

发布时间:2017-10-10 所属栏目:中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法

一 : 中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法:中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法-概述,中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法-介绍


中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法_中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法 -概述

【颁布日期】 19920225
【实施日期】 19920225

中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法_中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法 -介绍



中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法_中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法 -立法说明




二 : 中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法-英汉对照法律英语


Law of the PRC on the Territoral Sea and the Contiguous Zone

第一条 为行使中华人民共和国对领海的主权和对毗连区的管制权,维护国家安全和海洋权益,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the People's Republic of China to exercise its sovereignty over its territorial sea and the control over its contiguous zone, and to safeguard its national security and its maritime rights and interests.

第二条 中华人民共和国领海和邻邦接中华人民共和国陆地领土和内水的带海域。

Article 2 The territorial sea of the People's Republic of China is the sea belt adjacent to the land territory and the internal waters of the People's Republic of China.


The land territory of the People's Republic of China includes the mainland of the People's Republic of China and its coastal islands; Taiwan and all islands appertaining thereto including the Diaoyu Islands; the Penghu Islands; the Dongsha Islands; the Xisha Islands; the Zhongsha Islands and the Nansha Islands; as well as all the other islands belonging to the People's Republic of China.


The waters on the landward side of the baselines of the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China constitute the internal waters of the People's Republic of China.

第三条 中华人民共和国领海的宽度从领海基线量起为十二海里。

Article 3 The breadth of the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China is twelve nautical miles, measured from the baselines of the territorial sea.


The method of straight baselines composed of all the straight lines joining the adjacent base points shall be employed in drawing the baselines of the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China.


The outer limit of the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China is the line every point of which is at a distance equal to twelve nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline of the territorial sea.

第四条 中华人民共和国毗连区为领海以外邻接领海的一带海域。毗连区的宽度为十二海里。

Article 4 The contiguous zone of the People's Republic of China is the sea belt adjacent to and beyond the territorial sea. The breadth of the contiguous zone is twelve nautical miles.


The outer limit of the contiguous zone of the People's Republic of China is the line every point of which is at a distance equal to twenty-four nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline of the territorial sea.

第五条 中华人民共和国对领海的主权及于领海上空、领海的海床及底土。

Article 5 The sovereignty of the People's Republic of China over its territorial sea extends to the air space over the territorial sea as well as to the bed and subsoil of the territorial sea.

第六条 外国非军用船舶,享有依法无害通过中华人民共和国领海的权利。

Article 6 Foreign ships for non-military purposes shall enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the law.


Foreign ships for military purposes shall be subject to approval by the Government of the People's Republic of China for entering the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China.

第七条 外国潜水艇和其他潜水器通过中华人民共和国领海,必须在海面航行,并展示其旗帜。

Article 7 Foreign submarines and other underwater vehicles, when passing through the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China, shall navigate on the surface and show their flag.

第八条 外国船舶通过中华人民共和国领海,必须遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规,不得损害中华人民共和国的和平、安全和良好秩序。

Article 8 Foreign ships passing through the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China must comply with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and shall not be prejudicial to the peace, security and good order of the People's Republic of China.


Foreign nuclear-powered ships and ships carrying nuclear, noxious or other dangerous substances, when passing through the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China, must carry relevant documents and take special precautionary measures.


The Government of the People's Republic of China has the right to take all necessary measures to prevent and stop non-innocent passage through its territorial sea.


Cases of foreign ships violating the laws or regulations of the People's Republic of China shall be handled by the relevant organs of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the law.

第九条 为维护航行安全检查和其他特殊需要,中华人民共和国政府可以要求通过中华人民共和国领海的外国船舶使用指定的航道或者依照规定的分道通航制航行,具体办法由中华人民共和国政府或者其有关主管部门公布。

Article 9 The Government of the People's Republic of China may, for maintaining the safety of navigation or for other special needs, request foreign ships passing through the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China to use the designated sea lanes or to navigate according to the prescribed traffic separation schemes. The specific regulations to this effect shall be promulgated by the Government of the People's Republic of China or its competent authorities concerned.

