

发布时间:2017-09-09 所属栏目:散文随笔

一 : (上)Back?in?the?booth?又是一年投票时






Voting restrictions


Back in the booth


Translated by 周婧

Proofread by 陈铭, April

Reviewed by Nicolas, 叶儿, Gabriel, 玲玲, W

Edited by 陈思维

A wave of rulings may help the Democrats in November


Away from therazzmatazzofthe party conventions, federal judges have been making decisions that could have a greater impact on the election. Seven rulings have softened or nullified Republican efforts in several states to tighten voting rules—allegedly todeter fraud, though they also depressturnoutamong minorities and the poor, who tend to vote Democratic.




(informal) a lot of noisy exciting activity that is intended to attract people's attention 令人眼花缭乱的活动

e.g.The documentary focuses on the razzmatazz of an American political campaign.


the party conventions两党代表大会 (虽然美国还有别的党派,但是真正主控政坛的还是民主、共和两大党)

deter fraud防止发生欺诈现象


the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally 欺诈罪;欺骗罪

e.g.She was charged with credit card fraud.



to make sb decide not to do sth or continue doing sth, especially by making them understand the difficulties and unpleasant results of their actions 制止;阻止;威慑;使不敢

e.g.The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.



the number of people who vote in a particular election 投票人数;投票率

e.g.a high / low / poor turnout



Away from the razzmatazz of the party conventions...

这句话如果直译,将其译为“联邦法官避开两党代表大会令人眼花缭乱的活动”,会给读者带来一个问题,即“联邦法官为什么要‘避开’呢?”可见,“away from”在此取“置身事外”更加合适。“razzmatazz”可进行修改,译为“喧嚣纷扰”,本句可译为“置身于两党代表大会的喧嚣纷扰之外”。

Seven rulings have softened or nullified Republican efforts in several states to tighten voting rules—allegedly to deter fraud...

这里在翻译时容易产生歧义,即把“allegedly to deter fraud”与下文中的“though they also depress...”放在一起翻译。但是通读全文后会发现,破折号后面的“allegedly to deter fraud”是修饰的“共和党限制投票规则这一举措”,也就是“打着防竞选欺诈的口号”。本句在此可译为“七项裁决或减少、或撤销了共和党以“防竞选欺诈”之名在数州制定的投票限制。”

...who tend to vote Democratic.

“tend to”本义是“倾向于”,若将“tend to vote Democratic”译为“支持民主党人”就完全漏掉了“倾向”的意思,所以在这里将“tend to vote Democratic”译为“亲民主党”。

In Michigan, where Hillary Clintonhas a small lead overDonald Trump, a federal judge ruled on July 21st against a Republican-sponsored law meddling with the layout of the election ballot. For 125 years, Michigan voters have had the option offilling in a single bubbleto select every candidate froma given party. Banning this practice, the court ruled, has adisproportionateeffect on black voters, who tend touse the straight-party optionto vote for the entire Democraticslate. Since it takes much longer tofill in a dozen bubbles, the law will increase “voter wait times…greatly in African-American communities”, potentially deterring them from trying.

在密歇根州(目前希拉里?克林顿在该州以微弱优势领先唐纳德?特朗普),一位联邦法官于7月21日否决了一项共和党支持的法案,因为该法案干涉了选票的票面设计。 125年来,密歇根州选民在投票时勾选一次就能全选某个特定政党的候选人。法院裁决,鉴于黑人选民倾向于一次性全选整个民主党,禁止全选对于黑人选民投票会造成不良影响。由于选民需要更长时间从不同政党候选人名单中打勾多选,所以这项法律将会延长“选民在投票时的等待时间……尤其是对于非裔选民来说”,并可能导致非裔选民无法参与投票。


have a small lead over sb以微弱优势领先XX

filling in a single bubble在这里不能译为“做出单项选择”,因为“单项选择”指的是“在多项答案中,只能选一个答案”,所以在文中应该译为“勾选一次就能全选”或“一次性全选”(——Nicolas)

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a given party特定政党


too large or too small when compared with sth else 不成比例的;不相称的;太大(或太小)的

e.g.The area contains a disproportionate number of young middle-class families.


use the straight-party option选择同一政党


a list of the candidates in an election (选举中的)候选人名单

e.g.a slate of candidates


fill in a dozen bubbles做出多项选择,在文中译为“打钩多选”


In Michigan, where Hillary Clinton has a small lead over Donald Trump, a federal judge...

“where Hillary Clinton has a small lead over Donald Trump”在此句中作插入语,且不表示观点,所以在翻译过程中将其保留在原来位置,用括号连接作为补充。译为:在密歇根州(目前希拉里?克林顿在该州以微弱优势领先唐纳德?特朗普)...

