
完美生活吉他谱简单版-不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版

发布时间:2017-11-07 所属栏目:49金马奖颁奖完整版

一 : 不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版

不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版_笑霸

不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版_笑霸

不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版_笑霸

不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版_笑霸

不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版_笑霸

二 : 张浚宗谱世系简表(完全版)



│ │ ││宁乡、湘潭等处。见民国十三年张登愷沩宁水口先儒四益堂谱和清光绪二年

│ │ ││张铣、张而昌《张氏通谱》。

│ │ │┝翱—宣—文□,其后居浙江金华汤溪。见湖南祁阳、武冈、溆浦、沅陵诸谱。

│ │ │┝翔,原籍吉州(一说洪州),其后回迁湖南居衡、邵、永、溆、辰、益诸县市及川、

│ │ ││豫诸省。明河间王张玉、清宰相张鹏嗣即其裔也。见湖南祁阳谱。梁恭辰有

│ │ ││五房六宰相之说,即张居正、张玉书、张英、张廷玉、张鹏翮、百菊溪同出

│ │ ││一系,见《北东园笔录》。长沙阅田谱载张居正为张炳之后。

│ │ │└千载,一说即铿,原籍吉州,与文天祥善,仗义负文天祥骸骨归葬吉州,其后迁

│ │ │居湖南岳阳、邵阳等处。见张克刚《张氏南轩通谱》。江西吉安亦有其后,

│ │ │但以南唐参政张敏为始祖。见万安固山横塘谱。

│ │└明羲─镗┬惟孝,因父殉难,隐沩学道,居宁乡龙塘,其后居湖南宁乡、安化、新化、

│ ││桃江等处。

│ │└惟考,因父殉难,迁安化三洲,自号梅山处士。见《张氏通谱》。

│ │ ┌明羲

│ │└明义,字存理,号濲滨,自湖州蒹葭里迁兰溪桃花坞,其子文瓒字廷璋,号兰谷,行宗

│ │ │六,入赘胡氏遂居汤溪沃里,张祖年即其裔也。见张祖年《道绎集》。

│ │┝文吉,其后居浙江余姚、上虞、新昌、嵊县一带。见清光绪十年张谦、张震祥姚江历山

│ │ │敦伦堂谱、嘉庆二十年张天成古虞孝友堂谱和嘉庆十二年张周才南明夏州萃英堂

│ │ │谱。上虞、新昌诸谱载文吉为唐代人,魏公为文吉八世孙。余姚谱载魏公为唐彦

│ │ │博公十世孙,与朱子《魏公行状》殊异。

│ │ ┝王相,南宋嘉定间知平江府事遂居吴,其后居浙江平湖、上海华亭。见民国五年张元善平

│ │ │湖张氏家乘和清光绪十三年张德刚松江华亭南塘张氏谱。谱载魏公为唐相张柬之裔。

│ │┌锡,自潭州迁绍兴山阴余贵庄,其后居浙江嵊县。见清道光二十年张登洙剡北济美堂谱。

│ │ └铴—义伦。同上。

│ │┝伸,其后居河北定兴、浙江萧山。张弘范、葛云飞即其裔也。见张宪、张阳辉《张氏统

│ │ │宗世谱》和萧山义门《张氏宗谱》、县前《徐氏宗谱》、山阴天乐《葛氏宗谱》。谱

│ │ │载汝南王张柔为宣公六世孙,甚谬。

│ │ ┝墀─镗,字孟声,子遗宋末迁福建永福,其后居永泰、福州等处,实业家张秋舫即其裔。

│ │ │见清末张绍曾永泰清河张氏宗谱。梁克家《淳熙三山志》载张镗,字声甫,长邑人,

│ │ │淳祐四年进士,新会簿。弟镇,字仲甫,绍定五年廷试第一,因父为考官,易为第

│ │ │三,通判绍兴府,官至吏部尚书。父翀,字蜚卿,嘉定四年探花。孟声疑即声甫。

│ │┝洽—镗┬源,字怀湘。因父殉难,避地潜隐,逃山东济宁城西疃里山之阳作地村(今嘉

│ │ ││祥县瞳里乡大张村)。见山东巨野《张氏宗谱》(张长河宗亲编)

││ │└溟,字渊注。因父殉难,元人购求其后,乃迁安化三洲,自号梅山处士。生二

││ │子长松,次柏。柏逃山西平阳,生子桐,桐长子君用明永乐间迁山东汶上桃城,

││ │次子君爱仍居山西。同上。

│ │┌先猷┬世良┬镗─新一,宋末自闽迁吴,居毘陵城南殷薛里,其后居江苏常州。常州词

│ │ │…│派开创者张惠言即其裔。见民国三十六年张廷耀常州世恩堂谱。

│ │ │…└铿,其后居江苏常州、无锡。同上。

│ │└告猷,其后居江苏常州。见常州世恩堂谱。

│ │└相猷—满,其后居浙江山阴。见清道光十九年张湘华《松林张氏宗谱》。

│ ┝烜┬至─如鉴─镗─新一,宋末由凤翔迁居江苏常州。见清同治九年张祯禧常州百忍堂谱。

│ │└垫,其后居江苏常州。同上。




│ ┝棊,其后居江苏新丰。见沈寿民《姑山遗稿》。


│ │┌明经(枢),其后居湖南湘潭、宁乡,明隆平侯张信即其裔也。见《张氏通谱》。

│ │┝明养(梗),其后居湖南益阳。同上。

│ │ ┝明缣(櫿),其后居湖南、福建。同上。

│ │└明孙,原籍江右,宋淳祐三年徙居湘乡欧源。见清光绪二十九年张鼎盛、张子承湘乡欧

│ │ │源孝友堂谱和《张氏通谱》。

│ │┝明衍,即张化孙,其裔居湘、闽、粤、浙、赣、台及海外,人口近千万。见清光绪十四

│ │ │年张登坃《张氏续修族谱》和《张氏南轩通谱》。闽粤诸谱载化孙为张九龄裔。

│ │└明隆,讳通义,原籍江右,其后居湖南新化、邵阳。新化谱载通义为北宋人。见《张氏

│ │南轩通谱》和民国三十七年张昌鹏、张昌建邵阳两铭堂谱。

│ ┝恂,见民国十五年江苏溧阳李巷里谱。谱载魏公为北宋张文吉七世孙,世系与上虞谱略异。


│ │ └江 张衡等余姚历山敦伦堂谱、剡北济美堂谱。

│ │┌辕—进禄—文贵—宗智—永旭—溋—松—克何,迁剡北沙园。为沙园张氏始祖。见民国

│ │ │十七年张远结、张诗耀《剡北张氏宗谱》。

│ │└轩,其后清水塘、清河坊。同上。


│ │绍金思孝堂《江都张氏善二公支谱》。谱载魏公为张九皋十六世孙,世次为九皋

│ │生抗,抗生仲方,仲方生义宣(唐表作茂宣),义宣生克伦(唐表作克俭),克

│ │伦生绮,绮生崇纪,崇纪生澜,澜生钧(唐表作玓),钧生惟正(以上见唐表),

│ │惟正生绍武,绍武生公器,公器生忻然,忻然生纮(或作缄),纮生咸,咸生浚。

│ │与朱子《魏公行状》殊异。



│ └旸,其后居浙江嵊县。同上。该谱载魏公为唐代状元张又新九世孙,与朱子《魏公行状》异。

│ ┝颂─火光,元中统元年(1260)自四川绵竹县宦居浙江海宁盐宫镇。见海宁武源张氏谱。


│ ┝英—王相,见乾隆五十九年平湖《张氏家乘》。


│ │孙世袭沿河、思南、印江等州县土司,直至民国初年。见康熙三十年(1691)

│ │张南翔《黔南张氏族谱》和1990年张志忠《张氏源流史》。据《宋史》、《宋绘

│ │要》等文献记载:张声进,又名大雅,活动于大中祥符(1008-1016)年间,生

│ │二子珍、玉,玉生华,华生馨、香,香生怀、恺、恢。是谱载魏公为开封张叔

│ │夜(1065-1127)之孙,张声进为宣公之子。甚谬。


│ │城南张家壩,其后居张家壩、社桥等处。见民国七年张荣海毗陵书忍堂谱。

│ ┝……志,元代自湖南衡阳县赘居浙江绍兴萧山杜冢村。见清光绪十八年张绍良岳山张氏谱。


│ │见清宣统元年张其贤鄞县槎湖种德堂谱。



│ │裔也。见张熙惟、阎钢《历代张氏望族》。



│ │年张敦培、张光基《南张世谱》和黄廷鑑《第六絃溪文钞》。



│ │东畈。见咸丰十年张仲旺浙江永康《清河张氏宗谱》。谱载魏公为唐兵部尚书张询,

│ │翰林学士张伯渊之后。


│ │《南京刑部郎中进应天府丞中宪大夫张君黼墓志铭》和《明史》卷一百八十八《张

│ │鸣凤传》。


│ │皖,洪武定鼎,云山同子侄九人迁舒城山七里河,为一世祖。云山生寿二,寿二生

│ │谱优、谱俊,侄福五、福六等。见舒城晓天《张氏宗谱》(张劲松藏)。

│ ……



│ ┌忠纯


│ │└明羲─镗,出后从伯父明义公为嗣。镗生洽,为白鹿洞书院山长,其后居江苏无锡。

│ │谱载魏公为唐相张嘉贞十六世孙。同上。剡北济美堂谱载忠纯生明羲,忠恕生明义。



│ │└远猷,其后居浙江山阴。见无锡梁溪萃雅堂谱。

│ ┌忠纯

│ └忠恕┬坚,嘉定间与弟岳避乱自合淝徙浙,其后居浙江山阴琶山、赖山及峡山等处,世称三

│ ││山张氏。稽山书院山长张德华其裔也。见清道光二十一年张一鸣山阴孝友堂谱。

│ │└岳,拜武略将军,其后居会稽余贵。同上。





│ ┝珍,其后居湖州。


│ │沦,沦生榧,榧生炽,炽生坤,坤生奄,奄生表,表生品,品生嵩,嵩生莆,莆生个,

│ │个生生聚,聚生象,象生诗,诗生抽,抽生茜,茜生赋,赋生褒,褒生嵘,嵘生

│ │阀,阀生讨,讨生咸,咸生洽、浚,浚生栻、杓(字范夫,《剡东五都上林张氏宗谱》作

│ │枸,字定叟)。与朱子《魏公行状》殊异。见民国二十年嵊邑清德堂《张氏宗谱》。



│ ┌烜─至─如鉴─镗—文谦—伯淳—起岩—羽—傅,字师灏,号瑞隐。因伪吴僭号恐为波及,

│ │避居于锡邑芙蓉圩。烜嗣张栻后,文谦、伯淳、起岩、羽《元史》及《明史》有传。见

│ │民国三年张履廷无锡蓉湖孝友堂《张氏宗谱》。

│ ┝熠,同上。

│ ┝炯,同上。

│ ┝忠恕,同上。

│ └忠纯,同上。




│ │氏宗谱·总谱渊源录》(弘治十一年张邦达撰)。明弘治十五年彭泽修《徽州府志》

│ │载远猷之父讳震,字彦亨,有兄弟七人,兄子大猷为人孝谨,终湖南潭州排岸。

│ ……























三 : 生活美语口语教程完美打印版 49

1、How’s Your Family?

your、you’re ------*yer

your and you’re aren’t pronounced *yer if stressed.



Listen to each part of the conversatian: first spoken with careful (slow) pronunciation; then spoken with relaxed (fast) pronunciation.

Careful (Slow) Pronunciation Relaxed (Fast) Pronunciation

C: Maria? Maria Gonzalez? My gosh! *Yer so Carlos: Maria? Maria Gonzalez? My gosh!

You’re so tall now. tall now.

Maria: Carlos! My old neighbor! Wow! You’re M: Carlos! My old neighbor! Wow! *Yer looking great. looking great.