第十条 外国军用船舶或者用于非商业目的的外国政府船舶在通过中华人民共和国领海时,违反中华人民共和国法律、法规的,中华人民共和国有关主管机关有权令其立即离开领海,对所造成的损失或者迫害,船旗国应当负国际责任。

Article 10 In the cases of violation of the laws or regulations of the People's Republic of China by a foreign ship for military purposes or a foreign government ship for non-commercial purposes when passing through the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China, the competent authorities of the People's Republic of China shall have the right to order it to leave the territorial sea immediately and the flag State shall bear international responsibility for any loss or damage thus caused.

第十一条 任何国际组织、外国的组织或者个人,在中华人民共和国领海内进行科学研究、海洋作业等活动,须经中华人民共和国政府或者其有关主管部门批准,遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规。

Article 11 All international organizations, foreign organizations or individuals shall obtain approval from the Government of the People's Republic of China for carrying out scientific research, marine operations or other activities in the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China, and shall comply with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.


All illegal entries into the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China for carrying out scientific research, marine operations or other activities in contravention of the provisions of the preceding paragraph of this Article, shall be dealt with by the relevant organs of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the law.

第十二条 外国航空器只有根据该国政府与中华人民共和国政府签订的协定、协议,或者经中华人民共和国政府或者其授权的机关批准或者接受,方可进入中华人民共和国领海上空。

Article 12 No aircraft of a foreign State may enter the air space over the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China unless there is a relevant protocol or agreement between the Government of that State and the Government of the People's Republic of China, or approval or acceptance by the Government of the People's Republic of China or the competent authorities authorized by it.

第十三条 中华人民共和国有权在毗连区内,为防止和惩处在其陆地领土、内水或者领海内违反有关安全、海关、财政、卫生或者入境出境管理的法律、法规的行为行使管制权。

Article 13 The People's Republic of China has the right to exercise control in the contiguous zone to prevent and impose penalties for activities infringing the laws or regulations concerning security, the customs, finance, sanitation or entry and exit control within its land territory, internal waters or territorial sea.

第十四条 中华人民共和国有关主管机关有充分理由认为外国船舶违反中华人民共和国法律、法规时,可以对该外国船舶行使紧追权。

Article 14 The competent authorities concerned of the People's Republic of China may, when they have good reasons to believe that a foreign ship has violated the laws or regulations of the People's Republic of China, exercise the right of hot pursuit against the foreign ship.


Such pursuit shall be commenced when the foreign ship or one of its boats or other craft engaged in activities by using the ship pursued as a mother ship is within the internal waters, the territorial sea or the contiguous zone of the People's Republic of China.


If the foreign ship is within the contiguous zone of the People's Republic of China, the pursuit may be undertaken only when there has been a violation of the rights as provided for in the relevant laws or regulations listed in Article 13 of this Law.


The pursuit, if not interrupted, may be continued outside the territorial sea or the contiguous zone unti[www.61k.com)l the ship pursued enters the territorial sea of its own country or of a third State.


The right of hot pursuit provided for in this Article shall be exercised by ships or aircraft of the People's Republic of China for military purposes, or by ships or aircraft on government service authorized by the Government of the People's Republic of China.

第十五条 中华人民共和国领海基线由中华人民共和国政府公布。

Article 15 The baselines of the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China shall be promulgated by the Government of the People's Republic of China.

第十六条 中华人民共和国政府依据本法制定的关关规定。

Article 16 The Government of the People's Republic of China formulates the relevant regulations in accordance with this Law.

第十七条 本法自公布之日起施行。

Article 17 This Law shall come into force on the date for promulgation.