...who tend to use the straight-party option to vote for the entire Democratic slate.

因为在上文中已经提到,密歇根州选民在投票时勾选一次就能全选某个特定政党的候选人,而此句中的the straight-party option表达的就是“倾向于选择/一次性全选同一政党”的意思,所以在此将其译为“...黑人选民倾向于一次性全选整个民主党...”

...the law will increase “voter wait times…greatly in African-American communities”...

voter wait times是指的美国选民在投票时的等待时间。所以在这里进行增词,译为“投票时的等待时间”

关于voter wait times的了解,可以看这段资料According to the Presidential Commission on Election Administration, more than 5 million voters waited for more than an hour to cast a ballot in 2012. A Massachusetts Institute of Technology analysis found that African American and Hispanic voters experienced the longest wait times: White voters averaged a 12-minute wait, while African American voters averaged a 23-minute wait and Hispanic voters averaged a 19-minute wait.

As for North Carolina, a state that has voted Republican all but twice since 1968,the 4th Circuit Court of Appealsissued a decision on July 29th that maygive an edge tothe Democratic nominee. Manyprovisionsof the state’s voting law of 2013, the court ruled, unconstitutionally“target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” to keep them away from the polls.



the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals第四巡回上诉法院

give an edge to...使...占据优势

e.g.Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.



A provision in a law or an agreement is an arrangement which is included in it. (法律或协议的)条款

e.g.He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases...



...that may give an edge to the Democratic nominee...


...target African-Americans with almost surgical precision...

在此本可以粗暴地理解为“几乎在用外科手术的精确度来针对非裔美国人...”但是人话不能这么说...“with almost surgical precision”可理解为“几乎丝毫不差地”,本句在文中译为“几乎完完全全针对非裔美国人”更符合中文的语言习惯。

For decades, changes to voting practices in a largeswatheof North Carolina—and in other states with a particularlychequeredhistory of racial discrimination—could not be implemented without the approval ofthe Department of Justice, as required bythe Voting Rights Act. But the Supreme Court found part of this law unconstitutional in Shelby County v Holder, a ruling three years ago in whichChief JusticeJohn Roberts declared America’s racism largely past. As soon as Shelby Countycame down, Republicans in North Carolina rushed to pass a new voting law, with one party leader later saying: “If ithurtsa bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it.”

几十年来,《选举权法》规定,北卡罗来纳州大部分地区和某些频发种族歧视事件的其他州,要变更投票规则必须得到美国司法部的批准,否则不能实行。然而,最高法院的首席大法官约翰?罗伯茨(John Roberts),于三年前谢尔比县诉埃里克?霍尔德案(Shelby County v Holder)中,对《选举权法》中的部分条款作出了违宪裁决,并声称美国种族歧视现象已经消除。此裁决一出,北卡罗来纳州的共和党人就趁机火速出台这部新的投票法。(《北卡罗来纳州2013年投票法》)一名政党领袖唐?耶尔顿(Don Yelton)当时说道:“如果这部法律打击到了那帮希望政府满足他们一切需要的黑人懒货,那就对了。”

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A swathe of land is a long strip of land. (土地的)一长条,一长片

e.g.Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.



a person's past, etc. that contains both successful and not successful periods 成功与失败并存的(过去或历史、事业)

e.g.He had a chequered political career spanning nearly forty years...


the Department of Justice司法部

Voting Rights Act《选举权法》

Chief Justice首席大法官

come down

To be handed down from a higher authority

e.g.An indictment finally came down.


to have a bad effect on sb / sth 对…有不良影响

e.g.Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans.



...and in other states with a particularly chequered history of racial discrimination...


But the Supreme Court found part of this law unconstitutional in Shelby County v Holder, a ruling three years ago in which Chief Justice John Roberts declared America’s racism largely past.

这句话牵涉到了文化背景。“part of this law”的law是指的美国1965年颁布的《选举权法案》。Shelby County v. Holder 是一个案子,Shelby County指的是美国阿拉巴马州的谢尔比县,是该案的上诉方。Holder是the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder,也就是美国司法部长埃里克?霍尔德。在Shelby County v. Holder这个案子里,最高法院的法官们判决1965年颁布的《选举权法案》中有两条法律条款属于违宪,这两条条款是指Section 5和 Section 4(b),Section 5要求某些州和地方政府在更改当地投票法案或者投票规则时,必须事先得到联邦法院的审核批准。 因为考虑到某些地区在投票时曾存在种族歧视现象,所以Section 4(b)明确指出了具体是哪些辖区必须事先得到联邦法院批准才能更改当地投票法案或投票规则。法院最后判决Section 4(b)违宪,只保留了Section 5。不过咱们知道,Section4(b)都没有了的话,就没有别的法律条款来支撑Section 5了呀~也就是相当于两个法律条款都失效了...更多关于Shelby County v. Holder 这一案子的始末,请雅虎必应谷歌一下哟~