C: Thanks. So…how’s your family? C: Thanks. So…how’s *yer family?

M: They’re fine. How about your family? M: They’re fine. How about your family? C: They’re fine, too. C: They’re fine, too.

M: That’s good. Does your mother still M: That’s good. Does *yer mother still volunteer at a school? volunteer at a school?

C: Yes, she does. C: Yes, she does.

M: That’s great. Your mother’s a really nice M: That’s great. *Yer mother’s a really nice person. person.

C: You’re right. She is. So, does your father C: *Yer right. She is. So, does *yer father still still sing with his friends? sing with his friends?

M: Every weekend. M: Every weekend.


Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What's the relationship between Maria and Carlos?

2. How often do you think they see each other? Explain.

3. What do you know about each family?

4. What do you think Carlos' mother does at the school?

5. Where do you think Maria's father sings every weekend?

Now, work with a partner and compare your answers.

Close your book. You'll hear each part of the conversation spoken with relaxed pronunciation. Repeat each part using careful pronunciation.


Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Which family moved? When?

2. What do you know about Carlos' sister and Maria’s brother?

3. Which family members don’t know about the marriage plans?

4. Why do you think some family members don't know?

5. Do you think Carlos wants his sister to marry Maria's brother? Explain.

6. Should Carlos and Maria tell their parents about the marriage plans? Explain.

7. The best title far this conversation is

a. Good Friends b. An Exciting Marriage c. Invite Me to the Divorce d. Other

Work with a partner. Compare your answers. Listen again if necessary.


Listen again. The conversation is spoken with relaxed pronunciation. Complete the sentences with the words you would hear if they were spoken with careful pronunciation. Then, listen once more and check your answers.

M: Carlos, _____________family moved two years ago, right?

C: Yes.

M: _______________________twenty now?

C: Yes, And ___________________________seventeen?

M: No. Eighteen.

C: Oh. ______________________a mechanic now, right?

M: That’s right. So…_______________sister is a doctor in the Peace Corps, isn’t she?

C: Uh huh.

M: Is she still in India?

C: Yes. She loves India. Is __________________brother still an actor in Hollywood?

M: Yeah. He does a soap commercial on TV. He e-mails __________________sister every day. C: Do ________________parents know they plan to get married?

M: No. Do ___________________parents know?

C: I don’t think so. ___________________brother and my sister have really different lives. M: _________________not happy about their engagement?

C: I’m just worried. They’re so different.

M: __________________right. They are.


Work in small groups.

Is it better for a husband and wife to be interested in the same things? Explain.

2、Yours Is a Great Job!


L: I just got a raise at work. L: Yours is near your father-in-law’s house. T: Really? I love your job. T: Yeah. Yours is far from my father-in-law’s L: I love yours. house…I love your job.

T: Your job pays really well. L: I just got a raise at work.

L: Yours is interesting. T: Really? I love *yer job.

T: Your boss teaches the employees new L: I love *yers.

things. T: *Yer job pays really well.

L: But yours is funny. L: *Yers is interesting.

T: You’re right, but your job is near your T: *Yer boss teaches the employees new home. things.

L: But *yers is funny. T: Yeah. *Yers is far from my father-in-law’s T: *Yer right, but *yer job is near *yer home. house…I love *yer job.

L: *Yers is near *yer father-in-law’s house.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. Who got a raise?

2. What do you know about Linda's job?

3. What do you know about Tim's job?

4. Do you think Tim likes his father-in-law? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What’s Tim’s problem?

2. How do you think he feels about the problem?

3. What does Linda like about Tim's job?

4. What does Tim like about Linda's job?

5. Guess what Tim's jab is. Explain.

6. Guess what Linda’s jab is. Explain.

T: I didn’t get a raise.

L: Oh, Tim, I’m really sorry. But_____________________ is a great job.

T: It doesn’t pay very well.

L: ____________________job helps people. That’s important.

T: _____________________ right, but_____________________ pays well.

L: Money isn’t everything. ___________________co-workers are nice.

T: _____________are really intelligent.

L: So are _______________.

T: ____________________job is fun.

L: ________________________isn’t fun?

T: Yeah, ________________right. _________________pays better, but my job is really fun.


Work in small groups.

Which is more important in a job-to make good money, to help people, or to have fun?

3、I have the perfect car for you


For doesn’t become *fer if stressed or if it’s not followed by another word. EXAMPLE: Who’s this for?

J: I’m looking for a car. S: What price do you have in mind for the car? S: Okay. For a new car? J: Around $8,500. What’s your price J: No. For a used car. range for economy car?

S: For a recent model? S: You can’t buy a late model for $8,500. J: Yes. For a late model economy car. J: You’re sure?

S: Yes, sir. But I have a very nice late model S: What price do you have in mind *fer the for $11,900. car?

J: Around $8,500. What’s *yer price range J: I’m looking *fer a car. *fer economy car?

S: Okay. *Fer a new car? S: You can’t buy a late model *fer $8,500. J: No. *Fer a used car. J: *Yer sure?

S: *Fer a recent model? S: Yes, sir. But I have a very nice late model J: Yes. *Fer a late model economy car. *fer $11,900.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What kind of car is John looking for?

2. How much does he want to spend?

3. Do you think this is enough money to buy a late model Car?

4. Does the salesperson think this is enough money? Explain.

5. What does the salesperson offer John? Explain.

6. What do you think John will say next?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

Is John happy when he sees the car? Explain.

What does the salesperson say about each problem with the car?

What would john have to do to fix the car?

Would you buy a car from this salesperson? Why or why not?

S: Looking _______________________ a car, sir?

J: Yes. ______________________ a used car.

S: ___________________ a used car? ____________________ in the right place.

J: A late model economy car ______________ city driving. It’s ___________my family.

S: Say no more. I have the perfect car ______________ city driving. ________________ family will love it. Follow me.

J: Is this it?

S: This is the one. Isn’t it beautiful?

J: But the paint’s chipped.

S: No problem. ________________ a few extra dollars, we’ll fix that _______ you. It’ll look just like new.

J: How many miles has it got?

S: Oh, around 95,000. But _____________ a few extra dollars, we’ll rebuild the engine. It’ll be just like new.

J: The tires are bald.

S: _______________ right. But_____________ a few more dollars, we’ll put on new tires. This will be a beautiful car _________ __________family.

Compare this salesperson to salespeople you've met.

4、Where Are the Bags of Chips?


Of doesn’t become *a if stressed, or if it’s not followed by another word. Example:

A: Is it 3:00?

B: No. It’s ten of.

J: The party’s tonight. I’ve invited a lot of J: The party’s tonight. I’ve invited a lot *a people. people.

S: Then, let’s go shopping. It’s already a S: Then, let’s go shopping. It’s already a quarter of three. quarter *a three.

J: You’re right. It’s late. Let’s make a list. J: *Yer right. It’s late. Let’s make a list. S: Okay. We need a case of soda. S: Okay. We need a case *a soda.

J: Right. We also need a bag of pretzels. J: Right. We also need a bag of pretzels. S: What about a few bags of chips? S: What about a few bags *a chips?

J: Okay. And a couple of packages of cheese J: Okay. And a couple *a packages *a cheese for the dip. *fer the dip.

S: Great. Your cheese dips are always so good. S: Great. *Yer cheese dips are always so good. J: Thanks. We need a couple of other things, J: Thanks. We need a couple *a other things, too. too.

S: Wait. I don’t have my credit card. Do you S: Wait. I don’t have my credit card. Do you have yours? have *yers?

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What are Julie and Shoko planning to do? When?

2. What do you think their relationship is?

3. How much cheese will they buy?

4. What other food do they need?

5. Who will pay for the food? Why?

6. Do you think they planned well for the party? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What fond dues Julie buy?

2. In which aisles does she find each kind of food?

3. Do you think Julie's party food is nutritious? Explain.

4. What party food would be more nutritious?

5. What time is the party?

6. What does Julie need to do before the party?

J: Excuse me. Where’s the milk?

C: It’s down aisle 15.

J: Thanks.

C: Excuse me, Miss. __________ going the wrong way. Aisle 15 is on _____________ left.

J: Oh! Thank you. (to herself) I need three cartons __________milk and a few cartons ______orange juice.

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C: Go down aisle 10. They’re at the end _________the aisle. They’re beside the cans _________nuts.

J: Thanks. Oh! I also want meat ___________ hamburgers. Where’s the meat section?

C: It’s at the end ______________ aisle 1. Aisle 1 is on __________right, in the corner ___________the store.

J: One more thing. I need buns __________ the hamburgers.

C: Hamburger buns are at the end __________aisle 2, near the crackers.

J: Thank you. (to another shopper) Excuse me. What time is it?

S: It’s ten_________four.

J: (to herself) Oh, my gosh! I need to make all_____________ the food ___________ the party I two hours!

What food do you usually have at parties? Discuss.

5、Do you Like the Internet?


you isn’t pronounced *ya if stressed.

J: Grandpa, do you like the Internet? J: Grandpa, do *ya like the Internet?

G: No. You can’t do anything on the Internet. G: No. *ya can’t do anything on the Internet. J: Do you know how to use the Internet? J: Do *ya know how to use the Internet? G: Well, no. Do you? G: Well, no. Do you?

J: Sure. I’ll show you. J: Sure. I’ll show *ya.

G: No, thanks. The Internet’s for young G: No, thanks. The Internet’s *fer young people. people.

J: The Internet’s for everybody. J: The Internet’s *fer everybody.

G: Okay. How do you use the Internet? G: Okay. How do *ya use the Internet?

J: Well, first, you fine your Internet software J: Well, first, *ya find your *yer software on on your computer screen. *yer computer screen.

G: Internet software? What are you talking G: Internet software? What are *ya talking about? about?

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. How old do you think Josh's grandfather is? Why?

2. Haw old do you think josh is? Why?

3. Do you think his grandfather has used a computer before? Explain

4. Is his grandfather interested in the Internet? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Why doesn’t ]ash's grandfather want to find his movie on the Internet?

2. How do you get on the Internet?

3. Why does Josh's grandfather say, "You're almost ready to retire and buy a home in Florida"? Is he serious?

4. How does josh's grandfather feel about the Internet by the end of the conversation?

G: Let’s do something fun today. Let’s see Jackie Chan’s new movie.

J: Okay. Let me find _________movie on the Internet.

G: Thanks, but that’ll take______________ too long. I just want-

J: Look! There’s Jackie Chan’s latest movie! Trading Kicks.

G: Wow! How do _______do that so fast?

J: It’s easy. First_________ open ____________ Internet software like this. Then ___________ type “Jackie Chan” here. That’s all.

G: _____________just a child, and ________already know so much about the Internet.

J: Grandpa, I’m ten years old, __________know!

G: Right. ___________ ten years old. __________ almost ready to retire and buy a home in Florida.

J: Very funny, Grandpa.

G: Look at this! The Internet gives ________ information about all _________ Jackie Chan’s movies.

(Twenty minutes later)

J: Grandpa, are _____sill on the Internet? When will _______ be ready to leave______ the movie?

Do you know many elderly people who like the Internet? What do you think is the most interesting part of the Internet? Explain.

6、Let’s Go Shopping

-ing endings------------ *-in’

Most native English speakers do not use the *-in’ pronunciation for all –ing endings. The *-in’ pronunciation is most often used with continuous verb tenses. The *-in’ pronunciation is very informal.

N: Well, hi! You’re shopping here, too! N: Well, hi! *Yer *shoppin’ here, too!

K: Not really. I’m just looking around. So, K: Not really. I’m just *lookin’ around. So, how have you been? how have *ya been?

N: Great. I’m shopping with my sister. She’s N: Great. I’m *shoppin’ with my sister. She’s over there. over there.

K: Is that your sister? The tall woman in front K: Is that *yer sister? The tall woman in front of the jackets? *a the jackets?

