

发布时间:2017-08-14 所属栏目:简单租房协议

一 : 个人简单租房协议



















二 : MQTT协议简记

MQTT - MQ Telemetry Transport

  • 轻量级的 machine-to-machine 通信协议。(www.61k.com)
  • publish/subscribe模式。
  • 基于TCP/IP。
  • 支持QoS。
  • 适合于低带宽、不可靠连接、嵌入式设备、CPU内存资源紧张。
  • 是一种比较不错的Android消息推送方案。
  • FacebookMessenger采用了MQTT。
  • MQTT有可能成为物联网的重要协议。


ca协议 MQTT协议简记


ca协议 MQTT协议简记 







0x00 Connection Accepted
0x01 Connection Refused: unacceptable protocol version
0x02 Connection Refused: identifier rejected
0x03 Connection Refused: server unavailable
0x04 Connection Refused: bad user name or password
0x05 Connection Refused: not authorized



publish message 应该包含一个TopicName(Subject/Channel),即订阅关键词。





不允许 a#和a/#/c。



PUBACK 发布消息后的确认




1. Server->Client发布PUBREC(已收到);

2. Client->Server发布PUBREL(已释放);

3. Server->Client发布PUBCOMP(已完成),Client删除msg;








ca协议 MQTT协议简记



Client[Qos=1,DUP=0/*重复次数*/,MessageId=x] --->PUBLISH--> Server收到后,存储Message,发布,删除,向Client回发PUBACK



Clean Session





扩展:mqtt协议 / mqtt协议详解 / mqtt协议实现即时通讯

三 : 简单游用户协议

本『软件产品』仅系授权使用,而非贩售版权。[www.61k.com]   1、授权。  『福州天下创世数码有限公司』授权您安装并使用本『软件产品』。  2、限制。  您应保留所有『软件产品』拷贝上之着作权标示。  您不得对本『软件产品』进行反向工程(Reverse engineer)、反向编译(Decompile)或反汇编 (Disassemble)。但若有所适用之法律法规禁止上述限制,则不在此限。  您必须遵守所有『软件』产品使用之相关法律。  3、终止。  若您未能遵守本『许可协议』之条款或条件,则『福州天下创世数码有限公司』得在不妨碍其他权力之情况下,终止本『许可协议』。届时您必须销毁本『软件产品』之所有拷贝。  4、著作权。  凡与本『软件产品』及其拷贝有关之所有权与着作权均属『福州天下创世数码有限公司』或其版权所有者所有。凡与因透过本『软件产品』而存取之资料内容之所有权以及知识产权,均属各该资料之所有权人,并受相关着作权法或其他知识产权法律与条约之保护。本『许可协议』并不授权您就该等资料之内容享有使用之权力。  5、不为瑕疵担保。  您因使用本『软件产品』所造成之任何损失和风险将由您独自承担。在相关法律所允许之最大范围内,『福州天下创世数码有限公司』及其供应商不承担任何瑕疵担保责任与条件,不伦其为明示或默示者,其中包括(但不限于)适售性、适何某特定用途以及不侵害他人权益之默示担保责任。  6、就衍生性损害不负赔偿责任。  在相关法律所允许之最大范围内,『福州天下创世数码有限公司』或其供应商对于您因使用或不能使用本『软件产品』而遭受之特别、衍生性、直接或间接损害(包括,但不限于营业利益之损失、营业中断、数据丢失或其他有形或无形损失)不负任何损害赔赏责任。此项规定不因您事先告知『福州天下创世数码有限公司』或其供应商,该损害发生之可能性而有所不同。  7、其他规定。  本『许可协议』适合中国(香港、澳门、台湾除外)法律。本『许可协议』中未提及到的其他一切权力『福州天下创世数码有限公司』均予保留。若您就本『许可协议』有任何疑问,请接洽『福州天下创世数码有限公司』。网址:http://www.jdyou.com。  8、其他软件。  凡是软件的产品、包装、说明等出现或提到的非福州天下创世数码有限公司所有的软件及名称,其版权属于该产品版权所有者所有,在此向其表示感谢。特别注意:  本『许可协议』所指(试用版『Trial Version』)是『福州天下创世数码有限公司

