一 : 装修专业英文简历模板
basic cv
nationality: chinese
current location: guangzhou national: han
exit and entry: yunfu tall: 165 cm 60 kg
marital status: single age: 26 years old
training certification: integrity badge:
job search intention and work experience
personnel types: ordinary job
position: indoor and outdoor decoration design: chief designer of the construction / real estate / property management supervisors decoration construction / real estate / property management professional associated with the i
work experience: 3 title: no title
job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time
monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 the hope that the working area: guangzhou
personal experience: company name: guangzhou yat fai building decoration design co., ltd. beginning and ending date :XX-11 XX-05
company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration
positions: chief designer (main)
job description: the company is a real estate agency in guangzhou enterprises designated by the contractor decoration shop chain.
i work and responsibilities: chief designer (main). presided over the design and follow-up projects throughout all aspects of the work.
i work performance: the completion of the office of the design of four projects (an area of about 200 ~ 450 ㎡). more than a decade to complete home design projects (an area of about 80 ~ 150 ㎡). to complete the design of chain stores 137 projects (an area of about 50 ~ 200 ㎡. ) the above examples of the performance of both works for the card.
reasons for leaving: looking for more room for development
company name: guangzhou city, ho fung decoration design engineering co., ltd. beginning and ending date :XX-06 ~ XX-10
company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration
positions: designer
job description: responsible for the design of home decoration, budget, and communication with customers.
reasons for leaving:
company name: guangzhou city, good home decoration building materials supermarkets center beginning and ending date :XX-04 ~ XX-06
company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration
positions: design internship graduate
job description:
reasons for leaving:
company name: guangzhou city dongpu (盈彩美居) start-stop real estate construction site date :XX-07 ~ XX-09
company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration
positions: indoor外放line
job description: summer jobs
reasons for leaving:
company name: guangzhou city, the development of the eastern (the czech republic & p factories) construction site beginning and ending date :XX-07 ~ XX-09
company nature: in their respective professions:
positions: welder, security, miscellaneous works
job description: summer jobs
reasons for leaving:
educational background
graduate institutions: institute of business and technology, guangzhou, south china
highest level of education: college graduates - XX-06-01
studies by one: environmental art department of building and renovation of the science ii:
by education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number
XX-09 XX-06, guangzhou, south china institute of business and technology building and renovation大专毕业证
language ability
foreign language: english general
mandarin level: the level of fine cantonese: excellent
the ability to work and other expertise
there is a higher level of hand-painted capacity.
familiar with the office of the design, the design of chain stores, home design.
proficiency in budget and pricing, good customer communication skills.
familiar with the site construction process, construction techniques, quality inspection.
have a good organization and management and coordination capabilities, text, language skills, independence and the idea of the program's ability to complete the design.
proficiency in autocad, photoshop, 3da max, lightseape, software, results can be drawn maps and drawings.
detailed personal autobiography
me: optimistic self-confidence to move ahead together what it preaches
二 : 市场专员简历模板
姓名: 屈先生 性别: 男
婚姻状况: 已婚 民族: 汉族
户籍: 湖南-衡阳 年龄: 27
现所在地: 广东-东莞 身高: 170cm
希望地区: 广东-东莞、 广东-广州、 广东-深圳
希望岗位: 市场营销/公关类-品牌管理助理/专员
寻求职位: 市场专员、 公关专员、 市场营销助理
2004-01 ~ 2007-01 湖南信息工程学院 市场营销 本科
2001-01 ~ 2004-01 湖南江南技术工程学校 电子 中专
2010-08 ~ 2010-08 长沙智通培训公司 如何打造客户信赖品牌 合格证
**公司 (2010-01 ~ 2013-03)
公司性质: 股份制企业 行业类别: 机械制造、机电设备、重工业
担任职位: 市场专员 岗位类别: 市场推广/拓展/合作员
工作描述: 1、开拓新市场,发展新客户。增加产品销售范围维护客户关系。在湘潭地区宣传公司的产品,提高客人对产品的了解和使用[www.61k.com]特点。销售新机器和二手机器,羸得客人对公司产品支持和信任。
离职原因: 想到更高处发展
**公司 (2007-01 ~ 2010-01)
公司性质: 私营企业 行业类别: 家具、家电、工艺品、玩具
担任职位:业务员 岗位类别: 推(营)销员
工作描述: 1、负责4S店面的摆放,产品的陈列,标识,卫生的清理,做好6S管理。让客人到店里有一种如家舒服温馨的体验,为客人解答产品各种情况,了解客户购买需求。
离职原因: 想到高处更加发展
飞利蒲DVD生产计划 (2006-05 ~ 2007-12)
担任职位: 生产线长
项目描述: 主要是生产飞利蒲DVD,出口国外的产品,自己带30人按时完成生产出货任务。
责任描述: 负责制定生产线生产计划,人员安排。准时完成公司的生产,出货,人员出勒管理
计算机水平: 高级
计算机详细技能: 熟悉计算机使用,Word Excel软件操作。
技能专长: 持有C1驾驶证,熟悉电子商务,淘宝,阿里旺旺电子商务操作。
普通话: 流利 粤语: 一般
英语水平: 英语专业 口语一般
发展方向: 市场产品经理/市场营销助理:通过与各个部门一起合作,为业务提供意见,分析与支持。通过几年的一线市场经验,相信可以为公司,客户创造价值。
其他要求: 可以从基层做起,到一个新的公司有很多前期了解,学习公司的制度和流程。相信是金子总会发光,
自我评价: 能够服从上级的工作安排,团队精神强,与人合作,自我上进。相信可以为公司,客人创造价值。团队精神强,一个人的力量是有限的,团队的力量是无限的。
兴趣爱好: 交朋友,打球,音乐,游泳
三 : 护理专业个人简历模板
个人基本简历 |
姓名: | - | 国籍: | 中国 | 无照片 |
目前所在地: | 广州 | 民族: | 汉族 | |
户口所在地: | 江西 | 身材: | 158 cm? kg | |
婚姻状况: | 未婚 | 年龄: | 22 岁 | |
培训认证: | 诚信徽章: |
求职意向及工作经历 |
人才类型: | 应届毕业生? | ||
应聘职位: | 医院/医疗/护理/美容保健类:门诊导医、各科室护士 | ||
工作年限: | 0 | 职称: | 无职称 |
求职类型: | 全职 | 可到职- | 随时 |
月薪要求: | 1000--1500 | 希望工作地区: | 广州 |
个人工作经历: | 2007.6-2007.12底 宜春市人民医院(三乙医院) 实习,任实习队长 2007.9 宜春市中小学生体检 2006.9 南大抚州分院新生体检 | ||
教育[www.61k.com)背景 |
毕业院校: | 南昌大学医学院抚州分院 | ||
最高学历: | 大专 | 毕业- | 2008-04-01 |
所学专业一: | 护理(涉外护理) | 所学专业二: | |
受教育培训经历: | 2005.9-2008.4 南昌大学医学院抚州分院 护理(涉外护理) 大专 “三好学生”、优秀学生干部兼“三好学生”等、CET-4:413分 2006.9-12 计算机学校 计算机二级VF课程 | ||
语言能力 |
外语: | 英语良好 | ||
国语水平: | 良好 | 粤语水平: | 一般 |
工作能力及其他专长 |
吃苦耐劳,勤奋上进,对工作认真负责,待人真诚,有一定的组织能力,和很强的团队来神。 | |
详细个人自传 |
个人联系方式 |
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