N: Yes. She’s looking for a jacket for work. N: Yes. She’s *lookin’ *fer a jacket *fer work. K: Are you shopping for work clothes, too? K: Are *ya *shoppin’ for work clothes, too? N: No. I’m looking for a pair of jeans like N: No. I’m *lookin’ *fer a pair *a jeans like yours. *yers.

K: Oh. I found these here last week for 30 K: Oh. I found these here last week *fer 30 percent off. percent off.

N: For 30 percent off? Thanks for telling me. N: *Fer 30 percent off? Thanks *fer *tellin’ K: Well, nice seeing you again. I hope you me.

fine what you’re looking for. K: Well, nice *seein’ *ya again. I hope *yer

find what *yer *lookin’ for.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What's Nancy doing?

2. How does Nancy greet Kim?

3. What are other ways to greet someone?

4. How well do you think Nancy and Kim know each other? Explain.

5. W坤does Nancy thank Kim?

6. How does Kim say "good-bye"?

7. What are other ways to say "good-bye" in this situation?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What kind of jeans does Nancy want?

2. Does Nancy know where the dressing roam is at first? Explain.

3. How does she ask for more information about the dressing room?

4. What are other ways to ask for more information if you don’t understand something?

5. Does Nancy like the fitted jeans? Explain.

6. Why does the salesperson suggest designer jeans?

7. What do you think Nancy will say next?

S: May I help _______?

N: Yes. I’m ___________ _______________ some jeans.

S: Are ____________ ______________ ______________ fitted jeans, baggy jeans…

N: Fitted jeans in a size 12.

S: We have two styles in _______size. Here_____________ are. Why don’t _____________ try them on in the dressing room over there?

N: Excuse me, Where’s the dressing room?

S: Over there. In the corner ________ the store, on __________ right.

(A few minutes later)

S: So, how were they?

N: They were a little big, but that’s okay. I’m really _________ __________ dressier jeans. ___________ ____________ to a play, ___________ to a movie…

S: Dressy jeans… Well, _____________ might be interested in __________ a look at our designer jean. A lot _________ people are _________ designer jeans ______ evening wear.

N: Okay. Where are they?

S: Behind _________. __________ ____________ right in front ___________ them.

What do people you know wear to go out at night? Discuss.

7、What Are you Doing This Weekend?

What do you

What are you


A related form, *Whadda, is used when What do is followed by either we or they. Examples: *Whadda we need?

*Whadda they want?

K: What are you doing this weekend? K: *Whaddaya *doin’ this weekend? T: Not much. What do you have in mind? T: Not much. *Whaddaya have in mind? K: Bungee jumping. K: Bungee jumping.

T: Bungee jumping? T: Bungee jumping?

K: What do you think? K: *Whaddaya think?

T: Maybe. What do we need to bring? T: May be. *Whadda we need to bring?

K: What do we need? Well, a couple of bottles K: *Whadda we need? Well, a couple *a of water, some backpacks… bottles *a water, some backpacks…

T: What are you thinking of having for food? T: *Whaddaya *thinkin’ *a *havin’ *fer food? K: Oh, fried egg sandwiches, Chocolate cake, K: Oh, fried egg sandwiches, chocolate cake, soda… What are you dong? soda…*Whaddaya *doin’?

T: I’m writing it down. T: I’m *writin’ it down.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What does T}enji want to do?

2. Does Tizxi want to do this? Explain.

3. Do you think Tim has ever gone bungee jumping? Explain.

4. What food does Kenji suggest?

5. Do you think this food is a good choice for bungee jumping? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What's Kenji's advice about food and drink before the jump?

2. Why do you think Kenji gives this advice?

3. Who wants to jump first? Explain.

4. Why do you think Tim’s writing a "will"?

K: So, ___________ ____________ ____________ think we should do first?

T: _________ _________ _________ say to ________ some lunch? Should we eat before we bungee jump?

K: No, that’s not a good idea. Tim, ___________ _________ __________ ___________? T: Soda.

K: Water is better.

T: I drank all _________ my water. Could I have some ________ ______________?

K: Sure, but don’t drink too much before ________ jump. Now, let’s get ready.

T: _____________ ____________ we need to do?

K: Decide who’s _____________ first. You look ready.

T: __________ ___________ ____________ mean? I’m not ready.

K: Tim, ________ ___________ ___________ _____________?

T: My “will”.

What's the most exciting outdoor activity you like or would like to do? Explain.

8、I Want to Have a Hamburger

want to---------*wanna

J: What do you want to do? J: *Whaddaya *wanna do?

K: I’m starving. I want to eat out. K: I’m *starvin’. I *wanna eat out.

J: Okay. Where do you want to eat? J: Okay. Where do *ya *wanna eat?

K: I’m not sure. I don’t want to spend a lot of K: I’m not sure. I don’t *wanna spend a lot *a money. money.

J: Hmm. Do you want to try Tom’s Burgers? J: Hmm. Do *ya *wanna try Tom’s Burgers? K: Maybe. Do they have low-fat lunches? K: Maybe. Do they have low-fat lunches? J: Sure. What do you want to have? J: Sure. *Whaddaya *wanna have?

K: I want to see the menu first/ K: I *wanna see the menu first.

J: When do you want to go there? J: When do *ya *wanna go there?

K: I’m really hungry. I want to go there right K: I’m really hungry. I *wanna go there right now. now.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. In choosing a restaurant, what's important to Karen?

2. What kind of place is Tom's?

3. What kinds of food do you think you would find there?

4. How much do you think this food would cast?

5. Has either Karen or jack been to Tom’s before? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What do Jack and Karen order far lunch?

2. Whose lunch is better? Why?

3. What doesn't Karen want to have? What could be the reason?

4. Who should pay for the lunches?

5. What's another way to offer to pay for someone's lunch?

6. Choose a more nutritious lunch for Jack and Karen. Explain your choices.

7. What would you order if you were eating at Tom's Burgers?

J: __________ ____________ ________________ _____________ ____________ have? K: Let’s see. I _________ _______ try a chicken sandwich.

J: I _______ _________ have a cheeseburger and some fries. __________ ____________ __________ __________ __________ drink?

K: I don’t ________ ________ have a lot ________ sugar. I’ll have a large apple juice.

J: I ___________ __________ try a chocolate shake. I hear the shakes here are very good. C: Can I help _______?

K: We _________ ___________ order a chicken sandwich, a cheeseburger, one order _________ fries, a large apple juice, and a chocolate shake.

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C: That’ll be $11.15.

J: Here ______ are.

K: (to Jack) NO, no. I ________ _________ pay ______ ______lunch. You paid ________ my lunch last time.

J: But-

K: No. I insist.

J: Thank you. That’s really nice ____________ ___________.

K: (to the clerk) Here __________ are. (She hands the clerk a $20 bill.)

C: (counting back the change) $11.20, $.25, $.75, $12.00, $13.00, $14.00, $15.00 and $ 20.00. Thank _________ very much.

K: Thank you.

Make a list of everything you ate yesterday. How nutritious was this food? Discuss.

9、We’re Going to See “The Monster That Ate Cleveland”

going to + verb ---------------*gonna

The *gonna pronunciation isn’t used when there’s no verb following to. Example:

I’m going to a movie.


L: Oh, are you going to pay our bills tonight? L: Oh, are *ya *gonna pay our bills tonight? A: I’m going to try. A: I’m *gonna try.

L: Thanks. I want to handle our money soon, L: Thanks. I *wanna handle our money soon, but I’m so busy. So, what are you going to pay but I’m so busy. So, *whaddaya *gonna pay first? first?

A: First? Well, we’re not going to have A: First? Well, we’re not *gonna have enough enough money for this month’s electric bill. money *fer this month’s electric bill.

L: You’re not going to pay this month’s L: *Yer not *gonna pay this month’s electric electric bill? bill?

A: Oh, I’m going to pay it, but not right now. A: Oh, I’m *gonna pay it, but not right now. L: When are you going to pay it? L: When are *ya *gonna pay it?

A: I’m going to pay it after I pay last month’s A: I’m *gonna pay it after I pay last month’s water bill. water bill.

L: You haven’t paid last month’s water bill? L: *Ya haven’t paid last month’s water bill? A: NO. I’m going to pay last month’s rent A: No. I’m *gonna pay last month’s rent first.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between Lisa and Ann is?

2. Why doesn't Lisa pay their bills?

3. Does Ann do a good job with their money? Explain.

4. Should Lisa let Ann pay their bills? Explain.

5. Did Lisa know about the problems with their bills? Explain.

6. What do you think Lisa will say next?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use retaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. How old do you think Linda and Lisa are? Why?

2. Is Lisa sad? Explain.

3. What kind of movie are Linda and her sister going to see?

4. Why do you think Lisa asks if it's a comedy?

5. Why does Lisa want Ann to come to the movie?

L: So Lisa, _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ do tonight?

L: Nothing. I’m just _________ _________ stay home.

L: _______ sound like ___________ depressed. What’s wrong?

L: Oh, I just have a couple _________________ problems with my roommate. It’s nothing. Are you ___________ ________ do anything tonight?

L: My sister and I are ________ to a movie. Do ______ ______ ________ come with us?

L: Well, maybe I should. ___________ ___________ __________ _________ _________ see? L: The Monster That Ate Cleveland.

L: Is that a comedy?

L: No. It’s a horror movie.

L: The monster ate all ________ Cleveland? Wow! I don’t _______ _________ miss that. How soon are ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ leave?

L: We’re _______ ________ __________ _________ leave in about fifteen minutes. Does _________ roommate ________ ____________ come with us?

L: Ann? That’s a good idea. Maybe we’ll be able to talk about our problems after the movie.

What's your favorite movie? Why?

10、Can you See the Stage?

can -----------*kin


C: I’m going to take a singing class. Do you C: I’m *gonna take a singing class. Do *ya want to take it with me? *wanna take it with me?

T: I don’t need a class. I can sing. My mother T: I don’t need a class. I *kin sing. My mother says I sound great. says I sound great.

C: Really? I want to hear you. C: Really? I *wanna hear *ya.

T: I can’t sing now. T: I *kant sing now.

C: can’t you just sing a few notes? C: *Kant *ya just sing a few notes?

T: All right. I’m going to love you for the rest T: All right. I’m *gonna love *ya *fer the rest of my life. You’re my beautiful stranger. *a my life. *Yer my beautiful stranger. C: You can’t sing. C: *Ya *kant sing.

T: What do you mean I can’t sing? I sing with T: *Whadaya mean I *kant sing? I sing with the car radio every day. I can sing. the car radio every day. I *kin sing.

C: I’m sorry. You’re right. You sound really C: I’m sorry. *Yer right. *Ya sound really great. Can you write songs, too? great. *Kin *ya write songs, too?

T: No. I can sing, but I can’t write songs. T: No. I *kin sing, but I *kant write songs.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. Can Tina sing? Explain.

2. Why do you think Tina insists she can sing?

3. Why do you think Carlos says that she can't sing?

4. Why does Carlos apologize to Tina?

5. What are other ways for Carlos to apologize?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What do you think the relationship between Carlos and Tina is? Explain.

2. Where are they?

3. Why can't they hear each other?

4. What kind of music do you think they're listening to? Explain.

5. What does Tina need Carlos to do with her popcorn? Why?

6. What does Carlos think she needs? Why?

C: __________ __________ see the stage, Tina?

T: No. I ________ see over the head ______ the man in front _______ me. _________ ________change seats with me?

C: Sure. _________ _________see better now?

T: Yes. Thanks. Look! The band’s ________ _______ start _______.

C: Aren’t they great? Do ________ like the music?

T: ________ ____________ ________ __________? I _________ hear __________. __________ _________ speak up?

C: Are _________ ________the music?

T: ________ ________speak up? The Raging Onions are ________ so loudly, we _________ hear each other!

C: Do __________like the music? I ___________ talk any louder!

T: I love the music! I _________ _______take a picture, but I ______________ hold the popcorn at the same time. ________ __________ hold m popcorn _________ a minute?