简单游怎么用 简单游用户协议

』出品的试用版软件产品。[www.61k.com]其功能有限制,并且安装程序、自述文件、或程序本身有明显的中文『试用版』(或『测试版』)或英文『Trial Version』以及具有相同法定含义的文字字样以及未曾注册或不应以任何方式包含、提供注册码,否则就不属于试用版范畴。本软件本版本支持中文域名和通用网址功能,并集成中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)的中文上网官方版软件,在安装本软件时同时安装。如果您同意安装本软件和CNNIC中文上网官方版软件,即表明您同时接受中文上网官方版最终用户使用授权协议所有条款。中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)中文上网官方版软件最终用户使用授权协议如下:CNNIC中文上网官方版软件最终用户使用授权协议本最终用户软件授权协议(以下简称“协议”)是由您,作为最终用户,与中国互联网络信息中心(以下简称“CNNIC”)共同签订。1. 许可授权按照本协议的以下条款,CNNIC授权您使用本软件及其相关修订、升级或错误更正,该授权为有限、非专用、不可传递、不可转授的,并仅供您在自己的电脑上依照本协议使用。本软件产品为免费软件,用户可以非商业性地下载、安装、复制和散发本软件产品。如果需要进行商业性的销售、复制和散发,例如软件预装和捆绑,必须获得CNNIC的授权和许可。并且,您无权转授本使用许可,不得销售、租借、租赁或散发本软件的拷贝,除非明确获得您、您所在单位或负责人与CNNIC达成的有效书面授权协议。2. 知识产权保护本软件受中华人民共和国著作权法及国际著作权条约、知识产权法、国际版权法及条约的保护,其所有知识产权归CNNIC所有。除非本协议另有明确规定,否则本协议不向您提供任何有关该软件的知识产权。该软件的所有标题和版权,包括但不限于其操作、代码、结构和执行、外观、屏幕显示结果、任何图象、照片、动画、录像、录音、音乐、文字和附加程序(dll、exe等)、随附的帮助材料、及本软件产品的任何副本,均属CNNIC的知识财产。CNNIC保留所有在本协议中未明确授让的权利。用户不得对本软件产品进行反向工程(reverse engineer)、反向编译(decompile)或反汇编(disassemble),违者属于侵权行为,将可能受到来自CNNIC的法律追究,行为人并应当自行承担由此产生的不利后果。3. 有限责任本软件以“现状”方式提供,CNNIC不对该软件作任何明确的、隐含的或法定的保证,包括但不限于任何关于可销售性、特定用途的适用性或不损害第三方利益的隐含保证。CNNIC不对与本软件有着相同或相似实现原理的其它软件(如3721

