 5/8 10 FF5OX-S 10 FF5OX-SS 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 16 64 92 77 277 12 FF5OX-S 12 FF5OX-SS 18, 3/4 1 12-10FF5OMXS — 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 21 21 72 101 86 458 16 FF5OX-S 16 FF5OX-SS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 48 27 27 88 119 104 862 20 FF5OX-S 20 FF5OX-SS Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


F42EDMX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male BSPP thread – ED seal (ISO 1179)



mm in. ?Triple-Lok? T4 T Steel Stainless Steel PN (bar)SS 1/4 88 3/8 100 1/2 50 1/2 100 1/2 100 1/2 1-11 150 14, 5/8 103 14, 5/8 1/4-19 7/8-14 24 13 6 41 29 110 14, 5/8 3/8-19 7/8-14 24 12 9 43 31 65 14, 5/8 160 14, 5/8 1-11 205 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 32 16 16 51 35 165 18, 20 3/4 3/8-19 1 1/16-12 27 16 9 50 38 105 18, 20 3/4 1/2-14 1 1/16-12 27 16 14 49 35 118 18, 20 3/4 1-11 1 1/16-12 41 16 16 54 35 292 18, 20 3/4 1 1/4-11 1 1/16-12 50 16 30 62 42 220 1 1 1-11 1 262 1 1 145 1 1 217 25 1 1 1/4-11 1 5/16-12 50 22 22 59 39 386 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 50 28 28 60 40 375 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 3/4-14 1 5/8-12 46 28 18 59 40 220 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1-11 1 5/8-12 46 28 23 62 44 255 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/2-11 1 5/8-12 55 28 28 64 42 420 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 55 33 33 67 45 480 35, 38 1 1/2 1-11 1 7/8-12 50 33 23 63 45 390 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/4-11 1 7/8-12 50 33 30 62 42 420 42 1 1/2-11 2 1/4-12 60 39 36 71 49 746 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme. Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


F4OMX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male BSPP thread – O-ring + retaining ring (ISO 1179)

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T4 T g/1 Steel Stainless S SS 1/2 50 1/2 100 1/2 100 1/2 1-11 150 14, 5/8 103 14, 5/8 1/4-19 7/8-14 24 12 6 39 28 110 14, 5/8 3/8-19 7/8-14 24 12 9 39 30 65 14, 5/8 160 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 36 16 16 48 35 165 18, 20 3/8-19 1 1/16-12 27 16 9 44 34 97 18, 20 3/4 1/2-14 1 1/16-12 30 16 12 47 34 118 18, 20 3/4 1-11 1 1/16-12 46 16 16 53 37 292 18, 20 3/4 1 1/4-11 1 1/16-12 50 16 16 53 34 220 1 1-11 1 262 1 1 145 1 1 173 25 1 1 1/4-11 1 5/16-12 50 22 22 55 39 386 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 50 28 28 56 40 325 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 3/4-14 1 5/8-12 46 28 16 51 36 220 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1-11 1 5/8-12 46 28 22 55 39 330 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/2-11 1 5/8-12 55 28 28 57 41 480 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 55 33 33 61 45 480 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/4-11 1 7/8-12 50 33 28 60 44 420 42 1 1/2-11 2 1/4 60 39 33 68 52 740 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


F82EDMX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male metric thread – ED seal (ISO 9974)



mm in. ?Triple-Lok? T82 T Steel Stainless Steel

14 4 4 30 22

17 4 4 34 22

14 6 4 30 22

17 6 5 34 22

19 6 7 36 24

17 8 5 35 23

19 8 7 35 23

22 8 8 36 24

24 8 8 36 24

27 8 8 39 25

19 10 7 39 27

22 10 9 39 27

27 16 11 46 34

27 16 14 49 35

32 16 16 51 35

32 16 16 51 35

41 22 18 55 39

36 16 16 53 37

41 22 22 55 37

50 28 28 60 40

55 33 33 67 45 19 30 17 28 35 33 38 53 60 68 41 57 71 70 104 90 161 85 273 135 431 350 360 431 431 580 4M10F82EDMXXSS 4M12F82EDMXXSS 5M10F82EDMXXSS 5M12F82EDMXXSS 5M14F82EDMXXSS 6M12F82EDMXXSS 6M14F82EDMXXSS 6M16F82EDMXXSS 6M18F82EDMXXSS 6M22F82EDMXXSS 8M14F82EDMXXSS 8M16F82EDMXXSS 8M18F82EDMXXSS 8M22F82EDMXXSS 10M18F82EDMXXSS 10M20F82EDMXXSS 10M22F82EDMXXSS 12M18F82EDMXXSS 12M22F82EDMXXSS 12M26F82EDMXXSS 12M27F82EDMXXSS 16M26F82EDMXXSS 16M27F82EDMXXSS 16M33F82EDMXXSS 20M42F82EDMXXSS 24M48F82EDMXXSS PN (bar)SS× 1.0 7/16-20 × 1.5 7/16-20 × 1.0 1/2-20 × 1.5 1/2-20 × 1.5 1/2-20 × 1.5 9/16-18 × 1.5 9/16-18 × 1.5 9/16-18 × 1.5 9/16-18 × 1.5 9/16-18 × 1.5 3/4-16 × 1.5 3/4-16 × × 14, 5/8 M18 × 14, 5/8 M20 × 14, 5/8 M22 × M18 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 M26 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 × 1.5 1 5/16-12 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 M42 × 2.0 1 5/8-12 35, 38 1 1/2 M48 × 2.0 1 7/8-12

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


F8OMX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male metric thread – O-ring + retainer ring

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T8 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel S SS 14, 15,16 5/8 M18 × 1.5 7/8-14 43 19 24 13 71 14, 15,16 5/8 M20 × 1.5 7/8-14 45 19 27 14 90 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 44 19 27 13 98 18, 20 3/4 M18 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 51 22 27 13 85 18, 20 3/4 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 48 22 27 13 104 18, 20 3/4 M24 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 45 22 30 12 120 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 51 22 32 16 154 25 1 M22 × 1.5 1 5/16-12 48 23 36 13 180 25 1 M26 × 1.5 1 5/16-12 52 23 36 17 202 25 1 M27 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 51 23 36 16 202 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 53 23 41 16 267 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 M42 × 2.0 1 5/8-12 55 24 50 16 427 35, 38 1 1/2 M48 × 2.0 1 7/8-12 59 28 55 18 545 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


FMTX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male NPTF* thread (SAE 476)SAE 070102 MS51500

