

发布时间:2017-08-24 所属栏目:托福

一 : 托福不同分数段能上哪所美国大学

托福成绩单 托福不同分数段能上哪所美国大学


根据数据,在美国排名前五十的院校中,要求托福成绩在100分以上,但计划赴美留学的中国学生托福预测分数在100分以上的仅占9%,40%的学生预测托福分数在80分以下。美国新闻周刊(US News)最新发布的最新全美高校排名,列出了前100位(Top 100)大学的基本托福成绩要求。(没有列出的学校是没有明确的托福要求)

托福成绩60-80 分可申请美国大学名单

University of Connecticut康涅狄格大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分。

University of Texas at Austin德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分 。

University of Washington,Seattle华盛顿大学(西雅图分校) | 本科:有力的竞争者的托福成绩在92分以上,申请人的托福总成绩不得低于76分。

Worcester Polytechnic Institute伍斯特理工学院学校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分,雅思总成绩不得低于6.5分,听说读写各单项不得低于6.0分。

University of Minnesota Twin Cities明尼苏达大学双城 | 本科:托福最低申请分数79分。

Michigan State University密歇根州立大学 | 本科:正常录取要求申请人托福最低申请分数为79分(听说读写单项不低于17分)。

Baylor University贝勒大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为76分。

Indiana University,Bloomington印地安纳大学伯明顿分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分。

Marquette University马凯特大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数76分,其中听力、阅读不低于18分,口语和写作不低于20分。

The University of Alabama阿拉巴马大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为71分。

University of Colorado Boulder科罗拉多大学波尔得分校 | 工程学专业:托福最低申请分数为83分;所有其他专业 托福最低申请分数为76分。

Auburn University奥本大学 | 本科:申请人托福最低申请分数为79分。

Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分,听力不低于21分,阅读不低于20分,写作不低于17分,口语不低于21分。

University of Missouri密苏里大学 | 本科:文理学院、农业学院、工程学院、人类环境科学院、自然资源学院要求申请人托福成绩不低于61分,商业和公共管理学院要求申请人托福成绩在79分以上,教育学、医疗事业、新闻学院、护理学院要求申请人托福成绩不低于100分。

托福成绩80-100 分可申请美国大学名单

University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校 | 本科:托福成绩不得低于80分。

University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校 | 本科:托福成绩不得低于83分。

University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校 | 本科:要求的最低托福分数在88到100分之间(可能根据领域不同有差别),托福听力和阅读在23分以上,写作和口语在21分以上。

Case Western Reserve University凯斯西储大学 | 本科:最低录取托福成绩为90分。

Pennyslvania State University-University Park Campus 宾州州立大学帕克分校 | 本科:最低录取托福成绩为80分。

University of California Davis加州大学戴维斯分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。

39 University of California San Diego加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为83分。

Boston University 波士顿大学 | 本科:文理学院、教育学院、工程学院、艺术学院、酒店管理、健康和恢复科学、Sargent学院要求托福总成绩不低于82分,其中写作部分不低于22分,口语部分不低于23分,写作部分不低于21分,听力部分不低于18分。传播学院、General Studies和管理学院要求申请人托福成绩不低于91分,其中写作部分不低于22分,口语部分不低于23分,阅读部分不低于25分,听力部分不低于21分。

University of Wisconsin Madison威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 | 本科:已经录取申请人的托福分数范围为95—105分之间。

University of Miami迈阿密大学 | 本科:无条件录取的最低托福申请分数是80分,需要学习语言课程的最低申请分数是61分。

Yeshiva University叶史瓦大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为84分,其中写作和阅读部分成绩不低于21分。(相比2013年,该校托福总成绩要求提高2分,并对写作和阅读部分作出要求)。

Northeastern University东北大学 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于92分,其中阅读部分不得低于22分,听力部分不得低于22分, 口语部分不得低于24分,写作部分不得低于22分。但是托福成绩在100分以下的学生会被要求在注册前参加内部评估。

University of California Irvine加州大学欧文分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。

University of Florida佛罗里达大学 | 本科(转校生):托福最低申请分数为80分。对于大一新生申请人,可以不提供托福成绩。

Fordham University福特汉姆大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为90分。

Pepperdine University佩珀代因大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。

Southern Methodist University南卫理公会大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。

The University of Georgia佐治亚大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。

Brigham Young University Provo杨百翰大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分,其中听说读写各部分不低于20分。

Syracuse University雪城大学 | 本科:以下学院要求申请人托福最低为80分School of Education,L.C. Smith College of Engineering andComputer Science,David B.Falk,College of Sport and Human Dynamics,School of Information Studies,College of Visual and Performing Arts S.I. Newhouse School of Communications要求托福最低为100分 Whitman School of Management,School of Architecture要求托福成绩最低为90分。


The University of Pittsburgh匹兹堡大学 | 托福100分以上,各项不低于21分被认为是有力竞争分数。托福成绩在95—99直接会被重审,口语低于21分可能会被面试。

Clemson University克莱姆森大学 | 本科:托福总成绩不得低于79或80分。

Purdue University--West Lafayette 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 | 本科:工程学院、科学学院、管理学院要求托福总成绩不低于88分。其中听力部分不得低于16分,写作部分不得低于18分,口语部分不得低于18分,阅读部分不得低于19分。

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick新泽西州立大学新布朗斯威克学院 | 本科:除护理学院以外, 其他学院托福最低要求为79分,护理学院为100分。

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University弗吉尼亚理工大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为90分,听说读写各单项不得低于20分。

The University of Iowa爱荷华大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,其中听说读写单项不低于17分。

American University美国大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为90分,其中听说读写各单项不得低于20分。

Clark University克拉克大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,雅思最低申请分数为6.5分。

University of Delaware特拉华大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数90分,护理专业最低录取托福分数为100分。

Stevens Institute of Technology斯蒂文斯理工学院 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分。

Stony Brook University SUNY纽约州立大学石溪分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。

Texas Christian University德克萨斯基督教大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分。

University of California Santa Cruz加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。

University of Tulsa塔尔萨大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,其中阅读部分不低于15分,听力部分不低于15分,口语部分不低于18分,写作部分不低于17分。

Florida State University佛罗里达州立大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,雅思最低申请分数为6.5分。

University of Denver丹佛大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分, 其中听说读写各单项不得低于20分。

University of Massachusetts Amherst马萨诸塞大学Amherst校区 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分。

University of San Diego圣迭戈大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分(SAT Critical Reading 部分成绩在520分以上的申请人可以申请免除提供托福成绩或者雅思成绩。)

Binghamton University SUNY纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学 | 本科:Harpur College of Arts and Sciences;Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science;College of Community and Public Affairs三个学院要求托福最低成绩83分 School of Management;Decker School of Nursing两个学院要求托福最低成绩90分

托福成绩要求100 分以上美国大学名单

Yale University耶鲁大学 | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100 分

Columbia University哥伦比亚大学 | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。

芝加哥大学(University of Chicago) | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。

Duke University杜克大学 | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。

麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。

University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学 | 本科:有竞争力的申请人的托福成绩在100分以上。

Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院 | 本科:托福或雅思成绩均接受 大多数被录取的学生的托福总成绩在100分以上。

Northwestern University西北大学 | 本科:托福或雅思成绩均接受 不设立最低语言成绩要求 但是展示出较高英语能力的申请人的平均托福成绩在105分以上。

Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学 | 本科:托福成绩要求:26 (Reading), 26 (Listening), 22 (Writing), and 25 (Speaking)如果申请人的SAT Reasoning Test的Critical Reading部分成绩在670分以上,托福成绩可以免除。

Brown University布朗大学 | SAT Critical Reading 部分成绩在650分以上的申请人可以申请免除托福成绩。托福或者雅思成绩都接受。最低托福成绩为100分。

Cornell University康奈尔大学 | 本科托福成绩不得低于100分。

Vanderbilt University范德堡大学 | 本科托福成绩不得低于100分。

Rice University莱斯大学 | 本科托福成绩不得低于100分。

Emory University埃默里大学 | 本科:SAT Critical Reading的成绩在650分以上可以免除托福成绩。申请人托福总成绩不能低于100分。

Carnegie Mellon University卡内基大学 | 本科:托福成绩不得低于102分。

University of Southern California南加州大学 | 本科:托福总成绩不得低于100分(听说读写各项不低于20分),SAT Critical Reading在600分以上可以不提供托福成绩。

Tufts University塔夫斯大学 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于100分。

the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于100分。

Boston College波士顿学院 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于100分。

New York University(NYU)纽约大学 | 本科:没有托福或雅思最低成绩要求,但是申请成功的同学托福成绩在100分以上。

College of William and Mary威廉玛丽学院 | 本科:托福或者雅思成绩都接受,最低录取托福成绩为100分。

University of Rochester罗切斯特大学 | 本科:最低录取托福成绩为100分,其中,写作、听力不低于25分,口语不低于24分,阅读不低于26分,107分以上的托福成绩更有竞争力。

Tulane University杜兰大学 | SAT Critical Reading 部分成绩在600分以上的申请人可以申请免除托福成绩。托福或者雅思成绩都接受。成功的申请人的托福成绩在100分以上。

University of Maryland College Park马里兰大学帕克分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为100分。

Texas A&M University德州A&M大学--College Station | 本科:托福最低申请成绩为100分。



二 : 78GRE学校院系送分代码(各年通用)


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? Institution Codes (including Fellowship Sponsors) ? Department & Major Field Codes ? Citizenship & Country or Region Codes ? Abbreviations ? State & Territory Codes


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There may be additions, deletions, or changes to this test center list during the testing year. For the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site at www.gre.org/cbttest.html.

Testing is available year-round. Register early to get your preferred test date and to avoid the crowded testing period of November through January. The centers indicated by * are colleges and

universities. Register online or call Prometric at 1-800-GRE-CALL (1-800-473-2255) or the test center directly to schedule

your appointment.ALABAMA

2600 2608 2611 2601 2603 *7720 Birmingham Decatur Dothan Mobile Montgomery Tuscaloosa (205) 871-7444 (256) 350-8324 (334) 677-6334 (251) 344-6284 (334) 262-0043 (205) 348-6760 (907) 276-6007 (907) 474-2737 (928) 523-2261 (623) 932-7800 (623) 932-7800 (480) 965-7146 (520) 621-7589 (870) 230-5470 (479) 575-2743 (479) 484-0702 (870) 972-2038 (501) 663-8280 COLORADO*7559 Boulder ALASKA

5210 Anchorage *7734 Fairbanks (303) 735-2044 5116 Colorado Springs (719) 559-4586 *7735 Denver (303) 352-3085 5812 Englewood/Greenwood Village (720) 493-5254 *7557 Fort Collins (970) 491-5060 5307 Grand Junction (970) 255-2750 0054 Greenwood Village/Englewood (720) 493-5254 1220 Longmont (303) 485-3218 IDAHO

2000 Garden City *7565 Moscow *7538 Pocatello (208) 321-7422 (208) 885-6716 (208) 282-4506 (618) 529-4664 (217) 244-1342 (312) 641-7300 (312) 641-7300 (312) 641-7300 (312) 641-7300 (312) 641-7300 (708) 798-0238 (630) 916-7613 (847) 559-2461 (309) 683-4653 (217) 546-0381 (815) 748-0074 MARYLAND

5315 3512 *7571 *7751 3514 3519 0046 5476 ILLINOIS3225 *7542 0034 0035 0036 0037 5230 3209 0076 3216 3207 3204 3231 *7736 1807 5310 1800 1802 1810 1811 *7745 1809 *5341 3301 *7742 *7564 *7746 3300 *7566 *7545 1504 1502 ARIZONA

*7551 0038 0417 *7510 *7511 Flagstaff Goodyear Goodyear Tempe Tucson Arkadelphia Fayetteville Fort Smith Jonesboro Little Rock CONNECTICUT

0048 Glastonbury 5480 Glastonbury 2403 Hamden 2416 Norwalk (860) 633-7236 (860) 633-7236 (203) 287-9677 (203) 847-0031 (302) 831-6717 (302) 998-3817 ARKANSASDELAWARE

CBT Test Centers

5308 *7553 2801 *7521 5212 0067 0081 0529 *7724 0502 *7555 0001 0002 0591 0533 0053 0508 *7719 0596 5815 5863 9035 0510 0531 0556 0044 0550 *7556 5849 5869 0008 0014 0047 *7534 0515 0066 5481 *7518 Newark 9065 Wilmington Carbondale Champaign Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Homewood Lombard Northbrook Peoria Spring?eld Sycamore Bloomington Evansville Ft Wayne Indianapolis Indianapolis Lafayette Mishawaka Muncie Terre Haute MASSACHUSETTS

5135 5235 *7569 5855 5870 2517 0005 0006 0057 5478 *7739 *7513 2301 2306 2312 *7550 2303 5305 2305 *7543 0805 0064 0065 *7572 *7516 5404 *7517 0803 *7574 3600 *7546 3603 *7753 0702 *7539 0031 0718 *7573 *7582 0705 0713 *7744 0700 Baltimore Bethesda College Park Frostburg Lanham Salisbury Towson Towson (443) 923-6400 (301) 718-9893 (301) 314-0319 (301) 687-7990 (301) 552-3400 (410) 341-4100 (410) 823-9788 (410) 823-8724 (617) 345-8980 (617) 345-8980 (508) 531-1780 (781) 221-7860 (781) 221-7860 (413) 525-4901 (508) 853-7250 (508) 853-7250 (734) 477-6970 (734) 477-6974 (313) 577-0751 (517) 355-8278 (616) 957-0368 (517) 372-7413 (734) 462-2750 (989) 774-1092 (269) 321-8351 (906) 253-0920 (248) 643-7323 (218) 755-2075 (218) 723-1494 (952) 820-5010 (952) 820-5010 (612) 624-5520 (218) 477-2118 (507) 292-9713 (320) 654-5456 (651) 702-6791 (601) 266-6123 (601) 366-6400 (662) 325-6610 (662) 844-2998 (662) 915-6501 (636) 394-7742 (573) 884-0911 (314) 895-1887 (573) 636-2485 (816) 235-1635 (660) 785-4438 (816) 524-4495 (816) 671-9900 (314) 977-2963 (417) 882-0740 Boston Boston Bridgewater Burlington Burlington East Longmeadow Worcester Worcester Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Detroit East Lansing Grand Rapids Lansing Livonia Mt. Pleasant Portage Sault Ste Marie Troy Bemidji Duluth Edina Edina Minneapolis Moorhead Rochester St. Cloud Woodbury Hattiesburg Jackson Mississippi State Tupelo University Ballwin Columbia Hazelwood Jefferson City Kansas City Kirksville Lee's Summit Saint Joseph Saint Louis Spring?eld INDIANA


0062 Washington (202) 833-2005 5216 Washington *7716 Washington (202) 833-2005 (202) 806-6428 CALIFORNIAAlameda (510) 521-2843 Anaheim (714) 695-1801 Anaheim (714) 695-1801 Arcata (707) 826-5666 Camarillo (805) 389-6595 Chico (530) 898-6218 Culver City (310) 337-6696 Culver City (310) 337-6696 Culver City (310) 337-6696 Diamond Bar (909) 861-1146 Fair Oaks (916) 961-7323 Fair Oaks (916) 961-7323 Fresno (559) 278-8362 Gardena (310) 329-1844 Glendale (818) 246-8023 Glendale (818) 246-8023 Irvine (949) 552-0563 La Mesa (619) 668-2121 Rancho Cucamonga (909) 466-5136 Redlands (909) 792-0545 San Diego (858) 526-0858 San Diego (858) 526-0858 San Diego (619) 594-0968 San Francisco (415) 362-1311 San Francisco (415) 362-1311 San Jose (408) 246-0072 San Jose (408) 246-0072 San Jose (408) 246-0072 San Luis Obispo (805) 756-1551 Santa Rosa (707) 579-5163 South San Francisco (650) 244-9558 South San Francisco (650) 244-9558 FLORIDA

0013 5104 0621 0629 0601 *7727 5836 *7512 *7561 9074 *7725 0623 0617 0657 *7562 0620 *7563 *7541 0072 0073 *5340 5804 3010 *7722 3012 0024 0026 3007 3024 Coral Springs Coral Springs Fort Myers Gainesville Jacksonville Jacksonville Maitland Miami Miami Miami/Davie Pensacola Sarasota Tallahassee Tampa Tampa Temple Terrace Albany Athens Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Augusta Columbus Macon Marietta Marietta Savannah Valdosta (954) 340-2750 (954) 340-2750 (941) 275-1130 (352) 371-6891 (904) 739-3000 (904) 620-1973 (407) 875-8118 (305) 237-1015 (305) 284-8378 (954) 423-0782 (850) 473-7339 (941) 923-9399 (850) 386-8707 (813) 289-1246 (813) 974-7501 (813) 989-9988 (229) 430-1631 (706) 542-8378 (770) 394-2330 (770) 394-2330 (404) 651-3816 (770) 493-6743 (706) 854-8378 (706) 565-3562 (478) 405-7423 (770) 980-1117 (770) 980-1117 (912) 355-2267 (229) 245-1069 (808) 441-5095 (808) 956-3454 (812) 856-0684 (812) 479-6855 (260) 481-4153 (317) 257-7546 (317) 486-4541 (765) 447-0626 (574) 254-1055 (765) 285-1279 (812) 232-6348 (515) 294-6214 (563) 359-1001 (319) 273-6023 (319) 335-0355 (712) 274-6443 (515) 867-8500 (785) 864-2772 (620) 235-4173 (785) 272-7500 (316) 651-5350 (859) 268-3338 (502) 423-0478 (270) 762-6851 (225) 293-8489 (225) 578-9487 (318) 742-7349 (504) 834-2155 (504) 834-2155 (318) 342-5349 (504) 280-1092 (207) 775-5812 MICHIGAN

IOWAAmes ettendorf B

Cedar Falls Iowa City Sioux City Urbandale Lawrence Pittsburg Topeka Wichita MINNESOTA




1104 Lexington 1101 Louisville *7731 Murray LOUISIANA

5233 *7567 1308 0061 5397 *7540 *7568 Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Bossier City Metairie Metairie Monroe New Orleans MISSOURI



3400 South Portland 5103 Honolulu *7726 Honolulu 2 www.ets.org/gre


3700 *7732 3702 *7544 3805 *7525 3804 3800 *7577 (828) 253-4224 (828) 262-6801 (704) 364-8745 (704) 364-4126 (919) 530-7490 (910) 672-1299 (336) 854-4230 (252) 756-0342 (919) 846-1933 (919) 846-1933 (910) 392-0891 (910) 962-7444 Billings Bozeman Helena Missoula Columbus Kearney Lincoln Omaha Omaha (406) 656-4646 (406) 994-6984 (406) 443-9205 (406) 243-6257 (402) 564-2862 (308) 865-8054 (402) 423-8833 (402) 334-9449 (402) 554-4800 (702) 889-4132 (775) 829-2700 NORTHCAROLINA1608 Asheville *7576 Boone 0045 5475 *7578 *7552 0058 1607 0027 1602 1609 *7549 Charlotte Charlotte Durham Fayetteville Greensboro Greenville Raleigh Raleigh Wilmington Wilmington TENNESSEE

1010 1011 1018 *7537 *7523 1001 1015 *7721 5479 *7707 *7741 NEBRASKA


Chattanooga Clarksville Franklin Jackson Johnson City Knoxville Madison Martin Memphis Memphis Nashville (423) 894-6249 (931) 647-2003 (615) 790-5018 (731) 425-3297 (423) 439-7842 (865) 690-2677 (615) 860-0376 (731) 881-7727 (901) 756-1425 (901) 678-1457 (615) 963-7386 (325) 698-7858 (806) 463-2379 (512) 441-1978 (512) 441-1978 (512) 232-2643 (409) 899-9798 (956) 544-8875 (979) 862-7992 (361) 993-7181 (972) 385-1181 (972) 385-1181 (972) 385-1181 (940) 369-7617 (956) 292-7583 (915) 587-7323 (832) 242-2302 (281) 280-0077 (832) 242-2302 (713) 743-5386 (713) 313-7386 (281) 361-9243 (806) 742-3671 (432) 520-9418 (936) 468-3958 (210) 494-7263 (210) 431-4370 (903) 561-5983 (254) 772-2467 (940) 397-4676 WESTVIRGINIA

5224 Charleston *7522 Huntington *5354 Morgantown (304) 345-1986 (304) 696-2604 (304) 293-0699 (715) 836-5070 (414) 540-2223 (608) 785-8968 (608) 231-6270 (262) 796-0836 (920) 424-1433 (715) 346-4472 WISCONSIN*7535 4906 *7714 5323 4903 *7519 *7520 2201 Las Vegas 2203 Reno 0335 Abilene 4301 Bismarck (701) 223-0010 0317 Amarillo 4300 Fargo (701) 293-1234 0010 Austin NEWHAMPSHIRE

0012 Austin *7743 Lebanon (603) 448-2445 OHIO*7710 Austin *7752 Nashua (603) 546-1500 *7728 Athens (740) 597-1537 0322 Beaumont 4003 Portsmouth (603) 433-6800 1419 Centerville (937) 435-8417 *7531 Brownsville 0007 Cincinnati (513) 671-7030 *7536 College Station NEWJERSEY

