

发布时间:2017-08-26 所属栏目:关于恐龙的资料和图片

一 : T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料


?Contactless Power Supply

?Contactless Read/Write Data Transmission

?Radio Frequency fRF from 100 kHz to 150 kHz

?Basic Mode or Extended Mode

?Compatible with T5557, ATA5567

?Replacement for e5551/T5551 in Most Common Operation Modes

?Configurable for ISO/IEC 11784/785 Compatibility

?Total 363 Bits EEPROM Memory: 11 Blocks (32 Bits + 1 Lock Bit)

?High Q-antenna Tolerance Due to Build in Options

?Adaptable to Different Applications: Access Control, Animal ID and Waste Management

?On-chip Trimmed An tenna Capacitor

?Pad Options


?100μm × 100μm for Wire Bonding or Flip Chip


?200μm × 400μm for Direct Coil Bonding


The ATA5577 is a contactless read/write identification IC (IDIC?) for applications inthe 125-kHz or 134-kHz frequency band. A single coil connected to the chip serves asthe IC’s power supply and bi-directional communication interface. The antenna andchip together form a transponder or tag.

The on-chip 363-bit EEPROM (11 blocks with 33 bits each) can be read and writtenblock-wise from a base station (reader).

Data is transmitted from the IDIC (uplink) using load modulation. This is achieved bydamping the RF field with a resistive load between the two terminals Coil 1 and Coil 2.The IC receives and decodes serial base station commands (downlink), which areencoded as 100% amplitude modulated (OOK) pulse-interval-encoded bit streams.

A complete datasheet with further technical data is available on request. Please con-tact your local sales office.

5577 T5577卡片资料


The ATA5577 is designed to be compatible with the T5557/ATA5567. The structure of the con-figuration register is identical. The two modes, Basic mode and Extended mode, are alsoavailable. The ATA5577 is able to replace the e5551/T5551 in most common operation modes.In all applications, the correct functionality of the replacements must be evaluated and proved.For further details, refer to Atmel?’s web site for product-relevant application notes.

3.System Block Diagram

Figure 3-1.

RFID System Using ATA5577 Tag

5577 T5577卡片资料

4.ATA5577 - Functional Blocks

Figure 4-1.

Block Diagram

5577 T5577卡片资料




5577 T5577卡片资料


4.1Analog Front End (AFE)

The AFE includes all circuits that are directly connected to the coil terminals. It generates theIC's power supply and handles the bi-directional data communication with the reader. It consistsof the following blocks:

?Rectifier to generate a DC supply voltage from the AC coil voltage

?Clock extractor

?Switchable load between Coil 1 and Coil 2 for data transmission from the tag to the reader?Field-gap detector for data transmission from the base station to the tag

?ESD-protection circuitry

4.2Data-rate Generator

The data rate is binary programmable to operate at any even-numbered data rate between RF/2and RF/128 or to any of the fixed Basic mode data rates (RF/8, RF/16, RF/32, RF/40, RF/50,RF/64, RF/100 and RF/128).

4.3Write Decoder

The write decoder detects the write gaps and verifies the validity of the data stream according tothe Atmel e555x downlink protocol (pulse interval encoding).

4.4HV Generator

This on-chip charge pump circuit generates the high voltage required to program the EEPROM.

4.5DC Supply

Power is externally supplied to the IDIC via the two coil connections. The IC rectifies and regu-lates this RF source and uses it to generate its supply voltage.

4.6Power-On Reset (POR)

The power-on reset circuit blocks the voltage supply to the IDIC until an acceptable voltagethreshold has been reached.

4.7Clock Extraction

The clock extraction circuit uses the external RF signal as its internal clock source.


The control logic module executes the following functions:

?Load mode register with configuration data from EEPROM block 0 after power-on and during reading

?Load option register with the settings for the analog front end stored in EEPROM page 1 block3 after power-on and during reading

?Control all EEPROM memory read/write access and data protection

?Handles the downlink command decoding detecting protocol violations and error conditions



5577 T5577卡片资料

4.9Mode Register

The mode register maintains a readable shadow copy of the configuration data held in block0 ofthe EEPROM. It is continually refreshed during read mode and (re-)loaded after every PORevent or reset command. On delivery, the mode register is pre-programmed with default values(see full version of the datasheet).