三 : 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

量算领海的宽度要有一条起点线。[www.61k.com)这条起点线在海洋法中被称为“领海基线”。 按照《联合国海洋法公约》的规定,一般有3种确定沿海国领海基线的方法:一种是正常基线法,一种是直线基线法,还有一种是混合基线法。正常基线是指沿海国官方承认的大比例尺海图所标明的沿岸低潮线。直线基线是指在海岸线极为曲折,或者近岸海域中有一系列岛屿情况下,可在海岸或近岸岛屿上选择一些适当点,采用连接各适当点的办法,形成直线基线。混合基线则是交替采用正常基线和直线基线来确定本国的领海基线。




一九九六年五月十五日 国务院






1.山东高角(1) 北纬37°24.0’ 东经122°42.3’

2.山东高角(1) 北纬37°23.7’ 东经122°42.3’

3.镆耶岛(1) 北纬36°57.8’ 东经122°34.2’

4.镆耶岛(2) 北纬36°55.1’ 东经122°32.7’

5.镆耶岛(3) 北纬36°53.7’ 东经122°31.1’

6.苏山岛 北纬36°44.8’ 东经122°15.8’

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

7.朝连岛 北纬35°53.6’ 东经120°53.1’

8.达山岛 北纬35°00.2’ 东经119°54.2’

9.麻菜珩 北纬33°21.8’ 东经121°20.8’

10.外磕脚 北纬33°00.9’ 东经121°38.4’

11.佘山岛 北纬31°25.3’ 东经122°14.6’

12.海礁 北纬30°44.1’ 东经123°09.4’

13.东南礁 北纬30°43.5’ 东经123°09.7’

14.两兄弟屿 北纬30°10.1’ 东经122°56.7’

15.渔山列岛 北纬28°53.3’ 东经122°16.5’

16.台州列岛(1) 北纬28°23.9’ 东经121°55.0’

17.台州列岛(2) 北纬28°23.5’ 东经121°54.7’

18.稻挑山 北纬27°27.9’ 东经121°07.8’

19.东引岛 北纬26°22.6’ 东经120°30.4’

20.东沙岛 北纬26°09.4’ 东经120°24.3’

21.牛山岛 北纬25°25.8’ 东经119°56.3’

22.乌丘屿 北纬24°58.6’ 东经119°28.7’

23.东碇岛 北纬24°09.7’ 东经118°14.2’

24.大柑山 北纬23°31.9’ 东经117°41.3’

25.南澎列岛(1) 北纬23°12.9’ 东经117°14.9’

26.南澎列岛(2) 北纬23°12.3’ 东经117°13.9’

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

27.石碑山角 北纬22°56.1’ 东经116°29.7’

28.针头岩 北纬22°18.9’ 东经115°07.5’

29.佳蓬列岛 北纬21°48.5’ 东经113°58.0’

30.围夹岛 北纬21°34.1’ 东经112°47.9’

31.大帆石 北纬21°27.7’ 东经112°21.5’

32.七洲列岛 北纬19°58.5’ 东经111°16.4’

33.观帆 北纬19°53.0’ 东经111°12.8’

34.大洲岛(1) 北纬18°39.7’ 东经110°29.6’

35.大洲岛(2) 北纬18°39.4’ 东经110°29.1’

36.双帆石 北纬18°26.1’ 东经110°08.4’

37.陵水角 北纬18°23.0’ 东经110°03.0’

38.东洲(1) 北纬18°11.0’ 东经109°42.1’

39.东洲(2) 北纬18°11.0’ 东经109°41.8’

40.锦母角 北纬18°09.5’ 东经109°34.4’

41.深石礁 北纬18°14.6’ 东经109°07.6’

42.西鼓岛 北纬18°19.3’ 东经108°57.1’

43.莺歌嘴(1) 北纬18°30.2’ 东经108°41.3’

44.莺歌嘴(2) 北纬18°30.4’ 东经108°41.1’

45.莺歌嘴(3) 北纬18°31.0’ 东经108°40.6’

46.莺歌嘴(4) 北纬18°31.1’ 东经108°40.5’

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

47.感恩角 北纬18°50.5’ 东经108°37.3’

48.四更沙角 北纬19°11.6’ 东经108°36.0’

49.峻壁角 北纬19°21.1’ 东经108°38.6’


1.东岛(1) 北纬16°40.5’ 东经112°44.2’