0018 Cincinnati (513) 671-7030 0329 Corpus Christi 5858 Clark (732) 381-8500 (513) 556-7173 0051 Dallas 5871 Clark (732) 381-8500 *7702 Cincinnati *7700 Cleveland (216) 368-1030 5811 Dallas 9064 Deptford (856) 384-4744 *7701 Columbus (614) 292-2241 5862 Dallas 0033 Fair Lawn (201) 475-1670 4119 Fair Lawn (201) 475-1670 1409 Columbus/Worthington *7709 Denton (4104 Hamilton (609) 631-9794 *7711 Edinburg 4103 Toms River (732) 349-4609 1437 Columbus/Worthington 0344 El Paso (*0083 Houston NEW1427 Mentor (440) 255-0055 5117 Houston MEXICO1900 Albuquerque (505) 296-0609 1420 Niles (330) 652-1886 *5118 Houston *7528 Roswell (505) 624-7227 1402 Stow (330) 922-5587 *7514 Houston 1421 Strongsville (440) 238-0530 *7708 Houston YORKNEW*7733 Toledo (419) 530-3266 0326 Kingwood 5110 Albany (518) 438-6762 *7747 Lubbock 4219 Buffalo (716) 565-0570 OKLAHOMA*7579 Buffalo (716) 645-2232 0902 Oklahoma City (405) 843-8378 0319 Midland 4204 East Syracuse (315) 433-9038 *7703 Stillwater (405) 744-5958 *7548 Nacogdoches 4215 Garden City (516) 746-7367 5472 Tulsa (918) 747-9333 0339 San Antonio *5339 San Antonio 4217 Ithaca (607) 277-4821 4223 Lynbrook OREGON0079 Tyler (516) 825-4407 0110 Eugene (541) 485-4589 0320 Waco 5823 Melville (631) 845-9063 (541) 346-2772 *7729 Wichita Falls 5872 Melville (631) 845-9063 *7704 Eugene ilwaukie (503) 659-0486 5832 Midtown (212) 986-5661 0111 M0105 Portland (503) 254-4159 UTAH5864 New York (212) 986-5661 *7730 Logan 5865 New York (212) 986-5661 PENNSYLVANIA4504 Orem 0040 New York/Penn Plaza 1710 Allentown (610) 791-5320 *5343 Salt Lake City (1736 Clarks Summit (570) 586-2254 0041 New York/Penn Plaza 1730 Erie (814) 864-6100 VERMONT

1718 Harrisburg (717) 652-0143 5209 Williston 0042 New York/Penn Plaza *7737 Indiana (724) 357-4994 VIRGINIA

(1731 Lancaster (717) 392-2193 0028 Fairfax 0043 New York/Penn Plaza 0029 North Wales (215) 412-7822 5365 Fairfax 0030 North Wales (215) 412-7822 *7712 Fairfax 5856 New York/Penn Plaza 0020 Philadelphia (215) 238-8380 5112 Glen Allen (1726 Philadelphia (215) 238-8380 5115 Glen Allen 5879 New York/Penn Plaza 1705 Pittsburgh (412) 367-4620 4723 Lynchburg (*7705 Pittsburgh (412) 624-9103 0059 Newport News 5880 New York/Penn Plaza 1733 York (717) 755-7471 4709 Newport News (*7748 Norfolk 4218 Rochester (585) 385-4810 RHODEISLAND

*7738 Rochester (585) 475-5309 5805 Warwick (401) 738-9172 4718 Roanoke 4216 Vestal (607) 798-1715 WASHINGTON4206 Wappingers Falls (845) 298-8378 SOUTHCAROLINA

(843) 766-5599 *7529 Ellensburg 4202 White Plains (914) 289-0437 5102 Charleston 0049 Columbia (803) 354-9221 0015 Mountlake Terrace *7706 Columbia (803) 777-2782 0016 Mountlake Terrace 2100 Greenville (864) 676-1506 0211 Puyallup *7749 Myrtle Beach (843) 349-4004 0200 Spokane NORTHDAKOTATEXAS

Eau Claire Fox Point La Crosse Madison New Berlin Oshkosh Stevens Point WYOMING(307) 472-4888 (307) 766-2188 5000 Casper *7547 Laramie GUAM

5503 Hagatna 5504 Hagatna (671) 475-5000 (787) 706-7620 (787) 706-7620 (340) 773-5751 (671) 475-5000 PUERTORICO0052 Guaynabo 5221 Guaynabo VIRGINISLANDS5255 St. Croix CANADAALBERTACBT Test Centers

6017 Calgary 6018 Edmonton (403) 777-1365 (780) 415-4164 (604) 464-6401 (604) 231-1966 (604) 827-5407 (250) 472-4501 (204) 988-5055 (709) 737-3400 (902) 422-8378 (519) 622-4479 (519) 657-4124 (613) 745-8391 (416) 236-2629 (416) 250-0073 (416) 236-2629 (905) 404-1818 (519) 973-7051 (514) 876-8818 (306) 978-0414 BRITISHCOLUMBIA6028 6027 *7723 *7554 Coquitlam Richmond Vancouver Victoria MANITOBA6021 Winnipeg 435) 797-1004 (

(801) 226-5544 (801) 581-7310 (802) 872-0251 (703) 204-9060 (703) 204-9060 (703) 993-2390 (804) 346-8777 (804) 346-8777 (434) 832-0778 (757) 873-0208 (757) 873-0208 (757) 455-3126 (540) 344-3688 (509) 963-1847 (425) 697-3798 (425) 697-3798 (253) 848-0771 (509) 467-8715 NEWFOUNDLAND*7740 St. Johns 6032 Halifax NOVASCOTIAONTARIO

6042 6000 6024 0009 5113 6005 6033 *7750 Cambridge London Ottawa Toronto Toronto Toronto Whitby Windsor QUEBEC

5259 Montreal SASKATCHEWAN

6063 Saskatoon


4400 Sioux Falls (605) 362-4875 www.ets.org/gre 3

Contact the appropriate Regional Registration Center (RRC) for testing at international locations. See the Test Center List on pages 5–6 to determine the region number of the appropriate RRC.

Contact ETS if you have complaints about the test or concerns about score reports.


R-Prometric K.K.Kayabacho Tower15 F1-21-2, Shinkawa, Chuo-KuTokyo 104-0033, JAPANphone: 81-3-5541-4800fax: 81-3-5541-4810

phone (in country): 03-5541-4800fax (in country): 03-5541-4810web: www.prometric-jp.com


Thomson Prometric

Attn: PTC Registrations Middle EastPO Box 20248203 AA LelystadTHE NETHERLANDSphone: 31-320-239-530fax: 31-320-239-531

e-mail: meregs@thomson.comcourier service:Thomson Prometric

Attn: PTC Registrations Middle EastNoorderwagenplein 68223 AL LelystadThe Netherlands


NEEA/PrometricPO Box 8717

Beijing 100080, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAphone: 86-10-8261-9995fax: 86-10-6251-5002

e-mail: rrc.ptc@thomson.net.cncourier service:

NEEA/Prometric Registration CenterNo. 35 Zhongguancun DajieHaidian District

Beijing 100080, People’s Republic of China

CBT International Regional Registration Centers


Korean-American Educational Commission (KAEC)/PrometricM.P.O. Box 112

Seoul, 121-600, REPUBLIC OF KOREAphone: 82-2-3211-1233fax: 82-2-3275-4029

e-mail: CBTKorea@fulbright.or.krweb: www.etskorea.or.krcourier service:

Korean-American Educational Commission (KAEC)/PrometricFulbright Building

168-15 Yomni-dong, Mapo-guSeoul 121-874, Republic of Korea



160-A, Senior Plaza, 3rd FloorGautam Nagar

Yusuf Sarai, Behind Indian Oil BuildingNew Delhi 110049, INDIA

phone: 91-11-26511649/26531442fax: 91-11-26529741/26523266web: www.prometricindia.com


Thomson Prometric

Attn: PTC Registrations AfricaPO Box 20248203 AA LelystadTHE NETHERLANDSphone: 31-320-239-593fax: 31-320-239-886

e-mail: zaregs@thomson.comcourier service:Thomson Prometric

Attn: PTC Registrations AfricaNoorderwagenplein 68223 AL LelystadThe Netherlands



3110 Lord Baltimore DriveSuite 200

Baltimore, MD 21244, USAphone: 1-443-923-8160fax: 1-443-923-8569


Thomson Prometric

Attn: PTC Registrations EuropePO Box 20248203 AA LelystadTHE NETHERLANDSphone: 31-320-239-540fax: 31-320-239-541

e-mail: euregs@thomson.comcourier service:Thomson Prometric

Attn: PTC Registrations EuropeNoorderwagenplein 68223 AL LelystadThe Netherlands

In addition to the registration centerslisted in this publication, ETS authorizesa limited number of local registrationcenters to process test registrations.ETS authorized registration centersdisplay a “certificate of authorization”from ETS. The GRE Program is notresponsible for the activities of unau-thorized providers, and assumes no liability with regard to their failure to provide services.


PrometricPO Box 12964

50794 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIAphone: 60-3-7628-3333fax: 60-3-7628-3366

e-mail:searrc@thomson.comcourier service:

Prometric, B.V. Branch Office (Co. No. 993721-U)Suite 21A-15-1Faber Imperial CourtJalan Sultan Ismail

50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Register online at www.ets.org/gre. It’s fast and easy!

There may be additions, deletions, or changes to this test center list during the testing year. For the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site at www.gre.org/cbttest.html.

Testing is available year-round. Schedule a testing appointment online; call the appropriate Regional Registration Center

(RRC#) if you are making payment with a credit card; or use the


5 12 6

6 5 9 5 12 5 13 5 12 12 5 7 12 12 12 12 9 12 5 6 12 14 6 12 12 12




C HINA, People's Rep of C OLOMBIA






8303 8955 8408

8401 8815 8314 8218 8365 8317 8318 8324 8325 8326 8328 8007 8329 8331 8360 8009 8014 8336 8708 8022 8122 8033 8958 8034 8035 8037 8238 8038 8039 8344 8042 8902 8903 8904 8906 8909 8908 8921 8913 8912 8801 8044 8049 8153

Yerevan Melbourne

Sydney Dhaka La Paz Gaborone Belo Horizonte Brasilia Curitiba Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo So? a Santiago Bogota Cali Zagreb Prague Santo Domingo Cairo Helsinki Paris Toulouse Tbilisi Berlin Frankfurt Munich Accra Athens Thessaloniki Guatemala City

Budapest Ahmadabad Allahabad Bangalore Calcutta Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai New Delhi Trivandrum Jakarta Dublin Tel Aviv Milan Poli

See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test. See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.

International Test scheduling Form (center of the 2005-06 GRE

Information and Registration Bulletin). RRC phone numbers are listed on page 4.

If the special instructions in the last column indicate, “See Bulletin Supplement,” download a copy from the GRE Web site at

www.gre.org/codelst.html or obtain a copy from the RRC where you got the GRE Bulletin. The supplement describes the testing arrangements available at these locations.

Buenos Aires

CBT Test Centers

www.ets.org/gre 5




7 12 9 4 7 7 12 6 9 5 6 12 9 6 5 6 12 12 12 12 7 6 9 12 12 12 10 9 6 12 9 12 7 12 12 5 7 9












8611 8601 8612 8745 8959 8282 8714 8716 8058 8851 8255 8355 8361 8371 8914 8002 8259 8261 8782 8781 8783 8377 8473 8475 8073 8074 8076 8951 8953 8722 8742 8855 8205 8201 8085 8187 8097 8099 8103 8269 8481 8703 8171 8705 8274 8964 8733 8017 8966 8385 8735 8277



Tokyo Kayabacho Yokohama Amman Alma-Ata Nairobi

Kuwait City Beirut Vilnius Kuala Lumpur Les Pailles Guadalajara Mexico City Monterrey Kathmandu Arnhem buja A Lagos slamabad I Karachi Lahore Lima Cebu City Manila Warsaw Lisbon Bucharest Moscow St. Petersburg Dammam (Men) Dammam (Women) Singapore ape Town C Johannesburg arcelona B Madrid Stockholm Geneva Zurich

Dar Es Salaam Bangkok nkara A Istanbul Izmir Kampala Kiev Dubai London Tashkent Caracas Ramallah Harare

See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test. See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.

CBT Test Centers

6 www.ets.org/gre

Register online at www.ets.org/gre. It’s fast and easy!

For the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site at


The ● symbol indicates that the paper-based General Test will be offered at that test center on that test date. NOTE: The paper-based General Test is not offered in areas of the world where computer-based testing is available.

The Ⅲ symbol indicates that Subject Tests will be offered at that test center on that test date.A blank space means that the center has not been scheduled for that test date at the time this publication was printed. If you live more than 125 miles from an open center for the October or

November test date, GRE may consider opening a test center closer to you. See “Supplementary Test Centers” on page 7 of the 2005-06 GRE Information and Registration Bulletin.

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006


California (cont'd)

19953 Rohnert Park, Sonoma Ⅲ

19914 Ⅲ

19842 State U

Sacramento, California

State U

San Bernardino, California

State U

San Diego, San Diego

State U

San Diego, U of San Diego San Francisco, San

Francisco State U

San Jose, San Jose State U San Luis Obispo, California

Polytechnic State U Santa Barbara, U of


Santa Clara, Santa Clara U Santa Cruz, U of California Stockton, U of Paci?c Woodland Hills, El Camino

Real HS

Auburn, Auburn U Birmingham, U of Alabama-Birmingham

Ⅲ 16804 Huntsville, U of Alabama 1 6817 Mobile, U of S Alabama

Ⅲ 16800 Ⅲ 16836 ALABAMA

Ⅲ 19729 Ⅲ 19023 ALASKA

Ⅲ 19008 Ⅲ 19018 Ⅲ 19003 Ⅲ 19019 Ⅲ 19033

Ⅲ 19281

Ⅲ 19270

Anchorage, U of Alaska-Anchorage Fairbanks, U of Alaska Juneau, U of Alaska-Uas Kodiak, Kodiak Coll Sitka, Jackson Coll Soldotna, Kenai

Peninsula Coll

Ⅲ 19736


Ⅲ 19928

Ⅲ 19866 Ⅲ 19858 Ⅲ 19932

19920 Ⅲ 19901

Ⅲ 19881




Arizona U

Ⅲ 19286 Tempe, Arizona State U Ⅲ 19287 Thatcher, Eastern Az Coll Ⅲ 19274 Tucson, U of Arizona 15706 Fort Pierce, Indian River

Comm Coll

Ⅲ 15707 Gainesville, U of Florida Ⅲ 15708 Jacksonville, Jacksonville U 15717 Key West, Florida Keys

Comm Coll

15724 Melbourne, Florida Inst

of Tech

Ⅲ 15747 Miami, Miami-Dade Coll-Olfson Campus 15728 Naples, Naples HS Ⅲ 15719 Orlando, U of Central

Florida 15709 Panama City, Florida St U

Panama Cty Campus

Ⅲ 15718 Pensacola, U of W Florida Ⅲ 15712 Sarasota, U of S Fl/

New Coll

Ⅲ 15722 Tallahassee, Florida


Ⅲ 15714 Tampa, U of S Florida

Florida (cont'd)

Illinois (cont'd)

Ⅲ 15028 Edwardsville, Southern

Ⅲ 15023 Lisle, Benedictine U Ⅲ 15018 Macomb, Western Illinois U 15010 Normal, Illinois State U

Ⅲ 15013 Rock Island, Quad Cities

Ⅲ 15015 Urbana, U of Illinois

Ⅲ 15016 Wheaton, Wheaton Coll INDIANA

Ⅲ 14750 Bloomington, Indiana U

Illinois U

Paper-Based Test Centers

Ⅲ 14751 Ⅲ 14753 Ⅲ 14755 Ⅲ 14767

Ⅲ 14766 Ⅲ 14759


Ⅲ 19340 Boulder, U of Colorado-Boulder

Colorado Sprngs, U of


Denver,UofColoradoDurango, Ft Lewis Coll Fort Collins, Colorado

State U

Grand Junction, Mesa

State Coll

Greeley, U of Northern


Gunnison, Western

State Coll

Pueblo, Colorado State


17600 Arkadelphia, Henderson

State U


Baptist U

Ⅲ 17602 Conway, U of Central


Ⅲ 17603 Fayetteville, U of Arkansas Ⅲ 17605 Pine Bluff, U of Arkansas Ⅲ 17608 Russellville, Arkansas

Technical U

Ⅲ 17611 Searcy, Harding U 17606 State University, Arkansas

State U


Ⅲ 19326 Ⅲ 19344

19385 Ⅲ 19324

Ⅲ 19394 Ⅲ 16112 Ⅲ 16101

Ⅲ 16111 16102 16147 Ⅲ 16125

Ⅲ 16106


Ⅲ 19325 Ⅲ

19378 Albany, Albany State U Athens, U of Georgia Atlanta, Georgia State U Augusta, Augusta State U Decatur, SW Dekalb HS Fort Valley, Ft Vly State U Milledgeville,GeorgiaColl

& State U

Ⅲ 16107 Mt Berry, Berry Coll

16116 Savannah, Armstrong

Atlantic State U

Ⅲ 16110 Valdosta, Valdosta State U 14758 14763 14761 14760 Ⅲ 14757 IOWA

Ⅲ 17200 Ⅲ 17201 Ⅲ 17202 Ⅲ 17204 Ⅲ 17205 Bloomington Evansville, U of Evansville Fort Wayne, U of St Francis Greencastle, De Pauw U Hammond, Purdue U-Calumet

Muncie, Ball State U Notre Dame, U of Notre


Richmond, Earlham Coll Terre Haute, Indiana State U Upland, Taylor U Valparaiso, Valparaiso U West Lafayette, Purdue U Ames, Iowa State U edar Falls, U of Northern C


Decorah, Luther Coll Dubuque, Loras Coll Fair?eld, Maharishi U of

ManagementIowa City, U of Iowa Lamoni, Graceland U Sioux City, Briar Cliff U


Ⅲ 13009 13003 Ⅲ 13006Ⅲ 13007



Ⅲ 19043 Hilo, U of Hawaii Ⅲ 19076 Honolulu, U of Hawaii at Manoa 19041 Kahului Maui, Maui

Comm Coll

9044 Lihue, Kauai Comm Coll 1

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 17207

17210 Ⅲ 17222

KANSAS 17901 Garden City, Garden City

Comm Coll

Ⅲ 19654 19883 Ⅲ 19993 19704 Ⅲ 19744 CALIFORNIA

Arcata, Humboldt State U Bakers?eld, California State

U-At Bakers? eld Berkeley, Berkeley HS Camarillo, Camarillo HS Carson, California State

U-Dominguez Hills Chico, California State U Claremont, Claremont

Grad Sch

Fresno, California State U Fullerton, California State U Irvine, U of California La Jolla, U of California San

Diego Campus Los Angeles, California

State U

Los Angeles, UCLA Los Angeles, USC MissionViejo,

Saddleback Coll Oakland, Mills Coll Redlands, U of Redlands CONNECTICUT

Ⅲ 19671 Ⅲ 19833 Ⅲ 19887 Ⅲ 19768 Ⅲ 19747

Ⅲ 19726 Ⅲ 19770 Ⅲ 19790 Ⅲ 19783 Ⅲ 19731 19807

Ⅲ 19840 Fair?eld, Fair?eld U Middletown, Wesleyan U NewHaven,YaleUNewLondon,

Connecticut Coll

Ⅲ 13008 Storrs, U of Connecticut Ⅲ 13004 West Hartford, U of



19165 Boise, Boise State U Ⅲ 19161 Caldwell, Albertson Coll

of ID

Ⅲ 11331 Dover, Delaware State U 11330 Newark, U of Delaware Ⅲ 11553 Washington, Gallaudet U Ⅲ 11552 Washington, Georgetown U Ⅲ 11551 Washington, Howard U


Ⅲ 15701 Boca Raton, Florida Ⅲ 15703 Ⅲ 15720 Ⅲ

Atlantic U

oral Gables, U of Miami C Daytona Beach, Bethune-Cookman Coll

15704 Deland, Stetson U DELAWARE

Ⅲ 19170 Moscow, U of Idaho Ⅲ 19185 Pocatello, Idaho State U ILLINOIS

Ⅲ 15040Bloomington,Illinois

Wesleyan U


Nazarene U

15001 Carbondale, Southern IL U

Ⅲ 15034 Chicago, De Vry Inst

of Tech

15004 Chicago, Loyola U Ⅲ 15005 Chicago, U of Chicago Ⅲ 15017 Chicago, U of Illinois at


Ⅲ 15009 Decatur, Millikin U Ⅲ 15022 Dekalb, Northern Illinois U

Ⅲ 17881 Hays, Ft Hays State U Ⅲ 17882 Lawrence, U of Kansas 17883 Manhattan, Kansas State U 17884 Pittsburg, Pittsburg State U Ⅲ 17885 Topeka, Washburn U Ⅲ 17886 Wichita, Friends U KENTUCKY

15900 Bowling Green, Western

Ⅲ 15915 15906 Ⅲ 15901 Ⅲ 15902 Ⅲ 15911 Kentucky U


Campbellsville U Danville, Centre Coll Lexington, U of Kentucky Louisville, U of Louisville Morehead, Morehead

State U

Murray, Murray State U Owensboro, Brescia Coll Pikeville,PikevilleCollPippa Passes, Alice

Lloyd Coll Richmond, Eastern

Kentucky U Williamsburg,

Cumberland Coll

Ⅲ 15903 Ⅲ 15918 Ⅲ 15908 Ⅲ 15923 Ⅲ

15904 Ⅲ 15922 www.ets.org/gre 7

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006


Baton Rouge, Louisiana

State U

Lafayette, U of Louisiana at

Lafayette Lake Charles, McNeese State U Monroe, U of Louisiana at



State U

New Orleans, U of New

Orleans Shreveport, Centenary Coll Thibodaux, Nicholls State U Ⅲ

Ⅲ 17744


Ⅲ 17755 16410 Traverse City, Northwestern

Michigan Coll

Ⅲ 16411 Ypsilanti, Eastern

Michigan U

Michigan (cont'd)


New Jersey (cont'd)

Trenton, College of New


Ⅲ 11013 West Long Branch,

Monmouth U

Ⅲ 17753 Ⅲ 17746


17412 Bemidji, Bemidji State U 17401 Duluth, U of Minnesota Ⅲ 17410 Mankato, Mankato State U 17415 Marshall, SW Minnesota Ⅲ 17402 State U

Minneapolis, U of

Minnesota Moorhead, Concordia Coll Morris, U of Minnesota North?eld, Carleton Coll Rochester, U of Minnesota St Cloud, St Cloud State U St Paul, U of St Thomas Winona, St Marys U NEW MEXICO