The modulator encodes the serialized EEPROM data for transmission to a tag reader or basestation. Several types of modulation are available including Manchester, bi-phase, FSK, PSK,and NRZ.


Figure 4-2.

0LPage 1

11LLLLPage 0


Memory Map


Analog front end option set-up

Traceability dataTraceability dataPage 0 configuration dataUser data or password

User dataUser dataUser dataUser dataUser dataUser dataConfiguration data

32 bits

Block 3Block 2Block 1Block 0Block 7Block 6Block 5Block 4Block 3Block 2Block 1Block 0

Not transmitted

The memory is a 363-bit EEPROM, which is arranged in 11 blocks of 33 bits each. Each blockincludes a single Lock bit, which is responsible for write-protecting the associated block. Pro-gramming takes place on a block basis, so a complete block (including lock bit) can beprogrammed with a single command. The memory is subdivided into two page areas. Page 0contains 8 blocks and page 1 contains 4 blocks. All 33 bits of a block, including the lock bit, areprogrammed simultaneously.




5577 T5577卡片资料


Block 0 of page 0 contains the mode/configuration data, which is not transmitted during regularread operations. Addressing block 0 will always affect block 0 of page 0 re gardless of the pageselector. Block 7 of page 0 may be used as a write-protection password.

Block 3 of page 1 contains the option register, which is not transmitted during regular-readoperation.

Bit 0 of every block is the lock bit for that block. Once locked, the block (including the lock bititself) is not re-programmable via the RF field.

Blocks 1 and 2 of page 1 contain traceability data and are transmitted with the modulationparameters defined in the configuration register after the opcode “11” is issued by the reader.The traceability data blocks are programmed and locked by Atmel.

5.Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Parameters

Maximum DC current into Coil1/Coil2

Maximum AC current into Coil1/Coil2, f = 125kHzPower dissipation (die) (free-air condition, time of application: 1s)

Electrostatic discharge maximum to

ANSI/ESD-STM5.1-2001 standard (HBM)Operating ambient temperature rangeStorage temperature range (data retention reduced)

SymbolIcoilIcoil pPtotVmaxTambTstg

Value20 (TBD)20 (TBD)100 (TBD)2000 (TBD)–40 to +85–40 to +150




5577 T5577卡片资料

6.Electrical Characteristics

Tamb = +25°C; fcoil = 125 kHz; unless otherwise specified No.

Start-up timeParametersRF frequency range

Tamb = 25°C(1)

Supply current (without Read - full temperature current consumed by the range

external LC tank circuit)Programming - full

temperature range

POR threshold (50-mV hysteresis)

Coil voltage (AC supply)Read mode and write


Program EEPROM(2)Vcoil pp = 6V

tstartupVpp clamp loVpp clamp medVpp clamp hiVpp clamp medVpp mod loVpp mod medVpp mod hiVpp mod medVmod lo/TambVclkdet loVclkdet medVclkdet hiVgapdet loVgapdet medVgapdet hiTprogncycle


Vcoil ppIDD

Test Conditions











3-mA current into

Clamp voltage (depends Coil1/Coil2on settings in option register)

20-mA current into Coil1/Coil23-mA current into Coil1/Coil2 and

Modulation parameters modulation ON (depends on settings in option register)20 mA current into

Coil1/Coil2 and modulation ONThermal stability

Clock detection level

(depends on settings in Vcoil pp = 8Voption register)

Gap detection level

(depends on settings in Vcoil pp = 8 Voption register)

From last command gap to re-enter read mode (64 + 648 internal clocks)

Erase all/Write all(3)

Programming timeEndurance

*) Type means: T: directly or indirectly tested during production; Q: guaranteed based on initial product qualification data

1.IDD measurement set-up R = 100kΩ; VCLK = Vcoil = 3V: EEPROM programmed to 00 ... 000 (erase all); chip in modulation

defeat. IDD = (VOUTmax – VCLK)/R2.Current into Coil1/Coil2 is limited to 10 mA.

3.Since EEPROM performance is influenced by assembly processes, Atmel confirms the parameters for DOW (tested die on

uncut wafer) delivery.