简单游怎么用 简单游用户协议

网络实名软件等)的冲突做任何明确的、隐含的或法定的保证。[www.61k.com]CNNIC不对您或任何其他人所造成的损失承担责任,这些损失可能来自于与用户安装使用的其他软件的冲突,或由于不能使用本产品而造成的损害,包括(但不限于)直接的、间接的、特殊的、偶然的、惩戒性或结果性的个人损害、商业利润损失、业务中断、信息的丢失或任何其它商业损失。本软件经过详细的测试,但不能保证与所有的软硬件系统完全兼容。如果出现不兼容的情况,用户可拨打电话、Email、传真等方式将情况报告CNNIC,获得技术支持。4. 软件认定本软件产品可以通过网络等途径下载、传播,对于从非CNNIC指定站点下载的本软件产品以及从非CNNIC发行的介质上获得的本软件产品,CNNIC无法保证该软件的完整性、安全性和有效性,不承担由此引起的直接和间接损害责任。5. 功能升级CNNIC保证本软件的升级模块中也不含有任何旨在破坏用户计算机数据和获取用户隐私信息的恶意代码,不含有任何跟踪、监视用户计算机和或操作行为的功能代码,不会监控用户网上、网下的行为或泄漏用户隐私。6. 自愿性软件和卸载权本软件为自愿性质的软件,在Windows操作系统启动时自动运行,您可以在任何时候利用Windows的添加/删除程序功能来卸载本软件,因删除产生的一切后果由用户承担。由于本软件与某些浏览器插件软件(如3721网络实名等插件)不兼容,这些插件将导致本软件功能无法正常使用。为了确保本软件功能有效,本软件安装后将覆盖或卸载这些插件。同时本软件安装后用户也将有可能无法下载、安装这些与本软件不兼容的插件软件。如果用户确需安装这些插件,请先从系统“控制面版”的“添加/删除程序”中卸载本软件。7. 终止如果您违反了本协议,则您使用本软件的授权将被终止。终止后,您必须将本软件的拷贝及所有相关文档销毁。8. 争议解决双方一致同意本协议的内容及效力,双方一致同意由于执行本协议而产生的一切纠纷适用中华人民共和国法律,并由CNNIC所在地法院管辖。9. 通过下载安装或者对弹出插件窗口点击“是”安装软件包,表明您已同意本协议,并且作为本协议的一方而受其约束。如果您不同意本协议的所有条款,请不要下载或安装本软件,或者对弹出插件窗口点击“否”。中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)2003年9月

四 : HDCP协议简介

HDCP: what it is and how to use it


Whether or not you believe in content protection, if you design digital-video products, you must deal with the technology. Here's what you need to know to start applying high-bandwidth digital-content protection.


By Jim Lyle, Silicon Image Inc -- EDN , 4/18/2002

The DVI (digital visual interface) delivers video images with very high resolution and essentially perfect quality. Although this capability is a boon to end users, it has sparked great concern in the entertainment industry, because it raises the specter of unauthorized mass duplication and distribution of "perfect" copies of Hollywood's most valuable content.

DVI(數字視頻接口)傳輸的畫面解析度很高而且畫面本身的效果也很完美。盡管這種功能給終端用戶帶來了實惠,但是由於 這種技術成為各種盜版的克星,它在娛樂界引起了極大的關注。

Traditional copyright protections (such as infringement lawsuits) are suitable only in specific cases and are impractical on a mass scale. They would be entirely useless against the millions of people who might buy DVDs and copy them for their friends and relatives. Therefore, much of the consumer-electronics equipment available today incorporates

copy-protection mechanisms. Different types of devices use different kinds of copy protection. Most techniques stem from cooperation between content providers and equipment manufacturers. For DVI, such a cooperative effort has produced a mechanism called HDCP (high-bandwidth digital-content protection), a two-part cryptographic method to control video delivery.


What HDCP is—and isn't


HDCP is content protection, not copy protection (or more accurately, copy restriction). The difference is subtle but very important. HDCP is not designed to prevent copying or recording, nor will it do away with "time-shifting" (taping of TV

programs to pause live video or to enable you to view programs later). The ability to do these things has revolutionized TV viewing. People want these features, and the capabilities will only improve.

HDCP是內容保護而不是拷貝保護(或更準確地講,拷貝限制)。這些區別不但微妙而且非常重要。HDCP不是防止拷貝 或錄影而設計的,也不是為消除"time-shifting"(停止現場的視頻節目而對它進行錄影,使你能夠在晚些時候能觀看它)而設計的。TV在做些事情的功能上已經實現了突破性的大變革。人們想要的這些特點和功能將改善。

Yet, as these features become more capable and ubiquitous, protecting copyrighted material becomes increasingly difficult. The copyrights are important; they protect both those who create materials and those who use them. The Internet raises the stakes because it enables unwitting or unscrupulous low-cost mass distribution of copyrighted material.


Your home-theater system can implement any kind of copy protection it needs. It might allow unrestricted copies, a limited number of copies, limited use of copies, or no copies at all. The exact mechanism depends on the source material, how it is distributed, and the equipment design and configuration. It is important, however, that the designer's decisions on the

permissible extent of copying be final.