Ⅲ 19249Albuquerque,UofNew


Gallup, U of New Mexico Las Cruces, New Mexico

State U Portales, Eastern New Mexico U Roswell, New Mexico

Mil Inst

Socorro, New Mexico Inst

Mining & Tech Albany, Coll of St Rose lbany, State U of NY A Alfred, Alfred U Annandale-OnHudson,

Bard Coll Binghamton, State U of NY Brooklyn, Polytechnic U Buffalo, State U Coll-BuffaloBuffalo, SUNY at Buffalo Canton, St Lawrence U Clinton,HamiltonCollGeneseo, Geneseo Coll Hamilton, Colgate U Ithaca, Cornell U Ithaca,IthacaCollJamaica, St Johns U New Paltz, SUNY-New Paltz New York, George

Washington HS

New York, NYU-Stern Sch

of Bus

New York, NYU-Wash Sq Niagara Univ, Niagara U Oneonta, State U Coll Oswego, SUNY Coll Pleasantville, Pace U Potsdam, State U Coll Poughkeepsie, Marist Coll Poughkeepsie, Vassar Coll Riverdale, Manhattan Coll Rochester,RochesterInst

of Tech

Rochester,UofRochesterSchenectady, Union Coll St Bonaventure, St

Bonaventure U

Stony Brook, State U of NY Syracuse, Onondaga

Comm Coll Troy, Rensselaer

Polytechnic Inst

Ⅲ 14500 Ⅲ 14501 14527 Ⅲ 14502 Ⅲ 14503 OHIO

Ⅲ 19257

Ⅲ 19240 Ⅲ

19229 19235 Ⅲ 14504 Ⅲ 14529


Ⅲ 14508 14507

Ⅲ 14512 14513Ⅲ 14514Ⅲ 14515Ⅲ 14518Ⅲ 14522 Ⅲ 17751 Ⅲ 17758 MAINE

14280 Brunswick, Bowdoin Coll Ⅲ

Ⅲ 14282 Lewiston, Bates Coll Ⅲ 14283 Orono, U of Maine Ⅲ 14281 Portland, U of Southern Ⅲ

Paper-Based Test Centers



Ⅲ 11363 Annapolis, US Naval Acad Ⅲ 11407 Baltimore, Morgan State U 11362 College Park, U of Maryland 11410 Frederick, Hood Coll 11366 Frostburg, Frostburg

Maine 14284 Presque Isle, U of Maine at

Presque Isle

Ⅲ 14285 Waterville, Colby Coll 17403 17404 17405 17428 Ⅲ 17414 Ⅲ 17423 Ⅲ 17409 MISSISSIPPI

Ⅲ 16900 Cleveland, Delta State U Ⅲ 16902 Hattiesburg, U of Southern Ⅲ

16912 Mississippi Itta Bena, Mississippi Vly

State U

Jackson, Jackson State U Lorman, Alcorn State U Meridian, Miss State U-Meridian Branch Mississippi State,

Mississippi State U University, U of Mississippi Ⅲ Ⅲ 19243 Ⅲ 13150

13151 13152 Ⅲ 13188


Ada, Ohio Northern U kron, U of Akron A

Ashland, Ashland U Athens, Ohio U Bowling Green, Bowling

Green State U

Cincinnati, U of Cincinnati Cleveland,Cleveland

State U

Columbus, Columbus State

Comm Coll Columbus, Ohio State U Gambier, Kenyon Coll Marietta,MariettaCollNewConcord,

Muskingum Coll Oberlin,OberlinCollOxford,MiamiUToledo,UofToledo

Youngstown, Youngstown

State U

Ⅲ 16910 Ⅲ 16913 Ⅲ 16907 Ⅲ 16904 Ⅲ 13154

13285 Ⅲ 13157 State U

11409 La Plata, Coll of Southern


11386 Princess Anne, U of


11403 Rockville, Montgomery

Coll-Rockville Campus

Ⅲ 11370 Salisbury, Salisbury State U Ⅲ 11378 St Mary's City, St

Marys Coll

Ⅲ 11375 Towson, Towson U

Ⅲ 11400 Westminster, McDaniel Coll Ⅲ 16906 Ⅲ 17002 Cape Girardeau, SE Mo St U Ⅲ 17027 Columbia, Rock Bridge HS Ⅲ 17004 Kansas City, U of Missouri Ⅲ 17011 Kirksville, Truman State U 17005 Maryville, NW Missouri

State U

olla, U of Missouri R

Spring?eld, SW Missouri

State U

Ⅲ 17017 St Joseph, Mo Western

State Coll

Ⅲ 1 7020 St Louis, St Louis Comm

Coll at Meramac

Ⅲ 17010 Warrensburg, Central

Missouri State U

Ⅲ 13158 Ⅲ 13159 Ⅲ 13160


Ⅲ 13162

13164 Ⅲ 13165

Ⅲ 13615 Ⅲ 13193 Ⅲ 13630 Ⅲ 13624 Ⅲ 13611 13168 Ⅲ

Ⅲ 13169

Ⅲ 13181 Ⅲ 13200 13171 Ⅲ 13186

Ⅲ 13172 Ⅲ 13287 Ⅲ 13173 Ⅲ 13174

Ⅲ 13176 Ⅲ 13175 Ⅲ 13612 Ⅲ 13180 Ⅲ 13179

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 18389 18372

Ⅲ 18380 Ⅲ 18374



Ⅲ 12681Amherst,AmherstCollⅢ 12596 Bedford, Midsex Comm Coll 12652 Boston, Roxbury Ⅲ 12651 Ⅲ 12671 12657 Ⅲ 12662 12663 Ⅲ 12664 Comm Coll

Boston, Simmons Coll Boston, Suffolk U Fitchburg, Fitchburg

State Coll

Salem, Salem State Coll South Hadley, Mt

Holyoke Coll Spring?eld, American

Intl Coll

West Barnstable, Cape

Cod Comm Coll


Ⅲ 17006 Ⅲ 17009

Ada, East Ctrl U Edmond, U of Central OK Lawton, Cameron U Norman, U of Oklahoma Stillwater,OklahomaState U

Ⅲ 18378 Tulsa, Oklahoma State

U-Tulsa Campus

Ⅲ 18381 Weatherford, Southwestern

Oklahoma State U

OREGON 19594 Ashland, Southern

Oregon U Ⅲ 19519Bend,CtrlOregon

Comm Coll

Ⅲ 19570 Corvallis, Oregon State U

Ⅲ 19576 Eugene, U of Oregon Ⅲ 19554 La Grande, Eastern

Oregon U

Ⅲ 19557 McMinnville, Lin?eld Coll

Ⅲ 19542 Portland, Portland State U Ⅲ 19555 Saint Helens, St Helens HS Ⅲ 19561 Salem, Willamette U

Ⅲ 19122 Bozeman, Montana State U 19119 Helena, Carroll Coll 19125 Missoula, U of Montana


Ⅲ 18001Chadron,Chadron

State Coll





Ⅲ 12009 Allentown, LE Dieruff HS Ⅲ 12060Bradford,UofPittsburgh 12028California,CaliforniaUⅢ 12002 12049 12004 Ⅲ 12005 12007 12008 Ⅲ 12010 12011 of PA

Carlisle, Dickinson Coll East Stroudsburg, East

Stroudsburg U of PA Easton, Lafayette Coll Erie, Gannon U Greenville, Thiel Coll Grove City, Grove City Coll Indiana, Indiana U of PA Lancaster, Franklin &

Marshall Coll Lewisburg, Bucknell U Lock Haven, Lock Haven U Mans?eld,Mans?eldU

of PA

Meadville, Allegheny Coll Media, Penn State-Delaware County Campus

Millersville,MillersvilleUPhiladelphia, Chestnut

Hill Coll

Philadelphia, Holy Family U Philadelphia, Temple U Pittsburgh, U of Pittsburgh Scranton,UofScrantonShippensburg,

Shippensburg U of PA SlipperyRock,Slippery

Rock U of PA Swarthmore,

Swarthmore Coll


Ⅲ 12666


Ⅲ 16414Albion,AlbionColl Ⅲ 16400 Ann Arbor, U of Michigan 16420 Ann Arbor, Washtenaw

Ⅲ 16402 Ⅲ 16403 Comm Coll

Detroit, Wayne State U East Lansing, Michigan

State U

Flint, U of Michigan Grand Rapids, Calvin Coll Holland, Hope Coll Houghton,Michigan

Technological U Kalamazoo, Western

Michigan U Marquette, Northern

Michigan U Mt Pleasant, Central

Michigan U

Rochester, Oakland U Sault Ste Marie, Lake

Superior State U

Ⅲ 16425 Ⅲ 16418 16404 Ⅲ 16405

Ⅲ 16407 16408

Ⅲ 16409 Ⅲ 18003 Kearney, U of NE at Kearney

Ⅲ 18004 Lincoln, U of Nebraska Ⅲ 18005 Omaha, U of Nebraska 18012 Wayne, Wayne State Coll NEVADA

Ⅲ 19605 Elko, Great Basin Coll Ⅲ 19611 Las Vegas, U of Nevada Ⅲ 19624 Reno, U of Nevada NEW HAMPSHIRE

Ⅲ 14001 Durham, U of New



Ⅲ 16413 Ⅲ 16416

Ⅲ 14002 Hanover, Dartmouth Coll Ⅲ 14003 Keene, Keene State Coll NEW JERSEY

Ⅲ 11025 Camden, Rutgers U Ⅲ 11001 Glassboro, Rowan U

Ⅲ 11012 Lawrenceville, Rider U Ⅲ 11005 New Brunswick, Rutgers U Ⅲ 11024 Newark, Essex County Coll Ⅲ 11003 Newark, Rutgers U Ⅲ 11016 Pomona, Richard

Stockton Coll

Ⅲ 11014 Princeton, Princeton HS 5300 1 A sheville, U of NC Asheville

15301 Boone, Appalachian State U 15304 Cullowhee, Western

Carolina U

Ⅲ 15305Davidson,DavidsonColl

Ⅲ 15346 Elizabeth City, Elizabeth

City State U

Ⅲ 15347 Fayetteville, Fayetteville

State U

15309 Greensboro, U of N Carolina

Ⅲ 15310 Greenville, East Carolina U

15313 Raleigh, North Carolina

State U

Ⅲ 15318 Wilmington, U of N Carolina Ⅲ 15316 Winston-Salem, Wake

Forest U


Ⅲ 12040 12013 Ⅲ Ⅲ

12014 12058 Ⅲ


Ⅲ 12409 12405 Ⅲ 12400 Ⅲ 12019 Ⅲ 12021Ⅲ 12016 Ⅲ


Ⅲ 18255Bismarck,Bismarck

State Coll

rand Forks, U of N Dakota G Minot, Minot State U 12029 Ⅲ


Ⅲ 18251

Ⅲ 18253 8 www.ets.org/gre

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

Pennsylvania (cont'd)12023 University Park, Ⅲ Ⅲ

Pennsylvania State U

Ⅲ 12024 Villanova, Villanova U 12027 Wilkes-Barre, Kings Coll Ⅲ 12550 Ⅲ 12552 Ⅲ 12553

RHODE ISLAND ingston, U of Rhode Island K Providence, Brown U Providence,Rhode

Island Coll


Ⅲ 15550 Charleston, Coll of


Clemson, Clemson U Columbia, U of SC Conway, Coastal Carolina U Florence, Francis Marion U Greenville,FurmanUGreenwood, Lander U Rock Hill, Winthrop U Spartanburg, Wofford Coll Brookings, South Dakota

State U

Rapid City, South Dakota

Sch Mines

Sioux Falls, Augustana Coll Spear?sh, Black Hills

State U

Vermilllon, U of S Dakota

Ⅲ 15551 Ⅲ 15552

Ⅲ 15553 Ⅲ 15563 Ⅲ 15555

Ⅲ 15572 15557 Ⅲ 15558 Ⅲ

Ⅲ 18131


18133 Ⅲ

18134 18138


TENNESSEE Ⅲ 16001 Chattanooga, U of

TennesseeⅢ 16006 Clarksville, Austin Peay

State U

Ⅲ 16002Cookeville,Tennessee

Tech U ackson, Lambuth U J

Johnson City, East Tennessee State U Knoxville, U of Tennessee Memphis, U of Memphis Murfreesboro, Mid

Tennessee State U Nashville, Tenn St U-Downtown Campus Nashville, Vanderbilt U Sewanee, U of the South

18535 Commerce, Texas A&M-Commerce

Ⅲ 18563 Corpus Christi, TX A&M

U-Comm Coll

Ⅲ 18512Dallas,Southern

Methodist U

18513 Denton, U of N TX 18532 Edinburg, U of TX Pan


Ⅲ 18561 Farmers Branch, Brookhaven Coll


Christian U

18539 Hawkins, Jarvis

Christian Coll

Ⅲ 18567 Houston, Texas Southern U Ⅲ 18517Houston,UofHouston Ⅲ 18518Huntsville,SamHouston

State U

Ⅲ 18562 Laredo, Texas A & M Intl U Ⅲ 18522 Lubbock, Texas Tech U Ⅲ 18573 Mesquite, East?eld

Comm Coll

Ⅲ 18523 Nacogdoches, Stephen

Austin State U

18540 Odessa, U of Texas

Permian Basin

Ⅲ 18525 San Angelo, Angelo State U Ⅲ 18526 San Antonio, St Mary's U

Ⅲ 18528 Sherman, Austin Coll Ⅲ 18529 Waco, Baylor U Ⅲ

Texas (cont'd)


Ⅲ 19424 Bellingham, Western

Washington U

Port Angeles,

Peninsula Coll Pullman,Washington

State U

Richland, WSU-Tri Cities Seattle, U of Washington Spokane, Gonzaga U Tacoma, U of Puget Sound WallaWalla,WhitmanColl




Ⅲ 10903 Calgary, U of Calgary 10908 Cold Lake, 4 Wing Cold


Ⅲ 19400 Ⅲ


19455 Ⅲ 19448 Ⅲ 19407 Ⅲ 19458 Ⅲ 19416WEST VIRGINIA 11880 Athens, Concord U 11881Buckhannon,WestVirginia

Wesleyan Coll

Charleston,UofCharlestonHuntington, Marshall U Morgantown, West

Virginia U

West Liberty, West Liberty

State Coll

Ⅲ 10902 Edmonton, U of Alberta 10785 Ft McMurray, Keyano Coll 10904 Lethbridge, U of Lethbridge BRITISH COLUMBIA

Ⅲ 10912 Penticton, Okanagan Coll Ⅲ 10927 Prince George, Coast Inn

Ⅲ 10932


Vancouver, Simon Fraser U

at Harbour Ctr

Ⅲ 10915 Victoria, U of Victoria 11882 Ⅲ

Ⅲ 11884

Ⅲ 11885 Ⅲ 11887 MANITOBA

Ⅲ 10955 Brandon, Brandon U Ⅲ 10922 Winnipeg, U of Manitoba NEW BRUNSWICK 10751Fredericton,UofNew


10754 Sackville, Mt Allison U


Ⅲ 19213 Ⅲ 19207 Ⅲ 19210 Ⅲ 1 9215

Ⅲ 16003 Ⅲ 16004 Ⅲ 16005 Ⅲ 16010 Ⅲ 16020 Ⅲ

16026 Cedar City, Southern Utah U

Logan, Utah State U Provo, Brigham Young U S alt Lake City, U of Utah


Ⅲ 16612Appleton,LawrenceU 16600 Ashland, Northland Coll Ⅲ 16601 Eau Claire, U of Wisconsin Ⅲ 16618 Green Bay, U of Wisconsin 16602 Kenosha, Carthage Coll Ⅲ 16603 La Crosse, U of Wisconsin Ⅲ 16604 Madison, U of Wisconsin Ⅲ 16605 Milwaukee, Marquette U Ⅲ 16613 Milwaukee, U of Wisconsin 16617 Oshkosh, U of Wisconsin 16615 Platteville, U of Wisconsin 16608 Stevens Point, U of


Ⅲ 10982 Corner Brook, Sir Wilfred

Grenfell Coll

St Johns, Memorial U of Newfoundland

Paper-Based Test Centers

Ⅲ 10756 Ⅲ


Ⅲ 10991 Yellowknife, Aurora Coll NOVA SCOTIA 10900 Antigonish, St Francis

Ⅲ 10763 10924

Xavier U

Halifax, Dalhousie U Sydney, U Coll of Cape


14145 Lyndonville, Lyndon

State Coll

Ⅲ 14142 Middlebury, Midbury Coll 14144North?eld,NorwichU 14150 Poultney, Green Mtn Coll 16614 Whitewater, U of Wisconsin WYOMING 19146 Casper, Casper Coll Ⅲ 19155 Laramie, U of Wyoming Ⅲ 19145 Pinedale, Pinedale HS Ⅲ Western 19154 Rock Springs, Wyoming Coll


Ⅲ 11580 Blacksburg, Virginia Poly

Ⅲ 16008 16014


18536 Abilene, Abilene Christian U Ⅲ 18501 Alpine, Sul Ross State U

Ⅲ 18503 Arlington, U of Texas Ⅲ 18504 Austin, U of Texas 18505 Beaumont, Lamar U Ⅲ 18508 Brownwood, Howard

Ⅲ 18509

Payne U

Canyon, W TX A&M U

State U

Ⅲ 18510CollegeStation,Texas


Ⅲ 11581

Ⅲ 11590 11582

Ⅲ 11583 11586Ⅲ 11610 Ⅲ 11589 Ⅲ 11591 11611 Ⅲ 11603

Inst & State U

Charlottesville,UofVirginiaFairfax, George Mason U Fredericksburg, U of Mary


Hampton, Hampton U Lexington,Washingtonand

Lee U

Lynchburg, Liberty U Richmond, Virginia

Commonwealth U Williamsburg, Coll of

William & Mary

Winchester, Shenandoah U Wise, U of Virginia at Wise



Ⅲ 18274 Mayaguez, UPR-Mayaguez


Ⅲ 18278Ponce,Ponti?calCatholicU

of Puerto Rico

ONTARIO Ⅲ 10767Hamilton,McMasterUⅢ 10768Kingston,Queen'sUⅢ 10776 St Catharines, Brock U 10777Sudbury,LaurentianU

Ⅲ 10774 Thunder Bay, Lakehead U Ⅲ 10775 Toronto, U of Toronto Ⅲ 10781 Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier U PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND

10778 Charlottetown, U of Prince

Edward Island



10866 Pago Pago, Dept of Edu


Ⅲ 10862 Mangilao, U of Guam US VIRGIN ISLANDS

10714 St Thomas, U of Virgin

Islands QUEBEC

Ⅲ 10779 Montreal, Concordia U 10782 Montreal, McGill U 10784 Sainte Foy, Laval U SASKATCHEWAN

Ⅲ 10928 Regina, U of Regina Ⅲ 10930 Saskatoon, U of



Whitehorse, Yukon Coll

www.ets.org/gre 9

March 11, 2006

March 11, 2006

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

Dec. 10, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

March 11, 2006

April 1, 2006

10741 ● Ⅲ ● ●



Tirane Albania, Shkolla Jo- Publike



10034 Algiers, Language Services



10042 10080 10078 10740 10194 0547 1 10541 10575 10582 Ⅲ


10049 Luanda, US Embassy Ⅲ

Ⅲ ● Ⅲ


● Ⅲ



St Johns, Antigua Girls HS



10062 0126 1

10637 Buenos Aires, Inst Cult Argentino

NorteamericanoCordoba, IICANA Tucuman, Aticana Ⅲ

Belem, Centro Cultural Brasil Belo Horizonte, Inst Cultural Brasil Brasilia, Casa Thomas Jefferson Cultural Curitiba Parana, Centro Brasil-Estados Unido Fortaleza, Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos

Recife, American Sch of Recife Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Brasil-

Estados Unidos

Salvador, Assoc Cult Brasil- Estados Unidos Sao Paulo, Ucbeu


10589 Abidjan, Intl Comm Sch Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Zagreb, Americka Skola Nicosia, Cyprus Coll Maarif Coll Nicosia, Turk


10491 10317 CZECH REPUBLIC


Prague, Czech Tech. U. (CVUT)

● Ⅲ


10581 Santo Domingo, Inst Cult Dominico Americano


Ⅲ ● ● ● ● ●


10074 Gadong, American Embassy lagoevgrad, American U BSo? a, SS Cyril & Methodius Intl Found Ⅲ Ⅲ



Erevan, American U of Armenia Oranjestad, Colegio Arubano Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ


0051 1




● ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ




10528 Guayaquil,BrookdaleCollQuito, Fulbright Comm Paper-Based Test Centers

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ


0811 1

10800 10813 10505 10806 10809 10810 10799 10801 0707 1

10812 Adelaide, U of S Australia

Canberra, Australian National U Carlton Victoria, U of Melbourne Claremont, Edith Cowan U Gold Coast, Bond U Hobart, U of Tasmania Perth, Intl Sch of Perth

Queensland, Russo Institute of Technology St Lucia--Brisbane, U of

QueenslandSydney, Macquarie U Townsville, James Cook U ● Ⅲ BURKINA FASO

10651 Ouagadougou, Centre Culturel

Americain Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ


10029 10107 10579

Alexandria, American Ctr Cairo, Amideast Off San Salvador, American Sch (HS)



Phnom Perth, Royal U of Phnom

Perth ●


10715 10355Kent, Warnborough U Leeds,LeedsUAsmara, Asmara U Ⅲ

Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ


10152 10689 ouala, Amer Cult Ctr D

Yaounde, American Language Ctr ● Ⅲ ● ●

Ⅲ 10039 Bangui, Ctr Cult Amer ●



10114 Tallinn, Tallinn Tech U CHAD

10450 Ndjamena, Ctr Cult Amer 10662

● Ⅲ


Vienna, Austro-Amer Inst of Edu


10580 Santiago, Inst Chileno Norteamericano


0005 1


Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa U

ire Dawa, Alemaya Agric U D


Baku, Azerbaijan State

Economic U


10871 Suva, Intl Sec Sch


10484 10438 Freeport, Freeport HS Nassau, Government HS



0606 1

10520 10122 10169 1013910237 10244 10253 10292 10428 10607 1062110641 1064210688

eijing, Beijing Foreign Studies U B

Beijing, Beijing Language Inst Chengdu, Sichuan Union U Dalian, Dalian Foreign Language Inst

Guangzhou,GuangzhouForeignLanguage Inst

Hangzhou, Zhejiang Gongshang U Harbin, U of Heilongjiang Hefei, U of Science and

Technology Jinan, Shandong U Nanjing, Nanjing U Shanghai, East China Normal U (Icnu)

Tianjin,TianjinUWuhan, Wuhan U Xiamen,XiamenU

Xian, Xian Foreign Language U



10568 Helsinki, League of Finn-Am

Societies Ⅲ Ⅲ ●


10140 Dhaka, Notre Dame Coll Ⅲ Ⅲ


Ⅲ ●



St Michael, Ministry of Edu

● Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● ● ● ●


10386 10562 10422 10416 10398 10747 Bordeaux,INSEEC

yon, U of Lyon 3 L

Marseille Cedex, Institut Superieur de Genie Administ Montpellier, Amer Library Paris, Institut Catholique Rennes, U de Rennes 2 Haute


Strasbourg, Accueil Uaire A Strasbourg

● Ⅲ

10472 Minsk, Educational Information Ctr

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ●

● ●



Brussels, Intl Sch of Brussels



Belize City, St Johns Coll

● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ



10316 Libreville, American Intl Sch BENIN

10132 Cotonou, American Cultural Ctr

Ⅲ Ⅲ ●


10046 1005710085 10638 Barranquilla, Colegio Karl C

Parrish Bogota,CentroColomboAmericano Bucaramanga, Centro Colombo Americano Bucaramanga, Uersidad Industrial de Santander

Cali, Centro Colombo Americano Medellin, Centro Colombo Americano GAMBIA, THE

10041 Banjul, St Joseph's HS GEORGIA



● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ


10142 Devonshire, Bermuda Coll BHUTAN

10071 Thimphu, Royal Cival ServiceCommission

Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ



10870 10236 10791


Freiburg, Freiburg Intl Business Sch Hamburg, Amerikazentrum Hamburg Munich,Ludwig-Maximilians-U




10353 10617

La Paz, Centro Boliviano

Americano Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Christian

Learning Ctr

Ⅲ 0102 1

0397 1


● Ⅲ Ⅲ



Kinshasa, Congo Amer Lang Inst


10027 10003 Accra, Public Affairs Section, U.S.