5577 T5577卡片资料


6.Electrical Characteristics (Continued)

Tamb = +25°C; fcoil = 125 kHz; unless otherwise specifiedNo.

Micromodule capacitor parameters

Capacitance tolerance Tamb

Temperature coefficient


Resonance capacitor

Mask optionVcoil pp = 1V


Data retentionParameters

Test ConditionsTop = 55°C(3)Top = 150°C(3)Top = 250°C(3)












*) Type means: T: directly or indirectly tested during production; Q: guaranteed based on initial product qualification data

1.IDD measurement set-up R = 100kΩ; VCLK = Vcoil = 3V: EEPROM programmed to 00 ... 000 (erase all); chip in modulation

defeat. IDD = (VOUTmax – VCLK)/R2.Current into Coil1/Coil2 is limited to 10 mA.

3.Since EEPROM performance is influenced by assembly processes, Atmel confirms the parameters for DOW (tested die on

uncut wa——文章窝——fer) delivery.

7.Revision History

Please note that the following page numbers referred to in this section refer to the specific revision mentioned, not to this document.Revision No.4967DS-RFID-10/084967CS-RFID-01/08


? Features on page 1 changed

? Features on page 1 changed

? Section 2 “Compatibility” on page 2 changed? Section 4.9 “Mode Register” on page 4 changed

? Put datasheet in a new template

? Section 4.2 “Data-rate Generator” on page 3 changed? Figure 4-2 “Memory Map” on page 5 changed

? Section 6 “Electrical Characteristics” numbers 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 on page 6 changed




5577 T5577卡片资料


Atmel Corporation2325 Orchard ParkwaySan Jose, CA 95131USA

Tel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 487-2600


Atmel AsiaRoom 1219

Chinachem Golden Plaza77 Mody Road TsimshatsuiEast KowloonHong Kong

Tel: (852) 2721-9778Fax: (852) 2722-1369

Atmel EuropeLe Krebs

8, Rue Jean-Pierre TimbaudBP 30978054


Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11

Atmel Japan

9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8 Shinkawa

Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033Japan

Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581

Product Contact

Web Site


Technical Supportrfid@atmel.com

Sales Contact


Literature Requestswww.61k.comliterature

Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise,to anyintellectualproperty right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL’S TERMS AND CONDI-TIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORYWARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDEN-TAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OFTHE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes n orepresentationsor warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specificationsand product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically providedotherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for useas components in applications intended to support or sustainlife.

? 2008 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel?, logo and combinations thereof, IDIC? and others are registered trademarks or trade-marks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.


二 : 关于74HC244芯片的中文资料24






型号 tPLH tphl PD

54LS241/74LS241 12ns 12ns 110mW


1A1~1A4,2A1~2A4 输入端

/1G, /2G 三态允许端(低电平有效)