At this point, HDCP enters the picture. The DVI connection it guards is usually the last link in the video chain. The system's intelligence typically lies somewhere upstream, for example, in the satellite-TV or cable box. Such locations are the right places to decide on copy-protection strategies. HDCP merely protects the choice.

基於此HDCP進入圖片領域.DVI所保護的連接常常連接在視頻電路裡。系統的典型能力在與某些地方,如衛星電視、有線電視盒的上行數據。這些指定的位置是決定拷貝保護策略的好地方。而HDCP隻不過是保護那些被選中的內容。 System architecture


A DVI link is a point-to-point connection with a single transmitter and receiver, so the simplest HDCP system resembles the one that Figure 1 shows. The host is a PC, a set-top box, a DVD player, or a similar video source that contains the DVI transmitter and a set of HDCP keys. The display is a monitor, flat-panel television, or projector that contains the DVI receiver and a (different) set of HDCP keys.


By design, the HDCP protocol couples a single transmitter to a single receiver. Other devices can't eavesdrop. In some cases, though, the system may need more than one host or display device. One example is a computer that has

connections to both a monitor and a projector. Also, many home-theater systems use an AV receiver to route audio and video signals among a variety of inputs and outputs (Figure 2).


The HDCP specification defines a repeater function to accommodate configurations such as the one that Figure 2 shows.

A repeater is an active device that has one or more DVI/HDCP inputs and one or more DVI/HDCP outputs. Figure 3 shows another repeater example. The two outputs and one input represent the PC/monitor/projector example. On one side, the repeater acts as a receiver, accepting video from upstream. On the other side, the repeater acts as a transmitter, sending the video downstream.


Each of these links is separate. Each has a unique transmitter and receiver, and from an HDCP perspective, the data on each is encrypted in a unique way (which is a function of the keys for that particular link). Though separate, the links are not entirely independent: Certain HDCP functions must gather status and other information about the entire system, so the HDCP specification defines how to propagate this information upward through repeaters.


Note that hosts must support repeaters. The specification requires this support, and your customers will need the flexibility.

A system can also include more than one repeater. Indeed, there may be as many as seven levels of repeaters and 127 receivers. (Repeaters count toward this limit.)



Authentication and revocation


You cannot confidently use HDCP unless both the transmitter and receiver support it and work properly. Authentication tests and verifies these functions and, if unsuccessful, blocks transmission. Authentication must exclude devices that have been compromised or hacked. Revocation accomplishes this exclusion.


First, transmitters and receivers must demonstrate knowledge of a valid set of keys. The keys themselves are kept private and never revealed, but each side of the link calculates a mathematical result, R0, which depends on the key values. This calculation also initializes the cipher engines with a secret value, KS, which forms the video-encryption key.

首先,傳輸器和接收器顯示一套有效的按鍵的消息。按鍵本身必須是獨立的決不能相互影響,而在連接的兩邊要計算出一個數學結果—R0,它取決於按鍵值。這種計算也用一個隱藏的值—KS初始化引擎密碼.而該隱藏值也就構成了視頻加密的關鍵。 The transmitter generates a pseudorandom number, AN, which it sends to the receiver along with the transmitter's KSV (key-selection vector). The receiver then sends its KSV to the transmitter. The KSV values must have the right form—they must contain exactly 20 ones and 20 zeros. If they do, each of the cipher engines independently calculates the R0 and KS results.


Finally, the system compares the R0 values that the transmitter and receiver generate by the transmitter and receiver. The mathematical function prevents the transmitter keys from working in a receiver and the receiver keys from working in a transmitter. Matching R0 values strongly suggest valid keys.


The flowchart in Figure 4 shows an example of the firmware operations needed to manage the computation process. This example assumes that the transmitter is Silicon Image's (http://www.61k.com) SiI168 device, but any HDCP transmitter performs similar functions.