C: Sure. I __________ get _________ more popcorn.

Who's your favorite singer? Why?

11、What Can I Get you for your Cold?


J: Can I get you some chicken soup, honey? J: *Kin I *git *ya some chicken soup, honey? N: No, I don’t want to eat anything. My N: No, I don’t *wanna eat anything. My stomach’s really hurting. stomach’s really *hurtin’.

J: Okay, but I’m going to get you some juice. J: Okay, but I’m *gonna *git *ya some juice. You need liquids for your cough. *Ya need liquids *fer *yer cough.

N: Can you get me some apple juice? N: *Kin *ya *git me some apple juice? J: Okay. J: Okay.

N: Oh, get me a straw, too. N: Oh, *git me a straw, too.

J: Sure. J: Sure.

N: Can I get up now, Mom? N: *Kin I *git up now, Mom?

J: You can’t get up until your fever goes away, J: *Ya *kant *git up until *yer fever goes honey. away, honey.

N: Then, Mom, can you get me something to N: Then, Mom, *kin *ya *git me something to do? I’m really bored. do ? I’m really bored.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What's the relationship between Jean and Nick?

2. How old do you think Nick is? Explain.

3. Who can you call "honey"?

4. What are Nick's symptoms?

5. Why do you think Nick is bored?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pranuneiation.

Answer the questions.

1. What's the relationship between Jean and Andrea?

2. Do you think it's a good relationship? Explain.

3. Who is sick?

4. What medicines does Jean need?

5. What's each medicine for?

6. Why do you think Jean needs sleep?

A: Hi, Jean.

J: Hi, Andrea. Come in.

A: How are ______________ ___________?

J: I’m fine, but Nick’s still sick.

A: Oh? That’s too bad. Kids _________ sick a lot. _____________ I ___________ __________ anything at the pharmacy? I’m __________ ________ go there, anyway.

J: You are? Thanks so much. __________ a great sister.

A: No problem. You’d to the same _______ me. So, _____________ __________ ________need? J: _________ ________ _______ some children’s cough syrup? Oh! And ______ _________ _______ me some antacid __________ Nick’s stomach?

A: I’d better _________ some Tylenol, too. I borrowed ___________ ______________ my kids last week, remember? It’s at my house.

J: Oh, Okay. Great. I guess that’s it.

A: Not quite. What ______ I _________ ________ _______ your cough?

J: What cough?

A: That cough. What ___________ I __________ _________?

J: __________ ____________ __________ me some sleep? That’s what I really need!

What do you do for a cold? What medicines da you take? What foods do you eat?

12、Take Bus 4 to Second Street

to----------- *ta

To isn’t pronounced *ta if it’s stressed or if it’s not followed by another word. Example: Who do I give it to?

K: Excuse me. I’m going to the mall. What K: Excuse me. I’m *goin’ *ta the mall. What bus do I take? bus do I take?

M: Take Bus 4 to Second Street. Then you M: Take Bus 4 *ta Second Street. Then *ya need to transfer to another bus. need *ta transfer *ta another bus.

K: What bus do I need to transfer to? K: What bus do I need *ta transfer to?

M: You want to take Bus 89. It goes straight to M: *Ya *wanna take Bus 89. It goes straight the mall. *ta the mall.

K: Do I need to have exact change? K: Do I need *ta have exact change?

M: Yes. You need to put the exact change in M: Yes.*Ya need *ta put the exact change in the fare box on Bus 4. the fare box on Bus 4.

K: Do I need to pay again on Bus 89? K: Do I need *ta pay again on Bus 89?

M: No. Ask the driver of Bus 4 to give you a M: No. Ask the driver *a Bus 4 *ta give *ya a transfer to Bus 89. transfer *ta Bus 89.

K: What do you do with the transfer? Do you K: *Whaddaya do with the transfer? Do *ya put it in the fare box? put it the fare box?

M: No. You give it to the driver of Bus 89. M: No. *Ya give it *ta the drive *a Bus 89.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. Where's Kathy going?

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2. Do you think she often goes there by bus? Explain.

3. Which buses does she have to take to get there?

4. What does she need to do with the exact change for the fare?

5. How many times does she have to pay the fare? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Why does Kathy say, "Excuse me"?

2. What do you think are other situations where you use "excuse me"?

3. What does Kathy need?

4. What's her "problem”?

5. How does the woman respond to Kathy's problem?

K: Excuse me. Is the Bus 89?

W: Yes. Where do ________ need ________go?

K: ___________ the mall. Is it far?

W: The Nature Mall?

K: Yes.

W: I work part time at the mall. It’s not far. I’ll tell ________ when ______ ______ off.

K: Thanks. That’s really nice. ________ _______ answer a question __________ me?

W: Sure. ________ _________ __________ _________ ________ know?

K: _________ _________ _________ think is the best place ________ shop at the mall?

W: Well, it depends. _________ _________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _______ buy?

K: I need _________ _________ some shoes. But my feet are a little big. I need _______ fine one _________ those large-size shoe stores.

W: ___________ feet don’t look big. They look fine.

K: Thanks. That’s nice _________ hear. I need ________ find some casual shoes. I also need __________ ____________ some dress shoes.

W: Well, there are plenty ______ places ________shop. I’m sure you’ll be able _______ fine some nice shoes.

What's the best kind of transportation you've ever used? Why?

13、I’m Going to Try to Find a job

to after a vowel sound ----------------*da

The reduced form *da is common after go, To isn’t pronounced *da if stressed or if it’s not followed by another word. Example:

A: *Kin *ya fix this?

B: There’s no way to.

B: I want to go to Spain. B: I *wanna go *da Spain.

D: You want to go to Spain? D: *Ya *wanna go *da Spain?

B: Yes. B: Yes.

D: Why do you want to go to Spain? D: Why do *ya *wanna go *da Spain?

B: I want to try to learn about other cultures. B: I *wanna try *da learn about other cultures. D: That’s a really good idea, but who’s going D: That’s a really good idea, but who’s *gonna to pay for your trip? pay *fer *yer trip?

B: Well, you are. B: Well, you are.

D: You want me to pay for it? D: *Ya want me *da pay *fer it?

B: Well, I already tried to get the money from B: Well, I already tried *ta *git the money Mom. from Mom.

D: I know a better way to get the money. Try D: I know a better way *da *git the money. to fine a job. Try *da find a job.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What does Bill want to do? Why?

2. Haw old do you think he is? Explain.

3. What's Bill's problem?

4. How does he try to solve his problem?

5. What's his father’s solution to the problem?

6. Do you think this is a good solution? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Where do you think Bill and Mohammed are? Explain.

2. What does Bill want? Why?

3. What do you think are other ways to find what Bill wants?

4. How does Bill look for a job on the Internet?

5. Is a dog trainer a job in the movie industry? Explain.

6. Do you think Bill wants this job? Explain.

B: Mohammed, I’m _______ _________ _________ ________ the market _______ ________ a newspaper. I need ________ try _________ fine a job.

M: Why, Bill?

B: Because I _________ ________ _________ ________ Spain. It costs a lot __________ money ____________ go there.

M: So, ask __________ dad.

B: I did. He wants me _________ pay ________ the trip.

M: Oh. Well, do __________ ___________ __________ try _________ find a job on the Internet? B: I don’t know how _______ do that. ___________ ___________ help me?

M: Sure. It’s easy. First, go _________ the Internet. Type the word “job”. Then choose the kind __________ jobs ____________ _________ __________ try ________ find – education, health care, business…

B: Could I try _________ find something in the movie industry?

M: Sure.

B: Okay. I did it.

M: Now choose the city _______ _______ ______ work in. See? It’s really easy _______ do. There’s the first one!

B: Dog trainer? Maybe I should look ______ something in sales.

When is someone old enough to get a job? Explain.

14、 I’ve Got to Check your Teeth

got to ----------------*gotta

have to ---------------*hafta

has to---------------*hasta

J: My tooth’s driving me crazy. J: My tooth’s *drivin’ me crazy.

G: Then you’ve got to make an appointment G: Then you’ve *gotta make an appointment with a dentist. with a dentist.

J: I’ve got to find one first. I don’t have a J: I’ve *gotta find one first. I don’t have a dentist. dentist.

G: I have to go downtown. Come on. Let’s go G: I * hafta go downtown. Come on. Let’s go to my dentist. *da my dentist.

J: I can’t. I have to study. J: I *kant. I *hafta study.

G: Are you going to go to the dentist after that? G: Are *ya *gonna go *da the dentist after that? Your tooth has to be taken care of. *Yer tooth *hasta be taken care of.

J: I know it has to be taken care of. But I’ve J: I know it *hasta be taken care of. But I’ve got to get some gas. *gotta *git some gas.

G: Then are you going to go to the dentist? G: Then are *ya *gonna go *da the dentist? J: Well, no. After that, I have to go to the bank. J: Well, no. After that, I *hafta go *da the G: Okay, but after you go to the bank, you’ve bank.

got to go to the dentist! G: Okay, but after *ya go *da the bank, you’ve *gotta go *da the dentist!

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What's Joe's problem?

2. Why can't Joe make an appointment with a dentist?

3. Do you think Joe is really too busy to see the dentist? Explain.

4. Do you think Joe visits the dentist often? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What's Joe worried about?

2. What did the dentist do?

3. What's the dentist going to do tomorrow?

4. How often do you think joe should see the dentist? Why

J: The dentist has ______ ________ see me soon. My tooth really hurts! He _______ ________ do something about it.

G: Don’t worry, Joe. I’m sure the dentist is ________ ________ be able ________ help _______. _______ won’t ________ _______ wait very long.

J: ________ don’t think the dentist is _______ __________ tell me he ________ _______pull my tooth, do ______?

G: I’m not sure. If the dentist _________ _______ pull it, he will, but I’m sure he’ll try _______ save it if he ________.

J: Well, I guess I won’t _________ ___________ wait any longer ___________ find out. He’s ready __________ see me now.


G: What happened?

J: Well, first he said he’d _________ ________ check the tooth.

G: Then what happened? Did he ________ ________pull it?

J: No. He decided __________ fill it, not pull it. But he said I’ve __________ __________ come back tomorrow. He’s __________ __________ take some x-rays, and he __________ ________check my other teeth.

G: You’ve __________ _____________ see the dentist more often!

Do your family and friends go to the dentist regularly? How often do you go to the dentist? Haw often should you go? Discuss.

15、I Used to Be an Engineer for the Railroad

used to ------------- *useta

supposed to -------------- *supposta

H: Is my breakfast ready yet? I want to go to H: Is my breakfast ready yet? I *wanna go *da the park. the park.

O: Not yet. You know, before he died, my first O: Not yet. *Ya know, before he died, my first husband used to cook breakfast for me every husband *useta cook breakfast *fer me every Sunday. Sunday.

H: Manuel used to cook for you? Men aren’t H: Manuel *useta cook *fer you? Men aren’t supposed to cook. *supposta cook.

O: What do you mean, men aren’t supposed to O: *Whaddaya mean, men aren’t *supposta cook? cook.?

H: Women are supposed to cook. H: Women are *supposta cook.

O: He used to sew curtains for us, too. O: He *useta sew curtains *fer us, too.

H: You’re kidding, right? Men aren’t supposed H: *Yer *kiddin’, right? Men aren’t *supposta to sew. Before my first wife died, she used to sew. Before my first wife died, she *useta always say- always say-

O: Nina used to ride a Harley-Davidson O: Nina *useta ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle to work, didn’t she? motorcycle *ta work, didn’t she?

H: Well, yes, but she used to ride it after she H: Well, yes, but she *useta ride it after she made my breakfast. made my breakfast.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between Henry and Olga is?

2. What does Henry think a woman should do?

3. What does alga think a man should do?

4. Have Henry and Olga been married before? Explain.

5. What do you know about Olga's first husband?

6. What do you know about Henry's first wife?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Where do you think Henry and Jack are?