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling


mm in. PT T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass 14, 14, 14, 18, 1 18, 1 18, 1 18, 1-11 1 1 1-11 1 1 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 46 28 28 62 42 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 46 28 24 61 42 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 50 33 33 68 48 35, 1 1-11 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 50 33 32 67 47 35, 1 2-11 1 1/2-11 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

PN (bar)S SS


12 14 26 26 26 17 25 30 25 21 39 47 45 42 74 121 77 63 122 123 90 103 176 137 189 110 149 315 248 430 310 359 720 858 720 2 FTX-S —3 FTX-S —4-6 FTX-S 4-6FMTXSS 4-6FMTXB 4-8 FTX-S 4-8FMTXSS 4-8FMTXB 6-2 FTX-S 6-2FMTXSS 6-2FMTXB 12 FTX-S 12FMTXSS 12FMTXB 12-6 FTX-S 12-6FMTXSS 12-6FMTXB 12-8 FTX-S 12-8FMTXSS 12-8FMTXB 12-16 FTX-S 12-16FMTXSS 12-16FMTXB 14 FTX-S 14FMTXSS 14FMTXB 16-8 FTX-S 16-8FMTXSS 16-8FMTXB 20-16 FTX-S 20-16FMTXSS 20-16FMTXB 24-16 FTX-S 24-16FMTXSS 24-16FMTXB 24-20 FTX-S 24-20FMTXSS 24-20FMTXB 24-32 FTX-S 24-32FMTXSS 24-32FMTXB 32 FTX-S 32FMTXSS 32FMTXB 32-24 FTX-S 32-24FMTXSS 32-24FMTXB Catalogue 4100-8/UK


F3MX Male stud connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male BSPT thread (ISO 7)


PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T3 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel


1/2 3/4-16 1/2 3/4-16 14, 5/8 7/8-14 14, 5/8 7/8-14 14, 5/8 7/8-14 18, 3/4 1 18, 3/4 1 18, 3/4 1-11 1 1 1-11 1 1 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 46 28 28 62 309 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1-11 1 5/8-12 46 28 24 61 243 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 50 33 33 68 421 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/4-11 1 7/8-12 50 33 32 67 352 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



F687OMX Swivel male stud

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end / Male metric thread – O-ring (ISO 6149)

Tube O.D. mm in.


T87 T6 Steel Stainless Steel

34 15 9 16 14

39 18 9 17 17 53 25 13 32 27 54 24 16 32 32 56 25 16 38 32 58 27 16 38 41 73 31 16 50 50 72 33 18 60 55


30 40 64 65 75 80 90 108 115 183 197 230 250 500 688

PN (bar)SS

× 1.0 7/16-20

× × 1.0 1/2-20 × × × × × 14, 5/8 M18 × 14, 5/8 M22 × M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 M42 × 2.0 1 5/8-12 35, 38 1 1/2 M48 × 2.0 1 7/8-12 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


F65OMX Swivel male stud

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end / Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)

Tube Weight

O.D. Triple-Lok? in. T5 T6 g/1 Steel (bar)

4F65OMXS 500

5F65OMXS 420 6F65OMXS 350 8 F65OX-S 350 14, 10 F65OX-S 350 1 12F65OMXS 350 1 16F65OMXS 250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 63 50 50 28 32 500 20 F65OX-S


Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Catalogue 4100-8/UK



Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



F6MX Swivel male stud

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end / Male NPT* thread (SAE 476)

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling


? O.D. Triple-Lok?

mm in. PT T6 g/1 Steel Stainless Steel PN (bar)S SS4 F6X-S 4F6MXSS 4-4 F6X-S 4-4F6MXSS 5-4 F6X-S 5-4F6MXSS 6 F6X-S 6F6MXSS 6-6 F6X-S 6-6F6MXSS 1/2 50 8 F6X-S 8F6MXSS 1/2 69 14, 5/8 75 10 F6X-S 10F6MXSS 14, 5/8 67 18, 3/4 1 125 12 F6X-S 12F6MXSS 18, 3/4 1 124 12-8 F6X-S 12-8F6MXSS 1 1-11 1 204 16 F6X-S 16F6MXSS 1 1 169 16-12 F6X-S 16-12F6MXSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 50 46 28 28 70 38 496 20 F6X-S 20F6MXSS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 58 58 34 34 78 43 750 24 F6X-S 24F6MXSS Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


F63MX Swivel male stud

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end / Male BSPT thread (ISO 7)

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T3 T6 g/1 Steel Stainless S SS 1/2 50 14, 5/8 75 14, 5/8 67 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 32 27 16 16 55 125 18, 20 3/4 1/2-14 1 1/16-12 32 27 16 14 55 120 1 1-11 1 204 1 1 165 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 50 46 28 28 69 496 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


C87OMX Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end /

Adjustable metric thread – O-ring (ISO 6149)

Tube O.D. mm in.

Metric Triple-Lok?? T87 T Steel Stainless Steel

PN (bar)S


1/4 M12 × 7/16-20 20 5/16 M12 × 1/2-20 25 3/8 M14 × 9/16-18 31 3/8 M16 × 9/16-18 55 1/2 M16 × 3/4-16 65 1/2 M18 × 3/4-16 66 14, 15,16 5/8 M18 × 1.5 7/8-14 24 37 42 13 22 99 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 27 37 43 13 22 99 18, 20 3/4 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 27 42 45 13 27 164 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 32 42 50 16 27 173 25 1 M27 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 32 46 53 16 33 287 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 41 46 53 16 33 287 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 M42 × 2.0 1 5/8-12 50 52 58 16 41 575 35, 38 1 1/2 M48 × 2.0 1 7/8-12 55 59 64 17 48 874 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


C5OMX Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end /

Adjustable UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)SAE 070220 MS51527

Tube PN (bar)Triple-Lok?? mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel S SS