1Y1~1Y4,2Y1~2Y4 输出端




电源电压 …………………………………………. 7V

输入电压 …………………………………………. 5.5V

输出高阻态时高电平电压 …………………………. 5.5V


54XXX …………………………………. -55~125℃

74XXX …………………………………. 0~70℃

存储温度 …………………………………………. -65~150℃



54LS244/74LS244 单位

最小 额定 最大

电源电压Vcc 54 4.5 5 5.5 V

74 4.75 5 5.25

输入高电平电ViH 2 V

输入低电平电ViL 54 0.7 V

74 0.8

输出高电平电流IOH 54 -12 mA

74 -15

输出低电平电流IOL 54 12 mA

74 24


参 数 测 试 条 件 LS244 单位

最 大

tPLH输出由低到高传输延迟时间 Vcc =5V


RL=667 Ω

18 ns

tPHL输出由高到低传输延迟时间 18 ns

tPZH输出由高阻态到高允许时间 23 ns

tPZL输出由高阻态到低允许时间 30 ns

tPHZ输出由高到高阻态禁止时间 Vcc=5V CL=5pF

RL=90 Ω 18 ns

tPLZ输出由低到高阻态禁止时间 25 ns


参 数 测 试 条 件【1】 LS244 单位

最小 最大

VIK输入嵌位电压 Vcc=最小,Iik=-18mA -1.5 V

△VT滞后电压 Vcc=最小 0.2 V

VOH输出高电平电压 Vcc=最小,VIL=最大,VIH=2V,

IOH=-3mA 2.4 V

VOL输出低电平电压 Vcc=最小,VIL=最大, IOL=最大 54 0.4 V

74 0.5

II最大输入电压时输出电流 Vcc=最大,VI=7V 0.1 mA

IIH输入高电平电流 Vcc=最大,VIH=2.7V 20 uA

IIL输入低电平电流 1A,2A Vcc=最大,VIL=0.4V -0.2 mA

IOS输出短路电流 Vcc=最大 -40 -225 mA

IOZH输出高阻态时高电平电流 Vcc=最大,VIH=2V

VIL=最大,VO=2.7V 20 uA

IOZL输出高阻态时低电平电流 Vcc=最大,VIH=2V,VIL=最大

,VO=0.4V -20 uA

Icc电源电流 Vcc=最大 1Y,2Y均为高电平 27 mA

1Y,2Y均为低电平 46

1Y,2Y均为高阻态 54

[1]: 测试条件中的“最小”和“最大”用推荐工作条件中的相应值。

三 : 关于运动的资料


如果你想强壮,跑步吧! 如果你想健美,跑步吧!如果你想聪明,跑步吧!古希腊格言
生命在于运动.(法国启蒙思想家——伏尔泰) 生命需要运动.(希腊哲学家——亚里斯多德 科学的基础是健康的身体.波兰科学家——居里夫人 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。(法国医学家——蒂素) 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。(德国诗人——卢梭 世上没有比结实的肌肉和新鲜的皮肤更美丽的衣裳。(俄国诗人——马雅可夫斯基 运动太多和太少,同样的损伤体力;饮食过多与过少,同样的损伤健康;唯有适度可 产生、增进、保持体力和健康。——亚里士多德




各国小朋友,北京来相会。 飘起奥运旗,戴起奥运徽。 
绿色奥运好,口号提的美 更快又更高,更强又更美。 
(学生) 钱雨莹 
古老北京城呀, 一天1个样。 高楼拔地起呀, 道路宽又长。 
河水清又清呀, 花草吐芬芳。 人人笑开怀呀, 迎接奥运忙。 

四 : T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料


?Contactless Power Supply

?Contactless Read/Write Data Transmission

?Radio Frequency fRF from 100 kHz to 150 kHz

?Basic Mode or Extended Mode

?Compatible with T5557, ATA5567

?Replacement for e5551/T5551 in Most Common Operation Modes

?Configurable for ISO/IEC 11784/785 Compatibility

?Total 363 Bits EEPROM Memory: 11 Blocks (32 Bits + 1 Lock Bit)

?High Q-antenna Tolerance Due to Build in Options

?Adaptable to Different Applications: Access Control, Animal ID and Waste Management

?On-chip Trimmed Antenna Capacitor

?Pad Options


?100μm × 100μm for Wire Bonding or Flip Chip


?200μm × 400μm for Direct Coil Bonding


The ATA5577 is a contactless read/write identification IC (IDIC?) for applications inthe 125-kHz or 134-kHz frequency band. A single coil connected to the chip serves asthe IC’s power supply and bi-directional communication interface. The antenna andchip together form a transponder or tag.

The on-chip 363-bit EEPROM (11 blocks with 33 bits each) can be read and writtenblock-wise from a base station (reader).

Data is transmitted from the IDIC (uplink) using load modulation. This is achieved bydamping the RF field with a resistive load between the two terminals Coil 1 and Coil 2.The IC receives and decodes serial base station commands (downlink), which areencoded as 100% amplitude modulated (OOK) pulse-interval-encoded bit streams.

A complete datasheet with further technical data is available on request. Please con-tact your local sales office.

5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料


The ATA5577 is designed to be compatible with the T5557/ATA5567. The structure of the con-figuration register is identical. The two modes, Basic mode and Extended mode, are alsoavailable. The ATA5577 is able to replace the e5551/T5551 in most common operation modes.In all applications, the correct functionality of the replacements must be evaluated and proved.For further details, refer to Atmel?’s web site for product-relevant application notes.

3.System Block Diagram

Figure 3-1.

RFID System Using ATA5577 Tag

5577 T5577卡片资料

4.ATA5577 - Functional Blocks

Figure 4-1.