Even valid keys can become compromised (hacked), so HDCP includes a mechanism to revoke keys. The KSV values are unique to each key set and, therefore, to each device. The system can then compare these values to a revocation list, and if either the transmitter or receiver appears on that list, authentication fails. Updates to the revocation list arrive with new media and are automatically integrated. So if a key set somehow does get exposed or copied, the damage can be limited. 即使有效的密碼可能外泄,HDCP還包括一個機構裝置可以廢除這個密碼。因此,對於每一個所設定的密碼和每一個設備,KSV值是唯一對應的。然後系統將這些值與廢除清單比較,如果傳送器或接收器中的值在這份清單中,那麼驗証失敗。更新送來的廢止清單和新的媒介會自動地結合在一起。所以,如果由於某種未知的原因而導致設置的密碼外泄或被復制,這種危險能得到限制。

This revocation process does not affect other devices, even if the devices are of the same make and model. In that sense, KSV values are like serial numbers. Suppose that Sally and Bob buy the same kind of TV on the same day at the same store. Bob somehow hack s his set, gets caught, and has his KSV value revoked. Sally needn't worry. Her TV has a different KSV value and won't be affected in any way.

這種廢止過程不影響別的設備,即便這些設備是相同的型號。在這種情況下,KSV值就好比序列號。假如Sally 和 Bob同一天在同一家商店購買相同款式的電視。由於某種不知的原因,Bob出租了他的電視而且要回這台電視也比較為難,他就廢止了他的KSV值。此時Sally就無須擔心了因為他的電視有一個與Bob不同的KSV值。

Upstream authentication

Even if valid hardware and valid keys are present, it might still be possible for an external agent (typically a driver or software application) to interfere. In the worst case, this agent could make it appear that the HDCP hardware is present and active when, in fact, it's not there, not working, or altered in some way. Upstream authentication enables the system to prevent or detect this kind of problem and can also permit the system to move confidential values from the hardware to the software application without fear of the values being observed or altered.

即便有效的硬件和有效的密碼是不易忘記的,但是仍舊存在外部原因(如:驅動或應用軟件)幹擾的可能。最糟糕的情況是,實際上沒有HDCP硬件或HDCP硬件沒有工作,而由於外部原因使它看起來在工作或一些方面在改變。上行數據驗証確保系統能防止或偵測到這類問題,也能讓系統將機密數據從硬件移到應用軟件而不需擔心這些數據被別人看到或改變。 The simplest form of upstream authentication uses purely physical barriers. Many applications have fixed hardware and firmware configurations and are not subject to user-installed upgrades or modifications. The absence of such modifications is typical of consumer-electronics products, including devices such as set-top boxes and DVD players. In such cases, the required security can be established by design, verified by test, and protected by the enclosure and the requisite "no user-serviceable parts" warning label.


A personal computer is completely different, though. Users frequently install their own software and can download new drivers or plug-ins with just a few mouse-clicks. In this environment, upstream authentication combines hardware and software protocols that include encryption and signature algorithms, with the implicit assumption that no driver is

trustworthy. Special cryptographic messages that only the software can interpret hide link status and confidential data values. The drivers can only pass the messages along. If the drivers fail to forward the messages or tamper with them in any way, the mischief will be detected.


The original HDCP specification does not define upstream authentication, as it is application-dependent and isn't always necessary. A companion specification defines a recommended implementation for PC applications, however. This

specification uses a mathematical system that is similar to HDCP's downstream side. The keys come from a different key space, though, and will not interoperate with the downstream keys. The specification defines only a limited number of functions. These functions include Status Read (verifies that the HDCP link is working properly), Read M (transfers the confidential M0 value, which the software application needs), and Read Z (transfers ZK, which provides initial keying material in some cases).

由於上行數據驗証是個獨立的應用,且它並非必不可少,所以最初的HDCP規格沒有定義上行數據驗証。對於PC應用,手冊規格定義了一個推薦的執行方法。然而,這個規格使用了一個類似HDCP的下行數據邊的數學系統。密碼來自不同的密碼空間,可是它們不能用下行數據密碼相互操作。規格隻定義了有限的函數。這些函數包括’’讀狀態’’(証實HDCP連接正常),’’讀M” (轉移機密M0值,這個值是軟件應用需要的),’’讀Z” (轉移ZK,在某些情況下它提供最初的密碼資料)。



Encryption, of course, is the brick and mortar of the HDCP strategy, and it prevents eavesdropping. The encryption alters the video data using a reversible function (which XORs the data with the cipher-engine output). Each pixel is separately altered, producing a video image that is thoroughly scrambled and has no recognizable features. If the transmitter and receiver are properly synchronized, the XOR functions cancel, properly reproducing the original video.