2 C5OX-S —

30 3 C5OX-S 1/4 37 1/4 43 4-6 C5OX-S 4-6C5OMXSS 47 55 5-4 C5OX-S 5-4C5OMXSS 62 5-6 C5OX-S 5-6C5OMXSS 3/8 63 3/8 99 6-4 C5OX-S 6-4C5OMXSS 3/8 99 6-5 C5OX-S 6-5C5OMXSS 3/8 125 3/8 145 6-10 C5OX-S 6-10C5OMXSS 1/2 160 1/2 150 8-4 C5OX-S 8-4C5OMXSS 1/2 130 8-6 C5OX-S 8-6C5OMXSS 1/2 180 1/2 1 210 1/2 1 380 8-16 C5OX-S 8-16C5OMXSS 14, 5/8 186 14, 5/8 130 10-6 C5OX-S 10-6C5OMXSS 14, 5/8 157 10-8 C5OX-S 10-8C5OMXSS 14, 5/8 1 331 10-12 C5OX-S 10-12C5OMXSS 14, 5/8 1 400 10-16 C5OX-S 10-16C5OMXSS 18, 3/4 1 301 18, 3/4 1 297 12-8 C5OX-S 12-8C5OMXSS 18, 3/4 1 297 18, 3/4 1 350 12-14 C5OX-S 18, 3/4 1 421 12-16 C5OX-S 12-16C5OMXSS 7/8 1 417 14 C5OX-S 1 1 426 1 1 418 16-12 C5OX-S 16-12C5OMXSS 1 1 450 16-14 C5OX-S 1 1 1 546 16-20 C5OX-S 16-20C5OMXSS 1 1 1 600 16-24 C5OX-S 16-24C5OMXSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 50 28 28 52 57 41 41 674 20 C5OX-S 20C5OMXSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/16-12 1 5/8-12 41 28 22 52 57 41 41 650 20-16 C5OX-S 20-16C5OMXSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 7/8-12 1 5/8-12 55 28 34 56 61 44 48 920 20-24 C5OX-S 20-24C5OMXSS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 55 33 33 59 61 44 48 917 24 C5OX-S 24C5OMXSS 35, 38

1 1/2

1 5/8-12 1 7/8-12 48 34 28 59 61 44 48


24-20 C5OX-S 24-20C5OMXSS Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



CC5OX Extended male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)

Tube Weight O.D. ? mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel (bar) 14, 1 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 21 21 46 95 78 33

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme. Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

481 4 CC5OX-S 6 CC5OX-S 8 CC5OX-S 10 CC5OX-S 12 CC5OX-S 16 CC5OX-S 420420420350350280

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


C4OMX Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Adjustable BSPP thread O-ring + retaining ring (ISO 1179)


PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T4 T Steel Stainless Steel



1/4 37 1/4 43 1/4 50 5/16 1/2-20 47 5/16 1/2-20 55 5/16 1/2-20 57 3/8 61 3/8 52 3/8 95 3/8 80 1/2 3/4-16 91 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 27 12 12 37 43 22 164 14, 5/8 3/8-19 7/8-14 22 12 10 37 36 22 190 14, 5/8 3/4-14 7/8-14 36 12 16 39 50 27 217 18, 3/4 1 295 18, 3/4 1 245 18, 3/4 1-11 1 317 1 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 50 28 28 52 57 41 697 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1-11 1 5/8-12 41 28 22 52 57 41 650 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 55 33 33 59 61 48 953 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/4-11 1 7/8-12 50 33 28 59 61 48 964 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



C8OMX Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male metric thread – O-ring + retainer ring

Tube O.D. in. Weight

Triple-Lok?T8 T g/1 Steel (bar)



6 1/4 M10 × 1.0 7/16-20 23 11 8 13 27 23 4M10C8OMXS 4M12C8OMXS 8 5/16 M10 × 1.0 1/2-20 24 13 8 13 26 29 5M10C8OMXS 5M12C8OMXS 10 3/8 M14 × 1.5 9/16-18 27 14 10 17 34 36 6M14C8OMXS

10 12 12

14, 15,16 14, 15,16 14, 15,16 18, 20 18, 20

25 25

28, 30, 32

35, 38

3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/2

M16 × 1.5 M16 × 1.5 M18 × 1.5 M18 × 1.5 M20 × 1.5 M22 × 1.5 M22 × 1.5 M27 × 2.0 M27 × 2.0 M33 × 2.0 M42 × 2.0 M48 × 2.0

9/16-18 3/4-16 3/4-16 7/8-14 7/8-14 7/8-14 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 1 5/8-12 1 7/8-12

29 32 32 37 37 37 42 42 46 46 52 59

19 19 19 22 22 22 27 27 33 33 41 48

10 10 11 11 11 12 12 14 14 14 14 15

19 19 22 22 24 27 27 32 32 38 50 55

38 38 38 42 41 43 45 50 53 53 58 64

74 77 78 104 110 119 198 208 333 333 575 872


Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


CMTX Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male NPTF* thread (SAE 476)

SAE 070202 MS51504

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

Tube PN (bar)Triple-Lok??

mm in. PT T Steel Stainless Steel S SS2 CTX-S 3 CTX-S 1/4 3/8-18 7/16-20 26 4-6 CTX-S 4-6CMTXSS 1/4 1/2-14 7/16-20 30 4-8 CTX-S 4-8CMTXSS 5-4 CTX-S 5-4CMTXSS 5/16 3/8-18 1/2-20 45 5-6 CTX-S 5-6CMTXSS 6-2 CTX-S 6-2CMTXSS 3/8 3/8-18 9/16-18 76 3/8 1/2-14 9/16-18 117 1/2 3/8-18 3/4-16 86 1/2 1/2-14 3/4-16 125 1/2 3/4-14 3/4-16 190 8-12 CTX-S 8-12CMTXSS 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 129 14, 5/8 3/8-18 7/8-14 127 10-6 CTX-S 10-6CMTXSS 14, 5/8 3/4-14 7/8-14 192 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 16 18 42 40 27 198 12 CTX-S 12CMTXSS 18, 20 3/4 1/2-14 1 1/16-12 16 14 42 40 27 204 12-8 CTX-S 12-8CMTXSS 18, 20 3/4 1-11 1/2 1 1/16-12 16 24 45 50 33 318 7/8 3/4-14 1 260 14 CTX-S 14CMTXSS 25 1 1-11 1/2 1 5/16-12 22 24 46 50 33 328 16 CTX-S 16CMTXSS 1 3/4-14 1 318 16-12 CTX-S 16-12CMTXSS 25 1 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/16-12 22 32 54 61 45 477 16-20 CTX-S 16-20CMTXSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 28 32 52 61 45 549 20 CTX-S 20CMTXSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 28 24 52 60 41 536 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 28 38 56 67 48 630 20-24 CTX-S 20-24CMTXSS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 33 38 59 67 48 747 24 CTX-S 24CMTXSS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 33 32 59 57 48 715 24-20 CTX-S 24-20CMTXSS 2 2-11/12 2 1644 32 CTX-S — 2 1 1/2-11 1/2 2 1/2-12 45 38 78 75 66 1450 32-24 CTX-S —Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


CCTX Extended male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male NPTF* thread (SAE 476)