Block Diagram

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5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料


4.1Analog Front End (AFE)

The AFE includes all circuits that are directly connected to the coil terminals. It generates theIC's power supply and handles the bi-directional data communication with the reader. It consistsof the following blocks:

?Rectifier to generate a DC supply voltage from the AC coil voltage

?Clock extractor

?Switchable load between Coil 1 and Coil 2 for data transmission from the tag to the reader?Field-gap detector for data transmission from the base station to the tag

?ESD-protection circuitry

4.2Data-rate Generator

The data rate is binary programmable to operate at any even-numbered data rate between RF/2and RF/128 or to any of the fixed Basic mode data rates (RF/8, RF/16, RF/32, RF/40, RF/50,RF/64, RF/100 and RF/128).

4.3Write Decoder

The write decoder detects the write gaps and verifies the validity of the data stream according tothe Atmel e555x downlink protocol (pulse interval encoding).

4.4HV Generator

This on-chip charge pump circuit generates the high voltage required to program the EEPROM.

4.5DC Supply

Power is externally supplied to the IDIC via the two coil connections. The IC rectifies and regu-lates this RF source and uses it to generate its supply voltage.

4.6Power-On Reset (POR)

The power-on reset circuit blocks the voltage supply to the IDIC until an acceptable voltagethreshold has been reached.

4.7Clock Extraction

The clock extraction circuit uses the external RF signal as its internal clock source.


The control logic module executes the following functions:

?Load mode register with configuration data from EEPROM block 0 after power-on and during reading

?Load option register with the settings for the analog front end stored in EEPROM page 1 block3 after power-on and during reading

?Control all EEPROM memory read/write access and data protection

?Handles the downlink command decoding detecting protocol violations and error conditions



5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料

4.9Mode Register

The mode register maintains a readable shadow copy of the configuration data held in block0 ofthe EEPROM. It is continually refreshed during read mode and (re-)loaded after every PORevent or reset command. On delivery, the mode register is pre-programmed with default values(see full version of the datasheet).


The modulator encodes the serialized EEPROM data for transmission to a tag reader or basestation. Several types of modulation are available including Manchester, bi-phase, FSK, PSK,and NRZ.


Figure 4-2.

0LPage 1

11LLLLPage 0


Memory Map


Analog front end option set-up

Traceability dataTraceability dataPage 0 configuration dataUser data or password

User dataUser dataUser dataUser dataUser dataUser dataConfiguration data

32 bits

Block 3Block 2Block 1Block 0Block 7Block 6Block 5Block 4Block 3Block 2Block 1Block 0

Not transmitted

The memory is a 363-bit EEPROM, which is arranged in 11 blocks of 33 bits each. Each blockincludes a single Lock bit, which is responsible for write-protecting the associated block. Pro-gramming takes place on a block basis, so a complete block (including lock bit) can beprogrammed with a single command. The memory is subdivided into two page areas. Page 0contains 8 blocks and page 1 contains 4 blocks. All 33 bits of a block, including the lock bit, areprogrammed simultaneously.




5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料


Block 0 of page 0 contains the mode/configuration data, which is not transmitted during regularread operations. Addressing block 0 will always affect block 0 of page 0 regardless of the pageselector. Block 7 of page 0 may be used as a write-protection password.

Block 3 of page 1 contains the option register, which is not transmitted during regular-readoperation.

Bit 0 of every block is the lock bit for that block. Once locked, the block (including the lock bititself) is not re-programmable via the RF field.

Blocks 1 and 2 of page 1 contain traceability data and are transmitted with the modulationparameters defined in the configuration register after the opcode “11” is issued by the reader.The traceability data blocks are programmed and locked by Atmel.

5.Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Parameters

Maximum DC current into Coil1/Coil2

Maximum AC current into Coil1/Coil2, f = 125kHzPower dissipation (die) (free-air condition, time of application: 1s)

Electrostatic discharge maximum to

ANSI/ESD-STM5.1-2001 standard (HBM)Operating ambient temperature rangeStorage temperature range (data retention reduced)

SymbolIcoilIcoil pPtotVmaxTambTstg

Value20 (TBD)20 (TBD)100 (TBD)2000 (TBD)–40 to +85–40 to +150




5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料

6.Electrical Characteristics

Tamb = +25°C; fcoil = 125 kHz; unless otherwise specifiedNo.