2. Haw old do you think they are? Explain.

3. In what ways is the world changing too fast for them?

4. Do you think they know} each other well? Why or why not?

5. What do you know about Henry?

6. What do you know about Jack?

H: ________ __________ ask _______ a better day than today.

J: No. ____________ ____________.

H: I was ___________ ___________ stay home and cook breakfast this morning. My wife doesn’t __________ _________ cook breakfast on Sundays. But it’s too nice a day _________ stay home.

J: ________ right. It’s a beautiful day. ________ not ________ _________ stay inside on a day like today.

H: I completely agree. __________ know, I __________ ________ go _______ the park on Seventh Avenue. Do ______ remember that park? They tore it down _____ build a shopping mall. J: Yeah. That was terrible. I ______ _______ go there after work.

H: Aren’t we ________ _______ care more about parks than buildings?

J: we’re ________ __________. Yeah. The world’s _________ too fast ______me.

H: Me, too. By the way, my name’s Henry.

J: Nice _______ meet ________, Henry. My name’s Jack.

H: So, jack, what kind _____ work did _________do?

J: I _________ __________ be a farmer. I raised wheat.

H: Oh? I _________ _________ be an engineer _________ the railroad. I was an engineer _________ fifty years.

J: I _______ ________ be married __________ a wonderful woman.

H: Was she a good cook?

J: Oh, yeah. She _________ _______cook wonderful meals.

H: Wives are _________ __________cook _________ their husbands, aren’t they?

J: Oh, yeah. Definitely. They’re ________ ________cook, clean, sew, all ______ that stuff. H: That’s not an old-fashioned idea, is it?

J: Not ______me.

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Should a man cook, sew, or clean the house? Should a woman make money, fix a car, or ride a motorcycle? Explain.

16、What’s the Fastest Way to Send His Packages?

he ---------------*’e





These pronunciations are not used when he, his, him, her, and them are stressed.

M: Can you help me? M: *Kin *ya help me?

P: Sure. What do you need? P: Sure. *Whaddaya need?

M: Well, I’m going to mail these packages to M: Well, I’m *gonna mail these packages *ta my parents. I want them to get them as soon as my parents. I want *’em *ta *git *’em as soon possible. as possible.

P: How fast do you want them to get them? P: How fast do *ya want *’em *ta *git *’em? M: Faster than my brother got the package I M: faster then my brother got the package I sent him. sent him.

P: When did he get it? P: When did *’e *git it?

M: Well, I sent him the package last month. M: Well, I sent *’m the package last month. Do you know when he got it? Last week! Do *ya know when *’e got it? Last week! P: How did you send it? PL How did *ya send it?

M: I sent his package first class. M: I sent *’s package first class.

P: Wow. I sent my sister a package, and it only P: Wow. I sent my sister a package, and it only took her four days to get it. took *’er four days *ta *git it.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What's Michiko's problem?

2. Michiko says, "I want them to get them as soon as possible." Who or what is the first "them"? Who or what is the second "them"?

3. Why could Michiko's package have taken so long to get to her brother?

4. How do you think Paula sent the package to her sister?

5. Does Paula help Michiko with her problem? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Where are Michiko and the clerk?

2. Why does the clerk want to talk to his supervisor?

3. What are the two best ways to send Michiko's packages?

4. Which packages have to arrive first-her parents' or her uncle's? Explain.

5. Why do you think the packages to Michiko's uncle have to arrive by Friday?

M: Hi. I _______ ________ send these packages _______ New York.

C: How do ________ _________ _______ send __________?

M: I’m not sure. I’m ________ _________ _________ my uncle, and I ________ ________ ________ __________ to ________ by Friday. _________ _________ __________ suggest?

C: I’m new here. I’ll go talk __________ my supervisor. I’ll ask _________ what the fastest way would be.

M: Tell _______ that they _________ _________ _________ ________ my uncle as soon as possible, and that ________ _________ ________ ________ _______no later than Friday. C: I’ll tell __________.

(a few minutes later)

M: What’s _______ advice?

C: She says _______ should send _______ to _______ by Priority Mail or Express Mail. Express Mail’s the fastest, but it’s expensive. If ______ send _______ _______ _______ uncle by Priority Mail, it’s cheaper, but ____ might not ______ ________ _________ a few days.

M: If I send ______ packages to ______ by Priority Mail, will ________ ________ ________ by Friday?

C: Maybe. If ________ luck’s good, __________ will, but I ______ promise anything.

M: Then I’ll send my uncle ________ packages by Express Mail. I’m also _______ ________ send some packages ________ my parents. I guess I’ll send my parents’ packages by Priority Mail. Thanks.

C: __________ welcome.

What's the worst experience you've ever had sending or receiving mail? Explain.

17、We Arrive on Tuesday and Leave on Thursday


And isn’t pronounced *’n’ if stressed.

J: I want to make a reservation for Tuesday J: I *wanna make a reservation *fer Tuesday, April 6. April 6.

R: We have a single room and a double room R: We have a single room *’n’ a double room available for the sixth. available *fer the sixth.

J: Does the double have a refrigerator and an J: Does the double have a refrigerator *’n’ an extra bed? extra bed?

R: It has a refrigerator, and we can get you a R: It has a refrigerator, *’n’ we *kin *git *ya a rollaway bed. rollaway bed.

J: Is it quiet? And is there a charge for children J: Is it quiet? *’N’ is there a charge *fer under three? children under three?

R: Yes, it’s very quiet, and there’s no charge R: Yes, it’s very quiet, *’n’ there’s no charge for children. *fer children.

J: Great. I’ll take it. There’ll be four people: J: Great. I’ll take it. There’ll be four people: myself, my husband, and two children. myself, my husband, *’n’ two children.

R: Fine. I’ll need your name and a credit card R: Fine. I’ll need *yer name *’n’ a credit card number to hold that room. number *ta hold that room.

J: My name is Julie Kim, K-I-M, and my J: My name is Julie Kim, K-I-M, *’n’ my credit card number is 453… credit card number is 453…

R: Excuse me. An airplane flew overhead, and R: Excuse me. An airplane flew overhead, *’n’ I couldn’t hear. What’s your… I couldn’t hear. What’s *yer…

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What does Julie want? When?

2. How old do you think Julie's children are? Explain.

3. What do you know about the room?

4. Why will Julie have to repeat her credit Bard number?

5. Do you think Julie will like the room? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Where's Julie?

2. What's wrong with the room?

3. Why can't Julie order something from Room Service?

4. Do you think the front desk clerk is doing a goad job? Explain.

5. Do you think Julie should complain to the manager about the hotel? Explain.

J: Excuse me. It’s 10 P.M.,________ the man next door is _______ ______ _______ the guitar. F: He’s ________ ________ ________ the guitar?

J: Yes. _________ ____________ hear ____________?

F: I’ll send somebody _________ talk ______________ ______________ right away.

J: Thank you.

F: Excuse me. I _________ hear ___________. There’s an airplane-

J: Thank you! _________ _________ we have a rollaway bed? The reservations clerk said you’d have a rollaway bed ___________me, __________ it’s not here.

F: I’ll check… Okay, we have a rollaway bed reserved ___________ Room 27, _________ then _________ is right here. I’ll send it up.

J: ____________ the refrigerator doesn’t work.. ____________we order some sandwiches ___________ sodas form Room Service?

F: I’m sorry. Room Service closes at 10 P.M.

J: We __________ order just one sandwich __________ a soda?

F: Excuse me. Another airplane just-

J: _________ we order a sandwich __________ a soda?

F: I’m really sorry. There’s a vending machine with chips __________ candy at the end __________ the hall.

J: Chips _____________ candy? That’s it?

F: Room Service opens at 8:00 A.M., ___________ __________ _________ order breakfast then. I’m really sorry.

J: All right. Oh, ____________ one more question. Who_____________ I complain __________ about this hotel?

Describe the best hotel or motel you've even- stayed at. Then describe the worst

18、Do you Want a Chocolate or Lemon Birthday Cake?


Or isn’t pronounced *er if stressed.

D: So, do you want to have your birthday D: So, do *ya *wanna have *yer birthday party at the park or a restaurant? party at the park *er a restaurant?

J: Both. J: Both.

D: Honey, you can’t have both. The park or a D: Honey, *ya *kant have both. The park *er a restaurant? restaurant?

J: I want to go to… the park. J: I *wanna go *da…the park.

D: Okay, Do you want a chocolate or a lemon D: Okay. Do *ya want a chocolate *er a lemon birthday cake? birthday cake?

J: Uh… both. J: Uh…both.

D: Honey, you have to make a D: Honey, *ya *hafta make a choice-chocolate choice-chocolate or lemon? *er lemon?

J: Chocolate. J: Chocolate.

D: Good. And which toy do you want to D: Good. *’N’ which toy do *ya *wanna bring-the truck or the airplane? bring-the truck *er the airplane?

J: I don’t want to bring the truck or the J: I don’t *wanna bring the truck or the airplane. I want to get a new toy. airplane. I *wanna *git a new toy.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between David and Jamie is?

2. What's David planning?

3. What decisions does Jamie have to make?

4. How old do you think Jamie is? Explain.

5. Why do you think Jamie wants to get a new toy?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pr}nunciatinn.

Answer the questions.

1. Where do you think David, Brenda, and Jamie are?

2. What do you think their relationship to each other is?

3. What are they celebrating?

4. What are all of the things they do to celebrate?

5. What's Jamie's wish?

6. Why shouldn't Jamie tell anybody the wish?

D: So, Jamie, do _______ _______ _______play on the swings first _______ do ______ _________ _________ eat?

J: I ________ _______ eat first.

B: Okay, honey. _________ ________ _______ want? A hot dog ________a hamburger? J: Both.

D: Both? Where are ________ _________ _______ put all _______ that food?

J: It’s my birthday. I’ve ________ ________eat more now because I’m older.

B: I _________ argue with that. Do _________ want ketchup __________ mustard on _______ hot dog?

J: I want mustard. ____________ I don’t want anything on my hamburger.

B: Okay. Here __________ are.

(ten minutes later)

B: ________- __________ ___________ think, Jamie? Should we open _________ presents now _______ after we eat the cake?

J: After we eat the cake.

B: David, _________ __________light the candles, _______do ________want me _______do it? D: I’ll do it.

B: Okay, Jamie, close _____ eyes, make a wish, __________ blow out the candles.

D: Wow! ________blew ___________all out! Now __________ __________ _________wish. J: _________mean, tomorrow I_________ have another birthday party at a restaurant?

B: Honey, ________no _________ ________tell us ________wish, _________ it won’t happen. J: But, if I don’t tell _________ my wish, how ___________ _________ give it _______me?

What do you do to celebrate your birthday? Explain.

19、I Don’t Know What Classes to Take

don’t know--------------*donno

T: I don’t know what classes to take next L: Well, what are you thinking of taking?

semester. T: I don’t know. The problem is that I’m going

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to be working afternoons. L: Well, *whaddaya *thinkin’ *a *takin’?

L: Are you going go be working all semester? T: I *donno. The problem is that I’m *gonna T: I don’t know right now. be * workin’ afternoons.

L: What do you want to do when you finish L: Are *ya *gonna be *workin’ all semester? school? T: I *donno right now.

T: That’s another problem. I don’t know. L: *Whaddaya *wanna do when *ya finish L: Do you want to talk with a counselor? school?

T: I don’t know. What to you think? T: That’s another problem. I *donno.

L: If you don’t know what to do, you have to L: Do *ya *wanna talk with a counselor? talk to somebody. T: I *donno. *Whaddaya think?

T: I *donno what classes *ta take next L: If *ya *donno what *ta do, *ya *hafta talk semester. *ta somebody.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What's Tony's problem?

2. What do you think the relationship between Tony and Lisa is?

3. How old do you think Tony is? Explain.

4. Why do you think Lisa asks him what he wants to do after he finishes school?

5. What do you think Tony finally decides to do? Why?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Why isn't Tony sure about taking engineering classes?