SAE 070202 MS51504

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling



mm in. ?Triple-Lok? PT T Steel Stainless Steel











20 CCTX-SS PN (bar)S SS4 CCTX-S 4-4 CCTX-S 5 CCTX-S 6 CCTX-S 6-6 CCTX-S 8 CCTX-S 8-8 CCTX-S 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 13 14 37 55 22 183 10 CCTX-S 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 16 18 42 61 27 253 12 CCTX-S 25 1 1-11 1/2 1 5/16-12 21 24 46 76 33 435 16 CCTX-S 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 28 32 52 93 41 1021 20 CCTX-S

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.Catalogue 4100-8/UK


CCCTX Extended male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male NPTF* thread (SAE 476)

SAE 071602

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

Tube Weight

O.D. Triple-Lok? in. PT T g/1 Steel (bar)4 CCCTX-S 4204-4 CCCTX-S 4205 CCCTX-S 4206 CCCTX-S 4206-6 CCCTX-S 4208 CCCTX-S 4208-8 CCCTX-S 420 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 13 14 37 72 22 212 10 CCCTX-S 350 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 16 18 42 82 27 356 12 CCCTX-S 280 25 1 1-11 1/2 1 5/16-12 21 24 46 101 33 520 16 CCCTX-S 210 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 28 32 52 126 41 1196 20 CCCTX-S 170Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


C3MX Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male BSPT thread (ISO 7)


mm in. ?Triple-Lok? T3 T Steel Stainless Steel PN (bar)S SS 3/8 3/8-19 9/16-18 76 3/8 1/2-14 9/16-18 117 1/2 3/8-19 3/4-16 86 1/2 1/2-14 3/4-16 125 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 129 14, 5/8 3/8-19 7/8-14 127 14, 5/8 3/4-14 7/8-14 192 18, 3/4 3/4-14 1 198 18, 3/4 1/2-14 1 204 18, 3/4 1-11 1 251 1 1-11 1 328 1 3/4-14 1 318 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 28 32 52 61 41 549 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1-11 1 5/8-12 28 24 52 60 41 536 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 33 38 59 67 48 747 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


V87OMX 45° Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male metric thread O-ring (ISO 6149)

Tube Weight

O.D. ? mm in. T87 T g/1 Steel (bar) 4M10V87OMXS 4204M12V87OMXS 420 M10 5M10V87OMXS 4205M12V87OMXS 420 10 3/8 M14 × 1.5 9/16-18 19 8 8 21 28 11 14 31 6M14V87OMXS 420 10 3/8 M16 × 1.5 9/16-18 22 8 9 22 32 12 19 58 6M16V87OMXS 350 10 3/8 M18 × 1.5 9/16-18 24 8 11 22 33 13 19 66 6M18V87OMXS 350 12 1/2 M16 × 1.5 3/4-16 22 10 9 25 33 12 19 65 8M16V87OMXS 350 12 1/2 M18 × 1.5 3/4-16 24 10 11 25 33 13 19 66 8M18V87OMXS 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M18 × 1.5 7/8-14 24 12 11 28 37 13 22 99 10M18V87OMXS 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 27 12 14 28 38 13 22 99 10M22V87OMXS 350 18, 20 3/4 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 27 16 14 33 40 13 27 164 12M22V87OMXS 350 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 32 16 18 33 46 16 27 173 12M27V87OMXS 350 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 41 22 23 37 46 16 33 287 16M33V87OMXS 280Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


V5OMX 45° Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male UNF thread O-ring (ISO 11926)SAE 070320 MS51528


? O.D. Triple-Lok?

mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel 14, 14, 18, 20 18, 28, 30, 32 35, 38

1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 16 33 44 27 3/4 1 7/8 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 48 28 28 40 49 41 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 54 33 33 45 49 48


42 52 104 104 98 148 157 157 258 227 275 375 570 706

PN (bar)S


4 V5OX-S 4 V5OX-SS 5 V5OX-S 5 V5OX-SS 6 V5OX-S 6 V5OX-SS 6-8 V5OX-S 6-8 V5OX-SS 8 V5OX-S 8 V5OX-SS 8-6 V5OX-S 8-6 V5OX-SS 8-10 V5OX-S 8-10 V5OX-SS 12 V5OX-S 12 V5OX-SS 12-10 V5OX-S 12-10 V5OX-SS 14 V5OX-S —16 V5OX-S 16 V5OX-SS 20 V5OX-S 20 V5OX-SS 24 V5OX-S 24 V5OX-SS Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


V4OMX 45° Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male BSPP thread O-ring + retaining ring (ISO 1179)

Tube Weight

O.D. Triple-Lok? in. T4 T g/1 Steel (bar) 4V4OMXS 250 4-4V4OMXS 250 5V4OMXS 250 5-4V4OMXS 250 6V4OMXS 250 6-6V4OMXS 250 6-8V4OMXS 250 8V4OMXS 250 8-8V4OMXS 250 14, 10V4OMXS 250 14, 10-12V4OMXS 250 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 36 16 16 33 44 27 270

12V4OMXS 250 1 16V4OMXS 250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 50 28 28 40 48 41 599 20V4OMXS 210 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 55 33 33 45 48 48




Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Catalogue 4100-8/UK



V8OMX 45° Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male metric thread – O-ring + retaining ring

Tube O.D. in. Weight

T8 T g/1 Triple-Lok?Steel (bar)



M10 × 4M10V8OMXS M12 × 4M12V8OMXS M12 × 5M12V8OMXS 10 3/8 M14 × 1.5 9/16-18 17 8 8 21 28 14 36 6M14V8OMXS 12 1/2 M16 × 1.5 3/4-16 19 10 9 25 33 19 68 8M16V8OMXS M18 × 8M18V8OMXS 14, M22 × 10M22V8OMXS 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 32 16 18 33 46 27 208 12M27V8OMXS 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 38 22 23 37 46 33 333 16M33V8OMXS

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


VMTX 45° Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male NPTF* thread (SAE 476)SAE 070302 MS51508

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok???

mm in. PT T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS


3 VTX-S 3 VTX-SS 3 VTX-B 18 4 VTX-S 4 VTX-SS 4 VTX-B 30 4-4 VTX-S 4-4 VTX-SS 4-4 VTX-B 22 5 31 5-4 VTX-S 5-4 VTX-SS 5-4 VTX-B 27 6 VTX-S 6 VTX-SS 6 VTX-B 23 6-2 VTX-S 6-2 VTX-SS 6-2 VTX-B 52 6-6 VTX-S 6-6 VTX-SS 6-6 VTX-B 74 6-8 62 8-4 VTX-S 8-4 VTX-SS 8-4 VTX-B 61 8 VTX-S 8 VTX-SS 8 VTX-B 92 8-8 VTX-S 8-8 VTX-SS 8-8 VTX-B 144 8-12 VTX-S 8-12 VTX-SS 8-12 VTX-B 14, 92 10 VTX-S 10 VTX-SS 10 VTX-B 14, 94 10-6 VTX-S 10-6 VTX-SS 10-6 VTX-B 14, 156 280