Embassy Accra, W.A.E.C.

● Ⅲ Ⅲ


10073 Sarajevo, U of Sarajevo COSTA RICA

10578 San Jose, Centro Cultural

Costarricense Na




Gaborone, Research & Testing Ctr

*See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.

10 www.ets.org/gre


March 11, 2006Dec. 10, 2005

March 11, 2006Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005

April 1, 2006

Oct. 22, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

March 11, 2006

April 1, 2006

Fukuoka, Fukuoka Intl Sch Kobe, Canadian Acad Nagoya, Nagoya Intl Sch Okinawa, Okinawa Christian Sch Sapporo, Hokkaido Intl Sch Sendai, Tohoku U Tokyo, Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin April 1, 2006


10083 10488 10632 Athens, Hellenic Amer Union Patras, American College of Patras Thessaloniki, Anatolia Coll/College of Higher Stud

Ⅲ Ⅲ GUATEMALA 10216 Guatemala City, Inst Guatemalteco

Americano ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ

Ⅲ ●

● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ


10667 10838 10842 10467 10608 10679 10833 ● Ⅲ ● MOLDOVA

10267 Chisinau, Palatul National de

Creatie A Copiil


10379 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolian Technical U


10154 JORDAN

10014 Amman, U of Jordan 10546 ●


Rabat, Amer Language Ctr Maputo, American Embassy Conakry, English Language

Studies Ctr


10218 Georgetown, Guyana Industrial Training Ctr


10030 Alma-Ata, Kazakh State U 10446 MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR

10540 Ⅲ Ⅲ




Nairobi, Kenya Tech Teachers Coll

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Yangon, Amer Ctr ● Ⅲ HAITI

10498 Port-Au-Prince, Haitian-American


● ● Ⅲ


10620 Tegucigalpa, Amer Sch Ⅲ

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ●


1083110305 1033710614 Kwangju,ChonnamNationalUPusan, Pusan National U Seoul,KyonggiUTaegu, Keimyung U ● Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ



Windhoek, Tucsin


10314 Kathmandu, St Xavier's Sch NETHERLANDS ANTILLES

10131 Willemstad-Curacao, U of

Netherland Antilles



Kowloon, Hong Kowloon City U of

Hong Kong

Ⅲ ● Ⅲ


10323 Shweikh, Kuwait U Paper-Based Test Centers




(Slavic) U


10111 10281

Budapest, Fulbright Ed

Advising Ctr Szeged, J A T E Reykjavik, US Edu Comm-Fulbright

● Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ



10818 1082410823 10819 Auckland, Ielts U of Auckland Auckland, U of Auckland Christchurch,ChristchurchCollof Edu

Dunedin, U of Otago Wellington, Fulbright New Zealand Ⅲ

● Ⅲ ●


10542 Riga LV-1010, Riga Sch of

Economics Ⅲ Ⅲ ICELAND




10008 10044 10110 10245 10097 10426 10091 10515 0485 1 10537 10995

Allahabad, Bishop Johnson Sch Bangalore, St Josephs Collge of


Coimbatore, South India Textile Reseach Assoc

Hyderabad, Degree College For Women

Kolkata - 700 035, Khalsa

Model HS

Madras, Stella Maris Coll Mumbai, Mumbai Teachers Training Coll

New Delhi, Vidya Bhawan Mahavidyalaya Sr Sch

Pilani, Birla Inst of Tech & Science Ranchi, Birla Inst of Tech

Trivandrum, Loyola Coll of Social




10036 Beirut, American Comm Sch 10136 Beirut, Amideast NICARAGUA

10392 Managua, American

Nicaraguan Sch



Skopje, Centar Za Stranski Jazici

● Ⅲ Ⅲ


10433 Niamey, Ctr Cult Amer ● Ⅲ ● ● ●


10636 Antananarivo, Ctr Cult Amer 10058 10324 0350 1 10508 Benin City, Idia Coll Kaduna, West African Exams Council

Lagos, Fed Tech Coll of Ed u Port Harcourt, West African Exams Council


10697 10694 Lilongwe, US Embassy-Public

Affairs Section Zomba, U of Malawi ●

Ⅲ Ⅲ ●


10335 0738 1

10322 10492 Kota Kinabalu, Tshung Tsin Sec Sch

Kuala Lumpur, Metropolitan Coll Kuching, Examinations Off Penang, Macee Off ● Ⅲ Ⅲ NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS

10873 Saipan, Northern Marianas C oll

Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ●


● Ⅲ 10470



rondheim, Norweigan Uni of Sci T

and Technology


10066 Bamako, Mali Ii/USAID

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ


10672 10671 1038710250 10670 10577 10690 andung, Uas Nusantara B

Jakarta, PKBI Medan,PPIA

Padang, Uas Bung Hatta Palembang, Sriwijaya U Surabaya, PPIA

Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada U MALTA

10569 Msida, U of Malta OMAN

10400 Al-Khuwair, Modern Coll of

Business & Science



10795 Kwajalein,CommEducationCtrMajuro, College of Marshall Islands Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ


10280 10313 10382

Islamabad, US Edu Found Karachi, Crowne Holiday Inn Lahore, Lahore U of Mgmt



0018 1 10017

ork City, U College Cork C

Galway, National U of Ireland




10440 Nouakchott, US Embassy

● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ


10878 Koror, Palau Comm Coll Ⅲ Ⅲ


10884 10885 10883 10882 10881

Guadalajara, Inst Cultural


Hermosillo, Inst Mexicano-Americano Merida, Instituto Benjamin Franklin

Monterrey, Amer Sch Found Puebla, Uersidad de Las Americas


10735 Panama City, Oxford Sch

Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ


10622 Tel Aviv, Zoa House Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ●


10067 10399 10230 10206 10561 10536 Bologna, Johns Hopkins U Milan, American Sch of Milan Palermo, Palermo Italy Pordenone, Agenzia Formativa Ial Rome, Auditorium Parocchiale Rome, John Cabot U Ⅲ

● 1 0342 10865


ae, Intl Sch of Lae L

Port Moresby, U of Papua New




10015 Asuncion, Cent Cult

Paraguayo Amer


10252 10720

Kingston, Priory Sch Kingston, U of W Indies



0869 1 10877 ohnpei, Pohnpei Island Ctrl Sch P Yap, Dept of Edu Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ





*See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.

www.ets.org/gre 11

March 11, 2006

March 11, 2006

Dec. 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 2005

April 1, 2006

April 1, 2006

Dec. 10, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Nov. 12, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

Oct. 22, 2005

March 11, 2006

April 1, 2006


Port-Of-Spain, Ministry of Edu





10099 10859 10854 10857 10855 10856


C agayan de Oro City, Xavier U Cebu City, U of San Carlos Davao City, Ateneo de Davao U Dumaguete City, Silliman U Iloilo City, Ctrl Philippine U Quezon City, U of Philippines


10064 10096 10665 Barcelona, Inst de Estudios Norteamericanos-Bar

Pamplona, Uersidad de Navarra Valencia, Centro de Estudios Norteamericano




10631 Tunis, Amideast TURKEY

10009 10273 10012 Ankara, Turk-American Dernegi-Ankara

Istanbul, Robert Coll Ashgabat, American Center-Accels Ⅲ Ⅲ POLAND

10752 Warsaw, Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli SRI LANKA

10289 Colombo, US Educational



10153 Doha, Ramada Hotel

Ⅲ ●


10065 Basseterre, Basseterre HS ST. LUCIA 10708 Castries, St Mary's Coll ● Ⅲ Ⅲ


10315 Kampala**, American Embassy/



● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ●


10733 10336 1044110219 ROMANIA

Iasi, Uatea "Al I Cuza"

Ⅲ ●



Ekaterinburg, Ural State Acad Moscow, Intl U Ersity Novosibirsk,InstituteofEconomics Saratov, US Regl Educational Info Ctr

St Petersburg, Central City Library

State Vladivostok, Far Eastern Technical U


● Ⅲ Ⅲ ●



10333 Kingstown, Ministry of Education SUDAN

10329 Khartoum, Khartoum Amer Sch Paramaribo, Summer Inst of Ling



10330 1023810290 10332

Kharkov, Sch 106 Kyiv,KievMohylaAcadL'Viv, Sec Sch No 52


Paper-Based Test Centers

● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ



0233 1

10898 10059


10407 Mbabane, Ministry of Edu

Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ



0404 1

Abu Dhabi, Intl Sch of Choueifat

harjah, Intl Sch of Choueifat S


10401 Montevideo, Alianza Cultural


UZBEKISTAN 10328 Tashkent, Oriental Studies U ●


10326 10294 Kigali, Amer Cult Ctr Apia, Peace Corps Off

Ⅲ ●

● ●

0214 1

10123 10512 oteborg, Vasasuolan G

Stockholm, Rodabergaskolan Vaxjo, Vaxjo U Ⅲ


10654 0447 1 10594 10595 Dhahran, Dhahran Sch eddah, Dar Al Fikir Schs (Girls) J Riyadh, Amideast Riyadh, Amideast Women


10227 0222 1

10711 Chamby, Business Sch of Lausanne

Geneva, Intl Sch of Geneva Zurich, Modern Language Centres Ag

Damascus, American Language Ctr aipei, National Taiwan U T



10105 10396 10413

Caracas, Centro Venezolano

Americano Maracaibo, Centro Venezolano Americano Merida,CentroVenezolanoAmericano de Merid anoi, Hilton Hanoi Opera Hotel H Hanoi, UN Intl Sch Ho Chi Minh City, Amara Saigon

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ● ● Ⅲ ● ● ● ●

● ●




Dakar, West African Research Ctr Freetown, Fourah Bay Coll SYRIA

10145 Ⅲ



Ⅲ ●



● Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ●


0555 1

10461 10613




Ⅲ Ⅲ Singapore, Regional Language

Center (Relc)


10082 Bratislava, Comenius U In Bratislava



Dar Es Salaam, Amer Ctr-Dar

Es Salaa

1 0207

Ⅲ Ⅲ 10443


● Ⅲ ● ● ●

Ⅲ ● ●


aza, Gaza Strip, Atfaluna Society G

Ramallah, Bridge Acad YEMEN

Sana'A, Amideast Lang Inst




Honiara, U of S Paci? c


10043 10118 10031 10120 0291 1

1039410506 10591 loemfontein, Vista U B

Cape Town, U of Cape Town Durban North, Durban N Coll Durban-Westville, U of Durban-Westville Johannesburg, U of Witwatersrand Mmabatho,UofBophuthatswanaPort Elizabeth, U of Port Elizabeth Sovenga, U of N

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ Ⅲ


10130 10045 10121 Bangkok, Intl Sch Bangkok, Ruamrudee Intl Sch Chiang Mai, USIS YUGOSLAVIA

10677 0887 1


Pristina Kosovo, U of Pristina


10372 10373

Kitwe, English Speaking Sch of

Lumbu Lusaka, Intl Sch of Lusaka


10367 Lome, Amer Cult Ctr-Lome TONGA

10874 Nuku Alofa, Liahona HS

Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ


10572 Harare, Prince Edward Sch

*See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.**Admission ticket will show exact center address.

12 www.ets.org/gre

For the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site at www.gre.org/codelst.html.

Do not use this list in selecting a test center.

The institutions and fellowship sponsors listed below are approved to receive GRE scores; this does not necessarily mean that these institutions or fellowship sponsors require or recommend taking GRE tests. When registering, if a score recipient is not listed,

complete the Additional Score Report (ASR) Request Form (center of the 2005-06 GRE Information and Registration Bulletin) and include the name and complete mailing address of the recipient. The ASR form must accompany your registration form.If a star (?) appears to the left of an institution’s code number, it indicates that, at the time this publication was printed, the

1003 Alabama Agricltrl Mechncl U 1248 Alabama Public Library Service 1006 Alabama State U 7089 Andrew Jackson U ? 1024 Athens State Coll 1005 Auburn U Auburn 1036 Auburn U Montgomery 3278 Baptist Health Sys Scharship 1064 Birmingham Southern Coll 3878 Columbia Southern U 1034 Faulkner U

0805 Heritage Christian U ? 1303 Huntingdon Coll 1736 Jacksonville State U ? 1349 Judson Coll ? 1468 Miles Coll ? 1586 Oakwood Coll 1302 Samford U 1723 Southeastern Bible Coll 9776 Southern Christian U 1733 Spring Hill Coll ? 1739 Stillman Coll ? 1800 Talladega Coll 1296 Troy U Distance Learning 1824 Troy U Dothan 1798 Troy U Montgomery 1915 Troy U Phenix City 1738 Troy U Troy 1813 Tuskegee U 1856 UAlabama Birmingham 1854 UAlabama Huntsville 1830 UAlabama Tuscaloosa 1515 UMobile 1004 UMontevallo 1735 UN Alabama 1737 Uof W Alabama 1880 US Alabama 1885 United States Sports Acad 4201 4896 4866 4897 institution was not offering graduate programs. An institution

code preceded by a star should not be entered in the score report recipient section of the registration form.

Various organizations use GRE scores in considering candidates for graduate fellowships. However, test scores should not be directed to a fellowship sponsor unless you have filed an application with that sponsor or have been requested by the sponsor to send scores. If you are applying for a fellowship that does not appear in the list but is offered by a specific university, contact the university to determine the appropriate code to use. If you are eligible to designate a sponsor not included in this list, see the instructions above. For proper handling, enter “0000” in the department code boxes.



rkansas (cont'd)A 6007 UArkansas Monticello 6004 UArkansas Pine Bluff 6012 UCtrl Arkansas ? 6111 UOzarks ? 6658 Williams Baptist Coll 9538 Winrock Intl 4039 4016 4209 7032 4008 4596 4021 4195 4017 4094 4031 4807 4049 4034 4088 ? 4035 4128 4082 4038 4110 4743 4048 4098 4312 4589 4011 4345 4389 4399 1945 4707 4671 4099 4684 4687 4155 4713 4047 4257 ? 4150 4050 4076 4053 ? 4054 4710 4069 4284 0585 4212 4616 4313 4328 4329 4336 4341 4349 4366 4059 4347 4364 4265 4363 4367 4365 ? 4368 4166 4380 4062 4403 ? 4411 CALIFORNIA


Alaska Paci?c U

UAlaska Anchorage UAlaska Fairbanks UAlaska SE 4003 American Grad Sch

Intrntl Mgmt

4162 Argosy U 4007 Arizona State U 4165 Arizona State U-West 4331 Grand Canyon U 4160 Midwestern U Phy Asst

Program 4006 Northern Arizona U 4635 Project 1000 4736 Southwestern Coll 4827 Troy U Davis-Monthan AFB AZ 4168 UAdvancing Computer Tech 4832 UArizona 4808 UArizona Optical Sci Ctr 4912 UArizona Planetary Sci 4911 UPhoenix 6011 6010 6267 6272 ? 6273 6321 ? 6009 6549 ? 6578 6661 6512 6866 6368 6901 ARIZONA


Arkansas State U

Arkansas Tech U Harding U

Henderson State U Hendrix Coll John Brown U Lyon Coll Ouachita Baptist U Philander Smith Coll Southern Arkansas U

UAR Med Sci Coll Pub Hlth UArkansas Fayetteville UArkansas Little Rock UArkansas Medical Sci Alliant Intl U

American Baptist Seminary W American Intercontinental U Antioch U Los Angeles Armstrong U Azusa Paci?c U Bethany Coll Bethel Theological Sem W Biola U

California Baptist U California College of Arts California Inst Integral Stds California Institute Arts California Institute Technolgy California Lutheran U California Maritime Acad California Sch Prof Psych California St Poly U Pomona California St Poly U SLO California St U Bakers?d California St U Calexico California St U Chico California St U Dmgz Hls California St U Fresno California St U Fullerton California St U Hayward California St U Humboldt California St U Long Beach California St U Los Angl California St U Monterey Bay California St U Northridge California St U Sacrmento California St U San Brnd California St U San FranciscoCalifornia St U San JoseCalifornia St U San MarcosCalifornia St U Stanislaus Chapman U

Charles R Drew U Med SciChristian Heritage Coll Church Divinity Sch Paci? c City of Hope Graduate Sch Claremont Graduate U Claremont McKenna Coll Claremont Sch Theology Concordia U

Dominican College San Rafael Dominican Sch Philos & Theo Emperor's Coll Fresno Paci?c Coll Fuller Theological Seminary Golden Gate Baptist Theo Sem Golden Gate U

Graduate Theological Union Harvey Mudd Coll Hebrew Union Coll Hertz Foundation Holy Names Coll Hsi Lai U

Inst For Creation Research Institute Transpersonal Psy Intl Sch of Theology Jesuit Sch Theology Berkly John F Kennedy U

Johnston Center U Redlands Keck Graduate Institute La Sierra U Loma Linda U

Loyola Marymount U

Masters College & Seminary

alifornia (cont'd)C

4966 West Coast U 4152 Western U Health Sciences 4980 Westminister Theol Sem In CA ? 4950 Westmont Coll 4952 Whittier Coll 4955 Woodbury U 3057 Wright Institute 9164 Yo San U 4001 4659 4072 4073 4075 4611 4133 4080 ? 4310 4356 4484 ? 4505 4549 4656 3295 4841 4874 7209 4877 4875 4842 4074 4078 ? 4830 4946 3001 ? 3292 3284 3898 3966 3390 3439 0103 3712 3734 3780 3662 3754 3899 3914 3915 3931 3436 3663 5807 3959 3350 3981 3987 3994 7072 3985 3988 3996 3992 3998 3983 3975 5153 5811 5894 5925 COLORADO

Adams State Coll Colorado Christian U Colorado Coll Colorado Sch Mines Colorado St U

Colorado St U-Pueblo Colorado Tech Denver Seminary Ft Lewis Coll Iliff Sch Theology Mesa State Coll Metropolitan State Coll Denver National Technological U Regis U

St Johns Semnry Sch Theolgy UColorado Boulder UColorado Colorado Springs UColorado Health Sci Ctr Dentistry

UColorado Health Sci Ctr Denver

UColorado at Denver UDenver UNorthern Colorado UNC-Dietetic Internship Prog United States Air Force Acad Western State College Colorado Albertus Magnus Coll Charter Oak State Coll Connecticut Coll Ctrl Connecticut State U Eastern Connecticut State U Fair?eld U

Holy Apostles Coll Pratt & Whitney of China Inc Quinnipiac U

Rensselaer Hartford Sacred Heart U

Southern Connecticut St U St Joseph Coll Trinity Coll UBridgeport UConnecticut UConnecticut Hlth Ctr Frmg UHartford UNew Haven US Coast Guard Acad Wesleyan U

Western Connecticut State U Yale New Haven Hsp Diet Intern Yale U

Yale U Divinity Sch Yale U Inst Sacred Music Yale U Sch Architecture Yale U Sch Drama Yale U Sch Frstry & Env Std Yale U Sch Music Yale U Sch Nursing Yale U Sch of Medicine Yale U Sch of Public Hlth Delaware State U UDelaware Wesley Coll Wilmington Coll CONNECTICUT

5149 Academy Educational

Developmnt 5023 Agency Intl Develop 5282 American Councils Intl Edu 5140 American Society

Engnrng Educ

5024 American Sociological Assoc 5007 American U 8439 American U-Art & Sci 7995 American U Sch


5558 American U Sch Intl Service 5733 American U Sch Public Affairs 5027 Amideast 5104 Catholic U of America 5705 Corcoran College Art Design 5179 De Sales Sch of Theology 2498 Dominican House of Studies 5239 Federal Rsrve Sys Bd