好啦回归正题,这个句子大意是讲最高法院在Shelby County v. Holder一案中判决《选举权法》中的部分条款违宪,而这个判决是最高法院的首席大法官约翰?罗伯茨于三年前宣布的。在这里我们将declared America’s racism largely past理解为声称美国种族歧视现象已经消除,这里的“past”我们将其理解为“gone”或者“the end of...”具体原因请见下一段参考资料。由于约翰?罗伯茨就是最高法院的8位法官之一,(原本有9位,但法官安东尼?斯卡利亚于今年逝世,所以现在是8位)所以我们可以调整一下语序,将有关约翰?罗伯茨的介绍提至句首,译为“最高法院的首席大法官约翰?罗伯茨(John Roberts),于三年前谢尔比县诉埃里克?霍尔德案(Shelby County v Holder)中,对《选举权法》中的部分条款作出了违宪裁决,并声称美国种族歧视现象已经消除。”使其更加符合中文的语言习惯。

“declared America’s racism largely past”参考资料如下:

In a crafty legal move, the conservative justices didn't strike down Section 5 of the law, which creates the system for "preclearance". However, the reality is that after today no jurisdictions will have to seek preclearance unless Congress changes the formula.

But here's the real story: according to Chief Justice John Roberts, "Blatantly discriminatory evasions of federal decrees are rare." With a stroke of his pen, he effectively declared the end of racism in America.

Who knew the court had such authority? As Justice Elena Kagan put it during oral arguments, "We have the power now to decide whether racial discrimination has been solved? I did not think that fell within our bailiwick."

Roberts' whole assertion that racism is gone is especially galling given that the chief justice's support for that conclusion was publically invalidated. During oral arguments, Roberts smugly challenged the government's lawyer...


“If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it.”

考虑到结尾的这句“so be it”是日常用语,所以可译为“那就对了。”


...with one party leader later saying...

在这里是指的共和党官员唐?耶尔顿(Don Yelton),他因为在囧司徒每日秀里面发表了“If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it.”的言论,所以被免职了...更多相关信息可戳https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-RNHtjdmnk(Don Yelton's Racist Remarks on Daily Show Get Him Fired)

The 4th Circuit court found that lawmakers had requested and surveyed black voting data before crafting rules to limit theirfranchise. They knew that eliminatingsame-day voter registrationand

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preregistrationfor high-school students, as the new bill did, would have an outsize impact on blacks. They knew that shortening early voting by seven days would cut out one Sunday on which black churches bused “souls to the polls”. They understood that banning same-day registration andout-of-precinctvoting woulddisproportionatelyhamper black voters because they move more often than whites. But they passed the law all the same, in three days, in an apparent “attempt to avoid in-depth scrutiny”. No legislative body in America, the court concluded, “has ever done so much, so fast, to restrict access to the franchise”.




(formal) the right to vote in a country's elections (公民)选举权

e.g.universal adult franchise


same-day voter registration同日选民登记


out-of-precinct voting跨选区投票


e.g.a disproportionately high suicide rate among young prisoners.


in-depth scrutiny深入审查


...that lawmakers had requested and ...


“attempt to avoid in-depth scrutiny”


Texas and Wisconsin may have come close. Inthe Lone Star State, voters must show one of seven forms of photo-ID before enteringthe voting booth. A gun licence works, but neither a driving licence from another state nor a university ID will do. The more than 600,000 registered voters lacking proper documents may still vote, but their ballots will be destroyed unless they show up at a government office within six days with one ofthe prescribed forms of identification. The story in Wisconsin is similar. Scott Walker, Wisconsin’s Republican governor, called his state’s law a “common-sense reform” that would protect “the integrity of elections”. Senator

Troy Fraser, the author of the Texas law, argued that without it “we can never have confidence in our system of voting”.

