

发布时间:2018-04-25 所属栏目:电脑硬件论坛

一 : 电脑硬件论坛有什么好的准备装机可找不到好的电脑硬件论坛,有什么好





硬件爱好者的 ...希望这些共同的爱好者能帮到你。

二 : IB 电脑论文

Software List

Windows 7 (Family Normal) authentic

Microsoft Officers authentic

Flash authentic

Guitar pro 5.0 authentic

Storm 2012 authentic

Thunder 2012 authentic

Magic Hand authentic

QQ series authentic

IPhone 91 Assistant authentic

Yinyuetai authentic

Photoshop pirate

360 Safe authentic

Skype authentic

Jinshan Dictionary authentic

Counter-Strike 1.6 authentic

Age 2 authentic

Sougou Input Method authentic

These are all I often use on the laptop.

The Definition of Free Software

Free software is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with restrictions that only ensure that further recipients have the same rights under which it was obtained and that manufacturers of consumer products incorporating free software provide the software as source code. (From Wikipedia)

(I can only find the definition about free software, but nothing about pirate software and authentic software.)

As I know, authentic software is a sort of software which has its own copyright and it is provided to people with money cost. Pirate software is software that could do some right infringement which plagiarizes other authentic software in an illegal way.

During the investigation and searching, I find that there are different kinds of software and they could be divided into the three parts----- authentic software, pirate software, and free software.

For a normal computer, one of the bases is the system. The first laptop that I used was Windows Vista and it was very tough to use, because of its incompatibility and slowly dealing. Then I chose to have a change to the system. A fellow of my mother's which was named as "computer professor" suggested me that I should have bought a pirate Windows 7 and take an instead of Windows Vista. It only cost 30RMB. I wondered why I had to buy a pirate but not an authentic one and he told me that unless I bought a new computer, or I should have paid 2000RMB on an authentic one because its copyright. Finally I chose the pirate one. However, every time when I turned on my computer, there would be something like "You are using pirate software and it may be dangerous for your personal computer. Please delete pirate Windows system and support authentic" on the screen. If I kept using and it was connected properly to the Internet, the small prompt would always there on the right bottom in red and yellow, saying, “Excuse me, it is harmful to use pirate Windows. You had better select authentic ones" and when the Internet interfaces were open, the first one must have be Windows official network which warning me to buy authentic system. Even in a period of time, I couldn't open my computer because of the piracy. Furthermore, the office 2007 which in the pirate system had no satisfaction from me because the functions inside were so poor that it didn't support anything from office 2003 and the power point I made on my computer always couldn’t be opened on any other computers. I was annoyed but could do nothing about it. In addition, during the usage of other pirate software such as Guitar pro 6.0 and Photoshop, I have found the same things. Guitar pro 6.0 is the latest version and the price cost of it is 60 dollars. After I downloaded a private version on the Internet, it couldn't be used freely and I was told to buy a full version or I am not able to use it. For the Photoshop, the authentic one needs me 4250RMB and it was the same condition as Guitar pro 6.0 when I used it. Well, totally, I think that it is better to use authentic software instead of pirate stuffs. There is an article