Doc Flwsp

4187 Florence Carlough Sclrshp Fund 5246 G Wash U Columbian Sch A&S 5266 GWash U Education 5241 GWash U Elliott Sch Int Af 5268 G Wash U Medical Ctr 5287 GWash U Pub Admin 5259 G Wash U Sch Bus & Publ Mgt 5245 G Wash U Sch Engr & Appl Sci 5554 G Wash U Sch Med/Health Sci 5240 Gallaudet U 5244 Georgetown U 5297 Howard U 8401 IIE/Scharships & Training Pg 5456 Intl Monetary Fund 9314 Intl Road Federation 5610 Johns Hopkins U Adv Intrl Std 5205 Joint Mil Intelligence Cl 9654 Ministry Sci & Tech 6700 National Research Council 5967 Phrma Foundation 9353 Royal Thai Embassy Stdnt Dept 5622 Southeastern U 5632 Strayer Coll 5796 Trinity Coll 5929 UDist Columbia 9260 UMission Tunisia 5931 Washington Theological Union 5899 Wesley Theological Seminary ? 0878 5964 5486 5577 5053 ? 5061 5071 ? 5142 ? 5223 ? 5182 5190 5232 5226 5160 5208 5777 5191 5201 5204 9907 ? 5235 5215 5229 5605 0054 5300 5080 5206 Institution Codes



American College Switzerland American U Caribbean Argosy U-Tampa Ave Maria U Barry U

Bethune-Cookman Coll Carlos Albizu U

Clearwater Christian Coll Eckerd Coll Edward Waters Coll Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U FL Metro U-Clearwater FL Metro U-E Hillsborough FL Metro U-Ft Lauderdale FL Metro U-Jacksonville FL Metro U-Lakeland FL Metro U-Melbourne FL Metro U-N Campus FL Metro U-S Campus FL Metro U-W Hillsborough Flagler Coll Florida A M U Florida Atlantic U

Florida Beacon Coll & Seminary Florida Education Fund Florida Gulf Coast U

Florida Institute Technology Florida Intl U

? Undergraduate only

www.ets.org/gre 13

lorida (cont'd)F 5217 Florida Meml Coll 5218 Florida Southern Coll 5219 Florida State U ? 5171 Ft Lauderdale Coll 0237 Gooding Inst Nurse Anesthesia 5646 Intl Fine Arts Colleg 5331 Jacksonville U 5437 Lynn U 5475 NE Consortium Engng Ed 5479 National-Louis U 5806 Naval Personnel Bureau of ? 5506 New College of Florida 5514 Nova Seastern U 5516 Nova Seastern U PhD 5522 Nova Sothestrn U Hlth Prof Div 5345 Orlando Coll 5553 Palm Beach Atlantic Coll 4714 Regis U 5572 Rollins Coll 0835 Schiller Intl U ? 5621 Southestrn Coll

Assemblies God

? 5650 St John Vianney College Sem 5638 St Leo Coll 5076 St Thomas U 5647 St Vincent de Paul Reg Sem 5630 Stetson U ? 5780 Trinity Baptist Coll 5463 Trinity Intl U 5791 Troy U 5233 UCtrl Florida 5951 UFL Coll Agr Life Sci 5812 UFlorida 5753 UFlorida Coll Vet Medicine 5490 UNorth Florida 5914 USarasota 5828 USouth Florida 5325 USt Augustine Health Sci 5819 UTampa 5833 UWest Florida 5815 Uof Miami 6911 Walden U ? 5883 Warner Southern Coll ? 5893 Webber Intl U

5673 AM Intercontinental U-Dunwoody 5002 Agnes Scott Coll 5004 Albany State U 5274 Argosy U Atlanta 5012 Armstrong Atlantic State U ? 5029 Atlanta Christian Coll 5336 Augusta State U 5670 Beacon U 5059 Berry Coll 5066 Brenau U 5110 Clark Atlanta U 5118 Columbia Theological Seminary 5123 Columbus State U 6124 Covenant Coll 5196 Emory U Allied Hlth Prog 5198 Emory U Candler Sc Theology 5187 Emory U-Grad Sch 5220 Ft Vly State U 5252 Georgia College and State U 5248 Georgia Institute Technology 5285 Georgia Rotary Student

Program 5253 Georgia Southern U 5264 Georgia St U/Sch Policy Stu 5251 Georgia State U 5250 Georgia Swestern St U 1389 Institute Paper Science & Tech 5323 Interdenominational Theo Ctr 5359 Kennesaw State U 5362 Lagrange Coll 5358 Life Coll 5406 Medical College Georgia 5025 Mercer U Atlanta 5409 Mercer U Macon 5623 Mercer U Sthrn Sch Phrmcy ? 5415 Morehouse Coll 5420 Morehouse Sch of Medicine 5417 Morris Brown Coll 5483 National Consortium Ed Acces 5462 National-Louis U 5497 North Georgia Coll 5521 Oglethorpe U ? 5530 Paine Coll 5537 Piedmont Coll 5599 Psychological Studies Inst 5631 Savannah College Art & Design 5609 Savannah State U 5616 Shorter Coll 5157 South U 5626 Southern Polytechnic St U ? 5628 Spelman Coll 5900 State U W Georgia 5072 Thomas U ? 5795 Tift College of Mercer U ? 5799 Toccoa Falls Coll 5471 Troy U Albany 5472 Troy U Atlanta ? Undergraduate only

eorgia (cont'd)G

5755 Troy U Augusta Campus 4268 Troy U Brunswick 5797 Troy U Ft Benning 5674 Troy U University College 5813 UGeorgia 5752 Uof Georgia Coll Vet Med 5855 Valdosta State U 5895 Wesleyan Coll 4096 Argosy U Hawaii 4106 Brigham Young U ? 4023 Brigham Young U HI

Sch Busnss

4105 Chaminade U Honolulu 4352 Hawaii Paci?c U 4868 UHawaii E W Ctr ? 4959 UHawaii W Oahu 4869 UHawaii at Hilo 4867 UHawaii at Manoa 4060 4018 4355 ? 3817 4544 4843 7501 1014 1306 1182 ? 1025 1027 1052 1707 ? 1065 1070 1112 1119 1118 1120 1135 1140 1165 ? 2203 ? 1186 ? 5715 ? 1171 ? 1605 ? 6180 ? 6092 ? 4214 ? 4277 1667 1199 7261 1204 0623 ? 1206 1659 1245 1263 1256 ? 1315 ? 1317 1318 1319 ? 1320 ? 1351 1116 ? 1372 ? 1392 1009 1404 1405 1500 1412 1026 ? 1435 1455 ? 1456 1040 1769 ? 1470 ? 1484 1486 ? 1493 1567 1551 ? 1755 1555 1556 1090 1558 1559 1565 1606 1547 HAWAII


Albertson College of Idaho Boise State U Idaho State U

Lewis-Clark State Coll NW Nazarene Coll UIdaho Adler Sch Professional Psych American Conservatory Music Argosy U Chicago Argosy U Chicago NW Augustana Coll Aurora U Barat Coll Benedictine U Blackburn Coll Bradley U

Catholic Theological Union Chicago Sch

Professional Psych Chicago State U

Chicago Theological Seminary Columbia Coll Concordia U Depaul U

Devry Institute Tech/Woodbrdge Devry Institute/Addison Devry Institute/Atlanta Devry Institute/Chicago Devry Institute/Columbus Devry Institute/Dallas Devry Institute/Kansas City Devry Institute/Los Angeles Devry Institute/Phoenix Dominican U Eastern Illinois U Educational Commnctns Sch Fd Elmhurst Coll Erikson Institute Eureka Coll Evanston Nwestern Hlthcare Garrett-Evangelical Theo Sem Governors State U Greenville Coll Illinois Coll Illinois College Optometry Illinois Institute Technology Illinois State U Illinois Wesleyan U Judson Coll Keller Grad Sch Management Knox Coll Lake Forest Coll Lake Forest Grad Sch Managemnt Lewis U Lincoln Christian Coll & Sem Loyola U Chcgo Basic Med Sc Loyola U Chicago Lutheran Sch Theology Chicago MacMurray Coll McCormick Theological Seminary McKendree Coll Mennonite College of Nursing Midwestern U Millikin U

Monmouth Coll Moody Bible Institute Mundelein Coll National Coll Chiropractic National-Louis U

Niles College Loyola U North Ctrl Coll North Park Coll Theolgcl Sem Northeastern Illinois U

Northern Baptist Theolgcl Sem Northern Illinois U Northwestern U

Northwestern U Info Tech ProgNorthwestern U Medical Sch ILLINOIS

Institution Codes

llinois (cont'd)I 1699 Northwestern U Medill Sch Jrnl 1539 Northwestern U MS Comm 3115 Northwestern U MS Prog Bus 1308 Northwestern U MEM Prog 1510 Northwestern U Physical

Therapy 1507 Northwestern U Sch Music 1596 Olivet Nazarene U ? 1621 Parks College St Louis U ? 1630 Principia Coll 1645 Quincy U 1665 Rockford Coll 1666 Roosevelt U 1117 Rosalind Franklin U Med & Sci 3262 Rush U 3263 Rush U College Health Scis 1676 Rush U Grad Col Doc Prog 1713 Sch Art Institute Chicago 1714 Seabury-Western Theolgcl Sem ? 1716 Sherwood Conservatory Music ? 1717 Shimer Coll 1726 Southern Illinois U Carbon 1759 Southern Illinois U Edwards ? 1750 St Francis Med Cntr Col Nursng 1708 St Xavier U ? 1820 Trinity Christian Coll 1797 Trinity Evangelcl Divinity Sch ? 1810 Trinity Intl U Coll Arts Sci 1832 UChicago 1849 UChicago Grad Sch Pub Pol 1501 UChicago/Grad Sch Bus PhD 1687 U IL Spring? eld Pub Svc Intrn 1851 UIllinois Chicago 1836 UIllinois Urbana 1787 UIllinois at Spring?eld 1130 Uof St Francis 1872 Vandercook College Music 1900 Western Illinois U 1905 Wheaton Coll 1518 William M Sch Clg Pod Med ? 1016 1051 1079 1073 ? 1 776 3276 1141 ? 1166 1195 1544 ? 1228 ? 1251 1252 ? 1290 1304 ? 1323 1322 1324 ? 1194 1267 1337 1338 1336 1325 1314 1313 2223 1285 1339 1446 0164 1440 ? 1442 1379 1585 1603 1638 1632 1640 1627 1573 1631 1668 ? 1704 1697 ? 1702 1802 ? 1227 1811 1208 1321 1841 1335 1693 1874 ? 1895 6065 5039 6021 ? 6046 6047 6099 ? 6101 6119 ? 6087 2256 ? 6174 6171 6168 ? 6214 6249 ? 6251 ? 6252 6306 6315 ? 6308 6370 ? 6375 4497 6415 ? 6417 6490 6593 ? 6650 6617 6869 6681 6307 6885 ? 6094 ? 6926 ? 6031 ? 6228 ? 6056 6034 6037 6335 6224 6218 6334 ? 6337 ? 6392 ? 6404 6437 6615 ? 6547 6336 6670 ? 6815 6871 6895 ? 6630 6892 IOWA

Allen Coll American Assocation U Women Ames Laboratory Briar Cliff U Buena Vista U Clarke Coll Coe Coll Cornell Coll Ctrl Coll Des Moines U-Osteopathic Med C

Divine Word Coll Dordt Coll Drake U

Faith Baptist Bible Coll Graceland U Grand View Coll Grinnell Coll Iowa St U

Iowa St U Coll Vet Med Iowa Wesleyan Coll Loras Coll Luther Coll Maharishi U Management Morningside Coll Mt Mercy Coll Northwestern Coll Palmer College of Chiropractic Simpson Coll St Ambrose U UDubuque UIowa UNorthern Iowa Upper Iowa U Vennard Coll Wartburg Coll ouisiana (cont'd)L 6353 Louisiana S U Med Ctr

Sc Nrsng

6373 Louisiana St U Baton Rouge 6385 Louisiana St U Med Ctr N Orlns 6356 Louisiana St U Med Ctr Shreve 6381 Louisiana St U Sch Vet Med 6355 Louisiana St U Shreveport 6372 Louisiana Tech U 6374 Loyola U New Orleans 6403 McNeese State U 6472 New Orleans Baptist Theo Sem ? 6471 Newcomb College Tulane U 6221 Nicholls State U 6492 Northwestern State U 6495 Notre Dame Seminary 6002 Our Lady Holy Cross Coll 6656 Southeastern Louisiana U 6663 Southern U A & M Coll 6711 Southern U at New Orleans ? 6689 St Joseph Seminary Coll 6832 Tulane U 6809 Tulane U Sch Pub Hlt &

Trp Med

6379 UNew Orleans 6672 Uof Louisiana at Lafayette 6482 Uof Louisiana-Monroe 1907 William Carey Coll 6975 Xavier U Louisiana ? 3076 ? 3089 ? 3280 ? 3305 3440 3505 3755 3903 3916 ? 3506 ? 3393 ? 3956 ? 3008 3751 3691 ? 3925 5085 5401 5048 5884 5101 5114 ? 5890 5122 5402 5257 5296 5383 5314 5316 5332 5477 5353 5767 5470 5352 5370 5683 5399 5416 5421 5480 5403 5598 ? 5601 5602 5404 5810 5764 5765 5766 5768 5773 5771 5848 5835 5814 5400 5804 ? 5809 5824 5875 5888 5898 MAINE



Anderson U

Ball State U Bethel Coll Butler U C alumet College of St Joseph Christian Theological Seminary Concordia Theological Seminary Depauw U Earlham Coll & Earlham Sch Rel

Earlham Coll Masters Art/Teach Franklin College Indiana Goshen Coll Grace College & Seminary Hanover Coll Huntington Coll Indiana Institute Technology Indiana State U Terre Haute Indiana U Bloomington Indiana U E Indiana U Folklore Inst Indiana U Kokomo Indiana U NW Indiana U Purdue U Ft Wayne Indiana U Purdue U Indianapoli Indiana U SE Indiana U Sch Education Indiana U Sch Info at Iupui Indiana U Sch Medicine Indiana U South Bend Indiana Wesleyan U

La Caixa Fellowship Program Manchester Coll Marian Coll Martin U

Oakland City U

Purdue U Animal Sci Purdue U Calumet Purdue U Child Dev Fam Stu Purdue U N Ctrl Purdue U Restrt Hotel Mangt Purdue U Sch of Vet Med Purdue U W Lafayette Rose-Hulman Inst Technology Saint-Mary-Woods Coll St Josephs Coll St Marys Coll Taylor U

Taylor U Ft Wayne Tri-State U UEvansville UIndianapolis UNotre Dame USouthern Indiana Uof St Francis Valparaiso U Wabash Coll aker U B

Barclay Coll Benedictine Coll Bethany Coll Bethel Coll Emporia State U Friends U

Ft Hays State U Kansas State U Kansas Wesleyan U Manhattan Christian Coll McPherson Coll Mid-America Nazarene U Newman U Ottawa U

Pittsburg State U Southwestern Coll Tabor Coll UKansas UKansas Medical Ctr Uof St Mary

US Army Cmmnd Gnrl Staff Coll

6928 Washburn U 6884 Wichita State U


ates Coll B

Bowdoin Coll Colby Coll College Atlantic Husson Coll Maine Maritime Acad St Josephs Coll Thomas Coll UMaine UMaine Farmington UMaine Ft Kent UMaine Machias UMaine Presque Isle UNew England USouthern Maine Unity Coll MARYLAND

? 1098 1019 1020 1056 ? 1060 ? 1071 1097 ? 1109 1145 1200 1249 ? 1377 1368 ? 1369 1388 ? 1409 1487 1494 1574 1625 1724 1552 ? 1876 ? 1808 1837 1838 1825 0304 1901 6082 ? 6164 6250 ? 6371 6431 6352 KENTUCKY

Alice Lloyd Coll Asbury Coll Asbury Theological Seminary Bellarmine U Berea Coll Brescia U

Campbellsville U Centre Coll Cumberland Coll Eastern Kentucky U Georgetown Coll Kentucky Christian Coll Kentucky State U

Kentucky Wesleyan Coll Lexington Theological Seminary Lindsey Wilson Coll Morehead State U Murray State U

Northern Kentucky U Pikeville Coll Southern Baptist Theolgcl Sem Spalding U

Thomas More Coll Transylvania U

UKentucky Lexington ULouisville Union Coll USAREC Western Kentucky U

Centenary College Louisiana Dillard U

Grambling State U Louisiana Coll Louisiana S U Alld Hlth Shrvpt Louisiana S U Med Ctr Alld Hlth N Orlns

6354 Louisiana S U Med Ctr Sc Dntsy LOUISIANA

Baltimore Hebrew U Bowie State U

Bureau of Health Professions Capital Bible Seminary Capitol Coll College Notre Dame Maryland Columbia Union Coll Coppin State Coll Frostburg State U Goucher Coll Hood Coll Johns Hopkins Perfusion Sci Johns Hopkins U Johns Hopkins U-PhD Johns Hopkins U A&S/Engr Johns Hopkins U Post-Bac Premd

Johns Hopkins U Prdtcl Hmn Gen

Johns Hopkins U Sch Nursing Johns Hopkins U Sch Prof Stud Johns Hopkins U Sch Public Hlt Loyola Coll Maple Springs Seminary Maryland Institute College Art Morgan State U Mt St Marys U Naval Medical Ed Trng Command Salisbury U St Johns Coll St Marys College Maryland St Marys Seminary & U Towson U UBaltimore UMD Balt Dent Sch-DDS Only UMD Balt Sch Law-JD Only UMD Balt Sch Med-MD Only UMD Balt Sch Nursing-MS Only

UMD Balt Sch Social Work-MSW UMD Sch Phar-PharMD Only UMaryland Baltimore UMaryland Baltimore County UMaryland College Park UMaryland Eastern Shore UMaryland U Coll US Naval Acad Uniformed Srvcs U Hlth Sch Villa Julie Coll Washington Coll Western Maryland Coll 14 www.ets.org/gre

3002 American Intl Coll ? 3003 Amherst Coll 3004 Andover Newton

Theological Sch

3005 Anna Maria Coll 3009 Assumption Coll 3010 Atlantic Union Coll 3075 Babson Coll 0017 Barr Fellowship Committee 3096 Bentley Coll ? 3107 Berklee College Music 3846 Boston Architectural Ctr 3012 Boston Coll PhD Org Studies 3033 Boston College MS Finance 3050 Boston College PhD In Finance 3083 Boston College-Arts Sciences 3218 Boston College-Lynch Sch Edu 3084 Boston Conservatory 3087 Boston U 3105 Boston U Coll Engineering 3113 Boston U Doctoral Bus Admin 3108 Boston U Metropolitan Coll 3098 Boston U Professors Program 3028 Boston U Sargent Col Ald Hlth 7090 Boston U Sch Communication 3066 Boston U Sch Education 3101 Boston U Sch Public Health 3088 Boston U Sch Social Work 3070 Boston U Sch Theology 3251 Boston U Sch of Medicine 3092 Brandeis U Arts & Sci 3122 Brandeis U Intl Bus Sch 3097 Brandeis U Heller Grad Sch 9002 Brandeis U-Sid Program 3517 Bridgewater State Coll 2210 Catholic Library Association 3279 Clark U ? 3282 College Holy Cross 3082 College of Fine Arts 5122 Coppin State Coll 3285 Curry Coll 3365 Eastern Nazarene Coll 3283 Elms Coll 3367 Emerson Coll 3368 Emmanuel Coll 3854 Endicott Coll 3370 Episcopal Divinity Sch 3518 Fitchburg State Coll 3519 Framingham State Coll 3895 Frances Stern Nutrtn Ctr Tufts 3417 Gordon Coll 3424 Gordon-Conwell Theolgcl Sem ? 3447 Hampshire Coll 3427 Harvard Business Sch Dctrl 3502 Harvard U Chem & Chem Bio 3433 Harvard U Divinity Sch ? 3458 Harvard U Extension Sch 3451 Harvard U Grad Sch Arts Sch 3455 Harvard U Grad Sch Design 3428 Harvard U Grad Sch Eductn 3454 Harvard U J F K Sch Govt 3450 Harvard U Medical Sch 3400 Harvard U Mol & Cell Biol Prog 3430 Harvard U Sch Dental Med 3456 Harvard U Sch Public Hlth 9461 Harvard Yenching Institute 3435 Hebrew Coll 3449 Holy Cross Grk Ortdx Sch Theol 3481 Lasell Coll 3492 LASPAU Acad and Prof

Prog Amer

3483 Lesley Coll 3513 MA Gen Hosp Inst Hlth Prof 3512 Massachusetts C Phrm

Alld Hlth

3521 Massachusetts Col Liberal Arts 3516 Massachusetts College Art 3514 Massachusetts Inst Tech 3510 Massachusetts Inst Tech

Sloan Sch of Management

3537 Massachusetts Inst Tech

Sys Des & Mgmt

3803 Massachusetts Inst Tech

Zlog Prog

3515 Massachusetts Maritime Acad 3501 Massachusetts Sch Prof Psych ? 3525 Merrimack Coll 3529 Mt Holyoke Coll 3659 New England Conservatory

Music ? 3666 Nichols Coll ? 3667 Northeastern U 3629 Northeastern U Bouve 3679 Northeastern U Col Comp Sci 3680 Northeastern U Criminl Jstc 3665 Northeastern U Engineering 3682 Northeastern U Gr Sc Art & Sci ? 3689 Pine Manor Coll 3723 Regis Coll 3522 Salem State Coll 3761 Simmons Coll ? 3 795 S imons Rock Coll of Bard 3762 Smith Coll ? Undergraduate only


assachusetts (cont'd)M

3763 Spring?eld Coll ? 3772 St Hyacinth College Sem 3295 St Johns Semnry Sch Theolgy ? 3770 Stonehill Coll 3771 Suffolk U 3901 Tufts U 3399 Tufts U Fletcher Sch 3913 Tufts U Nutrition Sci 3891 Tufts U Sackler Sch Biomed Sci 3902 Tufts U Sch Dental Medicine 3889 Tufts U Sch of Medicine 3893 Tufts U Veterinary Med 3947 UMass Med Ctr Grad