18, 1 148 12 VTX-S 12 VTX-SS 12 VTX-B 18, 1 144 12-8VMTXS 12-8 VTX-SS 12-8 VTX-B 18, 1-11 1 169 12-16 VTX-S 12-16 VTX-SS 12-16 VTX-B 1 197 14 VTX-S 14 VTX-B 280 1-11 1 239 16 VTX-S 16 VTX-SS 16 VTX-B 1 213 16-12 VTX-S 16-12 VTX-SS 16-12 VTX-B 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 28 32 40 42 41 385 20VMTXS 20 VTX-SS 20 VTX-B 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 33 38 45 45 48

495 24 VTX-S 24 VTX-SS 24 VTX-B Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



V3MX 45° Male stud elbow

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Male BSPT thread (ISO 7)

Tube O.D. in. Weight

T3 T g/1 Triple-Lok?Steel (bar)



4V3MXS 4-4V3MXS 5V3MXS 5-4V3MXS 6V3MXS 6-6V3MXS 6-8V3MXS 8V3MXS 8-8V3MXS 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 12 14 28 30 22 92 10V3MXS 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 16 18 33 31 27 148 12V3MXS 1 16V3MXS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 28 32 40 42 41 385 20V3MXS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 33 38 45 45 48 495 24V3MXS

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


S87OMX Male stud branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male metric thread O-ring (ISO 6149)

Tube Weight

O.D. ? mm in. T87 T g/1 Steel (bar)

4M10S87OMXS 420

5M12S87OMXS 420 10 3/8 M14 × 1.5 9/16-18 19 8 8 27 34 21 14 53 6M14S87OMXS 420 12 1/2 M16 × 1.5 3/4-16 22 10 9 32 38 24 19 113 8M16S87OMXS 350 12 1/2 M18 × 1.5 3/4-16 24 10 11 32 38 24 19 114 8M18S87OMXS 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M18 × 1.5 7/8-14 24 12 11 37 42 28 22 174 10M18S87OMXS 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 27 12 14 37 43 29 22 175 10M22S87OMXS 350 18, 20 3/4 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 27 16 14 42 45 32 27 295 12M22S87OMXS 350 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 32 16 18 42 48 33 27 304 12M27S87OMXS 350 25 1 M27 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 32 22 18 46 53 36 33 491 16M27S87OMXS 280 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 41 22 23 46 53 38 33 530 16M33S87OMXS


Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Catalogue 4100-8/UK



S5OMX Male stud branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male UNF thread O-ring (ISO 11926)SAE 070429 MS51529



mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel 14, 18, 28, 30, 32 35, 38 1/4

3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2

1 1 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 48 28 28 52 57 41 42 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 55 34 34 59 61 44 48 2 2 1053 1296 PN (bar)S SS

5 S5OX-S 5 S5OX-SS 12 S5OX-S 12 S5OX-SS 16 S5OX-S 16 S5OX-SS 20 S5OX-S 20 S5OX-SS 24 S5OX-S —32 S5OX-S —

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


S4OMX Male stud branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Adjustable BSPP thread O-ring + retaining ring (ISO 1179)


PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T4 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel S


1/4 47 3/8 78 1/2 154 1/2 186 14, 5/8 231 18, 3/4 1 379 1 1-11 1 569 28, 30, 32

1 1/4

1 1/4-11

1 5/8-12 50 28 28 52 57 41 1075

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



S8OMX Male stud branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male metric thread – O-ring + retaining ring

Tube O.D. mm in. Weight

?T8 T g/1 Steel (bar)



4M10S8OMXS 5M12S8OMXS 10 3/8 M14 × 1.5 9/16-18 17 8 8 27 34 24 14 53 6M14S8OMXS 12 1/2 M16 × 1.5 3/4-16 19 10 9 32 38 28 19 95 8M16S8OMXS 12 1/2 M18 × 1.5 3/4-16 22 10 11 32 38 27 19 114 8M18S8OMXS 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 27 12 14 37 43 31 22 175 10M22S8OMXS 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 32 16 18 42 50 36 27 304 12M27S8OMXS 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 38 22 23 46 53 39 33 491 16M33S8OMXS

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


SMTX Male stud branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male NPTF* thread (SAE 476)SAE 070425 MS51512

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

PN (bar)Triple-Lok???

mm in. PT T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS


3 STX-S 3 STX-SS 3 STX-B 31 4 STX-S 4 STX-SS 4 STX-B 49 4-4-4 STX-S 4-4-4 STX-SS 4-4-4 STX-B 37 5 STX-S 5 STX-SS 5 STX-B 57 6 77 6-6-6 STX-S 6-6-6 STX-SS 6-6-6 STX-B 113 8 STX-S 8 STX-SS 8 STX-B 164 8-8-8 STX-S 8-8-8 STX-SS 8-8-8 STX-B 14, 173 10 STX-S 10 STX-SS 10 STX-B 18, 1 272 12 STX-S 12 STX-SS 12 STX-B 1 323 14 STX-S — 1-11 1 413 16 STX-S 16 STX-SS 16 STX-B 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 27 32 52 61 41 681 20 STX-S 20 STX-SS 20 STX-B 1 1/2-11 905 24 STX-S 24 STX-SS 24 STX-B Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


S3MX Male stud branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male BSPT thread (ISO 7)

Tube mm in.


T3 T Steel Stainless Steel

PN (bar)S


1/2 3/8-19 3/4-16 111 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 169 18, 3/4 3/4-14 1 267 1 1-11 1 407 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


R87OMX Male stud run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male metric thread – O-ring (ISO 6149)

Tube Weight

O.D. Triple-Lok? mm in. T87 T g/1 Steel (bar)

4M10R87OMXS 420

10 3/8 M14 × 1.5 9/16-18 19 8 8 27 34 21 14 53 6M14R87OMXS 420 10 3/8 M18 × 1.5 9/16-18 24 8 11 29 38 24 19 90 6M18R87OMXS 350 12 1/2 M16 × 1.5 3/4-16 22 10 9 32 38 24 19 113 8M16R87OMXS 350 12 1/2 M18 × 1.5 3/4-16 24 10 11 32 37 24 19 114 8M18R87OMXS 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M18 × 1.5 7/8-14 24 12 11 37 42 29 22 174 10M18R87OMXS 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 27 12 14 37 43 29 22 175 10M22R87OMXS 350 18, 20 3/4 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 27 16 14 42 45 32 27 295 12M22R87OMXS 350 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 32 16 18 42 51 33 27 315 12M27R87OMXS 350 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 41 22 23 46 53 40 33 495 16M33R87OMXS


Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Catalogue 4100-8/UK



R5OMX Male stud run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male UNF thread O-ring (ISO 11926)SAE 070428 MS51530



mm in. T5 T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel 14, 18, 28, 30, 32 35, 38 1/4

3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2

1 1 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 48 28 28 52 57 41 41 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 54 33 33 59 61 44 48 2 2 1053 1296 PN (bar)S SS

4 R5OX-S 4 R5OX-SS 5 R5OX-S 5 R5OX-SS 10 R5OX-S 10 R5OX-SS 12 R5OX-S 12 R5OX-SS 16 R5OX-S 16 R5OX-SS 20 R5OX-S 20 R5OX-SS 24 R5OX-S 24 R5OX-SS 32 R5OX-S 32 R5OX-SS Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


R4OMX Male stud run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Adjustable BSPP thread O-ring + retaining ring (ISO 1179)


PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T4 T Steel Stainless Steel



14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 27 12 12 37 43 22 231 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 36 16 16 42 50 27 379 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 50 28 28 52 57 41 1075 Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



R8OMX Male stud run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male metric thread – O-ring + retaining ring

Tube O.D. mm in. Weight

Triple-Lok?T87 T g/1 Steel (bar)

32 16 18 42 50 36 27 38 22 23 46 53 39 33


5M12R8OMXS 6M14R8OMXS 8M16R8OMXS 8M18R8OMXS 10M22R8OMXS 304 12M27R8OMXS 491 16M33R8OMXS



M10 × M12 × M14 × M16 × M18 × 14, M22 × 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


RMTX Male stud run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male NPTF* thread (SAE 476)

SAE 070424 MS51511

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

PN (bar)Triple-Lok???

mm in. PT T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS 25 3 RTX-S 3 RTX-SS 350 31 4 RTX-S 4 RTX-SS 4 RTX-B 49 4-4-4 RTX-S 4-4-4 RTX-SS 4-4-4 RTX-B 37 5 RTX-S 5 RTX-SS 5 RTX-B 57 6 RTX-S 6 RTX-SS 6 RTX-B 77 6-6-6 RTX-S 6-6-6 RTX-SS 6-6-6 RTX-B 109 8 RTX-S 8 RTX-SS 8 RTX-B 163 8-8-8RMTXS 8-8-8 RTX-SS 8-8-8 RTX-B 14, 172 10 RTX-S 10 RTX-SS 10 RTX-B 18, 1 268 12 RTX-S 12 RTX-SS 12 RTX-B 1 323 14 RTX-S — 1-11 1 413 16 RTX-S 16 RTX-SS 16 RTX-B 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 27 32 52 61 41 681 20 RTX-S 20 RTX-SS 20 RTX-B 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 33 38 59 67 48 905 24 RTX-S 24 RTX-SS 140Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


R3MX Male stud run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Male BSPT thread (ISO 7)


mm in. ?Triple-Lok? T3 T Steel Stainless Steel PN (bar)S SS 1/2 3/8-19 3/4-16 107 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 170 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


G4MX Female connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1)

Tube PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. T4 T Steel Stainless Steel S SS 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 48 121 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 36 16 52 188 25 1 1 11 1 5/16-12 46 22 60 340 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1 5/8-12 50 28 63 438 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1 7/8-12 55 33 67 526 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


GMTX Female connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Female NPTF* thread (SAE J476)

SAE 070103 MS51503

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling


? O.D. Triple-Lok?

mm in. PT T Steel Stainless Steel PN (bar)S SS4 GTX-S 4GMTXSS 4-6 GTX-S 4-6GMTXSS 4-8 GTX-S 4-8GMTXSS 5 GTX-S 5GMTXSS 5-4 GTX-S 5-4GMTXSS 6-6 GTX-S 6-6GMTXSS 6-8 GTX-S 6-8GMTXSS 8 GTX-S 8GMTXSS 8-4 GTX-S 8-4GMTXSS 8-8 GTX-S 8-8GMTXSS 8-12 GTX-S 8-12GMTXSS 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 48 121 10 GTX-S 10GMTXSS 14, 5/8 3/4-14 7/8-14 51 182 10-12 GTX-S 10-12GMTXSS 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 35 16 52 188 12 GTX-S 12GMTXSS 18, 20 3/4 1/2-14 1 1/16-12 29 16 49 133 12-8 GTX-S 12-8GMTXSS 7/8 3/4-14 1 201 14 GTX-S 14GMTXSS 25 1 1-11 1/2 1 5/16-12 41 22 59 280 16 GTX-S 16GMTXSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 51 27 63 408 20 GTX-S 20GMTXSS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 60 33 67 370 24 GTX-S 24GMTXSS 2 2-11 1/2 2 1/2-12 73 44 75 1262 32 GTX-S Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


WGMTX Female bulkhead connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Female NPTF* thread (SAE J476)

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

Tube PN (bar)Triple-Lok??

mm in. PT T Steel Stainless Steel S SS4 WGTX-WLN-S 4WGMTXWLNMSS 4-4 WGTX-WLN-S 4-4WGMTXWLNMSS 6 WGTX-WLN-S 6WGMTXWLNMSS 8 WGTX-WLN-S 8WGMTXWLNMSS 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 29 12 40 68 22 179 10 WGTX-WLN-S 10WGMTXWLNMSS 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 35 16 45 74 27 284 12 WGTX-WLN-S 12WGMTXWLNMSS 25 1 1-11 1/2 1 5/16-12 41 21 45 79 33 415 16 WGTX-WLN-S 16WGMTXWLNMSS Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

For the version without the locknut remove “WLNM” (e.g. 10 WGTX)

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Maximum bulkhead wallthickness

Tube O.D. Straight bulkhead union Shape bulkhead union Max. thickness Max. thickness

Size inch mm mm

8.4 5.3

8.4 5.3

10.7 7.1

11.2 8.4

10 10.9 8.1

12 11.2 8.6

14 10.4 7.9

16 9.9 7.4

20 1 10.2 7.4

24 1 7.1 —

32 7.1 —

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


DMTX Female elbow connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Female NPTF* thread (SAE J476)SAE 070203 MS51506

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

?? O.D. Triple-Lok?

mm in. PT T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass 14, 18, 1 18, 1 1 1-11 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 27 37 59 43 48 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 33 43 73 53 64