2. Do you think Tony has confidence in himself? Explain.

3. Do you think Tony really wants to be an engineer? Explain.

4. Do you think a lot of people have the carne problem as Tony? Explain.

5. What would your advice to Tony be?

C: So, Tony, how are _________ __________ today?

T: I _________ ________.

C: Well, what __________ I help _________ with?

T: I ________ __________ what classes _______ take next semester.

C: __________ a freshman, right?

T: Yes.

C: Okay, ________ ________ _________ ________ _______do after ________ graduate? T: I ___________ __________.

C: There’s nothing ________ ________ _________ do?

T: Well, my grandfather _____________ _________ be an engineer. I’m ___________ about studying engineering, but I __________ _________ if I’ll do well.

C: We have some excellent engineering classes ________ _________ take. Have _______ talked _______ ________ parents about this, Tony?

T: No. They _________ _________ yet.

C: Well, if _________ really __________ about being an engineer, ______ _________ ________ at least try. Then if __________ don’t like it, ________ ____________ try something else.

T: All right. Do __________ have any engineering classes in the mornings?

C: I ________ __________. I’ll check.

What can people do to increase their confidence?

20、Can’t you Find an Apartment?

/t/ +you ------------*cha

/t/ +your------------*cher

/t/ +you’re---------*cher

H: Can’t you find an apartment? H: *Kant *cha find an apartment?

S: No, I can’t. The rent you have to pay is too S: NO, I *kant. The rent *cha *hafta pay is too high. high.

H: You know, I have a friend who could try to H: *Ya know, I have a friend who could try get you an apartment. *da *git *cha an apartment.

S: You do? S: *Ya do?

H: Yeah. He used to be a real estate H: Yeah. He *useta be a real estate salesperson. salesperson.

S: Well, I don’t want your friend to spend a lot S: Well, I don’t want *cher friend *ta spend a of time on it. lot *a time on it.

H: No problem. I’ll tell him that you’re new in H: No problem. I’ll tell *’im that *cher new in town. town.

S: Great. Thank him in advance for me, Okay? S: Great. Thank *’im in advance *fer me, H: Sure. Tell me what you’re looking for. Do okay?

you want a furnished or unfurnished H: Sure. Tell me what *cher *lookin’ for. Do apartment? *ya want a furnished *er unfurnished S: I don’t know. Don’t you think a furnished apartment?

apartment would be expensive? S: I *donno. Don’t *cha think a furnished apartment would be expensive?

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What does Sam want?

2. Why can't Sam find what he wants?

3. Is Hiro's friend still a real estate salesperson?

4. Do you think Hiro's friend can help Sam? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronun}iativn.

Answer the questions.

1. Haw do the speakers introduce themselves?

2. What are other ways they could introduce themselves?

3. What are possible reasons that Sam doesn't want a rvomrnate?

4. What does Mark know about Sam?

5. Do you think it will take a long tune to find an apartment for Sam? Explain.

6. Do you think Sam has a job? Explain.

S: Hi. I’m Sam Trump.

M: How are ______? I’m Mark Baker.

S: Nice _________ meet __________.

M: Nice ______meet _________, too.

S: My friend, Hiro, said that _______ could help me. I____________ __________ find an apartment.

M: Sure. Hiro told me about ___________. Do________ know ______ _______ ________for? S: A one-bedroom apartment, but it’s _______ _________be cheap.

M: Then why _______ ________ try ______ find a roommate? That would make it cheaper ________ both __________ ___________.

S: _____ _________ __________ is true, but right now, I don’t ______ _______have a roommate. M: Okay. That reminds me. Hiro said that ______ _______ motel, there’s a refrigerator _________a stove. ________ __________ __________ ___________ ________find a place that has those, too, ___________ _________?

S: I _________ ____________. I _______ _________find a cheap apartment!

M: Okay. Don’t worry. We’ll find just ________ ________ ________ _________sooner ________later.

What's the best way to find a place to live? Explain.

21、Could you Check My Sink?

/d/ + you------------------*ya

/d/+ your-----------------*jer

K: Jim, Where are you? I knocked twice, but K: Jim, where are *ya? I knocked twice, but you didn’t answer your door. *cha didn’t answer *yer door.

J: Karl! Could you come into the kitchen? J: Karl! Could *ja come into the kitchen? Quick! Quick!

K: Oh, my gosh! Look at all of that water! K: Oh, my gosh! Look at all *a that water! J: Would you get me some towels? J: Would *ja *git me some towels?

K: Sure. Did your pipe break? K: Sure. Did *jer pipe break?

J: I can’t hear you. What did you say? J: I *kant hear *ya. What did *ja say? K: I said, “Did your pipe break?” K: I said, “Did *jer pipe break?”

J: Yes. Could you call your brother? He’s a J: Yes. Could *ja call *yer brother? He’s a plumber, right? plumber, right?

K: I told you he moved last year, remember? K: I told *ja he moved last year, remember? J: Then could you call somebody else? This is J: Then could *ja call somebody else? This is an emergency! an emergency!

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. Where are jim and Karl?

2. Do you think Karl is a neighbor? Explain.

3. What's Jim's problem?

4. What does he want to do?

5. Why is this an emergency?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Is the plumber a man or a woman?

2. What's wrong with Jim's plumbing?

3. Why does Jim want the plumber to fix the plumbing cheaply?

4. Why doesn't Jim pay with a credit card?

5. What do you think will happen next?

H: I think I found ________ leak.

J: What did ________ say?

H: I think I found _______leak! I’m ________ _________ _______ ________turn off _________water! When was the last time _______ had ____________ pipes checked?

J: I had __________ checked maybe six____________ seven years ago. Are they that bad?

H: _________kitchen pipes _______ ______be replaced, ________ _______ really need __________faucets changed. ___________ _________ like me _______ start now?

J: ________ _________ _______change the pipes? _______ ________just fix ________?

H: _______ ______know there was a toy rabbit in _______ drain? I’m a plumber, not a magician. J: Well, I don’t have much money. Would _____ do it as cheaply as _______ ________? H: Of course.

(Several hours later)

H: That’s ____ ______be $347.63 ______ the new pipes ________ faucets.

J: $347.63?

H: Yes. Plus tax.

J: I only have $20. ______ ________ take a credit card? Most businesses take credit cards, right? H: I’m sorry. We don’t take credit cards.

J: Oh, Then, we’ve got a problem!

Is a plumber an unusual job for a woman? What's an unusual job for a man? Explain.

22、Who Have you Asked to Fly the Plane? Deletion of Initial /h/

Wh- question words + have ----------------*’ave

Wh- question words + has ------------------*’as

Wh- question words + had ----------------*’ad

What have you can also become *Whaddaya. A related form, *Whadda, can be used when What have is followed by either we or they. Example:

*Whadda they done?

E: Well, hello! What have you been doing T: Oh, I’ve been hiking a lot. So, where has lately? your sister been? I haven’t seen her.

E: She’s gone to Shanghai. *yer sister been? I haven’t seen *’er. T: Shanghai? Why has she gone to Shanghai? E: She’s gone *ta Shanghai.

E: To visit some friend. So, who have you T: Shanghai? Why *’as she gone *ta been hiking whit? Shanghai?

T: Mostly my grandson. And how have your E: *Ta visit some friends. So, who *’ave *ya grandchildren been? been *hikin’ with?

E: Great. I gave my granddaughter some T: Mostly my grandson. *’N’ how *’ave *yer skydiving lessons for her graduation. grandchildren been?

T: Really? When had she become interested in E: Great. I gave my granddaughter some skydiving? skydiving lessons *fer *’er graduation.

E: Oh, a few months ago. We’re, uh, doing it T: Really? When *’ad she become interested together. in skydiving?

T: You’re jumping out of airplanes? What E: Oh, a few months ago. We’re, uh. *doin’ it have your children said about that? together.

E: Well, hello! *Whaddaya been *doin’ lately? T: *Yer *jumpin’ out *a airplanes? *Whadda T: Oh, I’ve been *hikin’ a lot. So, where *’as *yer children said about that?

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. Haw well do you think Tarn and Elizabeth know each other? Explain.

2. Where has Elizabeth's sister gone? Why?

3. Haw old do you think Tom and Elizabeth are? Why?

4. Do you think Elizabeth is too old to skydive? Explain.

5. Do you think Torn and Elizabeth are healthy? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Where are Robert and Elizabeth?

2. What do yon think the relationship between them is?

3. Who didn't like airplanes?

4. Who took the skydiving class?

5. Did Elizabeth misunderstand something? Explain.

6. How often do you think Robert and Elizabeth see each other? Explain.

E: Robert!

R: Elizabeth! _____ _______ ______ __________ at the tennis courts?

E: I’m with a friend. So, how ________ ______ been?

R: Great. How ________ you been?

E: Terrific. So, ________ ________ _______ been _______lately?

R: Oh, _______, _________tennis… ________ I’ve decided ________go skydiving again. E: Really? When ________ _________decided ________ go skydiving?

R: I’m _________ _________go next week. _______know, when my wife was alive, she wouldn’t even fly in airplanes. We__________ ________ _________ _________take trains everywhere. E: When my husband was alive, he wouldn’t even watch skydiving on TV. So, who _______ ______decided ___________ jump with? Our skydiving teacher?

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R: No, my son.

E: Oh? Why _______ _______decided ________ do this? I thought __________ didn’t like skydiving.

R: Why _________ _________thought that? He took the skydiving class after we did, ___________ _________loved it.

E: Why _________ I thought that? I _______ __________. I guess I misunderstood what ________told me in class.

R: Well, maybe _________ didn’t want me __________ take the class at first, but when __________ a son ever wanted ____________ father _________ do something dangerous?

E: My children feel the same way. So, who _________ __________ asked ________fly the plane? R: My younger daughter.

E: Jane? That’s great. Where _________ she been __________ flying lessons?

R: At a local airport. She just got ________ license. Do _______ _______ _______join us? E: Sure. I’d love to.

Should elderly people date? Should they hike or skydive? Explain.

23、Could I have an Appointment with Dr. Okamoto? Deletion of Initial /h/

Subject + have-----------------------*’ave

Subject + has ------------------------*’as

Subject +had -------------------------*’ad




Although Subject + *’ave can be pronounced *of, have doesn’t reduce further to *a.

R: Hello. Dr. Okamoto’s office.

T: This is Tony Lamotta. I have a terrible backache.

R: We have an opening tomorrow morning at

10:00. backache.

T: I had to stay home from work today. You R: We *’ave an opening tomorrow morning at haven’t got anything sooner? 10:00.

R: Wait a minute. The doctor has a T: I *’ad *ta stay home from work today. *Ya cancellation at 3:00 today. Can you come in *’aven’t got anything sooner?

then? R: Wait a minute. The doctor *’as a T: She has an opening at 3:00? Thank you so cancellation at 3:00 today. *Kin *ya come in much. then?

R: You’re welcome. What kind of insurance T: She *’as an opening at 3:00? Thank *ya so do you have? much.

T: What kind of insurance do I have? R: *Yer welcome. What kind *a insurance do R: The doctors have a policy. If you don’t *ya *’ave?

have insurance, we can’t bill you. T: What kind *a insurance do I *’ave?

T: You mean, I’m going to have to pay her R: The doctors *’ave a policy. If *ya don’t today? I hadn’t planned for that. *’ave insurance, we *kant bill *ya.

T: Hello. Dr. Okamoto’s office. T: *Ya mean, I’m *gonna *hafta pay *’er T: This is Tony Lamotta. I *’ave a terrible today? I *’adn’t planned *fer that.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What's Tony's problem?

2. When do they first offer him an appointment?

3. Why does he want an appointment sooner?

4. Do you think Tony has medical insurance? Explain.

5. What do you think the receptionist will say next?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Why do you think the doctor wants to listen to Tony's heart?