Sch Nrsng

3924 UMassachusetts Boston 3786 UMassachusetts Dartmouth 3911 UMassachusetts Lowell 3936 UMassachusetts Med Sch 3917 UMassachusetts/Amherst ? 3957 Wellesley Coll 3974 Western New England

Col Hnscm

3962 Western New England Coll 3523 West?eld State Coll 3971 Weston Jesuit Sch Theology 3963 Wheaton Coll 3964 Wheelock Coll 3965 Williams Coll 3967 Woods Hole

Oceanographic Inst

3969 Worcester Polytechnic Inst 3524 Worcester State Coll ? 1001 ? 1007 ? 1010 1030 1018 1095 1096 1123 1094 1253 1106 1183 1201 1222 1258 3308 ? 1295 ? 1301 ? 1365 1246 1421 1399 1437 1452 ? 1516 1572 1465 1464 1560 ? 1568 1497 ? 1595 1766 1732 ? 1753 1835 1839 1955 1861 1853 1954 1898 1902 ? 1167 6409 ? 6014 6676 6074 6038 6067 0322 6231 ? 6081 ? 6104 6107 6105 ? 6113 6114 ? 6639 ? 6253 6265 6311 6377 ? 6390 ? 6435 6444 6445 innesota (cont'd)M

? 6411 Minneapolis College Art Design ? 6412 Minnesota Bible Coll 6677 Minnesota State U 6678 Minnesota State U Moorehead 6489 Northwestern Coll 6703 SW State U 6679 St Cloud State U 6624 St Johns U 6632 St Marys U of Minnesota ? 6638 St Olaf Coll 6641 St Paul Sem Sch Divinity 6801 Teresan Sch Fund/C St Teresa 6874 UMinnesota 6904 UMinnesota Coll Vet Med 6958 UMinnesota Div Orthodontic 6873 UMinnesota Duluth 6891 UMinnesota Hosp/Hlth Care 6852 UMinnesota Medicinal Chem ? 6890 UMinnesota Morris 6110 Uof St Thomas 5975 United Theol Sem Twin Cities 6894 United Theol Sem Twin Cities 6680 Winona State U 1008 1055 ? 1066 1163 1341 1471 1477 1326 1480 1481 1482 1646 1669 1807 1857 1840 1870 1479 1907 issouri (cont'd)M

6172 Washington U Sch Engineering 6933 Webster U 6937 Westminster Coll ? 6941 William Jewell Coll ? 6944 William Woods U 4041 4298 4488 4538 4487 4660 4825 4489 4058 4945 6053 6466 6049 6106 6116 6121 6154 ? 6157 ? 6165 ? 6248 6270 ? 6406 6462 6470 ? 6468 6918 6877 6896 6420 6467 6865 6469 MONTANA

Carroll Coll Montana State U Billings Montana State U BozemanMontana State U Northern Montana Tech of U Montana Rocky Mtn Coll Troy U UMontana Uof Great Falls Uof Montana-Western NEBRASKA



drian Coll A

Albion Coll Alma Coll Andrews U Aquinas Coll Calvin Coll Calvin Theological Seminary Cleary Coll Concordia U

Cornerstone C Grnd Rpds Bapt S

Ctrl Michigan U Davenport Coll Eastern Michigan U Ferris State U Grand Vly State U Henry Ford Hospital Hillsdale Coll Hope Coll Kalamazoo Coll Kettering U

Lake Superior State U Lawrence Technological U Madonna U Marygrove Coll Michigan Christian Coll Michigan St U Coll Vet Med Michigan State U

Michigan Technological U Northern Michigan U Northwood U Oakland U Olivet Coll Saginaw Vly State U Spring Arbor U St Marys Coll UDetroit Mercy UMichigan Ann Arbor UMichigan Coll Engineering UMichigan Dearborn UMichigan Flint UMichigan Public Health Wayne State U

Western Michigan U William Tyndale Coll Argosy U/Twin Cities Augsburg Coll Bemidji State U

Bethany Lutheran Coll Bethel Coll Bethel Theological Seminary Bush Foundation Capella U Carleton Coll College St Benedict College St Schastica College of St Catherine Concordia College Moorhead Concordia U St Paul Crown Coll Gustavus Adolphus Coll Hamline U

Keller Graduate Sch of Mgmt Luther Seminary Macalester Coll Martin Luther Coll Mayo Graduate Sch Metropolitan State U

Alcorn State U Belhaven Coll Blue Mtn Coll Delta State U Jackson State U Millsaps Coll Mississippi Coll Mississippi St U Coll Vet Med Mississippi State U Mississippi U Women Mississippi Vly State U

Reformed Theological Seminary Rust Coll Tougaloo Coll UMississippi Medical Ctr UMississippi U USouthern Miss Long Beach USouthern Mississippi William Carey Coll Bellevue U

Chadron State Coll Clarkson Coll College of St Mary Concordia U Creighton U

Creighton U Sch Pharmacy/Hlth Dana Coll Doane Coll Grace U Hastings Coll Midland Lutheran Coll Nebraska Meth Col Nur-All Hlth Nebraska Wesleyan U Peru State Coll UNebraska Law Psych Prog UNebraska Lincoln UNebraska Medical Ctr UNebraska Omaha UNebraska at Kearney Union Coll Wayne State Coll New Jersey (cont'd) ? 2 753 R utgers St U UN Coll Newark ? 2 777 R utgers St U UN Coll Nw Brn ? 2838 Rutgers State U Coll Engrg ? 2789 Rutgers State U Coll Nursg ? 2839 Rutgers State U Coll Phrmcy 2790 Rutgers State U New Brunswk 2512 Rutgers State U Newark ? 2765 Rutgers State U Rutgers Col 2092 Rutgers U Piscataway 2811 Seton Hall U 2806 St Peters Coll 9904 Starr Foundation 2819 Stevens Institute Technology 7460 Student Aid Intl 0638 Teagle Foundation Schar Prog 2610 UMDNJ Grad Sch

Biomed Sciences

2578 UMDNJ Grad Sch

Biomedical Sci

2786 UMDNJ R Wood Johnson

Med Sch

3116 UMDNJ Sch Hlth Related Profs 2202 UMDNJ Sch P Hlth/Strat-Camden 2826 UMDNJ Sch Public Hlth/Newark 2565 UMDNJ Sch of Nursing 2567 UMDNJ Sch of Public Health 2974 Westminster Choir C of Rider U 2518 William Paterson U ? 4676 4116 4299 4532 4533 4531 4737 4845 1130 4535 2003 2151 2946 2947 2005 0415 0023 2014 2471 0902 3799 2035 2037 2020 2038 2027 2012 2034 2045 2046 ? 2479 2073 2612 9394 2083 2084 2085 2086 2112 2089 2091 2778 2088 ? 2116 2094 2619 2162 2173 2141 2137 2159 2164 3602 2111 2171 ? 2095 2161 2120 2142 2158 2905 ? 2096 2097 NEW MEXICO


0503 AACSB/GMAC Ntl Dctrl

Fells Pro

6023 Aquinas Institute of Theology 3743 Arizona Sch Health Sciences 6109 Avila U 6331 Calvary Bib Col & Grd Sch Theo ? 6713 College of Ozarks 6095 Columbia Coll ? 6112 Conception Seminary Coll 6115 Concordia Seminary 6141 Covenant Theological Seminary ? 6085 Ctrl Bible Coll 6089 Ctrl Methodist Coll 6090 Ctrl Missouri State U ? 6123 Culver-Stockton Coll 6169 Drury U 6190 Eden Theological Seminary 6198 Evangel U 6216 Fontbonne U 8525 Forest Inst Professional Psych 6244 Graceland U ? 6269 Harris-Stowe State Coll 6170 Jewish Hospital Coll ? 6330 Kansas City Art Institute 6347 Kenrick-Glennon Seminary 6238 Kirksville Col Osteopathic Med 6366 Lincoln U 6367 Lindenwood U 6955 Logan Coll of Chiropractic 6399 Maryville U St Louis 6441 Midwestern Baptist Theol Sem 6439 Missouri Baptist Coll ? 6322 Missouri Southern State Coll ? 6413 Missouri Vly Coll ? 6625 Missouri Western State Coll 6488 NW Missouri State U 6456 National-Louis U 6574 Park U-Parkville 6575 Park U/MBA 6612 Research College of Nursing 6611 Rockhurst U 6655 SE Missouri State U 6664 SW Baptist U 6665 SW Missouri State U 6240 Sch of Health Mgmt/Kcom 6626 St Louis College Pharmacy 6629 St Louis U 6725 St Paul Sch Theology 6683 Stephens Coll 6483 Truman State U 6875 UMissouri Columbia 6872 UMissouri Kansas City 6876 UMissouri Rolla 6889 UMissouri St Louis 6929 Washington U Arts & Scis 6912 Washington U Div Bio/

Biomed Sc

6923 Washington U Sch Business


4779 UNevada LV/Public Health 4861 UNevada Las Vegas 4844 UNevada Reno 3694 ? 3281 ? 3124 3351 3360 ? 3395 3396 3472 3657 3690 3728 3649 3670 Antioch New England Grad Sch olby-Sawyer Coll C

College For Lifelong Learning Dartmouth Coll Dartmouth Coll Thayer Sch Engi Franklin Pierce Coll Franklin Pierce Law Ctr Keene State Coll New England Coll Plymouth State Coll Rivier Coll Southern New Hampshire U Southern New Hampshire U Teacher Cert

? 3748 St Anselm Coll 3918 UNew Hampshire 2065 AT&T Bell

Laboratories Mddltwn

2041 AT&T Labs Fellowship Program 2033 Bell Communications Research ? 2044 Bloom?eld Coll 2072 Caldwell Coll 2080 Centenary Coll 0744 China Intl Exam Coord Bureau 2084 Clarkson U ? 2090 College St Elizabeth 2519 College of New Jersey ? 2170 Cook Coll Rutgers St U ? 2192 Douglass College of

Rutgers UN

2193 Drew U 2262 Fairleigh Dickinson U Madsn 2263 Fairleigh Dickinson U Tenck 2321 Felician Coll 3895 Frances Stern Nutrtn Ctr Tufts 2274 Georgian Court U 5308 Hispanic Theolog Initiative 2322 Immaculate Conception


2517 Kean U ? 2384 Livingston Coll 1491 Mellon Fellowships Humanities 2416 Monmouth U ? 4488 Montana State U-Bozeman 2520 Montclair State U 2516 New Jersey City U 2513 New Jersey Inst Technology ? 2566 Northeastern Bible Coll 2671 Princeton Theological Seminary 2672 Princeton U 4635 Project 1000 ? 2884 Ramapo College New Jersey 2889 Richard Stockton Coll NJ 2758 Rider U 2515 Rowan U ? 2 742 R utgers St U UN Coll Camden


College Santa Fe College of SW Eastern New Mexico U New Mexico Highlands U New Mexico Inst Mining Tech New Mexico St U St Johns CollUNew Mexico Uof St Francis Western New Mexico U Adelphi U African American Institute Albany Law Sch/Union U Albany Medical Coll Alfred U Amalgamated

Lithographers Amer American Coun Learned Societes American Friends Hebrew U American Museum of Natl Hist American U Beirut Assoc Alum Barnard Coll Flshp Bank Street College Education Bard Coll Bard Grad Ctr Studies Dec Arts Barnard College-Columbia U Baruch College/CUNY Public Affs

Baruch College/CUNY Weissman

Baruch College/CUNY Zicklin Sch

Baruch/Exec MSILR Program-CUNY Brooklyn College-CUNY CUNY Baccalaureate Program Canisius Coll Christ King Seminary

Christie's Education Inc-NY City College of NY-CUNY Clarkson U

Colgate Rochester Crozer Divin Colgate U

College Insurance College New Rochelle College St Rose College Staten Island-CUNY College of Mt St Vincent Columbia U Columbia Coll Columbia U Dental Oral Srgy Columbia U Gr Sc A&S Phy & Sur

Columbia U Grad Sch Art Sch Columbia U Human Nutrition Columbia U PhD-Business Columbia U Prg Phys & Occ Ther

Columbia U Pub Hlth Adm Med Columbia U Sch Architecture Columbia U Sch Contg Educ Columbia U Sch Engineering Columbia U Sch Fine Arts Columbia U Sch Genrl Stds Columbia U Sch Intrnl Pub Afrs Columbia U Sch Journalism Columbia U Sch Nursing Columbia U Sch Social Work Columbia U Teachers Coll Concordia Coll Cooper Union Institution Codes




www.ets.org/gre 15


New York (cont'd) 2098 Cornell U 2119 Cornell U Grad Medical Sch 0254 Crusade Scharship Program 2762 Daemen Coll 2349 Davidson Sch/JTS 2190 Dominican Coll 2011 Dowling Coll 2197 Dyouville Coll 2224 Eastman Sch of Music ? 2226 Elmira Coll 2899 Excelsior Coll 2257 Fashion Institute Technology 2259 Fordham U ? 7306 Fordham U Coll Bus Admin ? 7307 Fordham U General Studies 2252 Fordham U Lincoln Ctr 2271 General Theological Seminary 9263 German Acad Exchange Service 2553 Grad Sch Basic Med Sci-NYMC 2113 Graduate Center-CUNY 7991 Graduate College of Union U ? 2286 Hamilton Coll ? 2288 Hartwick Coll 0859 Hebrew U Jerusalem 2290 Hebrew Union Coll 2312 Herbert H Lehman Coll ? 2294 Hobart Coll 2295 Hofstra U 2298 Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary ? 2299 Houghton Coll 2301 Hunter College-CUNY 2326 Institute Intl Educ 2324 Iona Coll 2327 Iona College Orangeburg 2325 Ithaca Coll 2347 Jewish Theol Sem Rabbinical 2339 Jewish Theological Sem

America 2115 John J Coll Crimnl Justce-CUNY 2340 Juilliard Sch ? 2350 Keuka Coll 2366 Le Moyne Coll 0954 Lebanese American U 2369 Long Island U Brooklyn 2070 Long Island U C W Post Ctr 2853 Long Island U Southampton 2378 Long Island U Wchester 2172 Long Island U/Brentwood 2621 Long Island U/Rockland Camps 2395 Manhattan Coll 2396 Manhattan Sch Music 2397 Manhattanville Coll 2398 Mannes College Music 2400 Marist Coll ? 2406 Marymount Coll ? 2405 Marymount Manhattan Coll 2422 Medaille Coll ? 2460 Medgar Evers College-CUNY 2409 Mercy Coll 2157 Metropolitan Coll of New York ? 2415 Molloy Coll 2464 Mt Sinai Sch Medicine 2563 NY Med Coll Sch Public Health 2514 National Fdtn Jewish Culture 2511 Nazareth College of Rochester 2529 New Sc Soc Res Gr Mgt &

Ur Prg

2501 New Sc Soc Res Gr

Pol&Soc Sci

2554 New Sc Soc Res Lib Sci/

Med Std

2521 New Sch Social Research 2425 New York Botanical Garden 2918 New York College Podiatric Med 2575 New York Institute Tech/MBA 2561 New York Institute Technology 2564 New York State Fellowships 2043 New York Theological Seminary 2557 New York U Cont & Prof

Studies 2569 New York U Gallatin Grad 2596 New York U Grad Arts Sci 2582 New York U Grad Sch Bus 2597 New York U Grad Sch Dntstry 2599 New York U Grad Sch Law 2506 New York U Grad Social Work 2581 New York U Medical Sch 2507 New York U R F Wagner Gr


2585 New York U Real Estate Inst 2556 New York U Steinhardt Sch 2357 New York U Tisch Sch Arts 2558 Niagara U 2588 Nurses Education Funds Inc 2560 Nyack Coll 2635 Pace U New York City 2644 Pace U White Plains 2638 Parsons Sch of Design 0594 Phelps-Stokes Fund 2668 Polytechnic U Brklyn 2695 Polytechnic U Farm 2669 Pratt Institute ? Undergraduate only

ew York (cont'd)N

2750 Queens Coll 2757 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst 2759 Roberts Wesleyan Coll 2760 Rochester Institute Technology 2761 Rockefeller U

3321 SUNY Canton Coll of Tech 2535 SUNY Center Binghamton 2739 SUNY Center Buffalo

Roswell Pk

2548 SUNY Center Stony Brook 2537 SUNY College Brockport 2533 SUNY College Buffalo 2538 SUNY College Cortland 2530 SUNY College Esf 2539 SUNY College Fredonia 2540 SUNY College Geneseo 2541 SUNY College New Paltz ? 2866 SUNY College Old Wbury 2542 SUNY College Oneonta 2897 SUNY College Optometry 2543 SUNY College Oswego 2544 SUNY College Plattsburgh 2545 SUNY College Potsdam 2549 SUNY College of Vet Medicine 2898 SUNY Cooperstown Grad Progs 2214 SUNY Empire State Coll 2534 SUNY Health Science Ctr Brklyn 2896 SUNY Inst Tech Utica/Rome 2536 SUNY Maritime Coll 2547 SUNY Upstate Medical U 2878 SUNY at Purchase 2532 SUNY -U at Albany 2925 SUNY-U at Buffalo ? 2771 Sage Evening Coll 2764 Sage Graduate Sch 2810 Sarah Lawrence Coll 2835 Sch of Visual Arts 2068 Schwartz Coll Phrmcy Hlth Scis 2824 Seminary Immaculate

Conception ? 2814 Siena Coll ? 2815 Skidmore Coll 7034 So?a U-Bulgaria 2793 St Bonaventure U ? 2796 St Francis Coll 7762 St Georges U Sch Medicine 7153 St Georges U Sch Vet Med 2798 St John Fisher Coll 2799 St Johns U Queens 2845 St Johns U Stat Is 2851 St Johns U Tobin Coll Business 2802 St Josephs Coll 2803 St Josephs Seminary 2805 St Lawrence U 2807 St Thomas Aquinas Coll 2823 Syracuse U 2902 Touro Coll 0988 UMaryland-Mannheim Campus 2928 URochester 2948 URochester Sch Med & Dent 2360 URochester Sch Nursing 2972 URochester-MBA 2961 URochstr Wm E Simon Gr

Sc Bus

2827 US Army Medical Detachment ? 2923 US Merchant Marine Acad 2924 US Mil Acad 2920 Union College U 2922 Union Theological Seminary 2932 Utica Coll 2956 Vassar Coll ? 2965 Wadhams Hall Seminary Coll 2966 Wagner Coll 2856 Watson Sch of Biological Sci 2970 Webb Institute ? 2971 Wells Coll ? 2978 William Smith Coll 3922 Winston Churchill Foundation 2990 Yeshiva U Azrieli Grad Sch 2995 Yeshiva U Ferkauf Gr Sc Psych 2997 Yeshiva U S Golding Grad Dv 2636 Yeshiva U Wurzweiler Sch

Soc W

? 2992 York Coll 5010 ? 5052 ? 5016 ? 5055 5100 ? 5103 ? 5107 ? 5150 5156 5473 5173 5155 5180 ? 5629 5183 5212 5242 Institution Codes

North Carolina (cont'd)

5260 Greensboro Coll ? 5261 Guilford Coll 5293 High Point U ? 5333 Johnson C Smith U 5763 Keller Grad Sch of Mgmt ? 5364 Lees-McRae Coll 5365 Lenoir-Rhyne Coll ? 5367 Livingstone Coll ? 5395 Mars Hill Coll 5410 Meredith Coll 5426 Methodist Coll ? 5423 Montreat Coll ? 5435 Mt Olive Coll 5543 NC Principal Fellows Program 5003 North Carolina A T St U 5495 North Carolina Ctrl U 5500 North Carolina Nurse Schars 5512 North Carolina Sch Arts 5496 North Carolina State U ? 5501 North Carolina Wesleyan Coll 5536 Pfeiffer U 5555 Piedmont Baptist Coll 5635 Pratt Sch Engineering 5560 Queens U of Charlotte 5607 Salem Coll 2800 Semiconductor Research Corp ? 5612 Shaw U 5620 Southeastern Baptist Theo Sem ? 5214 St Andrews Presbytrn Coll 5596 St Augustines Coll 5779 Troy State U Ft Bragg 5013 UN Carolina Asheville 5816 UN Carolina Chapel Hl 5105 UN Carolina Charlotte 5913 UN Carolina Greensboro 5534 UN Carolina Pembroke 5907 UN Carolina Wilmington 5885 Wake Forest U 5920 Wake Forest U Biomed Grad S 5956 Wake Forest U-Divinity Sch 5923 Wake Forest U-Physician Asst ? 5886 Warren Wilson Coll 5897 Western Carolina U 5908 Wingate U 5909 Winston Salem State U ? 6477 ? 6318 ? 6478 6479 6474 6428 6878 ? 6480 1827 1017 1652 1021 1050 ? 1067 1069 1099 1105 1151 1091 ? 1088 1124 1221 1129 1134 ? 1085 1107 ? 1178 1162 ? 1164 1133 1229 1291 1292 ? 1297 1342 1084 1049 1367 ? 1370 1391 1427 1439 1444 1542 1463 ? 1492 ? 1531 ? 1496 1903 1566 1587 1383 1589 hio (cont'd)O

? 1131 Ohio Dominican U 1591 Ohio Northern U 1592 Ohio State U 3546 Ohio State U-Mlhr 1593 Ohio U ? 1594 Ohio Wesleyan U 1597 Otterbein Coll 1348 Ponti?cal College Josephinum ? 1660 Rabbinical College Telshe 1046 Sensors Directorate/Afrl ? 1790 Shawnee State U 3479 St Elizabeth Health Ctr 2805 St Lawrence U 1691 St Mary Seminary Grad