2.东岛(2) 北纬16°40.1’ 东经112°44.5’

3.东岛(3) 北纬16°39.8’ 东经112°44.7’

4.浪花礁(1) 北纬16°04.4’ 东经112°35.8’

5.浪花礁(2) 北纬16°01.9’ 东经112°32.7’

6.浪花礁(3) 北纬16。(www.61k.com)01.5’ 东经112°31.8’

7.浪花礁(4) 北纬16°01.0’ 东经112°29.8’

8.中建岛(1) 北纬15°46.5’ 东经111°12.6’

9.中建岛(2) 北纬15°46.4’ 东经111°12.1’

10.中建岛(3) 北纬15°46.4’ 东经111°11.8’

11.中建岛(4) 北纬15°46.5’ 东经111°11.6’

12.中建岛(5) 北纬15°46.7’ 东经111°11.4’

13.中建岛(6) 北纬15°46.9’ 东经111°11.3’

14.中建岛(7) 北纬15°47.2’ 东经111°11.4’

15.北礁(1) 北纬17°04.9’ 东经111°26.9’

16.北礁(2) 北纬17°05.4’ 东经111°26.9’

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

17.北礁(3) 北纬17°05.7’ 东经111°27.2’

18.北礁(4) 北纬17°06.0’ 东经111°27.8’

19.北礁(5) 北纬17°06.5’ 东经111°29.2’

20.北礁(6) 北纬17°07.0’ 东经111°31.0’

21.北礁(7) 北纬17°07.1’ 东经111°31.6’

22.北礁(8) 北纬17°06.9’ 东经111°32.0’

23.赵述岛(1) 北纬16°59.9’ 东经112°14.7’

24.赵述岛(3) 北纬16°59.7’ 东经112°15.6’

25.赵述岛(3) 北纬16°59.4’ 东经112°16.6’

26.北岛 北纬16°58.4’ 东经112°18.3’

27.中岛 北纬16°57.6’ 东经112°19.6’

28.南岛 北纬16°56.9’ 东经112°20.5’

1.东岛(1)北纬16°40.5’ 东经112°44.2’









中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线


6、下虎牙岛北纬25°55.8东经123°41.1 7、海星岛北纬25°55.6东经123°41.3 8、黄尾屿北纬25°55.4东经123°41.4 9、海龟岛北纬25°55.3东经123°41.4 10、长龙岛北纬25°43.2东经123°33.4 11、南小岛北纬25°43.2东经123°33.2 12、鲳鱼岛北纬25°44.0东经123°27.6 1、钓鱼岛1北纬25°44.1东经123°27.5 二、赤尾屿的领海基线为下列各相邻基点之间的直线连线:







中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线



国家海洋局 更新时间: 2012-09-15

1 钓鱼岛 北纬25°44.6′ 东经123°28.4′

2 龙头鱼岛 北纬25°45′ 东经123°29.2′

3 鲳鱼岛 北纬25°44.0′ 东经123°27.6′

4 大黄鱼岛 北纬25°44.4′ 东经123°28.6′

5 小黄鱼岛 北纬25°44.4′ 东经123°29.0′

6 金钱鱼岛 北纬25°44.4′ 东经123°29.3′

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

7 金钱鱼西岛 北纬25°44.4′ 东经123°29.3′ 8 梅童鱼岛 北纬25°44.4′ 东经123°29.3′ 9 梅童鱼东岛 北纬25°44.4′ 东经123°29.3′ 10 梅童鱼西岛 北纬25°44.4′ 东经123°29.3′ 11 龙王鲷岛 北纬25°44.5′