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

PN (bar)S SS


70 33 67 67 39 103 115 190 178 180 315 175 285 506 619 1725 4 DTX-S 4 DTX-SS 4 DTX-B 4-4 DTX-S 4-4 DTX-SS 4-4 DTX-B 5 DTX-S 5 DTX-SS 5 DTX-B 5-4 DTX-S 5-4 DTX-SS 5-4 DTX-B 6 DTX-S 6 DTX-SS 6 DTX-B 6-2 DTX-S 6-2 DTX-SS 6-2 DTX-B 6-6 DTX-S 6-6 DTX-SS 6-6 DTX-B 8 DTX-S 8 DTX-SS 8 DTX-B 8-4 DTX-S 8-4 DTX-SS 8-4 DTX-B 8-8 10 DTX-S 10 DTX-SS 10 DTX-B 12 12-8 DTX-S 12-8 DTX-SS 12-8 DTX-B 14 DTX-S 14 DTX-SS 16 DTX-S 16 DTX-SS 16 DTX-B 20 DTX-S 20 DTX-SS 20 DTX-B 24 DTX-S 24 DTX-SS Catalogue 4100-8/UK


OTX Female branch tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Female NPTF* thread (SAE J476)SAE 070427 MS51513

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok???

mm in. PT T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS


4 OTX-SS 4 OTX-B 4-4-4 OTX-S

4-4-4 OTX-SS

4-4-4 OTX-B 5 OTX-S 5 OTX-SS 5 OTX-B 6 OTX-S 6 OTX-SS 6 OTX-B 8 OTX-S 8 OTX-SS 8 OTX-B 14, 10 OTX-S 10 OTX-SS 10 OTX-B 18, 1 12 OTX-S 12 OTX-SS 12 OTX-B 1-11 1 16 OTX-S 16 OTX-SS 16 OTX-B 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 27 37 59 43 48 930 20 OTX-S 20 OTX-SS 100 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 7/8-12 33 43 73 53 64 2255

24 OTX-S 24 OTX-SS 100

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



MTX Female run tee

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare ends / Female NPTF* thread (SAE J476)SAE 070426 MS51514

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling

?? O.D. Triple-Lok?

mm in. PT T g/1 Steel Stainless Steel Brass 14, 18, 1 1 1-11 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 27 37 59 43 48

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.

PN (bar)S SS


10 88 125 210 280 446 620 805 4 MTX-S 4-4-4 MTX-S

6 MTX-S 8 MTX-S 10 MTX-S 12 MTX-S 14 MTX-S 16 MTX-S 20 MTX-S 4 MTX-SS 4 MTX-B 4-4-4 MTX-SS 4-4-4 MTX-B 6 MTX-SS 6 MTX-B 8 MTX-SS 8 MTX-B 10 MTX-SS 10 MTX-B 12 MTX-SS 12 MTX-B —

16 MTX-SS 20 MTX-SS Catalogue 4100-8/UK


G6X Swivel connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end / Female NPTF* thread (SAE J476)

*Stainless Steel = NPT to prevent galling


PN (bar) O.D. Triple-Lok??

mm in. PT T6 Steel Stainless Steel S SS4 G6X-S 4 G6X-SS 4-4 G6X-S 4-4 G6X-SS 6 G6X-S 6 G6X-SS 6-6 G6X-S 6-6 G6X-SS 8 G6X-S 8 G6X-SS 8-8 G6X-S 8-8 G6X-SS 14, 5/8 1/2-14 7/8-14 29 25 12 37 99 10 G6X-S 10 G6X-SS 18, 20 3/4 3/4-14 1 1/16-12 35 32 16 38 147 12 G6X-S 12 G6X-SS 25 1 1-11 1/2 1 5/16-12 41 38 21 47 248 16 G6X-S 16 G6X-SS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 1/4-11 1/2 1 5/8-12 50 50 28 55 370 20 G6X-S 20 G6X-SS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 1/2-12 1/2 1 7/8-12 60 58 34 57 510 24 G6X-S

24 G6X-SS

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



G4MXMO Pressure gauge connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / Female BSPP gauge thread (ISO 1179-1)

Tube O.D. mm in.


T4 T Steel Stainless Steel

PN (bar)S SS

Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


TT4MX Test point connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female end / Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1)

for EMA3 test point

Form A

Form B*

* Form B has to be assembled with a nut

BMTX / BTX (not delivered).


O.D. PN (bar) T Triple-Lok??

mm in. T Steel Stainless SS 14, 18, 20 3/4 1/4-19 1 1/16-12 B – 13 32 42 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1/4-19 1 5/8-12 B – 15 50 98 35, 38 1 1/2 1/4-19 1 7/8-12 B – 18 60 185 Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.

Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

PN (bar)

10= PN (MPa)

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UKK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK



Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Catalogue 4100-8/UK




Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end plugSAE 070109 MS51518

Tube O.D. mm in.


T mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel

PN (bar)S


9/16-18 3/4-16 14, 5/8 7/8-14 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 2 2 PNTX-S —

3 PNTX-S —24 28 60 27 33 93 14 PNTX-S 14PNMTXSS 16 PNTX-S 16PNMTXSS 46 37 269 20 PNTX-S 20PNMTXSS 51 42 360 24 PNTX-S 24PNMTXSS 32 PNTX-S Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


XHMLO Conversion union

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare End / O-Lok ORFS end


O.D. PN (bar) T2/T Triple-Lok?? mm in. T2 T Steel Stainless SS4 XHLO-S 4XHMLOSS 8, 10 5/16, 3/8 9/16-18 11/16-16 7 7 34 19 45 6 XHLO-S 6XHMLOSS 8 XHLO-S 8XHMLOSS 14, 5/8 7/8-14 1-14 13 13 47 27 119 10 XHLO-S 10XHMLOSS 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 3/16-12 16 16 52 32 181 12 XHLO-S 12XHMLOSS 22, 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 7/16-12 21 21 55 38 265 16 XHLO-S 16XHMLOSS 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 11/16-12 26 26 58 45 383 20 XHLO-S 20XHMLOSS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 2-12 32 32 63 54 562 24 XHLO-S

24XHMLOSS Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



XHML6 Conversion swivel nut connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare end / O-Lok ORFS female swivel end

Tube O.D. T2/T6 mm in.

(steel) Triple-Lok??

T2 T6 Steel Stainless Steel



PN (bar)S


4 XHL6-S

8, 10 5/16, 3/8 9/16-18 11/16-16 21 7 7 41 19 46 6 XHL6-S 8 XHL6-S 14, 5/8 7/8-14 1-14 29 12 12 56 27 126 10 XHL6-S 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 3/16-12 35 14 14 64 32 205 12 XHL6-S 1 1 16 XHL6-S 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 11/16-12 48 26 26 71 43 360 20 XHL6-S

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)

= PN (MPa)10

Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK

51派克扩口式管接头样本Parker JIC Fitting_扩口式管接头


LOHMX6 Conversion swivel nut connector

Triple-Lok? 37° Flare female swivel end / O-Lok ORFS end

Tube O.D.