During encryption, a link-integrity check occurs approximately every two seconds. Every 128 frames, the receiver and transmitter generate a new value, RI, which is similar to the original R0. Comparing these values verifies that the link

remains synchronized. This check serves three main purposes. First, it provides additional verification that the initial states were a proper match. Second, it provides ongoing feedback that the link is working properly. Finally, it narrows the window for an outside agent to disrupt the link.

加密期間, 差不多每兩秒就進行一次完整的鏈路檢查。每隔128禎接收器和傳送器就產生一個新的值R1,它與初始值R0非常類似。通過比較這些值來証實鏈路是保持同步的。這種檢查動作有三個目的。首先,它提供了額外的檢驗表明初始狀態匹配正常;第二,它提供連續的反饋表明鏈路工作正常;最後,它可以減少外界因素對鏈路的影響。

Design considerations and pitfalls


Product designers frequently ask when they will need to be ready for HDCP. The trite-but-true answer—the sooner the better—raises a chicken-and-egg quandary, however. Nobody wants to go to the time, trouble, and cost of building a DVI/HDCP interface into a product if customers can't use it. The market needs both PCs and monitors (or set-top boxes and TVs) before this feature can become effective.

產品設計者經常問什麼時候需要準備好HDCP功能。一個帄庸但真實的回答是越快越好。然而這就引起了一點小困惑。如果客戶不使用 HDCP功能,沒有人想為將DVI/HDCP接口加到產品中而引起時間,精力,成本上的麻煩。在這種功能成為有效之前,市場需要的是個人電腦和顯示器(或機頂盒和電視)。

A look at the other side of the coin is important, though. Although having a feature that you don't need isn't good, needing a feature that you don't have can be worse. High-definition, digital-quality, premium video is coming but only to products built with security in mind. Designers who delay implementation risk ignoring their customers' needs.


The good news is that quite a few HDCP-enabled products (both host and display) are either in production or soon will be. Leading manufacturers and content providers have already announced support for DVI/HDCP, and many more will do so in the coming months. So the question is not so much whether you should do this now. It's whether you're already too late. 一個好消息是:相當多的有HDCP功能的產品(主機和顯示設備)或在生產中或即將生產。主要的制造商和內容提供商已經宣布支持DVI/HDCP功能,並且很多商家在未來的一段時間內將這麼做。所以說,問題不在與你是否應現在應該這樣做,而是你已經做得太晚。

One special consideration: Television sets are a big investment (some bigger than others), and people tend to hold on to them for a long time. It's doubly important to future-proof these products.


Adding HDCP to a product


To add HDCP capabilities to your product, you need a few basics. First, you need the DVI: a connector, the DVI silicon, and a small number of discrete components. Then you need the HDCP function, which is generally integrated into the DVI

silicon. You also need the HDCP keys and some kind of nonvolatile memory to store them. (The exact kind depends on the HDCP function, but in some cases, the memory also resides in the DVI silicon.)


For example, suppose a monitor or TV manufacturer wants to add an HDCP-capable DVI to an analog product line. Figure 5 highlights (in red) the necessary new elements. The essential chassis remains the same. One of the analog inputs merely changes to digital. The alterations are isolated, and the manufacturer might even implement them as a daughter card or optional feature.

