

发布时间:2017-12-19 所属栏目:高中作文

一 : 机器人总动员英语观后感




1Who says popular films are not and cannot be art?If anything is proof that popular films can be of a stunningly high quality,the beauty of the animation,writing,music,and sound design in "WALL路E" is it."WALL路E" eclipses even Andrew Stanton's "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2" in the Pixar pantheon,is perhaps Pixar's best film to date and,call me crazy as I've just seen it,a contender for the title of best animated film,period.

"WALL路E" is everything we've come to expect from Pixar and more- colorful,vibrant,imaginative,exciting,involving,beautiful,and most importantly a film with interesting,involving characters.Sure,WALL路E is adorable,and as much credit as the animators get for that,this film would be nothing without Stanton's screenplay,which features very little dialogue but is still notably intelligent and surprisingly subtle,making a refreshing change from the 'go green' campaigns we're all so used to.Does "WALL路E" have a message?Sure,but it's an important message and it is delivered subtly and beautifully.

"WALL路E" operates on two levels (and works spectacularly well on both).It is a majestic science fiction epic like we haven't seen in a couple of decades and it is a genuinely touching and never cheap romance."WALL路E" will never get points for originality but it doesn't exactly need them because the homages to great films and figures of the past- Chaplin,Keaton,Tati,the Marx Brothers,"2001:A Space Odyssey" (this one is particularly spectacular),"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" are actually homages and not ripoffs."WALL路E" is a wonderful tribute to a bygone cinematic tradition (well,two or three of them actually).

The social commentary in "WALL路E" is sobering because it's never overbearing and most importantly because we see the world through machines,machines who feel more about Earth and life than the humans do.The depiction of humans on the ship could have been incredibly offensive,cheap,and tasteless in concept but the execution here is absolutely perfect.

What is most surprising about "WALL路E" is how sad it is.Not even in the 'how will they get out of this,oh I feel so sorry for them' way "Finding Nemo",a previous Stanton effort,is,but in a truly melancholy sense.The early portion of the film maintains all the playfulness of a Jacques Tati film but also evokes a striking and powerful feeling of loneliness.It's a brilliant introduction to WALL路E,given that the rest of the film is too wacky to bother with long scenes focused entirely on character,and works beautifully with the ugly yet beautifully-rendered future Earth,a barren wasteland filled with nothing but garbage,a seriously resilient cockroach being WALL路E's only companion before EVE shows up,but I won't go into the story- it's best you see it unfold for yourself.

From the entertaining shorts shown before the film to the memorable characters,locations,and animation we have come to expect,Pixar films are now event cinema,and they have outdone themselves with "WALL路E".This film is spectacular,majestic,touching,involving,and achingly beautiful.Most importantly,however,it is perfect entertainment.I may be saying this too soon,but I don't think I have ever seen an animated film that has satisfied me more than "WALL路E",and 2008 is going to have to work hard to keep this from being the top film of the year,which it most certainly is at the moment.

2.WALL-E,Pixar's latest film,is about a robot named WALL-E (or 'Waste Allocation Load Lifter,Earth-Class'),who is the only thing left on earth with some sort of emotion.He meets another robot named EVE,and the trip begins.

It's hard to describe in words how incredible I personally find this film.

The animation is flawless.Absolutely flawless.Especially on earth and the robots.It looks real.Much of the time it's impossible to tell whether or not it is real.The few slightly-shaky styled shots that appear a few times in the film only makes the animation that much more amazing and realistic.The humans are really good,too,while not realistic in the sense of you seeing it right now in real life,but they do have a realistic feel to them.The thing with the humans,I believe,is that they were purposefully meant to have this slightly rounded,slightly unrealistic feeling.

I believe the reason is to take a satirical look at humans,and what our goals for a future,perfect utopia,is.It questions what we want,and shows you what is a very,very likely outcome of our desires for a 'better' world,showing both positive and negative effects.The animation for the humans,I believe,was made rounded and slightly more cartoonish to emphasize that that is how we will become.Fat,lazy,yet so perfect.At times,especially with that perspective on the humans,they actually do look very real.

The story is brilliant.There are many little things in the film that have so much meaning to them.There are things that will be nostalgic to older viewers,and things that younger viewers will love to look at.However,it does steer for the cheesy,clich茅 aspects of a child's film,yet still remaining a completely G-rated film.

I don't call this a child's film at all.Not because it has adult material,because it doesn't.I say this because the film is perfect for everyone.Literally,everyone.There are things in it every person can enjoy,no matter who they are.It has obvious homages to Stanley Kubrick's "2001:A Space Odyssey",and any adult who remembers seeing that film will notice this.

WALL-E is such a lovable character.I've never felt so much emotion for one character.He will definitely go down in history as iconic as Darth Vader,or Indiana Jones.I was so close to crying at pivotal parts in the film,and although I didn't fully break out and cry,I have never felt so much emotion in my heart with any other film as I did with this one.

EVE is very fun and interesting.One scene in particular,with her,was so beautiful,that my eyes got teary.Her chemistry with WALL-E is so oddly perfect.They are so different in appearance and personality,yet they work so well together.

The other robots are all lovable,except for the "enemy" robots,who still add much depth to the film.In particular,M-O was the cutest,obviously not counting WALL-E.

Pixar has always made great animation films.But this,without a doubt,tops all of their own film,and most other films.It restores faith in the animation films.It captures the magic and wonder as past Disney films,which is something I have not seen in most modern animation films.

I would not be surprised at all if this won for best picture of the year.It deserves it more than anything.

This is one of greatest achievements in cinematic history,and I encourage everyone to see this.

二 : 机器人总动员 ——观后感











三 : 《机器人总动员》观后感

  “WALL-E”是Waste Allocation Load Lifters-Earth(地球废品分装员)的缩写,这种职业出现在2700年,因为地球的垃圾多到爆炸,整个星球几乎被垃圾掩埋了,罪魁祸首-人类-只得移居到太空船上,并且请一家叫Buynlarge公司清除地球的垃圾,待万物更新时再飞回地球安居。Buynlarge公司把这种叫WALL-E的机器人大批送往地球捡垃圾,但WALL-E并不适合地球的环境,大批量地来也大批量地坏,最后只剩下一个机器人还在日复一日的按照程序收拾废品。就这么过了几百年,仅存的WALL-E还在垃圾堆里淘到不少人造宝贝,它也开始有了自我意识,懂得什么是孤独。有一天一艘飞船突然降落,一个女机器人伊娃来到地球执行搜寻任务,捡垃圾的机器人“爱”上了Eve,但是它面临着两难的抉择,是跟伊娃离开地球,还是继续按照身体里的程序捡一辈子的垃圾……














四 : 《海底总动员》观后感




五 : [暑期征文]地球,并不仅仅只属于人类!——观《动物总动员》有感











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