Start-up timeParametersRF frequency range

Tamb = 25°C(1)

Supply current (without Read - full temperature current consumed by the range

external LC tank circuit)Programming - full

temperature range

POR threshold (50-mV hysteresis)

Coil voltage (AC supply)Read mode and write


Program EEPROM(2)Vcoil pp = 6V

tstartupVpp clamp loVpp clamp medVpp clamp hiVpp clamp medVpp mod loVpp mod medVpp mod hiVpp mod medVmod lo/TambVclkdet loVclkdet medVclkdet hiVgapdet loVgapdet medVgapdet hiTprogncycle


Vcoil ppIDD

Test Conditions











3-mA current into

Clamp voltage (depends Coil1/Coil2on settings in option register)

20-mA current into Coil1/Coil23-mA current into Coil1/Coil2 and

Modulation parameters modulation ON (depends on settings in option register)20 mA current into

Coil1/Coil2 and modulation ONThermal stability

Clock detection level

(depends on settings in Vcoil pp = 8Voption register)

Gap detection level

(depends on settings in Vcoil pp = 8 Voption register)

From last command gap to re-enter read mode (64 + 648 internal clocks)

Erase all/Write all(3)

Programming timeEndurance

*) Type means: T: directly or indirectly tested during production; Q: guaranteed based on initial product qualification data

1.IDD measurement set-up R = 100kΩ; VCLK = Vcoil = 3V: EEPROM programmed to 00 ... 000 (erase all); chip in modulation

defeat. IDD = (VOUTmax – VCLK)/R2.Current into Coil1/Coil2 is limited to 10 mA.

3.Since EEPROM performance is influenced by assembly processes, Atmel confirms the parameters for DOW (tested die on

uncut wafer) delivery.




5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料


6.Electrical Characteristics (Continued)

Tamb = +25°C; fcoil = 125 kHz; unless otherwise specifiedNo.

Micromodule capacitor parameters

Capacitance tolerance Tamb

Temperature coefficient


Resonance capacitor

Mask optionVcoil pp = 1V


Data retentionParameters

Test ConditionsTop = 55°C(3)Top = 150°C(3)Top = 250°C(3)












*) Type means: T: directly or indirectly tested during production; Q: guaranteed based on initial product qualification data

1.IDD measurement set-up R = 100kΩ; VCLK = Vcoil = 3V: EEPROM programmed to 00 ... 000 (erase all); chip in modulation

defeat. IDD = (VOUTmax – VCLK)/R2.Current into Coil1/Coil2 is limited to 10 mA.

3.Since EEPROM performance is influenced by assembly processes, Atmel confirms the parameters for DOW (tested die on

uncut wafer) delivery.

7.Revision History

Please note that the following page numbers referred to in this section refer to the specific revision mentioned, not to this document.Revision No.4967DS-RFID-10/084967CS-RFID-01/08


? Features on page 1 changed

? Features on page 1 changed

? Section 2 “Compatibility” on page 2 changed? Section 4.9 “Mode Register” on page 4 changed

? Put datasheet in a new template

? Section 4.2 “Data-rate Generator” on page 3 changed? Figure 4-2 “Memory Map” on page 5 changed

? Section 6 “Electrical Characteristics” numbers 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 on page 6 changed




5577 T5577卡片资料

5577 T5577卡片资料


Atmel Corporation2325 Orchard ParkwaySan Jose, CA 95131USA

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五 : 关于运动的话题(黑板报小资料)_紫客幽兰











经常将双手在一起摩擦搓手,主要有以下三个方面的好处: 一是常在户外工作的人,这么做可以预防冻疮的发生。 二是常搓双手,能使手指更加灵活自如,同时对大脑也有一定的保健作用。 三是生活和工作于室内的人,经常这样搓手,能促进血液循环和新陈代谢,预防感冒。对流活动。还有汽车排放出的尾气,其中含有氮氧化物、碳氢化物、铅等污染物质,各种有害物质聚于地面,不能向空气上层扩散,故沉积停留在人们的呼吸道,使人吸入更多的烟尘和有毒气体。



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