比如:假設一台顯示器或電視制造商希望增加含HDCP功能DVI到模擬產品中。如圖5 (紅色部分)強調了必要的新元件。必要的底座是同以前一樣的。其中一個模擬輸入僅僅變為數字輸入。這種變化是獨立的,有些制造商甚至已經將他們作為可供選擇的功能而這樣做了。

The additional circuitry is not complicated; Figure 6 details one example. The primary elements are the DVI connector

(CONN1), the SiI905 HDCP-monitor controller, and an EEPROM. The SiI905 contains all of the DVI and HDCP circuits and produces an RGB analog output. The function is essentially self-contained and requires no external firmware or control. Other varieties of interfaces are also available, including some with digital outputs and some with advanced features, such as scaling and on-screen displays.

增加的電路並不復雜,圖六給出了細節。最主要的元件是DVI連接頭(con1), SiI905 HDCP-monitor控制器 和EEPROM。SiI905包含全部的DVI和 HDCP電路,並產生RGB模擬輸出。這種功能是必須自帶的無須額外的軟件或控制。其他種類的接口的使用也是必須的,包括一些數字輸出和具有縮放和on-screen顯示的高級特色功能.

Adding an HDCP-capable DVI output to a product such as a graphics adapter or set-top box is a similar exercise. You still need to add the interface silicon, the nonvolatile key memory, and the DVI connector. The circuit complexity is similar to that shown for the receiver. In general, though, the output-side components are not self-contained. HDCP hosts must control the interface and the information exchange. This requirement typically adds software or firmware. The functions aren't complex, but they do add to the development and test effort.

Don't forget that HDCP hosts must also support repeaters. In practice, then, the software or firmware probably has to

collect the KSV list and verify its digital signature. HDCP hosts must also solve the upstream-authentication problem, either by explicitly incorporating authentication or, perhaps, by using an architecture that prevents end users from making substantial additions or modifications.

Licenses, compliance, and robustness

Every manufacturer seeking to build an HDCP product must obtain a license that allows use of the technology and purchase of the requisite keys. In addition, the license sets forth a set of compliance and robustness.

The compliance rules ensure that HDCP products work together, even among different product types and manufacturers. They also limit the permissible types of configurations and place specific restrictions on video copying, buffering, and available outputs. For example, HDCP products may not make copies but are allowed to temporarily buffer video for specified purposes. HDCP products must use unique keys, too, and are not allowed to have decrypted digital or analog outputs.

The robustness rules make it difficult to circumvent the HDCP technology. In other words, an HDCP product must suitably protect its secrets and must not include switches, jumpers, or simple hardware modifications that trivially bypass some of the intended restrictions.

The important point is that, ultimately, each OEM must ensure that its products are both secure and compliant. The

interface-silicon manufacturer can help, however, and, indeed, helping is a good way for an IC supplier to add value to its products. In the final analysis, though, equipment manufacturers that integrate all of the HDCP elements must ensure that the final product is compliant and robust.

So what must a product designer do? First, get a copy of the license and study it. (You can find it at the Digital Content Protection, LLC Web site, http://www.digital-cp.com/.) In particular, Exhibit D-1 contains a checklist that asks a series of questions that, in effect, spell out the requirements in exhaustive detail. Second, make sure that your product adequately protects the keys. This protection is critical, and many of the rules are intended to ensure the keys' security. Sometimes, meeting this requirement will require special packaging or encapsulation. Also, pay attention to any manufacturing process that includes the keys. Protecting the keys in the final product is not enough; it's also important to protect them at every stage of design, manufacturing, and test. Find out how the keys are first received and decoded, when and where are they programmed, and whether subcontractors are involved. Find out whether inventories need special protection. Find out the answers to all of these questions and more. This requirement need not be daunting, nor must the process be burdensome. Nevertheless, compliance will be easier and cheaper if you think through the issues in advance.

Compatibility testing


You can ensure compatibility among products from different vendors only if all meet some suitable level of specification compliance. Currently, however, no lab or service tests the compliance of HDCP products. Manufacturers need this service, and ongoing discussions aim to establish it. In the meantime, plug fests fill the void.