2. What's too cold for Tony?

3. Haw old is Tony?

4. How did Tony injure his back?

5. How old was Tony when he had his son?

5. What does Tony have to do to get better?

D: Okay. Do _______ ______ any pain here?

T: No. I ________ pain there last night, but not now.

D: Please take off _________ shirt. I ______ ______ listen ________ _______heart.

T: Oh, my gosh!

D: What’s wrong? I ________ done anything yet. I’m just _________ ________ _______heart. T: Sorry. It’s just cold.

D: I’m really sorry. Sometimes, I forget ________ warm the stethoscope.

T: That’s okay.

D: Okay, now I want ______ _______take a deep breath; then, breathe out. Okay, good. We _______ a couple _______ tests we need _________do now. _______ ________touch ______toes


T: My toes? I _________an injured back. I________ even touch my knees.

D: How old are ________, Tony?

T: Forty-nine. I ___________ a birthday last month.

D: Sometimes, as we _________older, we _________ a little pain in the lower back. How is it when I touch _________here?

T: Ouch! _______ _______that all older people _________ this kind _______pain?

D: No. Not as bad as this. How _________ __________hurt _______ back?

T: _________baseball with my eleven-year-old son. ________ _________ _______practice. D: Do _________usually __________this much pain?

T: Well, no. We played ______ three hours. _____ ________a play-off game soon. ________ _______been in the play-offs before.

D: Well, no baseball ___________ you _________awhile. _______ _________ ________ ________ __________ rest _________a few weeks.

Is it better to be a younger or an older parent? Explain.

24、We Should Have Taken a Left

should *shoulda

could *coulda

would *woulda

must *musta

may *maya

might + have + past participle ------------------*mighta

shouldn’t *shouldna

couldn’t *couldna

wouldn’t + have + past participle -----------------*wouldna

The pronunciations *shoulda, *coulda, etc. are very informal.

house at a quarter of seven!

H: Oh no! We should have been at Judy’s Z: Well, you could have gotten directions

ahead of time. That would have helped. Z: Well, *ya *choulda gotten directions ahead H: I must have been crazy to try to fine her *a time. That *woulda helped.

house out here. H: I *musta been crazy *da try *da find *’er Z: Look, I think there may have been a gas house out here.

station back there. Z: Look, I think there *maya been a gas H: Zelda, we couldn’t have driven by a gas station back there.

station. H: Zelda, we *couldna driven by a gas station. Z: Well, I think we did. It might have been Z: Well, I think we did. It *mighta been back a back a mile or so. mile *er so.

H: No. I would have seen it. H: No. I *woulda seen it.

Z: Oh, Herman, you might have driven by the Z: Oh, Hermen, *ya *mighta driven by the gas gas station while we were talking. station while we were *talkin’.

H: Where’s the map? I knew I shouldn’t have H: Where’s the map? I knew I *shouldna given the map to you. given the map *ta you.

Z: Okay. So I forgot the map. We wouldn’t Z: Okay. So I forgot the map. We *wouldna have missed the gas station if you hadn’t been missed the gas station if *ya *’adn’t been talking so much. *talkin’ so much.

H: Oh no! We *shoulda been at Judy’s house

at a quarter *a seven!

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between zelda and Herman is?

2. What's their problem?

3. Do they have directions to Judy's house?

4. Why didn't they see the gas station?

5. Do they have a neap? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. How long do you think Zelda and Herman have been lost?

2. Should Herman have turned right at the market? Why or why not?

3. What are the directions to Lewis Street?

4. Why do you think they got lost?

5. Do you think Herman and Zelda have a good relationship? Explain.

Z: We’re lost. We’re really lost. Maybe we ______ ______ taken a left on Clark Street.

H: We ________ _________done that. ________ _________seen the construction in front _______the entrance _______ the street?

Z: Oh, Herman, what construction? If there _________been any construction, I ______ _______seen it. It _________ __________been another street.

H: It ________ ________been. I _________ _________.

Z: Turn right! Turn right at the market!

H: Okay, okay!

(ten minutes later)

Z: I think we need _________ find a gas station. There_________ ________been one back there somewhere. There _______ ________been one back a mile ___________so.

H: I knew we _____ _______turned right at the market. Why were ______ ________ at me, “Turn right! Turn right!”?

(ten minutes later)

A: __________ I help _______?

Z: Yes. We’re lost.

H: I think we ______ _______turned at the wrong street. We’re _______ _______Lewis Street. A: ______ ______ _______ turned left on Clark Street. Then ________ _______ _______seen Lewis Street on _________left.

Z: Herman, _______ _________- _________driven right by it ______not seen it.

H: I _________ _______done that, could I?

A: The street sign _______ ________been down. Anyway, take a right out ________ the gas station. Go straight ____________ about ten miles. Then turn left on Clark Street. Lewis Street will be on _____left.

H: Thank you. (to Zelda) Zelda, next time, don’t yell at me. We ________ _________been driving around __________ around if ________ _________yelled at me. _________ made me nervous.

What Should people do when they're lost? What do you usually do? Explain.

25、What Are you Doing to My Hair?

What are you ---------------------*Whacha

*Whacha is more informal than *Whaddaya.

*Whacha is occasionally used for What do you

B: What are you doing this afternoon? B: *Whacha *doin’ this afternoon?

G: I’m going to go to my cousin’s new hair G: I’m *gonna go *da my cousin’s new hair salon. He’s going to do my hair. salon. He’s *gonna do my hair.

B: What are you going to do to your hair? I B: *Whacha *gonna do *da *yer hair? I love love your hair. *yer hair.

G: I don’t know. Don’t you think I should G: I *donno. Don’t *cha think I should change change my hairstyle? my hairstyle?

B: What do you want to do that for? Our B: *Whacha *wanna do that for? Our hairstyles are the same. hairstyles are the same.

G: I see what you mean. But what are you G: I see what *cha mean. But *whacha going to do about finding a job? *gonna do about *findin’ a job?

B: I don’t know. What do you think I should B: I *donno. *Whaddaya think I should do? do?

G: Well, maybe we should try to look a little G: Well, maybe we should try *da look a little more professional. more professional.

B: Why? B: Why?

G: Well, we’re both looking for jobs, and we G: Well, we’re both *lookin’ *fer jobs, *’n’ we need to change our “look.” need *ta change our “look.”

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between 13111 and Georgette is? Explain.

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2. 17o Bill and Georgette like their hairstyles? Explain.

3. What does Georgette think Bill should do to get a job?

4. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain.

5. Haw old do you think Bill and Georgette are? Why?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Did Georgette's cousin cut off a lot of hair? Explain.

2. Why do you think George says, "Hair grows so fast"?

3. Do you think Georgette should have let George continue to cut hex hair? Explain.

4. What do you think George's biggest problem is?

5. Would you go to George to get your hair cut? Explain.

GT: George, _________ _________ _________ _________back there?

G: I’m________ ________ _________ told me _______do. I’m _________ ______hair.

GT: I didn’t say __________cut it! I said _________trim it. Look, _______my cousin, ________ I love __________, but are ________sure __________know ______ _________ _________? G: Don’t worry. Shout hair is very popular this year.

GT: How much did __________ cut off?

G: Not much. Just six _________ seven inches.

GT: Oh, _________ __________ ________ ________off the top now?

G: About four _________ five inches.

GT: I told ___________ two inches!

G: Oh, hair grows so fast. ____________ ____________ __________look great.

GT: I _______ ________. _________ ___________ ________ _______do _______ the bangs? G: I’ve _________ ___________seven ________ out a little.

GT: __________ __________ __________ ___________now?

G: I’m just __________this big…piece…here. _____________ don’t need _________worry. Hair grows so fast.

GT: Well, _________ __________ _________decided _________ do _________the sides _______my hair? Maybe it’ll look better when it finished.

G: It is finished.

How should people look when they go on a job interview or start a new job?

Which things are the most important? Why?

26、Give Me a Paintbrush

let me -------------*lemme

give me---------------*gimme

*Lemme and *gimme are very informal.

D: My brother’s going to give me some paint L: Let me guess. You’re finally going to paint for my birthday. your living room.

D: Yeah. Can you give me some advice? I L: *Lemme guess. *Yer finally *gonna paint can’t decide on a color. *cher living room/

L: Well, I used to work in a paint store. Let me D: Yeah. *Kin *ya *gimme some advice? I see the color samples. *kant decide on a color.

D: Okay. I have to choose form these. L: Well, I *useta work in a paint store. L: No problem. Give me the samples and tell *Lemme see the color samples.

me what colors you like. D: Okay. I *hafta choose from these.

D: Well, let me see the grays. What do you L: No problem. *Gimme the samples *’n’ tell think about dark gray? me what colors *ya like.

L: It’s too dark for me. Let me show you this D: Well, *lemme see the grays. *Whaddaya light brown. Do you like it? think about dark gray?

D: I don’t know. Give me a minute to think L: It’s too dark *fer me. *Lemme shou *ya about it. shis light brown. Do *ya like it?

L: Did you see this beautiful yellow? We D: I *donno. *Gimme a minute *ta think should have looked at this one first. about it.

D: My brother’s *gonna *gimme some paint L: Did *ja see this beautiful yellow? We *fer my birthday. *shoulda looked at this on first.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between Dan and Lisa is? Explain.

2. Why do you think Dan is getting paint for his birthday?

3. Who do you think knows more about choosing colors to paint a room, Dan or Lisa? Explain.

4. What do you think is the best color to paint Dan's living room? Why?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What's the relationship between Dan and Leonard?

2. What are the steps in painting a room?

3. Does Leonard know haw to paint a room? Explain.

4. Why do you think Dan felt that Leonard was a hose painter?

5. Do you think Leonard made a lflt of money as an artist? Why or why not?

D: I _____ ______paint our living room, Leonard. Do _______know how _______ paint?

L: Do I know how ______paint? Do I know how ___________ paint? Now, I see computers ________ pay my half ________our rent, but I _________ ________be a painter.

D: _________did? Great! I _______ ________anything about painting.

L: Here, Dan. _________ ________open that paint can.

D: Oh, my gosh! __________ spilled it!

L: __________ _________a rag. I’ll clean it up. See? No problem. _________ ________ a paintbrush. Let’s __________ started.

D: Shouldn’t we cover the furniture with sheets first? We don’t _______ ________ _______paint on our furniture.

L: Yes. Good idea. _____ ______help _______. ________ _________ the other corner ________ the sheet.

(A few minutes later)

L: __________ _________a paintbrush. Let’s __________ started.

D: But, shouldn’t we sand the walls first?

L: Sand the walls? Good idea.

(Thirty minutes later)

L: Okay. We sanded the walls. What a great idea! Now, _______ _________ a paintbrush. ________ __________ paint this wall. You paint the other one.

D: Sure. ___________ the painter.

(An hour later)

D: My wall’s finished. _______ _______see _________.

L: There it is. Isn’t it beautiful?

D: __________ said ________were a painter! _________ _________ ________painted on ________ wall?

L: Cheese. The yellow paint made me think ________ cheese. _________- __________explain. I was never a house painter. I ________- ________be an artist.

What are the best colors for a morn where you spend a lot of time? Explain.

27、I Couldn’t Take the Test Because I Was Sick Deletion of Syllables:

about ---------- *’bout


come on ----------------*c’mon

*Bout, *’cause, and *c’mon are very informal.

J: Can you give me a ride to school? J: *Kin *ya *gimme a ride *ta school?

R: I can’t because I have to finish a report R: I *kant *’cause I *hafta finish a report before I leave. before I leave.

J: Well, how long is it going to take you? J: Well, how long is it *gonna take *ya? R: Oh, about thirty or forty minutes. R: Oh, *’bout thirty *er forty minutes.

J: Come on, Mom. I don’t want to be late for J: *C’mon, Mom. I don’t *wanna be late *fer my makeup test. my makeup test.

R: Makeup test? What are you talking about? R: Makeup test? *Whaddaya *talkin’ *bout? J: I forgot to tell you. I missed a test because I J: I forgot *ta tell *ya. I missed a test *’cause I was sick. was sick.