Sch Theo

? 1817 Tif?n U 1214 Trinity Lutheran Seminary 1829 UAkron 1833 UCincinnati 1834 UDayton 1223 UFindlay ? 1663 URio Grande 1845 UToledo 1828 United Theological Seminary 1847 Urbana U 1848 Ursuline Coll 1926 Walsh U 3134 Wexner Foundation ? 1906 Wilberforce U 1909 Wilmington Coll ? 1922 Wittenberg U 1179 Wright State U 1965 Xavier U 1975 Youngstown State U 6080 6186 6361 6485 6493 6541 6086 6543 ? 6571 6558 6546 6552 6657 6036 6673 6091 6902 6879 ? 6544 6883 9551 4079 4300 4325 4384 4387 4480 ? 4491 4496 OKLAHOMA


ickinson State U D

Jamestown Coll Mayville State U Minot State U

North Dakota State U UMary UN Dakota Vly City State U

Air Force Institute Technology Antioch U

Antioch U Sch Adult Expr Lr Ashland U

Baldwin-Wallace Coll Bluffton U

Bowling Green State U Capital U

Case Western Reserve U Cedarville U

Cincinnati Bible Coll & Sem Circleville Bible Coll Cleveland Institute Music Cleveland State U College Mt St Joseph College Wooster Columbus College Art & Design Ctrl State U

David N Myers Coll De?ance Coll Denison U

Franciscan U Steubenville Franklin U

Hebrew Union Coll Heidleberg Coll Hiram Coll John Carroll U

Keller Grad Sch Mgmt Cleveland Keller Grad Sch Mgmt Columbus Kent State U Kenyon Coll Lake Erie Coll Lourdes Coll Malone Coll Marietta Coll Medical College Ohio Miami U Mt Union Coll Mt Vernon Nazarene U Muskingum Coll Northeastern OH U Coll Med Notre Dame Coll Oberlin Coll Ohio Aerospace Institute Ohio College Podiatric Medcn OHIO

Cameron U East Ctrl U Langston U

Northeastern State U

Northwestern Oklahoma St U Oklahoma Baptist U

Oklahoma Chrstn U Sci Arts Oklahoma City U

Oklahoma Panhandle State U Oklahoma St U Coll Vet Med Oklahoma State U Oral Roberts U

Southeastern Oklahoma St U Southern Nazarene U

Southwestern Oklahoma St U UCtrl Oklahoma UOklahoma Health Sci Ctr UOklahoma Norman UScience Arts Oklahoma Uof Tulsa American Nepal Ed Foundation Concordia U

Eastern Oregon U George Fox U

Lewis and Clark Coll Lin?eld Coll Marylhurst U

Mt Angel Seminary Multnomah Bible C & Biblcl Smnry NW Christian Coll Ogi Sch of Sci & Eng Ohsu Oregon Executive MBA Oregon Hlth Sci U Dentl Sch Oregon Hlth Sci U Med Sch Oregon Hlth Sci U Nurs Sch Oregon Hlth Sci U-Phy Asst Prg Oregon State U

Oregon State U Coll Vet Med Paci?c U

Portland State U Reed Coll Southern Oregon U UOregon UPortland Uof Oregon Warner Paci?c Coll Western Baptist Coll Western Oregon U Western Seminary Willamette U

lbright Coll A

Allegheny Coll Alvernia Coll Alvernia Coll Arcadia U

Baptist Bible College & Sem Bloomsburg U Pennsylvania Bryn Athyn Coll Bryn Mawr Coll Bucknell U Cabrini Coll California U Pennsylvania Carlow Coll Carnegie Mellon U



Appalachian State U arber-Scotia Coll B

Barton Coll Belmont Abbey Coll Campbell U Catawba Coll Chowan Coll Davidson Coll Duke U

Duke U Doctor Physical Therapy Duke U Med Cntr Sch Nursing Duke U Physician Asst Prog East Carolina U

Elizabeth City State U Elon U

Fayetteville State U Gardner-Webb U

4543 4592 5947 4871 4865 4900 4780 4586 4565 4601 4610 4654 4702 4846 4847 4926 4595 ? 4956 4585 4968 4954 ? 2004 ? 2006 3311 2431 2039 2036 2646 ? 2002 2049 2050 ? 2071 2647 2421 2074 PENNSYLVANIA

Pennsylvania (cont'd)

? 2079 Cedar Crest Coll 2081 Chatham Coll 2082 Chestnut Hill Coll 2648 Cheyney U Pennsylvania 2649 Clarion U Pennsylvania 2087 College Misericordia 2510 Delaware Vly Coll Sci Agri 2021 Desales U ? 2186 Dickinson Coll 2194 Drexel U 2285 Drexel U College Medicine 2196 Duquesne U 2650 East Stroudsburg U Penn 2221 Eastern Baptist Theolgcl Sem 2220 Eastern Coll 2651 Edinboro U Pennsylvania ? 2225 Elizabethtown Coll 2236 Evangelical Sch Theology ? 2261 Franklin & Marshall Coll 2270 Gannon U 2273 Geneva Coll ? 2275 Gettysburg Coll 2280 Gratz Coll ? 2277 Grove City Coll 2278 Gwynedd-Mercy Coll ? 2289 Haverford Coll 2297 Holy Family U 2320 Immaculata Coll 2652 Indiana U Pennsylvania ? 2341 Juniata Coll 3542 Keller Grad Sch Management 2353 King's Coll 2653 Kutztown U Pennsylvania 2379 La Roche Coll 2363 La Salle U ? 2361 Lafayette Coll ? 2388 Lancaster Bible Coll ? 2364 Lebanon Vly Coll 2365 Lehigh U ? 2367 Lincoln U Commonwealth PA 2654 Lock Haven U Pennsylvania 2371 Lutheran Theological Seminary 2148 Lutheran Theological Seminary


? 2372 Lycoming Coll 2655 Mans?eld U Pennsylvania 2407 Marywood U 2980 MCP Hahnemann Allegheny U

Bio Med Sci

2306 MCP Hahnemann Allegheny U

Hlth Prof & Psych

2419 MCP Hahnemann Allegheny U

Pub Hlth

2410 Mercyhurst Coll ? 2411 Messiah Coll 2656 Millersville U Pennsylvania 2418 Moravian Theological Seminary 2629 Mt Aloysius Coll ? 2424 Muhlenberg Coll 0145 National Sch Trst Fd Grph Art 2628 Neumann Coll 2645 Pennsylvania College


2703 Pennsylvania St U Behrend Col 2705 Pennsylvania St U Coll Med 2723 Pennsylvania St U Great Vly 2708 Pennsylvania St U Middletown 2660 Penn State U Univ Park 2661 Philadelphia Biblical U 2662 Philadelphia Coll Osteopthc MD 2666 Philadelphia U 2667 Pittsburgh Theological Sem 2676 Point Park Coll 2779 Reconstructionist Rabbncl Coll 2769 Robert Morris Coll 2763 Rosemont Coll 2754 SS Huebner Fndtn For Inseduc 2812 Seton Hill U 2657 Shippensburg U Pennsylvania 2658 Slippery Rock U Pennsylvania 2794 St Charles Borromeo Sem 2797 St Francis U 2801 St Josephs U ? 2808 St Vincent Coll ? 2820 Susquehanna U 2821 Swarthmore Coll 2906 Temple U 2917 Temple U Hlth Scis ? 2910 Thiel Coll ? 2903 Thomas Jefferson C Alld Hlt Sc 2999 Thomas Jefferson U Grd Stds 2909 Trinity Espiscopal Sc Ministry 2926 UPennsylvania 2023 UPennsylvania Annenberg 2900 UPennsylvania Bmed Grad St 2968 UPennsylvania-EMTM Prog 2893 UPennsylvania Fels Inst 2943 UPennsylvania Grad Educatn 2954 UPennsylvania Whartn Dctrl 2674 UPennsylvania Sch Design 2911 UPennsylvania Sch Nursing 2775 U Pennsylvania Sch of Vet Med 2546 U Pittsbrg Grd Sch Pub Hlth

16 www.ets.org/gre

ennsylvania (cont'd)P 2927 UPittsburgh ? 2935 UPittsburgh Bradford 2574 U Pittsburgh Gr Sc Pb &Int Af 2998 UPittsburgh Grad Sch Bus 2792 UPittsburgh Intnl Bus Ctr ? 2934 UPittsburgh Johnstown ? 2936 UPittsburgh at Greensburg 2929 UScranton 2664 Uof Arts 2663 Uof Sciences In Phil ? 2931 Ursinus Coll 2959 Villanova U ? 2967 Washington Jefferson Coll ? 2969 Waynesburg Coll 2659 West Chester U Pennsylvania 2975 Westminster Coll 2976 Westminster Theological Sem 2642 Widener U 2977 Wilkes U ? 2979 Wilson Coll 2991 York College Pennsylvania 3094 3095 3465 3693 3724 3726 3729 3759 3919 ? 5008 ? 5056 5065 5079 5108 ? 5109 5111 5837 ? 5112 5117 5116 5121 5949 ? 5188 5442 5222 5363 5407 ? 5418 ? 5493 ? 5684 ? 5540 5617 5618 5896 5782 5113 5818 5850 5840 ? 5863 5910 ? 5912 ? 6015 6042 6247 ? 6155 ? 6279 6416 ? 6464 6487 ? 6553 6652 6653 6881 ? 6651 1028 1058 1063 ? 1908 1102 1121 1114 1146 1225 1161 1198 1189 1224 ? 1232 1230 1266 1345 1371 ? 1373 ? 1394 ? 1395 Tennessee (cont'd)

1401 Lee U ? 1403 Lemoyne-Owen Coll 1408 Lincoln Meml U ? 1454 Maryville Coll 1458 Meharry Medical Coll 1511 Memphis College of Art 1410 Mid Tennessee Sch Anesthesi 1466 Mid Tennessee State U 1469 Milligan Coll 1590 Oak Ridge Inst Sci & Education 1247 Peabody Coll ? 1730 Rhodes Coll 1727 Southern Adventist U ? 1725 Southern College Optometry 1803 Tennessee State U 1804 Tennessee Technological U 1818 Tennessee Temple U ? 1805 Tennessee Wesleyan Coll 1809 Trevecca Nazarene U 1791 Troy U Clarksville Campus 1812 Tusculum Coll 1459 UMemphis 1831 UTennessee Chattanooga 1843 UTennessee Knoxville 1844 UTennessee Martin 1850 UTennessee Memphis 1887 UTennessee Space Inst 1842 USouth 1826 Union U 1871 Vanderbilt U 2315 Vanderbilt U Med Ctr 6001 6140 6644 7204 ? 6039 6016 ? 6286 6018 8639 exas (cont'd)T

6824 Texas Southern U 6667 Texas State U San Marcos 6827 Texas Tech U 6851 Texas Tech U Hlth Sci Ctr 6828 Texas Wesleyan U 6826 Texas Womans U 6831 Trinity U 6868 UDallas 6916 UHouston Clear Lake 6922 UHouston Downtown 6870 UHouston U Park 6917 UHouston Victoria Ctr 6396 UMary Hardin-Baylor 6481 UN Texas 6909 U N Texas Hlth Sci Cntr 6565 UN Texas Public Health 6880 USt Thomas 6013 UTexas Arlington 6882 UTexas Austin 6897 UTexas Dallas ? 6888 UTexas Dental Branch Houst 6829 UTexas El Paso 6887 UTexas Galveston Med Brnch 6906 UTexas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston 6908 U Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Sn Ant 6907 UTexas Houstn Biomed Sci 6570 UTexas Pan American Ednbrg 6914 UTexas Permian Basin 6919 UTexas San Antonio 6686 UTexas Sw Med Ctr Dallas 6850 UTexas Tyler 6588 UTexas at Brownsville 6303 Uof Incarnate Word 6900 US Air Force Base Health Sci 6861 US Army Academy Hlth

Sciences 0723 US Mil Dietetic Internshp 6930 Wayland Baptist U 6938 West Texas A & M U 4019 4092 4920 4853 4857 ? 4181 4941 4948 irginia (cont'd)V

5864 Norfolk State U 5126 Old Dominion U 5542 Protestant Episcopal Theo Sem 5565 Radford U ? 5566 Randolph-Macon Coll ? 5567 Randolph-Macon Womans Coll 5135 Regent U ? 5571 Roanoke Coll 5613 Shenandoah U ? 5770 Southern Virginia U ? 5604 St Pauls Coll ? 3778 Stratford U ? 5634 Sweet Briar Coll 5792 Troy U Atlantic Regn 5783 Troy U Ft Myer 5808 URichmond Graduate Div 5820 UVirginia Charlottesvl 5836 UVirginia Engrg Appld Sci 5829 UVirginia Mcintire Commrc 5852 US Army Human Resource

Command 5805 Union-PSCE 5877 VA Consortium Prog Clin Psych ? 5408 Virginia Cmmnwlth U Hlth Sci 5570 Virginia Commonwealth U ? 5857 Virginia Intermont Coll 5858 Virginia Mil Institute 5859 Virginia Poly Inst State U 5860 Virginia State U 5862 Virginia Union U ? 5867 Virginia Wesleyan Coll 5946 Virginia-MD Reg Coll Vet Med 5887 Washington and Lee U 5918 Whitaker Foundation 7030 4236 8679 4141 4044 4301 4292 4330 4344 ? 4541 4597 4694 4695 4674 4067 4854 4767 4940 4984 4705 4947 4951 4953 ? 5005 5060 ? 5064 5428 5120 ? 5151 ? 5211 ? 5254 5396 ? 5519 5608 ? 5615 5419 ? 5901 5903 5904 5902 5905 5906 Wisconsin (cont'd)

1913 UWisconsin Eau Claire 1859 UWisconsin Green Bay 1914 UWisconsin La Crosse 1846 UWisconsin Madison 1473 UWisconsin Milwaukee 1916 UWisconsin Oshkosh 1860 UWisconsin Parkside 1917 UWisconsin Platteville 1918 UWisconsin River Falls 1919 UWisconsin Stevens Pt 1740 UWisconsin Stout 1920 UWisconsin Superior 1921 UWisconsin Whitewater 1878 Viterbo Coll ? 1513 Wisconsin Lutheran Coll 1934 Wisconsin Sch Prof Psychology 4855 UWyoming WYOMING


Brown U

Bryant Coll Johnson and Wales U Providence Coll Rhode Island Coll Rhode Island Sch Design Roger Williams U Salve Regina U URhode Island SOUTH CAROLINA


nderson Coll A

Benedict Coll Bob Jones U

Charleston Southern U Citadel Cla?in Coll Clemson U

Coastal Carolina U Coker Coll Columbia Coll Columbia Intl U Converse Coll Department of Energy NE/HP Erskine Coll Francis Marion U Furman U Lander U

Medical US Carolina Morris Coll Newberry Coll North Greenville Coll Presbyterian Coll South Carolina Reg Bd Geolgsts South Carolina State U Southern Wesleyan U Leap Troy U/Shaw Ctr Uof Charleston US Carolina Columbia US Carolina Spartanbg US Carolina at Aiken Voorhees Coll Winthrop U Wofford Coll Augustana Coll Black Hills State U Dakota State U Dakota Wesleyan U Huron U Mt Marty Coll National American U Northern State U Oglala Lakota Coll South Dakota Sch Mines Tech South Dakota State U USouth Dakota Vermillion Uof Sioux Falls Austin Peay State U Belmont U Bethel Coll Bryan Coll Carson-Newman Coll Christian Brothers U

Church of God Sch Theology Cumberland U Cumberland U MBA David Lipscomb U East Tennessee State U Emmanuel Sch Religion Fisk U

Free Will Baptist Bible Coll Freed-Hardeman U

Harding Graduate Sch Religion Johnson Bible Coll King Coll Knoxville Coll Lambuth U Lane Coll SOUTH DAKOTA

6059 6052 6032 ? 6139 ? 6127 6144 6159 ? 6153 6156 ? 6187 6202 6268 6282 6957 ? 6278 ? 6280 9718 ? 6319 6158 6360 ? 6365 6378 6402 6408 0401 6551 6554 6550 ? 6577 6569 6580 6609 6643 6647 6660 6671 3830 6668 ? 6674 6619 6637 6682 6685 6756 6817 6838 6151 6003 6812 6188 6849 6835 6005 6822 6206 6820 6803 ? 6821 4787 ? 6823 TENNESSEE

Abilene Christian U

Amberton U Angelo State U Argosy U

Arlington Baptist Coll Austin Coll Austin Grad Sch Theology Austin Presbyterian Theol Sem Baumberger Endowment Sch Fnd

Baylor College Dentistry Baylor College Medicine Baylor U

Benjamin Banneker Honors Coll Concordia U at Austin Criswell Coll Dallas Baptist U Dallas Christian Coll Dallas Theolgcl Sem Grd Theol East Texas Baptist U

Episcopal Theolgcl Sem Sw Hardin-Simmons U Houston Baptist U

Houston Grad Sch Theology Howard Payne U Huston-Tillotson Coll Institute Intrntnl Educ/Mexico Jarvis Christian Coll Keller Grad Sch of Mgmt Lamar U

Le Tourneau U

Lubbock Christian U McMurry U

Midwestern State U

Minnie Stevens Piper Fndtn Our Lady Lake U HoustonOur Lady Lake U Irving

Our Lady Lake U San Antonio Paul Quinn Coll Perkins Sch of Theology Prairie View A&M U Rice U

Sam Houston State U Schreiner U

Southern Methodist U Southwestern Adventist U Southwestern Assemblies God U

Southwestern Baptist Theo Sem Southwestern U St Edwards U St Marys U

Stephen F Austin State U Sul Ross State U

Tarleton State U Ctrl Texas Tarleton State U StephenvilleTexas A&M Intl U

Texas A&M System Hlth Sci Ctr Texas A&M U Coll StationTexas A&M U Coll Vet Med Texas A&M U Commerce Texas A&M U Corpus Christi Texas A&M U Galveston Texas A&M U George Bush SchTexas A&M U Kingsville Texas A&M U Texarkana Texas Christian U

Texas Christian U Brite Div Sch Texas Coll Texas Intl Ed Consortium Texas Lutheran U


0840 Bayamon Ctrl U 7166 Caribbean Cen Advanced

Studies 0873 Inter American U PR Hato Ry 0946 Inter American U PR San Grm 3347 Ponce Sch of Medicine 0910 Ponti?cal U Puerto Rico 0714 Puerto Rico Inst Psychology 7058 UAdventista de Las Antilla 3229 UCtrl Del Caribe 0912 UPuerto Rico Mayaguez 0960 UPuerto Rico Medical Sch 0979 UPuerto Rico Rio Piedras 0402 Uersidad Politecnica de PR 0959 UGuam 0879 UVirgin Islands COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO



Brigham Young U Southern Utah U UPhoenix/Utah Uof Utah Utah State U

Utah Vly State Coll Weber State U

Westminster College Slt Lk Cty 3080 Bennington Coll 3765 Castleton State Coll 3297 College St Joseph 3416 Goddard Coll ? 3418 Green Mtn Coll 3766 Johnson State Coll 3767 Lyndon State Coll 3509 Marlboro Col-Graduate Cntr 3526 Midbury Coll 3669 Norwich U

3788 Sch International Training ? 3796 Southern Vermont Coll 3757 St Michaels Coll 3920 UVermont 3951 Vermont College-UIU 3946 Vermont Law Sch 4990 5057 5017 ? 5063 ? 5069 ? 5691 5128 ? 5124 5871 5115 5648 5702 5181 5729 5185 ? 5213 5827 5246 7973 ? 5291 5292 5294 0066 5392 5099 5385 5368 5372 5397 5398 5405 5288 5481 VERMONT

Antioch U Seattle Bainbridge Graduate Institute Chapman U City U

Ctrl Washington U Eastern Washington U Evergreen State Coll Gonzaga U Heritage Coll NW Coll Paci?c Lutheran U Seattle Paci?c U Seattle U

St Martins Coll UPuget Sound UWashington Uof Washington-MSIM Walla Walla Coll Washington St U Coll Vet Med Washington State U Western Washington U Whitman Coll Whitworth Coll Alderson-Broaddus Coll Bethany Coll Blue?eld State Coll College of W Virginia Concord U

Davis and Elkins Coll Fairmont State Coll Glenville State Coll Marshall U Ohio Vly Coll Salem Intl U Shepherd U UCharleston West Liberty State Coll West Virginia State U West Virginia U

West Virginia U Inst Tech West Virginia Wesleyan Coll Wheeling Jesuit U



Institution Codes

0456 National U of Tucuman 0676 American U Armenia 7168 0704 0765 3612 0974 0890 0987 0867 AUSTRALIA

Ctrl Queensland U

Curtin U Technology Deakin U

Royal Melbourne Inst Tech UMelbourne UNew S Wales UQueensland USydney WEST VIRGINIA

0814 Boston U Brussels 0753 European U-Antwerp 0749 Katholieke U Leuven 0762 Fundacao Getulio Vargas/EPGE 7055 Ponti?cia U Catolica-Rio 0450 Unicamp Inst Matematica ? 0041 American U In Bulgaria 0901 0906 0905 0895 ? 0914 0854 2606 ? 0932 0956 0915 9395 0888 0889 0864 0935 0535 0936 0885 0939 0865 0945 6585 0949 ? 7077 7211 ? 0886 0999 0953 0995 0958 0803 7071 0896 0876 BELGIUM




Andean Peace Scharship Proj Argosy U Averett U Blue?eld Coll Bridgewater Coll Christendom Coll Christopher Newport U Clinch Vly Coll Coll William & Mary/Sc Mrn Sci College William & Mary/VA Commander-Perscom Defense Systems Management Col Eastern Mennonite U

Eastern Virginia Medical Sch Emory and Henry Coll Ferrum Coll George Mason U

George Wash U Columbian Sch A&S

George Washington U ELP Hampden-Sydney Coll Hampton U Hollins U

Institute For Humane Studies James Madison U

Jefferson Coll Health Sciences Liberty U Longwood U Lynchburg Coll Mary Baldwin Coll Mary Washington Coll Marymount U