12 龙王鲷西岛 北纬25°44.5′

13 龙王鲷东岛 北纬25°44.4′

14 龙王鲷南岛 北纬25°44.4′

15 黄姑鱼岛 北纬25°44.5′

16 黄尾屿 北纬25°55.4′

17 海豚岛 北纬25°55.8′

18 大珠岛 北纬25°55.6′

19 小珠岛 北纬25°55.6′

20 上虎牙岛 北纬25°55.7′

21 下虎牙岛 北纬25°55.8′

22 西牛角岛 北纬25°55.6′

23 东牛角岛 北纬25°55.6′

24 黄牛岛 北纬25°55.6′东经123°29.4′ 东经123°29.4′ 东经123°29.4′ 东经123°29.4′ 东经123°29.5′ 东经123°40.9′ 东经123°40.7′ 东经123°40.7′ 东经123°40.7′ 东经123°41.0′ 东经123°41.1′ 东经123°41.1′ 东经123°41.1′ 东经123°41.1′

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

25 牛尾岛 北纬25°55.6′ 东经123°41.2′ 26 牛蹄岛 北纬25°55.6′ 东经123°41.2′ 27 小龙岛 北纬25°55.5′ 东经123°40.6′ 28 大雁岛 北纬25°55.5′ 东经123°40.6′ 29 燕子岛 北纬25°55.5′

30 刺猬岛 北纬25°55.4′

31 卧蚕岛 北纬25°55.3′

32 大金龟子岛 北纬25°55.3′

33 小金龟子岛 北纬25°55.2′

34 海龟岛 北纬25°55.3′

35 海星岛 北纬25°55.6′

36 海贝岛 北纬25°55.2′

37 赤尾屿 北纬25°55.3′

38 赤背北岛 北纬25°55.5′

39 赤背东岛 北纬25°55.5′

40 赤背西岛 北纬25°55.4′

41 赤背南岛 北纬25°55.4′

42 小赤尾岛 北纬25°55.3′东经123°40.5′ 东经123°40.6′ 东经123°40.6′ 东经123°40.7′ 东经123°40.7′ 东经123°41.4′ 东经123°41.3′ 东经123°41.2′ 东经124°33.5′ 东经124°33.5′ 东经124°33.7′ 东经124°33.5′ 东经124°33.6′ 东经124°33.3′

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

43 赤头岛 北纬25°55.3′ 东经124°33.4′ 44 赤冠岛 北纬25°55.3′ 东经124°33.4′ 45 赤鼻岛 北纬25°55.3′ 东经124°33.4′ 46 赤嘴岛 北纬25°55.3′ 东经124°33.3′ 47 望赤岛

48 北小岛

49 鸟巢岛

50 鸟卵岛

51 小鸟岛

52 南小岛

53 龙门北岛

54 龙门岛

55 龙门南岛

56 卧龙岛

57 卧龙西岛

58 飞龙北岛

59 飞龙岛

60 龙珠岛 北纬25°55.2′北纬25°43.8′北纬25°43.9′北纬25°43.9′北纬25°43.7′北纬25°43.4′北纬25°43.5′北纬25°43.5′北纬25°43.4′北纬25°43.4′北纬25°43.4′北纬25°43.4′北纬25°43.3′北纬25°43.3′东经124°33.2′ 东经123°32.5′ 东经123°32.5′ 东经123°32.5′ 东经123°32.7′ 东经123°33′ 东经123°32.7′ 东经123°32.6′ 东经123°32.7′ 东经123°32.6′ 东经123°32.6′ 东经123°33.4′ 东经123°33.4′ 东经123°33.3′

中国领海基线 中华人民共和国已公布的领海基线

61 飞龙南岛 北纬25°43.3′ 东经123°33.4′ 62 长龙岛 北纬25°43.2′ 东经123°33.4′ 63 金龙岛 北纬25°43.3′ 东经123°33.3′ 64 北屿 北纬25°46.9′ 东经123°32.6′ 65 北屿仔岛 北纬25°46.8′

66 小元宝岛 北纬25°46.8′

67 飞云岛 北纬25°46.8′

68 元宝岛 北纬25°46.8′

69 南屿 北纬25°45.3′

70 飞屿 北纬25°44.1′

71 飞仔岛 北纬25°44.1′


东经123°32.6′ 东经123°32.6′ 东经123°32.4′ 东经123°32.5′ 东经123°34′ 东经123°30.4′ 东经123°30.4′

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