德克萨斯州和威斯康星州的情况也许大致相似。孤星之州(德克萨斯州的别称)的选民在进入投票间之前,必须出示该州七种法定照片身份证件中的任意一种,其中包括了持枪许可证,但是不包括大学学生证和其他州的驾驶证。尽管仍旧有超过60万无证选民登记投票,但若选民不能在六日内向政府机关出示上述身份证件,其选票将作无效处理。威斯康星州的情况大同小异。威斯康星州州长、共和党人斯科特?沃克(Scott Walker),认为该州州法的制定是一场将会维护“选举真实性”的“切实改革”。作为德克萨斯州州法的撰写人,参议员特洛伊?弗雷泽(Troy Fraser)表示,如果没有制定这部法律,“我们就永远无法对德州的投票制度放心。”


the Lone Star State孤星之州(德克萨斯州)

the voting booth投票间

prescribed form规定格式

prescribed time法定期间

the prescribed forms of identification法定形式的身份证件


seven forms of photo-ID是指

– Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)

– Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS

– Texas personal identification card issued by DPS

– Texas handgun license issued by DPS

– United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph

– United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph

– United States passport


...but neither a driving licence from another state nor a university ID will do...

这里的driving licence from another state nor a university ID如果译为“其他州的驾驶证和大学学生证”,似乎就是指的“其他州的大学学生证了”,但是文中是指自己州的大学学生证也不在认可范围。所以调换顺序将其译为“但是大学学生证和其他州的驾驶证则不属于该州认可范围。”

These claims have now been found wanting. In a 9-6 ruling on July 20th, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Texas’s photo-ID requirement had a discriminatory effect on racial minorities.

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Hispanicsare about twice as likely as whites to be without acceptable ID on election day; blacks, three times as likely. After the ruling Texasrelented, announcing that most documents bearing a voter’s name and address would be sufficient.




a person whose first language is Spanish, especially six from a Latin American country living in the US or Canada 母语为西班牙语的人(尤指住在美国或加拿大的拉丁美洲人);拉美裔


to finally agree to sth after refusing 终于答应;不再拒绝

e.g.'Well, just for a little while then,' she said, finally relenting.



These claims have now been found wanting.

由上文可知,这里的claims是指的投票要求,have now been found wanting即“被视为不够公平合理”。根据中文的语言习惯,在翻译的时候需要把英文的被动语态转变成中文的主动语态。从文中可以看出,是“法院认为这些投票要求不够合理”,因此这句话可译为“法院如今...判决以上投票要求不够公平合理。”

Hispanics are about twice as likely as whites to be without acceptable ID on election day; blacks, three times as likely.

将blacks后面所省略的内容补充出来,就变成了blacks,three times as likely as whites to be without acceptable ID on election day.也就是说大选当日无合格身份证件的黑人选民是白人选民的三倍。


另外,关于为什么会调整语序请看这段解释~从这段话可以看出,(“In a 9-6 ruling on July 20th, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Texas’s photo-ID requirement had a discriminatory effect on racial minorities. Hispanics are about twice as likely as whites to be without acceptable ID on election day.”)拉美裔和非裔选民的那句介绍是用来解释“为什么造成了对少数族裔的歧视”。所以要加上“因为”,而英译汉时要注意让关联词双双出现。如果译为,“7月20日,第五巡回上诉法院以9比6票数通过判决,宣布德克萨斯州 之所以 要求选民出示照片身份证这一行为造成了对少数族裔的歧视,是因为 大选当日无合格身份证件的拉美裔选民和非裔选民比例分别是白人选民的两倍和三倍。”在宣判判决的时候,出现关联词就显得不够正式。因此译者放弃了这一译法,选择调整此处的语序。

After the ruling Texas relented...

这句话中,Texas relented修饰the ruling,大意是指德州对这项判决作出了让步。这里对其进行简化,译为“此判决一出,德克萨斯州终于宣布...”

On July 29th a federal district court also loosened Wisconsin’sabsentee-votingrestrictions, shortened a 28-day residency requirement and added expired (but valid) student IDs to the list of acceptable forms of photo-ID. Another judge has ruled that those who are unable to obtain photo-ID in Wisconsin may instead vote by signing anaffidavit. A similar ruling on August 1st found that North Dakota had suppressed the franchise ofNative Americansby requiring photo-ID while eliminating other options, such as swearing an oath. The state will revert to its previous, less restrictive, policy for the November election.





(law 律) a written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court 附誓书面证词;宣誓作证书

Native Americans印第安人



扩展:back in the booth / back in black / back in

二 : 又是一年高考时






当时的高考不是报了名就可以参加考试,高考前两个月得先经过一场预考来进行考生筛选,只有通过预选的学生才有机会走进高考考场。高考的时间是每年七月,我们都称之为“黑色七月”,大学录取的比例大约在1%--3%,可谓是千军万马过独木桥,能过桥的都是精英。( 文章阅读网:www.61k.com )









三 : 又监考






几处唏嘘( 文章阅读网:www.61k.com )







本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1100676.html

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