that I found to support my suggestion "告别盗版,拥抱正版真的很难吗?其实,并不难,只是人的惰性和习惯思维在作怪而已。??如果真的想,愿意去寻找,正版就在你我身边,而且大多是免费提供的。??何必去苦苦寻找破解和注册机呢?看完我的提示,你会发现,要找一个盗版软件爱你其实也很难且很费时很不值。??因为,是百度一个正版软件的官网容易,还是找一个破解和注册的阴暗角落容易呢???以下推荐的软件,都是我自己使用的,也是常用的软件。??收费正版软件:?1、杀毒防火墙:我用诺顿网络安全特警2010。目前正版(3用户2年),苏宁报价105元。换算一下,买一张,3台电脑用,2年。平均下来,你一人一年就15元的话费。15元,一碗面的钱,你也嫌贵?也要找破解?那我无话可说。微软自带的MSE也不错的。??2、文档处理:我用OFFICE2007家庭学生版,130元(去年我买的时候是99元)。现在买,可以免费升级到OFFICE2010。130元,可以用10年甚至更久,一年13元的投入,贵吗???免费正版软件:?1、图片软体:XNVIEW(我用的版本是1.96.5)。我不用收费的ACDSEE,这个XNVIEW很好,功能强大。ACDSEE有的功能它几乎都有,而且比前者容量小,还是官方中文正版,免费。??2、翻译词典:金山系列的词霸2010,官方免费正版。哦,还有金山快译个人版,也是免费的。??3、虚拟光驱和刻录软件:现在只要买刻录机的(先锋),一般会送免费的NERO8.0,官方免费正版,我一直在用,很好。虚拟光驱呢,我用DT Lite,就是那个DAEMON Tools Lite,同样也是免费官方正版。酒精我不用,没DAEMON好用。??4、压缩软件:放弃那个收费的WINRAR,我用7ZIP。它一样能解RAR格式的压缩包,而且是官方中文免费版,非常好用,解压的格式多。??5、流览器:这个一般都是免费的,我喜欢WIN7下自带的IE8.0,可以同一窗口多页面。而且IE9.0也要推出了。??6、聊天:这不说了,QQ、MSN,谁用盗版和山寨啊?哈哈??7、卫星地图:当然是谷歌地球喽,中文版,免费。??8、视频软件:那就很多了,最好的就是WIN7自带,然后去官网下一点插件。??9、硬盘分区:EPM??10、视频加工:Format Factory,官方中文免费版,我用过好多次,超级好。??11、图片加工:PS正版太贵(当然,我已经有了购买计划),那么免费也有好多。比如ISEE图片专家、光影魔术手、美图秀秀等。有些是听说,我只熟悉ISEE图片专家。???以上就是电脑常用软件中的正版,既有免费也有收费。事实说明,与其浪费时间偷鸡摸狗找破解,堂堂正正的官方免费版为什么不用???我还是那句话,现在要我找破解,我还真觉得烦,有正版干嘛犯贱还用盗版???至于游戏、音乐。我的回答是:?1、你如果真的喜欢一个歌手或者一些打动你灵魂的歌,你会想办法买正版的。对音乐的尊重,对你喜欢的歌手的尊重和鼓励。这种心情,有的人天生就懂,有人是到死也不懂的。不解释??2、网络游戏,我是不玩的,大概只有私服才算盗版吧?单机游戏,我喜欢正版,当然我会打中文补丁,这个想买正版也买不到。呵呵。最近迷上开车游戏,等无限试驾2出来了,我也会买正版。对了,淘宝上也可以买到许多游戏的正版序列号,都不贵的。??关于视频,我的回答是:?1、现在在线视频网很多,搜狐、新浪、激动,难道不是正版吗??2、阿凡达,是去电影院看的,喜欢看电影的感觉。最近还有电影票呢,40元那种兑换券。哈哈??关于漫画:看的不多,最近在看冥王神话,买的是台湾的长荣正版。我不喜欢看电子漫画,觉得累。


我就不信你电脑里的常用软件还需要盗版,有些工作软件,你要盗版。那我请问,你连自己吃饭的家伙也买假的?杯具??四处找盗版、破解、注册的人,才傻呢。稍微找一下,一堆官方中文免费版就出来了,还至于那么可笑地偷鸡摸狗吗??偷盗,莫非成了你的习惯???我最后想说:社会再不公、制度再垃圾,也不是你同流合污、自甘堕落的理由。越是垃圾国家垃圾社会,自己就越要活出个人样来。(From Baidu Tip Bar)"

Although the words are all in Chinese, but I am sure that everybody who reads it will comprehend what it means. What's more, if we can find free software to replace the pirate software, we can use it. For example, I have once played a game called Counter-Strike 1.6 and I bought pirate software for free from a software shop. Afterward, it needs password to unlock, but I had nothing. Then, I downloaded free software of CS from the Internet and in the bag file, there is a piece of passwords and I finally could play it. Free software is divided into free in charge and free in adapting. No matter which one we use, if it is possible for us to use free software instead of using the pirate ones, we are supposed to do that. Free software is a convenient media to say goodbye to pirate software. That is all I want to talk about the software.

(Further information: Anti-copyright infringement organizations)

? ? ? ?

? Business Software Alliance (BSA) Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft (CAAST) Entertainment Software Association (ESA) Federation Against Software Theft (FAST) International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA)

本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1138772.html

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