

发布时间:2018-03-06 所属栏目:共进晚餐邀请函

一 : 英文版晚餐邀请函



It has been a while since we last met, and every laughing minite filled up my memory. Recently we have the renovation of the new bought house done, and therefore would like to have the honour inviting you couple to visit us on June 28th 2012 and have dinner together. I suggest the time for dinner would be best at 7:00pm. I recalled that both of you are seafood lovers, so I will prepare lobsters and fishes as the main course, I also reserved bottles of best Italian white wine for us to enjoy at that moment. Of course if you are interested to spend a walk nearby then I am glad to accompany you.
Mary my daughter is now eight years old and she have made a lot of friends of like age since we migrated to the estate here. I am sure she will want to tell a lot of her stories when she see you both. And right now she just want me to remind you that there are swimming pool and SPA facilities associated with the estate, therefore it would be good if you like, please bring along the swimming suits, it only take five minutes walk from my house to the facilities so it is very convenient.
I am sure the above invitation would have interested you, and just to make sure things will happen as expected please kindly reply to this letter and upon then I will arrange things accordingly. Look forward to see you by then.
My best wishes to you and your family
Yours, Raymond

二 : 共进午餐邀请函






三 : 共读邀请函

带着一位教师和一个孩子的母亲的角色,我走进了《如何说孩子才会听 怎么听孩子才肯说》,不得不说这是一本实在实用又实效的书。作为一名已有十七年教龄的“老教师”,自我感觉还是挺了解孩子的,但走进此书,却发现好多容易疏忽的误区,也学到了很多实用的沟通技巧,原来有时换一种方式很多沟通难题就迎刃而解了,有了它我可以少走很多弯路。



本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1148588.html

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