PN (bar) T6/T Triple-Lok??

mm in.

T6 T Steel Stainless Steel





8, 10 5/16, 3/8 9/16-18 11/16-16 18 7 7 19 29 40 6 LOHX6-S 6LOHMX6SS 8 LOHX6-S 8LOHMX6SS 14, 5/8 7/8-14 1-14 25 13 13 27 39 103 10 LOHX6-S 10LOHMX6SS 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 3/16-12 32 16 16 32 41 162 12 LOHX6-S 12LOHMX6SS 1 1 16 LOHX6-S


Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok? parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.

Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)


= PN (MPa)Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



WLNM Bulkhead locknut

Bulkhead ? tting locknutSAE 080118 MS51860

Thread UN/UNF-2B T 3/8-24 7/16-20 1/2-20 9/16-18 3/4-16 7/8-14 1 1/16-12 1 3/16-12 1 5/16-12 1 5/8-12 1 7/8-12 2 1/2-12


17 17 19 22 24 30 36 38 41 50 55 70


6 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10

Weight(steel) Triple-Lok???g/1 Brass


9 9 11 18 24 42 45 49 50 68 80



Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme. Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.

Catalogue 4100-8/UK


Spare parts guide – Triple-Lok? retaining rings and seals

BSPP Male threads – ISO 1179

BSPP ED Seal Order code O-ring Order code* O-Ring ID Retainer ring Retainer ringOrder codeStainless Steel 1/8 6-002-V894-9 8.00 × 2.00

1/4 2-111-V894-9 10.77 × 2.62 3/8 2-113-V894-9 13.94 × 2.62 1/2 5-256-V894-9 17.96 × 2.62 3/4 2-119-V894-9 23.47 × 2.62 1 2-217-V894-9 29.74 × 3.53 1 1/4 2-222-V894-9 37.69 × 3.53 1/4 1 1/2 2-224-V894-9 44.04 × 3.53 1/2

Typical ? ttings using these parts: F42EDMX / F4OMX / C4OMX / V4OMX etc.

* Must be used with correct retainer ring

Metric male threads – ISO 9974

Metric ED Seal Order code O-ring Order code* O-Ring ID Retainer ring Retainer ring

Order codeStainless SteelM10 × 1 6-074-V894-9 8.00 × 1.50

2-012-V894-9 9.25 × 1.78 2-013-V894-9 10.82 × 1.78 3-907-V894-9 13.46 × 2.08 2-114-V894-9 15.54 × 2.62 M22 × 2 2-018-V894-9 18.77 × 1.78 M27 × 2 2-119-V894-9 23.47 × 2.62 M33 × 2 2-122-V894-9 28.24 × 2.62 M42 × 2 2-128-V894-9 37.77 × 2.62 M48 × 2 2-132-V894-9 44.12 × 2.62 Typical ? ttings using these parts: F82EDMX / F8OMX / C8OMX / V8OMX etc.

* Must be used with correct retainer ring

** Same seal used for M26X1.5 and M27X2 Threads

UN / UNF male threads – ISO 11926

Metric male threads – ISO 6149

UN / UNF O-ring Order code

O-Ring ID Metric

O-ring Order code

O-Ring ID

Dash× section

× section Thread size NBR FKM


Thread NBR FKM


5/16-24 2 6.07 × 1.63M10 × 1 8.20 × 1.50

3/8-24 3 7.65 × 1.63M12 × 1.5 9.40 × 2.10 7/16-20 4 8.92 × 1.83M14 × 1.5 11.40 × 2.10 1/2-20 5 10.52 × 1.83M16 × 1.5 13.40 × 2.10 9/16-18 6 11.89 × 1.98M18 × 1.5 15.40 × 2.10 3/4-16 8 16.36 × 2.21M22 × 1.5 19.40 × 2.10 7/8-14 10 19.18 × 2.46M27 × 2 23.70 × 2.80 1 1/16-12 12 23.47 × 2.95M33 × 2 29.70 × 2.80 1 3/16-12 14 26.59 × 2.95M42 × 2 38.70 × 2.80 1 5/16-12 16 29.74 × 2.95M48 × 2 46.70 × 2.80 1 5/8-12 20 37.47 × 3.00Typical ? ttings using these parts: F87OMX / S87OMX etc.

1 7/8-12 24 43.69 × 3.00 2 1/2-12 32 59.36 × 3.00Typical ? ttings using these parts: F5OMX / C5OMX / R5OMX etc.

Other seal compounds available on request for alternative applications

Catalogue 4100-8/UK



Catalogue 4100-8/UK

三 : 扩口式管接头的扩口是什么意思





四 : 求扩口式管接头制造标准??


1、扩口式端直通管接头(GB/T 5625-2008)
2、扩口式锥螺纹直通管接头(GB/T 5626-2008)
3、扩口式锥螺纹长管接头(GB/T 5627-2008)
4、扩口式直通管接头(GB/T 5628-2008)
5、扩口式锥螺纹弯通管接头(GB/T 5629-2008)
6、扩口式弯通管接头(GB/T 5630-2008)
7、扩口式可调向端弯通管接头(GB/T 5631-2008)
8、扩口式组合弯通管接头(GB/T 5632-2008)
9、扩口式可调向端三通管接头(GB/T 5633-2008)
10、扩口式组合弯通三通管接头(GB/T 5634-2008)
11、扩口式锥螺纹三通管接头(GB/T 5635-2008)
12、扩口式可调向端弯通三通管接头(GB/T 5637-2008)
13、扩口式组合三通管接头(GB/T 5638-2008)
14、扩口式三通管接头(GB/T 5639-2008)
15、扩口式四通管接头(GB/T 5641-2008)
16、扩口式焊接管接头(GB/T 5642-2008)
17、扩口式过板直通管接头(GB/T 5643-2008)
18、扩口式过板弯通管接头(GB/T 5644-2008)
19、扩口式压力表管接头(GB/T 5645-2008)
20、扩口式管接头套管(GB/T 5646-2008)
21、扩口式用A型螺母(GB/T 5647-2008)
22、扩口式用B型螺母(GB/T 5648-2008)
23、扩口式用锁紧螺母和垫圈(GB/T 5649-2008)
24、扩口式用空心螺栓(GB/T 5650-2008)
25、扩口式用密合垫(GB/T 5651-2008)

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1162009.html

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