Mustard Seed Foundation National-Louis U ? 1012 Alverno Coll ? 1059 Beloit Coll 1100 Cardinal Stritch U 1101 Carroll Coll 1103 Carthage Coll 1139 Concordia U Wisconsin 1202 Edgewood Coll 1389 Institute Paper Science & Tech ? 1393 Lakeland Coll ? 1398 Lawrence U 1495 Maranatha Baptist Bible Coll ? 1443 Marian College Fond Du Lac 1448 Marquette U 1519 Medical College Wisconsin 1476 Milwaukee Sch Engineering ? 1490 Mt Mary Coll 1550 Nashotah House ? 1561 Northland Coll ? 1664 Ripon Coll 1300 Silver Lake Coll ? 1706 St Norbert Coll 1775 UWisc Madison Sch Vet Med WISCONSIN

Acadia U

Bishops U Brandon U Brock U

Canadian U Coll Carleton U

Concordia Lutheran Seminary Concordia U Loyola Campus Concordia U Sir G Williams Dalhousie U

Grande Prairie Regl Coll Lakehead U Laurentian U

Macdonald College McGill U McGill U

McGill U PhD Prog Admin McMaster U

Memorial U Newfoundland Mt Allison U Mt St Vincent U

Ontario Institute Studies Educ Providence Coll & Seminary Queens U

Redeemer U Coll Rotman PhD Prog-U Toronto Ryerson Polytechnical U Simon Fraser U St Francis Xavier U St Johns Coll St Marys U St Thomas U

Tech U of British Columbia Trent U

Trinity Western U

? Undergraduate only

www.ets.org/gre 17

anada (cont'd)C 0963 UAlberta 0817 UAlberta Business PhD Prog 0965 UBritish Columbia 0813 UCalgary 0635 UCollege-Cape Breton 0892 UGuelph 0990 UKings Coll 0931 ULaval 0855 ULethbridge 0973 UManitoba 0992 UMontreal 0976 UNew Brunswick 0320 U Northern British Columbia 0993 UOttawa 0941 UPrince Edward Island 0830 URegina 0980 USaskatchewan 0808 USherbrooke 0982 UToronto 7203 UToronto at Mississauga 0989 UVictoria 0996 UWaterloo 0984 UWestern Ontario 0904 UWindsor ? 9379 UWinnipeg 7038 Uof New Brunswick-St John 0893 Wilfrid Laurier U 0894 York U

7205 Ponti?cia U Catolica de Ch 9039 Fulbright Comm 7114 Costa Rica Institute of Tech 7358 IT-U of Copenhagen 7160 Technical U Denmark 9130 USouthern Denmark 0903 American U Cairo 3491 London Business Sch 0972 London Sch Economics

Poltcl Sc

3555 Loughborough U 0823 Richmond Intl U London 3207 Royal Veternary Coll 0449 Southeastern U London

Campus 0968 UBirmingham 7020 UCambridge-Judge Institute 0851 UCambridge-Land Economy 0713 UOxford 0807 UOxford Sch Management 0806 UWarwick 0908 Uof Cambridge 9051 Helsinki U Technology 0599 Tampere U of Tech 0632 ? 0866 0166 7084 0970 3244 8504 7125 9233 8167 9138 7008 3567 7263 0637 9093 8165 8536 7197 0715 1661 7004 7143 8523 0460 ENGLAND

7105 Athens Information Technology 9569 ULa Verne Athens 0515 Uof Macedonia 3153 Chinese U of Hong Kong 0069 Ctrl European U 7010 Indian Sch of Business 0833 UBombay 0451 Language Center Ikip Bandung 0871 Michael Smur?t Grad Sch Bus 7062 Royal College Surgeons Ireland 0683 UCollege Galway 9194 0967 0859 0810 0955 GREECE

9180 Amideast Jordan 0731 United States Intl U-Nairobi 7106 Hanyang U

7158 Ewha Womans U

0142 Gwangju Institute of Sci/Tech 4558 Information

Communications UN

7262 Korean National U of Arts 0768 Kuwait U 0902 American U Beirut ? 0793 West African Exams Council 0062 0843 0733 0938 3823 7103 7267 0730 7102 7007 JORDAN KENYA



8521 0291 7107 0677 7219 ? 0673 7046 9214 0887 0075 7135 0882 7016 0008 0247 SINGAPORE

Nanyang Technological U

Nanyang Technological U National Institute Education National U Singapore National U of Singapore SE Asia Union Coll Cem?Centro de Estudios US Educational Comm Spain UAT Autonoma Barcelona UAT Pompeu Fabra Uersidad de Navarra Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sch of Economics Stockholm U Uppsala U






American Graduate Sch American U Paris Ecole Ntl Super Telecom (Enst) IFP Sch Insead Insead PhD Program Aachen U of Technology Albert Ludwigs U Freiburg Fulbright Kommission Humboldt-U Zu Berlin Intl U Bremen Intl U Germany Johann Wolfgang Goethe-U Munich U Otto Von Guericke U Magdeburg Pep-Uniersity of Bremen Technical U Hamburg-Harburg UApplied Sciences UFreiburg Integrted Master Pg UMaryland U Col Eur Div UMaryland U Coll-Mim Prog Uof Applied Sci Esslingen Uof Kaiserslautern UAT Dortmund UAT Stuttgart ISRAEL

Amideast Jerusalem Bar-Ilan U

Hebrew U Jerusalem Tel-Aviv U UHaifa 3253 Swiss Federal Inst Technology 7202 Uof St Gallen 7142 Academia Sinica 0829 Fu Jen Catholic U 3534 USAID/Tanzania 0918 Asian Institute Technology 9318 Chulalongkorn U 3503 Yonok Coll 9182 Amideast Tunisia 0620 3205 7117 0163 0692 7100 SWITZERLAND TAIWAN



3710 Bocconi U 7206 Bocconi U-Mec 1654 St Johns U-Rome 0880 UW Indies 7078 0860 0712 9995 3814 7956 7116 0819 2988 7115 0020 7048 0439 ITALY

Cicese Instituto Technlgico Monterrey Intl U Mexico Ude Las Americas Delft U Technology Eramus U-Erim Erasmus U Tilburg U







Institution Codes


Doshisha U Intl Christian U Intl U Japan Joint Japan/World Bank Grad Sc Kyoto U

Osaka U Frontier Biosciences Ritsumeikan Asia Paci?c U Sophia U

Temple U/Japan Tohoku U Troy U-Paci?c Region UTokyo Grad Sch Science Uof Tsukuba 0109 Hogskolen I Stavanger 0686 Norwegian Sch Econ &

Bus Adm

0756 UOslo 7265 Bahria U 7014 National U Sciences & Tech 7049 UKarachi Hej Research Inst 0977 UPanama 0978 UPhilippines 0868 UPetroleum Minerals NORWAY



Bilkent U

Bogazici U Istanbul Tech U Koc U

Mid E Technical U Sabanci U

PANAMA 9052 Sotheby's Inst Art-London 0799 UCollege Cardiff 9181 Amideast Yemen ? 3601 Solusi Coll UNITED KINGDOM WALES





? Undergraduate only

18 www.ets.org/gre


001 Afghanistan003 Albania005 Algeria

007 American Samoa008 Andorra010 Angola011 Anguilla012 Antigua and Barbuda015 Argentina016 Armenia017 Aruba020 Australia025 Austria029 Azerbaijan030 Azores035 Bahamas040 Bahrain045 Bangladesh050 Barbados094 Belarus055 Belgium056 Belize058 Benin060 Bermuda063 Bhutan065 Bolivia069 Bosnia & Herzegovina070 Botswana075 Brazil077 British Virgin Islands081 Brunei Darussalam085 Bulgaria593 Burkina Faso092 Burundi307 Cambodia095 Cameroon100 Canada105 Canary Islands106 Cape Verde110 Cayman Islands

113 Central African Republic114 Chad115 Chile

457 China, People’s Republic of120 Colombia122 Comoros

630 Congo-DRC (formerly Zaire)

125 Congo Republic

126 Cook Islands130 Costa Rica290 Cote d’lvoire133 Croatia135 Cuba140 Cyprus142 Czech Republic150 Denmark153 Djibouti

154 Dominica, Commonwealth of155 Dominican Republic165 Ecuador170 Egypt175 El Salvador180 England

183 Equatorial uinea182 Eritrea184 Estonia185 Ethiopia187 Faeroe Island107 Federated States of


190 Fiji

195 Finland200 France203 French uiana202 French Polynesia204 abon

205 ambia, The

Gaza206 G


Germany210 G


Gibraltar217 G


Greenland225 G


Guadaloupe228 G



233 uineaG

234 uinea-Bissau235 uyana240 Haiti

245 Honduras250 Hong Kong


251 Hungary

255 Iceland260 India

265 Indonesia270 Iran273 Iraq275 Ireland277 Isle of Man280 Israel285 Italy295 Jamaica300 Japan305 Jordan

308 Kazakhstan310 Kenya312 Kiribati314 Korea (DPR)315 Korea (ROK)320 Kuwait323 Kyrgyzstan325 Laos328 Latvia330 Lebanon333 Lesotho335 Liberia340 Libya

343 Liechtenstein344 Lithuania345 Luxembourg347 Macau

348 Macedonia—Fmr Yugoslav


350 Madagascar353 Madeira Islands355 Malawi360 Malaysia361 Maldives363 Mali365 Malta

368 Marshall Islands366 Martinique369 Mauritania370 Mauritius375 Mexico376 Moldova378 Monaco379 Mongolia

380 Morocco385 Mozambique090 Myanmar388 Namibia386 Nauru387 Nepal

390 Netherlands395 Netherlands Antilles396 New Caledonia405 New Zealand420 Nicaragua425 Niger430 Nigeria433 Niue

434 Northern Ireland367 Northern Mariana Islands435 Norway443 Oman445 Pakistan447 Palau450 Panama

400 Papua New Guinea455 Paraguay460 Peru

465 Philippines470 Poland475 Portugal474 Puerto Rico477 Qatar482 Reunion483 Romania484 Russia487 Rwanda511 St. Helena

486 St. Kitts & Nevis521 St. Lucia

522 St. Vincent and the


620 Samoa488 San Marino

489 Sao Tome and Principe490 Saudi Arabia495 Scotland497 Senegal498 Seychelles500 Sierra Leone505 Singapore

503 Slovakia504 Slovenia506 Solomon Islands507 Somalia510 South Africa515 Spain520 Sri Lanka525 Sudan527 Suriname530 Swaziland535 Sweden540 Switzerland545 Syria550 Tahiti555 Taiwan556 Tajikistan560 Tanzania565 Thailand567 Togo570 Tonga

575 Trinidad and Tobago580 Tunisia585 Turkey

584 Turkmenistan

586 Turks and Caicos Islands587 Tuvalu590 Uganda589 Ukraine

591 United Arab Emirates588 United Kingdom*

592 United States of America607 US Virgin Islands595 Uruguay594 Uzbekistan596 Vanuatu597 Vatican City600 Venezuela605 Vietnam610 Wales611 West Bank623 Yemen625 Yugoslavia635 Zambia480 Zimbabwe999 Other

*See England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland



Alabama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALAlaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AKAmerican Samoa . . . . . . . . . . . ASArizona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AZArkansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ARCalifornia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CAColorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COConnecticut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTDelaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEDistrict of Columbia . . . . . . . . .DCFederated States of

Micronesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FM

Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLGeorgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GAGuam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GUHawaii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HIIdaho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IDIllinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ILIndiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .INlowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IAKansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSKentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KYLouisiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAMaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ME

Marshall Islands . . . . . . . . . . .MHMaryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MDMassachusetts . . . . . . . . . . . .MAMichigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIMinnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MNMississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MSMissouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MOMontana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MTNebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NENevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NVNew Hampshire . . . . . . . . . . . .NHNew Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NJ

New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NM

New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NYNorth Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . .NCNorth Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NDNorthern Mariana Islands . . . .MPOhio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OHOklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OKOregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ORPalau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PWPennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAPuerto Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PRRhode Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RI

South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . .SCSouth Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SDTennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TNTexas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TXUtah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UTVermont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VTVirgin Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VIVirginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VAWashington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WAWest Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WVWisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WIWyoming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WY


Apartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .APTAvenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AVEBoulevard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BLVDBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BXBroadway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BDWYCourt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTDrive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DR

East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EFort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FTGarden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GDNSHeadquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . .HQHeights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HTSHighway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HWYLake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LK

Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LNMount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MTMountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MTNNorth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NParkway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PKYPlace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PT

Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PRTRoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RDRoute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTSouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SStreet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STTerrace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TERTrail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRL

Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TRLRTurnpike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TPKEWest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W


Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABBritish Columbia . . . . . . . . . . .BCLabrador. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBManitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MBNew Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . .NB

Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFNorthwest Territories . . . . . . . . NTNova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NSOntario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ONPrince Edward Island . . . . . . . PE

Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PQSaskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . SKYukon Territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . YT

www.ets.org/gre 19






0101 Agricultural Economics0102 Agricultural Production0103 Agricultural Sciences0104 Agronomy0105 Animal Sciences0106 Fishery Sciences0107 Food Sciences

0108 Forestry and Related Sciences0109 Horticulture

0111 Parks and Recreation Management0112 Plant Sciences (Except Agronomy,


0113 Renewable Natural Resources0110 Resource Management0114 Soil Sciences0115 Wildlife Management0199 Agriculture-—-OtherBiological Sciences0201 Anatomy0221 Bacteriology0202 Biochemistry0203 Biology0204 Biometry0222 Biophysics0205 Botany

0206 Cell and Molecular Biology0208 Developmental Biology0207 Ecology

0209 Entomology and Parasitology0210 Genetics0211 Marine Biology0212 Microbiology0213 Neurosciences0214 Nutrition0215 Pathology0216 Pharmacology0217 Physiology0218 Radiobiology0219 Toxicology0220 Zoology0299 Biological Sciences-—-OtherChemistry

0302 Analytical Chemistry0301 Chemistry, General0303 Inorganic Chemistry0304 Organic Chemistry0305 Pharmaceutical Chemistry0306 Physical Chemistry0399 Chemistry-—-OtherComputer and Information Sciences0401 Computer Programming0402 Computer Sciences0403 Data Processing0404 Information Sciences0405 Microcomputer Applications0406 Systems Analysis0499 Computer Sciences-—-OtherEarth, Atmospheric, and Marine Sciences0501 Atmospheric Sciences0502 Environmental Sciences0503 Geochemistry0504 Geology

0505 Geophysics and Seismology0507 Meteorology0508 Oceanography0506 Paleontology

0599 Earth, Atmospheric, and Marine

Sciences-—-OtherHealth and Medical Sciences0601 Allied Health0602 Audiology0603 Chiropractic0604 Dental Sciences0605 Environmental Health0606 Epidemiology

0607 Health Science Administration0608 Immunology0609 Medical Sciences0621 Medicinal Chemistry0610 Nursing

0618 Occupational Therapy0611 Optometry0612 Osteopathic Medicine0613 Pharmaceutical Sciences0619 Physical Therapy0614 Podiatry0615 Pre-Medicine0616 Public Health

0620 Speech/anguage Pathology0617 Veterinary Medicine0622 Veterinary Science

0699 Health and Medical Sciences-—-Other

Mathematical Sciences0701 Actuarial Sciences0702 Applied Mathematics0703 Mathematics0704 Probability & Statistics0799 Mathematical Sciences-—OtherPhysics and Astronomy0801 Astronomy0802 Astrophysics

0803 Atomic/Molecular Physics0804 Nuclear Physics0805 Optics0808 Physics0806 Planetary Science0807 Solid State Physics0899 Physics and Astronomy-—-OtherNatural Sciences-—-Other0999 Natural Sciences-—-Other

2012 Psychometrics

2013 Psychopharmacology2014 Quantitative Psychology2015 Social Psychology2099 Psychology-—-OtherSociology

2101 Demography2102 Sociology

Social Sciences-—-Other2206 American Studies2201 Area Studies2202 Criminal Justice/Criminology2203 Geography2207 Gerontology

L2204 Public Affairs2205 Urban Studies2299 Social Sciences-—-Other

3702 Education of Handicapped Students

3703 Education of Students with Specific

Learning Disabilities3704 Remedial Education


3705 Special Education3799 Special Education-—-OtherEducation-—-Student Counseling andPersonnel Services3801 Personnel Services3802 Student CounselingEducation-—-Other

3901 Adult and Continuing Education3908 Agricultural Education3902 Billingual/Crosscultural Education3903 Educational Media3904 Junior High/Middle School Education

L3909 Physical Education3905 Pre-Elementary Education3906 Social Foundations

3907 Teaching English as a Second Language/

Foreign Language3910 Vocational/Technical Education3999 Education-—-Other


Engineering-—-Chemical1001 Chemical Engineering

1002 Pulp and Paper Production1003 Wood Science1099 Chemical Engineering-—-OtherEngineering-—-Civil1101 Architectural Engineering1102 Civil Engineering

1103 Environmental/Sanitary Engineering1199 Civil Engineering-—-OtherEngineering-—-Electrical and Electronics1202 Communications Engineering1201 Computer Engineering1203 Electrical Engineering1204 Electronics Engineering

1299 Electrical & Electronics Engineering-—

OtherEngineering-—-Industrial1301 Industrial Engineering1302 Operations Research1399 Industrial Engineering-—OtherEngineering-—-Materials1401 Ceramic Engineering1402 Materials Engineering1403 Materials Science1404 Metallurgical Engineering1499 Materials Engineering-—-OtherEngineering-—-Mechanical1501 Engineering Mechanics1502 Mechanical Engineering1599 Mechanical Engineering-—-OtherEngineering-—-Other1601 Aerospace Engineering1602 Agricultural Engineering1603 Biomedical Engineering1604 Engineering Physics1605 Engineering Science1606 Geological Engineering1607 Mining Engineering

1608 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering1609 Nuclear Engineering1610 Ocean Engineering1611 Petroleum Engineering1612 Systems Engineering1613 Textile Engineering1699 Engineering-—-Other


Arts-—-History, Theory, and Criticism2301 Art History and Criticism

2302 Music History, Musicology, and TheoryL

2399 Arts-—-History, Theory, and Criticism-—

OtherLArts-—-Performance and StudioL2401 Art

L2402 DanceLL2405 Design

2403 Drama/Theatre Arts

LL2406 Fine ArtsLL

2407 Industrial Design

LL2404 Music

2499 Arts-—-Performance and Studio-—OtherEnglish Language and Literature

2502 American anguage and iterature2503 Creative Writing2501 English anguage and iterature2599 English anguage and iterature-—OtherForeign Languages and Literatures2601 Asian anguages2609 Classical anguages2602 Foreign iterature2603 French

2604 Germanic anguages2605 Italian2606 Russian2607 Semitic anguages2608 Spanish2699 Foreign anguages-—-OtherHistory

2701 American History2702 European History2703 History of Science2799 History-—-OtherPhilosophy

2801 All Philosophy Fields

Humanities and Arts-—-Other2901 Classics

2902 Comparative Language and Literature2903 inguistics2904 Religious Studies

2999 Humanities and Arts-—-Other



4001 Accounting4002 Taxation

Banking and FinanceL

4101 Commercial Banking4102 Finance

4103 Investments and Securities

Business Administration and Management

4201 Business Administration and Management4208 Hospitality Services Management4202 Human Resource Development4203 Institutional Management4204 abor/Industrial Relations4205 Management Science4206 Organizational Behavior4207 Personnel Management4299 Business Management-—-OtherBusiness-—-Other4301 Business Economics4302 International Business Management4303 Management Information Systems4304 Marketing and Distribution

4305 Marketing Management and Research4399 Business-—Other


Architecture and Environmental Design4401 Architecture

4402 City and Regional Planning4403 Environmental Design4404 Interior Design4405 andscape Architecture4406 Urban Design4499 Architecture and Environmental Design-—

OtherCommunications4501 Advertising

4502 Communications Research

4503 Journalism and Mass Communications4504 Public Relations4505 Radio, TV, and Film4506 Speech Communication4599 Communications-—-OtherHome Economics4601 Consumer Economics4603 Family Counseling4602 Family Relations4699 Home Economics-—-OtherLibrary and Archival Sciences4702 Archival Science4701 ibrary SciencePublic Administration4801 Public AdministrationReligion and Theology4903 Ordained Ministry/Rabbinate4901 Religion4902 TheologySocial Work5001 Social Work

Other Fields

5101 Interdisciplinary Programs5102 aw

5199 Any Department Not ListedNOTE: If undecided use 0000.


Education-—-Administration3001 Educational Administration3002 Educational SupervisionEducation-—-Curriculum and Instruction3101 Curriculum and InstructionEducation-—-Early Childhood3201 Early Childhood EducationEducation-—-Elementary3301 Elementary Education

3302 Elementary Level Teaching FieldsEducation-—-Evaluation and Research3403 Educational Psychology

3401 Educational Statistics and Research3402 Educational Testing, Evaluation, and


3404 Elementary and Secondary Research3405 Higher Education Research3406 School PsychologyEducation-—-Higher3501 Educational Policy3502 Higher Education

Education-—-Secondary3601 Secondary Education

3602 Secondary Level Teaching FieldsEducation-—-Special

3701 Education of Gifted Students


Anthropology & Archaeology1701 Anthropology1702 ArchaeologyEconomics

1802 Econometrics1801 Economics

Political Science

1901 International Relations1902 Political Science and Government1903 Public Policy Studies1999 Political Science-—-OtherPsychology

2001 Clinical Psychology2002 Cognitive Psychology2003 Community Psychology2004 Comparative Psychology2005 Counseling Psychology2006 Developmental Psychology2007 Experimental Psychology

2008 Industrial and Organizational Psychology2009 Personality Psychology2010 Physiological Psychology2011 Psycholinguistics2016 Psychology

20 www.ets.org/gre


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