隻有來自不同商家的產品都與規格承諾的內容相一致時,你才能確保你的產品的兼容性。然而,當前還沒有一家實驗室或服務機構為HDCP產品來做這樣的事情。制造商家需要這樣的機構並願為建立這樣的機構而繼續商討。與此同時,plug fests填補這項空白。

A plugfest is an increasingly common gathering at which many vendors (including competitors) test their products. Such testing can only indirectly verify a product's compliance, but it does provide good feedback on the product's compatibility. Plugfests are not really conducive to in-depth analysis, because test equipment and test time can be scarce and also

because competitors are often hesitant to reveal details or quirks. Still, the events are usually helpful and result in improved interoperability.

插拔測詴法(??)是很多廠商(包括競爭商)用來測詴他們的產品的一種越來越普遍的測詴方法。這種測詴隻能間接地驗証產品的性能參數是否與規格相符,但是同時它又對產品的兼容性提供了一個好的反饋信息。 由於不具備測詴設備和時間等條件,且競爭對手又不願展示產品的技術細節和改變,所以插拔測詴法(??)並不能進行深度的分析。盡管如此,這個項目還是比較有用的,並能讓軟硬體在多種品牌機器上能有意義的溝通。

For an HDCP product, compatibility testing divides into two equally important parts. The first part concerns the underlying DVI-transport protocol. If the protocol is unreliable or incompatible, no other testing matters. Subtle glitches can cause catastrophic HDCP-link failures, so exhaustive testing of the link's reliability is imperative. Tests must span a wide frequency range and use different voltages and jitter levels.


HDCP testing includes both authentication and encryption phases. Plugfest testing usually uses the public keys published in the HDCP specification. If possible, repeat this testing at different resolutions and frequencies and with different cables and configurations. Let the test run for a while; glitches that can break the link or confuse the logic may not occur for

several minutes. Try unusual operations, too. Change the channel, reauthenticate while the link is active, and do anything else you can think of to expose system quirks.


If you are testing a host device that serves as the link master, you need to provide the test software that drives the entire authentication process. Make the software flexible. Include the ability to override values, such as An; change device addresses and modes; and dump and alter registers. If at all possible, bring the source code, a compiler, and the program's author.


If you are testing a display device, you can rely on the other guy to provide the link-control software. Receivers are slaves that use standardized register maps. However, if the receiver incorporates firmware, all of the previous comments about the host software apply. Come prepared to change the software and to examine variables and registers.

The real challenge at these events is to find a way to be as helpful as possible within the constraints of the competitive environment. A thorough test-and-debug session sometimes requires disclosure of details that one side really doesn't want to share with the other. Such sessions also involve risk, because design flaws can surface while competitors are watching. Still, the benefits are enormous if you can get past these concerns and concentrate on the test at hand. Take copious notes, especially of unexplained behaviors and phenomena. Follow up on them too, either at the event or back at the office.

The best time to find bugs, of course, is before they get designed in. Toward this end, carefully read the specification. Don't forget the errata or the license, either, because they contain additional clarifications and restrictions.

Future directions

As it is currently defined, DVI 1.0 is specified solely for connection between a computer and a monitor. (The present DVI license contains language to that effect.) That situation is changing, however, as more consumer-electronics devices incorporate DVIs.

DVI and HDCP are evolving in subtle ways to meet the needs of this new marketplace. You can see the changes in smaller connectors, longer and lower cost cables, audio support, and alternate color spaces. The licenses and the specifications will be updated accordingly, and the result may have a new name to differentiate it from the existing DVI and HDCP interfaces. Backward compatibility is a top priority, though, so that today's designs don't become obsolete tomorrow.

The DVI 1.0 interface provides premium-quality performance. With the addition of HDCP technology, it constitutes the

preferred means of delivering copyrighted high-bandwidth material. If you're a manufacturer, you should start thinking now about adding DVI to your products. The design is not difficult, and it will ensure that your products can ride the coming wave of high-definition content and services.


Author Information

Jim Lyle is a senior staff engineer at Silicon Image, where he has focused on the system architecture and integration of the company's DVI and HDCP products. He holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and has worked at Tandem Computers, Sun Microsystems, and National Semiconductor. His other interests include antique radios and Scottish country dancing.

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