R: You missed the test when you had the flu? R: *Ya missed the test when *ya *’ad the flu? J: Yeah. Mom, can you give me some money, J: Yeah. Mom, *kin *ya *gimme some money, too? I won’t have time to make my lunch mowtoo? I won’t have time *ta make my lunch - now-

R: -because if the makeup test. Here’s your R: —*’cause *a the makeup test. Here’s *yer money. Come on. Let’s go. money. *C’mon. Let’s go.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. Why is Juan taking a makeup test?

2. Why does he want a ride to school?

3. Why does he need money?

4. What's Juan's last name?

5. What time of day do you think it is? Explain.

6. Do you think his mother should drive him to school? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Where are Juan and Martin? Explain.

2. What are they going to do? Why?

3. What does Martin have to do to get a scholarship? Why?

4. Does Juan work? Why or why not?

M: Hi, Juan. Where are _________ _______?

J: Well, I __________ ________take a makeup test in our history class __________ I was sick. M: A lot _______ people missed the test. ________ __________. I _______ _______take it, too. J: You missed it, to?

M: Yeah.

J: How long do _________ think it’ll take?

M: _________ an hour.

J: So, did ___________ study?

M: I studied a lot. I _______ ______ _______ an “A” in the class _________ I _________ ________ ________ a scholarship. I _________ ________go ________ graduate school.

J: I ___________ a scholarship, Martin, but I still __________ work _________college is so expensive.

M: _________ right. I’ve been _________ _______ ________ a year. If I ________ a scholarship, I’ll still _________- _______ work, but my parents won’t ________ ______ pay so much. Anyway, ___________ __________. Let’s go. We’re ________ __________ be late.

J: You go ahead. I’ve ___________ ____________go __________ my locker __________ I’ve ___________ ___________ ____________ some books.

M: How long will __________be?

J: ___________ ten minutes.

M: Okay. See _________ at the test.

J: Yeah. See _________ there.

Who do you think should pay for a student's education? Explain.

28、Been to the Circus Lately? Deletion of Words in Questions

Do you want some… ------------Want some…

Are you going to see…----------*Gonna see…

Would you like to… ------------Like to…

Have you seen the…------------Seen the…

These forms are very informal. We can delete the first one or two words of these questions.


Do you want some popcorn?

*Ya want some popcorn? OR Want some popcorn?

Have you seen any good movies?

*Ya seen any good movies? OR Seen any good movies?

P: Have you seen any good shows for kids P: Seen any good shows *fer kids lately lately?

A: Are you thinking about your son, Joey? A: *Ya *thinkin’ *’bout *cher son, Joey? P: Yeah. Do you know what I did last week? P: Yeah. Know what I did last week? A: What did you do> A: What did *ja do?

P: I got tickets to see the circus. Have you P: I got tickets *ta see the circus. Been *ta the been to the circus lately? circus lately?

A: No. I’ve never been to the circus. A: No. I’ve never been *ta the circus.

P: Would you like to go with us? I really want P: Like *ta go with us? I really want Joey *da Joey to meet you. meet *cha.

A: Sounds great. Are you going to leave early? A: Sounds great. *Ya *gonna leave early?

P: I was thinking about leaving around 9:00 P: I was *thinkin’ *’bout *leavin’ around 9:00

A.M. Do you want to leave earlier? A.M. *Ya *wanna leave earlier?

A: No, that’s fine. Do you need me to bring A: No, that’s fine. Need me *da bring anything? anything?

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between Paul and Anne is? Explain.

2. Do you think they've known each other a long time? Explain.

3. Where are they Alarming to go? Why?

4. When do you think the performance is: in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. How old do you think Joey is? Why?

2. Do you think Joey likes Anne at first? Explain.

3. Do you think Joey’s mother really said he shouldn't see the tigers? Explain.

4. Do you think Joey’s behaving badly? Explain.

5. Do you think Joey’s feelings about Anne Change? Explain.

P: Anne, this is Joey. Joey, I ______ _______ ________ meet Anne. We’re __________ __________ have a great time today.

A: Nice __________ ____________ ________.

J: Hi.

A: This is my first time at the circus ___________ I’m really excited. ( ___________ _____________ ) _____________ __________ see the elephants, Joey?

J: No.

A: Okay. __________ like animals, ___________ __________?

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J: I _________ __________.

P: Joey.

A: It’s okay, Paul. (to Joey) ( ___________ _____________) _________ _______have a hot dog? J: No, thanks.

A: Well, (_________ ________) _________ the tigers before? They’re really exciting _________ watch. _________ _________. I’ll take ________ _________ see ___________.

J: My mom doesn’t want me __________ see the tigers.

A: But this is the circus.

P: (to Anne) He’s just a little shy. Give _________ some time. (to Joey) ( __________ __________ ) ___________ what I _________ ___________ do?

J: What?

P: I __________ ____________see the clowns.

J: Yeah! Let’s see the clowns! (to Anne) ( ____________ ) _________ _________ __________ come with us?

A: ( _________ ____________) _________me ___________ come with _______?

J: Yeah.

Do you think a husband and wife should stay married forever if they have children?


29、Where Are your Extra-Large Hats? Unusual Contractions:

What are ----------------- *What’re

What will------------------* What’ll

Where are-----------------*Where’re

Where will----------------* Where’ll

Why are-------------------* Why’re

Why will------------------* Why’ll

H: What are you doing? that sell extra-large hats.

F: I’m looking in the phone book for stores H: Why are you looking for a hat?

F: I’m going to go to a soccer game. If I can’t that sell extra-large hats.

find a hat, what will I wear to protect my H: *Why’re *ya *lookin’ *fer a hat?

head? F: I’m *gonna go *da a soccer game. If I H: Why will you need an extra-large hat? *kant find a hat, *what’ll I wear *ta protect F: Because I have a really big head. my head?

H: No, you don’t. Anyway, where will you be H: *Why’ll *ya need an extra-large hat? sitting? F: *’Cause I *’ave a really big head.

F: In the stands. In the sun. Where are some H: No, *ya don’t. Anyway, *where’ll *ya be good hat stores? *sittin’?

H: I don’t know, but why are you doing this F: In the stands. In the sun. *Where’re some now? You should have done it a few days ago. good hat stores?

F: What are you talking about? I started H: I *donno, but *why’re *ya *doin’ this now? looking for a hat last week. *Ya *shoulda done it a few days ago.

H: *What’re *ya *doin’? F: *What’re *ya *talkin’ *’bout? I started F: I’m *lookin’ in the phone book *fer stores *lookin’ *fer a hat last week.

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between Frank and Henry is? Explain.

2. What's Frank looking for in the telephone book?

3. Why does he need an extra-large hat?

4. When did Frank start looking for a hat?

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. What's Frank trying to do?

2. W抑doesn't Frank call one of the departments directly?

3. How many departments does Frank talk to?

4. Why dues each department transfer him to another department?

5. How do you think Frank feels at the end of the telephone call? Why?

R: LaPorte Department Store. _________ our main directory, please press 1 now. Thank you. _______ speak ________ an operator, please stay on the line. Thank you.

O: May I help _______?

F: Yes. __________ ___________ I find a extra-large hats?

O: I’ll _______ ________ _________ Men’s Clothing.

F: Thank you.

M: Men’s Clothing. _______ I help ________?

F: Yes. ________ _________ _________ extra-large hats?

M: Extra-large hats? Hmm. I’m ________ _______ _________ ________ transfer ________ _________ Accessories.

A: Accessories. __________ I help _________?

F: Uh, _________ ____________ I find extra-large hats?

A: Extra-large hats? _______ _________transfer _______ _________ Sporting Goods.

S: Sporting Goods. May I help ________?

F: _______ ________ ___________ operators transferring me all over the store?

S: I’m sorry, sir. _________ _________ ________ ________ for?

F: Extra-large hats. _________ _________ I find ___________?

S: I’m sorry. I’ll ___________ ________ transfer __________ ________Men’s Clothing.

F: What? _________ ___________ I ___________ ___________ be transferred __________ Men’s Clothing? I just talked __________ ____________. I’ve been __________ _________ people all over ____________ store. _________ __________ I ________ __________ do ____________ find an extra-large hat?

S: We don’t sell extra-large hats in my department. I’m really sorry. I’ll transfer _______- _______ the operator. Maybe she __________ help __________.

R: Our lines are all busy. ________ call is important ________ us. Please stay on the line. F: I got disconnected! I __________ believe it!

Is the telephone the best way to get information? Why or why not? What are other ways to get information about department stores? Explain.

30、When Will your TV Program Be Over? Unusual Contractions:

Who are ------------------*Who’re

Who will -----------------*Who’ll

When are-----------------*When’ll

How are------------------*How’re

How will------------------*How’ll

E: How will we get this box inside of the E: *How’ll we *git this box inside *a the house? We’ll have to ask the kids to help us. house? We’ll *hafta ask the kids *ta help us. D: How are they going to help us? They’re not D: *How’re they *gonna help us? They’re no even home. even home.

E: Oh, I forgot. So, when will we tell them E: Oh, I forgot. So, *when’ll we tell *’em *yer your parents gave them their spare TV? parents gave *’em their spare TV?

D: Come on. Let’s get it inside. We’ll talk D: *C’mon. Let’s *git it inside. We’ll talk about that later. *’bout that later.

E: Who will set up the TV? I don’t know how E: *Who’ll set up the TV? I *donna how *da to do that. do that.

D: You don’t? What do we need to do? D: *ya don’t? *Whadda we need *ta do? E: It’s in a box. We’ve got to ask somebody. E: It’s in a box. We’ve *gotta ask somebody. D: Who are we going to ask? D: *Who’re we *gonna ask?

E: The kids. After all, Joan’s going to be E: The kids. After all, Joan’s *gonna be fifteen fifteen and Keith is almost sixteen. *’n’ Keith is almost sixteen.

D: The kids? When are kids shown how to set D: The kids? *When’re kids shown how *da up the cable and all of that? set up the cable *’n’ all *a that?

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1. What do you think the relationship between Ellen and David is?

2. Is the TV new or old? Explain.

3. What do you know about Joan and Keith?

4. Do Ellen and David both have confidence in their children? Explain.

Listen to the conversation. The speakers use relaxed pronunciation.

Answer the questions.

1. Who set up the TV?

2. Why do you think Keith wants to watch Accountants from Mars?

3. Why do you think Joan wants to watch Teen Issues?

4. Why do Joan arid Keith have to agree on a program?

5. What did they finally agree to watch? Why?

6. Do you think Joan and Keith get along well? Explain.

J: I’m the one who set up the TV, Keith. __________ _________ _________ _________ ________ be done with __________ program?

K: Shh! I’m ___________ Accountants from Mars.

J: So. ________ _________ it be over? I ________ ___________ watch something.

K: ______ __________ ________ _________ __________ watch?

J: Teen issues.

K: Oh, no! I’m not _________ __________ watch a bunch _________ girls ________ __________ how they feel.

J: ___________ know, we’re __________ __________ share this TV.

K: __________ _________ we ________ __________ do that?

J: _________ could watch Teen Issues.

K: No. I’d rather ___________ surgery. You could watch Accountants form Mars.

J: No. I really couldn’t.

K: Well, I offered _________ a compromise.

J: _______- __________ _________ __________? That was no compromise.

K: Look, we __________ __________ agree on a program.

J: ___________ ________ we do that?

K: Well, I guess we’ve _________ _________ find something we both like.

J: Yeah, right. _________ __________ decide if we _________ agree?

K: We’ve ___________ _____________ agree.

J: Okay. (___________ ___________) ____________ Music Fever?

K: Is that the one where they let all __________ these people with terrible voices sing?

J: Yeah.

K: I love that show!

What's your favorite television program? Why?

本文标题:完美生活吉他谱简单版-不完美小孩吉他谱 tfboys 简单新手版
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1064598.html

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